#anyway this post has no point I'm just excited to read a fic again finally even if it's one I've already been following before
daz4i · 2 years
i have a hard time reading fics lately but there's still one I'm following whenever it updates. i took a break from reading it bc the recent updates have been very dark, and then in the next update the author notes said "this chapter is the darkest one yet" so i bailed for a bit and then now in the last few days i actually read this chapter and another 2 posted after it. and let me tell you. this author has a very different definition of dark than i do
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐙𝐨𝐧𝐞
Pairing: Robin Buckley x (female) Reader
Summary: you and Robin go to a drive-in but the two of you end up finding each other a whole lot more interesting than the movie
Warnings: bit of fluff, smut, mutual masturbation, fingering, semi-public sexual acts, minors DNI
A/N: Steve and Nancy are dating in this fic btw! I initially had this planned for Eddie but figured I had so many other fics planned for him I should give someone else a chance lmao! I hope you all enjoy this <33
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. By clicking ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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“Come on, it’ll be fun, I swear!” Steve pleads.
You and Robin look at each other sceptically before returning your gazes to Steve.
“Steve I think we’ve already established that your taste in film is, well, questionable” Robin teases.
You and Robin both giggle. Even Nancy lets out a small snort before regaining her composure, trying to spare her boyfriend some humiliation. Steve just looks at you flatly, narrowing his eyes at the two of you.
“It’s mine and Nancy’s turn to pick the movie for our double dates anyway” he huffs.
“Yeah, plus the options were super limited. It was that or Police Academy 3, and I think we can all agree on not needing to see that” Nancy chimes in.
You sigh at the same time Robin huffs.
“Good point” you agree. “Fine, Top Gun it is then” you concede.
“Ha yes!” Steve all but cheers, waving a victory fist in the air.
Saturday night had rolled around quickly and now the four of you were ready and parked at the drive-in. You and Robin were in your car, Steve and Nancy in his car, parked right next to yours. Steve grins enthusiastically over at the two of you, clearly he was excited for the movie. You and Robin chuckle lightly when you see Nancy roll her eyes. Robin gives Steve a thumbs up with a sarcastic grin before you hear the sound of the movie’s opening trailers roll through the speaker post between yours and Steve’s car.
You and Robin settle in for the film, your arm draping over her shoulders lightly. It’s not long before Robin gets fidgety. Her hands playing in her lap, twisting her ring around her finger over and over again. She twists in her seat, trying to get comfy, but to no avail. You try your best to pay attention to the movie regardless.
That is until you feel Robin’s hand move to your thigh. She’s got a smirk tugging at her lips but you can tell she’s trying to keep her face composed. You look at her sideways when you feel her hand run higher up your bare thigh, inching her way under your skirt.
“Mmm what are you up to?” You whisper teasingly.
Robin turns her head to look at you, winking cheekily.
“I'm taking inspiration from the film; I'm heading right into the danger zone” she giggles lightly, careful not to speak too loudly considering your windows were open a few inches to accommodate the external speakers throughout the car park.
You can’t help the snort that leaves you at her stupid joke. But your laugh quickly turns into a soft gasp when you feel her fingers push against your panties, brushing against your clit. Robin pretends to be interested in the film again as she rubs you through your panties, your slick seeping through the thin fabric. You can’t help but start to grind your hips against her hand, shifting in your seat to push against her touch.
She chuckles lightly to herself again before she tucks her fingers under your panties, her skin finally connecting with yours. You practically shiver when her finger swirls around your now aching entrance. She teases you only for a moment before she pushes two fingers inside you. A loud moan escapes you as she sinks inside you.
“Shhh careful, baby. Can’t be making too much noise” Robin hums through another smirk. “Don’t want Steve to know we’re not actually watching the film now do we?” She winks cockily.
“Oh yeah?” You tilt your head at her.
You lean in close to her, your lips grazing her ear. You quickly bring your hand to cup her pussy through her jeans, your thumb pushing in hard, rubbing the fabric of her jeans against her clit. Robin gasps loudly, her eyes fluttering closed.
“As I recall,” you purr against her ear, “you’re the loud one.”
She shivers at your words and looks back at you, her eyes meeting your steady glare. She curls her fingers inside you, eliciting a small moan from you.
“Well then” she breathes. “I guess we better both be quiet.”
You then see her eyes shift to something behind you. You turn your head to see Steve staring at the two of you from the other car. He was waving at the screen, obviously telling you and Robin to pay attention to the film, thinking the two of you had just turned to talk to each other instead. He clearly had no idea that Robin’s fingers were knuckle deep inside you whilst yours were circling her clit.
You smile and nod at Steve and return your gaze to the screen.
“Mmm it’s not just about being quiet” you hum. “We gotta keep our faces in check” you feel a small smirk tug at your lips. “That means you can’t have your eyes screwed shut like you normally do, baby” you tease.
“And you can’t have your mouth hanging open like you normally do, baby” she taunts you right back.
You both let out deep breathes as you try to compose yourselves, setting your faces into as natural an expression as possible. Robin starts to move her fingers again, curling and pumping them inside you. Your breath hitches in your throat as you try to swallow the moans that threatened to escape. You try to take your mind off it slightly by focusing on your own movements. You undo Robin’s jeans quickly, slipping your hand under her panties until you found her clit with your fingers. She lets out a high pitched squeak as you do so.
“Shhhh” you hum softly as you start to rub her clit in small, fast circles.
You can feel Robin’s fingers falter for a second as you rub her before she manages to pick up her rhythm again. You can see Robin biting her lip through the corner of your eye, desperately trying to keep her own moans contained.
You and Robin increase your speed in time with each other, you rubbing her clit faster, her fingers fucking you rapidly. Both of your hips are moving, grinding into the other’s hand. You risk a glance beside you, making sure Steve and Nancy were still focused on the movie and not on the shenanigans that was currently going on in your car. Thankfully Steve was completely enamoured with the movie whilst Nancy was staring straight ahead with a bored glare, as if she couldn’t wait for the whole thing to be over; it made you laugh quietly.
You hear a tiny squeak sound from Robin, her breathing heavy as she humps your hand even harder. You knew she was close and so you speed up your movements even more, adding a touch more pressure to your circles. She practically whimpers as she bites even deeper into her bottom lip, frantically trying to keep herself from moaning the way she normally would.
Her fingers lose their rhythm as you finally tip her over the edge. You feel her body convulse, her hips stuttering as she cums. You her whimpers as she grinds herself through her orgasm. Her eyes squeeze shut, just like always, and she throws her head back against the car seat as you rub her through the entirety of her climax.
“Open your eyes babe, can’t let Steve or Nancy catch you looking that fucked out” she taunt.
She opens her eyes and turns her eyes to you lazily, her lids heavy with post-orgasmic bliss. You wink at her as you pull your hand from her panties, wiping the tips of your fingers clean on your skirt. Her eyes darken and you suddenly feel her movements start up again, her fingers curling deeply to brush against that sweet spot inside you. You moan softly, moving your hips again to grind onto her fingers. She adds her thumb into the mix, rubbing it against your clit.
With the combined movement it's not long until your own climax is washing over you.
“Shit” you gasp softly, your mouth hanging open as you moan silently.
“That’s it baby” Robin coos quietly.
Her fingers slow down steadily, letting you ride out your orgasm but without overstimulating you. Once your body starts to shake lightly she gently removes her fingers from you. She sneaks a quick glance to the cars either side of you before she brings her fingers to her mouth, sucking them clean of your wetness.
“Mmm” she hums over her fingers before releasing them with a light pop. “Maybe this movie wasn’t so bad after all.”
The two of you giggle together softly, your head falling onto her shoulder.
“So? What did you guys think?” Steve asks enthusiastically at dinner afterwards.
You and Robin look at each other, smirks tugging on both your lips.
“Uh yeah, it was good” you lie.
Robin winks at Steve with a giggle, giving your thigh a squeeze under the table; “oh yeah, real good stuff.”
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A/N: ahhh my first full oneshot for Robin, I hope you guys liked this! <3
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wavesmp3 · 5 months
shawna!!! i picked up “the sea is yours to take” and genuinely so In love with your world building! can i know how you plotted the story out or how this world even emerged :OO
omg genuinely so excited to answer this ask, like you have no idea. i pulled out my laptop for it hehe
so as a disclaimer i must start by saying that i first started creating this fic and the world around it in 2019 (which can you believe was 5 years ago lol) AND i haven't really revisited all my notes since i was working heavily on this world in 2020 AND my notebook with all the details and brainstorming i did is at my parents' house and therefore do not have access to for the time being...
all of this to say that i am a little muddy on all of the nitty gritty details, but we continue forward nonetheless!
so as i said the initial idea that turned into this world came to me in the summer of 2019 in a silent chapel in the form of this drabble
(which, a note on the silent chapel part lol, i'm not a very religious person and i had never been to one before that but i think going to a place like that and thinking of the drabble there is why the piece has a strong emphasis on religion and like religious institutions, a lot of which was inspired by catholic ideologies such as the very idea of seven sins and seven gifts. and a lot of the emphasis on the religious beliefs of that world might not be as obvious in 'the sea is yours to take' (tsiytt) but it has more importance in the other installations (read: the world is ours to remake, posted as an original work somewhere on my blog as well as the crown is his to wear which was supposed to be the third and final installation that i never got around to writing rip)
but back to the point -- the drabble kind of set up the main plot which, to put it briefly, is that there is a king who is up to no good so much so that his own son is looking to overthrow him.
(note that the drabble was slightly different when originally posted and had been edited after the fact once i had created the entire world and overarching plot, but it was mainly the same as it stands right now apart from the naming of a couple things. fun fact: the gifts were called the virtues in that drabble)
and from there i kind of let my mind run wild.
i can't remember if i did most of the plotting/creation of that world during 2019 summer or if i did it during 2020 summer, but the main point is that i had almost a full year of just on and off thinking about this piece and this world
so from there (ignoring the timeline of all this world building) it was mainly just figuring out the answers to a whole bunch of questions like: why is the son trying to overthrow the king? what is the 'no good' that the king is up to? why did the prince seek out this other character in the drabble? what does that character know that can be of help? how or why do they specifically know it?
and it continued and continued like that for a long time until i had a pretty good understanding of what i wanted the plot to be. and because of the nature of the overarching plot with the plans to overthrow the king it kind of also did a lot of the world building too. i again had to ask and answer questions like why are all the sins and gifts apart from fortitude dead? why would the nomads know something that the rest of this world doesn't? why have the nomads ceased communication with the rest of this world? and a ton of other questions and answers that literally wouldn't even make sense with what is discussed in tsiytt but kind of helped informed what tsiytt needed to set up for following installations to make sense.
(note: kind of hate the naming of the nomads and the nomads land, it just feels wrong and a bit offensive of a word to use in the context that it is. i was young and really the only thing i was thinking about was the fact that it sounded like no mans land)
anyways this whole lengthy explanation is again just to say that i knew a certain couple of scenes needed to happen to drive the plot forward: like not knowing why fortitude sent the prince away, fortitude killing lord seth, the ending scene, and then a couple others that i won't say because they're probably spoilers.
and from there i just got to add in scenes to build out the love story as well as the characters. i wasn't following a very serious outline (especially when i started to write in may 2020) but rather just following my heart and letting words and scenes come out as i was writing them. but then because i was just thinking about this world and this piece so much i started to think up scenes that i wanted to write that would only happen much later. and so from there i was following a very loose outline. which was really just a whole bunch of bullet points of scenes i wanted to add. like they were so unserious. and to show how unserious, here is a sc i pulled of them (thank you google doc version history)
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anyways i think that's kind of all i have to say right now, but i could really talk about that piece and that world for years, there is so much depth that will unfortunately never leave my little brainstorming notebook. even details like the zalazar river have so much more history and meaning to it than is explored or even brushed on in tsiytt.
i really apologize that this got so long (and if you can believe it, this is me trying to keep it short) and if it makes absolutely no sense. but if you have more questions or things you wanted to discuss or ask pls pls pls go right ahead. my ask box or dms are always open!! i love any excuse to talk about this world and these characters. they're my heart.
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crazylittlejester · 26 days
Okay, so I finally finished the big fic rec project! I'm excited about having it posted at last, it took approximately forever to do, and I still have to go back and properly read everything I speed-read because I want to leave comments. The only problem is that I have no idea how collections work on Ao3. But the Tumblr post is done, and that's the important part! Every single fic and series on there is also in my Google bookmarks folder and properly labelled, so if anything spontaneously combusts, we're all good. But heaven forbid I have to go through and format that all over again.
Anyway, we're onto today's brainrot which is kind of the whole point of this. I've been thinking about Hyrule and his cooking (again) and come to two conclusions:
First one being that it'd be funny if the reason he was bad at cooking was because he was a time traveler or something and just stuck with the Civil War and/or WWI/WWII era recipes he grew up on. What prompted this idea? Absolutely nothing. No thoughts, head empty. Like, look, I know Wild's supposed to be the one that's behind on the times, but I think he'd adapt to the modern world fairly well given everything that happens in his games. Hyrule? Hyrule doesn't care. He would just do what he's always done because it's tried and true.
Second one being that he's totally the guy that knows what is edible and then just eats it. Casually snacks on plants while they're hiking, only to look like a deer caught in headlights when the others realize what's happening. Always looking out the windows in the car and then comments on the roadkill and whether it looks salvageable. His yard is a mess and there's an actual garden in there somewhere, but no one can find it, and he doesn't really care because as long as there's edible stuff out there it's good enough. He's also just casually prepared for hiking and the apocalypse at a moment's notice for no particular reason. Definitely owns a Nokia phone and hitchhikes around when the wanderlust strikes, even though he has a perfectly good bike and Twilight's told him he can borrow the pickup truck.
I'm maybe a little bit completely enraptured with the idea of an academia AU and the new version of Hyrule I have been fixated on ever since. Field researcher Hyrule is a win in my book, and you can pry him out of my cold, dead hands.
PS: I am honored to be your "knows ridiculous amounts of random stuff for seemingly no reason" person.
I’m obsessed with Hyrule just snackin on shit he walks past because he knows it’s edible. AND HE WOULD BE PREPARED FOR THE APOCALYPSE ALWAYS 😭 I LOVE HIM
im obsessed with all ur cool facts i’ve literally learned so much from you
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lunaryuwu · 4 months
🍒 What genres/tropes do you find yourself using most often?
Mutual pining and scifi stuff probably(i really like scifi)
🍕 What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic?
This one comment has my heart dhbdhvdhsvhabak
(Copy and pasted from tgih chapter 14)
i read this all in one day and oh my god. jesus christ. you broke my heart then fixed it again. never knew i could experience so many emotions at once. it is no exaggeration when i say that this is the best bmc fic out there that i have read. you got all the characterizations on point, made me think of the musical in a new light... i cannot thank you enough for writing this fic. it's so amazing and i wish you all the best with your writing, and i look forward to bingeing everything you've written.
ps just realised i don't sound excited but i think i'm too amazed at your writing for that. i'm speechless (evidently not given the length of this comment but anyways)
I was on a high after receiving this comment shbsjsbsjbaknaka
🍹 How do you decide a story is ready to post?
After one round of proofreading, one run through in grammarly, another final read through, then i’ll post the fic! But i still read them from time to time and find mistakes dhvdhsvhsvshbsjajk but yeah that’s probably it for me i don’t dwell on editing much(usually i edit as i go anyway lol)
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kathxsoupp · 1 year
In Love With a Fever: Chapter 5
William Afton x law enforcement ! reader (fem)
Summary: Reader is a detective who was put on the missing children incident case, her person of interest is William and is currently investigating him.
WARNINGS: very graphic violence throughout the whole fic, eventual smut, slow burn, age-gap between reader and Will, manipulation, mutilation, broken bones, use of pet names, Will is obsessive, mentions of death, death and murder, there will be smut, a lot probably, I think, dub-con at some point maybe, fluff and angst, idk if I missed something just read with caution
Notes: NOT ENTIRELY LORE ACCURATE!!! This fic is also posted on my AO3, linked in my pinned post, I'm updating this fic every Monday and it's the first thing I have ever posted, so I hope you like it!
Chapter 5
He stood before his office window, thoughts racing through his mind. The satisfaction of his perfect plan slowly but surely working out made him feel like he was on top of the world. The clueless girl like an angel sent from heavens above right there for him to use. He promised himself he wasn’t actually going to fall in love with her or anything. He didn’t perceive her as that special. She was just there to cover for him. She was there for him to manipulate and shape into what he needed her to be, ‘so don’t fall too hard sweetheart. I’ll get rid of you in the end anyway.’
The clock finally struck 2:30 pm. You looked into the mirror once more, fixing your appearance and taking a deep breath. You were a little bit too nervous for a work-related meeting. If you could always be so professional about your job, why couldn’t you do the same right now? Working in law enforcement was always your dream job. True crime, mystery and even horror and paranormal stuff always intrigued you so much. That’s why you were so excited about being on this case.
You’ve known about Freddy’s for a while and about the diner that came before it. To be honest, you were still hoping you could maybe somehow get Afton to show you the robots, since you didn’t get the chance earlier. You wanted to know more about them. How they work, how they were built if there’s any stories behind them, etc. The animatronics were interesting to you, but you also found them a little bit creepy. That didn’t discourage you from wanting to find out more though, quite the opposite. Now you needed to focus on the task at hand.
You grabbed your bag and left your office. You walked out of the building and headed to the appointed place. The café wasn’t too far from where you worked. It was about fifteen minutes away, so you decided to just walk instead of driving. You got there a little earlier than you meant to. At least you had the time to find some place to sit and collect your thoughts.
Ten minutes later, he arrived. You looked up from your notebook and your heart skipped a beat when you saw him.
Why were you this nervous?
Breathe, (y/n). Breathe.
You stood up from your chair with a small polite smile and held your hand out to him.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Afton. Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me.” You greeted him. He took your hand in a handshake. “The pleasure is all mine, agent.” He said, returning your smile.
You couldn’t believe how quickly he got so comfortable around you; however, you didn’t exactly mind that. It was your intention to get him to trust you as much as possible. They tend to be the most talkative then. You both sat back down, and you opened your notebook to write down anything he says.
“So, how have you been since we last spoke?” you asked him. “I’ve been alright, but I have to say I’m still very concerned about the recent events.” he replied with a serious look on his face. “It feels so surreal to me, and it has left me feeling quite numb I have to admit.”
Your heart ached at his words. You knew he was also a grieving father and couldn’t imagine what it must be like to go through the pain all over again.
“Again, I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what that must be like.” “What was it you needed to talk to me about?” he said to change the subject.
You were now a little nervous to ask about his family. You didn’t want to make the situation worse than it already was, but you didn’t have a choice, really.
“I just needed to ask you a few more personal questions. I promise you it’s just routine work, we need any lead we can get so we can finally put a stop to this madness. Would you be comfortable with that?”
He smiled to himself. He didn’t think his act would be so good you’d believe every single word he said.
“Of course, miss (l/n). Go ahead.” He said with that same smile, leaning forward, hands on the table fingers intertwined.
You asked him some questions you had written down in your notebook. Everything went well, until you mentioned the co-owner of the pizzeria, Henry.
“Henry, huh?” he said. “I have to say Henry Emily is the nicest man I know. Cheerful all the time, always happy to help, but he’s been acting strange lately. You know, I don’t want to point fingers at anyone, and I genuinely don’t believe he could be a suspect here I just figured you should know.”  “What about his behavior do you consider as strange?” you asked with a furrowed brow. “Well… he’s secretive and startled easily, I guess. Every time I speak to him, he seems nervous Fidgeting with his hands, not his usual calm and friendly self, but that might just be this whole situation getting to him.”
Interesting. You made sure to note down what he told you and then closed your notebook.
“Alright, well that would be all from me today. Thank you again for meeting up with me today, Mr. Afton. Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?” He leaned forward in his chair closer to you. “I saw you looking for the animatronics the last time you visited my restaurant. Tell me, do those fascinate you?” he said with a small smirk. Your face went red. “Oh you did? I didn’t mean to stare, but yeah, I have to say those are very interesting. It’s a shame I didn’t get to get a look at them.” “You know, if you want, I will gladly take you to see them sometime. I can show you around too. Show you how they work, I can even let you see the blueprints, if you’d like.”
His offer shocked you. You didn’t expect him to be so eager to show you his work. Especially when you were literally a cop, a possible threat to him. The fact that he would voluntarily like to spend time with you showing you his restaurant gave you the slight feeling he really had nothing to hide, but you couldn’t jump to conclusions yet. And as much as you hated to admit, you really wanted to accept. You wanted to see the animatronics and spending time with him would be the cherry on top. You knew it would be so unprofessional. You knew it wasn’t right, but there was no way you could say no.
“Really?” you exclaimed a little louder than you meant to. “You know, I’d love to, but I don’t think it’s right you know. And besides, I wouldn’t want to be a bother to you.” You answered with an apologetic smile, but you prayed he would insist on his offer. “It wouldn’t be a bother at all, love. I was the one with the idea, wasn’t I? And as for the professionality of it,” he lowered his voice, “if you can keep a secret so can I.”
The nickname gave you butterflies. His attractiveness was a little too much for you. You hated it, but you were melting on the inside. You did your best to not make a huge deal out of it. He was a brit after all, and it most likely didn’t mean anything. You pushed your thoughts to the back of your head and leaned forward to get closer to him.
“My lips are sealed, sir.” You replied with your voice lowered, mimicking his, and with a smug little smile. He grinned. “It’s a deal then, agent. Tomorrow, after work, at 9:00?” You kept your smile. “Sounds perfect.”
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secretly-of-course · 1 year
Hope you don’t mind a sappy message but the finale has me so emotional rn
I just wanted to let you know that when I wrote my first Owl House fic almost a year ago I wasn’t sure if it was worth sharing because I was new to the fandom and was having a hard time creatively. And then you drew that sweet little art of it with Hunter and Willow in their jackets and it made me feel so happy that I felt inspired to keep writing. Seeing that someone liked something I made that much got me excited about writing again. I mean I’ve written fics before but here I am two AUs and 60+ oneshots later and I dunno if I would’ve fallen down this rabbit hole if your art hasn’t given me the confidence to create more.
When I saw it for the first time I literally cried because no one had ever done that for something I’d written before and it just felt so special. And maybe it’s silly but it made me feel more welcome in the fandom and I got more involved and inspired so I guess I just wanted to say thank you. Sorry if that was super long or confusing but that little picture just means so much to me
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I-- wow. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. First of all, I adore your fics, seriously. You're one of my favorite writers and every time I see you've posted a new one I drop whatever I'm doing to read it--like I actually get mad if I'm at work and have to wait a few hours till I get home!! And I know many others feel the same way--honestly I think you've become rather iconic in the huntlow fandom at this point. To think that I impacted that in anyway...man, it just blows me away. I'm truly honored and touched.
I often look back at that drawing fondly and remember that very first fic--we've all come really far since then :') I don't even have the words to fully express what this message means to me. Just. Thank you so much for telling me that 💚💛
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lelianasbitch · 2 years
Hiya, I've never commented on your fic but I just wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying TDoC! Been on a Donna fic spree the past couple weeks and yours was one of the ones I came across that stuck with me. I've only just come back to Tumblr after a long break, but I finished reading it the other night and I couldn't resist dropping a message to gush about it!
I know reader stories can be tricky to write because the protag is technically a self insert, but I think you've done a great job with balancing! The Courier feels like a distinct personality, but she also feels familiar to me.
Also love how you're handling Donna's development. As a reader, I really appreciate that you've put so much consideration and time into research, especially with regards to mental illness. You've clearly put a lot of thought and care into Donna's portrayal, and I think it's so lovely!
Each chapter is just the right amount of fluff, angst, and tension to keep me hooked. The dynamic between the Dimitrescu sisters and The Courier is also hilarious. I've been glued to my phone and sneaking chapters on my lunch break all week like little digital snacks. (Its gotten to the point where I'm pretty sure the people I work with think I have a secret lover, but the only reason I'm not denying it is because I don't know how to tell them that her name is The Deliverance of Change.)
Also, those wee posters you made? Mega cute. I'm no artist or graphic designer so idk if my opinion counts for much but I think they're very *chef's kiss*
Anyway I've waffled quite a bit, but basically my point was your fic has been a thrill to read thus far. Thanks for publishing it. It's been a real uplifter for me, especially on stressful days. No rush for the next chapter, but I'm eager to see what you do next! Hope you're doing well in general and life is treating you fairly :)
Hello! Big oops because this was asked back in August. Thanks for being patient for my reply even though I'm sure you forgot by now 😅
I'm glad that you're enjoying TDoC!! I appreciate you (and everyone else) even if you don't comment.
TDoC is my first x Reader story so it was definitely unusual to be writing in that style. The hard part was trying not to be too self-inserty, but I'm glad that you think I did a good job balancing it.
Writing Donna's development has been fun! There's so many things I can't wait to share and so many things that I was suuper excited to finally be able to read people's reactions when certain events came about.
I love that you've been reading TDoC like "digital snacks" AND that your coworkers might suspect a secret lover. I wonder what would happen if I posted a spicy oneshot . . .
I'd love to create more art like the posters but I'm currently lazy and uninspired . . .
Thank you again for sharing how much you've been enjoying TDoC! Sharing TDoC with so many people has brought great people into my life. It also really encouraged me to tap back into my personal projects which unfortunately have been scarce in recent years, so people's comments like yours brings me joy and gets me excited to continue.
Hope you've been doing well, highskellig! 🖤
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
hello my lovely loveliest dearest favorite quil <333 I have finally actually returned with a slight rebrand and many tales to tell.
How are you bestie!!! I missed you So SO much and it's literally so rude that I can't send you all of the things that make me think of you. Like I swear my partner is gonna be jealous at this point because I'm literally like omg I literally need to show this to quil. It is a necessity. (If you're wondering it was a hoodie that had the classic university logo and said Silly Goose University and I decided that we needed them to match with our friendship bracelets.)
Anyway I am eyeing your new writing up very very closely and am itching to go to Ao3 and read ALL of it. (The urge is quite strong now that I have started Thinking about it, however this ask is taking long enough bc I have to take Wiggle™ breaks because holy bestie I am SO happy to talk to you once again.)
Speaking of your writing I was struck with the most incredible fantastic amazing art idea after looking at some of my old wings AU doodles. However, my drawing tablet went through the shredder (<- Puppy) I have to WAIT. To give the full idea justice but trust me bestie I'm so excited to show it to you.
Anyway I've been extra ramble-y but HI HOW ARE YOU I MISSED YOU WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
I'd love all of your thoughts and feelings and I miss you and ily and I'm so happy like I kid you not this ask has taken. So much effort because I cannot sit still writing this to you. I have. The Dumbest Smile on my face. <3333333
(Please note that this ask is meant to be read as if I am laying on your bed kicking my feet in the air while excitedly talking, thank you 😌)
TOBI!!!! I was just thinking about you the other day!! My dad and I were watching Labyrinth for the first time in a while, and when I realized the baby's name was Toby (i'd forgotten) I just went...ah..Tobi...I hope he's doing well...
I'm doing alright! I've been very busy this semester, and we are approaching finals so it's probably only going to get busier soon. But! This has been my first semester mostly in person in a very long time! And I'm officially fully in uni rather than dual credit, so I'm somewhere else now and have met SO many people. Actually am planning to meet up with one of them tomorrow to go to a restaurant/museum for class! And to watch a few movies with two others sometime soon.
lots of reflections on that because relationships of all kinds have been. rather difficult my whole life, so we'll see what happens here! also would 100% wear some silly goose university hoodies with you <3. move aside tobi's partner I need to glue BOTH of his hands to mine. forever
Also!! If you read my fics I'll love you forever and ever and ever even more. This new titz one has been sitting for several months, but I finally pulled it back out! And I am rather nervous about it because Fitz and Tam are both particular characters, and so combining them just makes them even harder to write. and THEN! throwing in Fitz's Alvar feelings makes that EVEN MORE difficult. but! it was also an absolute delight to work on so I hope you like it :)
and holy shit wings au art!!! i trust you so much I am so excited to see it--and don't worry about however long it takes! wings au is years in the writing, i've got experience with patience. wait btw, I don't know if you're aware, but I'm attempting to post the epilogue soon! I have the rough draft and the anniversary is coming up, so I'm hoping to have it edited to post on the ending's anniversary. it's a little over a week away, but also finals are descending AND its nano, so we'll see what happens. it WILL be out by the end of the year for certain though (and during october I went through and re-edited the whole thing for grammar and details--it's ridiculous how many its it's mistakes there were because i KNEW the difference. i'd just autopilot do one or the other and not catch it in my quick edits)
I keep pausing to do little claps and stim because. tobi!!! it's so so cruel we can't lay in bed kicking our feet together, i have missed you so so so much! what has been up with YOU? how has your life been? what's up with the blog migration--if you want to talk about it. also totally cool to simply accept it and move on. i just like talking to you and it's very nice to see you again :)
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taegularities · 2 years
before saying anything; i love you so damn much 💓💓
i'm actually tearing up while writing this.. don't know if it's because my period is close.. or if it just simply means that much to me.
i said it way too many times; that sbw was the first story i read, written by you, but it's actually the first story i've ever read on this app. i'm proud to say that.
since then, i've read almost all your works, reread some of them many times, to see if that same feeling will come again, to be able to experience nostalgia and cry again.
and why do i love you? why do you mean so much to me? it's because i've never in my life, read something so lively💜 words can be used differently from one writer to another, and every writer has their own special way at describing, but yours is just different, in an indescribably good way.
i wish i could tell you other things, like telling you exactly how your writing makes me feel, but: 1) i can't speak english well 2) my mind has a lot to say but my hand can't even write half of my thoughts :')
anyways, in my freetime, i would open one of your works and start reading. in my bed, before going to sleep, and whenever i feel like i need something that's able to plant emotions in me - whenever i need to feel anything, anything at all.
i finally had the time to read cmi, but i also had to read the one before the latest, to catch up on everything and every detail. and here i am, after finally finishing it screaming, crying, and throwing up because of how good it was, because of how perfectly written this exact story is. i can't get enough of it! and i usually put my favourite parts of a chapter in my asks, but i just can't possibly put the whole chapter here👏🏼🤭💓
but the emotions this particular chapter holds, the yearning.. their suffering, love and everything in between 🥺🥺 i wish fictional love was like realistic love, i wish half of the type of love that you write was even close to real life💔 you make me believe in things i shouldn't believe in. but i also wanna convince myself that it is actually real, it might be, right?
another thing.. the little details? even the title!! you work so hard and i can see it so clearly💜 god i hope you publish your books someday! humans must see your talent. they must see how letters can be turned into something so beautiful.
i love you so much. thank you for existing 💜
sarah wtf, i love you ??? 🥺 and please never worry about your english! it's perfectly fine !! <3
i actually didn't know sbw was the first story you ever read on here... and somehow, it makes me feel so incredibly warm that some words i wrote mean so much to you. thank you so damn much for being here all this time, for reading and rereading all my stuff.. for supporting me and giving me so much love. believe me that your presence here means a lot to me, too 🥺
i can't express how important it is to me that readers find comfort in my fics, so for you to tell me just that truly makes me feel so accomplished as a writer on here. i'll be here to try and plant emotions for as long as i can <3
and omg you caught up with cmi? that's so exciting !! i totally understand that you had to reread the previous parts. even i did, considering how much time i put between posting cmi4 and cmi5 :') but thank you for taking your time to reread. i'm so happy you liked the entire chapter <33 super excited for what's to come still.
you're right... even i wish for a love like this in real life. but you know, maybe we can have that some day, with the right person. or at least i hope that this can be real <3
the title omg yes thank you !!! 'the canvas' was a subtle one, so i'm happy you're pointing it out !! hehe my own books? time will definitely tell. it'd be so cool, though 🥺 thank you so so much for this, lovely. that was so wonderful to read, truly ily :( <333
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koqabear · 1 year
THE TREASURE HAS BEEN BOTH FOUND AND FINISHED. It's literally 4:36am as i'm typing this (it won't be when i press ask 😣) and i think i need to get out of bed and lay on the Ground to properly process the absolute gorjus Filth i just read because HOOOOOLY SHIT. I dont know how but you read my mind every time you come out with a new gyu fic like you're harvesting the thoughts from my brain down to the tropes and inspiration and characterization, like i am such a strong, avid, Devoted maltese/puppygyu Truther. And to make matters worse, i also love mean dom!gyu. and overstimulation. and creampies. ohdkdhg can you tell i have problems???:? ANYWAYS that was actually so good omfg i absolutely need to catch up on all the fics i've missed because </33 i need to stay true to my anon name
as always though, very very great work! i'm super excited for mma tyun (i am going to try my absolute best not to make everything about The Bear) and also loser bitch boy gyu LOL. anyways!! goodnight i have to gts now like it's actually a bit ridiculous how i stayed up playing mc and then to finally read camera shy. do i regret it though? absolutely not.
am i going to reread it when i wake up? hell yeah. – ml
AHHHH THANK YOU ☹️☹️☹️ I think it was like … 5 am? When I posted?? I seriously spent the whole day writing bc I knew that if I didn’t, that wip would nawt have been touched again— and thank god I did ‼️
I AM THE #1 PUPPY GYU SUPPORTER !! You cannot look at that man and tell me that’s not his charm— look at him!!! Those stupid eyes of his are literally a killing point, that man could make me fold with a single glance ! honestly I don’t even know how my brain came up with any of the smut scenes in that fic— it usually takes me forever to write just one, and you’re telling me I wrote three??? Something was definitely in the air that night, bc no way.. I am also excited to mma tyun!! If I can get back to it!! I’ve written yet another stupid wip, but I think I might just lock it back into the vault and focus on my more important stuff 😭 but loser gyu…. I’m literally itching to get back to it.
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jacksnwangs · 2 years
Lol, I don't mind long messages at all ;) Anyway, I wanted to request snapshots of Jihoon's perspective. You know how you rewrote the major scenes in Yoongi's perspective? I was wondering like, what was Jihoon thinking when he suggested that Jimin should date Yoongi, when he saw Yoongi come home crying, when they got married, etc. Thank you! ;) (Also I literally just read so many of your Yoonmins and I love your angst so much, I recced your fics on bantanficrecs, I don't know if you saw. xD)
does anyone even follow me anymore? i know it's been literal years since you asked this and unfortunately, i don't know that i'll follow through and finish all the scenes, but i did in the past couple years write a solid 6k of jihoon perspective so i thought i'd post a little bit just to honor this very very old request! and who knows. i miss writing a lot and even though i'm not really on the rpf/kpop fic train anymore, i love the relationships i created with jihoon as an oc so it's not impossible i finish this as a whole story one day soon ;)
you definitely need to read the original when you're in love all the lines get blurred for this one to make sense
Jihoon is fourteen when he answers the phone, Jimin already partway through whining a complaint as the connection completes. There’s the rough crackle of static that he’s gotten used to from his old, hand-me down flip phone and then he hears, “… that I’m gay and she laughed at me!”
It’s said with that can you even believe it! kind of tone that makes it seem like Jihoon should know what’s going on and he should be on Jimin’s side. Jihoon, as is usually true, does not know what’s going on, and probably wouldn’t even if he’d caught the first half of Jimin’s sentence, but, as is always true, he is on Jimin’s side.
He tucks away Jimin’s casual announcement away to consider later, if he can remember to, and focuses on the more pressing issue: “She laughed at you?” Jimin makes an enthusiastic noise, which Jihoon hears clearly as thank god, you understand, before launching back into a rant about his mom and not being taken seriously. It gives Jihoon the same sense of pride he feels when a teacher calls on him because they know he isn’t paying attention and he gets the answer right anyways.
Jihoon follows the conversation, making vague sounds to express outrage and sympathy at all the right points until he hears a faint knocking through the line and Jimin hurries to end the call with a grateful and cheery, “love you, bye!”
Jihoon does not, in fact, remember to address the part where Jimin just came out to him.  
Jihoon is sixteen when he has to spend half a week needling Jimin to find out why he’s been using every free period to pout and stare longingly out windows like a weekday drama character. When he finally does get Jimin to cop to marathon moping, the two of them slumped against each other on Jihoon’s bed with their backs against the wall, Jimin still tries to get away with mumbling, “It’s nothing, just a… little argument with my mom.”
“Oh,” Jihoon says, because Jimin never fights with his mom, or anyone, really, and he can’t remember the last time Jimin was even annoyed with her. Until he does, and he says, a little too excited, “Oh! Did you try to tell her you’re gay again?”
Jimin blanches, immediately, and Jihoon can’t fathom why he’s got that wide-eyed, stricken look on his face. It’s not like Jihoon cares. He’s never thought twice about it, not once in the years since he found out, not even long enough to tease Jimin about how much he blushed and stammered when that one handsome teacher from the dance studio complimented him on his improving skill.
“I-I-I,” He stutters, and Jihoon briefly wants to make the joke about how nervous that guy makes Jimin now, but he waits, because he lives mostly to embarrass Jimin but there’s a time and a place and this probably isn’t it. Jimin abruptly scrambles away from Jihoon, nearly falling off the bed in his rush to create some distance, “How did you know?”
“What do you mean, how did I know? You told me!” It never occurred to Jihoon that it might be a big deal. The first time, Jihoon had accepted it just as casually and easily as Jimin had said it. If Jimin had sat him down to have a big coming out moment like they sometimes do in American movies, Jihoon probably would’ve said something at least vaguely nice to fit the moment. “Did you forget?”
“You never said anything!” Jimin accuses instead of admitting he totally forgot he came out to his best friend in the middle of complaining about his mom one time, like, two years ago.
“Why would I say anything? You’re the one who’s gay!”
“Stop saying that,” Jimin demands. Jihoon swallows back a petulant ‘but you are’.  No one is home, Jihoon knows, and Jimin probably does too, but he still glances furtively towards the door like someone might hear. There’s another sarcastic comment, as there usually is, on the tip of Jihoon’s tongue – something disparaging about his older brother, no doubt.
Probably also thinking about Yoongi, Jimin suddenly asks, without looking at Jihoon, “Did you tell anyone?” He’s so tense it seems painful, hands closing into fists around Jihoon’s wrinkled bed spread, smoothing Jihoon’s own defensive edge into something more sympathetic.
“Who would I tell?” Jihoon replies softly. Sure, he’ll whine and argue when Yoongi makes some passing comment about Jihoon only having one friend because Yoongi sucks, but it’s not like he’s wrong. He’ll pretend to be bitter about it, but, in reality, Jimin and Jihoon have been friends for sixteen years and Jihoon’s never seen the need for anyone else. And, contrary to popular (read: Yoongi’s) belief, Jihoon isn’t a huge asshole. If he did have someone worth telling, even if he thought Jimin wouldn’t care who knows, he wouldn’t have.
Jimin accepts this without further argument, maybe because he’s acknowledging that Jihoon is a better friend than that and wouldn’t spill secrets that aren’t his to share, but probably because he also knows they are an exclusive duo.
They fall into a long silence, Jimin panicking while Jihoon sits very still and hopes Jimin will come to his own conclusions. The facts are obvious – Jihoon has known for two years, and Jihoon has known while believing Jimin wanted Jihoon to know, and absolutely nothing about their friendship has changed. If Jihoon was going to care, if Jihoon was going to spread rumors and turn his back on his best friend, he would’ve done it by now.
Jimin seems to get there, eventually, but he still whispers, too full of doubt, “you really don’t care?
Jihoon drags Jimin back into his side by grabbing him loosely around his neck and yanking him into a headlock. He rests his cheek against the top of Jimin’s head, keeping him close, and promises, “You are the same person you’ve always been.”
Jihoon is eighteen when he gets a text from his best friend saying, apropos of nothing, “I’m an idiot.”
He doesn’t ask why. Jimin doesn’t explain.
Jihoon texts back, “i think you meant ‘a dumbass’ but ok.”
Jihoon isn’t sure exactly how long Jimin’s been lying next to his bed. He didn’t pay much attention when Jimin came in and shut the door with an irritated huff. In fact, Jihoon didn’t even look up from his phone, recognizing the sound of Jimin’s heavy footfalls on the steps leading up to his bedroom before the door opened. Jimin might have texted to say he was coming, the message buried somewhere in any number of notifications Jihoon has been ignoring for the sake of doing nothing else, but it’s just as likely he showed up unannounced.
He’s been sighing at freakishly perfect one minute and forty second intervals – Jihoon counted the time between five in a row after the first dozen before getting bored – since he arrived and threw himself bodily onto the floor of Jihoon’s bedroom, which is certainly unclean.
Jimin will keep sighing and Jihoon will keep pretending he doesn’t notice, not because he doesn’t care, but because he knows better. If he tries to ask what’s wrong, Jimin will insist it’s nothing, and then worry about why Jihoon thought something was wrong, and then he’ll get self-conscious about how his face looks and what his voice sounds like and act weird and robotic because he’s trying so hard to make it seem like everything is fine and then it’ll take an extra three days for Jimin to actually talk about whatever it is he’s sighing about. It’s better to let Jimin huff and puff until he’s built up enough steam to bring it up himself.
The rhythm of Jimin’s angst becomes strangely soothing, turning into such a relaxing backdrop to Jihoon’s mindless scrolling that he’s somewhere near half-asleep by the time Jimin speaks.
“What am I gonna do?” The question prompts Jihoon closer to consciousness. Jimin keeps talking, but Jihoon only has the chance to process the word “boyfriend” before he’s dropping his phone and rolling away from the wall to glare at Jimin.
“You got a boyfriend?” Jihoon feels a genuine hurt, thinking that Jimin, who Jihoon has always supported without question and very few (genuine) complaints, would keep secrets from him.
“No,” Jihoon is pleased to see that Jimin looks as scandalized as he feels. “That’s the whole problem,” he continues, and then asks again, because it apparently wasn’t rhetorical, “what am I going to do?”
Jihoon suggests he fake a breakup, the easiest solution, but Jimin is right that it won’t work. Ending the life of a lie quickly is, of course, ideal, but lies are best when there are some messy loose ends that just can’t be tied up or explained away. Having a few holes in your story can make it more believable, as long as you’re careful about where you leave them.
Jihoon also suggests Jimin gets a boyfriend, which is a win-win. Maybe even a win-win-win. Jimin’s mom believes he’s gay, win. Jimin has a boyfriend, big win.  Jihoon’s best friend is happy, the biggest win of them all.
And, sure, Jimin has a point. If it were that easy to find someone to date, Jimin would have brought one home back when he was fourteen and his mom laughed at him, and Jihoon would not be counting the seconds between Jimin’s exhales at three in the afternoon on a beautiful spring Saturday, and Yoongi would have something to do other than sleep for twelve hours at a time and somehow still be the crankiest man alive.
Jimin visibly gives up when Jihoon declines to be Jimin’s fake boyfriend, easily the worst idea either of them has ever suggested. What should happen is Jihoon should be sympathetic and comforting, while they conclude Jimin will admit he lied and continue to live his life as he has been. If the two of them thought about it for maybe, like, fifteen more minutes they would realize that Jimin’s mom refusing to accept his identity is unfair and hurtful but ultimately inconsequential. That, eventually, Jimin will naturally find a genuine relationship and he will introduce that person to his mom because he wants to share his life with them, not because he wants this specific acknowledgment from his otherwise loving mother.
However, what actually happens, because Jihoon does not believe in thinking about things for more than one minute, and because Jimin looks kind of pathetic and more importantly, sad, and Jihoon simply will not stand for that, is Jihoon grapples for any other plan, just anything to get Jimin’s enthusiasm back. What actually happens is, Jihoon says, “My brother’s gay!”
Jimin doesn’t look like he believes Jihoon, even when Jihoon lays out his very strong evidence of Yoongi kissing boys sometimes like, five years ago. Yoongi never said he was gay, sure, but in Jihoon’s defense, Yoongi didn’t say much of anything, especially not to him, and especially not when Yoongi was in high school. The most they ever talked about it, Jihoon thinks, is after the third time when Yoongi came inside after saying goodbye to his friend and found Jihoon staring at him over the back of the couch. They’d held silent eye contact until Jihoon had pursed his lips to make kissy noises and Yoongi, before Jihoon could follow through, told him to shut up and left the room.
So, maybe Yoongi never said he’s gay, but he also never said he wasn’t gay, and that’s about as close to Jimin’s type as they’re going to get in the next sixty seconds – and as established, Jihoon does not plan farther ahead than that – so he suggests him.
It’s only meant to be that – a suggestion. Something that will get Jimin’s spirit back for a few more minutes until the new plan is inevitably foiled. Jihoon gives it, at best, a two percent chance Yoongi even entertains the idea. If it were him, ignoring the deeply problematic nature of asking your own brother to fake date you to fool your mom, he’d give it a solid zero. The odds of Yoongi doing something for another person are, by Jihoon’s estimation, astronomically low. The odds of Yoongi doing something for him are lower. But, in his roughly fifteen years of observation, Jihoon’s noticed that Yoongi has what one may call, if they were being generous, a bit of a soft spot for Jimin. Jihoon does not blame him. Jimin is very hard not to adore.
“You want me to date your brother?” Jimin asks, and that is not what Jihoon said. He gags, only a little on purpose, at the idea. It’s not clear if he’s more disgusted at the idea of Jimin dating his brother, or Jimin dating his brother, and he’s not going to consider it long enough to figure it out.
“I want you to fake date him,” Jihoon clarifies, and he doesn’t dwell on how, nothing better to do or not, Yoongi probably isn’t going to help. And he doesn’t dwell on how the entire charade is definitely dumb and unnecessary, because Jimin doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone but himself. And he doesn’t dwell on the mounting swell of unease when Jimin peeks his head around the open doorway to say, full of disbelief, “uh, he said yes, so I’m going to talk to him for a while.”
“Stop telling people I’m gay,” Jihoon is startled but forces himself not to flinch when Yoongi suddenly speaks, catching Jihoon as he passes Yoongi’s bedroom to get to the bathroom.
Jihoon manages to take it in stride and says without looking, “Then stop doing gay shit.”
In a truly delightful turn of events, Jihoon catches Yoongi talking to himself in front of a pile of black t-shirts several hours before he’s supposed to fake meet Jimin’s mom for not the first time. It’s been a long time since Jihoon has seen Yoongi flustered and off-kilter like this and he’s going to enjoy it as much as he can.
“Aren’t you going to Jimin’s today?” Jihoon asks, squinting at the pile to try and see if he can guess what Yoongi’s current contenders are. It’s a pointless question. There are roughly two hundred anxious, nonsensical text messages clogging his inbox making him damn certain Yoongi is, unless Jimin’s clearly
unfounded fears that Yoongi suddenly changes his mind come true. Well, maybe not entirely unfounded, Jihoon thinks. Perhaps Yoongi won’t be able to pick a shirt and will cancel to avoid the shame.
Jihoon is not one to let such a wonderful opportunity go to waste, so he takes his time teasing Yoongi until Yoongi has physically removed him and slammed his bedroom door completely shut. He’s also not one to let Yoongi have the last word, making sure to yell back through the wall that Yoongi’s ridiculous.
Halfway through making good on his promise to tell Jimin that Yoongi spent all morning picking an outfit, standing in the middle of his room because he couldn’t hold it in long enough to flop back onto his bed, Jihoon pauses. It’s been a long time since Jihoon has seen Yoongi flustered and off-kilter.
The harder he tries to remember, the more he realizes he’s never seen Yoongi that flustered and off-kilter.
Jihoon erases the message and heads to his closet.
Jihoon isn’t waiting for Yoongi. He just happens to be downstairs. Did he watch Yoongi nitpick at his clothes through the window until he had walked out of sight? It’s possible. Has he spent the past two and a half flipping anxiously between channels because he can’t focus on any one show? Maybe. Is he waiting for Yoongi to come back from his first fake date? Absolutely not.
He does, when he hears the sound of a key in the front door, suddenly rearrange himself from his stiff, upright position into a (hopefully) casual-looking slouch and try to appear extremely invested in the baseball game he hasn’t been watching. Since he wasn’t waiting for Yoongi, he doesn’t look up when the front door opens and shuts, or when he hears Yoongi puttering around in the entryway.
After changing his shoes and hanging up his coat, Yoongi comes to stand behind the couch. Jihoon doesn’t really care, of course, but it seems impolite not to, so he asks, “How was your date?”
“Fake date,” Yoongi corrects absently, weirdly focused on the tv while Jihoon stares up at his chin. It seems like it’s all he’s going to say, which should not surprise or disappoint Jihoon, but kind of does. They don’t really talk, about anything. Yoongi doesn’t talk much to anyone, and they aren’t close, and Jihoon has learned to be okay with the ever-widening distance between them.
But, maybe Jihoon was waiting, and maybe Jihoon did think it would be different this time. Even though they’re brothers, it was starting to feel like Jimin was something they could have in common. Yoongi did agree to Jimin’s insane fake dating scheme, and if Jimin can be trusted, Yoongi did most of the actual planning. In the back of his mind, Jihoon thought, maybe if Yoongi was opening up to Jimin, and Jimin is an extension of Jihoon, then Yoongi could let Jihoon in too.
“How was your fake date?” Jihoon sighs, long-suffering, and hopes it hides any desperation.
Almost on cue, Jihoon’s phone vibrates noisily from where it’s fallen between the couch cushions. They both know, without looking, exactly who the message is from. Yoongi snorts before asking, “Hasn’t Jimin already told you?”
They both know the message is from Jimin, and they both know Jimin has been messaging consistently for the past three hours, and Jihoon could let this go. He could let it go like he always does. He can pretend he wasn’t waiting, and he can pretend he doesn’t care. Instead, Jihoon says, a touch too softly, “Yeah, but I’m asking you.”
The silence goes on long enough that Jihoon thinks Yoongi might really ignore him, which isn’t that strange, but normally he at least has the decency to leave a room if he’s going to act like Jihoon isn’t there.
Just before Jihoon gets uncomfortable enough to exit the conversation himself, Yoongi says, “You don’t like baseball.”
“Yes,” Jihoon agrees. He’s been staring up at Yoongi’s chin, watching Yoongi not-watch the game, Unexpectedly, Yoongi glances down and meets his eyes. Jihoon would feel exposed, but Yoongi doesn’t look long.
“It was fine,” Yoongi says.
Jihoon isn’t jealous. He totally doesn’t care that his best friend, his only friend, if you ask anyone, is suddenly spending his free time with Jihoon’s brother. Jihoon definitely doesn’t think they’re being excessive, with how much they’re suddenly hanging around Jimin’s house, even though Jimin’s mom has a job and probably isn’t even there half the time. It’s not like Jihoon wants to hang out with both of them and watch them do weird, fake couple stuff, either.
Jihoon isn’t mad. It doesn’t matter to him that his brother, the same brother that once took every opportunity to complain about the general existence of Jihoon as a person and Jimin as a permanent fixture, has all the time in the world to play happy couple with someone he acted like he hated three weeks ago. He definitely doesn’t want Yoongi to suddenly decide he’s worth his time and start playing happy big brother.
Jihoon isn’t disappointed. He doesn’t care that his best friend seems to have forgotten he exists, and it doesn’t matter that his brother chose his best friend over him. It’s not like he thought maybe the three of them would bond, like they would all laugh about Jihoon’s great idea and what a success it was, and Jihoon could fake third wheel until the three of them together wasn’t so pretend anymore.
Jihoon’s fine.
About a month after the whole stupid charade started, and no, Jihoon is not acknowledging that it was, technically, his idea, Jimin’s over for the first time in a couple weeks. He’s sitting on the floor next to the couch while Jihoon is stretched out across the cushions. A movie they’ve both seen about one hundred times is playing on the tv, so neither of them is paying much attention, but it’s nice. Jihoon thinks they should probably be talking more, given how little they have been lately, but there’s something to be said about companionable silence. Every five minutes or so, Jimin will lean back enough that the back of his head will press into the soft dip below Jihoon’s ribs and it feels familiar, like home. It makes Jihoon wonder if Jimin has been missing him just as much. On one of the touches, Jihoon reaches out to affectionately ruffle up Jimin’s hair.
Jimin shifts, pushing into the contact, so Jihoon leaves his hand there. He wants to say something, talk about how he’s doing, but he’s afraid it’ll all come out too honest – it’s been lonely, I wish I’d been more included, I wish things could be different between me and Yoongi, I wish I could be close to Yoongi like you seem to be. He wants to ask what it’s like, when he and Yoongi are together, what do they talk about, is he nice, does he talk about me.
He doesn’t say those things, but he does ask, hopeful things will go back to normal soon, “did you two fake break up yet?”
Unexpectedly, Jimin seems a little surprised by the question, even though Jihoon was pretty sure that’s why Yoongi went to Jimin’s house all weird and morose the morning before. Predictably, when he came back in the afternoon, he didn’t say anything, but he seemed normal, at the least, if not a bit happy. Jihoon hadn’t known if he should take it as the breakup being successful, or nothing happening at all, but he’d assumed the former.
Jihoon tries not to read into what Yoongi’s moods before and after may have meant, as Jimin tells him, “oh, um, no, we decided to continuing faking for a while longer.”
When Jihoon asks why, Jimin says, “Well, it’s not like there’s any reason we have to stop now, and, my mom seems to be really getting used to the idea, you know, so I think with some more time she’ll really accept it, and, Yoongi agreed we should continue, so…”
Jimin trails off and Jihoon lets him. None of it is quite a lie, but it’s not the truth either. Jihoon knows Jimin better than he knows himself, can hear him scrambling for another excuse, something to prove that he believes in what he’s saying, something to make it make sense to himself. It’s obvious that Jimin has no idea why, but Jihoon doesn’t call him on it.
They’re both idiots, Jihoon thinks. They’re both idiots, but they probably know what they’re doing.
They do this now, sometimes, have conversations. It’s not like Yoongi is spilling his darkest secrets and asking Jihoon about his and there’s no brotherly bonding but it is a step up from passing each other like strangers in the hallway or only communicating through insults across the dinner table.
He can ask “how was your day” and Yoongi will respond with something vague and uninformative but not overtly negative and let them lapse back into silence. Jihoon can then, in an intentionally bad approximation of his brother, say, “Wow, Jihoon, thank you for asking, how was your day?” And Yoongi will give him the stink-eye, and he won’t say the words, but he’ll wait around and actually listen when Jihoon does tell him. It’s progress.
Today, Jihoon finds Yoongi drinking juice straight out of the shared carton and calls him a heathen. It’s a Sunday, and its only early afternoon, so Jihoon is surprised to find him out of his room at all. In a big step up from their normal routine, when Jihoon asks what he’s up to, Yoongi says, “I went for lunch with Jimin and some other people.”
Jihoon knows ‘some other people’ can’t be ‘some other people Jimin knows’, because he’s the only other people Jimin knows. By process of elimination, then, these must be people Yoongi knows, and shocked, he says “You have friends?”
This earns him a very familiar dirty look, Yoongi mumbling something about how alike he and Jimin are before replying clearly, “I have more friends than you and Jimin combined.”
With a thoughtful hum, Jihoon asks, “Combined, do we have one friend or two friends?”
Yoongi smiles, really smiles, genuinely, and Jihoon has to tense up his whole body to keep from physically pumping his fist into the air at his success.
If they were any two other people, that wouldn’t be the end of the conversation, but they are who they are, so it is.
Progress is progress.
“That was nice of you.”
“What you said to Jimin – it was nice.”
“I can be nice.”
“But you aren’t.”
“Are you picking a fight?”
“I’m just saying. You can be nice, but it seems like you only are nice to one person.”
“It sounds like you’re not saying anything.”
“I meant – “
“Jihoon, just drop it.”
Jihoon, in a rare show of magnanimity, does.
Jihoon swallows back the hurt, and the jealousy, and the anger, and the disappointment, just like he swallows back his desperate questions, why did you stop following us around back then and are you teasing, or do you really mean those things and what did I do wrong and can I fix it?
It’s been at least thirty minutes since Jimin stammered out an excuse about needing to “ask Yoongi uh, something, about the, you know, fake boyfriend… thing.” Jihoon isn’t sure what they could possibly have to talk about. First of all, they’ve had plenty of time outside of the few precious hours Jihoon has convinced Jimin to finally pay attention to him. Secondly, how difficult can it be to pretend to be in a relationship for a few months. Has Jimin’s mom really not gotten it, yet? She seemed pretty convinced when Jihoon saw the three of them after Jimin’s last showcase, but what would he know.
Part of him hopes that they’re up there discussing how to break up, because then Jimin won’t do things like disappear mid-game to talk to Yoongi, or stop coming over for a week at a time because he’s hanging out with Yoongi at his own house, and he won’t get so distracted responding to texts that he doesn’t even notice Jihoon needling him about some handsome actor or another. That hope placates him for another fifteen minutes of getting angry at pre-teens who are much better at video games than he is, but Jihoon can only handle so much x-box live before he wants Jimin to be the one kicking his ass.
After almost an hour of waiting, Jihoon’s patience reaches its limit, and he tilts his head back to yell Jimin’s name at the ceiling. Nothing happens for another several minutes, not even a shout back or an irritated ‘shut up’ from Yoongi. He pauses the game to hear better and tries again. This time, immediately, there’s a heavy thud of something hitting the floor and a short burst of footsteps. Jihoon waits for the sound of the door creaking open, but it doesn’t come.
He presses his head back against the couch cushions until he can almost see the stairs and calls, “If you don’t come down, I’ll come up there!”
It’s supposed to be a benign, meaningless threat. In part because he won’t, Jihoon’s laziness outweighing his desire for Jimin to rejoin the game, in part because there shouldn’t be any real consequence if he does go to see what’s taking so long.
Apparently, there could’ve been, because Jimin comes rushing down the stairs already spilling out apologies. As he comes around the couch, Jihoon notices that Jimin’s face is flushed pink and his hair is unusually disheveled and his bottom lip is just a little swollen and startingly red and, “oh my god, did you just make out with my brother?”
“What?” Jimin is immediately too defensive, looking anywhere but at Jihoon, and, because he is a lying liar who lies, he says, “no!”
“You just made out with my brother!” Jihoon repeats, “You left me down here to go and make out with my brother! For an hour!”
“We didn’t make out for an hour,” it takes Jimin ten seconds too long to realize that his argument only proves Jihoon right. He looks sheepish, briefly, before falling back into defensive, “It doesn’t matter, anyways! You know we’re only faking dating.”
“You can’t fake kiss!” Jihoon bursts, incredulous and furious and disgusted. It doesn’t help that Jimin looks, behind the bravado, lost and a little helpless.
“It doesn’t matter, okay?” He insists, “It didn’t mean anything.”
Jihoon makes a high-pitched, frustrated noise meant to convey are you sure and does he know that and why would you kiss him and why would he kiss you and I don’t even know who I’m angrier at.
Apparently, Jimin is not so attuned to Jihoon these days, because he doesn’t get it, and he just says, quick and dismissive even though he’s still clearly anxious, “Really, don’t worry about it.”
Jihoon is well-versed in not worrying about it. Jihoon worries about very little. Jihoon lets things go, all the time, easy as breathing.
Jihoon is, whether he’ll admit it or not, a little worried.
The first thing Jihoon thinks, when Jimin tells him he has a boyfriend, is that Jimin should probably sound happier about it. His whole story comes out uncharacteristically stilted and flat, Jimin’s smile looking so forced while he recounts the first date and jokes about some kiss they almost got seen having last weekend. It’s not like Jimin, excitedly recounting some fake couple outing he and Yoongi had under the guise of updating Jihoon on how successful the plan was going. Or when Jihoon caught on to his impromptu make-out with Yoongi, where Jimin was flushed and stuttering and embarrassed and every few minutes Jihoon would catch him fighting a smile in his peripherals.
That’s the second thing Jihoon thinks, what about Yoongi? He wonders idly if Yoongi knew. If that’s what that look Yoongi’s been giving him lately is for. Yoongi never intentionally seeks him out, but when they do cross paths in their shared house, Yoongi will stare at him, uncomfortably long and searching, like Jihoon knows something he doesn’t. The likelihood would normally be low, because Jihoon is not one for knowing things. However, the things Jihoon does know are usually about Jimin, and the things Yoongi cares about these days are also usually about Jimin, an unexpected venn diagram. So, in this one case, there’s a fair chance Jihoon has whatever information Yoongi is silently looking for.
Was this what Yoongi was waiting for him to know?
“So, you and Yoongi are over, or whatever?” Jihoon asks, a little nonsensically, but there’s a quiet bitterness that Yoongi never said anything. Sure, Yoongi doesn’t say much of substance to him, but he was starting to. And those looks – did Jimin tell Yoongi first?  
“We were never together,” Jimin replies stiffly, and Jihoon has that thought again – shouldn’t he be happier about this?
Before he can ask, Jihoon is struck with a terrible realization.
He and Yoongi were almost getting closer, because Jimin was a tether between them. If their thing is done, the progress Jihoon made will go too.
It’s pure chance that Jihoon runs into Yoongi. The shine of loitering around waiting for him after every visit to Jimin’s for the chance to pry into what the two of them could possibly talk about all those hours they spend together has long worn off, in part because the answer typically turned out to be we sat in silence like absolute freaks for most of it.
So, this time, Jihoon really isn’t waiting for Yoongi. He’s got his knee bent at an awkward angle so he can press his shoe, sole first, against the wall. Yoongi opens the door just as he’s leaning forward against his own thigh to adjust the laces and Jihoon immediately prepares to argue, because Yoongi hates when he doesn’t just sit down on the bench to tie his shoes, and always nags about how that’s what it’s there for  and you’re going to scuff up the walls and Jihoon finds great joy in how much Yoongi seems to care about something so inconsequential. The anticipation for the pointless but familiar routine is quickly curbed by Yoongi not acknowledging Jihoon’s presence at all.
Yoongi kicks his own shoes off roughly, throwing them into the normally pristine line of other pairs so that shoes scatter and knock noisily against the wall. It’s so deeply out of character, Jihoon doesn’t even think to take the opportunity to call him out on the hypocrisy. He’s not looking at Jihoon, either, and not in that usual you’re-not-worth-my-attention kind of way, or like he’s just so distracted by his own bullshit he’s genuinely not noticed Jihoon. The not-looking is intentional, like he’s trying to hide something. Jihoon leans so far back he almost falls on his ass, trying to look, thinking maybe he’s gotten a secret face piercing, or someone gave him a black eye.
What Jihoon sees, when he manages to peek at Yoongi’s face before Yoongi can rush himself up the stairs, is much worse.
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dimdiamond · 1 year
Random Writer Anon!!
When you get this answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! 🥰If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you to talk about your works, and celebrate with you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to answer these questions, I’ll be back with more next Sunday. 😉
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
Hello writer anon!
Sorry for not answering it all this time, I was trying to choose one WIP from the many and now I need a push to make me finally write again after a long time.
I'm answering about a WIP I haven't posted and nor I intend to until I finish the fic (I'm close to the middle I think????). For now its title is "Distant Dreamer" and it's basically Erased au (don't follow faithfully the manga besides the basic premise) with modern Tintin having the ability to travel back in time and to save his friends' lives he travels back to his childhood. It is mystery, thriller and full of angst but has its light-hearted moments and will have happy ending.
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
Every plot point has its good moments but I am really looking forward to writing kid Tintin meeting young Haddock. Tintin knows Haddock from his timeline but this Haddock is so different and not at the same time and anyway this meeting is very important for both of them and will lead to huge changes in the timeline. There are other things I'm also excited about but I don't want to reveal too much (and whoever has read or watched Erased may have already made some speculations).
How has this WIP changed since the "daydream/brainstorm" stage?
Hmmm many things to be honest. I tend to not have strict planning so I can feel free to discover and develop things while writing but, of course, I do have a plotline and basic plot points to follow. It's just that many times it might get me more than one chapter to cover an event that I might have thought it would take less. As we speak I'm not sure yet how a subplot will go but it will begin much later so I have still time lol.
Who is your favourite character in this WIP and why?
Aaaa tough choice, especially since not all characters have appeared yet at the point I have stopped last time! I love writing Tintin in this fic (warning he is not the Tintin we all know because of his past and ability and reliving his childhood definitely shakes him up) and kid Chang as he is THE difficult boy (I wish I was kidding). Every character (ocs too) is fun and interesting to write in this fic but if I have to choose a favourite character I think I'll go with Haddock. He has his trauma and past but still tries his best to help and support whoever needs it. Oh, and he plays electric guitar. What else do you need?
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perexcri · 1 year
Aaaa I can’t believe there’s only six more chapters!! I’m happy for you about the new job!!
Also 🥰🥰🥰 you continue to have first sentences on a Lock. “They pull closer, and spring washes away in thunderheads and afternoon showers to reveal a sweltering summer.”
Mike basically proposing how he does is So in Character of him tbh. I also like how he didn’t Push too hard about it. (Maybe if they do end up going to the east together, they could elope👀👀👀👀).
I’ve been trying to figure out what Will’s almost,,,wistful half-longing for leaving reminds me of, and I finally figure out. I could deffo be way off base, but it’s almost like the Elvish desire for the Undying Lands. (And tho Byler are most often compared to samfrodo, I think in this scenario they would be more like Legolas and Gimli, hopefully making sure his love dearest friend gets to go with him.) ofc, again I could be way off, but just what I was thinking.
“They grow and they learn. They speak and they smile and they laugh, and when one says something too out of line, the other lets him know with sharp glares and pointed comments. Will instinctively reaches for two sets of things now no matter what, and Mike always draws close to him, as if he’s not complete without the other by his side.” This whole paragraph !!! They!!!
Cuddles!!!!! Cuddling for safety from nightmares is !!!!!! They’re getting even closer !! I’m so dndjdic. I’m so normal about them, I swear.
I really do adore this story. It’s always a nice pick me up when the day hasn’t been the best, or turns an okay day great. I hope you know how much I appreciate u, as a writer and as a friend.
Anyway I hope you are doing well, and that the project and your upcoming job (!!!) are fun and wonderful.
i knowww!! it's almost over!! i will say all of these upcoming chapters run a little longer though, so there's at least that? i promise i'm doing my best to give them their happy ending :D
(and thanks for the well wishes on the job i am excited but so nervous but i am being so brave about it)
ajlsajlasdj i am once again making a surprised pikachu face and blushing at you pointing out something about my writing. i'm glad you liked that first sentence!! it's been so fun in this fic to describe the seasons passing and what-not. my more popular fics (like to hell and back again, cheer up baby, and what a match) all have really heavy time or place constraints, so this one has been nice to be able to let it flow more naturally and see where it takes me. it's become very near and dear to my heart, so i'm especially grateful for people like you for keeping up with it!!
yeah Mike basically proposing 👀 hrrrhmhmmmm 👀
Vee,,,i am about to reveal something about myself, and i hope you can forgive me: i honestly don't know a whole lot about lord of the rings (which is really weird considering i read the first book when i was in middle school, but i digress). i trust your judgment on this though, and i am doing some furious googling just so i can learn more about it!!
i'm glad you liked that paragraph about them growing together T_T that's been one of the parts that's been absolutely gnawing at me. like i've wanted to post it ever since i wrote it, so i'm very happy it gets to be out in the world now :D and yes, they are getting closer!! literally if i thought my brain could handle it i would proofread the next chapter and post it tonight, but i am so tired lol. it should be coming out tomorrow though!! i hope so at least, or else i might explode or something
i know i already gushed about this somewhere up there in this block of text^^^ but i truly am glad you enjoy this story so much!! i enjoy all the support i get on fics ofc, but people like you who have been regularly interacting with this one have made me feel extra special. this story means a lot to me, and i'm glad it can mean something to others now or that it can be a reason to make your day a little brighter, and in the end, that's all i can really ask for out of the stuff that i write, and it's something i've learned i really enjoy doing. i used to never share stuff i wrote with other people, but i'm slowly learning that you can never know how it might affect another person, and that sometimes it's better to share and see what happens than keep it close to your chest and never let somebody else partake in what you've made
aND YOU VEE!! i hope YOU know how much i appreciate you as a friend!! you are so sweet and kind, and i always look forward to what you have to say whenever i update anything because you're always so thoughtful and have such good insight. you're such a lovely person and a wonderful light in my life as well as others'. i hope this isn't being too Out There or whatever, but when i hit a point about a month ago where i really thought i was gonna have to put this fic aside because i was so stuck on it and just dealing with my own stuff, your messages about it really helped me keep going T_T it is not a stretch at all to say that i would not be nearing the end of this fic without you, so please know that you do so much even just by the presence you have on this webbed site and in this fandom!!
i would love to say this is the only time today i've typed up a super long reply to something when i maybe should've made it shorter, but nope!! i've been responding to ao3 comments that are just a few sentences with 2-3 paragraphs tonight. guess i'm just in a Mood huh
bUT if you are willing to put up with my drivel, i just want you to know you deserve all the best!! i am wishing you glowing flowers, as well as wonderful things for the new year and your endeavors, whether big or small!! :] 💜💜💜
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Hiiii long sappy post ahead but read for info about the upcoming release of my college fic in bold!!
I’m just over halfway through final edits and the final word count is hovering at around *drum roll* 127k words 😳 If you've been following, I know what you're thinking, yes that is more words than the first draft, I promise I did cut some stuff, this is what we're working with 🤪
So now I'm like... pretty much ready for it to be out in the world? And I hope everyone loves it as much as I do because it really has become very dear to me 🥹 Structure-wise it's appalling, clearly there's still so much that needs to be cut but I'm too attached to it. But emotionally, I think it hits all the right places, there are points it makes me want to cry, there are points it was pure torture to write and yet this doesn't even cover as many years as the real life pre-relationship, there are scenes where I really think the writing is beautiful if I do say so myself. It strayed a little further from real life than I think I originally thought it might but there are still a lot of moments that feel very real to me, or at least to what I imagine they could have been. And this particular characterisation of them? They're my babies. And I had to keep reminding myself while writing it that at this point they WERE babies (18 and 21??????) 😭
I’m very excited to post the first chapter tomorrow (for a reason that will be revealed) and then twice weekly after that on Wednesdays and Saturdays 🗓 Mostly because I don't know if or when I'll write another fic so I'm not ready for this one to be over too quickly 🥺 (Side note: definitely not ruling another fic out! I truly love writing these two so much and if inspiration strikes me again I'm sure I would go for it, but this was the last solid idea I had for a whole fic and I think that's part of why I've taken so much care over it and made it so fucking long trying to include every possible idea I had, because if I am going out on this I want to be going out on a high, which I think this is. I'm gonna try and shift focus to working on some original stuff and we'll just see what happens on the fic front. Anyway!) But when I was calculating dates I realised a twice weekly schedule also means it'll be starting in September and ending in May, which feels like a fitting span for this story, even though it takes place over several years 💙💛
It's going to be a longgg journey, but I hope you'll join me for it, if you want. I've been thinking it might be fun to post the wattpad links to each chapter on here along with a little mini commentary of any thoughts I have about it, any BTS on the process, songs that particularly fit?? I know that’s what author’s notes are for but I feel more connected to my tumblr audience than to wattpad, you know? I don't know, let me know ✏️ But I'm grateful for anyone that wants to read it and any and all feedback. It's rare for me to love my writing as much as I do with this fic but I think it's because of how grounded in reality it is, they definitely feel the most true to the way I see Joey and Lauren that I've ever written them. And I'm really excited to share it with you 🥰
Shoutout to Gabi who's read all but the epilogue and tells me it's good so I know at least one person likes it before I publish it, and is also all round the best and most supportive friend ❤️
And I have to say a huge thank you to anyone who's ever read one of my fics. It started off as a single oneshot after AVPW and I now have like 175k total reads across all my works 🤯 I know that's probably the same 5 people rereading them thousands of times but that's still an absolutely mind blowing number for me. I might not have rediscovered my love of writing if it weren't for all of you. Thank you 💗
And finally here's a cover reveal for Right Place, Wrong Time ‼️ (very basic lmao but some fun/painful fitting details)
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willowser · 2 years
'please to meet you' is easily one of my favroite dabi fics. i read it after i stumbled across 'and there's a burning' (which is easily one of my favorite megumi fics) and binged the two chapter you have posted. i wish i could go back and read it all over again for the first time because the way you ended the first part literally took my breath away. i sat there staring at my screen, heart literally palpitating for a good ten minutes before i read the second part. i could practically hear the tense music shows and movies sometimes play before a big reveal when i read the final few sentences and you confirmed who the waitress was. the world building and characterizations in that story are every bit as breathtaking as your prose. anyway thank you so much for sharing your writing! its been so much fun reading through all your hard work!
you know !! i was actually just talking about this today, the ending for chapter one, bc — i was actually very proud of that ending LOL and i say that because my intention was to introduce us — you — after we become someone to touya and i wanted there to be a kind of (;꒪ö꒪) moment, so i'm so like over the moon to know it had such an effect on you !! WHEW ! you have no idea how happy that makes me ! — and to that point, in the discussion* about this part, i was also talking about how much i enjoy that aspect and those details, both reading and writing them. my favorite thing is when something mundane suddenly becomes integral to the story, and i say all this because — if i am able to summon the power and patience and talent from the gods above LOL and i am able to pull this off the way i imagine it in my head — i hope for there to be many more moments like this. i actually have so many in mind and i am !! itching !! to see the response, bc i think they will be so touching and important and reveal so much in so little. assuming i pull it off LOL
but ! thank you so much 🥺 for not reading only this, but and there's this burning as well ! your words are so, so kind and needed when i'm in these odd near-the-end stretches of any work i'm doing, and i — again — literally cannot convey how happy this makes me !! i screenshotted it and sent it to my friend bc we were just talking about this, and i was saying how much i hope you enjoy the callbacks. i'm so, so excited to release chapter 3 and your message has singlehandedly given me the motivation to hack away at it after a 10 hour shift LOL i appreciate you so 🥺🌸🌿✨️
(*discussion: in which i neurotically spam the chat with all my intentions for ptmy, pepe-silvia style. caps lock, of course.)
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