#anyway. mhm. if lancer isnt relevant later on i will delete this game
mar64ds · 2 years
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OKAY let me talk about Lancer for one second
Lancer is a character that means a lot to me, he’s a sweet and hilarious kid but he’s a lot more than that, and even if he’s a young kid there is a lot to talk about him. Lancer is a kid that has barely ever had any sort of support, sure he’s the prince and his dad orders his army to take care of him, but it’s very clear to Lancer that nobody actually really likes him, this is not something he’s not aware of, he knows. When Susie is nice to him he’s surprised and confused because he’s not used to anyone genuinely enjoying his company
Even though King Spade’s army is ordered to look after him it doesn’t mean Lancer is being properly taken care of. He didn’t eat anything for breakfast, nobody is really checking on him to make sure he’s okay and overall he was ordered by his father to get rid of the lightners, him, a little kid. I do believe Rouxls Kaard is the closest thing Lancer had to someone that genuinely cared for him before Susie and the others showed up but he didn’t fully filled the role of a parent yet, but he did more than everyone else and that i appreciate, still Lancer still seems like a kid that needs more support and he shows a lot of signs of being neglected or mistreated by others
But let’s talk about King Spade now and... god it’s a lot. Lancer knows Susie could hurt his dad and instead of talking about it he immediately orders his dad’s army to imprison her and Kris and Ralsei to ‘protect them’. Lancer gets really really quiet and nervous when they talk about his dad, Lancer’s impulse reaction is to not talk things out and protect his friends in a very drastic way. Lancer knows Susie could hurt his dad and his dad could hurt Susie and the others, he’s left in the middle of it all and he feels like it’s ALL his responsibility. Susie keeps attacking and he doesn’t move, he STILL tries to prevent her from going near his dad and for the both of them to get hurt, and he doesn’t try to explain things anymore, Susie keeps attacking and he keeps getting more and more hurt and he doesn’t say anything. Eventually Susie stops and they talk things out, and Lancer makes it so obvious that he walks on eggshells with his dad, he knows what can make him mad, if he knew he could talk things out with his dad he would have tried already, instead he got really scared and took a very drastic choice in order to protect his friends, even if that meant he would get hurt in the process, even if that meant he could never see his friends again, even if it meant he could never talk to the one person that has brought him more happiness than anyone else. I don’t think I need to explain this, but  all of this, this is a huge sign of abuse, this is a huge sign of someone living in a toxic family environment. The kid should not walk on eggshells, the kid should not hide secrets from his parents because they know ‘they would get mad if they found out’, the kid should not be scared to talk things out with a parent, the kid should not be more mature than the parent. Susie promising him that she would not hurt his dad and that together they can do anything are the only reason why Lancer tried to talk to his father, not because he trusts him, but because he trust Susie and their friendship
The way that King Spade talks to Lancer is very clear emotional manipulation. Trying to frame the people that actually like you for who you are and make you feel happy and good about yourself as something bad, demonize them and tell you whatever good emotion you’re feeling is wrong and they have ‘poisoned you’ and you should listen to your parent, they know better. The second Lancer confronts him he immediately loses his composure, yells and threatens him. I really really don’t think the fountain is the only thing to blame here, Lancer seems really aware of this behavior, this doesn’t seem like an unique situation that only happened once
We see in chapter 2 that King Spade is not COMPLETELY evil and he does care about Lancer but this does not excuse anything, if anything it just makes it more realistic, abusers are not completely evil, you do have good moments with them and in many occasions they can love you and care about you but all of this doesn’t make all the times they have hurt you go away. I think the fact that Lancer doesn’t miss his dad and is happy to not spend time with him anymore and instead sees Queen, Rouxls and Susie and the rest as his family is good enough proof that he doesn’t need his dad to be happy
Susie and Lancer both seem like kids that live in toxic households, their friendship makes a lot of sense for many reasons but it’s very clear to me that a big reason why they can relate so much to one another is because of this. They mean a lot to me
Anyway that’s all, I care about Lancer a lot we have to talk more about him
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