#anyway yippee!! New Year!!
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Hi again volta ! I don't know if i should say this here or on you're shimmershy account but i wanted to wish a happy new years ! And i Hope next year will be better for you and you're mental health !
Hi!! Thank you very much! Happy new year's to you, too!! :D I have high hopes for 2025; I think it's gonna be awesome!!
#ask#godofchaoss#tbh 2024 was quite a good year for me. we've been on a bit of an upward incline on the 'Volta's mental health' line graph since fall 2023.#generally speaking. with a few hiccups here and there (like I'll admit that the entirety of my winter break hasn't been very good).#but we'll see what the future holds. The new year is always a good opportunity to placebo effect yourself into a new start#I got a planner for Christmas and have already set up a bunch of dates for the coming school semesters so I'm hoping it'll keep me organize#anyway yippee!! New Year!!#I hope next year will be generally great for you too!
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☆ choir of the faithless
{☆} characters venti, kaeya, the abyss {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings violence (minor) {☆} word count 2.7k
One moment, you lay wistlessly in your bed, head full of fleeting thoughts and ideas you bounced around internally. You were moment away from falling asleep, the draw of exhaustion unraveling the threads of your mind, pulling you apart and weaving your thoughts into the fathomless depths of a boundless dream.
The next you conclude that is exactly where you must be – blinking rapidly against the bright sun that bears down upon you through the massive branches and array of thousands of leaves swaying above you. It can only be a dream because you know those roots, those winding branches and the soothing song of wind chimes as leaves rustle and sway in the invisible path of the wind. It feels too real, but don't many dreams? You reach your hand sluggishly skyward, imagining the feeling of touching those leaves so high above, admiring the way light fractures as it passes through the tree so massive it blots out the sky above you. You'd have to crane your neck just to catch a proper glimpse of solemn blue past the swaying ocean of vivid greens.
It's beautiful.
It's familiar in the way home is. That warmth that settles in your chest, the solemn, quiet moments between. You've spent hours staring up at this tree, both your first steps and your last, simply admiring it all for what fleeting moments you can cling to.
You've played the game long enough – strayed towards its familiar branches at they reach towards the heavens – to recognize Windrise at even a passing glance. The perfect portrait of Mondstadt – the massive oak at the center, the statue of the seven with its hands outstretched and its wings curled protectively around itself..a memory of something you've seen a hundred thousand times, lingering like a ghost amongst its branches and roots, clinging to its familiarity. Maybe Mondstadt isn't the most complex, or gorgeous, or detailed..but it was the first stepping stone to the world of Teyvat you knew. It was the beginning of the Travelers journey and your own – the first, hesitant step into a game you'd learned to love.
You might as well enjoy it might it lasts, right?
This tumultuous, fragile dream of yours.
You sit up with no small amount of hesitancy, taking in the rolling, distant hills and far away cliffs. Mondstadt isn't that far – far enough that it bleeds into the scenery, but you feel that pang of fragile familiarity seeing it in the distance anyway. In contrast to its nation, Mondstadt stood like a towering beacon of stability, stark grey against the ever expanding hues of green and blue, a symbol of tranquility among the monster-laden lands beyond its walls. You still come by once and a while, whether or not it's your favorite place to linger – if only to reminisce and ponder the countless hours you've sunk into the game. To take a moment and admire the nation that had slowly dragged you into loving the world you've become so familiar with, to truly take a moment and process your endless journey further, deeper, into the mystery of Teyvat as it slowly unraveled like a spool of thread.
It felt almost real. The grass beneath you, the wind rustling the leaves and swirling around you, the warmth of the distant sun as it stood unwavering at its peak – but it was a dream. Vivid, maybe, but still a dream.
You didn't want to wake up from it, though.
It'd be nice to stay here for a little longer, to be able to wander past these fragile barriers of the world around you – but would you wake if you longed to see those distant horizons? Would you even remember this dream? Maybe not.
But the endless urge to explore – to see and truly experience that distant, familiar visage for yourself – was calling. A craving to run your hand along towering stone walls, to trace the intricate lines of the alchemy table you'd used hundreds of times, to get lost in the endless books tucked away in the library..a longing that you could never fulfill.
But you'd try anyway, wouldn't you?
You'd make the most of this fleeting dream – stumbling like a newborn fawn after seelies, watching from hidden perches as the occasional cart rolled by on dirt roads, observing the distant hilichurl with a look of solemn understanding. Re-familiarizing yourself with the paths you'd traveled hundreds of times, treading along the same, curious line you'd taken the Traveler.
Maybe it was just an aspect of the dream, but the wildlife didn't run away like it did in the game – the wild boars startled when you approached, but they'd settle down and continue their idle grazing before long. The occasional crystalfly fluttered to your outstretched hands like a moth to flame, the cool, subtle touch of anemo against your skin like a soft breeze, ephemeral and fleeting.
Even the squirrels did not flee at your boundless curiosity – it is as if you are a ghost, perhaps, wandering these wide spanning plains in search of..well, you aren't sure. You let your feet guide you, just like you used to. There is charm in the aimless exploration, a sort of comfort in wandering and observing the world through new eyes.
Perhaps you should've taken more caution when you reached Mondstadt itself – a dream was a fragile thing, after all..there was no telling when a dream could meld into a nightmare. But you were in the nation of freedom, who could blame you for throwing caution to the wind?
Uncertain as your steps across the bridge were, it was tranquil – ducks skimmed beneath the bridge, fish dotted the serene surface, clear waters rippling with their movements. There was something about it all that felt more alive. It felt more real, for a moment, but what an absurd thought that must be.
A dream is no more real than Teyvat.
And at the gates of the city, at last, you feel relief – the eyes of NPCs glide over you like water over the back of a swan, allowing you to simply step past them without even an utterance of a question. Up close, with your own eyes to guide you, Mondstadt is more alive than it's ever been. The people converse and laugh and breathe – the small details you'd miss looking through the limited frame of the Traveler peek through, now.
You get so lost in admiring it all you almost trip over a cat that strays near your feet, rubbing against your ankles. Your hand twitches, as if to reach down and pet it, to feel it's fur beneath your palm – but the small voice that flows from the tavern stalls you in your tracks. You don't have to turn around to know who it is, you've heard her voice enough times to recognize it – and, really, you'd rather not get caught up in the logistics of interacting with the characters in a dream at the moment. It's not like they can see you, besides. Everyone else didn't even seem to know you were there at all.
And you were here to explore, first. You could test the limits of the dream later, once you're satisfied you've seen it all.
You sidestep the cat – as much as it pains you to ignore it, you really don't know how much time you're afforded in this dream – and take up wandering undeterred. Maybe you'll check out the library, next..you only read a measly fraction of the books there, after all, and the wonder of something new is a tempting lure. Maybe if you get the chance, you'll seek out your favorite character – even if the dream ends there, it'll at least dampen the disappointment when you awake in your own bed again.
Mondstadt is still relatively small, despite seeming so much bigger – by the time you're slinking into the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, your legs are aching from all the walking. Even if you don't find anything too interesting here, well, you'll take sitting down for a moment to catch your breath at least.
The game made it seem so easy to get from Windrise to the city, but your legs practically putty when you peered into the library with a healthy amount of caution – it's not like anyone has even glanced your way since you woke up in this dream, but you knew not to test it around Lisa and her books..
Even if it was a dream, waking up because you got electrocuted by a pissed off librarian didn't sound very appealing.
Especially because, along the way, you'd become the perch for a handful of anemo crystalflies. You'd almost forgotten some linger on the rooftops until now..well, they seemed content to just rest on your limbs, and it's not like they weighed much if anything. It'd probably be fine – how much harm could a crystalfly cause?
The steps down into the lower level of the library creaked slightly as you slowly took in the grandiose room, trying to glimpse some semblance of familiarity amongst the hundreds of book covers nestled into the shelves. Maybe having a reference of just ten or twenty books wasn't exactly the most extensive list – you could barely even remember what books you mindlessly picked up chasing glittering spots like a moth chases the flickering flame.
Maybe you'll see Venti's statue, next – it was impressive enough in game, you could only imagine how it looks in person, how the smooth stone feels beneath your fingertips.
For now, you scour the rows and rows of book, gleaning the contents of the books from the assorted covers and titles so foreign to you. You recognize a scarce few, those you picked up on your first, brisk walk through the library scouring for treasure just to be disappointed at the lack of it. These days you're just happy to bask in the atmosphere and reminisce here – unless you're dragging your feet to do your Theater for the month. Not a lot of room for reminiscing when you're busy fighting for your life to finish on time.
Still, you're almost half disappointed there hasn't been many playable characters around..sure, maybe they'd just ignore you like the other NPCs, but it'd still be nice to see them. If Dawn Winery wasn't so far away, you'd consider dropping by, just to see, but..well, you've hiked long enough, personally.
Though as much as you'd like to busy yourself in the library, you do want to make the most of your time, too. You don't pay much attention to the patter of footsteps as you ascend the stairs and awkwardly step past the guard outside the library, the brief blur of reds and blues in the corner of your eyes gone before you can truly see its source. Well, there's more to see anyway – the cathedral was impressive enough when you first saw it in game, you can only imagine it's magnificence now.
All the stairs definitely feels worse now that you can't just haul yourself up a wall like in game, though. Maybe it would've been better to rest a bit more in the library, but you really didn't want to waste this chance..how often did you really have this much control over a dream, anyway? You feel lucky it hadn't turned into a nightmare.
And it was more than worth it when you crested the top of the stairs, the wind rushing past you for a brief moment and almost making you stumble as your eyes flit towards the towering stone you'd known so well. Hands outstretched and draped in robes, looking all the Archon they are..well, it was a lot more detailed like this. The lull of music doesn't escape you, either – because of course they'd be strumming that lyre beneath their own statue. Playing to an audience who knows not the bard that plays a melody of their own triumphs. The same bard who commands the wind as if an extension of themself, their voice the chimes that sing in tune with its winding paths, free and true.
Even if you've never heard the song they play before, it leaves a warm feeling in your chest – a homesickness, maybe, for a place you've never even been to. A longing for the world made up of lines of code and pixels on a screen. Endless yearning for a world not your own – a place you don't belong.
Poetic, isn't it?
Fitting, seeing as your audience is a bard who loves to tempt another into a riddle of their own, their silver tongue used for mischief rather than malice.
It wouldn't be so bad if you woke up now, you think. Lulled back to reality by the gentle strum of a lyre and the sweeping winds.
A reality all your own.
The harsh twang of a lyre brings you out of your aimless reverie, eyes of the teal ocean meeting your own in a moment of startling clarity. You are almost tempted to look behind you, for they must be perceiving another – but the empty, hollow thud of the lyre hitting the cobbled ground is like a bullet to the chest.
Beneath the shrouded eyes of an Archon, the wind coils into a tightly wound bolt that sings with danger, the draw of a string making your blood run cold and your instincts flare up.
Before you could even process the fact they'd just drawn a bow – the bow you had given them – the pillar of the corridor shattered like glass beneath the force of an elemental arrow, rubble dusting the cobblestone and dragging you out of your horrified stupor. If it hadn't been between the two of you, you can only dread to imagine what an arrow that pulverized rock would do to you.
There's a knot in your stomach as you turn to pace right back down the stairs, but you stutter at the sharp glint of metal and familiar blue hair that stands frozen mid-step – for a moment you can't even register any of this, your mind refuses to accept the stark, bleeding truth right in front of you, but the shrill sound of anemo forces you to make a choice. You only hesitate for a moment before throwing yourself over the edge of the wall, nearly choking on your saliva when you hit the ground – it was farther than you remember, but when your other choice is a blade and an arrow, you're thankful you haven't broken anything yet as you stumble to your feet.
Why haven't you waken up yet? You don't want to be in this dream anymore – you don't want anything to do with the nightmare it's become. Just seeing their faces, familiar and once so calm and warm, contrasted with the sharp edge of danger made you want to be sick.
Water – water will wake you up, right? That always works. Your feet slip on the dirt, struggling to gain purchase, forcing yourself to rush towards the cliffs edge – you have to repeat that it's just a dream like a mantra just to keep yourself calm when you look down, the lapping waves and jagged rocks making you almost reconsider. Not that you get the chance, really, when the wood of the tree beside you is splintered so violently you can feel them digging into your skin.
You don't even realize you've lost your footing until the edge of the cliff gives beneath your heel, air rushing around you and forcing what little breath was left in your lungs out violently. Your vision blurs into a collage of blue and grey, the sky above and the side of the cliff you find yourself falling from flooding your vision – you have to trust you'll simply wake up in your bed once you hit the water. You have to.
You don't want to imagine what it would mean if you didn't.
It's just a dream – all of it is just a dream, no. a nightmare.
And as the water parts from the impact of your body against the surface, it drags you down like an anchor weighed against your chest. Your vision bleeds into white, a chill enveloping your limbs until you feel numb – dead, probably. You must be dead. You died and you plead that you wake up back at home, exhaling whatever breath you had left, cold stinging your throat like shards of glass.
Anchored weightlessly in frigid cold, blinded by stark white, your fleeting thoughts are silenced as your consciousness flickers in and out, lingering long enough only to hear the murmur of a raspy, unearthly voice.
"I believe the experiment can be considered a success, Princess."
#sagau#genshin sagau#self aware genshin#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin impact#genshin cult au#genshin impact cult au#fic tag#venti#kaeya#the abyss#coughs#so#leaves for like 2-3 months. posts this. doesnt elaborate. again.#for once its not fatui/tsaritsa i know everyone is surprised#is this a one shot? is it a multi part fic? who knows. maybe#also i dont really like writing in second person but it holds some narrative weight in the sense that. well.#maybe not everything is internal dialogue/actions and theres maybe an external force here and there#but u didnt hear that from me btw :]#and yeah this is an abyss fic bc i havent written for them yet and i feel like barely anyone has. yippee#anyway. see u in uhhh another 3 months!!! happy new year ur present is Pain and Agony#runs
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BDBBU is older than this blog, but this blog has been around for a year now it seems!! How exciting!! What’s even more exciting is that today also just so happens to be the day that the BDBBU admins move in with eachother… what the heck…
Thank you all for a very sillyfun year!! Look forward to more badly drawn shenanigans from us in the near future! Love, Admins Buck and Emmaah <3
#clearly this will excuse the sudden hiatus 🫶#expect us to still be kind of slow the rest of this year as we adjust to our new living situation <:)#we will try to pop by when we can with some fun stuff!!!#but anyways YAY happy anniversary <3#tags by admin buck post text by admin maah#Art by both of us YIPPEE!!!#badly drawn bbu#admin buck#admin maah
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ghost story premiere day! check @melliotwrites for more info

#*there's less than a day left* me: does this count as a prediction :33 sorry it's vague i just predict Vibes. stream sheep in wolf country#last several hours i can post this before it comes across as a Reading Comprehension Cringefail! due to the new update (premiere)#which is also to say i've rushed it in the last 24h after cc told me ''go for it''. i haven't digitally rendered like this since i was 15#in lieu of character designs falling into my lap from above i give you wolf & sheep & wolf & sheep. also House. also fire and water concept#brought to you by (1) general excitement i've been swept up in // (2) cc; who i messaged yesterday with a sketch on a half-wet receipt#and was an enabler of this nonsense // (3) copious usage of the procreate liquify tool and eyedropping colours from the pinterest boards#(4) '' rotatable 👍 '' from cc which means that the house in water isn't beset by reflections and vague. and this work is rotatable.#bonus points if you treat both sides as a spot the difference game.#tempted to print this out as like a6 merch. lowkey. // (4) me rendering last minute on the last possible day [art proj flashbacks] //#(5) ghost story art draft 1 i did like dec last year involving a shelf; incense sticks; peeling paint; spilled cup; the whole shebang -#if you look at the water house there's incense sticks in the window. yippee! had fun with that... it never made it out of sketch.#and then i lost the paper. alas. sorry i guess that was fated to never be. here's attempt 2.0 with months of hindsight#anyways let's talk really quick about song assocs! water imagery @idk you anymore // sheep in wolf country!! pretty obv. above#there's a house & there isn't a house. much House. idk how else to put it. // also that one timeline (not a song) saying <house burns down>#incense sticks mentioned in i breathe in you breathe out // the lighting for the field of grass comes from there's a house:#'where the grass looks like fire sick with anticipation'. also in the same song: pond mentioned 💥💥 body of water moment //#also also the house in this work is like. if you took the ghost story header & the ghost story programme houses and smushed them tgt#except i was lazy to render wood that clearly. and last note here is that the smoke was kinda insp from how clouds are done in chinese art.#ghost story musical
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your decorating habits are unsafe at best, Kate Bishop
#im so glad i drew this a few weeks ago ive been so busy since ive been on break#merry christmas to those who celebrate hope you get all the presents you wanted#i got a desk for my room at home so i should be able to draw more! yippee!#anyways kate and yelena slay whats new#art#fanart#myart#marvel#hawkeye#kate bishop#kate bishop hawkeye#its fun and christmas and kate bishop#thats a fun tag from last year maybe thatll be the Christmas tag#yelena belova#black widow#yelena black widow#lucky the pizza dog#pizza dog
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Art Summary 2024!


#HAPPY NEW YEARS#TOO BAD I CANT SPEND THE NIGHT DRAWING BECAUSE TODA LA ISLA NO TIENE LUZ AMD AAUUUGGGGGG#anyways! heres to a another year and more art yippee!#art summary 2024#mari draws stuff#artists on tumblr
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ayyyy my order from @heybabybird arrived!!!! i am absolutely DELIGHTED by the hoodies aahhhh.
that was supposed to say goodies but close enough, especially with the jasons that are in there too
#BIRDIE THANK YOU FOR THE ADORABLENESS ABSOLUTE BEST THING TO COME HOME TO ON A FRIDAY TO FINISH OFF THE WEEK#hehe got not one but TWO knife bird tiny badges YIPPEE#im going to have to find room for aaaaall these stickers now aahhhh i love them all so much#and the SHAKER KEYCHAIN#blob ghosts my beloved theyre so baby#and baby cujo aaahhhh#WAIT I JUST NOTICED THE HELP ON THE FORCED TO LOCK IN STICKER LMAO#also i will definitely be trying out the sweet potat soup!! sounds delicious yummmmmy#anyway 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚#also happy new year!#enigma rambles
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I think I kinda gotta get this off of my chest without getting too deep into it (or else the voices will tell me to not get it out altogether).
I am struggling. Like a lot, like more than I realize anyone my age or anyone in general should struggle with. I think I’m desensitized to the really bad parts of it all (will not disclose those to anyone ever unless they’re a licensed professional) but today I think I’m gonna pump the breaks and say this shouldn’t be my normal. Nor should struggling daily be your normal either.
A big part in why I haven’t gotten help is because when I do it’s usually never the kind that actually helps. Shout-out to my at-school-therapist who’s tried their best to help me but can’t because they’re inexperienced and cannot give me help outside of what the district allows them to help with.
Anyways, in short I don’t want my mental issues to affect my academic performance and relationships anymore.
That’s never going to be as easy as it sounds, but I have goals to reach by the time I graduate and I need to have my shit together to get there. Which starts with tackling with my biggest hindrance to success, my unaddressed mental disabilities.
#I have genuinely been dragged through the mud with this shit#Not sure if anyone’s been able to tell though#which is fine not blaming the people I love obviously#I just hope y’all know that if I’m distant or seem off or you’re wondering why I can’t connect as genuinely as I want to#it’s because of the dumb brain chemical deficiency or genetic think flops I have going on#Yeah#Anyways I want this to be my get better year#Which means I have to address some of the really REALLY nasty parts of myself that needs fixing#I think it probably sounds a bit basic to some of you because y’all probably go to the doctors or already have your daignosis’#But I’m gonna have to fight my parents to get help which fucking suuuucks#Anywho yeah#I don’t think anyone actually cares about that but idk I hope y’all are going to start getting better as well#New year new us#Yippee!!
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[Image description: A digital drawing of Amanda Young from the Saw franchise. She's wearing her outfit from the third film, but has her hair from the first. She's wearing the reverse bear trap, which leaves only the top half of her face visible. Her eyes are open wide and staring directly at the viewer. Eyeliner runs down her cheeks. In one hand she holds overflowing needles which are falling from her loose grasp. In the other she has a tape recorder. Her arms are stiff, as if she's a posed mannequin. Bandages are wrapped around both of her wrists. These bandages, the tape recorder, the needles and the reverse bear trap are all coloured a bold light blue. Amanda is coloured bright white with grey shading, while the background is a darker grey. It also has a subtle spiral pattern to it.]
#amanda young#amanda young fanart#saw fanart#saw franchise#digital art#needle#needles#cant wait to watch the new one :D#this is actually something i made for a zine but it got rejected :(#oh well im gonna try to get in for their next edition so! looking forward to that <3#i am back at college now (in my last year D: ) and im gonna be a part of this exhibition (holy shit??) and also inktober next month so like#im v busy lol#though i have finally finished my first comic in ages !!#i will be posting it whenever my bestie watches the film its based on so she isnt spoiled 😔#i think u guys will like it!#and since im busy thisll be on the backburner for a while but im working on an even longer comic (🥳) based on an 80s horror movie#(ive posted art for it b4 so tbh u might be able to guess what it is...)#anyway!!!#amanda young yippee!!!#i really liked doing the limited colour palette on this :D and highlighting certain things!
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( okay, hc time. he can't read very well, actually. he's been dead a good bit and never bothered keeping up with reading and when you've fought to live and grow so long, sometimes you just.. forget things. like reading. or reading comprehension, more like. he looks at pictures on menus, gets frustrated playing games because many rely on written instructions, and doesn't own a single book. he's not stupid - he just doesn't think reading's worthwhile when you've spent 200+ years as a big dead panther )
#ooc txt#;hc#(#<- new tag time yippee#anyway yea he didn't even have thumbs for a solid 200 years. what was he gonna do#)
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#*whispers* it me birfday tomorrow yippee#i am trying to be excited about it but not too excited because then it leads to The Fear#i am often unable to enjoy my birthday fully because i worry something bad will happen (for no particular reason)#so im trying to keep the actual day lowkey by going into work and then having pizza or such like with my friends + a film of my choice#but The Fear is still there#in other news i cant believe i didnt know i had ocd til this year lol#anyway heres to the big (not really) two five#i hope i can be normal about it!
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well if YOU’RE not doing artfight— and I’M not doing artfight WHO is going to draw our ocs?
#every time artfight rolls around and i see people doing the Thing im just like#‘awh man that looks fun’ *proceeds not to do it each year*#oh well i can still draw mutuals’ ocs :) i have break soon anyways so yippee#i need to stop drawing sig and karlach so much anyway need to draw some new freaks (affectionate)#roscoe rambles
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christmas miracle
#nia chats#hrm.#nia games#some might call me... heh. a gamer#went into my first boss rush with 2 hearts and not even a dream bc i was prepared to die#alas. VICTORIOUS!#thank god i can fly. jesus christ#sometimes you really do get better at things with luck and time.#< girl who got this game 3 days ago and has 19 hrs but has only beat mom's heart twice#don't think i'll beat it this run either but this was a mega success in my books anyway. who knew i could do a sub-20 run on mom. YIPPEE!!#!!! I ALSO listened to an hr long lecture in advance for next sem & finished a new years gift :')#a productive christmas so far.. gonna keep on chugging! 🚂#** edit. chat i just beat moms heart#LMAAAOOOOOOOOOO
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Happy New Year from (some of) the Descarn Crew!
#p2 of my other holiday post!#my dumb little babies#oh and names of the characters are (going from the top and clockwise)#Elwit- Clem- Fette- and Hickory :)#ik fette's glasses look like they say 2004#even tho theyre supposed to be 2024#but i think its funny that this man is stuck 2 decades back#anyways no more yappage#art#digital art#ocs#oc#happy new year#yippee!
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queen idk how much longer i can take this
#you know when u have a crush & its just AGAHDJFJDKDKJFKDKD#like they're so fun but The Difficulties#& also the terrors bc theyre one of the best friends you've made in YEARS and if you lost that you would die#idk girl#i'll probably want to delete this in 20 minutes so get in quick#leafposts#anyways in other news im currently waiting in the kitchen until im certain everyone is in bed so i can make myself an ice cream#yippee! oh the joys!
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im literally closer with about 99% of the people on here than i am with anybody irl
#going into the new year with about. only 3 friends in my year level and 4 in another year level#yippee i love school#anyway. you guys are the best and ily guys
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