#anyways I'm talking about Teruki Hanazawa
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ladyelainehilfur · 7 months ago
It's low-key wild when I like a side character so much that I'd read a fic about them navigating life outside of a romantic relationship. I go on AO3 and every fic is "come look at your brand new blorbo x this other character"
and I go "no, I just wanna read a fic about my blorbo lying in bed and thinking nice thoughts :)"
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russenoire · 9 months ago
18, 25, 27
from this ask: weird questions for writers (because writers are weird)
18. choose a passage from your writing. tell me about the backstory of this moment. how you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. spicy addition: questioner provides the passage.
Teruki Hanazawa’s tousled bottle-blond mop pops in first, followed soon after by the rest of him folding itself around the open door. ‘You know something?’ ‘What?’ He blinks. Hard. Then matches Teruki’s positively perverse grin with one of his own, not entirely devoid of mirth: ‘Do enlighten me.’ ‘I just... think your space would feel so much more like an actual home with some art on these walls. Or some, mmmm… décor in here. Don’t you agree...?’ He fails to suppress a groan at this; it stretches out much longer than he would like. ‘If you’d… maybe let me help…’ No. Teruki needs to be stopped. And he’s never had much use for an abundance of stuff. What else would he keep in here, anyway? Here, under the black sofa he picked out because it was the least complicated on the show floor, an ivory sheepskin rug, ample enough to accommodate his full height and then some: the bare wood planks chill his toes painfully in winter, even with socks. Sleep finds him sprawled out on it from time to time, its wispy but dense curls like late spring breezes spun out of cotton candy against his skin. At the moment, said curls are flirting shamelessly with his fingers. There, on the far wall, a sizable flat-screen television. As a joke, Teruki actually insisted on framing it for him with a silvery rococo border that wouldn’t look out of place in a Parisian museum. It felt garish to him at first, but it’s grown on him since. That… that was enough. Except for a clock and a calendar on the wall closest to the door? These walls are otherwise empty. He doesn’t mind. From across the room, the arrangement of his limbs on the sofa obeying a logic all their own, he counters the man’s impish glee with the most antarctic deadpan he can conjure up. Teruki’s grin refuses to budge. ‘Well. We can stay here, or go someplace…’ he shrugs, ‘more home-y.’ Perhaps his well-honed death glare loses a little something with him inverted like this. Twisting his mouth instead into a resigned little smile—this time genuine, but still upside-down—he looks up at the man quite literally brightening his doorway. ‘Your call.’
so, uh, i'm a pantser when it comes to writing.
a scene *poofs* into my head; i run with it. i shape it until it feels right, or i discard it because it's not working. this moment here, where teruki cracks shigeo's door open partway and slinks around it into his genkan, just For Teh Lulz, and shigeo meets the shit-eating grin he's wearing with one that belongs on a shark? that idea, along with much of the dialogue, was the first part that sprang to mind for this chapter.
at this point in the story, shigeo has weightier concerns on his mind than yesterday's big talk at work. so weighty that he's sprawled upside down on his sofa and staring down the walls. he figures teruki's puckish, tireless cheer might help and asks him to come over.
i wanted to describe shigeo's minimalist-ass living room here. (remember his bedroom in canon? how... empty it is, compared to his brother's room? that struck me, and it didn't feel like his parents imposed that starkness upon him at all.) teruki also might have found that notable, i thought, and originally i wrote this description from his perspective as a flashback leading into the present. but i couldn't find a good justification to shift away from shigeo there, and the extra description kinda dragged this scene out. so i shed a tear and cut it. i'm proud of the language i used; perhaps i'll find another use for it someday.
framing it through shigeo's eyes instead gave me the opportunity to focus on his character more: the simple things he really likes, why they're present in his space, and why he's being kinda stubborn here. information teruki wouldn't have access to.
the rest was just polish: crawling inside shigeo's head a bit and sitting with this part of him that can be prickly but still needs company, then seasoning the language until it tasted good to my ears. (i know i've apparently written shigeo 'smarter' than he is in canon; in my AU he becomes a halfway decent student in high school with a lot of help and outside tutoring. his language in japanese is already not 'simple' so i don't treat him that way.)
25. what is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
itō ryōsuke, shigeo's senpai and office-mate, is in his sixties. he has two daughters he adores, naomi (not pronounced 'nay-oh-mee') and atsuko. one is a successful rakugo performer and a gender trailblazer. the other is an architect. neither is married, which bothers him a little bit.
27. who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? why?
reigen arataka. he's so stressful to write that i've only alluded to him thus far. i'm planning out a fic with him and i'm... dreading writing it...
i like him as a character, but not as a person: he acts out his self-hatred in ways i find deeply unpalatable, and i have too much personal experience with another someone who has to be forced to, y'know, actually respect people they love. (and winning that battle with them only teaches respect for a single person in a single circumstance. the next person they come to love and exploit will need to 'earn' their respect, too.) i don't want to swim in that headspace any longer than i need to.
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staysproutsol · 2 years ago
Soulmates exist?
Terumob - Soulmate AU
Growing up Shigeo never cared much. He knew he wasn't as smart or strong as his little brother, and yet he continued to live his life contentedly.
Out of the millions of things Shigeo tend it to ignore are the red strings that seemed to just be tied to everyone he meets or just passes besides him.
He was able to successfully ignore them all these past years, that is until he saw the one attached to his pinkie finger attached to this weird blonde haired guy, Teruki Hanazawa.
That night his curiosity got the best of him. He threw the blanket on top of him and sat on his desk chair. He opened his laptop and searched 'what does it mean to be attached by a red string'
It took a while to load but once it did, did he almost pass out from fear? Destined lovers was the top search he got. He closed his laptop in panic, and quickly went to bed. He will think about it and question his parents about it in the morning. No need to worry himself before bed.
"Good morning, Shigeo." greeted his mother, setting a plate of scrambled eggs infront of him.
"Good morning, mom." he replied softly. He was still a little bit sleepy, he couldn't get very much sleep after his discovery.
The family ate in silence until Mob couldn't take it anymore. "Do you guys know about about the red strings?" he asked when his spoon bended once again. It would be weird if it didn't at this point.
His mother stood up to grab him another one, while his father cleaned the fallen scrambled eggs. "What's with the question, Shigeo?" asked his mother with raised brow.
"Are you interested in someone?" teased Ritsu, his little brother.
"N-no. Just a topic I heard some classmates talk about."
They knew he was lying. They could read him like an open book, but there was no point in pressuring him. They will wait till he can tell them at his own pace. "Well son, the red strings of fate is when two people who are connected by the red thread are destined to be lovers."
"They are destined, regardless of the place, time or circumstances, practically soulmates if you may say." explained his mother more.
This scared Mob even more, so what he searched about yesterday turns out to be true!? How unlikely will he meet this blonde kid again anyways? Never in a million years that's for sure.
"Master," he called out. "I need to ask yo-"
He stopped when he saw his master talking to someone. A someone he thought he would never see again. Why is he here? Did he find out about them being connected? Is he here to tell him to stay away?
"Ah! Mob, come here and meet-" he got cut off by the blonde talking. "I know who he is. He's the White T-Poison."
"The white, what?"
"Don't worry about it, master."
"Alright then! Anyway Mob, Hanazawa here will be working with us on some exorcism jobs from here on out. Please introduce yourself."
"Teruki Hanazawa, a pleasure to meet you." he winked, causing Mob to blush a the tip his ears and Reigen to roll his eyes.
"Shigeo Kageyama, but master calls me Mob."
"Alright you two, since introduction is over I will send you together on a job!"
Shigeo slightly paled at what his master has just informed him of. They will be working together from here on out? That's not good, not good at all.
After their first job, Hanazawa asked him if they could grab a bite together, but he was doubtful. What if he slipped and told him? What if-
"It's fine if you don't want to." smiled Hanazawa. He had a really pretty smile.
"N-no, it's f-fine!"
"Then, what's the problem?" he asked with worry in his pretty blue eyes that made Shigeo's inside melt.
"We're soulmates!" he blurted out. He slapped a hand on his mouth. He didn't mean to say that out loud.
'Oh my god! He totally think I'm weird now! What if-'
"The problem is that we are soulmates?"he questioned sounding quite hurt. "Wait! You can see the threads too!?"
"No! I mean yes! I- that's not the problem..."
Mob hid his already red face behind his hands in hopes that he will be able to hide his embarrassment or maybe the ground would be kind enough to swallow him. Hanazawa put his hand on his shoulder, making Mob peak behind his fingers.
"It's fine. We don't have to be lovers, we can be platonic soulmates!" he softly smiled despite the pang in his heart.
"No- it's, I-"
"Hey, how about you take a deep breath?" he said calmly with worry that clouded his pretty crystal blue eyes once more. Mob didn't like it, they should shine with happiness instead.
He took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. "I want to be soulmates with you, but I don't I know how to..." he murmured shyly, and looked at the ground with a blush that crept up his cheeks.
Teruki felt his heart explode at the ball of cuteness in front of him. He would be still happy if Mob chose to stay as friends. He would be the best damn friend tge world has to offer, it was enough just being close to him. He put his hand on top of his and caressed it carefully.
"It's fine, Kageyama. We can figure it out together, you are not alone in this."
From a distance, Reigen watched as the two cleared up their troubles and any doubts the two of them had. He was also very proud of how Mob could score himself a fine man.
A small thing to say, Reigen knew Hanazawa had a reason to work with them. He was suspicious of him when he first asked him, and Reigen being Reigen he refused to agree if he doesn't have the real reason. So Teruki had no choice but to tell him they're soulmates, even if he wanted to tell Mob first.
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anime-matchmaker-blog · 8 years ago
Hey! Could I get a match-up please? (Danganronpa and Mob Psycho 100, if it's not too much work for you ;v;) I'm a short INTP/INFP girl(5' orz) and have dark brown eyes and black hair. I'm really bad at small talk or holding a conversation generally and I keep blabbering stupid stuff (like "Do you like sprinkles? I love sprinkles."). I'm also super lazy and unathletic and have like zero stamina OTL. I'm always daydreaming and get confused quite easily. [1/3]
I also get sick super easily which is really annoying and frustrating ;;A;;!! I’m a sucker for cute and romantic things love wearing skirts and dresses
My ideal first date would be in a café talking about our interests and just enjoying each others company
It’s definitely not a bother or too much work, anon! ^^ Thanks for the request and I hope you’ll like your matches!
Your matches are…:
Mob Psycho 100 - Hanazawa Teruki
Teru was that kid who was virtually unapproachable in the beginning. Once he got a change over, he seemed like someone who may be nice, but you decide to keep your distance from him anyway. When you get caught in a bad situation, Teru comes to diffuse it, using his experience as a thug to pull you away from the tension. You thank him and as you’re about to pull away, he recognizes you from his class. You two end up walking home in awkward silence, neither of you unsure how to start a conversation. Your awkward bursts help guide the topics that arise and you end up talking to him about subjects like literature to shopping to ice cream. He isn’t as bad as a guy you thought he would be.
A day off leads you two to a popular ice cream parlor in town. This gives you the opportunity to witness Teru’s atrocious fashion sense yourself and after some ice cream, you take him to the mall to buy him new clothes. During the colder seasons, you make him a scarf and a pair of gloves since he neglected to buy those himself. Teru feels guilty for being unable to repay you and he hopes you accept payment in the form of affection. His interactions with the other girls grow less frequent and more sincere as he spends more time with you, realizing he can be himself when around you. This freedom allows him to be more affectionate and intimate for the person he truly loves.
In your downtime, the two of you can be seen out in the streets, walking around, people-watching, or sitting at a cafe and chatting for hours. Other times, you’ll be at one another’s houses enjoying each other’s company, watching movies or anime, or helping each other do homework. Teru loves it when you randomly give him a hug and he tries to do the same to you whenever possible. He also enjoys teasing you for your sense of direction and claims that you can never go anywhere without him since he can’t bear the thought of you getting lost somewhere.
It doesn’t take long for the rest of the school to label you two as an official, honest couple. There are always girls who approach you to try to scare you off, but Teru shuts them down quickly. His former followers help keep the peace among the jealous crowd while rooting for your happiness. Teru used to play around due to his popularity, but now that he’s found someone to love, he can only hope you’ll forgive him for his past actions and help him become someone he strives to be.
HagakureYasuhiro (Danganronpa): With his cheery and laidbackpersonality, it won’t be difficult at all to befriend Hiro, even with your moreintroverted nature. The two of you will get along pretty well, actually, thoughHiro might come off as intimidating at first due to his height and appearance.The fact that you’re not good at holding conversations isn’t much of a problem,at least not to Hiro, since he can get rather ridiculous himself when it comesto conversing. If you don’t shy away and actually listen to him, he’ll bereally happy about that. He wouldn’t mind the things you tend to blabbereither. Though he might be confused at first, he’ll likely roll along with you,much to the confusion of everyone else around you two. Hopefully you believehis fortune-telling is not the same as the occult, or you can prepare yourself tolistening to him explain why they’re not similar in the slightest. However, ifyou do believe that, Hiro would be genuinely happy about that. He doesn’t havemany friends (or any, if not counting Makoto and crew) so having someone thatwon’t mind his eccentricity would be a highlight in his life.
Hiro isn’t the most athletic person around either, and wouldmost likely enjoy just chilling around somewhere with you. He’d be interestedin seeing the pieces of artwork you’ve created, thinking it’s pretty cool ofyou. He isn’t as artistic of course and will praise your skills since in hiseyes, your creations look amazing. It’d catch Hiro off-guard if you were togive him something you’ve knit, especially if you let him know that you like todo that for your family and friends. As much as Hiro enjoys hanging out withyou and talking about a random assortment of topics, he didn’t think your friendshiphad gotten that deep, not that he’s complaining. Your hugs would also be asource of surprise for Hiro and the first time it happens, he’ll stiffen at thecontact, not expecting something like this. He’s never had many friends afterall, so receiving such affection is a bit foreign for him but after a few moretimes of this happening, he can say that he loves your hugs and will startreciprocating them. Your declarations of love will be processed in the sameway, though the first time he’ll be more shocked than surprised and getextremely flustered. Of course, after learning that you mean as a friend, he’llcalm down a bit more but he’ll still be quite nervous around you for a whileafterwards.
Hiro can be rather slow in the head so when he finds himselfnot feeling quite as happy as he normally feels when he hears you saying youlove him, he likely won’t be able to figure out that he has feelings for you. Hecan’t tell you this since he’s afraidof hurting your feelings so he’ll likely turn to Makoto, who’ll help him learnthat he likes you as more than a friend. Telling you this is the scary part,since what if you don’t feel the same?? He’ll try doing some fortune-telling tosee the outcome, and when it comes out positive, he decides to take the plunge.As endearing as you becoming easily confused can be, he really hopes you’ll beable to understand what he means and not take it to meaning that he loves youas a friend.
If you do accept his confession and feel the same way abouthim, Hiro would feel ecstatic but also become very flustered at the same time.What does he do now? Before he can actually think of anything, he’ll justoutright asks you what you’d like to do on a date and at hearing what yourideal first date would be, takes you out for exactly that, after asking Hinafor good café recommendations. Hiro might be a bit more awkward since this is adate, not a regular outing with you.While nothing has changed, at the same time, everything’s changed. He’s yourboyfriend now! He’ll try to act more like a gentleman but he really isn’t thatgreat at it. Hiro always thinks you’re adorable but especially today, he’llthink you’re simply gorgeous. Your clothing choices accentuates your cutenessand Hiro really can’t help but stare. He’ll attempt to do romantic things foryou but he totally lacks knowledge in that department and once again, will turnto his friends for help though both Makoto and Hina aren’t knowledgeable aboutthat either. He’ll bring you flowers sometimes and chocolates another, and evenoffer to tell you your fortune for free!
Because Hiro never really had friends, he treats those hecares for with great sincerity and that doubles for you. Your tendency to easilyget sick, as much as it frustrates you, would have Hiro worrying a lot for you.He’ll want to take care of you to the best of his ability and he’s alwaysfretting about if you have the medicine you need and if you’re getting enoughrest. Like you, Hiro can be easily scared too, especially if the topic ofghosts comes up. The perfect combination would then be the two of you in thedark, talking about ghosts. He’d try to comfort you and find the light to turnback on, or another light source so you’d be able to sleep, but once the topicof ghosts comes up, he’ll be freaking out rather badly and hurried change thetopic. This would be a rather interesting experience for you both to go throughat least, but Hiro would then adamantly tell you to never bring this up again.
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