#anyway. this is really just catered to me and me alone. sorry guys
feenmies · 7 months
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siphoklansan · 2 years
Knave Cater. That’s it. Just Knave Cater. I’m down bad I’m not joking this fic made me down bad check it our rn it’s an order👹 /j but really though….read it cuz ya’ll missing out👁️👁️
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Here are two versions of Knave Cater, one that sparks joy and the other that doesn’t spark joy-
Anyway, it was REALLY difficult when I got to his armor. I didn’t know how to shade armor let alone draw one so..yeah. Lots of photos were looked into but at the end I decided to go hail mary and design it my self. Please note the the armor patterns were just me doodling away because idk armor patterns💔
About the (terrible) armor colors/shading, I took a look at Alice In Wonderland live action movie, the Knave of Hearts. Reference photos and links will be at the bottom of this blog, as well as reference photos of the raven Cater is holding(?)! I feel like something’s off with his armor so I’ll be back and edit this post later :,)
I can just imagine the raven spilling the most atrocious tea while Cater just goes “mmhmm…mmm…yuh ikr? So true so true you’re so real for that SLA-“
Armor References:
Knave of Hearts (Character) - Comic Vine
Knave of Hearts | Alice in Wonderland Wiki | Fandom
Cummer Museum
ArtStation - Medieval fantasy armor
Raven references:
(I’m not sure if the links work, I suck at using tumblr sorry guys- also I’m not even sure if the fic has a crow or a raven I’m going by memory😭)
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faggotmox · 1 year
Well damn, now I want to see line cook Eddie in a dive dinner who’s crusty to everyone but who also adds extra food when he sees a messy skinny teen/young adult alone.
yeah i got this & wrote a little thing bc i love line cook eddie being a told bitch but also the best guy ever. so crusty diner au with eddie & mox under the cut, guest staring ruby. eddie kingston may have been an iron worker for real but he has the soul of a line cook baby.
"Eddie!" Ruby called out to the line cook standing half in the rain out the backdoor. "I'm off. You sure you're good to run the joint alone?"
"Yeah, yeah." Eddie stepped back into the diner without putting out his cigarette. "It's two twenty in the morning. I'll be fine until Willow gets here at 5." Ruby grimaced at the mention of one of her least favorite coworkers. To be honest, Ruby only really liked Eddie.
"I don't like leaving you here all to yourself. You might burn the place down." Ruby pulled her hood up.
"Nah. I'll just break the health codes. Go on, and get, kid. You've got classes tomorrow, huh?" Eddie gave her a look. "You always stall when you have classes tomorrow."
"Shut up. Gimme a hug before I leave?" Ruby walked through the kitchen to give the cook his nightly goodbye hug. "I locked the far door. Only one register is up. New coffee brewed, and your prep is done. Don't need a new pack or anything before I leave?"
"Stop." Eddie groaned, not about the hug but Ruby's constant need to help him out. "Go home, Ru. Get some rest. I'll text you when I'm off."
"Fine." Ruby stared him down for a moment before reaching into her backpack to pull out a fresh pack of cigarettes for Eddie anyways. "You're my big brother. I got to make sure you're taken care of too."
"Thanks, Ru." Eddie took the offered pack with a smile. He had been nearly out.
Most nights in their small crusty diner weren't busy. They catered to overnight workers, and all night college students. It was the first few days back from a school break so business hand't picked back up. Their few regulars at this time were out of town or cutting back expenses leaving Eddie with hours of nothing in the middle of the night. Plus the storm. At least it meant his supporting staff could fuck off, and he could smoke weed in the store instead of the rain.
Ten minutes after Ruby left Eddie laid down on the diner's bar top, his hoodie bunched up under his head and one of his Tims resting on the spinning bar stool. The diner had a Bluetooth stereo that Eddie would hijack to play something enjoyable.
The diner door rang about halfway through Eddie's blunt, making him sit up way too quick for his bad back. The door opening let in the loud thunder and heavy sound of rain, Eddie couldn't believe someone was out in the storm. Let alone this skinny kid in a huge Carhartt jacket.
"Y'all open?" The kid started at Eddie, half sat up on the counter and blunt still in his mouth.
"Well," Eddie sighed as he started to get down. "I guess we fuckin' are."
"Sorry." The kid's voice was raspy and quiet, but deep. When he lowered his hood Eddie took in the messy mop of strawberry blonde hair sticking to his forehead. "Don't have to put that out for me though."
"Don't worry about it." Eddie shrugged. "What're you havin'?"
"Ain't you the line cook?" The blue eyes sized Eddie up. "You a waiter too?"
"I let the others get home before the storm was too bad. What're you gonna have?" Eddie pushed the menu across the counter top. The kid looked at the menu awkwardly before speaking up.
"Just coffee." He shrugged, sitting down across from Eddie.
"You came out in a storm to get coffee. Fuckin' alright." Eddie shook his head as he started serving up the coffee. The blunt was put on the saucer with the cup and slid over to the kid. "Gotta name?"
"Just like coffee." The intense blue eyes flickered over to Eddie before picking up the blunt. "Mox."
"Mox. Alright." Eddie grabbed an apron from under the counter and tossed it at Mox. "I gotta go do some shit in the back. Anyone else come in and serve them some coffee and shout for me."
"The fuck?" Mox frowned as he caught the apron. "Serious?" But he got no answer as Eddie went into the back.
Almost everything in the kitchen was turned off except one grill top and fryer that were on low. The kid wasn't too old, and if he was walking into this shit hole in the middle of a storm it meant he didn't have anywhere to go to keep safe.
A lot of folks that had nowhere to go ended up in the diner. This kid Mox probably couldn't even pay for his coffee. It didn't take long for him to get a double burger with cheese and fries going. Every so often Eddie peaked out the window to see the kid just napping on the counter top. Eddie was an asshole but he was also a big softy.
"Ay yo, no sleeping on the job, kid!" Eddie shouted as he came out of the double doors to set the burger down in front of him.
"Uh..." Mox sat up, his eyes on the food with a deep frown. "I didn't want nothin'." He said defensively.
"Nah? Well, I guess I just gotta toss this out, huh?" Eddie went to take the plate back but Mox grabbed his hand. "You don't gotta pay for it, kid. It's on the house for curing my boredom."
"Sure?" Mox looked untrusting but was pulling the plate closer to him. "No one gives me food."
"I ain't no one. I'm Eddie." He snatched the last of the blunt back from Mox. "Eat before I steal it from you. Wanna cigarette?"
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p-receh · 7 months
Hi! No neg to you at all but i really need to get this out so feel free to ignore :D
I feel like fandoms as a whole has started to become WAY too comfortable in telling their creators what to do. The drama, complaints, and overall neg that i've seen people spewing to monsta is disheartening.
Critics are fine here and there, especially when mentioned in a respectable way. But people seem to forget that nothing is perfect, they see a flaw and just... zero in on it
Monsta can't satisfy everyone. Heck NO creator can satisfy everyone, but complaining about the thing something is lacking and saying negative things about the creators is helping absolutely NO ONE.
If anything it makes the creators ignore you, at worse double down or get disheartened and stop creating as a whole. Other than that it creates a negative sphere that makes some people (who were fine and enjoying this thing they like) to also feel unsatisfied or be negative as well.
I feel like these people don't realize how HARD it is to create let alone make a show.. its actually something i've realized in media consumption over the years; people have consumed so much media that they believe they "know whats best" or "understand better how to create this and that"
Creating is not easy. It takes time. It takes skill. WRITING isn't easy. ART isn't easy. ANIMATING isn't easy.
You want a specific episode that cater to what you like and how you want the characters to be? Write it. Genuinely write it.
Thats what fanart is for, fanfiction, fananimation.
Want something? Make it yourself. People have been spoon feed with free content that includes 3 seasons worth of a show, 2 seasons of its sequel show, 2 movies, AND comics.
People do not REALIZE how privileged they are.
Do you know how many content now that is under a paywall? Do you know how incredible and generous it is to be given free content of an animated show for years?
To be given a show that is so obviously made with passion and love?
And still having the nerve to complain that its not the way how some people want or like it to..
Write it. To those who fully believe they know how things should be created, then do it yourself. Make a script and give it to them. Make a fanfic. Make an AU. Make art. MAKE WHAT EVER IT IS YOUR COMPLAINING ABOUT OR MADE YOU DISSATISFIED
Sorry about the long rant, this is in no way directed to you, been really peeved with how ungrateful people have been (getting that much free content in anything is a privilege some do not realize). Thinking its so easy to make a free show.
Anyway can't wait to see the continuation of your AU :D
Allahuakbar—THAT'S A LONG TED TALK wwwwwwwww X'D
Lmao I was not ready for a minute with how long your ask was, so of course I couldn't ignore this! wkwkwkw
Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 100%!
I am new to this fandom but it genuinely got me a headache. Even with the recent drama "Boboiboy is more likely a fan service franchise now!" or "Why monsta always treat Boboiboy only and abandoning their supporting characters? This is why Ejen Ali is better!" and many other drama that I don't need to know in the past.
Like... Puh-lease. Don't you guys know how much it blessed that they released their show full HD on YouTube? Both TV and movie series? Released their comic on webtoon for free?
Maybe you guys didn't realize how illogical that sound for outside of... I dunno, maybe from sea countries. Like Japan with their infamous strict rules for any franchise when they promote their products.
(and with how ridiculous what had westerns entertainment corporations did to consumers, so pirating on us and Europe almost became a norm?)
Monsta I'd say is genius. They knew they cannot apply the same way with how the Japan did, and thus they find a way to make their show release without losing any money. Even me personally still find that strategy is "somewhat" illegal. But for SEA countries? I can understand why they choose this path. Because that's how The some of franchises from my country did that too to promote their products.
Buuuut does it make the corporate go impecunious?
Now that my friend, it all comes down with the quality and the general public reception themselves.
(I can give you examples buuuut it gonna be longer and might subjective since I don't have any uh... Marketing background knowledge)
Therefor Monsta creatively managed to survive that obstacle. Their shows already big enough across the SEA nations and beyond; their comics and card battle themselves are heavily sold out, and even managed to release on theater in Japan!
Aaaaaaaaand then again, anon. This is internet.
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Sometimes criticism could cause endless of drama that never ends. And it's absolutely unhealthy. Uurggh..
Yet in rare occasions, consumer criticism had their own benefits. Like the infamous Gremlin Movie Sonic before Paramount had to change because of the internet. (HUGE internet criticism If you guys don't know)
It really is a gamble to take any discourse if their take was supporting and even disowning some product. Especially on the internet where you could freely critics without hearts content.
I admit I myself have my complaints but tbf, at the of the day I don't mind with what Monsta give to their product. In fact, I respect with how much they take risk to correcting their mistakes from the very first Boboiboy Series up until now.
Nobody's perfect anyway, so I highly appreciate it they way Monsta tried to please anyone.
But that's the beauty of the Fan Art. Whether in form of music, visuals, literary, and any kind of medium to ensure that franchise still has an active community with tons of new ideas to share for their franchises. Big or small.
Fan art for me is a clarification whether the franchise is acceptable to their target market or not. If no one creates it, I consider that franchise is failure and not exist.
"The difference between fanfic and a "real" novel is that fanfic is honest about its inspiration."
-Mary Robinette Kowal
"There's a time and place for everything, and I believe it’s called 'fan fiction'."
-Joss Whedon
Why would someone would want to waste their talents for creating fan art that they didn't even like it at first?
I specifically refer to people who made fan art clearly for hate or trigger people who liked it, not for earning money(that's another story to tell)
What a pity to waste time, ya know?
Like, touch some grass dude :/
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kawaiisimp · 2 years
Hair cuts and cherry chap stick
Hi so this is the first fanfic I have literally ever written. It's completely self indulgent. I just like the thought of Vil not wearing makeup, wearing a crop top, running his fingers through my hair, insert other stupid tropes. This is not proof read like at all, so if you see any mistakes let me know. Reblogs and likes are appreciated, but I don't think I'll write a lot bc school got me dying. I've got some other fic ideas that I'll write faster tho if people like this one ig?
Vil Schoenheit x gn!reader; Characters mentioned: Epel, Rook, Cater, Ace, Deuce, and Jack (I think that's it); 16+? (Reader fanisizes about Vil, but it doesn't go far); it's long af; slow burn?; lots of teasing and blushing; Vil is ooc tbh; I based the reader's hair off of mine bc I wasn't sure how to write other hair, I'm sorry; pet names are used
Anyways! On to the fic.
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When you first asked if Vil would give your hair a trim while waiting on Epel to finish showering before your sleepover started, he immediately declined.
"Please, Vil. I really need one and I refuse to pay for a salon trip," you begged him feeling annoyed as you sat on his silky sheets.
"Why do I need to be the one to trim your hair. I'm sure Jade would love to give you a haircut." He scoffed and stared you down from his vanity mirror while continuing to rub his makeup remover onto his face with a brush.
A sigh left your lips as you scooted closer to the edge of his bed and pouted.
"Vil, my split ends are absolutely terrible! You said so yourself 15 minutes ago! Plus, I wouldn't let Jade get near me with scissors if somebody paid me!" You sighed again, throwing yourself backward, burying your face into his silky pillows.
"Not to mention, I think you owe me a favor for letting you use me like a dress-up doll all the time," you shifted in your spot, pausing for a second "and I enjoy it when we get alone time..." You trailed off blushing, gaining Vil's full attention.
He slowly turned around and placed his brush down, "Potato, I hate mumbling, so if you have something to say say it clearly!"
You slowly turned over to look at him checking to see for signs of actual anger, but you were greeted with the ethereal view of his makeup removed, and his gold and violet strands pulled loosely into a ponytail with a purple silk headband keeping his locks from mixing with the cream currently on his face. He stared back with his piercing violet eyes. You fully sat up to face him, admiring the slight smile pulling at his lips, with smudged lipstick around the edges and the, now messy, mascara and dark purple eyeshadow surrounding his unwavering eyes. You felt your face heat up upon noticing the slight pink tint on the tips of his ears, meaning he had heard you. You soaked in the moment knowing seeing him in this state was a rare occurrence. You opened your mouth to tell him he looked gorgeous, but the moment was ruined when Rook burst into Vil's dorm room.
"Oh, Trickster! I thought I would find you with Roi du Poison!" He announced, flamboyant as ever, "Monsieur Cherry Apple is awaiting you!"
You groaned and rolled off of Vil's bed onto the floor causing Rook to chuckle and Vil to gasp as your old gym shorts rode up along with your NRC t-shirt, exposing your stomach.
"Potato! You ruined my bed and your outfit is now sideways and completely wrinkled!" Vil snapped as you pushed yourself off the floor and started gathering your things. You just smiled at him and shrugged.
"It's going to end up that way anyways while I sleep." You said, giving the pair a tired half smile and a wave as Epel appeared in the doorway. "Anyways, I'll see you guys later this week. And Vil, can I come over on Thursday after class? You never really gave me an answer earlier."
Vil scoffed, having already turned back to his vanity, "I did and I believe the answer was no; however, I would be inclined to assist you as long as you're not late, you do not bring your monster creature, and I get to do your makeup to match your picture perfect hair cut," He snapped, continuing to finish his nightly routine.
"Good!" you nearly shouted as you walked out of his dorm room, giving Vil a wide smile; leaving Rook and Vil to themselves. Epel was talking about something, but you couldn't focus not after seeing Vil looking unperfect. And definitely not after he agreed to spend time alone with you on Thursday. It was a struggle to even sleep that night but; once you did fall asleep Vil was the last thought on your mind. And the first one when you woke up.
On Monday, you found yourself getting more excited as Thursday drew closer. Your excitement finally became too much to bare for a certain brainless duo. As they had been giving you side glances in every class since Monday at breakfast. Not that you really noticed, as the only guy on your mind was Vil.
The straw that finally broke the camel's back was when Cater posted a picture of you on his magicam day-dreaming with a blush and slight smile plastered on your face. The caption read, "Oh, look at the perfect! They're totes smitten with someone! #loveisintheair #socute! #anyguesseswho." The post blew up so much that by Thursday morning, half of the school had guesses as to who it was, and the other half were in denial. Ace and Deuce were skeptical about the idea of you, the overblot fighting perfect, having a crush. But the post was impossible to ignore, and the longer the pair looked at your face, the more the idea of you having a crush ate at them.
"What's up with you this week?” Ace finally asked during lunch on Thursday. He had a look of disgust and annoyance. A short staring contest started between the both of you and the rest of the first years froze. Everyone was waiting for your response.
A blush slowly crept up your face. You believed you’d been hiding your excitement rather well. You slowly pulled your sandwich away from your face finding your plate was suddenly extremely interesting.
“What are you talking about?” You said, refusing to look up at the group.
“Dude, are you kidding right now?” Ace eyed you down, putting his fork down.
“You’re blushing!” Deuce announced with a mixture of shock and confusion.
“I am not!” Your face turned redder; whether it was embarrassment or anger, was unclear.
“Oh Great Seven, You really ain't got the hots for some guy, do ya?” Epel said, his eyes narrowing, pointing his fork at you.
“What? No! Where is this coming from all of a sudden?” The first part of your announcement fell on deaf ears. You swallowed hard, snapping your head up finally to meet the rest of the table, who were all staring at you wide-eyed with smirks, except for Sebek, who looked annoyed.
"Did you not see what Cater posted to his Magicam?" Jack interjected
"No! What did he post?" You never got an answer because Sebek decided he couldn't stay silent anymore.  
“Human! You better not have a crush on lord Malleus!” Sebek snapped
"Ew! Why would they be into Malleus of all people!" Announced Ace. The pair started to bicker over Malleus, and then something else, and the topic was somehow forgotten. You were just happy nobody had figured out your crush on a certain blonde and violet-haired celebrity. The rest of the day went normally.
After class, you found yourself opening Magicam and typing in Cater's username. There you saw Cater's post. And the top-liked comment was Vil's. The Vil Schoenheit on his public magicam account, for millions to see typed, "I've never seen the perfect so charming; however, do they know you took this, Cater?" You nearly dropped your phone in shock, your heartbeat ringing in your ears. Your face burned hot as the word charming ran through your mind repeatedly.  
You were filled with an increased level of excitement, and you found yourself practically running to Vil's dorm. Before you knew it, you were opening the door to the Pomefiore dorm and practically skipping down the long corridor to Vil's door. You gently knocked on his door, expecting him to tell you to leave or tell you to open the door and let yourself in.
You were shocked when the door swung open, revealing Vil with his hair unbraided and a more natural makeup look on his face. He stared at you down with an unreadable expression. Your eyes travel from his face down to his "Casual" wear consisting of a dark purple, nearly black, tight crop top sweater and a pair of velvet sweatpants of the same color with the band of clearly expensive boxers exposed.  You didn't realize you'd been staring since he walked out until your eyes fell back on his glossy lips, now pulled in a small confident smile. You felt your face turn scarlet upon realizing he had been watching you mentally undressing him.
"Ah, potato you're not late. That's quite shocking considering those troublemakers seem to follow you around like lost puppies." He ended his sentence with a chuckle and stared you down with his hand on his hip and the other on his door, holding it open. It took you a moment to remember how to speak.
"Um yeah, I disappeared before they could see me." You mumbled, your head moving down to stare at your feet to keep your eyes from wandering down to his lips.
Vil chuckled as his left thumb and index finger raised your chin, so your eyes met his gaze. He leaned in closer to your face and you moved with him, stopping just centimeters away from his lips. He pulled back a little further.
"You know I hate mumbling, but I do find it amusing how you did not deny the way they follow you around." He let go of your face slowly as he soaked in your flushed, half-lidded-eye expression. He suddenly pulled back fully, leaving you a little disappointed with a racing heart. He finished opening his door and grabbed your hand, gently guiding you into his room.
In a daze, you allowed him to guide you into his dorm. He dropped your hand and allowed you to take off your shoes and jacket. Vil closed the door behind you and placed his hand on your lower back, barely giving you any time to slow your heart rate. Vil guided you wordlessly to his vanity. His hand moved off of your back and he grabbed your hand to help you sit. He let go of your hand with a soft squeeze and gave you a small smile. You could feel his hair brush against your ear as he leaned over to move some items closer to him, causing you to jump slightly. You thought you heard him slightly chuckle, but you were sure because of your heart hammering in your ears. He leaned down to grab a barber cape. He placed it over your frame in a swift, elegant motion. You felt your face turn pink as he lifted your hair and clasped the cape. You could still feel the sensation of his fingers on the back of your neck as he leaned down to get eye-level with you in the mirror.
He placed his hands on your shoulders, moving closer to your ear, "So what were you thinking for your hair?" Your face went red, and you accidentally let out a nearly inaudible whimper, but it was clear he heard it as his eyes locked with yours with a new glint present in his violent orbs.
You let out a little cough as you spoke, "I want all of my spit ends cut off, and you to thin it out?"  Vil nodded as he pulled away from you, grabbing a hair brush.
"That's simple enough." he hummed as he began to run his fingers through your hair, picking a spot to start brushing.
Once he started, you closed your eyes. In an attempt to calm your heart, by concentrating on the feeling of the hairbrush running through your hair. Trying desperately to ignore that the one brushing your hair was the guy you'd been crushing on since the third week of school. It was quite difficult, considering the only thing you could smell was his cologne. The only thing you could feel was his manicured nails running through your hair and you knew if you opened your eyes, you would see him moving in the mirror as he tended to your hair. He was impossible to ignore, to not think about, so you gave in and let him fill your thoughts, despite the fact you might be close to going into cardiac arrest.
You were used to having Vil fill your thoughts, but it was different when he was literally inches away from you. You're used to feeling your heart rate speed up when you thought about holding his hand, kissing his cheeks, saying I love you to each other, placing little pecks on his lips before class, and cuddling with him at night. You're used to having your breathing hitch when your mind wanders into what it would feel like to run his fingers through his hair, hear him whisper "I love you" against your lips before pulling you in by your neck for a deep kiss, him holding on to your hips and you tugging him by his belt loops as his tongue slips past your lips, his lips against your neck as he pushes you down on his bed; where you've watched him do his makeup many times, him telling you you're gorgeous as he pushes his hand under-
You were ripped out of your thoughts when he asked a question. You jumped at the sound of his voice but missed what he asked.
Your face went red as you turned around to face him, worrying he was going to be angry at you for getting lost in your not so pg thoughts. Your worry dissipated as you fully examined his expression, full of admiration and perfectly relaxed with the tips of his ears slightly pink. You wondered if he was imagining the same things as you. The thought made you bite your lip and you cleared your throat to speak.
"I'm sorry, I was dosing off," Your eyes rapidly scanned his face trying to see if he could tell you were lying. It was unclear, so you just continued, feeling extremely nervous. "What did you ask me a minute ago?"
You noticed his face was softer than usual as he looked at you, still running his fingers through your hair. He let out a little chuckle.
"I asked if you needed a drink or a snack before I started on your makeup," He said slowly taking off the cape he placed on you and turning you around to face him.
"Wait, you already cut my hair?" You said wide-eyed.
This time he laughed, a genuine, joyful laugh. One you've only heard once before. It was when the pair of you were sitting on his bed while he was doing your makeup, and you were ranting about the protagonists of the book you were currently reading. You don't remember what made you so mad as his laugh knocked the wind out of you, making you forget why they were so terrible.
"Yes, I finished it ." He said with the last of his laugh. It once again knocked the wind out of you as you stared at him and his natural smile. You suddenly remembered his original question.
"Ah, I don't need a drink or a snack, but is it okay if I go change into something more comfortable. I still have some clothes in your room right?" He smiled softly at you with a thoughtful look.
"I'm okay with you changing. We have ample time, but don't take too long." he paused and grabbed your hand to help you out of your seat before continuing, "You should have shorts, but I'm not certain you have a shirt." He paused again, a slight blush almost too light to see arose to his cheeks, "But I will gladly lend you a shirt of mine. You're welcome to have whichever one you want." He smiled down at gently placing his hand on your lower back, pushing you towards his closet. 
You blushed lightly at the thought of wearing his shirt and walked over to his closet your hands slowly running over his tops. You didn’t miss his gaze trailing you with every motion you made while sifting through his clothes. You finally grabbed one of his button up shirts he wears with his uniform. You turned to him for approval and he nodded towards the bathroom. You felt a smile involuntarily form on your lips as you grabbed your things and drifted to the bathroom to change. Once you were dressed you lifted your hands covered by his sleeves to your face and inhaled. You felt your whole body heat up as his scent filled your nose and the softness of his shirt finally soaked in. 
You opened the door, tossing the clothes you were wearing before on the floor next to the door. You opened your mouth to tell Vil you were finished, but never got the chance as he gasped and made his way across the floor. 
“Potato! You should know better than to just throw your clothes on the ground! At least fold them!” He said exasperated while bending down to gather your clothing. 
“You don’t have to do that Vil! I can handle it!” 
“Well obviously not, considering how you haphazardly threw them on the floor!” He sighed as he shook his head continuing to fold your clothing, “Will you go sit on the bed and wait for me. It will only take a moment to fix your carelessness.” 
You rolled your eyes giggling softly at his antics as you made your way over to his bed. You sat down on his bed against the headboard, crossing your legs as you lowered yourself down on his plush bed. You hummed slightly as you leaned over to grab one of his pillows and placed it on your lap so you could rest your arms. You sat there for a second before a thought crossed your mind. “What if I tease him a little bit?” thought to yourself. He’s so much easier to mess with when his back was to you. 
“You know Mr. Vil Schoenheit, you could just tell me directly you care about me instead of cleaning up after me like I’m your partner or something,” you purred at him with a little grin. You gazed at him through half lidden eyes, while leaning forward with your hand on your chin. 
You should have known better than to tease the world’s favorite villain, who was known on the big screen for trying to keep the love interests apart; meaning he had read and seen every stupid trope played out more times than he could count. 
You watched him slowly rise from his spot on the floor with your clothes in hand as he approached you. He gently sat your clothes down on the little couch at the end of bed. You moved from leaning on your arm to sitting straight up as he cupped your chin. You could tell by his smirk that your reaction boosted his already high ego. He leaned in nearly touching your lips again. The action made your face turn apple red. 
“But my darling,” He purred back matching your half lidden expression from earlier, “Do actions not speak louder than words.” He kept eye contact with you as you melted, feeling your violent blush travel down your neck. After a moment of sitting there star struck with his hold still on your chin, you finally jerk back as far as you can with a little squeak. 
“Hey! That’s not fair! You cornered me!” You practically whined in a panic, turning your head away to create some distance, the temptation to kiss was far too much and you did not want to create a more awkward situation than the one you’ve already created. 
He chuckled at your response, “Well unfortunately, life is typically unfair and you did not seem to think it was unfair earlier,” his tone softened, but there was still a trace of mockery as he moved his hand to your cheek to coax you into facing him. You felt your face twist into an awkward scowl as he moved back, grabbing your upper arm tugging you forward slightly. 
He eased off of the bed leaving you flustered behind him, while he grabbed his makeup. He sat the bag down as he climbed back on his bed, leaving one of his legs dangling off of his bed with his other tucked under his body. You watched him as moved looking striking as ever as he pulled his hair back into a pony-tail and pulled his sleeves up. 
 He snapped you out of your trance when he turned to you holding up the dark purple velvet head band with a bow you always picked when he typical did your make up. You slowly leaned forward allowing him to slip the hand band on your freshly cut hair. The tips of your ears turned pink as you felt his fingers sweep against them. He smiled in response to your involuntary action. 
“Now then,” Vil spoke softly as finished tucking a few loose strands of your back, “I’m going to start doing your makeup, and with as many times as we have been in this exact position, you should know the order in which make up is done.” He stated, still in a soft tone, as he reached for a moisturizing primer. 
You watched his hands as he gathered some on his finger tips and rubbed the cream around in his hands. He leaned forward to the point where you could feel his breath against your face. You felt your cheeks tingle as they turned pink under the feeling. He clicked his tongue once.  
“Close your eyes, dear, and leave them closed until I tell you otherwise,” He whispered sternly. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you listened to the sound of his fingers gliding along your face. It was extremely relaxing and you knew better than to talk while he was focusing on your makeup. You focused on the sounds of him picking up different products, how the brushes felt gliding over your skin, how his breath fanned over your cheeks and sometimes your lips. You both sat there in comfortable silence while you were lost in thought. You had always found it heart warming that the soft tone he used before he started doing your make up, was reserved for only you. Only you heard him speak so softly. And he only started using that tone with you a few months ago, so it must mean something right? I mean you’re at Pomefiore nearly as much as you are in Ramshackle, either by Epel’s, Rook’s, your own, or more recently, Vil’s request. You were ripped out of your thoughts once more by Vil, but this time it was less embarrassing for you. 
“Open your eyes.” Vil requested in that soft, gentle tone. It made your heart flutter after where your thoughts had wandered. You slowly opened your eyes and made direct eye contact with Vil. Your eyes darted over his face still perplexed by how he could look so breath taking even without his makeup. You  were glad you took the time to admire the man in front of you, because you noticed his cheeks were tinted a light pink. You realized your staring in complete silence was getting a little awkward, well at least in your opinion. You then realized you never felt the cool of liquid liner or the feeling of him softly blowing on your eyelids, but you distintly remember feeling him apply eyeshadow and the other products. 
“So, are you going to do eyeliner in a minute or...” You trailed off realizing Vil probably wouldn’t take to kindly about being questioned about makeup, even though he had never actually gotten upset at you before. He smiled at you and closed the eyeshadow pallet he was holding. 
“How observant. I’m glad you pay attention when I do your makeup.” He complimented, making your heart flutter for the millionth time this afternoon. “I saw this dewy and soft makeup look on Magicam the other day and immediately thought of you and how radiant you’d look.” He hummed still sounding soft as ever. It was only then that you realized just how close he had gotten. Your lips were nearly touching again and you could feel his breath against your lips. You looked up at him saw he was pondering something. You were about to ask him to kiss you when he suddenly turned away, leaving you disappointed once again. 
“I just have to add the final touch of chap stick and lip gloss and then your look is finished.” He muttered. He picked up a cherry flavored chap stick and turned back to you. It was then you saw the bright pink coating his cheeks and ears. You watched, mesmerized as he slightly parted his lips and applied the chap stick to his lips instead of yours. 
“What are you doing?” You questioned with a slight waver in your voice. Time seemed to stand still as you felt Vil’s hand on the back of your neck. He leaned in close, lips nearly touching once again. 
“You’re the second most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen.” He whispered, barely loud enough for you to hear. He gently guided you forward, both of your half lidden eyes staring into one another’s. Then your lips touched. Your eyes fluttered shut as the feeling of fireworks erupted all over your body. His lips were softer than you could have ever imagined. 
Vil slowly pulled back looking just as dazed as you were. He didn’t remove his hand from your neck, but his other hand wrapped around yours. You were completely breathless as you stared at his violet eyes glazed over with adoration and maybe even love. You were both close, but not close enough you could feel his breath on you anymore. Your face redder than riddle’s, redder than the apples Epel carves, redder than the mushrooms Jade tries to force you to eat, you didn’t believe there was a color in the world as red as your face was now. Your gaze shifted away from Vil in embarrassment, even though his face was red too. 
“You have no clue how long I’ve wanted to feel your lips against mine,” Vil said lovingly. You felt a you had no clue you were holding be released as your heart fluttered. Your gaze fell back on him and you smiled the warmest smile you had ever given Vil as your hands moved to cup his cheeks. 
“Me too,” you said matching Vil’s tone. Vil smiled and placed his forehead against yours. His hands moved to hold your cheeks as you giggled. After a moment you realized you wanted another kiss. 
“Um, Vil?” You cursed your voice for wavering. 
“I still don’t have lip gloss on,” you mumbled, praying to the Great Seven he got your hint. Your eyes met for a second as he moved his forehead from yours. 
“Oh! You don’t do you?” and with that moved one of his hands away from your cheek and picked up a pink sparkly gloss. He smirked, but you were too busy leaning into his hand on your cheek to notice the glint in his eyes. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for another kiss, only to feel his hand grab your chin and the lips gloss applicator to run across your lips. You’re eyes popped open only to see Vil holding back a laugh. You knew you were pouting.
“Vil! Why’d you do that?” You cried in annoyance. 
“Am I not allowed to tease you a little?” He quirked his perfect eyebrow up. 
“But, You’ve been teasing-” Your eyes went wide and then fluttered shut again as Vil’s lips pressed into yours again. Your arms slowly found their way around his neck. You felt him smirk against your lips, but the kiss stayed as gentle as before. You both broke away, with you giggling at a thought that popped into your little head. 
“What’s so amusing, potato?” Vil questioned, with soft eyes that didn’t match his scowl on his glossy lips. 
You chuckled a bit more before he clicked his tongue and started clearing off the bed. You continued your giggle fit until he was done and then you laid down on his bed, while he sat down staring at you lovingly. You finally gained your composure and patted the spot next you, inviting Vil to lay down. He slowly laid down on his side to face you as you rolled over too. 
“I just think it’s funny how the world’s favorite villain kisses so gently.” You beamed giggling softly again. Vil let out a tsk as he stared at you giggling away again. Your giggling stopped once you felt his hand in yours. 
His eyes met yours again as he spoke, “How can I not be gentle with the one thing I find brings me more joy than any amount of fame or beauty?” He inquired playfully as he leaned in to kiss the top of your head. You blushed once again and Vil pulled you into his chest. 
“Hey Vil?” You asked
“Can I stay the night? I think I like you holding me against your chest. It makes me feel comforted? I think that’s the word I’m looking for.” You whispered against him. He pretended to think for a moment. 
“As long as you become my significant other, then I have no qualms with you staying the night.” 
“Then, I’ll gladly become yours!” You beamed into his chest, your eyes closing. You giggled in delight as you felt him press a kiss to the top of your head and cover the pair of you up with his blanket. 
“Goodnight, darling.” Was the last thing you heard as you slowly drifted off to sleep in the arms of the fairest of them all.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
I’m acting on a whim and posting some unfinished(?) fanfic stuff I wrote like a year ago. Part of my many branches of caterella aus that has vague reference to one of my rsa ocs (dañarte)… but with a cater/idia main plot with jamil/azul happening in he background. My blurbs ended in a bit of a sad spot BUT it was always the intention in my mind that there would be happy resolutions 🙏 these were just little things I wrote for my friend and me bc it was an au we talked about…
Context: idia and cater are bonding, but only online over magicam, and idia is kinda catfishing cater (though not maliciously). when i was trying to name my original rsa oc (char) and looking at names, eppa was one of my initial possible choices. It was maybe my friend who had the idea initially of idia having a fake, RSA princely identity that cater gets to know over magicam?
Eventually I picked char for my actual guy, and dañarte became his cousin via me making typos and more discord sillies lol, but prince eppa became a pseudonym for idia and created another branch for the story. I’ve talked a bit about the dañarte lore and some of that comes into play here. Char I guess would too but I don’t think he got mentioned anywhere lol sorry buddy. But ya idia is pretending to be a prince at rsa named eppa who “secretly likes video games” or whatever I think lol. Idia likes his bond with cater but can’t even begin to think of how cater would react if he found out idia was lying to him.
Anyway. This is more cater/idia (and board game boys friendship) focused than anything (lots of idia pov pining lol) and idk if anyone would wanna read it but I’m putting it here to record keep anyway. No ao3 Bc It’s very unedited and unfinished and just kinda blurb writing lol
But it’s the only time if technically written for caydia. And I do like it. It’s just embarrassing bc I get embarrassed with my oc things and my love for romance drama but i guess I’ve been exposing more of it lately lol… shout out to anyone who recognizes the fic I’m referencing that I DID post lol.
Anyway. Copy pasted from my Google docs:
Idia’s computer pinged as a message appeared on screen.
C.Dia - eppa, are u awake?
Idia looked at the clock, startled. It was 3AM… Idia was still up because he was grinding a new event in one of his many, many, many games, but what the heck was Cater Diamond doing up at this hour? Had he just gotten back from a party?
PrinceEppa: ya, why r u tho? It’s crazy late lol
C.Dia: lol ikr
C.Dia: i just cant sleep rn >.<
PrinceEppa: how come?
C.Dia: i got into a fight w/my bf again…
Idia sighed at his computer. Right… Cater’d started dating that prettyboy from RSA.
PrinceEppa: 0~0 thats like the third time this month…
C.Dia: ya ik ;-;
Idia fiddled with the strings on his hoodie. He didn’t really know if his heart could take hearing Cater talk about another guy, but the thought of Cater laying around sad and alone made him ache just as bad… But what was he supposed to say in times like these? Idia didn’t know anything about comforting someone about relationships! He barely talked to people in general!
Thankfully, Cater kept going and spared Idia the anguish of trying to figure out what to do next.
C.Dia: are u going to bed rn?
PrinceEppa: no lol ill be up for a while longer.
C.Dia: royalty keeps busy at all hours huh?
Idia tensed at the mention of his lies.
PrinceEppa: something like that. Balancing the princely duties and the princely gamer sessions is tough work 😌
C.Dia: LOL. never change eppa <3
His face grew warm, a bittersweet swelling filling his chest.
C.Dia: can u chat with me a lil longer then?
C.Dia: tell me about ur day or ur games or w/e? I kinda just want a distraction, i dont really wanna be alone rn
C.Dia: if ur not busy anyway >.< it’s oki if you wanna focus on ur gamer mode lololol
Idia paused for a moment, before moving his mouse and closing out of his game. The rest of the event grind could wait.
PrinceEppa: im never too busy for you, cay.
C.Dia: thx <3
Sometimes, even for the prince of otakus, there were more important things than gaming…
But only when those things were really, really, really special.
“I heard Cater and that RSA boyfriend of his broke up.” Azul spoke after several minutes of silently moving chess pieces around the board.
Idia frowned. “Don’t try and use that as a distraction from the game just because I’m winning.”
Azul kept his face neutral so as not to betray any bluff he might have. “Perish the thought. I just thought his sweet prince eppa would be interested in such information.”
“SHH!” Idia hissed. “Not so loud! Besides, I-I already know. He told me…”
Azul raised an eyebrow. “He told you, or he told Eppa?”
Idia focused on the chess piece he moved. “Same thing.”
Azul sighed as he took his own piece and contemplated his next move. “Hardly. Honestly, how can you ever expect to move your relationship forward if you don’t unmask yourself? All this bonding will be for nothing if you don’t use it to the full extent!”
Idia rolled his eyes. “I don’t wanna hear it from you of all people. How long have you been saying you’re gonna ask Jamil out?”
It was Azul’s turn to shush Idia, face reddening. “How is that even relevant?!”
Idia grinned. “Cuz you keep going on and on to me about how I should be more confident with Cater, but you won’t even take the plunge with Jamil! Hypocrisy much?”
“I’m simply waiting for the right time. I would be a fool if I didn’t stick with my patient strategy of getting him to warm up to me before striking! Move too early, and I’ll undo all my progress…”
Idia sighed, thinking back to all the hours he’d spent DMing Cater under a fake name. They’d gotten quite close, but as far as Cater knew, Idia was still that vague acquaintance in the back of his classes.
If he messed up by telling him his identity at the wrong moment, or didn’t phrase it right…
“Lost progress… that’s exactly what I’m afraid of…”
“Idia!” Cater’s cheerful voice called out as he approached the lecture hall desks. “You’re in person again today; that’s three for three this week!” He spoke with a smile as he slid into the seat next to Idia.
Idia jumped at the sudden appearance of his classmate. “O-oh, uh, yeah…”
“Oh, B-T-W, did you hear that Azul and Jamil were on a date Friday night?” Cater said in a half-whisper, leaning close to Idia’s ear.
“Uhh…” Idia didn’t really know how to answer that. Sure, he knew Azul had some overly complicated date-but-not-a-date plan to get Jamil to hang out with him, and then ask him out for real, but how did Cater hear about…?
“I was hangin’ out with the pop music club on Friday when Ruggie texted Kalim that he was serving their table! Isn’t that just crazy?”
Ah. Kalim and Ruggie. That explained it all.
“I mean, I always wondered if those two had something goin’ on, y’know? Like, they had that ‘will they, wont they, playing hard to get’ kind of vibe. Super cute, if you ask me.”
Idia wasn’t really sure that ‘cute’ was a good way to describe anything those two were involved in, but he simply nodded his head along to Cater’s blathering, as he discreetly pulled his phone out of his pocket and switched to his Prince Eppa magicam account, reading the messages from that morning.
PrinceEppa: howre u feeling?
C.Dia: like total trash lol…..
C.Dia: ik he was a jerk but like i miss him, yknow??
C.Dia: or maybe i just miss having someone there. And its almost valentines day lol. Shit timing amirite?
PrinceEppa: that really does suck… im sorry, cater.
C.Dia: thanks, it’s oki tho. Better to get it overwith lol
C.Dia: i really dont wanna get out of bed or go to class…
PrinceEppa: mood
PrinceEppa: u really should tho. Ik it’s hard but itll feel worse if u stay there all alone
C.Dia: urk. Idk if i have the energy to be around people today
PrinceEppa: tbh i get that… i dont rlly wanna go face people either today…
PrinceEppa: how about we try it together?
C.Dia: i wish u went to my school so we really could go to class together <3
C.Dia: but oki. I'll try, for you :)
PrinceEppa: :)
If Cater really was feeling as bad as he felt, he was pretty good at hiding it with that blinding smile and bubbly laughter.
Sure, Idia’s first instinct would be to immediately enable anyone that wanted to spend the day hiding in bed, but… The thought of Cater lying alone in the dark with his thoughts just made Idia sad.
And, if he did that, Idia wouldn’t get to see him in class today…
“Oooh, do you think Azul and Jamil are gonna go out again on Valentine’s day?”
That depends on what Jamil answered on Azul’s questionnaire, Idia thought to himself. He was sure he’d get a full report from Azul later that day at their next club meeting.
Cater sighed. “Another Valentine’s day, and Cay-Cay’s single yet again!” He smiled, but Idia felt that his eyes weren’t lit as bright as they normally were as he spoke. “But, I’m sure some of the boys at Heartslabyul will be hangin’ around like always. It’s never lonely when you live with friends!” He turned to face Idia again. “What about you, Idia? Any steamy plans for Valentine’s day?”
“U-uh…” Idia started fiddling with his hair. It was now or never. ‘A-Actually, Cater… M-my dorm, Ignihyde, we’re h-hosting a movie night that night… Y’know, ‘cause a lot of us don’t really have plans for Valentine’s day and don’t wanna be sulking alone…” He swallowed a lump in his throat and took a deep breath. “...Y-you can come join, i-if you want…?”
Cater blinked a few times, a look of surprise on his face, before breaking into a smile and giving Idia’s arm a small squeeze of a hug. “OMG, movie night at Ignihyde?! I hear you guys have like, the sickest setup! That sounds great; count me in!”
Idia breathed a sigh of relief as the professor began class.
A few seconds in, his phone quietly vibrated as a single message came through. Idia glanced at it from down in his jacket pocket.
C.Dia: a rlly sweet guy in my class just invited me to hang out w/him and his dormmates on valentines day
C.Dia: u were right about getting out of bed. i think ill be okay today ^.^
“Hey, Idia…” Cater put his phone down, magicam abandoned where he’d paused on a video of a turtle swimming around an aquarium. “We’ve gotten a bit closer lately, huh?”
Idia paused the game he had up on his tablet. “H-huh? Oh, uh, y-yeah…”
“So, uh,” Cater played with a strand of his hair. “Do you mind if I talk to you about something a little… personal?”
Idia froze. Abort mission, find an escape route, he was not a high enough level for this kind of topic yet! Maybe Eppa was, but Idia!?
And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to just say no when Cater was looking at him with those soft green eyes.
“Thanks! Y’know, you’re really sweet, and like, such a good listener…”
Idia hoped the redness of his face was hidden behind the flames of his hair that flickered in every direction.
“And I’ve just been feeling so… confused lately, about where my heart’s at. My feelings feel like they’re being pulled in so many different directions!”
Idia could feel his heart hammering in his chest.
Cater sighed, laying his head down on the table. “My ex asked me on a date today. He wants me to give him another chance.”
The burning sensation from Idia’s insides made a 180 as he felt his blood go cold. This was the last thing he wanted to hear his normie crush come and tell him without warning…
“And the craziest part? I said I’d think about it.”
Oh god.
“I know that’s like, totally insane after everything that happened, but… I dunno, seeing him around now that he goes to school here just has my head all scrambled!” He picked his head up from the table, opened his phone again, and gave the turtle video a like before standing back up suddenly. “Gosh, sorry, I don’t know why I just came over here and dumped that on you, Idia. I guess I just find you so easy to talk to, I get a little carried away!” He said with a nervous laugh.
Lucky Idia.
“But, don’t worry about it. I’ll figure things out for myself. It’ll be A-okay!” Cater gave an unconvincing thumbs up before turning to leave.
Super lucky.
“Azul, today might actually be the worst day of my life.” Idia said as he dragged himself into the clubroom and plopped down in the seat across from Azul in their usual spot.
“...Hm? Oh, hello, Idia.” Azul looked up from his phone. “I believe you said the same thing when you came in here to lament about Cater getting together with his… boyfriend, a while back.” Azul seemed tense at the very concept of Danarte. He hadn’t exactly been a fan of the guy since he transferred to not just NRC, but into Scarabia specifically, where he’d made a point to hover around Kalim and Jamil as much as possible.
“I mean, it’s basically the same level of despair. Cater just told me Danarte not only asked him out, but that he’s considering it!” Idia dropped his head facedown onto the table in sorrow. “Like, how could I lose to the same guy twice!? Ugh, honestly, there’s no one as pathetic as me. I am having the WORST time, and NO ONE could possibly understand the agony I’m in right now!”
Azul chuckled, his tone solemn and hollow. “I’ll do you one better. Jamil broke up with me today.”
Wait, what?
Idia’s head shot up as he squinted at Azul, who was gazing sadly at his phone again. “Huh!? Wh- Huh!? What happened?”
Azul sighed. “We had another fight- and I mean, you know how we are. We have our differences, our disagreements, and the two of us can be a bit… stubborn at times. But we always figure it out! We were doing so well… At least, I thought we were.” Azul rested his chin in his hands. “But I suppose Jamil didn’t feel that way. He said he’d had enough of the relationship. Enough of me.”
Azul bowed his head to stare down at the table.
Idia wondered if he was trying not to cry. He looked out the window, both out of respect, and also because it felt kind of awkward to stare at his friend who was clearly just barely holding it together after getting dumped.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, when it was clear neither of them wanted to discuss their woes anymore, Idia spoke. “Uh, wanna play the VR headset boardgames today? Now’s kinda the perfect time to… Escape reality, right?”
Azul lifted his gaze to Idia. “...You just want to make me use the virtual dice again because you know I can’t use my perfected dice strategy on them, don’t you?” He straightened his posture, standing up to get the headsets. “I’ll have you know I won’t let your silly game of virtual chance best me today!”
Oh thank god that worked. Idia didn’t think either of them could handle any more emotions for the day, so he stood up and followed Azul with a grin. “Hehe, we’ll see about that, Azul.”
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deathzgf · 4 months
based upon an rp . other guy is davout
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eepy bernavout
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content that caters to me and me alone ( scene queen bernadotte )
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rp thing
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BERNAVOUT YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i accidentally drew this on his birthday because i didn ' t realise it was his birthday
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so i quickly drew this to make up for it but i forgot to fucking continue it
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anyways . stop horsing around brah
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i accidentally discovered a brush i really really love so now i ' m fucking around with it a ton
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giggles and kcicks meyyy yfeet
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maaaaaaaaaaan i just want them to hug
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rp bernadotte lore that accidentally became selfcest yuri but i ' m not complaining
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saintpsierre yuri
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i love yuri . anyways battle of fleurus
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I Am So Sorry
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bonbonaparte except i try to figure out how i wanna draw chibis
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rp stuffssss :3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand more rp stuffs
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and with that , that is everything ! i think i ' m going to go pass out now
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megumixtsumiki · 1 year
Hi! This is in response to your post on Megumi and Tsumiki. Can I just say that I was completely underwhelmed with the outcome of their story and it almost feels a little comical. Like what the heck was that ending? I was genuinely upset that she ended up dead because it felt like we were going to get this big reveal with them and it just never panned out.
I have my issues with Gege and the way he kills off his female characters as a way to power up other characters. I am not a fan. But I feel like everyone else got some closure when their character died. Megumi and Tsumiki did not get that closure.
I would go a step further to say that the last real conversation they had was when she threw the strawberry milk at him. Because she was possessed by Yorozu and I don't think that Tsumiki was in there at that point. So they left on horrible terms. Which is completely heartbreaking.
I view Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship as completely different from Yorozu and Sukuna's relationship. Sukuyuro had one scene together and it was so one sided. I think it's because Yorozu and Sukuna are the complete opposites of Megumi and Tsumiki. They don't cater the same values or bonds to one another. Sukuna doesn't care about Yorozu. Whereas Megumi has always been consistent with his priorities when it comes to Tsumiki. Yorozu is completely selfish. She does what she wants without any regard for anyone else. Tsumiki cares to a fault and it causes a rift between her and Megumi. MeguMiki just worked.
Anyways, I was so sad when she died. I really wanted Megumi to get up and fight but he was so defeated it crushed me. I too feel like reading copious amount of fanfic to help ease the pain.
Sorry for the long post. Love your blog by the way :D
Hey hey! First, thanks for the mail and the compliment. This blog is for megumiki fandom so, whatever you guys want to talk about, let's do it!
Second, sorry! You know how it goes... life.com.
Can I just say that I was completely underwhelmed with the outcome of their story and it almost feels a little comical. Like what the heck was that ending?
A straight up dose of irony, Gege style. That's what that ending was.
Looool 🫠
Let's taco'bout it under the cut...
So I have to admit I loved parts of how the whole tragedy unfolded because I personally loved Yorozu, but overall I do feel empty when it comes to megumiki and more specifically, Tsumiki.
How to say... like I never expected Gege to come out and overtly say megumiki is canon (because he seems to only do it for very specific ships), but...
Excuse me, wut?
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We don't even see them interact in real time?
I seriously don't even know what or how to feel because, as of chapter 225, it's all still so inconclusive, and with the way Gege is rushing, who knows whether he'll elaborate.
That said, the story is not over yet and he might still reveal something. Otherwise I have to come to terms with the idea that Gege gaslighted me lol 🤡.
And, yes, I feel gaslighted because I know a "canon" ship when I see one! I know I've said this three hundred million times, but the way Gege introduced this dynamic was soooo ambiguous.
He presented them as "childhood friends to lovers" and then *boom!* jk they're step siblings. Gege is a troll, let us never forget that.
I was genuinely upset that she ended up dead because it felt like we were going to get this big reveal with them and it just never panned out
I'm curious to hear more about what you thought would/should have happened.
I think for me, I would have liked to see that apology. Perhaps even Megumi letting his guard down and being vulnerable with her. But he literally wears his "cold and aloof emo boy" mask right up until he realizes Tsumiki has been long gone.
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The sheer look of terror in his face is *chef's kiss* and probably some of the realest panels with Megumi since he hardly ever shares how he feels.
Also, the fact that he says "all this time" implies the obvious idea that Yorozu was acting like Tsumiki all along--I just also feel like it isn't out of the question to overthink and assume Yorozu might have been leading Megumi on as Tsumiki.
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That's not to mention his inability to see Tsumiki as having her own sense of self and agency. To Megumi, Tsumiki is a doll, an idea to be protected, not a real person with her own desires and thoughts. That's not to say Megumi didn't love her, just that Megumi is immature about how he relates to her. Heck, they both are!
So I am not surprised by the outcome because to me it feels like Gege was always going for tragedy with megumiki. On so many levels too... but I have to be honest, I would have liked to see her, Tsumiki. Not Megumi's idea/memory of her.
So again, it makes sense we never saw Tsumiki because we're experiencing jjk through Megumi's pain rn, and in Megumi's mind, Tsumiki is a damsel in distress that needs to be rescued. She's an idea, a projection of Megumi's emotional life.
I have my issues with Gege and the way he kills off his female characters as a way to power up other characters. I am not a fan.
Yeah, not to excuse him, it's just that the way I see it we're just seeing the edge of feminism in Japan. I'm not sure a lot of fans are aware that Japan ranks low in the feminism index for being a developed nation.
Coincidentally, a moot recently posted about how the women in Gundam Wing basically serve the purpose of powering up other characters, most frequently males.
I reckon this might be a frequent theme in manga geared at young boys? idk...
I like to think that the women getting sacrificed in jjk is an unconscious cultural and societal bias about how women's role is to support men? Who knows...
But I feel like everyone else got some closure when their character died. Megumi and Tsumiki did not get that closure.
Yeah I totally get you!
Hell, as of right now, Megumi himself does not have closure. We don't even know if he'll survive.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed tho. I can't imagine Gege won't at least say something about only Megumi's most important person.
I would go a step further to say that the last real conversation they had was when she threw the strawberry milk at him. Because she was possessed by Yorozu and I don't think that Tsumiki was in there at that point. So they left on horrible terms. Which is completely heartbreaking.
Na, that was Tsumiki.
Remember she went into a comma when she became possessed.
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Regardless, as you say, they totally left off in bad terms, which only makes it all the more tragic. So, again, we're seeing Megumi's immaturity showing.
I may or may not be exploring this theme in the fic I've been working on someday I will finish it dammit.
It's just that I 👏🏼 am 👏🏼 telling 👏🏼 you, Gege is one of those mangaka that does 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 do 👏🏼 happy pairings.
I know "tragic" ships that are "meant to be" is not everyone's cup of tea but I find it so compelling.
I view Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship as completely different from Yorozu and Sukuna's relationship.
Yes! I do too. I just also agree with the idea that, psychologically, Sukuna and Yorozu are an exploration of the toxic traits of the bond they shared.
Basically, Tsumiki is a girl who takes her role of "big sister" a little too seriously, possibly to the detriment of their "romantic" bond because it causes conflict with Megumi.
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So you have Sukuna mirroring that very same dynamic with Yorozu in which Sukuna is not interested in how Yorozu tries to relate to him. Yorozu basically wants to own and subdue Sukuna.
What is Tsumiki doing when she's nagging at Megumi not to fight? Well-intentioned or not, Tsumiki is trying to control Megumi and Megumi does not like it.
Anyways, that's how I see it.
But again, yes! They're their own person. Sukuna is not Megumi and Tsumiki is not Yorozu.
I think above all, regardless of how uninterested Megumi might "look", I just can't imagine that Megumi would have killed someone if it wasn't because of how much she means to him.
I think I already mentioned this but there's a post in this hellsite that implies Megumi and Tsumiki had a rocky relationship because of the panels we see of them. But I couldn't disagree more with the post because...
1) it fails to acknowledge that Megumi's poker face is an act. Megumi is the kind of character who looks aloof while there's an emotional storm brewing within
2) again, if they really had such an awful relationship and there were no good times for Megumi to think back on, why would he go through such great lengths to save her?
In the end, these are two kids who were abandoned, who've had no one else but each other to rely on. They don't know what a healthy relationship looks like so it's likely they had a rocky and dysfunctional relationship.
Anyways, I was so sad when she died. I really wanted Megumi to get up and fight but he was so defeated it crushed me.
I know 🥲.
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He's all traumatized... I need him to save himself...
Sorry for the long post.
Sorry for the long wait!! I've literally been just working and have been working on answering your ask for a couple of weeks now. Thanks for your patience!
Thank you for stopping by and keep the #thoughts coming! <3
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cyeayt · 10 months
If you’re reading a post describing a problem (this post focuses on fandom but I think some of it should be applicable irl) and you relate to the behavior or belief being criticized, that does not make you a bad person or inherently wrong. However, your response is important.
You probably need to process it, see how and why it applies to you, and if necessary, take steps to change it.
Examine the thesis of the post. What is the thing op is actually talking about? Does it really apply to you? Do you understand why op is calling the thing harmful? Do you agree? (For me these have mostly been yes, but who knows maybe you’ve found someone you want to block. Note: if you do end up deciding that the post is wrong, make sure it’s for reasons other than your discomfort. Curate your spaces but learn to take criticism.)
Dig into your mind. How does this apply to you? How often and in what circumstances do you do the thing? Why? Is your doing of the thing actively harmful? (Probably not on a huge scale, we’re all just people with phones, but you are part of collective movements opinions and actions.)
This is the most uncomfortable part. If you find yourself to be a perpetrator of something you’ve deemed harmful, don’t freak out. You are human, you are imperfect, and you can change and grow.
After identifying why and where the behavior happens, think about what you can do to break or reduce it. This might be hard. It’s okay and probably good if you have to put direct effort into it. Your brain is a ball of squirming meaty worms, and being aware that they’re squirming in a shape you don’t like won’t stop them from squirming there. Habit forming advice might be helpful here.
For example, this post is mostly talking about the tendency in fandom to focus on male characters. I’m guilty of this, and I’m working on it. Some things I’ve done/doing are: identifying women characters I already like and putting time into talking/drawing/writing/posting about them. Making effort to notice women characters in media im consuming. Figuring out why I don’t like certain women characters and deconstructing the stereotypes and mischaracterizations I often find there. Making women ocs with traits I tend to like in male characters.
These are just things that have worked for me in that area, but the energy and point can be translated into other problems as well. This is the longest step. It’s not even really a step, more of a habit to be formed. There isn’t a point where you’ll complete something and be able to go: wow, I’ve got it!
You’re also not alone. Depending on the subject, there might be books, posts, podcasts, zines, etc to help you. You can make posts yourself about it, talk to your mutuals and friends. Discuss it with people irl, if you can.
(Note, this is where it slips into minority “it’s not our job to educate you” territory. I agree with this sentiment. But oftentimes if you do a little digging, you will find someone who wants to and is making an effort to. I see this mostly in the context of white supremacy, the unlearning of which is a difficult and uncomfortable journey. Basically, don’t expect people to cater to you, but also chances are someone’s already written a book about it.)
I don’t have a conclusion to this post. It’s kinda rambly and the organization was dropped in favor of smaller more readable paragraphs.
Disclaimer! I am just some guy(?)! I don’t have that much experience! If this comes off as pretentious I’m sorry I’m just trying to be nice and understanding. I have and will engage in problematic behaviors in the past future, and right now probably, because its impossible not to. Chasing standards of moral perfection will always fail because it doesn’t exist and people are beautiful horrible messes and we all live under capitalism anyway. This doesn’t mean you can’t try to be better, but if you try to be perfect you’re going to have a nervous breakdown. Improvement is constant and eternal work!
I am personally also just naturally very self aware and good at identifying what’s going on in my brain. If you asked me how to deconstruct an assumption I wouldn’t be able to tell you. I would probably do an allegory with a big nasty knotted ball of string that hangs in your attic, and you just start poking the handle of a broom up into it at a frequency that is up to you. Once or twice a week I take a second to run through my misogynistic hall of mirrors and widen the cracks in a few of them and stick post it notes of women I love all over the place.
Also have fun and do whatever you want.
Did you know there’s a limit to the number of tags you can put on a post? I didn’t!
https://mashable.com/article/how-to-be-antiracist <- fun read, very important and topical, but also exploring ideas that can be extrapolated to other areas and biases
#can you tell that the idea of releasing this post into the wild is making me shake like a tiny feild mouse#I’ve never posted with this much implied authority behind my words before I just thought confidence would be key to the message#fandom#discourse#fandom discourse#weh#misogyny#racism#fatphobia#ableism#all the isms#neurodiversity#just cause I think I’ve tried to make this inclusive#homophobia#sometimes you run into something and go#how could I be holding stereotypical views of [identity]#I am identity?#this happened to me for a bit and the answer is well it’s still possible and you should still deal with it#okay#actual content of post over! time for my rant#so basically my mom is a toeing the line radfem who would have gone down the terf pipeline if I hadn’t come out when I did#which I’m grateful she didn’t go fully but whatever#and I think that in my efforts to distance myself from her beliefs I kinda distanced myself from feminism in general#and also let myself think that anything she said about it was inherently wrong#which put me into like a place with feminism that was kinda equivalent to where people who call themselves color blind are with racism#and like#my moms still wrong about a lot of stuff but I can’t not care about women but because she’s incapable of seeing things through other lenses#also internal processes that happened to my relationship to femininity when I transitioned#whatever#reminder to myself to get and complete the anti racist workbook I know of
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viilpstick · 1 year
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╰┈➤𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠: The sweet tune of the song was like the wind through her quietly enchanting. Walking over the skies as some type of dance, as he warm peach-like hand held hers.
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: Monique D'automne, Vil Schoenheit, Twisted Wonderland oc
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: English is not my first language, so please, keep that in mind if there is any spelling mistakes, Oc x Canon, Maybe OCC, Kinda Cringey, Slight SA (?)
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: Fluff!
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“Hey, looks like a little mouse lost its way.” Two Senior guys leaned in to take a look a Monique's features, something that it was not common to her; attention. It was usually people around her that stand out, she was just someone in the crowd. Resulting in the sudden approaching being awfully odd, and… Scary? Words were not found to describe, but indeed she was confused.
The three alone in the almost dark hallway, Monique just made her way out of the library and usually the place wasn’t “dangerous”, in any kinda of way.
“Oh, no... I'm not lost.” Monique says, her eyes looking up, but her head pointing to the ground, already planning to leave not looking behind.
“This little mouse looks thirsty…”
“we should take her for a cup of tea.”
A smirk of amusement grows into one of the Senior guy’s face. A shiver crossed her spine, and her throat locked up any disgusted noises. She steps away from them setting down her boundaries.
“No, thanks. My friend’s waiting me…”
“She’s pretty cute for a cat.” The tall male ignored Monique’s protests.
A cold air makes her way to her lungs, taking a deep breath not wanting to hear more from neither of them.
“How old are you anyway? What’s your homeland?” Curiously he asks.
Yet, she’s not willingly to give her answer.
“Leave me alone.” She says stepping away, but instead of leaving her be, the boy leaned closer looking to his friend.
“You see? Your teeth scare the girls.” His friend grins looking to him with teasing tone, as he angrily chuckles showing the pointy teeth, which, Monique didn’t even noticed, until the mention.
“So? She’s even cuter when scared.” They laughed along, the predatory tone loud and clear. She seemed to feel her body get frozen by a student’s signature spell.
Her foot moved a bit back, but she feels something touch her shoulders and back like a embrace, nervously she looks up to see a gentleman with blonde hair with tips in shade of purple.
”There you are, sweetheart. Sorry, I am late. I was looking everywhere for you.” He chuckles, the facial recognition was quick, the top model and actor: Vil Schoenheit. Here in their front. Defending the Ramshackle’s president.
”Hey! We’re busy here!” The boy tries to argue. As Monique watched the scene with a small satisfaction, that was showing in her face as confusion, she doesn’t remember to helped him in any way for him to be doing this, guess he has his reasons.
“Are you really? It looked to me, you were just leaving.” Vil leans closer to Monique size from her back, his eyes showing nothing but a hint of threat towards the older guys. They shiver under the eye contact, walking away with no looking back. Monique looks up to Vil, to see the angry aura nowhere near him.
“Don’t hold it against them. They are not bad at all.” He remarks, gently taking her chin for her to look up. “Now, stop frowning or else you going to have wrinkles.” His eyebrow raises naturally along with the smirk. “Where to? I’ll be your escort this evening.” Nothing more, nothing much, he says it fully sure of what he wants to do.
“I’m going to Heartslabyul.” She answers immediately him, unsure why of the sudden company, specially from someone like him, that according to Cater is so adored.
“Well, all the way around, walking it will take fifteen minutes… But…” A grin crosses his lips with a toned between purple and red. “What do you think of flying, dearie?” His question felt unserious and also not like a question at all.
“Excuse me?” He takes Monique’s hand a kiss in the back of her hand, left her already speechless, the gesture was so reassuring.
He walks up to the closest window holding her hand, the same one he place the kiss. At some point, she thought he was asking for a double suicide. But, when she leasts expects, there Monique was, walking on air or trying to with Vil holding her hands like a a slow dance. She watched the campus with him.
“Now, straight up your posture… No, no, your legs, straighten them up. And just walk.” Easy as that, he must think, she tries to relax and focus on the hard steps. “See? It’s not that hard. Is it? You’re a natural.” Vil endearingly speaks, his tone of a gentleman and voice soothing yet of a teaser. Once they arrive Heartslabyul back garden, he smiles, placing them both on the floor again. “I will make sure those boys won’t bother you anymore. But, do be careful around those type of people, on way or another.”
“Understood. Thank you.” Bowing her head thankfully to him, she hears a small chuckle in a low tone.
“That’s my girl.”
And with that, she sees himself vanishing from her point of view. That, for sure, was an interesting encounter. To say the least.
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starriwonderland · 2 years
Hello my dear! I end up seeing your new blog and I truly hope you have sucess on Tumblr! Anyways, I would like to know if I could request headcanons of Cater, Vil and Trey conforting a male!S/O who is just so burned out from the school? Bonus points if there is some cuddling envolved!
I wish the best for you, sweetie! I am so happy to see more writers around here! 💜
Genre(s): Comfort, fluff, romance
Reader: Male
Warnings: mentions of burnout and breakdown.
Thank you so much! I still have a long way to go as a writer but I hope these headcanons even though it kinda turned into scenarios (sorry I couldn't help it) are tailored to your liking. Sorry it took so long I struggled writing Cater as I didn't want to portray him in a shallow way. Also I know my writing style is kinda wonky, since I keep accidentally switching between first and third person :,)
Anyways I hope you enjoy!
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• I can imagine Cater has had his fair share of burnouts
• The way Cater would deal with this depends on how close you guys are in a relationship
• If you guys aren't deep in the relationship he might either let someone else deal with the matter and stand to the side Cater how could you?!
• On the other hand if you guys are in a close relationship he will listen to his boyfriend vent and even offer solutions to the problem
• You and Cater would have cuddle-to-de-stress sessions and it does BOTH of you good.
• Does his best to help with your studies but I can assure you he's not getting tangled in Ace and Deuce's shenanigans. (unless it makes for a great Magicam video.)
• Does check up on you from time to time and reminds you to take breaks. He doesn't like seeing you overwork yourself
"Come on Y/n!" One of Cater's clones grabbed your hand "We're supposed make sure that you aren't overworking yourself again." the h/c male would've protested, but the clones had taken care of everything before he could even lift a finger. Even though Cater's unique magic used quite an amount of power, he was willing to lighten Y/n's burden from to time. "Cater?" Y/n mumbled sleepily "What's up?" Cater rolled over to look at him. "Thank you" his voice trailed off at the end and soft snores could be heard. An affectionate smile adorned the orange haired man as he caressed his boyfriend's face. Yes it was worth it.
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• Honestly at first Vil thinks that you've been staying up all night when he sees the bags under your eyes.
• Probably lectured you on why a full 8 hours of sleep was important for your well being
• The headmaster had been very demanding of you lately asking you to complete tasks that were next to impossible because "he's so kind".
• This wasn't the first time You had to call Vil to cancel your date because of attempting some other impossible duty to earn your stay in Twisted Wonderland. Vil was frustrated because he really tries to make time in his schedule for you two to bond.
Y/n was sitting on the chaise lounge in Vil's room with his head down as Vil stood in front of him. "Please look at me when I'm talking to you," Vil was the first to break the silence. The smaller male slowly lifted his head. Vil's tone didn't sound like one filled with anger but rather hurt. "Is there a reason why you've been avoiding me?" He sighed and waited for a response but all y/n could do was repeatedly open their mouth while no sound came out. Vil was about to say something else when y/n they finally broke-down about everything. Vil was slightly taken a back by this reaction, but he did understand. It must've been stressful having to handle so many responsibilities that should be handled by the headmaster. "Come here potato," Vil pulled his boyfriend into a hug and dried Y/n's tears. Hugs from Vil are special since he rarely initiates physical contact. "I don't want you to feel like you have to shoulder everything alone." Vil watched y/n fall into a peaceful sleep while he were laying on his bed. He was gonna have a word or two with that crow in the morning.
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• Trey would be the quickest to realize
• Lately you seemed tired and more busy than usual.
• There where upcoming tests for the semester, and the one braincell duo's antics weren't making things any easier.
• Regardless you couldn't find the motivation put anymore effort in.
• Trey took notice of this and pulled you aside to ask if everything was okay
• Magicless human or not he's not making the same mistake he did that contributed to Riddle's overblot.
• Trey listened as you told him you were feeling stressed and burned out from all that was going on in school.
"Alright," Trey said when you were finished speaking "I'll speak to Ace and Deuce next time I see them. As for your studies, we can hold study sessions. I think it would benefit the dorm." Trey got up from his seat and was headed to the kitchen, "But for now," he turned to y/n, "I'll make you you're favorite dessert!" Trey knew exactly how to cheer you up when you needed it the most. As Y/n was embraced in Trey's arms, he knew that even though everything wasn't perfect at the moment, he could rest assured it would get better.
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marsgod · 2 years
| Info you need! v
More character prompts and dumps! received from a bunch of dialogue prompt generators
Warnings; minor cussing, romantic/platonic relationships, weed intake in the first scenario
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“He was unconscious when I found him!”
You glanced between Ruggie, laying passed out with drool smudged around his face, and Leona who was staring above the both of you.
“Why.. Why didn’t you say something? Or literally anything else but lie there with him..” It wasn’t really a question, but you answered anyways,
“‘Cause the shithead stole my happy brownies and I’m gonna demand compensation. I don’t want him escaping.”
“He’s not gonna be able to do anything for the next few hours, by the looks of it.” Leona continued to observe Ruggie, who had turned on his stomach and was now mumbling unintelligibly,
“Wanna take a nap with us?”
“Yeah sure, so, was there any more ‘happy’ snacks or what?”
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“I want to be there when you get what’s coming to you.”
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?!” Ace’s eyebrows furrowed with offense, Deuce shrugged as Cater snickered besides him, “This is a full proof plan, for you’re information! Have I ever been wrong?”
Deuce stared Ace in the eyes, completely deadpan, the only noise coming from Cater staring between them and trying not to snort too loud.
“… Anyways, you heard the plan! What could possibly, possibly go wrong?
“I’m sorry, you want to carry an air mattress to the stairs and ride down said stairs on the air mattress. So for starters, we could get hurt, [Name] and or Yuu could find out, Grim finds out and then-“
“ALRIGHT! For fuck’s sake, I get it, you’re a pet and are scared of getting in trouble. And as for the ‘getting hurt’ bit, I have gathered every pillow and blanket in Heartslabyul!”
“We’re still not doing that, it’s fucking stupid.”
“Ugh, you are absolutely no fun, Juice.”
“My name is Deuce, dipshit.”
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“Did you ever care about me?!”
You sniffled, looking at Idia, trying to find any source of sadness, but he grinned and laughed,
“In the name of winning, absolutely not!”
“Oh my god, you fucking capitalist, fine! Take your damn money-!” You threw multiple monopoly money at Idia’s face as he cackled, rendering you money-less and out of the game.
“Can we go now? We’ve been here for awhile…” Azul groaned, allowing his head to fall on his empty side of the table. Idia looked at his stacks of money, half of the board covered in houses, smug enough where you wanna smack him upside the head.
“Maybe next time you guys can actually try to beat me…” Azul and you both immediately shot a glare at him, both full of bitterness. Azul, because he was the first one out and you because you brought the god-forbidden game.
“Shut the hell up, Idia.”
“Yes, do be quiet.” Idia snorted at the two of you’s suffering.
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“Did you know that you fucking suck at this?”
“Oh my god, who the hell invited you?”
Floyd grinned, “[Name] did, so fuck you!” Leona groaned in displeasure, Ruggie snickered at the bantering before turning to you.
“You good? You had your head down this entire time,” You looked at him tiredly, “I remembered how much I fucking hate bowling, and this guy just argued that this alone bowling ball at the stand was his.”
“Yikes, wanna go to the arcade and win some shitty, dollar store prizes?”
“Sound fantastic, thanks, how long do you think Leona and Floyd are gonna argue over who’s worse at bowling?”
“No clue, but at least it’s funny..?”
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weebsinstash · 3 years
Combining the two ideas in your recent post: Reader's loyal chat fans are all excited watching them get ready for their Big Date with Valentino, watching Reader get dressed and do their hair and spritz on some perfume and whatnot. Chat can't stop gushing about how cute and precious they are. Then a few hours later stood-up Reader bursts back into their room sobbing, flopping on their bed and WEEPING. And the chat is just all "😤😤😤VALENTINO!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO OUR Y/N !!!"
Goddddddddddd i love how you guys have learned to cater to my fetish for drama 🙌
Poor Reader had become a mini celebrity and doesn't even know it. You have hundreds of thousands of fans and don't even know. Valentino probably starts keeping a closer eye on you and trying to keep you from having a personal life because he doesn't want you finding out when you're out in public, but I imagine it would be near impossible to keep it a secret after a while. Like legit if Reader had ANY social media, they would eventually be found and someone would just DM you, either as a rabid crazy fan or just to be polite and say "hey, I think you should know that there are hidden cameras in your bedroom livestreaming all over Hell"
God can you imagine like, other characters "meeting Reader" by finding out about the livestreams. Charlie is disgusted because you seem so nice, Alastor thinks you seem absolutely charming and uses this as another pin in his " this is why technology is evil" cushion, Asmodeus is chilling down in Lust wondering if he can get you to come and work for him, I.M.P happened to just stumble upon someone watching while they're on the job, maybe Vox even starts tuning in because he noticed his boyfriend has his eye on you and it turns out you guys like the same video games
But anyways, WOW, sometimes when I'm really upset I'll just. Talk aloud, right. Just imagine poor YN taking off all their nice clothes and/or makeup/jewelry/accessories and just being near hysterical while basically narrating their every thought, since it's already really common for people to talk to themselves when they're alone. Reader just SOBBING "fucking PRICK!! I knew this was going to happen!! He was just trying to play a trick on me! Why did I even bother?! I knew I wasn't special!!"
And of course your fans are heartbroken (except the horny freaks getting off on your tears) but who else is in the chat? Valentino, because of course he is. And now he gets a front row seat to hearing more of your insecurities and seeing just how much power he has over you, just absolutely GRINNING as he sees how you had your hopes up for this, that you want his attention whether you like it or not, that now he's got you right where he wants
He'll "take the L" and give you a disingenuous but mildly convincing apology, maybe even getting you flowers and gifts to help soften the blow. Like, shit, imagine being ready to straight up deck him one and suddenly he's giving you a nice ring or necklace just studded with gemstones and looking awfully expensive. You go from "this whole thing was a mistake and it's never happening again, we're through" to "oh my gosh, uh, you didn't have to buy this for me, it looks so expensive, uh, I'm sorry 😳🥺 its really nice, thank you ❤"
I guess that's just, not even romanticism because that's exactly what abusive people like him do. They beat you down so it feels amazing when they start building you back up, in their own image of course. Poor Reader is going to be wrapped around his finger 😳
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call-me-aesthetic · 3 years
If Twisted Wonderland was an American Public School
WARNING: There are some slight sensitive topics that are featured in here! Reader discretion is advised!
Part 2 can be found here
Riddle Rosehearts:
- That one preppy girl who takes all honors and AP classes 😑
- Wants everyone to know that he’s becoming a doctor one day for his strict parents or he’ll dishonor the family
- Reminds the teacher about homework, knowing well that he’ll get slander for it
- Complains about how he got a 90 on his test or a B on his report card, a try hard much?
- Wears a cardigan with thicc but cute glasses since he’s one of those people with can’t see shit on the board so he has to move to the front of the class
Ace Trappola:
- The SoundCloud rapper, that’s it
- “Wanna listen to my mixtape? It’s pretty fire, my guy.” 😩🔥
- You will not miss him BLASTING out some song on his Bluetooth speaker, that shit be echoing through the hallways
- Tells you to stop what you’re doing only for him to either sing horribly or do a backflip, thinking that he’s so cool
- Wears a Supreme jacket with AirPods and waves on his head
Deuce Spade:
- Assuming that he’s still a delinquent, he’s that kid with the most fucked up school record
- Not much of a bully but will still talk shit to your face without caring, might even throw stuff at you during a lesson and you would be the one getting in trouble instead of him 🗿
- If he ever gets mad, it would be overdramatic like kicking the desks, punching the lockers, or walking out of the classroom unannounced and everyone would look at each other wondering wtf happened
- Covers the entire desks with drawings of skulls and those “s” if you know what I mean
- Wears Champion hoodies, wants you to know that he’s broke and rich at the same time
Trey Clover:
- The guy that’s not really popular but everyone knows him since he’s in all their classes
- Most people might have a crush on him because he’s REALLY nice 😳👉👈
- Gives off “older brother” vibes based on the way he looks and acts, like offering you a ride home if you beg ask nicely
- Secretly bakes creme brulee but doesn’t want to mess with the flow so he sticks to the status quo
- Wears the school’s hoodie just because he thinks it looks good on him, and the fact that he doesn’t know what else to wear
Cater Diamond:
- Hot Cheetos girl 🥵
- Has a whole buffet of food in his backpack and will not hesitate to eat them during a lesson, no sharing either sorry
- Excuses himself to the bathroom or full on skips class just to film a Tiktok
- Has about 100 followers on Instagram Magicam and brags about how he’s famous
- Wears a Thrasher hoodie with large hoop earrings and his hair in a bun
Leona Kingscholar:
- The kid who flunked their freshman year that also sort of vibes with new classmates
- Always gets mistaken as a teacher by people since he looks and sounds old
- Knows the lessons but still fails them anyways, didn’t really give a damn either 🙄
- Captain of every sports club you can think of, never actually plays but has a lot of knowledge on them
- Wears the school’s letterman from years ago since it used to be his brother’s and that he’s too lazy to buy a new one
Ruggie Bucchi:
- That one kid who NEVER has money for the book fair or any other school event
- Always has to ask his classmates for some cash
- If he somehow does, then he’s one of those kids who buys Diary of the Wimpy Kid or the World Record books
- If he’s feeling cheap, he’ll buy the “cool stuff” like the chocolate scented calculator or fruit snacks 😭
- Wears oversized hoodies and basketball shorts that are clearly hand-me-downs
Jack Howl:
- That one athletic kid who’s both scary good and competitive when it comes to school games like football or soccer
- Literally the best player on his team and without him, they’re trash as hell 💀
- Tries his absolute best to support his teammates without yelling at them for how dumb they are
- Wears the school’s jersey just to show off his “school spirit”
Azul Ashengrotto:
- The kid who sell snacks for “charity” but everyone knows he’s keeping the money to himself
- If you don’t have cash or try to negotiate with him, the only thing he’ll do is raise the price up
- “What do you mean you don’t have ten bucks? I can see it in your pocket.”
- Just bring nothing with you, he’ll doing anything to steal your stuff 🤭
- Wears a collar shirt with a tie and khakis that have pockets to keep his glasses and money in
Jade Leech:
- The kid who puts on a goody two shoes facade but is actually a stoner
- Only does “safe” drugs like vape but occasionally smokes weed, mostly in the bathroom or behind the school 🌬
- Can play it off and hide the scent when he’s high, teachers never suspect anything from him
- No one really cares to stop him unless he gets caught or something idk
- Wears clothing that either makes him look like a businessman or a junky, there’s nothing in between
Floyd Leech:
- The kid that’s plays basketball or volleyball just because he’s hella tall, and is actually good at the sports but doesn’t put much effort into them
- Always stays behind after gym, even though the teacher tries to make him leave for his next class 😬
- “I swear after this one shot, I’ll go to class.” *He never made that shot*
- Will jump you no matter who or where you are, and will get angry if you step on his new shoes
- Wears the jersey of any famous team with the latest pair of Jordan sneakers
Kalim Al Asim:
- VSCO girl at best, don’t lie to me now 🤡
- The only words he knows are “And I oop– sksksk.” and “Save the turtles.”
- Walks during a track meet while everyone else is running and sweating hard, the teacher doesn’t care either
- Doesn’t really do anything in gym but talks to his classmates and stands near the water fountain to refill his Hydro flask
- Wears tie dye shirts with cute scrunchies
Jamil Viper:
- That one quiet kid who everybody thinks is a serial killer but he’s actually not, I swear
- He just wants school to be over and spend the rest of his summer relaxing 😔
- Although he shouldn’t abuse his “power,” he‘ll move his hands in his pockets or backpack to make it look like he’s about to pull a weapon out.
- “Chill, I’m just grabbing a pencil.” *Everyone in the class started crying*
- Wears dark colored hoodies that intimidates people but are actually comfy
Vil Schoenheit:
- The baddie popular girl 😌💅✨
- Arrives to school late with a Starbucks in hand from his local Target
- Fixes himself every 5 seconds like reapplying his lipgloss or spraying Bath and Body Works cherry blossom perfume
- Uses acrylic nails and long hair extensions as weapons during a cat fight
- Wears a crop top with ripped jeans and those clout sunglasses
Rook Hunt:
- That creepy guy in the hallways who tries to get your attention, even if you don’t know him
- Scares people when he says, “Ayo, where my hug at?” 🥶💯
- Uses at least 10 cans of Axe body spray a week after gym class, which stinks up the locker rooms
- Waves at you if he passes your class, even walking into the room just to say hi
- Wears literally anything but always include a hat
Epel Felmier:
- The artist girl who just wants to be alone 🧑‍🎨
- Purposely draws in front of you but pretends like you’re not looking
- If you complement him, he’ll just brush it off and proceeds to diss himself
- “Thanks but I’m not THAT good at drawing, teehee.” *Insert Radio Rebel face*
- Wears a hoodie or a cardigan with big pockets to put his art supplies in
Idia Shroud:
- I don’t even need to tell you who he is, y’all already know ahaha 🥴
- Sneaks a whole PlayStation in his backpack so he can play with it during lunch
- Is on his phone 24/7 even in class to the point where teachers don’t care anymore
- Tries to get people into anime but only to little success
- Wears a shirt of any anime character or that damn ahegao hoodie, girl bye
Ortho Shroud:
- The nerdy kid who’s known for destroying others at many games
- Plays classics like D&D, Yugioh, Pokémon, the whole shabang
- Daily Beyblade battles during recess with everyone surrounding him, the menacing aura radiates off of him
- Will steal your things if you lose to him but gives it back a week later cuz he’s sweet 🥰
- Wears light up Sketchers shoes and those Minecraft shirts you find at Old Navy
Malleus Draconia:
- The theatre kid who also goes to band practice, change my mind 👁👄👁
- Takes his role seriously when it comes to school plays and concerts, even if he gets casted as a damn tree or doesn’t go solo
- Remembers the songs and their lyrics to any musical you name, a really good singer at that too
- Plays almost every instrument, you definitely know this since you can hear him down the hallways during a test
- Wears a white button up shirt, black pants with fancy dress shoes, and top it all off with a fricking Rolex watch
Lilia Vanrouge:
- The weird guy who pranks people and vandalizes school property in every way possible
- If you ever get a textbook with a message that tells you to go to a certain page only for you to found a picture of a dick, yeah that was him 😒
- When using a Chromebook, he’ll leave a tab open on YouTube so when the next person uses it, pray that your ears will still work by tomorrow
- During lunch, he is a literal DEMON that mixes milk with chicken nuggets together and having the audacity to eat it too
- Wears an oversized raincoat or a windbreaker but idk wtf kind of things he has hiding underneath
- That guy in class who consumes Monster energy drinks and falls asleep 99% of the time but somehow manages to pass the class 🤷
- Whenever he’s awake, he’ll talk to the teachers since he’s basically friends with them for some reason
- Writes his name out of boredom on any desk you sit on but in different places, sometimes around the corners or the sides
- Has a sixth sense because he’ll wake up if you try to draw on his face and if you did get something on him, it’s on sight
- Wears those colorful hoodies that zips all the way up to cover his face with a matching backpack, it’s pretty cool ngl
Sebek Zigvolt:
- That kid who literally knows everything about historical wars and will show it off during class
- Also has knowledge on weaponry, which has people questioning him but he’s just very dedicated on serving his country and people
- Knows how to fight and defend himself from a bitch since he spent his summer at a military boot camp, put respect on my man’s name 😤
- Honestly a great partner for a group project, actually does the given work but not the whole thing for you
- Wears anything that has camo pattern and chunky combat boots
I only made this because me and my friends were talking about our school memories so yeah. This is based from my experience so they might not be exactly accurate. Might even be a part two if you want.
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This turned out to be a mini rant. 😭
But there's just a lot of xyz fem lead from xyz anime hentai. But ZERO MEN
Who's feeding the women, the gays, and literally anyone but the hetero men?!?
Aizawa's pretty, pretty arms holding up his partner (me) as fuck against the teacher's table? ( Ah, ahhhhh)
Aizawa's pretty exposed chest gleaming with sweat? 🥵
His pretty thighs? Thigh riding Aizawa???? Oh man, thigh riding Aizawa over his hero suit and leaving stains? (Or maybe riding him over his formal suit is better as he'd have to see the press like that and what if someone nitpicks his outfit like "wtf is that on his leg???")
His legs must be firm right?? Kinda wanna kiss his legs all the way to his inner thighs before sucking his dry.
(xoxo, an anon too ashamed to say it with my whole chest)
Babe, you are so right, like where is my hentai with a big buff guy fucking a chubby cutie and ACTUALLY fucking her right like jesus christ touch her clit at least a little, not everybody gets off from penetration alone 🙄😒
ANYWAYS I wrote a lil somethin for ya but it turned out way more romantic than I planned so I'm sorry if that wasn't what you were looking for sksksk but I hope you still enjoy it :)
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Aizawa x gender neutral reader
Word Count: 674
CW: smut, a smidge of angst, romance
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“Still with me, kitten?”
You weren’t sure. You could still hear him, and you could feel your fourth orgasm fizzling away, but your legs were starting to go numb from being held up for so long. You swallowed hard, gasping for air as you met his gaze. His sharp eyes were dilated, peering down at you between the few strands of hair that fell out of his ponytail.
“Did you hear me, Y/N?” he asked, squeezing your thigh. You inhaled sharply, blinking a few times before you nodded. He hummed, smoothing his hand over your leg, pressing a kiss to the side of your knee. “Mind if I keep going?”
You took a deep breath, eyes skimming over your boyfriend’s frame. His sculpted chest covered in dark hairs, strong arms that had hooked your legs over his sturdy shoulders. He was rock solid underneath that baggy hero uniform, muscular and hardened over years of training. You clenched around him unconsciously as you admired him, making him grunt softly, eyes closing. He licked his lips as he opened his eyes again, giving you that familiar hungry stare.
“Is that a ‘yes’?”
You thought back on the prior events of this evening: Aizawa coming home late, apologizing for not letting you know that he would be working an extra four hours, holding you close as you sobbed against his chest and cried about worrying that he had been killed. Your fluids pooled out of you as you remembered what followed, how you had smashed your lips into Shouta’s, clawing at his form, trying to ground yourself against him and realize that he hadn’t died and that he was here, holding you, kissing you back, pulling you to sit on his lap on the couch. That’s when you actually ground yourself into him, your sex rubbing incessantly against his firm leg, his thick thigh pushing up into you, giving you the friction you needed. It wasn’t long before he pushed you onto your back, pulling down your shorts and engulfing your sex with his mouth, swirling his tongue and sucking harshly. He didn’t let you go until you were crying, begging for him to be inside you.
Aizawa had always been mysterious, so surprises came and went constantly. Seeing him naked for the first time left you especially shocked, and, even after all this time, you still hadn’t gotten used to it. Each defined muscle that flexed as he lifted your hips, pushing your legs back, holding you up just to drop you back down onto his cock over and over. You could see large arteries pulsing at the edge of his skin, one of the many evidences of his arousal, of his love for you.
“I’m sorry,” he had repeated for the umpteenth time, hips smacking into yours. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry—”
You were only able to moan in response, accepting his apologies every time you came, his name gracing your lips and leaving him aching for more. He was like an animal at times like these, his body acting on its own accord, any rationality he had fading out of existence as he lost himself in the feeling of you. He was wild, like an untamed beast. Feral. Yours.
“Y/N,” he almost pleaded, gulping audibly as he hung his head towards you. “Don’t make me wait… I want to cum in you… please…”
Even now, on the edge of falling apart, he still waited for your confirmation, your reassurance. It was never just about him; you were always there, always deserving more.
You loved him so much.
“Shou,” you whispered, a weak hand rising to touch his cheek. He looked up at you, turning his head to kiss your palm, waiting for your answer. “Please cum in me. Wanna make you feel good.”
Those words were all he needed to resort back to his primal ways, practically snarling as he began pumping himself into you again. It was hard and fast and overwhelming, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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twistedmusings · 3 years
Reading Between The Lines
A/N: I feel bad whenever I say 'hey here is what I am working on' and then my muses tell me 'no...this is what you are working on'. It's like my brain can't concentrate on one thing entirely q wq. In my defense though, I'm exploring my twst faves...and Cater may be a runner up to Vil...
Warnings: Dry humping, dirty talking and a quick handjob just as unsatisfying and ungratifying as Cater feeling like maybe he shouldn't have let you go just yet.
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Cater’s phone case cracked as it hit the floor, eyes locking with yours as you pull away from the Heartslabyul second year. Why had he even dropped his phone in the first place? The case had cost a lot and he had queued up for hours to get it, there should have been no reason for him to drop it.
Maybe the shock from seeing you in Heartslabyul?
No, that was normal. You were friends with Ace and Deuce after all so your presence in Heartslabyul was normal.
Maybe from seeing you in a bedroom that wasn’t a first year room?
He was coming to check up on a second year who had mentioned something about needing help in Astrology so Riddle had instructed Cater to help the guy out. The ‘strict Queen’ was aiming for the highest grade among the dorms, after all. So he was just carrying out his duty as an upperclassman!
So seeing you here, in this second year’s room, shirt around your elbows as a pair of hands--
that weren’t his--gently wrapped themselves around your waist was probably what made him drop his case.
Good to know, if he had come to that conclusion at any other time that you weren’t here, he might have said something mean to his lower-class men.
You move to fix your shirt as the second year rushes to apologize, walking up to him and spouting words Cater wouldn’t bother to hear. His eyes kept staring as you fixed yourself up to look a tad more proper than how he had found you.
It wasn’t like the sight of you in that state was unfamiliar to him, he just hadn’t seen it in a long time.
“Please just keep it between us, Cater-san! I don’t know what I’d do if the dorm head found out about this.”
He snaps out of his trance, looking down at the second year before grinning as he let out a slow hum, pretending to mull the request over in his head.
“Should I? If I remember correctly...Rule 345--Only when the sky turns red as it is dawning can a romantic partner be brought--”
“I--I’ll tell the dorm leader that you helped me with class!”
Cater grins, “That’s one way to make it up to me~ I guess for now I should leave you with a warning, right?” he tilts his head to call out to you, “The same goes for you [Y/N]-san! I can’t have you getting someone other than Ace and Deuce in trouble!”
He can't help but feel a sense of pride when you chuckle at what he had said, turning around to give him a peace sign as you walk by the second year.
“I’ll try to do an effort to hide in the closet next time.”
The second year takes your hand and kisses it, apologizing for the trouble and closing his eyes when your hands cup his cheek and pull him in for a kiss, the action making Cater look down at his phone and open whatever app he saw first.
You wave goodbye as Cater closes the door quickly, not giving you a chance to look at your second year lover fully as the both of you walk down the corridors of Heartslabyul in silence.
Green eyes keep looking at his phone, scrolling through Magicam absentmindedly but sparring you one look as he sees you scratching at a hickey--he would have left a bigger one-- the second year had left behind.
“Was he any good?”
In his defense, what had started between you two was clearly labeled as a ‘no feelings allowed, we are just here to have fun’ relationship. You seemed to understand his nature better than most and were down for something that wasn’t super serious and borderline erotic in a sense.
Cater was sure that you two had done it in at least one surface in every common room in Heartslabyul. The thought kept him awake at night, actually.
“Was he any good…” you repeat the question, “As good as I’m going to get from a second year.”
“Oh the poor guy.” Cater can’t help the snort that escapes him as you two walk down a set of stairs leading to the dorm’s entrance, “It is surprising you went for him, didn’t you mention that you liked the older type?”
“Well after a certain ‘older type’ decided to end things, I thought I should try my hand at something different. Change my ways, you know?”
He didn’t know. Cater had no idea what you were talking about, in fact. Why would you have to change your ways for anyone? You were amazing, interesting, entertaining and attention-grabbing all wrapped up in an older sibling type package that he had admitted to being attracted to when he had brought up the ‘friends with benefits’ proposition. If you changed in anyway he would be disappointed--
Dammit he was doing it again.
“If you want to start a relationship with someone in Heartslabyul, I would recommend Trey. He’s handsome, hardworking and you wouldn’t go hungry. Perfect man material right there.”
Cater knew that the small jab was directed at him so he decided to switch subjects, preferring not to linger in the awkward feeling that came with the consequences of his actions.
He ended things because he had broken the rules you both had set in place. Feelings weren't allowed and yet he had let them burrow deep inside his heart and fester like some sort of unknown virus. Cater didn't care for them so he nipped the problem in the bud, broke things off in an amicable manner and moved on.
But, like with everything in his life, it had all been an act.
If it had been just the sex keeping him awake, he would have understood. He's a healthy young man and some of the activities you two engaged in would make any first year jealous. And for a while the memories of you warming his bed generally did start to make him yearn for your warmth.
It was the possibilities of what you could have had that were driving him insane.
Would you have said no to a date? The only thing you two did when you were alone were have sex, make fun of Magicam models, sleep and then have sex some more so surely you would have liked a change of scenery as well.
But he didn't know you as much as he wished he did. Nights in his bed had been spent tossing and turning as to what your answer would have been. Why did he even care? You both still hung out, you still had his number, it wasn't like either of you were dead to each other!
Cater just didn't know how to react to you seeing someone else, if that is what you were even doing in the first place.
"Trey-senpai? I guess...he is rather sweet, isn't he?"
"In more ways than one."
"...but I will have to pass." you rub the back of your neck, "You know I don't like sweets."
The clock strikes ten as Cater's eyes take all of you in, his mind blanking out for a response before he clicks his tongue and points behind him.
"Say, Prefect, I think you may have left something in my room. Mind if I give it to you now?"
"Oh. Your case cracked."
"Yeah. Dropped my phone. Bummer, huh?"
"Here I thought you held onto that thing for dear life, can I see it?"
Cater laughs as he takes his phone out of his back pocket and hands it to you, turning back to dig in his drawer for the sole sock that you had left about a month ago.
Who was he bullshitting? He was panicking, plain and simple. Here he was, rummaging through his drawer like an idiot as he pretended to have a sock that he knew he didn't have all to keep you with him for a couple more minutes.
Stars, who was he? He didn't know himself anymore.
“And...dammit.” he laughs as he closes the bottom drawer of his heart closet, “Couldn’t find it. I’m sorry [Y/N]-chan, I shouldn’t have taken your time like that. Do you want me to walk you back to the dorm...or maybe you wanna talk on the phone while you walk there?”
He goes to grab his phone but stops as he turns to look at you, your fingers tracing the giant crack on the case before tapping it twice in quick succession.
“We both really messed up, huh?”
Cater blinks as your eyes stare at him as if, for a brief moment, you could look through him. Through the act, the apathy, the very thing that was keeping him at the seams but also making him feel like he would burst from the inside out.
“...what do you mean?”
You keep gazing at him for a couple of seconds before smiling as you hold up the phone.
“I shouldn’t have snuck into Heartslabyul to just get a need met...and you shouldn’t have walked into that poor student’s room without knocking.” you wave the phone around, “Now your precious item is broken.”
The conversation didn’t feel right. It felt as if you were saying something else and all Cater needed to do was read in between the lines.
But he refused to, he didn’t want to go below surface level. Everything would get so much more complicated if you both took that plunge.
Yet he was feeling daring, the smile on your face a clear challenge as he walked over to you and grabbed the edge of his phone.
“Maybe I wanted to break it.”
Silence reigns in the room as you two stare at each other, both of your hands holding onto the edge of his phone and daring the other to let go. He smiles and tugs on his edge, the movement effortlessly pulling you towards him as you snicker when the edge of your foot touches his.
“Cater.” you whisper as your hands slowly let go of the phone.
“Yes?” he whispers back, purposefully leaning over you as he places the phone on his desk.
“Nothing. I just like saying your name.”
Whether he started it or you started it honestly didn’t matter to him, the only thing Cater cared about was pulling you close and pressing his lips against yours so he could stop listening to all of your complicated sentences.
He didn’t understand them, he didn’t understand you.
And yet you seemed to understand him probably better than he understood himself.
Arms are around his neck as you pull him close, Cater slowly walking you back to his bed as the back of your knees hit the comforter which causes both of you to fall down. You pull away to snicker at the action but are brought right back into the kiss by needy lips, Cater whispering your name as he pushed you upwards so that you would be pressed right against the wall--
He groans when you pull away and is surprised to be kissing a pair of fingers instead of your lips, your smile still as elusive as ever as you slowly push his face away.
“I have a lover, senpai.”
Cater rolls his eyes, “I don’t like those kinds of jokes.”
“I’m not joking. It’s late so I’m just going to go over to his room and tell him that you’ll cover for us, okay? Okay. ”
You pinch his nose as you try to push him away but find your wrists grabbed and locked in place, Cater giving you a hard glare as he presses his forehead against yours.
“I said I don’t like those kinds of jokes.” he leans in and gives you another kiss, “You’re not his lover.”
“Who says that?”
“[Y/N]-chan did.” Cater’s lips press against yours again as he makes his way down to the offending hickey the second year had left on you, “The way you talk about him, the way you weren’t even embarrassed at getting caught. You are toying with the heart of one of my second years and I don’t think I can forgive you for that.”
He nips at the bruise before placing his lips on it, teeth gently opening up more blood vessels to form a much darker shade on your skin than what was left there before.
“Is that all you can’t forgive me for?”
Cater smiles against your skin as he takes your wrists and leads your arms to wrap around his neck, pulling you into his lap as he answers your question with a kiss.
His tongue meets yours this time around, both of you giggling at the familiar taste. When was the last time you two had kissed like this? Nevermind that, the question was already too annoying to think about. Instead, Cater moves his hips upwards as he groans into your lips at the wanted friction.
He takes a hold of your hips as he pushes you down to meet him mid-movement, his hips rolling up as yours are pushed down. The movement is sloppy and the action itself feels so unsatisfying but Cater almost feels as if this is the only thing he deserves from you. If either of you enjoyed this it would mean you two went too far--
“Haha...look at your face.”
Green eyes look at you as you cup the man’s face, pressing a gentle kiss on his nose as you start to roll your hips on his, meeting him halfway.
“You probably want to cum inside, right Cater-senpai?”
His hips jump at the mere thought, the idea of you laying on your side as his cum drips down from your sex all the way down your thighs.
“We did it with protection a lot ~We always followed the rules of our agreement…”
Hands dive between you two, Cater’s eyes never leaving yours as he works to get his pants off while his hands try to unbutton yours as well. You smile and meet him halfway again, taking your own bottoms off and tossing them carelessly to the side as you both are left in nothing but your underwear.
“Every time we did it--you always looked like you wanted to do something else--”
Cater takes the chance of you biting your lower lip to go a bit faster, the tip of his cock rubbing against you at a faster speed as he changed position quickly and hooked your knees over his elbows.
“And at first---at first I thought it was just you getting bored…”
He gasps when two of your fingers press right at the tip of his cock, the way he was moving his hips allowing it to rub comfortably against the padding of your fingers as you gently cooed at the precum gathering there.
“But one time I was able to see it. See what you really wanted--!”
His own hand makes his way in between the mess of hips and stuttered movements, his fingers tracing a familiar pattern up and down your sex as he feels you pull him out of his boxers and start to pump in rhythm.
“If...If you cum after me...I’ll let you cum inside...”
It’s starting to get hotter, Cater feels like he can see his own breath fogging up his vision.
“Count it as reward…”
The coil in his stomach is tightening, your hands moving faster as his stutters with the rhythm you were setting.
“For being honest with me at least one time.”
It’s a sticky mess, the white stuff sticking to your belly and his as he rides out his orgasm against your hand and stopping altogether when the feeling gets too much. His fingers work overtime before your back arches and you give into yours as well, your toes curling for a moment before your feet hit the mattress unceremoniously.
He didn’t know where in the world that had come from or what possessed you to talk like that...but that was probably the hardest he had released in the month you two stopped interacting with one another.
Cater looks at the mess once again before moving to clean it up, stopping only when he feels a hand tug at the front of his shirt and a pair of lips meeting his all over again.
“Offer is still on the table, senpai.”
You unbutton the first few buttons of your shirt, smiling as larger hands batted yours away to continue the job.
“Please do your best to hold out longer.”
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