#anyway. I might be straight. and In ten years it's very possible that being trans becomes a much less huge part of my life
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Diversity in The Sandman
So it hasn’t even been officially cast yet and I’m already seeing people bitching on Tumblr with things like “Is Despair still going to be the only fat Endless?!”
And then someone else said that the only trans character “can’t go to the moon because she’s trans.” The only character who told Wanda she can’t do something was Thessaly AKA Larissa, a very not-very-nice character who later betrays Morpheus. Seeing Wanda in the afterlife at the end of that story arc was supposed to show that Thessaly had been wrong all along.
But anyway...
An “inclusivity” list.
I can’t believe I have to write this in regard to The Sandman...
Heavy / Full Figured characters:
Gilbert (Fiddler’s Green).
Characters with mental illness, disabilities, or need glasses:
Gilbert - glasses.
Lucien - glasses. Possibly some form of obsessive compulsiveness. Hyperfixate on books.
Glory. - glasses.
Cain - glasses. Some form of obsessive compulsive disorder. Hyperfixates on mysteries. Thessaly - glasses.
Alexander Burgess - glasses. Also walked with a cane as he aged. Eventually needed a wheelchar. (Might be more than just age there?)
Abel - Has a stutter. Hyperfixates on secrets.
Destiny - Blind (or sees everything all at once, giving the appearance or being blind.) Odin - Missing an eye.
Duma - Nonverbal (Angel of silence.)
Mazikeen - Speech impairment due to half her face being paralyzed / decomposed.
Mad Mod Witch AKA The Fashion Thing - Wears an eyepatch.
Rachel - Drug addiction.
Doctor Destiny / John Dee - Unspecified mental illness. (Possible Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder. Definite violent, sociopathic tendencies.)
Delirium - Mental illness. Scott Free (Mr. Miracle) - Possible PTSD. (Chronic nightmares of childhood abuse.)
Unity kinkaid - Sleeping disorder. KLS. “Sleeping Beauty syndrome.”
Rose Walker - Recovering emotional disorder. And possible narcolepsy.
Lyta Hall - Recovering from a nervous breakdown.
Racial diversity:
Morpheus - Has no specific race. Death - Has no specific race (most recent portrayal was by a Chinese woman doing her voice for the DC Showcase short.)
Desire - No specific race. Despair - No specific race. Destiny - No specific race.
Nada - Black. / Later reincarnation Chinese.
Eve - Possibly black. (She’s currently depicted as black in the new comics.) Pharamond - Black. The Sandman: Ramadan - All the characters are Middle Eastern and Islamic
The Sandman: Dream Hunters - All the characters are Japanese. Sykes - Probably mixed race.
LGBTQ+ chraacters:
Lucifer - Male presenting / identifying angel. They’re usually without distinct gender. Panasexual. Mazikeen - Female presenting / identifying demon. Panasexual. John Constantine - Panasexual. Judy - Lesbian. Donna AKA Foxglove - Lesbian. Hazel - Lesbian.
Alexander Burgess - Gay or bisexual. Paul McGuire - Gay. (Considers Alexander Burgess to be the love of his life.) Wanda - trans. (And let me just establish here. No, there is NOTHING in Sandman that claims magick won’t work for her. There is only one transphobic character who claims that. And that same character who tells her that also betrays Morpheus later.)
Desire - Genderfluid / nonbinary. Panasexual. Peggy - Gender nonconforming
The Corinthian - Gay. (Both incarnations.) Cluracan - Panasexual. Nada - Possibly trans (chooses to reincarnate as a man.)
Choronzon - Definitely not straight.
Loki - Loki
Cain - Probably asexual. (The only comic to depict him with sexual interest has been decanonized. Abel - Probably asexual. Lucien - Probably asexual. (The only comic to depict him with sexual interest has been decanonized.
Eve - Probably panasexual. (Not confirmed.)
Morpheus - Possibly in the ace spectrum. Maybe demi pan-romantic. Notice the lack of depictions of physical attraction and in ten billion years he has only had six known lovers.
May add to this list later...
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I'm a little late to the party but for the ask meme: Danny Phantom 5, 13, 14, 18, 20 + Trans!Danny headcanons. I know that wasn't on the list but I have a feeling you'll do it for me anyway ;)
MY NEWEST BOY. For this ask meme! Also thisgot long so I made a separate post about trans Danny because I care about it alot byeeeeee.
5) Guilty pleasures
Barring times where he’s being, A, imprisoned, or, B, hunted forfun and profit, Danny actually—really likes the Ghost Zone. It’s soothing in a way that he’s pretty sureis not quite right, in a way that Sam and Tucker and Jazz do not seem toagree with, but he likes it there. Theslow, billowing curls of green drift through the air like nebulae, currents of energyrather than wind that he could drift on like thick water if he wanted, dottedwith doors and islands that orbit whatever passes for gravity wells in a skyscapeof ectoplasm. Almost every touchstone inthe Ghost Zone moves, although most have a predictable pattern—about once everyten months, Danny tries not to use the Fenton portal if he can avoid it, onaccount of how it comes out practically on top of Walker’s prison—and learningthe rhythms of it is sort of like a hobby, at this point. Danny doesn’t have a ton of time to kill, buthe’s figured out that, as long as he’s in ghost form, he can go for a longtime without feeling hungry or thirsty or tired, in the Ghost Zone, so onetime he told Jazz he was going to try his hand at cartography and spent theentirety of his parents’ five day out-of-state conference coasting on ectoplasmand trying to plot the place. It cameout looking kind of like a star map, full of arrows trying to indicate movementdirection and a lot of scribbled notes like Pretty sure Clockwork moved thisand AVOID and Possibly Vlad’s portal, maybe close this.
Danny doesn’t talk about it much, because the Ghost Zone makes hisfriends, his family, jittery. He’s prettysure they’re worried he’ll decide not to come back some day.
13) What gets them flustered
One time a reporter manages to get a camera intoDanny’s face before he can book it after a fight, and she’s smart enough toalready be asking her first question before he realizes what was happening.
She’s also smart enough to start her first questionwith “Excuse me, Inviso-bill–”
“It’s Phantom,” he snaps,looking around in annoyance, and the reporter smothers a triumphant smirk.
“Yes, Phantom. What made you become a hero,Phantom?”
Phantom just hangs there in the air for a moment, gapingat her, and then squeaks, “Excuse me?”
“You’re a ghost,” the reporter says, keeping aprofessionally straight face and a neutral, friendly tone. “Whatmade you decide to be a hero?”
“I–didn’t?” Phantom scratches a hand backthrough his hair, and the reporter silently thanks whatever quirk of ghostlyfunction is bringing a green glow like a blush to his cheeks and throat andears. She’s going to lock down a raise with this interview, even if heflies off right this second–the first person to interview Amity Park’s ownsuperhero. And he’s blushing. “I’mjust keeping things under control, you know?”
The reporter grins. “Well,” she says withfalse nonchalance, “would you mind answering a few questions?”
“Uh,” Phantom says. “I have to–go.”
He turns invisible and makes a break for it,and the reporter’s fifty-second clip of a conversation runs on the local newsfive times in the next seven hours. She gets a reputation for being ableto snag the neighborhood super for a few seconds, sometimes even multipleminutes. She discovers real quick thathe’ll blush pretty reliably the second she drops the H word.
14) Ingrained habits/forces of habit
Danny works hard to seem helpless at school. It kind of makes him crawl the walls, but he workshard, okay? He lets himself getpushed around, he occasionally gets punched in the face, he does his best toconceal it when a year or two of ghost hunting as a full time job starts toshow in his human form, he spends a lot of time and energy projecting a façade oflocal hopeless wallflower. He can’thelp seeming like a delinquent, given that he’s been living the C-average lifestyleby the skin of his teeth and misses about three class periods on a good week,but at least he can seem like a delinquent who would never, ever be a candidatefor competence. He’s protecting a secretidentity out here. Official Team PhantomPolicy, much as everyone might hate it, is that no one intervenes with Danny’scharade. It gives Tucker hives and Samhas a hit list of bullies, but Danny’s always quick to smile off their concernand get on with his life. He has ahealing factor and it’s been years since Dash was actually concerning tohim except as a potential stalker, Danny can stand to bite his tongue and take it.
Aaaaaaand then when he’s sixteen, Dash punchesTucker, instead. Over some pettynothing, something that Tucker doesn’t even remember afterward—refusing to makea fake ID for him? Laughing at Dash forfumbling a catch at the game on Saturday? Joking about how Dash’s grades were even worse than Danny’s? It could’ve been anything. It didn’t really even register with Tucker assomething worth getting punched over, whatever it was, but he guesses thatbullies can have bad days too.
So Tucker says whatever he says, and Dash whipsaround and sucker punches him, a swift hidden jab that only someone alreadywatching would see. And then–
And then Danny dislocates Dash’s shoulder. It’s not on purpose and it’s not subtle. Tucker doesn’t really remember what happened—hewas a little busy gasping for air. Mostly he just remembers the crash of someone being slammed into a locker,and Danny’s voice, deep and un-Danny-like, snarling You don’t touch them,and a shout, a howl of pain and shock. By the time Tucker can stand upright, wheezing and clinging to Sam,every kid in the silent hallway is staring wide-eyed at Danny, skinny weakDanny Fenton who isn’t really so skinny and weak anymore. Danny’s stepping back from Dash, who’sclutching at a shoulder that looks wrong under his letterman jacket, andDanny looks mildly horrified with himself, but he’s still standing betweenTucker and Dash.
When the teachers show up, Danny goes quietly to theprincipal’s office, and gives a plain-spoken explanation of what happened—Dash punchedhis best friend, Danny slammed him into the wall, and somewhere in there hepopped Dash’s shoulder out of place. He getssuspended for two weeks and detention for the next month, which he cooperateswith, and non-negotiable anger management counselling, which he mostly just…doesn’tattend. Danny has decided that he doesn’tdo school counselling anymore, thanks.
After he comes back, Danny slips back into therhythm of things without any change in his behavior, but—it’s hard for everyoneto forget that they watched Dash’s favorite punching bag nearly put the king ofthe school through a wall.
Sam and Tucker enjoy a very peaceful remainder oftheir high school career.
18) Things they’ll never admit
Danny has not and will not talk to anyone about the accident withthe portal. The actual events, yeah. But he’s thought about it, and—they just don’tneed to know. Sam already frettedherself blue over the Lichtenberg figure lacing up Phantom’s left arm to hisheart. They don’t need to know how clearhis memory of being electrocuted is.
(Jazz watches Danny skirt around the Specter Deflector with abouta five foot radius of nervous respect, and she makes some educated guessesabout why, exactly, her brother doesn’t like being shocked. But if he doesn’t want to talk about it, for once,she’s not going to wring it out of him.)
20) What Ifs/Alternate Timelines
I’m sure everyone and their cousin has done this but…I love Jazz and Danny’s relationship.
Jazz has been keeping an eye on herbrother for…ever. This is partly becauseshe’s a worrier by nature and partly because their parents are both brilliantand affectionate and completely hopelessly scatterbrained. Jack and Maddie are fine and all, but alsoJazz is frequently awestruck that she and Danny lived long enough to be able totake care of themselves. Holy shitis she ever going to write a memoir. TheChristmas I Re-killed the Turkey or something. So when their parents are out for the day andshe wanders through the living room into the kitchen to see if the Nilla Wafershave been contaminated yet, and she realizes that she hasn’t seen Danny in fourhours, she starts looking around.
Sam and Tucker’s bags are in hisbedroom, and all three of them have left their jackets by the door. It’s a cool autumn, and Tucker complainsconstantly that he’s not built for the cold, he’s built for indoor rooms fullof computers, so they wouldn’t have gone out. The TV is off. Danny’s room isempty. It’s not dark enough yet forDanny to have dragged them up to the roof for stargazing.
It’s about this point where Jazzstarts to feel like something is about to go horribly wrong.
She passes the door to the lab andhears Sam’s voice echo up the stairs, and then—
“Fine, fine,” Danny says from thebasement. “It doesn’t even work.”
Jazz opens the door, already composinga lecture about not poking around in the lab (for Danny) and a lecture aboutremembering to lock the lab when they’re going to be out all day (for herparents), and starts down the stairs.
The crack-boom of the portalkicking on hits like a thunderclap, and then there’s a scream, someonewailing like they’re being killed.
Jazz never does remember how she gotdown the rest of the stairs, but she makes it just in time to see her brotherstumble out of the glowing green portal and fall straight through Sam’s armsand collapse into a pile of black-clad limbs and shocking white hair.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#jazz fenton#sam manson#tucker foley#ask meme#headcanon meme#starlight writes stuff#i have that adhd hyperfixation thing spinning up HARDCORE about danny phantom so...stay tuned#anyway some further thoughts about that au: it doesn't change a TON in the long term#but it DOES mean that danny has an ally in a) lying to his parents and b) handling vlad right out the gate#but what i'm really specifically interested in is jazz being there when danny comes out of the portal#she obviously cares about him a lot! i strongly headcanon that the fentons are a little...benignly neglectful#not because they don't care but because they're just REALLY not actually that equipped to focus on their kids#so jazz has had a huge hand in danny growing up rather than accidentally eating ectoplasm as a three-year-old and dying#so YEAH what i care about is that girl coming downstairs just in time to see her brother's ghost/dead body/indeterminate energy construct h#i think it takes jazz a second to look around the lab and do the mental math as sam and tucker scream danny's name#and then she FREAKS OUT#so that's some chaos to deal with while she flutters over a dizzy half-conscious danny and tries to call an ambulance#i...legit don't think danny admitted to his parents that he had a bad enough lab accident to go to the hospital#in any universe#i think he hedged and said he just got a little shock and felt fine and didn't need to see a doctor and managed to get out of it#but that's a longer story#anyway yeah jazz gets on the Fuck Vlad Train much faster in this one and there's angst about her worrying about danny#also in this timeline since jazz is in on everything from the jump she starts calling vlad 'vladimir' when he won't drop their full names#a queue we will keep and our honor someday avenge#lathori#asked and answered
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|| Get to know LILO who’s TWENTY-ONE years old and a JUNIOR in college majoring in MECHANICS. She is from HAWAII and is often times mistaken for LULU ANTARIKSA while others say she reminds them of LILO from LILO AND STITCH. ||
hello all, it i, pepper coming at ya once again on that new muse juice (... that sounds so gross omg i’m sorry dkjsdkj). today i am HYPE to introduce you all with my bby lilo!! honestly lilo and stitch is one of my fave movies of all time so sdkjsdk NO PRESSURE YK but anyways down bellow will be a bit about ya girl!
BIO (ish, thing tjkfj)
Lilo is weird. She’s a weirdo. She doesn’t fit in, and she doesn’t WANT to fit in. Have you ever seen her without that stupid mumu? That’s WEIRD
dfkdjsdk sorry i had to, i put joke in my app and i had to make it again aNYWAYS FOR REAL NOW
tldr ; she’s lilo, just kinda sadder sdkjds saw her parents die, went to therapy, doesn’t really ever feel like she belongs, is afraid of loving anyone because she’s afraid of losing them, the Works Folks. also teaches hula now! kinda wants to be a photography major! has an instagram following! i think that’s it oof
For the most part I don’t plan to deviate from Lilo’s cannon storyline too much seeing as you know, she’s a human and not a humanoid turtle that knows karate so I don’t feel like I need to change TOO much BUT i do want to flesh her out a bit.
First, I headcannon that Lilo was actually in the car during her parents car accident. She was in the backseat and came out of the whole thing relatively uninjured physically, but mentally, and emotionally, well, that was a different story. This is the biggest explanation for the darkness deep in Lilo’s psyche, the reason she had to sit through so much therapy with so many psychologists over the years., You see, Lilo was odd prior to the accident but that eccentricity only seemed to be amplified there after. That combined with the fact that all of her friends abruptly abandoned her after her parents death (literally cannon, can you believe it, screw mertle sdkjdsj) Lilo was kind of left in no mans land emotionally. Therapy never really helped her much unfortunately, and for long time Lilo simply tried to do anything she could to cope. Whether that was pretending she and Mertle were still friends, or praying to god for some sort of angel, or getting unfairly angry with her sister. Lilo spent a long time after her parents death just barely trying to keep afloat, until after a while she stopped having to try. She’s gotten so good at pretending she’s okay that she’s almost even convinced herself.
Like I said Lilo has also always been the type that people struggled to understand. She was a harmless girl, but she said odd things without hesitation, and she never quite got along with her peers, or even other adults because of it. Honestly outside of her family Lilo had few friends because no one could really understand her, and despite the pain of that, Lilo swallowed it down and continued on. Pretty soon, Lilo started to get into the habit of keeping people at arms length, of pushing people away before they could reject her. It was easier being the weird girl, being the one people pointed at and whispered about than being the girl who desperately just wanted a friend. So Lilo slowly buried that girl down deep over time. She tries not to let her out, she’s a real buzz kill.
That was until Stitch of course. She let Stitch in. It wasn’t honestly at the time, the part of Lilo that was so desperate for friendship was still open and bleeding then. She accepted Stitch into her life with open arms and little questions, and to this day he’s still her best friend and her brother. He’s one of the few people who have accepted her fully for who she is, weird shit and all, and Lilo couldn’t be more grateful for him.
I have a headcannon that the Pelekai’s kind of became maybe a bit of a group home? Just because of all the experiments who came in and out of their place. In my mind the experiments were children who Lilo, Nani, her uncle Jumba and Aunt Pleakley would do their best to find amazing homes for. This was Lilo’s idea, after meeting Stitch.
Honestly Lilo uses her weirdness as a bit of a shield. If she’s weird enough then it’s like people know who she is immediately, and the people who wouldn’t want to be around her because of it will leave. She wasn’t rejected, and it didn’t hurt because SHE was the one in control if that makes sense? Being as odd as possible is just a way to keep her heart safe sometimes, and when people stick around despite how odd she is Lilo doesn’t really know what to do honestly.
Despite this Lilo is still very friendly. She feels no qualms about talking to people or speaking her mind, honestly, it’s never been something she’s had an issue with. She’s just chosen not to care whether those people actually like her or not, or at least has numbed herself to caring about that if that makes sense.
A rebellious streak a mile wide tbh. Lilo never wants to hurt anybody of course and she never will unless pushed to the breaking point (ex. That one time she lashed out at Mertle) , but she never has been and never will be obedient. She’s known to get into mischief occasionally, and she doesn’t love being told what to do,
Still loves photography and actually sometimes considers changing her major. She chose mechanics because the idea of helping Stitch get up into space was something that she was always excited about -- honestly the concept of them being together even in their adult lives was just too reassuring to her-- and she rationalized it all by telling herself that she wanted to take photos for herself and for money. But photography is her passion honestly and she genuinely has a bit of a talent for it. She’s done a few art galleries and won a couple of minor awards, and even in her spare time she tends to walk around Corona with a camera looking for things take pictures of. Her photos aren’t ever exactly… everyone’s cup of tea, but they’re thought provoking at the very least.
In my mind Lilo takes a lot of photos with body diverse models, honestly for the most part she will only take photos of body diverse models.
At this point I think she has photography as her minor.
A bisexual babe because none of my muses are ever straight.
Also a demigirl. Lilo was kind of inspired by her Aunt Pleakley to truly consider her gender (I headcannon that Pleakley is gender fluid or a trans woman but that’s just me) and it was through that careful consideration that Lilo realized she didn’t fully identify as a girl.
Very accepting. Very liberal. Has gotten arrested at a protest once. Very much will stand up for her beliefs and the rights of others dkdsdkjd is Not here for prejudice or toxic masculinity will fight you on sight !!!
Still loves dancing. One of her proudest accomplishments is winning the hula competition that her mother won back home in Kauai. She doesn’t dance professionally in any other styles, but she does love to dance and she will indulge in that from time to time. I think she might teach the occasional hula lesson at the local gym but it’s probably a specialty thing like once every two weeks or something. She does have some regularly who come though and that always makes her happy.
Still loves the ocean and surfing as well, and honestly will go to the ocean no matter the weather and put her wetsuit on to have a good time. You can find Lilo on the beach at anytime, especially when she’s homesick, just smelling the salt of the ocean and riding the waves.
Also still tries to feed Pudge the fish peanut butter sandwiches, because she maintains that he does control the weather (also the fact that there’s a theory that Lilo used to feed pudge the fish because it was raining the day of her parents car crash and she him to make the weather nice so that never happens to anyone again has me FUCKED UP it will always have me FUCKED UP and that is all).
lilo is also a big philiophobe tbh, like i said she has a lot of issues getting attached to people because she feels like they might just leave so love really scares her? and she tends to freak out at just the thought of it so sdksdk love this for her she gets crushes on people occasionally but the moment things start to get serious this bitch will DIP
loves to have fun though! she doesn’t tend to get asked out on a lot of dates tbh but your girl tens to have a few drunken hook ups here and there and she finds those fun. she also regularly likes to go on tinder and fuck with people. not even catfishing them or anything she just likes to message them weird shit and have a good time dkjdf
has a big ass heart tbh. she would give someone the shirt off her back without any hesitation. she’s just a really kind person despite being hurt so much before, and she honestly never intends to hurt anyone even if she does so accidentally or in anger yk? Like if you fucked with her, then she might lash out for a hot minute but after she’s cooled down it’ll be like damn,,, didn’t mean to do that. Honestly she just has a bit of a temper lowkey but she actually feels guilty after unlike some people *cough* local devil kronk turtle man *cough*
Can’t hold a grudge for the life of her. Forgives way too easily rip
Has a photography instagram that’s actually pretty damn popular! She’s got a good amount of followers on there and while Lilo’s proud she doesn’t really know what to do with all the positive attention on her weird as shit photos?
i have a wanted connection tag here! check it out and if anything in there catches your eye just lemme know!
GIRL SQUAD ; please. please. i’m out here,,, beggin fdkdfkfd i really want lilo to have some female friends okay just a cute little squad of buds, i’m picturing the skam girl squad, i’m picturing those girls from pretty little liars that i can’t remember the name of, i’m picturing idk the girls from that one movie with tiffany haddish jsut sds pLEASE Y’ALL vanellope & tink
EX-SOMETHING ; this could either be someone who like actually got close enough for lilo to freak the freak out and dip like someone she nearly fell in love with or fell in love with her and kind of triggered her GOTTA GO reflex lmao or someone she casually dated for the fun of it, maybe they even went on a few dates before they realized they were better as friends?
ENEMIES ; someone who doesn’t like lilo and lilo doesn’t like in return. Or maybe it’s one sided we can plot it out!
PARTNER IN CRIME ; this is the person who Lilo will end up in prison with. This is the person who she goes to when she just wants to go crazy aaah go stupid. Love this for her. caitlin !
PHOTOGRAPHY BUD OR MUSE ; exactly what it says on the tin. Someone who will let Lilo sit on their shoulders so she can Get That Shot. Somebody who will be like Tom Holland in this post and Do It For The Gram!!! phoenix
EX-TINDER DATE ; honestly this could align with the second ex something or even the first or be something different completely! but like i said lilo tends to go on tinder dates to mess around with people so she would just be as weird as possible during the date for shits and giggles tbh and it was probably a really fun time unless your muse was really serious about it! We can discuss what happened on the actual date and have a wild time
SOMEONE SHE TUTORS ; surprisingly engineering and other sciences comes really easy to Lilo so this goes out to science majors I suppose!
A CRUSH ; self explanatory I think but if anyone is willing to let Lilo have a a bit of a crush on their muse hmu. buttercup!
SIBLING LIKE CONNECTION ; !!! love this omg if anyone wants to give Lilo a pseudo sibling i would love this.
FWB/CASUAL HOOKUP ; self explanatory i think
i think that’s all i can think of for now but !!! plot with me please! that is all thank you sdksdjk
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Chapter Two - Turtleneck Sweater
“So it’s...Elliot?”
“Not a name I'm used to hearing, sorry.”
“Well, neither is Decius, but hey,” they shrugged. “Anyway, you’ve had a better reaction than others have.”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“No need to apologize, Koushi, nothing you can do about it. I’ve learned to accept it.”
He smirked, nudging their arm with his shoulder. “Hey, at least I don’t get an ego hit anymore when you wear those basketball sneakers you loved so much in middle school. Nothing wrong with a dude being taller than me.”
Elliot laughed, taking a sip from his (new) monster. Since they knocked into each other, they started catching up (and he was nice enough to get him another monster). They hadn’t realized how long it had been since they last spoke, but it was nice to be in each other’s presence again. After all, the other was the reason they both made it through middle school.
It was safe to say, Elliot had missed his best friend. It had been too long since he and Suga got to spend time together.
Moving to Tokyo for their dad’s job left Elliot heartbroken and unsure of what to do—they weren’t exactly the friendliest person (understatement) and had trouble making friends in real life (also an understatement). Moving away from Sugawara was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do, but in the last two years, it was almost like it didn’t matter
Which was a really, really bad way of putting it. But it was the best wait he could think to explain. Over the last few years, they’d grown apart and rarely talked despite being so close from the age of five on up.
Then again, he never did well in awkward situations. And things had been awkward when he left. He never wanted to overstep anything, so kinda stopped answering his phone. Not intentionally—he never ignored Suga—but would go a couple of hours without a reply, then the other would go a couple of hours. Hours turned into days and days turned into not knowing how to start a conversation.
Which, again, was his fault. At least partly.
“There’s always that,” he laughed. “Seriously, though, thank you for being so chill about this, man. I appreciate it.”
“No problem, El—if that’s who you are, that’s who you are, y’know? Oh, am I allowed to tell my bandmates? They’re good friends of mine, but I’ve talked about you a lot the last couple weeks.”
“Yeah, sure—wait, that’s why you’re here?”
In the ten minutes of them talking and sitting on the curb, neither thought to mention what they were doing there.
“Yeah! That battle of the bands thing! You didn’t see us yet?”
“Not yet, no—then again, any time I’m not playing or practicing, I’m more worried about writing. I leave it to Akaashi to get videos for me.”
“So you can overanalyze them later?”
“You get it!”
“Same dumbass I knew in middle school, then,” Suga laughed, pulling out his phone to check the time. “Ah, hell—told my friends I’d be back in 15 and it’s been almost 30. I gotta get going, but text me later, okay? We gotta catch up sometime this week.”
“We do! Yeah, I gotta head out, anyway, no worries. Text me when you’re bored and we can talk for a while.”
“Sounds good.”
The two of you stood, Suga offering his hand to help them up. They took it with a grin
“I’ll see you later, then,” he asked, keeping their hand in his. With one look, they knew what he was thinking. They spun him, then he spun them around, the two of them high-fiving among several different moves they came up with as little kids.
They broke away, laughing. After all these years, they still had it.
They said their goodbyes again and headed off in different directions. He thought a lot on his way over to Bokuto’s, though—Suga had grown up a lot in the last couple of years. One would say he was pretty. Definitely pretty, actually. Maybe cute.
Unfortunately, the further he walked, the more he thought. And the more he thought, the closer he came to the decision.
Ah, shit. Cute boy.
Within a couple of minutes of walking, he arrived at Bokuto’s place to hang out before Akaashi and Hiraku came over for practice. They rarely exchanged small talk anymore—three years of extremely close friendship will do that to someone—and Elliot just followed him to his room.
“Had to come out again today.”
“Oh, fun! Not fun? I dunno, how’d it go?” Bokuto asked, flopping backward on his bed. He kicked his fluffy blanket to the bottom, leaving room for them to sit.
“Well...not bad, at least. Just a little weird.”
“I get the feeling you’re gonna talk for a couple of minutes.”
“I don’t have to—“
“Elliot, no, that was a joke.” He sat up, grabbing his hand. Bokuto smiled gently, reassuring him as best he could. “Tell me about it. What happened?”
They squeezed his hand gently, glad for the extra comment. It was a common process: talking/thinking about too much gender stuff -> overthinking -> a little too much anxiety -> self-doubt or crabby mood. As many mood swings that Bokuto had, they knew how to get the other to cool off. Both knew Akaashi was the best with them, but they made do with what they had.
“You remember I moved here after middle school, right?” Bokuto nodded, so they continued. “Before that, I was in Miyagi, all that fun stuff. Anyway. A really old friend of mine is in town for the battle of the bands and I got to talk to him today.”
“Was he shocked?”
“Oh, not really. I’ve always been a little ‘different’ when it comes to style—hell, I started shaving designs into my head when I was...I think ten? Maybe nine. But he said he was happy for me and if that’s who I am, that’s who I am, y’know?”
Bokuto smiled, squeezing their hand. “That’s awesome! Love it when that happens. Good for you for telling him, by the way.”
“Thanks,” Elliot said, smiling awkwardly at him. They took their hand back, beginning to pick at their nails (like usual when thinking too much).
Bokuto took their hand back and leaned over to his bedside table. He grabbed a marker and handed it to him. “Draw me something pretty. No picking.”
They laughed, hanging their head for a second. The laughter increased when he started poking their arm, screeching, “don’t! Hide! Your! Smile! Elliot!” between each poke. It was a nasty habit of theirs that they were trying their best to break, but Bokuto helped a lot with it.
So, they took the marker and started drawing.
About a half-hour and several games of Uno later, Bokuto had both hands full of doodles and designs while they talked about anything and everything.
Somehow, they managed to get onto the topic of love lives.
“Look, dude, I am determined! I’m gonna get a girlfriend by the end of high school! Or a boyfriend. Probably a girlfriend though cause I dunno about the guy's part. But it’s a possibility!”
“Keep telling yourself that, Bo,” they rolled their eyes. He was so in denial, really. They and Akaashi had a bet going.
He pouted. “Hey, well, you’re not doing any better than me! At least I like someone.”
“So you admit it!”
“Not my point!”
They laughed, running their hand through their hair. “I mean, if you’re that competitive, there might be someone…”
“Oh my god, shut up, Bokuto!” They swatted his arm (gently) and grabbed a pillow (proceeding to hide their face in it.
Bokuto only continued to pick on them for it. He tried taking the pillow from their vice grip, asking more questions and even tried rolling them off the bed, but they wouldn’t budge.
“Just WHAT am I your best friend for if you DONT tell me who you have a crush on??” he demanded, finally pulling the pillow out from under their arms. He then hit them with it before discarding it.
“Fine fine fine—if you want to know so bad, you have to guess.”
“But you’ll tell me if I guess correct?”
“No promises.”
“You’re horrible!”
“You love me. Take a shot at it.”
He thought for a moment, a starry, stupid look in his eyes. “OOH OOH OOH, DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ME?”
“You’re disgusting.”
Bokuto clasped his hand over his chest, falling back on the bed like he’d just been shot. But very over dramatically. “You’ve wounded me!” Elliot kicked his leg and he shot up straight. “Okay, okay, okay, fine. What about...ooh, what was your friend’s name? Suga...sugaworo khaki?”
“Sugawara Koushi?”
“Yeah, that’s it! Him!”
Elliot sighed. There might have been some...feelings in middle school. But nothing they ever acted on. Not in a timely manner, of course. And now--shit, now he was gorgeous and all those crazy feelings from middle school were kinda coming back but also not really? Was he just thinking about this too much? Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit--
“You’re blushing, El--”
“Shut up.”
He smirked, nudging their arm. “Why are you blushing, Elliot?”
“You’re horrible.”
“So I shouldn’t mention Akaashi right now, either?”
He knew just how to push his buttons, didn’t he?
No, he didn't...like akaashi like that, but he had to admit that he was great. Really great. Like totally want to kiss him sometimes great. But he didn't like him like that. They were just really close friends and knew each other better than almost anyone else and talked almost 24/7 and they wrote music a lot even though Akaashi barely knew anything about music and a lot of his songs were about him--
“You’re still blushing.”
Elliot sighed. So he was gonna play dirty like that? Time to pull out his trap card. Which sounded stupid but it worked.
He composed himself, blinked a couple of times, and smiled evilly at Bokuto. “So, Bokuto--how’s Hiraku?”
“Oh, now you're the horrible one!”
They laughed when Bokuto hit them in the head with the previously discarded pillow. He knew what talking about Hiraku did to him--he got embarrassed and pouty until he talked to her again, then his adrenaline shot up again. Freakin dork.
Yes, this is how i actually think. Yes, this is how character elliot's brain works. Im getting slowly more nervous about this because people get to see how weird i am lol. Anyway, show of hands, who wants to talk about who you have a crush on bokuto
Also hahaha i am very trans gtfo if ur transphobic
Is it bad i expect to lose followers for this lol
taglist: @ellewords @shoyotime @i-reblog-storie @tama-jam
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Hi, I just wanted to ask you about the MoviePass thing? Apparently I've been living under a rock or something because its the first I've heard of it. I've read a few articles on it, but I was hoping to get some insight from just a customer. Do you think its worth it? Have you had any issues with it? Because it all seems really convenient and that seems too good to be true. Thanks in advance!
Hi! Yes, I’m more than happy to give you some insight into my MoviePass experience. There are definite benefits and drawbacks, but for me personally, I do think it’s been worth it overall, though that could certainly change in the future. Most of the drawbacks for me are potential future issues rather than current ones: I’ve read a lot about where they want to go with all of this, and I could definitely foresee a point at which I might cancel my subscription, but for now I have largely been satisfied with using it in the way that it is currently set up.
I want to give you a really thorough response to your questions here, and in addition to talking about the practicalities of the subscription, it’s going to involve telling you probably more about MoviePass’s business model than you really wanted to know. But you wanted to know if it’s too good to be true or not, and I think that model is largely where the answer lies. I apologize about the length in advance…
Cost and frequency of use
I absolutely love going to the movies, and I typically go alone, which is basically the ideal situation for someone to benefit from a MoviePass subscription. The card can only be used by one person, so if you typically go to the movies with a friend or partner, they would also need their own subscription. At this point, I am going to the movies about once a week, so in an average month I’m going to probably see around 4 movies with my subscription at a total cost of $9.95, which is what the subscription price was when I signed up. (Currently, they’re running a promotion where it’s only $6.95 a month if you pay it as an annual lump sum–it’s $7.95 if you pay per month instead.) As a comparison, during the three months before I got my card in the mail, I saw ten movies at a total cost of $105. Two of those were IMAX showings, which wouldn’t have been eligible for MoviePass, so my total cost if I’d had my subscription then would have been $60.63 (3 months x $9.95, plus $15.39 each for the IMAX showings). Saving 45-ish dollars over the course of those three months wouldn’t have made a huge difference in my wallet obviously, but it’s not nothing either–who wouldn’t take an extra $15 a month if someone handed it to them?
Most people don’t go to the movies that frequently, however, so the savings may not be that great. MoviePass has actually been around since 2011, at various pricing structures, and they’ve found that frequency of attendance seems to be related to the subscription price, which makes sense. The more you pay, the more you’re going to use it to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. They believe that most subscribers will only see about one movie a month at the current price point, and if that’s true, most people aren’t really losing any money from a subscription, but they aren’t really saving anything either. This also really makes me the kind of subscriber MoviePass doesn’t want–someone paying them less than $10 a month to see 4 or 5 movies–but I’m perfectly happy to take advantage of their pricing structure for my own benefit. The benefit you see is definitely going to relate to how often you go and how sustainable that is, too. Even if you go four times the first month you have it, will that eventually taper off?
Some of the cost benefit also depends on when and where you go to the movies, too, though. Back when I was fresh out of undergrad, I decided I wanted to see a movie a week in theaters for an entire year, and so I did, typically going to Sunday morning matinees each week at a cost of $5 a ticket. If MoviePass had been a thing back then, it probably still would have been worth it (that’s still about 10 bucks a month saved), but if you only go once a month and you typically go to matinees, it may work out to cost you more. With my subscription now, however, I’ve been going to Friday night showings, when tickets are $10.99 at my preferred theater, so even one ticket would cost me more than I’m paying per month. If you live in a bigger city, those tickets may cost even more. You just have to look at the costs for yourself and see how much, if any, you’ll actually save there.
Putting your [MoviePass’s] money to work
Another benefit for me is that I’m also seeing more movies now than I probably would have otherwise. Late winter/early spring is usually a bit slower for me, with less out that I want to see, but since almost everything I see after the first movie each month is essentially free, I can take a chance on things I might have waited to try to catch on Netflix or elsewhere (I’m going to come back around to talk more about how this fits into their business model later). MoviePass has referred to this as essentially being ��bad movie insurance.” You can take a chance on something, and if you don’t like it, it’s not a big deal because you didn’t really pay for it. So far I haven’t gone to see anything that I would really have considered a risk as to whether or not I would at least somewhat like it, but I have used it to see things I probably wouldn’t have spent my own money to see in theaters. For instance, I went to see a well-reviewed French film at my local art cinema one night earlier this week that I probably would have just waited to watch at home at some point if I could find it, but since it was free to me, hey why not go check it out? Out of the five movies I’ve seen in the last month, I probably would have only gone to two or three of them without the subscription, so getting to see more movies has definitely been a nice bonus.
As a diversity-related sidenote here, I think one of the biggest benefits to seeing more movies than I might otherwise is that I can help generate revenue for the kind of films that I want to see more of. Sometimes in the past a film premise didn’t interest me quite enough to spend my own money on it, but I wished I could support the people making it somehow anyway. Now I can use my MoviePass to do that. The five movies I’ve seen so far this month were a big budget Disney film directed by a black woman, a big studio romcom about a gay teenager, a foreign film about gay men, a foreign film about a trans woman, and a sci-fi film where the five main cast members were women, two of whom were women of color, and one of their characters was a lesbian. It was a really nice mix of films. Now obviously every month probably isn’t going to look like that [unfortunately], but I am happy to have the chance to throw MoviePass’s dollars at films created by, starring, and/or about non-white, non-male, non-cis, and non-straight people whenever possible. We need more of that, and the only way to convince the studios to make more of it is to buy tickets.
Speaking of tickets, let me also note here that the theaters are still getting paid the full price of these tickets [right now], so they’re not losing out on that revenue, which is particularly important for supporting your local mom and pop or arthouse theater. Now if you know anything about the way theaters work, you’ll know that little revenue is actually made on ticket sales–most of it is made on concessions which is why those typically cost so much–so your local theater isn’t making a bunch extra off of you using your subscription. But it’s also very much not hurting your local theater if you choose to use your card there. MoviePass isn’t paying them some discounted price for your ticket, so the theater is making the same off of you that they would make off of anyone else. This means you can help to support local business with your subscription the same way you would with your own money, and if you see even more movies there now, in the long run small, local theaters could definitely see a boost from this.
Customer service
Ok, so, cost and frequency and the ability to more generously support some causes I care about make the subscription a win for me personally, but obviously there are also drawbacks. Let’s start with my experience in getting my card, which nearly made me cancel my subscription before I even saw my first movie.
When you sign up, they tell you it typically takes about two weeks for you to receive your card. Two weeks come and go, and I have no card. I look in the app, and I notice that my address on file is missing my apartment number (which I remember double-checking when I signed up, so I know I entered it). I try updating it in the app, and every time I add my apartment number to it, it deletes it again and leaves just the rest of my street address. Ok, so clearly there’s some kind of glitch in their system and, putting two and two together, I decide this is probably why I haven’t received my card. Not a huge deal–I’ll just reach out to customer service and get another one sent. There’s a chat feature in the app for contacting customer service. I send them a message, 24 hours come and go, and no response. I send them an email through their website instead. 48 hours come and go, and no response. Now I’m really irritated, so I take to publicly shaming them for their poor customer service on Twitter, and within probably 20 minutes, I get a reply telling me to DM them with my issue. Finally got their attention, though it’s sad I had to resort to that tactic, but ok, here we go, I tell them the problem, they update my address manually and say they’ll send me a new card.
Two more weeks come and go, and of course, I still have no card. I have to DM them twice more on Twitter to get them to respond, at which point I get a different customer service agent who is basically like, sorry, that person didn’t send it when they should have and we’re sending it for real now. Major eye roll.
At this point I definitely had to stop and consider whether or not the subscription was actually worth it because their customer service was not giving me great confidence. (One saving grace of their subscription model here is that your first month doesn’t actually start until you activate your card, so I wasn’t paying extra subscription fees while I waited for the card to arrive, which is a large part of the reason I decided to stick it out.) Finally, now that it’s been six weeks since I signed up, I get my card in the mail. But of course, the card number showing in the app doesn’t match (it’s probably the first card they sent), so I have to contact customer service yet again to have them update the card number. I email them through the website again just to give that another go, and this time I get a response in just a couple hours, thankfully, and then everything is good to go.
So my initial experience with their customer service team was a bit hairy, but I have had no problems at all using the card and haven’t had to contact them since then. Another part of the reason that I held on instead of cancelling is that all the other people I know who also have a subscription have said that in the rare instances that they’ve had an issue using their card somewhere, they’ve been able to contact customer service and get it taken care of in time to still make the showing they were trying to go to. I haven’t had any problems with the card yet, so I don’t have experience with that part myself, but everyone else I’ve talked to about it only had good things to say about their customer service experiences. My impression from reading around about it is that their customer base has grown more quickly than their customer service capabilities, and it looks like most of their employees and resources must be going toward dealing with pressing issues, like people who are standing at the theater and unable to use their card, rather than things that can wait a little longer, like shipping a new customer their card. That’s my impression at least–I don’t have any solid source to really back that up–but it does seem from anecdotal data that their customer service has been getting better in recent months compared to what it once was (or maybe that’s wishful thinking). I can only hope they keep improving.
Quirks of the service
There are a few other things that could potentially be drawbacks for others, though I find them to be minor inconveniences at worst. Unless you live somewhere that offers e-ticketing through the MoviePass app (there are only three or four theater chains that offer it so far, none of which operate where I live), you cannot buy tickets online in advance. At most, you could go to the theater in the morning and purchase a ticket for a showing that evening, but you would still have to physically go to the theater to do that. And I believe that even if you have an e-ticketing theater, you can still only buy same-day tickets; the difference is just that you can buy them from home before you leave.
The way it works when you want to go to a movie [at a regular, non e-ticketing theater] is that you pull up the app on your phone, find your theater, and check in for the showtime you want to attend. Then MoviePass will load the cost of the ticket onto your card, which is essentially just a regular MasterCard debit card, and you go to the box office and purchase your ticket with it. The finer details of how that works though are that you have to be within 100 yards of the theater before you check in, and you have 30 minutes from the time you check in to purchase your ticket. Therefore, you can’t check in from home and go to the theater whenever–you have to already be there. Checking in also doesn’t reserve you a ticket in any way; it essentially just lets MoviePass know how much money they need to load onto your card, so in theory you could decide to go to a showing and then when you go to buy a ticket, it’s sold out. If that happens, you can easily switch your check-in in the app to a different film or showtime, but it could certainly be annoying to get there and not be able to attend the showing you were planning to go to.
None of this has been a problem at all for me, but I know from reading things online that some people have found it to be inconvenient. Typically, I drive to the theater and check in from my car in the parking lot, and by the time I walk to the box office, the card is loaded and ready to go. I haven’t seen anything yet that I thought might sell out, and I also always get to the theater really early, which cuts down on those kinds of issues. Before I got my subscription, I did usually buy my tickets online in advance, but for most showings it doesn’t really make a difference if I have to wait and buy it the day of. If there’s something that I still feel the need to buy in advance, it’s probably a big event movie like Black Panther, which I saw in IMAX and wouldn’t have been able to use my subscription for anyway. And I personally wouldn’t have a problem paying for that occasional ticket separately even for a showing that would have been covered for my subscription, just for the benefit of knowing that I would for sure have a ticket.
Related to that, you can’t use your card to see any movies that have an upcharge of any sort–no 3D, no IMAX, no Fathom Events, etc. The amount that loads onto your card is just the typical price of a standard ticket for that time of day, so you won’t be able to use it on anything that costs more than that. I do really like to go to Fathom Events showings, so that is sort of a drawback, but I also get why they wouldn’t cover those things in their current model. Case in point: I was thinking about going to go see the Fathom Events screening of Julius Caesar on Thursday, and it was $24 for a ticket. If I were them, I wouldn’t pay for you to go to that either, lol.
The future of MoviePass
All of this brings me around to my last set of points. In terms of doing what it says it does–allowing you to see one standard, 2D movie a day, every single day, for a low monthly cost–I think MoviePass is great. You said in your question that it seems too good to be true, and at the moment I would say that it really and absolutely is that good.
But that’s going to change.
If everything stayed exactly the way that it is now, this business model would be completely untenable. From all indications, MoviePass is basically bleeding money. They have around 2 million subscribers (projected to grow to 5 million by the end of 2018), and if the majority of them are seeing even just one movie a month with the company paying the theaters the full ticket price on each of those transactions, with some customers like me seeing several more, they’re clearly operating at a loss. They even fully admit that they’re not making money right now. So what is their goal? How do they plan to make money off of this?
First of all, there’s your data. Since everything is done through the app, they’re collecting all kinds of data about when you go to the movies and where and what you see. They know your address, so they know how far you’re willing to drive to see a movie. They know what theaters are closer to you that you pass up in favor of going to the one you prefer. They know how early you arrive before the showing. They know if you’re more likely to see an action movie or a drama or a comedy when you go to a movie on a Tuesday night. They know how long the average subscriber waits after a movie comes out before they go to see it. I’ve seen conflicting reports about their GPS tracking, but they may know where you go directly after you leave the theater, whether that’s back home or to dinner or wherever. They’re getting all kinds of insight into the moviegoing experiences of their subscribers, and you and I both know they’re absolutely selling that data to theater chains, to studios and distributors, to whoever wants to know about putting butts into movie theater seats. Clearly I don’t consider this enough of a drawback for me not to subscribe–basically who isn’t collecting and selling your data at this point?–but if you’re someone much more concerned about that kind of thing, obviously this may be a make or break point for you.
They’re also going to use that data for their own purposes to promote particular theaters or particular showings or particular movies over others, giving them a couple ways of using that data themselves to make money. First, they have started to co-purchase films. They know what their subscribers like to watch, so they can buy films they know you would want to see, and then they have the means already in place to promote those films directly to you. Earlier I said I’d come back to the idea of seeing movies you otherwise might not see in theaters. This is where that comes in to play for MoviePass’s bottom line. Even if it’s not a movie that you would typically make the effort to see in theaters, they promote it enough that you think, eh why not, it’s basically free. When you check it out, now a portion of the ticket revenue is going right back to MoviePass, which helps to balance out the money they’re losing on other ticket sales. Then if the movie is any good, that improves word of mouth, more non-subscribers go to see it, and even more money goes into MoviePass’s pockets. On top of that, they get a part of the dvd/digital sales, too.
I think that this is something to keep an eye on–the kinds of things that they purchase and how they go about promoting them, particularly in terms of what’s happened recently with social media, where political influences have been made to extents that we’re really just beginning to comprehend. Now I’m not overly worried about it, and I’m not saying that MoviePass is going to turn into the propaganda arm of a foreign entity–I think it’s ultimately not going to be any more insidious than Netflix or Hulu in terms of promoting its own content over others–but it is obviously still important to look at the types of films they’re buying and/or promoting as they get further involved in that part of their business. As their subscriptions grow, they will have a lot of power to influence what we see and when we see it, both for films they have purchased and films that distributors have paid them to promote, and as consumers, we always need to be critical of the hows and the whys of what anyone is promoting.
The other way they want to make money is from the theaters, and what they want is a discount on tickets and, ideally, a cut of concession sales. As I mentioned earlier, concessions are where theaters make their money, and MoviePass wants a portion of it in return for driving more traffic to their doors. Their subscribers as a whole go to the movies more often and tend to spend more money on concessions as well (if you didn’t really pay for a ticket, it doesn’t seem like such a big deal to then drop $5 on a coke or popcorn), so as their customer base grows, they will have more power to bargain with the big theater chains over it. If AMC, for instance, isn’t interested in cutting MoviePass a deal, maybe some of their busier showtimes disappear from the app. Maybe some of their more popular theaters no longer appear. Maybe the card is no longer valid at AMC at all. MoviePass already knows from all that data they’re collecting that there’s a Regal or a Cinemark across town that their subscribers are willing to drive to if they can use their card there instead, so they can choose to withhold their customers’ business from AMC in whatever ways they want. Right now, their customer base is still small enough that this isn’t going to have a huge effect, but if the numbers continue to grow, they’re going to reach a tipping point where they can begin to put that kind of pressure on the theater chains. It’s really just a matter of when that’s going to happen, not if.
Final thoughts
At the end of the day, I think that if you typically see more than one movie a month, it’s probably worth giving it a go. You can cancel at any time if you decide it’s no longer worth it (you’re barred from signing up again for 9 months after cancelling, btw, in case that’s a concern). For me, signing up was really a question of why not? Why not give it a try? At the moment, it’s still a free-for-all in terms of where and when you can use your card. That means there are 16 theaters within 15 miles of my flat where I can use the card for any showtime of any standard film, as frequently as once a day.
I have one theater that I choose to go to on a regular basis, even though it’s not the closest one to where I live, because I like the theater itself–it’s always decently clean, the seats are in good shape, the screens are a nice size even in the smaller theaters, and there’s a bar so I can buy a drink and take it in with me, lol. The only reason I would go to a different theater right now is if there’s something they’re not showing. That’s pretty rare–typically it’s either that something is playing at the art cinema and nowhere else, or on occasion there’s a Fathom Events screening they don’t get but a different theater does.
But if MoviePass suddenly offered only half the showings I wanted to see there and I couldn’t go at the times I wanted, or perhaps I could no longer use my card there at all, the question becomes, would I switch theaters to keep using my subscription? It’s almost a guarantee that at some point in the not-too-distant future MoviePass is going to ask me to make that choice. They’re going to test the waters with the theaters (and by extension, their subscribers), and some will get on board and some won’t. And the truth is that I don’t yet know my answer. I don’t know yet where I would draw the line between saving money and having a greater choice.
But until that time comes–and it may be coming sooner rather than later–I am more than happy to use their willingness to hemorrhage money to save some of my own.
I’ve read a ton about the service both before and since I signed up, so I may have referenced something not linked below. I think these cover most of the businessy points though:
One final note: there is a competitor to MoviePass called Sinemia. If you typically see a lot of 3D or IMAX showings, or if you typically go with someone else, you might want to check them out. I don’t know a ton about them, but I do know that they allow you to see [at least some] films with upcharges, they offer a couples plan, and I think they allow you to buy tickets in advance. They do, however, limit you to a set number of movies each month depending on how much you pay (I think you can choose between 2 and 3, iirc). It could be something to check out if that suits your viewing habits.
Edited to add: Check to see if your theater of choice has a rewards program and whether or not you can still use it with MoviePass. Some have disallowed it, but not all. Currently, I’m earning rewards points for every movie that I go to with my subscription, which I can then put toward concessions or tickets to the kinds of screenings MoviePass doesn’t cover.
#natsinsanity#replies#wow that got stupid long and i'm sorry about that#i had a lot of thoughts lol#anyway i hope that helps somehow#feel free to ask more questions if there's something i didn't cover or you want to know more about#moviepass#not sherlock
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So I’m being attacked by plot bunnies about a universe where Maglor ends up being part of the Je’daii and sort of follows the Order up through the OT??? It’s part of a group of works that I’m sort-of writing, sort-of world-building where Maglor ends up in the “modern world” in a variety of series where the focus (for me, at least) is on how the different circumstances and amount of time passed has affected his character.
(Incidentally, there is also a planet called Arda in Star Wars. It’s near Felucia and Yavin.)
Anyway, this has resulted in a lot of world-building for the Je’daii other than stuff on the wiki like “they exiled heretics to the moon until they got their shit together.” And so, I present to you:
When the Tho Yor went around picking people up, each one took a different route, which resulted in an early association of certain races with particular temples. (One might expect the Nautolans to be connected to Mahara Kesh because it’s in an ocean, but ironically it’s Vur Tepe.)
Telepathy was one of the first force skills the Je’daii figured out because no one could communicate. Even that might have taken them awhile if not for some help from the Dai Bendu.
The choosing of a new Temple Master was an internal affair to the relevant temple almost without exception. This is true of most temple matters, actually. In order for the High Council to step in regarding temple matters six of the other eight Temple Masters/Councillors had to agree that something was wrong or the temple in question had to specifically petition for aid.
Each temple has it’s own process for choosing new Temple Masters. At Mahara Kesh, it was common that the Temple Masters were theoretical masters of force healing who weren’t actually powerful enough for the more intensive procedures. That meant that they knew what the temple needed, but that their focus on administrative matters didn’t tie up a talented healer. Vur Tepe had similar criteria.
Rangers and Masters could switch around between temples, but the title of Master tended to be connected to a single temple. This was because being considered a “master of the force/teachings” was connected very strongly to which part of the teachings one specialized in. This really only got mentioned when the Masters in question were away from their particular temple. Otherwise everyone just assumed Master Whatsherface living at Qigong Kesh was good at force manipulation and Master Whatshisname at Stav Kesh was great with a sword.
A Master is only eligible to be Temple Master at a temple which’s teachings they are a recognized master of. Generally they also had to be living at or near the temple.
It was possible to be a Master at multiple temples, but very rare.
After Akar Kesh, the Masters of Padawan Kesh get the most respect because they are in charge of teaching the next generations and needed to have at least a basic mastery of most of the topics taught at the academy.
The Temple Master of Akar Kesh is the traditional head of the High Council. (In the PT this is Mace Windu who is Master of the Order, but as the council isn’t spread out among multiple temples anymore it functions slightly differently.)
The High Council was both a unifying force for the Je’daii and also a political unit for dealing with those outside the Order.
Je’daii Journeyers traditionally visited Akar Kesh last as a symbolic recognition of the importance of balance. Otherwise the route taken and the order in which the temples were visited was left entirely up to each individual.
Padawan Kesh tried to avoid “graduating classes” as the Journey is meant to be an intensely personal thing about finding one’s place in the Order and in the Force. They didn’t want groups travelling out and leading someone to choose what they think they should rather than what suited them.
The Journey was generally to be taken on foot where possible, though mounts were permissible.
The Journey typically started some time shortly before one reached the age of adulthood for their race.
Lightsabers are a relatively modern invention. The first lightsabers weren’t created until well after the Force Wars and weren’t practical for use in battle.
And specifically regarding this story:
Maglor was totally the first to start teaching people telepathy. It comes naturally to elves and, as he was the only one to board the Tho Yor that came to Arda, no one speaks any language he knows.
This is the same Tho Yor that the Nautolans were on, that eventually became Vur Tepe.
The elven name for everything beyond their planet being Avacúma (trans. Forbidden Void) resulted in a general cultural taboo against leaving the planet. This continued on well past the end of the Third Age and means that space travel is generally Not Done by natives. Visitors tend to get side-eyed.
This means that technically Arda never joined the Republic, though their disinterested policy on galactic politics means that not only is this a fact rarely remembered, but that it keeps them out of the limelight.
Maglor knew when he boarded the Tho Yor that it was unlikely he would be able to return even if he left for ten thousand years. Even ignoring the long memory for his crimes, “wandering Avacúma” is an act associated with Morgoth and considered to be the source of the Dark Lord’s defiance and evil.
Spacers are very unpopular and considered suspicious for reasons beyond the general assumption that they’re all smugglers and pirates.
One might expect there to be fighting over mithril as a valuable ore, but it’s actually almost entirely unknown to the wider galaxy. This is in part to to its rarity and the fact that (like beskar) it’s near unworkable, but mostly it’s because mithril is mined and worked exclusively by Dwarves and they don’t generally trade it away. Mithril pieces owned by other races were generally gifts. None have ever been gifted to non-Ardans.
Ardan politics have always been very environmentally conscious and hostile to industrialization. Pictures of factories invoke stories of Mordor, Angband, and Utumno to them and they don’t want to invite in anything like the Blacklands or corporate corruption.
When technology finally did become common on Arda, it was only the greenest of Green technology. Everything is environmentally friendly.
Ardan languages aren’t heard off-world. They’re actually so unknown to the wider galaxy that they can’t be programmed into droids because no one who produces droid bits knows the languages well enough.
The local dialect of Basic is nearly unintelligible to anyone else.
The “political” dialect of Basic that is the most commonly spoken dialect in the Republic is actually very rare on Arda. It’s learned mostly so that outsiders can’t trick them or use their lack of knowledge against them. Even then, finding someone who actually speaks it fluently is hard.
The Maw Cluster is where Morgoth is imprisoned.
As a whole, Arda is a Force nexus. Up until the Straight Path to Aman was closed and magic/the Force “left” Middle Earth the effect was so strong that it actually resulted in time being strange there. (The rest of the galaxy says the Maw Cluster was created ~100,000 years BBY, but anyone on Arda would tell you it’s been only half that.)
Maglor is very naturally talented with the Force--it’s Ainulindalë after all, and he learned the Songs of Power--but the way he first learned Force manipulation at Taniquetil actually put him at a great disadvantage in learning new Force techniques. He learned from Ainur/Celestials who are capable of manipulating the Force in such a way that they direct the bigger picture while keeping track of all the details and for a lot of the types of things that the Je’daii did this resulted in him being unable to let go of one or the other to achieve his goal. His attempts to imbue a blade with the Force were a source of great interest to Vur Tepe.
One might have expected Maglor to make his home at Bodhi, but he eventually settled at Akar Kesh where he spent several centuries refusing the title of Temple Master.
Maglor kept the silmaril instead of throwing it into the ocean. As soon as he was able, he started keeping it in a box made of cortosis that can only be opened with the Force.
Maglor’s greater understanding of the Force and the functions of Ashla and Bogan have greatly affected his views of Valinor and the Valar. While he still has a very personal dislike of Morgoth as a person, he feels he’s come to understand the lesson Eru meant to be learned from His allowance of Morgoth’s actions.
In the modern Jedi Order, Maglor is a crèche master in charge of two clans: Dúnedan Clan, whose members often become Sentinels, and Istar Clan, whose members excel in Force manipulation. No one else in the Order gets the references.
Anyway, this is what I have so far that isn’t a bunch of horrible spoilers for the potential story.
As for the time dilation thing, I eventually came up with that to explain the disparity of the timelines and also to show a tangible effect of the result of magic leaving Arda. However, I have since read @deadcatwithaflamethrower‘s lovely Re-Entry series and I will say: the effect is not nearly the same as the one on Flamethrower’s Mortis, but it’s also not too far off. If anyone had been trying to keep track of a galactic calendar before the end of the Third Age.
Also, this is not the story for which I was originally intending to borrow the wonderful @jhaernyl‘s Admin Corps for, but damn if the PT Order cannot possibly be a functioning entity without some kind of bureaucracy so they’ll probably be making an appearance as I continue to flesh out the Order in its various incarnations.
#Star Wars#World Building#Jedi#Je'daii#Silmarillion#Maglor#Fanfiction#All the Stars Verse#Considering calling the bigger project One Asshole's Journey to Accepting His Own Dickery ngl#A working title at least
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Man its so weird to think back and see how many signs there were that I was transgender long before I realized it. I was SO fucking oblivious, I had no clue that being nonbinary was even an option, all I knew was 'well I don't wanna be the opposite gender but I don't wanna be the one I was assigned at birth'. (Except obviously I didn't even know the correct words to describe it) And like... I bought into A LOT of horrible transphobic bullshit, cos I was raised with a biased view of what being transgender even is. 'Trans-sexual people are turned on by wearing women's clothes'. Ugh. And I was completely disgusted by it, since I'm a sex repulsed asexual and everything about foreplay or whatever disgusts me. My parents and pop culture and stuff all treated it like trans people were the equivelant of someone into BDSM wearing nipple clamps out in public or something. 'Well in theory I have nothing against them having that kink, but why do they have to show it in public?' Being trans was ALWAYS only shown as 'oo kinky I like to crossdress in the bedroom', as if it was a fucking sexuality, as if there was NO OTHER REASON why someone would wanna wear the 'wrong' clothes and use the 'wrong' pronouns. I felt viscerally disgusted at myself whenever I didn't want to wear my birth gender's cliche outfits, I denied absolutely everything cos I didn't want people to think I was a pervert. I didn't even know it was POSSIBLE to be transgender and asexual, or even that being transgender wasn't the same as being gay! I said SO MUCH fucking horrible transphobic and homophobic stuff as a kid, just parroting what I was told, and overcompensating for hating myself by making it clear I hated everyone remotely similar to me. While being in huge denial that they were similar to me! And I'm gonna carry these regrets forever and always worry that I stopped someone else from feeling comfortable about theirself and just... GAHH! And I did all the same too about parroting stereotypes of 'crazy people' and 'r*tards' before I learned that this big ol stereotype about autism was bullshit and real autistic people look EXACTLY LIKE MYSELF It just makes me think a lot about how many other people out there might be trans and not have the ability to find out because they've been buried so utterly in this false, bigoted image of what a trans person actually is. Tho also I hate the dumb stereotype that 'all homophobes are secretly gay', like seriously wtf why u wanna escape all responsibility for your actions and say the only problem is gay people systemically oppressing THEMSELVES... ANYWAY I went off on a sad train of thought there but back to the point! I'm just remembering this one part of a school trip that was like one of my most treasured memories for no logical reason until I realised I was trans. I met a new classmate and he mistook me for the opposite gender, and I was like 'HOLY SHIT WHY AM I HAPPY' until someone else 'corrected' him. I mean.. I knew I wasn't that gender either, but it felt like a weight off my shoulders to at least be misgendered the opposite way for once. I felt inexplicably happy that I was looking ambiguous enough to even be in question! And this was when I was like 11, I had no clue what word to even assign to these feelings... And I mean, it was SO DUMB that I never noticed these signs! This is what internalized transphobia does to you! Like 'hey there's probably no reason at all why I always play as a different gender ever time I buy a pokemon game, and get this self hatey feeling in my gut when both options have very stereotypically gendered costumes'. And 'wow there sure is no reason why I got inexplicably attached to this genderless character and can't stop thinking about ways to prove they aren't real'. Seriously all that debate about 'quina is really a girl/boy' with weird evidence in stat builds and equip items and stuff! I got REALLY into that transphobic bullshit cos it was something that shook up my perception of the world and I felt like if not being either gender was ACTUALLY AN OPTION then id have to address painful things about myself. If I knew I could be that, I couldn't keep lying to myself. So I went in aggressive denial mode and missed this chance to come out of the closet at like 9 years old and save myself a damn lot of trouble! And then I just went through the same bullshit at 14 with Chrona from Soul Eater, and could not explain why on earth I was so upset that the English dub assigned them a random gender instead of translating it properly... And OH MAN how fucking dysphoric I was about puberty even before I knew that dysphoria was a thing! It was like 'hey look you're growing up!' 'NO IM NOT DEAR GOD NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN'. And that led to this stupid thing of me just saying 'well I have the mental age of a seven year old LOL' to excuse whenever I acted 'weird'. My forum avatar and stuff was a doodle of myself in chibi form, etc. (Even literally wearing chest binding... I only knee at the time that it was 'a martial arts thing' tho.) Like, I'd got all these messages that not wanting sex was 'childish' and not wanting my body to change was obviously 'immature', and when I was undiagnosed with mental illness and trying yo make up excuses for how I TOTALKY didn't have a mental illness, all I could say was 'ha ha I'm totally uhh... Doing it on purpose? Cos I'm so... Quirky?' I got obsessed with overacting as a class clown, cos I mean you can also excuse cross dressing as a thing that 'the comic relief character' does... And OH MAN, like my big Special Interest throughout all of high school was Norse myth, more specifically Loki. I was FASCINATED with the idea of a shape shifter who could be either gender, and was completely unashamed about it. And, of course, I used to play it off as 'ha ha isn't it so funny he turned into a girl', when I seriously did not have any clue WHY it was funny, I just thought I had to say it. It HAD to be the reason I was so sympathetic yo this character, right? Because he's A FUNNY JOKE?? And man then I got so obsessed with researching non gendered English pronouns from the 18th century and championing how they should totally come back into modern language and EVEN THEN I was in denial! It took until I played Magical Diary to realise 'well fuck I'm trans'. It took a game outright saying that these genderless pronouns arent just 'to be inclusive of both genders' but can be used for A THIRD GENDER, A GENDERLESS GENDER, A BOTH AND/OR NEITHER GENDER!! A game saying that this gender does exist in human beings, and EVEN THEN I took ages to be sure that it was really real and not just a fantasy thing that the game made up. I mean, quina was totally only genderless cos they're a magical creature, right? (Completely ignoring the fact that the other two members of that magical creature town are both male...) And just.... AAAAAAA I feel like I'm the human personification of that 'no Patrick, put it on the lid' meme No, you're trans. No, TRANS. Trans, bunni! TRANS!! This is what societal prejudices do to people. Even LGBTQ people usually grow up within homophobic, transphobic society, absorbing all the same messages. It destroys our ability to be okay with being ourselves... Its so fucking sad that this happened to me, and it hurts even more to think of all the times I said insensitive offensive stuff to other LGBTQ people back when I thought I was cis and straight... Gahhhh... ALSO, it makes me extra sad that Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 never got released in Europe. There's a character there called Arno who's NB and very out about it, and the English translators didn't make a mess of it, or anything. People actually call Arno 'they', and literally their catchphrase is 'Are you a boy or a girl?' 'I'm just a child of the wind~' Like seriously NO ambiguity, character actually getting to dish out sick burns when being misgendered, absolutely NO room for the ol 'well they just don't MENTION a gender, it doesn't mean they were intended to be nonbinary' excuse. Arno outright stating 'I am not a boy, and I an not a girl'. And your protagonist respecting it! Arno is still my absolute fave best handled nonbinary character in all of games. And the summon night series is very inclusive with a lot of gay romance options! Its a shame tho that the only other game with a nonbinary character was never dubbed even in america. But apparently the protags of previous games get a cameo in the upcoming Summon Night 6 which finally will be released in Europe! I just hope they handle Corlal's pronouns respectfully, considering how they managed to do it so well a decade ago with Arno. But then again the Swordcraft Story series is a spinoff so the main games might have different translators? Anyway, let me hug my tiny enby dragon child! Also I'm sad the cellphone app trading card game never got dubbed either, cos Corlal got some cute cards for the valentine's day event. All three dragon kids just got adorable scenes making platonic family chocolate for their siblings cos they're too young to really participate. And they thankfully got super cute totally non-lolicon maid and butler outfits like SERIOUSLY THANK GOD FOR THAT! Just cute ten year olds playing dressup like normal kids. Corlal got two cards for that one! Them being nonbinary continues to be 100% canon, they got a version with both a dress and a tuxedo. AND ITS SO FUCKING CUTE MY GOD ...man I'm sorry this just went off topic into how great that series is But anyway! If I've ever said anything that offends you, please message me about it! I'm still unlearning a lot of internalized prejudice. Also if you want a quality nonbinary werewolf in a cool side scrolling GBA jrpg, look for Arno! Im on mobile rite now so I can't send links n stuff, but as soon as I finish moving my PC desk to the other room I shall spam you all with my obscure fandom's!!!
#i wanna draw quina and arno meeting each other#tho the protag in corlal's game is a chef so it could be hilarious if theyre like 'mom what happened to your face'#and then protag and quina have a giant death spoons duel
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Pocket Ethics: Why Ash Won’t Date
-This is a repost from my amino blog-
Hey Guys,
It's Valentines Day tomorrow and love is in the air. So, what better way to celebrate than ruining all of your hopes and dreams about love in the Pokémon Universe. Today, I'll be examining one timeless question from a bit of a different perspective... Why Ash never gets a girlfriend. No, Serena doesn't count Amour Shippers. There's a difference between a relationship and an implied kiss. I welcome you all to the first ever holiday episode of POCKET ETHICS
!WARNING! THIS BLOG CONTAINS OPINIONS. I WILL TRY TO BACK THESE OPINIONS UP WITH FACTS. HOWEVER, IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THE THOUGHTS OR FEELINGS OF OTHERS TURN AROUND NOW. FOR THIS BLOG WE WILL ALSO BE FOCUSING ON THE MAIN SERIES AND NOT THE MOVIES. SO ANY ROMANCE WITH A CERTAIN LATIAS IS TO BE DISCOUNTED. This topic is one very near and dear to my heart. I am trans-male, so if you want to make hateful comments this is not the place to do it. I feel as though everyone should know about this stuff, though. Exposure is the best way to combat hate. What is Socialization? According to experts at Palomar College, "The general process of acquiring culture is referred to as socialization," In this process we're taught everything from how our gender should behave to what is right and wrong. This isn't an exaggeration. Did you ever steal something when you were a little kid, get scolded for it when you were found out, then were told to return the item. That is a common example of socialization in action. There are several agents of socialization. The main one, when you're young, is your family. Be that (a) parent(s), older siblings, or guardians. As we get older, generally schools take over the role of the main agent of socialization. A school would be an example of a social institution. However, friends also begin to contribute at that point. There are other social institutions (Such as the Military or a Gang), and other types of agents of socialization (Co-workers and Bosses are a good example). But, keep a tab on those two terms: Agents of Socialization and Social Institutions. We'll come back to them later.
Ash/Satoshi Ash, or 智 (Satoshi) in the Japanese anime, is the main protagonist of the Pokémon Anime. Over the years he has traveled through the regions with various companions, on a quest to become a Pokémon Master. And, frequently these companions are female. So, why hasn't he actually romanced any of them? The Easy argument is that he's a prepubescent ten year old in most of the seasons, so he wouldn't feel sexual attraction to any of themes. But kids CAN actually feel romantic attraction. So, even if a relationship didn't go anywhere explicit, he still could have been proclaiming his love (love, not lust) for any one of his companions. Puppy love baby. Instead, Ash is possibly not romantically inclined to be in a relationship.
Gender Identity It's important to mention this. Gender is defined by what a person identifies as. Male and Female are both sexes. Man and Woman are both genders, or more correctly Cis-Male and Cis-Female. We haven't seen a truly transgendered or agendered character in Pokémon. Unless Ilima is hiding something from us. It's pretty safe to assume Ash's gender. That he's Cis-Male. This is likely partially due to the fact that he was socialized as a male. Professors, Gym Leaders, Champions, and the Pokémon League are all either Agents of Socialization or Social Institutions. Though it seems like a fairly equal minded organization, again, do we see any trans Gym Leaders? Nope. And Ilima is a Trial Captain. Which means they technically work with the Kahunas. Even if they aren't transgender or gender fluid or even agendered, let's face it, Ilima isn't a stereotypical male.
Sexuality Okay. So, sexuality is BIOLOGICAL. This is the perfect example of an aspect of ones identity being created by nature over nurture (Which annoys most Sociologists to no end). There's nothing one can do to change if they are physically attracted to a man, woman, someone who is non-binary, all of the above, or no one at all. In an article from Psych-Central by Elissa Malcohn on Neuroscientist Simon LeVay's book, Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Orientation, there is a brilliant quote, "Rather than ask, “What went wrong?” biological theories examine sexual variety as part of nature. Homosexual behavior is common among nonhuman animals. Graylag geese include male-male sexual pair bonds that can break up if females become available. Male and female bonobos freely engage in both homosexual and heterosexual behavior. Domesticated sheep include rams that refuse to mate with ewes, but that readily mate with other rams." These anecdotes both show that there is a spectrum of sexual orientations in nature. But, we can't say that Ash is homosexual (Though he might be asexual). He hasn't shown any sign of being attracted to Brock, Cillian, Clemont, or even the GLORIOUS Kiawe. And, isn't this piece about how Ash ISN'T attracted to women? The main sign we've seen of Ash liking a girl was in the last episode of XYZ where Ash is possibly kissed by Serena. And, Ash didn't initiate that action. It was Serena who did. So, he's likely not homosexual.
Romanticism Here's where the interesting part of the argument comes in to play. Ash is, likely, aromantic. For those of you unfamiliar with terms like this or Latin, the prefix "a" means "Not" or "Without". Aromantic means Not Romantic. Ash can be seen with two girls in particular who are shown to possibly (or actually) like him. Misty and Serena. These girls are in ways complete opposites. So you have a wide range of personalities for him to choose from. Serena made her interest in Ash fairly obvious, even if it was, at times, unintentional. Misty, on the other hand, acted more like a (please don't kill me for saying this) tsundere. She would slip a gushing line in occasionally, then act hot-tempered. Ash could have picked either of them. But, he didn't. In fact he was oblivious to most of their actions. So, he might be homoromantic? I doubt it. It's important to note that Ash hasn't made any romantic advances towards any male characters. Even if people do ship Ash and Sawyer. It's likely that we'll never know for sure, but I'm guessing that Ash would be aromantic. I hope you enjoyed this. See! I didn't ruin part of the franchise. Well... Unless you ship anyone with Ash. But it's still just an idea! Anyways, Happy Valentines Day! Peace Out, -Plat Sources Palomar College - http://anthro.palomar.edu/social/soc_1.htm Psych-Central - https://psychcentral.com/lib/gay-straight-and-the-reason-why-the-science-of-sexual-orientation/] Sociology in Modules
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(This is going to be a long rambling post, so anybody who reads this better prepare themselves now. Tbh I’m pretty much solely writing this for myself. I don’t have a plan for this and I guess I’ll probably end up exploring my identities and writing down my personal history, as well as things I’ve noticed about the queer community.)
So I met a transguy yesterday. I contacted him two days ago, after I read all the way through his blog and decided that I had to become friends with him. He answered yesterday morning, we started talking and became friends, and now I feel like I’ve known him for years.
However, as much as I like talking about him, that’s not the point of this post. The point is something I realized after I read his bio.
I’ve never met another questioning transgender person.
I don’t think he’s questioning anymore. It doesn’t sound like it, from what he’s said. But again, that’s not the point, because his bio says ‘questioning transgender’, and it made me realize that binary trans people question their identities too.
I don’t know how that had never occurred to me. I guess the media makes it seem like trans people just... know. Somehow. The instant they consider the possibility, they realize that it’s true. Maybe I’ve just been looking in the wrong places, but they make self-discovery seem so easy for binary trans people.
I think people with non-binary identities face the same pressure to know too, to a certain extent. But I think we get a little more leeway. I guess it’s because things can seem a little murky when you’re trying to figure out where you are on a spectrum between or outside of a set of options that society often considers the only options. Nonbinary genders can be confusing, and I guess the more accepting side of the community acknowledges this and lets us have more time to question ourselves. But still, it seems like everybody thinks we just have to know. And that’s something that I’ve struggled with for years.
I’ve always felt bad for how many times I’ve identified as something and then realized that I’m not actually that thing. When I was ten, I thought I was a lesbian. When I was eleven, I was scared of what I felt and convinced myself I was straight. When I was twelve, I thought I was bi. When I was thirteen, I identified as asexual for a while, realized that I couldn’t be sure if I was really ace, and dropped the label out of fear of anger from the community. Then, around the same time, I first heard the term pansexual. I realized it fit me pretty well, and I’ve identified as pan for almost a year now.
My relationship with gender has been equally as confusing. When I was younger, I was a bit sexist. I hated boys. Like, all boys. I got my hair cut short when I was ten, and I always got mistaken for a boy. I hated it. I hated being mistaken for a gender that I deemed essentially worthless. Thankfully I grew out of my sexism, but I still hated being mistaken for a boy.
The first time I remember wanting to be a boy was when I was... eleven? Twelve, maybe? I can’t remember for sure. Anyway, I still had pretty short hair at that point, and I dressed like a guy (which I pretty much always have). I was at a demolition derby with my dad, my sister, some family friends and their cousins. I’d become kinda close with one of the cousins, Cadence, who was about my age. I might have had a crush on her, but I think I was in denial at that point. I had forgotten to bring a jacket, and I got really cold, so Cadence took one arm out her jacket so that she could drape it over my shoulder. Thankfully the jacket was a bit big for her, but we still had to squeeze pretty close together to both fit in it. I realized as we were sitting like that, that from the back, I looked exactly like a boy. It was hard enough for people seeing me from the front to tell my gender, but from the back, without any way to see my face? Yeah, there was no way the people sitting behind us thought I was a girl.
Normally I hated it, but in that moment I loved it. I wondered if Cadence saw me as a boy. I hoped she did. I wanted it so badly.
I forgot the very next day about what I had felt. I just remembered it about two weeks ago, and it brought up several interesting questions.
Around the same time as my first experience wanting to be a guy, I learned what transgender meant. My mom was talking with her friend about some bathroom policy at Target. I didn’t pay attention to much of the conversation, but I remember hearing the words ‘trans’ and ‘transgender’ a lot, so I eventually interrupted and asked what they meant. My mom told me being transgender means you don’t identify as the gender you were born as. I didn’t understand, so she clarified a bit. I don’t remember exactly what she said, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that she asked me if I was trans.
I said no.
I had just started experiencing dysphoria at that point. The reason I didn’t identify it is because body dysphoria felt remarkably like guilt (it still does, to the point where it can sometimes take me an hour to realize why I feel so guilty) and social dysphoria felt like general social anxiety. I didn’t know what it meant. I didn’t realize I was, in a way, trans.
When I was thirteen, I read a book with a genderfluid character. Their name is Alex Fierro and they’re currently on my tumblr icon. I loved them. I felt connected to them in ways I couldn’t explain. I still didn’t put the pieces together, though. I don’t know how. I guess misleading dysphoria kept me away from the truth.
I started identifying as nonbinary about four months before I turned fourteen. I finally realized that what I felt was dysphoria, and that realization made everything so much clearer. At first I was scared to identify as nonbinary, because what if I was wrong? Would people hate me? Would being wrong about my gender make me a bad person? Eventually I decided to just go for it and identify how I wanted to.
In July I realized that my gender changes. A lot. Between too many genders and too many intensities to count. So I gradually realized that I’m genderfluid. I’ve identified as such for almost two months now, and no identity has ever felt as right as this one does. I’ve left behind my fear of misidentifying and embraced the possibility of being wrong. I’m working on embracing my gender as well, but I still have some... low points, I guess. Days when I hate myself. Days when I bind until I can’t breathe, and then challenge myself to stay like that as long as possible and hate myself for not being able to do it long enough. But I’m getting better. Those days come much less often now.
I guess I just want that to become acceptable. I want being wrong about your gender or sexuality to be okay, no matter what. Even for binary trans people. Maybe even especially for them.
Or maybe I just want to feel free to be who I am. At this point, I can’t even tell what I want.
#transgender#genderfluid#gender fluid#nonbinary#non-binary#pansexual#dysphoria#this took two hours to write#no joke#i'm tired now#my post#xander speaking
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