#anyway yeah this is deeply upsetting and unsettling . idrk how to describe it except that like. my Baseline / Status Quo / foundation has
pocketsizedquasar-2 · 14 days
man. it is looking less and less likely that i’m going to be able to get my main blog back (considering @staff has just been blatantly ignoring my ticket after sending one (1) response that was nothing more than literally just the termination notice reworded slightly) . and i am extremely fucking upset about this.
i will probably slowly start going on the hunt for my old original posts (art & writing & such) and reblogging them to here. thankfully i know a bunch of people who have Definitely reblogged most/if not all of my og things so i’ll mostly probably be trawling their archives lmao (thank u mossy <3) but. goddamn. this fucking sucks. yeah i’ll find my og posts but i’ve still lost access to the 7+ years of Not og posts that id reblogged and extensively tagged and organized for references, resources, extremely important things to me, etc. and that fucking sucks.
but here we are.
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