#anyway ya my commissions aren’t open atm..
pastelopossum · 3 months
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Look I’m very excited for sheezy.art to come out of beta next year for a lot of reasons but like…. Listen, if you’re looking for something as an artist let me tell ya about it.
Yes, you can add a page doll.
Yes, you can customize your color scheme and header.
Yes, you can upload art Tumblr won’t let you anymore, AND VIDEOS, and all the content warnings are there to help you pick from so you can’t forget!
Your profile has your pronouns on display and you can display where else people can find you! BUILT IN BUTTONS!
ALSO IT SHARES YOUR LIKES. People on Tumblr don’t know how to reblog anymore and it literally is killing smaller artists on here! Stupid Twitter made likes private because Musk was being a lil piss baby who’s kinks were being shared and people don’t “retweet” artists over the same fear anyway over there! But on Sheezy if you just like something it shares it on your page! Others can see it! That’s GOOD FOR ARTISTS YOU GUYS.
Yes, my profile is boring atm because I’m still moving over, and yes for a good Sue these aren’t like “new” ideas but like…. Pillowfort is so dead interaction wise, you can’t do adult art on Cara, itaku isn’t bad but again atm interaction is lower than this site that’s in beta and it doesn’t have a great tagging system. Bluesky has no tagging system that I’ve gotten to work…. And yeah if you draw furry art furaffinity is great but if that’s not your usual it’s not gonna get traction.
Right now this sites in beta until Jan 2025. You can try to sign up and it’ll tell you when the next opening is (admittedly it did take me a few tries) but honestly? Worth it! You can only do five uploads a day again until it’s out of beta, so I am slowly moving over there but so far I love it. It helps build the community so you don’t have to already be famous or have a big following like bluesky and cara.
Just saying, give it a shot if you’re an artist looking for somewhere to go. They don’t allow AI Art, like X and Insta, you can post your adult art, they let you promote your commissions and customize your page.
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keii · 7 years
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honeylikewords · 6 years
Hello sweet! It's good to see you around again
hi!!! how ya doin!! i’m glad to be back and i’m very happy to know you’re glad to see me back at it again!!! 
I am also DELIGHTED that you’re excited to help expand the scope of who I write for and bring in lots of love to characters who may get thrown to the wayside (esp. with gross fandom dynamics that prefer ‘conventionally attractive’ characters (read: white, thin, cis, etc) over…. literally anyone else). 
here, off the top of my head, are things you can send requests for!
1. Marvel, obviously! This extends to the MCU, the Sony-Marvel films (aka the X-Men franchise and the others), Netflix shows, etc! My one nitpick would be to be careful about Black Panther, because Black Panther is a really intensely charged film with characters whose ethnicity and culture and race are a MASSIVE aspect of their lives, personalities, and relationships, so as a white(ish?) Jew, I don’t feel qualified to necessarily step in there and mess around. 
I love all the characters and the film very, very much, but I also don’t want to do them any injustices in representation OR by matching them with someone in a way that would do discredit to the film’s great dynamics. Anyway, I’d have to toe the line very gently when it comes to Black Panther, but hopefully with some guidance and seeing how the world of Wakanda opens up with the rest of the MCU, I’d be able to do more!
2. Star Wars! Star Wars has a REALLY great set of POC characters especially in these new films (and oh my god Lando looks SO good in “Solo” which is looking mostly boring to me… only Lando matters… only Lando…) who often get overlooked in favor of, well, some really bad choices. I mean, Finn is RIGHT THERE but people are more interested in N*zi-aligned minor characters? What a world. I’d like to specifically focus on the newest extentions of the Star Wars canon, with characters from Rogue One or Force Awakens/Last Jedi! There are so many wonderful characters there, and they all deserve a chance to shine!
3. Walking Dead, but loosely. I lost interest after Shane, uhhhhh, “vanished”, let’s say. The only people I really care about are Glenn, Carl, Michonne and Judith, but every single one of those people is being screwed over by the show, so nerts to that racket! Shane, Carl, Judith, Glenn and Michonne all now live in a lovely suburb in Georgia where nothing ever goes wrong and Walkers aren’t a thing. bye @ amc y’all don’t deserve my angels
4. I’m actually looking to branch out more, so please do send requests and I can say if I’ve seen it or not! I watch pretty prolifically and pretty widely, so there are lots of options! I love Psych (please, please, someone love Gus with me (and Lassiter too but at the moment we’re talking about underrated minority characters, Lassie can wait)), Star Trek (TNG and TOS equally!), Stranger Things (but ATM we have VERY few adult POC characters on there so…. yike), and more! So, do please feel free to ask and I may have seen it! No character too obscure, as I like to say!
Also, quick note to anyone wondering: Judaism is an ethnoreligious faith, so there’s actually TWO facets to being “Jewish”- you can be enthically Jewish and/or religiously Jewish! For example, you can be someone decended from Israeli Jews but not practice Judaism, or you could be decended from other ethnicities and practice Judaism but not be ethnically Jewish. You can also be both ethnically and religiously Jewish! It’s a little complicated but isn’t everything, at this point? Anyway, lots of love to all of you who read through this post and who are looking to send more requests!
Also, feel free to message me about HC-ing characters as being ethnically/religiously Jewish! I love a good Jewish HC :”)
I know it’s not my usual fare, but Overwatch has an AMAZING span of characters, many of whom are POC and come from a widely diverse background! My favorite is Jesse McCree (my friend painted me a picture of him for my birthday and I have another commission of him on the way from another good friend I’m weeping openly), but I also would love to write for characters like Gabriel Reyes (Reaper) ((but pre-Reaper mostly since... Reaper scares me tbh)), Lucio, Akane (Doomfist), Genji, Reinhardt, and more!
ALSO I’m VERY open to writing for female characters! I’m welcoming of any gender orientation or LGBTQIA+ relationship, so please so send in requests for female characters! As always, including the preferred pronouns you’d like to see used in the work would be very helpful, too!
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