#anyway. talk about fixing childhood scars and helping the next generation and also giving myself new cuts and wounds 🤘
afriendofmara · 4 months
Im the kind of (not a)Mom to put the kid down and spend 10(/affectionate) minutes trying to get a song/lullaby that she wants from her while she is trying to talk about miraculous ladybug (I know nothing on the subject) and We eventually settle on me singing my favorite childhood lullaby while she intersects each line with a ladybug or cat noir fact or quote. I kissed her goodnight and said "alright now you can talk about ladybug all you want, but make sure you sleep" she said "Yes SIR!" and now, yes I am sitting downstairs listening to her giggling to herself about supervillians and ladybug,, thinking im the luckiest (not a)Mom ever.
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