#anyways i just wanna live out my horse girl fantasies pls
cottageivy · 1 year
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dorianeinar · 4 years
Well I guess I’ll do an introduction thingie to pin at the top of my page
Name: Atlas Einar
Gender: Non-binary (I’m a minor, pls keep that in mind)
Pronouns: they/them, he/him(whenever I feel like trying them out)
Sexuality: I’m gay, like very gay, if im walking down the street with my short hair and sweatshirt and you think im straight, you are wrongo, just ask @imapursoon, it’ll tell you how gay I’m am
Fandoms: Oh Boy, this is gonna probably gonna be easier for y’all if I break down into sections, lmao
Books: Im a book nerd, deal with it, it’s funny though, cause I used to hate reading, now I can’t live without books, anyway my favorite books include: The Princess Bride, Howl’s Moving Castle, Percy Jackson series, Magnus Chase series, Harry Potter series(fuck J.K Rowling for not supporting transgender people), Good Omens, really any sci-fi, adventure, fantasy books, those are my jam, im a sucker for any really good romantic books or fanfic too. Im slowly getting back into reading manga so, WEBTOON saves me. Go read Home Sweet Home, it’s definitely worth your time(it has a series on Netflix by the name and f Sweet Home)
Movies: The Princess Bride(all time favorite), Howl’s Moving Castle, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, any Marvel movie(Tom is my favorite Spider-Man), I love horror movies too
Tv Shows: Supernatural(I’m a Sam person all the way, soulless Sam is my favorite, Cas is cool too, Haunting of Hill House(rly spoopy), Umbrella Academy(Klaus and Diego are my fav characters), Shera( i Stan for the relationship between Shera and Catra), Gravity Falls(Dipper is my favorite), The Mandalorian(season 2 just came out, go watch the first episode on Disney +), Miraculous Ladybug, my top three favorite anime shows are Black Butler, My Hero Academia, and Death Note
Musicals: Really it changes everyday, depending on my mood, but my top six favorite: Phantom of the Opera, Razia’s Shadow, Newsies, The Last Five Years, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Love Never Dies, in that order
Favorite Singers: Brendon Urie(my favorite singer of all time), Jeremy Jordan(love him), Ramin Karimloo, LP, and girl in red
Favorite Bands: Panic At the Disco!, Pentatonix, Superfruit(I love Mitch and Scott, they’re my favorite gay people on the earth), Queen, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra
Hobbies?: Yes, I have hobbies, they include writing, writing, uh, writing, and maybe a little more writing, you know what, fuck it, writing is my only hobby, at least for now
Things I Can Do: I play piano, I ride horses, I do aikido, I used to act, but then the stupid plague #2 appeared, that’s it for now
Tags I use often are #musical of the day, #featuring song of the day, that’s probably the tag I use most
Please send me asks when I asks for them, I am a desperate enby bean, im not joking when I say to fill up my inbox with asks, also reblog my stuffs, it’s the only way I can make new friends who are into the same stuff as me, also do it for the vine, idek anymore
This page is a really safe space for people with any kind of mental illness and LGBTQIA+ people are safe here too! I love interacting with anyone and everyone, my close friends on here include @imapursoon, @imaverycatgirl, @thewafersituation, and @anyone who wants to be friends with me
I have another blog, if you wanna go check it out! It’s @pallisscarlet. Im mostly gonna post my writing, a fuckton of picrews, and some OC stuff, but feel free to give it a follow!
Writing tag list: @imapursoon @sanity-whosshe-neverheardofher @thewaferofchaos @ifoughtgodbehind711 @that-house @lowkeyjustvibing @anyone else who wants to be tagged (if you didn’t want to be tagged in here, just dm me and i can take you off)
That’s it, my motto goes out to everyone
“Be your own kind of human”
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Aven, all the numbers :)
1- Animated character that was your gay awakening? : I mean my gay awakening was an irl person so I don't know? I can't think of any rn 
2- Grilled cheese or PB&J? : Grilled cheese bc PB&J is gross just peanut butter and jelly are both good on their own but I don't like the way they taste combined 
3- What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on? : Baking videos! Particularly the ones that have no voicover or any voice and you have to turn on the subtitles to know what ingredients they're using bc the words on the screen are in ankther language 
4- Your go-to bar order, if you drink? : chocolate milkshake no alcohol (the only time I've been to a bar that's what I ordered) 
5- What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own? : My black tennis shoes, but they're really old and worn and I need new ones but I've been telling my parents for god knows how long and they don't give a shit 
6- Top three cuisines? : pfft cuisines I love that word its funny to me just I can't say it out loud without smiling or laughing anyway I guess shrimp fettuccine alfredo, medium rare steak, and fuggin uhhhhhh Danny Kids Cuisines
7- What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)?: I have no clue, I think my dad once said it was car or cat but they couldn't tell which 
8- What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?: I've never had a job really, I mean I volunteered at the library one summer but I think that's it 
9- Look up. What’s directly across from you? : A large bowl of pancake batter (I'm making pancakes rn) 
10- Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general?: I've got an Air Force flag signed by the Air Force basketball team from that one time we went to a game. I've also got a really old shirt with the sifnirure of a country singer who I've never heard of (I don't think she made it big) 
11- Preferred way to spend a rainy day? : Drawing. Raining tends to make me want to draw more! Also watching the Great British Baking Show 
12- What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted?: normally I don't eat bagels. But Nutella and almonds and bananas on a plain bagel is really good! Also does it mean like anything I want on a bagel? Because I will order $1M on a bagel and only eat the bagel and bam I'm rich it said ANYTHING so heck yeah it never said it has to be food 
13- Brunch or midnight snacks?: Ooh brunch! I love brunch. I've never had a midnight snack tho so I can't really say for sure. 
14- Favorite mug you own: my Coffee Mug 
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Also say hi to Emrys he's helping me make dinner 
15- What coffee drink would you describe yourself as? : 3% coffee 96% sugar 1% baked beans 
16- Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!): "I've grown tired of this body" Body by Mother Mother 
17- Fruity or herbal teas? : Fruity I guess? I'm not a big fan of tea, but I've had this watermelon mint tea and added ice and a bunch of sugar and it was pretty good 
18- What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?:.... Sonic X (it was part of my childhood and I just really like the theme and I like it in general don't judge pls) 
19- That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying?: It wasn't a book we read as a glass but I think it was called the dragonfly something I dunno it was a while ago but it was really interesting 
20- Do you match your socks? Nope 
21- Have you ever been horseback riding?: I don't think so? 
22- What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)- creepypasta everything. Every single thing. 
23- Have you ever been to jail?: nope
24- What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)?: I don't have an opinion on them? Is there Lazy Susan discourse I don't know about 
25- Puzzles?: no hate them they can burn 
26- You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it?: Apple juice I suppose? I don't drink much juice (I only really drink water, a little bit of coffee, and milk) 
27- What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore?: Fiction/Fantasy 
28- What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now?: I'm trying to start sewing again! 
29- Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat?: none, I only listen to music at night and I'm not really upbeat then. 
30- Where could someone find you in a museum?: the exit (sorry I've never really enjoyed myself at museums) 
31- What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to?: None. I don't likem my clothes. All my dresses are too small minus like one. 
32- Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds?: Stars! I rarely get to see them. 
33- If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be?: Are ferrets rodents? I'd like a ferret I'd name it Malfoy
34- Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs?: Art for sure. I have no photographs on my walls, only my own paintings. 
35- You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go?: "Yeet" in cursive on my shoulder is area place thing 
36- Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with: none sorry I don't like superheros 
36- Lakes, rivers, or oceans?: Oceans!!!!!!!!! They're so pretty and blue and filled with fish and pretty and fun to swim in and salty and cold and nice and amazing I love the ocean I miss it 
38- Favorite mid-2000s song: I'm not sure, I don't keep track of when songs were released ;-;
39- How do you dress when you’re home alone?: Just my normal clothes. T-shirt and leggings or shorts. 
40- Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)?: The Corner Spot. My my brother keeps stealing it. 
41- Knives or swords?: Knives bc you can cut bread with them 
42- A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving:  Body by Mother Mother. Also Burning Pile. 
43- Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie: None we didn't have Djnsye when I was a kid 
44- Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online?: Quote that relates to the photos? 
44- Name a classic Vine: Why you got a twelve car garage when you only got FIFTEEN CATS CUZ WE ALL JUST WANNA BE BIG RJCJSTARS 
46- What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store?: I don't go to the store but probably ice cream 
47- How do you top your ice cream?: More Ice Cream 
48- Do you like Jello?: it's okay it's a bit odd tho 
49- What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did?: the time I slapped a guy in the face multiple times 
50- How are you at climbing trees?: I'm pretty good at it, I climbed trees a lot as a kid and I climbed one a few weeks ago and was like "woah I'm still good at this?" 
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