#anyways maybe while im traveling ill be able to make myself draw
skyllion-uwu · 2 years
I need to draw on paper NOW I know I've got some basics down for some of the batrogues but I can't get proportions right when drawing digitally but also grabbing a sketchbook and drawing feels hard and I'm not sure why
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liquidstar · 2 years
okay but how would your ocs like a beach day
Okay I’m ready to answer this ask now that I just got back from the beach myself lol. Field research…. 
FIRST and foremost i actually want to say i have thought about cute beach outfits for some of the characters! Maybe ill get around to drawing those one day but i also have cute pj ideas so? I guess itll depend on what i wanna draw when i get to it lol
Anyway the actual beach day ideas, and im going to do them for the whole guild not just the main four!
Venus organizes the trip as a reward for everyone for working so hard and they all travel together by train, one of the few occasions where the entire guild does so.
Mira would feed the seagulls even after everyone asked her to please STOP feeding the seagulls because theyve started to follow them. She says not to worry because she picked food that wouldnt be bad for them. Everyones like our concern is not seagull husbandry. And shes like well it should be. And keeps feeding the seagulls. 
Bella spends the entire day underneath a large black parasol, not even for protection from the sun its just part of her look. She also seems to visit the snack bar a lot.
Polaris mostly stays inside a little boat because she’s afraid she’ll freeze the water otherwise, and also just because she just likes being on the boat (Otherwise she’d stay on land lol). But she wants to get in the water too, and Saiph talks her into it by saying that even if she did freeze it a bit he could just melt it again anyway, and that theres no possible way she could actually freeze this much water anyway. It clears her head enough that she’s able to swim with no problems.
Al grew up by the beach and he can get mad sentimental about it, but not really in a way that takes away from the incredible amount of fun he has just being in that atmosphere. It’s like got lots of childhood memories tied to it for him so its a throwback in a way lol. Anyway while he muses on this saiph and polaris flip his inner tube over and they all have a laugh lol
Tondra falls asleep in the sand and Capella and Alcor bury them because theyre little shits like that.
Noctua builds a sand castle and Fornax uses their ethos to make it metal so it wont ever ever ever get knocked down <3 the quality of the sand castle is so-so, but like, hes six
Vela and Ran are pretty much both right in their element in the ocean. They also get an inflatable raft and act as if it’s actually a pirate ship. 
Saiph brings some mini grill supplies to do the cooking for everyone, this is a daunting task he works in shifts with Vesta.
Felis doesn’t like water, she just sits all day and sunbathes. Yes, because she’s a cat.
Pyxis forgets he’s old and throws out his back trying to show up young people surfing.
Baiduri and Nix v.s. Euphie and Imai volleyball game proving to be the athletic event of the century. Euphie and Imai win the first round but Baiduri and Nix win the rematch after sundown.
Regulus came to the beach only to relax and be pretty and hes actively using his ethos to repel sand from himself which is just unnecessary. 
Ain is somehow the lifeguard now and no one is sure how she managed to do that. Presumably she one-upped the other lifeguard so bad he quit. Her witch hat is now red with a white cross on it.
Shaula and Io are currently trying to break the world record for biggest cannonball splash. They don’t know what the world record is they’re just doing canon balls and guestemating if anyone in history has ever done a bigger one.
Itonda is taking Eirine and Lillie around the shore to collect seashells, but they keep being competitive about it and are getting increasingly annoyed when they ask whose seashell is better and he says “umm theyre both nice :)”
Both Juno and Bernard spend most of the day under the umbrella reading books or relaxing rather than going in the water. Bernard may eventually be swayed but Juno refuses to leave because “water is the #1 cause of drowning” < things normal people say.
Orion catches a fish in a bucket to show to Capella and then they must both solemnly let the little fishie go.
A jellyfish latches onto Lacerta but her ethos makes her immune to venom so she just hangs out with it on her leg. And everyones like um hey are you okay?? And shes like yeah why do you have a problem with Squishy? My friend Squishy? Get a life.
AND last but not least this was actually an idea from my friend @pakbet Al brings a stick and watermelons and a blindfold for suikawari, mira finds it super fun to run around and wack stuff and saiph might get lightheartedly competitive but at the end of the day io would annihilate them all entirely it would be no contest. that watermelon is juice now.
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chewypussy · 5 years
anyway life update i guess since the decade is ending not that it matters. been drowning in misery and i dont know how to get back out. i reconnected with an old friend but its not going as well as i hoped, theyve grown a lot while we were apart and i feel like i cant keep up. oh well, theres always more friends to be made. i started working on a project in unity, nothing fancy just getting my barrings before diving really deep into the shit. coding is a lot easier than i remember, the key is being able to clearly visualize what it is you want to do with the code. of course ive been drawing a lot lately, been feeling good, then bad, then good and bad again about it. i keep comparing myself to other people too much and i really hate that. ive also gotten too focused on numbers im pulling online and i need to stop that too. oh well, this past week has been horrible but i bet once i get through it and can focus on more stuff ill feel much better and be in a better place. speaking of, i got an interview scheduled soon for this software dev position, so that sounds fun. hopefully i can get by, im a little rusty with coding like i said but like, whatever. it pays really well so thatll be nice, plus i get to move. i feel like im in this trap of always wanting to move somewhere, like i get a job in a town and feel like i need to go somewhere else to do something bigger. i just want a lot out of life, and i dont know if i can make it happen. but then i remember if i get a better job i could actually afford to travel, and maybe thats all i need, just to get out and see the world and see my friends and meet people. maybe then ill grow enough. am i too obsessed with growth? do i need to grow? well yes and yes lol. i know this is my blog blah blah but i hate rambling so ill stop here, im just repeating stuff ive said already anyway
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