#anyway she'd definitely schedule her cries
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probably-impossible · 7 months ago
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Seestor processes her feelings about Nihil in a normal and healthy way 👍
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luvhughes43 · 1 year ago
blake hughes childhood thoughts!
after a particularly rough competition, blake’s coach absolutely berates her and then when she gets in the car her parents are just telling her she’s got to practice harder/be better. jack holds her hand in the backseat while she silently cries
(lake house) when blake and jack were like 12 and he pissed her off, she went outside and found a spider and then put it in his room! it freaked him out so bad because he hates spiders. anyway, it backfired on her because jack refused to sleep in his room that night so blake had to let him sleep in her room
all her life blake had begged for a pet, but with the hughes busy schedules it just wouldn’t work out. she made a bet with her parents that if she won gold at the olympics that they’d have to get her a cat. she got a black cat a month after the olympics (named monroe)
luke had troubles learning how to ride a bike as a kid and would get so worked up when his parents / brothers tried to teach him. so one afternoon when everyone was busy blake took him down the block to practice and that’s how he learnt how to ride a bike!
after a couple frustrating figure skating practices, quinn sneaks himself and blake out of the house and they go get ice cream (this was a regular occurrence)
blake loved to pretend she was a sports broadcaster! whenever her brothers would do a simple task like unloading the dishwasher she'd come up behind them like, "AND HE DOES IT!! JACK HUGHES HAS SUNK THE LAST BOWL INTO THE BACK OF THE CUPBOARD!!! amazinggg performance by hughes!" jack would glare but he lowkey loved it
when blake would come back from long competitions luke (maybe he was like 11/12) would sneak into her room at night and lay with her. definitely wasn't uncommon to find them sprawled across blakes bed after a long stint away from home
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elysian-edu · 10 months ago
birthday post for @twilightclouds !!!!🫶🏾
characters: layla, freminet, & kazuha!!
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— "Happy birthday. I got you this pocket astrolabe... The same stars witness the fate of the human race today as did yesterday, and as will forever. May they cast their gaze upon you, and may they stay with you always, through the desert and across the ocean, until you reach your destination."
she's surprisingly attentive (sometimes) even while she's drowsy, so if you were to ever go on about something you'd like, she'd make a mental note of it.
prepares your present a few weeks away from your birthday, even if she has a hard time balancing her schedule and working on it. (she eventual pushes through!!!)
when she finally reveals the gift to you, it's full of trinkets you've mentioned or hinted at wanting over the course of your friendship (or relationship🤷🏾‍♀️), and a hand written letter talking about how much you mean to her.
is confused when you ask how she remembered all these things. and she just stares at you like: "why wouldn't i remember that?"
nonetheless, her gift is very sentimental!
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— "... I have a secret hideout there, and I keep some glowing sea creatures as pets... I just want to give you a birthday experience like you've never had before, and then give you my birthday wishes... Will you give me the chance to do that?"
definitely doesn't know what to get you. he wants to get you everything but doesn't want your present to be too flashy or too subtle.
eventually resorts to his siblings for advice, but their advice doesn't seem to help him either.
he ponders long and hard about it, and eventually decides to build you something, (and take you somewhere.)
you know those lego flowers?? that's what i'd imagine he'd make for you, but obviously not lego. and somehow he'd find a way to make them bloom when you hold them.
tells you to meet him close to the beach on your birthday, and takes you to this pretty cove on the edge of it.
he's very shy when he gives you your gift, his head down, and his voice barely audible when he wishes you a happy birthday.
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— "I guess I'll just share what I've got so far, then. "Sun and moon rejoice / Birds of dawn sing songs anew"... Wait, don't say a word, I think the final line is coming to me... Yes, how about.... "Far from home, with you." Anyway, Happy Birthday. Let's go and get you some cake, shall we?"
writes poems for you as your gift. he conveys things easily with his words, so it only makes sense.
it's definitely something you'll have to decipher to understand the meaning, but when you do it's really sweet.
overall, his poems are about his experiences with you, and how much he appreciates you.
100% tear jerking, and if it wasn't for his amazing senses, he would've thought he you didn't like his gift if you cried.
his choice of words is so perfect, how couldn't you shed a tear?? but anyway, he's definitely on the list for one of the most thoughtful gifts.
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prettyoddfever · 1 year ago
hi! there’s a poem that brendon supposedly posted in august 2008 on “dylan’s myspace” that a lot of fans call “the summer poem” and i was wondering if you could confirm if he wrote it or not. i know you touched on the fact that there were a lot of fake accounts made around that time, but this specific poem has always felt more genuine than other posts and the writing style fits his tone. i’ve always really liked it, but i was never 100% sure of its validity. thank you!
ok so I had to google this to see what the "summer poem" was and I found this tumblr post, which had this link at the bottom:
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and that links to the dilloncornbreadandchicken myspace as the source of that poem, which explains everything.
So towards the end of the Honda Civic Tour (and shortly after Pete Wentz got married), one of Pete's dog Hemingway's supposed extra myspace accounts posted a bulletin that said “it would make me happy if you would add my buddy dillon. here's his myspace" and linked to the dilloncornbreadandchicken account. The fact that Dylan's name was spelled wrong and she was misgendered was a little weird. Also, Hemingway's real account didn't post anything about this. (Side note: Yes, Panic's myspace got hacked around the end of the Honda Civic Tour, so even the legit myspace accounts could occasionally do something unusual. Also can I please just complain that the hackers could have posted some highly entertaining stuff "from Adam" on Panic's myspace if they'd had any imagination. Like we all know what's going on, so why not just do something absurd for a laugh).
But the dilloncornbreadandchicken account seemed questionable on its own anyways. Keep in mind that a lot of fans were obsessed with the idea that Brendon & Shane were dating... like a lot of the Ryden enthusiasm got channeled there in 2008 because at least it still implied that Brendon was into guys.
Some random things that seemed odd to me:
Several of the pictures on that myspace were absolutely not Dylan. Similar looking dog, but definitely not her.
One of the songs that played on Dillon’s profile was “Ur So Gay” by Katy Perry.
The account said things like "yea i have 2 daddys... out of the ordinary? daddy brendon and shane both take excellent care of me.”
Many girls had convos with the “Shane and Brendon” who ran that myspace. That account was also very active with replying & commenting on other's profiles. June was still a busy month for the real Brendon, who was finishing the Honda Civic Tour (and doing a lot of publicity/media stuff) and then getting ready for Europe.
In July (while the band was still in Europe), fans asked Shane about Brendon's comment to Kerrang about how the last time he cried was when he heard that Dylan ran away for a few days. Shane explained that Dylan was living with his parents while Panic was on tour, and that she'd run away on a nearby golf course to chase rabbits for a few days. Shane also apparently seemed confused when a fan at the Astoria show told him she was friends with Dylan on myspace.
There were a ton of fake myspace & facebook accounts for everyone in PATD over the years. Some of them even managed to spell Brendon's name right. But Brendon just would not be talking to fans on myspace like that (or even be on myspace at that point period). The band had stopped doing even basic journal updates by 2008, but even in 2006 Brendon & Ryan had put a lot of distance between themselves and fans, and we heard from them less & less. The guys didn't even run their band's social media in the Fever era. This whole episode reminded me of how in late 2006 many middle school girls swore they'd been talking to Ryan on AIM and he'd shared secret lyrics with them, and I was like omg common sense please.
The person who wrote that "summer poem" sounds like a school schedule still factored into their awareness, and they're possibly trying to make a subtle connection to Brendon's old part_time_lovah livejournal account. I stopped paying attention to the dilloncornbreadandchicken myspace after seeing so many big fans similarly conclude that it was fake, so I don't remember much about the poem. I'll only say that it should be regarded with some suspicion... even just posting a poem anywhere online like that would have been very out of character for Brendon. (For context, that poem was posted while Brendon was busy being a tired, sick, sweaty mess on tour in Asia and the band was heading to Australia next).
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kimwexlers-brownhair · 2 years ago
Ouuggh Misty and Logan sounds so nasty but I am intrigued
Karyn Kusama said Misty was a frustrated leader. Someone like Logan would pick up on that. I think she'd take him back to young Gerri, and whatever feelings he had then. He'd definitely notice her killer instinct and her fearlessness. Of course, any feelings like that would be compounded by the fact she has this maniacal attachment to Shiv and might actually be insane. She's also younger than his daughter, but at the end of the day would that really stop Logan if he wanted to pursue somebody?
I'm not saying it would have to be explicitly romantic. There could be ambiguity like with Gerri and Rhea. But just imagine Shiv disappearing like Nat, and Logan realizing the most discreet person to help find her is this weird woman who was in the crash and who first alerted him to the fact Shiv was even gone (he doesn't know what Shiv did exactly in the woods, but he knows he doesn't want some untrustworthy P.I. to find out)...and then he starts considering this rather mad but doubtlessly brilliant woman obsessed with his daughter as possibly someone who could be repolished enough to lead Waystar....but then he's enraged by all those fucking musicals she listens to and that fucking parrot, yet it's weird how much she reminds him of young Gerri...
And then what if Mistly accidentally fucking kills Shiv? Just as he arrives at the compound with Colin to surprise his daughter? WHAT THEN, READER?
Anyway, here's them first meeting:
The festivities finally showed signs of slowing down. Logan hoped to make as quiet a getaway as he could. He’d finally given in after Shiv openly pouted just a few too many times, rare for him but not unheard of when it came to her. He stayed through the entire match, not just the first half as he usually did. It was a big one, a big win, one that got them into States. 
His pride in Siobhan was fierce. She’d been a single-minded warrior out there, a deadly machine as she charged the ball down the expansive green. He saw his own fire and grit in her tight face, in her ruthless footwork. He’d cried out in primal pride along with the rest of the crowd. He couldn’t help it. He was taken back to his time in Dundee, unwinding after a fruitless day of research and scavenging for anything flashy to take back to the paper. He released his rage by screaming as the players ran, his blood up. The sweat and scent of danger, blood in the air, warriors again, true warriors as the slaughter raged on.
This time, though, it was a sweeter, juicier victory. That was his child out there.
He never loved Shiv more.
However, now came the true reason he never before stayed until the end aside from constant scheduling conflicts: he knew there’d be this mad fucking crush. First he endured as many crowding, brownnosing fathers as he could, either trust fund Brahman cunts who wanted to rub their old money in his face while looking to invest, or fellow new money patriarchs who wanted to climb higher up the social and corporate ladder.
After, there was wading through the leftover students littering the area between the stadium and the parking lot, a difficult journey even with Colin paving a path before him. For demanding such a large sum to mold the One Percent’s sperm into civilized leeches, the authorities at this school clearly never came down hard on those specimens drinking their weight in cheap watery beer. He dodged groups of teens bedecked in blue and yellow facepaint, all howling at the night sky like a pack of wolves that stumbled onto an open trough of Bud Lite.
Through the celebratory din came an awed young voice: “Are you Shiv’s dad?”
Logan turned from the car door Colin opened for him. His bodyguard was highly aware but not on the alert, obviously. All there was in front of them was the little equipment manager he noted during the game. Far from a drunken wolf, she looked more like a cocker-spaniel both up close and from the stands. With that frightful hair and that ceaseless hopping up and down, especially when Shiv was on the field, she exuded total adoration (the spaniel starving for a pat on the head from its master). Up close, Logan thought he’d never seen such bare, raw neediness and worship in anyone’s eyes before. 
Shiv’s dad, she called him. 
Something nagging simmered, but he gave her his best Santa smile regardless. “Yes, I am.”
The fervor only brightened those staring eyes as she came nearer, awed, but not at him, not at him. “Your daughter is the most amazing person,” she said almost breathlessly. “Just the kindest, smartest person I’ve ever met! She’s my best friend in the whole world.”
Logan held back his sneer as he took her in. That frizzy fair, that worshiping smile, those desperate, desperate eyes behind their glasses  – he could tell in an instant his Siobhan probably was barely aware who this girl was. 
Had she been a subordinate, he could have properly cut her down to size; but snapping at a teenage girl at his daughter’s soccer match to show some dignity would decidedly look a bit poor. – not with so many witnesses, not with so many trust fund dads with their gleaming teeth and quiet laughs hovering in the distance.
So he kept up the Santa facade, all while manifesting the interaction to end. “Well, that is very kind of you to say. And what’s your name?”
“Misty Quigley,” she darted her hand out quickly, and Logan couldn’t help feeling something close to amused as he shook it. “I’m the team’s equipment manager.”
“Yes, I noticed. You did very well. You were very quick with that Gatorade, weren’t you?” Not a spaniel, more like a sheepdog keeping track of its herd and pouncing whenever one panted just a little too much.
She was genuinely touched and made no effort to conceal that. “Thank you. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of sports-related injuries.” She leaned forward, her glasses catching the headlights from various cars. “‘The veriest coward would become an inspired hero, equal to the bravest, at such a time; Love would inspire him.” She leaned back. “Plato.” Her eyes were black holes, devoid of something vital. “That’s how Shiv makes me feel.” She beamed at him.
Logan gave the girl this: it had been a long time since someone threw him so off-balance. On the one hand, she was clearly either a budding young dyke infatuated with his daughter or wanted to be her or maybe both. In a way that heightened his pride in Shiv. She was already mastering the skill that can’t be taught, that rare power to bewitch. Probably unknowingly, considering how gauche this disciple was.
But on the other hand –
She quoted him fucking Plato. This fifteen, sixteen-year-old. As she recited, there was a grandeur to her stillness, a startling moment of dignity he never would have guessed she possessed. That both impressed and surprised him; two emotions he was always searching to feel from his children, and only Shiv ever delivered on.
But there was a gleam behind the frames, something that reminded him of – the coyote, maybe?
After locking up the cattle, he'd turned to two bright lights of mad emptiness staring through him out of the dark between him and the barn. No malice, but no mercy, either. The lights were consistent, unwavering.
Before either Logan or the animal could act, an explosion left it bloody at his feet. Noah emerged from the shadows outside the barn, his shotgun still smoking. Studying the wretch’s carcass, Logan could plainly see it was emaciated and missing patches of fur. That desperate, desperate gleam in its eyes before its death –
The encounter terrified Logan and settled somewhere cringing in his skull. He hadn’t felt that way really since, not that kind of immediate, feral fear.  Now that feeling returned, a brief whisper caressing the back of his neck, as this girl stared endlessly at him, unblinking, zeroed in.
An exasperated voice called out from the bleachers, several feet behind them. “Misty!” Coach Scott. “You didn’t get the last cones off the field!”
“Oh, I better go.” She stuck up an awkward hand in farewell. “It was very nice to meet you, Mr. Roy.”
“You as well.”
She scampered away.
Shiv slipped in beside him after final hugs and whoops with her teammates. She was covered in grass stains, reddish-blonde strands flying all over her bright red face. She looked as wild and joyful as she used to as a child, running into his office and announcing gleefully that she’d left her brothers stranded on the floating dock without a boat.
Here in the car, he squeezed her sweaty little hand. “Very good, Pinky.”
Wicked grin. She turned even redder, but for different reasons now. “Thanks. And thank you for staying the whole time.” The grin evolved to tread the tightrope walk between between cheeky and nasty. “Hope no stocks crashed or island governments revolted while you were away.”
Logan eyed her.  She grew more and more brazen with him as she passed from child to pre-pubescent, from pre-pubescent to adolescent. From adolescent to Yellowjacket. Typically he found her chiding charming, but lately she straddled the line a little too freely. Best to check it now. 
“Yes, well. It’s too bad you let that Matthews girl kick the winning goal. What happened out there? Why did you pass it to her?” Her prick of a father was sure to dangle it over his head the next time they met at some fundraiser or another.
Shiv scoffed. “Um, because she was closer to the goal? Y’know, teamwork, Dad?”
“Huh.” He sensed her squirm beside him at his disapproval, and he was glad. She needed to learn. “There’s a top dog on every team, Siobhan. Your mates are rivals just as much as the competition. Remember that and don’t be too generous.” He hoped that hit home. He knew she was already mad as hell that Martinez made Taylor’s girl captain instead of her. She’d stomped all around the house when she got home from school that day, muttering about how Jackie only got it because she was a “prissy little sycophant. She couldn't kick straight to save her vapid romcom life.” She’d referred to her as Julia Roberts ever since.
She needed to direct that contempt into a more useful channel.
Shiv stared out the window as the driver dodged a troupe of boys screaming “Buzz, buzz, buzz” at the top of their lungs, as they stumbled clown-car style down the crosswalk. At last the car turned left away from the school and into regular traffic.
“I met a little friend of yours. A most ardent fan.”
Shiv turned sharply, and he saw she knew who it was but hoped it wasn’t. “Yeah?”
“Yes, the equipment manager. Mindy something.” He raised his eyebrows. “Apparently you’re her best friend in the whole world.” His voice was sing-song soft, and he relished his daughter’s embarrassment.
Shiv groaned and leaned her head back over the headrest. “Misty….”
“Ah, yes, that’s it. Quite the little intellectual. She quoted Plato to me.”
“Of course she did.” Shiv sighed. “She’s been obsessed with me for over a year. I think she begged Coach Scott to be equipment manager just to be close to me. It’s such a pain in the ass.”
Logan was quiet for a moment, looking her over. So it was as he thought: this girl was a pest to Siobhan at best. But there was something else in Shiv’s eyes looking away from him. Something like a nervous guilt? That line in the middle of her forehead sometimes led to her going for that thumbnail. Somewhere there flashed a memory of yelling, yelling like a hound baying at a treed raccoon, when she told him she’d stranded her brothers. 
He tucked that away.
Shiv needed to learn.
“Maybe it’s wise not to be too dismissive, Pinky. People like that can prove very useful down the line.”
Shiv dashed her eyes up to his and then down again, and he couldn’t read her expression. 
They were quiet for the rest of the ride home.
He forgot about the fear he felt at those mad, empty coyote eyes shielded by glass frames. He forgot until the very moment between consciousness and sleep.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years ago
𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 (𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)× 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐭! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐀𝐔, 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐘/𝐍 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨'𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡. 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠....𝐢𝐟 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.8K
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧, 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧! 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨, 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯-𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐛! 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐣𝐨𝐛, 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢-𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨���𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬.), 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭, 𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐱.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @multidreams-and-desires @yunhoiseyecandy @cometoceantrenches
𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 𝒃𝒚 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 🖤
The producer turned off the music which confused the artist that was currently inside the recording booth. Taking off the headphones, she fanned out the hair which stuck in between them and looked towards the two males which were sitting outside watching her intensely.
"Is something wrong?"
The long and frustrated sigh the producer emitted let her know something was most certainly wrong.
"It's all wrong. Everything about your singing is wrong." The producer said.
Y/N's mouth dropped open slightly, confused by the man's voice. Tilting her head, she could see the other male who currently had his arms crossed and was looking at her with a smug grin, probably celebrating that she was about to get scolded.
"What is it? Is it the lyrics? Am I off key? Do you want me to sing in a different tone." She could already feel her anxiety rising up.
"No Y/N. The pitch, the lyrics, all that is fine. It's just....there's no feeling whatsoever. This is supposed to be a love song yet it somehow feels extremely melancholic. It's like.....it's like I'm listening to an extremely talented zombie."
The younger male from behind nearly doubled over, a soft snort coming out his nose that he quickly drowned out by covering his mouth and pretended to cough. The girl in the booth blinked slowly, processing that words the producer just said to her.
"We're done for today. We'll continue recording another day. Just please Y/N, try to find some inspiration to help with the feeling of the song. Think of an idol you're crush on, your pet, your favorite food! I don't care! Just try to sound more convincing, please!"
Without so much as another word, the producer slammed the door behind him. Once the girl stepped out of the booth, her eyes darted over to the male in the couch, who could no longer contain himself and began bursting into laughter.
"Oh shut up you gorilla."
Grabbing one of the pillows, she tossed it at his face in vain as he merely caught it and stuffed it underneath his arm.
"I'm not the one who made the producer angry with that screeching of yours." He shrugged.
Letting out an offended scoff, Y/N placed her hands on her hips.
"I do not screech thank you! As if you did any better Jongho."
"Uh....last time I recall, I got through my first half of the song perfectly fine with no screw ups. You on the other hand have been recording over and over again cause you can't fix that hoarse throat of yours." He teased her.
"My voice is not hoarse!" She cried out.
"Ok sure whatever you say. It's ok, I promise I won't say anything about you sucking dick last night and that's why you can hardly talk let alone sing."
"Excuse me?" She raised an eyebrow at him, not amused with another one of his dirty jokes.
"I mean kind of unprofessional to do such things the night before a schedule, but who am I to judge a nymphomaniac?" Wiggling his eyebrows at her, he snorted loudly.
Y/N was going to retaliate the same way she usually did: strike back with a savage remark, insult him personally or even smack his head just for the fun of it. Although she couldn't deny that she probably deserved him teasing her since she was the one who started every time since they began working on the song together, she still felt like he went too far at times. Almost like an annoying brother who seemed to thrive out of making your life miserable. But this time, she wanted to turn it up a few levels, get Choi Jongho to eat his words and shut up once and for all.
"Oh? So you've heard the rumors then?"
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"What rumors?"
Giggling softly, she began to slowly walk over to him, making sure to put a little sway in her hips.
"The rumors about how I give some of the best blowjobs."
She nearly laughed when Jongho's eyes flung open, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly as he swallowed nervously at her words.
"Oh stop playing coy Jongho and just admit it." She brought her face down at eye level with him, Jongho pulling his gaze away immediately at her close proximity.
"Ad-admit what exactly?" He stuttered cutely.
Smirking down at him, she startled him when she suddenly straddled his lap, his hands clutching the leather material under him.
"Admit that you brought it up cause you want to experience that yourself." She ran her fingers through his soft black hair.
"Experience what exactly?" He shifted uncomfortably underneath her, face reddening as he began to feel a small tent begin to form in his jeans, prompting him to stop moving before she felt it.
But Y/N felt it, she could definitely feel his bulge poking at her ass. Unable to stop herself, she rolled her hips against Jongho's, who had a shocked expression on his face.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, words caught in his throat as he thought about a way to get out of the situation.
"What? Isn't this what you wanted? All those times you made all those sex jokes, wasn't it just to get me like this? On top of you? Ready to sink myself on your cock and ride you as I want?"
Jongho stumbled over his words, small frustrated whimpers spilling out of his lips as his erection grew harder inside his pants due to the incessant roll off her hips. And the way he was involuntarily bucking his hips up at her wasn't helping at all. Leaning down, she grazed her lips over his, her warm breath ghosting over his mouth.
"Just tell me how you want me Jongho. On my knees, on all fours, on the wall? I bet you'd love showing off your strength as you pound my soaking cunt against the-"
"I'm a virgin!"
Once he yelled out those words, Y/N's movements halted. Her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as she looked down with extreme surprise at Jongho, whose flushed face and teary eyes told her he wasn't lying to her.
"You're what?!" She quickly got off him, afraid to even be closer than 6 feet from him after his revelation.
"I'm a virgin ok!? I've never done anything with anyone, I haven't even had my first kiss."
He looked utterly ashamed and humiliated having to admit all that, especially when he had a huge problem in between his legs, that Y/N felt really bad for him. She knew she probably took it too far, but how was she supposed to know that he was practically a saint?
"Then why would you always tease me with overly sexual jokes?" She demands to know.
"Because nothing else worked to get you mad. Everything else slid off like butter on you. Besides I had to get back at you for all the times you messed with me. You were the one who started being mean out of nowhere and for no reason."
She definitely couldn't deny that statement. Sighing softly, she leaned back on the chair behind her.
"Ok, I guess I'm sorry about it. I guess I can..... stop pestering you or whatever." She offered.
Jongho's eyes immediately lit up at her words, unable to contain that gummy smile of his.
Y/N didn't know what it was, but seeing him smile like that, looking so adorably innocent and naive, it sparked something in her. She looked him up and down, Jongho was certainly very attractive and she'd be lying if she said she had never thought about what he'd look like without clothes on, his physique was astounding to say the least. She didn't know what it was, but she knew she had to have him.
"If........you give me something in return."
Jongho looked at her in confusion wondering what on earth she could possibly want from him.
"And that is?"
Smiling fondly at him she answered:
"I want to take your virginity."
Jongho widened his eyes, his hand trembling softly.
"You want to what?"
"You heard me Jongho. I want to take your virginity."
He looked so appalled and frightened by her words, his eyes looking down at the floor that she immediately regretted having such thought in the first place. How could she possibly ask him to give up something which was possibly important and sacred to him.
"Look Jongho, I was only kidding. Don't worry about-"
"Ok fine."
Now it was her turn to be shocked.
"Wait. Are you serious?" She looked at him in disbelief.
He nodded, all fear and doubt from before gone.
"But I'm holding you to your word. You better start being nice or so help me I'll ruin your career."
She chuckled dryly at his threat.
"Don't worry, I promise I won't annoy you anymore."
They stood quiet for a few moments, unable to think of something else to say. Jongho was the first to speak up.
"So....should I take off my pants then?"
Y/N cringed at his words.
"Not right here right now Jongho. Maybe in a less public place, like I don't know, my apartment." She suggested.
"Oh right....." Jongho realized how dumb he probably sounded right at that moment.
"Let me know when you don't have any schedules, I'm going to be on break anyways for the next weeks after I finish my goodbye stage tomorrow at Music Bank, so I'll be free any day after that."
Jongho nodded.
"So we're really doing this?" He asked more to himself than to her.
"You can always back out at any point if you want." She reminded him.
"No! It's fine. I'll let you know when I'm available."
Getting up, Jongho grabbed his jacket and phone. Before leaving, he scared Y/N when he suddenly cupped her chin with one hand and kissed the top of her head.
"I'll see you soon Y/N. Take care."
Y/N paced back and forth. One minute she was sitting quietly on her couch then suddenly she got up and grabbed a glass of water in the kitchen. Why was she so nervous? It's not like she wasn't experienced in sex, but for some reason she felt antsy about what was about to happen.
"Calm down. Just get it over with and try not to scare him to much." She mentally told herself.
She couldn't help but stare at her reflection in the mirror she had in the hallway. She looked at her attire consisting of plain black shorts and a dark grey oversized shirt. Should she change into something more cute? Or was she overdressed? She mentally face palmed herself for thinking that.
"I'm going to end up naked in the end, who the fuck cares about what I'm wearing?" She shook her head at her stupidity.
Hearing the doorbell ring, she actually jumped slightly and let out a small shriek. She took a deep breath and sped over to the front door, hesitating for a second or two as her hand hovered over the handle. Wanting to get it over with, she turned it and opened the door in a rather hasty manner.
"Hey." Jongho shyly greeted her, mask still covering his face, his hat pulled down to hide his forehead.
"Hey you." She moved out of the way to let him inside.
Taking off his mask, hat and jacket, Jongho neatly put them on the rack Y/N had on the front door, making sure to also take off his shoes. Turning around, he looked around everywhere but at her, his hands in his pockets as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"How was your day?" She asked him.
"Ummm tiring. I spent most of the day filming with the Hyungs for the new drama we're going to be in. So yeah....." He answered softly.
"Oh I see. Yeah I remember how acting schedules were. Are you hungry? I can whip up some ramen for you fast."
Not giving him time to answer, she took his hand and led him into the kitchen. She began rummaging through her cabinets, taking out a few packets of ramen, thinking Jongho was no doubt hungry.
"Would you like some water? Juice? I made lemonade this morning that-"
She instantly shut up and dropped the ramen packets on the floor when Jongho's hand gripped her wrist and turned her around to face him. He looked nervous, she could feel how his hand trembled against her wrist, and she knew she was probably also mirroring the same expression as he was. Nevertheless, he was determined in what he was going to do. His eyes were fixed firmly on her lips which looked so soft and delicate. Before he and she knew it, he was leaning down and pressing his lips against hers, giving her a faint whisper of a kiss. If Y/N could she would have giggled at how cute he was being, giving her the exact kiss she expected from someone who was having his first kiss. But she held herself back, letting him enjoy himself.
Pulling back, Jongho pressed his forehead against hers, eyes scanning to see her reaction.
"Was it terrible?"
She shook her head and smiled at him with a warm expression.
"No, on the contrary, I enjoyed it."
Unable to help herself, she wrapped her arms up his neck and began pecking his lips.
"Have I told you you're absolutely adorable?"
Now it was his turn to smile as he began to reciprocate her kisses.
"No. You usually called me a bother, gorilla, oversized panda or something like that."
Y/N hummed softly as she slowly began to deepen their kisses, enclosing her lips over Jongho's, her tongue running itself on his upper lip.
"Open your mouth." She gently told him when he didn't get the hint.
Parting his lips slightly, Jongho let out a tiny muffled whine when he felt her tongue poke against his, swirling around his mouth in slow and slimy movements. He felt so awkward having her practically devour his mouth, pulling his tongue between her lips and giving them a slight suck. Feeling him get really awkward, Y/N pulled back.
"Not a fan so far?" She nuzzled her nose against his.
He let out a groan.
"How can you people enjoy it? Feels like an eel is trying to attack me."
Y/N laughed softly at his comparison, not offended but understanding it would take time for him to get used to certain things.
"Hmmm ok. Then let's try something else."
Starting at his jaw, Y/N placed tiny butterfly kisses across it, lowering them down onto his neck. She concentrated on the way his breath would hitch when she'd kiss a certain place, tongue poking out to test the waters and so far he seemed to be ok with it. But he still hardly made any reaction. Did he also not like neck kisses? Or had she not found the right-
"Oh-oh.." Jongho inhaled sharply, his hands coming over to cling onto her hips when she had placed a lick on top of his neck mole.
"So that's where it was."
She mentally smiled before latching her mouth back on top of the patch of skin, suckling on his sensitive spot which had Jongho mumbling something incoherent.
"...feels good.." She made out a few words.
"Yeah? You like this?"
Letting out a tiny gasp when he felt her bite down on his neck, Jongho's head tilted back so she could have more access, eyes shut tight while his bottom lip was caught between his teeth. He didn't think he'd be that receptive to her suckling, yet here he found himself, pressed against her kitchen counter, barely able to keep his hands away from her as they were now sliding down to cup her ass. Kneading at the soft skin, he didn't notice he had begun to rut himself on her thigh which was currently between his legs until she had pulled back and told him about it.
"You're already this turned on by just a hickey?" She gazed down in between their bodies.
"Oh?......I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
Shutting him up with a kiss, she linked their hands together before pulling him out of the kitchen.
"Don't apologize."
Jongho allowed himself to be lead into her room, letting her guide him to the bed where he obediently layed down on. He was unsure of what to do when he felt her tug at his shirt.
It was a simple command yet he found it hard to bring himself to do it. He began to feel self conscious. Although he was proud of his body, would she think the same way? What if she preferred less bulky men? Or what if she didn't think he was that fit? It seemed Y/N knew what he was thinking about since she slipped her hands underneath his shirt, lightly caressing his bare torso.
"Don't be shy. I bet you look fine."
Raising his arms over his head so it'd be easier for her to help him slip his shirt off, he looked at her and blushed slightly when her eyes raked over his arms, his muscles flexing unconsciously.
"Ok well, bet lost. You look better than fine." She fought hard to keep herself from drooling over his large built. Jongho truly was one of the most mesmerizing idols she had ever seen, and she had seen a lot of them since she debuted.
"So think my body looks ok?"
Instead of replying, Y/N opted for hunching over and start giving his chest open mouth kisses. She didn't break eye contact whatsoever as she dragged her tongue down his abs, further flustering the poor boy who was eyeing her every movements very carefully. The further down she got, the more needy he seemed to be getting. Suddenly his jeans felt too confining, too restricting. He got an urgent need in between his legs that he had never felt so intensely as he felt at that moment.
"Y/N....." He called out to her, fingertips grazing her hair.
Retracting her mouth from his stomach, which now had a purple mark forming, Y/N looked up at him with concern.
"Do you want me to stop?"
Jongho shook his head. Bucking his hips up against her body, he licked his lower lip.
"Please do something."
When she still didn't understand what he meant, he took hold of her hand and placed it on his crotch, making her subtly squeeze at the hardness. Getting the hint, Y/N thought it would be a little fun to tease him just once more.
"What? Want me to take you out of these pants?" With a roll of her palm, she had Jongho hissing lightly as she groped at his hard on.
"Yes please. Touch me." He urged her to continue.
Wanting to please him, she began undoing his zipper, opening up his pants before dragging them down his thick thighs along with his underwear. She had to flinch her head back when his girthy cock sprang free and nearly hit against her chin. She had her mouth agape as she took in his size, resting on top of his stomach.
"Jesus, I knew you'd be big but I didn't think you'd be..... that big."
Jongho giggled nervously at her comment.
"Well thanks for that."
Pretty soon, his pants were also discarded on the floor. Y/N took in the sight of Jongho fully naked on her bed, chest slowly rising up and lowering back down, anxious to find out what she was going to do next. Settling herself between his legs, she hummed softly before taking a hold of his base, that action alone making him tense up.
"Just relax ok? I know it'll probably feel awkward for you at first but just try not to think too much." She encouraged him.
Jongho nodded and decided to not look down at her, instead choosing to gaze up at the ceiling above him. He grimaced slightly when he heard and felt her spit on his dick, feeling odd about having her saliva ooze down his length. But soon after, he let out a sighed softly as he felt what he assumed was her hand running up and down his shaft. He couldn't help but close his eyes as he began to get lost in the euphoric feeling. He would occasionally inhale sharply everytime her thumb would run itself along his slit, hips rolling up to match the strokes she placed on his cock. Jongho already felt a blissful sensation that he thought couldn't get any better.....and then he felt something warm wrap around his head.
"Oh- fuck!" Jongho's eyes shot up as he stared down to find Y/N giving his tip the most subtle of sucks yet it was more than enough to make him go wild.
"Sorry. You just looked too irresistible that I just had to. Hope you don't mind." She winked at him before sinking more of him into her mouth.
His cock twitched when he felt himself hit the back of her throat, the gagging sound she made making him worry momentarily, but it was obvious it didn't bother her as she just dragged her tongue down to his base before coming back up and taking all of him inside her mouth once more. Her head began bobbing up and down as lewd slurping noises spilled from her mouth. Sloppily, she'd swirl her tongue around him, sometimes even dipping it into his slit when she would pull back before going back down until her nose touched his pubic bone. Meanwhile Jongho had his hands fisting the blanket underneath him, his hips trying to hold back from grinding up against Y/N's mouth in fear of accidentally hurting her. When she gave him a particularly harsh suck, his hips jerked up and he was immediately pushing her face away.
"Stop! T-too much!" He gasped out, already looking out of breath with sweat beads forming along his hairline.
"I'm sorry, guess I got a little carried away." She wiped some of the drool and precum that collected around her chin.
While he layed there trying to collect himself, Y/N took the opportunity to begin stripping herself out of her clothes. Throwing her shirt over her head, Jongho whimpered when he saw that she had worn no bra underneath her garment, her bare chest greeting him out of nowhere. He couldn't peel his eyes from her, looking up at her in amazement and admiration as she sat on top of him completely nude.
"You're beautiful..." He didn't realize he said it out loud.
"Really? You think so? I was a little worried since I gained a bit of weight during my hiatus." She pouted slightly.
"Oh trust me, you have nothing to be worried about. You're gorgeous." He couldn't help himself but praise her, feeling himself fall deeper into her charms.
Pulling him up, Y/N wrapped her arms around him, lips coming down to kiss him tenderly, making sure not to slip any tongue in his mouth since he obviously didn't enjoy it very much. Jongho seemed to have gained a little more confidence, his hands coming up to caress her back, before fully embracing her with his arms, pulling her closer against him. As he shifted underneath her, his cock made contact with her wet core, making them both moan into each other's mouths before pulling away, their breaths getting caught in their throats.
Looking at him one last time, Y/N had to ask.
"Are you completely sure you still wanna go through with this?"
Jongho didn't hesitate, instead laying back down as he looked up at her.
"Yes I'm sure. Just please.....be gentle." He begged her.
Fighting back her urges to just ruin him completely, Y/N took a hold of his base and lined him up against her opening. Wanting to take it slow, she first slipped his head inside.
"You doing ok so far?"
He nodded reassuringly.
"Yeah....feels kinda like having your mouth around it, only it's a lot warmer and more tighter."
Slowly and slowly, Y/N began to sink lower onto his length before fully sitting on top of him. Jongho let out a choked out gasp as her hole covered him entirely, squeezing him all around.
"H-holy!" He cried out in a raspy tone, fingers reaching out to grip at her thighs to help him stabilize himself.
Y/N waited a few seconds to let him adjust to the newfound feeling, smiling to herself whenever she felt his cock twitch inside of her.
"I'm going to pull back out now ok?" She explained.
Pushing herself off him she then lowered herself back onto him, moaning softly as he stretched her walls out deliciously. She kept a steady pace, making sure to slow back down whenever he seemed to get agitated or overwhelmed her strokes which she noticed by the way his breathing became more erratic or how his nails began digging into her flesh. Taking his hands off her thighs, she held them in her own, bringing one of them up to place a kiss on the back of it.
"You're doing great so far Jongho."
Hearing her praise him sent his heart fluttering, his eyes locked on where their bodies were connected, breathing and panting heavily everytime he watched himself disappear inside her folds before reappearing again, only to be safely enveloped once more by her velvet like walls. He felt an unfamiliar feeling begin to build up in his core, it felt like one of the many times he had secretly jerked off back in the dorms, but this one felt stronger and more intense. He couldn't keep himself from squirming as he began to shudder against his will underneath Y/N.
"Y/N! It's- oh my!" He couldn't fully comprehend what was happening to him, he just felt himself spiraling down into some hazy state.
"It's ok baby, just let it go. You're about to cum, it's ok. Just cum for me, show me how good you're feeling." She cooed at him lovingly.
Through shivering and stuttered whimpers, Jongho came inside her, his cum spurting out in heavy pumps as he coated her insides entirely. Y/N made sure to slow down so as to not overstimulate him, the orgasm he was going through probably already being too much for him. She just watched as his eyebrows were furrowed, a tiny vein protruding out from his forehead, mouth hanging open as his entire features were illuminated by extreme pleasure and euphoria. Her movements completely stilled after a while, taking a minute or two before pulling out of him entirely, a tiny trail of his cum leaking out and dripping down one of her thighs. Brushing some of his hair out of his face, she kissed his cute button nose.
"How are you feeling?" She studied his features.
Through hooded eyes, he smiled shyly up at her.
"Like I'm in heaven."
She chuckled at his answer, her hand stroking his cheek in a gentle motion, making him melt even further into her touch.
"I wish we could spend more time like this....just cuddled up together like this. Touching each other like this." He confessed, eyes staring deeply into hers.
"Who says we can't?" She arched an eyebrow.
"I mean...... but like.... you don't like me in that way do you?" He braced himself for what he expected to be rejection, but surprisingly Y/N simply kissed his cheek.
"I'm actually growing quite fond of you Jongho... I think I would really enjoy spending more time alone like this with you."
Once again his gummy smile overtook his features, making him look even more handsome than what he already was. Jongho felt absolutely happy to hold her in his arms, have her smile at him with that breathtaking smile of hers. Then suddenly he realized something.
"Ummm.... you didn't cum did you?"
He felt so bad when she shook her head, his head slumping back on the pillow as he let out a dissatisfied groan. Y/N however didn't seemed too bothered by it.
"Jongho, it was your first time. I knew you were probably going to cum before me. It's perfectly normal."
Her words didn't give him much assurance.
"Still, I feel bad. Do you want me to do something?" He offered.
"Well actually...."
With a mischievous grin, she spread his legs and ran her hands along his firm and toned thighs, eyeing them as if they were some exotic dessert. Jongho gave her a puzzled look when she straddled one of them, her juices already soaking his bare skin.
"Just stay still and let me introduce you to a little something called thigh riding."
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