#anyways I just wanna make Shirley do things
peapod20001 · 2 years
Lmao not me trying to negotiate with my brother to allow me to get sims 4 on his new gaming computer
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teecupangel · 10 months
If Desmond ever ended up in the Persona 5 universe, I wonder what he would think of the Phantom Thieves? Would he be a confidant for Akira/Ren/Joker, be a neutral party? Become a Phantom Thief himself? I can't help but think that because of his Bleeds, he'd end up having his ancestors show up as Personas to help him fight in the Metaverse.
Ngl, I wanna make Desmond the Sun because of my penchant of giving Desmond something related to the very thing that killed him but based on his ‘situation’, these are the Arcanas that Desmond can be part of in my opinion:
Aeon (many of the Aeon Personas have an affinity to light and a common theme for Aeon representatives are that they are unfamiliar with the world they are in and are struggling to find their place in this world which describes Desmond’s current predicament and also… there’s no Aeon confidant in P5 so Desmond won’t be sharing this spot with anyone or, worse, won’t be removing an existing confidant)
Sun (A character in a lonely and most of the time terribly situation, signifying the hopelessness of them succeeding with the end results being them having to reflect on their situation and coming to peace with themselves and what is happening to them)
Moon (being attuned subconsciously to the world around someone, gaining the ability to sense things without being told about them, or without anyone else knowing, this arcana is also sometimes called the Arcana of Lies and Deceit which Desmond would be doing anyway because there’s no way he’ll tell the truth)
Death (metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles… which can also hint on Desmond’s origin as someone not from this world)
Personally, I do see Desmond as a Phantom Thief and acting like the cool older brother type to these teenagers. But being a neutral party seems more like his style, considering… everything.
So I would suggest we make Desmond a neutral party the Phantom Thieves meet up with in the Metaverse from time to time, mostly in Mementos because, in his own words ‘something calls to me here’.
The Phantom Thieves don’t know he’s the same bartender that works at Crossroads who would always give Joker a Shirley Temple whenever he’s on break. Lala told Joker that Desmond looked ‘lost’ so she helped him out (in more ways than one, Lala actually thinks Desmond is undocumented and helped him be an ‘upstanding citizen’…)
Desmond, for his part, is just happy that, for some reason, he knows Japanese? He has a feeling it’s one of his Bleed and many people tell him he speaks like he’s from a period drama so yeah, there’s that (it’s one of his Ibn-La'Ahad ancestors who knew Japanese because they chased the Mongols to Japan)
As for Desmond’s Persona…
It would be funny to give him Minerva or Juno as a Persona but we’re not that evil. Another idea would be to give him Dionysus for our usual ‘Desmond could totally be Dionysus’ Sage’ idea that pops in and out XD
So we’re going to make Desmond special because he’s our blorbo and we’ll use the Persona 1 and 2 plot of how the characters get their Persona.
He does the Persona game because he was bored one day XD
And that’s how he starts to hear Mementos’ call.
And while he journeys in Mementos by himself, that’s when he encounters the Shadows… of his Bleeds.
Confronting them (which always ends in a boss fight) ends with him receiving their Arcana and his Bleeds become his Personas.
His Bleeds’ Arcanas:
Altaïr: Hermit (wisdom, introspection, solitude, retreat and philosophical searches)
Ezio: Judgment (associated with realizing one's calling, gaining a deep understanding of life and a feeling of acceptance and absolution)
Ratonhnhaké:ton: Hanged Man (sometimes self-sacrificial or self-loathing, but are more often notable for being caught between two different extremes, parties or stages in life of which they have little to no control – always in the middle of two opposing forces and he’s doing his best to protect his people given what’s happening) or Strength (associated with the morality about the stronger power of self-control, gentleness, courage and virtue over brute force)
Haytham: Emperor (desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable)
Desmond’s real Arcana and his own Persona (which may or may not be some biblically accurate angel-like figure with all of his Bleeds around a small orb similar to the Apple of Eden in the same veins of the Norns design) will only awaken after Joker reaches max level with him.
Also, the Phantom Thieves don’t know it’s him because his form in the Metaverse is always hooded with the robes changing depending on which Persona he uses (at the start, they thought it was different dudes until Desmond changed Personas in midbattle)… and yes, that includes Haytham. Desmond gets a hood too even when he’s using Haytham but he also has Haytham’s tacohat. Them’s the rules.
Arcana symbolism from megamitensei.fandom.com
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #5
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They're so cute...
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OH, she set them up!! Here we go!
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Wanda making squeaky toy noises when Cosmo hugs her is all I've ever wanted.
"We're real, all right! ... Real fairies. Not real humans."
BUDAWHAAAAAAAA-? Thank you Cosmo for just confirming elastic skin, which has been one of the most important headcanons in my worldbuilding. I did not expect you to do that for me, but... thanks?
Pfft, Wanda changing her legs.
ERG??? Is that you?
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Okay, there's that "We've been retired for 10k years" implied time travel bit; I think I remember that from the story bible + early convos with my friends, so at least I came prepared to expect that.
This is either time travel - which plays perfectly into my established "Cosmo ate a time key during dinosaur times and has been running around through time unsupervised for ages" headcanon anyway, LOL - or they're flat-out lying to Hazel, seeing as the audience already knows Timmy is confirmed as a recent godkid, so... Hm.
SLDKFJSD I love how the guy who accidentally sent his baby stroller down a steep hill is wearing a #1 Dad hat. "My expensive stroller! ... I mean, my baby!" - Yeah, we're still in FOP. All the parents are terrible here.
Setting her up as loving french fries and then turning her into a fly who found french fries was clever.
Cosmo once again being so close and yet so far to his mark. Good to see him back!
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Me when I return my would-be murderer's daughter, who is a bug.
I AM SO GLAD that even in 10,000 years, Wanda's small talk skills have not improved far beyond "I'm Human McRealPerson" and "My husband is a grilled cheese sandwich" from back in the day, sdlkfj. That's my girl!
oh no, the Venus flytrap gift they brought over is about to go so wrong.
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Yep, she's still goin'. Talking about the carwash.
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GIRL check your fingers.
OH MY GOSSSSSSH, he's dressed for a classy party in Fairy culture. Cosmorella? We thought you were dead!!
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... That's an ant? I would've guessed tick.
It's a guy ant? Buddy, are you sure you're supposed to be foraging?
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Let's go!!
SDLKFJSDKLFJSLKJF noooo... No, no, no, no, no... Not the thing I use to symbolize memorials for the dead, c'mon!
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It IS an accurate item for a Fairy house- these were all over the place in Fairy World during the old show, AND in that color, though you usually see more than one "wand" per pot.
I'm super impressed the artists studied the old interior design customs. Huh.
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Cosmo lives here. Also, BABY!!
OOH, I'm excited that Cosmo and Wanda's window overlooks Fairy World because it's kind of a portal. I did something super similar with a rat cage in an upcoming Frayed Knots scene, where Anti-Cosmo and Wanda are godparenting together during school. Nifty!
He even confirmed it's a spell on the front door! Wow. Somehow, Past Me nailed that.
"We can choose which world we go out into!" -> /Me with my 'fic where Kevin Crocker is confused that Shirley's Pizza Parlor has an exit on the other side that goes to Retroville.
Cosmo: We lived in Timmy's fishbowl for 20 years. Wanda: It was 7.
You are both wrong- it was like 68 <3 But honestly, I forgive you for not wanting to tell Hazel time was frozen for 50 years. I don't think she'd like that. Actually, I don't think she was born yet, because my vision is time freezing at the end of Season 4, and Dale was rescued in Season 2, so... Yeah, she wasn't born. Still, you don't wanna just drop that on someone.
That's actually very funny that Cosmo and Wanda are struggling because they're out of practice during their retirement.
THERE'S THE SIGN!! Way to go.
Oh, and the credits are done in a similar style to the old ones? Even the colors? That's so cute! That's also nice that Hazel's VA was a story editor too- That probably helps with the passion and vision.
That was cute. I liked it. Huge relief to see something well-researched and made with love after "Fairly Odder" was a struggle for me.
I've got a little more time tonight, I might be able to get one more episode done before bedtime.
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artyandink · 6 months
𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎!𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝟸
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer hadn’t met Dean Winchester in 2006 after he was hit by a car. No, this time, this universe, they met in 2010, when the whole Apocalypse deal started and Dean was made leader of one of the only remaining survival camps in America. Little did he know, one random raid would change everything.
“So…” I was approached by woman my age, her brown hair tied up in a sleek ponytail. “you must be the new arrival. Dean really has a problem with you.” 
I cocked a rifle, passing it to another camper, James Rhodes, who took it, checked it and nodded, seemingly impressed. “That’s me, yeah.” I nodded, folding my arms. “Though I’m usually known as Ivy.” 
“Ivy.” She repeated, then held her hand out with a smile. “Risa.” 
“Nice to meet you.” I responded with a small smile twitching at my lips, then I saw her still-outstretched hand and shook it hurriedly. 
“Woah, quite the grip.” She grinned as I let go. 
“Oh, uh, sorry.” I chuckled nervously. 
“Nah, you’re good.” Then she smiled again. “I don’t see what Dean meant about you being a pain in the ass. You seem like you aren’t.” 
“Just depends on who I’m hangin’ with.” 
“Touché. Dean can be an irritating S.O.B, but you learn to ignore when he’s being a douche after a while.” 
“Promise?” I smirked, making her laugh. I laughed too, feeling at ease around this… Risa. 
“Hey, uh, Risa?” James interrupted the conversation, slinging a gun clip holster on his chest. “I’m about to head out with the squad to Missouri. I know the boss told me to keep an eye on Ivy here, but-“ 
“Oh, so I need surveillance now?” I raised an eyebrow, pissed off. “This guy’s askin’ to get decked.” 
“Believe me, he is, but it’s just how Dean rolls.” Risa chuckled, then led me away. “You’ll have a much better time hanging around me. I’ll introduce you to the campers, get you started on something, and we’ll all be smiles and giggles.” 
“I hope not.” I laughed. 
“Yeah, neither do I.” She grinned. “Just a few things. Stay away from the hippie cabin at 3 o’clock, it gets hot an’ heavy in there and nobody wants to hear it. If you wanna earn Dean’s trust, you have to save his ass, but he doesn’t let anyone save his ass so you just kiss that sweet thing goodbye. And one last thing…” She rounded on me, “can you shoot?” 
“I’ll fire a bullseye if you give me a target.”
”Alright.” She picked up a shotgun, handing it to me. “There’s a red dot on the wall behind you. Don’t think, just shoot.” I immediately spun around, my eyes locking onto the red dot. The moment I got a visual, I pulled the trigger, hitting it dead on. “Damn!” 
“Eh, it’s nothin’.” I chuckled, handing the gun back. 
“You’re a damn good shot, I mean, that was-“ 
“Suicide!” A man who was only an inch taller than me popped up, looking outraged. “Do you know what Dean’s gonna say when he sees a bullet missing-“ His eyes landed on me, and he looked confused. “Risa, who is this?” 
“Right, I forgot to mention.” Risa gestured to me with a grimace. “Chuck, this is Ivonne Rainer, she’s new here. Ivy, this is Chuck ‘Prophet of the Lord’ Shirley. However, a prophet isn’t much use in an apocalypse. They’re only gonna spell D-O-O-M.” 
“At least I’m the rations organiser! What are you, the boss’ woman?” 
“Exactly.” Risa smirked before tapping me on the shoulder, leading me away. “That’s Chuck for you. He gets a bit sensitive sometimes. Anyway, Dean gets really touchy with the supplies and stuff, goes through ‘em himself to make sure nothin’s missing.” 
“If he’s gonna freak out over a bullet, give me a bit o’ metal and a heat source, I’ll forge a new one.” I grinned, and Risa raised her eyebrows.
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I held up a freshly-forged bullet, examining it for a second before putting it in the cartridge. Risa looked on in surprise, and nodded in disbelief. “You did it.” 
“Yep.” I nodded, replacing the cartridge in the gun and cocking it before throwing it aside. “I’m prepared in a dire sitch. The boss won’t suspect a thing, so you’re safe.” 
“My god, you’re amazing.” She laughed in disbelief, looking at me in awe. “Just where did Dean dig you up from, huh, lifesaver?” 
“Jersey City.” I smiled. 
“Wait- that’s a Croat hotspot.” She sat up suddenly, her jaw dropping. “How long were you there?” 
“Two years.” 
“And you survived?! No bites? You’re not one of ‘em, right?” 
“I’m immune.” I shrugged, frowning a bit. “Never figured out why, but I’ve been bitten at, scratched, and never came out with a single goddamn piece of sulphur in my blood. It’s relievin’, but unsettlin’.” 
“Unsettling? That’s a damn blessing.” 
“It’s that I don’t know where they come from.” I sighed, looking down. “They just came to me when I was nineteen. No explanation, no nothin’, all I knew is that they were there.” 
“Damn, that’s…” She trailed off, frowning. “that’s rough.” 
“I lived, clearly.” I chuckled. “Besides, I had my uncle to help with the worst of it. Until we got separated, and I had to quite literally fend for myself out there.” 
We sat in silence for a moment, which was all I needed, if I’m bein’ honest.
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“So…” I heard someone chuckle, and I turned to see James. “I heard you were the new thing pissing Dean Winchester off.” 
“That’s me.” I smirked. “And I wear that like a badge of honour.” Then I looked him up and down, thinking. Dude had a really good body, that was enough to tell under the strained khaki shirt that made his frame look more impressive and complimented his green eyes, paired with fluffy black hair. “Nice build. You ex-military or somethin’?” 
“Uh, no.” He chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. “I used to be a detective sergeant. The muscles just came with the job.” 
“You used to be a cop?” I grinned, then saluted jokingly. “Thanks for your service.” 
“No problem. What about you? Any job before this?” 
“Hunting, and more hunting, and more hunting-“ 
“With hunting as the cherry on top.” He joked. 
“That’s right.” 
“James!” Chuck came running up, frantically looking at a clipboard. “I’d ask Dean, but he’s out on a mission. We’re running low on edibles, how should we ration?” 
“Women and children first.” James answered instantly, and I listened carefully. “Then ration with the elders, afterwards divvy it out to the rest.” 
“Wait, Chuck,” I frowned, “how much is left? How much food?”
”Not enough to last a week.” Chuck replied.
“Then rationin’ it out is gonna be extremely difficult. With the amount of people in this camp and enough food to last a week, the women and children are gonna have everythin’.” I frowned. “You need to send out a squad for supply retrieval. Nearest abundance of food I know’s in Missouri.” 
“We need Dean’s permission for that.” James raised an eyebrow, turning to me. “And he’s on a mission, left this mornin’.” 
“Not nearly enough time. He’s hittin’ a Croat hotspot, he could be back after a week and by that time we’ll be in crisis. Scramble a team of semi-automatic experts, take a Jeep, hit Missouri, it’s the only option.”
“The boss is gonna be pissed.” Chuck scoffed. “And how do we know your plan is valid?” 
“It actually works.” James agreed, nodding with a disbelieving look. “We’ve got enough men on hand to form a scavenge team, and Missouri’s the nearest state that we haven’t hit and isn’t a Croat infested wasteland.” 
“Not my fault if your ass gets busted by Dean.” 
“I don’t think it matters.” I retorted. “If people are starvin’, you need to do what’s necessary, not what the doctor ordered. Get a team together and send it out, see if I’m wrong.” 
“You are.” 
“Try me.” 
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Winchester’s Jeep came back a week later with the med supplies, unloading them quickly. I looked up from where I was busy hauling a duffel bag, and the first thing he noticed was the people eating in a corner, his eyebrow raising. Then he turned to Chuck, conversing with him for a moment before I pinpointed the exact moment he saw red. His nostrils flared, jaw clenching along with his fist. I turned to James, sharing a look with him. 
We’re screwed. 
“JAMES!” Winchester yelled, now sipping a beer can. “RAINER! YOUR ASSES, MY TENT, NOW!” I rolled my eyes, running a hand through my hair as Risa whistled lowly. 
“Boss man seems mad.” She whispered. “Better go before he gets more pissed off. I’ll take that.” She took a hold of the duffel bag, and James and I made our way into Winchester’s tent, where he was standing there, cocking his rifle in a way that would seem threatening to a wuss. 
“You.” He pointed at James, who instantly stood straighter, the latter’s Adam’s apple bobbing. “You’re my second for a reason. Without contacting me, you authorised a raid that could have gone south so quickly. What got into you, huh?! Are you thick? Or a dumbass?” 
“With all due respect, boss, we would have starved.” James answered calmly, which seemed to aggravate Winchester even more. 
“That’s besides the point! What if we’d lost men? If someone had gotten turned? That blood would be on your hands, no one else’s!”
“With absolutely no respect whatsoever, I think he made a good call.” I stepped in with a frown, folding my arms. 
“I’m getting to you.” He snapped, pointing at me before rounding back on James. However, I wasn’t gonna take that for an answer. 
“I’m afraid you‘ll have to deal with me now.” I retorted, setting my jaw. “Fact remains that I suggested the only plan that worked in your absence when you were gone a week, and your second in command, the one who’s makin’ the decisions when you’re not here, led a squad, and they got back. Alive. Now people have food and water and they can remain sane. I don’t see how that’s a problem for you, or anyone, for that matter.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Ooh, make me.” 
He pulled his gun out, pointing it at me. “Do not make me pull this trigger-“ 
“Dean!” James yelled, stepping in front of me. “Are you insane?!” 
“She’s a smartass!” 
“Hey, hey, put it down!” 
“You don’t give the orders!” 
“To hell with orders!” James retaliated, making me raise an eyebrow. Damn, boy. “She helped. She made the layout for the strike squad. She’s a smartass, sure, but she’s a useful smartass. A really damn useful one, because we could use an immune and/or psychic person right now.” 
“All the more reason for me to blow her brains out. She’s a goddamn psychic, and I haven’t had the best experiences with those bastards.” 
“Just see goddamn reason!” He persisted, holding his hands out. “Look, if she starts to go insane, or whatever it is happened with the rest of people like her, I’ll shoot her myself.” 
I snorted. “As if you could-“ 
“Work with me here.” 
“Just…” James left a pause as he tried to find the words, “give her a chance.” Winchester paused for a moment, then lowered the gun, not without giving me a steely warning look. 
“Ok.” He nodded, glancing at me briefly, “But you’re keepin’ her in check. If she steps out of line, it’s your ass.” 
“Again, with no due respect, I can handle myself.” I scoffed. “You don’t need to post a bodyguard on me every five seconds.” 
He let out a dark chuckle, his lips pursing when he stopped. “You’re actin’ like you have a choice.” 
“Oh, yeah, I do.” I nodded. “Cause you’re in no position to order me around, since there’s clearly a power imbalance here.” 
The words made him stop and rethink, and then he gritted his teeth. “Get out.” 
“Gladly.” I smirked, walking out gratefully, happy to be away from that- “Douchebag.” 
“Jackass.” Dean growled under his breath. 
Well, that couldn’t have gone better.
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3x15 origins of vampire mythology has to be one of the community eps I quote the most. there’s so much good stuff in there guys. I’m watching it rn so I’ll list my personal favorites (there’s a lot oops)
• troy and abed’s handshake at the beginning “best friends best friends making a cake”
• “I’m sorry britta, some things are funny because they make no sense, and that is Not one of them”
• “ex-boyfriend named blade alert”
• “make it yourself!” “I don’t know how 😰”
• “annie subdue your guest 😐”
• “that’s right. it’s a banana”
• “but we are not defined by our limitations! we are defined by our potential!” “I have the potential to watch blade”
• “there’s phones in the refrigerator. 😦 oops.”
• “you’re monsters! you’re hitlers! you’re racist pedophiles! you’re the opposites of batman!” “YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS”
• “I need help reacting to something 🧍🏾”
• “you’re the only one who really understands me”
• “you take that back! he could do plenty better than me. I was the first to say Yes 😁”
• “have fun forcing life” “We Will.”
• “he’s not as good looking as you.” “I wasnt fishing for that.” “no, I know, I offered it freely :)”
• “what’s wrong, annie? you came out of the bedroom smiling, and then your smile faded as you leaned against the door :(“
• “yeah, you’re just like blade, man, straight up”
• “you could change it” “to what? tempelton ferrari the third?? won’t change how mustard tastes”
• *pierce and chang walk past shirley and jeff, arm in arm, laughing* “how many times are they gonna do that”
• “dean. why are you here” “ouch 😟”
• “hello??? blade???” “…” “aaeeooöööugghhhhahahaeuaghghh 👹”
• “she’s whipped by an imaginary douche!” “hey, don’t knock it till you try it”
• “why do you wanna know the secret to making a woman psycho??” “why do we wanna know how to blow up the earth or grow a human ear on a mouse?? in case we have to, shirley. in case we have to.”
• “dean! why are you here??” “yikes!”
• “well. that didn’t work. that’s what I get for improvising”
• ”who hurt you??? and why didn’t it stick?”
• “he’s brain damaged.” “well let’s not be petty 🙄” “no I’m serious. he showed me the scar”
• “I have to go to him.” “No, Woman. ✋🏻😒”
• “Come Watch Blade 😑”
• “this movie is fantastic ☺️”
and the entire end tag with abed’s stand-up routine that’s basically just about the trobedison apartment and troy is absolutely eating up all of his jokes. plus “TOASTER OVEN!” “it’s from his album”
anyway just thought I’d spread the 3x15 love I’ve been watching this ep in my head all weekend and am finally watching it irl. 10/10
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xd3str0yax · 2 years
more autistic Steve pls
Steve was sorting through the returns box at work; it was tedious but he didn’t really mind. Robin was sitting on the counter, rocking gently and kicking her legs as she helped him. They got off work soon; they were planning on going out to dinner with Nancy and Eddie. He was excited but nervous about the new restaurant.
“Stevie, your face looks wrong. Something on your mind?” She asked as she poked him with a tape. “Yeah, just nervous about tonight. What if they don’t have anything I can eat? Or what if it’s too warm? Or what if the water tastes wrong?” He was beginning to ramble about all the possibilities. “Steve, I’m sure it’ll be ok but if its not, we can always leave if we have to.” She interrupted. He nodded and swallowed anxiously.
Once their shift was over, he grabbed his keys and started driving, making Robin sit in the back. They picked up Eddie and Nancy, and drove to the restaurant. Steve’s internal panic hadn’t quieted yet but he attempted to put on a brave face for his friends.
As they pulled up to the building, his anxiety built. The hostess seated them and Steve immediately started noticing some of his worries were coming true. The overlapping conversations, the taste of the air, the temperature, but his biggest question was already being answered.
The menu had nothing he could eat. He couldn’t eat long pasta, he couldn’t eat mushroom, he couldn’t eat tomato; there were too many foods he couldn’t eat. “What should i order?” He asked, speech impediment rearing it’s head.
“Maybe try the chicken & cheese ravioli?” Eddie said, pointing at the menu. It had arugula, which Steve hated but could hopefully eat around.
“Are you ready to order?” The server asked. She took everyone’s orders and brought them their drinks. Eddie got a rum & coke, Nancy got a glass of wine, Robin got a Shirley Temple, and Steve got a lemonade. 
The server arrived and set down the plates and Steve hesitantly picked the arugula off the ravioli and shoved one in his mouth. He went white and wanted to spit it out immediately. It was full of mushroom.
“How is it, Stevie?” Eddie chirped, mouth full of chicken parmesan. Steve hummed unhappily; technically, he could speak but it would definitely take the small amount of energy keeping him from crying.
He tried to wash the feeling out of his mouth with lemonade but it had other plans. The citrusy drink somehow got into his sinuses; he got up and walked out of the restaurant. He walked urgently to his car, locking himself in to overload in peace.
Once he had calmed down, he was able to process everything he was feeling. His eyes went from being filled with tears of overwhelm to humiliation & anger. How could he let himself do that in such a public place? He should be able to handle a bit of mushroom like any other adult.
He was startled by knocking on the car window. “Steve, are you ok, darling?” Eddie asked, not fully able to see his boyfriend inside. Rather than answering, he opened the door to let Eddie in and rested on him. “Do you wanna go back in?” Eddie asked, figuring yes or no questions would be the best course of action right now.
Steve shook his head ‘no’ and looked in the back for his ear defenders. He had forgotten they were in the trunk in his overwhelmed state. “Start the car. I’ll grab the girls, pay, and drive us home.” Eddie said, stepping out. He nodded and started the car.
He felt like a jerk, felt like he had ruined the night. He sulked in the backseat as he waited. His internal self diatribe was interrupted by Eddie taking his keys as the three joined him in the car.
“That place was too fancy for us anyway.” Robin tried to comfort him. The restaurant was nice but honestly the only thing that he could focus on was how stupid he felt for melting down in public.
Eddie looked into the rearview mirror and saw the troubled look on his lover’s face. He was planning on just dropping the girls off and going home but a sign caught his eye. Without saying a word, he went through the drive-through of one of Steve’s safe restaurants.
“We had a good time tonight but we should get home.” Nancy piped up as they neared her house. She knew Steve loved their company but he usually liked to be alone after meltdowns. Eddie dropped her & Robin off and Steve moved to the front seat.
He pulled up to the trailer and got out, making a show of opening the car door for his love. He couldn’t help but grin as Steve cracked a small smile at his pageantry.
They sat on the couch together, Steve covered with a weighted blanket. They ate peacefully, the only sounds being the crappy movie playing quietly on the television. Steve laid his head on the metalhead’s lap and looked up at him. “Thank you.” He muttered, nuzzling his face into the other man’s stomach.
The night may not have been perfect but he wouldn’t exchange it for anything in the world. He was always happy to enjoy good food and spend time with the man he loved.
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A Helping Hand
Warning: Smut Ahoy!
Steve had pulled that goat boy out of hell himself, and he was going to make sure his hard work had paid off. Yes, he was a firm believer that Eddie Munson was a goat or at least had been one in his past life. With the way he climbed that rock, he reminded Steve strongly of a mountain goat. His big eyes and the way he chewed didn't help matters. Anyway, he let Eddie into his home to heal and heal he was going to do. Steve would make sure of it. When he walked into the room, Eddie was nearly crying in frustration.
"Eddie, what's wrong?" Steve said.
"Nothing, I don't want to tell you," Eddie said.
"Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Steve asked.
"No! It's embarrassing. . .I mean, you're a guy, it's happened to you. . .I don't know why I'm being weird about this," Eddie said with said. "I need to get off, but my arms hurt too much. I'll just suffer."
"I'll help you," the words burst forth from Steve a little too quickly.
"Y-you'll help me. . .get off?" Eddie asked.
"I-I mean if you want me to. I don't want you sitting there when you're already in pain," Steve said. "Besides. . . I want to."
"You want to get me off?" Eddie asked.
"I'm very attracted to you," Steve admitted casually. "I like you, Eddie. I totally get it if that's weird for you."
"No, no! In fact, that helps!" Eddie exclaimed. "Uh, whenever you want to start."
Steve sat on the bed and lifted his gown, pleased to see that he wasn't wearing underwear and very pleased to find what was underneath.
"You have a very pretty cock," Steve purred and Eddie blushed.
"Cocks aren't pretty, man," Eddie replied.
"Well, yours is," Steve said.
"Yeah, well, slap a bow on it and call it Shirley. Why don't ya?" Eddie asked.
"Well, I don't have a bow but I will call her Shirley," Steve said.
"Don't call my dick Shirley," Eddie said.
"Too late. Hi, Shirley," Steve grinned and waved.
Eddie couldn't help it. He burst into giggles.
"You're such a dork. It's a good thing I'm into dorks," Eddie said.
Steve spat into his hand and wrapped his hand around Eddie's length. Eddie groaned, his eyes fluttering.
"What's got you so worked up, baby?" Steve asked as he stroked him.
"Y-you, everything that you do," Eddie said. "I like how you take care of me."
"You like it when I take care of you? Like when I feed you or when you're upset, I rub your head kind of like this?" Steve said, and with his free hand, he began to card his fingers through Eddie's hair. "Or after a nightmare, I'll lay down next to you."
"Y-yeah, all of that," Eddie said and closed his eyes, tears prickly at the corners of his eyes. "Your hand feels so good. . ."
"Yeah? I bet my mouth would feel even better," Steve said.
Steve adjusted himself, leaning down to lick the entire length of his dick.
"Fuck!" Eddie exclaimed.
He maneuvered his tongue slowly before he began to take him in his mouth. It took everything in Eddie not to buck up into Steve’s mouth. He must have twitched because Steve had placed a gentle hand on his hip, rubbing smooth circles on his hip bone with his thumb.
"I'm g-gonna, I'm gonna come, Steve," Eddie warned, and Steve pulled off of him.
"I wanna taste you," Steve said and wrapped his lips around Eddie's cock again.
It wasn't long before Eddie was spilling down Steve's throat while Steve practically sucked him dry. He licked one last time before pulling off of him and licking his lips. Steve leaned over to kiss him, letting Eddie taste himself on his tongue. When Steve pulled away, they were both smiling. Steve pulled his gown down and laid down beside him on the empty spot on the bed.
"So. How do you feel?" Steve asked as he brushed hair out of his eyes.
"Very, very good," Eddie giggled.
There came a knock on the door, and Robin popped her head in.
"Is everyone decent?" Robin asked.
"Yes, Robin," Steve sighed.
"Oh, good," Robin said and came all the way in. "You should know that Dustin had put a baby monitor in here in case Eddie needed anything and it picked up everything. So, whenever you're ready, Steve, there's a bunch of traumatized children who just heard their mom get their dad off, so. . .yeah. Congratulations on accidentally outing yourselves. Bye, Eddie, Shirley, and oh, Chrissy's awake. You guys did this in front of Chrissy?"
Robin gave them a weird look before leaving the room. Steve turned around to find a pair of eyes peaking out from underneath a blanket. Chrissy had been lying on the loveseat the entire time.
"I must have fallen asleep at some point because I totally forgot you were napping on the baby couch," Eddie said.
"The word you're looking for is loveseat," Steve said.
"I didn't see anything!" Chrissy exclaimed.
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doppel-dean-er · 2 years
im really tired so probably none if this is canon compliant but hhh Community characters and what pets they would have
Jeff: A big dog, maybe a rottweiler or any kind of mastiff. defo will use the dog to win women over emotionally. he considered buying it clothes so they could match (double the women points) but he thinks that's corny, so he just got the dog a raincoat and called it a day. for the name i'm thinking something too human sounding like "Hank" or "Brenda"
Britta: we already knows she has one-eyed cats, but why not some three-legged dogs? a lil bird missing a wing?? she's gotta name them super stereotypical names like "mittens" "beef soup" "fartshitter the squeakquel " you get the gist
Abed: betta fish. he doesn't trust himself to take of something bigger and frankly likes how quiet fish (not the filters. fuck the filters are so loud) are. they're (almost) all named after movie characters, and even though they're basically indistinguishable Abed always knows which is which. there are actually two named nemo, one after the Disney character and one after Point Nemo which is the furthest place from land on earth.
Annie: Annie seems like the type to get a ferret on a whim because they're cute (after doing extensive research of course to make sure she has enough space and the means to take care of it), and then continue to love the little guy after it fucks over her sleep schedule and makes her room smell like rotting shit. she also likes to hold the top in one hand and the bottom in the other and then wiggle it around (but not often because she doesn't wanna hurt it)
Troy: the exact opposite of Jeff, only small dogs like a dachshund or a yorkie. he likes to pick it up and put it under his arm or in a bag like rich people do in movies just for funsies. not for transport or anything, that would be cruel, but just for little bits and such. whenever the dog stops to sniff something or hears something in the distance, Troy always goes out of his way to investigate too because he wants the dog to feel important. for a name i'm thinking more movie references, maybe a name. imagine "yeah this is my dog Indiana jones, and my other dog Paul". also he HAS to match with the dog, he has a bunch of harnesses with different colors on em just to match
Shirley: so many hamsters. so many. there is a graveyeard in her back yard full of small animal carcasses in boxes because her kids have no idea how to take care of something. at one point, after buying like 50 hamsters, she just got them one of those mice people buy to feed their snakes and it lived for two years. she never gets to name the things because they're her kid's animals, but she frequently has to stop them from naming them "fart" and "butthole"
Hickey: firm animal hater. he definitely has some sob story about how when he was a child he had to kill his dog, and that dog was his only friend or something and now has a deep-seated distrust of all animals because they all will hurt him. so sad for you cry about it, ration man
Frankie: I don't think she would ever commit to having an animal because having to deal with the Dean is like having a dog anyway but she always dreams about having a cat one day. a little orange one that's lazy that she can talk to and pretend it talks back just for funsies... yes she does want Garfield, okay? are you happy? she dreams about having Garfield. she doesn't even like Garfield and god knows she hates Jon Arbuckle with every fiber in her being but god dammit, she wants a Garf.
Pierce: friends with a dog breeder. treats dogs the way the Kardashians do except n o o n e thinks its cute when he does it
The Dean: honestly I don't think we should allow this man within 50 feet of a Dalmatian. no pets
Chang: befriended the mice and bugs that live in the walls. has a cat named "shit"
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dragonmuse · 2 years
I was thinking about Charlie and his anger this morning and then I got to thinking how did Stede process his anger towards his own father? Because it seems like that man only ever saw Stede as a particularly useless pawn in some sort of game and that would mess a person up. Like does Stede ever look at a decision he's making and wonder if he's doing it because he wants to or because his father would hate it?
(such a good question and I thought who better for Stede to talk about it too than Charlie himself? This takes place during Charlie's visit to the city at the end of 'I Wanna Sink to the Bottom With You')
Stede observed the sweet tableaux as he made himself a cup of tea.
Seated on the velvet couch was Charlie, one foot tucked under the other leg, a book in hand. Stretched out with his head pillowed on Charlie’s thigh was Felix, his dark curls spilling over denim. Charlie’s free hand was idly resting on Felix’s shoulder. Their youth was all the more apparent in the forgiving light of late afternoon.
Stede couldn’t help, but see another familiar scene laid over it: himself with his own book and Eddy draped over him, drowsing and occasionally stirring to ask a question or prod Stede into reading whatever it was to them. The couch had seen so many afternoons just like this. Charlie may have carved his body into a new shape for his sport, but there was little he could do about his face which was almost entirely Stede’s. Aside from the lighter color of his eyes and a slightly sharper cut to the shape, every feature had been drawn down the Bonnet line. 
Was this what an outsider might see of Stede and Eddy? There would  be differences. Eddy was never as still as Felix was, awake or asleep. Felix was a quiet man, and not inclined to fidgeting. He smiled easily though, and wasn’t reticent when a question was aimed at him. Watching him pitch the day before had been interesting. It was a graceful movement, which Stede hadn’t reckoned on. 
He waited for the hot water and watched as Charlie turned a page, apparently entirely lost in thought. Was that Stede's expression too?
Keep reading
“Stare any harder and my head is going to catch on fire,” Charlie said without looking up from his book.
“Sorry,” Stede whispered. “Just lost in thought.”
“You don’t have to whisper. He’s out. Sleeps like a rock,” Charlie told him. “Can I have a cup too?”
“Of course. Milk and no sugar still?”
Stede brought him the mug when it was done and sat down in the chair next to the couch.
“Thanks,” Charlie put his book down on the arm, cracking the spine. It was already a well-loved copy, but Stede still had to hide his distress at that.
“Are you two going out tonight or should we figure out something for dinner?”
“Going out. He’s got a few friends in town from the minors,” Charlie smiled into his mug “Wants to introduce me.”
“That’s good. Where are you headed?”
“Some hotel lounge, I didn’t really process the name. He’s got the address.”
“All right. We’ll probably still be out when you get back.”
“Might crash in his hotel room anyway,” Charlie said casually.
“I see.” What could Stede say to that? Charlie was a man now. He could go about the world as pleased. As he had apparently always done. It would just be hypocritical to stop him now when he was happy. “Let me know if you don’t mind. We’ll be careful of our clatter if we know you’re home.”
“Sure thing,” Charlie sipped his tea.
“What are you reading?”
“Going back to the classics. I need stuff I can just let wash over me right now, so my brain isn’t in the pool all the time. But I can’t absorb anything new.”  He tilted the cover so Stede could see ‘The Haunting of Hill House’ by Shirley Jackson.
“What’s that about?”
“Right,” Charlie had a rueful smile. “Classic for some, I guess. Uh, let’s see...Plot wise it’s straight forward. A woman takes a job to live in a house for a summer with a paranormal investigator. She had this weird experience as a kid that the researcher thinks might make her open to the experience and it does. It established a lot of beats in haunted house narratives.”
“Oh, so ghosts and ghouls?” Stede held his own mug close. He never understood his children’s fascination with the macabre, but it was starting to occur to him that he better learn and fast. The things they had in common beyond memories were a shrinking iceberg.
“Yeah, but that’s not really what it’s about. It’s rarely what a horror story is about,” Charlie tapped a finger against his mug. Felix twitched in his sleep. “Ghosts are stand-ins for so many things. For Eleanor,  it’s a lot of things. She’s scared of the world, she feels stripped of her power. She has this moment where she sees a little girl, who won’t drink her milk unless it’s out of this special cup- a cup of stars- and Eleanor wills the little girl not to give into her mother’s persuasion to drink without it.”
Charlie paused, he looked to Stede, as if checking for- for what? Engagement? Interest? Was there some undercurrent that Stede was missing?
“A cup of stars sounds like it’s worth waiting for,” he offered.
“Yeah,” whatever he was looking for that seemed to satisfy it and Charlie went on, “Eleanor feels trapped and powerless. She meets the other woman in the experiment, Theodora, and it’s hard to deny that there’s attraction there. This sublimated desire.  Jackson is great at hiding things from the reader and from the protagonist themselves, so you never know how real the haunting is. Could be Eleanor’s mind playing tricks or maybe she has some ability all on her own to effect the people around her. Could be ghosts, could be repression.”
“What do you think?” Stede asked into the sudden silence, moved to chase this down. To see Charlie continue his impassioned lecture.
“Through the whole thing, Eleanor wants to find a home. She’s never been comfortable anywhere. She decides that Hill House is her home, even though we know from the beginning of the story that the house itself is ‘not sane’.  I think...mm. I think it doesn’t matter if the ghosts are real. It matters that they feel real to her and as horrifying as the haunting may be, it doesn't matter. She wants to make a home in it. All her life, nowhere has felt home, you know? Her mother was dependent on her and Eleanor seems to have hated her. Her sister discourages her and makes her feel less than.
"Her desire to find a place where she belongs means she'll ignore every sign that it can't be where she is. She wants to connect to anybody. When her hope that's Theodora is cut off, it all gets poured into the house itself. And the house pleads where her to 'come home'. So maybe it's that. Maybe she's in love with the house, in love with death itself. Maybe it's just about wanting someone or something to accept you so badly that you'll die for it.”
“Goodness,” Stede regarded the volume. “I’ll have to read it myself.”
“Really?” Charlie asked, hand falling over the book, covering it.
“Really.  You know, if you do decide to pursue your doctorate, I think you’ll make an excellent professor.”
“Why?” Charlie closed the book, not even holding his place, as if he could drag it back out of Stede’s sight. He would definitely have to read it now.
“You really care about all this. That kind of love is contagious, I’ve found. The best teachers can convey that passion to their students.”
“Yeah? That’d be cool. I wouldn’t mind selling other people on horror.”
“You sold me. Certainly a discouraging family is a resonant theme.”
Charlie nodded vaguely, then frowned. “You know, you don’t really talk about them.”
“About who?” Stede sipped his tea.
“Your parents.”
“Oh. Well. For good reason.”
Charlie stared at him and when nothing else was forthcoming, made a ‘go on’ gesture with the paperback and Stede had to concede to that.
“Your grandmother died before I could know much about her. I remember she had a nice voice, unusually low for a woman. That she had a yellow dress that I liked. There’s photos, you’ve seen them,  and I think Alma looks a bit like her, but I don’t know much else. She had money, no career that I know of, and she married Father when she was just seventeen. He never spoke of her with any particular feeling. Her parents were disinterested in me.”
“Disinterested,” Charlie repeated, question curled there.
“They were cold people, Charlie,” he sighed. “All of them. Like someone had told them a long time ago that feelings were for the poor. I’m not surprised that my father married into a family like that since he was just the same. I hope my mother was different, but I really don’t know.”
"I remember him visiting a few times," Charlie nodded. "He didn't really look at us though. Said something mean to Mom, but I can't remember what."
"He never had a kind word to say about anything to do with me. I tried to keep him away from you two. He thought children should be invisible and it seemed best to let him go on thinking that."
“You hated him,” Charlie said, outright and bald as if Stede had told him this many times.
As if Stede had ever said it aloud even to himself. Certainly he’d talked around, told Eddy the stories, but the words had never been laid out so naked.
“He hated me,” Stede frowned. “He didn’t even try to hide it.” 
“Oh,” Charlie said softly. “That must’ve sucked.”
“It wasn’t pleasant,” he looked into his tea, hoping for guidance and finding only sediment. “I don’t- when I held you in my arms for the first time, I promised myself that I’d do better. It would’ve been difficult to do worse.”
“You did do better,” Charlie assured him in a rush.
“I don’t know about that. I think you turned out well despite me, not because of me most of the time,” Stede smiled tightly at him. “I was so angry. The kind of anger that you don’t know is there. It just...smolders like embers in a fireplace, burning you from the inside out and on the surface you smile and laugh and pretend that everything is fine. Do you know what I mean?”
“Yes,” the word broke out harsh and torn. “I do.”
“I was afraid that you would say that,” Stede sighed. “I carried that in me. Never looking at it. Never thinking about it.”
“What changed?”
“He died,” he said with a shrug. “It was like a weight came off the world for me. For all of us. I could ensure that you and Alma would get the money without any more strings attached.  Your mother and I could stop pretending we were what he wanted us to be. I could breathe. And with all that space...you think about things more.”
Charlie nodded, staring off for a minute, “I think I needed to leave for that.”
“Maybe it’s what all of us need eventually. To leave the nest,” Stede nodded a little. “As long as you know you can always come back.”
“Here now, aren’t I?” his focus returned to Stede’s face. “Do you think you’d ever forgive him?”
Stede tried to imagine such a thing. How would that feel? What would it look like?
“I should say yes.”
“Just say the truth, Dad,” Charlie told him.
“No. No, I don’t think I will. That kind of cruelty to a child is...should be, unforgivable. Especially without repentance or acknowledgement.” 
Stede could feel that coldness in him, the hard rock that his father had left behind. Years of care and warmth had thawed out most of it, but there would always be a pebble lodged there.
“Yeah,” Charlie nodded. “Good. He sounds like a dipshit.”
“Of the first order,” Stede agreed.
“But-” Charlie hesitated. He looked down at Felix, who hadn’t moved again. He was still lightly snoring. “I meant what I said too. I forgive you. And...and I’m sorry.”
“What do you have to be sorry for?” Stede set down his tea. 
“I didn’t give you a chance sometimes. To do better.”
“Oh, Charlie,” he got up and though the angle was awkward and he was trying not to wake Felix, Stede managed to hug him and Charlie hugged him back hard. “You never ever have to apologize. Not for any of it. I’m so proud of you.”
“Don’t know why.”
Stede pulled back enough to kiss his forehead like he used to when Charlie was small at bedtime. He definitely didn’t smell like talcum powder anymore. He smelled like chlorine and some harsh shampoo. He was a man, in many ways.
“Because you’re living your truth, right now. Even though it’s hard, even though you’re scared. I wish I had been that brave. I wish I had  told my father how angry I was even if he was never sorry. I’m proud of you and I love you.”
“Yeah,” Charlie choked out, voice thick with feeling. “I love you too, Dad.”
There was not much that could follow that up. So Stede just held out his hand and with a reluctant nod, Charlie put the the book into his hand. In return, Stede went to his shelves and pulled out a volume, passing it to Charlie.
“I read this last summer. I kept thinking you might enjoy it, but I never had a chance to give it to you.”
“The Secret History...oh yeah! I keep meaning to read this.”
“If you think it’ll be too much while you’re trying to keep your head out of the pool, I’d understand.”
“I’ll give it a shot.”
So they settled back into their separate worlds. They’d always done this well, reading together, enjoying the quality of shared silence.
No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream. Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more.......
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avvidstarion · 7 months
1, 6, 8, 12, and 17 my hater in arms 💕
The character everyone gets wrong
OKAY this is niche and OUTTA LEFT FIELD but my favorite book of ALL TIME is we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson and the HATE i see for its protagonist is ALL WRONG. It's in the same vein as like Chara undertale hate (another of my fave characters of all time) where peoples see a CHILD that clearly has a lot going on and are like. this person is irredeemably evil. no they're traumatized
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
bloodweave sorry bloodweave like. for why. why is it so popular why is it everywhere. like yeah every origin ship is valid and can be canon but like they both have much more interesting dynamics with other charactes. where is the gale/lae'zel art. hwere is the aslach (ass lack) or the aswylllach (ass will lack) art. why is bloodweave the most popular origin ship
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
okay this doesn't exactly fit bc i dont think it's super popular per se but it's on my mind today. i hate seeing fanart of kakashi and gojo together. people always twinkify them and alwasy draw them like they're about to fuck. 1) kakashi is not hot (dont get me wrong i want to fuck him but not cause he's like. physically attractive.) 2) they are not the same person 3) gojo will never be kakashi gojo wishes he was kakashi 4) kakashi would kill that man
OH OH ALSO THAT REMINDS ME I'LL THROW THIS IN HERE TOO. i don't like kakashi/iruka i think it's unfounded. they hardly ever talk. yeah they both love naruto but like can just be his mentor figures separately they don't have to be married. kakashi is married to guy like they are MARRIED. i feel like kakashi/guy would be way more popular if guy was a prettyboy twink (like iruka)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i wanna say wyll but like that shit actually makes me fucking angry and not in a silly haha way so i am going to instead say sera dragonage. now. i know there are a lot of sera dragonage haters out there and there are some things about her that i do not like. however i overall love her and i think she is a tragic case of bad writing and wasted potential. why did they have a straight white guy write a lesbian whose character arc revolves around internalized racism. why does the game literally talk shit about her during her romance arc. literally one of her romance quests is "you love sera and wanna get her something to show her how much you care. go ask your friends for gift advice" and EVERY SINGLE COMPANION OR ADVISOR IS JUST LIKE. I HATE SERA SHES SO ANNOYING WHY ARE YOU DATING HER. UGH. ALSO. the game makes you be so mean to her!! so many times the only dialogue options with her are like "stop talking weird i dont understand you'". also the fact that YOU CAN LITERALLY KICK HER OUT AT ANY TIME??? LIKE NO MATTER WHAT THERE IS ALWAYS A DIALOGUE BUTTON TO KICK HER OUT?? here are reasons why you should like sera:
she is fun trickster! solas fucking wishes he was her.
her subclass is just super fun!! throw jars of bees and fire and shit at your enemies!
she is so genuine and cares so much about what she believes in. i wish that was explored more but as i have said the game literally hates her so.
she loves you so much!!!! she marries you!!!!!!!!!
i actualy really like her voice and the way she talks. shes just fun!
she's autistic <3
17. there should be more types of this fic/art
more people should be drawing gale and halsin and karlach fat, for one. also everyone else in the party but like especially those three. larian the fact that you have zero fat people in your game sucks supremely and you should feel bad about it.
actually draw more characters as fat anyway.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
Space Ghost Week
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #66: “Curses” | November 27, 1998 | S05E09
The official sequel to “Story Book House". The saga is finally complete! This one starts off with James Kirconnell tossing and turning in bed. What follows is a nightmarish episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast, where Space Ghost becomes a vampiric beast who needs to consume living humanoids to satiate his blood-cravings. That’s because he was sprayed with a pink fog that turns you into a guy-like-that by a supervillain’s dastardly device. Space Ghost devours guest after guest, including noted wad Moby. His interview spawned the line “Nobody Cares, Moby”, which went viral purely out of spite towards Moby.
We also have “hard to work into a show” comic Emo Phillips. Fun fact: I sent this episode to a woman in Canada because she was a big Emo Phillips fan and she asked me if I could tape it for her. I filled the tape with other American stuff she wanted to see, like MST3K and The Adventures of Pete and Pete. I remember including the “Pavement” episode too. I think she liked some of it. She sent me Tom Green tapes, I think, and Rick Mercer’s “Talking to Americans” special. Anyway, the moment where Moltar is so repulsed by Emo’s comic mannerisms that he walks back his warning to him after knowing Space Ghost is likely going to murder him. Emo gets chomped, I am sad to say. 
Shirley Manson is rejected by Space Ghost for not being meaty enough. Shirley Manson is one of the hottest women on earth, and between this and “Chinatown” this might be one of the most fuckable seasons of the show. This is by process of elimination, and not actually a good thing. I wouldn’t wanna be at that orgy. All making small talk with Michael Moore while the chicks are all busy getting railed out by Denis Leary and Ben Stiller and everyone else is doing cool-ass gay stuff. Merrill Markoe is fully clothed, reading a book, and shooting dirty looks at everybody. She won’t even talk to me about The Lewis Lectures. 
James Kirconnell awakens! “I just had the most horrible dream, in space.” One of the best endings ever. Great episode!
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hi, i’m getting into the community side of tumblr (i’ve been a fan of the show for a while but im only just now following community blogs) and i just followed your page! i saw your ao3 and your trobed fics, which im definitely gonna be reading, but i also saw your daredevil ones and!!!!! omg!!!! i can’t believe you’re the same account!!! i love those fics so much and i can’t believe you’re the same person!!! :D i love the way you portray him, it’s very relatable, 10/10!!!!
anyway, i saw that you wanted fic prompts and idk, this is kinda specific, but have you watched psych? it’s another 2000s sitcom, and if you wanted to write a crossover i think it’d be so good. i just think shawn and gus’ friendship is really similar to troy and abed’s relationship bc they’re all silly4silly and unconditionally supportive and also soulmates :3. (i do interpret shawn and gus platonically tho, but that’s just personal opinion) (also psych is somewhat copaganda tho, so there is that :/ )
if you did want to write this, tho you totally have zero obligation, i think it could go something like: the santa barbara police have a suspect flee to colorado and pursue them/shawn and gus take a case about a missing person or something (star burns??), and shawn and gus maybe go under cover at greendale? i think they’d fit in pretty well, but shawn would definitely fuck w jeff’s ego lol. i think troy and abed would think shawn and gus were super cool, but i think that at some point abed maybe realizes shawn isn’t psychic? i don’t think he’d say anything about it tho, just sort of keep quiet about it bc it’s more fun to pretend and go w it. but things can go from there!
and if you haven’t watched it you can disregard the previous two paragraphs😅
something else that would be just community would be a collective queer awakening for the study group! like, trobed happens, and something about it makes annie realize she’s a lesbian, and talks to shirley about it. shirley is like “everyone has those (gay) thoughts about women, you just need to pray about it” and annie points out that no, she’s been informed that not everyone has those thoughts, and asks if prayer has ever worked? and shirley realizes that no, it hasn’t, and annie and shirley go on that adventure together. and jeff and britta act as queer mentors, bc they’re both practically bisexuals (and dating?). at some point i think shirley would apologize to the dean for some of the things she’s said about him, he forgives her, and they go to brunch. eventually, jeff joins them and they have a nice little weekly brunch thing where they gossip :). this is all happening while troy and abed are being soulmates, and maybe shirley gets past some internalized homophobia by seeing them so happy and realizing there’s nothing wrong w them. maybe annie does, too, bc she wants to be that happy/also realizes that there’s nothing wrong w her for liking women,, etc. but trobed heal the study group. and maybe pierce either doesn’t exist, has a different personality and is supportive, or is kicked out for being homophobic
anyway this is extremely long, but i just wanna say that i love your work!!! whatever you write will be great, even if you don’t write anything!! <3 <3
First of all, welcome to the Community tumblr! The blogs here are lovely!!!
Second, oh my god??? Thank you so so much!!!!!!!! aaaaa, that's so sweet!!! I have a Daredevil fic I still need to finish and this might just motivate me to finish it. I absolutely love writing Matt and projecting onto him lmao!!!! Thank you <3 and I hope you like the trobed fics too!!! Those two consume my brain 24/7
I've never watched Psych so I don't think I can write a crossover fic anytime soon. But I will keep the other idea in mind! Writing everything and everyone to be queer is always the best, and we can just pretend Pierce doesn't exist.
And genuinely thank you so so much!!! It means so much to me to that you like my writing and I think I might have to go cry about it (in a positive way like happy tears). Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! 💕💕💕
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peapod20001 · 2 years
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Ok ok. So. They’re bougie as fuk and got rich ppl money and put on a whole Halloween performance,,, so of course their costumes are kinda try hard lmfao but!!! Anyways-
Shirley’s costume and character is based on Victor Frankenstein, only more kooky and less disheveled lol. Ugh I really wanna draw it to show you how it looks. He’s got a gray wig thing goin on, looks kinda like she got struck by lighting lol. He’s got the “mad scientist” lab coat (though it’s much shorter than the generic coat and kinda flares out like a skirt), long black gloves, goggles that serve no purpose except for looks, and short black boots so he can show of the LEGGSS. Ohohoho she’s got some sick fuckin, light up prosthetics (I’ll say it’s similar to a plasma ball) that are made to change colors and move to beats and shit, just really over the top lol.
Since Shirley’s Victor, Charlie is his monster. His colors are neon purple and green, they paint his skin to look like he’s been sewn together, he gets heterochromic eyes, and his prosthetic actually works really well in making him seem like he could fall apart. I actually really suck at trying to describe fashion lmfao but his clothes look like if you found clothes in the lost and found but made it fashion GDHDJSBDJ. Obviously the costumes doesn’t cover a whole lot of skin, gotta show off those stitches!! Gotta put in some fan service ig!!
Totally unrelated to Frankenstein lol The twins are the Angel & Devil on people’s shoulders, played by Emi & Graci respectively. They aren’t dressed like a generic angel and devil though, they’re dressed like lil bikers!! (Cus they’re bikers kiufhiopw so original I know) they’ve got matching outfits but with different colors, Emi has a primarily black outfit while Graci wears primarily white (their shtick is that even tho Emi is the angel and Graci is the devil, they both love to cause trouble and give advice that doesn’t necessarily fit their role. I’d really have to draw it out I think it’s v humorous lol). They have wing patches on the backs of their jackets and lil headbands with devil horns or a halo. They look both cool and kinda stupid at the same time I love it
Shirley doesn’t really like putting Jr in shows cus he’s, yknow, a child but she’ll allow it ONLY for Halloween shows cus she can cover his face and also Jr BEGS to be included. He fills the role of Igor!! He doesn’t actually say anything and is mostly in the background with a reaper hood on, but he makes the most of it!! He likes messing with the other performers and doing silly walks and mannerisms, Shirley also kinda totes him around like a small dog, ppl find it funny watching him seemingly manhandle a lil hooded thing lol
And Harley isn’t part of the circus so he gets to dress as what he wants. And he chooses to dress as Marty McFly, cus he’s a nerd
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the-parentheticals · 11 months
Summary: Akemi wants what Misa has. That's the only good way to put it.
Word count: 771
Note: For Cringetober day 14, vampire romance. My apologies to the lesbian vampire community, as this is entirely one-sided.
read on ao3
It's funny. She's sure Misa would have gotten tired of her by now. 
They're not lovers, of course--Akemi is too female for Misa's metaphorical taste. (Luckily enough, not her physical one.) But they're intimate, and they talk, and they spend so much time together, and really, who wouldn't get a crush at that point?
("Aren't you all supposed to be bi eventually?" Akemi asks while she's bandaging up her bites. It's not that she needs to, really, but she figures she's been hurt her whole life and it'd be weird if she didn't have something to show it.
It's a fucked up stereotype, but she wants a chance.
Misa's eyes are blank in a way that Akemi never figured out how to get. She doesn't know if it's playing dumb. "Not really? I mean, I haven't really felt anything for a girl?")
She's never asked about the details of Misa's lover (because she can't really use the word "boyfriend" to describe something like that, can she?), and all she really knows is that they're good for each other. Even someone like her can see that.
("Are you going to drink that?"
It's weird to have someone just come up and ask that to you. She gets why. A little. She's just been holding her Shirley Temple and staring at the light pattern for ten minutes at that point.
"I paid for it, so yeah." I should after having to deal with my boss, she wants to say, but she's cut off when she sees exactly who she's talking to.
The girl is short and blonde and pretty, and maybe everyone's short to Akemi but she's very pretty, and she is clinging onto the arm of a slightly taller boy like he is her everything. Maybe he is.
"Haha, that's totally cool! You just don't really, like, look like you wanna?"
Akemi feels nice enough that day to not dump the drink on the girl's head. In fact, she feels nice enough to talk to her. And she just...never stopped.)
She can be jealous. She won't stake him (that kills anyone, she's pretty sure), but she can want him to die. She can want him to disappear. To no longer matter to either of them.
("What, does he know?" Akemi's bandages are off this time, and she's staring at some boring piece of wall art. Just some random flower vase. Why is it so important?
"That, like, you're here?" Misa is doing her eyeliner with a cell phone camera. She wipes some off her right eye, and Akemi thinks it'd make her look like a certain emoji if she stuck out her tongue.
"It's part of the life. It's not like I tell him everything, silly!" Oh, and now she has stuck out her tongue.
"I wouldn't be surprised if you did." Akemi rubs the fading mark on her wrist. Give it a few more hours, and it won't be a problem.)
Really, the kind of person Misa is astonishes her. Akemi had taken her to be the type to discard people as long as they stopped being useful. That was what people like her were like, once they'd had enough. They wanted everything.
("Isn't it weird? Liking me at all?" She's lying on Misa's bed this time, scrolling through her phone in a vague attempt to figure out what place is best for a next heist. Old habits die hard.
"It's not like we're dating." Misa's voice comes from the closet. There's some joke there, but Akemi can't think of it.
"How old are you, anyway?"
"You're 20. It's not weird."
"Answer the question." Akemi gives a little huff. It doesn't work as well when they aren't face-to-face.
"What question?")
As far as Misa is concerned, they like each other in the same way close friends would. Probably closer than they should be, considering everything else. That's all.
("You don't, like, hate the dead thing?" Akemi has no idea why Misa bothers redoing her lipstick every single time. Shouldn't she have found something that doesn't smudge by now?
"You can still talk and stuff, you're fine."
Misa's lips look just like she's blowing a bubble, especially with the color. "That's new."
"Whatever. Money on the counter, like always?"
Akemi doesn't look back when she leaves. She never does, here.)
It's gonna stay there. That's the only way this can ever end well for anyone.
("Do you want more than this?" Misa lifts up her own wrist. Akemi wants to say yes.
More than you'll ever know. But not the way you want.
"I'm fine.")
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artificerstimetable · 2 years
You get me!!
But Now I’m mad that this game is so unknown bc I need to know wtf was going on with Human Labor Union 40!! Was it a really elaborate recruiting process? If so, was the whole battle thing a really weird guilt trip?? But it leads to reset so idk—why would Chaz, if it’s Chaz himself and not some part of the merge group, literally tell us to unplug and destroy the core? Was it some suicidal rebellious person/people?
Anyways—My Bee is less chaotic n more direct! They got their hand privileges taken away because they decked so many people in their first weeks. Actually no that I remember Activitude didn’t have hands so maybe not but I’ll say so anyways because it sounds funny. Then they just glared holes at everyone n drank [insert fruity alcoholic beverage] until they eventually settled a bit. They don’t like Butters or Hernandez because they!!! Were really fucking weird!!! In a bad way!!! To them during their labor times. (Seriously if I have to hear butters moan ever again I will punt him into the abyss. Still my funny little guy though) Anyways my Bee is also very likely dead. The Board hates humans (only Butters n Hernandez were taken from Activitude to my knowledge. Butters is AI n Hernandez…is Hernandez. He’s kind of a joke— Gavin went himself) so they didn’t take Bee so they were just left to rot. They r left to stew in their newly reignited hatred, this time directed towards Gavin.
The cloud guy had hands!! Cloud guy and bee fight scene REAL
GOD WE WISH THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE IN THIS FANDOM we honestly feel as if the human labor union was one of the other people in chaz' head, we feel as if it was possibly a call from eliza?? Or the og chaz, the real chaz. But it's just so confusing?? Because then why would eliza and hernandez be archived?? Why do the human union want you to find the archives if CHAZ is the human union???
So we're just gonna water it down to og chaz being influenced by eliza somewhat. It makes us consider eliza and hernandez' archives being staged, but that's like impossible.
We've been trying to piece together the timeliness and we made Gavin born in 2009 BUT ITS STILL CONFUSING AAAGHHH we'll just assume scottsdale's servers have ALWAYS had problems but grrrr it's just >:((((((
Imagining a feeling of bee beeing betrayed by chaz when he said he was the human union, that's really fun.
We love your bee so much already ITS SO. YES. God we genuinly feel kinda bad for them with the butter and hernandez thing like. Poor bud! Gross. Butter our beloved and all but... maybe you don't wanna uncover your memories that far butter
your bee is just so fun DIRECTLY ENRAGED AT EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING we feel like if there was enough light in a room, they'd use their chaz eye as a magnifying glass and try to light someone on fire.
Oh and eliza, Shirley, and some others were taken we believe! Hernandez states this in scottsdale right before you enter the gym!! Honestly wondering what happened to the activitude servers??? Also hernandez is ai we're p sure he states that a lot!! But he's also like.. weird.. and a mystery he reminds us of pinky pie and the lawbreaking
God it'd be so fun to have an au that brings certain activitude members back n shit!! Somewhat villian bee?? Right goals?? Wrong way to put those goals out?? AAA WE LOVE YOUR IDEAS BROOOOO
Just imagining chaz going like "Sigh. You leave me no choice! We have to do this the hard way........" *fucking REMOVES HANDS*
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riphimopen · 2 years
beavis and butthead accidental marriage episode starts out with them sitting there on the sofa everything on tv is like “the romance of youth” “young and in love” “married at twenty three” teen dating shows etc. beavis launches into one of his goddamnit we’re never gonna score speeches “WE’RE TOO DAMN OLD! CHICKS GO FOR YOUNG GUYS WE’RE NOT YOUNG ANYMORE” “uhuhuh yeah i guess we arent the strapping studs we used to be” “THE ONLY WAY OLD PEOPLE SCORE IS LIKE. IF THEYRE MARRIED OR SOMETHING.” “uhuhuhh yeah then you can like. do it all the time whenever. lol” lightbulb moment. “dude how do we find chicks to marry us” “uh i think theres like a place you can go? like one of those dating apps that sets people up. you always see people getting married there i bet they can set us up uhuhuh”
smash cut to the courthouse. “hi how can i help you two gentlemen” “we like. wanna get married. can you help us with that.” “...its so beautiful to see you being brave and open about this” “yeah we thought we might as well, yknow. bite the bullet. better than never scoring mhehehehe. so can you like. find us somebody.” “a witness? of course- shirley, can you come here and bear witness?” (“huhuhuh she can bare a lot more than that”) “here, we can get the whole thing done in ten minutes, if you want to keep things on the downlow- i understand you coming straight to the courthouse on this, not wanting to make it a big deal” “uhuhuhuh sure. the quicker the better”
“ok so just sign right here; and you’re next; alright, is there anything you’d like to say just now, or would you rather skip straight to the “i do”s?” “mhehe you said do” “okay then it looks like thats it! congratulations, gentlemen, youre married” “YES!” “YES!” airguitar “so like. where are the chicks.”
“the who”
“like. our wives dumbass”
smash cut again theyre sittin on the sofa hot lady comes on tv butthead goes “huhuhh hey baby” “butthead you cant say that mhehehe.” “why not dumbass” “its not right dude its like. hhheehh cheating on me or something” “what the hell are you talking about” “because yknow we’re mehehe married? like. the guy at the courthouse sa” “we’re not actually MARRIED you dipshit. the only person who thinks we’re married is that butthole at the courthouse. if we were like. really married. then we’d like live together and do everything with each other and like you’d bring me a beer when i asked you to and i’d like buy you nachos whenever you wanted” “oh.” “dumbass. besides. if we were married we’d have scored by now” “huh. um. does this mean you wanna like. get a divorce.”
“....eh. that guy said itll like. take forever. and you have to do a bunch of like legal bullshit anyway. anyway, hes the only guy who thinks we’re married. like. im not gonna tell people we’re married.” “heheh no yeah me neither. no way.” “right. so then like, i can still hit on chicks. and like i give you permission to hit on chicks too.” “mhehehe cool.              so its like an open relationship type thing?” “WE ARE NOT MARRIED”
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