#anyway the short answer is: she likes physics and a lot of things related to that
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celestialtrolls-moved · 1 year ago
What about astrophysics interests you uldina?
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"I can correctly calculate how to launch myself into the fucking sun."
"Nah, it's actually just a good subject to merge things I have an interest in together. Good career prospects in a lot of fields too, but it's got real claws in the development of fleet technologies."
"Not that I want to work in anything that puts me too close to fucking glowies."
>You tap on your phone a couple of times, pulling up something from your classes.
"But yeah, the physics stuff can be applied to a lot of aerospace shit, and transport is kind of one of those things that I could see myself going into permanently, but on a planetary level."
"Not to mention that my course even includes programming, a lot of quantum theory, nanoscience, terraforming and climate change, maths, which I'm fucking baller at, by the way, an optional class for medical imaging-"
>You trail off.
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"You know, just a bunch of fucking nerd shit. But I like it, so. Fuck off ig."
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buried-in-autumn-leaves · 6 days ago
I cannot say for certain, but this post likely completes the cast of my XOXO Droplets OCs !! Meet my absolute darling for Pran's route !
Gwendolyn Van Doren
Birthday - January 23rd
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Gwendolyn (NOT Gwen, never Gwen, she will not answer you) is originally from South Dakota, where she lived on her parents' farm. If it were up to her, she would still be there. I wanted her to be the very typical 'Old Money' type. She was 'homeschooled' by a variety of tutors and private teachers, but her parents were informed that her schooling would most likely not get her into any sort of respectable college. Unwilling to accept that, they rush to enroll her into the best school they can manage to buy her way into, and it just happens to be about 1,400 miles away.
She lands in Lynn's group not for being detestable to aggressive, but because her upbringing (and some undiagnosed autism) has left her with less than ideal social skills. She doesn't talk very much, and when she does her tone is flat- A lot of people misunderstand her. The school of course hopes that everyone's socialization will improve, but she doesn’t have high hopes for it.
Gwendolyn is CONSTANTLY lost in thought, dealing with major attention span issues and Maladaptive Daydreaming. These get worse once she's at SSB, as she just doesn't want to be there- She's super homesick.
She loves old looking clothes, and LOTS of pink. Ruffles, long skirts and petticoats, and cute vintage accessories! Fun fact, her look actually started with this one set of accessories you can put on JB in the game-
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Despite looking and sounding like she'd be super prissy, she ADORES gardening and other farming-related work, as well as baking! She has a few plants in her dorm room that may or may not be approved by staff, but they're one of the few things that remind her of home. She's definitely not one to be afraid to throw her hair up (as well as she can) and get her hands dirty. Plus, aren't the outfits just so cute??
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She always has on a pair of white, wireless, noise cancelling headphones. She can hear just fine with them on, but the world is just too loud for her most of the time, especially here. Seriously, whoever decided to make it so you can hear electricity in a place like this must be awful. Speaking of awful...
She doesn't like most of the people in the group very much.
She's terrified of Nate due to the fact that she feels she's not very smart, and she doesn't want him to yell at her.
She can get along with Everett sometimes, but she avoids him most of the time because eventually, Nate will show up.
She likes Shiloh until someone tells her what he's about, and she cannot tell what he means at all, so she decides cutting that off entirely is best.
In a weird sort of messed up way, she actually sort of likes Bae for a while. He's nice to her, he calls her nicknames, and he corrects her when she misunderstands something. Eventually, Pran makes her realize that Bae is just treating her like a child, and the two have a pretty major falling out, but for a while she's really upset because she never realized herself.
Pran has a crush on from the start. Even before Pran actually comes out to her she just thinks she's a lady and doesn't notice that other people use He/Him for her. She doesn't act on it because she has no clue how, but she does eventually think of something. (Future posts incoming.)
She tries to get close with Jeremy because she thinks he's interesting, but she doesn't want to push if he doesn't want to hang out with her. When she notices JB's way of 'befriending' him, she does try it, in her own way, and he finds it pretty amusing, so he lets her hang around. Not like it's worth the argument anyway.
She just wants to get through this and go home, but if she's able to make genuine friends with at least one person, maybe it won't be so bad. Besides, there's so many new things to do here!
Picrew One Link
Picrew Two Link
Short Physical Description: Big Upturned Hot Pink Eyes, Slightly Crosseyed, Hot Pink Long Hair (3A), Freckles + Tan via Sun Exposure, Upturned Small Nose, 5'2
Also she's midsize !! Did not really come across in the picrews 💔
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ghostsandmirrors · 1 month ago
13, 16, and 18 (16 is for Bucky)!
Mun Preferences
first answer is mild salt and vague blogging so I'm putting it under read more!
13. What makes you lose interest in a thread? generally it's an inability to focus that makes me lose interest or 'it's been six months and it'd be awkward if I replied now'.
also if people start nagging for replies. if I feel like I'm being pressured to reply (which doesn't tend to happen on here, but used to happen a lot on the forum sites I used to be on), the little bit of my brain that demands I do things because someone said not to just yeets the thread and goes, 'nag me now, bitch.' I cannot pick the thread back up because of that 'nag me now, bitch' mentality, too.
people on Tumblr are too damn busy to nag, though, so we vibing.
oh, and, there was one time (vaguely mentioned here) where someone's character: 1) broke into the Romanian safe house Bucky was in, 2) tried to force him into going with her by outright stating that he had no choice and she would physically force him if necessary (yes, the plot involved him going with her, but willingly, like after a conversation, which I'm pretty sure I mentioned), 4) threatened to grab him if he tried to run in a 'I will grab you and there's nothing you can do about it :)' way, and when he reacted badly (suspicious and unhappy, nothing physical), the mun got into my IMs to talk about how they didn't want him to distrust their character because they didn't like IC drama.
that is also going to make me lose interest in a thread because what the fuck is any of this. I'm still not fuckin over it and it was like 2-3 years ago. and at least one person I'm mutuals with knows this mun (as an ex-rp partner) and like. Idk his story with this person but my fuckin god. they tried to re-follow me at some point and I was like 'absolutely fucking not' and softblocked them. I was considering not unblocking them, but I was like, 'they have one more chance to not come back,' and they didn't come back.
16. What is a plot idea or otherwise character angle you want to explore more with your muse? (Bucky) haha related to that last bit.
so there's a plot with Bucky, specifically, that I've wanted for actual fuckin years. like, since before this blog was started kind of years. it's the start of my 'default but canon divergent' verse, where Bucky's found at the safe house in Romania and someone (shield agent, avenger, steve, whoever) turns up to talk him into coming back with them after the events of AoU. like, a lead came in and since they were in Eastern Europe anyway, they decided to check it out.
however, I've tried with two different fucking people to make this plot happen and the first didn't get past the starter (to be fair, it was a long starter from me) and the second was the above story, so I've given up. it's not happening. I'd love it, but it's just not going to happen. it's been tried and doesn't work so I'm taking it as a sign from the universe that it's just not a good idea.
otherwise, I think I've explored the vast majority of things related to him except the things mentioned in the master wishlist about Dmitri and HYDRA characters. the good thing about playing Bucky since 2016 is that Bucky's a very popular character. the bad thing is that he's the only character anyone is interested in so finding something new and interesting to explore is... difficult.
never had a character who was related to one of his victims meet him, though. like, I've had maybe one (very short) thread with a Tony that one of us stopped replying to and every other Tony muse I've ever seen just seem to be very chill with the killer of his parents. this one isn't happening either. no one wants the IC drama of Tony being a mouthy and Bucky just staring him down like 'why are we here? just to suffer? just to fucking suffer?! what's the point of any of this?!' (/this is a reference*)
18. What subjects, genres, or themes do you always want to write? this is a srs rp blog, I swear, but subjects and themes do not intentionally exist here. genres do, but I can't provide an answer using that because the answer is, 'all of them except smut.'
* but not the reference you probably think, and if you get it, you're a fuckin nerd, but also do you miss them, too? I miss them so much. feel like shit, I just want them back.
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scuderlia · 1 year ago
haircut!anon again: ok. wow. had to slam my phone down in my uni computer lab and wait until i could string together a coherent thought again. first off like au itself on back burner your MIND and the way you construct this narrative is INCREDIBLE and so raw adn true and pulling on the queer (as in deviant and as in gay) hair experince sooo deeply i feel soooooo deeply you are a magician. further. i was PICTURING max in braids and god fuck the tenderness of charles and max setting their mise en place and sitting together and braiding her hair before their prey comes in…. god. jesus. i can't stop re-reading the snippets. FUCK! sorry this isn't coherent thoughts after all. max and control and cutting charles' hair. fuck me uppp….
anon! i spent so long smiling like an idiot because of this ask, at this point you're basically my betrothed <3
but yeah, you get it. at the core of max and charles' relationship is truly their hounded devotion and acceptance of one another. the queer experience really is defined by those you hold close, and it's been interesting (for me) to try and thread that idea through this greater story about desire and hunger in a way that feels genuine. i've pulled on a lot of my personal experiences of being a young lesbian and being guarded about sexuality, but ultimately it all comes back to (like you mentioned) the idea of relinquishing some control and feeling comfortable enough with someone to let go of the safety of doing things alone.
i also love love love giving characters their own little rituals, and seeing as how max and charles both have a lot of emotional connections to their hair/haircuts/etc. the braids were an easy decision.
(more about max and her relationship to hair below the cut)
there's this really interesting article by Amelia Abraham titled 'What butch queer identity has to do with hair' that got put out by Dazed in 2022. it primarily covers a photography exhibition called Close Shave—which centers itself around butch haircuts and identity—but also goes into the cultural relevance of 'masc' hairstyles and their role in queer (mainly lesbian) expression.
i remembered and re-read it when i was in the early stages of fleshing-out max's character. i recommend the article to everyone, but especially people who are maybe looking to better understand the history of butch optics, and kind of where i'm coming from with some of max's characterization.
(see one of my favorite quotes from the article below)
While having short hair and identifying as butch don’t necessarily come as a pair, for butch people, haircuts can be transformational – getting your hair cut off brings you closer to your gender identity.
like I mentioned in the the answer to your previous ask, max's haircut kind of serves as a physical manifestation of her relationship with her father, and more specifically, how that relationship influences her feelings of shame (and eventually acceptance) towards her own sexuality.
part of the reason that max is so struck by charles saying she'd let her cut her hair is in large part because, for max, hair is incredibly representative of an individual's ability to control how others perceive and relate to them. by breaking the ritual with her mother, charles is essentially showing max that she not only finds comfort with her, but also trusts her enough to have her identity placed in her hands.
i could honestly talk about this forever... since body politics and queerness are things i'm just genuinely very passionate about... but i will save the innocent bystanders of this blog from having to read through all of that in one sitting.
(anyways, i'm so happy that people are as invested in this as i am... keep sending me long asks like this... if you couldn't already tell i'll take any opportunity to talk more about this au)
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callsign-rogueone · 8 months ago
It’s been way past 30 mins, but sending anyway just because I love you 💕
What’s your favorite thing about writing/what got you into writing?
and this response is way past due lol oops
what got me into writing was my middle school friend introducing me to the strange new world of Dr. Who fanfiction. that was a very short-lived phase for me, since I wasn't really into the show, but the idea that I could write about other people's characters just... doing stuff was life changing. literally.
I've made so many friends through fic and fandom since then (love u all) and writing in already-developed worlds has really helped me with my composition skills! I'm very very slowly writing a fluffy but also deeply emotional romance novel on the side that we won't talk about (unless you ask, then I'll tell you everything. I'm actually in love with it, but it needs some spaghetti throwing and accuracy checks before it can go much further, hence why it's on the back burner lol)
my favorite thing about writing... I can't pick one, so here's two (you know how indecisive I am.)
I said this above but the community and the friends I've made!! the social aspect is definitely a big part of it for me. being able to talk about all this and play sandbox with y'all (see my last post lol) is so fun and has helped brighten each one of my days for the last six months (I started writing FW in January. that's wild to think about.) I'd been posting on this blog on and off with diff fandoms and random stuff for years, but nothing has stuck like fourth wing, and that's 1000% because of y'all. muah.
it's an outlet for me personally. this all started with Garrick and Angel, which I honestly didn't think would go anywhere. when I posted it, I told myself I would be happy if it got two likes, because I wrote it for myself -- Angel is me, just in a different universe. she's got chronic pain, anxiety, and a lot of the personality traits I have. and while I promise you I will never assign physical traits to the girls in my writing, since they're a reader insert, and I want all of us girls to be included and be able to "be" Angel, or Darling, etc., I'll admit that Angel is implied to be on the thicker side, since she's me, lmao. but I think it's still neutral enough, since gare is a giant, so he's bigger than any of us. love me a big boi. I want to feel small too, okay 🥺
anyway, the idea of having someone like Garrick be there for her through that all is helpful to me. it's a little escape from my current situation, a daydream of sorts, without pretending that I'm healthy or not in pain, but actually acknowledging that and making it part of the story, having Angel have a reason she's in pain all the time -- I say, as I'm laying here, answering asks because I can't sleep because of this mystery illness and the pain it's causing me right now lmao
similarly, and in a combo of both points: hearing from you guys that you feel seen in the girlfriends, or that my work cheers you up, that kind of stuff. seeing that y'all relate to the girls is heartbreaking sometimes, especially the ones that have been through the wringer (honestly, they've all been through the wringer, but you know what I mean -- the more anxious, insecure ones) but also it makes me feel like my thoughts are worth writing down and editing and posting, because people will see they're not alone, and can live that distant, "happy" scenario of a character they love helping them through things they're struggling with in real life.
that's all I have for now, partially because my brain is fried, but also because if I keep talking about this I'll cry.
just know that I love and cherish each and every one of you, you're nor alone, and our boys love you all too. and the girls (I've been neglecting them lately. oops.) anyway, muah (goodnight kiss). go get some sleep, because I'm not going to anytime soon.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year ago
Thank you and I’m glad you like the requests / asks I sent so far. If I’m not doing the list one correctly, I apologise and will pick numbers from the list itself. Could you do the ever young and the ‘OC Ask Meme’ for your OCs from The Ever Young?
Of course I do! And I have no problem doing this, though the answers might be short, sorry. I'm so sorry about that but hope you'll enjoy anyway!
Send me a number and I will reply with what OC does what
1) Gets turnt up at a party on caprisun
Okay, if it wasn't Caprisun but actual alcohol, Mirror is the cheapest and easiest drunk while Brooklyn is the one who enjoys a good drink the most (and can hold her liquor the best). Caprisun though? It's super sugary and I've always seen Cat as the OC there that's most prone to sugar rushes...along with caffeine really affecting her, as a bonus headcanon.
2) Laughs a lot
I think this one is a three way tie between Amber, Dell, and Mari, all of whom are quick to laugh and smile. Mari and Amber are both just quick to find either the fun or the positives in a situation whilst the trickster Dell knows that laughter and smiles often can be used to great effect to endear yourself to others.
3) Will blare loud death metal music but is a cinnamon roll
Okay, death metal doesn't really exist in The Ever Young, but if it did, this is so Nina or Mirror, mostly because this girl behind the screen actually has a really huge love for metal (been listening to way too much Children of Bodom lately haha), and because I find it funny to have someone super small and cute and seemingly completely shy and innocent like Nina be into music like that. But then, she's a lot more than she looks in most aspects.
4) Likes hugs
Okay, this is easier to answer this way:
Even the suggestion of a hug makes Mirror panic and move as far away from you as possible. Unless she really likes you and trusts you, hugging Tea will end up with her stabbing you. Dell would let you hug them but there's a 50/50 chance something really bad might end up happening to you. Hugs with Lou end up with your wallet gone, just because they can. Cat hates hugs from people she isn't close to and Whisp hates physical contact of any sort from people she doesn't trust. Brooklyn has to be in the mood for hugs, even from people she likes and while Nina likes hugs, she is really bad sometimes at remembering how strong she is so hugs can be very painful from her. So only Mari, Marta and Amber are safe bets for hugs.
5) Will stab you if you take their piece of pizza
Okay, so this is just related to food in general and not just pizza but both Lou and Whisp know what it is to starve, to be completely without food. And because of that, both of them do have some food-related insecurities that do lead them to becoming rather territorial of their food, though neither one of them would probably resort to murder if you did take it.
6) Stays up too late and regrets it
Mirror doesn't sleep. Not for pleasure, at least. She is capable of passing out from pain or because of injury but she has no need to actually sleep, nor does she know the experience of being tired.
7) Lets their phone die
Okay, phones don't really exist in The Ever Young but if they did, I see Tea being the one who cares least for her phone and the one most likely to be perpetually on low or no battery.
8) Eyebrow Game. Strong AF.
Dell has the strongest eyebrow game. Like, their eyebrows are always great...even when they shapeshift, if what they shapeshift into has eyebrows, they even make sure to bring strong eyebrow game in that form.
9) Regrets decisions made 5 seconds ago
I think almost all of the characters do face this at least once during the entire storyline, but I think it happens most frequently for both Amber, who does things just for her own amusement without really thinking things completely through, and Nina, who , when upset, becomes just someone who acts completely on emotion and impulse.
10) Will punch you in the face, and you will thank them for it
Amber, Tea, and Mari can all do this and the person would have either asked them to or thanked them for doing so because of powers these women possess throughout the story.
11) Listens to gentle instrumental music but looks like they will kill you
Tea is someone I do see as enjoying just peaceful instrumentals during meditation or training, something soothing and calm in the background for her mind to absorb. Make no mistake though, not only does she look like she'll kill you, if you pose a real and present danger to her or those she feels the need to protect, she will gut you.
12) Makes flower crowns
I don't know why but there is actually a scene, because it popped into my head as something cute and light and charming in between some super serious moments, just kind of roughly written out, of both Nina and Cat chilling together in the grass and making flower crowns together for the others.
13) Makes non-funny puns
Amber loves to toss out really horrible pick-up lines to make others laugh and it's hit or miss on whether they succeed. Meanwhile Lou has a very dry and acerbic wit and a lot of their jokes tend to go over people's heads.
14) May or may not own 500 stuffed animals with all intricate plotlines and personalities
Okay, so it's not so much stuffed animals, but I do think Whisp is someone who made up lots of imaginary friends, fully fleshed out people with their own families and stories and personalities, to combat some of the loneliness she's spend a lot of her time in.
15) Has an obsession with dragons
Its' Dell. I don't even know why, it was just the first and immediate answer that came to mind and the only answer that feels at all right.
16 & 17) Doesn't blink twice when it comes to murder & will offer to kill someone for their friend
Okay, I am going to combine these two. And I'm going to be upfront before any of the story beyond the world-building even gets posted. Upfront and honest - The Ever Young is not a soft place. It is not a safe, secure, happy world where there are no real stakes in place. The Ever Young, at the point we go into the story at, is a powder keg, a land on the brink of all out war. There are no guarantees of safety or continued survival for anyone living in that land and even the most pacifistic of these OC's, if push comes to shove, would end up killing to protect either themselves but especially their loved ones.
18) Likes rocks
Mirror, for some reason not even she understands, seems to have retained a comprehensive and thorough knowledge of the various types of rocks and gemstones and the symbolism behind them. I mean, she can't remember anything about herself but she knows all that. I also see Marta and Cat both liking pretty rocks and gemstones, with Marta being prone to wearing jewelry made of them, particularly a necklace Kusakabe gifted her made of turquoise.
19) Knows how to bake a cake
I see both Mari and Marta being good bakers. And what's more, it's something both women truly enjoy doing and before things got so bad in The Ever Young, I like to believe the two women would meet up throughout their years growing up together to have baking dates, where they'd talk and laugh and enjoy each others company whilst making delicious treats.
20) Knows all the words to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody
Okay, so again, I don't think this is something that would canonically exist in the world of The Ever Young, but if it did, the answer to this question would be Brooklyn and Cat both because nothing will ever convince me that all of HOMRA's boys don't know every word to this song and that they don't sometimes just spontaneously and drunkenly start singing it in the bar.
21) Has screen shots that will ruin lives
While not screenshots, because again, no cell phones exist in The Ever Young, both Whisp and Dell tend to trade in information and secrets and that's part of what makes both characters quite as dangerous as they are.
22) Likes being petty
Honestly, Amber does find some amount of joy in being a little childish and petty, maybe even instigating some petty revenge or prank wars, though she never becomes actively mean and cruel in those endeavors unless the person in question truly deserves it.
23) Will cut you
Tea is one of the most accomplished and well-known swordswomen in the land. She won't just cut you, she'll carve you up like a Christmas turkey.
24) Will get angry at themselves when they develop a crush on someone
Okay, Mirror struggles to really understand her own emotions and even more so, she struggles to feel like it's okay for her to have any of those emotions, especially towards other people, as she feels she would just be a burden or something unpleasant to them so the first sign of her liking someone would honestly scare her so much. I also think Lou, Dell, and Whisp have really hard times trusting other people fully and so, when they feel that attachment or attraction to another person, they do have some complicated and conflicting emotions because they are scared to let people get too close to them, because they all have been burned badly by people in their pasts.
25) Will fight someone twice their size
Nina? She isn't even five feet tall. Does that stop her from kicking ass and taking on a literal giant at one point? Most definitely not and she'll tell you it was one of the most fun experiences she's ever had, she had a ball going up against him.
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wandaxpietro · 1 year ago
How different would Pietro/Quicksilver and Wanda/Scarlet Witch be if they were like... born into a different sex(????) (Wait let me properly explain-)
Alright, since there are multiple universes or 'multiverse', there's definitely a universe where Pietro-was-born-a-girl and Wanda-was-born-a-boy.
So how different would Male!Scarlet Witch and Fem!Quicksilver be from their universe counterparts? What names do they go by? Would they still go by "Scarlet Witch" and "Quicksilver"? What physical and personality traits do/don't have in common with their main counterparts? What would be their dynamic or their relationship be like? What would be their view(s) on the world or everyone around them? etc etc
This is such a long-ass question/s and i'm sorry cuz I know this is gonna be a pain answering (if this'll ever get answered at all) but i wanna see if anyone else thought of this cuz this has been on m mind for weEKS- and btw! I am so sorry if this ask sounds "anti-trans" or "pro-cis" (eughh) this is not my intention, I genuinely just wanted to share this idea and wanted to see how other ppl take their views on the maximoffs
ok so first of all there's actually a canon universe where they're genderswapped (and magneto is also genderswapped) but i forgot which universe that is lmfao. i quite like its quicksilver design -- as in, it's pretty much unchanged, she's just a woman but she still has short hair and the same uniform style etc -- but i'm not too fond of its scarlet warlock (< i'm pretty sure that's what he's called? which is also a stupid name lol) design. it keeps wanda's long hair & general costume, from what i remember, but it adds a beard and chest hair and he's also super bulky (also from what i remember) which doesn't seem very fitting to me.
second of all, i've actually been thinking about this recently, too (for fic related reasons), but only about fem!pietro lmfao!
so, let's get my thoughts:
one thing i have a problem with with genderbends is names, actually, so it's funny you'd ask. there's no fun in me to "switch" the names around to similar sounding names of the opposite gender, it's weird to me, i just want the character name to stay intact, you know? i can deal with it sometimes, but that's only rarely. which is why i don't think about genderbends as much as perhaps i'd usually do, and if the name works as a genderbend still, then i just keep it. for my hypothetical fem!pietro exploration i honestly would just keep pietro. why does she have a boy name? who knows. who cares. lol. if you'd ~really~ want to change their names, the first ones that would come to my mind are petra and walter but i don't like those. not for them. i just don't! (though petra is better i guess. walter is pretty bad. sorry to anyone named walter i'm sure it fits you it just does not fit wanda).
as for code names, i think quicksilver works. i don't think she'd go by anything else, it's pretty unisex. scarlet witch obviously isn't unisex, but depending on how swag male wanda is he'd maybe go by it anyway. as i've mentioned the scarlet warlock is pretty bad -- warlock is not the female version of witch in any way lol -- and i also feel a lot of wanda's character depth would disappear without the added layer of sexism with the term "witch", but i guess that's just the way it would be with male wanda. the scarlet wizard is alright, i suppose. it's not the same thing, but again, there's not really any male term that captures what "witch" specifically means, and wizard is also unisex, so.
as far as personality goes, i think i'd keep as much as possible from the 616 versions. fem!pietro can still be impatient and grumpy and suspicious and love so much she breaks herself apart on it. male wanda can still be deeply good and compassionate, place so much importance on family, can still have a short fuse and fall into self-doubt easily, idk. some of the protector dynamic with pietro would get lost, i think -- while she would probably still view herself as her softer (< her opinion) brother's protector, she'd probably be less confident (not that 616 pietro is very ~confident~, but he doesn't shy away from confrontation, is what i mean) with taking up space after growing up as a woman, but probably not by a lot. other people would probably take her less seriously as her brother's protector though, probably; and i think wanda also wouldn't view her as such, even when he obviously would still treasure her a lot. their dynamic specifically would stay largely the same, i think. super close and super explosive, too, at times, but they know each other best. i don't see how their sex would change much about that, except that their experiences growing up would obviously be a little different like this. but -- despite what many marvel writers seem to think -- nothing about wanda and pietro's dynamic has anything to do with sexism (though pietro's need to protect wanda is probably something of a "i'm a man"; i still can't imagine fem!pietro would feel less strongly about this, especially her brother in this case is a bit different than that typical "man" picture), so that wouldn't really change.
as for their views of the world and the people around them; i think pietro would be more suspicious than he is in 616 (for obvious reasons), while also perhaps being less paranoid about wanda (not because pietro looks down on wanda for being a woman, but because a lot of the world does, and that would fall away in this case), but only slightly. i don't think wanda would change much in this regard. i suppose he'd be less suspicious, but they'd both still experience racism and bigotry growing up in europe, so i don't see that changing much. wanda still loves the world and its people with all his heart but can't be around them too much (introvert) while pietro also loves the world and its people but she's more grumpy about it. because she also hates them all (extrovert) lmfao.
last but not least! appearances. in my ideal world, fem!pietro is virtually unchanged. she has short hair (better for running), she is lanky, she has runner's legs, she has sharp features. male wanda is more difficult for me to imagine. long hair, probably, but i wouldn't mind short hair. a similar style of costume. no beard!!!! my god. he'd probably wax or something so no chest hair, either, idk. he probably paints his nails. he's very very pretty. beautiful man. not exactly tall but also not exactly short. either skinny (not a physical fighter) or chubby (not a physical fighter) or something of the like, but definitely not muscular. but he's obviously trained in hand-to-hand combat like 616 wanda, obviously. etc. also male wanda would be a very gentle dom to fem!pietro's brat i know it in my heart. she still feels like she has the world on her shoulders so it's nice to be able to lie back, etc. anyway i think that's all my thoughts for now lol
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therhythmafterthesummer · 2 years ago
Would our werewolves ever suffer from ailments which could affect their shifting? Perhaps being unable to shift into the wolf or not being able to change back? No longer hearing the wolf inside or losing their strength? Stress related or some AU sickness or magic?
How would you think each would handle it?
Sorry for the angst!
what an interesting question. my short answer would be that: yes, yes this could potentially exist in this universe. it kinda makes sense to me for wolves to have specific illnesses that a human wouldn't have... things that could affect them not only physically, but also mentally as well!
as for how each would handle being sick... i'll leave some Thoughts under the cut.
Chris: regardless of the ailment, whenever Chris gets sick, he's GONE. he doesn't get sick often, but when he does he just becomes completely useless. can barely take care of himself. if he ever went through periods of not being able to shift it'll take him LONG time to recover. which, if it happens to be that he can't shift from wolf to human, would be very inconvenient. not only because he's got to work to maintain his flat, his house, and his life overall, but also because he wouldn't be able to be with his pretty girl, and that would be what would hurt him the most. on the other hand, if he weren't capable of shifting into his wolf form from his human form, he'd probably feel incredibly frustrated and inadequate bc at the end of the day he's an alpha and his wolf side is part of his pride as a werewolf, if that makes sense.
Minho: manages well enough on his own because he just... grew up taking care of himself. he'll be extra pouty if kitten is close just because he wants attention (she knows he's doing it on purpose, and he knows she knows, you know? lee know). anyway, minho already has trouble figuring out his instincts, so you could kinda say he's pretty much chronically ill on this aspect. unfortunately, this is a thing he carried over from his human self before being turned. he already had a condition, so it makes sense it affects his inner wolf, too.
Changbin: also becomes a bit useless when sick, but to a lesser degree than chris. will still be capable of going through with her day as long as his ailment isn't too serious, and will also heal fairly quickly if he follows doctor's orders religiously, but he'll be super whiny about it the entire time. cranky mood to the max. will snap at people often. not being able to hear his inner wolf or shift from either form would frustrate him, but it wouldn't be crippling.
Hyunjin: this boy is fuelled by spite, and something like being sick won't stop him. fuck everything and everyone, he's gonna keep doing his thing for as long as he can. he's passed out in inconvenient places before because of this mentality lol. heals quickly overall.
Jisung: hardly ever gets sick at all. he's been blessed with amazing health and antibodies. he does, however, tend to suffer from mental related stuff... will try his best not to burden anyone with his problems but will eventually open up to kitten or minho or chris about it.
Felix: hardly ever gets sick as well. his time living in the forest has prepared him for almost anything and made him immune to a lot of things because of it. will be able to push through just fine if he does get sick, though.
Seungmin: will keep any problems to himself. doesn't like it when people worry about him so if he's feeling bad he'll isolate himself until pretty mum figures it out and goes into his flat to pull on his ear. will suffer in silence.... i don't want to add much here because i don't wanna spoil anything i've got planned for seungmin hfdsljkfds
Jeongin: also doesn't like to burden people with his problems, but is definitely more open than seungmin. will also become a little useless when sick, and he'll need a lot of help from his pack mates to get better.
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lasats-are-lovely · 2 years ago
Hey not trying to be rude (really!) but it looks like you're into other things now... and I want to know if you ever plan on finishing your lazytown fics?
A fair question - I haven't posted anything related to LazyTown or updated any of my long standing fics in a minute 😅 to say the least.
I don't know if I would say I'm done with LazyTown in any sense though, despite the fact that I now post almost exclusively about star wars. I mean, LazyTown was the show and fandom that quite literally saved my life - and it was the reason I met my gf of nearly 6 years now (and future wife uwu), so it's always gonna have a special place in my heart.
Anyway, the "short" answer to your question is:
Tumblr media
... the long answer though?
Probably not anytime soon. Probably.
It's not necessarily from a lack of interest, it's just that... I'm an adult™️, an adult with adult responsibilities that take a lot of my time, as well as an adult who is in a very fulfilling relationship. Whenever I have free time, I'm usually spending it either recovering from some bs at work or I'm spending it with my lady. Very little time for something as time consuming at writing.
That, and I haven't been in the best of health. Had a stress episode mid-2022 that has caused me to have long-term physical side effects that make me exhausted and mentally distant far more than not. I've recently started some medication that should help, and have so far.
I want to write. Don't go assuming that I've lost all interest in that. And there are a lot of projects, old and new, that I still very much want to work on.
Sunflowers on Purple Cake has only 2 more planned chapters - one full chapter, as well as an 'epilogue' of sorts. That absolutely will be finished because it's so fucking close to being done and it will bother me to no end if I leave it where it is now.
Lazyrinth though...
I gotta give you some backstory first.
The entire reason I wrote Lazyrinth was to impress my gf. I think it was something she had joked about, and my little gay-ass was all like "I could do it!" because I had it bad... and I mean, it worked. How could she resist me after I did something so crazy? lol.
I spent the time between our interactions writing it for her because I loved watching her read it when we were together (well, together in the sense of being together in a voice call, as we started our relationship over 2000 miles apart). It was something that caused me to fall even more in love with her.
For the first half of Lazyrinth's chapters she was actively reading it, as well as proof-reading it for me before I posted it for everyone else. She was my main audience - it was easy to find motivation when I could see the excitement for more in her eyes.
But as time went on, and we finally ended up moving in together, she found other interests... and as of now she doesn't really have an active interest in LazyTown or LazyTown fanfiction. And that means Lazyrinth too.
So... I've had a hard time having the motivation to write it when the main reason I ever wrote it, to get with the most wonderful woman I have ever known, worked so well that we were telling each other I love you before I even started posting the fic to AO3. And now that she doesn't even read it anymore...
It's not that the magic is gone. It's just... it feels a bit like it's served its purpose in my life. I've reread it about 100 times now, I've had it's entire plot in my mind for so long that it's not as interesting to me as it was before. That, and my writing has changed and grown a lot since I first started, and there are things I wish I could change about the story that is now too late to go back to.
My gf wants me to finish it though. She tells me that she remembers the late nights I spent shaking from excitement talking about the new ideas I thought of. She wants me to finish it because of how important it was to us and to me.
And a surprising amount of people want me to finish it too. I never expected it to get as popular as it did, and I especially didn't expect it to be popular enough that it would pop up in a ColeyDoesThings video. It's strange, because even though I have reasons to stop writing it, I have just as many reasons to finish it.
... and it will be a long time coming, but I'm gonna do it.
No timeline on when. I don't want you or anyone to have any expectations on when it will be done, because at this rate you'll be waiting until 2026 (knock on wood....) but as long as I'm able to write, I plan on getting it done. There's only, like 5 planned chapters left after all.
Though because of how wordy my writing is, that means there's at least 8...
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 3 months ago
Questions from here: https://beyondthetemples-ooc.tumblr.com/post/767979491796615168
I'm going to be answering for Dove because she's my baby and I'm in the mood to think about her a ton!
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most? Dove is very much associated with white, and she does wear mostly white for her hero outfit! Her casual wear might be white too but it's more often pastels or graphics. She likes green, pink, and blue best in her clothes.
what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song? Oh, I have thought about it SO much! Her playlist on Spotify is about ¾ music she would listen to. (The other ¼ is music that reminds me so much of her, I can't NOT put it on a Dove playlist. She would never listen to a song that reminds her about DDD, for instance, though I do quarantine most DDD songs in the DDD playlist. lD)
Anyways, Dove likes a variety of music! She enjoys folk music and calming things like Celtic Woman and Enya, entirely unironically. She also does like higher-energy stuff like bouncy top 40's and 2000's rock too, though. She likes Evanescence, but her FAVORITE is the more acoustic stuff like on Origin, for instance. She'll listen to symphonic metal if it's not TOO heavy (Nemesea is one of her favorites!), she likes symphonic/orchestral music on its own too, and she'd listen to Disturbed but mostly their softer songs she relates to like Uninvited Guest. She's listen to stuff like synthwave and other EDM if it's soothing.
I'm not entirely sure what Dove's Very Favorite Song Ever would be, but I suspect it's Isle of Inisfree as performed by Celtic Woman. It just speaks to the homesickness despite the wonder of the world she lives on that's always deep down inside her, even after she starts taking her place on Earth.
Here's her Spotify playlist, if you're really curious!
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon? Telepathy, far and away! It's her strongest ability, and she can use it both defensively and offensively. It's very versatile, it lets her keep her distance in a fight (She doesn't do well in close combat, too pacifistic and not skilled enough), and it's the ability she has the best control over, so she's the least likely to hurt someone by accident with telepathy.
She doesn't really know how to use any physical weapons. Like at all. She can block and evade somewhat decently, but she can't throw a punch.
how crafty/resourceful are they? Oh, she can be VERY resourceful. It depends on the situation-- if it relies on street smarts, she's hopeless. But gathering intel/information, she quickly develops a knack for it. If she can ask questions and sense their honesty, or sense they're hiding something, it can tell her a LOT.
how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics? Her wardrobe isn't super practical OR aesthetic, actually! For her it's most about what she's comfortable wearing. Dove is a person that, especially in new situations, isn't always comfortable in her own skin. She doesn't go out of her way to do aesthetic self-expression, but she does lean more demure, cozy, and casual. She likes long sleeves and skirts, artful graphics, and lighter colors. She honestly doesn't accessorize much but she might wear more understated necklaces or bracelets.
how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks? So when she first arrives on Earth, it's still fairly short from the length her mother would keep it. (So Dove's hair wouldn't get caught on anything if she had to rush into hiding.) But even then, it had been growing out for six months so it was down to her shoulders, and once she realizes she doesn't have to Rush Into Hiding on Earth, she lets her hair grow out. She doesn't style it much at all. She'll brush it, but she likes the way it lays naturally. Honestly her hairstyle is one of the last things on her mind, though she does like it longer. It reminds her of her mother.
favorite animal? why? Doves! (Her name is a coincidence, I swear!) It's actually because they remind her so much of home. Birds (small and dove-shaped) are the only animal canon ever, ever shows in Azarath. Plus, Dove's very first ever friend was a dove. (That's Sieara!) She loves Sieara dearly. She does also like cats and other birds, though. She finds the city pigeons endearing. And she like animals as a general rule; her spirituality holds all life as sacred, including bugs, and it's easier to interact with an animal than a person for her. She's terrified of big dogs, though.
do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it? So the only nickname Dove really has is "iala Yona", which translates to "my most treasured Dove" in her native language. It's what her mother called her, especially if she was comforting her.
favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions? Favorite food is fruit! She likes anything with fruit, especially mellowly sweet fruits like melon and blueberries, so smoothies, fruit salad, she also loves pastries and if they have a fruit filling that's a huge bonus, etc. She also finds out she likes pizza a lot! Her least favorite food is probably meat; she's vegetarian due to the pacifistic spirituality and belief that all life is sacred. She's not a SUPER picky eater but there are certain foods that don't go well for her. (Spicy food, too much lactose, too much sugar, etc.)
if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem? Dove prefers gold! It's one of her favorite colors actually. She doesn't wear a LOT of jewelry, but she'll wear it if it's especially eye-catching. (In the tumblr rp continuity, she has a small collection of jewelry that was gifts from a very good friend and probably soon-to-be significant other!) I've never thought about her having a favorite gem, but there ARE a set of magical crystals in her canon that she goes on a harrowing quest to gather, and they're imbued with Azarathean magic. Probably one of those. If those don't count, she'd like aquamarine, amethyst, citrine, milky quartz, and angel aura.
what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them? Oh, I could go on a tangent for this for YEARS, but I'll highlight the broad strokes! Dove and I are both introverts, though Dove has a much harder time overcoming the introverted tendencies than I do. We both love reading, quietude, and writing poetry (though I did it a lot more than Dove as a teenager, and now I don't have time and she does it more as an adult). I'm an actively practicing witch and while we're both very deeply spiritual, for Dove it's more prayer and individual pacifistic mandates, whereas for me spirituality is more about interconnectivity, the world outside myself, and active magic. We're both also very close to our mothers, though that didn't happen for me until I was about 19 and Dove lost her mother at age 14. I like to think we'd get along, sure. :}
AS far as more inner workings: It's also worth noting that we both monitor our minds and control our emotions, though the stakes are a lot higher for her if she fails, and I have more trauma wrapped up in mine I have to fight through to reconnect with them. Dove has to learn how to overcome denial and avoidance, whereas I've always been very head-on when confronting problems. We do both meditate to help us stay sane in different directions, but Dove does it a lot more often and I had a much easier time with learning how.
how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays? The very earliest story I have written down about Dove that's DATED was in 2005! So she's been around for, holy Azar, nearly TWENTY YEARS. And it might actually BE twenty years, because I was playing with action figures where one of them was Raven's Sister Named Dove for a good amount of time before I started writing the adventures down.
Her birthday is hard to translate because she was born in a different dimension. But Canon has Raven's birthday on file, so I had to figure out Dove's too. 8F They're not sure exactly how the day translates due to how time flows differently between dimensions, but Dove was sometime between Feb 20-22. They took the average and assigned her February 21st. Birthdays aren't really a big deal on Azarath (well. glances at canon. Most of them, anyways), so Dove never really celebrated it until she came to Earth.
what languages do they speak? how fluently? Dove speaks Azarathean, and because comic canon shows at least two words that are straight out of Hebrew (including a canonical translation of one that is EXACTLY from Hebrew), I headcanon they came from the same root language. So Dove knows Azarathean, but she could probably translate Hebrew about as well as an Italian could translate Spanish. She does also speak fluent English (though eloquently is another matter entirely and she doesn't often understand slang or idioms). She knows scattered words from Latin and Greek, but that's it.
are they any good with numbers? Dove's pretty decent with numbers! Her education growing up didn't include much math, but in the AU wherein she attends school on Earth, she catches onto algebra fairly quickly and appreciates how Consistent and Reliable it is.
how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now? Growing up Dove exclusively lived with her mother, and didn't even interact with anyone else until Srentha found out about her at age 8 (and even then, Dove made him keep it a secret and didn't even tell her mother she'd made a friend, because she knew her mother would be horrified). Dove knew she had a half-sister because her mother was very open about that (and also about the fact that the way their society treated her half-sister was the reason Dove had to be kept a secret, because they'd take her away and treat her the same way if they ever found out). Now Dove lives with that same half-sister and four others, and though I know she and Srentha considered moving somewhere else in adulthood, she chose to stay where she knows.
do they have any pets? what do they call their pets? Yes, a white Azarathean dove named Sieara! (Pronounced mostly like sigh-ear-uh, but there's a weird half-syllable so it's kind of like SIGH-ee-AH-ruh.) Dove met Sieara when she had just turned 8 and though Sieara was initially afraid of her, Dove was slow and gentle and eventually built her trust enough that now they're inseparable.
how did they spend their summers/free time as a child? At home, inside, mostly reading or following her mother around and learning how to cook or garden or practicing with her powers.
their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing? Lying: Dove HATES being lied to. She's a telepathy; it's a receptive sense whether she consciously activates it or not, and she can tell when someone lies. She doesn't like lying herself either, but there are times when she feels it's justified. Stealing: She didn't realize that when she was wandering Earth and homeless, a lot of what she did to survive in the city could be considered stealing. She doesn't like it, but it's not nearly as bad as lying for her. And killing? It's the worst sin. It's evil, it's unforgiveable, it's cruel. She understands that sometimes people have reasons to kill on Earth, and she has come to understand "the circle of life", but it still makes her incredibly uncomfortable ,especially after DDD.
are they quick to anger? what sets them off? Oh, not at all! Dove is usually very even-tempered and patient. There are only three things that make her angry easily: sadism, murder, and hurting her loved ones.
if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess? Dove can't drive until she's like 27 years old. (Number isn't exact but she doesn't learn until well into adulthood.) At first it's terrifying and she's afraid of getting carsick, but eventually she does learn how, though I'm not sure she ever gets her Own Car. I think Srentha does and she just drives his if needed? But she prefers walking, if it can be helped. (It's some kind of gray/silver sedan, it's Srentha's so it's probably disorganized but Dove is used to things being like that with him.)
their favorite place to be? Azarath, pre-destruction. After that she doesn't like being there because it reminds her what she lost, and her favorite place is probably her room.
do they sleep well at night? Usually, yes. Dove is an early bird; she goes to sleep earlier than anyone else she lives with, and she wakes up early too. But she does get nightmares more often than she'd like, and can rarely fall back asleep after.
how would you describe their voice? can they sing? Dove's speaking voice is quiet, fairly slow because it takes awhile for her to get the words out, and usually very gentle and timid. If she's emotional, it raises in volume and speed but it tends to crack and she still tends to trail off. And Dove's singing voice is pretty nice! She has the kind of voice that wouldn't raise any eyebrows, but it's nice enough for lullabies and singing in the shower. It's fairly high and light, not very strong or consistent but still pretty if you catch her singing. (She's pretty self-conscious about it and will rarely ever sing if she knows there's an audience.)
do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc) She journals, and every so often she'll write poetry! Both are pretty private for her, though. She'll share SOME of it if you ask first, but mostly she does it for herself. She can also draw in the sort of zen art style, almost more like gesture drawings than anything detailed, but she can paint simple pictures and doodle, and she finds it relaxing.
how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight? Both are very acute! Dove's hearing being so sensitive is part of why she's afraid of loud sounds (it gets painful), and though her great eyesight allows her to see in the dark and she has higher visual acuity than a regular human, it also makes her more photosensitive and more easily distracted by things in the distance. (This is part of why she's used for recon: She can detect things on a purely physical level before anyone else can see/hear it.)
how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids? Dove tends to move carefully and hesitantly in new situations, but once she builds her confidence she can coordinate pretty well. She has good hand-eye coordination and reflexes, but she does freeze up in moments of uncertainty and she alwaysh as to push through hesitation in combat. If she's distracted or overwhelmed, she's not nearly so well-coordinated though.
if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch? I don't think Dove enjoys sports much at all. She doesn't have a competitive streak, and she has Absolutely Zero Context for the rules or talent required to compete in them. She probably knows enough about martial arts by osmosis and combat training to respect it, though.
how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone? If Dove talks to you of her own accord, she probably likes you! She's relaxed, honest, and comfortable with someone she likes. She's more of a listener than a talker, and she'll show she likes you in subtle ways like trying to help, assisting with tasks, show she cares by offering sympathy if something goes wrong, agreeing to Do Something Together, among others. She shows she Doesn't Like Someone by avoidance, mostly. She'll stay quiet and withdraw, and probably take the first available exit.
are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)? I associate her with air more than anything! It doesn't really factor into her stories though. It's the element of creativity and deep thought, though it's also associated with travel and Dove's a huge homebody, and it's associated with excitement to try new things and Dove much prefers her routine. She's fairly easygoing and adaptable though.
do they smell like anything notable? She uses green tea scented shampoo and uses incense when meditating, though the latter smell won't linger for long.
do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift? Dove is awkward about giving AND receiving gifts! She's so deeply touched that someone thought about her enough to buy something? Just for HER? She's less inclined to give gifts, she's just not very confident that she'll pick something they like and it can get a little bit stressful for her that way.
do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd? She has this expression she gets when something mildly surprises her or doesn't make sense at first and she just goes completely blank-faced. She has a habit of very suddenly and awkwardly leaving conversations, especially if it's really uncomfortable. Her meditation could also be considered odd.
if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them. People would definitely describe Dove as quiet and shy. She can be secretive, and though she's very open when she's relaxed, she's very closed-off when something's bothering her. She's slow to warm up and awkward when talking about things that bother her. But she's also kind and gentle, and the people she lives with come to know that they can talk to her about anything, and she probably won't judge them or argue. They know her as a good listener. As time goes on and she grows more confident, she's a lot more outspoken and a powerful ally in combat. They know if she's showing something's bothering her, it's REALLY bothering her. But when she's calm, she has a very deep sense of calm.
how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are. Not usually very charitably. At first: Painfully awkward, inept, and doesn't belong anywhere she goes. As she finds her place, she thinks of herself as a blank slate, still inept but like she's not doomed to stay that way FOREVER anymore. After DDD, she considers herself weak and unstable, unworthy of the life she lives, but after being pulled through that she feels like she has to make up for everything that happened. She thinks she's too easily affected by some things, and wishes she was more confident. She knows she's awkward sometimes but she comes to understand that that's not such a bad thing, actually. And the more she grows, the more she comes to accept that her limitations don't condemn her, and she cherishes everything about her that lets her help people. Being there to be a good listener, being able to SAVE people via heroing, and eventually being the best mother and wife she can be for her family.
do they ever return home? A loaded question, and an unhappy one: She'll always think of Azarath as her home. No, she has nothing to return home to. It's all dead, dead and gone. Her mother, her home, for six years she thinks Srentha is too. Once she makes her home on Earth though, she never really leaves until everyone she knows and loves (except her also particularly long-lived sister) passes away.
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imaginarybestie · 8 months ago
Burning Questions for Other Friends
Dear P,
It is not just D that I'd write burning questions to. But also C, perhaps, since she is someone who gets the real me, more. Maybe K, sometmies, too, since she also might get the real me, in some ways, if not all ways. Maybe other friends too. Sometimes T, with all her deep wisdom and life insight and intelligence, creativity, high ideals, compassion, and the empathy, that I all attribute to her. Also maybe other writers who I love. Maybe other people from the online community that D and I frequent.
Maybe other family members, even though we are mostly pretty distant and don't seem to see eye-to-eye or really see the same world at all, in so many ways. Yet they might know me better and have certain things in common with me that might let them see certain answers, maybe better than I'd expect. They surprise me sometimes with some of their strengths, intelligence, wisdom, kindness, goodness, gentleness, sensitivity, subtlety.
So often, it feels to me like the world is just so very cold and delusional in so many ways, but then my family will do some little things sometimes that makes me feel they're different, and they give me some hope for humanity, for love, kindness, the chance of closeness and relating. Even though it's usually a very short-lived little ray of hope. And others besides my family also give me hope like that, sometimes, but I guess it's different with family because we have more in common in a few ways, and they're this stable presence in my life, unlike all the others who give me hope, but I don't know them well enough or have enough in common with them to really be attached to them that much.
And then there are family members who have passed away now, my grandparents and maybe others. They have a special kind of meaning and memories for me, and maybe I would ask them some questions, if I could ask their souls or the ideal imaginary friend version of them. Other saints, perhaps. Other famous people online whose writings or youtube videos I love, maybe? Hmm.
And best friends I had in high school, too, maybe. When I get in the right state of mine and emotion, I can really feel a sense of connection to them the way we used to be. Maybr they're not really the same anymore, and maybe I am not either, and yet, maybe there's still some kind of commonality between us, our personalities, values, interests. Or even if not, then once there was. And who they were then inspires me to connect with an imaginary friend based on that past them. Maybe sometimes an imaginary friend of how I wish they would have changed and grown over the years, so that we could have stayed close, instead of what really happened where we changed so much that we didn't have much in common anymore, it felt, and things fell apart.
Maybe even my husband, who I have a bad relationship with, to say the least, and do not feel very close to at all and don't trust. Some imaginary friend version of him that's based on the good things that still exist in him, and the good things that existed in the past but are no longer there anymore, too. And maybe the ideal him that I thought he was but he maybe never really was, because I thought he was better than he really was. I thought he'd also improve and grow over time and we'd grow closer, while what happened was just the opposite, in so many ways.
Now I see he is a narcissist, but it's mostly latent and I've learned to deal with it and be ok, most of the time. I need to depend on him for a lot of things, at this point, and I'm better off with him than alone, due to physical and mental health issues that make me unable to support myself or to get the help I need from supposed governmental aid or anything such as that. So anyway, those are a few ideas of friends I migth write. Also characters from books who I really love and who really come to life or teach me important lessons. Maybe I'll think of others later. But that's a start for now.
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phoenixfeatherquillwriting · 11 months ago
Eggplant for all OCs please!
Someday, tumblr might actually gain the ability to notify me when I have an ask.*biting angrily at my screen*
Anyway, Eggplant is “how are they used by others and how easily are they tricked into that?” Changing the question slightly based on the direction my thoughts went got me: “What is their Purpose where other people are concerned, in actuality, in their own minds, or both? And how do they feel about that?” I tried to do this for everybody but some of them refused to articulate their answer, so if there’s someone specific you wanted to see who’s not listed, please specify and I will go back to shouting OPEN UP at them.
Without further ado…
Aris: Her Purpose is her Brains. People want her for her smarts. Her ability to think up solutions to the problem of the day, build the latest and greatest technical solution, run diagnostics, remember and recite all relevant intel. This is true, to some extent, but in Aris’ own mind, that’s all she brings to the table. It’s formidable, to be sure, but leaves one lacking a lot of other things when seeking connections/relationships. She might be a little sad about this…if she hadn’t reached this conclusion just before the age of ten. She’s resigned; this is simply the Way Things Are.
J: She has something of a two-fold Purpose, depending on whose perspective we’re working from. The primary Purpose she was taught relates back to her position in the family royal line: she is nothing more and nothing less than a Vessel for whatever her people want her to be, trusting that she will do whatever is necessary to secure their best interests. Don’t look too closely at this, it’s load-bearing. The Purpose with which J is actually most comfortable/ where she sees herself as able to both do good and perform well is as a Social Connector! If life is all about who you know, well, J knows everybody (who’s who on any political or social scene, names and dates and contacts and how they all link back to each other eventually. All the better to be directed towards important causes and get things done!) If there’s two people who really need to get in touch to further their good work? J’s there as their middleman to arrange a meeting and smooth all the introductions into place.
Rissa: She can be a lot of things, depending on whose “hands she is in” at any given time. That is to say, Rissa tends to orient herself and her Purpose to an external force (a cause, an ideal, a place, another person) and then becomes a fine-tuned instrument towards ensuring the fulfillment of whatever the goal may be. In cases with another person, she will become (or try very very hard to become) their right hand, their rock, their most reliable load-bearing wall, their fixer, and their enforcer for whatever needs doing. You can see where she can lose her way if the hand guiding her isn’t careful and doesn’t actually have her best interests in mind, but those who do care for her know that Rissa absolutely thrives when she feels useful and needed and find ways to satisfy that need with her customary Acts of Service and Loyalty. If asked to define an independent Purpose, she would probably say something along the lines of bringing Justice, Karma, Balancing the Scales, etc. This aligns closely with both her spiritual practice (devoted follower of the god of such concepts) and helps her to deal with any misgivings she has about being viewed as the one who will put morals to the side and get the dirty work done when required (ends justify the means.)
Tavi: Like Rissa, Tavi is very externally-focused in her Purpose; hers revolving around the people most important to her. Her Purpose is, in short, to be the Protector of her loved ones. Sometimes, this means being a physical “tank” in a fight (a position in which she is by no means uncomfortable.) Sometimes it means using her wings to fly someone away from trouble as quickly as possible. Sometimes it means shouting down harsh words and reminding her person just how wonderful they are and just how highly she regards them. Sometimes, it means being the clown just to put a smile on their face (who cares if it’s at her own expense? Right?) The problem with this becomes any situation in which Tavi cannot Protect…she kind of stalls out and loses momentum. She doesn’t know what to do, and will lash out if pushed too hard.
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thejournaloffox · 1 year ago
20 July 2022
The conundrum of nectars…
Fox needs to learn how to readjust her speech centers so she can get her thoughts out without feeling rushed or cut short. She still didn’t have the right mix, and it frustrated her—especially because feeling as though she had to compress her thoughts made her drag her feet in exactly the rambling way she was trying to avoid in the first place. She found herself squeezing many words into short breaks, and Fox reflected that perhaps that was the essence of her overtalking: she sometimes needed to actually talk herself out before she became coherent.
In general, Fox was hard pressed not to get way too excited by how much she had in common with the Lion, and though she did love absorbing new knowledge and the thoughts of people on all their favorite subjects and what was going on in the world, Fox realized she craved taking a break between such nuggets to discuss what was learned—otherwise the thoughts piled up and put pressure on her social grace dams, and the first support strut to go was “how to dialogue with 99.9% of everyone who is not your father”, i.e. monologues. She had been raised to treat back and forth monologues as dialogues, which was sometimes taken by others to mean that she didn’t assign importance to the thoughts of others when Fox is just trying to relate.
Fox is used, Fox enjoys it and is marked, and now her tongue, face and throat burn… a lot
Will she get used to the stuff though? Of course, she knew she wanted to please the Lion, she wanted to learn all the things he wanted to teach her—and she greatly craved his pleasure, which was quite erotic to her. At the same time, she was wary of simply accepting such acts without pausing to actually give it some thought because they triggered unfortunate responses in her.
Fox had said it would take getting used to giving pleasure without reciprocation and being marked on the face. There was a component of physically overcoming her reflex to avoid such lustful nectars, and what she meant by “getting used to it” was that it was not something she had ever liked before for good reasons, and that it would take some inner exploration to find out if it was something she could overcome. Pun intended. Her conclusion is that she not only could but also wants to—the Lion was the first partner in her life she actually wanted to do that with. So why did it distress her so?
It occurred to Fox that there were some things she did not like because she had been introduced to it by inexpert hands, people who neither had the consideration to build Fox up to the experience, nor to what she went through with these acts. A lot of things, including the most basic form of sex itself, were not exactly pleasurable for her, a lot of the time it was instead uncomfortable, embarrassing or even painful. Some had at least done her the courtesy of attempting to arouse her before trying something, but it happened more than once that it turned out to be a bad experience for Fox anyway. Yet, each time she had performed her part well enough that the partner in question would continually ask for it, to the point where Fox felt pressured and unhappy.
Fox had assumed in her naive cub years that her happiness in such situations would be important enough to her future partners that if something turned out to be something she really didn’t like and didn’t want to get used to, they would take “no” for an answer. It turned out they did and didn’t—she rarely felt forced, but from that point on she was sometimes harassed into it, she did feel coerced. None of her partners had intended to force Fox, but they failed to note how uncomfortable she was saying no to something over and over again. She had tried allowing entrance to the Foxnethers, she had learned to give certain kinds of pleasure, she had tried drenching in nectars and she had groomed her Foxparts bare under such pressure—some things she adapted to, found her own reasons for enjoying or desiring them. Other things she found more difficult, or almost impossible to adjust to, partly due to her condition.
In hindsight, Fox should have actually said no in those situations where it felt wrong, but she did it anyway; only much later did Fox understand how these events had been varying degrees of assault. She didn’t understand that there was an actual problem, an imbalance of pleasure, that resulted in her crossing her own boundaries far sooner than she felt ready for—partly because none of it was designed to give her any sort of pleasure, partly because the partners in question felt entitled to her in a way that meant they felt free to emotionally blackmail her into giving more than she wanted to give them.
It didn’t always have a troubled ending, Fox did want to be more flexible, and in the present, Fox definitely wanted to be a source of great pleasures in all varieties. But what she failed to recognize was that her desire to learn should not come at the price of her consent—as a result of her attitudes, this part of her ended up feeling quite damaged and without a compass. Had she demanded the patience she had actually needed all those times, regardless of how disappointed her partners would have been—as they had been the times she had tried to ask for space—and had she been allowed to find her own way to desiring those things, she might have enjoyed herself a lot more, as would have those partners. They did not have the finesse of the Lion.
Fox undoubtedly wanted to be an excellent pet, and she was quite joyful to hear her Captor praise her in all manner of ways. Fox felt beautiful and wanted, desired for her uniqueness, and she very much craved to be taken and marked inside and out with the Lion’s nectar just as he told Fox he wanted to do while she was being used, but today her Foxparts were again under the weather. It was rough to have an actual allergy to contend with.
Fox was sure time would fix these turbulent emotions. She knew in her thoughts and felt in her gut that the Lion was very different than anyone she had been with before—he not only respected her boundaries, but he actually desires her enthusiastic consent. He also desires her pleasure and enjoyment of her performances. These facts made a world of difference. Once her body was rid of the trauma of past events, she was sure she would desire to pleasure the Lion in many ways she couldn’t imagine herself wanting before—she felt safe to experiment with him, and trusted that he was patient and understanding when there were hiccups and when she reacted in unexpected ways.
Fox may sometimes turn into a ball of tears, aching from the mistakes and hurts of her past, but every time it happens, Fox feels a little lighter, and closer to embracing the joy of such intimate acts. There were many forms of pleasure she was experiencing and learning with her Captor, including feeling pleasure purely due to his pleasure. In the past, when she was coerced she was also promised reciprocation that was almost always forgotten, as if she could only be touched if her partner was in a state of arousal (and as if her not being aroused in the reverse situation was normal) and they were never available when she wanted to be touched—but the Lion craved so much of Fox that she had no fears she would be left hung out to dry by him, unless starvation was the goal to increase her multifold, mind-blowing pleasure he would unleash upon her a little later. It would just take more time for her body to be convinced of the same; it remembered too much.
The future was certain: the Lion’s nectar would be craved in real time the same way she craved it in her fantasies, and her body would follow suit.
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mitskiesques · 2 years ago
as an eldest sibling yourself, do you prefer jinx or azula and why
short answer: jinx > azula. long answer well here it goes.
my first instinct is to say jinx no question. it's clearly an emotional response so where do we go from here??: relatability.
they both have very real struggles and problems going on so it comes down to what you personally see yourself more in. golden child vs underdog, rich ppl problems vs poor ppl problems, physical discipline vs creative intellect, sibling dynamic of competitiveness and rivalry vs sibling dynamic of protection and pseudo-parenting, aiming for perfection/fear of imperfection vs aiming for strength/fear of weakness (each that come from what their respective environments value btw), and so on.
since u asked me personally allow me to say this. the years have passed since atla came out and still i have to find a single thing about azula that i relate to on a personal level. not that azula isn’t relatable At All bc you take one look at her deranged superfans and you can tell there’s some projection going on there so she clearly IS relatable, she’s just not relatable To Me bc i have different problems different perspectives different personalities different experiences with siblinghood etc etc.
jinx though i see a lot of myself in her despite the fact that half her personality is also delusional little sister and the fact that half my personality revolves around my eldest sibling status and behavior. and that IS because jinx is poor and oppressed thus anything she does is a bit more justified not in my eyes but in my heart. i love azula and her dyke drama but she’s simply too much of a privileged colonizer princess (tm) to me and my personal sense of empathy and though she is an abused child in mental distress and obviously i feel for azula on a humane level there’s a taint to it that i don’t feel with jinx.
and it’s not about violence either bc jinx is literally a terrorist. but mostly i think it’s because her crimes and general Evil Deeds come from In General her status as a victim to the actions of people like azula. azula feels righteous in her murdering bc of imperialism, jinx feels righteous in her murdering bc she has been screwed over by these people since birth. there’s a political statement that i relate to within jinx’s character that goes beyond what caters to me on a personal level wrt my experiences in life i guess. i can’t really help how i feel about it my apologies to all irl delusional little sister princesses i guess.
from a more objective and actually analytical point of view: they’re both great tragic characters masterfully done and they manage to pull off most of the things they are each meant to achieve and still i do think jinx is slightly superior because jinx is more or less one of the most complex interesting and layered characters written perhaps... ever???? it's definitely not the right post to elaborate too much but where azula is clearly defined as a villainous antagonistic character, jinx has literally a double narrative as hero and villain At The Same Time. where azula is a straight up masterfully written tragedy, even in jinx’s full on corruption and revenge there’s a sense of triumph over her oppressors. it's not that azula is bad as a character it’s that azula is Very Good Very Solid character but jinx is just. mindblowing.
anyway. it’s a fair if a little obvious comparison to make. they are similar in some ways but the differences are just so relevant to their characters and so interesting to talk about as well even moreso than how they are alike so i felt like this mess of text and text and text was worth writing if anything to at least get it out of my brain lmao.
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lilxberry · 3 years ago
I Watched You Die} 6 - Natasha Romanoff
Someone from Natashas’ past makes the most of unsuspected arrivals and begins to cause issues, not only for her, just everyone they come into contact with. HYDRA uses them as a simple puppet and Natasha believes that maybe, just maybe, she could get them back to her in the way she remembers.
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Warnings: Language. Fighting. Terrible writing (this chapter was terrible.)
Words: 3,123
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader (female reader) (super soldier reader) (HYDRA reader)
(A/N: There’s some time jumps that aren’t stated but it’s still relatively easy to follow in that sense. Also, this chapter is more so a filler but nonetheless is related to the story.)
(A/N 2: Strucker and interactions with him are in German and a small interaction with Wanda is in Slovak as a substitute for Sokovian. There is some Russian in this but it’s quite easy to distinguish between the languages’ used.)
< Chapter 5    Chapter 7 >
Her head throbbed and her neck was stiff and pained from its lolled position it had been in hours on end. Even with her head tilted forward and down towards the hard floor beneath her, the light felt harsh against her eyes, a stinging, burning sensation appearing each time she cracks an eye open.
“Ah, I hope you slept well, Miss Romanoff.”
The familiarity in the voice caused Natasha to tense and she willed her eyes to open and remain as such. Raising her head, her eyes automatically lock on to the figure before her in which everyone believed was dead.
“How are you here?”
The man chuckled and began to take steps towards the tied up red head, his hands folded together behind his back, a smug look etched into his features. “It is quite incredible the technology we have within this day and age, yes?”
Her features twisted up into a sneer, glaring at the one of the few notorious HYDRA leaders they, the Avengers, had come to face. “Why can’t people just stay dead?”
Strucker rounded her body leaving her to look at the room they held her within; bland in colour but crowded with technology. “I believe you’re also not referring to only me now, are you?” He clicks his tongue. “Yes, Y/N. Our best asset yet. The twins were exceptional, yes and the winter soldier was successful until recent years, but Y/N is our best creation.”
His German accent is thick as the words pass into her ears and registers his words, but his next sentence as he leans down to whisper right beside her head makes her blood run cold. “Finding her on the brink of death was undoubtfully wonderful, on our part at least.”
The man chuckled as he straightened himself back out, standing to his full height before rounding her seated position once more to stand before her. “How are our previous assets, anyways? The updates Ghost gives are quite minimal in unnecessary data.”
Silence. Strucker tsked at her lack of response and spun on heel, taking one, two, three steps forward before coming to a standstill. “I suppose you’d like to know why we have you hear,” he called over his shoulder to her. When he was met with silence once more, he continued.
“S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers have certainly been a right ganz schlimmer, a large spanner in our works. We run smoothly when you and your little friends keep out of our business. Perfectly running machinery. So, we’re simply removing the issue with our operation. You.” (Fucking pain.)
Slow and intimidating were his steps as he little by little made his way over towards a board of panels which, much like every other piece of technology was surrounded by people in off-white lab coats. His fingers danced over the multiple of buttons that littered the deck of the panel.
“You may not think so yourself but, we believe you are the strongest of your little band of heroes. No, not physically. Mentally? Yes. We also believe, if we break you, the rest of the team will surely follow in crumbling down.”
His eyes linger on one spot in particular on the panel, his finger hovering over it. “Now you’re also wondering why I’m electing to tell you all this. The answer is simple, really.” He pushes down on a button, resulting in the chair that Natasha is strapped to, to recline backwards, much like a chair in a barbers’, before laying her flat.
“You’re stuck here.”
Natashas’ head looks from left to right in a frantic manner as Strucker steps away from the lengthy panel of buttons and stalks towards her, his boots quietly squeaking against the cold, smooth floor of the room.
Above her is some form of machinery she could best describe as terrifying in appearance, harsh glinting metal and a mass of wires. Movement to both her left and right signify to her that people are beginning to close in on her and surround her. Panic rises in her body further as someone steps closer to her head holding what she believed was a mouth guard; something she’ll be biting down on.
She shakes her head in a desperate attempt to avoid the object but with no such luck. Someone had violently grasped her jaw in a bruising grip and forced the guard into her mouth. Strucker leans over her laying form and the evil grin on his face is purely sickening.
“Have you ever felt 450 volts of electricity surged through your body before? No? Oh, don’t worry. IT should be over before you know it.” He pulls back, making Natasha follow his with her eyes. Her protests are muffled by the guard in her mouth. “But, please, be mindful when it comes to the convulsions that follow. You wouldn’t like to break a bone, surely.”
Strucker walks towards yet another panel, this time with AMP and voltage gages along with other gages she couldn’t quite make out from her position. He places his hand atop a dial and nods his head once to one of the many people scuttling around the room. She feels something be attached to each temple and it reminds her strongly of the old school, brutal electroshock therapy that doctors used to dole out.
“Shall we move this along and see how long it takes until you break?”
Natasha spots your body stood stiff and squared near the door at the foot of the room, features lacking any show of emotion. Her eyes widened, and she desperately hoped that her eyes asked what she couldn’t.
‘Help me.’
Your being, unmoving and unchanged, is the last thing she sees before searing hot pain shots through her body. She bites down on the guard and releases and ear-piercing scream around it as her whole-body tenses and her back arches up, fists clenched tightly, and toes curled.
Her body falls limp for a short moment before the process repeats, over and over. Like an unending, destructive cycle.
The team had tirelessly put in every effort to find the missing ex-assassin. When Natasha had taken too long to return to the others, Clint did what was asked of him. He waited until the end of the following day when she had left before telling the others.
With no sightings and no communication from the Avenger, they were at a lost.
4 days had passed, coming close to 5, with no such luck in finding Natasha. Every member of the close-knit team had put in hours and hours on end into locating her; everything had been fruitless. The team had chewed out the archer for not mentioning anything sooner than he had but he had argued that he valued his word and believed Natsha would be fine, that she could look after herself.
They couldn’t argue with him on that.
“I’ve got nothing. We haven’t found shit and it’s been what? 4 days since anyone had last seen her?”
Their hopes in finding her were dwindling quickly, its rate in decrease sped up after the three-day mark. Stark groaned and leant back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose tightly between his pointer finger and thumb.
“Honestly, I blame Fury for making us use phones that I can’t hack. We’d find her a lot fucking faster if I could just get into it.”
“Language,” Steve muttered before releasing a lengthy sigh. As he went to open his mouth to respond, Tony perked up, this time looking extremely more optimistic than previous.
“HOLY SHIT!” He spun his chair to face the computer on the desk and began to rapid begin typing. The others watched him with scepticism before slowly moving to crowd the billionaire.
“You wanna explain to the class, Stark?”
“You know how I never listen to Fury?” He heard a collective of hums in agreement before continuing. “Well, when I was encrypting the phones we all use, I may have purposefully left out my location cloaking software.”
“So, you’re saying you can ping her location and you failed to mention this?!” Wanda exclaimed.
“One, ouch. Don’t scream in my ear like a damn banshee, Matilda. Two, I forgot. It’s not like we actually use it.”
The team watched in anticipation as Tonys’ fingers continued to rapidly tap at the keyboard. Moments pass by with bated breaths before a small red dot appears on a map that pops up. They stare at the bright red dot in a prolonged silence before Steve straightens out with a hardened face.
“Let’s move.”
“I don’t understand. Why San Fransico?”
The statement from Sam was what each of them wanted to voice but none did. Each step through the city was following that damn pinged location. The day before it had been in Washington, the day before that was Oklahoma.
They could be tracking a ghost trail for all they knew, certainly with how quickly the location seemed to switch between states so quickly.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. Update.”
“Location has remained the same. The Railway Museum is just one block away, sir.”
Tony rolls his shoulders before turning to look towards those who walk with him. He and Steve share a look, already knowing that this is more than likely a trap or mislead.
“Only a few of us will enter. Everyone else is going to surround the building, cover each possible exit. Buck, I want you with me, Sam and Wanda. Clint, you think you can take to a nearby building keep an eye on the roof and the main entrance?”
Clint nodded as Steve doled out orders for the group to follow. With the archers’ non-verbal confirmation, the captain continued.
“Thor, I want you to take the West side of the building with Banner. Pietro, you take East. Stark, I want you to take the back with Vision.” Everyone nods followed by them splitting off in the direction of the respective positions.
Dressed as civilians was helpful with entering the museum; they turned no heads when entering the building. The four inside had separated themselves, hoping to search the interior in record time rather than they be grouped up together.
The comms the team had donned before splitting ways crackled before Tony’s voice sounded through into each team members’ ear. “I’ve had F.R.I.D.A.Y. put the location on each of your phones, make it easier for you guys to know if you’re closing in.”
Simultaneously, Steve, Sam, Wanda and Bucky pull out their smartphones and allow the screen to open up correctly, a simple map of the interior showing a blinking red dot in the centre of the building.
The small team inside opposed to those outside slowly close in to the centre of the museum, covering all sides.
Adrenaline begins to heighten as they inch their way closer and closer. Emotions are running high and minds are swirling with possibilities and before they knew it, they surround the exhibit at the very middle of the building.
A large group being led by some guide moves on with their tour and reveals a lone person still stood there; hood up and phone in hand. Steve glances down at the phone in his own hand and sure enough, the dot hasn’t moved.
This is what they’ve been chasing.
With their head down, both Sam and Bucky who face their front can’t identify who holds the phone, Natashas’ phone.
Between the four, a look was shared and with a nod of their head in the figure’s direction, they begin to slowly close in once more. Wanda, Sam and Bucky slow to a stop, only a short distance away as Steve continues to stalk closer and with a few more steps, he’s stood behind the figure.
He reaches an arm out and clamps his hand down on their shoulder which begins to shake slightly as the person laughs quietly. The person slowly raises their head with a shit eating grin on their face and both Sam and Bucky tense, their jaws clenching, teeth grinding.
Wanda freezes up along with them as the figure slowly turns to face Steve; easily catching a glimpse herself.
“At ease, солдат,” your voice rasps. (Soldier.)
You hand moves quickly to clamp on to the blondes’ wrist and before he could react, you bring your head forward in a quick, whip-like motion, slamming it into his nose; a satisfying crunch is heard and blood already beginning to trickle out.
Twisting his arm, you land a hard kick to his ribs and send him back, him falling to the floor with quite the thud, even sliding across the floor a good foot or two. The others had quickly reacted, Sam and Bucky charging over towards you.
You alternate between the two as they dole out a choreographed offensive; punches, kicks, full body hits. The two had been going a solid minute and had done zero damage, even with Steve standing himself back up on to his feet and charging at you himself.
Wanda had dealt with the screaming and panicked public from the first sign of retaliation, giving firm orders to leave the building and to get a safe distance.
The second the first of the civilians exited the building in a rushed and yelling fashion, the team was on high alert.
“Someone talk to us,” Clint crackled through the comms, his sights down the length of the arrow he already has notched and ready to release.
“It’s Y/N.” Just that simple statement made the whole team know exactly what was currently going down. “They had Natashas’ phone. HYDRA put us on a wild goose chase.”
The grunts from Steve, Sam and Bucky brought Wanda’s head back into the fight at hand. The three were being easily overpowered by just yourself and she’s unsure how to proceed. With quick thinking, she uses her powers to push her teammates aside and away from you, the swirl of red like mist dancing around her fingers.
Your attention snaps from the three that had been thrown away from you to the little witch who stood off to the side. You roll your shoulders and smirk before stomping your way over to her aggressively.
You feel your movements slowly become restricted and it’s harder and harder to move forward. Wanda, with a struggle, brings to down to your knees before you could reach her and all you could do it look up at her with a devious smirk.
Tongue peeking out between your lips, you wet them and trail your eyes up and down the length of her body and the action makes her sick to your stomach. “Som ohromená, princezná.” (I’m impressed, princess.)
She takes step towards you, slow, precise, and what she hoped was menacing. “Where’s Natasha?” she spat between her teeth.
You chuckle darkly and shake her head, noticing how she lacked to remember to keep her distance. “You’re in no position to ask questions, little witch.” With perseverance, your left arm shoots forward, grasping her wrist much like you had done with the caps. Shocked, the moment forces Wanda to lose concertation and drops her magical hold on you.
You swipe at the opportunity and raise to your full height, towering over the Sokovian and delivering a hard right hook to the girl, knocking her unconscious the moment your fist made contact with her jaw.
Turning, you look at the trio of men who look at an unconscious Wanda by your feet with wide and worried eyes. You smirk once more as you pull Natasha’s phone from your pocket and wave it slightly before tossing it in their direction. “Keep it. I’m done with it.”
You take small steps backwards away from the four before turning tail and running, closer and closer to the back entrance.
“She’s heading to you guys at the back,” Steve rushes out, struggling to come to a stand and give chase.
“Understood, capsicle.” Tony and Vison both prepare themselves for your arrival, to burst through the doors and go into combat just like the four inside had done. But they waited and waited and waited. Nothing. “Uh, no sign of her. Anyone got eyes on the slippery bastard?” Stark reaches out to the others.
Sam and Bucky left Americas’ sweetheart and Scarlet Witch with the intentions of cheeking the inside of the building, running around the whole of the museum as the team converse.
“Nothing here.”
“No clue.”
The team’s response came in like clockwork and the entire team felt baffled. Where did you disappear to?
“So, she just evaporated? What the fuck? Are you sure no one has eyes on her?”
“Look,” Steve started. “As much as I want to find them and get some answers, we gotta focus on Wanda. She’s down.” He was kneeling beside her unconscious form and like a lightbulb being lit from a switch, Pietro was right beside his sister on the opposite side of Steve, absolute panic and concern shifting through his eyes.
Steve hears a sigh through the comms followed by Banners’ voice. “Let’s get back. It’s clear they’ve disappeared somehow, and we should focus on Maximoff right now.”
Steve shakes his head and moves to stand, Pietro already holding his twin in his arms. “Let’s go, team.”
“Wie ich sehe, können wir ihr Telefon nicht länger als Ablenkung für sie benutzen,” Strucker spoke as his back was turned to you, hands folded behind his back, looking at the painting hung on the wall with disinterest. (I see we can no longer use her phone as a distraction for them.)
“Sie werden sie nicht finden können, auch wenn wir sie nicht mehr auf Gänsejagd führen, Sir,” you respond, you own hands folded behind your back. Your eyes are trained on his form as he slowly turns to face you, casually rounded the desk to stand before you. (They won't be able to find her even if we no longer lead them on such wild goose chases', sir.)
“Hoffentlich nicht, Soldat. Es liegt an Ihnen, wenn sie sie finden.” His eyes look you up and down subtly, scrutinising you before turning away from you and striding over towards his desk. “Es ist jetzt zu heiß für dich, Ghost. Zu viele Leute werden dich nach deinem kleinen öffentlichen Stunt erkennen. Du sollst in der Einrichtung bleiben. Sie bewachen Romanoff und begleiten sie zum und vom Labor. Verstanden?” (They better not, soldier. It will be on your head if they are to find her.) (There's too much heat on you now, Ghost. Too many people will recognise you after your little public stunt. You are to stay within the facility. You will guard Romanoff and escort her to and from the lab. Understood?)
“Verstanden.” (Understood.)
I just needed a filler honestly so, this will do for the time being
If you want to be added to the taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
@thanossexual​ @iwazoomingouttahere​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ 
‘I Watched You Die’ taglist:
@diaryoflife @username23345 @drpepperobsessed @fayhar @d14n4ol @srtamercurio @gabbygabbie @lostandsearching @afuckingshituniverse @thea13sworld @nelouath8 @navs-bhat @pistachiomilk3 @peggycarter-steverogers @b-5by5 @trikruismybitch @anxiousgoldengirl @when-wolves-howl @whitelotus00 @anxiousgoldengirl @daniescady @unexpected-character @lgtftchan @mitch-cabello1097 @wlwfanfictionss @gottacamz​
(Those whose @ is in bold, I could not tag unfortunately.)
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brooklynisher · 10 months ago
You're probably going to get a gazillion responses because it's basically an indirect invitation to infodump, but I still want to add my 2¢ (show)! I'm a newer fan, but I've dug deep into a lot of a lot, and also being an active Patreon patron of theirs helps me discover a LOT of information. I've got a bit of a reputation as the info guy kinda I think. Hopefully, that's not just me stroking my ego.
Anyway, get ready for way more information than necessary
-Do the Robots have emotions?
They might. They might not. It's one of those things that are constantly messed with. Especially in their live shows. There are many instances where the robots claim to not have feelings, but there are just as many instances where they claim they do. Songs might be more reliable, but The Spine has said on stage multiple times that he doesn't really care about the topics of the songs they sing and that they're just songs. Not everything from the live shows is canon, but sometimes they become canon. When Rabbit freaked out after being left alone on stage during the 10th-anniversary show, Bunny confirmed that that was improv, but she also considers that to be Rabbit's biggest fear. More recently though, the robots have been leaning into this "We can feel emotions, but not physical pain" thing. It was never written down officially and there's a lot of contradicting moments relating to this matter, but the band doesn't like having a concrete answer for everything. That way the fans can have fun with it. SO BASICALLY, it's up for interpretation.
-what is the meaning behind the lyric "I know you don't like how I feed?" In 'Electricity is in my Soul'? What are they feeding on and how?
The robots all rely on water, but there are other things too that may or may not be canon! Rabbit is also apparently powered by milk, and The Spine is powered by curiosity. The Jon used to be powered by water like everyone else until he got that Crystal Pepsi upgrade. They couldn't get rid of that, so now he only runs on Crystal Pepsi. But more likely, that lyric could be referencing their first music video featuring the robots in back in 2008! Where the robots quite literally ate electricity depicted as blue electric beams. It's also referenced in the song's cover art which depicts The Spine eating electricity, and The Spine himself mentions eating electricity for breakfast during some live shows.
-Are Upgrade and The Jon canon to the lore of the band? It seems like Hatchworth is, but the other two haven't been in the comics
A quote from David: "Hatchworth is kinda the only one with an actual “departure” as the performer (Sam) planned his departure with the band and stayed on until we had a replacement ready. Upgrade has the “went off to become a princess”, but I don’t recall us ever saying that on stage before the 10 Year show. I believe that was said by all of us as just performers. In short, people leaving/being kicked out of the band does mess with the lore, and we didn’t always have a good lore reason why certain robots left. It’s relevant for fans of course trying to piece a story together, but based on the band’s current stuff, it’s safe to say Hatchworth still exists along with Rabbit, The Spine, and Zer0. They all appear in our comic (or will), and Zer0 was retroactively added to the Vice Quadrant timeline by being included in the VQ Calendar we did a few years ago. It’s messy, and yeah we have to be meta a lot on stage sometimes, but it’s a comedy act, so I think people will forgive us for characters suddenly vanishing in lore for in-real-life reasons. We are not above retroactively explaining things. It’s just probably less important for us for The Jon and Upgrade, until it’s relevant for an anniversary show like we did 😬 It’s less about us being lazy and more about marketing and where our energies are spent. Current lineup is the most important to us." [x] Essentially, there isn't really an actual answer. It's a complicated thing, so to keep things simple, they don't really want to mess with their lore unless it's genuinely relevant, which it rarely is.
-Speaking of, what happened to the comics? They seem unfinished but maybe I'm missing something
They've got big plans for their comics! There isn't really anything to suggest that Hatchworth and the Blue Ghost or Red Core will receive continuations, but the main comic is their current focus. Their aim is to turn it into a cartoon! They've already pitched the idea. Although it was rejected, they plan on expanding the comic more to get their ideas off the ground. Bunny plans on working on it this year :)
-Why does Rabbit have a 'mask' now? It's cool, but what's the reason for it?
In lore, Rabbit has a closet of faces. Out of lore, the whole white-face thing started with their music video for Hold Me. Bunny wanted to do something unique for that music video specifically. It was meant to be a one-time thing. But she ended up liking it a lot and incorporated it into her ongoing design. Not to mention that she also hated the copper face thing. The only reason why she was copper in the first place was because The Spine was already silver, and The Jon was already gold. Her faceplate design has had a gradual shift in design over time either because she made a mistake, wanted to try something new, liked one thing more than the other, etc.
-I don't understand the lore of The Vice Quadrant. I'm sorry, but I don't. 😭
I mean, I COULD explain it because I do understand it, but it wouldn't be as easy to digest as this video.
-Who are Captain Albert Alexander and Rex Marksley? I think the wiki says they're brothers, but like… who are they?
Who they are is exactly what their songs claim them to be! Rex is an extremely talented gunslinger and inventor who is also a friend of jackalopes. Alexander is a very generous captain who loved the sea so much that he died in it. They are not brothers. That is likely a reference to the song Weird Weird West by Professor Elemental featuring SPG. In the music video, there is a tough group known as the "Three Brothers" portrayed by Sam, David, and Bunny. David was dressed as Rex Marksley, Sam as Coinsley (Rex's tax attorney), and Bunny as Captain Albert Alexander. The music video was recorded at the Wild Wild West Steampunk Convention, so their costumes were likely just cosplay and nothing more. They were also born in entirely different periods so it's kind of impossible for them to be brothers. They have other possible connections in lore as well. Ravaxis Starburner is said to be a descendant of Rex Marksley. Bunny also mentioned that at one point she wanted Captain Albert Alexander to be an ancestor of Peter A. Walter. However, that isn't necessarily confirmed. More like a possibility Bunny has considered.
Hopefully this isn't too much for you aaaa
I just like to be informative :]
Okay, so I'm still making my way through the last few SPG albums, but I have a couple questions:
-Do the Robots have emotions?
-what is the meaning behind the lyric "I know you don't like how I feed?" In 'Electricity is in my Soul'? What are they feeding on and how?
-Are Upgrade and The Jon canon to the lore of the band? It seems like Hatchworth is, but the other two haven't been in the comics
-Speaking of, what happened to the comics? They seem unfinished but maybe I'm missing something
-Why does Rabbit have a 'mask' now? It's cool, but what's the reason for it?
-I don't understand the lore of The Vice Quadrant. I'm sorry, but I don't. 😭
-Who are Captain Albert Alexander and Rex Marksley? I think the wiki says they're brothers, but like... who are they?
I think that's it.
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