#anyways back to focussing on Louis' pretty face
silverfoxlou · 4 years
I’d love to hear more of your thoughts about IICF if you’d like to share? The only part i like on that song is Louis’ solo.
At first I thought that I was exaggerating about how many thoughts I had about this stupid song, but then I wrote it out and it got long...
Like I said, it’s easy to promise “to give up everything” when you know the person you’re promising will never ask you to do so. The way things played out, he knew that and took advantage of it. And even then, it’s still he thinks he might give up everything. You could actually argue that Louis is the one that gave up everything... and this isn’t just me saying it, is it? A lot of larries seem to agree that Louis compromised on his career so that Harry could get the success he deserved. 
Looking back I think the fandom reaction (or well.. part of the fandom.. you know which part) to him singing this and Sweet Creature (??) on the “boyfriend stage” was what made me really hate the song with a burning passion. They were being baited to the max and fell for it hook, line and sinker, and they then used it to keep pushing the narrative of Louis following Harry on tour and hiding in the shadows. 
Thinking about it now, I guess the line
For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
set the stage for how larries think Harry and Louis’ love and support works. Harry doesn’t need to publicly support or even acknowledge his partner because he does it all in private, behind the scenes, where no one can see it and it doesn’t actually do Louis any good. 
And a minor point, but I also remember thinking that it was surprising he just went ahead and performed a song from MITAM that they hadn’t performed live together yet by himself.. but I guess it was “his song” so it made some sense. 
Oh also, isn’t it fandom lore (or maybe it’s real, I don’t know) that he wrote this song around the same time Louis (and Liam) wrote Home the one time their two-week rule was broken? And they wrote the songs for each other? This was the best he could come up with?
@tomlinsno also pointed this out to me
For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I looked you in the eyes, saw that I was lost (saw that I was lost) For every question "why", you were my "because" (you were my "because")
It’s almost like Harry loved being adored and being the center of the someone’s whole universe. Louis loved Harry. 
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The Struggles of a Male Veela (Part 2 - Selene Morgenstern)
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Louis Weasley x Soulmate!OC
Length: 2414 words
Warnings: hints towards lesbian parents, slight house predjudice, soulmate au, next gen!, altered next gen! ages, young Hunter Parrish as Louis, female OC
Part 2 of ‘The Struggles of a Male Veela’ Series | Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 3 |
Louis knew this was his soulmate, someone whom he felt a compulsion to be around. He felt the need to care for this person, like he did with the members of his family – but the need was stronger, if possible. He desperately wanted to love this girl, to be the person to help her when she needed, and be at her side as she went through life. Louis especially wanted to hold her hand, and press loving kisses to her lips…
“Again; very sorry for running into you!” The girl then hurried off, towards two middle aged females who were standing near a cart. Like others on the platform, the cart was topped by luggage, and a large grey owl, who was hooting away in a bronzed cage.
“Mate,” There was a pause, “What just happened?” Teddy Lupin was now trying to steady his ‘cousin’, as it honestly looked as if Louis was about to fall over. The younger boy was now being enclosed by his family, who were all concerned about the shortness of his breath, and the fact he seemed dazed. Meanwhile, he was trying to look around everyone’s heads, hoping to catch another glimpse of that girl.
His mother was pressing her hands to his reddened cheeks, “Ma cherie, are you feeling alright?” Fleur noticed his gaze was not on any of those trying to converse with him, but rather, it was focussed on a small family about five metres away. She looked intently at the small family, the girl was kissing the women on the cheeks, before getting onto the train. The Frenchwoman paused for a moment, as she realised what was occurring, before she let a large smile crowd her gorgeous face. “Ah!” Fleur exclaimed happily, effectively startling the others around her.
“Love?” Bill was now addressing his wife, noticing her attentions were now on the same family that Louis was looking at. “What’s going on?”
“’e ‘as found ‘is soulmate!”
Many of the family, who were understanding of the situation, let out surprised, but pleased, noises. To many on the platform, particularly those who didn’t know them, they just seemed like that dramatic family who over-dramatised every event in their lives – which they totally were.
Albus, however, was not one of these people, the ones who gasped. Instead he rolled his eyes at their actions. Sure, he was happy for his cousin, but there was honestly no reason to react so dramatically, in his opinion anyway. It was sort of obvious that Louis would have a ‘mate’, as all full veelas do. Why was it surprising it was someone his age, who went to the same school? And besides, he was pretty sure that they even shared some classes… if his vast knowledge was correct. “Well, as fun as this discovery was, we need to board, or we’ll miss the train.” His cool voice reminded him that he should probably find his friends…
His words jolted those of whom had to get on the train, out of their reveries. The children who were to board, began to hastily gather their luggage, pets, bags, etc.
“Bye mum, dad, love you!” Albus kissed his mother’s cheek, and hugged his dad briefly, before hopping onto the red train. He had to find Scorpius Malfoy, and Frankie Zabini, two of his Slytherin friends whom he hadn’t seen for most of the summer – due to their parents not being happy with their friendship to the son of the ‘saviour’.
After a few moments, all the rest of the clan followed in Albus’s footsteps, hugged their parents’ goodbye. There was a point where Rose nearly left her wand, which Hermione held onto until she ran back off the train for it. “Don’t forget to write!” Was shouted after them, as their mothers parroted the words they were told each year.
“Ma cherie,” Fleur pulled her eldest to the side momentarily, whilst there were a few minutes left before the train finally pulled out of the station, “Owl me ‘eef you need me!” Her tone was completely serious, and Louis found himself nodding at her, his face mimicking her seriousness. Despite their solemn tones, and faces, there was clear excitement shining in both of their eyes.
“I will mum, love you!”
Louis rushed off as soon as he could, he had to find her. He wasn’t even thinking about it, he was following what his body believed to be right. It was an easy process too, even with his twin sister clearly following behind him. He followed his gut to the very back of the train, somewhat relying on his veela-ness to help. Louis paused, his Gryffindor bravery failing him for a second, as he reached the last carriages.
Everyone knew that the Slytherins’ sat at the back of the Hogwarts express.
Victoire eventually caught up to him, having her suspicions as to what he was doing, but also being a lot slower than him physically, now that he’s a full veela. “Is she down here?” She asked him a bit hesitantly, as well as slightly breathy. She knew as well as he did, that this meant ‘his’ girl was most probably a Slytherin.
Even after all these years there’s a stigma about Slytherins’ – probably amplified due to what happened during the war. This was especially true about their family. The Potter-Weasley’s still weren’t too trusting of Slytherins.
When Albus was sorted into Slytherin, there seemed to be an immediate change in him.
Many in his family saw it negatively, saw it as him becoming ‘evil’. Rather, it was merely him absorbing the personalities of his friends, to further expand his own. All children did it when they reached their teens, as that’s how kids began to form who they are during these years. Unfortunately, most Slytherin purebloods are taught from a young age, to not be conceived as weak – this usually culminates in the slightly unemotional personalities, or cold exteriors, that the rest of the wizarding world sees.
Obviously, the energetic, emotional personalities of the Weasley-Potter clan clashed heavily with the cooler, less dramatic personality of Albus after this process.
The pair were walking down the train hallway slowly, when Louis suddenly stopped, causing Victoire to bump into his back. “She’s in here.” The second-to-last carriage held the girl who was Louis perfect match, he could both sense her, and smell her – the scent of her skin was tropical. Mangoes and coconuts. Louis assumed this was due to a body wash or soap, and shamefully, it led to him wondering slightly inappropriate thoughts about her. He wondered…
“What are you two doing?” Albus and his friends had managed to sneak up on the older twins, whilst the younger was waiting on the elder to stop daydreaming. Scorpius Malfoy and Frankie Zabini stood either side of the young dark haired Potter, both looking at them confused. Most of the members of the Weasley family avoided Slytherins, as old grudges are hard to abandon they’d found, so they were confused by their presence down the ‘Slytherin’ end of the train.
Victoire smiled slightly, low-key adoring her cousin and his friends. They looked cute to her, trying to seem tougher and meaner than they truly were. It vaguely reminded her of when she and her cousins played pretend, as young children. “His ‘soulmate’ is in there.” She gestured with her thumb behind her shoulder, to the carriage door that was shut, glass obscured by the ugly curtains that matched the ugly fabric of the train seats.
Louis was staring at the closed door, as he began to realise what Victoire said was true. His perfect match was in there, and he had no idea what he should say to her…
Victoire continued, as if her brother’s internal battle wasn’t happening, “Do you know who she is, Albus?”
That jolted Louis out of his state. He whipped around to look at his younger cousin in awe, the possibility of learning more about this girl too much for him. “You know her?”
“The girl who knocked you over, your ‘soulmate’,” Albus put quotation marks around the word, making it seem as if he didn’t believe, but really, he was just teasing, “Her name is Selene Morgenstern.”
“Selene… Morgenstern.” Louis repeated the name, loving the way it sounded on his lips. It was an elegant name, too. He found himself wondering if she was pure-blooded. Obviously, it didn’t matter to his ‘blood-traitor’ family, or to him, if she was. “Selene…”
Victoire stared at her brother, who was began mouthing the words silently. “Are you okay?” She questioned him, looking at him like he was crazy. Honestly, ever since he transformed, he’s been weird – not that he wasn’t odd before the changing. The two twins were very close, and they’d always gotten along, but Louis was always more of an oddity, compared to her. After a moment, he stopped mouthing the name and just stared at the compartment door. “Louis, are you going in?” He was loitering and several people passing by had begun to look at him, but he wasn’t paying attention to anything but the door.
Louis’s exclamation was louder than necessary, and caught the attention of those inside the compartment. “Hello?”
The door had opened to reveal several sets of eyes, but the only one of note, according to Louis’s brain, was Selene’s. They stood out vividly to him. Louis was still stood in the same place he was before the door opened, meaning he was now stood very close to Selene. Closer than he felt was necessary, so he forced himself a step back. He didn’t want to make he feel uncomfortable! Hopefully, later in their relationship (he hoped), he’d get to be as close to her, as his biology was begging him to be.
“Oh, it’s you!”
“Who is it, Sel?”
“Yeah, Sellie, tell us who the gentleman caller is!” The two females behind Selene, who looked closely related (Victoire noticed, Louis was busy trying to not be too obvious in his staring), had teasing tones to their voices. To those that had known them, these girls would have reminded anyone of a young Fred and George Weasley (unfortunately, none of these children had known them both, together). Their nicknames for the girl were obviously mocking, as the female in question gave them faux-glares in return.
Another head popped up behind the girls, a male who had his own teasing tone, “Miss Selene, the nerve of it all! You have gentleman callers coming to you, immediately after you tell us you weren’t seeing someone!” His joking was dramatic, like many people Louis knew, “The betrayal, the lies! Where will it end?” He put his hand to his forehead, and clutched one of the siblings to his chest (with said sibling pretending to cry).
“Oh, sod off, Boot!” Selene called back to her dramatic friends, before turning back to those at the door. She smiled when she noticed the sweet, dazed, look on the boy’s face. “Can we help you?” The question was left open, but her eyes did not leave the sharp angles of Louis’s face.
There wasn’t a response from him, though, or any of the children behind him. After a moment, Louis was prompted by his sister’s elbow digging into his side, “Hi.”
Behind him, Albus let out a silent groan, leaning into Scorpius’s shoulder to hide his face from viewing the wreckage in front of him. Frankie and Scorpius both hid their small smirks behind their hands. The Weasley’s were too funny.
Victoire wasn’t mute with her second-hand embarrassment, “Oh Merlin, Louis!” She pushed his back, moving him slightly out of her way, “Hi, I’m Victoire Weasley, this is Scorpius Malfoy, Frankie Zabini, and my cousin, Albus Potter.” The blonde gestured to those slightly behind her, then her cousin in front of her, “And this is my brother, Louis.”
Selene nodded, already knowing this – they were descendants of the most famous people in the wizarding world, and several people from her Hogwarts house. “We know.” There was an awkward silence, that no-one filled, so, “Can we help you, then?”
For a moment, Louis was filled with an odd desperation he’d never felt before. “I wanted to apologise! For earlier…” He looked away from her face, trying to grasp onto any semblance of sanity, after his outburst. Louis felt like his brain wasn’t working, or rather; it was working at nearly ten-percent of its usual capacity. “I shouldn’t have been standing in your way. I wanted to make sure you weren’t hurt, that’s all!”
Selene Morgenstern wasn’t naïve, she knew the incident had been her entire fault. She’d been rushing, and barely managed to stutter out her apology, before she ran off. Her parents had teased her when she reached them, as running into the ‘saviours’ family wasn’t acceptable behaviour for a Morgenstern to have, but also not caring too much either. Louis, at that moment, reminded her of a young boy, talking to someone he admired greatly. He was nervous, avoiding eye-contact, and had trouble speaking to her. Plus, he’d come with back-up. So, Louis Weasley either fancied her, or he possibly arrived at her compartment to start a fight. The first was more likely.
“I’m fine.” Selene was quick to answer, if only to shorten this awkward meeting between the sweet blonde boy, and their voyeur friends. “You don’t have to worry about me, I’m not a fragile person!” The Morgenstern heir knew this wasn’t exactly true, as she was easily emotionally manipulated – but those ‘adopt-a-panda’ adverts were sad!
“Oh, okay!” Louis answered, looking both relieved that he hadn’t hurt his soulmate, and slightly sad that he didn’t really have a reason to stand there talking to her, now. “I-I guess I’ll see you around, then…” He trailed off, his eyes questioning whether what he said was the truth. Would he see her again?
Albus barely controlled himself from shouting; ‘of course you will, you daft hippogriff!’. They were a Gryffindor and a Slytherin, in the same year! They shared so many classes, due to their teachers attempts to create ‘unity’. Albus kept it to himself, though, for now.
“Y-Yeah, I guess you will.” Only Selene’s close friends caught her slip, and all three looked at each other with glee. After all, the strong Slytherin only really stuttered when she was nervous… and why would Selene Morgenstern be nervous at the mere thought of seeing Louis Weasley, in the future? Hmm…
@iamwarrenspeace, @stilesloverdaily, @itsnotnormalteen
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