#anyway yeah in the process of finding all these i also found a bunch of official arts i dislike for various petty reasons
alucardsinep · 2 months
This is not an ask game because i don't know any BUT!
I am very kindly asking you to post your 5 favourite sk8 (or just matchablossom) official arts :3 and explain why you like them, for science.
YIPPEEEE i love science and such a kind ask must be answered of course :3 had to sit on it for a while to Think but here!
thisis not an ordered top5 list but this is the best one. i love married gay people. smug bastard. the entire fandom went insane when this dropped and with good reason. it was a good day also theyre both dressed like homosexuals and/or middle aged dads which either way i love for them
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2. THE BEST renga art in my opinion. gets extra bonus points for langa being a mint choccy enjoyer and the color scheme in general being Very Good
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3. miya my beloved <3 one of the best official arts of all time imo. nothing but the best for my favourite catboy :3 meow
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4. SO SORRY i couldnt find better versions of the last 2. but this one is just so good and silly. mr women want me fish fear me and his trophy husband with his cunty sunglasses. i love them
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5. AGAIN with the sample text but. 1) rekimiya sibling dynamic canon to me and 2) old man shadow ragequitting mintendo bitch game. this is canon to me. miya is a pro gamer and reki is proud of him :3 draw your ocs like this ⬇️
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BET YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS THE END lol no here are two Honorary Mentions of fun outfits that did not make my top 5
first ones this renga. they rly said trans/nb rig(ht)s
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AND THEN FINALLY WE HAVE these absolutely iconic fits. teenage mb you will always be famous. theyre getting an ova and i love that for me personally <333
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skibasyndrome · 4 months
hi i just have to say! that i think the writing for wille is perfect this season. kinda annoys me that this is a hot take but! i think it makes SENSE. everyone wants wille to be this perfect boy but he actually doesn’t have the foundation to be that person. he had a sterile and isolated upbringing where he has never had any agency while at the same time having obscene wealth and anything he could ever want except for LOVE. like cmon the only people who have probably ever said no to him were his parents!! and they were absent and loveless! and then he loses the closest person in his life only to find out that he wasn’t who he thought he was and AND that maybe he wouldn’t have accepted him. and for so long wille kept erik’s love close to his chest and used it as a life raft. his parents can’t accept him his classmates can’t accept him the world can’t accept him simon can’t see his side but erik. erik would love me through all of this even if my parents won’t. but that comes crumbling down! and i know i am just rehashing the plot of the series but BE FOR REAL EVERYONE. he was set up to be a cold, selfish, privileged asshole and the fact that he fighting back against this and having this deep internal struggle of just wanting LOVE and wanting to be with the boy he loves but he can’t and no one understands is! brave and really hard! the isolation he must feel!!! and also like!!! HE IS A PRINCE HE IS SURROUNDED BY YES MEN!! ofc he has an attitude. also he’s a teenager hello??? the writing makes sense it’s so goooodddd to me personally and edvin Understands wille and portrays this insane struggle so so well. anyway i felt the need to step in and say my piece bc everyone always gushes about how they love that wille isn’t perfect but when they portray all this internal struggle coming to the surface in unhealthy ways everyone throws a fit and turns on him. justice for wille!!!! yeah he’s an asshole but he is trying!!!!!!!! (sorry this is long no one i know irl watches this show so i have opinions)
don't apologize for this anon, THANK YOU for your great points!!!!
I agree 100% with this. Wille has always been this very flawed, very sheltered character and I LOVE what they did with him in s3 even though it really, really hurt to see it, naturally, because I just want these characters to be happy together (and I still think they will be, after some work and more talking and Wille making some decisions). But yeah, this isn't new for Wille, Wille wasn't "ruined" this season, that's the Wille we know and love and yeah, that makes a bunch of questionable decisions because of the fucked up way he grew up. But I mean that's the beauty, right, he found a guy who can finally show him that that's not something he has to be stuck in, that change is possible, that working on himself and getting better for himself and the people around him is not only important but possible. I mean Wille literally told Simon he learns from him. This id anything but easy and anything but a linear process, but he's there and he's willing to do the work!!!!!
I really try not to get too deep into any of the discussions, especially about character morality, just because we're still one episode short and also because the onslaught of theories and opinions and everything is nerve-wracking as is and I try to guard a last piece of sanity, but seriously THANK YOU for this. You put into words what I haven't been able to 💜
and feel free to come discuss YR with me any time! I know the struggle, so please, let those thoughts out :)
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jabesa0 · 3 months
Hii im the same anon who asked for the jewellery rendering tutorial. Sorry i keep asking for tuts but how do you render clothes,, it's currently my biggest struggle along with actually drawing the folds 😭😭
Hey there anon!! Don’t apologize!!! I actually really do enjoy answering questions, whether it’s drawing tips or my opinions and such on mammon!! It’s fun to talk to y’all when I can!
Anyways yeah I think I can explain my thought process when it comes to clothing and such!!
(Putting it under the cut cause it may be a bit long lolol)
So when I draw clothes, my main focus is to understand and be able to get across the texture/material of the clothes I’m making!! I find that when you can get across what material it is, other people will be able to fill in the blanks of what the clothes are supposed to be!!
For example, here’s my pool table mammon where he’s wearing a gold metallic puffy jacket:
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For reference, I looked for a picture that had similar material and overall shape to what I was drawing.
But rather than trying to copy the shading and folds line for line (which wouldn’t have worked either way since the angle, pose, lighting is different and would change a lot of things!), I look at which places the material looks the brightest and darkest, as well as where the clothing puffs and where it sticks to skin to be able to accurately get across the kinda clothes I wanna put my subject (usually mammon for me 🫶🥰) in!!
A few other examples would be these two mammons:
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In these two pictures, mammon wears clothing that have a very distinctive texture to them, leather and knit! Even though I don’t draw every line or fold perfectly, I try to get across that it’s a knit sweater or that it’s a tight leather material by either drawing the wool stitching/pattern or having the shininess of the leather come through the dark material!
Even though it’s messy, you get what I’m trying to convey when you understand that it’s wool or leather or whatever material I’m trying to convey at the time!
Once you understand material, I think it becomes easier to understand folds!
Take this mammon for instance:
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Because I understand denim fabric and because I looked at the jeans I wanna reference prior, I know that those folds/lines tend to be where the legs connect/around the crotch area, so I know to put those there! If it were a longer pair of jeans, I would put those folds around the knee areas, since there’s where denim tends to bunch up!
I think it’s very helpful to spend some time looking at fashion images online and when you’ve picked your clothing, to really look and see where clothes *tend* to fold into itself when it’s made of a certain thing! That way, when you draw something puffy, you know what spots is puffs at and where it sticks to, or if you’re drawing something that clings, you can see what spots cling to the skin and was spots have a looser fit!
I tend to spend a lot of time going on Pinterest lookin at fashion pictures and clothing and saving the ones I wanna draw mammon in, so I’ve built up my understanding of how material works! I still have plenty to learn, but I’ve built up my observation skills to a point where I can trust myself to get down a certain material once I’ve found a good reference!
Hopefully y’all found this helpful!! The way I draw is very much messy and only really drawing what I think is important and letting myself and others “fill in the blanks” when it comes to finer, finer details! My thought process is to draw enough to get the point across, even if it ends up looking more painterly and less clean than it should LOL but I’ve come to enjoy the way I draw :P!!
Anyways thank you so much for the question, I actually really love talking about my drawing process! I don’t tend to do it often, so when I do explain things, I think I also end up learning things myself when I look at my own art and explain it to all of you guys!!
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stell404 · 1 year
Family jewels masterlist | back to navigation Parings: Sully family x reader, jake sully x daughter!reader, spider x reader (platonic) Word count: 706 Notes: This is just a filler chapter, so if you don't want to read it, don't. I promise it wont affect the plot in the future (spider and readers relation might be mentioned though). I understand you guys don't like spider but like I think his character is so interesting so yeah. Also to explain the title, the line "coal to diamond, sold to fools" refers to the myth that diamonds come from coal, they don't, but some people believe it. I like to think of it as a metaphor, that the family is fake, you only see what you want to see—like they produce coal but you see diamond, and people are fools to believe it, get it? Anyway sorry for the long ramble, I just want to show people my thought process for the chapter name, if you want to ask about the last chapters title, just go to my "chat box"!! Taglist: @lorre-verie @eywas-heir @damiiworld @arianapjs @arminsgfloll @buterccup @ifuckinghatemathrahhhhhh @zaddyneteyamlovergirl @inluvwithneteyam @il0vejj @neteyamforlife @ducks118 @ssc7514 @liyahsocorro @saltedcoffeescotch
The morning after the incident Jake grounded them from flying, forbidden them from getting out. This did not apply to [Name], she didn't have an Ikran she's always stuck there anyway—well that's what Jake believes.
All those times stuck in the cave that High camp resided, she had found herself a way out. At the darkest part of the cave, the very back, there was a small opening able to fit girls her age. She gathered the vines around to make herself a small rope to help her get in and out the cave.
As she was getting out someone behind her spoke up, "[Name] what are you doing, you're already in so much trouble as it is, don't make it worse."
She looked back to see who it was, and to no surprise it was Neteyam.
"Relax, I’m just meeting up with Spider," she replied.
Spider was her best friend, the human boy who was left behind. Jake and Neytiri referred to him as the "stray cat" who started following them. It was as clear as a clean glass window that her parents hated Spider, he's their enemy's son after all; but is that a good enough reason to hate him?
Some people of the clan, mainly the older and more mature ones, praise Neytiri and Jake for "taking him in ''. They get praised because people think they love him. They get praised for the facade they put up, it's crazy that the people believe them, what a bunch of fools.
In a way, [Name] and Spider relate to each other. Both feel like they don't belong, with [Name] not being able to achieve anything whilst all her siblings have already done a lot, and with spider not being Na'vi—getting called a "Demon"—and being left behind by the humans—his family—the only ones that truly cared for him.
The truth is, he has no family. The Sully's are the closest thing he has to one, but even they hate him; he could feel it in Jake and Neytiri's stares, he could feel how their eyes peered into his with hatred.
They were sitting on a small island in the Hallelujah mountains, just near High camp. The sky was an amazing shade of light blue, the light of the sun hitting the white soft clouds perfectly making some parts of it look like they glow
"I mean—I just don't get it, what did I do wrong? Why does your mom and dad hate me?" Spider ranted to [Name], gesturing his hands to the cave where High camp is.
"Stop moving! Do you want to mess up your braid?" she exclaimed, she was braiding his hair at the bottom to imitate a Na'vi's queue, for him to feel like he fits in more. In just a few seconds, she finished the braid. She immediately sat next to Spider, they sat far on the edge, their feet dangling off.
"Also they don't hate you," she added, "they just..." she trailed off, she wanted to find an excuse for parents' behavior towards the human boy, but there just isn't one.
"They hate me, you don't have to excuse their behavior...I'm just gonna be alone forever...I guess," Spider said, a small sad sigh escaping his lips.
"Well, if it makes you feel a little bit better, they hate me too, you know. And you have me, I'm alone too, we can be alone with each other."
"Your people hate me as well, I got beat up by some guy around our age once, when we went back to the village for a visit," he added.
"Ugh! Those assholes! I'll exile them from the clan!" she exclaimed, she knew the boys hated him but she didn't know he got beat up.
Spider simply chuckled at his friend's words, "You don't have the power to do that, [Name]."
"I am the Princess of the Omatikaya clan and the next Olo'eytktan." she said with a sly smile.
"Neteyam is the next Olo'eyktan." Spider chuckled.
The two kids continue their conversation, laughs and chuckles can be heard.
They both felt alone, two lonely people finding comfort in the presence of one another. They were alone, yes, but they were alone together.
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 6 months
Any advice on dealing with internalized arophobia? I know logically that there's nothing wrong with being aro. Im extremely romance repulsed anyway. And yet I keep worrying I must not be aro because everyone falls in love and no one feels deeply for their friends so I must be romantically attracted to my friends. Thats what I keep thinking even though I know it isn't true.
Yeah, it's hard when you know something logically but don't feel it emotionally. Start paying attention to what messages you're getting, whether it be from people in your actual life, social media, or media in general. Are you watching movies where the message is that romance is the only relationship that matters? Are people around you dismissive of friendships and only focused on their romantic partners? And try and balance that out. Look for more media that's focuse don things like found family or on platonic relationships, search out people who value friendships and community and not only romance and nuclear families. (Seeking out community spaces in general is also often a very good practice.)
Follow aro blogs, aro people and seek out aro media. Generally speaking you'll find more interesting and indepth characters in smaller media like books, podcasts, etc. If you do a websearch for recommendations, you'll find a bunch.
Journaling can really help process feelings and with that transition from knowing something logically to feeling it emotionally too. If you're not sure how to start, there's a lot of good websites that give advice on how to journal, and you can look around and try what feels right for you.
Generally speaking this isn't a change that happens over night, but if you keep working at it there should be a gradual shift.
All the best and good luck!
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writing-frenzy · 9 months
Kurosaki Fam Isekai - The Shiba question
So I had an alcoholic slushy, was thinking of ideas and such, when I go slammed by this idea for the Isekai: Kurosaki Family addition.
Like, just the thought of Isshin, Ichigo, and Karin, all who look like dead ringers for his dad's side of the family(Yuzu is all her mother, with maybe her nose or her eye shape from her father's side), but then also for this big name Noble family? Like, Ichigo could be a dead ringer for the clan head? Karin could be Kukaku's long lost daughter/sister? And Isshin... yeah, it's like someone decided to just print and stamp everything Shiba on this man that they could, from his Personity to his *gestures at his everything* yeah, it must be obvious that Isshin is either from a completely lost branch of the family, or someone had a bastard they didn't admit to...
But now I'm thinking of what the Shiba family could be in this world, because a part of me wants Kaien alive for shits and giggles >:3 but that also means I got to get a better idea of just how this world works and where everyone is.
So first things first, how can we have a relation between the two :D
Simple answer: Isekai Harem Protagonist~ The guy got around and had quiet a few kids poping out before he got back home to have an actual family (still probably had two wives).
(Darker answer: So, an Isekai Protag may have been summoned/tripped through a hole in realities/random bullshit, found a way home, but had to make a deal for it; his bloodline is strong and powerful with unlimited potential, and at the time, the protag picked the lesser of the wicked nobles, a Family still proud and very high up, but heavily diminished but with plenty of daughters at the time. He went with the one family that he knew would keep their word, would honor his own wish to be back with his own family, so thus he made sure each child he had managed to be born safely, offered whatever protection he could to them (maybe used a bit of magic to make sure they could protect themselves, until they had the strength to do it themselves) before he finally was able to return, changed and a little broken, but his family ecstatic and there for him every step of the way through his healing process. He can't, won't be able to get into a relationship, still broken, still remembering the children he had left behind, but accidents happen, and when he finds his one night stand is pregnant, wanting to keep the child because this is her one shot at a family, he honors her, marries her, supports her and the child, even as he can't actually be there for them. It is from this child that Isshin is descended from.)
So yeah :D pick your poison, its all leading the same in a way.
So anyways, I'm gonna say the Shiba Clan, one of the Four Great Noble Houses of Seireitei, is probably a highly combat Magic/ Craftsmen's family. They have their own Family Magics, along with Family Secret Recipes and Books passed down generation to generation, along with devastating potential with their powers. They are also a Clan that puts Family before anything else really, and it shows in their long and infamous History. (The Shiba Clan has gone to War, to fight, to slaughter more times can be counted, when one of their children, their wives, their loved ones have been threatened; and they never regret it.)
What this means, is that the City the Kurosaki Family goes to is not of the Kingdom of Seireitei, because in no way would the Shiba Clan leave them alone if they were. No, I'm gonna say it's a pretty Famous Neutral Land, where say, a bunch of people in exile can escape too, pay for protection in knowledge and skills and be left well enough alone as long as they are willing to assist in the Kingdom's darkest moments. (Does not look at a certain Shop Keeper and some of his Regulars who never buy anything but still seem to trade at times) Like was said before, the Kurosaki Fam stayed in this City because no matter what the rest of the world was going through, it never actually fell.
So what this means is that most people don't clock the Kurosaki fam as Shiba relations; for one, most of the people they interact with never had a reason to have ever met a Shiba, what with them being High Seireitei Nobility and all. Even when the group was traveling around, they mostly avoided canon places in the story that would have problems, Isshin and Ichigo being protective. When they had to, they tried not to stay long, just enough for the girls too rest from all the traveling and to resupply and maybe find another caravan group to travel with.
(But now I'm hit with the thought of maybe some Academy Students, some Shiba's mixed in, or some Officers from the military see some of the Kurosaki members, double taking, spit taking, just jaw dropped before they try to track them down for a whole day, only to be left with rumors and whispers. It happens in a few of the cities that the Kurosaki fam traveled through, but no one is able to catch these sword wielding(?) Shiba's.
It's all very funny, at least for those watching from the side lines)
Like, I'm even imagining when Ichigo had entered the Shoten all that time ago, Urahara's brain was racing so damn fast, wondering if they had a message from Kukaku, were here to snoop on the Gotei's behalf, to even if it was Kaien just badly disguised. Kurosaki Ichigo was a surprise, to say the least (oh, and just how that boy kept surprising him).
And like, I'm just imagining a meeting, like, maybe the kids first, because all the misunderstandings, like,
"WHO HAD KIDS AND JUST LEFT THEM TO ROT!!!??" Like, people are wondering at first if maybe Ichigo and the girls were maybe stolen, to honey trapped children, to bastards and all. Like, serious full on debates and shit, escpally when they hear about a 'father'.
Then Unsarcastic B+ Parent Isshin comes in like a wrecking ball, two wedding rings hanging from a necklace and behaving like any true Shiba; including the Papa Bear protecting his cubs and all, his smile more a bearing of teeth ready to rip though anyone trying to threaten them.
("Which ever old fart it is, I'm gonna kill them." "What if they're already dead?" "Obviously revive them, yell at them, then kill them for good this time.")
Just- it's so beautiful :3 I imagine the Kurosaki Fam won't be moving anytime soon, their home is the city, but if their is one thing that would tempt them, it's that the Shiba Family would be the perfect teachers for sweet little Yuzu, sweet little spring child who's getting a bit too much into poisons thanks to a certain Shop Keeper. (Psst, go read Stunted Empathy Verse on Chershiresense's tumble, so good, so creepy.) also, when it in fact turnws out they are in fact related to the Shiba in a bit distantly, Isshin staring as he questions his family tree and everything he knew about them heavily, while the Kurosaki Siblings too stare, each reacting in their own unique ways.
On the Shiba's part, they are stunned they missed an entire branch of their family somewhere, now wondering if there is any other family under the woodworks (the other noble families are now as well wondering as well, because they have a feeling that the Shiba's in search will in fact find other family bastards; it seems their luck.)
Welp, this is that, feel free to ask me any questions about any aus and such)
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zombiifyd · 10 months
Can you tell me your analysis of the Albatrio’s relationship? I love hearing the nuances of people’s different takes on their dynamic!
AHAIHSJEH WOULD I?????? absolutely.
this post is gonna be so long its just gonna be a bunch of word vomit i swear. so i am so sorry.
OKAY SO I'M GONNA BE LIKE,,,, breaking down all of their relationships one by one, with like two individual people and then their all in whole because its SO IMPORTANT to look at the details.
1. chip and jay
these two have so many dynamics. i don't really see them as brother and sister but their fights definitely do remind me of that dynamic. to me, they're more like best friends that have that close of a bond. especially because of how they met, they kind of just instantly clicked. it one of those friendships where two unlikely people have the most chemistry and it never dwindles. obviously it has to do with the fact that they go on all of these adventures together. and they probably spent a couple of days at sea before finding gillion. so they must have gotten close, even if jay was a "spy" at the time, she never really acted like she was. chip found her, and in stead she found herself. and its really touching.
i would say they're definitely the closer two of the bunch even though trust has been broken a couple of times but they always come back stronger. i really love jay and chip.
2. jay and gillion
LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. these two mean literally everything to me. (hi navyseal shipper here) i'm sure i made a post about my thoughts about their relationship on my blog once. but might as well rehatch it and apply the new things i've learned with all the new episodes i've listened to. i still think their relationship is so pure and just so UGHHHH /pos. LIKE JUST ALL OF THE TOUCHING MOMENTS THEY HAVE. but even all of the normal moments they have also. i think the whole albatrio is just unlikely people who have found each other and just clicked with insane amounts of chemistry. because even though in the early episodes, gillion was a little strange and trying to figure out this new world. jay found him strange, but fun. and a good guy.
and it shows in future episodes and even going to him for ADVICE before the block and the reveal she was a spy and everything. and even after that gillion STILL trusted her. willing to literally to everything to keep her with them. like IM TEARING UP JUST YHINKUNG ABOUT IT. "just tell me what you wan't and i'll fight for it." HOLD ME BACKCKCKC I WILAHAJWHJE i am so notmal about them. anyway yeah thats jay and gillion
3. fish and chips
hey guys. listen. fish and chips???? yeah. i agree.
anyway, they are so important to me. they have a weird relationship though, to me at least. like in the beginning they were rough and bumpy but they were still close and affectionate. and dude, let me say, that when they we're crying and holding onto each other in the mud and fighting bugs in laffinlot, they had my entire heart. but in more recent terms from where i am listening, where they were about to go to grimms party, their relationship has evolved so much?? but it had barely even changed. if that makes sense???
especially when chip now almost refuses to lie to gillion anymore. if anything, i think the ice dome broke but made their relationship stronger because gillion confronted chip about what he has been doing. and chip now kind of understands where gillion is coming from??? because gillion doesnt share much of what is in the undersea with the two other than the mentions here or there of his laws and his beliefs, and strongly believing them. and i guess chip is still trying to process that gillion is NEW to this world and everything. even now in the episodes i'm in.
they have a really interesting relationship but i cannot put it into words bc if i do i will explode. but i love them.
4. THE TRIO!!!
all in all, they're idiots who found each other and in turn are trying to find themselves in this big vast, and new, world. they are idiots who have insane amounts of chemistry even when they first met. they are idiots who walk straight into navy bases and fuck shit up bc it's what they do as the best pirates ever!!! they consume my heart and mind and they will never leave. they are a package deal and they refuse to leave one another behind because they are friends. they are co-captains. they are family. they are each others persons. and that's it to them.
okay i think i'm done. SORRY AGAIN
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closedrop · 2 months
Okay now that I’ve thoroughly processed the ending of Crisis Core, I have some thoughts
- I’m kinda upset that I was wrong about what was gonna go down because honestly I would’ve found it really interesting to see like the mako reactor blow up(?) is that what happened in Gongaga? And then Zack have to see that happen or something. It’s alright though I can deal without it ig…
- I didn’t actually realize Genesis liked poetry (cough cough LOVELESS) when I got my first impression of him and said “he seems like he’s into poetry so that’s a plus” and then when I realized I was right that was really funny.
-Speaking of Genesis liking LOVELESS he HAS to have read that book more times than anyone else imaginable. It’s just not possible for anyone to have read LOVELESS more than he has. Simply impossible. You can’t do it.
- I am still a big fan of all the little details that cause the future in Crisis Core, like Aerith’s bow and her dress too, Zack’s limit break, Zack helping name 7th heaven. And even foreshadowing like LOVELESS, because especially in Act I where it says “Three friends go into battle. One gets captured, one flies away, and the one that is left becomes a hero.” (Even though the game touches on this a little where Rothy and Genny discuss it) it can clearly reflect onto the fates of Angeal, Genesis, and Sephiroth. Although Sephiroth in his and Genesis’ discussion of Act I says that Genesis is welcome to have the role of hero it is actually he who becomes the hero I believe? That or he’s the one who flies away. It’s unclear to me because there can be multiple interpretations but here’s my take basically. *Ahem*
Scenario 1: Rothy is the Hero because he’s the only one from the AGS that appears in FFVII so hence “the one that is left” and he’s known AS A HERO before he kinda goes mad and kills a bunch of people. And that makes Genesis the one who flies away, this could be evidenced by how he is a deserter who worked with Hollander to try and stop the degradation orrr something like that but yeah.
Scenario 2: Genny is the Hero because of how Sephiroth and Angeal both died technically (idk the lore is weird there, Sephiroth like died but then he came back to life in FFVII because he was preserved or something?? I forgot- anyways-) this makes him the one remaining though, and Rothy flies away, as in he dies I guess. And also in the cutscene where he gets thrown with the masamune or something I guess he kinda like willingly throws himself down there using his singular wing (iirc) so that could be interpreted as flying away.
And Angeal… ehh let’s not dwell on it and say “being captured” just means he like kinda was killed by Zack or something. Sorry this kinda turned into my interpretation of LOVELESS mb
- IIRC Genesis basically created the idea for Banora white apple juice? Which is insane to me because how did nobody think of this before him?? Like, what’s with this child inventing apple juice? Let’s go?? I guess??? Good on him???
- I literally watched Zack go through the stages of grief throughout the whole game like at first iirc was like whaaat? SOLDIER and Shinra wouldn’t do this, naaaaah. Then it was how could they do this??! And just cover it up too!?? For why! And after that it was, him like (iirc) begging Cissnei to let him and Cloud go on since they didn’t do nothing but escape from testing that Hojo was putting them through in those test tube thingies. After this Zack is all depressed (not like he wasn’t before but he is super depressed now) because he feels like one, he can’t save anyone, and two, like he’s just been living a lie (especially after finding out about Lazard’s betraying Shinra), after that he continues to be tested on what he believes in choosing to in the end not to back to Shinra and instead protect Cloud then finally accepting his fate and knowing that the price of freedom is steep (haha reference TvT) and goes in to fight that whole army I guess which he most likely knows is going to get him killed, but he fights anyway for his freedom. And yeah that’s the stages of grief. You got Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, “testing” apparently according to Google, and then acceptance.
- This game made me like Sephiroth “Rothy” Sephiroth a little bit more than FFVII did because I got to see the side of him that shows before he’s lost to the madness. It’s interesting especially when you realize he is how he is in FFVII because he’s found out what made him. Poor guy 😔
- The probability of the “Silver elite” Sephiroth fan club being run by any of Angeal, Sephiroth, or Genesis is really high, especially when you consider the fact that they have information that nobody outside of those people would have. And the “never before seen” photos of Sephiroth/“photos that only not your average fan” could see. That information being though, the part about the training room and how apparently they’d like shoot an apple off the head of one of em. (Thin k it was Rothy slicing an apple offa Genny’s head? IIRC?) if I recall, it was said that they would SNEAK to be in the training room. Implying that nobody else knew about it other than them. It’s either that or they were really bad at sneaking. But the mail from Silver Elite said something along the lines of them sneaking to the training room to use as their personal playground, and if I recall Sephiroth says something similar in his flashback, saying they’d like sneak to use it when the seconds are out. (Sorry repetitive but yeah) so either it’s run by one of them OR that chairperson is very good at getting interviews with them.
Yes I joined all the fan clubs what about it? I’m a dedicated fan of all of them. Or something like that.
Idk I probably have more thoughts but it’s late and I’m tired soooo that’s all I have for now
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spinningbuster98 · 9 months
Is Super Metroid an evolution of Metroid 1 and 2?
This question will certainly sound stupid to many: of course it is! It takes everything those two games did and refines it to perfection!
And I mean...sure, technically it does: the level design, graphics, music, controls and even bosses are all leaps and bounds above those first two games
...but is it truly an evolution of the STYLE and DIRECTION of those two games?
There's this prevailing train of thought among some fans according to which after Super Metroid the series sorta switched gears and starting with Fusion onwards the games became more linear and streamlined in order to appeal to wider audiences, thus losing what made Metroid Metroid to some fans.
And yeah of course Fusion especially is far more linear and streamlined than Super, there's no doubt about that
But if you really think about it and pay attention that process of streamlining didn't start with Fusion, it started with this very game
Well, technically you could say it started with Metroid II, however that game's brand of linearity is different from that of games like Fusion, Dread or Prime 3.
Metroid 1 was a game about doing things your way with full freedom: you could go wherever you wanted and get any power up you wanted so long as you took care of Kraid and Ridley
Metroid 2 was more linear only in the sense that it arbitrarily dictated the order in which you accessed each Area, but what you did in those areas, the order in which you killed Metroids and obtained Power Ups (if you even found them in the first place) was completely up to you. Metroid 2 streamlines things but stays faithful to the fundemental idea of Metroid 1 of doing this the way you want to, it just put you into select smaller areas in a linear order rather than giving you access to everything from the start
Super Metroid mostly ignores this aspect. This game may be celebrated for its sequence breaking, but sequence breaking is only possible if there's a sequence to be followed
You can't freely explore most areas in this game, it forces you to do things in a general order.
You can't fully explore Brinstar until you get the Super Missiles from Spore Spawn
You can't really explore Norfair without the Varia Suit from Kraid
You can't access the Wrecked Ship without AT LEAST getting the Speed Booster in Norfair (if you're sequence breaking), nor can you explore most of it without beating Phantoon first.
You can't even hope to traverse Maridia without getting the Gravity Suit in the Wrecked Ship etc
Super fundementally changes the way you go about things in its way of streamlining the formula: this is no longer about 100% free exploration that's completely up to you, it's about partially guided exploration and following a predetermined path with room for diversions if the player wants to
Of course Super is still less railroaded than most future games, as the game still requires the player to remember where stuff was completely on their own during its second half, not to mention all of its sequence breaking. Just look at how it still has a bunch of optional power ups that are not required to beat the game and that you have to find completely on your own with only some nudging on the game's part: most beams, the grapple beam (technically), the Spring Ball, the X-Ray Scope.
But also compare this to how many power ups were needed in the first two games:
In Metroid 1 you only needed the Morph Ball, Bombs and at least 1 Missile Tank. Everything else was on you
Metroid 2? Bombs, Spider Ball and a bunch of Missiles to take care of the Metroids and I guess the Ice Beam at the end
Super Metroid has you get everything I didn't mention earlier except maybe the Space Jump and Screw Attack....but you're gonna find them anyway since they're given to you as rewards for beating two mandatory bosses so...
And I know that speedrunners have managed to pull off truly crazy stunts that completely break the order you do things here...but they all abuse glitches and bugs. And as impressive as they are, you wouldn't consider a game like Ocarina of Time super non-linear just because you can glitch your way into Ganon's Castle within the first 5 minutes right? This stuff is impressive and takes skill to be sure, but it also requires you to actively fight against the game's design in very awkward, unnatural and specific ways and I don't think most players would be able to pull off some of that stuff or even find it enjoyable, though more power to you if you do.
Many fans would say that this was necessary, as Metroid 1 and 2 were too aimless and directionless
...is that right?
Because I think that those two games' biggest issues were their lack of maps and the incredibly samey level design making it damn frustrating to get around
Super fixes both of those issues: are you gonna tell me it would've been impossible to make a game like Metroid 1, where you're free to go wherever you want with almost no restrictions?
You can't tell me it would have been bad for being too open: look at how many people love games like Breath of the Wild that are aboslutely MASSIVE and with few directions or limitations. Yet those games still work because they have good map systems and the level design allows for people to still orient themselves effectively
Want a closer example? Castlevania Symphony of the Night
That game starts out just like Super, but soon enough it starts giving you more freedom: while in Super you usually gain access to one new area at a time, SOTN gives you access to two or more with each power up, while also almost never trying to guide the player towards the next destination, leaving it mostly to the player's own wits and the game's great level and map design to do the work. Once you get to the Inverted castle the game completely switches over to Metroid 1's way of doing things and gives you complete freedom of exploration, just so long as you find and defeat 5 bosses that are needed to face the final one
Sotn is every bit as influential as Super in regards to Metroidvania level design, so evidently there was no strict need for Super to be more streamlined and less open than its predecessors. It could have absolutely worked!
A game like this however would have absolutely overwhelmed new players with too many options at once and some would have gotten frustrated after a while: just look at how many people still get lost in Maridia, the one area in Super that actually sort of acts like a Metroid 1-2 area and gives you almost complete freedom. Maridia isn't actually badly designed (mostly), yet people struggle because it's so big and the game refuses to give you a hand. A Metroid 1 styled Super Metroid would have mostly appealed just to people already familiar with this kind of formula
And this is the reason why Super switches direction: it's because it wants to be more welcoming to newcomers by giving them a hand more
Don't forget that this was the first game directed by Sakamoto and one thing he often repeats in some interviews is how he "aims at making a Metroid game that anyone can enjoy". Just look up some of his interviews on Fusion, Dread, Zero Mission or even Other M: he often mentions this, and I believe that this also applies to Super. Which to be fair makes sense: it's a game designer's job to ensure that as many people as possible enjoy your game,especially with a series like Metroid that doesn't sell millions of units on its name alone like other Nintendo series do
The only real difference between Super and its successors is how comparatively lax it is in guiding you, since it almost always gives the player the chance to wander off and get lost, though it also usually ensures that they'll get back on the right track either by limiting the explorable areas a bit or by a process of elimination. Everyone knows that Super has the best balance of guidance and freedom. Yet evidently this balance must not have been quite enough given that there are still people all these years later bitching about Maridia and other parts of the game
Because the thing about subtly guiding the player through level design is that there's no guarantee that every player will get the hint. So in a way I suppose I can't fully blame Sakamoto and his team(s) for getting more linear and guided with time. Hell it's not even just Sakamoto, look at Retro studios and the Prime games: Prime 1 was very Super Metroid style, but Prime 2 was already trying to streamline things a bit by mostly focusing the exploration on one area at a time with this almost Zelda-Dungeon-kind of exploration, and then even they eventually caved and went full Fusion with Prime 3 because people were still getting lost, and not the fun kind of lost where you can easily find your way by looking at the map carefully
Super may be the father of Metroidvanias, but for as much as it may be hailed as non-linear....it's actually way more on the linear part of the spectrum when compared to most other games in the genre. Hell it might as well be a straight line when compared to something like Hollow Knight (though I have various problems with that game, so don't take this as me calling HK "better" than Super)
....and that's not a bad thing actually. Though I'll elaborate more once I get to Fusion, since I feel it will be more appropriate there
Anyway the Wrecked Ship is my least favorite area in the game
It's small, rather simplistic in design, a bit awkward and slow with those R2D2 knockoffs getting in your way and, shockingly enough, I find it to be the weakest atmospherically
It just tries to be spooky but in a very generic way when compared to the booming, cavernous feel of the other areas. The idea of starting with the Ship lacking power and being all dark is solid, but the game doesn't do anything witn this really since you fight Phantoon not even 2 minutes in (funnily enough Dread has a similar missed opportunity with Dairon's blackouts).
Speaking of which: Phantoon is the worst boss in the game
Bosses on the whole are better than previously, but still awkward mainly due to how awkward it can be to dodge their attacks, forcing you to tank most of them. At least most others are either quickly dispatched or have some secret strategy, but Phantoon here spends most of the time being intangible, forcing you to wait until he becomes vulnerable with little variation in the fight. You can't even use Super Missiles because otherwise he'll enter a berserk mode during which he'll be invincible
I heard people say that the point of this battle is to create tension: since the ship's save station is unusable until you beat Phantoon, meaning that if you die you'll lose lots of progress
Yeahhhh-no. Aside from the Ship's save station the closest ones are the one in Red Brinstar and your Space Ship, both of which are like 2 minutes away from the Wrecked Ship and since there are almost no obstacles between those two stations and the boss door and there's nothing stopping you from backtracking to either if you're feeling uncertain....nah getting killed by Phantoon would be more of an annoyance than anything
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ectospacecadet · 11 months
Dark Danny character arc
Ok so Dark Danny, or Dan for short, is now in a clone body of his past self. Cool. Personally I’d like to think that Clockwork made the transfer possible by having Dan’s time ectosignature be back to Danny’s own in this timeline. So he’s not got a 24/50-something year old ectosignature anymore BUT he still retains his memories of course. So he’s basically 16-17 years old now.
Why do I think his ectosignature being resynced to this timeline, so that he’s 16-17, should be a thing? Well mostly because I can see the darker NSFW side of this fandom rubbing their hands together and saying “well he’s an adult technically”, need I say more? 🤢
Anyway, aside from that, where can I see Dan’s character growth in the series?
Well, he’s human again for the first time in 12-13 years, he’s going to have to deal with teenage hormones once again. That’ll suck. Imagine going through puberty 3 times?
I don’t think he can go into his human form at first, I feel that seeing his own true human face would give him some form of PTSD. “Well he didn’t react before in UE” Because it was an illusion, not his actual human face. It’s different when it’s a fake face, but when it’s the same, flesh and blood, that you killed? That’s going to hit hard.
This is something he can work on with Vlad, giving Dan a chance to open up about all the wrong he did in his timeline, Vlad has no idea what Dan did, he just knows he’s a messed up ghost hybrid of himself and Danny.
I don’t think Dan will be at 100% power, not because he’s reverted to his 17 year old state, but because he’s still recovering from that battle. It doesn’t just mess with him physically but also mentally, so he trains at first but eventually it leads to a hesitant therapy treatment with Jazz.
This also gives Dan room to talk to Jazz about what he did to her, his own guilt towards that, and how he sees his family. Remember, he tried to kill them twice now, that’s going to really effect him. He lost his family from a stupid accident, but knowing he actually wanted them intentionally dead? How messed up is he that he would try to kill his family? How will he react now to seeing them and how affectionate they are with Danny?
As for Sam and Tucker, I think he’ll get jealous of that too, he tries to reconnect with them but it’s a bit difficult when he also tried to kill them. I don’t doubt that he’ll admit to them that he really did miss them, he says so himself in UE, his reaction when they hug him leaves him in a stunned shock too. Then he snaps out of it when Tucker insults him xD But yeah, I think he will try to befriend them again but shortly realises that their friendship wont be like before, that he needs find new friends.
Another thing, Vlad’s clones. UE takes place BEFORE Kindred Spirits, meaning that Dan had no idea that the clones existed, so how do you think he’ll react to seeing those for the first time? “What, you had a bunch of these just lying around?” Vlad can explain it all to Dan, about how dozens failed, “died”, and that’s gonna really piss him off.
Then Vlad lets him know about Danielle, a clone that somehow survived the process and surpassed the other clones despite being ‘imperfect’. Dan goes to find her in the GZ at some point, using Vlad’s own ecto-signature tracking device (based on the Boo-merang), he finds her in the frozen Tundra with Frostbite.
She’s with Frostbite because now she’ll be 14-15, meaning her ice powers started to kick in as Danny’s did, so Danny lead her to Frostbite’s world. It’s here that she stayed, found a home and her own identity. Her new name is Ellie. Dan then trains to learn how to use his own ice powers but struggles as he’s got two infused ghost cores. In these training sessions he learns more about Ellie and asks how she survived, he also relates to her more than just being his clone but also another one of Vlad’s ‘mistakes’. ✨Sibling energy✨
She explains that she’s regained her self confidence and her own identity, she liked being called Dani but felt that it was too close to being Danny, she didn’t just want to be ‘his clone’, she wanted to be herself. Dan takes a moment to consider this and offers for her to visit anytime, Vlad is trying to be better now.
Onto Valerie, Danny was only starting to have feelings for her around the time of UE, so Dan had those too. But obviously due to their animosity in the future and how he nearly kills her repeatedly, that’s gonna suck big time. He tries to get to know her again, much to Vlad and Danny’s dismay, Valerie isn’t exactly sure on how to feel about Dan since he looks so much like Danny. Which is explained with the statistic there’s an almost exact duplicate of you somewhere around the world, Danny found his and wanted to meet them, not only that but they had similar names, Dan being short for Dathaniel… Danny’s not great at making up shit on the fly, but Dan simply admits he uses the short version because of how dumb the long one is. I also believe that she’s working alongside the Mayor in the anti-ghost protection teams, her dad and the Fentons being the ones to help supply with Anti-Ghost weaponry. Also I do see Dan and Val trying to make it work romantically.
Again this is why Dan needs to be 16-17 again because dear god the implications behind a 24-50-something ghost in a 16-17 year old’s body just makes it so damn confusing on a ‘shipping’ level. I feel that it needs to be 100% clarified at some point otherwise it could get very VERY messy and people will scream p*do no matter which way you go because of the implications 💀
Alright, previous timeline Valerie. I am in agreement that there are 2 Valeries, you see them both in different places in the book so I don’t think they’re the same person. I’m gonna call her Val for this section.
Val is definitely not on Danny or Dan’s side, she wants to out both Danny and Dan as ghosts to Amity Park but struggles to provide proof. Both Dan and Danny have to work together when it comes to Val because she is a genuine threat, but also Danny thinks she can be reasoned with. Initially Dan doesn’t agree but over his redemption arc he basically winds up reasoning with her instead of just wasting her.
Alright, what about his relationship with Danny? Well… I don’t think he and Danny will get along initially, he’s… grateful that he didn’t leave him to disappear, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t resent him. Danny got his happy ending, Dan has to work hard to build things he’s lost, he’s not going to like being around him. They do start to act like brothers eventually, but Danny is clearly the favourite child when it comes to that. Dan eventually learns that he never really hated Danny, he just hated himself. He also asks how he managed to save his family, Danny says Clockwork helped.
Clockwork… OKAY BUT for real, why did Clockwork help Danny and save his parents, but not Dan’s??? Clearly he could have, but didn’t. “Everything’s the way it’s supposed to be”, so Clockwork must have seen a timeline where Danny would have to face himself twice just so he can become the bridge? Ooh Dan’s not going to like that. He had to suffer, to kill himself, his family, everything and everyone who died, just for the possibility of this outcome??? Damn. That’s going to suuuuck.
Final note: Dan isn’t going to be a good person just because he’s put in a clone. He has to relearn everything, go back to school to gain better social behaviours, try to learn how to fit into society again. He wouldn’t just be a ‘good guy’, think of him more as an anti-hero Danny Phantom. I don’t doubt that he wouldn’t agree with Danny initially about wanting to ‘help’ ghosts, but is quickly reminded about how Danny could have just left him to disappear.
I do also think Danny will take Dan to the old Ghost Runes, Dan is going to need his own purpose now. I’m not sure what that will be.
Thanks for reading!
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betweenlands · 1 year
hey. remember when Legundo said that a lot of the chaos on this server has been Viking's fault? that they'd only have peace and quiet if they got rid of him for good?
let's go over some major conflicts and put that theory to the test, shall we?
(under a cut. this gets long.)
Fix, Kill The Thief: Legundo is the first person to escalate, demanding he steal something in return for "borrowing" the gold blocks. Fix gives him the painting but can't resist the urge to twist the knife from there. Legundo responds by killing him on-sight the next time they meet, reinforcing Fix's belief that everyone's out to get him. We get the spiral of "if someone hires me i need to still show i have the upper hand" that leads directly into Kill The Thief, and also into Shadow being hired to assassinate Jamie.
Nukeri and the wing-stealing threat: This one was just Shadowmech, I think. (Though Legundo is frequently pretty brusque with Nuke, for what it's worth.) Also Nukeri later ends up unable to fly during S2 as a result of jumping into the Void to find his friends, but that one's also kind of solidly on the Oracle.
Jamie, pre-Void: Legundo suggests Jamie become queen. When her leadership becomes questionable and her behavior becomes erratic, Legundo immediately turns and begins assembling a group to sneak into the stronghold, convincing them that the dragon has to die. Jamie and her court attempt to stop them, first by trying to explain their actual motivations and then by force. When the dragon dies, Jamie ends up being right about something horrible happening, as she literally explodes.
Viking, part 1: The dragon's death results in Viking becoming tangible. He starts off as friendly and seemingly well-adjusted but quickly becomes obsessed with getting the grand prize of a Legundo IOU, ending up having to deal with Taneesha and her hiding her taxes in the process. He steadily loses his hinges after this but remains friendly until people start directly pushing his buttons, with perhaps the sole example to the contrary being pitting Legundo and Fix against each other (telling Legundo to help him steal the diamonds and Fix to stop Legundo from doing Something during the exorcism).
Various forms of tax evasion: A lot of people do this in a lot of different ways, because the diamond tax just kind of sucks. Taneesha tries and fails to frame Fix and gets snitched on by Fix, Legundo attempts to clog the system with unenchanted diamond pickaxes, Viking frames himself to take the fall for Taneesha, Shadow's a hired gun for the queen and is therefore just having a good time.
Jamie, post-Void: So, remember when Jamie exploded because the dragon was killed? Turns out she's evil now! Possessed by the Void, Jamie attempts to start a cult and in general funnel her power as queen towards accomplishing its goals. Good thing Legundo knows an exorcism ritual and has found the diamonds to seal all that chaos energy into!
Fix, ritual diamonds: Yeah, it turns out Fix still has that urge to steal, and -- seemingly unrelated to Viking's request to stop Legundo from messing up the ritual -- steals the diamonds on the ritual platform, releasing a bunch of chaos energy and causing the apocalypse in the process. He didn't exactly know this would happen -- he was told they shouldn't be moved but wasn't told why until after he'd already stolen them. Anyway, the Oracle curses him and he's a genie now.
the Blood Moons: Are a direct result of the released chaos energy. They also may have caused something with Shadowmech to go haywire as he's currently a silent murder machine.
POOPA: Formed by Grady and Mongo. I'm gonna be honest, I don't know their exact reasoning other than potentially to try and sell more of Mongo's beetroot, but either way, Legundo clearly doesn't like them even if he's willing to bribe them. The IOU forms separately as another way to stop them and Legundo is either roped in or asked to join depending on your point of view.
Taneesha's Void stuff: Turns out Tan's still a little bit Void-possessed and/or something with the Blood Moons affected her as well! She's now got urges to kill -- urges that Legundo chooses to test by sending her on a solo mission alongside Joy to see if someone dies. Someone (Joy) does. He continues to observe until she starts trying to blow things up with End Crystals. This is also the point at which Viking gets involved...
Viking, part 2: The reason Viking wanted the ritual diamonds is to do a ritual of his own that would hopefully bring his and Taneesha's memories back -- worth noting, Viking also didn't know that moving the diamonds would cause the apocalypse. Taneesha and Viking are close, and when Tan opens up to him about her urges to murder, Viking does his best to support her -- his idea of "support" is a little skewed, considering he shoots an End Crystal and causes her to explode Legundo, but he definitely had reasoning behind it. Besides -- he doesn't quite trust Legundo.
IOU, part 1: Back up a few steps to POOPA. The gang attempts to find a stronghold to set IOU's base in, and it turns out there's one right under the desert that Fix built for Legundo, near where Joy's parked her van. Viking attempts to get to work on building out a version of the stronghold room that looks like the original room and keeps the portal closed, as Legundo very specifically says to not open the portal. Joy and Taneesha don't get the message, and not only open the portal but also destroy the portal frame blocks, leaving Viking scrambling to try and fix things as they proceed to attempt to gaslight him into thinking it was his fault. This goes... very poorly.
IOU, part 2: Viking attempts to seek out Legundo to explain what happened with the portal before Joy and Tan can flip the script, but Legundo's mad about his stuff going missing (it was in a box a little too far away from the place he died for him to notice) and basically shrugs off Viking every chance he gets. They get to the stronghold, and Tan and Joy appear to have broken the other blocks of the portal -- at which point Viking gets extremely frustrated, attempts to explain the situation to Legundo, and Legundo mutes him. Anyway, turns out that Joy and Tan had built a fake room to try and trick Viking into thinking they'd broken the rest of the portal, and he goes a little ballistic after all this, at which point then Legundo pulls Taneesha aside to ask her for help with putting Viking to rest permanently.
Whoof. That's a lot of summary. So. What have we learned?
Well... there's a person at the center of all the chaos, alright. There's definitely one person that consistently sets things into motion and lets things escalate when he could very easily step in, even escalates things himself in some cases, either intentionally with some justification or just by letting his emotions get the better of him.
Legundo had Fix steal that painting, strongarmed him into being a thief for hire. Legundo nominated Jamie as queen and then tore her down as soon as she posed a threat. Legundo rallied as many people as possible to kill the dragon because he didn't want to listen to Jamie, in the process both releasing Viking and making Jamie become evil. Legundo ignores POOPA until they start getting nosy, then pays them off while still letting them exist, then joins an organization dedicated to destroying them. Legundo sends off Joy on a mission with Taneesha, fully aware the latter has murderous urges and may try to kill her, because he wants to double-check.
And now, Viking's gotten a little too much power from sources outside Legundo's control, and all of a sudden Legundo's not just scared of him anymore, no, Legundo wants him gone.
It's almost like someone's trying to create a power vacuum, a series of faulty leaders like dominos, and setting himself up as the person to solve it -- the only person that can bring that peace and quiet to the overworld.
It's almost like someone was sent here to conquer the overworld to begin with, by any means he deems worthy or necessary.
I'm sure that's nothing to worry about. He means well for his people, after all. Follows their ideals. Leads through power.
I'm sure there's no sayings about what absolute power does to a person.
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realityjoey · 28 days
PILOT (1.1)
This series will be based on the show Lucifer, all credit for the chapters go to the creators of Lucifer, as well as all the characters. The only characters I take credit for is Joey Anderson and her family/background. I created this character ‘Joey Anderson’ to be Lucifer’s love interest, as I thought it would be interesting to create a different dynamic. (I still completely love Deckerstar, just not in this story). Enjoy!
Also decided to highlight some parts of the story with a colour key:
RED = lust / sexual / hot / tension / overprotective / desire
ORANGE = family moments
GREEN = anger / jealousy
BLUE = sad / denial / confusion
PURPLE = romantic / cute / they are so in love / caring
PINK = funny
Joey Anderson was in the middle of completing some tedious paperwork for a case her and one of her colleagues, Chloe Decker, had recently closed. Due to a combination of sleep deprivation and boredom, Joey was struggling to keep her eyes open and focused on the computer screen, until the familiar ringtone of her phone snapped her back into reality.
“Anderson.” Joey answered the call, tiredly.
“Hey, Joe. There’s been a murder. Need you down here.” Chloe Decker tells her down the phone.
“I’ll be there soon.” Joey says, closing her computer.
“Thank you. I’ll send you my location.” Chloe replies, hanging up.
Chloe had sent her the location, and as promised, 10 minutes later Joey arrived at the crime scene, stepping out of her car and over to the crashed car to analyse the scene; until her examination was interrupted by another familiar person— Daniel Espinoza.
“Want to hear what I’ve got so far?” Dan’s voice interrupts her thought process.
Joey begrudgingly turns around, facing Dan. “Lieutenant said this is mine and Chloe’s case.” She reminds him.
“Yeah, Joey, it is your case, but try not to take too much time. It’s an easy one. That’s our bad guy.” Dan says, patronisingly, nodding to the dead guy in the car. “Eddie Deacon, he’s a low-level drug dealer. I found these in his pocket, and I found this in Delilah’s purse.” He says, holding up 2 identical small bags of drugs. “So, obviously drug related. She probably owed him a bunch of cash or something. She’s not exactly selling out stadiums these days.”
“How do you know he’s low-level?” Joey questions, folding her arms.
Dan pauses, before examining the guy in front of them. “Look at his car.”
“Did you look at his watch?” Joey asks, noticing the expensive watch strapped to his wrist. “That thing ain’t cheap.”
“It’s probably fake.” Dan dismisses. “Look… there’s gonna be a lot of attention on this one, Joey. I wouldn’t pick at it too hard. Not after Eastwood Street.”
“I asked for this case because of Eastwood Street, Dan.” Chloe’s voice answers from behind them.
Dan looks at the ground at being caught whilst Joey clenches her fists, attempting to hold in her anger and remain professional. Chloe looks between the two of them. “So, anyways, any witnesses?” Chloe asks.
Dan had explained that there was a witness, the owner of the club across the street named ‘Lux’.
“Joe, you go and question the club owner, I’ll look for more clues and any attachments.” Chloe instructs. Joey nods, happily leaving the divorced couple’s company.
Joey had arrived at Lux shortly after, managing to find the described owner, sitting directly in the middle of the club playing the piano rather gracefully. She had introduced herself, explaining why she was there, and then began her questioning.
“Lucifer Morningstar.” The owner answers after being asked his name, continuing to play the piano.
“Lucifer Morningstar?” Joey repeats, scribbling notes down in her notepad, whilst standing next to the piano. “Is that a stage name or something?”
Lucifer chuckles, then looks in her direction. “God-given, I’m afraid.” He replies, as Joey stares at him in confusion, before his fingers come to a halt on the musical instrument. “Do you know, you look familiar. Have we met before?”
“Yeah, five minutes ago.” Joey replies dryly. “And I’m asking the questions. Talk to me about your relationship with the victim.”
“Well, she used to work here a few years back. I would occasionally accompany her whilst she sang. Then she became a big star and someone decided to end her life.” Lucifer replies, smiling.
“Do you know the shooter?” Joey questions.
“No, but we did have an interesting little chat just before he kicked off. I asked him why he did it.” Lucifer tells her, taking a sip of his whiskey.
“Like to play cop, do you?” Joey comments.
Lucifer chuckles, “No, I just like to play in general, Detective. What about you?” He replies, grinning and letting his eyes wander.
“So, you had a conversation with a dead guy?” Joey concludes, ignoring his attempt at flirting.
“Oh, no. He was’t quite dead. His soul hadn’t crossed the threshold.” Lucifer corrects.
“I see.” Joey nods, unbelievingly. “Did he tell you why he did it?”
“Why, money, of course.” Lucifer replies. “You humans, you love your money, don’t you?” He comments, taking another sip.
“Yes. Yes, we do. And, uh, what planet are you from— London?” Joey bites back.
Lucifer laughs. “Yes, he also said, ‘I just pulled the trigger’. Now, don’t you think that’s interesting?”
“Delilah was shot to death by a drug dealer. And looks like Delilah herself kept the guy pretty bust. You know, it’s sad, it’s ugly, but it’s not rocket science. Something probably went south between them. She gets riddled with bullets, and a nice little act of God takes him out.” Joey sums up.
“You know, it doesn’t work like that, Detective.” Lucifer replies, shaking his head. “It’s quite a neatly wrapped little present for the LAPD, don’t you think?”
“Why don’t you tell me something?” Joey says, leaning forward and lowering her voice. “How does she end up dying in a hailstorm of bullets, and you get away without a scratch? I think that’s interesting. Don’t you?”
“The benefits of immortality.” Lucifer smiles, taking another sip of his drink.
“Immortality.” Joey repeats. “Mm, of course, uh, do you spell that with one or two M’s? I always forget.” She teases him.
Lucifer chuckles. “What will your corrupt little organisation do about this?” He asks, seriously.
“Excuse me?” Joey replies.
“Will you find the person responsible? Will they be punished? Will this be a priority for you? Because it is for me.” Lucifer asks.
Joey folds her arms, offended. “You got some balls on you, pal.”
“Oh, thank you very much, but they’re really quite average.” Lucifer smirks, looking at his lap.
“I bet.” Joey replies.
“Now, are you sure we haven’t met? I could swear I’ve seen you naked.” Lucifer changes topic. “Have we had sex?” He asks, checking her out.
“We’re done here.” Joey says, taking her leave, but Lucifer stands up, grabbing her wrist gently, stopping her.
“Detective, wait! Someone out there needs to be punished. We’re not done.” He argues.
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“Yeah. Yeah, we are.” Joey says, standing her ground, and leaving.
The next day, Joey and Chloe had planned to visit the rapper, ‘2Vile’, to interrogate him, as Chloe had discovered he was the last person the drug dealer had called.
Chloe walks in first, her hand on the shoulder of the butler. “LAPD! Guns down.” She shouts, pointing her gun at them all.
“On the floor, down! You two, against the wall.” Joey orders a few of them about.
“Detective, welcome to the party.” Lucifer says, catching Joey’s eye.
“Grab the bucket, collect the guns. Now!” Chloe orders the butler, as he races around the room collecting them.
“You sly dog, you did listen to me.” Lucifer smirks, walking over to Joey slowly.
“Chloe ran the dead guy’s cell phone. 2Vile was the last person he called.” Joey corrects.
“Come on, man.” 2Vile scoffs from behind Lucifer.
“But what I find highly interesting is how you made the connection on your own.” Joey says, staring at Lucifer.
“Well, I’ve been busy, my dear.” Lucifer replies, as Chloe walks over to 2Vile.
“Tell me about Delilah.” Chloe asks the rapper.
“We’ve been over that one.” Lucifer interrupts.
“And why you called the shooter two days before she was murdered?” Joey adds, standing by Chloe’s side.
“Fine. Yeah, I called Eddie ‘cause he hooks me up sometimes. He met Delilah through me. Whatever. Don’t make me a killer, do it?’ 2Vile replies.
“No, but it does make you a suspect.” Joey tells him.
“What, so everybody on Eddie’s phone’s a suspect? Are you joking? You gonna drag half of Hollywood downtown. Be like the Oscars or something.” 2Vile says.
“Wait, aren’t you that chick from that film?” One of 2Vile’s friends interrupts, pointing at Joey.
“Him? What’s this? What film?” Lucifer’s head whips around to Joey, who starts to look uncomfortable.
“You used to be an actress or something, right?” He continues.
“Yeah.” Joey nods, reluctantly.
“That teen movie—“ 2Vile realises.
“I forget what it’s called.” His friend says.
“Of course.” Lucifer points his finger at Joey. “Hot Tub High School. That’s where I know you from.”
“Let’s just stick to our questions, shall we?” Chloe reminds them, sticking up for her best friend.
“The one with the famous nude scene, coming out of the hot tub! It was, like, a complete Fast Times rip-off.” Lucifer continues, excitedly. “She was like the new Phoebe Cates!”
“Thanks, I appreciate that.” Joey smiles sarcastically.
“That was quite a nude scene.” Lucifer smirks, looking Joey up and down.
“I have far too many bullets in this thing for you to still be talking.” Joey mumbles to Lucifer, glancing at her gun.
“You. We need to have a conversation right now.” Chloe looks at 2Vile.
“That’s a waste of time. I’ve just threatened his life— he’s not our guy.” Lucifer interrupts Chloe again. “He would’ve said, trust me.”
“You did what?” Joey asks.
“Yeah, isn’t that illegal?” 2Vile adds.
“Uh, little bit, yeah.” Joey nods.
“You, stay put.” Chloe looks at 2Vile.
“You, you’re coming with me.” Joey says to Lucifer, grabbing her handcuffs from her belt, and putting them on him.
“What? Ooh.” He smirks, realising what she’s doing. “With pleasure.”
Joey then starts walking Lucifer out, as Chloe continues their interrogation with 2Vile.
“At least perhaps now you’ll listen to me. Although, I’m not quite sure why I’m being arrested.” Lucifer rambles.
“Because you’re interfering with a police investigation.” Joey answers, as they reach the driveway, stopping next to her and Chloe’s car. “You’ve broken… I can’t even count how many laws, and you’ve pissed me off.” She says, opening the back car door.
“Right, I can get out of these, you know?” Lucifer says, ignoring what she’s said, referring to the handcuffs.
“Funny.” Joey says, nodding to the car for him to get in, when he holds the handcuffs up with one hand, undone. “How’d you do that?” Joey asks, grabbing them from him.
Lucifer sighs, “Come on, we’re wasting time. We should be out there solving a homicide and punishing those responsible.”
“We? You’re insane. I’m taking you in, get in the car.” Joey reaches for Lucifer’s hand.
“No, that’s boring.” He moans. “Not to mention pointless.” He says, as Joey rolls her eyes. “Come on, I’ll help you. It’ll be fun.”
“How could you possibly help us?’ Joey questions.
“I have a certain skill set. I can be very persuasive with people and tend to see things that others cannot.” Lucifer lists.
“So, you’re psychic or something?” Joey teases.
“No, I can’t read people’s minds. I’m not a Jedi.” He rolls his eyes. “People just like to tell me things.”
“Hmm, just— just tell you things?” Joey questions. “Just confess their sins, just like that?’
“No, not their sins. I have no power over people’s sins. I actually get a bad rap for that.” He pauses. “I have the ability to draw out people’s forbidden desires. The more simple the human, the easier it is. The more complex, the more challenging and exciting, really. But no, the actual sins, the sins are on you people.” He rants.
“You people?” Joey repeats. “I got it. I got it! The name? The whole Lucifer thing? And desire’s like your superpower.” She plays along.
“Mm, it’s more like a gift from God really.” Lucifer corrects, as Joey stares at him in disbelief. “Okay, look. Tell me, Detective, what do you desire more than anything else in this life?” Lucifer asks, staring deeply into Joey’s eyes whilst speaking in a rather seductive voice.
“This is it? This is your big trick?” Joey asks, Lucifer nods, as the pair remain holding eye contact, before Joey sighs. “I guess, when I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a cop so that… that one day I could help people and…and be taken seriously when I say to shut up and get in the damn car.” She says, Lucifer’s smile fading as he realised it hadn’t worked on her.
“You’re not, like, a Jedi or something, are you?” Lucifer whispers, taking a step back.
“Get in the car.” Joey says sternly, reaching for his arm again.
Lucifer steps back. “No, no, no, no, no. Look. I know something you don’t know.” He points a finger at her.
“Really what’s that?” Joey asks.
“Won’t say unless you take me with you on this.” Lucifer says, childishly, as Joey rolls her eyes. “Please, come on. Look, I got to 2Vile, didn’t I?’
“Why do you care about this so much?” Joey asks. “About Delilah?”
Lucifer hesitates. “Look, I just… I just do.” He says. “If I hadn’t meddled with her career, maybe she wouldn’t have died.” He says, genuinely.
“Okay, okay.” Joey nods, feeling a slight moment of sympathy for him. “Fine, but if this little clue thing of yours doesn’t pan out, these are going back on.” She threatens, holding up the handcuffs.
“Is that a promise?” Lucifer smirks, as Joey nods, putting him in the car, whilst she waits outside of the car, leaning against the bonnet, smoking a cigarette, waiting for Chloe to return.
About 3 minutes later, Chloe appears, walking up to Joey and instantly plucking the cigarette out of her hand, crushing it on the ground with her shoe.
“Hey—“ Joey begins to complain, but stops when Chloe sends her a cold glare.
“Men are insufferable.” Chloe sighs, leaning on the bonnet next to her.
“Tell me about it.” Joey replies, nodding in Lucifer’s direction. Chloe turns her head, and sees Lucifer in the back of their car, who simply smiles and waves at her.
“Are we taking him to the station?” Chloe asks.
Joey reluctantly shakes her head. “He claims he’s got some information that might benefit the case. I’m going to see if it checks out. If not, we’ll take him in.” Joey explains, only for Chloe to raise her eyebrows in response. “What?” Joey asks, Chloe smirking.
“Do you fancy him?” Chloe asks.
Joey’s face drops. “Of course not. He’s too egotistical and annoying to be found relatively attractive.” She denies.
“I mean, I wouldn’t blame you. He’s very handsome.” Chloe comments. “And that accent.” She adds.
“Are you sure you’re not the one who fancies him?” Joey asks, laughing.
“Not my type. Besides, he seems to have his eye on you.” Chloe smirks, nudging Joey’s elbow. “All I’m saying is it wouldn’t hurt for you to… get some. Especially after Will.”
“Oh, shut up, you. Let’s go.” Joey says, as they both get in the car, Chloe in the drivers seat, Joey next to her in the passenger seat.
Lucifer then tells Joey his ‘clue’, so she speaks through her headset to those at the precinct. “Yeah, therapist in Beverly Hills with the first name Linda. See if Delilah was a client.” She speaks on the headset, as Chloe sets off.
“Ah-ah, actually, she had a pseudonym, which I also happen to know.” Lucifer interrupts from the back seat. “I’m quite good at this, aren’t I?” He smirks. “Penny Lane.” He reveals.
“Okay.” Joey nods to Lucifer. “Delilah may have gone by Penny Lane. Thanks.” She says on her headset, then notices Lucifer grinning to himself in the back. “Don’t look so smug.” She tells him. “Nothing’s panned out yet.”
“No, no. It’s not that. It’s just that I knew I recognised you.” He replies.
“Right.” Joey nods. “Right, you’ve seen my boobies. It’s exciting. What, are you 12?”
“So is the, uh… is the movie why you’ve got such a chip on your shoulder?” Lucifer asks.
“Uh, it’s low on the list of things I have to live down, I guess.” Joey vaguely replies.
“Right. Attractive female cops struggling to be taken seriously in a man’s man’s world— that it?” Lucifer guesses, looking between Joey and Chloe.
“Yeah, something like that.” Joey replies, as her and Chloe share a smile.
“Well, they’re threatened. You’re clearly smart and have notable instincts. Ignore them. Trust yourself.” Lucifer tells Joey, until her headset rings.
“Detective Anderson.” Joey answers. “Alright, text it to me. Thanks.”
“What’s that?” Lucifer asks, leaning forward and smiling knowingly.
Joey sighs, “What you were saying stands up. There’s a Penny Lane who sees a Dr. Linda Martin in Beverly Hills.”
“Excellent. I’ll clear my schedule.” Lucifer replies, when this time, Chloe’s headset rings. “Ooh, we’re very popular.”
“Please stop talking.” Chloe tells him, answering the call. “Hello. What? You’re kidding me. Is she okay? Oh, of course he’s not there. Thanks.” She says. “We gotta make a pit stop.” She announces to Joey and Lucifer.
“What? No, absolutely not.” Lucifer says.
“My kid got into a fight. I got to pick her up.” Chloe replies.
“What, can’t she get herself home?” Lucifer replies, confused.
“She’s seven.” Joey states.
“Look, I’m not here to help you run errands. I’m here to help you solve a homicide.” Lucifer reminds them.
“Really?” Chloe says, before swerving the car aggressively round the corner, sending Lucifer flying to the other side, Joey giggling.
Later on, they arrive outside the school. “You, stay put.” Joey says to Lucifer, as her and Chloe hop out of the car.
“With pleasure. Despise children.” Lucifer mumbles.
As Joey and Chloe walk up to the entrance, Lucifer steps out of the car, getting ready to smoke a cigarette, when he notices a rather attractive women swaying her hips as she walks into the building, so he eagerly follows her into the school, but looses track of her once inside the building.
Lucifer sighs, looking up and down the corridor at the bustling children, and decides to sit down on the nearest bench, flicking his lighter on.
“I don’t think you’re allowed to smoke in her.” A little high-pitched voice comments from next to him.
Lucifer looks to his side, seeing two young girls, one with short black hair, missing front teeth, and the other with dirty blonde hair, also missing a few teeth.
“Oh, dear, what will become of me?” Lucifer replies.
“My Mommy and her sister are police officers. They could arrest you.” The black haired girl tells Lucifer, looking at the blonde girl.
“Oh, I think I may know your mother.” He says. “And your… sister.” He smiles, looking at the blonde one.
“What’s your name?” The blonde girl asks.
“Lucifer.” He tells them.
“Like the Devil?” The pair of them whisper.
“Exactly.” Lucifer grins.
“My name’s Devon, but everybody calls me Dev.” The blonde girl tells Lucifer.
“And my name’s Beatrice, but everybody calls me Trixie.” The black-haired girl tells Lucifer.
Lucifer furrows his eyebrows at Trixie. “That’s a hooker’s name.”
“What’s a hooker?” Dev asks.
“Ask your sister.” He tells her, then pauses. “So… why are you in trouble?’ He asks them both.
“See that girl over there?” Trixie points to a girl their age sitting on the opposite bench. Lucifer nods. “She was bullying me. She created a fake Snapchat account and used it to make fun of me.” She explains. “So… Dev told me to kick her in the no-no-touch-touch square.” Lucifer furrows his eyebrows, and Trixie points to his lap.
“Oh. Oh, I see. Well played.” He smiles. “Well played, indeed.” He says, standing up and making his way over to the bully.
Lucifer kneels down in front of the girl. “Hello, mean girl.” He smiles. “Did you know there’s a special section of Hell reserved for bullies? So, have fun.” He taunts, turning his eyes a deep red, causing scream to escape from the girl.
Hearing the scream, Joey and Chloe both rush out of the door next to the bench. “What did you do?” Joey asks Lucifer.
“Oh… I just think someone’s feeling a little guilty.” Lucifer replies, looking at the bully.
Chloe smiles softly, then a little boy runs down the corridor, jumping on Joey’s back, causing her to stumble forwards a step or two at the impact, but she giggles nonetheless, knowing it’s her baby brother, Arlo.
“Joeeeeeeeyyyyyyy!” Arlo shouts, a bright smile covering his face.
Joey laughs, before reaching around her side, grabbing his arms and pulling him off her back, holding his hand. “Hello, buddy.” Joey smiles.
“Missed you, Jo-Jo.” The little boy says, staring in awe at the girl.
“Missed you more, chipmunk.” Joey says, scuffing his hair, as Trixie and Devon jump off the bench, holding each others hands and skipping down the corridor, as they ramble to Chloe about the mean girl.
Lucifer decides to trail behind Joey and her little companion, watching their interaction, until he catches the attention of the brown haired boy. “Who are you?” He asks.
“I’m Joey’s new favourite person.” Lucifer grins.
The boy giggles. “No, silly. What’s your name?”
“Lucifer.” Lucifer tells him.
“Cool!!!” The boy exclaims. “My name’s Arlo. I like your suit.” He compliments.
“Why, thank you.” Lucifer replies, softly smiling, as they stop outside of the school. Joey is still holding Arlo’s hand, whilst Chloe and Trixie are talking, so Dev wanders back to Joey, grabbing her free hand.
They’re at the front of the school, when Dan approaches them.
“Hi, Daddy.” Trixie greets.
“Hiya, munchkin.” Dan smiles.
“Wow, shocker, you’re late.” Chloe says.
“Come on, give me a break.” Dan replies.
Trixie immediately plugs her fingers in her eyes to prevent her from listening to their argument. Joey notices, letting go of Dev and Arlo’s hands. And picks up Trixie, placing her on the side of her hip, hugging her comfortingly.
“I’m putting a case to bed.” Dan reminds Chloe.
“Right, like I’m not working a case too. Oh, yeah, the one you tried to steal from us.” Chloe says.
“You mean the open and shut one.” Dan says, sparing a glare at Joey. “You did open and shut it, right?”
“We’re being diligent, Dan. It’s a high-profile case.” Joey replies, knowing the question was directed mainly at her.
“Exactly, which is why you need to be smart about it.” Dan says.
“She is smart. You’re the dimwit.” Lucifer butts in, coming to Joey’s defence right away. “Perhaps you should refrain from arguing in front of the child. It’s unbecoming.” Lucifer adds, as Dan glances at an uncomfortable Trixie.
Dan then takes a step closer to Lucifer. “I don’t know whether to laugh or to shoot you.” He threatens.
“Surprise me.” Lucifer taunts.
“Isn’t he funny, Danny?’ Dev says, smiling.
“Hey, can you, uh, drop Trixie off at my Mom’s?” Chloe asks. “And Dev and Arlo at Steve’s? We got to go. Thank you.” Chloe says, as Joey puts Trixie down. “Trixella, give mommy a kiss.” Trixie kisses her. “I love you so much.”
“Good job standing up to the mean girl, you two.” Joey says, holding up both her hands, which Dev and Trixie both high-five eagerly.
“Thanks Jo-Jo. Thanks Auntie Chloe. What’s a hooker?” Dev asks.
Joey glances at Lucifer, who smirks slightly, avoiding eye contact. “Danny will tell you.” Joey says, Dan throwing her a mean look, as him, Trixie, Arlo and Dev all walk off.
“Bye Lucifer, it was nice meeting you!” Arlo says, as the three children wave him goodbye.
“Hmm. I think they like you.” Joey says.
“Of course they do— what’s not to like?” Lucifer replies, as the three of them walk back to the car.
The three of them had then taken the journey to meet the therapist in Beverly Hills, and were waiting in the waiting room to be seen.
“Were your offspring’s planned or a mistake?” Lucifer boldly asks Joey and Chloe, as he makes himself a cup of tea.
“They’re not mine. We’re siblings.” Joey clarifies for herself.
“Yet you have the responsibility of them? Where are their… your parents?” Lucifer asks.
“Incapable of parenting, apparently.” Joey mumbles.
“My father can relate to that.” Lucifer agrees. “And yourself, Detective Decker?” He asks.
“Planned, sort of.” Chloe replies.
“Really? ‘Cause I’ve never understood the human desire to pro-create.” Lucifer replies.
“That’s probably a good thing.” Joey tells him.
“I mean, children are hideous little creatures, terrible, taxing burdens.” He insults, taking a sip of his tea.
“Hmm.” Joey and Chloe both hum together, sarcastically.
“Hmm.” Lucifer hums, before realising he’s insulted both of them. “Oh, um, yours are fine. I mean, you know, nothing to crow about, but nothing to be too embarrassed about, either, so that’s quite good, isn’t it?”
“Are you at all aware of how dickish you sound?” Joey asks him, as her and Chloe look at each other, astounded.
“No.” Lucifer replies. “Speaking of dicks… why was that ex-husband of yours pressuring you both to close the case?” He asks Chloe.
“No reason.” Chloe replies.
“Strange.” Lucifer states.
“Yes, you are.” Joey tells him.
“Did my father send you?” He turns around, asking Joey, who goes to shake her head and answer, but the door opens, and a blonde woman with glasses peers around the corner.
“Okay, Detectives, I’ll see you now.” Dr. Linda smiles, inviting them into her room.
“Thank you.” Chloe says.
“Oh. Detectives.” Lucifer grins at Joey, feeling included, who just rolls her eyes.
The three of them walk into the room, and take seats on the sofa facing Dr. Linda, who sits on a chair. Joey is sat in between Chloe and Lucifer.
Chloe begins the questioning, like she usually does when her and Joey work together. “Dr. Martin, we’d like to ask you a few questions about Delilah.” She begins, but it’s obvious that Dr. Martin isn’t paying attention, as her eyes are strangely fixated on Lucifer.
“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” Lucifer says to the Doctor, smirking.
“What?” Dr. Martin says, snapping out of her trance momentarily.
“Yes, I wouldn’t recommend it. I’m like walking heroin.” Lucifer replies. “Very habit-forming. It never ends well.”
Dr. Martin sighs. “I’m sorry, do… do you two know each other?’ Joey asks.
“No, no, but I know that look.” Lucifer tells her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Dr. Martin denies.
Lucifer then looks at Joey and pauses. “Actually, that is interesting ‘cause… you don’t look at me that way.” He says, leaning closer to her.
“What way?” Joey asks.
“With carnal fascination.” Lucifer answers.
“That’s ‘cause it doesn’t exist.” Joey states.
“No, you see, that’s just it— with most women, it does. I tend to appeal to the dark, mischievous hearts in all of you, but, you, Detective, you seem oddly immune to my charms.” Lucifer explains.
“Referring to them as ‘charms’, I think, is a bit of a stretch.” Joey tells him. “Truth be told I find you repulsive, like, on a chemical level.”
“That’s fascinating.” Lucifer says, staring at her in awe as Chloe begins to feel as if she’s third wheeling.
“You say it’s fascinating, and yet I can see that it disturbs you, doesn’t it? Deeply.” Dr. Martin analyses.
Joey looks uncomfortable, Lucifer thoughtful, and Chloe confused.
“Dr. Martin, we know that, um, Delilah was having a clandestine affair with a wealthy married man, so if you could just tell us his name, we will be on our way.” Chloe says, continuing the questioning that had been strangely interrupted.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do that.” Dr. Martin says.
“Oh, she’s one of the complex ones.” Lucifer whispers to Joey, smiling. “Linda, darling.” He says, leaning closer to her from the sofa. “Why don’t you tell me? Hmm?”
“Well, I can’t.” She laughs. “I want to, but I can’t.” She says, as Lucifer continues to stare into her eyes, she starts laughing louder. “Oh, you’re the devil.”
Lucifer chuckles, “Correct.” She keeps laughing. “Now, come on, Dr. Martin. I know you want to.” He says, seductively.
“Oh, man, and it’s really, really juicy, too.” She laughs.
“Ooh, I bet it is.” Lucifer encourages her.
“No, I can’t.” She shakes her head.
“What did you do to her?” Joey whispers to Lucifer. “Did you roofie her?”
“Oh, no, it’s not her fault. She’s just reacting to me. Just watch and learn, okay?” Lucifer replies. “Right, the answer is yes, we can take a trip to pound town if we must, but first, you’re gonna have to tell us, Linda, okay?”
Linda moans then chuckles. “Okay! It’s Grey Cooper.” She finally reveals.
“Grey Cooper?” Chloe says. “Seriously?”
“That is juicy.” Joey adds.
“Grey Cooper, the actor?” Lucifer asks. “The one who’s married to Amanda what’s-her-chops?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Joey nods.
“Oh, no, he’s horrible. So square-jawed, so handsome, so vanilla. Oh, I’m really quite disappointed in Delilah. That’s truly terrible taste in the opposite sex.” Lucifer disapproves.
“Thank you very much, Dr. Martin. We’ll be in touch.” Chloe says, standing up.
“Alright, we got to go.” Joey tells Lucifer, as she goes to stand up, but Lucifer stops her by grabbing her arm.
“Yes, of course, but I… I made a deal.” Lucifer says, looking at Linda. “So I’m going to have to hold up my end of the bargain. You wouldn’t mind waiting outside?” He asks Joey, as Chloe had already left to get in the car.
“Are you seriously talking about having sex with her right now?” Joey says, lowering her voice.
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“Well, it won’t take long.” Lucifer replies.
“I do yoga.” Dr. Martin interrupts. “Hot… yoga. I’m freakishly flexible. Want to see?” She asks, then begins to spread her legs. “Wow!” She laughs loudly. “I really tried to keep that one in.”
“Well, you tried, that’s all that matters.” Lucifer tells her, as Joey begins to stand back up, walking to the door, opening it, glaring at Lucifer. “I’m really sorry, but I’m gonna have to take a rain check.” Lucifer says to Linda, standing up as Joey waits by the door for him. “I will be back, okay?’
“I certainly hope so.” Dr. Martin replies.
“My word is my bond.” Lucifer says, then leaves with Joey.
Lucifer, Joey and Chloe had then gone to find Grey Cooper, who was in the middle of shooting for some kind of action film. The three of them walk onto set, Joey and Chloe stopping at the barriers where everybody else was watching the filming take place. Although, Lucifer had decided to carry on walking, pushing past people, and eventually past the barriers. “Ah, excuse me. Thank you.” He says, as he walks out into the middle of the scene.
“Hey, hey, sir!” The security guard shouts after him, as a car then crashes at Lucifer’s feet. He had interrupted a massive shot.
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“Who the hell is this guy?” The director yells, standing up. “What the hell are you doing?” He asks angrily, walking up to Lucifer.
“Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry.” Joey and Chloe push through, walking to Lucifer’s side. “Sorry, he’s with us.” Joey says to the director, as her and Chloe flash their Detective badges.
Lucifer then looks at the actor who was in the car crash (the stunt double). “That’s not Grey Cooper.” He says, disappointed.
“No, of course not. What the hell is this?” The director says.
“We need to speak with Mr. Cooper.” Chloe tells him, as Joey sighs, looking at Lucifer.
Grey Cooper then comes out moments later, and they begin questioning him. “God, Delilah, yeah, heard about that this morning. I can’t believe it. We did a movie together last year. Got pretty close.” He says.
“Lovers?” Lucifer asks.
“Friends.” Grey corrects.
“Friends who were lovers?” Lucifer suggests, as Joey pulls his arm back slightly.
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“Settle down.” She tells him.
“I’ll handle the questions.” Chloe tells him. “Mr. Cooper, when did you last have contact with Delilah?”
“Well, actually, I just have one more question before you proceed with the boring ones.” Lucifer interrupts, then stares Grey in the eyes. “Tell me, Mr. Cooper, what do you want more than anything in this world? What’s your deepest, darkest desire? When you close your eyes, what do you see?”
“I’m the president of the Unite States of America.” Grey replies, in Lucifer’s trance.
“Ha!” Lucifer exclaims. “Well, who’s the devil now, eh?” He says, looking at Joey.
“Those are some pretty big aspirations there, Mr. Cooper.” Joey comments.
Grey chuckles awkwardly, “Well, after the acting and stuff.”
“No need to be embarrassed. Hell, if Arnold can do it, right?” Chloe laughs.
“Now, you wouldn’t want any nasty secrets screwing that up for you, would you?” Joey asks him, suggestively.
“Is there a point to this?” Grey asks.
“Mr. Cooper, were you having an affair with Delilah?” Chloe asks.
“Honey!” A voice calls from behind them. It’s Amanda, Grey’s wife. “Have you been getting my texts? I thought they were breaking you for lunch like a half hour ago.” She says to Grey, before glancing at Lucifer, Joey, and Chloe. “What’s going on?” She asks her husband.
“These people are detectives.” Grey tells her.
“Real ones?” Amanda asks, dumbly.
“We have some questions about Delilah.” Chloe tells the brunette woman.
“Oh. Oh. Yes, it’s so sad.” Amanda nods.
“Yeah. Very sad.” Grey agrees.
“Your watch, where’d you get that?” Joey asks, noticing the same watch from the drug dealer.
Grey looks down at it momentarily. “Oh, it’s a prop.” He shrugs.
“No, that’s the one Delilah gave you, isn’t it? For ‘Time Will Tell’?” Amanda reminds him, exposing him.
“Right. That’s the movie we did. It was a wrap gift.” Grey attempts to cover up.
Joey chuckles, “Yeah. She buy a $10,000 watch for the whole crew?”
“Uh, no. Just me, as far as I know. ‘Cause we were, you know, costars and everything.” He rambles.
“You know, you’re gonna have to get much better at lying if you wanna be president.” Lucifer tells him, making eye contact again.
“I know, right?” Grey agrees, caught in Lucifer’s trance again.
“So you were sleeping with her, then, yeah?” Lucifer asks.
“Oh, yeah.” Grey chuckles, and Lucifer starts laughing with him. Grey then snaps out of it. “Crap. I just said that in front of people.” He says, realising what he’s just revealed.
“Whatever. It’s not like I didn’t know.” Amanda says, annoyed. “God, you are a terrible liar. And actor, by the way.”
“You knew?” Grey asks.
“Of course. Why else do you think I’ve been sleeping with Bobby?” Amanda says.
“Are you serious?” Grey’s face drops.
“Oh, yeah. And it is good. Mmm. I climb that man like a tree. Right, Bobby?” Amanda calls out to the buff guy behind them.
“My bodyguard?” Grey says, angrily. “What a cliche.”
“Oh, I’m a cliche? Well, you’re a dick.” Amanda bites back.
“Oh, boy.” Chloe mumbles.
Grey then steps towards his bodyguard, shoving him in the chest as the pair start pushing each other, Amanda attempting to get in between them and make them stop.
“Hey, guys. Arrest them.” Chloe orders the two backing officers when Grey and Bobby start swinging at each other. “One of them’s got to be guilty.” She mumbles to Joey.
Later on, Joey had gone back to Lux with Lucifer to think over the case while Chloe had to go and pick up Trixie from Dan. Lucifer and Joey were at the bar, the club being empty, and Lucifer had managed to convince Joey to have a drink.
“Thanks.” Joey sighs as he slides her a drink. “So, Grey and Amanda have zero connection to the shooter.” She says, sighing again. “But the shooter had the same watch as Grey. That can’t be a coincidence. Maybe Delilah gave him one, too, like a kind of go-to gift. I…” She guesses.
“Well, that would imply she was actually sleeping with that maggot.” Lucifer reminds her.
“Really?” Joey says, raising her eyebrows. “Jimmy, 2Vile, Grey Cooper. That’s three other maggots she’s sleeping with. I don’t think there’s a lot of discretion going on with her.”
“Yeah. I suppose you got a point.” Lucifer agrees.
Joey takes a sip of her drink, then chuckles softly. “God, what am I doing here?” She mumbles.
“Wrong deity, but, yes, that is the eternal question.” Lucifer replies, smirking.
Joey chuckles, “No, I mean here, in a bar, with you.”
“Well, I don’t know. You tell me, Detective. I mean, despite your proclaimed revulsion, you can’t deny that there’s a connection between us.” Lucifer says. “Tell me, what do you actually want?”
Joey leans forwards, smirking. “You mean what do I desire more than anything else in this life?” She mocks him.
“Yes. But no tricks. Not that they work on you, you freak.” Lucifer teases. They chuckle. “Seriously, I’m curious.”
“I don’t know. What— what I told you’s true. I— I really do want to help people.” Joey says, and Lucifer raises his eyebrows for her to carry on. “My father was a bad person, my mother was never around. My older brother, Dylan, was a cop, a great cop. I tried the acting thing to get a bit of cash. I took off my top. Wasn’t really contributing to the betterment of society.”
“I disagree. I love that movie.” Lucifer smirks.
“So I quit. Decided to become a cop like Dylan and, uh, dealt with the whole ‘Hot Tub High School’ thing, until, um, I became a detective and found a whole new way to ostracise myself.” Joey finishes.
“Ah, the reason Chloe’s ex-maggot was pressuring you to close this?” Lucifer asks.
“Yeah. Yeah.” Joey nods. “Exactly. There was a case, a shooting on Eastwood Street where a cop was shot, and I saw it differently than pretty much everyone in our department, including Dan . And I stuck my neck out, and it backfired.” Joey explains. “And now no one wants to work with me, so…” Joey laughs sadly.
“Well, I’m available.” Lucifer reminds her, as they smile softly at each other.
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“Too bad your little protege isn’t around to collect the check.” Maze interrupts, nodding at the TV screen, showing how Delilah’s records have gone through the roof.
“Oh, wow.” Joey’s face drops.
“What?” Lucifer asks.
“Delilah didn’t give that watch to the drug dealer.” She says, vaguely, before rushing out, Lucifer following right after her. She explained everything in the car to him as they speed over to a particular record studio.
They storm into Jimmy Barnes’ studio, Lucifer first. “Hello, Jimmy.” He greets, intimidatingly.
“Really?” Jimmy chuckles, rolling his eyes.
“How’s the album sales doing?” Lucifer asks, angrily.
“What album?” Jimmy asks, playing dumb.
“Soundtrack to ‘Time Will Tell’, which you produced. Whitney Houston hit the top ten for album sales after her death.” Joey says, slowly walking closer to Jimmy, Lucifer close by. “Michael Jackson hit the stratosphere. Not sure you’ll achieve such heights having Delilah killed, but that sure is a boatload of royalty checks headed your way.” Joey says, stopping and crossing her arms. “Guess you really needed the cash, huh? Which is why you had to pay the shooter with your watch.”
“The watch Delilah gave you. Now, that’s just sick. But then you are, so…” Lucifer adds, from behind Joey.
Suddenly, Jimmy grabs a gun from his pocket, and puts the nearest guy in a headlock, pointing the gun at his head. At almost the same time, Joey pulls out her gun, pointing it at Jimmy.
“Hey, Jimmy?” Joey shouts.
“I made her, she ruined me. She humiliated me. She owes me.” Jimmy rambles, angrily.
“You’re not God, Jimmy. You didn’t make her. But you did destroy her. So I’m gonna punish you.” Lucifer says, taking slow steps towards Jimmy.
“You back off, you freak. I mean it.” Jimmy warns him. “I am not going to jail for that bitch. No chance.”
“Listen to him, Lucifer. Back off.” Joey says, but Lucifer carries on making his way closer to Jimmy.
“I told you, it’s fine, I’m immortal.” Lucifer says, turning around to face Joey, then back at Jimmy, who goes to pull his trigger, but Joey catches his movement and shoots at him first, Jimmy falling straight to the ground.
“Well why did you do that?” Lucifer asks, pissed off.
“He was gonna kill you.” Joey states.
“No, no, no, no, no, no. You just… you just let him off too easy. He needs to pay! He needs to suffer! He needs to feel the pain, not escape it!” Lucifer says, raising his voice.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure where he’s going, the pain’s coming.” Joey says, trying to calm him down.
“No. No, it’s not, actually. And you know why? Because I’m here and he’s…” Lucifer starts shouting, but is interrupted by gun shots going off, one of them hitting Joey. She gasps, falling to the floor. Jimmy had gathered his last strength to pull his trigger, shooting aimlessly at the two of them.
Joey fell through a glass table, blood already covering her neck and chest as she gasps for air on the floor. Lucifer instantly rushes over to her, kneeling next to her, hovering over her as he places his hands on either side of the floor next to her head. “Joey.” He says, gently, whilst cupping the side of her face.
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Joey gasps weakly, “I don’t want to die, not yet.” She whispers, pure terror on her face.
“I won’t let you.” Lucifer tells her. “Father will just have to wait for you.” He smiles gently, when suddenly more shots go off, hitting Lucifer multiple times in the back. Joey sees his body flinch as the bullets strike him. “Just… give me one second.” He says to Joey, before standing up and making his way over to Jimmy.
Joey only manages to see Jimmy continuing to shoot at Lucifer as he makes his way towards him, before everything goes black.
The next thing Joey knows, she’s opening her eyes to an overly-bright appearing hospital room, as she squints to adjust to the lighting.
“Well, look who’s back.” Lucifer grins, seated next to her bed.
Joey smiles up at him softly, before moving her head slightly and groaning. “How long have I been out?” She asks.
Lucifer sighs, a serious look forming on his face. “Three years.”
Joey’s face drops. “What?” She says, concerned, until Lucifer starts chuckling, causing her to giggle too, shaking her head. “You’re such an ass.”
“Thank you.” Lucifer replies, smiling.
Joey is recalling in her head what had happened before turning to face Lucifer again. “He was firing at you. Why aren’t you… more dead?”
“You’re having a very hard time with the immortal thing, aren’t you?” Lucifer replies.
Joey sighs. “What happened with Jimmy?”
“Jimmy? Jimmy got what he deserved.” Lucifer tells her.
“Hm.” Joey hums. “Well, I’m pretty sure I’d be dead if you hadn’t helped me, so… thank you.” She thanks, genuinely.
“Sorry, what was that? That last bit.” Lucifer teases. “I didn’t quite get that.” He says, leaning forward.
Joey just smiles. “Thank you.” She says, clearly, placing a gentle hand on his arm.
“You’re welcome.” Lucifer says, feeling slightly flustered, he leans back, letting out a cough. “And, besides, you know, you’re far too interesting to let die.” He plays off.
“You saved my life because I’m interesting?” Joey replies.
“Wildly irritating as well, but yes.” Lucifer nods.
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The pair smile at each other softly, before Joey asks, “What now?”
“Well, I mean, I’ve obviously proven myself to be an invaluable crime-fighting tool.” He begins, standing up, putting his blazer jacket on. “You’re a pariah in the department. I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. Don’t you?”
“Who the hell are you?” Joey chuckles softly.
“I told you, I’m…” Lucifer begins, before being interrupted by Devon and Arlo sprinting into the room.
“Lucifer!” Arlo shouts excitedly, hugging the side of his leg as that’s as high as he could reach.
“Uh, yes. Hello, children.” Lucifer says, uncomfortably. “I’m just…” Lucifer says, peeling Arlo off of his leg, picking him up in the air, “why don’t you save some of this unpleasantness for your sister, yeah?” He then places both Arlo and Devon in Joey’s bed, both of them practically on top of Joey. Joey groans at the weight being placed on her fresh wound. “Oops, sorry.” Lucifer apologises.
“Are you hurt?” Arlo asks Joey.
“I’m okay.” Joey replies, as Arlo pulls a cute face at her.
“Right. Well, I’d stay for the family reunion, but it’s giving me terrible IBS. So, look forward to seeing you soon, Joey.” Lucifer says, about to leave.
“I don’t.” Joey smiles sarcastically at him, as she runs a gentle hand through Devon’s hair, letting Arlo place a kiss on her bandage.
“Bye, now. Glad you’re not dead.” He smiles, leaving.
After Lucifer left, he retuned to Lux, where he’s sitting at the bar, staring into space. Maze enters, and he can sense her presence. “I can sense your disapproval, Maze, what is it?” He asks, and she walks over to him.
“I just don’t understand why you would save a human’s life.” Maze tells him.
“Well, there’s something different about her that I don’t quite understand, and it vexes me.” Lucifer explains.
“Maybe it’s not her that’s different.” Maze suggests.
Lucifer chuckles. “Is this where I’m supposed to ask, ‘whatever do you mean?’.” He asks.
“I’m worried the humans are rubbing off on you. Stop caring. You’re the devil.” She tells him.
“Yes, I am.” Lucifer says, taking a swig of his drink.
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hehe OK SO !!!!! the oneshot!!
this oneshot was. a Doozy. tldr we started a fey ethnostate?????? anyway specifics below!!
so we opened with a bunch of hazy dream sequences which (unbeknownst to everyone but our own characters) showed us all somewhere we most want to be. then we all woke up in prison cells that weren’t actually locked so we broke out easily lol
we found another prisoner locked up and broke him out, then realized he only spoke elvish and only 2 of us spoke elvish lol and they were kind of elitist against him /lh/silly so we sort of abandoned him lmao
anyway so we head out of the main room of cells and find some ~frankenstein shit~ and also a little security robot!! and also its maker who none of us could speak with cause he only spoke dwarvish hehe so we convinced the robot he was an escaped prisoner and had him locked up in a cell
anyway we climb to the top level of the prison and start searching rooms, our bard finds a family photo of an employee and disguised as him for basically the rest of the session to try and get information about why the party is in the frankenstein prison (forgot to mention there’s a LOT of human blood around the place)
there’s a LOT of successful charisma all around lol. the bard manages to get his hands on files that explain our characters backstories. the sorcerer and cleric (who were the two elvish ppl) complain to one employee about the hiring process cause they’re kind of racist and want to make an elven society????? the players are absolutely NOT like that but the characters were like cartoon assholes lol
ANYWAY we make our way to the boss’s office and immediately enter combat and it turns out the boss is a god??? and all our attacks/damage don’t hit her (we absolutely EVISCERATED her henchmen lol) so we kind of… switched tactics… one PC just started hitting on her (it works) and the 2 elvish ppl get promised power. derowyn gets promised limitless resources! and also we switched the elvish ethnostate to a fey ethnostate cause derowyn is sort of into the god’s offer so we. uh. kind of betray the party (with fireball) and side with the evil god lol
so yeah we end the session with a satisfied BBEG and a fey ethnostate uprising??? :D?????
anyway hehe that was my session lol how are you!!
JAW DROPPED/POS. I just woke up so apologies for a short reply but oh my lorddd
A party siding with the BBEG is not new but not what I expected!! Derowyn being like ‘hey hey what if we worked with her’ and the entire party just like what- A FEY ETHNOSTATE?? :0 <- this does not express my jaw dropping dear lord. This is all /pos ofc raghhh it sounded so fun man!!
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can i ask why u still playthrough twc if u don’t like it? this ask is not supposed to come off accusatory btw just gen curious, feel free to ignore :-)
Cuz I still like parts of it! I like the characters, I liked most of the first book, I like the setting, I like the idea of a small-town detective finding out there's a whole supernatural world out there, I like the idea of dealing with a shady organization and deciding whether you trust them or not.
I also love the idea of a loner detective with trust issues slowly and reluctantly growing to like four new people they're forced to interact with, like a buddy cop type deal, but there's four of them and you have unresolved sexual tension with one of them. I'm still very much invested in my idea of my detective/Mason, so much so that I'm still interested in the crumbs I get from the source material.
And yeah, maybe I shouldn't judge the games for what they're not and instead evaluate them for what they are, which is a fair counter to my criticisms. However ... these things are there. There's a loner vs team player stat, so it's clearly meant to be a factor in your character's interactions with the rest of UB. There's clear found family dynamics attempted in how characters speak and what they say, and we're meant to believe the detective becomes a part of this world and the overall team, and that there's a choice in how you deal with the Agency.
It's just not ... very good. Ya know? It's all there, but it's not done well.
I want, desperately, for this thing to be good again. And maybe that's on me for asking for something I shouldn't have. But judging by the reaction to book 3, it's not just on me, is it? Maybe some people don't think it's fair to judge a "light and fluffy vampire romance simulator" by some higher standards, but I dunno if my standards are that high? Since the first and some of the second book clearly reached them? Meaning the author is fully capable of doing it again?
I think that, if you're spending so much time on something you enjoy, writing fic and drawing fanart, doesn't it ... deserve to have higher standards placed upon it? Like if you play with a thing frequently, it needs to be made of sturdier stuff, no?
Plus, like, it's a product that people pay for. You can't apply fanfic rules to media you pay for. People should have the right to talk about it, even if you don't like what you hear.
Anyway, back to why I do things. I like to take apart the things I enjoy. It's part of why I enjoy them. I love Dragon Age but I'm constantly critical of everything in it. Will I buy the next game? Yes. I also love Mass Effect, it's my favorite video game series behind Dishonored. And it's also a bunch of jingoistic military propaganda. Shit be like that.
I dunno. I can dunk on things I enjoy and it doesn't take away from my enjoyment of them. Usually it just adds to it, and it makes me more aware of the things I do love about them. I get that some people aren't like that but that's just how I vibe.
Edit: I also want to say that another thing that maybe explains why I do shit like this is because I fundamentally don't understand the "other side", so to speak. People who find that others' criticisms ruin their enjoyment of things. If I like a thing, and I see criticisms of it, my reaction is either "Oh, good point! I hadn't thought of it that way, and I agree!" or "Oh, interesting observation! I disagree, but this is a well-made argument!", and in the worst cases, I go "Lmao ok. This is plain wrong and you're wrong for saying it. Goodbye." So either it affects me for the better (I learned something new or got insight into a different viewpoint), or it doesn't affect me at all (and my enjoyment of the thing continues). The idea of someone else saying something I disagree with ruining something for me is just not ... logical, to me? It doesn't parse. I fundamentally don't understand the thought process.
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oc-aita · 9 months
[Author's note: This is written in my character's perspective, as if she were writing it to the official tumblr aita, and the only reason she would want to do that is for pity points and also maybe getting some of that annoying guilt to go away. Basically what I'm saying is some parts of this are half-truths or straight up lies. !!But dont let this author's note effect your vote!! I just wanted to mention that a lot of this is not what actually happened ;P]
tw: (technically implied) arson and also fire in general
Aita for burning down a school and almost getting a kid killed?
[pt: Aita for burning down a school and almost getting a kid killed?]
Ok I know that sounds bad!! But just listen! This is gonna be a long one since it's hard to explain So I (14f) really do not like this kid(13f), who is one of my classmates and I will call her G. I also have a friend group with R(14f), L(14f), and T(f). I guess we'd be the "popular girls," but tbf the school is pretty small anyway. See, the school we go to- or I should say went to- was erm well, cheap. Very cheap. Also mainly made out of wood (of course some parts were made with metal and other materials). So I mean it was bound to break eventually, right? Haha, anyway. So yeah I hate G, she thinks shes something she isnt (I will not expand on that). Also she's weirddd. Like really weird. Like, once I just saw her staring at the grass during recess watching bugs, that kind of weird. Oh! And she was mean to my friends and me! So we kinda wanted to get back at her for that. And one day ONE OF MY FRIENDS came up with the plan to freak her out by taking some lighters to school and after school ended we'd corner her and shove the lighters in her face. I thought that was a really mean plan, but I went along with it anyway because they were my friends. See, I didnt have anything to do with coming up with the plan! It's not my fault, I couldnt just not go along with it because they're my friends! And also their parents would be really mad at me if I didnt listen to them But anyway in the afternoon a couple hours before school ended, some random 3rd grader pushed me and my lighter fell out of my pocket and accidentally ignited! And I just happened to be standing near a bush, which was right next to the long wooden fence that encircled the school. So the bush caught on fire, and then the fence, and it quickly got out of control. I didnt mean for it to happen! At all! Totally! It's not my fault! If anything it's that stupid 3rd grader's for pushing me, or even G's fault for having the need for this plan in the first place Anyway the fire alarm went off and the staff started evacuating everyone, but in L's rush to get out of the building, she accidentally bumped into G, who fell near the fire. G then started screaming at us for "being so inconsiderate" (what a brat!). Then all 4 of us (me, L, R, and G (T was sick btw and couldnt come that day)) got trapped in a circle of fire near the lockers, because apparently someone had left a bunch of flammable things randomly. in a circle. G tried to bite me (ew) so obviously I pushed her back and I may have accidentally hit her too hard because there was a loud thunk as she slammed against the lockers but its not my fault she tried to bite me!! (Also she was claiming it was self defense but like ??) L, R, and I helped each other get out of the circle before the fire got too big and ran away before we could find out what happened to G Several hours later and the whole school is burned down (we're in the process of finding a new school) and also found out some other weirdo from a different classroom helped G escape
Anyway, am i the asshole for being forced to follow my friend's plan to try to scare a kid and then accidentally setting the whole school on fire and almost killing that kid? (I didnt mean to!!!!🥺)
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anzynai · 4 months
Hii it's the anon who sent the ask Abt looking other places for fanfic so I found this longfic called Ocean Mist on Wattpad and there's specifically a chapter called "Ticklish", Yuu finds out Azul is ticklish in that one and it's sooo cute(tbh I just loved the whole fic so much flustered Azul <3)
Additionally, on AO3, you may or may not have found these already because they're not tagged but they're tkl fics
Tickle Attack (You notice the octatrio isn't feeling well, cheer-up tickles ensue)
Tsuisorando Shotsu (I'm not sure if I spelled the name right, but there are quite a few tkl fic chapters in there, I think it's best to just select "read entire work" and command-f "tickl" bc that's what I did to avoid anything potentially explicit) But just in case you don't want to come across anything like that, there's the chapter 'Our Lovable Octopus' which might have had one vague explicit implication but I don't think there was anything major and the tickling was wholly sfw
A Fine Line Between - I just liked this fic in general the M isn't for any sexual content, and there's a tkl scene (if you wanna skip to just that part, I'd recommend just clicking read entire work and command-f 'tickl')
Also, I'm not sure if you already know this (probably do, but just in case) there's some fics w/Azul that were made in 2023)
On Wattpad, NGL I just looked up 'twst tickl' and sifted through the stuff I got so sorry that I couldn't rec much stuff, also I saw this one that was a transcript of tkl audios but there was an explicit chapter in there meaning this was probably a kink for them so I clicked out)
Ffn's mostly AO3 cross posting so there isn't anything there you wouldn't find on AO3 (I'm saying this to myself because I was about to check only to realize that everything there's on AO3, sorry)
Tbh I mostly looked for every single fic I could find on AO3 and then ended up also finding sfw tkl scenes in the process (I also command F'd a bunch of longfics) so I can mostly just say specific scenes from certain fics sryyy
Anyways, I hope at least one of these is new to you <3
hello anon! thank you sooo much for these, i already read the first one just now and it was so cute omg and also i thought i was the only one who would search for tickle content by using “tickl” cuz it can be ticklish, tickling, tickle, and litwrally just all that LOL anyways these are very appreciated and if u ever find any more, please dont hesitate to send them my way hehe
im going to link some of the ones from ao3 under the cut
so tickle attack which is by missyliz - which i haven’t read yet! it seems really cute tho!
and uhh i couldnt actyally find the next fic tbh😭😭 i searched high and low but maybe im missing something?? could u possibly provide an author?
a fine line between by kyuubiluver342 - i actually havent reqd this one either but i did skim over it so for others, the scene is near the end of chapter 2 and from what i’ve seen, it’s comfort tickles
and yeah, ffn is something i noticed did have lots of crossposting, but i never really minded because i dont really know how to work the website anyway LOL
also since you shared some, ill share one that i found also!
so the first one is giggles by psycheprincess — this one isnt tickle centric but it does have a small scene
and here’s a SNIPPET of a scene in this azujami one-shot — that is this is me by dizplixity but the wcene is very short so i have a photo below
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and im assuming u have read the fics under the tickling tag, but there’s some really cute ones there too! if not, i don’t mind sharing them:)
again, thanks for these recommendations and i really didnt expect them to be centered around the octatrio so it was a nice surprise hehe <33
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