#anyway this b¡tch is so hard to draw i hate him so much
fruitytrollroll · 2 years
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some of my favorite kerrs... mwah... 🥺💕
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7 and 8 (disregarding gross ones) for ninjago?
7: least favorite character from ninjago
okay, hmmmm this is hard. okay so, my first thought was vex because i genuinely hate him. like he's not even funny. he's just a terrible person who does terrible things cause he feels like it like... dude??? you're really going to just straight up manipulate zane for no reason other than you're too bitter to have an animal form??? sir??? so like. hate him. you know... okay so like, i was bored last night and made a list of every single ninjago character that i could think of off the top of my head and then looked up a list to see who i missed and you know who i forgot about? fenwick. he's one of those characters that makes me wish i cursed because i wanna call him a little b*tch iuygfcghuiuhgvfghuijuhg oh and ritchie... the only thing that i like about ritchie is that one moment in the speedway five-billion episode where he goes "ninja!" and then jay just glares and goes "ritchie!" that was funny. but he's still a pathetic jerk. okay last one... king vangelis. stupid little piece of-- literally what? sir??? okay first of all: you gave cole more falling trauma by sENDING HIM DOWN A MOUNTAIN AND TRYING TO MURDER HIM so like. that's always a great way to get on my bad side. then, he's a knock off garmadon and like i don't mind but like king vangelis just sucks in general like. sir. you-you enslaved two different populations for YEARS just for vengestone? hm. shady. pretty evil. despicable, actually. plus like... he was going to frame cHOMPY??? LIKE SIR YOU ARE THE REASON YOUR DAUGHTER FELL DOWN A MOUNTAIN??? also he was mean to the upply. and cole. and the ninja. and like literally everyone. i hope he's having fun in jail. tho, i cannot wait to see what the show s going to do with him in s16 !!!
8: least favorite ship from ninjago
okay... other than the nasty ones... idk, i was never a fan of wusako... like... idk, something about then flirting on the dark island in s2 in front of lloyd before lloyd was going to have to, ya know, fight his father just made me 🥴 tho that prolly has a lot to do with my hashtag divorced parents trauma lol ummmm okay so here's the thing: i like bruiseshipping (cole x jay), but i am very picky about who is doing the shipping of them. it used to be like. my ninjago ship and then fans decided to completely mischaracterize jay and make him this smol frail uwu lil traumatized bean when like ??? he is absolutely not ??? and in turn, they made cole big strong himbo obsessed with cake must protecc which is kind of like super racist because everyone draws cole darker than jay--like cole is usually drawn as black and jay is usually drawn as white or with much paler skin. so like. the way people uhhhhh very incorrectly interpret bruise almost made me absolutely despise the ship, no joke. so, mischaracterized bruiseshipping that refuses to explore cole's trauma or acknowledge the fact that cole isn't just jay's emotional support and who refuses to acknowledge that jay is not Anxiety™️: he never was and never will be,,, yeah anyWAYS uhhhh other ships i dislike... cole x vania. they are friends. they are very much so friends. gay and lesbian friends, to be exact. and conya, aka cole x nya. ugh. like, first of all, ninjago didn't handle the love triangle well at all in s3 so i often refuse to acknowledge it because cole is very much so gay, but like... they're just really good friends. they're besties. and that's it. lastly, literally any lloyd ship. lloyd x akita (which is prolly my favorite of the lloyd ships... still don't like it, but i can tolerate it), lloyd and harumi... lloyd and morro... (both of which are really freaking bad for many reasons...). at this point, i think lloyd just doesn't want to be in a relationship. he wants to focus on family and his platonic relationships so much more than romantic ones. he's been traumatized far too many times, imo.
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kurama-is-love · 4 years
An unusual proposal (Oneshot)
It's been a while since I wrote in english, so please bear with me if this is not perfect. English is not my first language ;-;
Oh and this time it's a female Half!Demon/Human Reader x Kurama. Just to let you know! Again as warning, much much fluff between you and Kurama.
The Dark Tournament was looking forward to its grand finale.
Team Toguro faced Team Urameshi, consisting of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama. Their fifth member, Mask, or rather Genkai, was 'killed' in battle by the younger Toguro brother the night before. Although you and your friends mourned about your deceased comrade, the others were not allowed to give in to their feelings now. One single mistake could result in the next death, everyone knew that.
You hadn't left your friend's side since the beginning of the Tournament and you were even allowed to stay at their side near the battle field. Though now you were concerned about the last battle.   You had asked to stand in for Mask as the fifth participant, but before you were able to speak to the competition officials, you were prevented from doing so by your friends, mostly Yusuke and especially Kurama. It was a lengthy and exhausting discussion that followed with the two of them. Yusuke was anything but calm and tried to dissuade you from your idea with irrelevant threats for "beating the shit out of you if you continue to try to participate". Of course he would never lay a finger on a friend, especially not if he were to draw the wrath of a certain fox on him ..
Speaking of the fox. It was Kurama's empathetic and factually convincing words that finally led you to abandon your idea and not take part in the fight. As much as you hated not being able to stand by your friends, it was clear to you aswell that you would not survive 2 minutes in the ring against a member of this diabolical team from Toguro .. It was just maddening ..
Before the fight started, you cleared your throat to attract the attention of your friends.
"Before you fight, I want to get rid of something .." you began and looked at the ground slightly.
"Spit it out, [Y/n]-chan." Kuwabara tried with a calm and understanding tone of voice to reassure you that none of them were mad at you for your earlier discussions. He thought that, because you were trembling all over and he could also tell that you were fighting back tears.
"I want you .. to be extra careful this time .. Your opponents are of a completely different caliber than all your opponents before .. And if ..Uh.. when you notice that you .. can't do it .. that you. . " you stopped, the thought of what should follow your sentence stung your heart. "... you will die if you keep going .. I beg you to give up .. just give up and end the fight .. Fuck this stupid tournament, your lives are way too precious ..!" you spoke a little louder and more determined as you looked at your four friends.
Hiei's expression was disinterested as always. Kuwabara looked away, slightly embarrassed, while Kurama had put on an illegible expression. Yusuke crossed his arms before briefly closing his eyes.
"Sorry, but we can't promise that." he said then.
"W-What ..?"
When you looked up, startled, you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Yusuke's.
"If we give up, everything was in vain. Our training, the preliminary fights. And ... also the death of that old witch ... The least we owe her is to try to defeat her killer." He continued serious, but his face showed no sign of annoyance or anger towards you. He showed you .. friendliness and a small smile. "Anyway, thank you for taking care of us all. With that knowledge, we can do our best," he added.
"B-But .." your quiet objections were stopped again when Kurama took Yusuke's place and put both hands on your shoulders. A slightly worried smile graced his pale lips.
"Yusuke is right. If we give up here, everything we have been through so far will be wasted. Besides .." he continued and his expression darkened slightly as he looked at his opponents, especially at Karasu. "..we can't allow these .. monsters to continue their mischief to continue their murders in the world of spirits, demons and humans. If we don't stop them, who should do it?" he asked you.
You didn't know the answer and looked to the side. Kurama smiled sadly and put his hand on your cheek to turn your face back to him.
"Just trust us, okay?" He said softly and lovingly before placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Kurama .. I trust you. But I'm still scared okay ..?"
"That's perfectly okay." The redhead whispered and you sighed softly.
"I'm serious. I don't want to go through the same fear that I did during your fight against Bakken ..."
"Mhm .."
The battle against the members of Team Masho had reached worrying proportions after Kurama lost consciousness while standing shortly after he was named as the victor in the battle against the ice demon Touya by Koto. The rules of this match were like an endless battle. As long as a member could fight, he fought against any opponent. This is exactly how he had defeated Gama at first and was able to win against Touya with the last of his strength. But now the luck of the kitsune seemed to have run out when he stood bleeding and unconscious on the battlefield and Koto checked whether he was still alive.
"That's enough now! I'll take over for Kurama!" Yusuke called to the judge when the third opponent, a tall, dark-skinned man with short black hair, stepped out.
"Not so fast. That guy is still there, so I'm his opponent now." The shinobi grinned maliciously and was already flexing his fists.
"You can't be serious! You can see that he is not able to fight!" You said and looked angry at Bakken.
"You stay out of it, you brat. I say: He can fight." With these words he turned to Koto, who looked back and forth between the two parties, perplexed.
"Well .. Well .. I also think that Kurama is incapacitated. We have to wait for the decision of the competition committee before an exchange takes place .." the cat demon spoke uncertainly.
All attention was then turned to the speakers when the committee announced its decision. They disagreed with the exchange and declared Kurama's ability to fight.
Yusuke and you had to watch in shock when Bakken started hit the unconscious Kurama again and again and injured him so badly that it was a miracle if he could survive this ordeal for long. When Bakken pulled Kurama up by his top and beat him again, the fabric on the top tore and Kurama fell to the ground. Blood ran down his forehead.
While you could only watch in shock, the stadium echoed under the calls of the demonic audience, who very unanimously demanded only one thing.
"Kill him!"
"Kill him, Bakken!"
"Yes, kill this traitor !!!"
You clenched your fists in anger before turning to the bleachers.
"SHUT UP YOUR DAMN MOUTHS ALREADY!" you shouted so loudly that the stadium fell silent and Yusuke and the others looked at you too. "I CAN'T STAND YOUR HATE TIRADS ANYMORE! The next one who says anything about 'kill this bastard' will get a free ticket to hell from me. WAS THAT CLEAR?"
Your friends had seldom seen you so loud and serious. The girls, Botan, Shizuru, Keiko and Yukino were very shocked by your exclamation.
Suddenly one of the demons jumped down from the stands and stood next to you.
"Pretty loose mouth for such a shitty, weak half-breed, darling."the green-colored beast grinned and licked its lips with its iguana-like tongue. "You are nothing but a shabby one demon, who has human blood in them. It doesn't surprise me that you are on the traitors side. But don't open your mouth like that if you know what's good for you. " He threatened you.
Your eyebrow twitched menacingly as the demon extended its claws and tried to slit your stomach. You reached for your weapons,  chakrams, and a reddish-orange aura flooded the metal, your Reiki, mixed with Yoki. The audience held their breath when they could only hear lightning-fast cuts and white clouds of energy sliced the demon that was attacking you until the attacker fell dead to the ground.
"Anyone else has something to say to a " failed half-breed "? you asked the ranks, but the audience fell silent before you could finally devote yourself to the fighting again.
"T-That's enough! Kurama is on the ground and can no longer fight! I think a countdown is also unnecessary .." Koto interrupted the scene now when she saw the battered Kurama.
Bakken seemed to disagree and lifted Kurama up in the air again by his top.
"Now he's standing again. That means the fight goes on."the black-haired man smirked and wanted to make the final punch that should blow out Kurama's life light forever.
"Stop. That's enough, Bakken." a masked figure behind Bakken, another member of Team Mascho, spoke up.
"Why are you stopping me, Risho? I was just about to finish it." Bakken grumbled while Risho pointed to the opposite side of the arena.
"If you had landed this punch, that would have been your death." Risho spoke only dryly, while Bakken blinked and looked in the direction in which Risho was pointing.
Yusuke and you stood there, both of you in your strongest attacking postures. Yusuke was ready to use his "Rei-Gun" while your chakrams had turned into icy-tessen (Metal fans), the tips of their spikes were reinforced with your Reiki and turned into razor-sharp blades that could be shot individually. You were both ready to kill Bakken if he made any move.
"Tch. Fine. Well, you can have him back." Bakken sighed and threw Kurama carelessly out of the ring. Yusuke and you immediately rushed to the passed out Kitsune and Yusuke carried him to the edge of the ring. You were right behind him. After Yusuke dropped him off, you kneeled down at Kurama's side and looked up your human best friend.
"Yusuke." You spoke in a serious tone. Yusuke turned to you. questioningly. "... Beat the shit out of him. Hit that asshole really hard with a greeting from me." You muttered with bared teeth. Yusuke grinned and gave you a thumbs-up.
"Rely on me, [Y/n]. I will make sure that he gets a proper rubdown. And greetings from you. Just take care of our Kurama." Yusuke answered with a wink.
You nodded gently and put your hands on Kurama's damaged chest to let your Reiki flow into his body. That should give him enough energy to activate his own self-healing powers. At least that was how it prevented him from having too little energy.
He almost died ..
When Kurama woke up a little later, he promised you to never again risk his life so lightly.
[End of flashback]
"Remember your promise." you said softly and took Kurama's hand in yours to give it an affectionate squeeze. The fox just looked at you apologetically, but he was weighing whether he could really tell you that he couldn't keep this promise.
"I'm sorry. This may be my first promise, which I can't keep, as much as I would like to. But ..." he began before you could sigh in frustration. Kurama smiled and put a strand of hair behind your ear. "I'll give you a new promise for that." He said and made you blink in curiousity.
"One that you will keep?" you asked.
Kurama smiled and pulled you close for a moment.
"Yes. I promise you, if I survive my fight against Karasu .." he almost sounded as if he didn't believe in it himself, which only unsettled you even more. "... I will take you as my wife as soon as my human body is 18 years old."
Your eyes widened, speechless, at these words. Kurama, who had sworn off love and certainly did not want to settle down in the human world, had just given you the promise of marriage if he should emerge victorious from the battle ..
"K-Kurama .." you started, touched, when the Kitsune put his index and middle fingers on your lips and gently shook his head.
"I have to go into the ring now." He said, because the referee Juri had to call his name again.
Kurama broke away from you and went to the battlefield, where Karasu was already waiting for him. You held your breath as the fight began. It was going to be the hardest fight of all time for him, you were sure of it.
The fight was clearly dominated by Karasu for a long time, who seemed to foresee every one of Kurama's steps. His rosewhip basically crumbled to dust before it could hit Karasu due to a miniature bomb that the black-haired man had already placed. Knowing that Kurama would resort to his signature attack.
Even the transformation into his Youko form only briefly gave Kurama the upper hand in this fight.
Karasu was strong, incredibly strong. Kurama was already bleeding profusely on his legs and arms from the bombs that hit his flesh. The transformation into his demon form had already reached its limits. Now everything seemed to be over for the redhead when he went down and his robe was already completely bathed in red blood.
It was a horrible sight, almost worse than Bakken's back then. Kurama stopped moving when Karasu tried to put an end to it.
With the very last of his strength, Kurama was able to mobilize his last reserves and thus also make his Reiki to zero when he conjured up a large, gray plant. Shortly afterwards he sagged dead and his friends, as well as you, cried out in agony.
Karasu stopped. Not because he thought his opponent was dead, but because something had pierced his chest. Everyone stared in disbelief at the three vines of the plant that Kurama had conjured up with his last strength. They seemed to suck out Karasus blood.
"What is happening?" Kuwabara asked in disbelief.
"The plant sucks out its blood. Like a vampire." You explained and looked a little more composed again. Apparently you knew this technique. Since dated Kurama, the others weren't surprised.
Before the crowd could properly process what had happened, Karasu fell to the ground. His skin was pale from massive blood loss and his eyes were blank and torn. He was dead.
But what about Kurama?
Kurama opened his eyes. The bleeding wounds had closed again as if by a miracle and he straightened up slightly wobbly. Did the vampire plant fed him with the blood of his victim to save his life? It was the only logical explanation.
Tears now ran down your cheeks. No tears of sadness, tears of infinite joy. He was alive. Kurama had kept his promise and survived this fight.
Without hesitation for a second, after Juri made him the winner, you ran onto the battlefield and threw Kurama to the ground in a stormy embrace. The Redhead was unprepared for the impact and lost balance when you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Idiot. Idiot idiot idiot." You repeated several times, still sobbing slightly. This kitsune almost seemed to enjoy causing you so much grief by letting himself be beaten up in every fight.
Kurama smiled gently and caressed your back soothingly.
"Ssh. Everything is fine.", He whispered and heard only briefly loud sobs before you pulled away from him and stared at him.
"DO. THAT. NEVER. AGAIN." You warned and if Kurama wasn't grinning at you so sweetly, your anger would also come across convincingly. Instead, you just sighed softly and patted him gently on the shoulder. "But you also have to keep your promise," you added.
"Don't worry, I will." Kurama chuckled and turned to Yusuke with a hand sign. You blinked perplexed when Yusuke grinned and threw a small velvet box to him. Out of the corner of your eye you could see that it was a box with a beautifully decorated rose on the lid.
"Kurama .."
Kurama got on one knee and took your hand in his.
"I should do this formally and properly, don't you think?" He laughed and you suddenly realized something.
"... You already planned everything in advance, right ...?" You wanted to know.
Kurama gave a small laugh and kissed your palm lovingly before looking intensely into your eyes.
"Quite possible. No, but .. I've never met a woman like you in my life - and that applies to my human and demonic life - and I never expected to lose my heart to someone who makes me as happy as you. "
"Kurama .."
Kurama smirked when you didn't let him finish and cleared his throat to continue.
"Originally I wanted to stay in the human world because my mother and my friends were so close to my heart. But now there is another reason why I don't want to leave this world anymore. I want you by my side until the end of my days and ... start a family with you. In the human world. That is why I ask you, here and now, [First Name] [Last Name], do you want to be my wife and eternal mate? ", He asked and opened the box. Inside it was the most beautiful diamond ring you ever saw. Its sides were adorned with two beautiful jewels, a shiny [gem with your eye color] and a shimmering emerald. It was more than obvious that these jewels symbolized the eye colors of the both of you.
"Yes .. Yes, I want Kurama. Of course I want that!" You said overjoyed and let a smiling Kurama put the ring on your finger before he pulled you to him and kissed you passionately.
"U-Unbelievable! A marriage proposal during the final of the Dark Tournament! I've never seen anything like it!"Koto announced, she sat in the crowd as the second announcer and looked dreamily at the engaged couple.
You smiled and looked at the ring.
"So beautiful. But something's missing," you mumbled.
"Huh?", Kurama asked and you turned to him and grinned slightly.
"A topaz." You answered with a smile.
Now Kurama was the one whose eyes widened and he even blushed a little.
A topaz as golden as Youko Kurama's eyes. His demon form.
Now he was more certain than ever. He would never let you go again. He swore to himself.
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dadgonedeku · 4 years
Celebrating Bakugou’s Birthday Headcanons
💥🎊~SFW (very fluffy...the most fluffy)
💥🎊~Bakugou x Fem!Reader (mutual pining)
💥🎊~Happy Birthday to the little rat, here are some hcs to celebrate! 🥳
💥🎊~Tbh I should have just made this a oneshot because that’s basically what it is but in HC format because it’s easier for me to write whoopsies...🥴
💥🎊~I wrote this in like four hours so I’m super sorry if it sucks...it was honestly really hard for me to write with no motivation what so ever but I just wanted to make sure I got something out in time for the baby’s b day! Double whoopsies 🥴
💥🎊~Also long post triple whoopsies 🥳
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💥🎊~ “Here we go, today is the day!” You say to yourself as you wake up in the morning, already excited for what’s to come.
💥🎊~ You see reader, you and the rest of 1A (mainly the bakusquad) decided to surprise the gruff explosion boy for his birthday.
💥🎊~ And as you got ready that morning, you decided to take a little extra time in making yourself look even more beautiful than you already were, examples being putting on a little more makeup than usual or even taking some extra time to learn a new hairstyle.
💥🎊~ You’ve had a crush on the ash blonde for a while now, ever since the beginning of the school year, and it only continued to grow as you watched him become stronger and develop more of a gruff softness with his classmates.
💥🎊~ So this was the perfect opportunity to show him how much you cared, and on top of that you had an excuse for you lookin even more ‘like a snacc’ than usual.
💥🎊~ “Y/N!!!! Come on hurry up!!” You hear you’re best friend Ashido knock at your door, you quickly finish whatever you’re doing and pull yourself together, taking a quick glance at how you looked in a mirror before opening the door.
💥🎊~ “Geez girlie, you look bomb, get it, bomb?” You huff a laugh at the bad joke as she takes in your appearance.
💥🎊~ “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this spruced up before, well except for that one party you got to go too. Lookin good, ready to try and reel him in?” She teases as she takes a quick snap of one of your bra straps under your shirt.
💥🎊~ “Ashi!!! No. And besides, I’m sure he doesn’t even like me back anyways.” You shoot back as a bright pink blush paints itself on your s/c cheeks. Ashido was the only one who knew about your longtime crush on the ash blonde, and frankly she was the only one you trusted enough. Fortunately for you, she proved liable.
💥🎊~ “Ha, I wouldn’t think so, have you seen the way he looks at you whenever you’re paired up in a match or even during the sports fest?” She asks excitedly as she steps into your dorm room, following you over to your bedside table as you open the top drawer, retrieving a medium sized box wrapped in a bright orange paper, a green bow attached to black ribbons sitting on top of it.
💥🎊~ “No Ashido, and ya wanna know why? Because I’d be in the middle of a FIGHT then!” You playfully yell back as she lets out a laugh at your flustered face. “Plus, I’m sure that’s not even true anyways, there’s nothing special about me that would make him ‘fall in love’” You quote with your hands as you take the gift from your drawer, tucking it under your dominant arm as you grab your purse with the other.
💥🎊~ “Alright, think what you want. Just know that you are a tasty lady with a tasty bod and personality and if he don’t like it back, he doesn’t deserve you.” She chuckles with her hands on her hips as you roll your eyes amusingly in response, nudging her out of the door as you close it behind you.
💥🎊~ “Where is he right now anyways?” You inquire as you and Ashido make your way down the fourth floor hall to the elevator, “Doesn’t he get up really early in the mornings?”
💥🎊~ “Yep, sure does. To be fair I don’t really know what he’s doing right now, but he’s not in the common room.” She responded as the two of you stepped in the elevator, pressing the lobby button that would transport you to the common room.
💥🎊~ “Oh, well I hope someone came up with a good enough distraction so we have enough time to get everything ready.” You say hopefully as the elevator drifted downward, Ashido nodding in agreement. The rest was silence, a few moments going by before the familiar ‘ding!’ sound of the elevator alerted the two of you that you had arrived to the floor.
💥🎊~ You took a deep breath and fiddled with a necklace that hung around your neck, anxiety building of the unknown, and if your secret plan would actually work. Ashido placed a comforting pink hand on your shoulder and flashed you a small smile, you shot one back and took a deep breath, closing your e/c eyes for a moment before stepping out of the elevator.
💥🎊~ “There you guys are!” Kaminari waved happily from the common space, alerting the rest of your classmates that you and Ashido had finally shown. Well...all except for two?
💥🎊~ “Huh? Where’s Kirishima? Wasn’t he another mastermind of all this?” You ask curiously, placing your box on one of tables and signaling to Urakaka to keep an eye on it, to which, of course, she saluted with a bright smile.
💥🎊~ “Oh he’s keeping Kacchan occupied for now, they went to the gym for a workout an hour or two ago.” Your vibrant green-eyed classmate Midoriya replied with a grin, also holding a small box in his right hand.
💥🎊~ You took a sigh of relief, thankful that Kirishima had bought some time...but wait...Midoriya said a couple hours ago...
💥🎊~ oh no...
💥🎊~ “Wait?! A couple hours ago? That means that they’re almost done by now right?” You ask suddenly, startling a few of your classmates in the process, a couple seconds go by before all hell breaks loose, Iida resorting to shouting out orders to his various fellow classmates.
💥🎊~ You and the other girls were tasked with setting up tables and helping hang streamers from the ceilings, Urakaka’s quirk coming in handy as she would hold onto you as you attached the fragile paper material to the bland, off white ceiling.
💥🎊~ Orange and Black sheets were draped over the kitchen tables as Sato and Momo worked in the kitchen, whipping up tea and desserts for the class to enjoy during the party.
💥🎊~ To be fair, all of them would probably be chewed out by said birthday boy for ‘doing too damn much’ but deep down they all knew that he would appreciate it.
💥🎊~ Bakugou, however, never really thought much about his birthday, sure he celebrated it as a child but once he became a teen he kinda dropped it. He never really saw the appeal, I mean...all a birthday means is that you turn a year older right? To him it was just another day, so why did it matter so much to the rest of his class?
💥🎊~ Well, all of you had been through a lot as a class, with all of the villain attacks and heartache never seeming to end. It was rough, and it was hard to deal with. But the 21 of you still managed to get through it together, but part of you feels like Bakugou was hit the hardest by it all. Him and Midoriya of course.
💥🎊~ You’d never really seen him show any emotion aside from anger or brashness, maybe you’d even experienced some sass or a few cocky comments. But that’s about it....
💥🎊~ So why did you care so much about him?
💥🎊~ Why did your heart flutter every time you saw him?
💥🎊~ Why?
💥🎊~ You never realize that you had subconsciously tuned out the happy smiles and giggles and shouting as you don’t pay attention to the front doors opening and the immediate echo of “Surprise!” that comes right after.
💥🎊~ “Y/N!! Look out!” Urakaka shouts from below you, snapping you out of your thoughts, which only resulted in you to beginning to fall from the ceiling as you hear your female friend shout “release!” from underneath you. A scream rips from your throat as your body fails to react fast enough for you to catch yourself. You clench your eyes shut as your vision catches quick blurs of your classmates scrambling after you.
💥🎊~ 1000 thoughts rush through your brain as you brace yourself as best you can for impact in those quick couple seconds.
💥🎊~ But the impact never...came?
💥🎊~ “Oi, the hell was that for dumbass?” You hear a gruff voice say as your eyes open in shock, your mind drawing a blank as you stare up at none other than Bakugou himself, who had caught you in the heat of the moment with that sexy rapid reaction time of his-
💥🎊~ “I....uhhh...” You fail to answer as your eyes dart around the room, only for them to land on Ashido trying her best to hold in a laugh. “ I don’t really...know?”
💥🎊~ “Hah?! Whattaya mean you don’t know? You just fell from the ceiling! Watch how you release your quirk pink cheeks!” He shouts as he gently places you back on your feet, keeping a strong hand on your back to make sure you’re steady before removing it.
💥🎊~ Embarrasment rushes through your body, giving you shivers and goosebumps as you quickly look for Urakaka. “Urakaka what happened?” You unintentionally shout in her direction. She flushes profusely and shakes her hands in front of her before moving to cover it.
💥🎊~ “There was a huge spider right next to you on the ceiling, and I didn’t wanna startle you but I know how much you hate them so-“ She starts but interrupts with a very profuse “I’m so sorry I panicked!” that you can’t help but chuckle at. You calm down a little more and thank her for looking out for you before apologizing yourself, but you still can’t help the huge blush that rushes to your cheeks.
💥🎊~ ‘Omg omg omg that did nOt just happen he did nOt jUsT cATCH mE I-‘
💥🎊~ The worries voices of your fellow classmates snap you out of your thoughts once again as you rush to reassure them you’re okay.
💥🎊~ “Y/N are you okay?!” Midoriya and Kirishima ask in unison.
💥🎊~ “Ah! I’m fine! I promise!” You say, only before turning to face Bakugou, who was looking away...almost as if...
💥🎊~ ‘he was embarrassed too...’
💥🎊~ “Thank you, Bakugou.” You say lightly as you flash him a small smile of gratitude, only for him to reply with a rough ‘tch’.
💥🎊~ “Okay! Now that that’s over let’s get this party started!!!” You hear Ashido yell eagerly over the rest of the class, soon enough shouts of agreement could be heard as Sato and Momo appeared from the kitchen with Tea and Cupcakes, along with an actual birthday cake that was hidden in the back of the kitchen.
💥🎊~ You hear a “Tch, nerds” from behind you as you rush to the goods, your classmates following close behind as you help Momo and Sato set up the food and drinks.
💥🎊~ The day continued on with Bakugou putting up an annoyed front as you all agree in shouting happy birthday, blowing kazoos and pulling strings on confetti poppers as he reluctantly blows out the array of candles that are placed on the huge 3-tier cake that Sato had been working on all day. It was truly magnificent, white fondant draped over each of the layers, decorated with orange and green stripes with black frosted roses trimming the third tier, ‘Ground Zero’ written in cursive along the top of the cake that was encased in the roses.
💥🎊~ “Holy crap Sato!! You really went all out!!!” You hear Kaminari say behind you as you hear the clicks of phone cameras sound off around you, all of your friends recording and taking pictures to remember the happy moment.
💥🎊~ A few more minutes pass and each one of you has a cup of tea and a cupcake in hand as you all parade around the birthday boy, much to his surprise and slight annoyance, but he’ll never admit that deep down he was thankful for the enthusiastic celebration.
💥🎊~ Cheap, plastic party hats are passed around and even Mr. Aizawa partakes in the festivities, wishing the ash blonde his own happy birthday as he retrieves a cupcake and teacup himself, much to your surprise.
💥🎊~ Soon enough it’s time for present opening as Kaminari nudges the birthday boi over to the couches, the other 19 of you taking sitting positions accordingly around a coffee table that was filled with presents from everyone.
💥🎊~ “The hell is all this for?!”
💥🎊~ “For you Bakubro, duh.”
💥🎊~ “You extras do too damn much.”
💥🎊~ “But you still love us anyways.”
💥🎊~ “Tch.”
💥🎊~ His gifts include all different items, from boxes of pocky and video games, to even hoodies and fitted shirts and sweats, and of course a custom pair of black crocs with the words ‘ground zero’ spelled across the front in the little attachments...wonder who those could be from?
💥🎊~ “You’ve gotta be kidding me Shitty Hair...”
💥🎊~ “Don’t hate the player man, hate the game.”
💥🎊~ Your eyes widen as you see him reach for your gift to him, and you immediately find the courage to speak up and excuse yourself to the bathroom, when really, you were lying and choose to sneak outside instead.
💥🎊~ “But Y/N isn’t that your gift?” You hear Sero inquire.
💥🎊~ “Yeah but it’s fine! I really gotta go though.”
💥🎊~ “If you say so...”
💥🎊~ You quickly look back and notice that he opens it slower than the other ones, taking out a small index card you had placed in the lid of the box, you quickly glance through one of the window, only to see him reading it before you hide yourself from view.
💥🎊~ ‘Meet me outside, it’s important’ The card read, written in messy f/c gel pen.
💥🎊~ He sighs before quickly standing up and brushing off anyone who questions him, he grunts out a “Ill be back soon, screw off and don’t worry about it.” Before walking towards the front door.
💥🎊~ To his and your surprise...no one followed, and no one even seemed to question it.
💥🎊~ You feel your breath hitch in your throat as you hear the front door open and see Bakugou step out, turning to face you and letting the door close softly behind him. He flashes you the card and you give a small nod in response, almost as if the two of you had just silently confirmed the reason why you even wanted him here in the first place.
💥🎊~ “Well, what is it?” He asks with his usual gruff tone, but for some reason it feels much softer than earlier.
💥🎊~ “Umm...well I-“
💥🎊~ The worry comes up again as your mind decides to draw a blank on you once again, and you can’t help but blush profusely and look away. Why? Why are you like this? Why can’t you just say what you want to say? You hate it, you dread it. This empty and tingly gut feeling in your stomach, almost as if it is truly churning to the sounds of your embarrassment.
💥🎊~ “Well? Out with it already, don’t have all night ya know.” He replies bluntly as he leans back on the rails of the front porch, crossing his arms in front of him as he switches his gaze to the wooden ground instead of your flustered form.
💥🎊~ ‘Come on, out with it already y/n! He’s right here, right in front of you. He paid attention, he didn’t come out here for no reason. Just come on...say it....do it.’
💥🎊~ “Alright, think what you want. Just know that you are a tasty lady with a tasty bod and personality and if he don’t like it back, he doesn’t deserve you.”
💥🎊~ ‘fuck it, here goes nothing...’
💥🎊~ “If you’re not gonna say anything then I’m just gonna go back inside, this is a waste of my time.” He says, causing you’re eyes to widen and tear up. You shake your head silently as he turns his back to you, walking toward the door and reaching his hand out to the handle.
💥🎊~ ...but you grab it just in time...
💥🎊~ “Stop...” The word that exits your lips is barely audible as he feels the shake in your voice.
💥🎊~ “Hah? What is it then? You wanted me to come out here? So if you’re not gonna say anything then I don’t see the appeal in wasting-“
💥🎊~ “ I like you.”
💥🎊~ You feel the world stop around you and the silence that immediately follows as you prepare yourself for the worst. Good lord, the words just came out...they just escaped your lips and you could barely even handle it.
💥🎊~ “What?” Is all you hear back...
💥🎊~ ‘screw it, it’s too late to go back now...’
💥🎊~ “ I like you...Bakugou. I do...and I’m sorry if it’s weird or anything and honestly I’m okay if you don’t feel the same way...but I just want you to know anyways...”
💥🎊~ He only stares in silence, crimson eyes widened with shock.
💥🎊~ “I’ve felt like this for a long time to tell you the truth, and if I’m being honest I’ve tried to shake it off countless times but i just can’t get you out of my head. Whenever you show up and show out, whenever you talk about your dreams of becoming the number one hero...I can’t help but smile and think about how hard you must be working, and how far you must be pushing yourself to get stronger. And I feel it in my heart whenever I see you look my way or whenever you stand tall with a huge boasting smile after you’ve just won a battle. You’re amazing Bakugou...and I know that you’re gonna make it. I know that you’re going to get where you want to be, and I can’t help...but...we’ll I can’t help but long to be there with you as your journey continues...”
💥🎊~ more silence...
💥🎊~ “and I want to be there for you when you finally reach your goal...if you’ll have me of course.” You can only look down at the ground, twiddling your thumbs in anticipation as you let the words just explode from your lips...silence...more and more silence...“I love you...Bakugou.”
💥🎊~ The moments pass painfully slow as the silence fills the air and you feel heartache set in again.
💥🎊~ “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say all of it at once. I’m sure it’s a lot and I don’t want to-“
💥🎊~ “Shut up.” Is all you hear, and before you can even register the sound of Bakugou’s boots hit the wood...you feel strong and calloused hands engulf your face and wipe away your tears.
💥🎊~ tears you didn’t even know you were shedding...
💥🎊~ “Baku-“
💥🎊~ “I said shut up...ya damn nerd.”
💥🎊~ And you do...as you instinctively reach for his waist, wrapping your arms around it as your bury your face in his chest, finally letting out the sobs that you had kept in for so long...it was finally out...and he finally knew. And all you could feel was relief as you felt his right hand come up to rest on the top of your head.
💥🎊~ “Tch...you girls...always so damn emotional...just like Deku....” You hear him huff out in a short chuckle as you giggle slightly through your tears.
💥🎊~ “I’m sorry...”
💥🎊~ “You know...I’ve been thinking about it...”
💥🎊~ “Oh?”
💥🎊~ “and I think I love you too...Y/N.”
💥🎊~ It takes you a few seconds to even register the words that come out of his mouth. He lets you pull away from his chest and take a few steps back...e/c eyes meeting crimson ones as you stare at him in disbelief, mouth agape.
💥🎊~ “Yo- Your- hold on...you’re joking right?” You whisper with a shaky voice, just loud enough for him to hear as you bring a hand to clutch your chest.
💥🎊~ “Do I look like the type of person who jokes about shit like this? Idiot, of course I’m not joking.”
💥🎊~ “Then that means-“
💥🎊~ “Yeah...I like you too, dumbass.”
💥🎊~ “Holy shit...” You don’t even finish your sentence as you squeal, your hands rushing to cover your mouth, tears starting up again.
💥🎊~ “Oi...” “Holy shit.” “Oi!” “Holy shit.” “Oi!!! Y/N!” You finally snap out of it as your gaze switches back to his, he gives you a look that means it’s time to go back to being serious and you do, pulling yourself together before turning to face him again.
💥🎊~ “So are we gonna do this or what?” He asks bluntly, holding out a pale, calloused palm your way.
💥🎊~ It takes you a few moments to respond...but when you do-
💥🎊~ “Yeah...let’s do it.” You say as you take the hand that reaches out to you, only to be pulled into a deep, sweet, and intimate kiss as the sun sets on the horizon.
💥🎊~ Your first...and his first.
💥🎊~ “Happy birthday...Bakugou.”
💥🎊~ “Katsuki, call me Katsuki.”
💥🎊~WOWIE ITS FINALLY OVER WOOO!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE RAT AND IF YOU SOMEHOW REACHED THE END OF THIS POST I APPLAUD YOU! This took so much thinking for me to write out the way I wanted and honestly I’m pretty darn proud of it...so I hope you enjoyed it too! If you like it then please lemme know what you thought!!! I love talking to you guys! Have a good night and happy 4/20/20!!!🥰🎊💞
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Ain’t Life A B*tch - Chap 2
Well for me... aint editing a bitch so I’m sorry if there are mistakes but I’m finding it hard to concentrate lately. 36th day in Quarantine!! 
Chapter 1 if you need a refresher or whatever :)
. . . . / 2 / . . .
The next week was spent sorting through forms and getting your new probie up to speed. She was a young buck, raised in New York, father was a cop and mum was a naval officer. So serve and protect was in her blood as she'd say. Alex Edison was her name but she preferred to go by Eddie, a nickname she hated in school but grew to love when she got older.
You managed to video call your other Agent who was flying in from Miami on the weekend. He had to sort a few more things before making the move permanently to DC. Agent Hunter, Ben Hunter, was how he introduced himself and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. You'd met him once when his case brought him to your ship a few years ago. You worked well and was happy when Vance mentioned his name as a candidate for your new team.  
"Ok, Alex. You got the form for HR?" You sighed, leaning back in your chair. You desk was perfectly positioned the next row over from Gibbs Team which meant you heard and saw almost everything that happened over there. They'd been chasing a murderer for over a week now. Everyone was running on fumes. Especially Gibbs and you couldn't help but cringe a few times when he yelled at his team.
Eddie was shocked the first time she heard him yell and you reassured her that it was ok. Her face clearly didn't believe you though.
"Just about." She answered tapping away at her computer, her desk was beside yours. So you could see her screen when you leaned back in your seat. She'd added a few picture frames around her desk, one of her dog, another of her and her mum and the third was an old grey and white photo of her grandparents.
You smiled as she hurried up. "All good, once you've finished that. Send it to HR and if you want we can grab a drink?" You suggest, it had been a paper heavy week and you needed to unwind away from a computer screen.
"Aww, I need a drink." A sad voice piped up from over the divider.
You twirled your chair around to see Ellie standing and looking over at you. You'd managed to chat to her a few times, mainly in the break room when she escaped to get a snack which was quite often. "You're more than welcome to join."
She smiled at your offer but her eyes darted down to where Gibbs mustve been sitting and you shrug. It was almost 1800 on Friday. They hadn't had a break in the case all day, you knew because you caught their huffs and complaints about it all day. "Gibbs?" Ellie said with so much hope, you could tell by the bags under her young eyes that they'd been working longer hours than usual.
"Yeah, there's nothing we can do tonight."
"You can join to if you want Gibbs." You shout and laugh at Ellie's and Eddie's reaction to his invitation. You knew all too well what his reply was going to be, what it always would be in the middle of a case with no leads.
Gibbs stood up, leaning over the divider and smiling down at you. As he said the words, you mimed his answer. "Bourbon, boat, basement." Everyone chuckled at your response. "Why'd you ask?" His eyes were curious. Clearly bemused by you miming and knowing his answer as he said it.
"I'm being polite and a nice colleague." You smile, seeing Eddie send off the form so you began to gather up your things.
"Hey Jack!" Ellie beamed, as the other blonde strode into the bullpen and you stilled for a second. Your back was now turned to Gibbs, you could feel his eyes burning into your back, he saw you freeze. You'd successfully avoided Jack all week. Only catching glimpses of her on the promenade and once when she came to help Gibbs team with profiles. Neither of you gave each other a second glance and as much as you were thankful for it, your gut was getting more and more twisted with every glimpse you saw her. Not to mention your subconscious derailing you every night by replaying the break up and the moment outside of MTAC when you came back.
"Ellie, you heading out?" She tried her best to sound up beat but you could hear the hostility in her voice.
You shucked on your coat, slipping on your gloves and packing up your desk. "You ready?" You look over at Alex who is shutting down her computer.
"Yep." She jumps up, stretching and grabbing her coat and bag.
"Hey y/n, can Jack join us for drinks?" The words you hoped you'd never hear but knew it was coming. You knew Jack was close with the other team and why wouldn't she be? She's a friendly, warm - shut up brain. Trying to gather as much composure as possible you turn with the best painted smile you could muster.
"Ellie I'm sure-" You were ready to make up any kind of excuse but as soon as your eyes locked with Jack's you couldn't finish.
Without a missing a beat Jack picked up your excuse. "I'm busy tonight. Just heading out now to go on a date actually." Her eyes look back to Ellie who is now too curious about Jack's date. You on the other hand are trying your best to ignore that stab to the heart that had nothing to do with Jack's words about a date. Or the way her eyes darted to Gibbs and he shared a look when she said date.
"I'm ready." Alex smiles, you can tell she's trying to distract you. Your composure mustn't be as good as you hoped.
You clap your glove covered hands. "Right.. Ellie, we'll meet you there?" You wait a tick to get Ellie's reply, not daring to look at Jack again. Ellie looks from you to Jack curiously. You were trying so hard not to let anyone notice anything between you and Jack, Gibbs didn't count, and it was starting to come through.
"Sure. Devil's?" You nod and follow Eddie to the elevator.
"See you there. First rounds on me!" You shout over your shoulder and hop into the elevator.
"I'm coming!" Nick shouts and you just hake your head with a smile.
The night wasn't as awkward as you thought it might be. No one brought up the moment in the squadroom even though you could see the question on Ellie's lips. You had a few drinks and got to know each other a lot more. Nick even got up and danced when one of his favourite songs came out of the speakers, he tried his best to drag Bishop up but she held on tightly to the post next to your table. It was nice, you felt like you were settling more and more into living and working in DC. Something you thought would take a while.
You and Eddie hung around a while after Nick and Ellie had to call it a night. They unfortunately still had to work in the morning both hoping they'd have a lead or this was going to be an awfully long weekend for them both.
"How are you liking DC?" Alex's eyes wondered to the tv screen above the bar, you could see she was trying to seem disinterested but you'd tried your best all night to avoid your personal life all night. Always flipping it back to the asker, it had worked, Nick always liked talking about himself.
You wanted to be open with Alex, to create a partnership with her more so than being like a boss. You wanted to create that boundary but this job was going to get serious really quickly and you wanted to create a bond that you could lean on each other as well. After all these people were going to be in your life for hopefully many years to come. Drawing in a deep breath you thought about your answer. It was a simple question but it could lead to harder ones.
"Colder than I like but I did always enjoy the snow." A bit vague but you wanted to see where Alex would take it. To see if she was willing to go straight to the question she really wanted to know. "What about you?"
Her eyes snapped back to the table, taking a sip of her drink. "I like the pace of DC. Managed to find a somewhat decent place to live."
"Yeah you mentioned that earlier. Seems like a score for me and being a short drive to work as well." She was really impressive for her age, stepping out and following her ambitions, you admired that.
"You don't have to answer but.." Her eyes shifted nervously, you knew what was coming. "You and Agent Sloane? Did something happen before I came along?" Her eyes flicked to yours, you weren't hiding your feelings on the subject. The alcohol may have had something to do that by now. You'd kept it steady all night and now it was finally taking it's toll.
"Something did.. a long time ago." You shrug as nonchalantly as possible, bringing your glass to your lips and taking a long swig.
"Must've been -"
"We were in a serious relationship and I-" You sigh, dropping you head back. You really didn't want to talk about it, alcohol or no alcohol. Bonding or no bonding, you weren't ready for this admission. Out loud anyway.
"So when does Ben arrive again?" Alex gave you a comforting smile and you relaxed at the subject change.
The night soon came to a close, you made sure Alex had a ride before making your way home. It was nice to have a night together outside of the office. To get to know each other more and with other friends as well. The crisp night air made you shiver and you hugged yourself closer to the wall of the bar while you waited for your Uber.
The weekend you managed to keep yourself busy by shopping and finding things to decorate your apartment with. You managed to find some cute things at the local markets on Saturday morning. Your apartment was slowly filling up with things you liked and you felt content with your efforts. Shopping was never an pleasure for you but you needed to make your apartment feel more like a home. After all you would be staying around for hopefully a long time. On Sunday you managed to find a small dining set that would fit perfectly in your small dining area and a cute, round, wide chair that you thought would be great curling up on after a long days work. Come Sunday afternoon you were all shopped out and curled up on said new purchase with a blanket and cup of hot chocolate, testing the new furniture out.
There was no case come Monday morning however Agent Ben Hunter had arrived and kept you busy catching up and filling out his paperwork for his transfer. "So I filled in the form for payroll and have the other documents are being sent through to HR."
"Excellent." You smiled over at Ben. He was very to the point and full steam ahead. You just hoped that was the same when it came to being in the field and on cases.
You got distracted by the team over the divider. They'd caught a cast late Sunday afternoon and apparently had been going since then. Nick was very loud about the lack of sleep he'd had and Ellie would bite back every so often saying they were all in the same boat.
"Alright team. I have profiles for you." You heard her voice, the pep and energy clearly evident compared to the rest of the team. "Come on. The quicker you look into these guys the quicker you could get some sleep. Or you know, Gibbs. Send them home. They need rest." She was all too blunt and head strong about it and you were waiting for Gibbs' snark remark about it's his team but it never came.
"'robably right Jack but we gotta get this guy. Grab a coffee and we'll follow up on the profiles." He grunted and you heard his chair squeak meaning he'd gotten up and you watched as he and Jack walked around and waited at the elevator.
You sunk further into your chair, hiding slightly more behind your desk as you watched Jack and Gibbs walk into the elevator turn around and Jack was laughing at something with a smiling Gibbs. Your gut twinged and you grunted at it to shut up. The elevators door shut and you went back to the emails you were following up on.
"Everything alright y/n?" Ben spoke up, clearly noticing your reaction to Jack's presence.
"Fine." You tried to smile but doubted it came across as convincing. You shot a look at Alex not to say anything, not that you thought she would. "Going to get a snack from the break room. Want anything?" You looked between your teammates.
"Good, thanks Boss." Alex smiled at you then returned to her computer.
"Can I have a kitkat? I'll pay ya back when I have cash." He dug into his top draw to find some money but only came up with a few coins.
"It's fine." You genuinely smile at his efforts. "Think I can handle it." You wink at him and he chuckles.
"Thanks Boss." You shake your head at the name. It was still very new to you. Being the leader and in charge but Boss did have a nice ring to it, even if you and Ben were around the same age. You walked around the bullpen, coming up to Tim's desk.
"Nutterbutter right?" The sound of his favourite snack snapped McGee's face from his computer screen.
"Right." He beamed and you just kept walking. Same old McGee.  
You're in the middle of bashing the vending machine after the nutterbutter gets stuck, Tony probably did something years ago to the machine to annoy McGee, when your phone rings. "Agent Y/n. Yes, ok, we'll be there." You give the vending machine one last bang and the nutterbutter falls free. You walk, pick up your coffee and snacks and exit the room.
Gibbs is back, you hear him before you turn the corner. The site of the older blonde almost has you miss a step but you don't. You've got a murder to solve. "Timmy!" You shout, drawing everyone's attention and McGee beams as you chuck him his treat in passing. "Good catch. Gibbs been giving you pointers?" You wink at him, trying your best to not seem effected by Jack's presence.
"Nah, having two kids, you learn quickly how to juggle." You both share a laugh and you continue onto your team. "Not to mention years of avoiding Tony's antics."
"We still need to have that dinner Tim. Maybe after our cases are solved." You say over your shoulder, doing your best to avoid eye contact with Jack. She's been looking back and forth between you and Tim the whole time. Mainly looking at Tim. At least that's what you could see without looking at her directly.  
"We got a case boss?" Alex pipes up as you walk around and grab your sig and badge out of your desk, slipping into your NCIS jacket. It fit like a glove, it was several years old but there was no way you were letting Vance give you a new one. This one had seen you through most of your Agent Afloat adventures.
"You betcha. Dead Petty Officer downtown. Grab ya gear." You straighten up and look over at Gibbs who is smirking, you ignore the blonde beside him and give him a wink. "Old habits. Let's go." You were probably too eager about getting a case, it was exciting, your first case with your own team plus you were itching to get out of the office with your beautiful ex standing right there.
Is that what she'd become an ex? Like obviously she was an ex but to be just another number in a very short list of relationships? You never wanted to add her to that list but she'd ended up on it all the same.
. . . . / 2 / . . . . 
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Don’t Hug Me, I’m Scared REVIEW:
  Hello there everybody! My name is JoyofCrimeArt and I do review-y type stuff on rare occasion! I've been a fan of online original content ever since I was a kid, ever since I first got into "Homestar Runner" back in 2010 (before that most of my internet time was spent playing flash games online and listing to Phineas and Ferb songs on Youtube.) Me and my brothers fell in love with Homestar Runner, as well as the various spin-off series that came from Homestar like the "Teen Girl Squad" and the "Strong Bad Emails." While I'm sure there where some web series I had seen before then it was Homestar that was the first big one and ever since I have been enamored with online original content. As time went on I became fans of other online web series, like Death Battle, TOME, RWBY, and many many others. There is something I find just magical about online original content. It's completely unfiltered content. Online you can do or create anything you can imagine, have it run for as long as you want it to (assuming you have the money or dedication to keep producing it) without the threat of it "not meeting the right demo" or "not pulling in high enough ratings." If you can imagine it and have the gumption to put in the hard work you create anything you want to. It like the artist equivalent of the American Dream. You can do anything you want, and be as creative as you want to be! Sorry if that came off as a bit long winded and cheesy but that's how I feel about this exciting new medium. And while there are tonnes of web series I would like to talk about in a review at some point, (and hopefully I will get to some of them in the future) for today I want to talk about a web series that brings whole new meaning to the word "creative," Don't Hug Me I'm Scared.   "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared" is a British web series created by Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling. Also TomSka was an executive producer for episodes 3-6. Which...actually explains a lot. Basically DHMIS Is a six part miniseries that ran from July 29th, 2011 to June 19th 2016. The series is basically an education series in the style of "Sesame Street" starring three puppets named "Red Guy," Yellow Guy," and "Duck Guy." (And yes those are there official) names as they learn different educational lessons from different "teachers" in each episode. Now if you haven't seen the series yet I highly suggest you check it out before continuing the review because this is the kind of show where the less you know going in the better, plus combined the series is only about a half hour long. However, I feel like I must warn you, this series is not for young children. It is for adults. (Because come on, it something online and it looks wholesome. Of course it's actually fu*ked up.) Don't go into this series unless your in the mood to see some messed up sh*t. So before you advance be aware, SPOILERS!  Anyway, you back? Okay, so for those of you who already know the show or don't care about spoilers, the show is really a dark parody of pre-school televisions that should either be classified in the horror genre, the REALLY dark comedy genre, or BOTH, depending on ones personal point of view. Each episode tends to follow the same basic formula about some teacher showing up and trying to teach our main characters a lesson, but somewhere along the way the message becomes corrupted and usually ends with the puppets being traumatized or killed. Episode Two, for example, is at first about time, but slowly but surly ends up becoming about the impending death or everyone and thing. Episode Three starts talking about love and ends up being about cult indoctrination. It's pretty messed up stuff. But I know what you're thinking, who cares? There are tonnes of stuff that take kiddie things and makes them adult, especially on the internet. What makes DHMIS so special? Personally, I think want makes Don't Hug Me so special is the amount of detail and that was put into it. Even without the shock value the series is still a well made and interesting spectacle to see.  So let's talk about the characters. While this form of simple and short form series doesn't lend itself to any complex characterization the main three puppets still have distinct personalities, even if there not the deepest characters out there. Red Guy is the sarcastic and rational one, and always talks with a deadpan tone to his voice. He is the smartest one of the group and is the fastest to figure out that something wrong is going on. Yellow Guy is naive, childlike, and not very bright. He is the most excepting of all of the puppets. He's my favorite character in the series, because by the end you just feel so bad for him (watch the series if you want to know what I'm talking about, I don't want to spoil to much.) Duck Guy, honestly, is my least favorite of the main three puppets. He seems kinda foppish and a bit more likely to kinda acts as the smart one when Red Guy isn't used for that, but overall I feel he's the weakest of the main three characters and doesn't have as much character development.
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(...) (What did you say to me, b!tch?)  And I say character development because, shockingly, all three characters do go through some character development as the series progressive. The characters become more self aware, and eventually start to expect something bad to happen once there weird "teachers" show up, instead of just going with it like they did in the earlier episodes. One of my favorite blink and you miss it style jokes in the series is when Duck Guy freaks out when The Computer mentions being able to tell the time, because he remembers the "lesson" about time he already learned from the clock. It's cool because they are learning form past experiences. Also there's individual arcs for the characters as time goes on like Red Guy learning to be less of a downer and being more creative.  The show starts following a basic formula, with a teacher teaching the puppets a lesson through song, then something messed up happening and the world resets. However what I really admire is that this show plays with that formula, starting with episode four onward. The shows starts to lose it's status quo and, as mentioned above, the characters start to become more self aware. The episodes start having frickin' continuity! For real! It's really unexpected and, in my opinion, was a really good idea. The audience where starting to see the formula, and after the first episode where just waiting for the episodes to become messed up. So they decided to create a story to draw the audience in. If they just keep doing messed up things over and over again the show would become boring but the twist of actually telling a story, couple with the brevity of the story, managed to keep the story interesting the whole way through.  The story is...weird. It's very much up for interpretation and cryptic. Sort of in the "Five Nights at Freddies" kind of way. Hints and Easter eggs are hidden in the various episodes and there are tonnes of theory videos online about what it all "really means." So if that's your kind of thing then you'll love this series. there are so many weird hints and recurring motifs that I haven't seen a single theory that covers everything. The final episode feels like the story is solved but heck if I know what the story even was about. I think the point of DHMIS isn't about actually solving the mystery but rather making up your own conclusion. I don't think there is a one hundred percent "definitive" answer, partially because of the theme of "creativity" that is in the series a lot and partially because Becky Sloan in an interview said in regard to fan theories that "they are all correct." and I love it when creators say that. They leave things up to the audience to decide what to take away form the series, instead of telling them.  Don't Hug Me I'm Scared's attention to detail goes beyond the recurring motifs and Easter eggs though. What I really appreciate about the series is the attention to detail when it comes to the parody aspect of the show. Now this is a subjective thing, but I've always felt that the best parodies are the ones that either respect the thing that they are parodying. If you like the thing that your parodying it will give you a better understanding of it and make it easier to parody, cause you know exactly why the thing works and is good. It is possible to parody something you hate if you really get what your parodying, but it may end up coming off as sounding bitter. (Not always mind you, but sometimes.) It is clear that there was respect and love for educational programming like Sesame Street, and thus the parody ends up working a lot better. The high production value also helps the parody aspect. The puppets in DHMIS look really good! They look like they could be legitimate puppets in a real children's educational television program. This ends up making the twist that it's actually a horror story even better because the audience doesn't know what to expect if there going into the series blind. They might stumble upon the video and think it's a clip from some real British television series. The series wouldn't be able to work the way it does now if the puppets looked creepy from the start, there would be no contrast. To be honest the puppets in this show look less creepy than some real children's educational puppet shows.
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(That top pic is from 80's direct to VHS education series "Peppermint Park" by the way, and also sorry if I accidentally gave you any nightmares.)  Speaking of which, the production values of this whole show is frickin' incredible! Admittedly the production values for the first two episodes aren't as good as later episodes, but starting with episode three the series becomes amazing to look at. Every prop is is made of felt or cloth and the world is heavily decorated down to the smallest detail. The show also incorporates a multitude of different art styles throughout the series. Sure it's ninety percent puppetry but they also incorporate stop motion, flash animation, purposely bad CG graphics, and even some live action film making in certain parts. Every episode features a different song, and most are really catchy (Though the series tends to focus less and less on the songs as time goes on in order to focus more on plot, which is kind of a bummer.) The humor won't be for everybody, it's that sort of dry and surreal humor found in say, and old adult swim show. It's not for everyone but I really like it. It would be so easy to just make this show a kid show that ends up becoming disturbing, but this show does offer other positives so you can still enjoy the series after on re-watch.  If I had to pick a favorite episode out of the six I would probably say episode three. I like the song, moral, and environments the most out of any episode and I feel like the comedy in that episode is the best of the whole series. Episode three also acts like a nice breather episode as it's one of the least terrifying one. My least favorite episode would probably be episode five. The song isn't that catchy in my opinion and it keeps getting interrupted by the plot, which isn't bad for the episodes necessarily but it does hurt the song.) Also I honestly can't tell what the message is. Most other episodes have a message, even if it is a dark and twisted one, like how episode four is about the dangers on the internet, how it just wants information from you, and how easy it is to get sucked inside it. But episodes five's moral, I just don't really see it. I still like the episode but I just find it a bit subpar compared to some of the other episodes. And no disrespect to you if you love episode five or hate episode three, it's just my personal opinion.  So yeah, I highly recommend DHMIS. It's bright, it's disturbing, it's funny, it has incredible production value for a Youtube series, it has great songs, it has chicken picnic's and aspic, what more can anybody want! While it's in no way the perfect series it's a really creative show that I think really pushes the envelope of what a Youtube series can be, because honestly that's probably the most impressive thing about Don't Hug Me. It managed to become popular without feeling the need to conform to what everybody else on Youtube was doing. It is something completely unique. While there may be tonnes of online gamers and film reviewers (And I'm not trying to knock those type of Youtuber's as I am a fan of many people that fall into that category) but there is only one online surrealist, horror, dark comedy, musical, puppet show! And that's Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared. It's not for everybody, but if your a fan of things like "Too Many Cooks" than you'll love this.  So that's my review of Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared (Hopefully it didn't come off as too rambly and fanboy-y). Have you seen the series? If you have, what do you think? Do you have any theories or interpretations on the ending? What's your favorite episode? Tell me in the comments bellow if you'd like to. I'd love to have a civil discussion about it! I'd love to hear what you all have to think, even if you disagree with what I think. Also I'd love to know what you think about my review style, and what I could do to improve upon it in the future. Please fav, follow, and comment and If you liked the review and I will see you all next time! Have a great day! (I do not own any of the images in this review.) .......Okay, I change my mind. This guy is my favorite character.
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https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/Don-t-Hug-Me-I-m-Scared-REVIEW-629975791 DA Link
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millicent231-watt · 5 years
(Haikyuu!!) Thank You - Asahi X Reader
Anime / Crossover: Haikyuu!!
Songs: None
Request: No
Modern AU or just AU: None
NSFW/R-18: No
I giggle as I see the volleyball team practising outside. Sucks for you guys. I shrug and begin drawing in my book. You deserve it though. Knocking the vice principle's wig off again. I scoff and continue drawing before the door burst open. "Y/N-san!" I hear someone yell out. "H...Hinata? What's wrong?" I ask in shock as he ran into the year 3 classroom. "It's Asahi-senpai!" He says as he runs over to me. My eyes widen and I stand up. "What's wrong with him?!" I ask demandingly before Hinata grabbed my arm and pulled me away from my break.
Time Skip
"Asahi..." I mumble as I see him sitting on a concrete slab in the distance. "He's been like this since yesterday." I hear someone say. "Noya! Have you tried cheering him up?" I ask my childhood friend and best-friend and he nods. "Nothing worked." I sigh and turn back to Asahi. I furrow my brow as I try to think of something to cheer my boyfriend up. "How about you talk to him about whatever it is that's bothering him?" Hinata suggests and I shrug. "It's worth a shot I guess." I slowly make my way over to my boyfriend and sit next to him gingerly. "Hi Asahi, how are you?" I ask as I place my hands on my knees. He shrugs and continues his staring contest with the ground. "I...I was thinking that maybe after school w...we could go to that new restaurant that just opened in town. Just you and me, on a nice date. How does that sound?" I ask and he shrugs again. "What's wrong?" I ask in concern. "Nothing." He mumbles. "Come on babe, I know something's wrong. How about we turn that frown upside down?" I giggle as I place my hand on his knee. My eyes widen in shock as he flicks me off and stands up. "A...Asahi" I say as I reach for his wrist. "God, you're so annoying! Just leave me alone!" He growls before walking off and leaving dumbfounded.
"Y/N!" I hear my friend yell as he gets closer. "What did you sa-" Noya's sentence cuts short as he turns me around to face him. "I...I'm not annoying, am I?" I ask as I get pulled in for a hug from him. "No! Of course not." He says calmly. "B...but Asahi said-" "You're not! Don't listen to him." He says and I nod. "O...okay." I say before Noya opens the gym doors. "Where is Asahi?" Tanaka asks as he looks to me. "He....he...he hates me..." I mumble to myself as I sit down. "Huh? Hates you? You do know this is Asahi we're talking about ri-" "I SAID HE HATES ME!" I scream, my voice echoing through the gym. "He said I was annoying...that I should leave him alone..." I whimper before bursting into tears. "I know I can be mean, but that's a little extreme for someone like him." I hear Tsukishima say surprisingly. "I didn't do anything to him...why would he hate me?" I ask before Hinata gasps. "I got it!"
"What? Got what?" I ask and he grabs my hands. "Make him something nice for lunch tomorrow! Give it to him tomorrow morning!" He says. I think for a minute before Noya gasps as well and jumps up. "Yeah! You've always been a great cook Y/N! I'm sure Asahi would enjoy it!" I think for a while before cracking a smile and nodding. "Un! Now what to make...." I hum as I ponder over the many things I could cook. "I know! I'll cook a feast for everyone! For dinner! I've got a lot of stuff to use up and it'd be a waste to use only a little bit of it." I say, causing Tanaka, Hinata and Noya to cheer and jump in victory. "Alright!" They yell in unison. "Is Y/N-san's food that good?" Hinata asks and all the third years begin explaining all the food I've cooked for them over the years. "It's restaurant quality." Noya says and I laugh. "Well, I gotta get going. Start cooking all that food for you guys tonight. I should be done around 7 - 8 p.m, so feel free to come around then!" I say happily. "Are you sure you can cook that much in that short amount of time?" Kageyama asks and I give him a thumbs up with a wink. "Count on me!" I say before waving goodbye and running to get my bag. I smile to myself as I run home.
Time Skip
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I, while cooking the meals, hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" My sister yells out as she runs to the door. "Oh! Nee-chan! It's your friends!" My sister yells out and escorts them to the dining room (A/N: Meals on the plan). "Hi! Please take a seat, get comfy, I'm just finishing up. Noya, show 'em where to drop their bags." I say and he nods as I continue to cook, fry pan flipping the fried rice. I sieve it around the pan a little before putting it into a bowl. "Woah! There's so much food!" Hinata says as I place the rice down on the table. I smile and gesture to their seats. "Dig in!" I say happily and they all begin eating the food like animals. "Nee-chan! There's not gonna be any food left for me!" My little sister says and I walk her over to the kitchen. "Shh, I saved a bit of everything for you. You can eat it in the living room and watch TV while you eat, but I want you to sit on the floor and in front of the coffee table." She nods happily and runs to the little feast I left in the living room for her. "Thank you for offering to do this Y/N. We had a rough practice today." Daichi says and I bow with a smile. "No problem. Where's Asahi by the way?" I ask as I look around the room. "He wouldn't pick up his phone, maybe you could call him?" I nod my head at Suga's suggestion and walk to my bedroom (Bedroom 1 on plan), dialling my boyfriend's number.
"Hello?" He asks. "Hi, Asahi! I was just wondering if you wanted to come around to my house and have some dinner? The rest of the team is here enjoying the food and I thought you might like to-" "No." He says bluntly. "C...come on Asahi, I'm sure it'll cheer you up!" I say with just a slither of hope. "I said no, stupid bitch! Why can't you just listen to me for once?! I don't want your shitty food!" He yells as tears fall down my cheeks. "I...I see. W...well, goodbye Asa-" I heard the dial-tone in my ear. He hung up before I even finished saying goodbye... I think as I hold the phone to my heart and try my best to hold in my cries. I crouch down and cover my face as tears wet my palms. "Y/N-san? The upperclassmen asked me to check on you." I hear that killer setter first year ask from beyond the door. "Y/N-san?" He asks with another knock and I break down. The door opens and I look up at the first year. "A...are you okay? What happened?" He asks as he kneels down to me. "N...noya-san!" Kageyama yells out, keeping his eyes on me, and Noya comes running soon after. "Y/N! What happened?!" He asks as he too kneels down to me. "...he really does hate me..." I mumble before hugging Kageyama tightly, crying into his shirt. "He said no...he called me a stupid bitch and my food shitty...what happened to the nice Asahi..." I whimper sadly as I receive a back rub from Kageyama. "Tch, I'm giving him a piece of my mind next time I see him. He's gone too far." Noya says with a snarl as he rolls up his sleeves. "In fact, we're all going. Now. To his house. Kageyama, you and Hinata can come along, I'll leave Suga with Y/N, make sure she doesn't do anything drastic." Noya says as he walks out.
"M...my food wasn't bad...was it?' I ask. "No, it was actually quite nice. I though Noya-san was joking around when he said restaurant quality, but I think it was better than that. And I'm sure everyone else did too." He says before my door was burst open. "Y/N-san!" Suga yells as he runs over and hugs me. "Your food was amazing! Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise!" He says quickly. "I'll leave you to it Sugawara-san." Kageyama says as he walks out. "S...suga...does he really hate me?" I ask, only to be met with silence. I looked up at Suga and saw a sympathetic look on his facing, making me burst into tears again. "I'm sorry Y/N..." He says before rubbing my back and pulling me closer into the hug. I cried and cried until my voice gave out, becoming weak and croaky. "He...I love him so much...I put so much effort into the relationship...why does he hate me?" I ask with my quivering, brittle voice. "I don't know Y/N. I don't know."
Time Skip
"Suga, answer your phone. It's going berserk." I say and he reluctantly opens it. "It's not good, signed Noya." Suga says before tapping a few buttons. A few seconds later a 'ping' sound could be heard coming from his phone. "He...oh no..." I turn around in Suga's lap, which he refused to let me leave, ending up in him hugging me. Anyway, I turn around and ask him "What? What's 'oh no'?". He shakes his head and smiles weakly at me. "N...nothing Y/N! Don't worry about it." I frown and snatch the phone out of his hand, running a few steps away and opening it. "N...no, Y/N don't!" Suga warns, but it was too late. I had read the text, I had seen the picture that Noya took, and I had felt my heart turn to dust. "H...he...wh...who is this? Why did he choose her over me...why did he lie to me..." So many questions were spilling out my mouth, some of them I already knew the answer to.
"Why..." I whimper before dialling my EX'S number into Suga's phone. "What Suga?" His voice asks from the other end. "Come get your things tomorrow. I don't want to talk to you ever again." I say. "Y...Y/N?! Wait, I-" I hung up and handed Suga his phone back before grabbing his things and packing them in a box or 2, ready to be collected by him at my door. "Y...Y/N. I...I know that must've been had for you to do, bu-" "Get out, tell the others to come get their bags and leave straight after collection." I say before walking out to my sister. "Nee-chan! Lookie!" She says as she holds up Mr Fluffles, her stuffed bear, and Mrs Snuggles, her stuffed rabbit. I put on my best smile for her. It's hard enough for her without a mom or dad, she doesn't need a depressed sister who is crying over some shithead cheater.
Time Skip
After everyone had collected their bags and left, I put my little sister to bed and began tidying up. "Stupid Asahi..." I grumble and a knock was heard from the front door. "If it's you Asahi, just grab your shit and leave." I say angrily. "Y/N, come on. Open up. We can talk about this. I'll explain everything." I angrily swing the door open with eyes that could kill. "Explain what? That it was all fake? Who that girl was? That it was all a dream I had? What exactly do you want to explain to me Azume-san?!" I growl and he stutters for a minute before looking down. "I...I don't know what to explain. Hell, I don't know if I have anything to explain. You can hate me, you can hit me, you can...you can set me on fire or empty a clip of bullets into me, just...don't leave me." I scoff. "And why not?" I ask as I lean against the door frame. "Look, I know I was stupid and I was mean and I totally don't deserve you, but you can't say you've fallen out of love with me...please stay with me..." He begs, now on his knees.
I felt bad for him actually. Here he was, trying to win back my heart, but my pride kept shutting him down. "I...I don't know Asahi... You've ripped my heart out with what you've done." I say sadly. "I know I have, and I know I've ruined any trust you had in me but please..." He says and I sigh. "I...I guess we can start again....but if you pull another stunt like that-" "I won't. Promise." I look down on him with a stern expression before sighing. "Get up. You'll get cold if you stay out here." I say walking inside and leaving the door open for him. I jump as I was pushed forward a little and look up at Asahi who was hugging me tightly. "Thank you, Y-" "I suggest you save the sweet talk and affection until I trust you completely again." I growl lowly and he backs away a little. "S...sorry..." He says and I sigh before hugging him. "Now you're making me feel bad." I say and he hesitates to hug back. "Go ahead, hug me. I feel like an ass after what I said." I say and he hugs me quickly.
"Thank you."
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