#anyways clearly some of you do not remember the state of the s4 'leaks' that were coming out back then. but i do.
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muppetbyers · 8 months ago
everyone needs stop trying to make Things happen
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beepboop358 · 3 years ago
Victor Creel Theories
(also includes ST movie DNA series: Star Wars)
Victor Creel is described as "a disturbed and intimidating man who is imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital for a gruesome murder in the 1950s." We know he will be institutionalized at Penthurst mental hospital, where Peter Ballard works, based on leaked on set pics.
There a few possibilities regarding his character:
He could be a former test subject with some kind of powers and a connection to the upside down (which would also follow the even/odd season pattern of a main character being directly involved with the upside down creatures) I think it's highly likely that Victor Creel will be involved with the mystery/danger in Hawkins in some way, and have a connection to the upside down. He could also be disturbed on top of this, and he could be involved in Eleven's storyline this season.
That he is not a test subject and is ONLY mentally disturbed.
He may be related to one of the already established characters. Most likely Joyce, and maybe Terry but it's a stretch.
Before I go any further into that last possibility, I just want to preface that this idea of an "evil father/grandfather with powers" could be a purposeful Star Wars parallel. The Duffer brothers have already paralleled and used Star Wars references a few times in the show:
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In Star Wars, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father, and Palpatine is Rey's grandfather (aka the literal worst guy in the universe). A common theme in ST is abusive/bad fathers - that post here. Interesting...
Palpatine is also Anakin Skywalker's father, so Luke and Leia are both the grandkids of Palpatine as well as Rey is, but it's unclear if they are just force midichlorian related or actually dna related as well but I won't get into that here!
Luke and Rey are both force sensitive (have powers), so are Darth Vader and Palpatine; their descendants (kid/grandkid) have powers, and so do they (father/grandfather) The descendants use their powers for good, while the ancestors use their power for evil. Who has powers in ST? Eleven and Will - and they both already have this idea of abusive/bad/evil fathers: Will has an abusive father Lonnie, and Eleven has an abusive father figure Dr. Brenner "Papa".
So... Victor Creel being the evil/bad grandfather to either Eleven or Will and the evil/bad father to Joyce or Terry, would make a FULL Star Wars parallel to people who are morally good and have powers (Will and El - Luke and Rey), discovering they are the descendant of an evil male figure who also has powers (Victor Creel - Darth Vader and Palpatine)
If Victor Creel turns out to be the father of anyone in the show my bets are it's either Joyce Byers or maybeee Terry Ives.
If he was a test subject, its likely he went "crazy" with some of his powers and the government couldn't cover it up so they declare him mentally insane to get him committed, and he probably goes insane being locked away as well. Personally, I think he may be 001 or an early test subject, when they were still working out the kinks of the program, and I think he does have a big connection to the upside down.
The Duffer Brother's on s4: "In Hawkins a new horror is beginning to surface, something long buried, something that connects everything"....
Now let's get into the possibilities for Creel's storyline/who he could be related to (split into 3 parts).
Part 1: Creel could be Joyce's father
Based on Victor Creel's description as "disturbed" and that he is "in a psychiatric hospital", it could connect him to Joyce's bloodline.
There are several comments in the show hinting to this idea of mental instability in Joyce's family:
s1 ep.5: When Lonnie comes to visit in s1 after Will goes missing, Joyce says to Lonnie "No, don't look at me like that, like how everyone is looking at me, like I'm out of my damn mind" He responds saying "I think you need to consider the possibility that this is all in your head. Remember your Aunt Darlene?" Joyce quickly replies, "No, this is not that."
That conversation, although quick, is very telling. Lonnie is implying that Joyce had an aunt who was mentally unstable - and Joyce clearly knows about her aunt being unstable because she responds to his comment by saying what's she's experiencing is not that (the mental instability of her aunt)
s2 ep.2: Joyce says to Bob, "this is not a normal family", when he suggest moving out of Hawkins.
I used to think Joyce was always was referring to the whole 'my son got stuck in an alternate dimension with supernatural monsters and is now traumatized, and we were sworn to secrecy by the government' thing but maybe she is also referring to her biological family.
s1 ep.2: When they are searching for Will, one of the other police officers, says "Joyce is one step from the edge" and the other officer responds "She has been several steps for quite a while now".
If Joyce is related to Victor Creel biologically, and he did also happen to be a test subject, has powers, or has some other relation to the upside down, this could possibly have contributed to whatever kind of abilities Will has, because he would be a descendant of Creel. But Joyce does not seem to have any powers and neither does Jonathan. If they were related to Creel, it's odd that they both didn't get powers, but Will did. I've always thought Will was born with his powers, like El.
We know almost nothing about Joyce's past, it's never discussed in the slightest in the show, which I feel like is purposeful. We don't know Joyce's maiden name; she doesn't change it back after she and Lonnie divorce. Maybe the Duffers are saving Joyce's backstory for s4 (and possibly s5), like I think they are doing with Will and El's connection. Will, El, Hopper, and Joyce were pictured in a series of 4 tweets posted by the stranger writers, hinting to the main 4 storylines for season 4. My analyzation of this tweet here.
I think it's possible that Joyce's storyline this season could also have to do with her past- not just her searching for Hopper- but also more personal information about her. Perhaps we will see flashbacks of younger Joyce and maybe learn about her biological relatives.
Noah also said this would be the darkest season for Will, so this idea of being the grandkid of someone evil or disturbed could fit into that.
Part 2: Creel could be Terry's father/Eleven's grandfather
The only other person I could see potentially having a biological; relation to Victor Creel could be Terry Ives and Eleven, (because it would complete the Star Wars parallel mentioned earlier) but it's a stretch for several reasons, the main one being that Terry and Becky's father Bill Ives, died in a car crash (year unknown).
So for Victor Creel to be Terry's father that either has to be:
Her adoptive father OR
Her mother cheated and led Mr. Ives to believe Terry was his kid but her father is really Victor Creel, and Becky is actually Bill Ives son (which would explain why Becky has no powers)
Right of the bat it's interesting Terry's father's name is Bill. Bill is a nickname for William (Will Byers full name is William), and Billy's a nickname also for William... Hmmm....
Immediately after El is born, Terry is adamant that Brenner stole her child to use as a weapon to fight the commies BECAUSE SHE HAD SPECIAL ABILITIES - and she's completely right about everything. How does Terry know El had powers immediately after she was born? Because she knows she has developed some kind of special abilities from the experiments as well. When El goes to visit her mother in s2, THE LIGHTS FLICKER, just like they do when the upside down is near, but it's not Eleven controlling it. Her Aunt Becky says it's just the wiring, and Eleven responds: "IT'S MAMA. She wants to talk." And then we see Terry's NOSE BLEED, just like El's does when she uses her powers.
Quick side note about El's biological father is Andrew Rich: (It's revealed in the canon novel Suspicious Minds that Andrew Rich is El's father) He was a college student who got expelled from school due to protesting the Nixon address, making him eligible to be drafted in the Vietnam war, and he died in battle. Terry was involved in the Project MKUltra experiments at Hawkins National Laboratory in College, under the direction of Dr. Martin Brenner, but didn't know she was pregnant at the time. Andrew never even knew Terry was pregnant, meaning she was extremely early on in her pregancy at the time he was sent away, not even Terry was aware yet. It's also stated in this book that BRENNER HAD A HAND IN GETTING ANDREW EXPELLED SO HE COULD SEND ANDREW AWAY. The novel states that Brenner has Andrew drafted because he wants to SCARE Terry, to show her how much power he has over her life. There's definitely some history between Terry and Brenner that we don't know about yet.
If Victor Creel is in fact Joyce's father it's interesting that the powers seem to have skipped a generation with Joyce, and also one kid with the Byers, but if Victor Creel is Terry's father, no generations were skipped in passing down powers. ANYWAYS, this is all just theories and speculation since we have no actual concrete reasons to believe he will be related to Joyce or Terry.
Part 3: The possibility that Creel could be involved in Eleven's storyline this season does not rely on them being biologically related.
**One of the filming locations for this season is the Claremont House, which is RUMORED to be Creel's house and also "Vecna's lair" the new monster for s4 (unconfirmed) This is the house the Hawkins group goes into in the ST4 sneak peek, where they see the grandfather clock striking midnight. If that's true, there's a connection between Creel and the upside down and having powers, which could connect Creel to Eleven. The Duffers: "In Hawkins a new horror is beginning to surface, something long buried, something that connects everything". This thing "that connects everything", could be Creel's storyline (his possible connection to the lab/upside down/person in the show), because Creel's storyline also spans all the way back to the 1950's and before that, so there's our "long buried" part most likely.
Robert Englund recently revealed in *an interview* that his character Victor Creel gouges his eyes out, making him unable to see. Englund also mentions what it's like working with Millie Bobby Brown and talks about the first time her met her, he doesn't mention any other cast members in detail like he does Millie.
He's clearly working closely with Millie's character Eleven.
But why? I think Creel could be involved with Eleven getting her powers back, and her reliving her past. Once the government baddies realize El has no powers, they're gonna want them back. If Creel was in fact a test subject, maybe there is some kind of connection between them, Such as Eleven revisiting what happened to her in her past and how that could relate to her getting her powers back.
Another thought I had was that perhaps the gruesome murder he committed is somehow related to something that ends up impacting in Eleven's life.
Whatever Victor Creel's storyline is, it will be an important one, and it will carry somewhat into s5, since he will be a returning character. He is not signed as a series regular, but as a recurring character, which means we don't really know to what capacity he will be in s5. It could be flashbacks mostly, or he could have just as big or small of a role.
Source: indie wire
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That detail about eyes being gouged out reminds me of fear street 1666 when the townsmen who was sacrificed to the devil becomes possessed and gouges the kids eyes out. Leigh Janick, director of fear street, is married to Ross Duffer. They both direct and make horror/sci-fi themed series about kids in a small town set in the 80's, who fight supernatural evil with a heavy undertone of queer themes, that are even filmed in a lot of the same locations (the mall, the town streets, etc.) I'm not saying it's the same thing, it definitely won't be. But there's so many similarities between ST and Fear Street, I thought I would mention this as another.
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yilinglaozuhot · 8 years ago
Sherlock and the Structure of Shakespearian Plays
While I was watching Hamlet the other day, an idea stuck in my head. Can we apply the structure of Shakespearian dramas to Sherlock? Hell yeah, we can.
Many apologies if there are metas about this exact theme around tumblr (and I’m sure there are some, I just happened not to find them) but I just have to put my thoughts into words. Maybe I can be a conductor of light, too, with my miserable attempt to make sense what’s happened in Sherlock.
So, anyway, enjoy my non-academic rambling about Sherlock, Shakespeare, and drama. 
Warning: it’s long!
Dramas are one of the most ancient kind of entertainment. The Greeks developed a so timeless genre of storytelling that it still has effects on today’s theatres, television and movies. Without them, we couldn’t have any of the above in the form that we know now. So, thank you, ancient Greeks for inventing drama! Kudos to you.
Traditionally, drama has two genres - comedy and tragedy. I don’t explain the differences between the two of them because they are pretty obvious for everybody. Shakespeare was the one who changed the structure and meaning of dramas. Originally, dramas contained three acts - beginning, middle and an end. But time goes by, and the structure had to evolve.
There isn’t a fine line in Shakespearian dramas between comedy and tragedy because he had a unique point of view what are the characteristics of the two genres. Usually, the audience found out what kind of drama they were watching by Act 5 because Shakespearian comedies aren’t about laughing (though there are many puns and different types of jokes in both genres). It’s the end which makes difference between Shakespeare’s dramas.
By the end of comedies love conquers all (yup, that was intended right here), the lovers finally can be together, and there is at least one marriage at the final scenes (in A Midsummer’s Night Dream there are four). Happy endings everywhere.
In tragedies, the opposite thing happen, of course. In Act 5, the shit hits the fan (sorry for the vulgarity but it’s true) and everything falls apart. Lovers are lost, families are in pieces, kingdoms are in ruins. No happy endings, just chaos and decay.
Shakespeare invented the Five Act dramas, and applied the structure to his plays. Here is the format of the Five Act drama structure, copied from this website because I’m a lazy ass and don’t want to dig after my old university notebooks.
Act 1: The Exposition Here, the audience learns the setting (Time/Place), characters are developed, and a conflict is introduced.
Act 2: Rising Action The action of this act leads the audience to the climax. It is common for complications to arise, or for the protagonist to encounter obstacles.
Act 3: The Climax This is the turning point of the play. The climax is characterized by the highest amount of suspense.
Act 4: Falling Action The opposite of Rising Action, in the Falling Action the story is coming to an end, and any unknown details or plot twists are revealed and wrapped up.
Act 5: Denouement or Resolution This is the final outcome of the drama. Here the authors tone about his or her subject matter is revealed, and sometimes a moral or lesson is learned. 
Sounds familiar? We can apply this Five Act structure to Sherlock. We just haven’t seen Act 5 as I stated in this post. And I’m sure I’ve read something very similar from somebody else but I can’t remember what from whom, so I’d be very pleased if somebody could figure out what I was thinking about.
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Breaking the fourth wall, huh?
(For some kind of reason this picture reminds me of the drawing room play that was popular in which era? Yup, you guessed right, the Victorian era. But that is a whole new kind of topic.)
Act 1 = Series 1
The Exposition. The audience learns the setting - 2010, London -, and the characters are developed - Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mrs Hudson, Molly Hooper, Mycrot Holmes etc. “A conflict is introduced.” We have very layered conflicts here between the characters, and also we get hints throughout the whole series for the main conflict that Jim Moriarty brings upon the heads of our main characters. It’s beautifully introduced in ASiP: 
JW: “What’s Moriarty?” SH: “I’ve absolutely no idea.”)
 and revealed in TGG :
“Jim Moriarty. Hi.”
 It’s a well-planned arc to reveal the mystery of Moriarty that works fantastically in S1. The main conflict is introduced for the rest of the play: “I will burn the heart out of you.” But Sherlock is informed that he hasn’t got a heart, so Moriarty has to show him that he definitely has one before he burns it out.
Act 2 = Series 2
Rising Action. Finally, we get to know Moriarty in TGG, and this knowledge arcs through S2. In this Act, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson have to go through many obstacles like The Woman and the Hound. They have to fight with their emotions and develop in character to finally reach the climax of the whole play, The Reichenbach Fall. The conflict (the heart-burning stuff) is fully developed by TRF, and Moriarty makes his first attempt to burn the heart out of Sherlock by ruining his reputation, separating him from the world he knows and the people he cares about. In this series Sherlock learns that he has a heart that can be burnt out of him. We can clearly see how it’s shattering and breaking during the progress of TRF. The first time we can witness is when he confronts John that Moriarty wants the world to believe him as a fraud. But John is still loyal to him even then, and doesn’t believe that Sherlock’s a fake genius. On the rooftop of Bart’s, Sherlock’s heart finally breaks when he calls John to leave a note and I think this is the point he realises that he’s always had a heart. But he doesn’t accept it at this point in the story.
Act 3 = Series 3 + TAB
The Climax. S3 is the turning point of the whole Five Act play. After 2 years of exile, Sherlock Holmes finally returns to London and reveals to John that he’s not dead. Little did he know that John has got on with his life while he was away and wants to get married. A new important character is introduced, Mary Morstan. She is a new obstacle between our two main characters while they try to mend their friendship. John forgives Sherlock, and Sherlock accepts that John has a life that doesn’t entirely depend on him. They come to terms with this new situation though it’s hurtful for both of them. The cracks are there though they try hard to repair them. Meanwhile, Sherlock’s heart breaks some more beacuse of this new situation. This metaphor becomes more obvious when it turns out that Mary is an assassin and shots Sherlock in the chest. Three times. Once in reality, twice in Sherlock’s Mind Palace. We’re introduced to the structure of MP and the theory of Extended Mind Palace (EMP) on which you can read excellent metas from various writers like @the-7-percent-solution, @inevitably-johnlocked, @gosherlocked and many more. If you’re interested in the idea, go and read something from them.
(Honestly, I like being sceptic and questioning everything but as I’m writing this shitton of rambling, EMP theory starts making more and more sense.)
I add TAB as an extension to S3 because in my opinion it’s more connected to the events of S3 than S4. By the end of it we are back at tarmac hell. Sort of. The whole episode takes place in Sherlock’s head. It’s a play within a play. Sounds familiar? We see this device e.g. in Hamlet. Hamlet sets up a play in which the actors reenact the murder of Hamlet’s father in order to unveile Claudius’ guiltiness. Sherlock sets up a whole story in which he tries to figure out if Moriarty is dead or alive. We get a clue from Jim (who is a hallucianation within a hallucination) that 
“[...] it’s never the fall that kills you, Sherlock. [...] It’s never the fall. It’s the landing.” 
And Sherlock, after  he comes back (or does he?) from his Mind Palace to reality, gets to the conclusion that 
“Moriarty is dead, no question. But more importantly, I know exactly what he's going to do next.”
But in the final scene we are back in 1895, Holmes staring through the window of 221B, and slowly the modern day Baker Street starts to leak through the Victorian setting.
Keep in mind this play within a play device because it’s getting rather fun at this point. 
Act 4 = Series 4
Falling Action. S4 begins lightheartedly but it soon turns pretty dark. It’s a series of consequences and the cracks on the relationships between characters become rifts, everybody’s hearts are broken. The audience feels some things are beyond help, the end is coming and “more unknown details and plot twists are revealed.” Hello, Eurus and Redbeard! And after all the shit Sherlock and John have to go through, they all go back to Baker Street, repair their home and their hearts (it’s such a beautiful metaphor, I’m crying). Finally, Sherlock accepts his heart and learns to live with it. 
And they live happily ever after...
Or do they? What is exactly the description of Act 4? “The opposite of Rising Action, in the Falling Action the story is coming to an end, and any unknown details or plot twists are revealed and wrapped up.” Mofftiss created a textbook Act 4 in S4. In the very surface the audience feels it’s really the end, our heroes got their happy endings, and there is also a kind of wrapping up in the plot as we learn details about Sherlock’s past. BUT! But, by the end of S4 we have more questions than before which suggests it really isn’t the end (I don’t want to start listing the fuckery here because we all know that). 
But I have one question that is bigger than every other question. How did exactly Moriarty burn the heart out of Sherlock? Because I’ve already seen heartbreak, loss and pain, but all these events led Sherlock to learn the advantages of having a heart, and accepting it.
Oh, and have you ever read A Midsummer’s Night Dream? And do you remember Puck suggesting the audience that it all might have been a dream, breaking the fourth wall and questioning reality? 
If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here While these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream, Gentles, do not reprehend: if you pardon, we will mend: And, as I am an honest Puck, If we have unearned luck Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue, We will make amends ere long; Else the Puck a liar call; So, good night unto you all.   
We, the audience also question the reality of S4, and we have our own Puck... MOFFTISS. They literally tell us they lie and lie and lie and don’t believe a single word they say! So, at least they are honest about lying! Like, are they even real? Those nerds...
Throughout the whole of S4, we get parallels between TAB and S4, and here is a fantastic gifset by @afishlearningpoetry that sums up all the parallels, and gives the feeling that we are all in a well-planned play. The Victorian dream starts to leak into modern days, leading us back to the end of TAB. I think Sherlock didn’t wake up from TAB, and he’s still in his MP, and the different layers he’s built up are leaking into each other.
So, I have a general feeling that S3 and S4 are more tied together than I thought before I started to write this comparison. If I wanted to go further, and why the hell wouldn’t I? I would say we've seen a play within a play within a play in these 4 series. Let me explain.
We have 4 series/4 acts, that’s our “eggshell” play that contains the other plays. Within that “eggshell”, there’s another play, TAB that begins in HLV when Sherlock’s got shot. Within TAB, there’s Series 4. BOOM! Sherlockception.
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“You’re too deep, Sherlock.” The water is too deep. It’s time to wake up. Moriarty has finally a heart to burn out.
Act 5 = Series 5 
Denounement or Resolution is yet to come. But will we be watching a tragedy or a comedy? I bet my money on tragedy.
As I was writing this thing I started to think that each series can be considered as 3 Act plays, and I stumbled upon this fantastic meta by @futureofthemasses, explaining all my thoughts and beyond.
Also, there are a lot of foreshadowing throughout S3 and S4 which lead us to the conclusion that Sherlock is a Five Act play. Of course, the writers couldn’t introduce us too soon to the concept because  they like keeping secrets but they also like foreshadowing and planning sub-texts into their scripts.
“You are not a puzzle solver, you never have been. You’re a drama queen.” - John Watson, TSoT
“I never could resist a touch of drama.” - Sherlock Holmes, HLV
“The stage is set, the curtain rises. We are ready to begin.” - Sherlock Holmes, TAB
“Pure reason toppled by sheer melodrama. Your life in a nutshell.” - Mycroft Holmes, TAB
“Sorry! I can never resist a gong. Or a touch of the dramatic.” - Sherlock Holmes, TAB
“The perfect stage for a perfect drama.” - Sherlock Holmes, TAB
“The sound of breaking glass - not a window. Just an old theatrical trick.” - Sherlock Holmes, TAB
“The setting is a shade melodramatic, don't you think?” - Sherlock Holmes, TAB
“Nice location for the final act, couldn't have chosen it better myself.” - Sherlock Holmes, TST. And hullo, parallel to the quote above?
“By the pricking of my thumbs” - Sherlock Holmes, TST (quoted from William Shakespeare - Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 2)
“Once more unto the breach...” - Sherlock Holmes, TLD (quoted from William Shakespeare - Henry V, Act 3, Scene I)
+1 The skull fuckery explained by @mrboddydidit, and it has to be Shakespeare. Of course.
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And if you liked this comparison, then...
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@justwolfiethings @sofini and @holmesianscholar??? 
idk, don’t take it seriously
Anyway, it was good to get it out of me. I’ll just put this potato out there and wait what will happen...
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softnorwegians · 7 years ago
Another bunch of asks that I didn’t want to leave unanswered! Note: tread lightly if you love the remakes or William or P Chris, opinions in asks not necessarily my own.
man, I can already see the fourth of july instead of may seventeenth plot...oh god! Skam Austin gets worse everytime I think about it too hard!
I think it’ll be prom or homecoming or something that’s a thing?
I had my problems with skamit but kept watching until ep 4. When italian vilde was going upstairs to hook up with you know who she actually stopped and asked italian chris if she was doing the right thing bc she was not sure and she was like wtf are you kidding me, just go with him. I just, idk, no best friend would tell you to follow some guy just like that. It might sounds stupid but that scene really made me feel so damn bad. I am afraid this remake might be a bit too much for me.
Mmm, yeah, I didn’t keep up with that one past the first ep so I don’t know. I’m glad the Italians seem to enjoy it but I could understand why they’re like “oh god, how to we explain this to non-Italians” at least once an episode. 
I think the positive thing about it being on Facebook watch is that it is the only free streaming platform it could have been on, meaning it has the potential to reach more people. I mean okay you need a fb account but that’s better than paying for Netflix or Hulu every month. Plus as of now it isn’t geoblocked. And Facebook owns Instagram so the social media can be filtered better than it would have on any other network. I just see how in terms of what US networks have to offer why FB was best
Yeah, I think it’s a fitting choice? I’m not sure how much being on a certain platform gives you a greater reach, I think some people were thinking more people might stumble onto it elsewhere.
I’m from jersey too! Man north and south jersey are like two different states. Imagine Skam Jersey City or something - never on time to anything because NJ transit sucks, the multiple malls within in a 20 minute radius is the hangout on weekdays and you go into the city or Hoboken on weekends for no reason with no money to spend. Your neighbors pretty much make your block more diverse than the UN. Real non chain pizza and Chinese take out are eaten religiously.
Jersey has a little bit of everything?? Because I was from a small-town, little suburb that was all tree-lined and beautiful. But that town was also surrounded by highways and stripmalls if you went ten-fifteen minutes in several directions?
i used to be meh about the remakes but the longer they go on the more i hate them. the european ones feel like a bunch of bad cosplayers decided to remake skam. I HATE THEM
I have this thing where it’s kind of fun to compare them at first but then the novelty wears off and I’m more “why... no...”. I generally hate remakes though so I’ve actually felt like I’ve grown as a person to be this accepting!
Lol Isak and Even were barely in s4 and when they were the storyline was either dropped halfway trough or Isak was used to further Sana's story, develop their best friends story they build in s3 or to use Isak as preacher to justify muddy waters. Just like Sana and Noora's ONLY SOLO scene did, to "call out Noora's hypocricity" but it was more to excuse and get a wise, popular character to make William look better (lol). Yet Vilde and Chris were close and had build up with Sana, not Noora...
My two least favorite scenes in Skam...
If the Uk is the biggest it's not what Scandinavia is getting. 90% is American based, it's always been like that and that's why we have so much American integrated in out cultures and also why we are also very good at English because while we study it early on we are constantly surrounded by English and American film and television.
Maybe part of that stat is the UK/USA co-productions? Like a British production company doing Skam Austin like this. 
US Willhelm looks like the most genetic white football player douschebag and he looks exactly like that scumbag from 13 reasons why. I wonder why the remakes never changes the ethnicity for Willhelm when he's supposed to be the dream goal?
Yeahhhhhhhh, it does say something that they’ve changed P Chris to a minority twice while the most popular guy is always remarkably the same.
I mean I get that Julie is doing skam Austin so it’s being critiqued more BUT there are so many other remakes going on to watch instead. So many countries have the opportunity to make skam and I’m sorry but so far they all either did an exact copy and/or are not keeping up with the point of daily updates in real time.People hate on Julie but the other creators so far have done little to adapt it correctly. Clearly from Skam Austin we see that the characters do not have to be exact copies 🤷🏻‍♀️
Well, I don’t think people were very accepting of the other remakes either? People have been pretty harsh on all of them. It’s just a different kind of harsh with Skam Austin because it’s tied up with people’s existing feelings about Julie Andem and s4 and the end of Skam and etc.
"The argument is racist" omg stop throwing that word around it actually has an important meaning and using it for something inappropriate is just defeating its purpose. Also idk if it's just because that anon is American, but not every argument needs to have an underlying note of racism in it and it's frustrating when people just use the "you're racist" card just to look better in a discussion, it just destroyes the job we put into fighting against racism when it actually matters.
Yeah, that happens a lot. There’s a thoughtful way to consider race in what we’re talking about but that’s not it.
I think skam austin is going to be another repeat of the same plot , like I think if they wanted to do something new, they would change the name at least but calling it skam austin immediately connects it to og skam and I think the other remakes have shown us just have different they can go with the plots...
I don’t know, I’ve really gone back-and-forth about how close it’s going to be? I think we have to wait and get some footage at least.
imagine how it was when she broke the news to the actors? the deal was done during s3, they must have at least thought of her going to the states, then finding out s4 is the last season.
I wonder if they did find out in stages or all at once. Was Skam ever possibly going to continue? Without Julie, maybe? I’d kind of assume she told them both at once.
I remember reading a while ago when a p Chris fan was going ***** over Jonas and that Eva didn't give Chris a chance because he's so much more than a fuckboy. They said they had seen vines of pchris and Eva and I though of course it would be vines rofl so imagine a bunch of people falling for this hot badboy over vines expecting this great badass character and then he's barely in the show? I think it's 90% Herman projection onto Chris and Eva. They love him because he's apparently hot.
Yeah, with P Chris I’m like “he’s barely there????”. At least William is a character!
it's weird that all the remakes chose to start in the middle of the school year. even weirder that skam france has chosen to put out 2 seasons in the space of about 4 months... I feel like they're doing that to dominate the skam remakes, you know to be the most predominant remake. Seems fishy to me. I don't trust them. Don't even get me started on these fake leaks of the episode for publicity!!!!! We're not falling for it! Who else could it be except THEIR OWN TEAM!!! yeesh lol sorry ANYWAY
Didn’t episodes leak twice or something? I don’t know, I’m not following it very closely. I did find the whole “just wait, things will change more after episode three!” thing annoying though.
"Is it true that skam Italian uses a white actress to play a muslim character? If so it is so wrong!!" Anon,let me just remind you that what is wrong about it is the fact that she's a non muslim girl but she wears a hijaab and plays a muslim (if we get s4..I can't imagine all the scenes with "Sana" praying, knowing she's not muslim). Please, remember that there are white muslim people and it'd be more okay for a white girl to play this character IF the actress was muslim herself I guess.
Yeah, I think you have to be careful not to conflate that, but also it is a shame that they’d change a POC character into a white character? Just because someone can be white and a Muslim doesn’t mean that’s actually a good representation of the Muslim minority there? 
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