#anyway unrelated thought but i wanna write tomo
cosmicloved · 2 years
will try to be here from tomorrow on! sorry about the total silence, i’ve just been trying to cram for an assignment. i was so behind on my reading for it that i ended up asking for a week’s extension...and then another half a week on top of that. that deadline IS tomorrow but i’ll try to be here after that. i will be focusing on starters first, as far as muse & motivation allows. i know i posted that starter call back in august so it’d be sensible to just drop it but i’m determined to finish it, especially as it seems like the people who liked it are mostly still active!
i will be trying to work on replies at the same time though. (i think i only have a few? i’d love to get more proper threads going before the year is out, this has been such a slow year for this blog that it’s not even funny and i’m not really sure how to fix that but maybe taking fewer than 3 months to finish a starter call would be a good place to begin) thank you for patience regardless!!
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cosmicmoved · 5 years
man u ever just feel like u gotta write....some wild dramatic shit,,,,i have 0 braincells and i just wanna write a thread where Shit Goes Down  ?? do not even know how to describe what i mean, mates n pals, but that’s how it is!     /:   do i have specific plots in mind? ??? tbh noooo, i just have a general tone / vibe / emotion in mind and that’s a really shite starting place!! (for the record, i’m also just BAD at plotting that stuff w/ppl unless i know them really well bc my natural instinct is to hold back on my ideas bc i don’t want to push things on ppl they might not like and i know it never hurts to ask but i always decide actually it does an panic ASDFGHGFDS). anyway, i think i’m in one of those funks where i’m like...bc i know i really want to write a specific kind of thread or i’m in the mood for a certain, uh, mood, i have a hard time focusing on other shit and maybe that’s been why i’ve been having a bit of a block (not for tomo apparently bc that’s bc he’s a star and i love him but i guess he’s inherently a bit dramatic and messy in his own lil way) but i’ll get over it soon? pls bear with me, i’m sorry ASDFGFD
also on a genuinely unrelated note, i want to write min more. like, it could be a related note too if the right plot or thread came up but it’s not inherently related. i would just like to write him more and don’t think i’ve really had much of a chance to explore him properly. i feel a little bit like he’s in tomo-side-character limbo right now which is Interesting since he technically came first & is an older muse than tomo (in terms of creation and not age, although he is older in that sense too lmao) but he does have his own storyline and his own whole personal mess. and i want to explore that! the drama!
this post will!! probs get deleted in a little bit bc it’s just me rambling, largely bc i’m TIRED (i’ve bEEN tired for hours but i’ve been keeping myself awake so i can go to bed and wake up at a normal time), and i’m not sure if anything i’m saying makes sense ASDFGHGFDS sorry if this is all nonsense !! i just want it out my system! also uhhhh a month too late saying this but um new year’s resolution, get better at plotting and approaching people for plots and just feeling more secure & comfy sharing my thoughts and ideas when plotting instead of just worrying ////:
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