#anyways Mike helpful informs Steve that none of them thought he was cool anyways so no loss
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Steve gets really into birdwatching after patrolling the woods around Hawkins for upside down creepy-crawlies and then accidentally joins the Hawkins Community Birdwatching Society, and rightfully doesn’t tell anybody about it because he still wants the party to think he’s cool.
However. Eddie brings his uncle around the party for the first time and before he can introduce him, Wayne’s like, “Hey, Steve. Diana tell ya that she saw a pileated woodpecker outside of Melvards last week?”
When Steve doesn’t respond with confusion, a record scratches inside Robin and Eddie’s brains at the same time because
“This is Wayne? Your friend Wayne??” Robin asks at the same time that Eddie exclaims, “Steve from bird club is Steve Harrington?!”
#anyways Mike helpful informs Steve that none of them thought he was cool anyways so no loss#Firm believer that Steve gets all his old man hobbies before the age of twenty five#and I love a Steve and Wayne friendship#steve harrington#eddie munson#robin buckley#wayne munson#stranger things
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Dream Come True
Steve harrington x Hopper! Reader (coraline AU)
Summary: escaping your everyday life after you move to live with your father couldn't have been something you wanted more, luckily for you you are given the chance
Warning: swearing, Horror themes like idk It's Coraline i think that speaks for itself no?
So i don't know if im going to end up making this a series or not but hey if this does really well then I might, but just this is so long so i might have to.
In front of you sat a small box with many opportunities, two small glossy black buttons, thread and the promise of freedom...
You watched the rain drops race down the window intently as your father drove you home from the headwear store. you'd only been In Hawkins for only half a month, having to move there with your father after your mom died. And you had only spent the time unpacking, today you had finally convinced your dad to take you to get supplies so you could really make your new rooms more like you.
The car bounced slightly causing your head to lift and hit the window. "Ow!"
"Sorry pot hole..." Hopper said glancing over to you. "You alright?"
"Yea...but guess it takes a while to figure out if you have brain damage or not.." You muttered sitting straight in the car seat, crossing your arms over your chest.
"C'mon don't be that way...you get to redecorate your room..that must be exciting for you? Give you something to do while we wait for the rain to clear up. "I guess..." You perked up at a new idea popping into your head.
"Maybe I can start a garden in the front too? Make it look pretty? I have a garden box so we wouldn't need anything, el can help me too!?" You said almost as a question seeing if he would go along with the idea.
"Sure... Sounds good, just wait till the rain clears up so you aren't bringing mud in." You frowned lightly, ut had been raining for the past three days without any sign of stopping soon. "Yea...sure."
The car came to a slow stop infront of the house. "I'll help you get this stuff inside and make you lunch but I've got to go back to work." You nodded as you got out of the car.
You'd begun by rearanging the few things of furniture in the room,while hopper set to work at making you a lunch. You starting with the dresser dragging it across the room to set it in its new place.
You dusted off your hands and turned your attention to look at the new space you made, stopping once it was caught by something on the wall where the dresser once was.
"Hello..." You slid across the floor and dragged your fingers across the outline of a small door in the wall.
"Hey Dad!?" You yelled getting up to look for him. "Whats up?"
"What this?" You asked now running your finger over the key hole. "Do you have the key!?" You asked hopefully turing to look up at him in the dokr way. He shook his head and shrugged. "I...maybe? I'm not sure...if i did it's probably boared up! They're would be no point."
You rolled your eyes. "Now Food in on the counter your sister is with Mike so make sure to call in about an hour to check on her-"
"Can you please look for a key?" You cut in. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can, but I'm late so just finish unpacking and setting up and I'll look for it when I come back." You huffed but nodded and started to finish setting up your room.
After about an hour and a half you'd finished painting, unpacking and decorating your room, you had finished. Even had lunch and called El just like hopper had asked. Now you simpily sat in your room staring at the photo of your previous bestfriends that sat on the bedside table.
Back in New York with your mom you never had to worry about being bored, all your friends where their and there where places to go. Hawkins was diffrent, granted you where still adjusting but that didn't make it any less difficult.
The phone rang snapping you of of your thoughts. You hustled across the house to puck it up. "Hello?"
"Y/n! Thank god you picked up! Just the girl I was looking for!"
"Hey Robin,whats up?"
"Not much, I was just wondering since the rains cleared up would you be intrested in taking a tour of Hawkins with me and Steve?"
You thought about it for a moment, The first day you'd mobed here and met everyone they where the two you'd hit it off with, well You did with Robin anyways so you didn't see why you couldn't get out.
"Yea...I'd love to!"
"Cool! We'll be there in a few."
"So what does one do around here?" You asked following beside Robin And Steve down the sidewalk. "Well there's the arcade... " steve started but quickly trailed off. "There are some shops around town." Robin added.
"Is there like, i dunno a mall maybe? A movie theater at least?"
"Movie theater yes, mall not so much."
"It a...it burned down." Steve informed. "Oh...wow..." You followed them through town, going in and out of every store that was open.
"So Steve...." You attempted to start while looking through a clothing Rack in a thrift store.
"Got a girlfriend?"
"Uh no..no ya know I'm kinda just testing the waters...seeing if theres anyone worth dating around here."
"And?" You asked not looking up at him, you could clearly tell he was trying to act cool around you.
"And?" He repeated your question.
"Is there?...anyone worth dating around here?"
"Nah none that are really my type." He said nonchalantly fixing his hair in the mirror across from him. "Wow...are you always this increadibly douchie? Or are you like this just for me?" You asked leaning on clothing rack to look at him better.
"What I'm not...I'm not being-"
"You kinda where Harrington." Robin said from across the store earing a chuckle from you. His face flushed and he pretened to look at a jacket that seemingly caught his attention. "Ah don't be that way stevie...it's sooo charming, I'm practically swooning for you." You said sarcastically. "Shut up!"
The sun was hanging low through the trees casting that late afternoon orange glow upon the three of you as you walked back home.
"This place is...pretty boring...how do you guys manage?"
"Hawkins isn't all bad...besides It's a lot more exciting than you would think." Robin said while offering you some of her candy. "You just gotta...know where to look."
"Sometimes the intresting things find you." Steve said stopping once your house came into view. "If you say so...thanks for showing me around."
"No problem, maybe we can hang out again soon." She offered as you started to continue forward. "Yea! That would be great!" They both waved to you as you stepped into the house shutting the door.
You placed a few of the nick nacks you'd bought onto the top of your dresser for decoration, glancing at something that wasn't there before. A glossy black key.
You plucked it from its spot on the dresser and turned to the small door quickly slidding across the floor once again to get to the door. You hestitantly dragged the key across the outline of the door ripping the wall paper open before slipping the key inside.
It slid in perfectly, giving you some sort of relife as it clicked open, you pulled it open being met with nithing but brick.
"Damn..." You huffed and shut the door and placed the key back ontop of the dresser.
Something yanked you from your sleep suddenly and you lied awake, a sliver of silver moonlight hitting your face through the curtains as you did so.
It was quiet as you lied there except for an ever so faint sound of humming that you just barrely missed. You stayed still fir a second trying to pin point the sound, it continued for a while as you did so softly floating through the air from an unknown source, you finally gave in and tossed the covers off and stood up from your bed moving around the room to find it stopping when your foot hit something on the ground.
"What the hell!?" Jumping back slightly at the contact you looked down seeing a long greyish green vine across your bedroom floor. "What the hell..." You repeared examining it closer you followed it with your gaze seeing it came from the small opening of the little door a slight glow came from it along with little white particals that floated up into the air around it.
You moved carefully over to it kneeling next to it careful to avoide the vine protruding from it, as you did you could hear the humming closer now. You pulled the door open getting a blast of air blown back into your face along with a bright glow. You gasped slightly watching a tunnle appear almost instantly infront of you.
The humming slightly louder now. With out a second thought you climbed through, eventually met with another door which you easily pushed open and found yourself crawling through only to see you'd cralwed back into your bedroom. "Huh?" The humming was louder, unmistakable too, you knew that song. You looked at your bedroom door seeing the light from the living room shining in.
"Dad!?" You stood up and exited the room being greeted by the smell of food cooking. "Dad? What are you do-" you stopped a few feet from the counter seeing him move around the kitchen
"Hey sweet pea! You're just in time for dinner!" You gulped thickly when he turned to face you. "Oh god...I must be mistaken...you aren't my dad...my dad-" it was him but, diffrent. He seemed plaer yet more lively.
"Doesn't cook?" He asked guesturing to the freshly cooked meal. You couldn't help but stumble back a little bit as he approached you with a light hearted laugh. "Well thats because I'm your other father dear! Well better father"
"Why don't you get your mom and Tell her dinner is ready!"
"Well your Mother of course silly! I actually think she's in the garden out front." He pushed you forward lightly and you glanced back cautiously before going to the front door.
You opened the door and stepped outside being greeted by a beautifully bright garden. "Holy sh-"
"Watch your mouth young lady!" You jumped turning tonthe voice and and gulping.
"Oh my god....mom!?" You stopped and covered your mouth feeling tears briming in your eyes.
"Hello sweet pea!" She opened her arms and you instantly ran to her and hugged her. You could tell just like with your father she was diffrent but couldn't exactly tell whatbwas diffrent.
"You...your alive!"
"Well of course I am! Oh come look at this!"
She pulled away taking your hand and pulling you down the steps of the pourch into the flower filled front yard.
She held your shoulders as you watched the flowers practically bloom before you. "I planted them just this afternoon! Our faviorte!" It was true the flowers before you where always both you and your mothers faviorte.
"They're beautiful mom! Oh!" You turned to her with a smile. "Dad said dinner was ready and sent me to get you."
"Oh! We don't wanna keep him waiting!" She said giggling with you and guiding you back to the house.
"There they are!" Hopper yelled setting the last of the food on the table. "Thirsty?" Your mom asked as you sat down. "Mmm you know I could go for a purple cow!"
"Coming right up!" She knocked on the table lightly the lights above lowered themselves offering you said drink, along with extra grape soda and vanilla icecream just incase.
"Wow thank you!" You said taking the drink and extras. Hopper placed a plate infront of you. "Here comes the Gravey train choochoo!" You mom said earning a laugh from both you and your dad.
A toy train in fact made its way across the table stopping infront of you to dump gravey on your plate.
"Mmh! This is so good!" Youbsaid stuffing your mouth full of food. "More?" Hopper asked.
"No thank you I'm stuffed." You said leaning back and taking a last sip of your icecream float.
Hopper took the plate from you and your mother placed a cake before you that read 'Welcome home'
"We've been expecting you for a while!" Hopper said.
"Of course! You beling here! With your family!"
You smiled lightly.
"Thanks...but It's late...I should go to bed.."
"Oh of course!" You stood up and they both followed you to your bedroom. You crawled into bed and they took turns kissing your forhead and wishing you a goodnight. You slowly drifted off to sleep peacefully.
"It was so weird!" You said throwing a rock into the water infront of you.
"Well it was just a dream, nothing to freak about." Robin shrugged.
"Yea I mean your mom was there it couldn't have been real..."
You and robin both glared at Steve. "I...well thats not what I meant..." He gulped slinging his own rock into the water.
"He's right though." You said softly. "But it just...it felt so real! The food the...feeling! But I woke up and the door was all bricked up again..."
"That's just further proof it was only a dream." Robin said as you sat beside her.
"Yea..." It was already late afternoon and you had decided to stay out until the sun had set well into night.
Steve had dropped robin off at her house and so you sat alone with him in his car as he took you home.
"Sorry about what i said...about your mom..."
He said finally. "No...it's ok...like i said you where right...it's just a dream..." He frowned slightly, you could tell he was beating himself up about it.
In all honestly you hadn't gotten off on the best of feet with him but it's wasn't so awful to be around him, he just had a hard time telling when to open his mouth and when to keep it shut. But you liked him.
"Well here we are." He said pulling up to the house. "Thank." You said with a smile before getting out and going inside.
"Hey kid!" Hopper said happily as you stepped inside.
"Hey!" You smiled. "Oh hey, sorry I never got around to finding that key for you."
"Thats ok I found it"
El stood in the door way with a concerned look. "What are you-" you hurried to your room and pulled the key out and showed him.
"You where right though...there was nothing there." You shrugged going back to your room.
"Bad place." You jumped at El's voice behind you. "What?"
"Don't keep going there it's a bad place..." She said quietly. "What bad place?"
"El! Its Mike's on the phone!" El quickly left to take the phone.
"Bad place?..."
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We’ll Have Tomorrow

Chapter Four
A/N: I didn’t forget to post this chapter, it just took me some time to find the motivation to actually put this all together, but hopefully you guys like this chapter!
Word Count: 2.2k
Pairing: Steve Harrington x OC, Jonathan x Nancy x OC (eventually)
Summary: Everyone makes their way to the lab and River’s leg kind of gets taken care of for now.
“How exactly are we planning on finding them?” Hawthorne asked. He was holding onto River, letting her use him as support. Normally, he’d get on her case for doing something so stupid, but now hardly seemed like the time. He was just glad she wasn’t dead or in worse condition than she was now.
“Hawkins Lab,” Lucas answered. “It looks like they were headed there, so it’s the best place to start.”
Dustin scoffed. “Of course it would have to be there,” he said. “At least Dart’s okay.”
“You’re positive that was Dart?”
“Yes. He had the exact same yellow pattern on his butt.”
“He was tiny two days ago,” Max clarified.
“Well, he’s molted three times already.” Steve didn’t seem to be following. “Malted?”
“Molted. Shed his skin to make room for more growth,” Dustin explained. “Like hornworms.”
“Well, when’s he gonna molt again?” Max asked.
“It’s gotta be soon.”
Hawthorne tuned out at this point, especially when Dustin and Lucas started arguing. He didn’t care too much to listen to their bickering, so he turned to his sister. “How are you feeling?” he asked, looking down at her ankle. The bottom of her jeans were slightly torn away, and the bite didn’t look too good. It wasn’t bleeding very much, but there was broken skin and horrendous bite marks.
“I’m fine,” she said. “Really, it’s not the worst I’ve been through, and you know it.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry.” Hawthorne sighed and shook his head. “I swear, you’re going to get yourself killed one of these days.”
River grinned and nudged him playfully. “At least then you wouldn’t have to deal with having a twin to share everything with.”
“And celebrate our birthday alone? Tempting, but I think it definitely wouldn’t be the same,” he admitted. “Besides, who else would give me heart attacks on the daily?”
River laughed dryly and shrugged. “I’m sure you’d get over it.” She winced when she accidentally put too much weight on her injured leg.
“You know, you should have just let me carry you.” “You’d never let me live it down if I had,” she said. “I’d rather lose my leg than damage my pride like that.” She might have meant it as a joke, but he knew there was more truth to that than one might think.
Steve yelling for attention brought Hawthorne back to the moment. It was then that he finally noticed the growling sound coming from a distance. Silently, he hoped it wasn’t Demogorgons, though he knew it couldn’t be anything else. Steve took off in the direction the sound was coming from. Max protested, and he thanked God he wasn’t the only one questioning the sudden rush into possible danger. Putting his fear aside, Hawthorne pulled River along with the others, careful not to hurt her too much with how fast they were going. Max wasn’t far behind, and she even tried to help, much to River’s dismay. If he knew anything about his sister, he knew how much this must be hurting her pride. As of right now, she could hardly even stand, and that alone must have made her feel weak. Something he knew she hated more than anything.
They stopped atop a hill overlooking a great amount of the forest. There weren’t any Demogorgons to be seen, but the sound was unmistakable. Lucas scoped out the area below through his binoculars, easily pointing out Hawkins Lab.
“They were going back home,” he realized.
Hawthorne already had a feeling of dread overtaking him. Hawkins Lab was the last place he wanted to be. Especially after the last time. They had yet to explain themselves, but he hardly thought he could keep their secret for much longer. Dustin clearly had most things figured out already.
It was only a matter of time before they would have to explain that they’d been tested on in that damn place. River and Hawthorne might as well be returning home as well, if he could even call it that. Hawkins Lab was never really a home, but neither was their house. He’d gone through so much escaping the lab, then dealing with the abuse their father put them through. Surely he could help fight off Demogorgons after all that, right?
Yet, Hawthorne almost felt sick at the thought of even going near the lab, much less going inside. That would be even worse. River seemed to be having similar thoughts, and she gave him a sympathetic look as she read his thoughts. He was used to her doing that, and by now he could tell when she was doing it. Like he could feel her presence inside his mind whenever she did.
River didn’t look half as mortified as he felt, but she was always better at putting up a brave front than he was. Deep down, maybe he would always be scared of everything that went wrong in his life. He couldn’t help it, but it made him feel worse when he thought about it. So, he tried not to. Right now, he was focusing on following the rest of the group as they headed towards Hawkins Lab.
The trees began to thin out, and Hawthorne could see the edge of the forest thanks to the flashlight he was holding in his free hand. As they approached the lab, a voice called out to them.
“Who’s there?”
Once they’d cleared the forest, he could make out Nancy and Jonathan standing a few feet away from them.
“Steve?” they exclaimed simultaneously .
Nancy scanned the group, her brows furrowed as they approached. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?” Steve countered.
“We’re looking for Mike and Will.”
Dustin peered past them. “They’re not in there are they?”
“We’re not sure.”
The screeching coming from inside the lab answered Jonathan’s question, for better or for worse. Everyone began talking over each other, trying to ask questions and figure out what the hell was going on.
They were disrupted by Nancy, who pointed out that the power was back on. Jonathan rushed over to try opening the gate, but it didn’t move at all. Dustin tried giving it a shot, though he didn’t appear any more successful.
As much as he didn’t want her to leave his side yet, River left him to try and help. After pushing the button relentlessly, Dustin managed to get the gate open. Jonathan took off in his car with Nancy as soon as it was open. They waited nervously, and Hawthorne hoped things weren’t about to get much worse.
They hadn’t been gone long before Hawthorne spotted them speeding back. A car pulled up next to them, Chief Hopper of all people in the driver's seat, rushing them to get in the car. He helped his sister in as quickly as he could. Hopper took off quickly once everyone was in.
Hawthorne had no clue where they were headed, but he started putting it together as when he noticed what direction they were headed. He’d only been to the Byers house a handful of times to talk to Jonathan, but he started putting the pieces together when he realized that was the direction they were headed in. Sure enough, they pulled up to the Byers household, and Hopper rushed everyone to safety inside. He helped carry River over to the kitchen and look over her injury, and Jonathan’s little brother, Will, was set on the couch. He looked completely passed out, and it occurred to Hawthorn that he had no clue what was wrong with the poor kid.
In the kitchen, River was sitting atop the counter, wincing slightly whenever her leg moved too much.
“What the hell happened to you?” Hopper exclaimed. BY now, her leg looked worse. There was a significant—even shocking—amount of swelling and redness around her ankle. Hawthorne knew she’d probably be fine, but he couldn’t help worrying anyways, and it didn’t help that she didn’t look like she was in great shape.
“Demogorgon,” was the only explanation she gave, and that seemed to be enough for him. Hawthorne and Jonathan gathered up supplies from the bathroom to clean and wrap her leg in the meantime.
Hawthorne held her hand as Hopper cleaned the wound, which wasn’t his best idea. If she squeezed his hand any harder, she might just break it.
River hissed and pulled her leg away. “Fuck, that hurts!”
“It’s gonna hurt more if you keep moving.” Hopper finished and wrapped her leg to keep it from getting infected. “You’re lucky it’s not a hell of a lot worse than this.”
“Someone had to keep Steve from dying.” “I had it under control.”
“You really didn’t.”
Dustin, who was sitting at the table, rolled his eyes. “Don’t you have cool powers that could have kept you from getting hurt?”
“Henderson, zip it. I tried my best, but I didn’t time things that well. The problem is, I’m not very good at using them, and I didn’t want to risk hurting someone by accident,” River huffed.
“I’m sorry. Am I missing something here?” Hopper asked. “Does no one think to fill me in anymore?”
“River and Hawthorne have powers,” Lucas said. “They’re like El.”
Hawthorne sighed. “Do you really have to go around telling everyone?”
“Everyone here already knows about all that. Is it really that bad?”
Hawthorne paused, unable to come up with a good enough response for once in his life. He could lie his way out of anything, but he was too far into this mess.
Lucas took his silence as a ‘no.’
Hopper glanced between the twins, processing this sudden bout of information. “How long have you two been flying under the radar?”
Hawthorne shrugged. “Four years maybe?”
“And none of those nut-job scientists know you’ve been gone for so long?”
“They knew we’re gone,” River chimed in. “They just didn’t know where. Dad called it ‘hiding in plain sight.’ As far as they’re concerned, we might as well have left the state.”
“So, what? Acting like normal kids was supposed to throw them off your scent?” Steve asked.
Hawthorne nodded and ran his fingers through his red hair. He was sure he looked as worn out as he felt. “It’s been working so far, hasn’t it?”
Hopper appeared to be wracking his brain, though he wasn’t sure why he was as concerned as he seemed at the moment.
“Every time I think I’ve seen it all, and something comes along to prove me wrong,” he sighed. Hopper left them to their own devices, borrowing the phone. From the kitchen, they could hear him arguing with whoever was on the other line (the police, Hawthorne guessed, which felt rather ironic).
There was an awkward silence, as no one really seemed sure what to say at the moment. So they stayed that way for a few moments, the only sound coming from anyone being Hopper’s yelling.
As soon as Hopper hung up, they all turned to him, their hope slowly diminishing.
“They didn’t believe you, did they?” Dustin asked.
“We’ll see.”
Mike was the first to voice his anger. Hawthorne was getting a sense that he did that quite often, though he could hardly blame him. Hopper ordered everyone to stay put until help arrived.
Admittedly, no one seemed to really believe anyone would be on their way to help them any time soon. There wasn’t a whole lot about their situation that would exactly feel believable to an outsider.
Time ticked by slowly as they sat around, twiddling their thumbs and hoping someone, anyone, would come to their aid. The longer they waited, the more and more unlikely that seemed.
At some point, Mike had an epiphany, and the Byers took Will out to the shed to work out whatever was wrong with him. Something about the Mind Flayer, if he recalled correctly, whatever the hell that was. He’d gathered that the kids liked to name these creatures after their weird games.
Whatever the case, it didn’t seem like their plan was really amounting to much. The worst part was the sudden screeching coming from outside. It sounded distant, but they all knew immediately that it wasn't a good thing to hear regardless.
Hopper came rushing back in, and everyone gathered in the center of the room. River stood in front of him, brandishing her hockey stick. It seemed like such a harmless weapon, especially compared to everyone else’s. The look on her face, somewhere between determination and fear, told him that she hardly cared. Like that wasn’t going to stop her from giving her best effort.
They waited in silence, and the room felt like it had gone still. For the first time in forever, Hawthorne felt like he was a part of something. Because despite the fact that he’d just met these people not that long ago, they all seemed so willing to protect each other, and it gave him a sliver of hope. Something he was admittedly a little scared to let himself have.
Hawthorne was immediately pulled back to reality when there was a thump just outside, and a Demogorgon came crashing through the window before the door swung open. The last thing he expected was to see a girl step through the doorway.
When Mike rushed over to her, he realized that this must be the girl Dustin was talking about in the junkyard, the one that seemingly disappeared. El was back.
Taglist: @bravest-at-heart @musicalytrashpanda @queenofthehairharrington
#steve harrington#dustin henderson#will byers#jonathan byers#mike wheeler#nancy wheeler#joyce byers#jim hopper#jane hopper#lucas sinclair#max mayfield#stranger things#stranger things 2#stranger things 3#steve harrington headcanon#steve harrington x oc#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington fanfiction
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why [s. harrington x henderson!reader]
song inspo | steve playlist | masterlist
word count: 3.7k / warnings: none really, mostly fluff, alcohol mention
an: hi guys!!! i kinda went off on this one oops!!! please check out my masterlist for more fics if you like this one, and i always appreciate feedback and a reblog! ❤️
“God, Dustin, if you don’t get out of that bathroom in the next five minutes I’m literally going to kill you!” You screamed, slamming your fists on the wooden door for the thousandth time this morning.
“Relax, (Y/N), I’m almost finished! God you’re so annoying!” Your little brother, Dustin, yelled back. You groaned loudly and stomped back to your room, desperately needing to finish blow drying your hair before the party.
You heard the bathroom door open, and Dustin walking over to your room. He popped in your doorway with a devilish grin, his hair slicked back with hairspray.
“Bathrooms all yours, sis. Make sure you wear that one red lipstick, I think Steve will love it,” Dustin said, winking at you.
“Ew, Dustin. How many times do I have to tell you, me and Steve will never happen. Get over it. We’ve hated each other since middle school, and that’s not gonna change!” You stood up quickly and stomped to the bathroom, Dustin following behind you, frowning.
“C’mon! Give him a chance, (Y/N)! He’s a good kid!” Dustin has been pleading for you and Steve to date since the first time they fought Dart together. Dustin saw Steve as an older brother, and if you two ended up together, Steve would literally be his brother (in law). That was Dustin’s dream- and he reminded you of it every day.
“Jesus, you are so annoying. Why don’t you just shut up and make sure you have Wills’s gift ready!” You slammed the bathroom door in Dustin’s face, making sure to lock it so he wouldn’t barge in. You took a few deep breaths, trying to ground yourself from screaming out of frustration. You plugged your hair dryer on and began styling your hair, using the noise of the machine to drown out your frustration.
You had never really liked Steve, but it became especially frustrating when he decided to informally adopt your brother. Dustin thought the kid was a god, and that did not help Steve’s already overbearing confidence. You understood that Dustin only had you and his mom, and he needed a male role model, but you wished it was anyone but him.
You and Steve had a long- and very negative- history. You guys used to be friends, way back in the day, when life was simple. But that all came to a firey halt in seventh grade. You had a huge crush on one of Steve’s friends, Tommy, and you made the mistake of spilling that to Steve.
Steve took it upon himself to tell Tommy, and they apparently though it was hilarious. You hadn’t really developed yet, so you weren’t as ‘pretty’ as the other girls in your grade. Even though, let’s face it, it was seventh grade, and no one was attractive. But your self confidence was especially low, so when Steve apparently dared Tommy to fake ask you out in front of the whole school- you were crushed. And rightfully, you have never forgiven him.
It haunted you all the way up until you graduated. People never seemed to forget, and every one in a while you’d get reminded of the most humiliating day of your life. And it was even worse having to see the man who orchestrated the event around all the time. You never told Dustin about it, because you knew he looked up to Steve, and you didn’t want to take that away from him. But it was hard when you constantly had to hear how amazing he was.
You were feeling yourself get worked up just thinking about it, your breathing get quicker and your cheeks getting hot with stress. You tried to shake the memory out of your head, tousling your curls as you moved. You put a light lipstick on, double checked yourself in the mirror, and headed out of the bathroom. Dustin was waiting eagerly with a poorly wrapped gift in his bedroom.
“I got Will this super cool new edition of D&D! He’s gonna freak,” Dustin said excitedly, hoping up from his bed and following you down the stairs.
“Super happy for you nerds,” you groaned, grabbing your purse from the kitchen counter and rustling around for you keys.
“You’re gonna regret being so mean to me one day when I’m super rich.” Dustin raised his eyebrows at you, and you just rolled your eyes, walking out the front door to your car.
“You’re gonna regret being such a brat when I sacrifice you to the demodogs,” you said, laughing as you unlocked your car.
“That is not funny! Don’t joke about that!”
“Oh, relax Dustin, don’t go crying to Steve about it.” You hopped into your drivers seat and waited for Dustin to get buckled up before starting your car. He was excitedly fiddling with the bow on his gift, hoping that no one else got Will the same gift.
“I still don’t understand why you hate Steve so much, anyways,” Dustin mumbled, leaning his head against your car window.
“I’ve told you a million times, we just have a history, okay. It’s none of your business,” you snapped, raising your voice at him. “Besides, I’m going on another date with Andrew this weekend.”
“Ughhhhh,” Dustin groaned, rolling his eyes obnoxiously. “That guy is seriously the worst, (Y/N). He is super boring, his hair sucks, and he doesn’t know anything about the upside down. You can’t actually date a guy who doesn’t know what you’ve seen!”
“I don’t care about his hair, Dustin! That’s not a priority to me!”
“Well, it should be, okay? I don’t want my nieces and nephews having dweeb hair.”
“Don’t talk about my future children like that, idiot.” You punched Dustin lightly on the shoulder, and he screamed loudly, clearly faking pain to try and get on your nerves. You just pushed him again, and continued driving to Wills. The rest of your drive was spent listening to Dustin tell you about the new rules of his game, and you trying your best to pretend you were interested.
When you finally got to Wills, you recognized Steve’s car and instantly felt nauseous. You really did not want to spend time with him, but you also knew Joyce was excited to see you today, and you couldn’t let her down. You parked your car grudgingly and took a few moments before getting out. Dustin had already ran inside to his friends, showing off his wrapped gift.
You walked into the house quietly, not wanting to distract anyone from the birthday celebrations. Joyce ran to you, excitement on her face, and greeted you with a warm hug.
“(Y/N)! It’s so good to see you, you look beautiful,” she said, cupping your face in her hands and looking at your outfit.
“Sorry we’re late, Dustin is a brat and takes forever to get ready,” you responded, rolling your eyes and giggling a bit.
“There’s drinks and food in the kitchen, help yourself. Everyone else is scattered around somewhere, I’m sure you’ll find them!” She kissed you on the cheek before walking away and finding her son. You walked over to the kitchen, hoping to get a few seconds of peace and quiet. To your disdain, you were greeted by Steve, standing alone and pouring himself a drink.
“Hey, sorry if I’m in your way,” he mumbled, moving from the counter and spilling his drink on himself a bit.
“It’s fine, I’m just gonna grab a beer and go say hi to the kids, anyways,” you responded, pulling a cold bottle out of a cooler. You tried to twist it, but couldn’t manage to get the cap off.
“Can I help?” Steve asked, reaching out to take the bottle from you. You handed it to him without saying a word, and he took the bottle to his lips and bit the cap off with his teeth.
“Jesus,” you cringed, the thought of that against your teeth making you shiver.
“Little party trick I learned back in high school, I forgot some people get freaked out by it,” he laughed, handing you the bottle. You took a big swig, realizing Steve’s lips had just touched the mouth of your bottle. The thought made you a little uncomfortable, thinking about his lips on yours. He did have beautiful lips though, soft and pillowy. And he was always wearing this vanilla chapstick- you figured he kisses would taste like a milkshake.
Why the fuck are you thinking about kissing Steve? God, Dustin has really got in your head. You thanked Steve and walked out of the kitchen before your brain could dive any deeper into those thoughts.
The living room was packed with all the kids, eating chips and drinking soda. They were laughing over something Mike had said, and you smiled at Dustin, seeing him so happy made you warm inside. He had been through a lot- they all had- but seeing them all here, laughing and playing like kids are supposed to do, it made you feel good.
“(Y/N)!” Max yelled, running up to you and giving you a tight hug. El quickly followed her and hugged you as well.
“You two look absolutely gorgeous- new outfits?” You asked, tugging a bit on Max’s new shirt.
“We went to the mall this weekend!” El responded, putting her hands on her hips and posing for you. You laughed at the two girls, happy to see them enjoying things. You had felt a need to protect them, especially, knowing how hard it is for girls at that age.
“Could you teach me how to curl my hair later?” El asked, running her hand through your soft curls.
“Of course, lady. I think you’d look gorgeous!”
Mike had yelled at them to come see something, and they said they’d talk to you later, before running off back to their friends. Nancy and Jonathan were hanging on the couch, watching Will and the kids having the times of their life. You sat down next to her, making small talk with them for a few minutes before Joyce walked into the room.
“Alright, I have to run up to town and pick up the pizzas. Are you guys all good here for a bit?” She asked, keys in hand. She looked at you and Nancy, a look that said ‘If anything happens, I’m blaming you two, since you’re clearly the most responsible ones here besides myself.’
“We’ll take care of them, Joyce. No worries,” you responded, smiling kindly at her, letting her know you wouldn’t let anything happen to anyone. She smiled back, and headed out the door.
“Alright, now the real party starts!” Lucas yelled the minute Joyce closed and locked the door.
“Woah- woah. What are you talking about?” Nancy asked, standing up quickly and putting on her mom voice.
“Oh relax, Nance. Just a friendly game of truth or dare,” Mike responded, raising his eyebrows at the group around you. “And you all have to play, too,” he said, looking at you, Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve, who was now standing behind you.
“No, no. We’re just here to supervise, we’re not playing any games,” Jonathan responded in a stern voice.
“Please!! It’s my birthday!” Will whined, making a fake pouty face to try and get you all to feel bad for him.
“What’s the harm, right? They’re just kids,” Nancy said, putting a hand on Jonathan’s shoulder.
“You shouldn’t trust any of them- they’re evil geniuses. One of them even has super powers!” Steve said jokingly, eyeing El and making her laugh.
“Fine, we’ll play for a bit, but everything stays PG, got it?” You said, crossing your arms and the group and raising your eyebrows. They all nodded in agreement, smiling at each other, happy that you all agreed.
“Okay, first things first, everyone write your name down on a piece of paper and put it in this bowl,” Lucas instructed, pointing to a small blue bowl that was sitting in the center of the coffee table. You all did as you were told, passing around a pen and notepad until every name had been put in the bowl.
“Then, we’ll go around in a circle and pick a name, so it’s not biased. The person you picked gets to give you your truth or dare,” Mike quickly said, shaking the blue bowl around with his hand.
“Sounds easy enough,” Jonathan answered, sitting forward in the couch.
“And once everyone goes, you put the names back in the bowl and start again!”
Everyone nodded in understanding, the older group just wanting to get this over with. You sighed loudly, waiting for someone to start. Steve came and sat next to you, his knee slightly touching yours and you all squished on the couch together. You felt a heat growing as his skin touched yours, wanting so desperately to move away, but feeling physically unable too.
“I’ll start!” Max said, happily, pulling a name out of the hat. She giggled a little when she read the name of the piece of paper. “Lucas!”
“Alright, truth or dare?” He asked, jokingly making faces at her and making her laugh.
“Dare, obviously!”
“Alright...” he said, thinking intently on what to do. He looked over to the kitchen and smiled devilishly. “I dare you to eat a spoonful of mustard!”
“You know I hate mustard, you ass hole!” She crossed her arms and pouted at him.
“Exactly. And you have to do it- a dares a dare!” Lucas looked around for approval from the other guys, who were all nodding in agreement.
“Fine!” She responded angrily, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. She came back a few moments later with a spoon piled high with mustard. The though even made you a little queasy. She looked at Lucas with a smile, before shoving the spoon in her mouth and swallowing.
“Ewwww!” The kids all said in unison, looking away from her as she did it.
“Oh god, it’s so gross. Someone get me water!” She yelled, reaching out around her for a drink. Steve handed her his water bottle, and she chugged it with a disgusted look her face. The kids were laughing in hysterics as she struggled to get the taste out of her mouth.
“You guys are evil!” Steve said, laughing as he shook his head in shock.
“God, I am so going to get you back for that, Sinclair,” Max said, her face still scrunched in disgust.
“Steve, your turn,” Mike said, pushing the bowl towards him.
“Oh god. I am not letting any of you little shits make me eat anything gross, got it? I’m an adult!” He said, pulling a piece of paper out of the bowl. He looked at it and groaned, rolling his eyes. “I’m in for it now. I picked Dustin.”
“Hell yeah!” Dustin said, excitement glowing on his face.
“I’m picking truth, because I especially do not trust you, Henderson!” Steve laughed, sitting back and crossing his arms.
“Oh come on! Don’t be a pussy! It’s Wills birthday, have a little fun for his sake. Pick dare!” Dustin looked at Steve seriously, widening his eyes at him. Steve sighed and shook his head.
“Alright, fine. But be real careful with what you say next, kid,” he laughed.
“Easy. Seven minutes in heaven- you and my sister.”
You looked at Dustin, shock and embarrassment running through you. You felt your cheeks heat up, you knew you were turning a bright red. You looked over at Steve, who was also clearly uncomfortable.
“Absolutely not, we said to keep it PG!” You yelled, crossing your arms and shaking your head at Dustin.
“Yeah, for us! You guys are adults! Don’t act like you haven’t kissed before!” Dustin said back.
“I am not kissing Steve!” You yelled, floored with embarrassment.
“A dare is a dare!” El said, shrugging at you. You looked at her, disappointed that she wasn’t on your side.
“Cmon, lets just do it to please the kids. It doesn’t have to mean anything,” Steve whispered to you, the scent of vanilla chapstick flooding your senses.
“Fine. Dustin, I hope you know I am going to murder you later,” you said, standing up and walking down the hall to the bathroom. Steve followed suit, and you heard the kids giggling as the two of you went off to ‘Heaven’.
Steve came into the bathroom behind you, shutting the door as he did so. You wouldn’t look at him at first, too embarrassed to make eye contact. Finally, he put a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump a little in shock.
“Sorry, just wanted to make sure you’re okay, you seem upset,” Steve said, quickly removing his hand.
“I am. This is ridiculous. I can’t go a day without Dustin shoving the idea of me and you together down my throat,” you muttered, sitting down on the sink counter and crossing your arms.
“I’m sorry. I know it sucks, but he’s just a kid. He doesn’t mean anything by it,” Steve said, pushing his hair out of his face.
“I know, but he doesn’t know about everything that happened between us, and I don’t want him to hate you so I won’t tell him.”
“What happened between us?” Steve asked, laughing a bit awkwardly. He looked genuinely confused, which offended you, because that meant he didn’t remember what he did.
“Are you serious? Seventh grade, you telling Tommy to ask me out in lunch as a joke? That ruined my whole life, Steve.”
“Woah, woah, woah. I didn’t tell Tommy to do anything like that. I didn’t even know about it until it was happening!” Steve responded, clearly upset about the accusations you were making.
“What do you mean Steve? Don’t lie to me! Mark told me it was all your idea!” You pouted at Steve, confused and upset, feeling yourself tearing up as you were recalling the event.
“Mark is a lying sack of shit, (Y/N)! He told you that to save his own ass! It was all him and Tommy- I swear to God!” Steve was defensive, pacing up and down the bathroom in frustration.
“But I told you about having a crush on Tommy, not Mark!”
“Okay, that part was my fault. The thing is, I sort of had a crush on you back then, and Mark knew... but when you told me about Tommy, I got upset and told Mark... but I swear, if I knew he was planning that I would’ve never told him! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Steve was upset, his face red and his eyes watery as he pleaded for you to believe him.
“You really had a crush on me?” You asked, completely blown away by the fact that he even noticed you back then.
“I kind of always have... I always tried to talk to you in high school but you never gave me the time of day. Now I know why,” he said, sounding defeated and broken. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub, shaking his head and staring at the floor.
“Honestly, Steve... I had no idea. I thought... all this time...” you looked at the man sitting in front of you, falling apart in front of you. You sat down next to him, putting a hand on his, trying to comfort him.
“I’m so sorry... I never meant to hurt you... you didn’t deserve that...” Steve mumbled.
“I’m sorry too, I just believed him and I never let you explain... I’ve been such an ass to you for years for something that wasn’t even your fault!” You started laughing, an uncontrollable giggle that was just rolling through you. For years you had pushed away a sweet, funny, and handsome guy for a lie someone told you when you were 13. Unbelievable.
“Why are you laughing?” Steve said, also starting to laugh himself.
“Because, I just can’t believe this. And it took a dumb game of truth or dare to find this out... I’m just shocked, I guess.” You stood up, wiping tears from your face as you continued to giggle. Steve stood up too, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you towards him. He kissed you, the kind of kiss that he had been waiting for all his life. A kiss that you felt everywhere in your body, his lips moving intricately with yours. And you were right, kissing him was like tasting a vanilla milkshake.
Steve’s hands were locked on your waist, pulling your body closer to him every second. You had wrapped your hands in his hair, the soft locks melting through your fingers. He finally let go of your waist and his hands trailed down to your butt, squeezing slightly. You giggled a bit at his touch, and felt him smile through your kisses.
“Times up- OH SHIT!” You heard your brother yell after he swung open the door. You and Steve quickly jumped away from each other and stared at Dustin. “IT WORKED!” He yelled, running down the hallway to the living room.
“Dustin!” You yelled, running after him. Steve followed close behind.
“They kissed! It worked!” He exclaimed to the group, a proud toothless smile plastered across his young face.
“Finally!” Max said, shaking her head and laughing.
“Was this.... did you guys do all of this just to get me and Steve to talk?” You asked in shock.
“You little shits are unbelievable!” Steve yelled, hands on his hips.
“It worked though... didn’t it? You like her, she likes you... I was right!” Dustin was ecstatic, and you felt yourself blushing again as you looked over to Steve.
“I mean... I guess I do kinda like you...” You avoided his eyes, but he took your hand in his and smiled at you.
“Yeah, I kinda like you, too.” He squeezed your hand tightly, his smile making you melt, thinking about kissing him again.
“But you’re still dead, Dusty, you understand that? I’m going to kill you for real this time!” You laughed, ruffling Dustin’s hair and shaking your head at the kids. As much as Dustin annoyed you, he really did want you to be happy. And he was right on this one.
#stranger things fanfic#stranger things 3#stranger things#steve harrington fic#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington#stever harrington fluff
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Hole in the Wall
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Reader goes after Steve at a Hole in the Wall bar, informing him that they have a plan.
Warnings: Angst, Post-Infinity War, Drinking, a Curse word or two, Sad Parts
A/N: This has to be one of my favorite ones that I have written to date. I also really wanted to work Captain Marvel in somehow but couldn’t find the right place... Let me know what you think!
Five Years. That’s the amount of time that had passed since one swift movement of Thanos’s hand, caused so much pain and infliction throughout the nine realms.
In that same amount of time, many of the inhabitants of Earth had given up hope of their loved ones ever coming back, while others blamed the remaining Avenger’s for not stopping what had happened, calling for their head’s to be put on sticks.
What the world did not know, was that there was no point in verbally blaming the Avengers when they already blamed themselves.
When Tony first arrived back to the compound almost a year after the incident in Wakanda, having been declared one of the almost 4 billion victims on Earth, there was an unfamiliar emotion spread throughout the compound - hope. That hope quickly diminished once the people around him began to realize that Tony wasn’t the same Tony anymore.
One night, several months later when he had finally begun interacting with other humans and leaving his room again, Natasha was brave enough to ask what had happened where ever he was on that day.
The room got quiet for a minute as Tony struggled not only with his emotions but with his words, “I was on Thanos’s home planet of Titan. That’s where I lost them, all of them. It was the only way.” Tony said before leaving the room and heading down to the lab.
“What do you think he meant by that?” You were the first to question. “It was the only way?”
“We may never know.” Clint sighed as he continued to stare at the ceiling.
As the years passed, each Anniversary of that day coming and going, life was still anything but normal. Rarely did any Avenger leave on a mission anymore, seeing as there was no longer a demand for help from the superheroes due to the low supply of crime and chaos. Many members of the team chose to spend their days attempting to help Bruce, Tony and Shuri (when she was able to leave Wakanda) find a way to reverse what had been done.
This morning happened to be your morning of helping them out.
“[Y/N], hand me the quarter of an inch socket, three-eights is too big.” Tony asked as he rolled the creeper he was laying on, out from under their current project.
“Got it!” You said as you grabbed the circular piece of metal out of its holstered place in the black box. “How’s it coming?”
“Should be back in working order I… just… have to… HA!” exclaimed Tony as he wrenched the large metal object while speaking to you when suddenly the project in front of you whirled back to life.
“Now explain to me what this does again?”
“It’s supposed to-“ Tony said as he wheeled out from underneath the machinery, cringing as he sat up.
“Boss?” Friday’s voice echoed through the lab.
“Friday I thought you we’re still mad at me.”
You rolled your eyes, this wasn’t the first time that Tony had done something against the logic of the A.I.
“You’re needed in the lobby.”
“I’m kind of busy right now. Have them come back tomorrow.”
“Boss, you’re going to want to hear this.”
Tony sighed as he stood up, placing the wrench in his hand down on the countertop, switching it out for the grease rag a few feet away.
“Friday, notify Bruce where I’m going,” he said speaking to the ceiling “[Y/N] you’re coming with me.”
You both rode the elevator down to the lobby, Tony mumbling under his breath the whole time about how he has much more important matters to tend to.
The elevator doors opened, revealing a quiet lobby, many of the people walking about tending to their own business; save for the man standing off to the side with a security guard and a teenage girl.
“Don’t I know you?” Tony asked as you both approached them.
“Mr. Stark! Thank God someone is still alive.”
“Scott?” you asked looking at the man standing in front of you. You observed him, the man looking like he hadn’t aged a day.
“[Y/N]? Wow, you haven’t changed a bit, maybe a little older but-.”
“Aren’t you the ant guy thingy?” observed Tony.
“Ant Man. And Yes.”
“I thought you were dead?” You couldn’t help but state what you thought was the obvious. After the incident, Natasha, Clint and yourself took it upon yourselves to check into the whereabouts of everyone associated with the team. It wasn’t a hard task for the three of you as you began finding that most people were deemed casualties of Thanos’s hand.
“That’s the thing… I’m not me. Well,” he thought for a second, scratching his head “technically speaking anyways.”
You gave him an incredulous look before the teenage girl beside you spoke up. “What he’s trying to say is, is that technically he isn’t from this year… he’s from five years ago.”
Glancing at Tony who was already looking at you, you nodded your head. “Friday prepare two rooms for our guests.”
“Right away boss.”
Tony and you brought the new guests upstairs before anyone started listening into something they shouldn’t. Even though most of the former terrorist style groups had become non-existent did not mean that there was not threats or spies out there.
“Good, almost everyone is here.” Tony spoke as the doors to the main residential floor opened. “Now would be a good time to explain what the hell is going on.”
“Lang? How’ve you been man.” Clint spoke first as he got up off the couch he was sitting on, walking over to give him a quick hug. “We thought you were dead.”
“I’m not. I mean I don’t think I am… I honestly have no clue what the hell is happening.”
“It’s ok dad, start from the beginning.” Cassie told him giving him a reassuring look.
“Five years ago, I was transported into the quantum realm in order to collect some healing particles for Ghost, who’s situation is a whole different conversation. Anyways, I was communicating with Hope, Hank and Janet who stayed on the outside. Should anything go wrong, they were to rescue me and well something happened but not on my end. Next thing I know, I got stuck in a time vortex and was taken five years into the future, now.”
“That’s when he found me, and I brought him here.” Cassie spoke quietly.
“You went into the quantum realm?” Tony was the first to ask. “How?”
For the next hour, Scott and the majority of the team spent time recalling what had happened and answering as well as asking any and all questions that could be thought of at the moment.
“Where’s Cap?” Lang asked.
“He’s… not available at the moment.” You said hesitantly.
“He is currently on hiatus.” Tony sighed, running a hand down his face. “Not that I don’t much blame him, but not all of us can afford to let our emotions get in the way at the moment.”
“Tony that’s enough.” Scolded Natasha. “He’s been through a lot.”
“And I haven’t?! I was stuck on an inhabited planet by myself for seven months. I lost the kid, the doctor and some weird space people that called themselves the Guardians.”
“Hey! They are not weird! Quill maybe but-“ Rocket began to argue.
“Mortals! This is not the time nor the place to be arguing such petty things. I believe that the strange ant speaking man may have a plan.” Thor’s voice boomed through the living space.
Everyone turned towards Scott “I may have a way to stop Thanos.”
The smell of must and beer assaulted your senses as you opened the door of the building in front of you, a small bell jingled as the door passed.
“Hey Mikey.” You said as you gave a small wave to the man behind the bar.
“Hey [Y/N], he’s in his usual spot.”
You nodded your head, thanking the bartender as you maneuvered your way through the patrons in the bar, slowing your stride as you reached his table.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” You commented as you stared at the man in front of you. His greasy hair, lazily falling around his face that adorned an uneven and dirty beard.
The man snapped his head up quickly. “[Y/N].” He stated before running a hand through his hair.
“Hey Steve.” You sadly smiled. “Up for some company?”
“Of course.” He quickly replied before clearing his throat. “I would never turn away a friend.”
“Is that what we are?” You asked genuinely as you slid into the booth as Mike brought you your regular drink.
Steve looked away. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, none of this is your fault.” You told him sincerely as you took a small sip of your drink.
Steve looked at you for a second before grabbing the bottle in front of him, placing the cooled brown glass against his lips as he took a sip of the brew.
“Still can’t get drunk huh?”
He let out a low chuckle. “Not since I became this.” He said while he gestured towards his body.
You laughed “I can only imagine how scrawny little Steve was able to hold his liquor.”
“He wasn’t. I wasn’t much of a drinker then, maybe some bourbon with honey when I had a sore throat but since I stayed sick all the time, didn’t see any point in adding more fuel to the fire.”
“Makes since. When I was little my grandma used to rub some Jack Daniels on my gums when I was teething.” You shrugged.
Steve laughed giving you a pointed look, “There’s a difference between sickness and teething [Y/N].”
“But I turned out fine didn’t I?” you chuckled, taking another sip of your beer.
Steve shook his head, “There was this one time when Bucky bought a jar of moonshine from a guy in an alley, sketchy now yes but not then. Anyways, we were just out of high school and prohibition had ended a few years prior, but moonshining was still illegal so he bought the jar and brought it over to my place. He took one swig of it and learned real fast why southerners used it in their cars.”
You smiled sadly, looking rubbing at the label on the bottle with your thumb. “I miss him Steve. I miss all of them.”
“I know,” he said as he reached his hand across the table, placing it on top of your hand, stopping your motions of tearing the label apart. “but there is nothing we can do about it now.”
You looked up, quickly wiping away a stray tear, knowing that through this whole fiasco you had been one of the few that still held the team together. You had been through it all, the Battle in New York? You were working the grounds, using your resourceful operative training to help fight off the Chitauri. The Battle at the Triskelion? You had been helping Maria make sure that the system breach Natasha was preforming continued without any hitches. That’s also how you first met Bucky or rather, the Winter Soldier. You were running to get into position at the control center, pretending to be one of the many rouge S.H.E.I.L.D agents around you when he seen right through your disguise, quickly identifying you as a threat that had to be taken out immediately. Though he was much stronger and able than yourself, he had caused great bodily harm, resulting in you almost becoming another casualty. But, thanks to a distraction from Falcon, you were able to scramble away and continue with your original mission.
When someone decided to attack, you were always there, willing and able to help in any way possible. When Steve first found Bucky in Bucharest, you had a small since of relief that he was still alive, that he was no longer the Winter Soldier. “I don’t do that anymore.” You heard his muffled voice come through your ear piece. What no one realized at the time was that he didn’t unless he was commanded, controlled. Those few days seemed like some of the longest days of your life, dealing with being on the run and having to battle your friends who had temporarily become your enemies, all the way to being arrested and taken to The Raft. You were sorely mistaken about it being your longest day after Steve rescued you, those two years of being considered a criminal and on the run became one large, finally reaching the point of you needing to take a break from being on the run when you decided to make a run for it to Wakanda.
“That’s what I came here to tell you Steve, we think there’s a way to reverse everything.”
Steve stared at you for what seemed like hours before speaking. “And everyone is willing to give everything up? Even you?”
“Yes.” You spoke softly, the crack in your speech as you spoke alluding to the fact of how tired you actually were.
Steve nodded “What’s the plan?”
“We have to go back to the Battle of New York.”
Steve furrowed his brow, “Why?”
“To rescue someone who is deeply misunderstood.”
You nodded your head, “He is one of the few that we can rely on.”
“And if he doesn’t want to help?”
“Then we will make him. We are rescuing him from ourselves you know.”
“How do we plan to do that? We can’t just appear on the helicarrier, yell surprise and kidnap the guy.”
“We have a plan. Well it’s not a whole plan, it’s more like three quarters of a plan at this point and the rest we will just figure out as we go.” You shrugged. “So… Are you in?”
“When do we start?”
#steve rogers x reader#avengers x reader#bucky barnes x reader#fanfic#fan fic#x reader#steve rogers x you#steve rogers imagine#i hope these tags are ok because i honestly don't know who all to tag
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Dealing With Friends
Things were different now, that much was certain. Not all the changes were bad however; they found Will, his mom's mental state was much better than it had been, and the stress and grief he was forced to deal with were slowly subsiding. But not everything was great. His mom still had anxiety attacks and he stayed up until early hours hearing Will get up frequently to go into the bathroom, coughing up a lung. He'd then hear the water turn on, and Will returning to bed. Jonathan wasn't stupid and he knew something was up, but he was afraid to say anything for fear of disturbing the peace. He figured it would be short-lived, but he wanted it to stay as long as it could. Things at school were just as they had always been, and the winter break hadn't changed that. When school started up again, he fell back into his routine: wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, spend time with his family, go to bed, repeat. To some it seemed boring, but for him it was a comfort. It was the one stable thing in his life, the one thing he could always count on. The other kids at school were weary of him, just how he liked it. He wasn't a people person and didn't do social interaction. It was better for him to be alone. Just about everyone else was annoying and immature and he'd just rather not interact with them. Who needed friends anyway? [more] Jonathan was walking through the parking lot after school. It had been a long day, and he couldn't be more ready for the weekend. It was only Monday yet it felt as if it had already been an entire week. He was halfway to his car when he heard his name being called out. Wait, that couldn't be right. No one ever talked to him. Jonathan's a pretty common name, and he knew at least three other Jonathan's, so he only paused momentarily before continuing on his way. "Beyers!" Now Jonathan recognized the voice, and turned around to see Steve Harrington walking up to him. He didn't know what exactly to expect, so he braced himself. "Hey, can I talk to you?" "Uhh..." Jonathan trailed off, looking longingly at his car. Steve followed his gaze and reassured him, "It'll only be a few minutes." Jonathan sighed in defeat, "Sure, what is it?" Steve looked a bit sheepish, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. What I did was shitty, and I feel real bad about it. I meant to apologize earlier, but when I came to your house, all that... stuff, happened," he said, referring to the Demogorgon. Jonathan met his gaze. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been watching you guys, and I'm sorry I kicked your ass," his lips curled at the corners as he said the last part. Steve couldn't help but smile at that, "You just caught me off guard. Though I think we fight better as a team rather than against one another," he said seriously. Jonathan's smile was less noticeable, but still there, "Yeah, we kicked some ass, didn't we?" Steve stared at him, "How are you, after all that?" Jonathan inhaled deeply. He contemplated whether he should open up, or lie, or just not answer. But he was one of the only people who experienced what he did, and he had everything bottled up for so long he was sure he would explode if he kept it in any longer. "It's been rough. But things help. I usually busy myself so that I don't think about it. Will and Mom help," he admitted. Steve looked at him with wide eyes, "Do you have... y'know... nightmares?" His face was scrunched with fear and something else that Jonathan couldn't quite read. "Nancy and I both have them. I figured you might too. What do you do to make them go away?" Jonathan shrugged, shaking his head. "I wish I knew but I'm about as clueless as you are. I usually wake up and stare at my ceiling counting as high as I can before falling back asleep," he supplied. Steve nodded, letting the information sink in, "I'll keep that in mind." Jonathan began walking off, sensing the conversation was coming to a close. "You seem like a pretty cool dude, we should hang out sometime," Steve said. Jonathan's lips pressed into a thin line and he nodded curtly before walking off. How many times has he heard that one? Way too many to count. How many ever actually hung out with him though? ~~~~ The next day at lunch, Jonathan sat alone at his usual table eating his sandwich when suddenly Steve plopped down in the seat next to him. Jonathan stared at him in shock and Steve offered a large smile, "Hope this seat's not taken. Too bad of it was, cause I'm not moving," he said, setting his lunch onto the table. Nancy came over then, sitting across the table from both of them. "Hey, what's up?" she asked as she took a bite of the school's spaghetti. Jonathan was still trying to process what was going on. People didn't just sit with him at lunch, especially people as popular as Nancy and Steve. He looked at them skeptically. "What?" Nancy asked. "I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but why are you sitting with me?" he questioned. Steve acted as though the answer was obvious, "I said we should start hanging out." Jonathan rolled his eyes. "I know that, but it's not like anyone ever actually means it," he clarified. A brief look of hurt washed over Steve's face, but it was gone as soon as it had appeared, "Well, I meant it." And he really did. He and Nancy sat with him every day at lunch. It was a bit awkward at first. None of them were sure of what to say, a somewhat tense silence lingering in the air. They knew not to bring up what happened and chose to pretend they lived an average life. They ate in silence. "If you never plan on talking you might as well not even sit here," Jonathan snarked, taking a bite of his food. "Excuse me?" "If this is your idea of "hanging out" then you must be boring as hell. I don't know how Nancy stands it." Said girl covered her mouth, snickering behind her palm. Steve was shocked, mouth agape. His mouth finally formed a large smile. "I didn't peg you as a sarcastic kinda guy." "Once you get to know me, that's like 40% of my personality." Nancy tilted her head in curiosity, "What's the other 60%?" He smiled, "You're gonna have to figure that out for yourselves." ~~~~ Steve and Nancy now sat with Jonathan regularly at lunch, though Jonathan still went straight home after school. It had been weeks, and Steve kept insisting he go out and do something with them. "There's nothing to do here," Jonathan stated when Steve suggested they do something that night. "We don't always have to go out. We can all just hang at my place," he offered. Jonathan shrugged, "Even if I wanted to I couldn't, I promised my mom I'd make dinner since she's been so busy this week." Steve narrowed his eyes playfully, pointing a finger at him, "Mark my words Beyers, you will come to my house sooner or later." Jonathan smirked. "Sounds like a threat."Steve glared at him, "You know what I mean." Nancy gave him a sympathetic look, shaking her head, "I'm afraid Jonathan's right. You sounded like someone straight out of a slasher fic." Steve gasped, looking between them, "I can't believe my own friends would say that about me!" he said with a look of betrayal. Friends. Jonathan supposed they really were all friends by now, but he still wasn't used to it. He decided early on that it wasn't so bad having them around. They were good company, and after everything that's happened to him, he was glad to know he didn't always have to be alone. ~~~~ It was a Saturday, which meant Will planned on spending the entire day at Mike's house playing games. Despite what his mom said, Jonathan still felt as though it was his fault Will had gone missing in the first place, so he promised to always walk with him to and from Mike's house. He couldn't let it happen again... Will was riding his bike while Jonathan walked beside them and they talked. When they got to the door, Mike opened it. "Come in, we're just setting up in the basement. Oh hey Jonathan," he greeted with a smile, "Wanna join?" Jonathan really didn't want to spend his day in a dimly lit basement playing a complicated board game. He honestly couldn't understand how Will could take it. He was going to politely decline when Will looked up at him, "You should play, I mean, you used to play with us." Damnit... It wasn't as agonizing as he thought, but he still hated the damn game. Watching his brother and his friends' reactions was funny as hell though. They would get all worked up and scream at each other or yell and jump in victory. But still, it wasn't Jonathan's thing, and he had been sitting in the basement for over three hours and needed to get a drink and use the restroom. And even though he wasn't the tallest guy, it was still uncomfortable to be scrunched up like a damn folding chair. He walked up the stairs and into the kitchen, filling up a glass of water. He gulped it down just as Nancy walked through the doorway. "Oh, I didn't know you were here," she said, smiling sweetly as she put the phone back on its holder. Before he could say anything, they heard shouting from downstairs. "Jonathan get your ass down here, it's your turn!" Nancy covered her mouth, trying not to laugh as Jonathan let out a groan. "Oho no, you're not going back down there. You're coming with me," she said, grabbing his wrist. "Where are we going?" he asked as she went down the stairs. She stopped halfway, looking down at the group of boys. "I'm rescuing Jonathan, we're going to Steve's," she said, dashing back up the stairs before they could protest. "I just got off the phone with him, so he knows we're coming," she explained. "How did you know I was there?" he asked. She smiled at him, "I didn't, but he'll be glad to see you. He's been dying to hang out with you outside of school, but you never wanna do anything," she finished, a slightly sad note to her voice as she glanced at him from the driver's seat. He shrugged, "I'm not really a "go out and party" kinda guy, I'm more of a "stay at home and read" kinda guy." "Wouldn't kill you to just go out and do something sometime," she pointed out. He didn't say anything else. When they arrived, Steve opened up the door and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Told you I'd get you in my house." Jonathan couldn't help but to smile as he joked, "Again with the serial killer vibe." Steve gasped, placing a hand over his heart, "I'm hurt Beyers." "Only your pride," he quipped, walking past him. Steve followed him, "You were right; at least 40% of you is sarcasm." Jonathan glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, "You figure out the other 60%?" Steve shook his head, "Not all of it, but I'd say I know you pretty well by now." Jonathan wasn't sure how to react to this. He had spent so long trying to distance himself from others and build up a wall, and all of a sudden Steve and Nancy enter his life and just tear it down. But maybe that was a good thing. "Do you wanna go out by the pool? Or are you guys fine in here?" Steve asked. Nancy looked over at him, "I'm fine inside." He smiled, "Perfect." They hung out and talked for a while, but eventually Steve got bored, and he didn't mind voicing his opinion. "I'm boooooored," he whined, flopping on the couch. "It's your house stupid," Nancy pointed out. "Which makes it even MORE boring for meeee," he complained again. Jonathan rolled his eyes, "Why don't we play a game?" This immediately caught his attention, "I like the way you think Beyers! So!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Beyers, truth or dare?" And so that's how Jonathan ended up licking Steve's shoe, Nancy admitting she still sleeps with a stuffed animal, and Steve jumping off the roof. After a few more turns, Steve looked to Jonathan, "Truth or dare?" "Truth." Steve let out a groan, falling onto his back. "You've picked truth the last five turns," he whined. Jonathan raised his brows, "Do you think maybe there's a reason for that?" Steve gasped, looking him up and down. "I take offense to that." "You made me lick your shoe!" "Correction: I dared you to lick my shoe." Jonathan shrugged, "Either way I still choose truth." "Uuuuuuuugh, fine. But I'm still gonna try to make this interesting." He thought for a moment before giving a devious smile. "So, Jonathan, are you," he paused, wiggling his fingers at him and raising his eyebrows, "Ticklish?" Jonathan's face remained neutral, "No." Steve smiled, "Oh really? So you wouldn't mind if I-" "Touch me and I kick your ass," he said, cutting him off. "That sounds exactly like something someone who's ticklish would say. You're kinda incriminating yourself here," Steve's smile grew as he spoke while Jonathan remained standoffish. "I'm not a fan of being touched," he explained, though it was clear Steve didn't believe him. Nancy shot Steve a warning look, which he of course ignored. Jonathan looked unamused and sighed, "You don't believe me? Fine I'll prove it," he said and raised his arms a little, giving Steve access to his body. Steve slowly reached out, skittering his fingers lightly over his sides, getting no reaction. "See?" He turned his attention to Nancy, his back turned completely to Steve, "Truth or dare?" But Steve still wasn't convinced. Jonathan was extremely tense and guarded when he had tried to tickle him, and Steve thought that if he could catch him off guard he might be able to get a reaction. Steve slowly crept forward, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. "I dare you to... AH!" Jonathan whipped around and was met with Steve's grinning face. Steve tilted his head in a quizzical manner, "I'm sorry, what was it that you said earlier? About not being ticklish?" Jonathan's lips quirked up ever so slightly, barely even noticeable, but still there. Jonathan had never been given the chance to play or mess around with friends and now that the situation had arose, he wasn't sure how to go about it. Thankfully for him though, Steve was not new to this whatsoever. "The game's called truth or dare, Beyers. I'm pretty sure lying is against the rules, don't you agree Nancy?" She was now catching on, and the mischievous smile on her face matched Steve's. "Oh yes, it's definitely against the rules Jonathan. And there are consequences for breaking the rules." He was trapped between the two of them, unable to escape, and not sure if he really wanted to. He felt... giddy. But he made sure to not make it too obvious and started scooting away until Steve wrapped a hand around his legs and pulled him back, quickly setting to work. Jonathan had rarely ever been tickled and he never quite understood its purpose. He knew it could be used as a bonding method but not many people have ever tried tickling him, aside from his mom. Truthfully he didn't even know where he was ticklish, as it happened so few times. He didn't even think he was that ticklish. He had forced himself to built a wall around himself, shutting himself off from most physical contact. It was clear that his new friends wouldn't allow that anymore, tearing down his defenses. Steve wiggled his fingers into his side and Jonathan slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent laughter from pouring out. Steve mock pouted, " I wanna hear you laugh, see that smile!" he teased, poking between his ribs. Jonathan grunted, struggling in his efforts to keep his mirth at bay. It didn't help once Nancy joined in the teasing as well, "C'mon Jonathan, doesn't it feel good to laugh and not hold anything back?" Her voice was soft and sweet while Steve's was teasing and taunting. The contradiction just seemed to make his predicament worse. Nancy managed to gather his wrists and pin them above his head using her knees, and no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't escape. "Shihihit! Nonono," he started once Nancy walked her fingers down his arms towards his armpits. Steve was beaming, "Aww look how much you're smiling! I think this is the happiest I've seen you, Mr. Doom and Gloom," he teased, forming his hand into a claw and vibrating it against his stomach. Jonathan let out an honest to god scream before falling into hysterics, trying to buck Steve off. It didn't deter him in the slightest however, and he drilled his thumbs into his hips. Jonathan actually snorted at that and Steve had to stop because he himself was laughing so hard. "Oh my god, did you just snort? That is the cutest thing I've ever heard!" His cheeks heated up hearing this and he tried to hide his blushing face is his arm. Nancy quickly skittered her nails over his neck, making him scrunch up and giggle. "Guhuhuhuys" he whined through his laughter, not used to so much attention, and most certainly not used to this much contact. "Yeeeeees?" they both answered in unison, matching grins on their faces. "It tihihihihickles!" Steve smirked, "Well duh it tickles, we're tickling you! And you just so happen to be very ticklish. Which you lied about. Don't think I haven't forgotten about that," he said in a stern voice, using one hand to point at him while the other spidered over his ribs. "Alright Steve, better cut it out, it looks like he's about to pass out," Nancy said backing off. Steve did the same, moving off of him and letting him catch his breath. "You two," he said pointing at them and pausing for a breath, "Are evil. Why did I ever agree to be friends with you again?" he asked, though his ever present smile made it clear he meant none of it. "Because were awesome. And we make things, like, 10 times as fun. Well, I do anyways," Steve spoke, earning a shove from Nancy. "And I think I figured out the other 60%." Jonathan gave him a skeptical look, "What is it then?" "60% ticklish dork," he said, smile so wide it could split his face in two. Jonathan's blush deepened and he rolled onto his stomach, burying his face into a nearby pillow, "You're never going to let this go, are you?" "Not likely, no," Steve shook his head. "Just remember I can kick your ass in a fight," he threatened, but Steve just waved his hand. "If it's a tickle fight, I'm pretty sure I would win anyways," he smirked and Jonathan let out a strange but endearing mix of a frustrated groan, a scream, and a giggle, "Why are you so adamant about torturing me?" "Cause you got a nice laugh that I wanna hear more of," Steve admitted. "Then tell a joke! Oh wait, I forgot, you aren't funny." Steve's mouth dropped and Nancy had to cover her mouth to muffle her laughter at the sight. "Oh that's it Beyers, you're dead!" That was definitely not the last time Steve and Nancy used this particular weakness against him. In fact, it was only the beginning. And Jonathan found that he didn't really mind it all that much.
#stranger things#stranger things fic#stranger things tickle fic#jonathan beyers#steve harrington#nancy wheeler#ticklish!jonathan#steve x nancy x jonathan
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what 🤩
Steve gets really into birdwatching after patrolling the woods around Hawkins for upside down creepy-crawlies and then accidentally joins the Hawkins Community Birdwatching Society, and rightfully doesn’t tell anybody about it because he still wants the party to think he’s cool.
However. Eddie brings his uncle around the party for the first time and before he can introduce him, Wayne’s like, “Hey, Steve. Diana tell ya that she saw a pileated woodpecker outside of Melvards last week?”
When Steve doesn’t respond with confusion, a record scratches inside Robin and Eddie’s brains at the same time because
“This is Wayne? Your friend Wayne??” Robin asks at the same time that Eddie exclaims, “Steve from bird club is Steve Harrington?!”
#anyways mike helpful informs steve that none of them thought he was cool anyways so no loss#firm believer that steve gets all his old man hobbies before the age of twenty five#and i love a steve and wayne friendship#oh slay#that Steve is this steve??? lmao#hell yeah
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