#anyways i don't know what i'm talking about i don't know the ins and outs of lost media searches
amphibifish · 1 year
getting sad about lost media again :(
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kingcrow01 · 6 months
DC x Marvel Fic Recs
@jas-per11 @letthedeadghostrest
Hello! I saw your post, and I've been meaning to rec some DC x Marvel fics anyways, so I'll do that here. I don't know what you've read, so I'll start with
Peter Parker / DC Series:
The Dark Matter Multiverse Series by @mysterycyclone
Dark Matter is the blueprint for most Peter Parker / DC fics, and it's also fucking fantastic. If you're reading a crossover and don't understand why, without explanation, Peter is talking to ghosts? Why he by default ends up living in a firehouse? Read Dark Matter.
Spider and Bat Friends Series by @emmacortana
So far, 12 well written and hilarious works from my all-time favorite author, Miss emmacortana. This, coming from someone with over 1,500 bookmarks. She's that good.
Bitsy and The Bats Series Series by @wibbwoby
Haven't read this one in a while, so I don't have much to say, but Rated T for Traumatized is an absolute classic.
Pizzaverse Series by Irisen
A heavier read, wherein Peter tries to keep his job, make rent, and has a lot of unfortunate run-ins with Gotham's rogues.
Peter & The BatBoys (Doctor AU) Series by @thepoppypress
Peter is the Wayne family's doctor. He has a... chaotic time. I've only read Part 1, but I am still including this here because it's a series.
Peter Parker needs a hug (From the BatFamily) Series by @true-blue-fool
Shorter fics about Peter bonding with the Batfamily. Part 3 is especially cute.
Spider and Bats Series by @superklutzkent
Peter Parker whump, featuring the Batfam. All of the whump.
Let's take a break and look at some DC x Marvel fics that DON'T feature Peter:
Steve Rogers: Man out of Time and Place Series by RavenclawAngel
After Civil War, Steve gets exiled to DCs earth and builds a new team.
from the nucleus flight Series by @blackkatmagic
Khonshu whisks (Comic) Moon Knight away to DC. Very well written and passionate. If it's not your thing, don't let the Bruce Wayne/Marc Spector tag dissuade you from reading; since it's unfinished, the ship hasn't happened yet, and it's too good of a fic to miss out on.
The Devil's in Gotham (Remastered) by @prince-link13
Matt Murdock moves to Gotham and befriends Jason Todd, his neighbor. Bruce Wayne/Matt Murdock
Marvel/DC Crossovers Series by @bamboozled-and-alone
What it says on the tin. My favorite, part 2, is Matt Murdock taking care of Damian Wayne.
Echolocation Series by Firecat23
Matt Murdock and the bats; though, part 6 does have Team Red, meaning Peter.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming:
Peter Parker slash fics:
Cassandra Cain/Peter Parker
Along Came a Spider Series by @rags-n-bones
Quiet Respite by @faeriekit
I'm not too far in this one yet, but it's Faeriekit, so it's bound to be good.
Peter Parker/Tim Drake, affectionately called redspider
a shining spider web by Selador
Needling by LaughingFreak
How dimension travel can lead to love. Series by Psychic_Queen05
My current Favorite Ongoing Peter Parker / DC Crossovers:
The Ones Burnt by This_is_lovin
After the events of No Way Home, Dr. Strange's magic sends Peter to Gotham. He wakes up in another boy's body, and has to deal with the consequences. Part one just ended with a bang, you all should be there for part two, it's gonna be awesome.
Arachnomaly by @songue85
The (Comic) Amazing Spider-Man, being neighborly in Gotham. Plus some sick art from the author.
time flies by (bye) by WHYISEVERYNAMETAKEN
Two difficult years after No Way Home, Peter ends up in Gotham, but with a whole lot of introspection. One chapter left; you better be there.
All of the rest, that didn't fit in the prior categories:
Unforeseen Consequences by @mysterycyclone
Gotta Get to Rock Bottom! by @emmacortana
Read the initial notes first.
Set Naked on Your Kingdom by sassydandelion
Peter's Gotham Debut by BlankGeode, Leeavy
This Was Home by @emmacortana
The Peter Parker Theory by nicfics
and even though we are strange and exquisitely scarred by Wingfeather6913
What happens in New York by @violent138
A Long Way From Home (And No Way Back) by Vivia_wants_boba
Ignorance is Death by No_idea_what_Im_doing_lmaooo
One Dead Spider by Miellonek
If you do check out any of these fics, always leave a comment. Authors love those, it’s like catnip to them.
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daysofyellowroses · 5 months
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richie jerimovich x afab single mom reader | 4.6k | tw: smoking, language, little bit of smut
this story basically came from me listening to norman fucking rockwell and radio by lana del rey (my robbed queen) on repeat, two songs that don't have a ton to do with this story but I was vibing to them and thinking about the fact that I actually really find richie attractive and this story just came out
“Alright, I'll see you later thanks so much!”
You hurried down the steps of your house, jiggling the keys in your hand til you found the key fob for the car and unlocked it. Your bag was tossed into the passenger seat, and you quickly started the car.
When you pulled up in the crowded car park, you checked the time and let out a sigh. Five minutes late. Of course. You grabbed your bag and headed straight into the building, adjusting your coat as you slipped into the auditorium. 
There was a group standing at the back, but you scanned over the seats anyway, spotting an empty one and quietly sitting down, smiling as you saw Richie sitting in the next seat looking like he was struggling not to fall asleep.
“Hey,” You whispered, resting your bag in your lap. “Did I miss anything?”
“Oh, hey,” Richie smiled a little, sitting up and gesturing to the stage. “Nah, you didn't miss anything except this jabroni talking shit about lunch menus.”
“The usual then,” You nodded, looking at the stage. “His voice just drains me. I nearly fell out of my seat when he was talking to me at the last parent's evening. At least it would have rescued me.”
Richie laughed a little, rubbing his jaw and letting out a yawn.
“I hate these things. Can't they just send a letter home with the kids saying whatever all this is?”
“I wish.” You sighed, glancing over to Richie. You were a little surprised to see him, usually it was Tiff who came to these meetings, sat beside you in boredom. Maybe she wasn't feeling well or something, it was a rare occurrence for Richie to show his face at any school event that didn't directly involve Eva.
“Before I forget,” You looked back to your bag, reaching into it. “I have something for you. Here we are.”
You pulled out a folded slip of paper, handing it over to Richie with a smile.
“What's this?” Richie raised a brow with a grin as he unfolded the paper. “To Richie, you are invited to Mia's fifth birthday party on Saturday at 1pm..”
He looked over to you, holding up the colorful invite. “This is so adorable, really. Eva is so excited for the party, she spent an hour telling me about it the other night.”
You smiled as you watched Richie look back at the invite before carefully folding it.
“Honestly I think Mia would be happy if Eva was the only person to show up,” You grinned. “she keeps asking if she'll definitely be there. And she wanted to make sure you and Tiff got invites, she doesn't really understand that parents don't need invites, but I think in her mind if she invites you both then Eva will definitely be there.”
“That's fucking precious,” Richie smiled, looking over to you. “I'll be there, I got Eva on Saturday. But I think Tiff is..away, this weekend.”
You reached out to gently touch Richie's arm, giving him a warm smile. 
“But you'll be there, thank god. I'm gonna need someone to talk to because I can't deal with the mommy cult.”
Richie nodded, letting out a chuckle before looking to the stage.
“You know, I'm pretty sure he was the principal when I went here. And he was still giving the same speech.”
You let out a laugh that was louder than you intended, covering your mouth when a couple of heads turned to look at you and the principal craned his neck forward to see the cause.
“Please hold all comments until the Q&A,” He frowned, looking over the top of his glasses. “As I was saying..”
“Q&A?” Richie muttered, slinking back in his seat. “What is this, Cannes fucking film festival?”
A long hour later, you and Richie slipped outside for a smoke as soon as the meeting ended, avoiding any run-ins with the mommy cult that always seemed so keen to recruit you. 
“That was torture,” You sighed, reaching into your bag for a light. “I hate that man, honestly.”
“Me too,” Richie nodded, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and holding it out to you. “He hates me too though, since I called him a jumped up little fucker.”
You laughed as you slid out a cigarette, placing it between your lips and flicking your lighter.
“He is though,” You murmured, handing your light to Richie and exhaling.
“He definitely hates me too. I can feel it. Sorry I can't bring anything more exciting than rice crispy squares to bake sales, I have a fucking life.”
You let out a sigh as you flicked your cigarette, glancing over to Richie and laughing.
“Sorry, I don't mean to get all..uppity. How's everything with you? I heard the Beef is getting a makeover?”
“Yeah,” Richie nodded, exhaling smoke and resting his hand on his pocket. “It's uh..it's all good, yeah. Chaotic, but that's to be expected right?”
“Right,” You smiled, pulling your coat a little tighter. “It must be exciting though, knowing you're about to start something new.”
“Mm,” Richie nodded, taking a long drag on his cigarette. “I guess I'm just not letting myself get too excited just yet. Just in case.”
“That's fair,” You agreed, taking a drag of your cigarette and glancing over your shoulder as you heard voices coming from the front door of the school. “But I think it will work out. Gut instinct, I'm never wrong.”
Richie laughed softly, smiling as he looked over to you.
“I'll have to borrow some of your faith, I got this..thing coming up that I'm-”
“Oh my gosh, there you are!”
You raised a brow as you heard a voice behind you, turning around and forcing yourself to smile as you spotted one of the ringleaders of the mommy cult. Perfectly styled hair, flawless makeup, a coat that cost more than your mortgage, and a very fake smile on her face.
“Hey Sarah,” You smiled widely, your mouth hurting a little. “How are you?”
You heard Richie scoff behind you and tried not to laugh.
“Ugh, I'm such a mess right now,” Sarah sighed, tossing her long curls over her shoulder. “I just had to throw something on to come to this, I was just so busy all day.”
“Mm,” You nodded, biting your tongue hard. If spending your husband's money and fucking your PT was a career she'd be the CEO. “Yeah, it's..it's tough.”
“I know,” Sarah smiled, touching your arm. “I meant to catch up with you at the gates this morning but you just looked so..frantic.”
Sorry we can't all turn up at the school gates in designer gym wear with a perfect ponytail and a decaf latte, you thought to yourself, forcing the smile to stay on your face.
“But I wanted to check in with you,” Sarah continued. “About Saturday. Will you be serving food? Drinks? Cake?”
“Will I be serving food, drinks and cake at my five year old daughter's birthday party?” You raised a brow, tilting your head slightly with a smile. “Yes, yes I will be doing that.”
“Okay, awesome,” Sarah smiled. “Well Tabitha isn't eating meat, dairy or preservatives at the moment, just so you're aware..but please don't let that interfere with your plans, I can always just bring something for her myself.”
“Awesome,” You smiled, your cheeks starting to ache. “Well I have to be off but I'll see you Saturday, can't wait.”
Once Sarah had walked away you let out a deep sigh before turning back to Richie and taking a long drag on your cigarette.
“Well that was..awesome,” He grinned. “free entertainment.”
“For you maybe,” You sighed, laughing as you flicked your depleted cigarette away. Richie reached for the box and you shook your head. “God I can't stand that fucking woman. You know her precious Tabitha was eating hot dogs and cake at the birthday party last weekend. Funny how she always seems to develop new eating habits when I'm the one throwing the party.”
“Hey, don't let her get to you,” Richie insisted, gently touching your shoulder. “The party is gonna be awesome, the food is going to be great, if you need anything at all just hit me up, alright?”
“Stop being so sweet, I'll cry,” You laughed softly, gently squeezing Richie's arm. “But thank you. I appreciate it.”
Richie waved his hand with a smile, shaking his head. 
“Don't mention it. I gotta get going but I will see you Saturday, right? Gonna be awesome,” He teased in a high pitched voice.
“Oh fuck off.” You grinned, walking over to your and being unable to stop the smile the whole ride home.
For the rest of the week, you found yourself excited and nervous for the party, when usually you were totally calm. The past four had been a breeze, blow up some balloons, play music, serve cake. But this one had you feeling more on edge. 
On the morning of the party, you tried to relax yourself. Your best friend had come over to help you set up, and very sweetly entertained Mia while you got everything set up. You laughed when your best friend pointed out that your house looked more like a meeting of the Taylor Swift fan club than a birthday party, but Mia was a girl who knew what she wanted. 
Once everything was ready, you ran to have a shower and get changed before the first guests arrived, taking a little extra time with your hair and makeup but not too much because there was no need for full drag for a child's birthday party.
To your surprise/relief, the party seemed to be a hit. Mia and Eva were glued together the moment Eva arrived, the two of them running off into the house giggling, leaving you alone in the hallway with Richie.
“That's her day made,” You smiled, embracing Richie in a hug. “Thanks for coming.”
“My pleasure,” Richie gently stroked your back before you moved apart, holding out a large pink gift bag. “Got somewhere I can leave this?”
“Of course, come on through,” You smiled, heading into the living room where the coffee table was already starting to get full. You told yourself you had probably given the equivalent amount of gifts over the past few months between all the other kids parties but it still felt like too much. “You can just leave it with the others.”
“I would say what it is,” Richie smiled, setting the bag down before turning back to you. “But I don't know. Some teddy bear looking thing that's got some whole backstory, apparently.”
“They all have a backstory now,” You grinned. “I can't keep up. Do you want a drink? Something to eat?”
“Sounds good,” Richie nodded, gesturing to the door. “After you.”
A couple of hours, half of Taylor Swifts's back catalogue, dozens of hot dogs, endless cupcakes, and a couple of sneaky beers later, you were feeling much more relaxed. 
For the most part, you'd managed to avoid Sarah and the mommy cult, who mostly stood in a circle, one hot uneaten cupcake between them. There were some lunch boxes with half eaten salads in them, and you were sure there wasn't a crumb of cake left.
You were in the kitchen with your best friend, showing her some of the pictures you'd taken of the day when Richie came in, giving you a nod.
“Oh, perfect timing,” You smiled, holding out your phone to Richie. “How cute is this photo of the girls? I think I'm gonna have to get it framed.”
“Let's see,” Richie smiled, walking closer and accepting your phone. “Well look at that..that's possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen.”
“I'm gonna have to take off,” Your best friend smiled knowingly at you as you raised a brow. “It was a great day, honestly.”
As she was leaving you got a ‘He’s fucking cute’ mouthed at you and you had to bite your tongue.
“I know it's corny but I hope they're best friends forever,” You smiled as Richie handed your phone back. “they're so sweet together.”
“That is so corny,” Richie rolled his eyes with a grin. “But I get it. Even if it is really corny.”
“Shut up and get me another beer,” You raised a brow with a smile. “I should have you thrown out for being so rude to the host.”
“Alright, alright,” Richie held his hands up, walking backwards to the fridge. “I'm truly, truly sorry, you've been an amazing host, really.”
“Thanks,” You smiled, setting down your empty beer bottle. “I was weirdly stressed over all this but..I think it turned out okay? The cake was good, wasn't it? Like, it was okay?”
“Okay? It was out of this fucking world,” Richie opened the fridge, getting two beers from the bottom drawer. “Truly. You made it yourself right?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, accepting the beer Richie handed you with a smile. “I always make Mia's cake. Chocolate cake with peanut butter cups on top, it was what I asked for when I was five. Well, I asked for peanut butter cups instead of a cake but my mom compromised. It would be so much easier to just buy a cake, but..I just feel like I need to overcompensate because..”
“Because her dad is a bum,” Richie muttered, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “Sorry, that was..inappropriate. Forget I said that.”
You smiled as you opened your beer, watching Richie look like he wanted the ground to swallow him. 
“It's okay,” You insisted. “I've called him a lot worse. But I'm glad that the cake went over well.”
“Absolutely,” Richie nodded, taking a sip of his beer before glancing to the door. “Listen, before I forget..I actually have an extra gift for Mia. But I thought I should run it by you first.”
“Oh?” You set your beer down, resting your hands back on the counter. “What is it?”
“These,” Richie reached into his back pocket, pulling out an envelope and handing it over to you. “I managed to pull some strings.”
“What is this?” You smiled, turning the envelope and slowly peeling it open. You let out a gasp as you saw what was inside, carefully taking out a ticket to the Eras tour, looking back into the envelope and seeing three more.
“This is..”
You took a deep breath, laughing after a moment. 
“Richie..have you been walking around all day with these in your pocket?”
“Well..yeah?” Richie frowned, gesturing to the tickets. “I don't know if Mia still likes Taylor Swift but Eva really wanted to go to the concert and I figured if Eva likes Taylor Swift then Mia likes Taylor Swift, probably, and I thought it might be weird or a lot if I took them on my own and I don't even know if you're a Taylor Swift fan but I mean who isn't, really, and I-”
“Richie,” You held your hand up. “This is going to be her favorite gift of all time, it is unbelievably generous of you. I can't thank you enough, truly. This is..amazing, I can't wait to show her.”
Richie was silent for a moment, a smile stuck on his face.
“Don't mention it, happy to do it.”
You waited until all the other guests had left before you sat Eva and Mia down and got them to close their eyes, placing the tickets in their hands. You were pretty sure your hearing wouldn't come back for a solid day or two, you'd never heard screams so loud. 
While the girls played together, Richie helped you clean up, despite your insistence he was a guest and didn't need to.
You were standing on a stepladder taking down deflated balloons, handing them to Richie who was putting them in a trash bag.
“Oh shit, did I tell you about the soft launch?” He asked.
“The what now?” You raised a brow, glancing down at Richie. “What's a soft launch?”
“Like a..trial opening, for the restaurant,” Richie explained. “For family and friends. Just so we can see how it will go.”
“Oh,” You nodded, looking back to the balloons. “I get you. That's exciting, when is that happening?”
“Next Friday night,” Richie held the bag open as you dropped more balloons in. “You should come. Bring a friend, have a night out. I can put you down, if you want?”
You couldn't help but smile at the hopefulness in his voice, turning to look at him and leaning down a little.
“I want that very much,” You murmured softly, lightly biting your lip as you watched him take a breath and lean in closer. You felt your heart race, the scent of his cologne engulfing you and making you want to grab him and jump into his arms when you heard an excited shriek and quickly pulled back, clearing your throat and smiling as the girls came running back into the room. 
When you waved Richie and Eva goodbye, you let out a deep breath as you closed the front door, your heart still racing.
The week that followed was the longest of your life. Days went too slow and too fast. You spent your lunch breaks frantically searching for an outfit for the restaurant launch, sending endless links to your best friend for approval. You went back and forth on whether you should get your hair and makeup done professionally or if that was too much, but what if the restaurant was going to be fancy? You wanted to look the part after all.
When Friday came you raced home from work, changed into sweatpants and a comfortable baggy t-shirt before taking Mia to your friend's house, offering a thousand thank yous for the babysitting and a thousand promises to take them out to the Bear next time.
When you got home your best friend was just pulling up, and you quickly pulled her into the house.
You settled on allowing your bestie to do your hair and makeup, which proved to be the perfect choice when you couldn't stop looking at yourself in the mirror.
The dress you'd ordered hung in the closet, waiting to be worn. It was quite simple, black and mid-length, but still elegant and just a little bougie because..how often can you say you're going to a restaurant opening?
You looked up from the mirror, smiling through the nerves.
When you were walking around the corner to the restaurant, you raised a brow as you saw a line down the block, linking arms with your bestie as you went to join the queue.
“So,” Your bestie looked over to you with a grin. “You're definitely fucking him tonight, right?”
“What?” You laughed, slightly nervously, looking over to your bestie. “Don't be ridiculous, we're just friends.”
“Mm, okay,” Your bestie nodded. “you tell yourself that.”
You rolled your eyes and gave your bestie a nudge, the two of you bursting out laughing.
When you reached the front of the queue, you felt a fresh wave of nerves hit you as you walked into the restaurant. It looked incredible, totally different than it had before. You were just getting used to it when another new sight hit you, one that almost had your jaw on the floor.
“Ladies, welcome to the Bear,” Richie smiled, appearing in front of you in a suit, with a new cologne that had you feeling on edge already. He clicked his fingers and there was a waitress beside you both offering to take your coats. 
“You are in for an incredible evening, when you're ready follow me and I'll take you to your table.”
“Oh yeah,” Your bestie whispered to you as Richie led you to a table. “you're definitely fucking him.”
You slowly relaxed as the evening went on, enjoying having a rare night out. The wine was heavenly, the food was incredible, and having Richie drop by to check in on you was the cherry on the cake.
At some point he disappeared from the floor for a while, and you found yourself missing him, but focused on having some quality time with your bestie.
When you finished dinner, you felt like you wouldn't be able to move for a week, a wonderful feeling. You couldn't believe it when Richie appeared, coming over to your table with a tray in his hand, a plate covered with a cloche.
“Dessert, ladies,” He smiled. “enjoy.”
“Oh I honestly couldn't eat another-”
Your hand flew over your heart as Richie set the plate down, lifting off the cloche to reveal a large peanut butter cup with caramel drizzled around it.
“Thank you,” You managed after a moment, looking up to Richie. “I love it.”
“My pleasure,” Richie gave you a wink. “Enjoy.”
“Alright, smile,” Your bestie grinned, taking her phone. “I need a photo of this.”
After the perfect dessert, you felt like you were riding on a high, catching Richie's eye from across the restaurant and giving him a smile before looking back to your best friend. 
“I'll be right back.”
You got up and went to the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror and taking a deep breath. You smoothed out your dress, did a little over the shoulder look before spritzing on a little extra perfume and heading back out. You bumped into Richie almost immediately, taking a step back with a smile.
“Careful, I might think you were waiting for me,” You teased. “Thank you again for that dessert, and for everything..it's amazing.”
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Richie nodded, looking down for a moment before looking back up with a smile and a raised brow. “Something on my face?”
“No,” You smiled, gently touching his tie. “Just..admiring this new look.”
“Yeah,” You nodded. “Listen, I know you're probably gonna be going out to celebrate after this and I am being extremely presumptuous but I've had a bottle of wine so I can say this..”
You took a deep breath, looking away for a moment before looking back to Richie.
“If you're around, later..you know where I am.”
You walked away before he could respond, your heart thundering in your chest. You and your bestie collected your coats and decided to go have one more drink somewhere before heading home in an Uber, your head on her shoulder. 
You waved her off when you got dropped home, heading inside and checking your phone. Your friend who was babysitting Mia asked how the night had been, you sent a quick reply before heading upstairs to change. 
You put on some comfortable pajamas but kept your nice underwear on, just in case. You took your makeup off and did your usual nighttime routine before heading down to the living room and getting comfortable on the couch. 
An hour later you had a knock on the front door, smiling to yourself and getting up from the couch. You opened the door to find Richie on the other side, his head in his head.
“I just hit on your elderly neighbor,” He groaned. “I got the wrong door and said some things..can I come in?”
“Get in before Mr. Williams calls the police,” You grinned, taking Richie's arm and pulling him inside. “There's gonna be rumors about a late night deviant.”
“Hey, less of that,” Richie grinned, closing the door behind him. “I'm a lot of things but I'm not a deviant.”
“So what do you call terrorizing elderly men at night?” You teased. “Because I can think of a few words..like..”
You muffled a laugh as Richie put his hand over your mouth, gently moving your hand to his wrist and giving him your best doe eyes.
“Very funny,” Richie grinned, lowering his hand. “How you feeling? Alright?”
“Me? I'm feeling great,” You smiled, gently taking Richie's hand and guiding him to the stairs. “Let me show you.”
You raised a brow as Richie didn't follow you, turning back to look at him. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Richie nodded, clearing his throat. “I just uh..we don't have to just..” He gestured to the stairs and you couldn't stop smiling.
“So you came over to..talk?” You raised a brow with a grin. “watch TV? Have a cup of coffee?”
“Well, not..” 
“Richie,” You smiled, stepping closer to him. “Just spit it out.”
“Right,” He nodded. “Okay, I just..I really want to go upstairs but I don't want you to think I just came over for that like..I'm not that kinda guy, we can go for like a real date, see how this-”
“Richie,” You placed your hand over his mouth, raising a brow. “I know. I'm not like that, I know you're a decent guy. We got all the time in the world for dates, but right now I really need you to take me upstairs and fuck my actual brains out.”
You slowly moved your hand, smiling as Richie immediately closed the gap between you, his arms wrapping around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. He tasted like cigarettes and whiskey and you couldn't get enough, letting out a gasp as his hands moved down and he picked you up with ease. 
You weren't sure how you had the patience to get upstairs, but the moment you got Richie into your bedroom you couldn't wait much longer, letting out a moan as he threw you onto the bed and immediately began tugging your pajamas off. 
“Fuck,” He groaned, pulling back and looking down at you. “Were you..did you have these on all night?”
“Yeah,” You murmured softly, your hands holding Richie's tie and tugging him down for a kiss. “Am I keeping them on?”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
You lifted your legs, giving Richie a preview of how wet you were, meeting his eyes as he slowly peeled off your pants, tossing them over his shoulder. 
“Waiting for an invitation?” You grinned, laying back and resting your arms by the pillows. 
“Such a pillow princess,” Richie grinned, sitting up and undoing his tie. “didn't expect it.”
“You think so?” You raised a brow, moving your hand down between your legs. “Might have to start without you if you're taking so long..”
You grinned as Richie practically tore off the rest of his clothes, letting out a soft hum as your fingers dipped into your wet warmth, reaching your other hand out to Richie.
“Come on..don't keep me waiting all night.”
“Are you always so bratty?” Richie grinned, climbing onto the bed and watching you closely.
“Sometimes,” You murmured softly, meeting Richie's eyes. “But you can talk, with that pillow princess comment,” You moved quickly, straddling Richie's waist and holding his hands above his head. 
“Maybe I should let you do all the work, for being so rude.”
“Fuck,” Richie muttered, shifting his hips a little. “just say the word and you got it..”
“That so?” You smirked softly. “Might just have to put that to the test..”
“Yes ma'am.” Richie murmured, smirking as he sat up, kissing you deeply and pushing you down onto your back as you let out an excited squeak.
In the morning you texted a picture of a sleeping Richie to your best friend, captioned ‘We're just friends’
Two weeks later you and Richie stumbled upon Sarah's laundry room and made excellent use of the washing machine.
Six months later the two of you take your girls to the concert, holding them up on your shoulders. Richie teases you for singing along and you choose not to point out his hypocrisy, as he belts out every word. He leans in to kiss you and the girls shriek excitedly, you kiss him back and feel like everything will be just fine.
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jujutsubaby · 4 months
🩷 sex drive 🩷
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☆ pairing: toji fushiguro x afab!reader ☆ summary: you go to a valentine's day blood drive at work. maybe it's just that you've been single for too long, but isn't the volunteer drawing your blood kinda...? well, let's just say you wouldn't mind exchanging a few other bodily fluids with him, too. ☆ tags: modern au, workplace au ☆ warnings: 18+!! MINORS DNI!! dirty talk, oral sex (f!recieving), slight exhibitionism, daddy kink ☆ a/n: happy valentine's day (again)!! another quick little treat for u all hehe...inspired by my real life experience of going to a valentine's day blood drive (except for the fun parts ofc lmao).
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you knew you should have made up an excuse and stayed home today. you hate to be a cliche bitter ass single woman who's not getting any younger on valentine's day, but it's hard not to play to type when the whole office is decorated in cutesy pinks and reds. it definitely doesn't help that your boss, suguru, keeps getting visits every 15 minutes from his boyfriend satoru.
"ugh, what's with the pda?" you grumble at what feels like satoru's 30th visit to suguru's open cubicle. "haven't you two been together for, like, a thousand years already?" your coworker utahime helpfully makes gagging noises to emphasize your point.
"hey now, y/n, you KNOW that i'm the head of marketing and suguru's the head of sales! i can't help it if he and i have lots of important things to discuss," satoru protests with puppy dog eyes.
"i didn't realize important marketing meetings involve sitting on coworkers' laps now," utahime mumbles, and the pair of you giggle conspiratorially.
however, as the day goes on and utahime keeps receiving increasingly elaborate flower arrangements delivered to her from her doctor girlfriend shoko, you find yourself feeling more glum than ever. you decide to go out for a stroll, hoping the cold february air will slap some sense into you.
unfortunately, not even five minutes after you set out, droplets of threatening rain turn into a torrential downpour. you curse; in your mopey mood this morning, you totally forgot to check the forecast!
you really don't want to go back into the lovefest of your office right now, so you start looking desperately around for a rescue — an underhang to stand under, anything.
that's when you see a bright red sign advertising a blood drive for valentine's day being held at your neighboring building. that could be an interesting idea. at least this way, you can tell yourself you did a good deed on valentine's day instead of just complaining the whole time. even more appealingly, you see that it'll take about an hour, which is one less hour you'll have to spend around satoru's soppy nicknames for suguru. after shooting a quick text to your team's group chat informing them of your last minute appointment, you decide to brave the rain and head over, hoping there's an opening for a walk-in.
you enter the room where the blood drive is taking place, praying you don't look too much like a drowned rat. your self-consciousness melts away and you smile brightly when you see a familiar face.
"shoko! you're volunteering here today?"
"oh, hey y/n," your quiet friend replies, giving you a small smile back. "yeah, utahime and i have a date nearby this evening, so i thought i might as well sign up. what time was your appointment for?"
"well, uh, i didn't exactly make an appointment..." you say awkwardly. "are walk-ins ok?"
"no problem, we got a lot of no-shows today anyway," shoko replies with a subtle roll of her eyes. she then hands you a clipboard and a pen. "just fill this out, and i'll get you screened and set up and everything."
you gratefully take the clipboard and head into the tiny compartment curtained off at the side of the room, presumably to give donors some privacy as they get screened. you fill out the form (trying not to think of your stupid ex boyfriend when you encounter the questions about your sex life), and once you're done, you poke your head back outside of the compartment.
"i'm ready now, shoko," you call. when your friend doesn't answer, you crane your neck around to the desk where she had been sitting. "shoko?"
"she just went on break," a husky, masculine voice replies from behind you. "i'll be taking over." you look back and are immediately floored by what just has to be the finest specimen of the male form you've ever seen, clad in obscenely tight scrubs that emphasize every bulging muscle. focus!!
"oh thanks doctor...um...fushiguro," you read from his nametag. he's so tall that it happens to be at your eye level, giving you quite a nice eyeful of his firm, muscular chest. what business did men have being this tall, anyway?!
"just call me toji," he says casually, grinning down at you. he takes the clipboard from your outstretched hands and jerks his head back towards the compartment you had been waiting in. "let's head back there so we have more...privacy." maybe it's just your imagination, but you could have sworn he smirked when he said that. you take deep breaths to suppress the unholy thoughts you're having, and you follow him back into the side room.
when you push the curtain aside and go in after him, you see he's already settled into one of the two chairs crammed into the tight space that he's clearly a little too large for. as you daintily resume your position in your own chair, he shifts and splays his long legs out, brushing your thigh with his knee. you inhale sharply.
he clears his throat and pulls out a pair of reading glasses from his breast pocket before reading your questionnaire. he nods at your answers (although you can't help but turn beet red as his eyes scan over the section about when you last had a new sex partner).
"looks fine to me. let's take your blood pressure now...y/n" he says, positively purring when he sounds out your name. "beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he says with a roguish wink, making you turn even redder than you ever knew was possible. was he making you uncomfortable on purpose?!
"mind taking your top off?" he asks, rummaging around in the drawer in front of him.
"i'm sorry?!" you choke out. that was a freebie! happy fucking valentine's day to you!
"oh, sorry, i meant so i can put the bp monitor around your arm. i don't know if you can roll your sleeves up in that blouse," he says, looking up from the drawer. you notice his eyes on your breasts, and you realize that you of course had worn your white button down over your lacy black camisole on the day mother nature decided to get you soaking wet. you must look like such a hussy!
you quickly unbutton your blouse and show him your arm to wrap the thick velcro band around, trying hard to avoid eye contact. it doesn't matter, though; you can feel his eyes boring into you like lasers. why does he have to be so hot?! you hope being in his presence won't throw off your blood pressure reading...you can feel your pulse going a little haywire.
As he tightens the band and starts the measurement, toji starts making small talk.
"so, you doing anything for valentine's day?"
ugh. anything but this topic.
"no," you reply simply, hoping not to broker further discussion.
he presses on, not taking your cue (or if he did, he ignored it.)
"no? what, your partner doesn't celebrate?"
toji reads out your bp measurement to you, but you don't even pay attention to it as you notice his hand brushing the side of your breast as he unwraps the bp monitor's band from your exposed arm. you gulp as you realize only the thin satiny layer of your cami is keeping his hands from touching your tits.
"uh..ah.." you say, hoping he doesn't notice the effect his one brief physical touch had on you, "n-no...my ex-boyfriend and i broke up a few months ago already." you don't mention how you saw him in your bed on your birthday in the arms of another person.
toji looks up at you from darkly hooded eyes.
"his loss...i know i'd treasure valentine's day with a pretty little thing like you."
just like that, toji snaps back into professional mode again, leaving you reeling once more from his flirtatious behavior. he was way too handsome to be acting like this on a dime! a girl like you could get ideas...
"i'm going to do a thumbprick now to get a quick reading on your blood. is that ok with you?"
you nod, and he grins at you.
"that's my girl," he hums in a low voice.
then, before you're even able to process what's happening, he takes your hand and engulfs it in his own. he then begins rubbing your hand back and forth, and you feel a small frisson of pleasure at the sensation of his callouses against your small, soft fingers.
"noticed your skin was a little cold, so i thought i'd warm your hand up before taking the sample," he explained, but you're hardly able to even listen to him as you enjoy the blissful sensation of his hands rubbing yours. his fingers were so long and thick, and so dextrous... how would those fingers feel somewhere else...no! stop! what are you thinking?! you've definitely been single for too long.
"all right, y/n," toji murmurs gently. "you're just going to feel a small prick...sorry about that..." he takes the sample and puts it into a machine for processing. he then reaches back into the drawer and withdraws a digital thermometer.
"while we're waiting for that to finish, let's take your temperature." you nod and extend your hands to take the thermometer from him, but he ignores you and instead roughly takes your chin in one of his huge, warm hands, tilting your head up towards his chest.
"open up for me now, y/n" he purrs, your name sounding like the sweetest and most beautiful sound you've ever heard when it's coming from his mouth; you can't help but comply. he gently inserts the thermometer under your tongue, and you note his eyes lingering on your lips for much longer than they have to. embarrassingly, you notice heat pooling between your legs, and tension twisting by your belly button. you could get used to this...all too soon, though, the thermometer beeps, and he takes it out. toji clicks his tongue as he reads the small display.
"99 degrees even," he reads out. "now that's a surprise."
"what? why's that?" you ask, confused. how could a body temperature be surprising?
"well, our cutoff is 99.5, and i was sure you'd be way too hot," he says with a laugh and another wink. you giggle back demurely; you can't help but act all girlish and coquettish with someone like him. you've never seen a man in real life wink so much, but you find you don't mind. it suits him.
"all right, y/n, let's go get some blood drawn!" he says enthusiastically, rising from his chair. you follow suit. he reaches around you (did his arm just brush your breasts again?) and opens the curtain for you. "after you, princess."
you used to hate when your ex called you "princess"...but when toji called you that, it sounded like the doors to the heavens opened and angels were singing. you'll definitely be thinking about that for awhile. probably before bedtime, and probably while touching yourself. you sigh and exit the small room before hopping up onto one of the cots that were brought to the building for the blood drive.
toji pops a small stress ball into your hand. "now, make a fist for me," he says, using his fingers to close yours, "and start squeezing that." he squeezes his fist around yours. it wasn't so confusing of an instruction that you needed a demonstration, and you're beginning to suspect that toji's making excuses to keep touching you. not that you mind, exactly.
you keep squeezing, and he examines the tender inside of your elbow. "that's a gorgeous vein you've got there, princess. this'll be easy for me," he murmurs seductively, and you blush. you've never been complimented on a vein, of all things, before.
soon, toji pierces your arm (pursing his lips sympathetically as you emit a sharp gasp, which of course makes you stare at his lips), and your blood is pumping merrily into a bag. you decide to make conversation with him, this time.
"how about you, toji? i'm sure someone like you has big plans for valentine's day, right?" you ask, raising your eyebrows suggestively.
"oh, yeah," he chuckles. "if you count getting high and watching magnolia for the millionth time big plans. i don't really go for that stuff," he says.
"i love paul thomas anderson," you say huskily, trying to flutter your eyelashes at him. it's been a long time since you've flirted, and you're probably embarrassing yourself. "you know what the perfect film of his for today would be, though?"
"what's that, princess?"
you smirk. "there will be blood."
toji lets out a huge laugh in spite of himself, and you smile proudly. flirtation successful!
soon, your blood has filled the small bag, and toji removes the needle, pressing gauze to the wound. the feel of his hands pressing into your arm is one of the most blissful things you've felt all week. he asks you to continue maintaining the pressure, and you feel like whining that it won't feel as nice as when he does it before remembering where you are and complying. you watch as he picks up your sample and sorts it in with the others; you feel a bit shy, seeing him manhandle your little blood bag like that. it feels so intimate.... you gulp as you imagine him manhandling you like that.
"all right, y/n, now you just need to rest for twenty minutes, and you'll be good to go." you start climbing out from the cot, feeling a little disappointed that your short, exciting interaction with toji is coming to an end. oh well. some excitement is better than none.
"we have some cookies for the donors in the seating area," he continues. "lucky you...i'd love a little taste of something sweet right about now..."
ok, it definitely wasn't your imagination — he positively growled that last sentence, and he was eyeing you. as you get up, you notice you're a little shaky on your feet; you realize that you actually hadn't eaten lunch before coming, since you'd been in such a rush to get away. you list and sway dangerously to one side, but a pair of strong arms braces you. you let your head fall back onto a perfectly firm, taut chest.
"careful, there, sweetheart" toji whispers in your ear, his breath tickling your sensitive skin as he lifts you up. you try not to think too much about how your back is pressed into him right now. "i think i'd better keep an eye on you." he walks you over to the front of the room, bracing your back against himself the whole way over. he leads you to the front of the room, where there are folding chairs and a card table with a small platter of supermarket cookies as promised. as shoko had alluded earlier, the blood drive was not busy at all. in fact, it was completely empty currently; just you and toji, alone in this room... you feel yourself getting faint again, but not for the same reason.
"y'know, princess..." toji says, sitting again with his legs splayed out over the chair across from you as you nibble a chocolate chip cookie. "my shift's ending right about...when your observation period ends."
you tilt your head inquisitively at him, hoping you knew why he was saying this. he leans forward, the flimsy plastic chair creaking under the weight of his solid muscle. what you'd let that muscle do to you...
"i don't think that i, as a medical professional, can let you go back to work today..." he continues. "i think you'd better go home after this." then, he smiles deviously. "and i think i'd better take you back, just to give you a...full examination."
it takes all of your restraint not to fling the rest of the cookie down and jump his bones right then and there. instead, you reply,
"i think i'd appreciate the house call." you do your best to make your voice ooze with suggestion so he knows you're picking up what he's putting down.
after what feels like the slowest fifteen minutes of your life, it's finally time to leave. just as toji's shift is about to end, shoko returns from her break, and you take the opportunity to ask her to have utahime bring your things back home from the office for you. since they're your neighbors, you can pick them up later tonight. or perhaps, tomorrow morning...just in case tonight gets a little too busy.
"something came up," you explain to her breathlessly, but you know shoko notices toji's hand creeping up the small of your back.
"have fun," shoko says to the both of you, only slightly judgmental but mostly encouraging.
since you took the bus to work that morning and toji refuses to wait a moment longer than he has to to commence your "examination," he insists on driving you back in his car. you both practically sprint through the parking lot, and he breaks at least three traffic laws zooming back to your apartment in the rain as you yell directions. for a doctor, he sure is awfully reckless.
finally, finally, after an agonizingly long wait, you're at your building. you're about to climb out of the car, but toji is way ahead of you, opening the door for you. you are about to climb out and jokingly thank him for his chivalry when he unceremoniously scoops you out of your seat and swings you over his shoulder. you shriek with laughter.
"toji! put me down!"
you're also all too aware that you're wearing a pretty short skirt that day.
"sorry, princess," he says smoothly. "it's protocol. i can't have you walking back in just in case you pass out, or something."
you're about to ask if he's even been to medical school when he shoves your key into your apartment door, slams it open, and, equally roughly, slams your back against the wall. the breath is shoved out of your lungs as he immediately captures your mouth with his, swallowing any potential protest you might have had (which you didn't, you absolutely didn't. not even close.). he carries your entire weight easily as he shuts the door behind him with his foot; you're hardly paying attention, though, as you're too busy widening your mouth and entangling your tongue with his. you greedily bite down on his lip, and he growls in response.
"let's get you to the examination table," he groans. you wrap your legs around his narrow waist, and he carries you haphazardly to your dining table, crashing into and knocking over furniture along the way. carrying you with one arm, he carelessly clears the table with his other before plopping you onto the tabletop. he kneels before your legs and tears off your tights in one swift motion.
"i hope you're planning to help clean up—" you start, but your breath hitches in your throat as he begins kissing up your ankle, then your calf...then your thigh...he gets slower and slower as he gets closer to where you most want him to go. you try to shift forward on the table to bring your throbbing center closer to him, but he holds you firmly in place with two powerful hands clamped on your hips.
"patience, princess..."
you close your eyes and start taking deep breaths, but the moment is disrupted by an annoying loud vibration against the wooden tabletop.
"who the fuck is 'ryomen sukuna?'" toji scoffs, "and why do you have a heart next to his name? you been lyin' to me, princess? have you been naughty?"
"no," you breathe, and it comes out as a whine. "no, daddy, i've been a good girl, promise. please..."
"'please' what, princess? help daddy out here," he purrs with a wicked grin. just then, your stupid phone vibrates again, and you're about to pick it up and throw it out the window when toji wrests it from your grip.
"your idiot ex, i'm guessing?" he asks. all you can do is nod, the words robbed from you.
"well, my professional recommendation is...for you to tell him to fuck off."
"i will, toji, i promise," you pant. "please, just ignore him, i promise, he's nothing to me."
"you're not listening to me, princess..." toji says in a low, dangerous voice. "i want you to tell him to fuck off. right. now." he slides the answer button on your phone and hands it to you before you can protest.
"h-hello?" you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "sukuna?"
"heyyyy, y/n....missed hearing your voice, boo," sukuna coos, clearly inebriated. you scoff in disgust; it's only four in the afternoon. sukuna was such a mess.
"what do you want, sukuna? i thought i w-was..." you start out assertively, but your resolve is breaking as a practiced tongue once again starts swirling its way up your legs, alternating between your left and right thighs. you clench your toes and grit your teeth before continuing.
"i was ... clear...that ... that we're o-over," you say, the last word coming out as a moan as you feel a set of teeth pulling off your panties ever so gently.
"baby, i told you!" sukuna whines. "uraume's nothin' to me, babe! they're just a friend! you're my one and only, baby!"
even in the midst of the sensory overload occurring in your bottom half, you still roll your eyes. yeah, "just friends" made out in bed naked all the time, right?
"i want you to...to...s-stop.." you pant, as sukuna finally picks up on your strange manner of speech.
"hold on, y/n, is someone there with you?" he snarls, his famous temper rising to the forefront. "you whoring it up with another guy already?"
at that, toji grabs the phone from you and growls into it, "seems like she finally decided she needs a real man, not some cheatin' asshole who can't appreciate her properly!"
the moment he finishes talking, toji leans back into your thighs and finally plunders you with his tongue, raising the phone to your mouth in time for you to moan sinfully into it as sukuna is arguing back. toji doesn't even bother hanging up as he throws the phone across the room.
toji grips your thighs tightly enough to leave bruises as he feasts on you, and you wrap your legs around him, tangle your hands in his short hair, and squirm in delight. it doesn't take you very long to come undone under his practiced mouth.
he rises back to his feet, licking his lips.
"finally got to satisfy my sweet tooth today," he says mischievously. you grab the v-neck of his shirt and tug him closer to you aggressively.
"take me to bed. it's your turn next," you declare authoritatively. then, you kiss him fiercely, tasting yourself on his lips and tongue.
"your wish is my command, princess," he replies with a dark chuckle, before lifting you, bridal style, to your bedroom.
this was shaping up to be a great valentine's day after all.
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sugaroto · 1 month
Ok so Buddy can somehow be in all the books Chase enters
Which, according to silver should not be possible
But he somehow is always there
Also like about the last chapter, I mean we're not sure what role he got, but I kind of feel like he got the sister's? That's the obvious answer?
And I feel like he's been there a while, so probably since the beginning of the book
Like look at him he looks like he lives in the jungle
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He threw a spear at Chase
And still wears useless belts
So he's been there while chase hasn't
Also I remember chase telling him about "the Shortcut" he found with the bookmarks and Buddy being like YOU CANT DO THAT
And like, if he's there since the beginning, how did he not notice chase just appearing randomly near the end?
Also wait, this is random, but wasn't his first appearance with him chilling on a tree? What's the villainess doing on a tree 😭 he's just a cat
I remember seeing somewhere that theory that Buddy is Violet, and perhaps trans, hence being a guy in the stories while they key as far as we know is a girl
Which um could explain why he is everywhere I guess? If he is the villainess
Hm also his color palette, his main outfit is purple
And kinda outdated I guess?
We've also never seen him leave or enter the book, he's just there
The only thing that makes me believe he's not a key is that he referred to the keys as "it" while Chase uses the correct pronouns of the keys, he views them as people whereas Buddy called them "it" cause he views them as objects
And yet, he's on a talking stage with Violet since she gives him outfits
And freaking awesome outfits at that
(Unless, as someone else said they have a bad relationship and he goes out of his way to make his own outfits just to prove chase wrong)
Honestly I don't think I'm going somewhere with this post I'm just pointing out stuff
And Punko said on her live yesterday that she can't spoil his name cause it'd be much better when we find out on our own
So like
His name means something?
Or like I guess she has a good scene planned or something like that and doesn't want to spoil it which makes sense
If he's trans violet I'm guessing his boy name is Victor 🤓☝️ I couldn't sleep some days ago and thought about a whole plot with Victor and he and chase had a somehow tragic ending
I can't wait to find out more about him
How is he in every book
What is his purpose
What is his name
Hm wait okok
New theory what if he's trapped
He somehow is trapped into book world
And maybe cause a kid disappeared ex libris kinda broke up
But he doesn't know and just tries to leave, or do whatever it was he was supposed to be doing
So he just shows up into whatever book the hero/ine characters chose
Like c'mon chase found the key at a random library and Buddy is like you stole the key!! C'mon dude I don't think ex libris had that one
And like he then found 2 other keys on yard sale c'mon
Shouldn't these guys know what's up
How do you lose keys you don't let out
Something has happened
Oh god can't wait for more lore
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arialice · 12 days
A crack theory appeared in my mind after listening to ep 20 and I felt the need to share.
The 5 OIAR empolyes represent Jon across the 5 seasons of tma.
Season 1 is Alice, playing the skeptic hoping that closing her eyes and stuffing her ears will make everything go away. Both her and Jon dismissed the stories they came across, making up excuses.
Season 2 is Sam. He's now accepted there's weird stuff going on, and he's determined to investigate and find out what's happening. Sam's determined to find out the deal with the Magnus institute, Jon wants to know if the people around him are safe and to be trusted. (I'm not super sure on this one*)
Season 3 is Gwen. Knows a bit more now, but isn't fully in on it yet. She's having run-ins with the externals just like Jon with the avatars, and I've seen some people drawing parallels between her encounter with Bonzo and Jon's with Nikola. (Also makes me think that Gwen will figure out what's mostly happening by the end of the season since we got full confirmation about the fears mid way through 3. It'd be cool if Gerry will be the one to tell us.)
Season 4 is Celia. She thinks she knows how everything works pretty well by now, except something unexpected comes along. She thought she knew the way the fears worked, but she might be realizing that things aren't exactly so simple, just like how the extinction came in and messed with the avatar classification that Jon thought he knew.
Season 5 is Lena. She's in on it, an insider. She's more cryptic, not making a lot of sense to those that don't know as much (so, basically everyone). She has a questionable morality, no one knowing whether her intentions are good or not, just like Jon who started smiting not for protection, but for revenge. Also if I'm remembering so many people are just..confused like 70% if the time Jon talks.
*Tbh Sam is the one I'm most hesitant on. Colin might also work for season 2 (he's def got enough paranoia), but we don't know if he's actively investigating. High possibility that he's the stand in for season 2 Jon, and Sam's just another thing entirely.
Anyway...good podcast
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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SUMMARY: Once John had learned that he couldn't assist bernardo's wedding, he had given the responsibility of looking after you to the person he trusted most. but maybe it wasn't the best choice.
PAIRING: stones!reader x rúben dias
REQUEST: What about a smut with Rúben where he takes you to the bathroom at Bernardo's wedding because he couldn't keep his eyes off of you and telling you how much he wants to make you his ?
WARNINGS: smut with a plot, unestablished relationship, unprotected sex, don't know what else (?
you didn't know why you had decided to come to bernardo's wedding when john told you he couldn't make it. of course, you tried to convince yourself that you were friends with ines, -which wasn't completely a lie, so your presence there was justified. no one would have batted an eye if you missed it, so, why had you agreed to come?
the answer was breathing on your neck right now, whispering "you're not playing fair right now" against the shell of your ear, after ignoring you all night. his calloused hands held tight onto your waist to stop you from grinding against him, a special vengeance after he only dared to watch you from afar, only getting closer when everyone else was too drunk to care. that wasn't the case for you, just tipsy, enough to make you forget that half of the people invited here knew you, your brother, and rúben.
turning around, but still in his hold, you crossed your arms annoyed, and he had to maintain his eyes on yours, even if he was tempted to drop his gaze down to your cleavage. "and you aren't?" you rolled your eyes, truly annoyed with his behavior. you had seen him around all day, ever since he arrived looking oh so devilishly handsome as always, and it was killing you inside that you couldn't do anything about it. "with your stupid waistcoat," tugging into the clothing item that was hidden all night under the jacket he decided to wear, until the high hours of the morning. 
your hands traveled from the end of the waistcoat to the top of his shoulders, not without feeling his abdomen in the middle, making rúben hold in a breath. "...and your stupid white shirt," you said, going down the length of his arms, so big and strong as always, and reaching his forearms that were showing after he rolled up his sleeves due to the portuguese heat. you huffed, almost defeated at how pretty he was. "and i'm not pointing out your stupid face".
rúben's brows furrowed at that, not understanding the meaning of your words. pouting, he questioned, "what's wrong with my face?", which made you shake your head and drop it against his chest in resignation. "you don't get it because you can't see yourself".
he grinned with his million dollar smile at the compliment, and you wrapped your arms behind the portuguese's neck. he freezed, for a moment, remembering where you were, but his anxieties seemed to ease when he looked around and saw that everyone around was too engrossed in the music playing, anyways. "you were watching me all night," you deadpan, and he doesn't understand what you meant by the statement until you continue talking, "don't know why you're all worried if someone sees us now".
"i told your brother i'd keep you safe," rúben shrugs, and you groan at the mention of your older brother. you giggle, "you're doing such a good job, clearly", and he has to avert his eyes to avoid the bedroom eyes you're giving, taunting him. "if i was, joão wouldn't even have laid a finger on you". his jaw is locked now, nostrils flaring at the mention of the fellow portuguese who had gotten seated next to you, miraculously, and not, in any way, an attempt from ines to exercise her matchmaking skills.
the sight is just too funny to avoid pointing out, so you're giggling "no way! you're jealous!" before you can think about any other than you two hearing. it has rúben fuming in a way you haven't ever seen before, and it's not long until he's dragging you out of the dancefloor.
"i'm not," is the first thing he says once he closes the door, hard. you look around and realize that you're in the very nice and fancy bathroom of the salon where the reception is held, and rúben gets annoyed about your eyes wandering around instead of focusing on him. "i'm not" he repeats, grabbing your chin forcefully with his fingers, to get you looking straight at him.
"then why did you drag me here?".
the answer was easy, but hearing rúben say it wasn't what you expected. much less, the deep tone he used and the way his heavy breathing ghosted over your neck. "because you seem to be forgetting who you belong to". using the deep cut your dress had to his favor, sneaking his hand under the clothing to cup your pussy, earning him a small breathy moan, "so i've gotta remind you".
the smirk painted on his lips is borderline devilish when he feels how wet you already are. "you wanted this, didn't you?". he lifted you up on the counter, making sure you were close to the edge of it before resuming the heated kiss. he takes your bottom lip between his teeth, pulling away before letting go and you whine in pleasurable pain. "wanted me to drag you here and fuck you? that's what you wanted?".
you can't say yes, because he's overwhelming you in all the best ways, but the way your hips buck against his hand should tell him the answers. your legs are spread wide, granting rúben all the access he could need, and he takes the invitation, slick fingers rubbing small circles on the sensitive bud. you can't take the teasing any longer, so you start to beg for him to do something, and it's not long until you feel him fiddling with the black belt, losing it before pulling himself out of the confinement of his pants. 
your lips never detached from each other, proven to be useful in trapping greedily the moans that escaped your lips and the grumbles that resonated in the back of his throat. "can you be quiet for me?" he asked, and you nodded eagerly, feeling him teasing your folds, coating himself in your juices. you were so wet the filthy noises could be heard over the loud music outside of the room you two were in, but you were too needy for him to care about being embarrassed. "p-please. i'll do what you say".
being dominant was part of who he was, both on and off the pitch. but there was something in the way you looked so submissive underneath him that lightened him up like a flame, burning him from the insides with desire.
he was slow at first, looking intently at the way he disappeared inside you that had you gasping for air until he, finally, bottomed out. he knew you two had to be quick, but he couldn't care less about the passing of time at the moment: there was no way he could last long by the way you were squeezing around him, with his hip snapping against you. "fuck, fuck, i'm not gonna last long" rúben whimpered, forehead pressed against your own, and his rough voice pulled you closer to the edge.
with a particular deep thrust, you're done, falling apart on rúben's hold. he continues to fuck you through your high, and it's not long until his own movements starts getting sloppy as his own orgasm hits him, his warm seed coating your insides.
the cold marble felt nice against your hot skin, keeping you grounded even if you were about to pass out from the pleasure. rúben murmured praises in your ear, telling you how good you did for him, how perfect you were at the same time he was helping to clean you up, and you couldn't be more grateful for him.
a few minutes later, once you had gotten your breath in control and could stand straight again, you said "you didn't tell me why i wasn't playing fair", turning around from facing the mirror once you had finished getting your hair right. with your index finger pointing hard at his chest, you emphasized, "according to your rules, of course". rúben tilts his head back in laughter, and even if you can hear the music louder than before, the giggles that erupt from his mouth can be heard clear as day. "you're too pretty for your own good".
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max1461 · 3 months
I've talked before about how scientific knowledge assumes a robust body of everyday knowledge. When you do a scientific measurement, you need to trust that your instrument is giving you the right reading instead of an error, for instance. You probably don't know the ins and outs of how the instrument works yourself—you're trusting technicians to be able to do their job and make the instrument work. They may use a mixture of formal knowledge and informal knowledge to do this. You hear all kinds of stories of technicians saying things like "this machine's a little finicky, if it doesn't give a reading just give it a couple of whacks" or whatever all the time.
You use everyday, "common sense" reasoning of various sorts to determine if your instruments work and if your technicians are trustworthy and capable and so on. You can bolster this knowledge in other ways—for instance, if another research group on the opposite side of the world gets the same result as you, that's some evidence that your readings weren't a technical error. But trusting this research group requires all sorts of other informal knowledge, which you get through e.g. your professional network as a scientist and so on, about whether they're working in a reputable lab and whether the journal they published in is reputable and so on and so forth.
I'm not saying that this makes scientific knowledge untrustworthy. Far from it, I think scientists' ability to manage these epistemic hurdles is generally quite good, although certainly not flawless. They're an occupational hazard of being a human and trying to collaborate with other humans to figure stuff out about the world, there's no way you can get around it. But I do think it means that if you want to consider yourself, you know... epistemically virtuous, a good skeptic, you need a working model of how everyday knowledge is and should be obtained, an epistemic theory applicable to "folk knowledge" not obtained through the scientific process. Not only because you use folk knowledge all the time in your everyday life and should probably be thoughtful about whether it's bullshit or not, but also because the scientific process itself relies on it in a straightforward way.
Anyway, I can't do a rigorous scientific study to figure out... how I should respond to my friend when they're down, or how to throw them a good birthday party, or whatever. And I would be dubious of any psychology study which claims to answer these questions in a general sense. But that doesn't mean that I don't know how to do these things for my friend! My specific, "folk psychological" understanding of who my friend is as an individual, what they care about, how they respond to things, these are more reliable guides than the psychological literature would be on this issue! That viewpoint is not "anti-science". The alternative view is so patently ridiculous that basically no one hews to it, not even scientists.
On second thought I'm sure there are like, some podcast guys who believe it...
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How To Get The Girl
Oscar Piastri x Zak Brown Daughter OC
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"I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to her," Oscar mumbles, looking between the men that had become like brothers to him on the grid. "I mean she's a beauty, and even more than that she's brilliant. Zak was telling me how she-"
"Is a 4.0 student studying elementary education blah blah blah," Lando cuts him off, having been standing with their boss as well when he was bragging about his daughter. "Mate, you just have to pulling it together and ask her out. Buy her a rose or compliment her clothes or something," He suggests, earning a shake of the head from the Dutchman and American beside them.
"Dude, just tell her that you find her hot," Is Logan's suggestions, one that has none of the drivers questioning why he remains one of the few drivers to be single.
"Or, you could compliment her intelligence. Women always love when you compliment their brains instead of their looks," Max offers as his attempt to help, not having a ton of advice for the kid given he wasn't entirely sure how he managed to get Kelly to date him in the first place.
"Listen to Max, don't listen to Logan," The woman of the hour chimes, having approached the boys outside of the Mclaren garage without warning or detection. "Women don't want to feel like you only appreciate them for their bodies.
Lando, ever the wingman wraps his arm around Oscar's shoulders, chuckling. "You know, Oscar could use a bit more insider advice like that, do you have any spare time?"
"Spare time? I'm literally just here to smile and wave a Zak Brown's daughter," I can't help but remind, making the boys laugh. "But insider scoop? Do I know this girl, Osc?"
The Australian shakes his head no, but I can see the faint blush on his cheeks, and I can't help but feel deflated.
"Well, if you buy me a coffee I'll tell you the ins and outs of talking to women," I offer, Lo nodding on Osc's behalf.
"He'll buy you that coffee, we don't have our media panel till later anyways," Max is the one to offer a real answer, the older driver smiling down at me.
"You all are a suspicious bunch, you know that?"
"It's why they're never to be trusted," Oscar offers, making me laugh an him smile. "Are you available for a walk?"
Holding out my hand, I can't help but smile as I beckon him forward. "Come on Piastri, let's get you sorted before one of these goons teaches you how to peeve out a woman."
And he follows, the both of us waving goodbye to his now grumbling friends.
"I think you may have hurt their egos, they tend to think they're great with women," Osc jokes, not meeting my eyes.
"All three of those boys would make great boyfriends, they're sweet and caring beyond all else. But being a good boyfriend and being able to get girls are very different monsters," I offer, him bumping my side with his own.
"And what about me?"
"You Oscar Piastri, would make an amazing boyfriend," I assure. "And from the sounds of it, you may get the chance to prove me right soon, yeah?"
My heart twinges in pain, even the idea of him with someone else hurting. Of having to befriend her and stand with her in the garage and watch them be a couple making me uncomfortable.
But all I can do is smile, because he's my friend first.
"Oh, yeah," He mumbles, the words having an strong Australian hit that usual.
"So, tell me about her! What are her interests? The more I know, the better the advise I can give."
"Here, let's get coffees first and then I'll take all the wisdom you can give me, yeah?" Osc offers, but he's ducking off to the coffee cart to our left before I can even answer, simply trailing along after him as he greets the woman. "Could I please get a lemon tea and an iced coffee with oat milk and hazelnut flavoring?"
How does he know my coffee order?
He smiles down at me, eyes warm as he hands my drink over to me, his fingers brushing my own and him all together overwhelming my senses. His cologne, his smile, his eyes.
"How do you know what I get in my coffee?" I can't help but ask, his smile turning bashful.
"You order it ever time you're here and the team grabs breakfast, guess I just picked up on it," Is his answer with a shrug, acting as if its the most simple thing in the world.
But it means a lot.
"Whoever this girl is you're trying to ask out is a very lucky girl, Oscar Piastri," I compliment, his cheeks shading pink.
"Do you really think so?"
And I can't help the scoff that leaves my lips at his insinuation that it could be anything but the truth.
"Osc, you remembered my coffee order. You're sweet, you're smart, more than talented, and you have a big heart," is my justification, patting his chest.
"So, you think a girl would say yes if I asked her?" Is his next question, starting our movement away from the coffee spot and simply moving through the paddock.
"Without a doubt." I know I would.
"So if I asked you?"
"If you asked me what? For tips?" I joke, bumping him with my shoulder, but he's not laughing like I am.
"No, if I asked you out," He corrects, putting a hand out and taking my own. "I'm asking you out."
"I- what?"
"Maeve Brown, the girl I needed help asking out was you," He clarifies, eyes meeting mine as he smiles, clearly amused by confusion.
"You... like me?"
"Very much so yes," Osc nods, his hair falling into his face.
It makes me laugh, and that's not the reaction he was expecting based on his confused expression.
"You are the biggest idiot I've ever met, Piastri."
Now he just looks insulted. "Excuse me?"
"I have been interested in you since you were with Alpine and you needed my own advice to ask me out? To which I never even gave you because you just asked me out?" I explain, still chuckling at the once again bashful boy.
"I guess I just needed a boost in confidence," Is his shrugged response. "But if you've been into me that long, does that mean it's a yes?"
"You're an idiot," I repeat once more, leaning up to place a kiss to his lips. "But I'd be more than happy if you'd be my idiot."
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dnpbeats · 1 month
emma i need to confess something any theory about dnp fucking other people pisses me off
anon i'm gonna put about twenty disclaimers on this bc i'm not trying to start discourse but i must say i agree 😭😭 TO BE CLEAR at the end of the day we don't know the ins and outs of d&p's relationship, and we never will. as dan said in BIG ppl want to know who he's fucking when he's fucking them and how long he's fucking them but that is not our business to know!! so i acknowledge that my thoughts on this are my thoughts and they come from a place of personal bias and projection! so if u disagree that’s okay!! okay anyway:
yeah lmao i get that i honestly don't think that they are in an open relationship for a variety of reasons. like logistically speaking it'd be difficult (espc before they were out) and we at least know phil doesn't like one night stands, so it's not like they're perusing grindr every day looking for someone to hook up with. but also like all the swinging jokes are what make me be like yeah they aren't doing that bc if they were i don't think they'd joke about it sm bc i think it would hit too close to home 💀😭 also, i think people read too much into some of dan's comments during WAD. like i get it, yes he likes making horny jokes, but i dont think it's that deep. like even if he wasn't with phil/was in an open relationship, he wasnt being serious when he said cute mutuals slide into my DMs yk 😭 he's always made jokes about being thirsty it's nothing new. also he himself said that all his thirst posting were jokes*! and other reasons too like how jealous dan gets 💀💀
but i also think people have only one interpretation of what he says sometimes, for example him saying things like this: "This is my hot boy autumn right now and I am very much enjoying, for the first time in my life, being free and out and in the world, being able to actually talk about things, being honest, being able to go out and have fun." which, if you want to interpret that as dan saying he's getting dicked down every night of tour, that's your prerogative! but i do not think that "being free and out in the world" has to be about sex, like there are so many layers to that! i just take it to mean like being able to live authentically and exist as a gay man in public yk?
ive said this a couple times in tags on other posts, but i think that sometimes (not all the time!!) the reason why ppl come up with open relation theories is because it's already a given that d&p are together. like in 2015 you could theorize "are they gay are they in a relationship" because it wasn't explicitly stated by them. but now that they're explicitly gay, and anyone reading between the lines can see that they're together, you can't really "speculate" on phan. so, the next progression is to speculate on the exact nature of their relationship: is it open, are they in a qpr, etc. so anyway yeah that's my two cents 😭 if someone thinks they're in an open relationship that's fine pls don't come for me 😭😭
*I CANT FIND THE SOURCE FOR THIS but i know he said it bc i've referenced it before, when i eventually find it i'll put the link 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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tj-dragonblade · 1 year
FLUFFBRUARY 2023: Feb 14
Prompts: idea teach fruit
"I have been. Considering your words, and I…will concede, that your concerns are valid."
"Thank you."
"I would remedy the oversight, with your. Cooperation."
"…We're not talking about getting you a mobile phone, are we."
"Alright then. What?"
"I would. Teach you the means to summon me—"
"Whoa, hold on. Summoning? No. No, I know what I said, but absolutely not. I'm not just yanking you willy-nilly from whatever you're in the middle of when you've got no say in it. Thanks anyway."
"It is not that sort of summon, Hob. I would not be. Compelled, to answer. Only…made aware, that you wish to speak with me."
"…You're free to answer me or ignore me, then? I can't accidentally drag you here against your will?"
"Yes. And. I will not. Ignore you, should you call me in this manner."
"Alright then. But only if you're sure. Look I know I was whinging about it but I understand the…the differences between us and that you can't be here—"
"There is little reason to deny you the means to contact me from the waking world, and I am. Disinclined, to heed it. I would make myself accessible to you. Allow me to. Treat you, with the favor you are due."
"Silver-tongued—alright. Alright. Tell me how this works."
"You need only write my name, with intent, on something which may be burned."
"And then I burn it to call you?"
"If need be. Or speak my name, with intent, while touching what was written. Burning will indicate. A particular urgency."
"Fire's for emergencies, got it. Which name, specifically?"
"Summon me by Dream. My other names do not hold the same power."
"The whole thing, Dream of the Endless, or just Dream?"
"Dream is sufficient."
"Good, good. Shorter in emergencies, too."
"…Do you anticipate the need to reach me under duress?"
"Hopefully not! Just considering all possibilities. Can I prep a calling card ahead of time, something I'd carry with me that I could grab and call you if needed?"
"And if I had no other options, I could…I don't know, write it in blood on my own skin? I mean, I'll burn, if it comes down to it—"
"Well it's like you said, not that it has to be burnt, just that it could be."
"Do NOT. Set fire to yourself."
"I wouldn't. Not unless I was out of options."
"You are being difficult. On purpose."
"Maybe. A little. Mostly I just want to be sure I know all the ins and outs of how this works so I don't call you by accident or accidentally let someone else get ahold of your calling card or—I don't want you to have any doubt—you can trust me, with this. I won't abuse it. I won't be careless with it."
"…I know. And. I thank you."
"My name, written with your intent, cannot be used by another to summon me. Any burnable surface will do in dire circumstances."
"And setting myself on fire is strongly discouraged."
"Very strongly."
"It's not like it would kill me."
"I'll stop. I'll stop. Thank you for this, truly. It really…it means a lot."
"You…mean. A great deal, to me. I would not cause you distress, not when I have means to soothe it. Forgive me, for not doing so sooner."
"Of course. Now. Tea?"
"…Yes. Thank you."
===== All-dialogue is a good exercise in capturing voice. Ultimately that's all this is. I've seen a few variations of 'burn Dream's name to call him' across the fandom, but special shout-out to @pellaaearien bc this heavily resembles the method and mechanics described in chapter 10 of Another Word for Ache.
On AO3
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fagexe · 2 years
A beginners guide to having a fun time at a small show (some of this also applies to bigger shows)
If you've never been to a show before or you've only been to big shows going to a small or diy show can be confusing. The rules and etiquette of attending a small show are different from what you may have experienced or heard about at a bigger show. I'm here to try to give you some tips and pointers on how to have the best night and help everybody else around you have a great night as well.
Small shows are community based, if you only take one thing away from this post let It be that. The environment is that of friends and acquaintances, this includes the bands that play. The members of these bands are just people who are part of their local scene and enjoy playing music. They should be treated like any other member of the audience, you can be friendly and start up a conversation or compliment the set, but remember they're just a stranger who enjoys the same music you do.
Your first show in a new city or venue? The environment and social expectations of a scene can vary from city to city and venue to venue. If it's your first time being somewhere it's always better to follow the social cues of others rather than looking like an ass. If you don't know what's going on try asking somebody:) Many people in the scene are very happy to welcome newcomers and explain the ins and outs of their individual local seen.
Queuing (if you want "barricade"), for 1500 to 700 person capacity venues, depending on whether or not the show is sold out and the artists popularity, I would suggest showing up 2-4 hours before doors. This would be for places like House of Blues, that are arguably not a small venue, but I'm including them anyway. Anything under 600 I would show up 2 hours to half an hour before doors. Anything under the 300 mark doesn't usually have "barricade" per se, the crowd moves around a bunch and showing up early will not help you get a better vantage point. Note: I never show up anywhere more than an hour before doors and I can usually get pretty close to the stage.
Respect the venue and the people working there, if you're attending a small show, especially a basement show, it's really important to be extra aware of where you put your trash and how you're acting. Oftentimes these locations are rented halls or somebody's actual house. This means there wont be any staff that are being paid to clean up after you, not that you should be messy at larger venues. But at these venues especially try to stick around and help out if you can. If the venue is left trashed they may no longer be willing to host shows in the future.
Braving the pit, there are only three rules I would suggest for the pit, and they all boil down to respect. First, if somebody falls, drops something, or seems like they're having a hard time _always_ stop what you're doing and help them out. Second, don't try to be tough, if the pit is too aggressive for you you can either jump around on the side of it or dance somewhere else. Third, unless you're actively pushing somebody always try to keep your elbows tucked, especially if you're tall. It can be really stressful being a short person in a pit that's just a sea of elbows.
Say hi! not just to the band, to the people around you at the show as well. I know this one can be hard, if you went with folks it's very easy to become insular, and if you went alone it can be scary to talk to people by yourself. Something that I've found really helpful is hanging out outside, either between sets, or after the show (you don't need to smoke I often just cool down with a water bottle). Many people will be excited to see a new face and if you seem open to it they might start up a conversation. If they don't and you don't know what to talk about, try complimenting something somebody's wearing, it can often lead to a story that then can lead to a conversation.
Always show up for the openers, even if you don't care about barricade, you should try to show up for the openers both by physically being there and by paying attention and giving them your energy. I've discovered a lot of really wonderful bands by checking out the openers before a show, learning a couple of their songs, and then really getting into it once they're playing.
Take care of yourself, make sure you come having eaten and drunk enough water, I even suggest bringing a water bottle. Most venues will at least have access to water but it's always good to be self-reliant just in case they run out or something happens. Depending on the style of venue they may require this to be empty, If they do require that, you can usually fill it up once you get inside.
Dress appropriately, especially if you're planning on being up at the front at a punk or hardcore show. You will probably end the night covered in other people's sweat and beer, this is amazing revel in it. But, it's maybe not the time to pull out your favorite shirt, unless you want that for your favorite shirt (in which case I love you)
And last but by no means least, always always always thoroughly check the flyer or event posting to make sure you know if the show is a sober / straight-edge show or not.
(edit) A couple of additional tips that have been suggested in the tags, as well as a few new ones from yours truly
Always bring earplugs, some venues will have them for sale but they're not great quality and they can run out. If you plan on going to a lot of hc/punk shows, or honestly a lot of shows at all, I suggest investing in a $15-25 pair, it'll save your hearing in the long run.
Keep your toes safe! Even if you don't plan on going into the pit it's a good idea to wear closed-toed shoes. You'll be in close quarters with people wearing boots who probably won't be able to tell if they are accidentally stepping on your flip flop shod feet. Shows also involve standing for a number of hours so you may want to think about comfort. I suggest wearing at minimum a converse style shoe with a little bit of structure around the toe. I personally always wear boots with a pair of insoles, but that's just me and my rickety ankles.
do you want to wear a bag all night? If so, that's fine, but you're probably not going to be able to enjoy the pit or dance that much. Some smaller shows will have coat checks, but a lot under 300 capacity won't. I generally suggest against just hiding your bag in the corner, I've seen a lot of people get their stuff stolen. So, pare down, I don't even bring my whole wallet, just a credit card, ID, subway pass, phone, keys, and some cash in case the venue only accepts cash or if something happens and I need to get a taxi home. If you end up keeping stuff in your pockets make sure it's secure. If I know my pant pockets are particularly bad at holding things I'll put my cards and cash in a sandwich bag and pin it to the inside of my pocket. This way it's still accessible but won't fall out.
Picking up merch? Do it after the show, merch rarely sells out at smaller shows. So, pick up anything you want after the show, carrying it around all night can be annoying and you might lose it.
Jewelry? If you plan on going in the pit I wouldn't wear dangly earrings or necklaces, they can get caught on things and ripped out or off, which is not fun at all!
I hope you found this helpful<3 if you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to dm me or leave me an ask and I'll try to get to it
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Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that I love your writing. I love the universe you've created for ava and beatrice. I could have said Avatrice but the thing is you write them so beautifully as individuals, all their triumphs and losses, that it doesn't feel right not to acknowledge them as they are on their own as much as they are as a couple. Anyway! I pretty much have bookmarked all your work and I keep suggesting your fics on Twitter, I'm pretty much your unofficial publicist at this point, proudly so 😆
I just finished the multitude of loving and once again you made me laugh and smile and cry and you made my heart warm and for a while, my depression didn't feel as debilitating. So thank you. I don't know what you're gonna write next whenever inspiration strikes, but if you ever do another outside pov, would you mind writing one from Diego's? I guess I'm biased because aside from your fics, I've been obsessed with do a flip by sunsafe and it warms my heart to see Diego in fics because well, I think it's safe to say that he was the one who loved ava first, he was there by her bedside and all and so it would be lovely, to know how he feels and thinks about ava and beatrice, after all the years of living his own life, after all the years wishing to see his sister, his best friend, his... Ava, because there's no traditional title that really fits them, after all the years wishing that ava is okay and... Alive, more than just surviving because even when he was a child he knew, ava was meant for such a bright and grand life, just because she was all that herself.
Anyway, just an idea, of course. My rambling is not in any way meant to pressure you into writing it 😆😅 I hope you're having a good day wherever you are. Cheers!
[first of all i love do a flip!!!! 100/10 recommend if anyone hasn't read it!!
anyway, here's a little diego pov in the butch bea universe. he's like 18 or 19? idk. yknow just roll w it :) ]
university is busy as hell, and it's cool that they pay for your doctor's appointments and, when you actually started getting the care you needed, you were able to do basically everything in the normal, big wide world with regular meds and check-ins — but mostly you just want to play rugby and flirt with girls (not well, but you're 18 and always kind, so who cares your success rate) and pass all of your classes. when you got adopted it had seemed like a miracle, and so you don't take any of this time for granted — not the bright sun or the grass stains on your knees or how rachel plays with your hair when you hang out in her dorm.
you don't think much of it when you get a random email from beatrice gu-knight, partially because emails are a pain in the ass and partially because nico brought over a six pack of stellas and his nintendo switch — you're the mario kart champion, undisputed — but, in the morning, when you open your phone, you think your heart might stop in your chest.
Hello Diego,
I hope you're well. I know it might seem strange to get an email like this from someone you don't know and have never even heard of, and, if you don't wish to follow up or connect, please just let me know, and that will be the end of it.
But, in the hopeful chance that you do: my name is Beatrice (she/her), and I'm reaching out to you because Ava Silva is my life partner. We've been together for a few years now and she talks of you often, and fondly; I know from her stories you were an extraordinarily joyful and sustaining part of her life at St. Michael's, and, if nothing else, I hope you understand my deep gratitude for that. I work in tech, so I was able to find this email address for you in the hopes that you might want to reconnect with Ava. We live in Los Angeles, and she's, as I'm sure you remember, wonderful. Maybe even more wonderful now, as I hope you are too.
Again, if you are at all uncomfortable, please feel no pressure to engage in any way; I won't let Ava know, so don't worry about that. If you would like to reconnect, though, you can respond to this email, or call or text me at my cell listed below. Thank you.
Warmest regards,
it takes you a few seconds to get it together, because, what the fuck, first of all. second of all, ava — one of your favorite people ever, and someone you miss every day. who apparently has a very proper and seemingly kind partner named beatrice, and lives in california. ava is alive, and probably really happy. the last time you saw her she was scared and upset and you had thought she died before that. you had thought you would never see her again.
Hey, this is Diego, you text the number on Beatrice's email. you think about the time difference, and, sorry if it's the middle of the night for you
it takes a minute or two, but then your phone vibrates. Diego, wonderful to hear from you! I'm glad my email wasn't too intense.
and, like, maybe it was a little, but your calc III professor is a fucking nutcase, so you kind of have a high bar.
Ava works late sometimes, so don't worry about the time difference right now
it's sweet, you think, that beatrice doesn't work late, or, whatever, maybe she does, but she's up because ava is awake. because ava will be coming home, or finishing up in an office. you wonder about their life, what their home looks like and if ava's laugh is still just as awesome. and, like, what is ava's job? is she still paralyzed, or can she walk like she had the last time you saw her? you're glad for her, honestly, that her partner is a girl, because ava thought boys were hot but also seemed to like girls more — so, like, how did they fall in love? it's funny to imagine ava as a grownup, with a partner and a home and a whole life, but it's also the best.
do you want to facetime tomorrow or something, you text, because you don't really know what else to say, but you want to find out: about your sister, and the life she's apparently built. you think — if ava is anything like how she had been when you were younger — you definitely want to be in it.
I would love that, beatrice responds immediately. you work out the details and, eventually, you go to class and try to have a normal day. but ava is out there, happy, in california, with a partner who clearly cares about her. it feels like a gift, even to know. it feels like a gift, to get to be in her warmth again.
beatrice, when you answer the facetime call at exactly the second the clock hits 7 pm your time, is beautiful. it doesn't surprise you, not really, because you remember ava being pretty, and, even more than that, fucking awesome. beatrice is younger than what you think someone with that formal a name would be, with short dark hair that flops into her eyes, which are kind of gold in the light through the window of whatever room she's in. 'hello, diego,' she says, and, yeah, ava probably loves that accent.
it makes you laugh, but, like, in a nice way, to know that ava has a whole partner. a whole entire person who shares a life with her, who helps her with stuff and — beatrice is a saint for this — laughs at her puns.
'hey,' you say, feel awkward and a little sloppy in the face of the chic big oil painting behind her, the hoodie you know is expensive because your friend artur had had it marked on his stockx for, like, months now. 'uh, i'm diego. nice to meet you.'
beatrice smiles, and you see her freckles, and you realize, in a flash, a truth you know implicitly — that ava loves this person. ava picked this person to spend her life with. the world is cruel, you know better than most, but the world is also so, so kind.
'i'm so happy you responded to my email,' she says, less formal and with a slight laugh, mostly with joy. 'ava is the best, and i know that — she misses you. she loves you, a lot. i've always wanted to meet you.' you kind of don't know what to say, and you're relieved when she shakes her head. 'sorry, i'm being a lot again. believe it or not, this is my first rodeo with something like this.'
first rodeo sounds foreign from her, and it inexplicably makes you laugh. 'you're doing fine.' you realize that beatrice is just as nervous as you are, maybe even more: she loves ava. she has a whole life with ava. 'i — does ava want to talk to me?'
'i haven't told her yet. i wanted to see how you felt first, without any pressure, and i didn't want her to feel disappointed. but i know she will be... overjoyed, to have you in her life again, if you want.'
'yeah.' you think of ava's jokes and how full of life she was, even when she didn't have access to much of it herself. you think about the clumsy drawings you had made her, and how happy she was every time she got to go outside in her wheelchair. 'i do, want that. a lot.'
beatrice's smile is relieved and grateful. 'i can talk to her, then, and then maybe you two can set up a video chat? i know she'll be beside herself with excitement.'
'yeah,' you say, and you can't help but smile looking forward to it. it doesn't sound like ava's changed much, in the good ways, which is super cool. 'i'm excited too.'
your palms are clammy and you feel like you might throw up, but beatrice had sent you a link to a zoom and asked if the evening worked for you; you're so thrilled but also, like, what if ava doesn't like you anymore? what if she's way way cooler than you, or too grown up, or just bored by your life? it had been one thing, to lose her when you were young and confused, to have to grieve her absence so obliquely — but it would be an entirely different thing now, to know she's alive and has a life of her own and just doesn't want you in it. you don't really know how you would handle that. ava was your friend and ava was your sister, in the ways that really matter.
but, you realize very quickly, all of your anxiety was for nothing, because ava's face pops on screen — older, and her hair is shorter, and there are slight laugh lines settling into the skin around her eyes, but she mostly looks the same — and her smile is so warm and then she starts to cry and laugh and, yeah. if you do too, it's fine. no one else is in your dorm room anyway.
'hey,' she says, the first to get any words out. she's sitting up, and she waves, and you feel like you're seeing a real life miracle, right there on your computer screen. 'you look so old. i really missed you.'
'you look so old too.' she grins. 'i really missed you.'
it's a little stilted at first, probably because you're both overwhelmed, but then it's just... the fucking best. ava is a bartender, 'mostly for fun,' she says, which, whatever that means, and she still loves the beach. they apparently have a house right by the water. she starts crying again when you tell her you got adopted, that you're not so sick anymore because you have good doctors and caring parents, that you're in school to become an accountant.
'the family business?' she says, choked up, after you tell her that your adoptive mom is one too, and that she wanted you to be able to take over one day if you were interested.
it's as unbelievable to you some days as it seems to her, on bright mornings or when you get to go skiing in the cold snow, when your friends pass around a joint or when you get to go to a museum, whenever you want. 'yeah,' you say —  a family; you learn ava has one too. 'it's pretty incredible.'
'holy shit, ava.'
she just laughs, letting you go in front of her into her house. well, her and beatrice's house, you guess. you'd facetimed and texted a bunch with ava in the past two months, so you had figured out they were kinda loaded, and they'd both picked you up from the airport in a very sleek, fancy volvo, but, like —
'this is nuts.'
you think you might immediately cry again when you notice, right away, how there's not a single part of the house you can see that isn't accessible for someone in a wheelchair. ava had told you that she can walk but some days has a lot of pain and a hard time with mobility, and that beatrice was awesome and she had a good chair and even a van and a service dog, but you never could've imagined this. their house is huge and beautiful, like something you'd see in an AD tour you like to watch when you're stoned. ava has a cane today, and beatrice trundles in with your bag — she had insisted, quietly, but with a look that told you it would be totally pointless to argue.
'your house is awesome,' you say, to both of them.
beatrice smiles gently. 'we redid it last year, for accessibility. i think it turned out great.'
'wanna see the best part?' ava says, using her cane to bounce a little on the balls of her feet and you have to clear your throat because you had known her for so long. you had loved her for so long, your best friend in the entire world, who was smart and funny and bursting at the seams to feel it all, to really get to live.
'dude,' you say, 'of course.'
'i'm going to put your bag in your room,' beatrice says. 'and then i have a work call. but i should be done after the hour, for whatever you'd like to do, if you want me to join.'
'of course we want you to join,' ava says, and beatrice blushes and then gathers herself and kisses the top of ava's head before she offers you a thumbs up — nerdy, and it makes ava snort — and then lifts your bag like it weighs two pounds or something. 'love of my life,' ava says. 'definitely doesn't have a work call, but she's been stressed all week about making sure she gives us time to ourselves but doesn't seem aloof. huge weirdo.'
'she's hot.'
'ew, diego.'
you shrug. 'all i'm saying is that, like, i get it. not for me, because she's, like, super gay, but you know. for you.' you take a breath. 'sorry, i'm just excited.'
ava laughs. 'bea is super gay, it's true.' she points to a button on the wall nearby and then floor to ceiling glass doors that separate the living space from the patio. 'now, check this out.'
it's pretty fucking wild that ava went from the horrible orphanage, and tons of abuse that you were too small and too weak and too scared to stop, to a whole house that opens up to a day bed and an outdoor kitchen and dining area and a hot tub, a small patch of grass, and then the sea behind — but in the best kind of way. the kind of way that makes you want to tell everyone you meet that things can get better. that good things will happen to good people, at least sometimes. at least ava, who is the best of all of them.
ava motions for you to come with and walks outside, and then it's, like, genuinely the best thing ever when a black and white dog — korra, who ava sends you pictures of all the time and has featured in multiple zoom calls — who was napping in the sun, perks her head up and you swear she, like, dog-smiles at ava. 'hi, good girl,' ava says, and then claps her hands once and korra obediently, and happily, comes to ava's right side and sits, leans her little head against ava's thigh.
'i can't spend this entire time crying,' you say, and ava laughs. 'can i say hi?'
'of course,' she says. 'she's not usually formally working at home, unless i'm having a really bad day. which, you know, i'm not, but they do happen sometimes.' she shrugs and you kneel down in the sun and pet korra's soft ears as she nuzzles your face.
'she's so cool,' you say, and then kiss the top of her head and her nose. 'hey korra! i'm your uncle, i guess?'
'yeah! uncle diego.'
it makes you beam, to sit on the patio with ava as she shows you some of the tasks korra has been trained to do, and tells you about her bar you'll go to later, and points toward their outdoor shower with a sly smile. you do her the courtesy of fake gagging, although you really are just mostly happy for her, with her partner and her dog and a house that was built just for her.
eventually, beatrice comes outside, carrying a very intense charcuterie board. she places it down on the day bed, between you and ava, korra happily snoozing at your feet.
‘hi baby,’ ava says and scoots closer to you, then tugs on beatrice’s hand until she sits. ava kisses her temple. ‘this is very extravagant.’
‘well, we have a guest,’ beatrice says. ‘there’s wine inside, if you’d like a glass.’
‘i know nothing about wine,’ you admit, ‘but if there’s one you think… pairs? well with, you know —‘ you gesture to the elegantly laid out spread of food in front of you — ‘then i’ll trust you and go with that.’
ava grins. ‘yes, beatrice. be our resident sommelier, please.’
beatrice rolls her eyes, again with a blush, but then stands, ignoring ava’s pout. ‘i’ll be right back.’
‘she’s, like, really nice.’
ava lays back with a grin. ‘well she’s on her i was raised by diplomats and nannies most proper behavior right now. i don’t get charcuterie boards like this… ever.’ she takes a bite of cheese. ‘but bea is wonderful. she’s brilliant and funny and so, so kind. she’ll loosen up. i’m really excited you get to spend time with her.’
‘i’m thankful she reached out. i — i’m so happy to be here, and to see you.’
‘me too, my dude.’
beatrice comes back out with fancy real crystal glasses and a bottle of wine she explains is a vintage napa chardonnay, which mostly just makes you think it’s expensive. it probably is, with the way she efficiently uncorks it — ava practically drools, annoying, and you elbow her in the ribs — but it’s, like, really good. at least compared to the cheap wine you sometimes have with your friends when you order greek food.
‘diego,’ beatrice says, measured and anxious and, if ava’s stupid expression is anything to go by, endearing, ‘as you know, i like to surf. although it’s quite early, i was wondering if you might like to join me tomorrow? one of my best friends is an excellent instructor and the wave report looks ideally calm. ava thought you might be interested, if you’d like to learn?’
‘yeah,’ you say. ‘of course. that sounds sick.’
beatrice grins, relaxing a little. ava squeezes her hand. ‘i find it quite fun. it can be hard at first, but it’s nice to be in the water.’
‘diego gets his astounding athletic ability from my side of the family,’ ava says, patting you on the knee.
‘your side of the family?’ beatrice arches a brow.
‘yeah, the orphan side,’ you say, an old joke coming back to you, and ava gives you a high five.
‘i —‘
‘don’t think about it too hard, beatrice. diego also gets his bisexuality from my side of the family too.’
‘now that i’m willing to believe.’
ava winks at you, and then settles back into beatrice’s side.
admittedly, you're exhausted, so the mezcal margarita — smoky and just the right amount of sour — is hitting harder than you thought.
'okay,' ava says, 'boys are easy to flirt with.'
beatrice rolls her eyes.
'they are, bea,' she insists, then looks to you. 'sorry, diego, but boys are just... simple. they see someone hot, especially me, and there's, like, no thoughts.'
you think of the way luis had kissed you one night at a party — with his strong hands and his strong jaw and the rough, delicious scratch of his beard — after you'd just offered him a drink politely, so. honestly, that tracks.
'girls, though, diego.'
you laugh.
'you know, people who aren't men.'
'yeah, of course.'
'difficult. i just — whew.'
'aren't you, like, basically married?'
'well, yes, we're domestic partners. but beatrice is horrible at flirting. she's just lucky she's brilliant, and beautiful, and handsome, and funny.'
beatrice rolls her eyes again, although a blush spreads across her cheeks. 'i think i have more women try to flirt with me than you.'
ava huffs. 'that's because you're just — ugh.' she turns toward you. 'bea has grown into being a lesbian magnet. i once was superior. plus, boys flirt with me too.' she claps you on the back. 'either way, between the two of us, we'll teach you everything you need to know.'
'they won't,' one of their friends says, sliding in next to beatrice, who smiles and kisses him on the cheek. he's maybe the hottest person you've ever seen, with tattoos down both arms and a neat fade, probably a few years older than beatrice. 'i'm keiko,' he says, and offers his hand. his handshake is so strong and you feel yourself blush. 'i own the dojo beatrice goes to.'
'my favorite sparring partner,' beatrice says. 'partially because i have never lost.'
keiko waves her off.
'uh, i'm diego.'
ava laughs, delightedly, at how flustered you clearly are.
'well, if you want advice on boys, i am quite successful.'
'i'm sure you are.'
ava gives you a high five, mortifyingly. 'that's my man.'
'i'm cutting both of you off,' beatrice says.
'one shot, bea, please. come on. all we have to do is walk home.'
beatrice sighs dramatically and runs a hand through her hair, and keiko nudges her in the shoulder. 'for once in your life, beatrice, have a little fun.'
it takes a moment, but she laughs. 'fine. one shot, and then home.'
you surf the next morning, early as fuck, but you’re kind of jetlagged anyway and it’s really beautiful to watch the sunrise while you rest on a board. you haven’t popped up and you got tired pretty fast, but beatrice’s friend, ray — and beatrice herself, obviously — are patient and relaxed and don’t seem to care at all.  ava wanders out eventually, setting out a towel and drinking a to-go cup of coffee. she waves happily and blows a kiss in beatrice’s direction, who blushes. it had made you laugh, quietly, when she had put a special bucket hat designed for surfing on after she situated her wetsuit.
‘i don’t want to get sunburned,’ she explained, and then handed you a bottle of spf 100 sunscreen and a zinc stick.
eventually you ride a wave in on your knees, laughing, and then go sit by ava while you watch ray and beatrice and the rest of their little crew surf the next set, bigger on the outer break. you can tell beatrice shows off, for ava and, maybe a bit, for you. it's still early, and ava's happy to sit back in the easy quiet.
'hey,' you say after a while, during a break in sets, 'so, beatrice introduced me this morning as "ava's little brother".'
she turns to you, studies your features carefully, just like she always would when you were in the orphanage, trying to pay close attention. 'did that feel okay?'
'other than the fact that i'm taller than you —'
'— hey —'
'— of course,' you say. 'i love being your brother.'
ava scoots closer to you and bumps your shoulder with hers; you have your wetsuit down around your waist and she has one of beatrice's hoodies on, but you've mostly dried off by this point so you put your arm around her shoulders and tug her to you.
'do you, uh. sister? sibling?'
ava smiles. 'either is great.'
'thanks, diego.'
'nothing to thank me for there. i should be thanking you, honestly. all expenses paid trip to a bougie beach house in california to see someone i've missed so much? the dream.'
she sniffles. you don't know all the details but you know ava has been through some real shit after she — came back to life, you guess? 'i missed you too, so so much.' she clears her throat and wipes under her eyes. 'in the spirit of being your cool older sibling, what mild to moderately wild things do you want to do here. i don't want your parents to be mad at me so consider wisely.'
'do you have anything planned that you would want?'
'well, no.'
ava laughs.
'what? beatrice has cool tattoos.'
'she is a staunch believer that you should plan your tattoos in advance. but think of something and then next time we'll get you all set up with her artist, if you want.'
there's a level of maturity and care that's a little unexpected but, like, really cool? really nice. it's kind of weird and makes you a bit emotional, because ava is grown up. she's still an idiot, and constantly annoying, and very funny — but she's gotten to get older, and so have you.
'we could dye our hair,' she says, shrugging. 'easy to rectify, if it's a disaster.'
'i'm so in, man.' your hair is darker than hers, and you have no idea if she knows what she's doing, but you trust beatrice — with her neat hair and neat house and neat clothes and seemingly undying love for ava — to monitor the situation.
'maybe we can do the bi flag.'
it makes you laugh, imagining how silly it would look. 'what about just purple? like, a light purple situation.'
'i've done that before,' she tells you excitedly. 'loved it. definitely time to return.'
'deal. also, i want to try california weed.'
ava grins. 'we would have let you last night, you know, but you were actively falling asleep at the bar after one cocktail.'
'it's the time difference, i swear.'
'sure it is.'
'well, bea loves her edibles. she's very particular about them. i'm... much less particular about joints, but we can start off chill. maybe this afternoon. and then we can have tacos.'
'that sounds like a perfect day.'
she smiles. 'yeah,' she says. 'even more perfect because i get to share it with you.'
'gross,' you say, although you might suddenly cry. 'sappy.'
'yeah, yeah. whatever.'
you keep your arm around ava's shoulders and watch beatrice and ray trade tricks the next set, and then they both call it and walk, laughing, toward you. ava struggles to stand with a frown, and you offer your arm for her to take if she wants. she does, smiles quickly in thanks and then, you know too, moves on without a word. she kisses beatrice soundly on the mouth, then pushes her goofy bucket hat off her head, fastened around her neck and resting on the back of her shoulders, and then gratuitously unzips her wetsuit while ray rolls her eyes.
it's a whole big world, you learn more and more every day. ray joins you for breakfast and then ava takes you shopping while you're pretty sure beatrice just naps. ava uses her chair and brings korra, which is mostly just the coolest thing in the world to you, because she has a whole van customized too, and she just — you had known, when you were younger, when ava would get to go outside in her chair, that nothing was limiting her other than care, and access. you had been limited too, and you ached with it. you ache differently now, because ava navigates her day fully and independently: a wheelchair lift for the stairs, and a huge, beautiful closet and kitchen where she can reach everything without having to stand, and korra, who can turn on lights and open doors and brings you a juice from the fridge when you sit down and mention you're thirsty; ava grins with the command and then praises korra, and you scratch her soft head and even softer ears.
beatrice does supervise when you and ava dye your hair, but ava mostly knows what she's doing, and really gets distracted the most when she looks over at beatrice in lowslung joggers and a cutoff tank and a beanie, leaning against the doorframe quietly, a fond expression on her face. ava wears crop tops and wideleg pants and expensive sneakers and you both end up laughing when you have your matching lavender hair.
you eat edibles that make everything feel lush and slow and perfect, and beatrice laughs softly at ava's ramble about her arms, and she orders a ton of her favorite chinese food that you eat on the patio at sunset. you take some pictures on your film camera, at sunset, and beatrice takes a few of you and ava. you wish you could go back in time and tell both of you, when you were small and sad and scared and abused, that things would be this beautiful one day. that things would be this good.
ava and beatrice eventually say goodnight before they head inside to their bedroom. there's too much light pollution in los angeles to see many of the stars, but you know they're there all the same.
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crimeronan · 2 months
On the topic of How Do You Handle XYZ Comment, I've always wondered how you handle terrible responses on your toh takes. Like I know the toh fandom doesn't lack piss on the poor reading comprehension and they also really enjoy wildly out of touch takes, but I've never seen any comments on your princess luz stuff of that nature. I'm sure they must be there but maybe I'm too early? But anyway, how do you tend to deal with the "acktually shipping luz and Hunter is incest" and the "ur not a real lesbian because putting amity in a poly ship is lesbian erasure" and the "as a white person kinda sus you make the poc woman an empress" kind of responses? Ones that are technically not hate and maybe if you squint could be from people who aren't inherently trying to do bad but just lack the maturity needed to engage with the internet at large?
this ask made me giggle. honestly, i haven't received as much pushback as you might expect! way less pushback than i expected. in the princess AU, i've gotten a LOT more "this is actually too grotesque for me to stomach" comments than "this is problematic" comments, which is fine. horror-thriller isn't for everyone, those comments do not upset me.
i have had a Few run-ins with bad faith people, whom i mostly block. there's one prolific commenter in toh tumblr fandom who would repeatedly write angry essays on my humor meta posts -- essays that were all about how belos is too evil to be sympathetic and/or about how hunter is a soft gentle boy who shouldn't be jokingly referred to as evil. then they'd go "i can't help my active and conscious decision to type a bunch of rude fucking words and then my active and conscious decision to send those rude fucking words because i'm autistic :(((" around the fourth or fifth time this happened, i was fucking done with that nonsense and finally blocked them. shoulda done it after the first comment tbh!! no more autism exceptions.
as for the rest of it, my main management strategy is to simply.... preempt the bad faith comments?
i had a LOT more unpleasant and conflict-filled fandom experiences when i was in the raven cycle fandom. that was my first exposure to "you can't ship multi-gender polycules if anyone involved is gay" and "queerplatonic het relationships are just heteronormativity shipping that you're trying to get away with." having dealt with those takes before, i've found a few different ways to disarm bad faith readers before they get started.
first is to be super open and honest about my interests. i talk about what i find compelling in different relationships All The Damn Time. it's really hard for anyone to accuse me of only wanting hunter to fuck amity if they've seen, like.... anything i've said about hunter and amity.
same with hunter and luz. the only negative reactions i've really gotten to how they're written in the princess AU is like.... two people being squicked by camila thinking they're romantically involved. i REALLY expected more pushback on the touchyfeely bed sharing stuff, but from what i remember, there's never been Any....? not even from people who consider them siblings.
i expected a lot of pushback on how mean hunter and amity are to each other, since it's taken So much farther than the canon. but it turns out that there's a very large overlap between people who like dark horror AUs and people who like hunter and amity murdering each other. (in a fluffy fic i don't think this characterization would fly Nearly as easily.)
i find that being funny really disarms people, too. when you look at any of my toh meta posts that could be controversial, they're basically all funny. people are a lot more willing to listen to what you have to say if you make them laugh, and it's harder for them to get angry at you.
and then the last thing is that i think i'm in sort of a privileged position in toh fandom. i've written a lot of controversial subjects and relationships and characterizations.... but i've also written some WILDLY popular mainstream fic. and people who like the mainstream fic don't really want to beef with me about differing niche opinions, bc there's a level of respect there. which they might not have for a writer they don't like.
but anyway. when things Do happen, i almost always just block and move on. there are so many people here who get what i'm talking about that there's no need for me to try to convert people who don't, you know??
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Things about Gus:
He has ALWAYS lived a compartmentalized life. His parents didn't approve of Shawn, so his friendship with Shawn meant half-living over at the Spencers' as a kid, and putting "friend" and "home" in separate boxes.
This seems to continue into adulthood; Gus loves his parents and family, and maintains good relationships with them, but he also doesn't seem to share a lot of his outside interests or priorities with them. (Though I'm on S2 of this rewatch so I may not have all my data.)
He also compartmentalizes, as many people do, while at work. He's good at his career, knows the ins and outs of his workplace and coworkers, and puts in the work to stay in good standing there...but at the same time his work friends have NO presence in his life outside of work, and his job has very little overlap with the rest of his daily concerns. He knows which coworker hand-makes her own pasta and which routes have just opened up, but he also checks off his duties as quickly as possible and spends the rest of his work hours quietly coasting.
Psych, of course, is his hobby/side job/true calling, depending who you ask and when, and very much bound up in his friendship with Shawn. Gus clearly loves and is invested in it and equally clearly does NOT want it, or Shawn, leaking into the other areas of his life.
FURTHERMORE, however, Gus has even more interests and hobbies that are sectioned off even from Shawn's attention—mainly because Shawn thinks they're nerdy and absurd. He's a nerd! He got all excited about the Santa Barbara con. He knew several cosplayers there by name. He is WAY into Harry Potter. He collects coins and plays online poker and frankly gets up to all kinds of stuff that he doesn't talk about at work or with his parents or with Shawn. I know in my heart that he has a Livejournal.
Oh, and let's not forget he got married in college and never even mentioned it to Shawn until it came up.
Anyway! My point is, Gus is used to compartmentalizing his life, and when considering whether or not he thinks of himself as "normal," I think it's important to note he probably has a very relativistic understanding of "normal" as a concept. His double-act is considered weird and immature by most people, yes. But most of his hobbies would ALSO be considered weird and nerdy by most people, INCLUDING Shawn. And on the flip side, he probably knows that most of his coworkers have "weird" hobbies or interests of their own that just don't come up, and he definitely knows most of his weird fandom friends are leading "normal" lives irl.
So I think his response to the question would be...is he normal? Well, normal in what context? He can fit in well with a variety of people, and that's as much as anybody can truthfully claim, isn't it? What's normal for his parents isn't normal for work, which isn't what's normal around his nerd friends, which isn't what's normal around Shawn.
And like. There are some valid points there. It just completely misses the fact that he and Shawn together are an unhinged pair of 12-year-olds in adult bodies and no one else is reaching their native levels of Nonsense, ever.
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foolsocracy · 1 year
Do you have any fic recommendations? I've just read the open road and other anesthetics, which was good, but I'd love more Noir content.
oh boy do i
Here are a few fics i have on hand! If I have time or stumble across more, I can make another post/add to this one. Heads up, the open road and other anesthetics is pretty light hearted and these probably will not be. so say vigilant LMAO (its noir, ya know?). If you wanted more spiderverse centric fics rather than noirverse let me know i'll see what i can pull together.
Burning Matches by HopelesslyLost (complete) 344,746 words
Cant have a Spider Noir fic rec list without the gospel itself. Definitely on the whumpier side, lots of "this guy can never catch a break huh" but very good! Takes the noirverse and makes it so so cool. I pull a lot from this fic. Great stuff Its a post ITSV setting and features a great deal of everyone but Pete is def the focus. The spider gang is trying to get back together, but when they get to Noir's world things don't go as planned. Heavy on the found family. Heavy on the angst. Love Noir's relationship w/ Miles' parents
The Wind Follows by HopelesslyLost (incomplete) 99,501 words
Goes along with Burning Matches as a side story of Pete infiltrating the KKK to get them tf out of NYC. Very heavy handed on the angst. Even whumpier than Burning Matches. Where it stands right now, it ends on an incredibly low note, very much like Eyes Without a Face. Peter's kicked while he's down & physically incapable of getting a win. But Peter does kick Nazi ass which is always nice to see If you like the noirverse HopelesslyLost writes this is very interesting! Gotta be my fave part of this fic. I love seeing Noir Cage, Daredevil, and Tony Stark. Plus the who "cursed" situation.. mwah
i'll go back to december by snapplebee (incomplete, recently updated) 14,503 words
This fic reminds me of the open road and other anesthetics, but if it was a little angstier w/ Noir. The spider gang is hanging out for the holidays, Noir doesn't know how to fuckn relax.
Catch a Tiger by the Tail by Gruoch (completed) 40,049 words
Just finished this one today! Was very fun. It's an MJ spider-man (her POV) and a Black Cat Peter. Gwen Stacy, a dancer at Felica Hardy's place, is found dead. Her fiancé, Peter Parker, is found dead soon after. Its very much a mystery! TBH i think i was out of it reading this because a twist got me that I'm almost positive was obvious from the beginning LMAO. Slight Peter/Johnny Storm as well
Between Midnight and Dawn by Gruoch (incomplete) 14,158 words
Prequel to the previous rec. I love this one and I'd do anything to see it update again. Shows you how Peter got to be the Black Cat, he has cool run ins with the Dare Devil and Stark, all the fun noir folks. Heads up on the dysfunctional found family tag, thats for sure Peter and Felicia. But they're strange in canon anyway so its not really much of a surprise.
He Sleeps in a Town of Darkness by luckystarsandgarters (complete) 21,278 words
This is the fic i mentioned a post or 2 ago about Johnny Storm being a drag performer. I really love the atmosphere of this fic, I thought it was pulling from an offical comic thats how well it got me. This one's Pete/Johnny Storm! They're cute. Lots of focus on the gay subculture of the 30s I think.
Trust by Ackerhardt (complete) 6,989
Peter & Jean De Wolfe vs the world. Quick read in the classic noirverse. Jean is fun we should talk about him more tbh. Peter/Jean actually! Just colleged aged guys taking on crime in the city.
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