#anyways time to talk about it even more in wyn's ask lol. i will be back
acaciapines · 10 months
nano day twenty-six
words today: 2699
words total: 70717
and im DONE!!! i finished!!! it took. seventy thousand words but for the future is DONE!!! and nearly 15k longer than thanks to them lol. god knows how long watching and dreaming will be. wouldnt it be funny if its like. 10k words. imagine how much of a letdown that would be.
but thats for later! right now im DONE and free and its. wild. like. yall the thing about working on one project almost daily since june of 2022 is that it becomes literally your entire life. you start to just be like, yeah, owl house daemon au, ill always be writing that. but then you get closer and closer to the end. and its like. oh. oh no this isnt a forever thing. this thing has an ending. and i can see the ending. and im going to finish it.
this will be my last nano post! my nano project was ftf and i'm so happy to not write 1.6k words a day <3 it was fun for a month but not forever. i'll probably take a short break to write some fionna and cake daemon au stuff before i start to tackle watching and dreaming.
wild stuff, man. had a blast writing this.
my favorite part of what i wrote today:
Grr-click-growl wilts even more, and still pressed to the ground creeps closer to him, c’mere you and when did he start learning owl sounds? Why did he start learning own sounds? Why is there some part of him that wants to listen— “You wouldn’t come with me!” They jab a finger her direction and Grr-click-growl stops, eyes wide. “Nobody will! You just—fib, and say oh yeah we’re friends but I do everything ‘n you do nothing and I’m tired of it! Of you! Of King!” Rrr-grr-whistle— “Don’t call me that!” He could grab for stardust to blast at her but all the stardust is hers ‘n it burns to touch like home home home and no he can’t can’t ever gotta get out leave free this is a trap all just one big trap and why isn’t she running away why didn’t King run away. The trap was bright-gold. The trap was stardust. This is stardust too. Just another trap. He needs to tear it apart. The owl pauses. He can read the sorrow in her gaze and her big wide eyes, dark like space but nothing at all like space ‘cause the light is right-there and warm and not so far like his siblings. What if you stay, says some part of him. I get trapped, he reminds that part, ‘member?     But what if this time is different. He laughs. Even that wanting part of him laughs. ‘cause he knows nothing ever changes. Time and time again. Different shapes but all the same in the end. They just wanna trap ‘n use him. And he’s had enough of fibbers.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Dancer Chapter Five
We had a whirlwind of a last chapter, but we can’t breathe easy just yet! Hold on tight folks, nothing is ever as easily solved as we (or Eggsy) might hope lol.  And there’s still a lot of work ahead for Eggsy and crew. 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“Freddie Mercury used to own this apartment,” Boniface said as they stepped inside. “At least, that’s what the realtor claimed. Not the only reason I got it, but a nice thought, isn’t it? To be staying somewhere he might have, when he vacationed out here?” 
Eggsy nodded. “I’d like to think it’s true. Pretty cool, all around.” 
It was legitimately cool, still velvet on the drapes and furniture, but all yellow and light blues and greens rather than the harsher gold and black of Boniface’s office and home near the club. A warm, airy sort of place to come home to. 
Boniface’s eyes were still red, but he had stopped crying, and he smiled as he showed Eggsy around the apartment. 
“Go on and set your things in the room, then maybe we can sit and have a drink? Try and relax a bit after all that nonsense,” Boniface said, then scoffed. “Fucking Barrett.” 
“Yeah,” Eggsy replied. “Can I use the restroom first, just quick?” 
“Oh goodness, of course,” Boniface said. “I don’t blame you, that...situation has left me feeling a bit unsettled too. Luckily, we have two bathrooms here. There’s one just down this hall, you take that one, and we’ll meet back in the living room here, yes?” 
Eggsy nodded, and moved as quickly as he dared to the bathroom, keeping his bag with him, only rooting the earpiece out of it until he’d shoved hand towels under the doorway to hopefully keep Boniface from hearing anything. 
Even so, he made sure to whisper. “Merlin. He isn’t at all what we think, there’s so much I have to tell you. I’m going to type up a report when I get back to my apartment, okay, but for now...I think I can get him to work with us.” 
“Why are you whispering?” Merlin asked. “Are you...at his?” 
Eggsy sighed softly, and nodded out his frustration. “Yes, I am. He...look, it’s too much to tell you now. Just trust me on this. And I’m almost one hundred percent certain I can convince him to let us help him get rid of the formula, rather than selling it. And in the process, Kingsman can help fund some charitable work Boniface has been desperate to do! It’s a win all the way around!” 
Merlin was silent, then sighed. “Okay. But you have to tell me more of what’s going on as soon as you’re able, do you hear me?” 
“I will, I promise,” Eggsy replied. “I’ve got to go now, he’ll be waiting for me.” 
“Are you safe? There, I mean,” Merlin asked. “If you need back-up, I’m always nearby.” 
“I’m safe,” Eggsy said, and he knew it was true. Boniface might be many things, but he wasn’t a villain. He was just a hurting man, trying to find a way out of where he was stuck.
Eggsy knew how that felt. Even if he wasn’t falling hard and fast for the man, he’d still have to help him, because he knew how it was to be in that spot. 
“Talk to you later, Merlin.” 
“Very well.” 
He replaced his earpiece into its hiding place in the bag, used the restroom quickly, then washed his hands and moved the hand towels back to their appropriate shelf. He stopped for a moment and studied his stomach, still stained with his and Boniface’s cum. He grabbed a hand towel back, and cleaned his stomach off, then dropped the hand towel into the labeled hamper near the sink. 
He dropped his bag into Boniface’s bedroom, then went back out to the living room. 
Boniface was sat there, a glass of wine in his hand, and another sitting empty on the coffee table by the bottle of white wine, waiting for Eggsy. A pair of light yellow sweats and a sweatshirt were on the couch as well, with a pair of lavender boxer briefs set on top of them. 
“For you, to keep if you’d like. I figured you might want to be in something more comfortable than your club clothes. I always try to have things on hand for employees, just in case.” 
Eggsy picked the clothing up, and smiled. “Thank you. Not that I hate the shorts or anything, I just get cold.” 
Boniface laughed, and his eyes absolutely sparkled. “Understandable. Kick off your shoes and change, get comfortable. You’ve got the next few days off, per me, for helping me out like that tonight.” 
“Wasn’t anything big,” Eggsy said as he took off the platforms, a different pair than the ones that were still in the bedroom of Boniface’s house near the club. He’d have to get those later, he figured. “Finally got a chance to use those skills, you know? Might have made my dad proud.” 
“He’s dead, isn’t he?” 
Eggsy’s heart dropped, but he hid it as best he could. “He is. Is it that obvious?” 
Boniface shrugged. “Maybe it’s a thing among those of us who’ve lost parents. I could just tell. How, if you’re comfortable saying...” 
“Military operation gone wrong,” Eggsy replied. “My mum fell apart once he was gone. I was a mess for the longest time, you wouldn’t have believed it. Stealing cars and shit. Was fun though, that. At least until you get caught.” 
That wasn’t the exact truth, but it was close enough, and if this went well, he could tell Boniface the full truth later. 
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Boniface said softly. “Of your father, and of who your mother was. That can’t have been easy to deal with, growing up.” 
“Been easier if my step-dad wasn’t a right abusive prick,” Eggsy scowled as he continued to undress. “But it’s in the past now. And I’m much better off than I was then. A better person, too.” 
Boniface studied him with gentle eyes. “I’m sure you were always a good person. Just takes time and growing up to reveal it.” 
“How old are you anyway, if you don’t mind my asking?” Eggsy asked as he finished changing and settled on the couch by Boniface. 
“29,” Boniface replied. “But I feel a lot older, sometimes, silly as that might sound.” 
“Doesn’t sound silly at all,” Eggsy said. “I’m 28, but...” 
“Life ages us faster than we deserve sometimes,” Boniface murmured. 
Eggsy nodded. “It does. Speaking of life...you said, if there was another way out, other than selling the formula, you’d take it.” 
Boniface finished his wine, and nodded. “In a heartbeat. Especially if it meant finding a way to get rid of the lab too. But how else will I fund the home?” 
He took a deep breath. He was about to purposefully blow his cover, and he had to hope like hell he was right about this.
Or he might not survive it. 
“I know of a way.” 
Boniface frowned, but his eyes were bright. “How?” 
“This is hard for me to say,” Eggsy started, and he twisted the edge of the sweatshirt in his hands out of nerves. “I’m. Not who you think I am. But it isn’t bad, I promise!” 
Boniface looked shocked, but nodded. “Okay. Who are you then, Wyn?” 
“My name is Gary Unwin, but I go by Eggsy,” Eggsy answered. “I’m an agent with a spy organization called Kingsman. I was sent here to either steal the formula, or otherwise ensure it wasn’t sold to anyone who could use it. I didn’t intend...” 
‘on falling in love with you’, Eggsy finished in his head before continuing. 
“...This mission has turned into something entirely different than I thought it would be, but I’m glad for it. Because at Kingsman, we can help you. We can get more agents out here, help dismantle the lab, destroy the formula and all research for it, and fund your home for at risk boys.” 
Boniface had tears in his eyes again. “You aren’t lying, are you?” 
Eggsy shook his head. “This is real, I promise I wouldn’t lie to you; unless it’s for the job, I try not to lie to people I love.” 
The last bit came out before he could stop it, and he bit his tongue. 
“That...I’m sorry. We’re just getting to know each other, and here I am, and god I’m babbling now and-” 
Boniface’s hand on his stopped him. “I love you too. I know, it feels too early to say, but...I can’t explain it. But I do love you. And I know you love me too and that feels so good I can’t fully tell you how wonderful it is. But I need proof, of the rest. Do you have anything you can show me, to prove this is as real as I want it to be?” 
“Do I ever!” Eggsy smiled, and pressed a kiss to Boniface’s cheek before dashing back to the bedroom for his bag. 
He ran back to the living room, and yanked the earpiece from its hiding place. “Merlin, can you hear us? I’ve got Boniface on with me, told him everything!” 
“Hello, Mr. Gagneux,” Merlin replied. “I take it my agent has just blown his cover to see if you would like to accept our help in getting rid of that pesky world-destroying formula?” 
“He has,” Boniface said. “But I’m so glad he did. Sir, this is-it’s everything I could have ever dreamed of. I can end this madness without anyone getting hurt.” 
“Long as Barrett doesn’t come back,” Eggsy remarked. “But I think we scared him away.” 
“Barrett?” Merlin asked. “Not Barrett Palmer, you don’t mean?” 
“One and the same,” Boniface said. “You know of him?” 
“Do I know of him? The bastard has nearly killed some of our best agents!” Merlin thundered. 
“Merlin, hold on,” Eggsy said. “What is this about? I mean, yeah, he held the club hostage today to try and get the formula, but we scared him off. I’ve never heard of him until today.” 
“Because I hoped you never would,” Merlin said brusquely. “He’s a bogeyman, a nightmare on two legs. A pedophile, murderer, trafficker of drugs and sex and anything else he can pay off the local PD and every other agency under the sun to ignore. He’s got webs all over Europe and into the Americas, he’s is scum, but he is some of the richest and most influential of the scum. It means he’s nearly impossible to catch, and to beat.” 
“Okay, but like I said,” Eggsy scoffed. “He got told not to come back unless he was prepared to pay for the formula, and he made it clear he wasn’t interested in that, so we made it clear it wasn’t up for grabs.” 
“Eggsy,” Merlin scolded. “When has something like that ever stopped a man like Barrett? People like that...he doesn’t care, and you’re in danger, all of you. We need to move, fast. Mr. Gagneux, the club will need to be shut down. Construction, water leak, whatever story you have to manufacture, do it, but close the club. That’s your patrons and the people in town as safe as we can manage for right now.” 
“Fine enough,” Boniface said. “Then what?” 
“Then I, and whatever other agents I can scrounge up, probably just Galahad and Tequila for now, Roxy is still looking after Tilde for you, Eggsy, and-” 
“Tilde?” Boniface asked, and frowned. 
There was a pause, then Merlin sighed. 
“Eggsy...have you not explained things?” 
“Hadn’t really had a chance,” Eggsy murmured. “Was going to.” 
“Do it now,” Merlin said softly. “Or I will. There’s no room for secrets, especially in times like these.” 
“You’re married,” Boniface whispered. “I might have guessed.” 
“Yes, but we-it-it’s not been working out and we were probably-I mean I don’t know, but-” Eggsy fought for a word to get grounding on, but everything was sand in his mouth.
“Can I assist?” Merlin asked. “Roxy had meant to call you anyway, on Tilde’s behalf, because Tilde is quite upset with herself when she doesn’t need to be. It’ll all work out, frankly, she just doesn’t know it yet.” 
“What on earth are you on about?” Eggsy asked. 
“Ah. Yes, well, Roxy and Tilde revealed, or rather, came to me as if I’m some Agony Aunt, and told me that they’ve been sleeping together since before you left. All those ‘girls’ weekends?’ Yeah. They’re both absolutely ashamed and upset with themselves, thinking you’ll be upset beyond belief-” 
“And you’re here fucking me,” Boniface interrupted. “...did you both know you were each gay when you got married? Or bi, or pan, or however you identify?” 
“No,” Eggsy said slowly. “We did not. But maybe we should have waited on that, as it happens, and then we might have found out and not bothered with the wedding at all.” 
“I did think they were rushing into it,” Merlin muttered. “Didn’t want to say anything, or be rude, but young love forgets to take its time sometimes, you know? And now look where it’s landed us.” 
“So, all we really have to do is come out to each other?” Eggsy asked. “And figure out the divorce proceedings, I guess. I presume that’s her plan?” 
Merlin sighed so deeply it sounded his lungs might deflate. “She’s been debating it over ice cream and movies with me for five weekends in a row now. I’ve put on at least a good few inches as a result, I’m sure.” 
“Yes, sorry, sorry. Just been a lot, you know. Both of you, going through it, and here I am just...I love you both, but I’ll need a mini-break after this, let’s just say that, hm? But first, to saving relationships and the world,” Merlin said. “I’ll arrange for a phone call between you and Tilde, on this earpiece, so the line can’t be hacked. In an hour, maybe?” 
“That’d be fine,” Eggsy replied. “I think I can prepare by then.” 
“We have wine,” Boniface whispered, but Merlin apparently heard him crystal clear. 
“Oh good. That’ll help. I mean, once it’s done, you both can get on with it, you know? Still be good friends, hell, go on double dates once all this is over, you just have to do this one final difficult thing.” 
“And save the world,” Eggsy reminded him.
“...and that, yes. Now, speaking of, here’s the game plan: Mr. Gagneux, tomorrow, you announce the closing of the club. That should bring Mr. Palmer out of hiding, to try and find you or just show some muscle by breaking into the club, if he thinks that’s where the formula is. Where is it, by the way?” 
“At the lab in Switzerland,” Boniface replied. “I didn’t want it to be able to be found out if it was sent via email or whatever, so whoever bought it would have to pick up a copy of the research paperwork and everything like that at the lab.” 
“Switzerland?” Merlin groaned. “I don’t have enough agents for this. But that’s fine, it’s fine, we can pull this off. I’ll send Agent Tequila to you, to keep an eye on the club. Galahad and uh...Galahad, Jr., aka Eggsy here will need to go to Switzerland and be protection until we can shut down the lab, and ensure that no one working there has copies of the formula they might try and sell.” 
“Sounds easy enough,” Eggsy said. “Which means it really isn’t, right?” 
“Right,” Merlin muttered, and he sounded exhausted. “I mean...some of it depends on Palmer. If he doesn’t come out of hiding like we expect to flaunt about and try and steal the formula outright, then it might be easier. Tequila keeps an eye on the club, you and Galahad go to Switzerland and shut down the lab, once that’s done-” 
“Evan,” Boniface interrupted. “I’d want him to have the club, once this is all over. I trust him and Tony to run it well, to keep the dancers safe.” 
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Merlin said. “Get all of this done first, and after if we can assure Barrett and no one else will be coming after the club in revenge once they learn the formula is gone, then we can talk about who keeps it and if it reopens. And Eggsy, I still want that write-up you mentioned earlier, any details you haven’t told me now, get them in it. We need all the information you have if we’re to even try and do this right.” 
“Right,” Eggsy nodded. “Tomorrow then?” 
“Tomorrow,” Merlin said. “And you’ll have Tilde on the line in an hour exactly, so be ready.” 
“I will be,” Eggsy said, and disconnected the call, then rubbed at his face with his hands. 
Boniface handed Eggsy the empty wine glass. “Here. Not to get drunk on, mind, we certainly can’t do that now. But a bit of liquid courage.” 
“I shouldn’t even need it,” Eggsy muttered as he poured himself some of the wine, sweet in scent and taste. “I mean, it should be easy. Should be. Should take a weight off of both of us, in fact.” 
“Maybe it will be,” Boniface said. “You can’t know until you do it, and you both owe that to each other. Especially since I’d imagine you both want each other to be happy, yes?” 
“Of course,” Eggsy replied. “All I want is for her to be safe and happy and healthy. She’s a wonderful person...deserves the world, and everything she wants. I just can’t give that too her. Maybe Roxy can, I suppose. If she’s willing to maybe give up the field, just work behind the scenes like Merlin.” 
He reached for the bottle again as he drained his glass, but Boniface’s hand stopped him. 
“I need to tell you something,” he said softly. “Since we’re sharing secrets, getting everything out in the open.” 
“Okay,” Eggsy said slowly, and moved his hand from the bottle. “What is it?” 
“Boniface Gagneux isn’t my real name,” Boniface muttered. “I made it up to protect myself in case anyone should ever come looking for me, not that they would, but...insurance. Just in case. No one knows that, not even Evan or Tony.” 
“I mean this with all the respect in the world,” Eggsy said. “But no shit, that isn’t your real name.” 
Boniface raised a brow at him.
“You’re Scottish, with maybe just a slighter accent now, but very definitely Scottish, yet you have the Frenchest name I’ve ever heard. If you were looking to keep people off of your trail, that’s the way to do it, but I sort of figured it had to be a chosen name for whatever reason, not your actual name.” 
Boniface broke down into giggles. “God, it really is a bit much, isn’t it?” 
Eggsy shrugged. “I’m sure there’s worse in the world. It seems like a fancy club owner’s name though, I’ve got to give you that.” 
He joined in the laughter then as Boniface nearly cackled. 
“It feels so good to finally tell someone. To finally have a way out of all this,” Boniface said. “I figured I’d be stuck with all of this forever. I wouldn’t mind being stuck in Ibiza forever, of course. Not sure anyone could say no to that.” 
“We could come back and visit,” Eggsy said. “So long as it’s safe for you, of course. But you still haven’t told me your actual name yet.” 
“Ainsley. Ainsley Dunn. Which isn’t much better, maybe. Always been told I look like a Thomas,” Boniface, or rather, Ainsley, said, rubbing at the sides of his face. “What do you think?” 
If he had to describe how he felt it in the moment, the closest he could get to it was how he had felt at first with Tilde. Before the marriage, before the incompatibilities had started to show up, when they were still having fun and not worrying about anything else. The difference here, was he was learning everything about the man at once, and he’d have to tell him the same. More importantly, he wanted to, was eager to. He’d had that only once or twice with Tilde, even as he introduced her to his friends and met with them. But it never had gone beyond that, to talking about his past, only ever looking forward to his future and ‘princely duties’ that he couldn’t, and admittedly wouldn’t, complete. His heart swelled in his chest and it took a moment to find his voice again.
“I think Ainsley fits you well. A gorgeous name for a gorgeous man.” 
Ainsley blushed, and the color reminded him of a particular sort of rose the palace gardeners planted. He ought to find some and buy them for Ainsley, was the mental note he made. 
“You’re much too sweet,” Ainsley giggled.
“I’ll give you a cavity.” 
“And I welcome it,” Ainsley replied, gesturing for Eggsy to move closer to him.
“Even if that means some pain?” Eggsy asked as he snuggled close to him. 
“All relationships have pain, even if it’s just the occasional stupid conversation over things that don’t matter,” Ainsley said. “I’ve not gotten to experience that much, but I’ve seen it with others, and the sweetness always outweighs those little pains. So long as it’s never anything bigger, anything deal-breaking...root canal-causing, shall we say.” 
Eggsy nodded. “How did I let it get that way with Tilde?” 
“You still love her as a friend, yes?” 
Eggsy nodded again. “Always.” 
“Maybe you just needed more time to determine the sort of relationship you actually both wanted and needed. Sometimes, we don’t know we need that until it’s too late. Not a big deal, but still something to be dealt with or, to keep with the metaphor...root canal time.” 
Time passed faster than he wanted as he stayed at Ainsley’s side, resting and watching the gorgeous view from the living room window, their conversation dropped, simply sitting in the comfort of being close. 
Then, the ear piece buzzed. 
“Take the bedroom,” Ainsley murmured, and hugged him gently. “Remember, you’re both doing this for each other, hard as it feels, so you can be your happiest, like you both want. I’ll be waiting here for you.” 
Eggsy picked up the ear piece, and headed for the bedroom. Maybe it would be like a band-aid, quick and easy.
He could only hope.
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fallynephemeron · 7 years
The best you've had, huh Xave? Any of the following.. I'm interested.. About You 8, 22 (me instead of a follower), 45 Relationships 8, Porn & Sex Ind 26, 27, 30. Sex 6 (humor me an say it again), 14, 30, 34, 38, 53, 82, 91, 102, 106. Fetish 5, 11, 30. This or that 8, 22, 25, 43, 55, 73, 87, 92. Thats all. No offense taken if you dont answer. Its fine. Was just thinkin of you the other day then saw this -M
Xave:  Shit.  didn’t realize you might read that.   uggggg.  You always did know how to make me blush.  It’s true though. I won’t take it back.  Riv says there’s millions of parallel universes… so maybe somewhere out there we ended up together.  I wouldn’t be surprised at all. If I’d found you first things could have ended up a lot different than they are now. I think we both know that.
Alright… mr. curious….. you asked…. so that’s what you’re getting
About You, 8 , 22, 45
 When was your last erection/arousal?
Xave:  Mine?  Uggg. Fuck, this morning. In the shower. No I didn’t do anything about it.  That just makes it worse.  It went away eventually. Daily life is finding ways to distract myself and constantly trying not to get turned on.  
   If someone you knew asked for a nude image, would you do it? What about a tumblr follower?
Xave:  specifically you?  My nature and desire say yes…. my wedding vows say no. Sorry love.
 Whats your favorite lingerie outfit?
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/431993789231669578/    something like that.   And no, that doesn’t count as a picture of me. :P  So…. are you into that kind of thing?  or just curious. ;)  cause i don’t think i remember stuff like that ever coming up when we were together.
Relationships 8- What do you look for in a hookup? 
Xave:  in the past?  cause that doesn’t happen any more.  But… since you asked, i’ll tell you what I notice- nice smile, no scary vibes, not completely filthy, or obviously a druggie…. that’s about it.  lol.  I’m a slut with low standards, what can I say?
Porn & Sex Ind 26, 27, 30.
Have you ever tried to recreate a scene?
Xave:  not really? I mean, you can’t help but pick things up here and there. But… There was this one guy I was with a few times that was OBSESSED with porn. He loved acting out the same scenes his favorite porn guys did.  Once or twice was fun, and a change of pace, but it didn’t take long for that to get really old. Like there was no connection there at all. It was kinda weird.
Have you ever used porn to show a partner what you like/want?
Xave:  oh yeah. it’s helpful for sure. Though no one’s ever made a porn vid, at least that I’ve found,  that can quite capture the elegance of making someone come completely undone over a long period of time…. but then… you never seemed to need instructions for that, did you. ;)
Have you considered getting into porn?
Xave: I’ve had experience in the industry. Mostly stills. I was young, underage, and no one cared and no one asked. I don’t have a problem with porn, and it might be fun if I hadn’t been burned in the past.  But I don’t think I could do it without some serious drugs or something to get me through the inevitable flashbacks.  So, no.
Sex 6 (humor me an say it again), 14, 30, 34, 38, 53, 82, 91, 102, 106.
Who was your best sex partner?
Xave:  say it again huh?  lol   Alright.  Mike Lamb is the Best fuck I’ve EVER had.  Happy?  
Do you like dirty talking?
Xave:  If it’s done right yeah for sure… sometimes it just awkward, and WAY too often it sounds cheesy and corny.  Then I get the giggles and ruin the moment.
Where is the strangest or wildest place you’ve had sex/oral?
Xave:  I’ll go with wildest… which I kinda answered for myself when I answered Wyn’s questions…. out in the middle of nowhere in the woods.    Strangest?  too personal to answer in public.  It’s a really bad memory. I might spill if we were having a private conversation.  I always trusted you with that stuff.
Whats your funniest sex experience?
Xave: Halloween, a long time ago. This guy I was screwing  thought it would be HILARIOUS to try to scare me… like during sex.   So we were going at it…. like full on,  he’s on top.  and he’d rigged stuff to fall on me.. like plastic spiders..and a rubber rat,  it was ridiculous. I just laughed. There’s scary shit out there, and plastic spiders and rubber rats don’t even register.   Anyway,  but then like, he’d rigged this scary mask to swoop out over me, after the spiders and stuff fell… but apparently, he’d forgotten about it.  And it didn’t come out when it was supposed to, it got stuck or something… so we like,  were JUST about there.  Like just about to hit climax.  He wasn’t very good anyway…. and this fucking mask, comes swinging over him out of nowhere, and lands right on my face.  He screamed, so high pitched, pulled out, freaking out in hysterics.   Then I got the giggles and he lost his erection. He was SO embarrassed. He wouldn’t answer my texts after that.   I still think it’s hilarious.
Have you ever faked an orgasm? Describe the experience(s).
Xave:  ugggggggg.  yeah. With my husband. He was trying SO hard, and he was completely miserable. This was before he knew he was ace. I faked it… and we were done. I just couldn’t bear to see his face if he knew he’d failed again.  
Which non-genital parts of your body do you like being touched or stimulated? \
Xave:  mmmm, fuck.  nipples. shoulder blades, the backs of my thighs, like that place right under your ass?  
Do you like cum or is it gross?
Xave: mmmm, depends on the pheromones. Some guys just taste gross. That’s all there is to it.  But…. some pheromones … when they match with  yours,  it’s SO good and you just want more.
Do you like to have your ass eaten?
Xave:  not ashamed to admit it.  absolutely yes.
Has anyone ever cum inside you on accident? How did you feel about that?
Xave: If it’s really an accident…. that’s one thing.  I’ve had shitty guys do it on purpose when I hadn’t consented. That fucking pissed me off. A lot.  I didn’t screw around with them ever again, unless I didn’t have a choice,  which has happened in the past.
Do you like to play with balls/have your balls played with? 
Xave:  it’s not really my thing..especially my own, unless, again and always, if it’s done just right. But if I know that’s something my partner really enjoys, I’m into making that a priority for him.
Fetish 5, 11, 30. 
Are there any fetishes you don’t have yet, but may be interested in?
Xave:  mmm, being tied up. No one’s really done that well for me.  Like, everyone that’s tried it has been a sadist, and I really hate sadists.  Not my thing at all.  But sensory deprivation and not being able to move, combined with edging,  that would be amazing.
Do you enjoy long, extended teasing/edging sessions?
Xave:  Fuck you Mike. LOL  you just want to hear me say it.  YES.  you KNOW I do.
Are you an exhibitionist?
Xave:  lol, guilty as charged.  In every sense of the word.  Except when it comes to talking about difficult stuff, then it’s just gotta be secure and private.
This or that 8, 22, 25, 43, 55, 73, 87, 92.
Rough Sex or Intimate Sex
Xave:  BOTH.  like really both. alternating, or at the same time,  in the same session. I love it.
Circumcised or Uncircumcised
Xave:  am i?  I’m cut.  But as for what I prefer?  doesn’t matter, either/or.
Ruined or Complete Orgasm
Xave:  with someone that can pull it off, and then keep going???  Ruined. 100%.  But who the hell knows how to pull that off with such perfection…. oh … I guess I know one guy. ;)
Dirty Talk or Loud Moaning
Xave: Both. Fuck.
Length or Girth
Xave:  Girth
Ball Licking or Rimming
Xave: rimming.
Doggy Style or Missionary
Xave: ugggg, they both have their place,  but if I had to choose just one for the rest of my life,  then, Missionary.
Slow or Fast
Xave:  Both.  but again… if I can only have one, forever, then slow.
Are you happy?  Now I’m horny.  do you KNOW how long 14 days is?
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aibrechts · 7 years
(1 of a lot probably) aaAAAAAND I'm back! This time only at 2am tho haha, and as for why, you see, I met this wonderful, talented young man a few weeks ago and I wouldn't miss talking to him for the world. In any case, on the confidentiality thing, please don't worry meu amigo bonito. I trust your judgement, and either way, I /am/ still masked behind anon y'know hahaha. It's all good
I KNOW ITS BEEN LIKE A DAY AND IM SO SORRY everything is happening all at once All The Time sighs honestly i wish i could just lay back and bask in ur sunny conversation, even if just for one day;;;
that’s true, that’s true, i think i have an idea of who you are (or rather, which blog you run) but it almost seems a shame to figure out... that being said, if you are who i think you are then your writing is absolutely breathtaking, and as golden as your heart
(onto #2!) Chester seems plenty lovable btw haha. And I gotta agree that it'd be nigh impossible to find a better home for him. What he has with you? That's the genuine article, and you take /extremely/ good care of him and the others to boot. I'm sure even a famous boy like him gets awestruck sometimes by how lucky and loved he is. Poor Wisdom though! Like /damn/ hahaha. Tough break, kiddo. Tough break hahaha. That's what he gets for trashing the joint tho. {~J}
chester is the perfect man, it’s true, and wisdom is an absolute brat but he has his moments lol. he’s growing on me, similar to that fungal infection thats growing all over his poor handsome face :( i gave him a special bath for it yesterday, and he LOVED it, he loves being pampered. fifteen minutes of me scrubbing at all his itchy spots and spraying water in his mouth to keep him happy when i have to hose his face, and he looks so lovely clean now!!!!!
i know, i know, its sounds gross lol but it’s really not so bad. we caught it very early and he gets those baths twice a week, so it’s cleared up really well!!! 
it’s simply the time of year, i think. hot and humid, ponies sweating under their rugs, too many of them with stupid injuries - fudge had surgery on two of his legs a few months ago, and he’s about to start rehab; lulu got a.... skin cancer??? cut out of her stomach, and that’s been delightfully gross to maintain; rudi’s vice is flies - he’s very sensitive on his legs, and kicks so hard that he cuts his own ankles, poor boy; nikki went lame somehow and no one knows how or why but she seems fine now???????; and we were SO WORRIED that chester had an abscess in his hoof bc a big chunk went missing out of it, but the farrier came for him today and everything was fine, the hole trimmed out clean and simple. 
BIG SIGH THEY’RE....... SO DIFFICULT. so much to maintain, and rumple is as sick as ever but he’s old so that hardly counts. the only ones who are really maintaining themselves are wyn and louie, and i honestly don’t know how louie does it with how he runs around like a maniac all day. BUT ANYWAY!!!!
3 never did end up coming through lol so i’ll move right on
(and then there were 4) What can I say? Your silvered light dazzles even the sun, and inspires the moon and stars with its iridescent brilliance. It'd be a crime to put someone so amazing on hold hahaha.
i dont know much lol but i know im a saggittarius. i seem to be surrounded by scorpios at this point in my life, and i can hardly find a thing to complain about. you’re all absolutely wonderful, and i always seem to be quite taken with your crew’s company ahahaha. 
rather, im surrounded by water signs in general LOL. my siblings are each pisces, cancer and scorpio, i met a bartender last night who was a scorpio, and kimmy is one too lmao yall are everywhere and im Loving it
(#5 comin in hOt) You were also right on the water-affinity thing though haha. I actually knew how to swim before I knew how to walk, believe it or not. Anyway, that picture is absolute /gold/. It really is. And the prophesy was fulfilled so completely that even Voldysmoldy was blown away. You look dashing, by the way! 120/10 best wrapping paper boob stuffer. On the subject of talking though, /holy hell/ don't tempt me I would /gladly/ talk with you all day without hesitation hahaha
LAUGHS thank you i certainly try my best. my brother’s a good sport, and i somehow feel like a strong mix between him and the sister im now living with (the cancer, if you’re curious ahaha). every day we’ll find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time, and every now and then she’ll give me a strange look and say i sound just like leo, or even that i look like him for a moment ahahaha. 
it’s interesting, it’s strange. i’ve always looked up to them so much (being the youngest and all), so it feels oddly like a compliment, whenever these things happen. 
(#6)(just think, two more of those and you get one of me hahaha). Onto the sleeve tho! The circle maze sounds /fantastic/, and I bet it looks really cool right now, though I'm sure the finished product will be absolutely astronomical. The design you have in mind sounds /epic/! (for real though tatts are so expensive I feel your pain there hahaha)(may the Force be with you I believe in you)(you got this)(you SO got this)(you're gonna kick this resolution's ass). {~J}
lmaoo thank you thank you, i intend to bust so much money on it this year. i still have my lower forearm to design, but i’ve thoroughly plotted out the rest of my arm; the maze is given to inception, the next installment will be vaguely reminiscent of kingdom hearts, and pokemon will take up the space from halfway up my forearm before turning into cc beyond my elbow. so it’s just that part on the back of my forearm that is a bit of a blank canvas rn ahahaha
(holy hell I might need more than 7) I regretfully inform you though that I can't and I shan't cease to flatter you, because you deserve to know the truth of how talented and wonderful you are. And I definitely agree on the balance thing. The devil is in the details and complexity is key, so all the more reason to be proud of how amazing your works are! And /20k/? /Damn/ that's impressive! (and even tho I prefer halloween, I for one will gladly plunge back into the tinsel for you hahaha) {~J}
it’s officially 22k but i haven’t had time to work on it the past couple of dayssssss BUT I FIGURED OUT THE LAST SCENE so it’s only a matter of spare time lololol
(#8 because what's second christmas without snowmen? lol) I'm glad to hear you've got a pretty solid sleep schedule by the way! (and it definitely /was/ worth the discomfort)(still slept like a rock the followin night tho hahaha). I'm really happy that Alma appears to be defying the odds by the way! True to their namesake, and all thanks to their wonderful father. Sheesh. I knew you were dynamically skilled, but this just proves you're magical haha. In your care? I know they'll flourish. {~J}
LOL i am LOVING these message starters btw. yesss tho my family has always been keen on growing things lol. mum had a magnificent herb garden, and i’ve never seen oregano as big as what’s growing in my garden rn. we just planted dahlias where the sunflowers used to be and i wasn’t sure they’d be alright, but they really seem to be flourishing!! im so glad!!!!
(9/9 for the new record hahaha) I'm so proud of both you and them! Not to be punny, but I'm a sap anyway when it comes to plants. or, well, all of nature really haha, and Alma looks really great from the pic I saw! Anyway, speaking of hocus-pocusing, I hope today has been absolutely magical for you, as you deserve no less than the wondrous and the fantastic. Talk to you soon, meu amigo bonito! {~J}
lmfaooo i love that. and yes, their leaves are so cute!!!! so small!!!!! thank u so much tho, the past couple of days have been pretty great. I’m wondering if i can worm a morning off out of my sister, considering she’ll have a day off on sunday and i’ll be working at the cafe from 7 lol;;;; i desperately want to finish starboy, but time really is my enemy right now ahahahaa
thank you so much for all this, i adore you and i hope you managed to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight!!!! sleep well, i’ll see you soon
0 notes
fallynephemeron · 7 years
Xave - whichever questions are interesting to him and he's comfortable to answer. :)
WARNING-  some of these went far deeper than I expected.  Some of these were a little triggering for Xave too. He answered the ones he felt he had an answer for,  skipped the ones he thought were boring.  Though honestly he’s got a LOT of sex stories,  he just thinks they’re all boring,  common and normal.  They aren’t.  Most of the rest he could easily answer if anyone’s curious.
But ... if you are squeamish about a victim talking about their experiences as a minor or a victim talking about really personal stuff-  you should probably skip this.    The sex dream one especially got downright gory.
Has anyone seen your private parts other than yourself?
Xave:  You’re kidding right?  I honestly don’t even have a rough guess on how many people at this point.
Explain your ultimate fantasy.
Xave: So long as Wynter isn’t going to see this….   My ultimate fantasy is fucking until I don’t want to any more.  That’s only happened a few times in my life, and only a couple times with Wyn.  When we were first together, before he told me he couldn’t handle my …  needs. 
What are your turn-ons?
Xave: complete submission.  During sex…. not like,… .all the time or anything. Being over stimulated and denied at the same time.
What are your turn-offs?
Xave:  Pain. A little bit is fine, but i’ve known too many sadists.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever been turned on by?
Xave:  blood.  you gotta talk to me in private if you want details.
Have you ever posted a picture of image of you in the nude on a website?
Xave:  I haven’t. but there’s a lot out there. There’s illegal ones out there too and if you try to find them I hope you rot in hell.
Did it include sexual acts?
Xave:  some do, yeah. 
What was your latest sex dream about?
Xave: It was something really weird. It was a nightmare.  I woke up…. like I used to… when I was a kid. drugged and covered in someone else’s cum.  I was waiting for Bastard Bill to come get me…after,  like he always did. And instead of him, it was Wyn, and he had his head..Bill’s head. ...just his head, dripping blood from the ragged skin where his head had been ripped off his neck...?  and Wyn was crying and scooped me up and took me to his truck, and I fucked him in his truck.   Which is weird.  Wyn would NEVER.  I mean, never. touch someone underage.  Or… someone he didn’t know.   And NO.  that is NOT the blood that turned me on.  God that’s disgusting.
Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about someone?
Xave:  hah.  Every guy I’ve ever met.  I guess it’s just how I am.
What was the last fantasy about?
Xave:  uggg. The checker in the grocery store…. doing it right there on the counter, conveyer belt thing?  He was cute.
Have you ever told any of these people that you fantasize about them?
Xave:  I used to… before me n Wyn got married.
Do you have a favorite person or few people to fantasize about?
Xave:  I’d say Wynter.  But that’s just… an effort in frustration, so I try to avoid it.
Are you open about your sex-life and sexuality?
Xave:  Mostly.
Do you orgasm easily?
Xave:  kinda?  Sometimes.  Which gets frustrating …
Have you ever played “7 minutes in heaven”? Explain the experience.           Have you ever played “spin the bottle”? Explain the experience. 
Xave:  both of those happened in middle school at a party. No one knew I was into guys.  And I was… pretty much…well, everyone thought I was horribly weird. It was humiliating.  There were girls involved.  It was awful.
Have you ever played “Truth or dare”? Explain the experience.
Xave:  I can’t remember if I’ve ever played that one… but me and Eden did “never have I ever” once… it was……. eye opening.  He’s so … pristine on the outside.  No one has ever surprised me as much as he did playing that game.  lol, I’d always wondered how he and Teo stay together.  Now I know.
Do you shave your pubic hair?
Xave:  no. but there’s not much there to begin with.   God, it’s the only thing that separates me from still looking like a minor.  I’d prefer to keep it - Thanks.  And guys that prefer that….. just Eww.   They all seem like child molestors to me.. but maybe that’s just cause of my fucked up life.
Have you ever had your pubic hair shaved?
Xave:  yeah. by force. When I started getting “too old” …… Fucked up bastard.
Do you prefer clean shaven or unkept?
Xave:  on other guys?  Either/or… really.    But damn Wyn is hot when he lets his beard grow out.
What is your favorite type of underwear for the opposite sex?
Xave:  those snug boxer/briefs.  I swear those are the best things ever invented. They are so good to look at.
Do you own any lingerie?                                                                                 How much lingerie do you own?
Xave:  yes.  SO much.  No. there’s no pictures.  well.... Wyn has a few ;)
Do you masturbate?
Xave:  i have…. but no.  It really doesn’t do anything for me but make me more frustrated.  One orgasm, by myself, is NOT satisfying in any kind of way.
Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)
Xave:  yes. This is the best honestly.  It’s exquisite. But who takes the time?
How many relationships have you been in?
Xave:  like real actual relationships?   not many.  The first was Jordan… i don’t count Bill, then there was Teo, Tea, Knox, Wyn,  then Nick… Mike…. and then Wynter again.  I’m probably forgetting someone.    But that’s 7 and that doesn’t count only hookups or anything casual without a discussion that we were serious.
What has been your longest relationship?
Xave:  me n Wyn have been together for 2 years and this is it. We’re married, we have a baby. I’m done.
Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
Xave:  I cannot even fathom that working out for me.
Would you ever be in an open relationship? Have you?
Xave:  if my partner was okay with it I would be.  And I have been.  It was cool. It worked pretty good for me. Wyn couldn’t handle that though. so… *shrug*
Do you watch porn?
Xave:  yeah. sometimes.  It makes Wyn blush and he’s adorable when he blushes. Sometimes I’ll put it on when he’s in the room…  he wouldn’t admit it, but it gets him kinda steamed up…. only near a full moon though…  it just makes him squeamish and self conscious  and super uncomfortable other times.  Not the effect I would want to have on him.  Yes, I tend to have the lunar calendar memorized 
Are you a virgin?How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Xave: lol that’s funny.  I was like, 13. 
Explain your first time in detail.
Xave: oh god.  It was after Jordan was done with basketball practice. I met him in the locker room after everyone left. Asshole couldn’t let anyone know we were even friends, let alone… well anyway.  We were making out, like always happened when we ended up alone together.. and things just kinda… progressed.  It was just such a blur, we didn’t really mean for it to go that far, but it did.  He topped.  At the time I didn’t know I could… influence things,  like I do.  Then coach walked in. Worst possible timing.  The sex itself wasn’t awful, but the aftermath of being found out was honestly horrible.  Really horrible.  I don’t hate him anymore,  but sometimes I wonder if he’s still out there somewhere pretending to be straight.  He’s like the weakest guy I’ve ever met.
How many sexual partners have you had?
Xave:  Can’t even begin to guess. I guess we can do math.  so like… i was 14 when I met Bill. and 20 when Wyn and I got exclusive,  so if we say conservatively one a day nearly every day for seven years.  There were lots of days there was more than that, and lots of days it was just the same one… so…. it probably evens out.  then that’s like…  um… 7 years times 365? right?  I’m not good at math.  Fuck.  Like 2500 or something.  Fucking hell- that’s way more than I would have thought it was.
Who was your best sex partner?
Xave:  if we’re talking just sex and nothing else…. probably Mike. Fuck, that guy could read me like a book. One word. Edging.  I mean he was really great guy with everything else too, relationship wise, not sayin he wasn’t. He was really pretty perfect.  Just... I was already in love with Wyn at the time and no one else could really compete. :/    I think about him a lot sometimes.  He was a sweetheart, but when someone really truly has your heart,  it doesn’t matter how perfect the competition is, does it?
Did you tell someone after you lost your virginity? Who?
Xave:  who the fuck would I tell?  Jordan was literally the only person that would even talk to me at all … and we didn’t talk.  Ever.
Do you give oral sex?Have you received oral sex?Do you prefer to give or receive oral sex?
Xave:  I have,  on both.  and prefer neither.  I’m not a fan. Doing it sometimes brings back too many crappy flashbacks that make me want to puke, and having it done is just…awkward.   It has to be just right, and the person doing it, or asking for me to do it,  has to be REALLY dominant in the exact right way AND really connected to me, or it’s too much for me. SO.. make of that what you will.
Have you wanted to have sex with someone, but couldn’t? Why couldn’t you? 
Xave:  my husband. All the freakin time. He’s asexual like more than 3/4 of the time.  I know, I know.  How the hell did the whore slut that can’t get off by masterbating end up with the sex repulsed asexual?  Fuck the hell if I know. 
Do you like being called obscene names? (Bitch/Slut/Whore/Sissy/etc)
Xave:  Playfully?  yeah, you could get away with it, it won’t trigger me, i might even enjoy it.  But you sound even a little bit like you mean it ? and you get off on that?  nope.  Congratulations you just triggered me in a big way and now I’m in the middle of a panic attack, or disassociating and sex is OVER.   
Have you ever invented a position?
Xave:   lol,  probably.
Have you ever broken up with someone because they couldn’t satisfy you?
Xave:  Fuck.  I forgot to put him on the list of relationships.  But yeah.  He was scared of sex. Terrified of being gay, fundamentalist christian. He wouldn’t let me touch him. I didn’t know what I was back then, how any of anything worked with my sexuality, you know, being I guess half fae and all that. And I guess I was kind of an ass, and impatient.  I was trying to be monogamous with him. .. that was when I met Teo.  Teo relieved the frustration.    I didn’t do it the right way,  i know i was young, and just coming out of the awfulness that I’d been in with Bill, but it’s no excuse for how I treated him.  
Have you ever been stopped mid-sex? Describe the experience
Xave:  Before Wyn figured out he’s asexual,  he’d push himself SO hard. Make himself do things he wasn’t comfortable with. Then he’d have a panic attack and we’d have to stop.  Almost. Every. Single. Time.    Stopping in the middle fucking sucks.  But he’s SO much more important to me than a stupid lost orgasm.
Is it gay for a man to enjoy anal stimulation from a woman?
Xave:  doesn’t make it gay by definition.  it feels freakin amazing.  Straight guys are missing out if they think this makes them gay.
Have you ever experienced a prostate orgasm?
Xave:  and THIS is why my cock doesn’t need your attention.
Have you ever gotten cum in your eye?
Xave:  LOL  yeah.  
What’s the most times you’ve had sex (or sexual contact with a partner) in a day?
Xave:   Nick. ... probably 20+    we lost count.  Dude’s a fuckin vampire.  yes.  literally.  He’s probably the only one I’ve ever been with that could literally wear me out.
Okay,  jeez that’s a LOT of questions.  I’m done for now.  If anyone wants to know any of the ones I didn’t answer....the MILLIONS i didn’t answer-  go ahead and ask. Can’t swear I’ll answer them though.
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fallynephemeron · 7 years
I'd like some for Wynter. However, since he's ace, just let him pick the ones he's comfortable with, as well.
So,  Wynter is reading over the questions, and just… his eyebrows are climbing higher and higher and his face is beet red.  So that’s not happening. He’s just sort of shoved the laptop toward Xave and pushed his chair back hard, grumbled ‘you do it'  at Xave with flustered hand motions and stomped outside to go chop wood.   Because that’s how he de-stresses and calms himself down. 
Xave’s sitting here grinning like an absolute maniac,  cause he rarely gets permission to disclose anything about Wynter’s personal stuff.
Some stuff is probably going to just be TOO entirely personal and he won’t answer those for Wyn either. He knows his husband probably better than he knows himself and he’ll know what’s going to cross the line…… maybe.  If he can control himself
but anyway…. here we go…. 
WARNINGS-  very graphic and the question discussing losing virginity discusses dub/con, rape and child molestation
What is the size of your penis?
Xave:  okay, like NO one knows this.  Well, okay like, a couple people and they don’t care cause they’re tops and so it doesn’t matter at all to them, but Wyn is … big.  Like you think you know big. You really really don’t. It’s glorious, like,  amazing.  Like okay, last time we figured out I’d had a LOT of partners, right?  Like a LOT?   Wyn’s the biggest guy I’ve ever been with, like, by a LOT. So I know big. Girth for DAYS.  It’s beautiful. My alpha male, lol.  Like .. you have to special order dildos that size!
Have you ever been pregnant/gotten someone pregnant?
Xave:   lol,  he got ME pregnant, obviously.  You should have seen him when we found out.  He was so proud of himself. It was so amazingly adorable. I mean, he’s sex-repulsed-ace for one thing, so like, that was a major feat in itself. He wants kids SO bad, but we were only doing it like a once a month.  That got frustrating.  I mean, not that it isn’t already frustrating for me, well, and him, when I get desperate,  but when he’s like hoping so bad it had happened, but then we have to wait weeks to try again when it didn’t and he’d be so sad and frustrated. SO we went all out on the stuff I know gets him going, which takes some major planning, and herbs and things for a tea that he makes that helps and he let me use my fairy powers on him too. I don’t know what else to call them.  Which he HATES normally, but he was desperate. It worked pretty well, all combined. But the whole time I was pregnant, he’d just look at me, like… this LOOK…. like “I did that.”  So freaking proud of himself.  I love the way he looks at me, even when I’m not .. you know….  carrying his child.  It’s really weird to think about really.  Like, how amazing that really is. 
When was your last erection/arousal?
Xave:  I think this time his last one would have been Sept. 8.   A couple days after the full moon.  Sometimes we can stretch it almost a week before he just can’t sex anymore.  But Cloud was born Aug. 21st.  The day of the eclipse. And we’ve both been super sleep deprived. And you’re really supposed to wait… after having a baby… I mean, but we weren’t fucking gonna wait until the NEXT full moon, which is coming up in like 14 days.  YES you better fucking believe I count the days.  For one thing, I get sick, like really sick if I wait too long,  it’s my own personal fairy thing I guess, cause Riv says other fae don’t get sick from not having sex, unless they’re like an incubus or something. For another, he might break something if we went through one without fucking.  He’s …. let’s just say… NOT ace. At all. during a full moon. If you don’t know what the full moon thing is about… he’s a werewolf.  Yeah, like for real. Yes, I’ve seen him shift. When we got back together it’s one of the first things he showed me,  cause I was asking all kinds of questions, I mean he’s always been ridiculously tall, but I swear he GREW since I’d seen him last, before we broke up, and looked like he’d been on steroids. So then, like, we drove up to his cabin, and out into the woods, and he gets out, and no warning, nothing. Just strips down, which was major weird for him, and then… “hey babe, I need to show you something”   I screamed and screamed. SO much screaming. lol, Terrified the SHIT out of me, Magic is freakin weird, right?  He felt SO bad, he didn’t mean to scare me,  I couldn’t stay mad at him, but sometimes he’s kind of a big dumb puppy.
What are your turn-ons?
Xave:  Okay, hopefully he won’t kill me too hard if I share these….  but he’s got some…. interesting… kinks.  My husband hates spending money…. but we’ll go in a store or something, and I make him buy me things.  Or even online works too, but in a store it’s even worse. Make him buy me things, the more expensive the better.    … oh,  and lingerie. Neither of us realized that one, but when we were first together there was this halloween party at the club and I dressed up as Marie Antoinette,  but in her undies… it was an AMAZING outfit.  … I never made it to the club…… must have been near a full moon for that to happen.  That was before he had his first change.  I guess he changed really late. That’s what his family said. I guess it usually happens when you’re a teen.   But ANYWAY… .so.. you know what I did for our wedding night?  and YES we planned our wedding for a full moon. Cause hell if I’m not getting laid on my wedding night.  but anyway,  lol….   I drug him into one of those ridiculously fancy boutiques in the city, uptown. Seattle doesn’t have anything on New York for expensive boutiques… but anyway… took his money out of his wallet, and made him watch me buy $900 worth of silk and lace.  We didn’t even make it home….  he couldn’t even drive….  luckily his truck is freakin huge.  He’s got other turn ons, like normal stuff,  and one that’s just… too private.  I don’t think he’d want me to share that one.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever been turned on by?
 Xave:  pretty sure the answer to this is the one above….  being forced to spend money … that’s a pretty weird kink I think.  But pretty harmless.
Are you open about your sex-life and sexuality?
Xave:  I think this one is pretty obvious.  That’s a big HELL NO.  I’m amazed he even gave me permission to share anything.  He’ll probably end up regretting it.
Are you comfortable naked?
Xave:   He takes his fucking shirt off ALL THE DAMN TIME.  DO you KNOW what this does to me????   He gets a little sweaty and off comes the shirt… and he’s completely oblivious to the fact that he’s this fucking hot man-wolf-mountain, that I just want to fucking CLIMB.   It’s horribly sexually frustrating.   But full on naked… nope. When we do end up screwing, it’s usually under blankets or so far out in the middle of nowhere that there’s no risk of anyone else seeing him.
How often do you usually last?
Xave:  this depends on where in the cycle we are.  So like,  the day before the full moon, and the day of ,  it’s quick and dirty and rough. Real rough, and often. Then the moon starts waning, and things slow down a lot. I think the day after is my favorite. We can go for hours.  You’d think that would be enough,  but it’s not. If his rut even lasts a week, which doesn’t happen often…, it’s usually 4 or 5 days, then it’s just this ache for me that never gets filled. If I was just human, I’m sure it would be plenty enough.  But I’m not. So most of the month it’s like… not getting enough to eat. I’ve been a homeless street kid, without enough to eat every day.  It feels like that.  All the time.  We tried having someone in our relationship that could help out with that… so i wasn’t like… starving all the time.  But it just didn’t feel right…. This isn’t perfect. But it’s working, and I wouldn’t give up Wynter for an entire world of sex. SO….. *shrug*
Are you straight/bi/gay/etc?
Xave: Wyn’s like a 1 on the kinsey scale.  I’m his exception. so, Het-romantic, asexual.  And if anyone says he can’t be ace cause he likes sex  a few days out of every month, they can go screw themselves.  That’s hormonal from the lycanthropy …whatever…magic stuff.
How many relationships have you been in?
Xave: I think he’s only been in one other relationship besides me,  he was dating this girl while we were split up, I don’t think he ever really even tongue kissed her.
How old were you when you lost your virginity?Explain your first time in detail.
Xave:  I’ll try to be brief on this one, cause it’s not something he likes to talk about, but it’s important. The more stuff like this gets talked about the more aware people are, and when people are aware of things, they become de-stigmatized to talk about, and that’s important and Wyn agrees with me on this one, even though he can’t talk about it himself to other people.  Wyn was in a group home for boys. He lost his parents when he was a kid. That’s where he met our friend Jaq, when they were real little. They grew up together there. There was this asshole that came in to do “art therapy”  with the kids… and he started grooming Jaq, he took Jaq’s virginity anally when he was about 13 I think…. Wyn and Jaq shared a room, and Jaq was Wynter’s first crush. They relied on each other for EVERYTHING. Jaq “showed” him what he’d learned from the “art therapist”, mostly cause he was confused by it, and knew it was wrong but he liked it too, and when you’re that age, you experiment, especially when you’re trying to figure out confusing stuff like sex.  Trust me I get it, I survived it.  Being molested by someone older and in charge is so fucked up, sometimes it fucking hurts, but sometimes it’s even worse than that, because, like sometimes you like it? cause it feels good sometimes… but you KNOW it’s wrong and you hate it at the same time and you want them to stop and never touch you ever again.  It fucks up your brain SO much, which is why child molesters are absolutely evil.  Wynter hated it, and protested, but he’d do anything for Jaq, and Jaq insisted,  so he let him. Sometimes Jaq can really be an asshole,  I don’t think it’s on purpose, but he has a really hard time with empathy too.  It fucking sucked and I hate that it happened that way for him.  I guess the point I’m trying to make.  Child molesters SUCK, it’s not Jaq’s fault that happened to him, but consent is still massively important, even if it’s not your fault.  and there’s nothing wrong with being ace and it doesn’t mean you’re broken and it doesn’t give anyone the right to laugh at you, even your friends.
Where is the strangest or wildest place you’ve had sex/oral?
Xave:  wildest, literally. lol   Like literally out in the wilderness. That’s his favorite place.  To the point where I had to put my foot down when we proposed, and say that our wedding night was going to be in a BED or I wasn’t going to marry him. Joke’s on me though, cause we ended up in the cab of his truck.  I was teasing, I would marry him again even if I never got to have sex in a bed again, but I still say bed sex is MUCH better than leaves and twigs and rocks under your back sex.
Have you ever broken up with someone because they couldn’t satisfy you?
Xave:  We broke up over this. Trust me. This isn’t easy. An ace with a hypersexual?  The problems are HUGE. Sometimes it downright sucks. For both of us. There’s been lots of tears, and even anger and resentment. But we love each other, and we talk a lot, and we both care about each other more than I ever thought it was possible to care about someone, so… we make it work. It has to. He’s my soulmate.
Have you used anything to improve sexual performance? (Penis Extenders/Tingling Lube/Cock Rings)
Xave:  nothing like the stuff they suggested…. that’s not the issue.  But there was the time Wyn found this old book of potions…… We’ve gotten desperate for solutions in the past, and willing to try anything to solve it.  That was a disaster. Don’t mess around with magic when you don’t know what you’re doing.  He was in rut for almost an entire month.   The first couple weeks it was great.  But then it got downright dangerous. he almost killed both of us.  The potion was still in effect when his real rut came on…. usually he can control his shifts, even during the full moon, but this time, he couldn’t.  He didn’t even shift fully into wolf like he usually does. He got stuck halfway between.  Like 12 feet tall monster wolf-man with fucking claws and fangs.  *shudders*  And he couldn’t shift out of it. It was horrible and terrifying, and that’s when we quit trying to “fix” our situation.
Have you ever had sex outdoors? Describe the experience(s).
Xave:  My husband is a werewolf and works for the forestry department as a storm clean up, salvage … whatever person. I don’t know what his title is exactly. He prefers sex outdoors.
Have you ever had sex in a car? Describe the experience(s).
Xave:  My husbands truck has gotten a lot of use. The biggest risk is accidently honking the horn. That’s happened a few times.
Which non-genital parts of your body do you like being touched or stimulated?
Xave:  he likes it when I kiss his neck and rub his back, he gets all melty and it’s adorable.  I’ve just learned to control myself, cause I can ruin the moment too easily by going too far when it’s not the right time.  So…. like… most of the time.  It’s SO hard to keep my hands off him.
What would you like to improve about your sex life?
Xave:  for both of us that would be frequency. It really hurts him that he can’t be what I need, and that hurts me that he’s hurting so much over it.  I never want him to feel like there’s something wrong with him because he doesn’t like sex most of the time. He’s not broken, and neither am I. We’re just really mismatched soulmates, and that’s just the way it is. Soulmates doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It just means you’re so completely connected to this person that you’ll fight together through the problems and stand stronger together in the end. Soulmates is when you still love each other fiercely and unconditionally, even when it doesn’t make any sense.
Have you used any form of sex furniture? What kind?
Xave: LOL  do you KNOW how many times he’s had to rebuild our furniture because of sex?   I know that wasn’t the question, but “sex furniture” just made me laugh.  The bed hasn’t broke again since the last time.  I swear the posts are made out of tree trunks.  Literally.  It’s glorious.  I feel like I’m in bed with some kind of Forest King or something when I wake up in that thing.  It’s SO massive, we had to custom order a mattress and sheets for it. 
Have you ever tasted cum? Do you like it?Do you eat ass?Where is your favorite place to cum?Do you have a panty fetish?Do you like to bite or be bit?
Xave:  I’ll just state it for the record here, that my husband likes his sex dirty.  The dirtier the better…and when he’s into it?  He’s INTO it.  so… just leaving that here.  He has a filthy mind.  Which is probably why he blushes so much and probably why all hell breaks loose when his hormones finally override his inhibitions.
Have you indulged in all your fetishes?
Xave:  this kinda goes along with the previous question regarding dirty sex, and I’m not gonna go into details, like at all.  There might be a tiny hint in the questions I answered for myself. But there’s one thing he’s really into that only happens once a year, on his birthday.  Full moon or not.  In fact, it’s better if it’s not a full moon, it can get dangerous if it is.     and no,  dirty doesn’t mean… like….,  like I know there are some people out there into things like … golden showers and… literal shit.   Ewww. No. That’s not what I’m talking about.
Are you a top/dominant a bottom/submissive or a switch?
Xave:  he thought he was bottom/submissive.  That’s what he learned and that’s how he’d always been treated. But well,  i’m mostly bottom/submissive, and at absolute most, switch, and that only sometimes….. so figuring out sex when we first got together was….. interesting.  Yes I’ve topped him, but that’s mostly in the past, he’s SUCH a top now, when it happens. He was still taller than me, lol,  but it wasn’t quite so insane as it is now.   Birthday sex…?  that’s when things change and he’s a bit submissive.
Do you enjoy long, extended teasing/edging sessions?
Xave:  that would be a huge yes, for both of us.
Rough Sex or Intimate Sex
Xave:  you know there’s such a thing as both.  At the same time.   But yeah, either/or and both.
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