#anyways i love her so much will defend her with my WHOLE LIFEEEE
jennacrtega · 3 months
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happy birthday enid sinclair! (june 28th 2006)
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Rewatching S8 Pt 2: Ep2
- Dany conveniently decides when she wants to be associated with her family.
- Tyrion is super in the doghouse about his family. If Dany doesn’t kill him or something I will be surprised. I want the payoff of her fulfilling all her threats against him.
- Sansa fucking leaving before Dany is so fucking petty and I love it honestly. SANSA STARK GIVES ME LIFEEEE. I love also seeing her armor crack - when Brienne brings up her mom or when she sees Theon. It’s important to remind us that she puts on this face of coldness & that she still has feelings underneath.
- wow gendrya is so hot they’re flirting so much I’m so glad they bang
- we should’ve been knew that Arya would kill the night king bc the white walkers and NK are personified as death and Arya knows death and says “NOT TODAY” to death.
- “I’m not that person anymore” Jaime says to Bran... interesting because he literally regresses back to that person & rejects change.
- “how do you know there is an afterwards?” A little dramatic bc like only 5 people we know die. At least kill of like 10 people if you’re gonna try to say that shit.
- Jaime and Tyrion’s convo just further asserting Tyrion is an idiot and ridiculously loyal to Dany and shouldn’t be. “She’s always been good at using the truth to tell lies. Don’t be too hard on yourself she’s fooled me more than anybody” “she never fooled you. You always knew exactly what she was and you loved her anyway.” I think this has HUGE implications for both Lannisters. Jaime loves Cersei anyway and returns to her. Tyrion loves Dany anyway. But they both pretend to themselves they’ve been fooled so they can feel better about themselves.
- But as they’re talking about Cersei Jaime gets lost in looking at Brienne. Disappointing that she didn’t end up being enough!!
- Jorah is the only one to bring Dany out of her bad mood. He reminds her she can be forgiving. Presumably he tells her to make peace with Sansa. Really good showcasing of how he is truly one of the only ones who still has her total trust and can talk her down.
- “he owns his and learns from them” BUT DOES HE THOU????
- wow lord Royce was really gonna defy the queen if Sansa said nah fam we can’t speak alone wow
- I wish I could have that kind of faith in my advisors. Tyrion is a good man. Sansa sees right into what bothers Dany & she defends Tyrion. She knows the way he’s being treated isn’t fair.
“I thought he knew his sister” interesting bc like Dany could say the same about Jon & it almost makes sense why she doesn’t trust Jon’s family or his judgment of his family bc she’s been burned by Tyrion
- Dany tries to play the feminist card lololol
- this talk about Jon has to have repercussions!! And just in general the obvious disagreements between Sansa and Dany needs to pay off somehow!!! Plsssssss
- Sansa seems to figure out what Jon has been doing... playing Dany and getting her North by making her fall in love. She’s the one doing stupid things for love. But then like after this Sansa acts still just as mad... and confused and out of the loop??? Like what does Jon tell her in episode 1?? Doesn’t she figure stuff out here in episode 2?? If so, why does she act like she forgot all of that by the next episodes???
- the Theon and Sansa reunion is everything and shows us so much of Dany’s mindset and worries.
- also wtf why hasn’t Jon told his siblings about his parentage
- Bran seems super important and yet does absolutely nothing in ep 3.
- why was alys Karstark around so much??
- sams super long speech about death and memory is cool and all but um does it have any repercussions or echoes or anything for plot or story at all?? They make such a big deal out of this fight and it has such small consequences and stakes.
- wow Jon really dismisses the entire room including Dany’s staff lol
- so why do Tyrion and bran talk at all?? It doesn’t do anything????? Why have pointless scenes??
- wow Missandei and greyworm will never get to go to the beaches at Naarth. Sad. What will he do when the war is over?
- have you told her yet? Oh so finallllyyyyyy Sam is bringing it up again. BUT WHY THE HELL DID SAM ADVISE HIM OR ALLOW HIM TO TELL DANY THE PERSON WHO HE KNOWS IS A CRAZY BAD RULER?? Why didn’t he make him tell his family???
- there’s so much talk of everyone dying and so little pay off for this talk. No one SUPER SUPER important and shocking dies. I mean literally all the people by the fire survive. That is insane and unfulfilling imo.
- “well my golden lion days are done” wow another comment from Jaime about how he’s changed... and yet he will regress and apparently not change.
- ghost!!! Wish it was literally any other way.... bc he’s just standing there. But I missed him and somehow I feel like when we see Ghost maybe that’s a glimpse of the real Jon... maybe Jon sending him away represents him abandoning himself or not liking himself anymore? Bc of his deceit or his loyalty to the mad queen? Idk I’m picking at straws.
- so with Jaime out of the picture maybe Tormund has a chance?
- I love Tormund so much & im so happy for this moment. But all of these moments would mean more if people died I feel.
- I fought for you didn’t I? Glad this scene happened to set up for ep 3. Glad that Arya and The Hound got to have another scene besides the blacksmith one. Also a good reminder that Beric was brought back a billion times FOR A REASON... And we find out what that reason is next episode. Cool.
- Arya doesn’t find Gendry. She shoots arrows. Something familiar and like home. Probably reminds her of her dad and Jon. Gendry finds her. Love that she plays the game of faces with him.
- wow gendrya sex scene is everything
- still mad about no stark goodbye scene before the big fight - they didn’t even get one later like before KL HOW DARE U NOT GIVE US STARK GOODBYES AND STARK SIB SCENES
- wow so Tyrion was right about something “I think we might live”
- “fuck tradition” wow I love Tormund and Jaime. This moment is like the best in the whole season. Brienne becoming a knight is BEAUTIFUL. That look Pod gives her. Ugh. My heart.
- I actually wish that all that happened between Jaime and Brienne was the knighting scene. Because it’s so perfect and sweet. And since he leaves her to go back to Cersei bc he loves Cersei... it just ruins everything and leaves her so vulnerable and him looking really kinda sleazy imo. I just would’ve been totally content with their relationship just being this: mutual admiration and respect and encouragement.
- Lyanna and Jorah die ending house Mormont. I guess that’s the point of their scene? So um where’s Heartsbane now??? What was the point of this?? Sam didn’t owe Jorah anything. Sam saved Jorahs life because of the lord commander. Jorah serves the queen who killed Sams family. Why would Sam even give him the sword in the first place? What was the narrative purpose?? This sword protects Dany the woman who killed its previous owner. Like ???
- this sad montage is cool and sad but we only lose like Theon and Jorah from the next episode... so it just makes everything seem super dramatic with little payoff.
- Dany doesn’t apologize for being in the crypts. Annoying. I love that Dany thinks she knows what he’s thinking... oh that’s the stark my brother raped. Whoops.
- Jon is legit confused or frustrated by her response. Like he expected her to be happy to know she has family. But she’s actually just worried about the claim. So I think he didn’t quite know what she was before now. This to me reveals Jon believes she’s better than Cersei, will be a decent queen, but she has a temper and can be super vicious to those she deems as an enemy. I think Jon overestimates her desire for or love for family. She’s never had a family she could trust and love. Whereas family is everything to him. I think saying “Dany” is calling her something familiar as an equal. Whereas he goes back to “my queen” later which is super subservient.
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