#anyway....rbs and i might churn that part 3 out even sooner
vetustamorla · 1 year
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la noche eterna
leon s. kennedy/luis serra, other gen | E/M | 45k words | finished
If anyone asked Leon whether getting laid in an grossly extravagant gothic-era European castle was anywhere near the top of his priorities list, even prior to the Baby Eagle rescue mission, he’d laugh in their face. ///
Even if he did fantasize about mildly exibitionistic sexual encounters in extravagant Spanish castles, in none of these scenarios would Leon have thought to find himself cuddling with the other person.
[part 1 - love full of fire] /// [part 2 - even if it hurts] /// [part 3 - those three words] /// [part 4 - when Eden was lost] /// [part 5 - make my world stop] /// [part 6 - sweetness and decay]
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inventors-fair · 3 years
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Guildy Conscience: Guildy Pleasures Runners-Up
I already said what I had to say in the winners post, so let’s just get into it. Congratulations to our runners-up!
Blood-Chin Butcher by @grornt​
Return of the angry clan: This time they’re GRUUL angry. Kolaghan brood, being RB, is obviously very low to the ground and aggressive, but it also had a lot of non-combat ways of messing with opponents and/or dealing damage. That makes riot a pretty good fit. I’m more sold on this for the Kolaghan brood than I would be for the Mardu clan, anyhow. The new take on Riot is interesting too: If you forego the haste and get the counter, not only does it pose a bigger threat, but it also powers up your other abilities when used as sac fodder. It might have been your intention that this ability was a one-off for the butcher, but I love the idea of a faction centered around similar abilities. I’m not too sold on the “gain 3 life” as an extra bonus here, but the idea is too solid to pass up. Also, very vivid and evocative art.
Extravagant Finale by @fractured-infinity​
I’ll admit, forecast is not a mechanic I really expected to show up this week, but I underestimated that a lot of Magic players want to reimagine bad mechanics to be good just as much as they want to make love letters to the already-good mechanics. Forecast is an excellent fit for Prismari. It gives small effects on big spells so that you still have something to do while you’re waiting to hit 6+ mana, and it fits into the flavor of essentially giving a drumroll of this big splashy thing you’re about to do. Is it even worth casting a 7 mana spell if you don’t make your opponents agonize about it for five turns first? The card itself has a lot of moving parts, but comes together decently. The damage scales with instants and sorceries in grave, which the forecast can help fuel, as well as providing treasure to get to the finale sooner. All very nice. I think the forecast just has too many things going on there, and I would have gotten rid of one of those effects myself, just to clean it up a bit.
Clans’ Diplomats by @i-am-the-one-who-wololoes​
Okay, I know I’ve been rough on your flavor text in the past, but I gotta say, this week you absolutely knocked it out of the park. Not too long or expository, hilariously punchy, and very vivid: the juxtaposition between a fine dining affair to schmooze human leaders, versus just bringing in huge cartloads of food to appease the dragonlords. Convoke for the Dromoka brood is also pretty fitting; Dragons like to have low-to-the-ground fodder to fill out the early turns, and Dromoka is one of the dragons that (I think) isn’t openly antagonistic to his followers? Anyways, using little weenies to power out your big bad dragons seems like lots of fun. Granting it so uniformly is a bit weird, since it implies more of a one-off effect (in a faction built around it, wouldn’t most of the dragons have convoke already built in?), but I appreciate the thought put into the playstyle. Flavor is an absolute A+, I just wish you played with convoke+dragons in a slightly different way. Think about how you could reward players for convoking creatures to play dragons, maybe?
And that’s that! We had a whopping 36 entries this week, so it might take a bit to churn out commentary, but hopefully you can expect to see it later this week!
judge @naban-dean-of-irritation, until next time!
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