#anyway this is the downside to like. no one knowing how to make phone calls anymore
fldx · 8 months
btw if u call me and then don't leave a message..... and also don't let me know why u called via email or something, u are evil 2 me
0 notes
melrodrigo · 1 year
A little scorpion goes a long way - W.A.
Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Summary: You bring back an old friend.
Warnings: ooc wednesday, R being a simp
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: I’m bored, here’s a little Wednesday oneshot like promised!
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Learning at Nevermore Academy had its perks and downsides, but one of your favorite things about the school was how little they cared about students’s powers.
You had no face? You’re just another student at Nevermore. You’re a freak emo girl? Doesn’t matter. You could revive things from the dead? Who cares?
You; were apart of the latter group. It’s not that you were so powerful to the point you could bring actual human beings to life, but enough to save a dying plant or two. Only, anytime you did it, there would always be ass-kicking consequences.
You’d always have a terrible headache and a killer cold after. Skin all colorless, resembling the look of a character from a Tim Burton movie.
When you had first met your now girlfriend of 11 months Wednesday Addams, she had shared a heartfelt story about her pet scorpion, Nero, and how he had gotten killed by some idiot normie kids.
It was heartbreaking. You swore then and there that as soon as you got the chance you’d try and find the scorpion and bring it back to life.
It also just so happened that yours and Wednesday’s one year anniversary was coming up, pegging the perfect opportunity for such a gift.
It was really hard to try and discreetly ask Wednesday where she had buried her pet scorpion without sounding suspicious.
So you didn’t.
Instead, you called up her father. It wasn’t any less scary, since he was still an Addams, and the father of your girlfriend, but at least you knew he was a bit softer than the rest of the family.
“Hellomr.addamscouldipleaseaskyouifyoyreawarewherewednesdayburiedherpetscorpionforagift?” You stumbled out, completely unintelligible.
“Hello? Who is this?” Came his booming voice from the other side of the phone.
A long paused sounded, you trying to calm down and wipe your sweaty palms against Wednesday’s sheets.
“Hey Mr.Addams, it’s YN. Would you happen to know where Wednesday buried her pet scorpion all those years ago? I need it for a gift im making her.” You said, as slowly as you could, but it still came out as a bit of a ramble.
He barked out a laugh, and your face flushed bright red. You thanked the lords that you decided to do this on the phone instead of in real life.
“Of course darling, it’s right in our backyard. Would you like me to send it to you? Me and Morticia need an idea for date night anyway. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled with grave digging!”
You let out a relieved sigh and a slight chuckle, shaking your head at the Addams Family antics.
“Yes, that would be amazing, thank you Mr. Addams.” You breathe in relief.
“Please, call me Gomez.”
There was a pause of uncertainty on your end before answering, “Of course….Mr.Gomez.”
A sound uncanny to a door swinging open had you turning around hurriedly, and hanging up before Mr. Gomez could even utter another word.
Wednesday stood there, looking unbothered; eyes half lidded until they locked with yours.
“What’s wrong with you? Why do you look like that?” She asked, eyes narrowed. You smiled a little at her tone, because it wasn’t one of annoyance, but rather of worry. Maybe you were turning her a bit soft after all.
You smile shyly, striding up to Wednesday but stopping just short in front of her, giving her time to pull away if she wanted.
When she didn’t, and in fact, leaned a little closer; you closed the distance and gave her a peck on the cheek.
“I’m amazing.” You breathed against her cheek, lips moving toward her neck.
She titled it up a bit, giving you more access to wander around as you please. Rigid hands found your waist, and she squeezed them slightly.
You pull away grinning.
“Oh no, you’re not getting it yet. Plus, tomorrow’s our anniversary, don’t you want it to be extra romantic?” You teased.
She let out a huff and crossed her arms, clearly displeased.
“I dont see what difference one day has.” She mumbled under her breath, still staring you down.
“As romantic as that is, I have to go.” You tell her, squeezing her finger once. All she does is give you a curt nod and returns to her desk.
A thing you learned later that day was that Gomez Addams was a man of his word. Not even a couple hours later, a package had arrived for you.
Inside the little shoe box was a photo of the couple grave digging, smiling wider than you’ve ever seen them; and the corpse of a certain infamous scorpion.
“Nero! Ha!“ You exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. You inspected the little scorpion, it was tiny enough; should be no sweat to bring it back.
You were extremely wrong.
Considering the thing was dead for almost 10 years; it took an absurd amount of energy out of you.
God if you thought bringing plants back to life was hard, this thing was something you’ve never seen before. Strong and vicious, shooting a sharp pain through you as you connected the back of the scorpion to the palm of your hand.
At one point you seriously thought you were going to pass out. Sweat formed at your face and your vision was starting to get a little blurry.
And to add salt to the wound, the moment the scorpion was brought back, it decided to jump the person who had so graciously brought it back to life.
Leaving multiple scars on the side of your neck, before you could wrestle it away from you and into the pet box you had bought the week before.
Holy shit. I need a rest.
With your vision blurred and head pounding a million miles per second, you collapsed onto the bed, letting the world encompass you in a dark black haze.
You’re awaken the next day by an uninterested looking Wednesday, (that might just be how she always looks) hovering over you in the bed. You roll over in the bed to get a better view of her.
“Oh hey, Wends.” You greeted, trying to get up and talk to the girl properly, but letting out a groan as you clutched the side of your stomach in pain.
You pulled the sheets down to check your side, looking for the cause of your pain. What greeted you was a huge dark blue bruise that spread from the top of your rib cage to your waist.
“Huh. That’s weird.” You mumble.
You didn’t notice Wednesday’s eyes widening at the sight, since you were a bit busy poking at the wound.
She quickly slapped your hand away, and pushed you back down into the bed. Silencing you with a press of her pointer finger on your lips.
“Don’t move.”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Wednesday move so quick, even back when she was looking for the hyde all those months ago. You stared at her in awe as she rummaged through your belongings, and pulled out a first aid kit.
Nevermore had employed one in every students dorm, seeing as to there were plenty of mini medical emergencies that would occur on a daily basis.
“Thing. Go get my Magical Beings 101 textbook. It’s located on my desk.”
Thing quickly hurried off, no doubt due to the harsh tone Wednesday used.
“I’m fine, Wends. Really. I’ll be up and running in a couple days.” You said as you reached over, trying to stroke her hand.
Surprisingly, she didn’t pull away, but instead gripped it tighter. She was silent for a moment, no sound except for your heavy breathing.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t notice? I know you used your powers YN. What I can’t seem to figure out is what for. Why are you so ill?” She asked, eyebrows furrowed.
And if you thought your heart couldn’t get any bigger, you were wrong. The way Wednesday was looking at you, all worried glances and intense eyes, you think you could pass away right then and there.
She cared.
As you tried to get up, ignoring the way Wednesday surged forward to stop you, quickly pushing you back into the bed. You didn’t put up much of a fight.
“This is gonna suck, and I wanted to save it for a more romantic setting, but I don’t think I’m leaving bed today.” You stated, while Wednesday was still eyeing you like you would get up again.
“Could you pass me the box under my desk Wends? But you have to promise to close your eyes.” You murmur, bat your eyes at her.
At that Wednesday rolled her eyes, and you were a little relieved to see a familiar Wednesday expression.
“And why is that?” She inquired.
“My brain is too meshed to come up with an excuse. It’s for our anniversary, but please don’t look, I wanna see your reaction.” You admitted, fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.
With a huff, Wednesday moved to your desk and closed her eyes, which took a while for her to actually find the box and bring it out.
“Over here.” You say, in case your voice would help her sense of direction better.
“I’m dating an imbecile who thinks I’m an imbecile.” Wednesday mutters under her breath, not aware that you had heard.
Wednesday walks over and stops in front of you, as you pat the surface on the bed next to you.
She gets the hint, and after some reluctance sits down and waits peacefully.
It’s a little domestic, and your heart starts beating faster.
You take the box from her hands and try your best to cover the clear part, then look over to Wednesday.
“Okay, you can open them now.” You say.
Wednesday’s eyes are flicked open in an instant, her peaceful face turning back into her usual resting glare.
She squints at the box, and tilts her head. You push it forward on the bed a little, gesturing for her to open the lid.
She does, and when she peers inside, her eyes widen. She dips her hand in the box and whispers, “Nero, flip.”
When the scorpion walks up to her and does a little turn of it’s body, you guess it could be called a flip, Wednesday gasps.
“It is you.” She says, sounding star struck.
And then as if just remembering you were there, she looks at you, with more emotion than you’ve ever seen before.
You feel your knees get a little week, even though you haven’t even been standing. Wednesday looks in awe.
“Happy Anniversary Wends. I didn’t know where I could find Nero so I called up your dad, I hope that’s oka-“
You’re cut off by Wednesday engulfing you in a fierce hug, and she would never admit it, but you swear you felt something damp on your shoulder.
You let the moment be, don’t tease her about it. Caressing her back a little as she leans just slightly into you.
“You’re an idiot.” She whispers, and you shiver at the sensation of her lips on your bare skin.
“Yeah I know, but you love me.” You say with a cheeky grin.
Wednesday doesn’t say anything back,but you don’t mind. Words had never been her way of expressing love, and having her here, teary eyed and smiling; albeit a tiny smile, was confirmation enough she felt the same.
You didn’t end up getting to do the things on your list for your anniversary, but in a way, what you ended up with was much better.
The rest of the day was spent with Wednesday in your arms, and a tiny scorpion in hers.
It was getting sort of uncomfortable, the position you were in, but you didn’t dare move away.
When Enid had walked in, looking for her disappearing roommate, and spotted you two asleep in each other’s arms. She bit back a squeal and snapped a quick photo on her phone.
You later asked for the photo and set it as your lockscreen.
It was a real pain bringing Nero back, but considering everything, you would definitely do it again.
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wolf-star-chaser12 · 30 days
Radio Nights
| tw: panic attacks. pairings: jegulus. fluff, pure fluff word count: 3086 |
It was him again, that same boy. He kept calling the station over and over. Regulus should’ve been sick of it, but the boy kept him company unknowingly. 
Regulus ran the local radio station during the night hours because his body physically refused to be up from seven to five during the day. It worked out quite well— he got to choose the music and rarely got complaints because no one listened to his station when he was running it. He was able to complete his online classes easily and was set to graduate a year early, even with two majors. The job paid quite well and he lived two buildings down. It was perfect.
The only downside was that he rarely got to talk with his brother, Sirius. Regulus was a being of the night and his brother was a deranged creature who got up before Regulus went to bed— which varied from five to six.
Regulus figured his music suited the hours of the night perfectly. There was nothing upbeat, no loud music, it was all mellow and overall quiet. But this boy who kept calling their station, always said Mamma Mia was perfect for 2 A.M.. Regulus vehemently disagreed and refused to put on any ABBA songs. He should be worried about upsetting their listeners, but he didn’t care, and it seemed neither did the other boy. 
“Please?” the boy asked, for the third night in a row.
“No. Why are you even up anyway?” Regulus asked.
“It’s a perfectly reasonable time to be up.”
“It’s two A.M.” he deadpaned.
“Is it really? Huh. Well, that makes sense, usually the music is so much different when I’m home.”
“Do you have a problem with my music?”
“No! Your music is perfectly fine, I just wish I had something upbeat to listen to this early in the morning. It’ll help keep me awake.”
Regulus was intrigued, was this boy out of town? It made sense if he was currently in a different time zone. After all, why would anyone who wasn’t a local listen to his station?
“What time is it for you?”
“Six. I’m only four hours ahead.”
Regulus really shouldn’t let the call go on for this long. It was meant for requests, not conversations. “This seems like a you problem. If you want different music, change the station.”
He hung up before the boy could protest. Regulus thought it odd that this boy only started making requests when he was supposedly out of town. Sirius was also out of town, but it was only a coincidence. The only time he could ever really have a conversation with his brother was when whatever time zone he was in lined up with Regulus’ hours. The rest of his night went smoothly, but he got no more calls, he felt a bit disappointed but didn't know why.
The next night, the boy called the station number again. Sighing, Regulus picked up the phone.
“What do you want this time?”
“Is this how you greet all of your listeners?”
“Only you, because you can’t take no for an answer.”
“But please. It’s just one song.”
“No. People are used to my music at this time and they would be confused if I suddenly put on a random ABBA song.”
“No one needs to know.”
“I’ll know.”
The boy sighs. “I guess I’ll stop asking for ABBA then.”
Regulus felt both relieved and disappointed. 
“Can you put on Bohemian Rapsody?”
Regulus groaned. It was one of Sirius’ favourite songs.
“It’s not for me it’s for my mate, he’s driving so he can’t ask.”
Regulus thought for a moment, he didn’t hate the song, but it would also be funny to let his friend choose whatever he liked.
Smirking, Regulus said, “Okay, only because your friend asked.”
He hung up as the boy squawked in outrage and lined up Bohemian Rapsody to play next. A few hours later, Regulus got a text from Sirius. 
‘thanks for playing my song :P’
Wait what?
‘What are you talking about?’
‘you actually played it on the radio’
‘What were doing up so early?’
‘seven a.m. is more than reasonable’
Regulus scoffed. ‘Whatever you say.’
Regulus began to suspect something was up. Was it possible this boy and Sirius knew each other? Or maybe Sirius just happened to be listening to the radio at the same time. It was possible, but it was also possible for him and Sirius to somehow know each other. Unlikely.
Sirius was away playing pro rugby somewhere Regulus didn’t care to know. He was supposed to have finished the game yesterday, meaning he would be on his way back soon. Regulus missed his brother, even when he was here. They had a strange relationship but since they both ran away as kids, they’ve been working on it. Regulus has become dependent on Sirius again, but he rarely sees him because of his nocturnal schedule. Their family dinners were actually breakfast for Regulus. It sucked sometimes, but on the rare occasion he got up earlier or Sirius stayed up later, they would have fun. 
Regulus never got to meet any of his friends, and Sirius never got to meet his. Barty and Evan worked in a tattoo shop a few blocks down, they were open from ten to five, at night. Pandora was up at night because it was how she preferred it. She did astrology and astronomy things that Regulus had never quite understood. She came by sometimes unannounced, but she always showed up for their near-daily “lunch.” Dorcas… it varied from time to time. Her sleep schedule was the most fucked up of them all. She was a freelance designer, free to do whatever she liked, whenever she liked. She tried to split her schedule between their friend group and her girlfriend, Marlene. Marlene was one of the only friends of Sirius that he’s met— Remus didn’t count since he was Regulus’ friend too, not to mention Sirius’ boyfriend.
Speak of the devil.
‘Why is Sirius grinning evilly?’
‘I played Bohemian Rapsody and now he probably thinks I’ll play more Queen songs.’
‘That was a mistake.’
‘Why did you do it in the first place?’
‘Remember that boy I told you about?’
‘The one who keeps calling about ABBA?’
‘Vaguely, yes.’
‘He asked for ABBA and I obviously refused. Then he said his mate was asking to play Bohemian Rapsody.’
‘I played it just to make him mad.’
‘That was mean.’
‘Do it again.’
Regulus chuckled. He didn’t know if the boy would call again. He didn’t particularly care. Or at least that’s what he was trying to tell himself. No one made song requests except for the rare caller who needed something stupidly depressing. The boy was a nice change. He never did get his name. 
The next night, he didn’t get a call until five. 
“Heyyyyyy, radio boy.”
“I’m not playing ABBA.”
Regulus could practically hear his pout. “I wasn’t going to ask.”
“Then why’d you call?”
“I like you,” he slurred.
“You’re pissed.” Regulus pinched his nose, he didn’t want to deal with this.
“Maybe. But it’s well deserved!”
“Tell yourself that in the morning when you wake up with a hangover.”
“You’re so mean. I like it.”
“There’s something wrong with you.”
Regulus couldn’t wait anymore. “What’s your name?”
“No, no. Remember? You said we couldn’t say our names to maintain privacy. So, according to you, we will not say anything unless we happen to see each other in person.”
Regulus scowled, how could he forget that? “Good night.”
“Wait no!”
“One song?”
“Your favourite one.”
What? No one’s asked him that before. “Why?”
“They say someone’s music taste says a lot about their character.”
“And you haven’t been listening to my music this entire time?”
“I have. But I want to know your favourite.”
Sighing, Regulus queues up his favourite— To Build A Home. He only has to wait a minute before the first notes play, the boy is still connected. 
“This is, I. This is one of my favourites.”
His heart does a funny little jump. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” He sounds breathless. 
“I um, I know how to play it. On piano I mean.”
“My name.”
“Oh. What a lovely name. Regulus. Perfect name for a star.”
Regulus blushes furiously. 
“James. It suits you.”
More silence. “James?”
“Goodnight, James.”
“Goodnight. Regulus.”
He hung up after it became obvious James had fallen asleep. Regulus hadn’t stopped smiling softly since he found out James’ name. He was in too deep.
The next night, there was no call. Nor the one after that, or for the next few nights. Regulus was sad, but he was also mad at himself for possibly having fallen in love with a stranger who called a few times. For the next two weeks, Evan would have to maintain the station with Pandora because Regulus would have to adjust to a normal schedule for a few days and then return to his nightly schedule.
He had to do a stupid dissertation for his final project, which meant presenting to an audience during the day. He needed a few days to prepare himself because it was a two-day event. Then after that, he would be spending time with Sirius before adjusting back to his regular schedule.
Sirius was thrilled at the news. He’d invited Regulus for a family/friend dinner with his so-called adoptive parents, Effie and Monty. It had been a few months since he last saw them, and that was during Sirius’ birthday. All his friends would be there because they were like family. Regulus knew he would only be hanging out with Sirius, Remus and Dorcas for most of the time. Not really Sirius, however, because he would be talking to everyone. Remus and Dorcas would stay close by. 
Sirius’ best friend James would be there too. They had never met— it seemed like any time Regulus was with Sirius and sometimes his parents, James was never there. Regulus couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that maybe Sirius’ James was his James. But he was never this lucky so he quickly dropped the idea.
Pandora told Regulus she would notify him if James called again, but he never did. His presentation went by smoothly, but he still felt disappointed. Why did James stop calling?
He didn’t have time to worry about the boy right now, he was getting ready for the stupid dinner. 
“You should wear that sweater.”
Regulus whirled around. “Do you want me to look like an idiot?”
Sirius groaned. “Why did you ask for my help when you turned down every option I suggested?”
“Because they’re your friends.”
Sirius was lying on Regulus’ bed, being entirely unhelpful, but he had an idea. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to Remus. 
‘I’m going to Facetime you, and you’re going to pick up saying “Hey babe.”’
‘Umm okay… why?’
‘You’ll see.’
Smirking, he called Remus, and to his credit, he did as Regulus said. 
“Hey babe.”
Sirius perked up at the sound of his boyfriend’s voice and then processed what he said. Sirius gave an undignified squawk as he nearly fell on his face. 
“Moony why are you calling my brother babe?!”
Remus’ eyes widened before he burst out laughing. 
“Not funny,” Sirius pouted. 
“It is,” Regulus and Remus said together.
“Reg, why’d you call?”
“The idiot is being unhelpful. I need something to wear.”
“You know no one will care what you look like, right?”
Regulus gave him a blank stare.
“Ugh, alright. The green cardigan with the white cuffs and trim, a white turtleneck and those black trousers. You know which ones.”
“Great, thank you.”
“Alright see you later. Bye.”
“Wait!” Sirius yelled. “Let me talk to him.”
“No.” Regulus ended the call and went to change while Sirius whined like a lost puppy. Honestly, he was so pathetic sometimes.
Regulus put on the clothes Remus had suggested— he did look good in them. Remus had a good eye, even if his style was different than Regulus’. He wanted to make a good impression, even if he seemed like he didn’t care.
They got to the Potter’s house early so Regulus could settle in before everyone else arrived. Dorcas’ and Marlene’s car was the only one pulled onto the drive. Regulus had barely stepped inside the house before Dorcas practically tackled him.
“Cas…” he warned.
“Oh come off it, you like when I hug you.”
He grumbled. Dorcas looked nice— she seemed to look much healthier than the last time Regulus saw her. She had been extremely sleep-deprived and was fighting off a cold, causing her to look like a wraith. Now, she looked like her normal self. Behind her, he spotted Marlene looking at him upside down, with her head tilted back over the arm of the chair.
“Regulusssss,” she said, giving him a maniacal grin.
He waved tentatively, that smile never meant anything good. “What do you want?”
“Can’t I just say hi?”
“With you? No.”
Dorcas rolled her eyes at their antics and pulled Regulus by the arm, leading him to the kitchen where Effie was. She turned around at the sound of them entering. 
Smiling, Effie went up to hug Regulus. “How are you? It’s been too long.”
Regulus kissed her cheek. “I’m doing good. What are you making?”
“A little bit of everyone’s favourite.”
“Can I help?”
Effie smiled, “Of course.” She looked towards Dorcas, “Make sure Sirius and James don’t come into the kitchen— they’re banned.”
The three of them talked as Effie and Regulus made dinner. It was nice, maybe Regulus had nothing to worry about. When he finished doing all he could, Regulus went out to set the table. Nearly done, the door opened as Sirius burst in, yelling nonsense with several people following him inside.
“You twat, I could beat you any day.”
Regulus froze, there was no way. That voice, it was him. It couldn’t be, and yet… He turned around seeing everyone in the living room. Remus was there, trying to calm down Sirius just as Marlene was hyping him up. Sirius trailed off whatever he was saying when he made eye contact with Regulus.
He ran up to him, “Why do you look petrified?”
Regulus looked back to James, his James.
Oblivious to his struggles, Sirius called out to everyone and pushed Regulus forward to meet everyone. Everyone crowded around him, trying to introduce themselves. Thankfully, Effie chose that moment to leave the kitchen. 
“Give him space.”
Regulus was breathing too quickly. He needed to leave. It was too much, he needed to leave. Why couldn’t he breathe? Distracted by Effie’s scolding, he slipped past everyone into the hallway.
He should have known he’d have this reaction. Regulus had always had anxiety and panic attacks, and so did Sirius— it was a result of their unfortunate upbringing. Pandora and Dorcas always helped him out of the attacks, but neither was here. Where was Dorcas?
“What’s wrong?” 
It was James. Why did he have to be here, to meet him while he was breaking down? It’s not how they were supposed to meet. Regulus wanted to meet James differently, but he never got what he wanted, did he?
“Hey, can you follow my breathing?” James was kneeling in front of him. When did he end up on the floor?
Regulus tried, his hand was against James’s chest which was rising steadily and slowly. 
“That’s it, just take deep breaths.”
Regulus looked up and was instantly taken aback by James' beauty. He’d seen pictures of him, but they were nothing compared to the sight before him. His eyes were a striking colour— more green than hazel. When James smiled tentatively, it revealed a small gap between his front teeth. He was beautiful.
“Are you feeling better now?” James asked.
“I- um.” Why couldn’t Regulus speak? He’d spoken to James a dozen times before.
“You’re Sirius’s brother aren’t you?”
Regulus nodded.
“He used to get panic attacks all the time, he still gets them once in a while.”
Regulus still stared. 
James chuckled nervously. “Umm, my name’s James.”
“I know.”
“What?” James’s brows furrowed.
“I’m sorry,” Regulus covered his face in mortification. 
“Don’t apologise, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
Did James not recognise his voice?
“No, I’m sorry we had to meet like this. I didn’t want you to ever see me like this.”
“What do you… oh.” James's eyes widened as he stared at Regulus with reverence. “Regulus.”
“It’s really you,” he said breathlessly. “I knew Sirius’s brother was named Regulus, but I didn’t think you two could possibly be the same.”
“Just how many people do you know by the name Regulus?”
“So mean.”
“You like it though,” Regulus smiled.
“Yes, yes I do. I like you too.”
Regulus felt butterflies erupt. 
James’s eyes dropped down to his mouth. Shyly, he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Regulus gave a minute nod.
James leaned forward, capturing Regulus in the softest kiss. They kissed slowly, softly, unhurried. They had all the time in the world. But they ran out of breath and pulled back, breathing heavily. 
“Regulus?” It was Dorcas.
Regulus looked at James and to his horror, started giggling. James also started laughing before the both of them were interrupted by Dorcas.
“Oh there you are, I see you’ve met James.”
They shared a glance, which caused Dorcas to narrow her eyes in suspicion. 
“He was helping me,” Regulus said.
“With what exactly?”
“Reggie had a panic attack,” James said.
Dorcas’s eyes softened. “Are you okay now?”
Regulus nodded.
“Good, you two better head back, I delayed Sirius for long enough.” 
Dorcas left the hall, heading back into the dining room. Regulus thought more about her words. 
“Oh no.”
“What?” James asked.
“What are we going to tell Sirius?”
James thought for a moment. He looked cute when he was confused, Regulus thought.
“What are we?”
They looked at each other, holding their breaths. 
“Maybe, could you— would you want to be my boyfriend, Regulus?”
Regulus grinned, butterflies fluttering wildly inside him. 
“Yes, I would like that very much.”
James leaned down to kiss Regulus once more before standing up. He held out his hand for Regulus to take. He got up and they walked into the dining room, hand-in-hand, much to Sirius’s confusion and everyone’s delight.
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littlenahsstuff · 1 year
Amanda Young x Reader
Warnings: blood, gore, angst, betrayal, choking, sad with a happy ending, slow, mentions of character death, self harm, blades, anxiety, longer fic, pov shifts kinda, also it’s mainly Amanda’s pov just cuz
Summary: you find out Amanda is a serial killer the hard way, by falling into a trap she made. You survive but does your relationship?
A/n: suggestions are welcome as long as they’re nice, also not proofread
Amanda missed another one of your dates because of her job, which, you don’t know anything about. You were hoping she was just some high level agent if you were being honest. It would explain the natural muscles and bad-assery that was your girlfriend. That’s also why she keeps getting cuts and bruises you tell yourself.
You at least knew that they weren’t from self harm, they were too scattered to be from that and you can somehow tell when Amanda hides self harm scars. It’s like a sixth sense, telling when she’s in danger.
You got the feeling more than you’d like too, but it was a little different when it was caused by Amanda herself. She seems more satisfied with herself sadly.
You just want your precious girl to be happy and safe, even if it’s only been a couple of months she’s your entire world. It just kinda happened but at this point in your life Amanda was the only person you talked to other than the occasional phone call from an old friend once a year. You were just floating right now with Amanda being your rock to tie you down and you, hers.
You convinced her to go on anxiety medication. Well, she refused to get a prescription (she can’t go to the doctors after Dr. Gordon) so she kinda shares your prescription both well aware that’s not a good idea but it does seem to help her and you would do anything for her.
The downside is you aren’t taking your prescribed amount and your next appointment to try and up the dosage, so one pill does the trick for both of you when you split it in half, is months away. You yourself are falling, you can feel it. You keep telling yourself that you gotta just wait it out and take it one day at a time for Amanda.
Right now you’re driving home from work in the rainy city. Your apartment is not Amanda’s yet but what little free time she has away from work is spent there so it might as well be.
A particular bolt of lightning hits a little too close for your liking and the booming thunder after it chills you to your bone. You don’t feel so good.
You try to just focus on what’s ahead while steadying your breathing. Traffic is light on the outskirts of the city, the small complex is right on the town line in a small patch of woods next to one of the parks.
You hate outside dark, outside dark is open and anything could surround you on all sides. You run up to your floor and flick on the lights but to no avail the darkness still remains. Your stomach is tight as a knot at this point, really wishing the owner allowed candles or that you had remembered to buy more batteries for the flashlight.
You grumbled to yourself, thinking you should just go to bed early. So feeling your way through the pitch black apartment, you stumbled a total of three times and now have a stubbed toe. It was a great fucking night that’s for sure.
Your bed offered little to no relief on your aching post-work back but the exhaustion was taking over rapidly. You shuffled a little to get comfy but then heard a creak of a floorboard.
“Hello?” You called out. Nobody answers, why would they. “Mands is that you? Come on you know how scared I get babes. Not the time to do this shit,” no response and yet another creak. You were still though, it couldn’t have been the bed which never makes much sound anyways. You sat up now and try to train your eyes to the darkness, no moonlight was there to help.
You frantically open the drawer to your dresser and procure a weapon Mandy gifted you for protection, boy were you great full now. You couldn’t tell where the thing or person was so you waved it about hoping it would get them.
Your eyes started to adjust and you saw a figure in the corner, once it realized you could see it, it lunged forward at you, sticking you with what you assume was an anesthetic by the lightheaded feeling making it hard for you to push them off. Your screams were muffled with a hand, you tried to bite them but it felt like you were swimming in syrup. Eventually everything just stopped as you lulled backwards.
The figure swooped you over their shoulder and took you out of your apartment, stuffing you in the trunk of a car pulled of to the back of the building.
Amanda’s POV:
She really did feel awful that she had to cancel another date, she knew that whenever she did you just stayed at work later in hopes to distract yourself. She knew you understood but if you knew what was really happening she’s not sure the understanding would still apply.
John called her in with a special request, no details were given about this person and she wasn’t even the one to kidnap them. All she had to do was come up with a new trap. She thought it was like a test to see if her engineering skills have gotten better as well as her “moral” compass. John always was better at tinkering than her and John had found out about her previous unwinnable games so this was most likely just a checkin to see if she would deter again from the purpose.
She blames herself, if she didn’t get all trigger happy with the traps she wouldn’t be missing another date night. She triple-checked to make sure this game was beatable but not too easy, John doesn’t like it when they are too hard orrrr to easy. It was a comfortable in between but definitely still very much challenging. Whoever plays it would have to give up a lot of blood to live if they aren’t careful. It was a solo game, that’s all that was required for this one.
She really hoped that this would be done quick. So while the trap might have been beatable, the timer was set to go off probably fifteen minutes before it should. Good luck to whoever plays this, she hopes they’re pretty bad or else the guilt will eat at her for the rest of the month. Sometimes John picked stupid targets that didn’t do anything bad necessarily as much as he believes it with his “solid” ideals. Maybe after John dies she can hand everything over to mark and move far away from this hell city with you. As much as she wants to, she needs to take care of John for the time being. He’s practically her father at this point.
With the trap finally finished she hands it over to Mark who’s been oddly quiet in the corner. He had a smug expression nobody liked, he was up to something.
“Hope you didn’t make this one unbeatable,” he laughs. He never cared if they were or not before so she’s a little put off, assuming he’s just teasing her for her screw up with John.
“Yeah, yeah,” she mutters and turns around to pick up her stuff. She just wants to get home to you so bad.
“Hold up,” Mark stops her, “John wants you to watch live with him. She groans in response.
“Fine let’s get this over with,” and with that they leave.
It was the same old set up, a rusty building. She definitely didn’t like the idea of having to get a tetnus shot. She hates needles, preferring to sedate people using chloroform or with blunt force to the back of the head.
She split ways with mark, her going to the observing room where John was already.
“Hello Amanda,” he croaked smugly.
“What is with you and Mark, you guys act like you just got the president?”
“They certainly are important but no, they are not the president. I can’t wait to see your work on them, I’m sure after our talk this trap will be exemplary?” He tilts his head upwards. She awkwardly laughs, his questioning gaze makes her slightly uncomfortable.
“Should be,” she mutters.
“Well then let’s begin.” She turns on the cameras to see marks back covering the kidnapped. She yawns but when he moves away it cuts off with a choke. She really hopes her eyes are deceiving her, she still can’t see much of the face but everything else looks exactly like what you were wearing this morning. They really need better cameras but money is tight in the Jigsaw business.
“So, I didn’t ask before but what’s the name of this one?” She starts to panic, please don’t say your name, please.
“I thought you’d recognize Y/n?”
Everything shatters, she doesn’t know what you could have possibly done to deserve this so she assumes it’s her fault for going against orders.
“John please, you and I both know she doesn’t deserve this. She isn’t cruel I would know she tells me everything, I put a tracker on her all she does is go to work!” She’s pleading for your life right now.
“I know, this is for you though. Even if she has done nothing she lacks the understanding you and I have of our message. The only way to understand is through this method. If she doesn’t make it out than she’s not worth it anyways, she didn’t fight hard enough for you.” His explanation makes sense but what happens when you don’t. She already knows you’d fight for her as hard as you could, she doesn’t need proof of that. And honestly she was content on hiding this part of her life from you forever.
Oh god, you must have been so scared, your about to be terrified when you wake up. She’s torn, she could get you and risk everything, Mark would kill both of you anyways and John might let it happen too. She has to painfully wait it out.
“I can see your worried, rightfully so, this is good. I promise. We do good for the world, and I’m doing good for you.” She wants to strangle him but she just breaks down sobbing. She sees you moving on the monitor in the corner of her eye and her breath hitches; you’re awake.
Mark had left the room and made no attempt at sticking around. He probably went home like the two of you should have.
She didn’t want to watch but she needed to see how you progressed. There was a collar on you’re neck that squeeze a millimeter tighter every five minutes, which originally would have killed you in an hour but she adjusted it so it gave you forty-five minutes. It’s incredible how cruel life can be. She threatened somebody’s life more just to get to you but now she might not get to you because it’s you who might die.
There was no audio but she could see all of the panic by the way you tensed, she would hate herself forever. You were not completely an idiot, thankfully. You checked all around you immediately and then found an envelope eventually in your pocket. The next thing you found was the tape recorder taped on the underside of an old table.
She had no idea what it said or how helpful the hints would be. She always debriefed John on how to disable the traps because his favorite thing was to record those tapes, so she let him. Her stomach jolted when she remembered your device cut into your neck as well. It wouldn’t draw blood until the thirty minute mark but blood loss was an added motivator to get the player to hurry up. She could tell you wanted to throw up when you heard something specific on the tape. Most likely that you would need to mutilate yourself more to find the key hidden inside your body. She had no idea where mark put it but she did know that your entire body had to be cut so you wouldn’t be able to tell exactly where it was put in your body just by looking.
You were then most likely searching for something sharp to preform the painful process of self-mutilation. She knew that the key would be put somewhere easily accessible at least given the time limit. You found a knife behind a pipe and you stared at it.
You hesitated, now what not the time for contemplation, Y/n.
She saw you sit on the ground and feel around for any foreign objects under your skin, when you paused and then continued to feel a specific spot right over your heart she went whiter than she had been.
“I didn’t tell him to put it there,” John muttered. He wasn’t worried for you but maybe a little for Amanda’s sanity. He thought she would be handling this better, he had to remind himself that this was in her best interests. He needed to make sure you were perfect for his little girl.
She just stared blankly at the screen. It had been 25 minutes already, you had just enough time to gauge the key out but you were looking worse for wear and had to be very careful with the cutting. You now had your shirt off and we’re biting down on it as the blade sliced your skin where the cut already was. You were shaking, barely managing to get the key.
By the time you got it out it was only 2 minutes left which you used to unlock the death collar. You threw it with whatever might you had left to the other side of the room.
When the timer was finally up the collar snapped tightly together. You where bleeding everywhere, but still stood back up to greet Billy the Puppet as he wheeled in to the now open door. Again she had no idea what he was saying to you but you looked right at the camera and ran out the door. She could hear your footsteps come closer to her room.
You burst in with a newfound strength and yelled as well as you could with a sliced neck,
“Amanda are you okay, oh my god I was- are you hurt? Oh-“ you stopped and looked around her, John was still there but what really confused you was that she looked not only completely fine, but that there were monitors with the room you were just in on them.
“Before you go allow me to explain,” John spoke up, “you my dear have been chosen to help revive humanity. What that was, was a test. You passed and now appreciate life. Amanda here did not know about you, however, she did make the trap. If you join us then, you too, can spread an appreciation for life.” Your eye twitched and you looked back and forth and back and forth and then collapsed.
Amanda ran to catch you, this was from blood loss and probably you finding out she was a serial killer as well as working with the man who now not only gave her trauma but you too.
You knew how fucked up that ordeal made her, you know how badly her nightmares still are. What you didn’t know was that even though she’s mentioned feeling more alive and slightly grateful that she herself would become the thing that she feared.
“She passed. I’m gonna patch her up, she just needs time,” Amanda sniffled, tears finally poured down her face. You were still here, she would never let you go again. She dragged you out of there and back to her room where all her medical supplies were, and she started to patch you up, kissing each stitch despite it getting her bloody too.
When she was done she laid you to rest and started to come up with things to say to beg you to stay when you inevitably break up with her. She doesn’t know if she can let you go but she realizes it’s ultimately your decision. She’s already hurt you so much.
Twenty minutes go by when you awake to Amanda holding your hand. Your eyes aren’t open but you desperately wish that none of that was real. The aching and stinging pain coursing through you was a dead giveaway that this was real. You peeled your eyes open to a greatfully dim room, Amanda’s room.
“Your awake,” she states.
“Were you gonna tell me if the Jigsaw killer didn’t put me in that situation?” You asked. She didn’t want to lie anymore
“No… but I wanted to forget about it myself. I just wanted to spread the message until John- the Jigsaw Killer died. I was gonna runaway with you so we could live happily. I would never miss a date night again and yeah, you wouldn’t have known about that but I couldn’t lose you. I never wanted this at all, I just didn’t want you to leave me. I will never ever hurt you again. I technically owe John my life and in the process of repaying him he treated me like a daughter more than anyone before. I know you know I’m sick but it’s so much worse than that, I care about you both so much. I would have gotten you out of there but the man who put you in there, Mark, would have killed you anyways. I know I am a sick person, I will never pay enough for this but please don’t leave me, please! You are the only thing that makes me feel normal and sane. You can leave when your better if you must. But if you are willing, we can work together, the idea is insane but you and I are proof that it works. I want to live life again and live it with you please.”
You look at her and your eyes gloss over, you have no idea what the hell to do but as much as you hate it she’s all you’ve got too. Everything is screaming at you to just run away to the hospital and get their asses arrested. Everything.
Except your heart.
You fought to live for her, you could have waited for death rather than living through this trauma but you fought to see her again and when that puppet told you she was here you had the exact same look of horror still plastered on Amanda’s face. He’s right and you know it, you want to live more. Maybe you’re more fucked up than originally thought.
“Okay” you say
She tilts her head afraid to ask you to continue so you do for her.
“I can’t leave you, but I don’t want to be a part of this idea for awhile,” you wince, “I need time to think that over but I know that after everything I still just wanna be held by you. I’ll stay…” you pause, “I don’t forgive you right now but if you ever lie to me again I will leave faster than that stupid puppet can wheel into a room. I know you wouldn’t hurt me on purpose, but it’s going to take a bit till I can trust you again.”
She finally lets go of a breath she’s been holding in since she met you. You’re gonna stay with her even though you know everything and went through it.
You’re staying.
“Yes, now come on into the bed I’ve had an insanely long day.”
“Anything for you”, she replies, kissing you softer than ever before.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
So, Time Chronicles huh? I haven't played og so I'm happy I can read it but I've seen some people say that new readers are going to miss context bc related calls/texts aren't embedded into the story. I think I'll wait and see if devs add them before I read but what do you think?
Also I wonder if they've made any more changes to the story (iirc @/devildomwriter has at least the main story backed up) Crossing fingers that og devilgrams (unlikely in my opinion) and outfits eventually get ported too
I have to admit that my feelings about it are mixed.
On the one hand, I'm thrilled that everyone gets to catch up with the story! I think it's great that I don't have to switch between apps to read the OG anymore. And I also love that they're including the event stories and birthday stories, so you never have to worry about missing them. And then you can still use Lonely Devil if you want to grind for specific cards.
But on the other hand, this doesn't bode well for the OG app in general. And I'm going to really miss a lot of those cards. Not to mention all the time and money I spent on everything in that app. This is truly the big downside to it.
As for the chats and phone calls, I'm not sure what they're gonna do about that. It's true that you need the ones that are part of the story if you want that extra context. My hope would be that they would find a way to include them, so that you don't miss out on that stuff when you read OG. Specifically I remember there being a lot of chats that were embedded in the story.
But does this mean we're also going to lose all the cards, Devilgrams, outfits, daily chats, and phone calls that we all spent a lot of time and money on to obtain in OG?
I wish they would tell us, but their silence on it is pretty damning. Most likely if they were going to transfer all of that over to Nightbringer, they would have told us, right? Because they would know that would make us all happy??
I do feel like lately they've been trying to listen to their players and incorporate things that we say we want. For instance, allowing us to remove that ad banner on the home screen, bringing back birthday events, and now putting the OG story into NB so anyone can read it.
If they could just give us those other things, I'd be pretty satisfied with game play as a whole. (The writing is a different issue, let us not discuss it lol.)
But as it stands right now, unless they keep the OG app running for as long as NB is running, then some of us stand to lose quite a lot of money and all of us will have lost the time invested.
Anyway, I'm sorry, I know that wasn't really what your ask was about. If you've never played OG, then you'll have nothing to worry about losing. I'm not sure if they're going to include the chats and so on, but I hope they do because I feel like it's a little silly to leave those out?
Also not sure how different the story will be, but my guess is probably not by much. It's easier for them not to mess with it and to just put it in there as is. I don't think they're going to be doing any major rewriting lol.
Hopefully some of that answered the question??? Sorry I got a little off topic!!
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rosyjuly · 11 months
approximately one million years ago you wrote a little 3 sentence fic about office workers George and Alex and I’m wondering how things are going for them IF you had any divine musings
Wolff finally takes mercy on them; hires three people for social media management. It’s only taken George half a year and two ppt-s to convince him that being under 30 doesn’t automatically qualify you as competent, and anyway his age is a depreciating asset. But they’re here now, and it’s great – they love to feature him, still, but at least it’s not him who has to edit the godforsaken TikTok videos to perfectly match the audio. 
The only downside is that with the new colleagues, they desks no longer fit into the corner of the second floor where George has been withering away for the past two years. It wouldn’t make sense to separate the comms team, so Claire makes them move up to the third. It makes more sense to be with the marketing team, anyway, she says. But now they have got the sales department on the other side, and in the open-plan office there’s just a lot more calls George has to listen to while he drafts the copies for the latest campaign. It makes him miss the data analysts. 
For the first few weeks, it’s not that bad. He either gets lunch with the new coworkers, trying to get to know the boys and girls in the marketing team, or has half a pack of crisps while trying to finish a press release, wiping his hand after every bite to avoid staining his laptop. Then the onboarding finally finishes and he doesn’t need to spend two hours each day to explain the ropes to Frederik. 
All of a sudden, he looks around, watches everyone else type away or nod at their screens with their most faux-genuine face, and he feels deeply, excruciatingly alone. He picks up his phone, opening the WhatsApp thread with Alex. Instead of the steady flow of texts, he can see the date annotated after every message or two. 
He’s told himself that the distance might do them good; that it’ll be healthy to stop looking over at Alex after every joke he cracks, that he shouldn’t be so attuned with Alex’s tea refills. A pint or two on Fridays would still be fine – hunched over a barrel in lieu of a table on the pavement, shoulders pressed together and complaining about the bloody ridiculous prices. But he didn’t expect this. The hollow, tender part in his ribcage that feels half-filled with regret as he thumbs through Alex’s texts about how he didn’t know Quality Assurance could be so bad, and maybe George should still be doing that much overtime if it meant that Alex didn’t have to listen to one more overzealous phone apology. 
You think Sales is much better? he sends back. It’s just past noon. Wanna grab an early lunch? 
YES. You won’t believe the bs Marko pulled this morning, Alex sends back almost immediately. 
George shuts his laptop, doesn’t announce that he’s getting food for once, lest someone tries to join him. Walking back into data analysis should not make anyone feel fond, yet here he is; the philodendron on Patrick’s desk has a new leaf. 
“Here to pick Alex up?” Patrick asks, pushing his headphones back. It makes George’s stomach warm, both with embarrassment and, mortifyingly, with pride. 
“You know how he is,” he tells Patrick, “gets lost in those Excel sheets and I’ll starve to death.” 
“I’m ready, shut up,” Alex says, saving his work with a few efficient motions. “First person to complain about me in the sheets, I’ll tell you that–” 
“And how would I know?” George asks, trying to ignore the hot shiver that runs up his spine. Alex whips around and George almost walks into his chest; when he raises his eyes, Alex is looking at him with his head tilted, like he’s a pattern Alex needs to find in a set of corrupted data.
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bornonthesavage · 2 years
Tell Me "Don't", So I Can Crawl Back In Part 4
Part 3  Part 5 Read on AO3
“No, Scoob, don’t go in there! The abandoned mine shaft is exactly the place a scary monster would be!”
Eddie shouted his warning at the tv, knowing full well they never took his advice. Currently, he was hung upside down on his sofa, waiting to see how long it would take before the blood pounding in his head was enough to make him dizzy. Wayne had asked him, many times, why he didn’t just… not do it. But that had been before he’d learned it was best to just let Eddie do as he wished. Besides, Wayne wasn’t here right now. It was after eight on Wednesday night, which meant he’d already left for his night shift at the plant.
That left Eddie free to be as loud as he liked, and he did like. The only downside to hanging upside down like an oversized bat was the hit his already dreadful coordination took. But hey, he’d like to see anyone try and eat chips like this! As it was, he accidentally spilled half the bag of cheese puff over his face and onto the carpet.
Bracing his hands on the floor, he lowered his face until he was able to grab a few puffs with his lips. See, this was more practical anyway. He was a genius. Now if he could just get every teacher at school to believe it.
Speaking of school, today had been just as weird as the last thanks entirely to Steve god damn Harrington. Eddie didn’t get it. First, he’d come to him in the hall. And not even for any particular reason, apparently. Just to talk. Which, yeah, bizarre. Then at lunch, just like the day before, he’d plopped himself down right next Eddie as if he’d been there the whole time. As if jocks dined with the freaks on a regular basis. Because yeah, he’d said he wanted to sit with them, but Eddie had thought he was joking. Surely, after one lunch period, he would come to his senses and realize he didn’t belong there. Apparently not.
The problem was, Eddie couldn’t figure out what his angle was. It couldn’t just be that he’d lost his old friends. He was Steve Harrington. He could join any group he wanted. Eddie and his friends had to be on the very bottom of the list of potential besties.
Maybe Steve was just looking for a hookup to cheap drugs. That was definitely a possibility. Plenty of people were nicer to Eddie for the sole purpose of not being up charged on their weed. Why would Steve be any different? And if that was the case, well. Eddie wasn’t going to say no to Steve’s sweet smiles. He could knock a few bucks off the drugs for that. Because while he might be a virgin, in his heart, he was a bit of a desperate slut.
The phone rang then, the shrill noise cutting through the sound of the tv and nearly making Eddie fall off the couch. He caught himself in time and rolled into a standing position. Brushing the Cheeto dust off his fingers, he trotted over to the phone.
“Hanks Roadside Diner, you kill ‘em, we grill ‘em. What can I do for you?”
For a moment, there was silence on the other side. When nobody spoke, Eddie decided it must be a telemarketer and began to hang up. That is, until he heard “Uh, Eddie?”
And shit, he knew that voice. It had starred in his dreams for the past two nights, making for very messy morning cleanups. Eddie’s heart stuttered uncomfortably in his chest. Why the fuck was Steve calling him? When Eddie didn’t answer, Steve spoke again.
“Uh, sorry, I must have the wrong number.”
“No!” Eddie cried, then cringed at how loud he’d been. “No, uh, this is Eddie.”
“Oh.” There was a beat of silence. “Dude, why would you answer your phone that way?”
He huffed and rolled his eyes. “Uh, because this is my phone and I can do what I want. Plus, it scares away junk callers.”
“Hmm, I guess that makes sense. Oh, this is Steve, by the way.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know that. But um, how did you get my number?”
Steve was silent for a second. “Well, there was only one Munson in the phonebook, so I took a wild guess that it was you.”
What the fuck? Eddie leaned back against the wall and began to twist the cord around his finger. “So you’re telling me you went out of your way to look me up?”
There was some rustling on the other end of the line, as if Steve was moving around. “I mean, yeah, I guess. It wasn’t really out of my way, since I already had the phonebook. And yes, I can read, if that was what you were going to say next.”
Eddie grinned. “Wow, I’m flattered that you already know me so well. But back to the topic at hand. To what do I owe the pleasure of King Steve calling on little old me?”
Steve cleared his throat. “I was actually wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat with me.”
The phone nearly fell out of Eddie’s hand as he jerked up right. Surely, he hadn’t heard him correctly. “What?”
Steve began to ramble. “Yeah, I mean, I don’t have anything to eat at the house right now, so I was going to go out anyway, but it’s always more fun to go with someone. And Darcy’s Diner is open for another two hours, so I figured that would be the perfect place for a late dinner. Have you been? It’s pretty good. They cook a mean burger. But, I mean, only if you haven’t eaten yet? Which, crap, I realize it’s eight o’clock so you probably have.”
Eddie wasn’t sure how long he stood there, staring into the middle distance. What the hell was going on? There was no way Steve was asking him out. Maybe he was still on the couch, hung upside down. Maybe so much blood had pooled in his head that it had knocked him unconscious. That honestly made more sense than whatever this was. Because of course his subconscious would conjure up a phone call from Steve. He was dragged out of his spiraling by his voice.
“Eddie? You still there?”
He shook himself. “Yeah, yeah, I’m here. Wait, so you want to go out right now?”
“Um, yeah? But you don’t have to if you already ate.”
Eddie glanced back at the cheese puffs scattered across the floor, which were the extent of the food he’d consumed. “No, I haven’t eaten. I guess I could go for some food.”
“Oh, cool,” Steve said, suddenly sounding much brighter. “So, do you want to meet me at Darcy’s? Or I could pick you up.”
“No, no, I can meet you there.”
The last thing he needed was for his stupid brain to get this whole situation more mixed up. It was definitely safer to drive himself.
“Alright. See you in, say, thirty minutes?”
“Yep, see you then.”
He could hear the smile in Steve’s voice. “Great, bye Eddie.”
Even after Steve hung up, Eddie remained standing where he was. Ok so, Steve wanted to hang out. Outside of school. Which was totally normal and not weird. It was a little strange that he’d looked him up rather than just asking for his number during lunch. Unless, of course, he didn’t want anyone else to know they were hanging out outside of school.
Oh, right. Steve probably wanted to score some weed. That was why he’d called so late. He’d probably asked him to eat first, so he didn’t seem rude, in an effort to get that good discount. Eddie relaxed slightly. Yeah, that made sense. He was used to people using him for drugs. This was familiar territory.
And so what, if he spent way longer getting ready than he would for a regular drug deal? Steve was probably going to look nice, since he always looked nice, so it only made sense for Eddie to put a little effort in.
Once he was dressed in his best band tee and his second favorite pair of ripped jeans, he made his way out of the trailer and hopped into the van. The drive to Darcy’s was pretty short, yet when Eddie pulled into the parking lot, Steve was already there. And yep, Eddie had been right. He looked good enough to eat.
Eddie took a moment as he parked to just look at Steve. He was leaned up against his car, the curved line of his body somehow both causal and posed. Tight jeans, white sneakers, an unzipped bomber jacket. Jesus Christ. He took a second to steady himself before climbing out of the van.
This is just a drug deal. Just a drug deal. A drug deal with a bizarre extra layer of weirdness.
“Hey Harrington. You coming from a date?”
Steve looked up at him as he approached, a smile tugging up the corner of his lips. “Hey Munson. No, I was at home. Why do you ask?”
Eddie waved a hand. “You’re awfully dressed up for a late-night diner run. Hope you didn’t get dolled up for little old me.”
“Oh.” Steve looked down at himself, as if only now realizing what he was wearing. “I mean, it never hurts to make a good impression, right? Figured that applied to friends too.”
Eddie stopped a few feet away, letting his arms swing awkwardly at his sides. “Friends. Right.”
“Yep. So, uh, you want to go in?”
“After you, my liege,” he said, dropping into a sweeping bow.
Steve snorted and shoved playfully at his shoulder. “Shut up. Come on.”
They approached the door to the diner together. Before Eddie could reach for the handle, Steve had already pulled it open and motioned for Eddie to go in first. Huh. A chivalrous king. The waitress behind the counter told them to sit wherever they liked, and Eddie followed Steve to one of the booths along the wall of windows. Once they were seated, Steve slid a menu over.
“You ever been here before?”
Eddie glance over the top of his menu. “Steve, we don’t exactly live in the big city. We have like, ten options for restaurants. So yeah, I’ve eaten here before.”
“You know, a simple yes would have been fine,” Steve said with a roll of his eyes.
“Ah, but I’m not a simple guy. Surely, you’ve figured that out by now.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty obvious. But I like it though. You’re different. Everyone else around here is so damn boring.”
Eddie leaned back in his chair and regarded Steve. So was that his angle? Was the prince bored and in need of entertainment? It would make sense why he’d latched onto Eddie. A jester for a king.
“What, you need me to perform for you, big boy?”
Steve shot him a look. “No. Just, like, hang out. Chill.”
The waitress appeared beside them to take their order. Steve decided on a burger with everything on it, as well as a side of fries and a chocolate milkshake. Eddie went a little more daring with an order of their full breakfast slam. Once the waitress had slipped away to give their order to the cook, Steve looked back to Eddie.
“Breakfast at night?”
Eddie spread his hands. “Yeah, why not? That’s the best time to have it.”
Steve gave him a skeptical look. “I think the best time to have breakfast is in the morning, seeing as that’s when you’re supposed to eat it.”
“Ah, Stevie boy, but that’s where you’re wrong,” he said, wagging a finger at him. “The best time to do anything is when you’re not supposed to. It makes things way more interesting. Plus, who decided there were certain foods for certain times of day? That’s weird, right? It’s just food. Why does everything in life have to have some arbitrary rule?”
As he spoke, Steve’s brow furrowed deeper and deeper. He opened his mouth to respond, but Eddie slapped his hand down on the table before he could.
“That was a trick question, Steve-o. I’ll tell you why. Two words. Mass. Conformity. The people on top pile on all these stupid rules and convince the people that they’re important. When to eat certain foods. What to wear to different places. Who you can love. It’s all nonsense. But they convince you it matters. Why? Because it keeps you distracted from the bigger picture. From looking at The Man and seeing that we’re all just cattle in their conveyer belt. But not me. Oh no, I won’t be like them. So yeah, that’s why I eat breakfast at night.”
As soon as he finished speaking, Eddie picked up his water and took a big gulp. Long speeches always dried out his mouth. When he looked at Steve, he found the other boy staring at him with wide eyes. This was usually the place he lost the normies. Where they narrowed their eyes at him and decided he was just too weird. He was prepared for it. Welcomed it, even. But once again, Steve surprised him. After a moment, he began to nod his head.
“Huh, yeah, I’ve never thought about it like that. But it makes sense. There could be, like… monsters running around the town and nobody would even notice because they’re so worried about missing an episode of Jeopardy.”
Something warm flickered to life in Eddie’s chest. Something soft and bright. Something dangerous. He tried to smother it before it got any air, but the open expression on Steve’s face made it impossible. Hell, even Eddie’s own friends rolled their eyes when he got going on one of his spiels. But Steve wasn’t rolling his eyes. In fact, he looked interested. Which was wonderful. It was great. It was terrible. Eddie took another big gulp of water.
“Yeah, exactly. Forced conformity is no joke.”
Steve’s eyes moved over Eddie. “So, is that why you dress how you do, and yell on table tops, and push peoples buttons? So you can break out of the mold the world tried to put you in?”
Oh, fuck. He was being seen by Steve Harrington. Honestly, he couldn’t imagine anything worse. Being perceived was to be avoided at all costs. So, he would do what he always did. Smile, deflect, distract.
“Aww, Stevie, now you’re getting it. Not all of us can be so blessed to be molded out of gold like you.”
He expected Steve to smirk or roll his eyes. To brush it off like everything else Eddie had said. Instead, the corners of Steve’s mouth turned down into a frown and he lowered his eyes. As if what Eddie had said upset him. That hadn’t been his intention. As formerly mentioned, Eddie was a weak man. Despite his reservations, Eddie wanted Steve to like him. He sort of hated it, but there it was.
“Hey, man, did I say something wrong?”
Steve shook his head. “No, no, it’s fine. You’re right. I have everything anyone could want, so I should be grateful. Right?”
That felt like a trap. Like there was something Eddie didn’t know. He picked at his napkin, tearing off little strips and rolling them into balls.
“I mean, I don’t know your life man. You’re allowed to have problems.”
Steve nodded, though it seemed stilted. “Yeah, sure.”
Fuck. Eddie had definitely messed this up. And while he should be glad for it, should hope that now Steve would move on to his next distraction, he’d always been an attention whore. He thrived on it, so long as it was surface level. He wanted people to notice him, to find him interesting in the way someone found the circus interesting. And now, despite his own wishes, he wanted Steve to keep paying attention to him.
“Did you know it would take a human nineteen minutes to fall to the center of the earth?”
Steve’s head jerked up, a look of bewilderment replacing the dejection that had been there a moment before. “What?”
“Yep,” Eddie said, grinning when he saw he had Steve’s attention. “Scientists figured it out.”
“That can’t be true,” Steve said, shaking his head. “The earth is like, huge. How could they even know that?”
Eddie shrugged. “Don’t know, dude. I’m not a scientist. They did some math shit, I guess.”
“Huh. I’m going to have to ask Dustin about that. He might know.”
“Yeah, one of the middle schoolers I watch. He’s a total nerd, but he’s also a genius. Way smarter than I’ll ever be, that’s for sure.”
Eddie grinned. “He sounds cool.”
“I mean, I guess,” Steve said. But he was smiling now, and didn’t that just warm Eddie’s jaded heart?
The waitress came then with their food, setting their plates in front of them before disappearing once more. Eddie began to immediate dig in, scooping up a big bite of scrambled eggs and shoving them into his mouth. But when he looked up at Steve, he was just watching him, that same small smile still on his face.
Suddenly feeling nervous, Eddie swallowed and straightened up. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” Steve’s shoulders twitched. “I can get stuck in my own head sometimes. Thanks for getting me out.”
Eddie tightened his grip on his fork so he wouldn’t do something stupid, like reach across the table. “Oh, uh, yeah. It’s no problem. Always happy to help.”
Steve continued to smile as he began to eat. They talked more as they ate, mostly about small stuff and people they hated at school. The list was long and heavily overlapped, Eddie found. Which was nice. It was always cool to hate the same people as someone else. And Steve was a bitch, which Eddie already knew, but it was nice to see that venom directed at people he didn’t like.
When the waitress brought the check, Eddie reached for his wallet, but Steve waved him away. “Nah, man, it’s on me. I’m the one who invited you.”
Eddie was pretty sure that only applied to dates, which this definitely wasn’t. Still, he wasn’t going to argue over a free meal. “Alright, if you insist.”
With the meal paid for, they slid out of their booths and made their way back out to the parking lot. It was still early in February, which meant it was unreasonably cold. Eddie tucked his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
“So, uh,” Eddie said, turning back to Steve. “Did you want to do this in the van?”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Do what?”
Eddie waved his hand. “You know. The weed. Unless you were looking for something stronger, but I don’t have any of that on me.”
“Um.” Steve blinked. “I’ve got to drive, so I probably shouldn’t smoke right now. But if you want, I could come over some time and we could smoke and hang. Or you could come to mine. It doesn’t matter.”
Well, now Eddie felt a bit wrong footed. “So, you aren’t interested in buying weed?”
Steve tucked his hands into his pockets. “Uh, no, not right now. But thanks for the offer.”
Well, shit. There went that theory. He cleared his throat. “No, yeah, no problem. I just, uh, thought I’d offer.”
“Right. Oh, also,” Steve said, lighting up as if he’d just remembered something. Eddie watched as he turned and dug through his car. When he turned back, he was holding a pen. Eddie’s heart shot into his throat when Steve grabbed him by the hand and pulled him closer. “So you’ll have my number. No need to look in the phonebook.”
Once Steve was finished, he let Eddie’s hand go. He immediately missed the warmth. The number was written out across the back of him arm in Steve’s handwriting. Eddie had the insane thought that he could maybe saranwrap his skin where Steve had touched him. God, he was such a fucking freak.
“Oh, uh, cool. Is there a good time to call?”
“Nah, wherever’s fine. I might be out giving the kids a ride, but if you leave a message, I’ll call you back.”
Eddie tilted his arm, looking at the number at a different angle. “I won’t piss off your parent’s if I call too late?”
Steve dropped his eyes to his feet. “Uh, no, they’re out of town so you don’t have to worry about that.”
It felt like there was something more there, but Eddie wasn’t about to pry into Steve’s life. “Okay. So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
And then Steve did something weird. He lifted his arm, as if to pull Eddie in for a hug, only to freeze halfway there. Eddie’s pulse quickened as his gaze focused in on the hand that was now way too close. He definitely wasn’t prepared to be hugged by Steve Harrington. He also desperately, desperately wanted it. In the end, Steve went halfway and dropped his hand onto Eddie’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Maybe a hug would have been too much, because that small touch was already making electricity shoot through Eddie’s body.
“See you, dude.”
Eddie nodded absently. “Yeah, dude. Bye.”
Once back within the safety of his van, Eddie watched as Steve started up his car pulled out of his spot. He threw Eddie one more wave, then was gone. He just sat there for a while, contemplating. Steve didn’t want drugs, unless it was while they were “hanging out”. He’d given him his number and said to call anytime. He’d opened the door for him, paid for the meal, then touched Eddie’s shoulder.
What the fuck was going on?
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Can you Tell us the story about how you met your wife and got together? I know It was somehow Clexa related, pretty please ;)
Oh Sam's not actually my wife 😅 we're not married and probably will never get married. Between us both being the products of divorce (and unhappy marriages prior to that involving parents who stayed together way too long), plus with my whole health issues thing and maybe ending up needing to be on disability down the road, we just decided to shelve that whole notion for the foreseeable future, possibly forever. But in spirit she is, a piece of paper isn't needed. I mean she buys me rotisserie chickens 🥹
Anyway yeah!
So shortly before the pandemic hit I was going out to dinner with a group of friends and one of them asked if she could bring her cousin along. She said her cousin had recently moved down into the area for work and didn't really know anybody else and so, ya know, it'll give her a chance to socialize. We all met up and it was nice and I'm thinking hmm she's cute but also pretty quiet and kinda stoic and probably straight so it was like meh whatever she's alright I guess 🥴. But then during dinner I was eating something that everyone knew would make me feel icky and I said something along the lines of like, "Eh fuck it, victory stands on the back of sacrifice, right?" Fully thinking no one would pick up on it because I knew no one else there had ever watched the show.
But then miss thang's head shot up like 😳
Nobody else having caught this reference, we spend the next several seconds having a silent
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moment across the table 🥴
She said I turned both white as a sheet and then fire engine fuckin red😅😅😅 (I have a very real blushing problem. It's the cross I bear that comes with the chubby cheeks, r.i.p.)
After that she started joining in the convo more and actually coming out of her shell. We started kind of having our own side convo just between us and when the check came everyone else decided to call it a night but we stayed behind and had another drink at the bar. We ended up staying till right about closing, and then exchanged numbers and decided to ~hang out~ the next day ~just us~.
For the conversation, obviously.
And that was kind of that. We saw each other pretty much every day after that and text constantly and called each other every night before bed if we weren't staying over together. At first Iiiiiii had a *moment* of panic of not really knowing what we were because it just went from not knowing she existed to having her be kind of the focal point of my life, but she was kind enough to just be like "🙄+😏+🤦‍♀️ we're dating, Andi. We've been dating. That's what we are. Don't hurt yourself there, champ."
So kudos to her for that...
It was tough during the beginning stages of the pandemic because she has family that is very high risk and so do I, both of which if they got it they'd probably die, so quarantine and social distancing was rough but necessary, but we worked through it and both feel more solid for it. And now we live together and she helps me take care of my mother and myself and I do my best to be her support and help her and be her best cheerleader whenever I can 🥹
Downside tho is I'll forever be labeled "Cousin Fucker" in my friend's phone contacts 😒
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fearlessword · 4 months
I’ll meet you in my dreams - Chapter 3
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Summary: You dreamed of the boy who played piano before you knew who he was. Humming the melodies you heard in your sleep brought BTS into your life and you thought it was just meant to be.When you finally have the chance to see him perform live, you realize that the dreams you have are more than a coincidence. You hope he dreams of you too.
Slow burn/ Slow build/ canon divergence/ d-day tour / soulmate- ish
Pairing: Idol! Min Yoongi x Reader
Author’s note: You are the kindest readers! Really! My phone kept lighting up with notifications of your likes and even some comments! Thank you so much! I am currently writing chapter 6, I wanted it to be ready before the 13th, but it may take longer than that. Chapters 1-5 are already posted on AO3. Thank you for the love and I hope you like this one! See you soon!
“You’ll never see, you sing me to sleep every night from the radio”
March 1st, 2023
Your hands were tied now. You got waitlisted, Cami got waitlisted, the other coworkers without a membership didn’t stand a chance. You are sure a code isn’t a guarantee that the tickets would be yours. The only hope was a friend of one of the teachers at the school, that was the only person you knew that had the code, and well, maybe you have a new ARMY friend now.
Just the fact that someone got the code was a relief. The downside was that there’s nothing you can do, and, considering you were a control freak, having no other option but wait was enough to make you freak out.
To be honest, everybody was freaking out, from your roommate to your co-workers and even the principal, everyone knew how important this was to you because you were acting crazy and anxious, everyone signed for the pre-sale (even if you knew that people without memberships wouldn’t stand a chance). Today, of all days, you felt cared for by everyone around, who made a point to check if you were okay.
So, when the afternoon came, and the bell rang announcing the end of the school day, you bid your students farewell and immediately opened twitter on your laptop, just to check how things were going. There was nothing you could do on the Ticketmaster website, your account wasn’t linked to a code anyways.
“You know, refreshing twitter 1000 times per minute won’t make it any easier. I’d say it will make it worse.” Camila’s voice echoed behind you.
“I know, I know. I just need to know. It’s my first time doing this, and I’m not actually doing this and it’s driving me insane!” You retorted standing up and pacing.
“Woah, have you thought about calling her? I’m sure she’s nervous too”
“Don’t you think that’s too controlling of me to do that? We kind of talked about the seats we want and the other options in case they sell out. I’m so obsessed with this man it’s probably not healthy.”
“ I mean, you are a fan and it means something to you and it’s obvious you have a connection of some kind with him because you keep dreaming about him which is weird and interesting at the same time” she rambled “But, you are also paying and you are a fan, so, I know this is important to you, and not too much at all, just facetime her!”
You stared at your friend and smiled. Then, grabbed you phone in your bag and called Natalie, your newest ARMY friend.
“Hi, ________! I was about to call you”
“No way!”
Cami looks at you with arched eyebrows, amused.
“ Yes! You know, we both want the Saturday show, but I was thinking that maybe I should try the queue for Wednesday or Thursday too. Just in case. Many people will want to go on Saturday cause it’s the weekend, I want to make sure I can get us tickets”
“Uh, sure, I mean, Saturday is ideal, but I also don’t want to risk it” You answer.
“Alright, any minute now. Floor as close as possible or any of the side lower bowls right? I don’t know why I am asking, we talked about it. I’m so nervous” she lets out a nervous laugh and you laugh as well. At least you’re not the only one.
“ It’s gonna be okay, I’m sure we’ll get great seats” You don’t know if you’re telling this to her or to yourself, still, you try to believe it.
“We will. It 's time! Wish me luck”
“Good luck, Natalie!”
“_________, the page is refreshing! Oh God! I hope the school’s wifi is good enough” At exactly 3 p.m Natalie's nervous face gives space to focused features. You held your phone tighter and sat on your desk, shaking your legs while silently watching the woman’s face through the screen.
“ More than 2000 people in front of me, what the fuck” Your heart stops at the same minute, even if you could get to the map page, the chances of getting a great seat seemed far away now.
“More than 2000 for the one on Thursday too… Come on!” She paused and then screamed “Oh my God, 200 people before us for Wednesday”
“God, Natalie! I was about to cry here”
“Don’t fail on me, Ticketmaster.”
Your free hand runs through your hair, making a mess of the long curls. You wonder how many of your students are probably going through this same process right now, and you want to laugh and cry at the same time.
“It’s my turn… let me see. We want the floor… _________, floor is general admission, are you okay with that? It’s the soundcheck too.”
“Yes. I’m good with that, yes”
“Okay, selecting… Your credit card number is on my account, right, let’s get it, please ticketmaster work for once in your life, let me get it”
At this point, you didn’t even want to look at the screen, you knew how this website was tricky on pre-sale days, especially after the whole fiasco with the Taylor Swift Tour. You hoped the website wouldn't break down on Natalie’s turn. It felt like time was passing slower than it should, your legs hanging from the desk couldn’t move more, and you were scared of having the chance just so to have it taken away from you.
“Yougottheticketslettheanticipationbegin, __________!!!!! We are seeing him”
“Did it work?” You look at the screen and she’s showing you the confirmation page.
“It worked! Oh my God! I can’t believe it actually worked. Oh fuck it’s on a Wednesday, my poor students. Oh God, we are seeing him”
“Are we truly seeing him?!” Excitement was an understatement, you squeaked and jumped from the desk and smiled so big your cheeks hurt.
“____________, I’ll talk to you later, maybe I can still talk to the HR and tell them I’ll need the day off, make sure to do that too, okay?”
“Natalie, I can’t thank you enough. Thank you so, so, so much!”
“No worries, I can’t wait to scream with you during the show”
You put your phone away and look at Camila, who was watching the whole scene silently with a smirk on her face.
“Tell me this isn’t a dream”
“It’s not a dream, amiga. You’re seeing the guy from your dreams so soon now”
“This does not feel real. It was so fast.”
“It was meant to be. I feel it.” You cover you tearing eyes with both hands and and giggle as you hear your best friend saying that.
“I'm seeing Yoongi”
“About that, now that you got a ticket for the concert here, I should give you this” She took a folded sheet of paper out of the back pocket of her jeans and handed it to you.
“And that is?”
“Just unfold it and see”
And so you did, and looking at the paper, you couldn’t help but shed some tears.
“Is this what I think it is?
“If you think it is a confirmation email for a ticket of one of the shows in Korea, then yes, yes it is”
“Cami, how did you do this?”
“You forget that you made me get a fan club membership, so I wanted to make sure you saw him.”
“In Korea?” You say in a high-pitched voice.
“It’s not that difficult to stay up and buy tickets in the middle of the night, when you have a real purpose. I mean, I got a nosebleed, I hope you don’t mind, I guess the time difference and lack of practice count when doing this, but I got it and it’s during Summer and you don’t have school as an excuse for not going, so you better get your savings for your Korea trip and actually buy flight tickets to go to Korea and see your dream man there.”
“You are the craziest person I’ve ever met” You hug your friend tight, not knowing what to do with the tsunami of information that came in your direction in the last 15 minutes.
“Besides, I think that your dreaming about this guy is weird but I also feel there’s something there and I know you won’t do anything about it if there’s no push. So here’s your push, consider this an early birthday gift.”
“I don’t know what kind of ideas you have about this, but they are just dreams.Thank you. Hell, I’ll see him twice”
“Yes, _________, yes, you will”
April 21st, 2023
The first thing you did when your alarm went off was to grab your phone and open the Youtube app. Thankfully, the miniature for the music video was already on your home page, so you lost no time and just played the video.
To say you were mesmerized and entranced by the music video and the song playing was an understatement, you were so impressed by the lyrics and the two versions of Yoongi you were seeing, everything looked so perfect, and that was enough to make you excited to listen to the entire album. But it was when Yoongi pulled a cigarette out of the box with his teeth that you let out a loud squeal, that made your roommate come check on you.
“Are you thirsting for the BTS guy at this time in the morning?”
“He just smoked a cigarette in the MV”
“You hate those things!"
“He made it look really hot”
Cami rolled her eyes and dragged herself to your bed.
“Come on, I wanna see it”
You both get comfortable on your bed and you restart the video. Your roommate watches attentively, and teases you, elbowing you slightly everytime a cigarette appears. You end up watching the rest of the video together and you barely have words when it comes to an end.
“He is really an artist” that’s all you can say.
“I saw what you meant with the smoking thing, nice song, he’s just not really my type”
“And what’s your type?”
“A tall brunette with a buzzcut and very, very handsome, but also nice and kind and good with his words. He could also be a doctor, maybe, I don’t know”
“That’s oddly specific”
“Well, maybe you get to meet him soon”
“I get to WHAT?”
“We need to get ready, we are teachers and we can’t really be late, come on”
“Camila, get your ass right here” you scream as she runs through the door. “This is not over!”
You laugh as you get ready to work. You decide to listen to the album after you get home, to actually pay attention to the lyrics. As you walk to the subway station, you make sure to run your lesson plans for the day through your mind, taking the time to also plan the Friday night ahead of you.
Your work day goes by slowly, like every other Friday. At this point of the school year, with Summer Vacation approaching, your students don’t want to have classes anymore and, if you’re being honest, as much as you love your job, you weren’t fond of teaching at this time of the year either. So you did your best to make your lessons light and fun, for them and for you, eventually taking some time to talk about topics that were interesting for all of them.
When the bell rings, you wish a great weekend for everyone and pack your things as quickly as you can to walk to the subway station. As usual, you stop at Times Square, but instead of changing trains, you decide to walk around the small Bryant Park. You buy yourself the sweetest and creamiest cold brew. The cold coffee was not the best idea, considering the city was still chilly, but it was your favorite, and it was your way of treating yourself after a long hard week of work. You people watch for a while, taking in the groups of tourists walking on 42nd street, from where you assume was Grand Central, in the direction of the outdoors on Times Square. You see people talking, sitting around the tiny green tables, you observe the empty carousel, and the outfits of the women walking around (those were always nice to watch). You observe the mix of trees and the buildings all together and the food trucks around and although this area of the city was incredibly chaotic and not your favorite to walk around, you were glad you could sit and appreciate the beauty in this chaos.
After taking the Q train and arriving in your apartment, you take a long relaxing shower and wear your most comfortable set of PJs. You feel inspired to cook a nice dinner to watch the documentary with. As you get the ingredients to make your favorite pasta dish, you hear the door open.
“I beat you home today” you sing from the kitchen.
“I had some papers to grade and decided to follow your steps and not bring work home. I hated it. My bed is a much more comfortable grading spot” your roommate answers.
“Are you having dinner here?”
“Yes, give me a minute to shower and I’ll help you out”
But dinner was so easy to make that, by the time Camila was back, you’re already done. You put the creamy pasta on plates and take them to the living room, opening the Disney + app to find Yoongi’s documentary.
“I’ll only watch it with you because I’m a great friend” you hear your best friend say and you look at her with an amused smile, knowing well she wouldn’t watch anything she was not interested in.
And so you watch the documentary and see how this album started. You are washed with a sense of deja vu when you see a scene of 2020. Differently from the In The Soop cuts, this time, what you see is exactly like your first dream and you pay attention to all of the details to make sure you’re actually watching it. How could you forget your first dream with him? This time, thanks to the subtitles, you could actually understand what they were talking about and your heart skips a beat when Yoongi tells Jimin about the amygdala, explaining how this is a part of the brain that processes trauma, and telling his friend about the song. You vaguely remember thinking about how you wanted your brain to process your trauma better and wishing for it to just work right before dreaming of Yoongi for the first time. And as the performance of the song goes, you take in the lyrics.
It's no news that you identify yourself with BTS songs. But this one felt different. As he raps and unfolds each of his traumas you can't help but think about your own traumas and how you did that too three years ago.
You can feel Camila’s eyes on you. And you know she knows what you are feeling and she knows that you dreamed about this. You feel like you should comment on it, but saying it out loud sounds like madness, because this time, you actually know that it happened in real life too.
The movie continues with his trips and his writing process and you try to let your deep thoughts go to watch it properly. It is your first time listening to the songs of the new album, and you can see that all of the effort shown in the documentary was worth it, the songs and the performances were more than anything you were expecting and you couldn't wait for the tour.
"You and this guy are so similar." Camila says when the documentary is over.
"I guess I can relate to him a little bit" you say. "Now, I need to start practicing these songs for Wednesday"
"You cooked, I do the dishes" your roommate announces when you both stand up.
"I won't argue you with that"
You say goodnight before walking to your room, where you get your airpods and get ready to listen to the D-DAY album, in sequence, of course. With the lights out and cell phone in hand, you search for the translation of each song as you listen to them. You observe every figure of speech, every rhyme, all the story telling, and you repeat, inside your head, the scene from your dream, the one you just watched on the TV. How could someone on the other side of the planet think in the same frequency as you and describe your feelings so well? You didn’t want to get obsessed with the idea of it, because it gets crazier with time, but you can’t help but feel like, somehow, the universe brought you Min Yoongi because it knew you needed someone to relate to.
You listen to AMYGDALA once again, and another time, wishing you could take the pain away from someone that didn’t even know you, and with Yoongi’s voice singing in your ears, you fall into deep sleep.
When you gain consciousness again, it’s dark and pouring. You find yourself in front of a beautiful house that looks like it just came out of a movie set. Its light colored bricks (you couldn't possibly identify the color in the dark) were covered in vines, the only illumination surrounding you is the warm yellow light that comes through the windows.
You run to the porch to avoid getting even more wet. The hiss of the wind is loud and the cold early spring air embraces you as tiny droplets of water touch your skin, making you shiver uncomfortably.
You look at the imponent maroon door and entering the welcoming house sounds like the perfect plan right now. It’s obvious you are dreaming, there are no houses like this in New York City, so worst case scenario, it’s a nightmare and you’ll wake up regretting your decisions. This, or you’ll freeze to death and then wake up. Either way, you’ll end up in your tiny apartment anyway, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
The door opens at the same time you raise your hand to give it a knock. You take a step back and take in the scene. Nobody is on the other side. Weird.
A mass of warm air touches your face gently when you step into the living room. The smell of coffee, cinnamon and vanilla flies around and makes you look straight to the kitchen and dining room to your left, but they are empty, so you walk to the fireplace in front of you, taking a moment to appreciate its coziness while getting warm.
You decide to walk around and explore the other levels of the building, which, from what you saw until now, has no furniture except for the old blue Victorian couch.
Holding the rail, you go up the stairs, and see that the walls are filled with beautiful, but empty frames. At this point, you don’t even bother finding it weird anymore, after all, it’s a dream, but you wonder why there are no pictures and why your mind decided that the only pieces of decoration you see in this house of stone are simply not serving their purpose.
As you walk down the aisle of the first floor, you see 4 doors. Slowly, you try to open the first one to your left, just to find out it is locked. You try the one to your right and the two other doors after that. All locked. You huff.
“Why is this too boring?” you say out loud, as you turn around and direct yourself to the stairs to go to the second floor, only to hear a muffled female voice upstairs. Curious as you are, you run up in the direction of the voice, just to find the same set up of the floor below you, with the exception of a pulled down ladder at the end of the corridor, that led to what you can only assume is an attic, where the sound and the voices come from.
You walk with caution to the ladder and the sound is louder, but not clearer. It takes climbing the steps to realize that the female voice that is now screaming, is actually your own. You stop midway, your upper body just past the attic door,and search for the source of your own voice, just to realize a video is being projected on one of the ceiling walls. You recognize the scene of that dreadful day so many years ago when you got home after an early dismissal day, just to find your ex boyfriend with your best friend. This time though, you could see it through a different point of view, the exact moment when you started packing your bags to leave your old apartment.
“Where do you think you are going? Hey! Stop! We can talk through this” your ex said, while dressing himself up. You hear your old self let out an ironic laugh after that. You look at her, the shorter curly hair was a mess, the red eyes burning with anger and disappointment.
“Talk through this?” Past you screams, opening another drawer and just throwing clothes in a suitcase. “You must think I’m really that stupid to give you the time of the day after this. I don’t want to hear from you, I don’t want to see you. I wanna pack my things and go to the farthest place from you”.
“_________, this is your home. Calm down.”
“My home? My home? You should’ve thought about that before cheating on me at my fucking home on my fucking bed. I’ll come back to get the rest of my things when you’re not here.” You close your suitcase, and direct yourself to the front door. You turned, just in time to catch a sight of him and your so-called best friend getting dressed as well. "Please, don’t even bother, just keep doing whatever you were doing before. I’ll make sure I won’t interrupt you ever again.” And you walked out.
The video stopped after that and you were stunned. Talk about a dramatic event. You don’t understand why your subconscious wants you to remember that, especially now that you are actually healing. Maybe this is in fact a nightmare, and you were supposed to keep rewatching that infernal scene until you wake up.
You decide to go up the rest of the steps either way, whatever comes next, can’t be more painful than what you just watched. As you step into the room at the same time someone stands up and comes in your direction.
“What the hell?!” You exclaim.
“Hm, this never happened before” The one and only Min Yoongi mumbles, staring at you.
Right, you have never had a conscious dream about him where you could actually talk to him. But, considering that his documentary was the last thing you saw, it seems like his presence in your dream this time is not that weird. You stare back at him, his dark messy hair, puffy cat eyes and black hoodie. Your heart jumps through your shirt and that unexplainable feeling comes again.
“Did you watch all of it?” You ask.
“I did. I’m sorry. I should’ve stopped when I saw what it was”
“I mean, it’s not actually your fault. It’s my subconscious.”
“It 's fine.” You look around, finding the film projector and another film reel on the side. “Interesting. What’s in the other film?”
“I don’t know. I only set the one we just watched.”
“We should watch the other one”
“I don’t know, I’ve already seen too much”
“It’s not like you are real”
“Not real?”
“Besides, I don’t think there was any other moment of my life more traumatic than that one. I’ll be fine” You say while taking the other film reel out of the projector and putting the new one. Yoongi doesn’t look too sure, but he directs himself to the pile of pillows on the floor and waits for the projection. As it starts, you sit by his side and focus on the wall in front of you.
It is a cloudy day and the dirty atmosphere of the city makes the scene look even grayer. You try to recognize the place, but it takes seeing a tall black haired boy to see that this wasn’t about you.
“I shouldn’t be seeing this” You say and make the mention of standing up before dream Yoongi holds your wrist gently and pulls you back.
“It’s only fair.” he says.
So you sit down and watch it with him.
A younger version of Min Yoongi leaves the door of a restaurant with bags of food on his hands, then proceeds to put the bags inside of a delivery box on a motorcycle. He wears his helmet, jumps on his bike and rides it around the city. He stops once. He stops another time. And you know what is coming, because you remember when Yoongi had the surgery, you remember seeing videos of him dancing in pain and you remember the lyrics of Amygdala, even if you only listened to that song a couple of times since the documentary release. You know the feeling of wanting your brain to erase the memories you so want to forget in order to move on. And even if it’s all in your head, it hurts to think of what happened to a human you love so much.
You stare at the dream version of Yoongi sitting by your side who has his glistening eyes fixed on the scene projected on the wall. With his lips closed in a line, he swallows thickly and you turn your attention to the movie again. And that’s when the scene unravels: The rain starts to pour and, as he is turning, a car hits young Min Yoongi, who falls on the road. You can’t help but feel your heart breaking into pieces as you watch the rain touching his face, it feels even worse when the scene is cut just to be substituted by flashes of Yoongi crying, in pain, and taking what seemed like an unhealthy amount of pills. If only you could change the past to comfort him. You’d do anything so he wouldn’t have to go through this kind of pain again.
“Was that what really happened?” You question, almost whispering.
“Exactly like that” the man by your side responds, then proceeds “What I saw... Did it really happen to you too?”
“Yes, but, for what is worth, you really helped me through it, it doesn’t hurt anymore” you look at the version of Min Yoongi in front of you, and think of everything you’ve learned about him through his songs and through the documentary of the day before. You are conscious this is not real, even if it feels like it, but you also know you will never have a chance to say to the real Yoongi what you wish to say, so you take a chance in this parallel dream reality, or whatever this is.
“ I know this is all in my head, and there are so many things I’d like to say, but, I just want you to know that if I could go back in time and help you through all of the pain you felt, I would. I know it doesn’t change it, but I really wish you’d know that. I wish I could’ve saved you, too, Yoongi” you stop and see the corner of his lips curve slightly. “I guess this was a weird thing to say out loud” cover your face with your two hands and a muffled groan leaves your lips.
“No, no, no… it’s not weird” He turns his body completely to you. “I don’t know if you’d believe me, or if anyone would believe me, but you did.”
“I did?!”
“You saved me in so many ways”
Your head turns in the direction of his voice immediately. And all you can see is a kind smile and bright eyes. You can’t help but feel that old familiar warmth all over your body, and as much as you wouldn’t like to indulge in delusion, at that moment, you pretended it was all real.
And just like it started, you’re pulled from deep inside your subconscious to you tiny apartment in New York City, where the ringing of your alarm clock announced the start of a new spring day.
To be continued…
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ghostoftonantzin · 7 months
The WIP Graveyard Game
@phasmama was kind enough to tag me back on her post
The rules: post snippets from at least on WIP you have abandoned! Mine are going under the cut, because I'm going to post the full five, mostly from 2020-2021 times.
I'm going to tag another 5 people, because I can >:) : @achaosmuppet @theshriekingsisterhood @madelgard (yes I know you moved into the star wars fandom, but still) @starkurt, @indashadows
WIP Title: Laura Branigan Lyric (that's what the word doc is called)
Concept: 1980s AU, focused on Laszlo and Nadja as high powered business people with a sideplot of Nandermo paralleling Guillermo's season 2 arc.
Abandoned because: tbh this one was mostly just one I liked to turn around in my head. It never got past the outlining phase.
His friends frequently describe the joy of conquest to him. Finding a beautiful woman, a model or a music video vixen or both, taking her to the hottest restaurants, introducing her to their friends, showing her the kind of life they lead, on the cutting edge.
It reminds Laszlo of the foxes the hounds chased on hunts on his childhood manor. He imagines the woman as a fox set upon by hounds, torn apart under their small teeth.
But this, this… is like being caught, helpless, in the jaws of a lioness.
(this was the only part that made it past outlining)
WIP Title: tie a ribbon back around it
Concept: Jenna/Shanice, Jenna comes to visit Shanice after she's turned
Abandoned because: it just kind of stayed near the bottom of my WIP list until it fell off, pretty much. Plus I could never get the Jenna POV feeling quite right.
Jenna’s phone said 9:16 p.m., so she figured Shanice would be back from her chemistry night lab pretty soon. She shouldn’t be late, unless she got murdered on that one stretch of the walk from the chemistry building to her new dorm with no lights or police call boxes. Jenna knew it was a good place to get murdered, because Nadja had told her so when Jenna had shown it to her.
One downside to being a vampire was the whole no-reflection thing, which made it hard to check her lipstick in the glass. The lipstick was new, a plum wine red color that the saleslady at Sephora said looked good with her skin tone. Not that she didn’t like the red Nadja had lent her on their first night out! But this was one of those liquid lipsticks that was supposed to stay on through anything.
WIP Title: you've got me living only for the night
Concept: a follow-up to come in from the edge (and let the good times roll), my second-ever fic, the one with Karen (from Collaboration, remember her?) and two of the ladies from Simon's gang. Karen is now living with the Freak Sisters and performing at
Abandoned because: partly because it got struck down so thoroughly by future canon installments, and partly because I fell out of love with the idea.
She sits down in the living room to wait for Mr. Fifties. The Freak Sisters had flown ahead, something about a meeting at the club before the show. They obviously hadn’t needed Karen to know more about it, so she hadn’t asked. She’d felt bad about making Mr. Fifties drive, but Despoina had put another bobby pin in Akeldama’s red wig and patiently explained how he was usually looking for an excuse to bring out his stick shift convertible anyway.
They’ve got her bloodstained bra and underwear framed on the wall, like a sports jersey. It’s a little embarrassing, Karen thinks. She can tell how cheap the lace is now; most of hers costs at least twice that now. She models every pair for them, which is more of a thing for her than for them, but they still clap and leer and pull her in close every time.
The Leatherskins have all always been polite about her, but Mr. Fifties has always been a perfect gentleman. He offers her his arm at the door, though she’s wearing slip on sneakers and not heels. Her heels are usually too high for her to really walk in. The Freak Sisters really like that, especially Despoina.
WIP Title: Vampire King
Concept: a follow-up to such strenuous living, i just don't understand, aka the one where Guillermo is a volunteer at a vampire sanctuary. This was intended to be the follow-up covering the release of the documentary being filmed in the original fic.
The documentary being Vampire King, about the controversies behind Simon the Devious's Sassy Cat Vampire Ranch and Guillermo de la Cruz's campaign to have it shut down.
Abandoned because: other ideas took precedence and I didn't want to learn to code the fake tweets. It also never got past the brainstorming stage.
WIP Title: Die, Cry, Hate
Concept: post-season-2 on the run fic, this time where the vamps go and stay with an old friend of Nandor's, Madame Beausoleil, a creepy French ex-aristocrat vampire with live-laugh-love type taste in decor (hence the title) and a questionable tendency towards hypnotizing her familiars. She decides to repay Nandor's past help by hypnotizing Guillermo to seduce him.
Abandoned because: this was brainstormed in the post-s2 hiatus, and canon continuing past that diminished my interest in the idea. Also never got past the outlining stage.
Snippet (in outline form):
-M.B. is laying boxes out on her coffin, kind of ignoring him
            -coffin looks slightly out of place in the room; large white, carved into deep, intricate panels with elaborate motifs and inlaid heavily with gold and accented with pale pinks and blues
-Guillermo asks her about her relationship to Nandor
            -she’s known him a long time, helped her out a lot in Paris, owes him a lot of favors
-turns to him “You will submit to my dark power.”
-“You will be Nandor’s for the daytime, for him to do with as he pleases.”
-“alright, strip”
-Guillermo starts taking his clothes off, stake falls out of his sleeve, sees MB. watching it fall to the floor, but can’t move to do anything about it
-she’s absolutely going to kill him
-She picks up a stake “I didn’t know Nandor was into gardening. I’d always taken that as more of Laszlo’s hobby”
-naked, looking at her, she gestures towards the boxes
-he goes to look at them, opens the boxes
            -lingerie: red and silk-like, black and strappy, white and lacy, pink and sheer
            -she tells him to pick out the pair he think Nandor would like
-“I had to guess your cup size.” She said, glancing at his chest with a furrowed brow.
-feels like he’s walking on the floor above a great machine, feeling its motion beneath him without comprehending it
            -brain working without him
-picks white and lacy (“always knew Nandor was a big fan of the wedding night look”), slides on underwear, garter, stockings
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ghostofaboy · 11 months
Rock Bottom - Benny
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Summary: Frankie is spiraling after Tom’s death. Drugs lead to some unhealthy friendships, and too ashamed to reach out to his former teammates for help, Frankie is drawn into a world he’s afraid he can’t get out of.
After settling into his new life Frankie gets a chance to catch up with Benny.
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morale/Original Male Characters Rating: Explicit. Serious over 18s only Word count: 1927 Chapter: 21/?
Warnings: Talk of sex and prostitution, mentions of PTSD, mentions of drug use
Note: This is a fic with gay and bi characters. Please make sure you read the tags/warnings. Header by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
Part 20 / Part 1 / Masterpost
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After a few weeks, Frankie had started to settle into his strange new routine. While working two jobs was tiring, it was certainly filling up his savings account, which he knew he’d need later down the road if he wanted to get joint custody of Sofia. And finally, he’d spoken to Will about the Vets Rehab program and was now officially on the waiting list. At the assessment appointment, he’d been told the waiting time was two months. Will, who had come with him, had cursed under his breath at Frankie’s side at that, but honestly, Frankie was grateful to have been accepted. Two months wasn’t too long, and considering the waiting lists for other programs, Frankie knew it could have been a hell of a lot longer.
After the initial flurry of sex during the first weekend, Tilly had only used his services once more since. He’d wanted a quick blow job before he left for a business meeting the following Saturday, and after covering Frankie’s face in come, that had been that. After that day, Frankie had spent the rest of the weekend and the one after taking stock of the garage and working on the cars. The only downside of the past few weeks was that things with Tyler had slowed somewhat after he had started his job with Tilly, but thankfully, they had not completely stalled. 
This week had been going by slowly. The repair shop was practically empty, with only a few regular clients to keep them all busy. The unfortunate reality was that there wasn’t enough work for them all. So that morning, Malcolm had called a team meeting to ask for volunteers to go home for the rest of the week. Frankie had immediately put his hand up. 
The way he figured it, he was going to be leaving the shop at the end of next week anyway and had no right to take money out of the pockets of any of the other guys. Plus, with his job at Tilly’s, he had more money than he’d had in years. As he gathered his things, he could hear the others still grumbling as Malcolm asked for one more volunteer before heading back to his truck.
It was only Wednesday, and Tilly wouldn’t be expecting him again until Saturday, which left Frankie with more free time than he’d had in almost a year. Sitting in his truck, he knew exactly who he wanted to see and, pulling out his phone, immediately started to text Tyler. After some thought, he composed what he thought sounded like a good enough message. To the point, sincere, and hopefully not too needy.
[Hey, I know things have been a little weird with us since I took the job with Tilly. I’m off for the rest of the week and was hoping to see you. Frankie x]
Pressing send, Frankie dropped the phone down onto the passenger seat next to him. Now what? Tyler might not even reply, might not want to see him, might not… Gripping the steering wheel, Frankie took a long, deep breath in. The last thing he needed to do right now was spiral. 
His head was getting clearer, but he still wasn’t sleeping too well. His body was exhausted, and he often felt like he could sleep for days. But no matter how tired he was, Frankie found himself sleeping in bursts, interrupted by bouts of nausea and the increasingly frequent nightmare. Vivid, awful dreams of Tom covered in blood. In the dreams, sometimes Tom was alive, following them through the mountains with his head half gone. He was angry at them, screaming at Pope or Frankie about their failures. Other times, Tom was just the first to die, and Frankie would watch as each of his friends was taken from him by unseen enemies. 
But the worst dreams were about something terrible happening to Sofia because of him. Frankie’s mind had managed to conjure up horrific scenario after horrific scenario, covering every possible way his tiny little girl could come to harm.
After a few minutes of focusing on his breathing, Frankie felt a little better. His phone sat silently on the seat next to him, with no reply yet from Tyler. Resisting the urge to pick it up, Frankie started his truck and set off. He didn’t really want to sit at home and stew, the thought of being alone right now didn’t seem like a good idea. Then again, just heading over to Tyler’s trailer also might not be well received. And as much as Frankie wanted to see him, he also knew he needed to give Tyler space.
After that initial weekend at Tilly’s, Tyler had come around to his place just as they had arranged, but the atmosphere was tense. Tyler had admitted his jealousy and discomfort, while acknowledging that he felt like a hypocrite because of it. In the end, they’d watched a movie before Tyler left for the night. Since then, they’d seen each other a handful of times. Each time was getting easier, edging closer to the normalcy they’d once had.
Stopping at a red light, Frankie ran over the options in his mind. Home would drive him stir-crazy and let him dwell on bad shit. Tyler’s wasn’t an option just yet. Then it hit him. Benny. He knew the gym Benny was training at and that he’d be there every day. With a destination in mind, Frankie felt his shoulders relax a little as he set off toward the gym.
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Benny was based in a new gym converted from an old factory. From the outside, it didn’t look like much, a little shabby even. But as Frankie made his way through the front door, he was met with a clean and modern gym set-up. The young guy at the front desk looked up when Frankie approached.
“Hi.” He smiled, setting down his notepad. “You lookin’ to join?”
“I’m just looking for Ben Miller.” Frankie shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m an old friend and-”
“Wait.” The young guy’s smile grew. “Are you Catfish?”
“Yeah?” Frankie cocked his head, a little confused. 
“Oh man!” The guy stood up and made his way around the desk. “Ben talks about you all the time! It’s so cool to meet you! Come on, I’ll take you through.”
Frankie couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he was led through to the main gym and to the back of the large workout area. Men glanced up as he passed, some frowning at his jeans and obvious lack of gym clothes. Frankie blushed as a fit, younger man shimmering with sweat winked at him. Finally, at the very back, Frankie could see a group of men standing and chatting next to a couple of punchbags. And there, in the middle, throwing his head back as he laughed, was Benny.
Frankie’s heart skipped a beat. Even after all this time, even knowing that Benny would never be interested in him, Frankie couldn’t help admiring his friend. Benny was laughing and talking with his friends or trainers, topless in just a set of baggy shorts. Sweat clung to his toned body, making him glisten in the artificial light. Benny turned as head as Frankie approached and his smile grew.
In a flash, Benny’s sweaty arms were wrapped around Frankie, his face buried in Frankie’s neck, and suddenly everything seemed right in the world. For a few moments, Frankie let Benny just hold him, before Benny eventually stepped away. 
“What are you doing here, man!” Benny slapped his shoulder playfully. “Shouldn’t you be at work?”
“Work’s slow, so I’ve got the day off.” Frankie smiled. “Thought I’d come and check up on you.”
“I’m almost done here.” Benny gestured to his trainer behind him. “You ok to wait, then we can go get some lunch?”
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A couple of hours later, Frankie’s cheeks ached from smiling. It felt so good to spend time with Benny. It felt like old times. Benny told the same crappy jokes, and Frankie laughed at Benny’s terrible Spanish. It was like South America had never happened. 
They ate lunch before heading back to Benny’s apartment and sat talking about Benny’s fighting. As the hours passed, Frankie could feel the tension leaving him. He needed this. He needed his old squad. He’d spent far too long in this new world created of his own mistakes, and this afternoon felt like a return to normalcy. 
“So…” Benny licked his lips before taking a sip of his tea. “Work is slow?”
“Yeah.” Frankie nodded, blowing on his own drink to cool it. “Only a few regular jobs, not enough for all of us, so Malc asked for volunteers to take the week off.”
“And you volunteered?”
“Yeah.” Frankie cocked his head at Benny. “Why?”
“And you can afford to do that?” Benny was looking at him strangely over his steaming drink. 
“Yeah, I can afford it.” Frankie frowned. This conversation had taken a strange turn and he wasn’t sure he liked the way Benny was looking at him. “What’s this about Ben?”
“Have you been working with that new friend? What was his name? Tyler? The streamer?” Benny took another sip. He was keeping his tone light, but Frankie knew this was an interrogation. Benny was digging.
“No.” Frankie answered honestly. He hadn’t decided yet if he was going to do any video with Tyler. Pausing for a moment he weighed his options, before answered making sure to keep his tone equally as light. “I took a private mechanic job. I’m working it on the weekends until I finish my notice at Malc’s place. Ben…” Frankie set his drink down, leaning forward in his seat. “Ben, what is this about? Why does this feel like an interrogation?” 
“I’m just worried that’s all.” Benny let out a long sigh. “You’ve only just got clean again and…”
“And, a buddy of mine said he saw you a few weeks back.” Benny looked uncomfortable, his cheeks growing redder as he searched for the right words. “You were, um, it was at Cutler’s and… he said he saw…”
As Benny trailed off and Frankie could feel his face beginning to burn with shame. Cutler’s was a dive bar Gavin had taken him to a few times. He’d blow guys in the dimly lit parking lot and sometime get fucked around the back of the place. The last time was around five weeks ago and Frankie had sucked three cocks in the parking lot while Gavin chatted and sold coke.
“And your friend saw me blowing some guys?” Frankie let his head drop, peeking up at Benny from under the brim of his cap. “Is that what you were gonna say?”
“Yeah.” Benny slumped down in his chair, looking at Frankie with those goddam big sad eyes. “He said, fuck, he said that you had a pimp.”
“Fuck.” Frankie could feel his hands shaking as he reached up to take his cap off. Throwing the Standard Oil cap down onto his knee, Frankie heard himself speaking before his brain had a chance to catch up. “Yeah. Yeah, I did. But… that’s over now. I’m clean now, I swear. It’s… all that… I… I don’t have a pimp now.”
“Fuck Fish.” Benny looked heartbroken, and Frankie had to force himself not to bolt out the door. “Fuck. How did you… how did that start?”
“You really wanna know?” Frankie could feel the tears starting to roll down his cheeks. 
“Tell me everything.”
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marksbear · 2 years
Thanks bear and yes its true. Am a slut for hot men being dicked down. But how about something different how about sub Steven grant and he sending nudes and videos to reader while at work which leads to Steven getting recorded while he sucking reader off and being called a slut.-🐻‍❄️
Here you go 🐻‍❄! Enjoy love! And thank you for your request I look forward to your request everyday. Anyways enjoy the porn- I mean story
WARNINGS! HARD SMUT, hair puling, business man reader, public masturbating,slut, slapping,phone sex, dildos, skull fucking, Dom reader, Recording, and talks about past sex videos, recording a sex video. and etc.
Y/n has been at work for the past fourteen hours. And Steven has been counting every second of it. Waiting for Y/n to get on his lunch break. Everyday Steven sends pictures of themselves once the other is on their lunch break.
Today Steven had a no work day and he wanted to spend time with Y/n but he had to work. Y/n works as a stockbroker at one of those wolf of wall street types Stratton Oakmont in its prime type of business. He was the owner so he was respected and very busy but always missed boring meetings to go hang with Steven.
Sometimes he'll send one of his workers or his assistants to go to his house or museum or wherever Steven is at to check on him and buy him something to eat.
But the downside of their routine is people are always wanting to talk to Y/n during his break trying to get a promotion. Of course Y/n sends the fake people out but the real ones who're actually trying to get to know him talk too much in his opinion.
Today is one of those days during lunch "Learn things about the boss!" Today and there are like thirty people in your office trying to talk to you. You had your headphones not even bothering to make an effort that you're listening to. Looking at your phone eating your lunch. Only looking up once in a while to make sure they ain't stealing or killing each other. You see the reminder you set to send Steven a picture of you. "How do I look?" You ask looking at all of them. The whole room goes silent looking at you examining you. They all give you praise and roll your eyes. "Someone gets Jenny shes always honest with me." Everyone tries to get out once trying to find jenny. Once some one finds her you ask her do I look. She eyes you up and down and says you look messy but good. The response makes you smile and praise her for her honestly.
You look at the mirror one last time before sending Steven a picture of yourself. You hype yourself up in your mind saying that you should be a model. You giggle to yourself and make everyone look at you. "What! All of your lunch break is over to get back to work." A chorus of yes sirs leave the room leaving you by yourself. You get up from your chair and walk around making sure everything is in the right spot and nothing is missing. You hear a buzz from your phone and walk over to it picking it up and clicking on the picture to see what Steven is doing. It's Steven wearing your boxers loosely while their cum stains on it and cum all over him. You were about to text him but before you did he sent you another picture. It was his fingering his whole while jerking off.
You begin to get hard in your pants and walk over to your door and yell "Keep out!" and slam it locking and closing the blinds to be extra careful. You walk back to your desk and send Steven a picture of your hard on. Steven had seen it as soon as you sent. He sent you a video of himself sucking the dildo you bought for him when y'all had yall's first date. Most people would had thought you were crazy but you didn't care you wanted the old or sex talk out of the way in your relationship. The thought of him keeping for all this time made you dick throb. Before you were dating you'll just find a desperate female worker or man you didn't care much to solve this problem. But now since you're in a pretty deep commitment to him planning to propose cheating is out the window. Steven sent you a video on the dildo deepthroating it while he played with his hole.
You keep replaying the video over and over listening to it and imagining it's you that hes sucking. Well you started to record yourself jerking off and groaning his name as you imagined his mouth sucking your cock dry. Once you were satisfied with the video you stopped recording but you didn't stop fucking yourself. You set your phone down and started to close your eyes focusing about Steven's body and how it reacts to your cock. Oh god at this point you were rubbing your cock onto your desk for extra friction. Your phone buzzed and picked it up fast looking to see what he sent. It was him riding the dildo screaming your name and moaning your name and cum flying out his cock. Some of the cum landed on the phone and even more than before on his stomach and thighs. You begin to wonder how much Steven is masturbating. It's only been a few hours you look at what time it is and you gasp. What the hell fourteen hours. You slapped yourself in the face to stay up for too long. You shock your head. This is not the time. You'll make it up later but right now you gotta focus on cumming. You start to replay and stare at all of the pictures and videos. But the one when Steven sucking on the dildo makes you cum on the dot.
Once you come out of your heaven you clean yourself up and the desk. You fix your clothes and hair and pick up your keys and your other things like wallet,phone and ID. You walk out of the office and tell your right man to take care of everything. You find your driver and ask him to take you home. Once he drops you off you walk into the house closing and locking the door. You strip off everything besides your boxers. And leave it in a random corner. You make sure to bring your phone and walk around the house looking for your bf. Once you find him you see him jerking off to some of your older and new nudes you sent him at the start and weeks ago of your relationship. "We should make a new album once I propose." Your voice scares him and makes him jump and yelp "Y/n! h-hi! You said your g-gonna propose when?" You laugh and walk over to him raising his chin up "I can't believe you pulled a stunt like that. Really sending me a nude at work like the slut you are." You slap his face lightly laughing. "What if my workers saw and saw how slutty their boss bf is huh? And they all get their panties or boxers wet because of my whore of a bf." You look down at him with dominating eyes while he looks up at them looking pretty and almost like an angel. "Thats your dream fantasy huh slut? Looking so pretty to other people but they can't touch you because you belong to me. Do you belong to me Stevey?" Steveny shakes his head yes. "Good boy."
"Now I want you to suck on my cock like you did to the dildo. Okay boy?? Now go!" Steven does as he told pulling down your boxers fast taking your cock down his throat with no hesitation. You begin your record Steven laughing. "Welcome to Mr Steven Grant future l/n first porn video." The truth is this isn't the first time Steven has done this. It's one of your guys things that brings you closer. Surprisingly Steven had brought it hope at first you didn't trust it since you are a celebrity and well respected and honestly better than Tony stark business man but soon you didn't even care you loved being filmed and doing the recording. You two have days of footage of the other or both of you together. Steven's favorite one of them is your first time being powered bottomed like your first ever time was with him. And you were a moaning sobbing mess. You even called him daddy. But he hides the video from you since you would kill him you found out. Your favorite one of him that you was fucking him at some charity. But you did it in the owners office of the charity. You asked the owner if you can record the meeting she said yes but you were really recording Steven riding your cock in the meeting on your lap.
Steven was growing tired and you noticed so being the good bf you are you took control. Taking him by his curls yanking his head down and up on your cock. "Look at the young porn star letting the guest fuck his mouth without mercy." You say zooming in on his face. "Did y'all know the Y/n L/n boyfriend is a total slut and cocksleeve for him?" Y/n pulls out his cock from his boyfriend's mouth and slaps his face with his cock with a few laughs. "Now watch as the L/n cock split his throat in half." You say to the camera opening Stevens mouth with your hand and placing it back onto his head. You snap your hips forward hitting the back of his throat holding him still. His wet nose touching your stomach and his hands scratching your thighs hard enough to scar. You begin to face fuck him even faster when you feel your orgasm nearing "Fucking h-hell your slutty throat is gonna make me cum!" "Ah fuck" Stevens eyes roll backwards when he taste the salty liquid. You cum deep in his throat recording his every move. You pull out and finish off your load on his face. You take off your underwear and throw it in some random corner in the room.
Steven lays on his back trying to catch his breath while cumming onto his stomach. You record him as he runs down his high. You record what his face,thighs, and stomach looks like and walking around the room showing the camera all of the toys Steven had been using when you were at work. "And look what the slut did to my underwear its cover in cum! And my pillow! Hes such a slut!" You show the camera your boxers and your pillow. "Look at my thighs they're bleeding!" You laugh and walk towards the bathroom starting bathwater you set up the camera leaving and you come back to Steven who's almost about to pass out and getting into bath placing him on your lap kissing his shoulders.
"I Love you Mr l/n" You say kissing his neck. Steven hums a "I love you too" relaxing onto your lap.
I love you all-love papa bear
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totowlff · 2 years
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chapter four — worth the yearning for
➝ the meeting was arranged in a cafe in the old part of oxford. she had no idea how he would react to her answer.
➝ word count: 2,5k
➝ warnings: none
Cassie was nervous, even more nervous than she’d been when she visited the fertility clinic. She and Toto had agreed to meet in a coffee shop she liked in Cambridge to discuss Toto’s offer. She drove to the heart of the city, parking in the carpark at Gloucester Green. She sighed as she checked the time on her phone when she arrived — she was 20 minutes early, and it was less than a five minute walk. 
She set off anyway, deciding it was better to be a little early to reserve a table. Hopefully, the coffee shop wouldn’t be too busy, and they could find a nice, quiet place to talk. The shop was small on its first floor, but had a downstairs that had plenty of space and some nice booths, so she wasn’t worried.
She stepped inside, and found it a little busier than an average weekday, but there was a free table tucked into a rear corner of the shop. She sat down and gazed at the menu boards behind the counter, eyeing up the various cakes and pastries in the display cases, but she couldn’t really concentrate on either, as nervous as she was about accepting Toto’s offer.
It was incredibly generous, and felt like an earnest, heartfelt offer. She wanted to accept immediately after seeing his baby pictures, but a more rational side of Cassie prevailed. There were downsides to consider, such as the fact that it would make a relationship that was purely professional into a personal one. 
A child would inextricably bind her and Toto together for life, whether or not they worked together for the foreseeable future, and whether or not their personal relationship stayed as good as it was now. The logistics of shared custody, especially given the insanity of Toto’s travel schedule, would be tricky to navigate. They would have to have some legal documentation regarding parental rights and responsibilities drawn up, which meant getting a lawyer involved in some capacity.
He stressed that he wasn’t looking to start a relationship, at least in the traditional sense, with her, but if he wanted to be the father to her child, they would be inextricably linked, in some way, from then on. 
Toto was incredibly kind, funny, intelligent, well-read, spoke five languages, and was financially secure — more than, even. He didn’t have vices that she knew of. He drank socially, but responsibly. He took incredibly good care of himself. Cassie had eaten enough meals with him to know that he ate incredibly well, but not to the point of never indulging, as she knew he had a fondness for some sort of pink Austrian biscuits called Manner Schnitten and secretly kept some stashed in his office.
She knew that he also got plenty of exercise — he was frequently spotted in the onsite gym at the factory, and even occasionally cycled to work when the weather was favorable. She knew the only times he’d been hospitalized were from injuries and not from illnesses; a broken elbow and wrist from a bicycle accident in 2013, and a knee surgery to repair a torn ligament two years ago.
Cassie thought back to their conversation in his office, how he spoke about his desire to have a family of his own but never having the time or ability to meet someone — wasn’t that all part of why Cassie wanted to start on this journey in the first place? To give her own life meaning outside of her job? To have her own little family to love and nurture, instead of continuing to wonder what could have been if her family loved her for who she was, instead of resenting her and casting her out for her refusal to conform to pointless, archaic social mores?
The other big benefit that was working in Toto’s favor was that, with him as a donor, she wouldn’t have to wait for banked sperm. The fertility clinic had warned her that because the UK wasn’t legally able to pay sperm donors beyond a paltry sum for travel costs to and from the clinic, they didn’t have as ready of a supply as other countries, like the United States, did. 
And sure enough, none of the donors the clinic had on file were really what she was looking for. All along, she’d envisioned someone tall, with dark hair, dark eyes, and a strong jawline, but the clinic didn’t currently have a donor in its banks that matched that description.
Toto certainly did, though.
As the time passed noon, Cassie started to worry. She knew Toto was almost always punctual, joking once that it was because he’d lose his Austrian passport if he wasn’t. She started to run through a list of awful possibilities, which she usually did when she was stressed — maybe he got into an accident, maybe he got scared and is backing out, maybe he’d gotten lost, or fallen down an open manhole, maybe…
— Ah, I’m so sorry I’m late! I forgot this place was in the old section of the city, and that I’d need to find a carpark, and then I forgot where the car park was — he said, appearing at the table. He looked flushed and breathless, his hair was sticking up in some places as he nervously ran his hand through it.
— No, it’s okay. No trouble — Cassie said, looking up at him and smiling. 
She watched as Toto took off his jacket and hung it over the back of his chair. He glanced around as he sat down across from her.
— Have you ordered yet?
— No — Cassie said — I was waiting for you.
— Oh. Well, did you want to order for both of us? I’ve never been here. You know what I like, and I trust you — he said, with a kind smile.
Cassie was taken aback. Not in an unpleasant way, but the last time she went somewhere with a man, he didn’t trust her judgment or knowledge and ordered for both of them, without even asking.
“Another point in your favor, Wolff”, Cassie thought, easing herself out of her seat and heading to the counter. 
She ordered herself a flat white with whole milk, and ordered Toto and a cup of the cafe’s house espresso with lactose-free milk, just like he typically ordered at the factory’s coffee shop. She was feeling a bit peckish, so she decided to get herself a raisin croissant. She decided to order a classic croissant for Toto. If he didn’t want it, she’d gladly take it home to eat later.
She sat back down. She was starting to get nervous, even about making small talk — it felt pointless with the proverbial elephant in the room seemingly dangling directly overhead, but their drinks were brought by the barista in short order.
— Oh, this looks delicious. I was a bit hungry, too — he said, taking a delicate bite of the croissant, smiling at her, delighted — This is wonderful. Thank you.
“Well”, Cassie thought. “It’s now or never”.
— So — she said — I guess we should discuss what I invited you here to discuss.
Toto nodded.
— Yes.
— Well, first, I just wanted to make sure that you haven’t changed your mind about your offer in the last two days. I will admit, I am a bit afraid that you made it in the heat of the moment, that it was more an impulse based on your feelings about your own history, rather than you fully realizing the implications of what you are agreeing to.
Toto’s face was inscrutable, but serious.
— I had considered that, after we talked, but I don’t believe that is the case. I have wanted a child for a long time, regardless.
— And you do know that the IVF process can be incredibly taxing, both physically and emotionally, especially for me? You will have to undergo some exams and tests as well. I know you’ll need a physical and some blood tests, and they’ll probably want to check and make sure you’re… Uh, viable, but if this is something you agree to go through, I need you to see it through, and then some.
He nodded.
— From what I’ve learned, some of the procedures can be painful, and tiring. One of the procedures is technically a surgery. Once we start in earnest, there is a two week period where I will be getting injections and blood tests nearly every day, until the pregnancy is confirmed. I can’t have you tell me you’re on board for all of this and then backing out halfway through.
— I’ve done my own reading since we talked — Toto answered — It doesn’t sound easy, especially for you, but I’m ready to support you unconditionally, in every way I can.
— Okay. Then, you also realize that your commitment to this is something that needs to be everlasting, correct? Not just until our child is old enough to leave the nest, so to speak?
— Yes, of course. My relationship with my mother, as terrible as it was at times, didn’t end the second I left home. I am in my forties and still talk to my mother.
— And you know that we will need to see a solicitor, before we even continue with the clinical aspects of this venture, to have a legal agreement drawn up for you to even have parental rights, because we will not have any sort of legal relationship otherwise? And that you will be responsible for monetary support and partial custody, even if our personal relationship sours at some point? I’m not saying I’m expecting that, but even people who start out being madly in love with each other, at least enough to get married, get divorced.
— Of course.
— So, do you want this as much as I do?
— Cassie, look — Toto said. He reached over the table, taking both of Cassie’s hands in his. He looked directly into her eyes, his expression stern — You’ve worked with me long enough that you know I don’t do anything by half-measures. I don’t take unnecessary risks, even though my career started in investing and finance. You don’t hear about many risk-averse investment bankers, but I was, and I did very well for myself. I don’t move forward with anything unless I am absolutely sure about it. You know that I also despise bullshit, and dishonesty. That’s why I like motor racing so much in the first place, you know. The stopwatch never lies. You know I will never lie to you, so when I say that I will support you and our child in any way I can, I mean that. Emotionally, physically, and materially.
Cassie studied his face for a long moment. His eyes were dark and serious, his face still stern, his jaw set. She’d seen that look before at work a few times, during difficult meetings with potential sponsors. 
— I mean absolutely every word, and I can prove it, too — he said, letting go of Cassie’s hands and sitting back up. He fished around in his pocket for a moment before pulling out his phone — I am guessing you have not found a lawyer to handle the legal side of things quite yet.
— No, I haven’t. I didn’t know I’d need one until Thursday afternoon.
— Well, let me make a quick call, then, excuse me.
He found the contact he was looking for and tapped the screen, bringing the phone to his ear.
— Hi, Tom, it’s Toto — he said, after a few seconds. He was looking directly at Cassie as he talked — Listen, sorry to bother you on the weekend. It’s not an emergency, but is there someone at your firm that you trust that specializes in family law? Oh, no? Ah, another firm in Oxford? Wonderful. Claire Rodgers? Yes, if you can, that would be great. Thanks again.
Toto hung up his call, and put his phone back into his pocket.
— So, that was my lawyer. His firm doesn’t deal with family law at all, but an acquaintance of his does, and he said that she’s very good. He will send me her information, and then I will call to set up a consultation with her, so we can meet her and start talking about the details.
— Oh! Well… Okay, then — Cassie said. It was incredibly reassuring to her that he was at least serious enough about his offer to take a tangible step forward in the process — In that case… My answer is yes. I would like you to be the donor. 
Toto’s face turned to a mixture of shock and relief. 
— Are… Are you serious? — he asked. 
Cassie nodded.
— Yes, Toto. I am. I would like you to be the father of my child. Well, our child.
Toto let out a breathy laugh as a wide smile spread over his space. A genuine smile, with the top of his nose scrunching. He grasped at Cassie’s hands on the tabletop again, holding them as he laughed, pressing a quick kiss to her knuckles. 
— I’m going to be a dad — he said, as if he was trying to convince himself. 
Cassie smiled at him, watching as his eyes started shining a bit.
— Please don’t start crying, Toto, or I might start crying — she said.
— I’m sorry, Cassie, I’m… I’m just so happy.
They finished up their drinks as they talked a little more. They got up to leave together, and when they stepped outside the door, Toto asked if he could walk Cassie to her car.
— You don’t have to — he said — It’s just at Gloucester Green, it’s not even five minutes from here.
— Well, that’s where I parked anyway, so that’s perfect.
— Oh, well, in that case…
They set off walking toward the parking lot, walking together mostly in silence. It was a companionable silence, though, and not an uncomfortable one. Cassie felt a lightness and warmth in her chest, and she wondered if Toto felt the same thing.
— I’m down this way — she said, pointing in the direction of one of the interior aisles — Thanks so much for meeting me. Please let me know when the solicitor gets back to you.
— Again, it’s my pleasure. And, before you go… This might sound strange, but… Can I give you a hug?
It was a strange request, but a simple one, and Cassie found herself oddly charmed by it.
— Oh… Yes, that would be lovely.
He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. He had to bend down a little bit, but it was an earnest, warm, hug. It had been a while since anybody had hugged Cassie like that, aside from her aunt, and she found herself not wanting it to end.
She felt strangely safe there.
A few seconds later, she pulled away from him, smiling.
— Well, see you soon— Cassie said quietly.
— See you soon… Cassandra.
Turning her back, she walked to the car with a strange feeling taking over her body. It was as if she were weightless, about to float across the sky like a helium balloon aimlessly. Cassie just couldn't believe what had just happened.
Sitting down in the car seat, she took a few seconds to breathe and, more importantly, to absorb the entire conversation she had just had with Toto. She had accepted his offer. She was going to be the mother of his child. They would have a child.
— I'm going to have a baby — Cassie whispered, before letting out a squeal of delight.
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s12e20 twigs & twine & tasha banes (w. steve yockey)
upside to netflix having the recaps again? s1 snippet and i can coo over baby sam and dean. downside, they start bringing in references to witches, crossroad demons, ketch and his fact finding mission, baby lucifer with joseph!cas and mary!kelly and i'm already exhausted and want to do something besides watch the episode.
hope racist asshole grandma gets her just deserts and wasn't just in here for kicks (yes)
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i'm digging the witch lady accessories. so this is mom of those random hunters we met briefly in asa fox? i know the recap was a couple minutes ago but i don't retain names very well
realizing i am expecting sam to be (at least acting) cool, calm, and collected about everything so seeing him kind of looking worried (briefly) about what's going on with cas got me a little more concerned too.
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DEAN How? Seriously I mean up until now if Cas messed up, if he did something wrong, but he thought it was for the right reasons, I got it. Right? But last night, when I looked at him, I did not recognize the guy staring back at me.
the lighting is doing good things for him so far. saw it's another richard speight jr directed episode. dean's capacity for baggage stowing when it comes to cas is pretty expansive
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SAM Their mom's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a week.
so that's why we got that little pilot bit in the recap. thanks for the reminder, show
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DEAN Mom. Hey, uh, just wanted to let you know that, uh, me and Sam, were uh, we're heading out on a case with those witch twins, uh, Max and Alicia. Um, I'll text you the info, but, uh…I know the Brits have got you running nonstop. So if you can help out, that'd be great. Um… and even if you can't swing by, can you call me back? Just some stuff going down that's… kind of got me spun out. Be good to talk to you.
oh, dean. and us with the fakeout torturing mary, no it's just a shifter taking mary's appearance, of course. hokay
ALICIA Nah, I don't have it. It's just kind of a lot of noise to me. Magic is definitely their thing, you know? SAM Yeah. When I was growing up, Dean and my dad had the same thing with hunting, that bond.
oh, sam. and the awkward talking about mary because he still barely knows her because she's never around!
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the dialogue that didn't make it into the episode, okay then. that interaction definitely did not make it clear that they knew mary was dead even though it seems logical of course hunters would know since sam and dean are hunter-famous
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LOL good for you, sam. returning that awkward energy to the creeper coming out of the cellar
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a) personal space who needs it b) why is dean doing this. must be a jackles choice. his humor seems to go broad with dean. anyway he held a wine glass like a person who has been around wine glasses before in 11x12 🤪 (and he does indeed later in this episode too. shouldn't have let him get away with that :P)
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spn s11e12 don't you forget about me
(pining for some of the monster of the week episodes like this one in s11, hit my sweet spot of domestic family goodness in all the right ways)
mary finding out mr ketchup is a torture happy emotionless ass, blah blah. gets interrupted so she doesn't call dean after listening to his rather vulnerable message.
TASHA Yeah. Family's always complicated. Parents always seem smart and strong and perfect. It's only when you grow up that you realize that they're just people.
dean getting life advice from the twig monster wearing a tasha suit? and leaving his phone in the room while he goes off a-huntin' - where's the pocket patdown, dean-o? phone keys wallet phone keys wallet. and now you missed mom calling back of course. at least she left a nice message
well this scene having one of the kids finding the body of dead mom is awful. and it just keeps going.
and mary finds out mr ketchup's true colors and they got to have a brawl. mary brought brass knuckles to a taser fight, boo
um. surely they didn't just kill the sister??
SAM You did the right thing. You saved him. DEAN Yeah. Yeah, he seemed super saved. You know, I was watching them, this loving family. The kind we should've had. And now just like that, it's gone. SAM Dean, you couldn't let Max make some deal for his soul. DEAN Sam, we do terrible things all the time to save each other. I mean, that's what you do for family. Who am I to stop him? SAM Well, he's strong. He'll be all right. DEAN Yeah, I'm not so sure.
lol okay, show. see, what sam and dean do for each other is just regular sibling things! max giving up his soul for the witchy power and stick doll sister because it's better than her being totally dead. now she's just his doll he can control but otherwise she's mostly herself? sounds reasonable. also, is it better to have had the happy family and lose them or never at all?
ALLso, i guess that's the only episodes alicia and max are in? wtf. just for the parallels of it all? fucked up, man o.0 but where do you go with sold your soul for some unknown period of time to live out your days with your twig sister that isn't even more miserable. i guess that's their happy ending 🥴
shocker, evil bmol "rogue agent" torturing lady is back on the job to do some enhanced interrogation to mary. insert eyeroll
what a random episode to have so close to the end of the season. i guess this writer also did the asa fox episode
0 notes
wodenscild · 2 years
braiwn how could you forget the word "paper clip" i swear i know that word ok I'm not that stupid :|
Don't worry about the responds! My compliments have also been getting less and less good and amounts are also kinda dead. School can really take over lives can't it? Just take atleast 30 minutes off a day to do something you love! (30 minutes is the bare minimum, do more free time than that)
And when your school starts i would love to hear some stories of how it works and how it's going over there :D honestly can't really think of anything to come up with on my side, so how is the moving saga going? anymore sspects on who i could possibly be? :D
I woke up like an hour ago :-; and I'm already in the bus to school cause it takes two hours with busses to get there ;-; my brain is still kinda soggy and my eyes hurt as hell- Yeah i should stop with my phone... For now atleast
-Mystery anon 1
Aaaa things have sorta taken a dip over here. Our local doctor service is switching from public bulk billing (paid by Medicare) to a private system :/// So it now costs like $80 for me to see my doctor. He was kind enough to give me refill prescriptions for all of my HRT however so when I can keep going a lil while longer before I have to sink a tonne of money into it ^~^
& definitely- but I hoping to have a better handle on uni this trimester! I already have a vague study plan & everything :D I am just waiting on the study time tables to be sent out so I can get an actual set in stone plan ready >:3
& omgs the movie was great. She didn’t end up coming onto call last night but I watched The Prince of Egypt (my favourite movie tbh) & was doing a sorta live analysis to her through text- I swear it was the only thing that stopped me from crying that movie just hits HARDDDD- the way Moses collapses outside the palace after the final plague, crying- the happiness Ramses & Moses had after seeing each other for the first time after many years- the scene of Moses running through the town & the palace trying to grapple with the possibility that he is a Hebrew- AAAAA & OMGS DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE MUSIC & ANIMATION- THE PLAGUES, DELIVER US, & THROUGH HEAVEN’S EYES ARE JUST CRACK FOR MY BRAIJ COS ALL OF THEM AECJUST SO GOOD AT CONVEYING THE STORY- the only downside of the movie is that one of the characters has my dead name & it makes me cringe every time his name is said ~_~ (technically Moses was also my dead name (middle name) but it doesn’t sting as much)
0 notes
watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: if my boss asks, i did not spend my afternoon at work writing this filthy smut... but anyway, enjoy!!😏
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: Harry gets a little too possessive when he sees your nipples peeking through your shirt.
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Harry is trying to focus on the conversation he is currently in, but he keeps finding himself eyeing you from across the bar. You’re perched up on a stool at the bar, talking to a friend from your group and Harry can’t take his eyes off of you. You’re glowing, a bright smile stretched across your face, your skin looks soft and he knows you smell amazing, because you had a shower before the two of you left the house a few hours ago and he could smell your favorite body wash lingering around you as you got dressed. 
 The skirt you’re wearing is daring some flesh, slipping up on your delicious looking thighs and his lips tingle from the urge to kiss them up until your pretty cunt that’s hidden from his sight right now.
He always finds himself so horny for you, no matter what you do. It doesn’t even have to be sexual, like when he got hard seeing you on the phone with your sister. He said it was because of how you were flipping your hair around, it looked hot so that’s why he demanded you to end the call and let him fuck you on the dining table. 
Tonight however he knows why he is so hot and bothered by you. Eyeing your chest he has noticed that your nipples are peeking through your shirt. He knows for a fact you’re wearing a cotton bra underneath, but it has no padding or wires, that’s why it’s your favorite.
“It’s comfortable, I barely even notice I’m wearing it,” you told him once when he watched you get dressed from the bed.
He understands how uncomfortable a regular bra could be, so he’s happy you found something you like, but now he is experiencing the downside of it. Without the padding your nipples are making an appearance and they are very much demanding attention.
At first he just had his regular dirty thoughts about them, fantasizing about sucking and biting them just the way you like it, but then it hit him in the head that if he is able to see them, so is everyone else. 
And he doesn’t like that thought at all. 
It’s Friday night, the bar is pretty packed and there are several males around to ogle at your breasts and see your hard nipples. He has spent the past thirty minutes trying to control his jealousy and possessiveness, but when he catches a guy actually staring at your body, he just snaps.
Excusing himself from the little group he heads over to you just when your conversation partner departs to the restroom. As he approaches you he places his hand to the counter next to you, his arm now just at the right level to cover your chest.
“Hey babe,” you smile up at him, oblivious to the fire that’s burning inside him.
“Can you cover up, please? Did you bring a jacket or something?” he clears his throat, looking around. 
“What? A jacket? I’m not cold,” you say, not quite sure why he is asking.
“I wouldn’t be that sure about that,” he grits through his teeth. “I’ll just get you a hoodie or something.”
“But I don’t need one, if anything, I feel hot,” you say, fanning yourself with your hands. The motion makes your breasts jiggle a tad bit and Harry is seeing red at this point. Grabbing your wrists he crosses your arms over your chest to cover you urgently. “Harry, what the–”
“Babe, just… don’t.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Your nipples are like bursting through your shirt,” he states and you look down, seeing them obviously making an appearance, but it doesn’t really phase you.
“And? Everyone has them.”
“But yours are like… way too obvious.”
“Too obvious?” you chuckle in disbelief. “No one said that about them, that’s for sure,” you huff, almost hurt at his comment. “I don’t think anyone cares about them, H.”
“I do,” he snaps. “I fucking do and… Okay, I admit, it’s making me fucking horny. There, is that what you wanted to hear?”
He stares down at you with such intensity, it makes you clench your thighs, because you see the raw passion and lust in them and you’re never immune to this version of Harry. The one that’s so obsessed with you, so possessive and animalistic, that the rest of the world just stops existing and it’s just you and him. 
“My nipples are making you hard, H? Is that what’s happening?” you ask in a low tone and leaning closer you press a kiss underneath his jawline, feeling the vibrance of the grunt that bubbles from his throat at the touch of your lips.
“Yes. And I don’t want anyone else to have the same thoughts.”
“You can’t control thoughts, Harry. But you know you’re the only one who gets to actually touch them, play with them… suck on them…” You trail your hands up his hard chest until they reach the back of his neck and head, your fingers lacing through his chocolate curls.
“Another word, Y/N, and I’m gonna throw you over this bar and fuck your tits first, then your tight little cunt. Don’t play with me,” he warns, but it makes you anything but scared. Your underwear is already drenched, pussy throbbing at the thoughts he just planted into your head. 
Smiling to yourself you brush your lips against his and blink at him bashfully.
“I’m not opposed to leaving early,” you let him know. 
“Ten minutes. Make your rounds saying goodbye, I’m calling a car.”
It’s obvious for everyone why you’re leaving, mostly from the way Harry uses you to cover his bulge as he waves around the group in a rush, like his pants are on fire. The ride back home is like torture, especially because you’re teasing him, working him up even more, your hand moving further up his thigh as you get closer to your home and you even brush it over his bulge, to which he answers with a grunt, his own fingers digging into your hip as a warning, but you love playing with fire.
He is practically sprinting up to the front door, pulling you after him and once the door is shut closed, he pushes you against it, the bulge you’ve been eyeing now pressing into your thigh. 
“I can tell you really enjoyed teasing me tonight,” he growls into your ear, his hands making their way to your breasts quite fast. He kneads them, squeezes them hard and then takes your niples between his thumb and index finger. “I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do now, listen carefully,” he says, his fingers tugging on your nipples and you’re already whimpering like a baby from the stimulation. “I’m gonna suck on your nipples so hard, you’ll beg me to stop, and then I’m gonna fuck you and cover them in cum. And you’re gonna love every moment of it, do you understand?”
You hear his words, you understand them, but you can’t form an answer because he is still pinching your nipples and he is buckling his hips too, rubbing his clothed cock against you, burning every coherent thought you might have. 
“I asked you a question, Y/N. I’m expecting an answer,” he pushes his hips even tighter against you, his teeth grazing the line of your jaw. “Do you understand, Y/N?”
“I do! Yes! Please!” you gasp, wiggling underneath him, eager to take it further already.
He steps back, his pupils so dark, you can’t even see the sweet green of his irises. His gaze travels down and up your body with such hunger, you can feel it stroking your heated skin. 
“Now take your clothes off,” he orders and you obey without a second thought. 
You rip off your shirt and skirt, throwing them to the side before unhooking your bra, that was originally the source of this whole situation. It ends up on the floor too and then you slip out of your panties, leaving you fully naked.
“Look at you,” he hums, taking his sweet time eyeing you up now that nothing is covering the body he’s been fantasizing about all evening. “Are you wet already, baby? See it for me, swipe two fingers over yourself and let me see how wet you are.”
WIth a shaky breath you reach between your legs and gather your arousal with two of your fingers and then hold them up, showing him how they are covered in your juices. Harry steps closer and wraps his hand around your wrist, brings your hand closer to his face and you’re holding your breath, aching to feel the warmth of his mouth around your digits as he sucks them off, but just when he is about to wrap his lips around them, he changes his mind.
He guides your hand to your right breast and smears your wetness over your nipple before doing the same with the other one, then he quickly sucks your fingers clean and then he takes your nipple into his mouth, sucking on it so hard, you can’t hold your moans back. 
He pushes your breasts up to give himself better access, sucking and licking on it with no mercy and then you feel him bite onto the bud, a sharb, but exciting pain shooting through your chest and he looks at you as he tugs on it before letting it go, admiring how your skin is glistening with his saliva.
“You love that? Love the pain, baby?” he murmurs, brushing his nose against the side of your neck as you’re trying to catch your breath.
“Yeah,” you hum.
He kisses the soft skin under your jaw before he turns his attention to your other nipple, assaulting it the same way, biting, tugging and sucking relentlessly, his name falling from your lips over and over again, your back arching to push closer to him while you grab his hair and pull on the locks whenever the pain intensifies. 
You’re seeing stars and he hasn’t even touched your pussy yet.
He doesn’t stop, keeps switching between your nipples, pinching the one that’s not covered by his mouth with his fingers and he keeps his word. You can feel your nipples getting swollen, bruised and incredibly sensitive, but even when you start whining and pulling back out of instinct, he just wraps his arms around you and brings you back, locking you in his hold.
“Harry! Please!” you choke out, your eyes tearing up.
“Please what, baby?” he mumbles against your breast.
“No more!” you beg, your head falling back and bumping against the front door, since you still haven’t moved from the exact same spot. 
“You want me to stop, baby? Hmm?”
“Yes!” you nod, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
It’s not that it has reached a physical pain you can’t take, you’re not bleeding, he did no harm to you, but you just want him to fuck you at this point so badly, that everything feels a hundred times more intense and you can’t control your emotions.
“Okay baby,” he hums and kisses your tears off your cheeks before pressing his lips against yours. You can taste your tasty tears on his tongue and you gladly let it explore your mouth, your sensitive nipples pressing against his hard chest as he cradles you in his arms, grabbing the back of your thighs to lift you up and carry you into the living room. He is still dressed while you melt against him fully naked, the fabric of his clothes bothering you a lot more than usually.
“Off, please,” you tug on his shirt and after he carefully places you down to the couch, he undresses himself too. His shirt comes off first, then the pants and at last, his underwear, his cock finally springing free from the restraints of his boxer briefs.
“What did I say, what comes after I’ve sucked on these beautiful npples?” he asks, brushing his fingers gently over your buds, his touch registering more intensely from his assault on them earlier.
“You said you’d fuck me and cover my nipples in your cum,” you recall his words and he smirks at you, pleased that you rememberred.
“That’s right, baby. Though you were a tease tonight, you’ve been such a good girl for me since we got home, so you can decide how you want me to fuck you.”
Normally, you love a good doggy, or maybe being on top and in charge, but tonight you want him close and you want to be able to kiss him, so you open your legs and reaching up you pull him on top of you, finding his mouth in a passionate kiss.
He settles between your thighs, his hips pressing against yours and therefore his erection is squished against your lower tummy, smearing some of his precum over your skin. He kisses down your neck and collarbones until he reaches your breasts, a devious smirk on his lips as he returns to your nipples. You bite your tongue and let him suck on them, knowing well he is trying to push you to your limit again and you want to be strong and take what he gives you. But your already soft skin is now so sore from all the impact it has gotten, it doesn’t take long until you're whimpering again.
“Harry!” you pull him up and force him to kiss your lips instead. 
“You had enough? Can’t take any more?” he asks between kisses, grinding his hips against yours, his cock slipping and sliding between your wet folds.
“Can’t, please!”
“You asked so nicely,” he hums in appreciation. He captures your lips again and reaching down between your bodies his finger finds your throbbing, needy clit and he starts teasing you, working you up even more even though you’re more than ready to take him already.
He keeps drawing circles on your clit and then starts moving his hips, his cock slipping back and forth between your folds, growing you more and more impatient with each passing stroke. Right when you’re about to lose the last bit of your patience, he grabs the base of his cock and lines him up with your hole before slamming into you fast and hard, giving you no time to adjust. Not that you’d have needed much, you’ve gotten so wet, your walls welcome him warm and tight, just how he loves it.
“I love your tight pussy, Y/N. It’s so perfect for me,” he grunts as he fucks into you, his hips slamming against yours in a fast rhythm. “But I didn’t like that others might have thought about fucking you tonight.” Jealousy is dripping from his words and you know already he is going to punish you for dismissing his request to cover up.
With the rough start, your orgasm is already building up nicely, so you grunt in disappointment when he pushes himself up from missionary, he stops his thrusts and sits on his knees, his cock slipping out from you as you remain lying on the couch in front of him, legs wide open, your chest heaving wildly.
“Harry, please!” you whine, trying to wiggle closer so you could feel him between your legs again, but he has other plans.
“So needy, huh? You don’t like it when you don’t have your ways,” he observes, but you don’t miss the smirk that’s curling the corners of his mouth upwards. “Don’t you think that’s how I felt when you didn’t cover up after I asked you?”
“That’s different!” you protest, your core throbbing for him. 
“No, it’s not. I asked you to cover up, you didn’t do it. Now you’re begging me to fuck you, but I’m denying it from you. Seems pretty similar to me,” he shrugs, playing with your nerves at this point, but you try your best to control yourself. “Look at this pretty cunt,” he hums and he pushes one hand against your thigh to keep you wide open while he moves his other hand to your pussy and runs his fingers up and then down in a slow, lazy manner. He is testing how long you can take the teasing, the soft touches when you need him to just fuck you already.
“Harry,” you whine, when he gently pushes one digit inside you, but it’s nowhere near enough, not after you’ve had his cock inside you. 
“What? Is it not what you need? Mm?”
“No!” you cry out.
“Should I return to sucking your nipples?” he grins wider at you, enjoying having you at his mercy.
“Please fuck me already!”
“But I want to have your tits in my mouth. Suck them when you cum on my cock.”
“I’ll be on top, just please! I need you inside me!” you beg, giving up every ounce of self control you’ve had.
“That’s my girl, always giving me what I want,” he nods, squeezing your hips before sitting back on the couch.
You’re fast to get up from your lying position and straddle his hips, ready to do pretty much anything at this point just to have his cock inside you. That pleased smirk that adorns his face is almost too annoying as you grab the base of his cock and ease down on it, finally filling you up, but you couldn’t care less about letting him have his ways with you when you also get what you want. It’s a win-win.
You feel his hands on your back as he brings you closer to his face so his mouth can return to your nipples that are starting to get numb at this point, all while you ride him happily, squeezing your walls around his dick, making him growl against your chest from the sensation. You roll and grind and bounce, do everything you can just to keep building your orgasm that’s so close, you can feel it in your tummy, you just need to fall over the edge.
“Harry! Please, I need…” you gasp out, unable to use full sentences, but Harry knows you and he knows what you need.
“I’ve got you, baby,” he lifts his head from your chest and locks you in his embrace so he can easily turn you over and get on top of you, like you wanted it in the beginning. You hug his waist with your legs as he pounds into you, fast and hard, you keep moving up on the couch from the force of his thrusts and this is exactly what you needed to finally reach your climax.
You come hard and loud, your moans fill the living room, you claw at his back, leaving red marks from his broad shoulders down to his waist. Harry holds his own orgasm back, letting you ride out your high to the fullest, just so then he can keep the last thing he told you he would do to you.
“Stay like this, baby,” he tells you, pulling out of you, his knees on either side of you as he moves a bit further up on your body. He wraps his hand around his glistening cock that’s aching for the relief you just got to experience. Harry pumps himself for a few more seconds and you want him to come just as hard as you did, so you reach up and massage his balls, hoping it would give him that one last push.
“Fuck! Ah!” he growls, his hot cum squirting onto your breasts, covering your sensitive nipples just like he promised. You stare up at him, watch as his chest rises and falls in a rapid rhythm, his softening cock in his hand while he admires your chest covered with his semen.
To put the cherry on top, you reach up and smear his cum even more over your nipples, playing with how slippery and sticky it is at the same time. Harry moves back so he is not weighing onto your abdomen, but his eyes remain locked on your movements. 
“Is this what you imagined?” you coo, licking your fingers clean.
“Absolutely,” he nods before kissing your lips shortly. 
“So am I forgiven?” you smile at him bashfully. Harry chuckles, nodding.
“Sorry, I got a bit too possessive.”
“It’s alright, I like it when you’re like this.”
“Mm, I bet,” he smirks. “Let’s get you cleaned up, hm?”
You shower together and Harry gets every chance to take care of you, he keeps kissing you wherever he can, telling you how much he loves you every possible chance he has. When you’re in bed, he walks over your vanity and grabs your lotion before joining you on the mattress.
“Are they sore?” he softly asks, brushing his thumb over one of your nipples, the roughness is now gone, he is more like concerned now.
“Kind of. But it’s alright,” you smile at him lazily. He squirts some lotion onto his fingers and then gently rubs it into the sensitive skin. When he’s done, he puts the lotion to the night stand and leaning closer he presses a kiss to your sternum before making himself comfortable and pulling you into his embrace. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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