#anyways handy and disco bear are my favorites
twilighttrekkie · 10 months
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was messing around with some highlighters + pens last night and got these
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treetownconfessions · 8 months
htf tierlist(?) on what i think each of them would say if i asked them who their favorite person in town is:
giggles: "petunia because shes my girlfriend!!!!!!! duh!! ^_^"
cuddles: "toothy because hes my best friend :)"
toothy: "hngngnhgrg *drools* splendid..,.,"
petunia: "giggles :) she gets me"
lumpy: "its hard to choose!! ummm. uhh. hmgmgmn"
handy: ":/ petunia :/ :/ :/"
russell: "yargg pirate noises or whatever" (i donr like russell guys)
pop: "my infant son. who else do you think id pick. why are you asking me this."
lifty: "shifty :)"
shifty: "can i say least favorite :) because it's lifty."
flippy: "oh i dont like picking favorites..,., everyones pretty nice.. i dont think mine would make much sense anyway if i told u. haha. ahah"
fliqpy: "*shanks me with the same fervor as a homeless british man*" (its flippy)
splendid: "favorite?? pshsh. i couldnt choose. i like everyone equally!!" (he doesnt)
sniffles: "i dont think of stuff like that often. im a fan of splendid though ^_^"
nutty: "hrgrgehhehehehehehehhehernfbgw"
mime: "^_^"
disco bear: "myself ;)" (nobody likes him)
flaky: "oh i havent. thought about it so idk. lammy???"
lammy: "should i have one? i couldnt have JUST one..... maybe petunia. or giggles. :)"
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jjillekkot · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions you’re given, write 11 of your own and tag 11 people.
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I have had the pleasure of being tagged three (3) times for this sweet, sweet meme so brace yourselves, apparently you’re gonna learn a ton about me today! Placing it under a cut because.... you should really be thanking me, honestly.
1. it’s late in the afternoon and you’re in a new city. do you take the train, the bus, or do you walk to get back to your place?
Am I just moving to this town? Likely, I’ve probably visited before so I would have a sense of how to use the transportation. Or, Google Maps is pretty handy! I actually enjoy walking most places if it’s available to me; otherwise, I’m a train kinda girl. I’ll take the bus if I have to. I’m very positive towards public transportation and energy efficiency. Reduce that carbon footprint!
2. what’s your dream place to live (city or country? continent? in land or by the sea? cold or warm?)?
Okay, but... gonna go cheesy and say with my loved one. ‘Cause I’d honestly survive with any climate as long as I’m with them.
Assuming I’m single af and forever alone, or at least living on my own for a while? I’m definitely a larger city kind of girl, or near access to a large city. I wouldn’t mind living in a suburb and then commuting to the city, actually. I love nature, but I don’t want to be isolated in it for too long. I spent three months in a literal jungle. I’ve had my share of country times.
Also, having lived near Wisconsin-- I am way over the winter. I’m fine if I don’t see a lot of snow. I actually do enjoy rain, though. 
3. what’s one of your favorite threads across any of the muses you have ever played?
One of the earliest threads I’ve written on this blog was with @argentnoir​ & it was just kind of like a slow burn / pining kind of deal? Where Tseng acknowledges that Yuffie is up to be empress of Wutai and how inappropriate it is as one who has actively abandoned his nation that he would support her. So he tries to deny and reject any feelings which might surface for her, while Yuffie is  very much a “ forget protocol, I like you. ” I really liked that dynamic of how Tseng knew what was right for the nation even if he no longer belonged to it, and Yuffie was very “you belong to me, therefore you belong to Wutai.” 
I’m weak for Tsuffie okay like let me die with this ship.
4. five songs you’d love to share with people?
manzions // gorgeous. while my apartment was being renovated a few months back, i rented a room in an ex-friend’s house ( we were cool in high school but after that we grew apart ). anyway, the walls were paper thin & whenever i was depressed or crying or something, he would always play this song.
joji // will he. okay but a surprise twitter bop? also let him move on from his previous persona ok. yeesh. people are allowed heelturns. anyway, so this song is so mellow & i dig it, but also it just reminds me of the type of music a friend of mine used to send me all the time when we like... stopped being super close. that was their way of reaching out, was sending songs. and like. idk joji’s character / the lyrics super just make me think of that friend ‘cause that’s definitely what that friend would say to me, if he felt confident enough to ever use the words.
yakuza 0 // 24h cinderella. this is a guilty pleasure song. in case y’all didn’t know, i love rgg / yakuza almost as much as i love jojo ( that’s saying a lot ) & majima makes my life better okay. i am annoying & go around singing this. i’m pretty sure i’ve sang this like every week since release. i probably could use some help lmao.
utada hikaru // forevermore. don’t sleep on this song. idc if you didn’t see the show. i know everyone’s still screaming about omen / don’t think twice but i’ve been screaming about forevermore since she came back from retirement. bless hikki. also here’s a tissue for your eyeballs.
yumi kawamura // burn my dread. before we were shook over lyn inaizumi & shihoko hirata, we were all dying over yumi. who, by the way, is my literal queen ok. every time i see a persona concert online i sob profusely when yumi is on stage. i own the p4d soundtrack & i sobbed through her tracks on there too. honestly that was my most played music of 2016, that soundtrack. her voice is beautiful in every song, but i had to pick one, so why not the intro to p3 so we can all sob profusely. you’re welcome.
i would’ve put sono chi no sadame but i need to be tamed. i will, however, put the link to jojo’s first six intros performed live, though. that’s a real masterpiece that should go on the big screen. man, what i would do to go to a jojo concert.
5. are you good at math? (if so, why are you a nerd?)
i am rather proficient at math, actually. i wanted to go into medicine at one point, then psychology. you need a background in statistics to do that. but i also showed an interest in calculus, despite being terrible at physics and three-dimensional art. i studied it into high school, but gave it up in college to pursue language and fine arts instead. 
6. were you a goosebumps kid or an ‘are you afraid of the dark’ kid?
goosebumps. though i’ll admit i read the books more than watching either show.
7. how many tamagotchis did you own in the past, and what were their names (if you remember)?
i never had a tamagotchi. or a neopet. that’s a whole era that goes right above me.
8. what’s one situation you want to / wish to write your muse in? 
historical drama.
9. what’s one thing you’re really proud of, either in your portrayal or yourself in life? or both! actually yeah, list two things you’re proud of, one in your portrayal and one of yourself in life! ;)
i’ve survived a lot of tough things, so i guess i’m rather proud of that. 
i’m also like... happy that i’m able to pull off a yuffie that isn’t reduced to a sex object. it’s really nice actually to see people more these days seeing her for her maturity & respecting her for the amount she’s able to achieve. even square has backed off with making her such a heavy comic relief, at least in dffoo, and that makes me really happy.
10. pc or apple? (there’s only one right answer to this question, and it’s not apple)
i only own one apple product & that’s a iPad that was given to me during college. which, it was rather useful while i was in school, but i can say i’m not really a fan of the whole “apple slowing down your devices to make you upgrade” thing. also, it’s so expensive? i’d like to get into video editing and photography, & while i’m aware i don’t need an apple to do that, i like the simplicity and interface and hardware. but.. y’all these prices & these games are too much.
also, atm i don’t use either a pc or an apple: i’m on chromebook. & it’s really efficient if you’re into blogging or writing or really minimal things, like i am. c:
11. what’s the most embarrassing muse you have ever played :-)
maximillion pegasus. i wrote him as a joke in high school. i will not bring him back for anything lmao.
1. what season is your favorite in your most favorite running tv show?
i actually don’t... watch television... the last show i tried to actually pay attention to was designated survivor. ‘cause i’m weak for kiefer sutherland. and uh? idk i like it cause it has rising climax !
i also binge watched ghost adventures so.... maybe that counts. uh?? i would say maybe seasons 10-13 were my favorite because i felt bad for billy! always sending billy off on his own & his expressions about zak “can you stop summoning demons for a second?” is always great.
2. if you were apart of a trio like the three stooges, what would your names be (can’t be curly, larry and moe)?
actually, @lockedfighter​ & @crystarium-rose​ & i are the powerpuffs. i’m buttercup.
3. you’re a sailor scout, which one are you and why?
i love haruka for her ability to subvert gender roles. i’m really into androgyny & i don’t think my biological sex should limit my physical capabilities or interests. i also have short hair. however, people tend to liken me to ami, minako, & makoto.
4. what is your favorite mode of transportation and why?
jeeps with the doors off ! also tuk-tuk and motorbike. what a thrill !
5. what is a fruit you love but hate any byproduct made in its flavor (ie: grapes, love the fruit but hate grape flavored drinks or candies)?
cherry flavored things are always too strong for me.
6. you’ve lost one of your five senses, which one is it?
uh... smell? though tbh in the transition of winter to spring, it’s a combination of smell and taste because my throat closes off when lilacs bloom & i have to use throat numbing spray lmao.
7. you’re superman for a day, which one of his powers do you abuse the most?
laser vision. burn baby burn, disco inferno.
8. a favorite book you enjoy has comes to life and you are sucked into that world. what book is it and what character are you in that book?
that would be highly problematic considering my options would be the divine comedy or jojo. assuming i’m jojo.... i’d love to be caesar zeppelli when he first meets joseph. that’s quality.
9. do you have a birthday this month, when is it?
my birthday is july 23.
10. i just burnt your favorite dish trying to make it for you, what was the dish suppose to be?
if you burn pasta i’m kind of wary of you tbh.
11. you just got a very pretty parrot, what is the first word you teach it?
“ hewwo. ” i blame apollo entirely.
1. what’s your favourite comfort food ?
gummi bears !!! that’s not a comfort food? then mashed potatoes & gravy. surely that counts.
2. if you could physically go into a video game for a day, what game would you choose and why ? 
policenauts because i’m still weak for space exploration. that, or xenoblade chronicles 2 because i need to make friends with mr. turters & zeke stat.
3. what’s the first book you’ve fallen in love with ?
pretty sure it was an anthology of greek & roman mythology because i’m a nerd.
4. what’s gotten you into writing in the first place ?
i’ve been writing for like... ever. i’ve had diaries since preschool. it’s how i express myself.
5. what made you pick the character ( s ) you are currently writing ?
@lockedfighter​ “ asked ” me into writing yuffie & @kintsuggi​ asked me about writing paz.
6.  what do you cope with better : being cold or being hot ?
being cold. ‘cause i’ll just add socks and blankies & eventually fall asleep. i can only take so many clothes off. and i hate sweating. and drinking water helps to a slight extent but gawd.
7. what’s the one thing you love about your country ?
uh. can i talk about being first nations? great. i love how people who are ndn / first nations respect one another’s differences & how everyone is just “cousin”. that we’re all extended relatives of one another and support people in whatever they might need. i love that solidarity.
8. can you list five things that you love about yourself ?
i’m nice. i care about others. i help others the best i can. sometimes i can be cute. i’m smol & fit into places.
9. what’s your favourite tv show and why ?
24 because it’s action, espionage, justice & i’m weak for kiefer sutherland.
10. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why ?
probably my body because it brings me a lot of unhappiness.
11. if you could become a mythical creature, what would it be ?
a fairy. i would love to be like navi. “ hey, listen! watch out ! ”
TAGGED BY: @smashkick​ & @fcragil​ & @re-no​ ( this is why people think i’m popular i betcha. )
i do not possess the concentration to ask people 11 questions BUT if you wanna just talk about yourself, feel free to tag yourself in that lmao.
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