#anyway take this response and then sprout ur defensism of this game elsewhere
cass-burger · 4 years
I haven’t played cyberpunk but did anyone expect something else? When was it that a game that got constantly delayed did not get hyped to hell and then destroyed by reviews because they had imagined a game beyond the actual limits of a game developer? The seizure lights thing is something no one could imagine but still I think the media is punching down a lot on an indie developer that tried to do something new instead of making the tenth game on the series or the third remake of this twenty year old game
did,,,,,,,,,,,, did you just call cd projekt red an indie developer????
ok i was gonna leave this in the tags but its important so im gonna go in depth about this
even if they were (which again... they’re NOT) I think it’s very fair to criticise them on issues they have in their game that merit criticising. it’s not ‘punching down’ to call them out on transphobia, lack of accessibility, refusing to take criticism early on, and actually doubling down on the things they were criticised for so they could pander to more reddit-y centre/right wing fans and painting themselves as edgy and ‘cool’ or whatever the fuck. even if they were an indie these are all issue that very much deserve criticism and need to be called out.
but what’s MORE! is that it’s not being judged harshly??????
bar a few that have rightfully called it out on its issues, it has gotten across the board praise DESPITE the bugs and whatever other issues that plagued its review period. it has a damn 90 score on metacritic BEFORE day 1 patches so from just the reviewers playing it and posting scores it managed to get very high. SO it’s not even as if it’s doing badly because people are being ‘unfair’ or whatever to an “indie”, which again I’m just,,,,,,,,,,,
they produced the game of the year for their last release and now they have had like 2-3 years of uninterrupted hype leading up to their release now which in that time they’ve received endorsement and advertising from like all the big names??? prominently???? they had the main talking point moment at last years Xbox e3 presentation????? one of the biggest events for gaming promotion????????? I’m just so gobsmacked you’d call it an indie I’m honestly reeling hahahaha
which on the note of indie companies if you want a good comparison look at what all the reviewers and media are saying about hades! supergiant are an actual indie studio and hades is an actual indie game. you didn’t see anyone criticising them for their game. you know why? cos there was nothing there to criticise! they had a lengthy period where the game was in an open beta that anyone (i believe) could join in on and help out with the development in the form of immediate feedback on what they were playing and how it was feeling. this lead to a very successful launch this year that has received critical acclaim across the board and the game even came super close to getting game of the year! (at the time of writing this the goty hasn’t been chosen yet but considering it was only at 11% with user votes i doubt the weighted judges votes will be able to pull it up into a win, not up against goliaths like ghost of tsushima or tlou2)
whats more is there’s been a few reports now about how good a company supergiant is to work for! you won’t find any of the issues that cdpr had with crunch there. you won’t find worker abuse. you won’t find buggy games that require extensive delays ultimately amounting to still-buggy games upon release. if cdpr was one end of the spectrum then supergiant would be the other. forced leave, zero crunch, non-ridiculous hours, workers that are spending the time they do spend working on the games because they love it and want to be working on it, not because their boss is telling them they have to. you don’t see anyone ‘punching down’ on supergiant for any of this despite them being an indie. instead you see them getting the rightful praise that they deserve. and if for some hard-to-imagine reason they or some other indie company did do something that wasnt great and needed to be called out you would see them getting called out and criticised like cdpr is now (assuming they had airtime in the first place)
anyway as i was saying for most of this post: cyberpunk has issues and it is right and good to call them out on it.
it’s not punching down.
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