#anyway stoic serious bois need to be wrecked all the time send tweet
tk-writer · 4 years
Just like old times. [ATLA - Zukaang]
Shortly after he laid down to rest that night, Zuko was yanked awake by yet another frightful nightmare. 
He was drenched in sweat, despite sleeping shirtless with all the bedroom windows open, and his lungs desperately gasped for air as if it were foreign to his body. Grounding himself back in reality was proving to be a challenge with the image of his father still burned into his mind.
It was the same dream that had plagued him since the age of thirteen. Five long years had passed since the fateful day of their agni kai, but being forced to relive it almost every night made it seem like it had just happened yesterday. It was as if the wound was still fresh, the fire still hot, the pain still throbbing.
The fire prince let out a dejected sigh before he decided to get up. He stumbled around in the dark until he was able to shove his feet into a nearby pair of slippers. Then he marched to the nearest bathroom in search of water.
Things were pretty quiet in the palace of the fire nation. After his father had been defeated at the hands of the avatar, the world entered an era of unfamiliar peace. Nowadays, the palace felt more like a home and less like a prison. There wasn’t the same aura of tension surrounding everyone and everything that stepped foot inside, partially in thanks to the fact that Aang had decided to stick around for a while. Something about helping rebuild the fire nation and introducing the element of “fun” back into the culture. What was supposed to be a short term stay had quickly turned into a year, then two, until Aang had practically moved in. 
(Not that Zuko really minded.)
After downing two cups of cold water, he felt his body return to homeostasis and figured it was best to try and get some more sleep. He made his way back to the bedroom, fumbling around until his hands felt the coolness of the slightly damp sheets. He plopped down unceremoniously and let out another sigh before closing his eyes once more.
His eyes shot back open when he sensed movement beside him and hot breath on the right side of his cheek. He turned his head ever so slightly and came face to face with a lithe figure, donning the goofiest grin known to man.
“... AAH!”
“Who’s there?!” He leapt out of the bed with a fighting stance, hands already ablaze with fiery blue embers. 
“Chill out! It’s me, Aang!”
The flames provided just enough light for him to see the airbender lounging across the mattress like it was his own. It was enough to pacify his fear. Zuko lit a candle on the nightstand before putting out the fire he’d summoned and inhaled sharply, crossing his arms in annoyance.
“What the hell are you doing in my bed?”
“I heard you yelling in your sleep and it woke me up! I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Feeling a bit sheepish, Zuko scratched the back of his head and lowered his gaze to the floor.
“Oh, uh… sorry about that.”
Aang looked concerned, his brows furrowed with worry. Zuko didn’t dare meet his gaze, knowing it would give away his uneasiness and cause even more trouble for himself.
“Are you okay? You looked really stressed.”
“I’m fine. You can go back to your room now.”
He waited for Aang to move, but instead ended up staring at him awkwardly as the avatar showed no sign of leaving. Instead, he rolled onto his stomach and practically shouted out a suggestion.
“Why don’t we have a sleepover tonight?!”
“What? No. Why would we do that.”
 “Come oooon, it’ll be just like old times when the gang was all together!”
“You mean when we slept on the ground and had no money?”
“Yeah! Except this time it’ll be more comfortable. Ya know, with a bed and a roof over our heads and all.”
Aang seemed pretty gungho about it, and Zuko found it difficult to keep saying no when he was giving him those damn puppy dog eyes, so he found himself giving in without much more of a fight.
(How did he know those always worked on him?)
“Alright. But only for tonight.”
Aang let out a triumphant cry, eliciting a stern “Shhhh!” from Zuko who didn’t want to disturb the others sleeping in the rooms next door. He cautiously crawled back into the king sized bed, taking care not to bump into his uninvited guest. Turning his back to the airbender, he curled into a fetal position and closed his eyes in another attempt at peaceful slumber.
“Goodnight, Aang.”
“Goodnight, Zuko.”
It was quiet for about two seconds, until Zuko felt something thin and soft flutter around his waist. On instinct, he let out a muffled cry as panic struck through his chest.
He relaxed once he realized it was just Aang’s hands.
“Aang,” he warned in a low tone. “Why are you hugging me.”
“For reassurance!” He sang out happily. “So you don’t feel scared anymore.”
“I told you, I’m fine,” Zuko argued as he started to squirm from the feather-light touches on his sides. “You don’t need to -aheeha!”
Another cry slipped out after he felt Aang’s hands brush right above the band of his pants. It was a silly sensation that made him twitch wildly, against his better nature. He felt Aang adjust himself, wrapping his arms a little tighter as his fingers continued to absentmindedly brush against Zuko’s bare skin. The firebender struggled to keep from laughing. Physical touch had not been a part of his life for many years, and being reintroduced to it now was making him very, very flustered.
“Hah! What was that?”
“It’s no-ahaha!-thing! Stop touching me like that, jeez…”
“Why? Wait, are you…”
Zuko tensed up, sensing what was to come next. Aang fell silent, spurring the fire prince’s anxiety even more. There was no need to finish the question when he already knew the answer.
“Aang, no.”
“Aang, yes.”
Ten fingers suddenly skittered up both of his sides, and in an instant Zuko burst out into a fit of cackles. There was no way he could hold it back; it tickled way too much. Aang’s touch was like air as he danced his fingertips over his exposed skin. The feeling brought forth the most musical giggles, an unexpected treat from someone who was usually so stoic. Zuko slammed his arms down and curled into a ball, but that didn’t deter the avatar from his attack.
“Aheeheeheehee! No, no, nonononono-OOOOO! Dohohon’t!”
Aang laughed merrily along with him, as if he were having the time of his life. Which he probably was. He always took the opportunity to make Zuko laugh or smile whenever he had the chance, and now was no exception.
“No way! I never knew you were ticklish! Haha!”
The airbender pulled away momentarily to let the fire prince breathe, but his mercy didn’t last long
“So, your sides are ticklish… what about your armpits?”
He jammed his hands in between his clamped down arms and wiggled around as much as he could, with Zuko attempting to squirm away and all. In truth, he was trying really hard not to struggle too much in fear of accidentally hurting his friend. A painful memory of Toph’s burned feet etched in his head as he made sure to keep his hands away from Aang and free of their usual fire. Instead, he just kept laughing until it felt like he was going to choke.
“No… not there! Pleheeheeheease!!”
“Okay, so your sides and armpits are pretty bad. What about your stomach?”
Zuko felt the wiggling hands leave his body for a second, then once again sensed them scurrying across his skin, this time exploring his belly. Soft, muted giggles escaped his lips, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as before. Still, his skin twitched wherever Aang made contact.
“Ahahaaa… noooo! Stahahap!”
“It’s not so bad here… but what about here?”
Aang gave no warning this time before he began pinching Zuko’s ribs, which spurred another round of maniacal cackling from the sullen firebender. He thrashed from side to side, kicking his legs frantically until Aang had to climb on top of him to avoid getting kicked. The airbender cracked up as he watched him descend even further into uncontrollable giggles.
“Wow, this must be a really bad spot for you!”
“Shahahahahaddup!! It’s not funny!”
“Heh, it’s kinda funny! Who woulda thought the big strong fire lord would be weak to a little tickling!”
Zuko found himself unable to respond as the tickling went on, his pleas turning into babbles thanks to Aang jumping around from spot to spot and teasing him into oblivion. Each time he’d explore a new area, he’d ask Zuko before honing in. And each time, Zuko wasn’t ready. He’d let out a high pitched shriek before succumbing to more upbeat giggles, uncharacteristic for someone of his nature. 
He had no idea how long things went on, but when Aang threatened to tickle his feet, he suddenly grabbed both of his arms and held firm.
“Please… no more…”
He spat out his last pleas in between haggard breaths, and that signaled to Aang that enough was enough. The avatar pulled away, allowing him some respite after the tickly torment he’d just put him through. When Zuko opened his eyes, he saw the avatar staring at him with a warm, sunny smile. It made his cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Zuko… I wish you’d laugh more. You have a really nice smile.”
“Wh… huh? Why would you…”
Now it was Aang’s turn to act shy. He let out a sheepish chuckle, backtracking a bit before explaining himself.
“Ah, sorry. I guess that’s kinda sappy. But, I dunno, you seem so sad a lot of the time. Sometimes I wish I could just come up to ya and do this!”
He scribbled across his stomach again, making Zuko squeal again, but stopped before it got to be too much. When his laughter died down again, he mumbled something so softly that Aang almost didn’t catch it.
“Well… maybe…”
“Maybe what?”
“Hnh, nevermind.”
Aang opened his mouth to protest, but clamped it shut almost immediately. Zuko wondered what he was going to say, but decided to let it be for now. After all, he was pretty spent after the surprise tickle attack he’d just endured.
“Uh, can we go back to sleep now?”
“Oh, yeah! Sorry, heh.”
Aang slid off and made himself comfortable on the other side of the bed, giving Zuko some space just in case he wanted to be alone. Zuko blew out the candle and laid down as well, and for a few seconds the room was silent. However, as Aang’s eyelids began to droop, he heard a timid voice speak up through the darkness.
“... Um… Aang?”
“Can you… can we… uhm…”
Aang chuckled under his breath, quietly enough that his bedside companion couldn’t hear. Without another word, he hugged his arms around Zuko and pulled him in close until they both were in a comfortable position. He pressed his forehead against his back and felt the firebender relax for the first time all night.
“Goodnight, Zuko.”
“Goodnight, Aang.”
Aang couldn’t see it, but that night Zuko fell asleep with a small smile. Neither woke until the bright light of late morning greeted them through the window.
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