#anyways there are definitely versions where there's a toad on the moon
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hisclockworkservants · 2 years ago
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Strange Rabbits - Wutu
Very vaguely inspired by myth. 於菟 is tiger, and there's some reference of there's one on the moon? People think 菟 was later mistaken for 兔 (rabbit), cause the character look similar.
Naturally, I comabined the two :P More tiger bunnies...
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clacing · 2 years ago
I don’t really understand your logic. You say that the prophecy is really about helping amphibia overcome its worst sides and not about fighting Andrias and the core , yet you assume that the reason Anne and Sasha would be remembered(and why Marcy wouldn’t) is because of there involvement in the war. But what about everything they did before the war? Certainly they would be remembered for helping their respective races. Anne being wartwoods favorite girl, Sasha being the brave lieutenant, and Marcy being newtopias hero.(besides, if there’s any reason why Marcy’s wouldn’t be remembered by the newtopians is because they’re all a bunch of heartless jerks that exploited her and forgot about her when in her time of need, despite everything she did for them)
No that's exactly what I mean actually! The prophecy is about them saving Amphibia from the worst version of itself, and that starts small, with them building relationships and making their communities better - but it definitely ends with the war. Andrias and the Core were still the main thing weighing Amphibia down and the fight against them is just the culmination of everything that’s been building up in the background. They never would have won without all the work they did on themselves and the connections they made along the way standing behind them and backing them up, and that's the point of the story.
Even if there had been no war, Anne and Sasha made real connections that helped them grow, so I wouldn't have batted an eye if you'd told me everyone would love and remember them anyway, without needing some great heroic action on their part. On the other hand, most if not all of Marcy’s connections seemed to be fake or surface level, and then on top of that she was entirely absent from the war, save for the one battle against the moon where Anne ended up taking everything upon herself anyway.
It's not so much that I think Anne and Sasha will be remembered while Marcy won't, because it's clearly shown in the end credits that they built a shrine for all three of them - it's more that as far as Marcy is concerned, it rings kind of empty to me? Her closest relationship was Andrias, who manipulated and stabbed her. Olivia and Yunan ended up caring for her but by the end of the series they barely knew her. She had a nice friendship with Maddie but it was never brought up again. Triple B clearly respected and might’ve even liked her but they still stood by Andrias. I’ve said this already but if even one person from Newtopia joined the Rebellion because they thought what Andrias did to Marcy was unacceptable (hell, if one Amphibian from anywhere, really, had that as their motivation) that would’ve been more than enough, but we just don’t get the sense that the newts care about Marcy as much as the frogs and toads care about Anne and Sasha. And yeah, it’s partly because they’re a bunch of heartless jerks, as you say, but the Wartwoodians didn’t trust outsiders, and Anne won them over; the toads were a highly militarized regime where the strong made the rules, and Sasha won them over.
Marcy did get Andrias, Olivia and Yunan to care about her, but is that enough? Did their love for her come through in the end, like Anne and Sasha’s bonds did for them? Was saving Marcy Olivia and Yunan’s motivation for fighting this war, was redeeming himself to her why Andrias gave himself over? We aren’t really shown any of these things, but I have to infer them, because otherwise Marcy’s arc kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and that’s the only complaint I have about an otherwise amazing ending.
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staticsamuraiart · 6 years ago
Hoo boy, this one's a long one
There's a TLDR way at the end.
I had one of my longer running games come to a messy head last night where a couple of the players enacted a party betrayal. Here is your cast primarily involved so I don't have to keep using full titles to keep everything straight. We're level 17.
The Tiefling Barbarian who's been having a mental breakdown for the last 3 or 4 games as his entire life up until a certain point has been revealed to him to be a lie, thus causing a downward spiral of paranoia and a refusal to trust literally anyone, party members included. Shortened to "The Barbarian" from now on.
The way-too-hard-to-explain Ranger turned Devil Vampire Queen (there's a lot going on here). The character was once a Tabaxi with a hunger for treasure hunting. Now she wishes to ascend to godhood and become what is essentially a god of piracy and treasure hoarding. Shortened to "The Ranger" from now on.
The Undead Warlock/Life Cleric who has thus far been an amazing healer and generally has a fix for everything and is unaffected by most things who gets the most screwed over in this scenario. Shortened to "The Cleric-Lock" from now on.
And the more minor involvements, a Lycan bloodhunter, our demi-god Bard, and myself as the circle of the moon druid. We were affected but not nearly as directly.
The situation! We were in the Feywild and crawling through a dungeon. I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting this dungeon because I was under the impression we were gathering allies in the Feywild because our plane is at war with the Devils but that's another story. We split the party (first mistake) because the dungeon has two paths to go through and one team was forcibly separated after a cave in. The Bard, Bloodhunter, and Barbarian go one way. The Cleric-lock, Ranger, and Druid go the other. Party A and B respectively.
Party A proceeds forward. There's pretty much mostly harmless or not at all dangerous traps laid out through this place so they kind of murderhobo on through. They uh.... let's just say an innocent child gets straight up murdered by the Barbarian who betrays them and tries to book it for the item at the end of the dungeon. Shenanigans ensue and the Bard traps the Barbarian in a Forcecage, while he and the Bloodhunter bamf out to continue through the dungeon.
Party B has a significantly easier time, because overall we are the less* murderhobo side (*one of the traitors is in this group, guess whooo). We power through a much more significant portion of the dungeon and make it to the boss room. "The Boss Room" being the room where the treasure is guarded by goblins...
Now to condense the story, the Vampire and the Barbarian for different reasons were trying to obtain AN INSANELY RARE AND POWERFUL LEGENDARY SWORD THAT GRANTS WISHES. Like high tier shit. The Ranger's plan was to trap or kill everyone in this dungeon because she is the reason it even exists. She has been meticulously planning with the DM for months on her ultimate betrayal and finally reached her point. She plays her trump card (although it ends up not being as awesome as expected because she misunderstood a mechanic, nbd) but proceeds to continue. Here's where things get complicated so let me explain piece by piece:
The ranger supposedly had a wish saved from a previous session when she encountered multiple wish granting items all at once (Frankly she's had insane luck in obtaining wishes all through this campaign). Many of us at the table were pretty sure she did NOT have the wish saved, but the DM ruled she definitely did even though the math didn't line up. The Ranger used this wish spell to force the Cleric-Lock to have amnesia.
Clarification; the DM specifically stated there is no save, no counter, no anything to stop this wish. It happened and there was nothing the player could do about it. Now you might be thinking "but you're the druid, couldn't you have still stopped her?" or even "that's not very fair, shouldn't there still be some kind of DC if the wish copied a spell that exists?"
Well to answer the first thought as simply as possible, I am a homebrewed version of an Eidolyn. You know? Those things Summoners essentially make a bond with and can summon out to fight and shit for them? Yeah, it's neat. The second answer is like, wow hey same bro, I agree. That doesn't make much sense to me. DM ruled "It happens because it's not the 'spell' wish, it's like the 11th level bomb ass crazy powerful WISH wish." and personally I didn't agree but DM rules so I wasn't gonna fight it out. Powerful magic is powerful. Other players at the table were incredibly upset over it and the tensions rose.
Back to explanations, I was originally bonded to the Bard, because at the start of the game we were playing a dnd skin of El Dorado but our "Tulio" left left the game early on. Anyway, here's the problem; I wasn't bonded to the Bard. I was bonded to the Ranger.
"But Static, how can that be? you don't just un-bond to your chosen person!"
Yeeeah well, there was a situation where I got petrified and that sucked. I failed my saves twice. The Ranger had a very powerful ally who had unpetrified me, but he also apparently marked me and bonded me to the Ranger. The DM's argument was that because I "died," I was no longer bonded to the Bard, and was open to have a new bond made. Now I'm not mad or anything at the situation, I'm a very flow with the punches player, but my problem is that that seems like something I should have known, right? I didn't though, I had no idea my bond was shifted; no idea I was even remotely connected to the Ranger in such a way. It was well hidden, because we WERE connected BEFORE that situation came about. Devils' rules, souls being traded and shit, partially due to my Eidolyn heritage; it's complicated.
Why is that important? Well technically speaking, because I was HER Eidolyn, I was HER minion. She ordered me to go ahead and grab her legendary wish sword while the Cleric-Lock was essentially reverted to a mindless Spectre- complicated- and proceeded to possess the Ranger because he still had the general notion that the situation was a hostile one. Ranger failed her save, became a vegetable. I was still following my order. Those Goblins? Used the wishes to wish for Fire toads, and then wished to be okay with fire. AKA they're slowly burning to death on their new Fire Toad mounts as I grab the now innert sword. Okay well it's still a wicked sword, but the wishes were spent.
ALLLLLL things come to a head. The druid goes wild berserk for a while as her "summoner" has essentially been incapacitated, a powerful ally the Ranger summoned whisks the Ranger's body away as the Cleric-lock still maintains control of her body, the Barbarian is trapped in a Forcecage, and the Bard and Bloodhunter bamf the fuck out of there (don't worry we had a sort of anchor that kept the time dilation at bay and they successfully saved on the memory loss thing). Eventually the druid returns to herself, and also bamfs out back to the anchor point with successful memory saves; leaving half of the party essentially wiped and the players for the Barbarian, Cleric-lock, and Ranger will be rolling new characters.
Now this was a lot to go over, because it is a very complicated set of characters with crazy backstories and hordes of batshit insane items and powers because we're so high level and it wouldn't be easy to understand from an outside view if I hadn't provided as much context as I did. The situation with the wish being un-salvagable for the player, combined with the seemingly random entering of a dungeon when our goal was nowhere near such a thing, and the overall out of character tensions that kept rising with disruptive players ended up causing a lot of arguments and a lot of strife; DM and players alike.
What I'm trying to get at is that it's okay to disagree with how your DM runs things. It's okay to think a situation in game was handled unfairly. It's okay to clash opinions. Sometimes DMs are set in their ruling, and sometimes a DM enacts Rule 0: DM says, therefore it is. That is valid. That being said, if you communicate your concerns with [insert clashing opinion here] and you feel you are just butting heads with the DM with no resolution, compromise, or even validation then it is OKAY TO LEAVE THE GAME.
The Bard's player was the most upset with how the game turned out; what with disagreeing with the wish rulings, finding the lack of any possible inklings to our evil players plotting schemes (by that I mean there was only secret conversations with the DM and no in game nuances noted with no rolls involved), and overall finding the betrayal to be from left field and otherwise just an unfair game with multiple examples of the DM railroading certain party members into being or acting some kind of way when they didn't have the chance to save themselves, notice the issues, or generally be involved in the decision that was forced upon their characters (Cleric-Lock and Druid as the main examples). it resulted in the Bard's player deciding to leave the game prematurely. The DM and him got into a heated argument in person and over facebook, and they just couldn't agree and it ended up getting to that point of "well if you want to run the next game go ahead" attitude.
The situation is fresh, so it's still heated between the two people. Maybe they'll make up, or maybe they'll see that they clash and don't even want to be friends anymore. Idk, but I for one see the game as a learning experience. I myself have had reservations about the game and the DM for a long time, and in general just haven't really felt a deep connection with my character or the story. There were moments, but they were pretty few and far between. I don't hate the players, and I don't even blame the ones who took evil routes and betrayed us. I just wish there was a better synergy between us with Players, Party, and DM. Things probably would've been better.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I just wanted a place to unload the story and organize my thoughts on the situation. I want to clarify too that the DM isn't a bad DM or a bad person, in fact he even pre-game warned us that things might get heated and cooked for us while he tried to be as fair as he possibly could be. This isn't a blasting on social media, nor is it a callout post. I just don't like putting these things on facebook because do you see this novel I wrote? Fuck that noise I just wanted to journal it somewhere and voice out that not every DnD game is perfectly balanced or perceived to be handled fairly. He did his best, he made his calls, and he urged us all to make sure we knew we were all still friends after the game was over.
TLDR; Our DM kind of railroaded a couple players and made some questionable decisions on how he handled some PvP scenarios which angered a chunk of the players and overall it was just a bad time. We're still friends but sometimes friends get passionate over the things they have strong views on and arguments happen. It's okay though, humans aren't perfect. We cool.
Thanks for reading. <3
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soothsayerrrr · 6 years ago
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have you been re-introduced to cassia parkinson? last we heard, the pureblood was most familiar with timeline one. I don’t recall if they were always a ravenclaw, but I’ve heard the seventh year is still quick-witted, independent, charismatic, and preternatural, self-destructive, mischievous, so that’s familiar. at least she remembers their way around the castle.
hi i’m bailey and welcome to my intro. aka, a dumb modified version of my app. sis literally doesn’t have stats or anything but like here’s her pinterest board again. warning this is kinda messy, just like everything else in my life.
born may 27th, 1960.
sun and moon signs are both gemini. ( a kind of continuous high-voltage runs through you restlessly affecting both your mental and emotional natures. no one can slow you down. you are smart and brilliant, and are always trying to take more than one project at a time to completion. any nervousness means you are not investing your resources wisely. more often than not, you can convince people to do things your way. )
ascendant sign is capricorn. ( you will accept responsibilities as it is in your nature to take challenges; the riskier, the better. hardship and frustration teach the lessons of bending the will to serve a higher purpose. )
midheaven sign is scorpio. ( motivated and not afraid to go after what you want, however you may go too far and exhaust yourself. you need to learn how to deal with personal limits and assist with difficult decisions. )
wand: silver lime, augurey tail feather, swishy, 10 inches. patronus: unable to cast; would be a fox. ( the fox is charismatic and by nature, a trickster. they’re great talkers, making even the worst suggestions sound like the best ideas ever. convincing people to do what they want and make them think it was their idea in the first place is a talent. foxes also have a knack for observing the people around them; this comes in handy for future reference if they need something. )
boggart: acromantula. amortentia: the smell of a beach after a thunderstorm, coffee, a new deck of tarot cards, and butterbeer. familiar: a male toad named mopsus, named after the ancient greek seer.
ever since it became more public knowledge she’s a seer, she’s had a few of her fellow students come to her asking for advice. because she quickly realized that either people claimed to not believe in it, or they found it silly, she would usually tell her ‘customers’ that horrible things would happen if they didn’t do a certain task. be it something for her personally, or in general to make them look foolish. cassia knows she shouldn’t, but it’s too fun to stop --- especially when most of them don’t realize that isn’t quite how seers work.
you’ll always see this bitch with a deck of tarots ready to duel and probably having a bunch of crystals stuffed in the pockets of her robe.
and as for clubs, she’s in slug club and astronomy club!
so ok: all her life, cassia wanted to be the perfect pureblood daughter her family wanted. but unfortunately for her, there was always something off. whether she was too mischievous and energetic, or being silent and staring vacantly, nothing quite fit into the pre-set mold of their society.
things slowly began to change once she began hogwarts. her otherworldly charm only seemed to be nourished, finding odd companionship with some wandering ghosts of the school. but while she had a spark that lured any crowd, overall she preferred to stay close to those who she grew up with. other peers that espoused pureblood ideals, just as she was taught. maybe she wasn’t future stepford wife material, but she’d be damned if she didn’t try.
 however things really changed once she had her first, actual prophecy. it happened in the middle of class — either potions or transfiguration, cassia couldn’t tell you — during her fifth year. aka shit got real!!!! Too Real!!!! right now though, she’s definitely made the obvious progress/transition into accepting her abilities, but her family??? lol yea, not so much.
her mother especially is like, “well NOW we might not find a suitable husband for you!!!!!! who would want This????” and her father’s like GLARING at her from the opposite end of the dinner table when she’s home for holidays and she just kinda wants to scream because LOOK. cassia knows, knows, how they feel about people they see as “different” to them. SHE KNOWS, SHE WAS RAISED AS SUCH. it’s the whole purist mentality yet somehow worse because it’s HER, and they don’t seem to understand that she’s still the same??? just with some... bonuses ( or not, because being a seer isn’t all fun and games and is actually terrifying and mentally/physically exhausting and taxing. but that’s beyond the point. )
however her brothers --- her twin, and one three years older --- seem... well, if she’s honest she hasn’t been able to get a good enough read on her older brother, but she hardly sees him anyway so she doesn’t care THAT much lmao. her twin brother however? god cassia and him were so close growing up, despite how effortlessly he blended in with their society meanwhile she was kinda like... too much or not enough?? so. his opinion definitely matters to her and while she doesn’t know where he OFFICIALLY stands, she’s kinda at the point where, with like many other aspects, does not want to know.
AS FOR OTHER TIMELINES.... oof!!!!! learning about the other timelines somehow made her feel worse about her seer abilities/gotta love a hopeless feeling sinking in and there’s Nothing you can do about it. as just mentioned she doesn’t really LIKE knowing some things and other versions of herself is no different because she can barely keep her shit together in THIS one? like??? her with an actual WAR??????
timeline two cassia stuck with the pureblood/death eater side. she was already so “different” from her family, and it’s sickeningly obvious where the parkinson’s stand, so of course she’s going to justify the awfulness with the fact it’s how they were raised...smh ;/
timeline three cassia would be pretty standard, overall neutral but clearly swaying to the death eaters as an ally, because again she’s not going to abandon everyone she’s known/her family/etc. while she might be self-destructive, cassia definitely shows signs of knowing when to have that seemingly dormant self-preservation.
okay so you know how she doesn’t like knowing certain stuff and all that jazz, and her scorpio midheaven “you need to learn how assist with difficult decisions” shtick? yeah big grief because it’s such a process and she ain’t making ANY. like... growing up in the type of environment she did --- quiet passive aggression and toxicity --- it’s always been easier to bite your tongue. after getting used to the bitterness, it seems to have somethings better left unsaid. no need to cause a scene because it’s more trouble than what it’s worth even though this disgust is eating you up inside? maybe she’ll overcome this one day. maybe.
anddddddd this is kinda all i got rn.
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 6 years ago
does anyone wanna see my poto high school debate au shit?? no? well here it is anyway!
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from left to right: the daroga, carlotta, and piangi 
carlotta and piangi are debate partners and they’re dating which is usually Not A Great Idea but they make it work
carlotta definitely insists that they wear matching outfits to every tournament and piangi is more than happy to go along with it
carlotta’s the team captain despite everyone (justifiably) thinking shes a huge bitch because she wins all her events almost all of the time
the daroga’s carlotta’s co-captain, meaning he does pretty much all of the actual work, hes smart, competent, and also NOT a huge bitch which is very rare in the debate community
carlotta has started SEVERAL fights with girls from opposing debate teams because they made eye contact with piangi during a debate round which CLEARY means theyre trying to steal her mans 
everyone who does debate has had a crush on the daroga at some point
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from left to right: erik (duh), phillipe, and la sorelli 
erik, as indicated by the arrow pointing at him, is a shady transfer student who is Very Mysterious to everyone except the daroga, who went to the same middle school as erik and has seen him cry Several Times 
phillipe is a cocky asshole whos cockiness is only rivaled by how infuriatingly good at his events he is, and his smug handsome libertarian asshole face is a tormenting presence in the thirsty minds of Many debaters 
la sorelli (whomst is definitely about to grab phillipes ass in the picture) only does drama events and pretty much only joined so she would have an excuse to make out with phillipe at tournaments 
no one knows why erik joined debate because he seemingly never shows up to practice... or DOES he??? 
while erik might not be visible, he still manages to be a huge fucking nuisance and is constantly playing mean pranks on his teammates, though he tends not to mess with carlotta as much after the time he hid a toad in her evidence box and she kicked his ass in front of the whole team 
phillipe is constantly on raouls ass about upholding the de Chagny Debate LegacyTM and gets upset with him for mooning over christine when he should be MEMORIZING HIS SPEECHES DAMN IT
erik occasionally drags christine away from practices into his “lair” (some shitty broom closet) where he makes her practice speeches and shit and tries to seduce her into becoming his debate partner
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christine and raoul (babbies!!!)
christine and raoul arent dating because christine thinks it would be awkward since they’re debate partners but theyre both obviously crushing on eachother 
christine is naturally very shy and joined the debate team because she thought it would help her learn to be more confident 
raoul prefers drama events over debate but he works hard at all his events to impress christine (she’s Always impressed by raoul anyway bc hes adorable but shh) and his family, especially phillipe 
christine looks up to all the upper classmen debaters but ESPECIALLY erik whos very talented (when hes not too busy being a fuckbag dipshit) and always VERY eager to help her during practices 
raouls jealous of how much christine seems to look up to erik and he also doesn’t get it bc yeah eriks good at his events and all but if she wants a talented older debate boy to thirst over?? the daroga’s RIGHT THERE???? 
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meg and little jammes 
(yes jammes just looks like a less shady version of meg dont @ me, i was too lazy to see if shes described in the book or not so this is what you get)
meg loves doing debate because shes loud and passionate and has a Lot of opinions 
jammes only goes to practice like, once a week and just spends the whole time distracting meg 
meg is very Suspicious of how much time erik spends with christine and has told christine multiple times that she’ll gladly kick eriks ass if she asks her to 
if erik tries to sit next to christine during practice she’ll shove a chair between them and yell “LEAVE ROOM FOR JESUS”
meg and jammes do panto with la sorelli and its the highlight of their little gay lives 
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peachjuiceandsugarytea · 6 years ago
A Harry Potter AU Concept:
A Harry Potter AU where every single thing is normal except Hermione Granger is a weeb. She particularly liked Sailor Moon. I know the classic English dub didn't actually air until 1999 and the English release of the Manga wasn’t until August 1997, but for the sake of this AU lets pretend that the Japanese release of the first manga (1991) co-insides with the English release as opposed to the original dates.
Hermione Granger, 11 years old, was out clothes shopping with her mum, and wanted something to read, as she knew how long it would take. She picks up a Mixxzine Magazine, thinking “This is a light read. It will have to do.” So at first, she’s annoyed because when she flips through it after purchase, there are pictures, like a comic. So, she’s a little disappointed. Nonetheless, Hermione sat down on a chair outside of the changing rooms, with the Magazine in her face. It eventually gets to that bloody comic, and she sighs, but reads on anyway.
And she finds that she loves it. It made her laugh, it was intriguing, there was a backstory. And though it wasn’t a traditional book, it was still a story. So, August continues, and by the 20th, she knows this first part of Sailor Moon off by heart - she can recite each sentence and action and emotion. It really helped her nerves because she would be starting secondary school in something like ten days.
But then, of course, McGonagall arrives and tells her that she’s a witch. Magic exists. She finds herself pursing her lips and sitting on her hands to make sure she doesn’t randomly yell “MOON PRISM POWER MAKEUP” and scare this nice lady.
At first, before they quickly came around to the idea, Mr and Mrs Granger thought this was some elaborate prank, knowing how much this Sailor Moon meant to Hermione and they didn’t want to get her hopes up. But, her mum in the end, is convinced due to the robes that this Professor McGonagall wore and purely by how old the woman looked. She was serious. Not to mention the bookshelf incident that happened when Hermione was nine.
So, McGonagall takes Hermione to Diagon Alley, to buy school supplies, her parents waiting in their car, in muggle London. Hermione is keeping her questions very serious, but she really wants to ask how spontaneous magic can be. Could she transform like Usagi did in Sailor Moon? But she never did find the courage to ask, especially after they got her wand from Ollivander’s. It was like a more traditional version of magic. Damn it.
She put down the magazine and until she started her school year, she decided to buy loads of books to read to educate herself about the school and the background of Magic. She learned that, even though she couldn’t just have a magical object-that one wouldn’t just present itself to her-she could make one. And, for Hermione, that was good enough. She really wanted a magical broach.
Before Hermione left for Kings Cross, brushing off her skirt to make sure she looked smart, she asked her mum to keep sending her the issues of that magazine, so she could keep up with the story.
She goes off to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express, and is really desperate to take out the magazine, but forces herself to learn a few simple spells. She knows she’s clumsy, she she thinks it best to learn Reparo first-branching into the specifics, like Oculus Reparo.
Neville, a boy who had lost his Toad, Trevor, asks her whether or not she had seen the amphibian. She hadn’t, and wishes him luck, almost dismissing him. Then she thinks, “Wait. Hold on. I could be like Usagi. I could help people.” So she jumps to her feet, and runs down the train, where she says that she would help him look for Trevor.
That was when she met Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Again, she helps someone, by fixing Harry’s glasses, and when she realises who he is, Hermione again was very excited. Harry was seen as a Hero. He could help her to become more of a heroic type, and that would mean she’d be one step closer to being like Usagi!
She’s sorted into Gryffindor, which pleases her because it meant she had the skills to be a heroine.
As the year goes on, she clings to the magazines that her parents send her via owl, and to her studies, to ensure that she was always learning, and getting better at magic. That broach didn’t seem so far away now.
Her confidence is knocked by Ron once, when he calls her a nightmare, and though she makes great friends out of the incident, her confidence is slightly knocked again when the boys take on the Troll for her as she coward in fear. She could have done that if she wasn’t so surprised and afraid. Was she really capable of being a heroine after all?
During the summer, Hermione’s magazine stops providing Sailor Moon chapters, instead informing readers that the paperback Manga issues are now being sold, so she buys every single one that is currently out and reads them to death. Harry, who by now is her great friend, is made aware of her love for Sailor Moon, and enjoys exchanging letters and seeing how her writing becomes more unreadable as she gets herself more excited when talking about it. She doesn’t do this with Ron though, as she’s afraid he’ll make fun of her for it. And keeping to her small vow to behave like a hero and help anyone, she makes writing a homework reminder for each piece they were given in her letters to both of the boys.
Second year rolls around, on the train, she’s worried about her friends. Hoping that they’re okay, she distracts herself with another spell new and a re-read of the newest issue of her manga and then a new tale she picked up from a muggle bookstore before she got to the station that morning.
At breakfast, having demanded to know where they were yesterday before the feast, and then bickering with Ron for a while, Hermione asked them how their summers had been. Ron said it was as eventful as ever with the twins around, and Harry said the only thing that had kept him going was his summer homework and letters from his friends. They tell her about what happened in Diagon Alley with the Malfoys and then Harry accidentally mentions Lockhart. Hermione zoned out upon hearing the name. Gilderoy Lockhart. Perhaps he could be her Tuxedo Mask.
The Mudblood incident left Hermione incredibly deflated. She didn’t have much of an ego before hand, but now it was definitely gone.
The petrifications in school were frightening, and she was incredibly delighted when Harry and Ron wanted to investigate them. The best friend squad was on the case!
Then, of course, the Polyjuice incident had brought Hermione to a low point. So much so that she began to feel as though her magical broach wasn’t happening, and a magical destiny wasn’t waiting for her. She tucked the Sailor Moon mangas into a dark crevice of her trunk and focused on her studies for a while, to make sure something like that never happened again.
She found that studying, knowing more, brought up her confidence again. That, and she would need all the information she could get to solve the petrifications
The day she finally had a break through, she was petrified. And though she doesn’t remember much about that period of time, she was trying to figure out how she had brought herself to rip out a page from a book, when she could have just checked the book out. It was probably the adrenaline rush she experienced upon having finally found a lead.
After she was cured of her petrification, there was another issue of Sailor Moon on her bed. Pavarti had profusely apologised about opening the package, making it up to Hermione with with some Honeydukes chocolate that she had asked an older Gryffindor to get. When she asked why she had opened it, the girl had confessed that she just wanted to understand Hermione a bit better, and though she still didn’t understand her by opening the package, Hermione had said that if Pavarti wanted to, they could exchange letters in the summer.
Harry had told her that, with Dumbledore’s guidance, he had freed Dobby from the Malfoys and rescued Ginny from the chamber of secrets. Harry was definitely a Hero and she was grateful to know him. But his account of recent events had also allowed her to realise that Lockhart was a fraud, which made her instinctively apologise to Ron for having ever spend more than a minute thinking about the DADA Professor.
That summer, she returns home to find that her mother had made sure to record the animated adaption of Sailor moon that had been first broadcast in early spring. Hermione was completely indebted to her mother for this kind deed.
(will develop more later)
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