#anyway...... like and subcribe
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seth-burroughs · 1 year ago
I will not stay silenced any longer. I really cannot relate to the badass girlboss Yomi truthers crowd. I'm sorry but constantly being so obsessed with proving your prowess and supposed superiority via [gestures at every single time he appeared in the game only to act like an insecure manchild who has to continuously reassert his authority he feels entitled to with continuos self-praise, lashing out with petty insults, violence or even pettier wackier violence] are not the acts of someone who is at all secure and confident in their abilities and themself,
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evening-rose-309 · 1 year ago
I'll say, and I offer this correction out of posterity, because you're going to get attacked for this "both sides" statement, comrade,
Israel is currently commiting active genocide and borderline ethnic cleansing against Palestine. on the citizens of Palestine. and they can come up with as many excuses as they want, but it comes down to money.
Palestinian land is land the Israel state can take for themselves to do with however they please, but mostly, from what I gather, in an effort to bolster business. There's a smorgasbord of US centralized businesses that do business or have some kind of land or production deal that uses up realestate that Israel can only provide by taking from their neighbor.
Decades of what looks like prejudice from both sides fueled mostly by a propaganda machine run largely by Israel to justify war.
And I know this all sounds like SJW conspiracy theorist bullshit, but I can guarantee you, if it ain't the answer to your question, it's the most probable one.
Now, HAMAS aren't saints. Neither is the Israeli government in their biased charges against Palestinian wards in their holds, now mutually released as per the ceasefire that I can't say is holding up too well, but hey. A step forwards.
And I'll be frank. I'm callus. I'm speaking rather callus and rather unsavory because this genocide has been weaponized by my country's religious extremists against what few Jews are allowed to exist here and cannot defend themselves. These extremists are in our schools. They are molding and shaping and bludgeoning the minds of our next generation, my generation, and others to come with their rhetoric. I have had Nazi sympathies crooned into my ear and blazed across my face from the age of nine. If it weren't for my uni delay, I would've been a Proud Boy, or something like them.
I have Feelings about the entire situation that would get me lynched, I'm cynical because it's been proven that nothing any people anywhere, not even those rattling the gates of the Great White House, will do much if anything when an actual government regime decides it's going to ignore the Geneva Convention. At some point, for some countries, there was no Geneva Convention. They deleted the memo. They don't care.
I'm rather numb to the whole thing, but I will say for certain:
Israel has Palestine at gunpoint. Israel is killing Palestinian children. Israel is uprooting Palestinian lifeblood.
Think about it this way: why are Israel's lawns clean? Why are there no pictures of ruined Israeli hospitals? Why aren't there sob stories of Israeli father's kissing their daughters on the eyes one last time? Why doesn't Israel look like it's been clocked by a nuke?
Simple. They're the ones with the nukes. They have the button, dull red with viscera, warranty of Silicon Valley on the palm side, and they've been spamming it all day and all night for the past quarter of a century, aimed at the place it would most benefit them to turn into a barren unlivable husk with barest risk of incurring Uncle Sam's wrath.
and there is little you or I can do from here, other than circulate the latest and most bone chilling reports, learn a little more from those who can actually link sources on posts and not go with "it's both sides!" whenever someone confronts them, donate a penny, pray for the best, and not stop doing those small things even if you can't muster a roaring bonfire in your heart for it anymore. because many hands make light work and Palestine and their needy need as many hands and as much work beyond their walls as they can get.
The Israel-Palestine conflict makes no sense. Why are they blowing each other up? Over a piece of land? A religion? A story in a book? A line drawn on a map by someone a few decades ago? No explanation makes sense, and nothing justifies killing each other. Nothing justifies killing kids.
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sfa2fin · 2 years ago
what’s going on chrisken nation, it’s me fin, back at it again with another Chrisken doodle, don’t forget to like and subcribe!!!
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Spreading the uhhhhhhh chrisken, chicken agenda or something 
They’re on my mind a lot anyway
Also much thanks to the people on the last post confirming chris’s age!! It’s really shocking that he’s 17. Kennith is older than him lmaooo
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jeonstudios · 10 months ago
I couldn't find your recent discussion, but I read the last ask. As someone who likes anonymity, AO3 is one of the best fanfic platform I've ever had. I used Tumblr only for the asks and authors' updates of their lifes. If you don't mind kudos and hits, AO3 is the way. You can see how many people have read even if there's no notes like Tumblr; their hits system is really something because it technically counts returning reader as well. Also, AO3 is for reading, so there's no worry about people tracking your blog down when you comment on a fic. Great searching and filtering system. And so far in my experience, not much of hate comments (never found one actually, but you can delete hateful comments as well). I've tried making a rec blog in Tumblr, but honestly, AO3 is just far better because it scratch that itch of organising your bookmarked and/or recommendation fics. My favorite is the subcribe button which you can get emails from a favorite work or favorite author whenever there's updates. If I love a certain fic, especially ones that hasn't been updated for years, I can subscribe and the joy of getting that notif is just... indescribable. And if you love all of the fic that an author has, you can subscribe to them too and get emails whenever they update any of their fics. Comments may not be the biggest factor, but at least it felt safer than social media like Tumblr. The only downside is the lack of chatting, but that's where other chatting platforms come for like curiouscat, twt, tumblr, ig, etc. Curiouscat is good for going anon, but I honestly never used it. Leaving comments in AO3 is good enough.
hey!! i've had an ao3 account for years, actually, but i've taken my fics down from there a while ago. i don't like the fact that you can download the works 🥲 and my fics didn't have much success there anyway 😅 i don't know if it's just me but it feels so lonely and isolated? but thank you for leaving this tip!
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klapollo · 2 years ago
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many many years ago i drew a picture of @commanderfreddy while watching his youtube channel and he ended up using it as an icon for all those many years and i finally was like ok wait. it's been a long time i should redra this. and so I DID. its literally been so long i dont even have the original drawing anymore but. i think i captured his Transcendent Beauty better this go around
anyway what are you sitting their dawdling for SUBCRIBE AND HIT THE BELL
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shythalia · 3 months ago
Ok so I have some thoughts: (not in order)
First of all, season 2 was so good!!!!!!!!!!
Second, they weren't kidding about champions dying. Really thought they were never going to die because they are champions. Because legit if a champion is in the main game, that means their story isn't over. That means they are currently still alive. Which leads to...
Third, and this is why Arcane should never have been made canon. Fuck you, Riot Games. 🖕🏼 Arcane was always meant to be its own separate thing just like how the MCU is different from the comics they pulled from. I know a lot of us said that we wished Arcane was canon but we didn't mean it like that! You should have just taken elements from Arcane to become canon to the game's lore, such as Jinx & Vi's whole backstory for example. Now with Warwick & Ambessa fucking DED, how is the canon going to fucking work now? I guess you're just going to abandon the unspoken rule of 'character still in game = still around' now? "Wanna make the lore more consistent" my ass. You can just do that without making the show canon.
Fifth, Isha is baby. 💙
Sixth, Warwick's face looks weird as hell but it makes sense. This is a more "realistic" take on him where his face is warped to look beastly instead of just having a wolf head.
Seventh, I mean, everyone basically already knew it was going to be Vander. I will admit that while I subcribed to the fan theory because there were some solid connections, I did doubt it because it hadn't been fully confirmed just yet before season 2.
Eighth, need to talk about Orianna now before I forget how to be coherent again. So the fan theory was correct of Singed being Orianna's father and Orianna being Singed's ill daughter. I will also admit that I was very hesitant to believe this theory because:
a) nowhere in season 1 did they show him to be familiar with robotics since Orianna in-game is a once-human robotic ballerina and he always dabbled in biology & alchemy & stuff like a fucked up & worse Victor Frankenstein;
b) while he did have some familiarility with mechanical engineering judging by the metal upgrades added onto Warwick, that was not enough for me to believe he has any familiarity with robotics entirely, but seeing this connection now gave me second thoughts to my doubts; and
c) that was a very small & blurred image of her in the locket at the end of S1 Ep9. It could've been just a coincidence that she had short blonde hair like Orianna!
Now that it has been confirmed, I do not mind it at all. I did have my doubts on my initial disbelief of the theory (before S2) as it did have some good points, especially with the mention of him used to working with Heimerdinger, but I was still hung up on point a. I also really liked this person's take on the theory:
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Ninth, how long will it take to wait for the Orianna redesign? 🙃 Anyway, she's a child now, I guess. So... is she not a real robot anymore but her body is more like those that Viktor evolved? Will she still have her spinning tutu? I love her clockwork-ness. Please keep that.
Eleventh, Boy Savior: Across the Savior-verse. :^) Wow, I'm so funny.
Twelvth, Lest is gorgeous. ✨
Thirteenth, CAITVI SEX???!!?!!??! 👀
Fourteenth, don't worry, guys. Heimerdinger respawned in Bandle City, a magical pocket dimension where all yordles like himself come from. *sweats nervously*
Fifteenth, apparently, Jayce & Viktor are supposed to be dead but Riot Games recently wanted that changed to be more ambiguous.
Sixteenth, Viktor's redesign is glorious (GET IT?) & freaky, but I'm missing his cyborg ass like how I'm still missing the old Brackern lore which are these old crystalline sentient scorpions that Piltovans harvested for the hextech crystals. The Skarner redesign is good but they should bring back his old design as a Traditional skin. New Viktor also looks great but Traditional skin for him, too, please. Come on, Riot, you know how much a lot of your players loved his old design. Bring back the Traditional skins for some champs.
Seventeenth, R.I.P. Blitzcrank. Viktor will never create you. Someone else will have to be your creator. Yikes, this reminds me of how Stanwick Padidly took credit for Viktor's creation of Blitzcrank and when Viktor wanted to settle it, no one believed him. Maybe Ekko can be the one to invent you instead.
a) Obviously, skin ain't purple. Or "blue". Idk how some of you see it as blue.
b) The mage had tattoos that are thin black lines. Ryze doesn't have tattoos, he has thick violet markings/patterns on him that glow when he uses magic. We didn't see the tattoos glow during the spell.
c) He had a staff. Ryze does not need one.
d) He wasn't carrying a big scroll on his back. This is a memorable part of Ryze's design.
e) He took many seconds to conjure up that teleportation spell, needed a crystal for it, and had to flail around his staff to perform it. Ryze is one of, if not, the most powerful mage(s) on Runeterra. He only needs a couple seconds to teleport, without the use of a crystal & a staff. Watch the cinematic Ryze: Call Of Power to see how easy it is for him to do that.
f) If he ever did need a magical crystal to perform a spell, why would he just give it away, especially to a child, when he is afraid of what people would do with magic?? The crystal looked like it was spent of its energy after its use so it seemed to be safe to hand it over, but still, why would Ryze just give it away? It ain't him.
So was it trying to tell us that it was Viktor the entire time? How did he travel back in time? This is still confusing.
Nineteenth, this is a minor one but I remember a couple comments (before S2) that believed the giant statue of the blonde chembaroness' head was Orianna, which is obviously very dumb. It's very obvious they don't know shit about what Orianna's personality is like because why would she ever want a fucking giant statue of herself? She's too kind for that shit. It wouldn't have been made or commissioned by Singed either because it is also very out of character for him to want that. It doesn't even fucking look like her, different hairstyle, too.
Twentieth, oh, right, the Black Rose is here now. Very cool. Interesting shadowy form LeBlanc took there. Kinda reminds me of Cassiopeia with that tall hat/headdress. She is another Noxian & Black Rose member. The way to tell it was LeBlanc were the lines from below the eyes travelling down to the cheeks, an important part of her design. When she called Mel "sister", did she mean it literally or is it like similar to how people call each other "brothers & sisters" without actually being related in some churches? I don't know much about witch lore in general but I am reminded of the Coven skinline where all the witches call each other "sisters" despite not being related. Maybe it's both?
Twenty-first, so, Mel just gonna walk around looking like that? 👀 Okie.
Twenty-second, Swain's demon bird came for a visit. Speaking of, everyone who thought the crows around Jinx in season 1 were his ravens are a bunch of dumbasses! Fucking told y'all that if they wanted us to know that Swain is around, they would have made it obvious like with what they did in the end there!! Told y'all! I am forgiving for confusing the crows for ravens because yeah, it's typically hard to tell the differences between the two. They weren't Fiddlesticks' crows either. If they were, there would have been plenty of them because they gather around him. And if he was around, people would have been dying mysteriously left & right. So no, those weren't demon birds, just normal birds.
Twenty-third, will they update Caitlyn again to give her an eyepatch? (Most likely not.) Don't they want lore consistency? She can't just grow an eye back unless she finds something or someone out there that can perfectly make eyes, either organically or artificially. Maybe shouldn't have made Arcane canon then.
Twenty-fourth, so Mel is a mage. The rumor of her becoming a champion seems to be true then. I always thought this was ridiculous but that was, of course, before season 2. Well, we'll see how she gets integrated into the game(s) whenever that happens.
Most of my aggression is targeted towards the YouTube comments I've been seeing for the past 3 years. 😅 Especially hate it when they share false information they really think is true, like, you can tell they're just Arcane fans who just got into the lore and know the very surface level of it. And then they go share their info to people just getting into Arcane. It was so frustrating. Now they can suck it.
As for why I have always been hesitant into believing the fan theories, well, it's obvious. Part of a series comes out and then fans start speculating & theorizing and then the next part of the series releases which does not adhere to what the fans believed and then they get disappointed & upset & throw a fit online <- I do not want this happening to anyone in any fandom. It's always important to not instantly 100% believe or assume things wholeheartedly when it comes to media, otherwise, you'd set yourself up for disappointment. Be skeptical. Another reason for my hesitancy is because some fan theories are just absolute dogshit.
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Edit: Did not mean to sound materialistic. I'm just glad to be able to watch season 2 now.
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cantfightfatetoo · 4 years ago
It's time to watch the only woman that matters on youtube.... Bailey Sarian.
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strawberryybird · 4 years ago
im very aware the version of leonie fired emblem who lives in my head and word document rent free is, at any angle, rather a leonie-shaped OC but unfortunately i love her too much and im just going to have to be a lesbian about it. she will remain this way. (as in, i don’t think a canon iteration of leonie would narrate herself in the way that the style i write my fic necessitates, but. here i am). but im also now at the point of watching leonie supports on yt and going ‘nah, she wouldn’t say that’, when blatantly she can and she did. there is an orange-tinged character occupying my word doc and i love her very much but i fear she isn’t leonie ..
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blu-screen · 5 years ago
⋆ that lil tippy tap dogs do when they’re excited..
⋆ good damn stuff
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mofledowe · 3 years ago
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hello gay ppl (again). make sure not to let children under the age of one million drink battery acid (ages 3+). anyways thinking about @crying-milkshake s plan b berdly au.... yeah. anyways be sure to like and subcribe love yall 
also, if you click on the second picture, you can probably see a faint oval around the queen..... please ignore that.)
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kaeyasstarlight · 4 years ago
Passionate Kisses(Shoto Todoroki x Gender Neutral!Reader)
A.N: Ok so as a big Shoto simp(expect a lot more Shoto Todoroki content on this blog ;)) I guess you were kinda expecting I was gonna write a make out scenario of him one day haha It can also count as a 30(almost 35) subcribers special!! Thank you so much!! :D
This is my first attempt of something like this so if it's bad I'm sorry TwT
Also I'm gonna try to do it Gender Neutral!, but if I did something bad feel free to tell me!
Anyways let's get into it! :D
Genre:Fluff/Spice ;)
Warnings: Touching(nothing explicit) and making out ;)
If you're not comfortable with this kind of stuff please skip this scenario! I wanna make sure everyone feels safe on this blog even if it's not NSFW content :) Thank you!!
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"It's so nice we have no more exams.", you said after letting a relived sight.
"Yeah it's nice. We will get the opportunity to spend some time together this weekend".
He then took you hand and brought it to his lips. He's not really one for PDA, but he didn't mind small gestures like this. Plus no one was near so he didn't mind even if a small amount of person saw him if they came.
"You want to hang out in my dorm tonight?",he asked you.
"Yeah! Of course!"
You then continued your way to the dorms hand in hand.
You then went in his dorm and you both sat on his bed. He made you a sign to go near him and so you two could cuddle. In private, he is very sweet and touch starved due to the fact he didn't really got much affection in his chilhood, so he's very touchy of you. He finds your skin very soft and he loves to touch your hands. Anyways, you both started to cuddle and just enjoy each others presence. You decided that you would watch a movie. You both chose a romantic movie on your laptop to have a sweet and pleasant evening. After the movie ended at more or less 6 PM, you both decided that you would make yourself dinner. When you came in the kitchen everyone was gattering their stuff of their dinner to go back to their rooms.
"Where are you guys going? Don't we eat together?", you ask to the class with concern.
"Actually, we decided to eat more early so that you could both have the dinning room to yourself. We think it would be good for both of you to have a moment for yourselves in couple after all the stress and work we have done in the past few days.", Yaoyorozu said sweetly.
"We left you dinner and a desert I made in the fridge",said Sato.
"Bakugo made dinner. It's very good!",Kirishima said.
"Tch. You're lucky there was enough for you.",said Bakugo, when you knew damn well that he always makes food for everyone when he cooks.
Then out of no where, the lights were down and there was some candles that were installed. The dinning room was now in a romantic ambiance.
"Ok! Have fun~!',said Mina excitedly
"I guess we have a romantic dinner tonight huh?",said Todoroki a bit shocked about what just happened.
"Yeah, but with leftovers.", you said laughing a bit.
He then cracked a little laugh too.
"I guess you're right haha".
You both took your part of the leftovers and then sat at the table. You ate in each others presence enjoying your meal. You were talking about some stuff and he loved listening to you. He then got up to go get the rest of desert in the fridge. When he looked back at you, he felt something in him. He didn't know if it was the ambiance, or the look on your face, but he felt like a needed to kiss you now. He waited until you're done eating and then he approched you to lift your chin. You looked at him and he pressed his soft lips on yours. You were a bit shocked at his actions, but you then went in the kiss. When he was done, he was happy but he felt like he needed more. He didn't think that the dinning room was the best place for this, so he would have to wait. He couldn't help thinking about it, you haven't really seen each other this week and you were just so beautiful/handsome and perfect in his eyes. Even if you were together for a few months, he couldn't believe that you were with him. He wants to give you love as much as you give him.
When you were both done eating, you both took your dishes to the dishwasher and started it. He then asked you if you wanted to go back to his dorm, which you accepted. You liked the ambiance and cozyness of his traditional Japanese styled room. You went to go lounge on the bed while he closes the door. He approched you and went on top of you. You got a bit flustered at his actions, because he was rarely like this.
"Can I kiss you?",he asked you.
"You don't have to ask me at this point of our relationship", you said laughing a bit.
"No... I mean like passionately...", you could see the look of desire in his eyes.
"I mean, yeah it's okay for me", you smiled shyly at him.
Just after you said that, he pressed his lips against yours. He started off soft and slow, but after a bit he went more passionatly and a bit more roughly. You were first surprised by this type of kiss from him, but the more he continued, the more you were in it. He hummed at your kisses and then he stopped to give the both of you a chance to catch back some air. You thought he was gonna come back after getting some air, but you say that he had something to say. You waited until he was ready to tell you what was in his mind before getting back to your passionate moment.
"It's okay Sho, you can take all your time", you gave him a smile that reassured him.
"...Would it be okay if I touched you...? If you don't want to I totally understand, I wouldn't dream of disrespecting your boundries..."
"I don't mind Sho."
He gave you a small smile at your response and got back to your lips. He continued to kiss you, but he then putted his hands on your hips. While he was kissing you, he started to slide his hands on your shirt upper to your body and just continue to go up and down like this while doing small circles with his fingers. You were both enjoying this moment and the love between the two of you could be feeled in the room. He then approched to you and started to give you kisses on your neck, you could also feel his breath against your skin. He was playing between the hot and the cold temperature to tease you and you could see the small smirk on his face. He went back to kissing you and contined to play with the temperature of his lips while kissing your neck,cheeks and lips. This moment lasted for a while, before both of you were out of breath and needed to take some air. He got off the top of you to go back to your side and you both went back to cuddling, while he was sliding up and down his fingers in a comforting way.
"I love you so much My Love, never forget it", he kissed the top of your head while you were starting to fall asleep.
"*Yawns* I love you too Sho.", he smiled and falled asleep with you.
A.N:I hope that this was good for my first attempt with spice TwT
I liked writing this and I hope you liked reading it! :) Have a nice day or night and remember that you are loved and take care of yourselves! <3
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a-wild-person · 4 years ago
I'm running out of fanfics to read and I am going to rant about it for way too long and probably recommending fics as I talk. (links on words)
That's it.
I've read so much fluff scrolling through the Tubbo & Ranboo tag AND the Tubbo / Ranboo tag (bless my soul as this tag is also home for smut, but really good fanfics hidden in the middle so yeah), like, so much of it.
And I grew bored of it. Yep. After 3 months, I'm starting to get bored. I can't handle Major Character Death and big big Angst, because at the very moment a character dies, it's all about grief and everything. I'm not solid enough for that. Like when Tubbo or Ranboo dies and the whole fanfic is after that? I read one where everything was going alright and awesome fanfic and then TUBBO DIED, I didn't notice the warning in the tags and I dropped the fic.
I read a fanfic yesterday about them coming back to the past and must I say it is very enjoyable. The thing with fluffy stories is you never get to see Tubbo act like his character, an ex-president, a soldier, someone quite powerful if I may say so. And this fic just does that. They give Tubbo charisma that I barely ever see anywhere else and now that I got it, I miss it. Or maybe I didn't really search it up enough but. Anyway. I have only praises for this fic, it's just, great, and I'll be waiting for it to update.
I didn't get into the Zombie Apocalsype AUs yet, maybe I should, but I'm really scared my favorite character end up dying because that would be ah. No. I'm dropping every fanfic where Ranboo dies.
The Vigilant AUs are very cool too, a bunch of them are too simple and the writing lacks some poetry to it and the story some passing for me to actually follow through it. I'd say most fanfics are too simple for my taste, the writing too blunt and too quick. "He does that. Then says that. Then does that." It doesn't have flavor, you know? I've read dozens of the same fanfic, I pretty much know what's going to happen.
That's why original ideas are something that I really enjoy. A piece of new, something fresh, a new concept.
The series where Ranboo is a ghost may be the one I am really intrigued into. I didn't think it would be that much Angst, but the fact that we're following Ranboo's ghost point of view help me stomach the fact that he's dead. It's just so, so, so intriguing. I really wish to see the rest of the story. I need to know what happened to Ranboo. I read it twice and it messed me up a little for a whole day.
Vigilant AU's as I say, are very similar to each other and quite enjoyable. I read too many to recommend any in particular, but I love when there is a twist and the passing is quite slow. In this particular AU the BenchTrio oftentimes gets adopted/outed way too quickly to my liking or are way too Tommy-centric to my liking. Dirty Crime Boys is a really good exemple, and that was the first one I read back in early July and one of the few I actually remember and do not confuse with others. Didn't feel too rushed. In a similar vein, this fic is a goldmine. It is painfully slow, the passing is incredibly slow and it is awesome. Everything is described to T but isn't useless either. You feel connected to the character and everything is clear and I need more.
And they are Human Experimentations. I have a thing for this trope, I don't know why, like I have a thing for the SCP AUs. I don't know, I've talked about it before, but Ranboo being an experimentation out of a lab? Hell yeah I'm reading. This one is one of my favorite. Ranboo is clueless, he's kinda there and confused as hell. He's able to teleport and it's a very rare thing, maybe unique and has been kidnapped and now is bonding with Tommy and Tubbo in incredible circumstances. he was in Tubbo's locker because he teleported there to hide. Best thing ever.
That leads me to my newt favorite trope, the Ranboo Monster/Criptid/SCP trope. He's tall, he's powerful, probably drops on all four to run, way too powerful, and clueless because he's been either A. not human and hasn't really interacted with them or B. has grown in fucked up situations. Like, a fighting ring. I think this is my favorite, from like, all of the fanfictions. With EnderSmile, as a treat.
Unfortunately, I cannot go fetch the ones I am not subcribed to, like one-shots, or completed fanfics, but do know that there exist a long one-shot around 14 000 words where Ranboo is an escaped SCP that just hung out by Tuboo and it's awesome.
As we are with the Endersmile subject (Dream and Ranboo if you don't know) Path of a Golden Green, which just is newly completed and I followed the story almost from the start, it's incredible. Dream hung up his mask after escaping prison and Ranboo stumbles on him not knowing it's Dream and they bond. Recommend 100%. Beautiful writing.
There's a couple fanfics that sound incredible but that I deem not enough developped for me to actually recommend, like the Beeduo being two married villains doing crime but it only has like one actual chapter about them so. But the promise is really big.
Oh! (I say, scrolling through my subcriptions looking for which ones I actually really love). This is great. Centered around enderwalking Ranboo that is quite like a clueless kitten with a really well-done development around his pearl, and very beautiful writing and descriptions of how his pearl buzz. A pearl of a fanfic, if I may say so. Plus, Beeduo. I love Beeduo. I read way too many fluffy one-shots about them to actually remember any in particular. Way too many.
I read some Ranboo adoption arc by Philza and Technoblade and this one is my favorite, because it's slow and it is really well written and described and it really feels like Ranboo is an ex-slave. It's also fluffy, and I think you're starting to understand as you read through this terrible post that I like fluff.
A little.
I also read a couple Techno & Dream fanfics, but I don't really remember any in particular.
So I'm starting to think I should start reading actual Angst, because I'd really like to see charismatic characters doing cool things now. Like murder. I need to find a fanfic where Techno goes on a rampage. Just for the sake of it.
There was this one-shot where Ranboo was enderwalking (somewhere in the enderwalking ranboo tag before June, maybe May or April) and crept on Tubbo around all the mansion and ended up killing Micheal then him, and that was a blast. Terrifying, but absolutely awesome.
I think I love reading a tad too much. Man, I really wish every fanfic was as well-written as the ones I'm recommending. Too many have a cruel lack a passing, everything goes too fast, it lacks emotions, it lacks poetry. I'm never going to blame writers for writing because it's super cool, experienced or not, but man. Good writing is a real treat when you come across one.
Alright. Angst it is now, I guess. I will try. No fluff. Charismatic characters, please.
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technobladetimestamps · 4 years ago
A Small Rant
Consistency on this blog, burnout, and boredom
First of all, as a reminder I've tagged this blog so you can search for just timestamps (#technoblade timestamps), just these personal posts (#nottimestamps) or any individual stream by it's title.
As you any have noticed, I've been really struggling to keep my three times a week schedule. At first that was because some of the streams were three plus hours long (although I had managed to get that 5 hours stream out on time somehow) and partially because school has kept me really busy. However, the current problem is that I'm a bit burnt out. Where before I'd watch the occasional among us video to take a break, lie down, and get out of my desk chair (where I did all my homework and these timestamps) I have now been wasting a ton of time avoiding this and my homework. It's just more of a grind these days. And while that doesnt mean I'm suddenly incapable of doing these, it does mean that I'm made more tired by doing these. I've been lower energy in general so maybe it has nothing to do with this anyways. Who knows. I have been burnt out a bit in general. I worked that one week ahead and took a break but honestly I'm only still doing this because I feel obligated. I in general jump between different consuming internet habits. I spent enough times in the ao3 tags that I read the description for every mcyt fic being produced. I made a second um youtube account so I could subcribe to like a hundred animatic channels and I made a 800 video playlist of all of them. I got really into writing essays on my main. Then I started this blog after getting praise for the timestamps I made in the youtube comments and out of a desire to make them more reliable to find. And now I've been spending a lot of time on twitter (and not just lurking like actually tweeting). I guess my point is I would have moved on if I didn't feel obligated to see this through. I know no one would hate me for missing days, taking a break, or quiting altogether, but it really matters to me. I guess I just think how happy I'd be to find this blog and that's enough for me.
So in conclusion I'm not quitting but I am struggling. Thank you so much to everyone who supports me it's literally only the idea that someone appreciates my work here that keeps me doing this. I wish each and every one of you the best! You deserve it
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"Hey Khyle, why are you obsessed with a rarepair with a dead guy in it?"
Or, JonGerry manifesto time
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS: Gerry vs Jon's misandry
Let's talk about how Jon hates men! Jon hates men. Listen to how he conducts himself around Martin, Tim and Elias in season one versus how he gets along with Sasha and the tone is so hilariously different. He has NO patience for the men around him and even though he's still pretty crusty to the women who come in to make statements (Naomi Herne & Melanie in s1) the way he handles talking to Sasha as a colleague is wildly different from how he talks to the men he works with. The same with when he meets Basira! His social comfort around women feels distinctly different from the way he feels about, navigates around and talks to men. So it's very, VERY fun to contrast this not only with how well he and Gerry get along (even after a pretty terse greeting from Gerry!!), but also to how excited he gets talking and thinking about Gerry when he reads about him in statements and goes to America hoping he's still alive. I think being an exciting Idea of a person makes it slightly easier for Jon to digest him before meeting him, and I also think it's the reason that...
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS: Gerry is Jon's celebrity crush
If you need convincing, look no further than the fondness with which Jon says "that would be our Gerard" to Jurgen Leitner and your heart will open to this reality...Jon read about a cool goth in some statements and idealized him so hard he started crushing on him. Is Jon out to himself? No idea! Will that stop him from doing the very Jon thing of having very transparent feelings about something? Nope!
I've mentioned it in other posts but I do think it's significant how excited Jon is when he hopes Gerry is alive in America so he can meet him. There are a lot of little notes and quips Jon makes about Gerry throughout the series thay really solidify the idea that he's excited about him. I think Jon gets excited to pull information together and recognize figures from other statements -- he is the Archivist after all -- but I think some of the fondness Jon applies when talking about Gerry is significant and distinct from how he talks about other figures from statements. Plus, Jon has a reason to empathize with and relate to Gerry, given the fact that Leitners were one of the few things he allowed for the existence of even in season one, and Gerry is clearly so upset by their existence that he's gone around destroying them and beating up Jurgen Leitner himself. Probably hard for Jon not to idealize someone doing the work that he was so desperate for Elias to let him engage in during season one, huh? I think we all idealize and build parasocial relationships based on a feeling of relating to the people who are somewhat out of our reach...a cool goth who destroys evil books and punched the man whose library ruined your life? Might be a little hard not to get excited about the idea of him...🤔
THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS: Gerry in the (quasi-) flesh vs. Gerry on the page
So, maybe you're convinced there were some celebrity crush feelings, maybe you aren't, but there's definitely some idealization at play with how Jon views Gerard Keay, Book-Hunting Goth Of Legend. Now let's talk about how that idea contrasts with Gerry, the regular (ish) dude that comes out of a book in America!!!
I think something very fun to note is how much they joke around with each other, basically right off the bat. It's pretty clear to me how much fun they have in each other's company, especially considering Gerry cites literally being in pain while he's existing as a page in the book. Both the crusty intro and Jon's reluctance to take and burn the page could have soured the entire interaction, but they both enjoy each other's company pretty transparently for the whole exchange. Gerry is straight with Jon in a way no one has been through basically his entire time learning about his position as the Archivist, and despite the fact that Jon summons Gerry for a purpose, it's hard not to view the exchange as largely social because of the tone. The fact that Gerry has ONE conversation with him and thinks of him as a friend is I think pretty telling as far as how Gerry views Jon's intentions and trustworthiness. He has a backlog of experience with Gertrude and insight into the ruthlessness of an Archivist, one that we never see calling him Gerry, and he still meets Jon for 20 minutes and goes yeah. I could befriend this dude. I also think this reinforces how Jon feels about Gerry: he's pretty forthcoming with information, even if he fucks around with him a bit, and there's some trust and transparency there that I think reinforces Jon's rare positive view of a dude in his life.
Like, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jongerry lives in the passage through the Jon Misandry Zone. He can only like a cool fictional goth that he has a reasonable amount of distance from but he's so excited when he meets him irl it forces him to actually learn about him as a person. Idealizing Gerry gives him the motivation to actually learn about another man and untangle how he feels about them!!!
FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: One of these dudes is literally dead
Honestly I'm only Marginally stopped from my rarepair dedication by this fact, but if it's an issue, let's consider:
It's literally a horror tragedy podcast so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say literally any happy romantic ending for characters is inherently an AU anyway, even if the ones folks are invested in somehow all end up living to the end lol. I guess folks can pray for postgame potential but I've already succumbed to how inherently doomed a lot of these characters seem so...the world is gonna be my rarepair oyster I guess!!!
Also, it's a podcast with some level of worldbuilding around reincarnation. Gerry got brought back once, could he be again? Imo we're only limited by our imaginations on that one. Lots of potential to play around with the form him being brough back and sustained could be...and, honestly, same with any rarepairs where one or both parties are dead imo! I'm here to push my jongerry agenda AND support the kneading of canon into something your faves could be brought back to life in. Death should stop no one from wanting Jon to kiss a hot goth dude!!!
Alright I mean...I can't force anyone to find their back and forths cute and flirty like I do but I CAN say why I think this couple has so much fun potential:
Gerry is already used to being around An Archivist and seems to already think Jon is more friendworthy based on the Gerry request. He would probably be a lot more comfortable navigating around him than some of Jon's other colleagues, occasional snacktime or not. I think being in a book owned by two hunters probably gives him enough context for "monsters, but trying to be good in their own way" for him to be pretty levelheaded about Jon. A human connection that's based on enjoyment of each other's company with someone smart enough to not sign a contract might just be good for our spooky little Archivist...Also...
JON IS A STUFFY DWEEB AND GERRY IS A COOL GOTH THAT'S KILLED A GUY!!! Is this NOT the greatest couple concept this podcast could have offered us? The contrast...the meeting of worlds...Jon idealizing Gerry because he's a cool sexy goth and Gerry getting excited because he's got a sexy scary monster boyfriend...it's all there!!! Rife with entertaining potential!!!
Anyway these are my pro-jongerry arguments I hope you all enjoyed my rarepair shipping manifesto. Don't forget to like comment and subcribe and let me just say...once more for the road...
JonGerry Rights
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nintendogs · 4 years ago
i forgot i was still subcribed to ba on youtube fhdjsks anyway they rlly uploaded a video like😊heres our new pee oh cee and then the next video features chris.. NEXT
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myrecordcollections · 4 years ago
Thank You For Your Patience...
There has been a Canto Pop Music Special, PART OF the music scene that’s been in Hong Kong for past decades (when I say only PART OF, is that the Hong Kong music market did actually made up of songs and music sung in Mandarin, English as well. Of if you count on the music genre, its surprisingly huge too)
Anyways, the response on the channel is not very good, but new subscribers to channel is huge! Anyways, I thank you for your support in subcribing to the channel, or selecting other songs and records from this channel too
Do turn it on and read these posts for Canto Pop records, or listen to some! you might find it surprising!
As usual, CLS, Comment, Like and Share
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