#anyway real quick. maybe if i yell my brain will let me sleep.
korattata · 6 months
i need to go to bed and not be playing video game
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slasherscream · 3 years
Hi I don’t know if you write for Thomas Hewitt or Vincent Sinclair but if you do you could you please make some headcanons about them and the other slashers like if they got into a fight with their s/o and how it would go, what it would be about, and how they would make up with their s/o please? It’s totally fine if you don’t want to. But if you do then thank you so much!
fighting with the slashers 
A/N: i do write for vincent (on a related note i also write for bo and maybe lester i haven’t tried him out yet)!
vincent sinclair 
You didn’t stay put when Vincent told you to and you got hurt. 
You hadn’t planned to leave. Until the sun started to go down and no one came back to the house to check up on you the way they so often do when there are visitors in town.
You are Ambrose’s second best kept secret. Alive because Vincent took one look at you and couldn’t bare to hurt you. And though Bo gripes about you he couldn’t tell Vincent no. Not when Bo saw the way Vincent held you behind him, head lowered but shoulders set, ready to actually fight him on something for once in their lives. 
So you’re kept in the house when there are people around. Other than not being able to leave it’s your only real rule. Vincent wants you to have no part in the more grisly aspects of the town and Bo and Lester honor his wish.
But the town is dead silent and no one has come to check on you. Most times Lester even comes to stay with you like some sort of babysitter. It used to irritate you, despite your fondness for the youngest brother. Now without him there your hands shake, and your eyes wander, and your ears burn as if pumping extra blood there will make you hear better. But there’s nothing to be heard. No screams. No cries. No Bo shouting. No guns going off. 
So you leave the house, searching for one of them. Instead you’re found by a survivor and held hostage in front of the twins. 
You all stand still for a long while, the victim not knowing what to do and the boys unable to move due to the knife digging into your neck, already drawing blood. 
Lester had been the one to save you, sneaking up behind your captor and stabbing them. You ran to Vincent on shaking legs and he gathered you into his arms, moving to take you back home. You could hear the screams of the man who’d almost killed you ringing through the streets behind you and shivered.
Vincent had cleaned your cut in silence and somehow had managed to barely touch you. Before you could blink he’d shut himself into his workshop and you were left alone until Bo came home and chewed you out.
You kept yourself busy cleaning and then prepared for bed, knowing it would be awhile before Vincent would come and join you. The sleep didn’t come easy as you were still shaken up, but eventually it came. 
You woke in the middle of the night to an empty bed and realized that if you didn’t go to get him Vincent wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. 
You walk drowsily through Ambrose’s underbelly, the smoldering heat not doing you any favors, until you arrive at Vincent’s workshop where he’s hunched over his desk, unmoving. 
Not wanting to startle him you call his name quietly and you see his head tilt in acknowledgement but he doesn’t turn to look at you. 
Slowly you move until your front is resting against his back, even slower your arms encircle him and you kiss his shoulder, feeling guilty at the tension laying dormant in them. “I’m sorry, Vince. I was just worried about you so... so I left the house. I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry I didn’t listen. I won’t do it again.”
He turns and there’s a pause, and then he moves his hands, fluid but slow. They’re shaking despite how strong you know they are. He tells you how he can’t lose you. How he loves you. He asks you to promise him that next time you’ll listen and you do, and you mean it. 
It’s only then that he pulls you into his lap and holds you tightly. You think he’s crying behind his mask but you just hold him back equally as tight and whisper I’m sorry against his steady pulse. 
He doesn’t like the company you keep. 
He has a plan. He has a plan to take you away from this strange, uncaring world that doesn’t deserve you. That doesn’t love you or care about you. If he sticks to the plan everything will be so easy. 
But sometimes Pelle loves you too much to bite his tongue. 
He can see it clearly, your perfect future where he takes care of you, and his family takes care of you, and you let them do it, and you’re happier for it; but you don’t live in that perfect future, you live in the frigid, imperfect present.
Here you stay up late in the night to help a friend finish a term paper when last week they didn’t even call when you were sick. You gave a classmate your umbrella to borrow a month ago, and today you come back shaking from the rain because they never bothered to return it.
A thousand little kindnesses that the world outside the Hårga spit on. 
He knows that all these moments of careless apathy towards you will only strengthen the draw you’ll feel when you finally meet his family.
You have the heart of a Hårga and he knows that you’ll feel that connection.
Still, the way the outside world, the way your friends and family slight you at every turn, makes his blood run hot. He’s never felt anger like this before. It is all consuming and yet he must stomach it alone.
And so his tongue is careless sometimes. He asks in tones that he shouldn’t use with you “you’re going out with them again?” and “but didn’t they-?” and still he is angry. The words do not ease the feelings because they do not fix the problem. 
Pelle must lead you into the arms of his family and their way of life. He cannot push you. But he doesn’t know how not to take care of you. 
He wants to beat away the leeches and moths that cling to your light and whisk you away to home where the sun will warm you with its love.
Your fights are gentle, and so you might never refer to them as fights when people ask you if you ever argue with Pelle. 
There is no yelling, or balled fists, or the animal sensation of fight or flight. He leads you to sit down with him and holds your face in his hands. Unthinkingly you mimic the gesture and he smiles at you lovingly. One kiss and he tells you that he doesn’t like your friends. Another and he says that you deserve better, deserve the world. 
You try to get a word in edgewise, to deny the claims he makes, to tell him that they really do care about you, but the words are smothered by his soft lips. He kisses you until your brain goes somewhere loved and numb. He slips your coat off of your shoulders and pulls you close. He keeps you there until you forget that you had anywhere to be besides his arms. 
You and Pelle don’t fight. 
chucky and tiffany 
Tiffany is used to Chucky being a piece of shit. You are not.
Upside to fighting with Chucky is that Tiffany is immediately on your side, even if you’re in the wrong (I’m joking it’s always Chucky’s fault.)
Downside is that the whole house is now up in fucking chaos. 
chucky: tiff where are my fucking keys?
tiffany: in hell! why don’t you go and grab them?
You appreciate her fighting spirit but she’s really going in on y’all’s man. 
Which is not to say that Chucky doesn’t deserve it. Because he does deserve it, but you know from personal experience that being on Tiffany’s bad side is scary.
Why are you and Chucky fighting? Chucky is an insensitive asshole, and even the toughest skin isn’t bullet proof. 
The aftermath of whatever Chucky did is a lot of sullen silence from you; the sounds of a knife chopping a little too loudly in the kitchen from Tiff; and loud bits of huffing and puffing from Chucky as he stomps around the house. 
At first he thinks he can just wait out your anger until you start missing him. It used to work with Tiffany all the time!
But this relationship involves three people. You’re not so quick to get desperately lonely, especially if Tiffany isn’t the partner you’re fighting with. Do you miss Chucky? Sure. Do you miss him enough to let him be an asshole just to get some cuddle time in on the couch? As if! Tiffany is the better cuddler anyway. 
The man child is going to have to say sorry and mean it. 
Of course this means that your relationship is going be sans-Chucky for at least a week.
Tiffany reaches the breaking point before Chucky does. Obviously more in-tune with your feelings she can tell how much the fight is getting to you and no one messes with her sweetheart! Not even Chucky.
You’re going to hear her delicately clearing her throat, look up from your phone, and find Tiffany holding Chucky at fucking knife point. 
tiffany: do you have anything to say, chucky?
chucky, trying to decide if he’ll let tiffany kill him just to prove a point: ....
tiffany: i’ll start with your dick-
chucky: i’m sorry! are you fucking hAPPY?!
You’re gonna be like no!!! I do not accept the apology you gave me under extreme duress! At which point you turn over in bed and pull the covers over your head.
You’ll hear rapid-fire whispering and then the bed dips behind you. A knee presses into your back, and kisses are pressed carelessly to where your head should be beneath the covers. Then, finally, the quietest “I didn’t mean it, doll.” as he pulls the blanket back in order to look at your face. 
You’re stopped dead by the softness on his face. By the softness he let’s you see, even if it’s only for a moment. It might not be the words I’m sorry but it sounds like them. It sounds like an I miss you, as well.
When you drop your phone and throw your arms around his neck, touching him for the first time in a week, Chucky sighs in relief. 
Not ten seconds passes before Tiffany has thrown herself over the both of you, suffocating you in her loving embrace. Just like that, balance is restored in the Lee Ray-Valentine household. For now. 
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caught feelings ~ corpse husband
part one
word count: 1776
request?: sort of?
description: after talking for some, the two of them decide to meet in person
pairing: corpse x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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You and Corpse regularly talked and Skyped after that night. He would regularly invite you to play Among Us with the gang, and you’d end up talking for hours on end before and after. You became someone that Corpse confided in when he was having bad mental health days or insomnia at night, and he became someone you talked to when you felt alone.
One day you were in the middle of making something to eat when your phone rang. It was the familiar ringtone for Corpse. You silently cursed to yourself as you quickly washed your hands and answered the phone.
“What took you so long to answer?”
You couldn’t help but smile at hearing his familiar voice. “Hey, have some patience. I was doing something.”
“Something more important than talking to me?”
“There’s a lot of things more important than talking to you.”
You giggled at his response. Before you could say anything else, Corpse asked you, “Where do you live currently, by the way?”
“I live in Los Angeles,” you responded. “I moved out here some time ago. Sean had convinced me to start my own YouTube channel, and I did for a while, but realized it wasn’t my passion. Why do you ask?”
“I live in San Diego. I was thinking...that’s only two hours from Los Angeles...maybe we could meet up sometime. Actually meet one another.”
You were shocked by the request. He really wanted to meet you? Not just video call, but actually meeting face to face? You weren’t sure why, but that really surprised you.
“I-I’d love to meet in person,” you finally responded, realizing you had been silent for way too long. “Do you want to drive here, or me to you, or...?”
“Well...not to be too presumptive or anything, but I was going to ask if you’d like to come here and stay for a while...maybe like a week or two.”
Your heart was fluttering with excitement. You wanted nothing more than to scream and jump for joy like a child, but you knew you couldn’t be that forward with Corpse so soon. Instead, you took a deep, calming breath and responded, “Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Okay. Okay, cool.” You could hear the smile in his voice. “We can work out all the details later.”
When you both hung up, you excitedly jumped around your kitchen.
Nearly a week later, you were nearing the end of your two hour drive to Corpse’s place. You kept anxiously checking the GPS every few minutes, hoping to be there soon. The entire ride felt so long, you just wanted to get to his place.
When you finally pulled up to his apartment you were shacking with nervousness and excitement. You got out of the car and approached the apartment door. You hesitated a moment before knocking on the door. Near seconds later, Corpse greeted you.
You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face the minute you saw him. His face mirrored yours and you felt your stomach fill with butterflies being able to see his smile in person.
Without hesitation, Corpse took you in his arms and hugged you tightly. You melted into his embrace, feeling as though you really belonged there, and as though you never wanted to let go.
“It’s nice to finally meet you like in person,” he said once he pulled away. “You’re definitely as small as I pictured you being.”
“Hey!” you playfully scolded. “You’re only a foot taller than me, that’s not a major difference!”
“It’s major enough,” he teased. “Let me help you bring your things in.”
You only had packed two bags as you were only planning on staying for about a week and a half. You figured it was only a two hour drive back to your place if you needed to restock on clothes, and you and Corpse had already agreed that you wouldn’t be leaving the apartment enough to have to change outfits too much from day to day.
He led you into his apartment and showed you to the guest bedroom. It was a small room with only a bed, a closet and a bedside table.
“I don’t get a lot of guests that use this bedroom,” he admitted. “Never found much use of buying furniture for this room.”
“I have a feeling I won’t be spending too much time in this room anyways, so it’s fine.”
Upon realizing what you said, you felt your face flush with embarrassment. You tried to correct yourself, but it just came out as a string of stutters. Corpse smirked at you before turning to leave the room. You sighed heavily and followed him.
“I don’t know what kind of food you like but we can go to the grocery store later if you want,” he said as you followed him into his kitchen. “I have mainly frozen stuff because I just do quick meals or I order delivery.”
“I order so much delivery, we can just go halfs on food.”
“I knew I was going to like having you here.”
You couldn’t help but smile at Corpse’s words.
You were both silent after that. Neither of you really knew what else to say. It seemed like, when you weren’t face to face, it was easy to say just about anything. But now...now you couldn’t think of a single topic to bring up.
It wasn’t really an awkward silence, though. It almost felt comforting to just be stood there with him, to be in the same room instead of looking at each other through a computer screen.
“I have an idea,” he finally said. “Why don’t we order some take out and watch a movie tonight. Whatever you want to watch, even a cheesy rom-com.”
“Don’t act like you don’t like cheesy rom-coms,” you teased. “But okay, I’d like that a lot.”
After you fully unpacked your bags, and after Corpse had recorded a video to upload the next day, the two of you sat on his couch to watch the movie you had picked. You both decided to order some pizza, so when it arrived you set it out on Corpse’s coffee table and hit play on the movie.
Halfway through eating the pizza, you began to feel full. You finished your last piece and leaned back, instinctually cuddling into Corpse’s side. Realizing what you had done, you immediately moved away from him.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you said.
He gave you a confused look. “Why? I didn’t mind.”
Before you could respond, Corpse wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him. You settled into his side, taking in his scent and his warmth. Being in his arms felt natural, like you belonged there. And you definitely had no intentions of leaving that spot any time soon.
You were halfway through the movie when you blurted out, “Do I meet the expectations you had?”
Corpse looked down at you. “What do you mean?”
You pulled away from his embrace to properly look at him. “Like...did you have any expectations about me when we were just talking virtually? And if you did, does the real life version of me meet them?”
He seemed shocked by your question. “No, I didn’t have any expectations. I just...I hoped you’d be the same sweet, dorky girl I had been talking to for weeks, and you are. I didn’t think there was much else that would be different about you.” He paused a moment before asking, “Did you have any expectations for me?”
You shook your head. “No, you’re exactly as I thought you’d be.”
“Okay, good. So, we’ve got that out of the way.”
You nodded and settled back into Corpse’s arms again. You had your head over his heart and you could feel its steady beating. It was almost enough to lull you to sleep, until Corpse spoke again.
“Why did you ask if I had any expectations of you?”
You sighed and pulled away from him again. “I...always have this fear in making new friends online. I’m afraid that I’m setting myself up to let the person I’m being friendly with down because I’m not going to meet any expectations they have of me. Sean is really the only online friend I’ve made and kept being friends with because he refused to let me rescind into myself when he started asking to meet in person. It’s also why I never really kept up with my YouTube channel, because I was afraid of projecting this false persona and then when people meet me in real life I’m not what they expected.”
Corpse put a hand on your arm gently, almost as if testing the boundaries, before moving closer. You expected him to pull you into a hug and tell you that your worries were silly (Sean had done the same when you had met him in person first). You were taken by surprise when he cupped your face instead and kissed you.
You weren’t sure how to react at first. No guy had ever been so forward in making a move on you. Every first kiss you had had with an ex had been you making the first move, or you asking if they’d want to kiss you before they did. It took a while for your brain to process what was happening before yelling at you, Just kiss him back you idiot!
You ran your hands through Corpse’s curly black hair, pulling him closer to kiss him more deeply. His hands were gently cupping your face, his thumbs running over your cheeks before he pulled your head away.
“You’re everything I expected, and more,” he admitted. “You don’t know how happy I am to have you here. It’s been so long since I’ve felt comfortable having someone in my apartment, especially someone I’ve only known a short while. But I feel so comfortable with you, like I can trust you. Maybe...maybe too comfortable, though. I should’ve asked before I kissed you, I just got lost in the moment.”
You giggled. “If you had asked I would’ve said yes.”
The smile on Corpse’s face warmed your heart and made you feel tingly inside. “Well then...can I do it again?”
You laughed before pulling him to you, kissing him again. You could feel him smile against your lips as he pushed you back onto the couch, causing you to exclaim in surprise as he jumped on top of you and began to kiss you again.
It’s safe to say you both forgot the movie and the pizza after that.
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glowingspence · 3 years
Can you do a platonic hotchreid with prompts 64 and 65???
"There was a kid with him, he is sitting in the waiting area but we can't get him to talk." The nurse tells Morgan when he arrives at the hospital.
Hotch had gotten a call that Gideon had been brought into the ER after someone tried breaking in and was surprised by him being home. Shots were exchanged while a bullet hit Gideon in the torso.
Hotch had called the team immediately, directing Morgan to drive down to the hospital for a reason he didn't understand because he and Gideon are hardly close, he knows he would rather have Hotch there but he had not been able to change his mind. Something had Hotch determind to check out the apartment.
"A kid?" Derek questions sceptical. He knows about Gideon's son, but they don't have any contact.
"Not a kid but a young man. Maybe a teenager. I can't tell you."
"Can you lead me to him?"
"Of course." The nurse leads him down the hall while she continues talking, "He seems distraught by what happened and he doesn't really let anyone talk to him but maybe you get lucky if you tell him that you are a friend of Agent Gideon."
"I will try, thank you." Slowly he walks into the waiting area that is apart from an old man in the corner and a woman reading a book empty. "Hey"
The man doesn't look up to him, he looks down on his blood soaked converse, the shoe lashes are open and have left a red pattern on the white floor.
"My name is Agent Derek Morgan, I work with Jason Gideon. Can you tell me who you are?" The man keeps on shuffling his feet over the ground, his thin hair covering parts of his face as he holds himself. "Did you call the ambulance?"
He nods and then looks away, still to the floor but more down the hall. "Can you tell me what happened?" He shakes his head and starts moving his leg left and right, "Is it okay if I sit down with you?"
"Agent Morgan played chess with me today, for a minute I thought that man is gonna outplay me." He recites and Morgan looks at him with confusion on his face.
"Did- did Agent Gideon say that?"
"Did Agent Gideon say that? Yes" The kid answers and looks up to him for the first time, eyeing every inch of him until something else catches his eyes and Morgan sees Hotch approaching them with fast steps before pulling the man in his arms who leaves out a strangled whine,
"Thank god you are okay" Hotch moves out of the hug and cups his face, "I know- I know no touches but I was so worried." He hugs him again, this time the young man presses his hands between them and pushes him off, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"They took Gideon." He speaks with huge eyes, "They took him. They wouldn't let me help."
"It's okay they are gonna take care of him okay?"
"Hotch?" Derek questions sceptical, "Care to explain what is going on?"
"Right, right." A little bit flustered Hotch gets up from the ground, "This is Spencer, Spencer is living with Jason and will work with us in the future. Right?"
"No?" Hotch questions with a frown, "Why not?"
"Need to write all the tests." He states as he rocks back in forth, "Kid I will make us a cup of coffee and then we can study- Spencer get down- get down-" He yells the last parts while he takes his hand up to his head, hitting it.
"It's okay, it's okay, you are safe. Deep breath." Hotch crouches down in front of him again, "Spencer hey!"
"Where is the painting? Where is the painting? Fuck why are they home? Why are there two? Only the kid was supposed to be here. Stay on the ground. Stay on the ground. Stay on the ground. Stay on the ground."
"Did they say that? Where there more than one?"
"Home" To their surprise he gets up from his seat, his ears still covered as he aims for the hallway before Hotch stops him with one hand around his waist, causing him again to leave out a high pitched noise.
"Where do you wanna go? Tell me"
"Today is the 3rd. Tomorrow is the 4th. Need to study. Today is the 3rd. Last chance. Gideon needs to help me. He was gone all week, now we need to study all of it in one night."
"Then let's drive to my home okay? I'll help you study."
"Fast" Spencer starts walking again while Hotch stays back for a second.
"Call JJ have her pick up Spencer's text books, they already must be on the table if they wanted to get started." Hotch orders.
"You can't be serious? How can he think about a test right now?"
"Better a test than this. Just do it." Hotch looks at him in a way that tells Derek not to ask any more questions and to just do what he just has been told.
"You remember Haley right?" Hotch questions when he unlocks the door to their house, "My wife?"
Timidly Spencer nods and steps into the house, a light shining in the kitchen, "Let's get our shoes off and then see if we can find us a good coffee to get us through the night."
"Agent Jareau is going to get your books. It's going to take a few minutes though." Hotch smiles at him apologetic while he gets out of his shoes and places them near the others, "Come on."
He leads him into the kitchen where Haley is already up and preparing something to eat for him and two cups of coffee, "Hey you" With a warm motherly smile she places the cup in front of where Spencer sits down, "It's two sugar, right?"
Offended Spencer frowns at her and shakes his head while Hotch leaves out a chuckle, "She was kidding. You can have as much sugar as you want." She places the sugar next to him, watching him put multiple spoons in, "You are gonna get a heartattck one day."
"Good heart. Past physical." He taps his chest a few times.
"I heard" Hotch sits down next to him, taking a sip himself. "Why don't you go to the bathroom real quick? There is a lot of blood on your face and clothes. I will bring you new ones okay.."
Spencer shakes his head and grips a pen that is lying at the end of the table, "We can start studying when JJ was here? We have enough time that you can take care of yourself first."
"Seven hours and four minutes" He states and looks back at the ceiling.
"Good that you have that brain of yours then."
"No time"
"There is enough time." Hotch takes a warm wet washcloth from Haley and gently touches Spencer's head who immediately leaves out a whine and starts hitting Hotch with his hand, "It's okay, you are okay."
"No time, no time."
"Shh it's okay." He keeps on trying until Spencer forms his hand into a fist and hits him into the side with full force making Hotch grasp for air for a moment,
"No time. No time."
"I won't touch you again, I promise." Hotch places the washcloth on the kitchen, "It's okay, I am sorry."
"Only Gideon and Mom."
"I know I am sorry"
"No touching."
"It's okay."
"Only Gideon and Mom."
"I know that's okay. I respect that." Skeptical Spencer sits back down on the chair but keeps his eyes on Hotch and when Haley moves flinches and looks where she is going, "You are not in any danger."
"Want Gideon"
"I know." Slowly Hotch keeps his hands in sight and sits down, "The hospital is gonna call me on this phone if there are any news."
"No not Agent Morgan. He was there because I send him." Hesitant Spencer grabs Hotch's phone, "I drove down to Jason's place to see if you are there."
"Drove with Gideon."
"That was okay."
"I can imagine." Hotch has to hold back to not physically comfort him again. "Do you really need to study? Or are you just a little paranoid-"
"No time! Need to study!" He slams his hands down on the table, "Need to study"
"It's okay, it's okay we will study"
"Aaron-" Haley makes a motion for him to follow her out the room but he shakes his head and grabs an old bill from the corner of the table and the pen from Spencer's hands.
"Alright name everything you need to study." It takes some time till JJ gets the books from the crime scene and Hotch finds out that Gideon is right and that Spencer really does get too much anxiety over exams even if he can perfectly do it. So in the morning they are running on no sleep and the third cup of coffee, "Okay Agent Morgan is going to drive you, alright? He is going to wait for you to finish the test and then drive you to the hospital."
"Okay" Concentrated Spencer keeps fiddling with the pen in his hands, "Okay, okay, okay" he mutters while Derek looks at him with worry.
"There is gotta be a way that he can skip the test. Look at him. He hasn't even washed off the blood."
"I tried all night. Just drive him. I told him you will drive off at 7:20 am with him. Don't make it late."
"Okay, okay, okay" Spencer is still muttering under his breath while rereading the same pages for what must be the fifth time and when he climbs into Morgan's truck he starts rocking back and forth.
"No time."
"Did Hotch give you at least something to eat?" Morgan questions and Spencer nods, "Did you eat it?"
He shakes his head and Derek reaches to the back, grabbing two protein bars and a soda can. "Eat and drink or you brain won't work."
"For me?"
"Yes kid, eat this while we drive."
"Thank you, Sir"
"No problem." They get quite a few stares when they walk into the room like this and Morgan walks up to the Agent supervising the test announcing he will sit in.
"He was not with Agent Gideon was he? I heard what happened." The old man questions while watching Spencer take a seat in the back.
"Kid got lucky but I would feel more comfortable sitting here, have an eye on him."
"No worries he will be done in twenty minutes anyway."
"Kid got a brain even Jason Gideon can't compete with." He tells him and offers to get him a stool and Spencer shyly looks up and waves to Derek who shoots him a smile back and when Spencer hands in his test like expected he even gets away with a pat on the shoulder. "You answered everything?"
"Yes, sir"
"Gideon will be proud of you."
"We will see him now right?"
"Yes of course." He looks at the kid a moment longer, "Does Gideon normally come with you to tests?"
"I get really anxious in tests so he does when he can. It was very nice of you to sit in, Sir."
"Of course."
"Do you think when I will start working at the BAU, you will still work there too?"
"I hope so."
"Will we be friends then, Sir?" He questions much to Derek's surprise. It's not something people ask usually but Spencer doesn't seem to mean this in a mocking way.
"That I am betting on." Encouraging he places his hand on Spencer's shoulder again, "Have you met anyone else from the team yet?"
"Only Gideon and Hotch."
"I am sure you will love the rest too."
"I wouldn't really say I love Hotch" Spencer states with a slightly sorry face that makes Derek break out into a chuckle.
"It's okay, you will."
"He is nice"
"And he loves you a lot."
"Really." When Spencer reaches the hospital he is first shy and timidly walking into the room before Gideon opens his arms for him,
"It's good to see you"
"I got through my whole test!"
"That's amazing, kiddo." He hugs him, ignoring the pain, "Hotch hold me you studied together"
"Yes he is a great study partner" Spencer sits down on the bed, "And Derek said we can be friends when I join the team."
"That's amazing." Proudly Gideon smiles at him, "Come here again, lay down." Spencer stripes off his shoes and then curls up against Gideon's healthy side, "I am glad you are okay."
"You too"
[Prompt list]
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nothoughtsonlynat · 3 years
Human (Natasha Romanoff)
Human: Chapter 1
A/N: Troyes, France is 6 hours ahead of NYC so 7pm there is 1pm in NYC. For the sake of this fic we’re going to pretend that the Battle of New York lasted quite a few hours.
*This is my first ever fic and I wrote it at 3am so bear with me
WARNINGS: swearing; mentions of weapons; violence; panic attack; anxiety; my crappy writing; and I think that’s it (lmk if there’s anything I should add)
Barcelona, Spain; January, 2012:
The repetitive ticking of the clock registered in my brain before my eyes even opened. I didn’t need that clock to know what time it was, of course. It was 4:30 am— the same time I've woken up everyday for the past twenty-five years of my life. I no longer need to wake up this early, yet it’s a habit so deeply engrained in my framework that it’s seemingly unbreakable. I roll out of bed and make my way into the dingy kitchen with light footsteps. With some quick math I figured that I got barely two hours of sleep last night, but that’s more than usual. I started the coffee machine and asked with a sigh, “Would you like some coffee or are you just going to lurk in the corner?”
The leather-clad stranger with an eyepatch stepped up to the kitchen island opposite of me and responded, “I wouldn’t mind a cup. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you knew I was here.”
“Well, you know what they say about old habits. You got a name?”
“You can call me Fury. We have a lot to talk about, Eight.” I slid him a mug of cheap coffee and gestured for him to take a seat. 
“Then we’d better get started so you can get the hell out of my apartment.” He simply chuckled in response and I could already feel my patience wavering.
Two Hours Later:
“Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division? Really, dude?”
“Yeah, it’s a mouthful. Trust me I know.”
“I’m sorry that you came all this way for nothing, Fury, but there’s no way in hell I'm working for some government spy circus.”
“It’s technically an extra-governmental spy agency-“
“Doesn’t matter. I’m not joining,” I said, cutting him off.
“So, you’re just gonna hop from one shitty apartment to the next until you die? That doesn’t seem like a great life.”
“Better than the one I lived before.”
“You aren’t the person to live in hiding. You’re the person who thrives in the action and lives to kick ass, and we both know it.” When I didn’t respond he continued, “I’ll leave you my card. When you change your mind, which you will, you’ll know where to find me. You don’t have to be the bad guy anymore, Eight.” With that he slid off the stool and left my apartment, leaving me with nothing but my rapidly spiraling thoughts and a black business card.
Troyes, France; May, 2012:
It had been four months since Director Fury came to my apartment in Barcelona. We’d kept in contact and he hasn’t given up on me joining S.H.I.E.L.D.. I'm living in my third apartment since then. Wow…those landlords must really hate me. I was watching the seven o’clock news when I saw something that made me choke on my Cheerios. “An alien invasion?! What the fu-” My Cheerio-muffled exclamation was interrupted by the ring of my burner phone. “Hello?”
“Eight, you watched the news recently?”
“Uh yeah, I'm watching it now. You fighting aliens now, Nicky?”
“Okay first of all, I told you to stop calling me that. Second, yes… aliens. I’m forming a team of…extraordinary people to help protect against these threats and they could really use a hand to finish off this fight.”
“I may be weird as hell but I ain't ‘extraordinary’, Fury. I don’t wanna join your band of misfits.”
“Alright, how about a compromise? You fly your fancy jet here right now and help them out and if you still don’t wanna join once the battle is over, you can go right back to France and I’ll stop bothering you about joining.” After a few seconds of silence I agreed. 
“Fine, but I’m not gonna change my mind. Wait, how do you know about my jet?”
He gave a hearty laugh and said “I know everything, Eight. You should know that by now.”
New York, New York; 96 Minutes Later: 
I flew my jet into the city, making sure to take out a few flying Chitauri in the process. We don’t need to talk about how I got my hands on a German jet that can fly 2100mph. I saw a few interesting characters standing in a circle fighting off an endless sea of aliens. I maneuvered the jet and— wait…is that guy wearing blue tights? Is this what Fury meant by extraordinary? Whatever. I landed in the street about 20 yards away and killed the engines. I hopped out and started jogging towards the group. A couple of them turned around, probably wondering who the hell the chick in the black uniform is and— whoa that’s a beautiful woman. After realizing my steps had literally faltered in a mini gay panic, I slowed to a walk and said “Y’all need a hand?”
“Depends on whose hand it is,” replied the redheaded source of my panic.
“I’m a friend of Fury’s. He practically begged me to come save your asses.”
“Fury doesn’t beg,” she said in a doubtful tone.
“Not typically, but I'm just that awesome. If you don’t believe me then call him up but I’m gonna go kill some aliens.” With that I took off down another street where there was a group of the repulsive bastards. After unloading all of my magazines into Chitauri bodies, I switched to my swords and daggers. After another hour or so of fighting, there were no more aliens in sight. I started jogging toward the rich dude’s tower when I saw said rich dude falling through the rapidly-closing portal. I stopped next to Mr. Blue Tights and the buff blonde guy with the hammer when the big green dude grabbed Mr. Rich Dude from the sky and landed next to us. The green guy yelled, waking Mr. Rich Dude up with a start. “What the hell? What happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me. Except for her, she’s pretty hot,” he said nodding toward me. Just then the redhead jogged over to us and eyed my blood-soaked form from head to toe. 
“See something you like, Red?”
“No. I’m pretty sure I'd be classified as a sadist if I liked the sight of that much blood,” she said with a raise of her eyebrow.
“Yeah that’s fair.” She shook her head at me with a small smirk. There was barely a second of silence when Mr. Rich Dude spoke up. 
“Anybody want shawarma?”
Three Hours Later:
I had gone to the Triskelion after the band of misfits apprehended Loki. Agent Hill showed me where to park my jet and directed me to a room so I could shower and stay the night if I wanted to. I had put on black jeans, a white tee, and a black jean jacket, all of which had been in a to-go bag in my jet. I was toweling off my hair when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door to see none other than the one-eyed-wonder standing there. “What can I do for you, Nicky?”
“The Avengers are being debriefed in Conference Room 6B in ten minutes. You should come.”
“The Avengers? Is that what you’re calling them? That’s cute. But I'm not an Avenger and I don’t want to be an Avenger, so no thanks.”
“You should come anyway.”
“I don’t actually have a choice, do I?”
“You know me so well, Eight,” he said with an amused grin.
I walked into the conference room and the Avengers were already there. Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Natasha Romanoff—whose names I learned from Hill— were scattered around a large table, along with Fury. Romanoff eyed me from where she was standing and arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me. I squinted my eyes and wiggled my eyebrows in response, and I could see her stifle a laugh. “What’s your name?” She accompanied the question with a blank expression, which made me feel oh-so-special. 
“That’s a very personal question, Miss Romanoff. Let’s slow the pace, please.”
“You know my name but I can’t know yours? That doesn’t seem fair.”
“The world isn’t fair, Miss Romanoff, and I love a good mystery.”
“If you two are done flirting, we have business to attend to,” interjected Fury.
“Right, my apologies, Nicky.”
“Don’t call me that, Eight.”
After an excruciating 43 minutes and 27 seconds, Fury finally let us leave. I was so close to freedom when that unbelievably sexy voice called to me. “Eight!” Romanoff hastily walked towards me in an effort to catch up.
“Is your name actually Eight?”
“If you want it to be.”
“Why are you so damn stubborn?”
“It amuses me, Red.” There was a brief silence during which both of us were trying to figure out if the conversation was over. 
I was about to leave when she continued, “So that’s it? You’re just gonna leave?”
“Well, no. I’m going to stay the night, steal some really expensive jet fuel, and then leave in the morning before Fury can get up my ass about joining his little team.”
She rolled her eyes and responded, “Why won’t you join the Avengers? And why won’t you tell me your real name?”
“It’s just not my style. I’d rather fly solo.”
“You ignored my second question.”
“Then maybe you should take the hint and stop asking.” With that I turned around and started walking away, but a hand on my arm stopped me dead in my tracks. Alarms started going off in my head, and I'm pretty sure Romanoff was saying something to me but I was too caught up in the memories of beatings, punishments, and psychological conditioning to register it. After a few of the longest seconds of my life, the white of my vision cleared up and the voice telling me ‘physical contact is strictly forbidden’ faded into the background. My heart was still hammering in my chest and I was trying to keep my breathing steady despite the inevitable panic attack trying to drag me under, I regained my neutral expression and said. “Sorry, did you say something?”
“Are you okay?” She had a concerned expression and if I wasn’t so blinded with anxiety, I would’ve appreciated how cute the furrow of her eyebrows was.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just gonna turn in. It’s been a long day.” I turned around and walked back to my temporary room at a brutal pace. As soon as the door closed behind me, hot tears raced down my cheeks and I lost the ability to breathe. It was gonna be a long night.
3:21 am:
I finally managed to calm myself down and stop the panic attack after almost four hours. Well, I passed out because I couldn’t breathe but it did calm me down. Trying to sleep would be pointless, so I decided to leave before anyone woke up. I didn’t really have much to pack so I grabbed my duffel bag and left the room. I made it to the corridor attached to the landing pads and ran into the one person I really didn’t want to see. “What are you doing out and about, Red?”
“I’ve got places to be and things to do. Were you just going to sneak out in the middle of the night like a teenager with a rebellious streak?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing, actually. Do you need a ride? Where are you going?”
“Madrid. Fury said I could hitch a ride on another plane that’s headed for Germany.”
“Well I’m going to France if you wanna ride with me. My jet will get you there a lot faster.” She studied me for what felt like way too long, probably debating if I would try to kill her or not. You know how spies are with their trust issues.
“What the hell, why not?”
And that is how I ended up in a jet with “Candy Shop” playing over the speakers and Natasha Romanoff in the copilot seat yelling at me to, and I quote, ‘slow the fuck down.’ “Why would I slow down, you psycho?! That’s the whole damn point of this thing!”
“Where did you even get a German jet this fast?”
“No shit Sherlock. How did you get it?”
“I went to Germany, stopped in at the local speedy-jet dealership, and walked out with this beauty.”
“Sarcasm is a defense mechanism, you know? You’re only being like this to keep me from seeing the real you. You built walls. You want everyone to think you’re fine when in reality, you’re falling apart.”
“Okay…um…there was no need for that, Dr. Romanoff. I can find my own therapist, thank you very much. And don’t go pretending you’re all healthy in the head, Miss Assassin.” It was quiet for all of five seconds before we both burst into laughter.
Madrid, Spain:
I landed the jet at the local S.H.I.E.L.D. base and killed the engines. Romanoff and I removed our headsets and I stood to help her get her bags. “Welp, I’ll see you around I guess.” I really wasn’t good at this type of thing. Or any social interactions, really. Twenty-four years in a cell will do that to you.
“Will I? See you around, I mean?”
“Um, I don’t really know, honestly. I’m not part of S.H.I.E.L.D. so we won’t just run into each other or anything but…”
“Why won’t you join S.H.I.E.L.D.? I mean what else are you doing?”
“Ohhh, I see. You just love me so much that you don’t want me to leave. You’re gonna miss me so much-” I was cut off when she threw her backpack at my head. “Hey! You’re lucky I caught that! Freaking crazy woman.”
When our laughter died down she said, “Well I should probably go. Thank you for the ride.”
“Of course. Hitchhikers are always welcome aboard my beloved jet.” A small smile appeared on her face and she stepped forward to give me a hug but she must’ve seen my body go rigid because she stepped back. She might’ve said something but the voice in my head was too loud for me to understand her. I don’t know how long it was before I unfroze but when I did, she was gone. I walked to the front of the jet and started the journey to France.
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hexensalbei · 3 years
play with fire
find on ao3
This is going to be a fun ride.
The silence in the car is scary because itʼs uncomfortable and that has never been a problem before. Buck shoots a quick glance at his friend. Eddieʼs eyes are fixated on the road, his jaw so clenched, Buck swears, he can hear his teeth gritting. His hands are on the steering wheel but his grip is so tight, his knuckles are white. Yeah, heʼs definitely mad.
The problem is that Buck doesnʼt know why Eddie is so furious.
Maybe he knows. But that doesnʼt mean he understands. Heʼs never seen Eddie that angry. He remembers vividly when Eddie snapped at him in the grocery store right after the lawsuit—but itʼs just a pale comparison to his rage now. It doesnʼt make sense—because Buck didnʼt do anything stupid like another lawsuit—he just... He just did his job.
He risked his life to save someone elseʼs but he does it almost on a daily basis; Eddie does the exact same thing and yet, Buck has never snapped at him. So why is it different now?
Because you almost died today says an annoying voice in his head that sounds suspiciously like his sister.
Because you almost died in Eddieʼs fucking arms.
Buck tries to ignore it; he has to ignore it because if he doesnʼt, heʼll drown in guilt and shame. And probably wake up some long forgotten demons.
He canʼt re-live it again and again.
When they stop, he realises, theyʼre in front of Eddieʼs house and heʼs genuinely surprised his friend brought him here.
“This isnʼt my apartment.” He blurts out. He knows itʼs probably the dumbest thing he couldʼve said but he doesnʼt understand why Eddie took him to his home if heʼs pissed off at him. Itʼd be definitely easier to cool off if the source of his anger wasnʼt there, right? 
“Like hell Iʼm letting you stay alone after the shit you did.”
Thereʼs something in Eddieʼs voice that makes Buck squirm. He sounds angry, sure, but also hurt, broken. Resigned. He sounds exactly like when Shannon died.
Buck knows that because he was there. He remembers how mad Eddie was at his wife for leaving him and Christopher again, this time for good.
Eventually, Eddie gets out of the car and goes to the house. Buck quietly follows his best friendʼs footsteps and he flinches when Eddie drops off his bag on the floor.
“You can take a shower if you want, Iʼll make up the bed.”
He knows Buck too well; he knows that Buck hates the specific smell of the hospital and always tries to get rid of it as soon as possible. Buckʼs really grateful for that also because he can simply postpone their argument, just for a little bit. Maybe shower will help him cool off because heʼs irritated too but he doesnʼt truly want to fight with Eddie. He goes to the bathroom, takes off his clothes and steps under the shower. He lets the cold water run down his body and he really tries to calm himself; there was enough drama today and yeah, he almost died so he deserves to have a moment of uninterrupted peace. Or so he thinks. Heʼs getting more and more cold and he knows he should get out before Eddie will storm inside and drag him out of the shower. Buck wouldnʼt be even surprised if his friend did something like this.
Then, with a long sigh, he turns off the water and steps out of the shower. He quickly rinses himself with a towel and slips into his most comfortable clothes. Whatʼs a little funny and maybe even ironic, his favorite grey, worn out t-shirt is actually Eddieʼs and it even smells like him.
He really needs to finally leave the bathroom and face his friend but heʼs trying to delay the inevitable by thoroughly brushing his teeth. And then, he doesnʼt find anything else he can do so he goes back to the living room. Heʼs quite surprised that he doesnʼt see the pillows or blanket on the couch because he thought heʼs gonna sleep there and heʼs even more surprised he doesnʼt see Eddie there. He finds him in the kitchen instead, leaning against the counter and nursing his favourite beer. Thereʼs a glimpse of hope in Buckʼs chest that maybe Eddie cooled off a little, that maybe he realised he has exaggerated and his anger isnʼt completely justified. Heʼs wrong, though. Eddie is not even slightly less annoyed and it takes Buck one look at his best friend to realise that.
He sighs again because Eddieʼs anger starts to get on his nerves. He moves closer until he stands against Eddie and looks him in the eye.
“Do what you have to do, letʼs get this over with.” He says with a tiredness in his voice. The only thing he wants right now is sleep, he wants to fall asleep and forget about the whole world for a couple of hours. “If you want to yell at me then be my guest and do it. I donʼt even care.”
“Oh, so now youʼre annoyed at me? Really?” Eddie asks wryly and sets aside the bottle with a little too much force, it almost smashes. Neither of them care anyway. Theyʼre now standing against each other, so close they almost hear each otherʼs heartbeat and they fix each other with a glare. 
“Yeah, I am. You act like Iʼve done something wrong, like I wasnʼt supposed to do this and—” 
Heʼs cut off by Eddie who lets out a humourless laugh and answers in a higher voice than usual. 
“God, do you even listen to yourself? You went to that building all by yourself, you disobeyed Bobbyʼs specific orders to not go there because youʼre you and youʼre above all the orders, right? It doesnʼt matter if Bobby did it because he didnʼt want to risk one of us dying there. But you just couldnʼt listen.”
“Funny thatʼs coming out from the man who cut his rope and almost died in the well.” Buck interjects viciously because heʼs truly angered by now.
Something flashes in Eddieʼs eyes but Buck canʼt name it. He doesnʼt even have the time to think about it because his best friend doesnʼt back out.
“Itʼs not relevant now, weʼre talking about today and your stupid, reckless behaviour. What were you thinking? Or-Or maybe donʼt. You probably werenʼt thinking at all. Obviously. And it almost cost you a life! Your life! How can you be so reckless?!” Eddie shouts and the pain in his voice is very noticeable but Buck pretends to ignore it.
“Iʼm a firefighter. Itʼs kinda in a job description, donʼt you think? Sometimes I have to be a little reckless. Besides, I did save a life and I didnʼt die either, right? Otherwise I wouldnʼt be standing there and listen to you being all pissed.” Buck shrugs like itʼs nothing, like he really doesnʼt care about his life. Itʼs probably another thing he shouldnʼt have said because Eddie straightens up and now, thereʼs almost no space between. For the second Buck thinks Eddie will lash out and just hit him. He kinda wishes he did. But Eddie only sighs heavily and rakes through his hair with frustration. 
“God, youʼre driving me crazy, Buckley. Youʼre so dumb and stubborn and you donʼt even stop for a second to think about the consequences of your actions. You donʼt even care what would happen if you actually died, do you?”
Thereʼs something in Eddieʼs voice, something hard to catch and name that stops Buck from responding immediately. His words are ringing in his ears because they are annoyingly true. He didnʼt think about the consequences of his eventual death. He literally just stormed inside the building to find a man despite Bobbyʼs direct order to not go there because it was already too dangerous. He did it anyway, he managed to save a life but he didnʼt manage to get out in time and the whole building just collapsed. He doesnʼt remember much but he certainly remembers being held out by Eddie and his donʼt you dare die here, you dumbass. 
It mustʼve been scary, he admits, and he thinks he understands how Eddie mustʼve felt because he also saw his best friend almost dying. But the anger? He still doesnʼt get it.
“Iʼve had a few close calls during the years. Why is it so different now?” He finally asks.
“Because Iʼm in love with you, you asshole!” Eddie cries out. “And you just keep dying on me and I canʼt take it anymore!”
Buckʼs brain short-circuits. He mustʼve died after all, right? There is no real possibility Eddie just told heʼs in love with him. Thereʼs no possibility he may actually reciprocate his feelings. Thereʼs no way itʼs not just his hallucination or some kind of weird dream in his afterlife. But he desperately wants to be the truth, desperately needs validation for his thoughts. So he does the first thing that comes to his mind: he grabs Eddie by the collar of his Henley and crashes their lips together. His friend is definitely surprised, even shocked and for a moment, he does nothing. Buck already starts to panic because he thinks it’s real and he might’ve misheard everything or even projected it and just destroyed their friendship. But then, Eddie suddenly changes position and pushes Buck until he leans against the counter. And when he kisses him, all thoughts and doubts are completely gone from Buckʼs mind. The only things that matter are Eddieʼs lips on his, Eddieʼs hands on his body, Eddie utterly focused on him and that desperate need to fulfil their desire. Buck mightʼve kissed a lot of people in his life; he has had both awkward and amazing kisses but they cannot compete to make out with his best friend. It feels entirely different, maybe because Eddie loves him back. They break apart only for a couple of seconds to take a breath; Buck sits on the counter and brings Eddie closer by the belt. He canʼt take his eyes off him; Eddie looks wonderful with already swollen lips, flushed cheeks and a spark in his eyes. He probably looks no better but he doesnʼt even care.
“I know youʼve probably already noticed but I love you too, asshole.” He says in a teasing voice, inches away from Eddieʼs lips.
“Well, I mightʼve suspected it when you kissed me but itʼs nice to actually hear it. But donʼt even think that you say you love me, bat your eyelashes and kiss me this way and I wonʼt be angry at you.” Eddie warns half-seriously.
“I can try.” Buck just smirks and kisses him again. This time, he also quickly unbuckles the belt Eddieʼs wearing and starts to lift his shirt. His friend doesnʼt even protest, he lets him do whatever he wants and thatʼs why his Henley ends up somewhere on the floor. Then, the blonde moves from his lips to his neck and slowly makes his way down, planting kisses on his chest. Itʼs crazy how quickly their anger turned into lust. Now, the tension between them is much better, more exciting, easy to resolve. 
Eddie lets out a loud moan when Buck—this sneaky bastard—grabs his ass and squeezes it.
“Youʼre a menace.” He hisses.
“Oh, you should wait with the sweet talk after Iʼm done with you, Diaz.” Buck grins and he doesnʼt stop with the teasing. He unzips Eddieʼs jeans painfully slowly and Eddie almost whines to hurry up. The younger man notices it and winks at him before he adds. “Although Iʼm not sure if youʼll be able to talk at all.” 
“So maybe quit talking, Evan, and show me your skills?” 
“As you wish, Edmundo.”
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prettyboybuckley · 3 years
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A collection of all the Buddie fics I’ve written so far! 
I will come to you (even in my sleep)
3.8k | 1/1 | Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply
He tries the staying awake thing again. This time, he just doesn’t go to sleep. He doesn’t have a shift tomorrow, so that’s not something he has to worry about.
Maybe he can take a quick nap when Eddie is at his physical therapy session tomorrow.
He falls asleep anyway.
He wakes up with his face mashed into his best friend’s chest, a leg wedged between Eddie’s thighs and the first rays of sunshine coming through the window.
OR: Buck has been staying on Eddie's couch and sleepwalks his way into Eddie's bed - more than once.
The Beauty of the Chaos
3.8k | 1/1 | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply
“Hey,” he says softly, reaching out to put a hand on Buck’s cheek. He can see the uncertainty, the insecurity, in Buck's eyes. Buck’s glasses have slipped down a bit and he uses his thumb to carefully push them back up the bridge of his nose.
“There is no one way you have to act or be,” he says and he means it with all his heart. “Nobody cares if you’re energetic and chaotic or quiet and nerdy or however you are or want to be. We love you any and every way you are.”
“Yeah?” Buck asks and he sounds a little breathless.
Eddie grins. “Yeah. And hey, I like it when you’re being nerdy, especially with the way it’s rubbing off on my son, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like you any other time. I’m not perfect either and you’ve always known exactly how to pull me out of my shell with your enthusiasm and energy”
OR: Buck once again learns more about himself – and Eddie loves him through it all. And those glasses, Eddie definitely loves those glasses too.
parents always yelling (telling us to get our acts together)
2.9k | 1/1 | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply
“What is going on, Helena?” his father asks. “Eddie?”
Abuela catches Eddie’s eye, and she looks almost amused, watching on with a raised eyebrow as if she knows exactly what is about to happen. If this escalates, she can deal with the mess, he supposes.
“Edmundo, tell him,” his mother says and oh, she’s breaking out the full name.
“I made Buck Christopher’s legal guardian in case of my death,” he tells his father while looking him straight in the eyes.
OR: Eddie confesses about changing his will while he's got both his own parents and Buck's parents in his house. It doesn't go well.
(Let Me Make You) Feel Good
4.4k | 2/2 | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply
“I’m tired,” Buck says, and Eddie wants to point out that if he wants to sleep, they’d have to move to the bed anyway.
“You won’t have to do anything,” he says, trailing kisses down Buck’s jaw. “I just want to make you feel good, sweetheart.”
Buck sighs, but Eddie know’s he’s won him over. “’Kay, but can’t promise I won’t fall asleep.”
Eddie grins cheekily. “Believe me, you won’t.”
OR: Eddie just wants to make his boyfriend feel good
My Brain Went to Knocking Me Out (With Those American Thighs)
1.5k | 1/1 | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply
Buck has been working out more and Eddie has noticed how much more weight he has been squatting and how many more repetitions he has been doing.
And the results are visible because his thighs are straining against the fabric of his uniform pants, and Eddie is pretty sure he might need to request a size up from Bobby.
Eddie wants to do things to those thighs. He supposes getting his head crushed between them would be a satisfying way to go.
OR: Eddie has a thing for Buck's thighs (which is totally justified)
traces of the life i've lived
1.6k | 1/1 | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply
“What’s that one?” Buck murmurs, breath tickling the shell of Eddie’s ear. His fingertips trace the faint, diagonal scar along Eddie’s abdomen.
It had been his first real scar. One that wasn’t just a small scrape or cut, the price of being a kid. No, this one had been made by doctors, in a hospital and they’d had to stitch it back up. He’d been so proud of it.
work our way up to the bottom 
2.8k | 1/1 | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply
The World Looks Red
2k | 1/1 | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply
He thinks he will despise the color red after today. Red will never be the same. Red will mean pain and panic and…
Ambulance. Hospital. Eddie, don’t leave, Eddie.
Red is staining his shirt. Tainted white. Washing it won’t help. Burning it might. Yes, that is what he will do, he will burn it. It’s a cruel irony, a firefighter setting things on fire. But the shirt needs to go.
OR: Eddie got shot and all Buck can see everywhere is red
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arcwhore · 4 years
Who Do You Belong To?
[jj maybank] x [reader]
content: nsfw (trigger warning!)
warnings: angst, fighting, sexual assault (groping), oral (male receiving), face-fucking, unprotected sex, marking kink, dirty talk, degradation, spanking, creampie
description: when Pope and JJ start taking too long just go pee, Kie and Reader come to the rescue, but when Rafe touches his girl... 
- this is my first time writing smut, please be patient - 
words: 3.6k
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                                   ≿————- ❈ ————-≾
After everything thats happened in the past few days, the kooks just had to host the OBX Movie Series. Kie dragged you to the outing, hoping for a little time to relax. The whole crew was there except for John B., cause well; he’s John B. He does what he wants, so you didn’t even question his absence. After setting our stuff down, Kie left to grab drinks for the boys, and you sat down between JJ’s legs. You had only been secretly dating for two months, but he meant more to you than anything else in the world. He was absentmindedly running his fingers through your hair, lulling you to sleep while talking to Pope. Surprisingly, the other Pogues hadn’t found out about your relationship, and you definitely haven’t been the most discreet. Kiara comes back looking distraught, handing them their drinks, looking down and you and raising her eyebrows at your position.
“Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, ‘Tell your boy that we know what he did.’ What is that?” She shook her head, obviously not amused by the interaction she just experienced with that kook asshole. The Pope’s eyes widen as she sits down on the blanket, looking over at JJ. He hums and responds.
“Where is he?” Kie motions behind us where Rafe and Topper are standing, clearly satisfied with their scare tactic. Pope turns in his chair, staring at them as they smirk their damn signature privileged smirks.  “Great, the whole death squad.”
JJ pulled his head forward, telling him to stop staring, then starts rambling about how he’s ‘coming out swinging’ if they corner him. You looked at Kiara who had a confused look on her face. You tried to interrupt them. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“If that doesn’t work, I got this right here,” JJ said, reaching around you to grab his bag. Your eyes widened, looking at Kie.
“I’m sorry, JJ. Please tell me you did not bring a gun here. JJ, there are kids!” Kie questioned JJ, and he was quick to shoot it down, saying ‘everything’s fine’.
“Wow, JJ, real convincing,” you looked up at him, rolling your eyes.
“Yeah, I love that JJ. Founding Principle, you guys. No secrets amongst pogues! What is JJ talking about?” Kie asked. You pulled away from JJ, turning your body around to look at the two boys. They looked between each other before Pope reluctantly leans over to Kie, mumbling, “It might go down tonight.”
“What does that mean?” Kie asked, looking over at you for help. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“JJ, what did you do?”
“It wasn’t me, it was Pope!” he snapped, his eyes going wide, realizing that he slipped up on their little secret. You scoffed, Pope, the scholar student, one of the most innocent teens you’ve ever met, did something? “Yeah, okay.”
Your sarcasm seeped through the air, the boys became quiet, and Kie continued to question them. Taking a look back at the kooks, seeing they were still staring directly into the back of Pope’s head. Maybe he did do something, but this boy was scared of even getting on the boat with the Pogues, there had to be a logical reason that he did something. Either that or there was some inside influence— JJ.
Your imagination wondered, the movie on the screen cutting on, catching your attention. You laid down on the blanket, getting comfortable on the grass, your hand holding up your head while laying on your side.
Halfway through the movie, the boys excuse themselves to take a leak. You were so immersed into the movie but as soon as JJ got up, you couldn’t focus anymore. You couldn’t relax until he was back with you, it was just this aura that he spread over to you. He wanted to protect you, and you wanted to protect him.
Minutes ticked by slowly, raising your awareness and anxiety. You sat up and looked at Kie, shaking her leg to get her attention. “There’s something wrong. They’ve been gone for like 5 minutes, and unless they had to take a shit behind a tree, it shouldn’t take them that long to pee.”
She nodded her head, grabbing JJ’s bag which he had left behind and the both of you snuck around behind the movie screen. Pope was fighting was Topper, JJ being held back and punched in the stomach and the face. Kie quickly ran and hit Topper with the bag, yelling at him and jumping on his back. You jumped into action as well, anger boiling inside of you as you ran up behind Rafe and kicking him in the balls. He stumbled, turning around and you rammed your fist into his nose, earning a groan from him.
“Thatta girl!” JJ yelled, fighting out of Kelce’s grip and side hooking him, knocking him back. Topper was able to throw Kie off of his back. “This isn’t about you, Kiara! Stay out of it!”
Your leg swiped out behind Rafe, wiping him out as you got on top of him, straddling his legs and spitting in his face. He smirked and laughed at you, only fueling you more, and you drove your elbow into his chest, knocking the air out of him. He somehow gains enough strength to flip you over, pinning you down on he ground as you squirmed. JJ yells your name, running to help but is caught again by Kelce and held back. 
“Don’t fucking touch her!” JJ snapped, pulling as hard as he could to try to get away from the boy holding him back. Rafe looks down at you and chuckles, hand going around your throat. You struggle for air and slap his forearm over and over. You hear Pope being choked by Topper beside you, and you try to turn your head to see him, trying to cry out his name. 
“Pope!” JJ yelled for his friend, then started yelling for you. “Get the hell off of her, Rafe! I’ll fucking kill you, you hear me?”
“You’re a little spitfire aren’t you, hun?” he smirks down at you, amused at your struggling state. “He’s real protective of you...” he looked over at JJ, trying to get his footing, still trying to pull away. Tears started forming in your eyes as your airway was being cut off so harshly. “Wonder what he would do if...”
Rafe’s free hand wandered down your body, stopping at your breasts. He gave them a light squeeze, looking over to see JJ’s reaction. “You fucking kook! Get off of her! She doesn’t deserve this!”
“S-s-stop...” you grappled for words, not being able to get them out.
Behind you, the movie screen exploded in flames, Rafe quickly letting go of you as a hole burned through the screen, exposing the scene behind it. People started screaming, getting up and running back from the fire. 
“Get off of him! Kelce get off of JJ!” Kie yelled at them, watching them let go. Pope fell onto his hands and knees, coughing and gasping for air. You toiled to regain oxygen in your lungs, JJ running up beside you, grabbing your face in his hands.
“Hey, hey baby, look at me. I’m right here,” he checked your neck to see the red marks that Rafe had left on it, knowing they would be bruised by the morning. Tears ran out of your eyes as you looked at him, lifting yourself up to hug him tightly. You held on to him with dear life, like he would slip through your fingers if you let go even in the slightest. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry- fuck, I’m gonna kill him.”
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” you assured him. You were trying to take some of the edge off of the situation, even though your neck was throbbing from being held so tightly. Blood that had been restricted rushed back into your brain, making you lightheaded. “Pope- is Pope okay?”
JJ helped you stand up, holding your waist until he knew you were steady. Your vision cleared and you saw Kie helping him up, putting his hat back on. You and JJ walked over to him, showing support. “You okay? We’re okay.”
“You’re a fucking idiot.” Pope chuckled lightly at Kiara. 
“She saved our asses though,” you spoke up, grinning at her. You mouthed a thank you as you all started walking away to go home. You turned your attention to JJ when the group split apart, you and JJ walking together. You looked up at him, and you could have sworn you felt a second heartbeat in your pussy. He looked so hot right then, his pupils dilated with anger and his face stern. You decided it was probably best to not leave him alone tonight, not angry, he might try to do something stupid. Not like your mom cares if you come home or not anyway. 
“Hmm, how about we go back to John B.’s and cool down?” you grabbed his bicep, trying to calm him down a little. He nodded and you made your way to the chateau.
The whole way there, JJ was fuming, his fists tight, knuckles turning white. You took hold of his hand, trying to get him to release some of the tension. “JJ, it’s not worth being mad over... It’s Rafe, I should have expected it.”
“That no good, dirty bastard. He touched you in a way that only I am allowed to touch you, because you are mine. You understand me? He doesn’t get to just do that to you and walk away feeling accomplished.” You felt the heat between your legs grow when he said that, his voice rough and hair disheveled, looking like a God. “I get to be mad at him, he touched my girl. He could have killed you!”
You stop in the middle of the street, tugging on his hand to halt him from his movements. “He could have, but he didn’t. I’m right here, and I’m all yours. Only yours. I would never let anyone else touch me the way you do, and you know damn well no one can make me feel the way that you do.” You gave him a sincere look, then reaching up to his ear to whisper, “Rafe especially can’t make me scream like you do.”
He lets out a frustrated sigh, the anger in his eyes softening, immediately hardening again with lust. He smirked at you, now leaning down to your height as he gently traced over the shell of your ear with his tongue. “You’re gonna be doing more than screaming tonight, baby girl.”
He dragged you into the chateau, pushing you down onto the pull out sofa in John B.’s living room, moving to hover over you. One of his legs pushed in between yours to separate them and he pulled you in to a passionate kiss. The aching between your legs grew more noticeable as he pushed you deeper into the couch, his arms on either side of your head. 
“JJ, please,” you begged when he pulled away to kiss down your neck. He gave open mouth kisses to the side of it, then biting and sucking on your sweet spot. You knew the hickeys he gave you tonight were going to be severely noticeable in the morning, but in that moment, that’s all you wanted. You wanted him to mark you and prove to everyone that you were his and that no one could mess with you. 
Your hands went to the hem of his shirt, lifting it up a little so he would get the hint. He broke the kiss and sat back, peeling off his shirt and doing the same thing to yours. He attacked your chest with love bites, kissing your nipples over your bra. The warmth of his mouth excited you. “Get up and strip for me so I can see whats mine.”
He rolled over and plopped next to you as you stood up, unhooking your bra. You let it slowly slide down your arms before working on the zipper of your jean shorts. You pulled them down teasingly, turning around and bending over for your ass for be on display. “I said strip, not tease.” He groaned, palming his cock over his shorts. You stepped closer to him, pushing your panties down to the ground. Your legs swung over his lap, straddling him. You whimpered when you felt the rough fabric of his shorts rubbing against your clit. You tried to grind against him, desperately chasing that friction, but he grabbed your hips harshly.
“You don’t get to be in control. I’ve got to show you who you belong to,” he flipped you over, your legs going around his waist and heels digging into his back. You struggled to get his pants off with your feet, your hands going to the waistband to pull them down. He grabbed them in one hand, pinning them above your head. He pulled them down, his cock straining against his boxers. You moaned, your hips lifting up trying to meet his in the middle. His hand pushed your hips back down into the springy mattress. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
“Please, JJ, just do something,” you pleaded, your hips bucking up once again. He growled against your skin, kissing your breasts, tongue swirling around your hardened nipple. “Mark me up, fuck me, show me who I belong to. Please.”
“Good girl,” he groaned, kissing down your stomach, stopping when he got to your pussy. He released you hands and spread your legs, sucking on you inner thighs, kissing them after. He got closer and closer to your heat, but still wouldn’t give you the satisfaction you craved. You were tired of the teasing and you grabbed the back of his head, pushing him into you. He slapped your hands away, looking up devilishly. “Shouldn’t have done that baby girl.”
You groaned and he held your hands down by your sides, kneeling on the ground in front of you. He flattened his tongue and ran a long stripe up your pussy, not letting it touch your clit. He adjusted you and put your legs over his shoulders, letting go of your arms again. He reached down to your cunt, fingers slipping around in your arousal. Once he flicked over your sensitive clit, you jerked. “Jay, please. I need you so bad.”
“Not yet, baby. I told you that you don’t get control, and you forced it. This is punishment.”
His fingers toyed with your opening for a minute, finally slipping a finger into your tight cunt. You moaned in relief, feeling his tongue being placed on your clit. He licked you softly, eliciting a louder moan from you. “JJ...”
“Be quiet or I’ll stop,” he lifted his head, looking up at you. Your eyes were hooded, a blush was flush on your cheeks, and your mouth hung open. Your breathing became erratic as he continued his punishment on you, biting down on your fist to force yourself to stay quiet. You didn’t want him to tease you, but you also didn’t want him to stop.
His mouth finally closed around your clit, sucking it harshly, tongue poking out to lick it. He moved his finger inside you agonizingly slow and your hand reached down to pull his hair. He moaned, the vibrations sending a shock wave through you. Your mouth fell open when he pushed another finger into you, going faster this time. A whimper came from your throat, signaling you were close. JJ was the only one who ever made you feel so euphoric; you were like putty in his hands when it came to sex and you both loved it. He had total control over you, and you let him do anything he wanted to you. 
His tongue stopped it’s attack on your pussy, slowly pulling his fingers out making you whine at the sudden loss of contact. He put on into his mouth and moaned, relishing in the sweet taste. “You taste so good, baby. Here, taste yourself.”
You opened your mouth and he slipped the other finger in, your mouth closing and sucking around it harshly. Your cheeks hollowed around it, your tongue swirling around his fingertip. He groaned at the sight of you, his head rolling back. He pulled his finger out of your mouth, grabbing your face in his hand. He kissed you ruthlessly, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You moaned, the sound muffled by his lips. He moved away from you, pulling his pants down and kicking them to the side. 
 “Get on your knees baby.” You obliged, placing your hands on his chest and sliding down to sit on your heels. He pushed his boxers down to his ankles. “Suck.”
You looked up at him, grabbing the shaft of his dick with just enough pressure to make him groan. You licked the tip, your tongue flicking up and down on his slit. The salty taste of his precum made you moan around him, taking him into your mouth. A sigh fell from his lips and his hands went to your hair. He tugged, making you groan in pleasure, excited to give him more. You relaxed your throat and slid all the way down, your nose pressing against his pelvic bone. One hand came up to rest on his thigh while the other played with his balls. You pulled back for air, spitting out the drool that had collected in the back of your throat. You pumped your hand on his dick, trying to spread the spit, going back down to suck midway. Your hand twisted around him while your cheeks hollowed, the hand on the back of your head holding your hair tighter. 
His hips jolted forward, hitting the back of your throat making you gag. He continued to fuck your mouth, moaning when you gagged on his tip.
“Fuck baby, I love it when you gag on my cock.” The dirty talk caused you to moan, the warmth between your legs spreading. Your hands fell down into your lap as he pulled your hair into a ponytail, pushing your head to meet his thrusts. You focused on breathing and relaxing your throat, moaning around him. You reluctantly pushed his hips back for air, gasping as you stroked his cock. “Okay baby, you ready for me?”
You nodded in excitement, finally about to get the release you deserved. You stood up and JJ pushed you onto the bed, flipping you over. 
“All fours.” He ordered. You lifted yourself up onto your forearms and your knees, arching your back for him. His hands roamed your body before reaching your ass, squeezing it. He gave you a good spank, causing you to moan and grasp the sheets beneath you. “Such a pretty little slut for me, huh? Tell me who you belong to baby girl.”
“You, JJ, I belong to you,” you moaned out. You were desperate to be fucked and JJ could see that, so he let you have it. His cock slid up and down your slit, gathering your arousal to make it easier to slip in. He adjusted quickly and grabbed your hips, pushing his dick into you slowly. You whimpered when he bottomed out in you, pushing back into him to show him that you were ready. He slapped your ass one more time before pulling out, only leaving the tip inside you before slamming back in. 
He set a unrelenting pace, fucking you hard and fast. Your face pressed into the mattress, moans being muffled by the fabric. JJ grabbed your hands and pulled them behind you, using them as his momentum to fuck you harder. He pulled you back into him while he pounded into you, your moans soon turning into screams. “That’s right baby, come on. Scream for me. Show me who you belong to.”
“Fuck, JJ!” you screamed as he grabbed you hair, pulling you up so your back would be against his chest. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby? You gonna cum all over my dick?” he moaned into your ear, slamming up into you. You nodded harshly, chasing your release.
“Yes, daddy,” you moaned out. It was spur of the moment, and you hoped he hadn’t realized but he just continued to fuck you into oblivion. He didn’t say anything, so you assumed he hadn’t heard it. 
“Cum with me, baby,” he moaned, feeling your cunt clench around him. Your entire body started to shake as the knot in your stomach unravelled, leaving you a quivering and moaning mess. The pornographic sounds coming from you and sound of the skin slapping on skin made him go into overdrive. He pushed deep inside you, stilling as his seed spilled into you. “God, fuck, baby.”
You stayed like that for a little bit, both coming down from your intense highs. Your legs were still shaking beneath you, threatening to drop you on your stomach. As soon as JJ pulled out, you fell down onto the couch, trying hard to catch your breath. The pull out shook beside you as JJ laid down, pulling you into him. You cover both of you with the blanket hanging over the edge of the couch, nuzzling into him. He cleared his throat.
“So... daddy huh?” He asked you. You knew he was smirking behind you, and you rolled over, your cheeks heating up significantly. You knew he was never going to let you live that down, whether he liked it or not. 
“Don’t mention it.”
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pieces-by-me · 4 years
Little Mouse
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Hello there! This is my piece for @youbloodymadgenius​ 1k Writing Challenge!! I originally wanted to post this sooner but I took too much on my plate and have now so many things to write that I put myself under pressure. The idiot I am.🤦🏼‍♀️
But anyway: Congratulations again on this huge step!! You deserve every single one of us and even more and I’m sure your blog will only grow bigger and better. I really hope you enjoy this and that you have an amazing day/night ✨
Words: 2827
Summary: Ivar’s night before the big war will be interrupted by a visitor from his past. Someone he has almost forgotten.
Prompt: I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. - A Streetcar Named Desire
Warning: mention of death, I think thats it. English is not my first language
He was standing over the table, browns lined in though. Somehow he had to do it. He had to beat Alfred and win this final battle. The battle over Wessex.
Ivar was in pain. Not only his brain, form constantly thinking of strategy upon strategy, but also his legs. They were killing him. The constant raining, the fog and the gloomy atmosphere shrouding Wessex into a climate that did not agree with Ivar. They hurt worst then on the coldest day in Kattegat or the snow filed days of Kiev. Maybe it was because Kattegat was his home and he was just too used to that. But this was close to agony. The wind blowing through his tent was not helping either.
Not finding the answer he was looking for after watching over the maps of the terrain he was done with it for the night. Tightly gripping his crutch while limping to his bed he made his way carefully from one side to the other. Sitting down he reached for his cup of mead and took a big gulp, hoping the warming liquid would help his sour mood and hurting bones. And after a couple of more cups he felt the familia tingling of warmness traveling through his body. It didn't stop his legs from causing him pain, but at least it was now more tolerable. With this he was able to take off his braces. Making him hiss and grimace as the metal left his limps. 
But soon the soothing feeling came from not having his legs being trapped and pinched together that the hissing turned into a long sigh. Finally he could lay down and rest. His men and the one from Harald would want to know a plan by tomorrow but they would have to wait a bit, because he was to tired to think anymore. Something that didn't happen often. Taking of his heavy tunic and trowing it across the improvised room he closed his eyes with hoping to find sleep soon.
Ivar's hearing was always impeccable, a trait he was very proud of and something he would rub under the noses of his brothers every chance he would get. This time his hearing was the reason he woke up from a deep sleep. Someone was sneaking through his tent. And it was not his brother. That klutz was always too loud walking around. So who was mad enough to creep through his quarters while he was still in them? Someone with a death wish that was certain. He used his the arm he lay on to travel towards his hidden knife under his pillow. Something every son of Ragnar would sleep with. But just as his hand neared the edge of his pillow a voice filled with taunt went through his tent.
“I took your knife so you don't have to search for it.”
What in the name of Odin?
Not only was this voice teasing him, him a feared Viking throughout all the lands, but it was female and close to giggling. No use in trying to be stealthy he turned around to face this intruder and sat up.
When he looked at her he saw that she was a meek little thing. Thin, sickly and clothed in scraps. Standing there, proud and smiling, three meters from his bed. Twirling his knife in her hands. There was a glimmer of triumph in her eyes but something else sparkled alongside it. Admiration?
Pushing the initial shock away, Ivar slapped a smirk on his face and looked her deep in the eyes. Something about them was nagging on his brain. Like he had seen them a long time ago, or in a dream. But before he could say any words or threads she beat him to it.
“You are Ivar the Boneless.” It was definitely admiration.
“It has been a long time since I have seen you.”
That made him stutter a bit. So he had seen her. But when?
“I'm not surprised you don't remember me. I am a nobody. But I saw you. Way back when we both were little. Or at least younger, I never truly grew taller.” A sort of giggle that was close to sadness left her lips at her words. But it wasn't a wonder that she didn't grow. How could a body grow when there was never anything to feed it?
It was quiet then after her words. Ivar was in a state of remembering. Trying to pinpoint where he could have seen her. When they were younger and he was in Wessex, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. She was Saxon, or at least not from his home. That could only have been when he was captured with his father by King Ecbert. His heart ached at the memory of his father. So it had to be there, but how could they have met, he was in in a cell or locked in a room for the whole ordeal.
A feeling like letting lose of a taut arrow whizzed through his brain as he glanced at her awaiting eyes again.
“You were crawling behind your father into the first ring of the city when....”
“You are the little mouse.” His voice was louder when he interrupted her.
For a moment she looked at him in pure amazement. Bewildered almost as if shot with his arrow. But then seconds went by and her looked formed to something of confusion.
“The little girl behind a barrel, hiding away. Tiny thing with huge eyes that stared at me. Like a mouse looking out of its hole.”
“So you really remember me?” Her voice and face went back to amazement and in her pure joy she took a step towards him. Almost as if not even realizing that she did. But he definitely saw it.
“The great Ivar the Boneless knows who I am.” Her voice was small but proud. Almost as if it wasn't a sentence meant for him to hear.
Ivar didn't know how he should react to this. He could yell for his guards, making them run in here and taking her a prisoner that broke into his tent. Probably punished and killed. But something held him back. He was intrigued of this women. Truly she was like a mouse. Small as one. Quiet as one. And also sneaky if he thought about it. Her hands must be quick and steady too if she was able to grab the knife quite literally from under his head. He decided to entertain her joy, and it had definitely nothing to do with the fact that she called him 'the great Ivar the Boneless.'
“Well since you know who I am apparently, tell me your name. Or do you want me to keep calling you mouse?” A self-satisfied smile grew on his face.
“I don't have a name and mouse sounds better then what I was called before.”
That again made him stop for a second. “You don't have a name? Don't be stupid, everyone has one.
“Don't call me stupid.” She held his knife steadily in her hands and this time her voice was void of all emotion. “My mother was crazy when I was born and the time I grew up with her so she called me by a different name every day. And after she died no one was there to give me one. So yes, I don't have one.”
“Well then I just have to call you Mouse then don't I. You looked small back then. And as you said there was no one there to help you. So how did you survive?” His smile turned into a bitter smirk after her mood change.
“Why do you want to know?”
“A person breaks into my tent at night, steals my knife and reveals that we already met once in this life. Why wouldn't I want to know how they did all that?”
Ivar could see that she was hesitating for a moment. But after thinking everything over, the good outcomes and the bad once, she started walking around in his tent. Went from one corner to the next and kept her eyes sweeping over every little thing that she could see.
'Probably looking for something to take with her' Ivar thought with a bitter kind of chuckle.
“I had to live on the streets since I was 5. Mother died and the men who owned our little house threw me out. Didn't need another mouth to feed, he said. So I had to learn how to live on my own. I was small and young so some people pitied me and gave me scraps of food of small measly coins. But I could also run real fast so I could rush around people and take things from them before they knew.”
There was more. He knew it, he could hear it in her tone.
“You said that Mouse was better then the name before, so what was that and who called you that?”
Her steps staggered for a tiny bit and he new that he was right.
“There was a men who helped me.” She was still looking at everything except Ivar. “He helped me, not out of kindness but because he saw that I had talent.” She wiggled her fingers at him and her lips turned up at her words. “I don't know his real name, he never told me but he always called me Pest. So I called him Oldie. He hated that.” Tiny laughter slipped out of her mouth and when she skipped through the room he caught her eyes for a second, seeing that she was in a memory.
“So I would say Mouse is better then Pest wouldn't you?”
Her eyes found his at her question and he only nodded. “So he helped you stealing?”
“I didn't only steal things you know? I sat out in my alley and begged. And I tried to find work. But no one wanted my help. How would anyone want me. I'm not strong and Oldie always said I have to big of a mouth. I can't keep it shut. And I needed training at the beginning. Had to run away a lot of times to escape the guards when people saw me.”
The smile that was threatening to grow on Ivars face was quickly pushed back down. He hadn't decided yet if he would let her go or not.
“For a long time in my life I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. I had to be lucky.Waiting that people took pity in me. I had to be patient and hungry for most of my days. But then I heard stories of you. People talked about the sons of Ragnar and even after I left York a couple of months after I saw you, I still listened to the people when they talked about you. How you avenged your father and later took York. How the cripple that I saw crawling around was now walking and riding a horse.”
Not even he noticed her standing beside his bed. He was too compelled by her words and the admiration that was back in her eyes that drew him in like a moth to a flame.
“But after hearing your stories. The stories of Ivar the Boneless and how he conquered and fought and of how he became King I realized that I didn't want to depend on anyone but myself anymore. If you could rise up to such a degree I didn't want to stay where I was” She sat down on his bed. Right next to him.
Never had he imagined that he would inspire someone in such a way. Raising fear and misery. Making people scream when they heard stories of him. Having poets sing about his conquests and destructions. All that was more logical then the admiration he got from this women before him. Confusion showed on his face.
“You knew that I could kill you the moment yet you stepped into my tent. But still you came.”
His question was met with a nod. Her eyes piercing his.
“You did not come here to steal my things did you?” After looking at her hands he added with a smirk. “Well except my knife.”
She smiled and and nodded her head again when she looked at the mentioned knife in her hands. Tightening her grip she slowly moved her hand towards him as if she wanted to give it back to him. He didn't react to her movements.
“I just wanted to see you again. You haven't left my mind for a long time.”
Her innocent honesty touched his heart in a strange way. She did not come to steal. She could have even killed him with his own knife. Gods she sat herself right next to him even though she knew that he could probably crush her like a bug with his bare hands. Still she risks her life just to see him one more time. To see the person that gave her hope all her life. Hope for something better. Hope that even a person that has to crawl though the dirt can become someone great.
Not knowing what he should do with her words and the warmness that spread though him all of a sudden he asked her the first thing that came to his mind.
“Where is Oldie?”
Bemusement at his question and sadness for her upcoming answer mixed on her face.
“I killed him.”
Shock and a slight silver of panic made itself known inside Ivar's head. Maybe he should have taken the knife back. But before it could grow bigger she continued.
“He was caught in a bear trap when we moved around. His wound did not get better so one night he asked me to end his pain. And I did.”
His panic subsided but with it grew a kind of sadness. Empathy maybe. He saw that her hands started to tremble just a tiny bit so he enclosed her small cold hands with his larger warm once.
The trembling stopped and a gasp was heard though the tent. She looked at their hands and took in his warmth. The difference in size was almost comical. And when he started to speak in a voice not many people would hear, quiet but tender, she met his eyes again. Feeling the squeeze of his hands.
“You should take my knife with you. You earned it by taking it from under my head.”
She wanted to protest, further proving that she really did not want to hurt him or steal from him.
But he wouldn't let her.
“A little mouse like you should have something to defend herself. You can't always run away to escape. You have this now as a gift. So you will take it.”
His last words were stoic. He wouldn't take it back and she knew it at his tone.
“Thank you.” Now even her voice sounded like a mouse. Tiny and high.
This was the first thing someone ever gave her as a gift. The sun that was slowly creeping up the horizon fell into his tent and with the new small form of light in it he could see that her eyes were shining again, this time with unshed tears of gratitude.
“Now run along little mouse. The sun is rising and you need to escape before the cats awake.”
He squeezed her hands one more time and then let her go.
Standing form his bed she did not broke the gaze they shared. Even when she made her way closer to his desk she still looked at him. Only now he could see the tiny gab under his desk. The one she probably sneaked her way into.
“Goodbye Ivar.”
“Goodbye little Mouse.”
“Hopefully I can see you again one more time. See if you still remember me then.”
“Oh I'm sure I will.”
With his last words her smile was as blinding as the upcoming sun. Oh yes he would not forget her.
She turned around reluctantly, bend down to the ground and crawled through the hole. The tent was empty again.
Ivar had to laugh. She really was a mouse. Sighing he laid back down, knowing that it was no use in trying to sleep again. He was wide awake and soon his brother and Harald were up to further discuss their plans. He really hoped that after this battle their paths would meet again. That he could talk to her more and learn more about her life.
But for now he had to win against Alfred. After that he could think of his little mouse again.
Let me know what you thought! Feedback is really appreciated✨ have a nice day!
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
i randomly remembered when enzo broke his arm around a year ago, i know it sounds mean but could you possibly do one of mac/maya doing the same (nothing major to cause it)
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"It's okay." Amy hears herself repeat the phrase for probably the hundredth time now. "It's okay." It's probably supposed to calm them all down, all three adults and one little crying, screaming boy in the car, but it's barely working.
"It's not!" Jake hisses into her direction, the fear and panic and worry in his eyes more than obvious as he clutches Mac's head against his shoulder some more, tightens the grip around his back.
"It's gonna be, though." Rosa says from the driver's seat in front - she was clearly the calmest of all of them after what happened, so she'd grabbed Amy's purse, pulled their car keys out of it, and then pushed all three of them into the backseat before starting the car. And now she was making her way to the emergency wing of the hospital at about 15mp/h higher than allowed in the inner city. "The arm's broken, but not in a bad way. It's gonna heal."
"How can a bone break in a good way?" Asks the man who once stated that as long as his blood was still inside him, things were obviously good. Mac starts wailing a little louder in his arms.
"You're stressing him out." Rosa states, matter-of-fact, before slowing down just a little before a right turn so the kid in Jake's arms doesn't get jostled too much.
"It hurt." Mac sniffles and looks over at Amy with the reddest, most tear-filled eyes she's ever seen, and it takes a lot not to cry with him.
"It's gonna be okay, peanut. The doctors like uncle Jorge are going to fix it." She tries to calm him, and maybe Jake a little bit, who nods and scratches through Mac's hair like he does when he's trying to lull him into sleep.
They make it to the emergency room in record time, frankly, and if Rosa's rushed past some traffic lights and speed radars, Amy's not going to complain once the tickets come in the mail.
A bored-looking nurse informs them that there’s only enough space for one parent in the room during the x-ray and the cast and treatment, and Jake wants to debate for the first time in his life, because that’s obviously bullshit, but Amy puts a hand on his arm and then lifts Mac out of them.
“Sit with Rosa”, she says in that voice she’s started using after Mac, that mom-voice that’s always right, “Calm down, and we’ll be back before you know it. And it’s all going to be fine.”
She’s off with the crying toddler and nurse before Jake can really protest, and Rosa is already sitting in a corner of the waiting area, so he drops down next to her instead and buries his head in his hands.
“Dude, you’re blowing this out of proportion. Kids hurt themselves all the time. He’s gonna bounce back like always.”
“I broke his arm, Rosa.”
There’s a beat of silence between them as the weight of that statement settles. Rosa gives up her nonchalant pose to lean forward as well, trying to get into Jake’s field of vision, but it’s kinda hard when he’s staring down onto the floor.
“You did not.” She hisses. “Jake, you didn’t. He fell. He was climbing. It happens.”
“I helped him up on that tower, he’s too little for it-”
“It’s on the playground, he was gonna go for it eventually-”
“I was right next to him-”
“So were Amy and I-”
“You were talking-”
“So at least you were paying better attention-”
“I coulda grabbed him, I shoulda-”
“You did what you could, immediately and without question. It’s not your fault the kid drops faster than a cannonball.” Rosa ends their little squabble, and the old lady across them lets out a little harrumph, but Rosa shoots her the deadliest glare she can muster, which means a lot. “You were over there in a flash, Jake, I’ve never seen you move so fast.”
“Wasn’t fast enough. Wasn’t good enough.” He mumbles into his hands, rubbing across his face and his hair that’s already a mess. Rosa watches him for a moment, and calculates. Pieces together the evidence, like she does as a detective, and comes to a solution that most people probably won’t like, but those usually get her results.
“Do you want to leave?” She asks, and he looks at her like she’s grown a second head. “Amy’s got it under control, she told you. It’s probably gonna take a while, anyway, we can dip out for a drink to calm down and come back and they’ll be none the wiser.”
“Are you insane?!” Jake hisses back now, giving her exactly the reaction she’d expected. “I’m not going to leave my son in the hospital to go to a bar-”
He stops and stares at her, and it seems like his own detective brain is finally catching up with his panicked dad brain, because he sees what she’s doing. So she nods.
“You’re still good. You’re still better.” She says, and they don’t need to mention who he’s better than. It was the first of his stories that he told her, after he hurt something in his wrist at the academy - how that wrist never really healed right anyway, not since he was 5 and Bobby Linder drove over it with his tricycle by accident and his mom had to rush him to the hospital and his dad asked ‘what is that?’ with beer on his breath when he showed him the cast later. They’d known each other for barely a month back then, and Rosa was still refusing to think of anyone as her friend, but the way he’d looked at his wrist in its bandage and smiled the most broken smile she’d ever seen had set something off in her head. Something that yelled Protect at her every time he mentioned his dad later, something that made her threaten Roger Peralta with one of her knives after their graduation when Jake was in the bathroom ‘real quick’, but she knew he was hiding in there so no one could see his hands shake. Good thing Rosa never gave a damn about going into the men’s toilets anyway, because she sure as hell went after him when Roger had dipped out as usual.
She watches Jake’s tense shoulders drop with another sigh.
“Being better doesn’t make me good. That bar is set so fucking low.”
“I’m not having this entire discussion with you again, Peralta. We’ve been through this way too many times anyway. You. are. a. good. dad. One accident doesn’t change that.”
“Okay.” He nods, and she can tell he’s trying to imprint her words into his brain, so she continues.
“Mac’s going to hurt himself, and others are going to hurt him, and things are gonna go bad sometimes. You’ll probably be back here in the hospital a few times, considering how much he seems to love danger. And it’s going to be okay, just like Amy said, because you’re going to be there, and you’ll help him through it, and take care of him while he heals.”
“Yeah.” He nods again, and Rosa leans closer to him some more, and finally gets into his field of vision.
“And you’re not going to even think, for one second, that you could be anywhere as bad of a father as that piece of shit. And you’re not going to believe, whatever anyone says, that Mac doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you as a dad.”
He nods a third time, and she remembers how he jokingly told her once, after a few drinks, that the little screaming voice of conscience in his head always alternates between either Amy’s voice or her voice. She hopes she’s given him some new tracks to replay if he needs to.
“Thank you, Rosa.” He says, and leans back in the most uncomfortable chair either of them have sat in, and they’ve both been to prison. He tilts over when she leans back too, lands his head on her shoulder, and she doesn’t shrug him off for once. She can have a soft spot for the Santiago-Peraltas when no one else is there to see, she supposes.
“You looked like you wanted to punch out that nurse.” She says with a quick grin, and hears him snort.
“Was thinking about it. Not enough space for two parents, what kind of bullshit is that?!”
“You couldn’t throw a proper punch anyway.”
“Hey, I know how to hit people. I trained to do it just as much as you.”
They share a giggle as the exhaustion and stress of the last hour flows out of them, and the old lady across them seems mildly shocked rather than annoyed by now, but who cares.
Amy comes back with Mac in her arms an hour later, and they’re both all smiles. Mac sports an impressive new sticker collection on his shirt, and a lollipop that’s painting his lips orange. (Amy’s have a slight tint to them as well.)
The cast on his arm is bright green, and he carefully lifts it to show Jake as he switches from his Mama’s arms into his. (Jake had jumped up from his chair so fast he almost threw Rosa, who was also getting up, to the ground.)
“Like ninja!” he says around the lollipop, and Amy wipes a bit of spit away before it can drop on Jake’s shirt.
“Yeah, just like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, buddy.” Jake nods because of course he understands his kid’s train of thought better than anyone else, and kisses Mac’s temple, stays there a second longer for that perfect toddler scent, even as it’s mixed with hospital disinfectant and playground mud.
“Look, RoRo!” Mac yells into his ear and leans over to show Rosa as well. “Turtle shell!”
“That’s pretty cool, dude.” Aunt RoRo answers as she inspects the cast to see if it’s well done or if she has to go back there and punch out a nurse herself. “Let’s get you three home.” She says after concluding that the cast is acceptable enough to let the poor hospital workers alone.
She was planning to drop them off, park their car and then head for the precinct where her bike is waiting for her, but Amy invited her up for some coffee for ‘her nerves’, and Jake offered dinner as a thanks, and Mac absolutely needed to show her the new toy he got in that package from abuela, and then suddenly she’s on a playmat on the floor for an hour after Chinese takeout and pretending to be a Ninja Tortoise or whatever. That soft spot is gonna be more trouble than it’s worth, she thinks for a second before Mac smiles at her as his Jedi figure shoots lasers at her turtle doll, and immediately realises it’s worth so much more than any trouble. Mac looks at his cast a little worried, whenever he thinks no one is watching him, and god, could he be any more like his dad? At least she and Amy already have a good instructions booklet on how to handle him, in that case.
“That green cast is pretty cool.” She says when she catches him look once more. “But you know what would make it even cooler? Drawings.”
“Drawies? On my arm?”
“Yeah, buddy. We can draw on it with a sharpie.”
He’s up and running to Amy, asking for a sharpie, in no time at all and yep, he is just as easily distracted as his dad. Mac grins wide and unworried now as he climbs on Jake’s lap on the couch, asks Amy to draw something when she returns with a set of markers, calls Rosa over to draw something too.
Amy does a little bear, his favourite animal at the moment. Rosa does a rocket ship and a pirate ship, the two best ships in the world, as they both agree. Jake does a Ninja Turtle cartoon face yelling PIZZA!, which is obviously Mac’s absolute favourite the moment it’s done.
When Jake wants to cap the Sharpie after his work of art, Mac grabs his hand and pulls it back down. “Steady, peanut. Don’t wanna scribble over Aunt RoRo’s cool ship, right?” He says with a grin over to her as she rolls her eyes. Mac’s already tried to cover several walls, most of his storytime books, and the kitchen table with his drawings as soon as he’s handed any sort of writing tool, so Jake won’t let go of the marker just to be safe, but he does let Mac’s little hand guide his big one as he makes him draw a wonky heart, right on the cast over the back of his hand, and then places a kiss on the same place on Jake’s hand.
You’re not going to believe, whatever anyone says, that Mac doesn’t know how lucky he is to have you as a dad the little Rosa voice in Jake’s head repeats as he smiles at her, and she actually smiles back.
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hvitserkmarcosource · 4 years
The Arrangement
Chapter Eleven: Thin Ice
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Warnings: None. (Warnings will be updated with each chapter so make sure you read them!)
Chapter Eleven Summary: An unexpected tale of fate.
Word count: 2,396
It's been a while!!! I've missed you guys ❤ I hope you all like this chapter!
Read Chapter 10 Here ⬇️
Chapter 12 coming soon!!
A noise. A noise so faint you almost ignored it. Almost. It pricked into your ear and worried into your brain, until you got out of bed. Hvitserk had finally fallen asleep, and you debated on whether or not to wake him. He looked so peaceful… you decided against it. 
The windows of your chamber were frosted over, except for one pane, and when you went to look out you were met with nothing but heavy snowfall. It was coming down so hard you could barely make out the other buildings. All of the torches were extinguished. All of the people were safe in their homes…
No one could have made a noise outside.
No one would be crazy enough to subject themselves to weather like this. 
Another knock makes you flinch. This time it is louder, almost as if someone is tapping on the window from the outside. You know that is not possible. 
And so, you open the window. Cold air and snow blow in making you gasp and cover yourself “Oh that was foolish, what is wrong with me?” You struggle to get the window closed again. Fighting with the wind like it’s some great battle. 
Out of breath and freezing, you lock the window and turn to go back to bed. Satisfied that no one is at the window and the noise must have come from somewhere else inside of the castle. Maybe Ivar is walking around, pacing the halls, waiting for someone else to try and usurp him so he can hang them. 
You step in a puddle of melted snow on your way back to bed and you have to stop yourself from screaming when the cold water touches your bare feet. 
Shaking your foot off, you sigh, you can’t just leave a puddle in the middle of the floor. What if Hvitserk wakes before you and slips. You’d never forgive yourself. Grabbing a fur from the foot of the bed you begin using it to soak up the water. 
Agin the noise startles you, seeming much louder than a second ago. You turn, but again no one is at the window.
 How is he sleeping through all of this?
You gasp and fall backwards when you pick up the fur. Out of the water formed a bird. A beautiful white raven… just like in your dream. 
She caws, except it doesn’t sound like a bird, it sounds like the knocking. She caws over and over, walking closer to you. Leaving watery claw prints behind. The knocking gets louder and louder, her cawing turns into a scream
You realize it’s you screaming…
And Hvitserk is holding you tight, rocking you back and forth, chanting that you are ok and that you need to wake up.
Out of it and confused, you pull away from him. You’re shaking and drenched in sweat, your throat is hoarse from screaming but you scream again when the door to your chambers slams open. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” 
It’s Ivar and that is a shock in and of itself. Since when does Ivar care if you are ok?
“Did you have it too? The dream.” He asks
Hvitserk groans “Ivar leave us be, I can handle this-“ 
“No!” He yells “I had a dream and I need to know if she had the same one. I need to know if it was a dream or a vision” 
“Ivar you are not a god!”
“Stop it!” You yell, and move away from both of them. You look at Ivar and question “A vision?” 
“I dreamt that you were running in a storm and fell through ice, I was trying to save you.” 
The snow storm, the knocking, stepping in the water… it all makes sense. “My dream was not exactly like yours, but I understand it now.” 
Hvitserk moves closer to you and takes your hand “Tell me what happened” 
“It all felt so real, you were sleeping. I heard a knocking sound coming from the window. It was storming and water came inside when I opened the window, the water turned into a white raven and her cawing sounded like the knocking too. Until it turned into my own screams.” 
“I was trying to break the ice with my crutch, that was the knocking. And when you opened the window that is when you fell through… Guards! Bring me The Seer, now.”
Hvitserk stands and places a hand on Ivar’s shoulder “Ivar he doesn’t leave his hut, he will not come to you” 
Ivar smiles “He will or I will kill him” he looks at you then and you notice his eyes are even more blue than you remembered “She is forbidden from going outside, I will not take any chances-” 
“You can’t do that!” You scream, cutting off his sentence  “I will not be locked up in here” 
“You will stay if I say so, Gods help me I will bar these very doors and windows shut if I see you outside even once.” 
For fear of falling through the ice twice in one night, you conceded. Even if it means being locked up in this hell castle until spring. Your only hope would be for Ivar to leave on a raid or something, but then that meant Hvitserk could possibly go with him and you would be alone. All alone in a big castle… Truth be told you feared that more than every Viking in Kattegat. 
“You are over thinking my love” Hvitserk whispers as he kisses your cheek “This is going to be alright, winter will be gone in a couple months, then we will be married in your meadow.” 
Closing your eyes you take a deep breath and try to be positive. Only a couple months, you could do that. After the dream you had you should want to stay inside anyway. And if this was all a vision of things to come- well you don’t know, you don’t know what you’re going to do. But staying inside is a good start. 
“The seer will not come!” Ivar yells, slamming his horn of ale on the table and startling everyone. “How can he refuse me? I am king!”
Hvitserk smirks “I told you brother, I told you he would not leave his hut.” 
“Why can’t we just go to him?” You ask. “We don’t have to cross a lake to get to his hut, Do we?” 
“I have forbidden you from going outside" 
You sigh,  not wanting to argue. You're so tired of arguing with men and not solving anything. So for the rest of the night you stay as silent as a mouse. Ignoring everyone, including Hvitserk. You know he just wants to protect you, keep you safe, but it's infuriating that he is agreeing with Ivar. Since when does he agree with Ivar? Never. They are always at each other's throats.  
Your silence however doesn't go entirely unnoticed, Freydis sees it, can tell what is going on. She steps down from her throne and takes a seat next to you. At first you are weary, she's Ivar’s wife after all, she could just be following orders, trying to trick you.  Spy for him.
"I like having another woman here," she says with a smile "it makes me feel not so alone."
You nod "We hardly see each other though, you are always busy with Ivar."
She laughs "He's a handful, but not as dangerous as everyone thinks…but don't tell him I told you that."
You smile "I won't, promise."
She looks towards Ivar and you do the same, noticing Hvitserk has joined him and they are talking civilly. It almost looks like they care about each other, like they could get along and be great friends if ivar wasn't so- so Ivar. 
Freydis hums and looks back at you "You do not know much about being a viking, do you?"
"Is it that obvious?" You say with a laugh 
"The seer is a very important man, he can tell us our future. If he chooses. He can tell us what we are destined to do and if we will stray from that path. He is all-knowing. That is why Ivar wants you to see him."
You nod "I understand, but if he will not come then how am I supposed to see him? Ivar will not let me leave."
The queen leans in and whispers, so soft that you can tell she's said things in secret before. Perhaps you are not the only one Freydis has tried to help. 
"There is a back gate just outside of the courtyard, it is not guarded. Ivar leaves it hidden incase he needs to make a quick escape. I will get the key and unlock it for you after Ivar falls asleep tonight-"
You stop her "How am I to know when he falls asleep?"
She smiles "look at them, it won't be long before both men are out like a flame." She continues "The Seer's hut is small and dark in color, animal bones hang from the door.  You can not miss it."
Taking a deep breath you say "Ivar will kill me if he finds out."
Freydis stands "Then be quick and quiet, princess. If he awakes I will keep him occupied for as long as I can."
It was easy enough to escape, what with Ivar and Hvitserk being drunk out of their minds. One minute they were laughing and saying how much they loved each other and the next they were rolling around on the floor fighting. In that moment you decided that you'll never understand men. Especially viking men.
After Freydis unlocked the gate, The trek through the snow wasn't as bad as you would have thought, and the Seer's hut was relatively close. If you weren't so paranoid you might have actually enjoyed the walk. 
As you entered the hut a wave of nausea washed over you, a sort of sinking feeling set deep in your heart. And suddenly you knew you were not going to receive good news. 
"I've been waiting for you" A raspy voice says out of the darkness "come closer child, come and sit down."
As you step further into the hut you find him, a tall dark figure dressed in a torn black cloak. His features are hidden from you but from the sound of his voice, you are glad. 
He reaches out for you and reluctantly you give him your hand and allow him to pull you closer. "Say what you've come here to say. Waste not my time."
"I want to know my future… not- not all of it just, Ivar."
He chuckles, a sound so sinister it rattled the bones in your body. "Ivar the boneless,"  he speaks his name with pause "Not a God, as he would like to think." 
You nod "I know he is not, I want to know if he will be the cause of my death-"
The Seer stops you. Holding up his hand "I can not tell you of such things. Nor would you want to know."
You scoff and begin to leave "I knew I should not have come here, you're just a fraud. Just another man who wants to make people believe that he is more than ordinary… you're no better than Ivar-"
"I am nothing like Ivar Lothbrook," he growls "I have seen a great many things. War. Death. Murder. Darkness. I have seen it all. I have seen your future child and I shudder at the sight." 
He stands and blocks your way to the door, stopping you from leaving. "Please let me go," You plead "I no longer require your sight." 
He grabs your hand roughly and brings it to his mouth, licking your palm. He growls once more and begins to ramble  "Your lives are intertwined and mangled. Hate. Love. Everything hangs in the balance. I see a fate worse than death. You speak of being ordinary but you are no such thing. You are greater than you think and Ivar will fall because of this greatness… He is just a man. He will fall. You will make sure of that."
Violently he let's you go, he's panting and disoriented, so you take the chance and run past him. Out of his hut and back towards the castle. 
Once the gate is closed behind you, you fall to your knees. Out of breath and shaking. 
You would be Ivars downfall? And what did he mean when he said you are not ordinary? You have no powers, no control over your own life. You can't do magic or spells, you are no seer. 
So what did he mean?
Footsteps bring you back to reality and only then do you realize you are completely out in the open. Luckily it is still snowing… maybe no one has seen you. 
Slowly, you begin your walk back inside. The castle isn't too far away from the gate so you're praying no one will stop you. Or recognize you. 
Your heart is racing you can hear it in your ears, like the menacing beat of a drum. You know you're walking back into a situation that could possibly be dangerous. Ivar could be waiting for you, this could have all been a trap. 
You should have never trusted Freydis…
As you open the castle door your arm is grabbed and you are drug into a small corridor, a hand is clasped around your mouth preventing you from screaming, but you still try. If this is how you die you want to see Hvitserk one more time. You want to apologize. 
"Next time you leave I suggest being less obvious princess." A man whispers, his voice familiar.
You look up at him and realize it is Ubbe, the brother who helped you before. He let's you go and smiles "Hvitserk has been looking for you, he's afraid you've left him."
"He hasn't told Ivar-"
He stops you, "my brother may be young but he is not dumb. He's only trusted me with this, we've been looking everywhere for you. Where have you been?"
You take a deep breath "I went to the Seer, he's told me many things… not all good."
Ubbe groans "Come, we'll find my brother and then you can tell us what, exactly, the wise one has said."
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vibrant-leaf · 3 years
A Miraculous Second Chance
🧡 ~KiriBaku Drabble~ ❤️
Summary: An accident happens and Bakugou has a bad head injury that affects his relationship with Kirishima.
Warnings: cursing
So I realize that this drabble has a lot of holes and things wrong with it but I won’t ever actually write this because it’d be a lot to tackle, especially with basically rewriting Bakugou’s much needed character development buuuuut I thought of this and needed to share it. This was just a series of messages in a discord so, it’s choppy, there’s grammar mistakes, I go back and forth between Kiri and Kirishima, but I still love it. So I hope you enjoy it for the mess that it is 😊
Bakugou and Kirishima are dating, it’s their third year at AU, Bakugou is out on a work study mission, fighting villains ya know the norm, but something goes wrong and he hits his head somehow, gets knocked out, and has to go to the hospital. Once Kiri gets word that he’s hurt he rushes to the hospital and by the time he gets there Bakugou has only been awake for about 5-10 minutes and the doctor is talking to him and his parents are outside of his door. Kiri runs for his room and Mitsuki sees him and tries to speak to him, “wait Kirishima we need to talk to you real quick” but..
“I need to see him! Just let me him first please!”
Mitsuki tries to stop him but he barges through anyway.
“Katsuki!! Oh my god thank god you’re okay!” He walks over to Bakugou and hugs him but Bakugou is freaked out and pushes him off.
“Don’t fucking touch me who do you think you are?!”
Eijirou backs away from him to give him some space. “What- katsuki it’s okay it’s me, it’s Eijirou.”
“I don’t know who the fuck you are- and stop using my given name!”
And Eijirou is just stunned. Eyes wide, mouth slightly parted, eye brows scrunched up.
Mitsuki speaks up again, “Kirishima, honey. A word?”
Bakugou is just glaring at him and he can’t take it so he walks out of the room and next to Bakugou’s mom.
Kirishima is gutted. Understandably. With Bakugou being Bakugou he’s not gonna continue a relationship with some random stranger. (I’ll be continuing with bulletpoints)
Last thing Bakugou remembers is him finding out he got accepted into UA
Kiri had to explain the situation to rest of the BakuSquad and they now understand that Bakugou will be okay he just needs some space from everyone so he doesn’t get overwhelmed so they can’t bombard him with their usual nonsense.
But then BakuSquad asks about their relationship and Kiri just shakes his head and says “but I don’t blame him” and he’s been trying to hold back his tears. Of course he cried the night he saw Bakugou in the hospital but since then he’s been trying to suck it up because itd be selfish of him to cry over their relationship when Bakugou is going through something worse, right? So he should just be thankful that he’s alive and okay. But the bottle that’s been filling up with his emotions for the past couple days inevitably explodes and he starts to sob in front of his friends.
Bakugou is back to keeping his distance from everybody.
At first he’s given a little time to adjust to his “new” life before he asks about everything that’s happened to him but he definitely wants to know everything.
Kiri is trying to be friendly towards him. says hi to him every morning, tries to ask him questions about what he last remembers.
He gets a stern answer, “that I got accepted into UA.”
He hates the answer because that means Bakugou knows literally nothing about Kirishima, and what him and his class went through, or things they’ve done together.
Kirishima is hurting but he thinks he’ll be okay because at least he still gets to see Bakugou everyday.
He once accidentally called him Katsuki and apologized profusely. But what Kiri doesn’t know (thanks to Bakugou’s glare) is that Bakugou maybe, sort of, kind of liked the way his name sounded coming from Kiri’s mouth JUST A LITTLE THOUGH OKAY?
They soon become sort of friends again and Kiri is ecstatic by the minuscule amount of progress.
There’s a test coming up and Kiri asks Bakugou if he can help him study.
“Why the fuck would I wanna do that, Shitty-hair?”
“oh.. right.. sorry. Um, I’ll just ask Yaoyorozu then.” Kiri at least tries to think about the silver lining that is Bakugou calling him “shitty-hair” for the first time since the incident, but he’s still sad.
The sad look on Kiri’s face is foreign and horrible and why the fuck can’t Bakugou stand to look at it?! “Shut up. If you need help you might as well get it from the best in the class. I’ll help you. But don’t even think about mentioning it to the others” - there that’s better. That bright smile is back on Kiri’s face. Bakugou has to bite his cheek to keep him from smiling even the slightest bit.
Bakugou is surrounded by people he’s never seen before, everything around him is just rubble, and these people are trying to capture him, but he’s dodging and fighting back.
He wakes up to loud knocking on his door and realizes he’s sweating and breathing super heavy.
He lets Kiri in his room.
Kiri is asking if he’s okay and if he had a nightmare.
Bakugou gives short and simple answers as he tried to calm his breathing down.
He’s finally calm and he tells him what his dream was about.
Kiri is shocked tries his best to calmly break it to Bakugou that that actually happened.
They decide to tell Aizawa and Recovery Girl tomorrow but for now Bakugou wants to try and go back to sleep.
Cut Kiri some slack here, he’s half awake and his brain is in Comfort-Bakugou Mode, so when he tries to slide under the covers of Bakugou’s bed he’s all the sudden getting yelled at.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Shit shit! Shit! We would- or I would- um uh.. well we used to sleep together sometimes and especially if you had a nightmare.. but it’s okay I’ll just leave! Goodnight Ka- Bakugou!” And Kiri runs out of his room feeling absolutely mortified.
Bakugou is just sitting in his bed stunned. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was fucking KIDNAPPED once.. but he was also thinking about how that was the first time Kirishima said anything about when they were together. He tries not to think about what their relationship could’ve been like because it’s doing something weird to him like holy shit they slept in the same bed??? That guy?? With the stupid red hair?? Hair that honestly looked better down if Bakugou was concerned but he shouldn’t be, so he isn’t…
As Bakugou is falling asleep he thinks about how he finally wants to know about everything that happened to him in the last two and a half years.
So Bakugou talks to aizawa and recovery girl the next day and he gets a brain scan to see if maybe that one part of his brain that was damaged was healing at all.
The result: nothing much has changed with his brain.
He’s starting to get frustrated because he wants to remember but it looks like there was no hope of that happening anytime soon so he has to settle for stories from other people.
Sure he wants to know everything but good God a lot of shit has happened so he decides vague details for now are best.
Kiri just pretends that he didn’t try to sleep with Bakugou the night before and tries his best to act normal around him and it helps that Bakugou doesn’t bring it up.
Kiri really wants to tell him about their relationship though.. maybe one day. But as soon as he thought he was feeling better, he’s back to excusing himself from the lunch table because he can’t stop thinking about how much he loves Bakugou and wants him back and fuck he just really needs to have a cry right now. Luckily there isn’t anyone in the bathroom so he’s able to cry in peace.
Over the next week Bakugou has a couple more nightmares and Kirishima simply goes over to his room to check on him and it kills him that that’s all he can do for him now.
But on one night, it’s Bakugou’s turn to be pounding on Kirishima’s door.
Kiri quickly gets out of bed to open his door “Bakugou? You alright?”
“Why didn’t you tell me…”
“Tell you.. what?”
Bakugou just stares into his soul, takes him in, his pretty hair that barely reaches his shoulders, his eyes, the scar above his right eye, his whole face, his lips- okay that’s enough... 
“Bakugou, I’ll tell you anything you want-”
“Why didn’t you tell that you were the one who.. who was there.. who called out to me.. whose hand I grabbed to escape those villains..”
Kirishima just stands there dumbfounded and says nothing because he didn’t really have a good answer to his question. Why didn’t he tell him? Because it was too much about them? Yeah maybe but looking at Bakugou’s face right now makes him feel real stupid for telling him nothing about that.
“I.. I really don’t know.. I’m sorry Bakugou.”
“Do you not have feelings for me anymore?”
Kiri could fucking laugh right now because that was the furthest thing from the truth, but of course he refrains.
“No! That’s not it at all.. I mean.. sorry I just.. I didn’t think you would want to know about us? Our relationship? I don’t know.. I feel dumb now for not telling you that at least.”
Bakugou keeps staring at him and Kirishima has no clue what to say or do with himself right now.
But Bakugou is annoyed. Annoyed that Kirishima wouldn’t tell him about that. Annoyed at how he’s been feeling towards Kirishima recently. Annoyed at how he wants to know everything about them, their relationship, what they did together, what sleeping next to him was like. He’s annoyed and he’s gonna do something about it.
So Bakugou takes a giant leap of faith, grabs Kirishima’s shoulders, and crashes his lips onto his. He really hopes that they’ve kissed before, otherwise this would probably be pretty fucking weird to do.
Kiri doesn’t kiss back right away because his brain needs to process what the hell is actually happening right now. But once he realizes that he isn’t in fact dreaming he puts his hands on Bakugou’s face and kissed him back.
When they pull apart they’re both breathless and blushing.
Bakugou’s stomach is doing flips and Kirishima is putting on the biggest smile he’s ever seen on him. And he’s almost mad at himself for not being able to remember what Kirishima looks like after kissing him like that. But he burns it in his memory this time and he silently swears to himself and to Kirishima that he’ll never forget again.
“I want to know everything about us.”
Kirishima can’t help it... he starts crying. But he’s crying because he’s so fucking happy and relieved and oh my god Bakugou kissed him again. “Okay, yeah. I’ll tell you everything.”
Bakugou lets a small smile form on his face. “It’s Eijirou, right?”
Kirishima nods frantically and wraps his arms around Bakugou’s neck and continues let the tears of joy fall down his face.
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Another Life
Hi guys!! So, I mentioned in the last chapter of TPWP that I had a short-ish one shot about IshiMondo following Mondo murdering Chihiro in the canon universe. I will warn y’all that this... this is a sad fic. If I were posting this on AO3 (which I will, eventually, I think) there would be the Major Character Death warning, so... yeah. 
Anyway. I just wanted to say something real quick before getting onto the fic. Feel free to skip if you don’t care. But y’all will realize as you read that this is not really my usual style of writing. I tend to prefer to be big on the details and emotion, since that sort of thing is what interests me most. This story, though, is more... barebones. I’m telling more than showing, and there is one main reason for this. This fic... it’s sad, but if I wrote in my usual style, it would be devastating. For me, at least. I got the idea for this fic months ago, maybe even before TPWP, just a quick “I wonder what an interaction between Mondo and Taka would be like after Mondo killed Chihiro would be like.” 
I immediately dismissed the idea once I went down the path and realized how sad it would be, though. I love writing angst, right? I don’t think I’ve ever written a single story without some measure of angst or sadness. It’s just... what I do, ya know? But the one thing I cannot stand is hopelessness. It’s why I don’t like Danganronpa much, since it’s such a hopeless story, even if some of the students get out. It’s hopeless, and more than that, it’s pointless. The death and all that. There’s no reason for it at all, and I just... I hate stories like that, with no hope of a true happy ending. And this idea... it ends kind of hopelessly. I hate that sort of thing. 
But I couldn’t stop thinking of this story. It kept coming back, again and again, and eventually... I caved and knew I had to do something. So I wrote this. I swear, it was supposed to be short! Just 1,000-2,000 words that explained the idea, to get it off my mind. I’d have posted it here and been like “hey guys, see this weird idea I had??? Man, wouldn’t it be crazy if I wrote this???” But then! I started putting more details in, like I always do. And then dialogue showed up. And by the time I finished my first writing session and went off to work, sending the story from my phone to my computer to check the word count, I had written over 6,000 words. And I wasn’t even done. Only then did I realize... this was a fic, dear god. Not my usual kind of fic, but... a fic nonetheless. I finished writing it then, and then went back to add some more detail to the first 6,000 words to make it at least a little like a fic.
Now, I know this was a long explanation, but I just... I’m anxious about this fic. It’s been on my mind for ages and I don’t know if I like the style. I oddly think it fits the story, though, given how messed up Mondo would be after what he did, so there is that. But I just... if y’all could please let me know what you think, I would appreciate it. I do plan on posting this to AO3 and FF . net eventually, but having feedback would help, if y’all wouldn’t mind. If y’all like this style of writing... I may be able to get more ideas out without taking months to write the whole thing. It doesn’t preclude me from writing full fics eventually, but it allows me to get more ideas out. So just... let me know, yeah? 
Anyway! Here’s the fic! The main warning is that there is a major character death, since this, ya know... follows canon. It follows Mondo’s POV, and there is very mild sexual content. More referenced than truly shown, but it is there. 
Another Life
 Summary: Mondo finds himself outside of Taka’s room following the events in the boy’s changing room, his head a mess and heart even worse. While he knows he doesn’t deserve it, he finds comfort in Taka’s arms anyway.
  Mondo finds himself leaving the exercise slash changing room in a daze, his body having rearranged the furniture to respect- respect Chihiro and his gender on autopilot, his head a complete mess and feeling so incredibly sick. He has always hated himself, more so after what happened with his brother, but he is positive he has never hated himself more than he currently does, the phantom sensation of bright pink blood staining his hands lingering, even though he has scrubbed them clean a dozen times. 
 In his distraction, he finds himself meandering through the halls without any real idea of what he’s doing, where he’s going, his brain not quite registering what he’d done, his mind wanting to reject it even as he knows he’d done it. While he has always hated himself and his tendency for violence and anger, he’d once never seen himself as the kind of person who could murder anyone, especially not someone smaller and weaker than him. Not even when he was at his angriest and wanted to hurt someone desperately. And he doesn’t know how to handle the reality of what he just did. 
 While walking aimlessly, he realizes that he somehow has found himself back in the dorm hallway, stomach clenched and angry, wanting to throw up but doing all he can to not do so. He tries to force his feet to walk over to where his dorm room is, but finds his legs won’t let him, his mind warring with his body. He is exhausted, has never felt so tired, but he doesn’t know if he can stay in that room by himself all night long. He... he truly doesn’t. 
 It takes him a minute, but he eventually realizes that he’s been standing outside Taka’s room for several long minutes, just staring at the little depiction of the kid on the door, staring like his life depends on it. For the first time since- since, he... he feels something. Anything. He has no idea what that something is, but... but...
 Before he can tell himself not to, his hand is rising and ringing the doorbell, once, twice, three times, before falling back to his side dully, hating himself somehow even more for likely waking Taka, but not knowing what else to do. What even is he supposed to do, now? After... after...
 A few moments pass and Mondo is just about to bail and leave Taka alone, forever, when the door opens, a sleepy but still overly concerned looking Taka standing there, taking Mondo’s breath away. The kid is wearing his sleep clothes, a white and ragged undershirt and a pair of white briefs, nothing else. Mondo has seen Taka naked before, since Taka had insisted that they ‘bare themselves to each other’ a few days before, but somehow... somehow this seems even more intimate. Seeing Taka wearing so few clothes, all sleep warm and scraggly haired, and… and…
 He gets jolted from his thoughts when Taka hesitantly and yet still earnestly asks if he’s alright, inviting him inside without a single thought, not a single care for his own safety or- or anything. 
 For some reason, that angers Mondo greatly. And while he does find himself entering the room, his legs forcing him forward despite himself, he can’t help but yell at Taka, his frustration at all of it coming out. He snarls at the kid, low and angry, asking him why the hell he would ever open his door for anyone during this stupid ‘game,’ let alone let them into his room in the middle of the night, his fear and frustration coming out in a way he doesn’t want, doesn’t want at all. 
 Rather than get angry, though, Taka just stares at Mondo with wide eyes as he rants, and when Mondo is finally done, his exhaustion overcoming him again, Taka... Taka calmly and confusedly replies that he only opened the door because he could see through the peephole that it was Mondo, saying quite earnestly that he trusts Mondo completely and knows he has nothing to fear from him. His guileless and innocent words make Mondo feel disgusting, the reality of what he’d just done hitting him, and he finds himself getting angry again despite how tired he is. 
 He yells at Taka again, then, words that he doesn’t even register but that just burst out anyway, all his anger and frustration releasing from him as he rants. Taka just lets him, a small frown on his face, but when Mondo starts saying that he is a monster and only a goddamn, fuckin’ monster, Christ, Taka apparently has enough and marches over to Mondo, ignoring the deadly (and scared) glare that Mondo gives him in warning. And then... then, Taka places his hands on Mondo’s shoulders, looking him straight in the eye, a small and yet encouraging smile on his lips as his eyes sparkle with enthusiasm and trust, destroying Mondo entirely. Fuck...
 “That is untrue, kyoudai! I used to think you were only a criminal and a no-good biker, but I have seen the best of you this last week and I know that you are more than that! So much more! You are kind, and caring, and gentle, and very, very good! I know I have nothing to fear from you, kyoudai, no matter what! I understand you have self-esteem issues, my dearest kyoudai, but you needn’t worry! I trust you and always will! I promise! A man’s promise!” 
 The words utterly destroy Mondo, his insides clenching and breaking and hurting, and he wants to cry but he knows he can’t, he doesn’t have the right, not after what he had done. But he can’t help the way his stomach lurches at the earnest look Taka gives him, his heart beating fast, and he knows exactly what it is he feels for Taka. Has known from the moment he set eyes on him in the main hall, so much at odds considering their respective talents, but it was so clear to him even despite that. He never has felt anything like this for anyone, certainly not so soon after meeting them, but... but he does. He most definitely, truly does. 
 At the time, he had even had an absent thought of how Taka just seemed so familiar to him. How— even though he knows they’d never met before; he’d most certainly remember a person like Taka— it was like he knew him intimately somehow. He’d tried pushing it away, especially considering the twisted game they were being forced to play, but he’d never been able to fully push the feeling inside him away. And when they’d had their sauna battle and became kyoudai, he knew he couldn’t deny how he felt for Taka any longer, even though it had only been a couple of short, stressful weeks that they’d ‘known’ each other. 
 But... as stressed out and scared and terrified as Mondo currently feels, he can’t help the desire that rises inside him, looking into Taka’s wide and trusting eyes. Part of Mondo wants to destroy that trust, to break Taka and prove to him that Mondo is just a monster that doesn’t deserve anything good, but he finds he just can’t, the thought of it breaking him more than he’s ever been broken before. And when he sees Taka’s eyes dart down to his lips after several long minutes of staring into one another’s eyes, Taka’s lips parting on a shaky breath... Mondo’s slim hold on himself breaks. 
 Leaning forward, Mondo kisses Taka angrily, firmly, somehow finding a way to hate himself even more for doing such a thing when he sure as hell does not deserve it, not after what he did. And yet, despite his anger, and self-hatred, and pain, pain, pain, he quickly finds himself softening the kiss, since— even with how angry and scared he is— he doesn’t want to hurt Taka. Not now. Not ever. 
 Taka doesn’t kiss back, though, not even after several long, long moments. It’s just as Mondo is pulling back, heart pounding and breaking and aching, thinking he’s ruined everything and that Taka will finally see how much of a monster he is, will hate him, fuck, Taka...
 Taka lets out a soft noise, the sound not at all something Mondo can decipher, before he kisses back. Messy, and clumsy, and clearly inexperienced, but Mondo sure as hell doesn’t care. Not one single, goddamn bit. Not when Taka is as enthusiastic and passionate as ever, his lack of experience getting more than made up for by his enthusiasm and passion. 
 Mondo finds himself walking Taka backwards, Taka following willingly, trustingly, until Taka’s back is pressed against the wall, Mondo kissing him like his life depends on it. And, in a way, he thinks desperately that it does. It truly, truly does. 
 Because he knows. Right? What’s going to happen in the morning. That someone will find the body and a goddamn trial will begin, and while Mondo had done all he could to cover his tracks, he knows he’s not the smartest person and that there are likely so many fucking things he missed that a smarter and more capable person would have noticed. And he knows that... that if they don’t, that if no one notices and they accuse wrong and Mondo doesn’t get- get executed, then... then the whole class will. And that includes... includes...
 Taka pulls back from the kiss first, and Mondo is terrified that it’s because he somehow knows what Mondo did and that he’s disgusted by him, that he hates him, oh god. But before he can utter anything, any apologies he doesn’t deserve or sorrow he shouldn’t be allowed to feel, he feels Taka’s hand gently touch his cheek, wiping away the tears that he hadn’t felt begin to fall. Taka is looking at him with such gentle concern that it breaks him again, and he wants to destroy everything, wants to scream, and rage, and cry, but Taka is talking before he can, and Mondo can do nothing more than listen, desperate and aching. 
 “Mondo... it’s okay, kyoudai, really! Do not cry, I... I wanted to do that. Very, very much! ... I do not know how to explain it, but from the moment I met you, I knew there was more to you than meets the eye. I... I have felt, er... things for you since that very moment! Things I’ve never... never felt for anyone else... aha. B-but please, kyoudai, do not cry! It... it’s okay, Mondo. I promise. I guarantee it! We will get out of here, you’ll see! No one would ever actually kill over something as silly as a secret, and then that darn bear will see that we will never do as he asks, and then we will be free! All of us, kyoudai. N-no one else will die and then we... w-we can be together! If you... i-if you would want that, a-aha...” 
 Mondo feels broken again at Taka’s enthusiastic words, despising himself as he sees how earnestly Taka believes this, even still, even after having learned that one classmate had tried to kill the other, only to get killed herself. Even after being forced to watch as another classmate got pummeled to death by baseballs, and another skewered by spears. 
 Mondo has a moment to despair for Taka and his trusting nature, and he wants so badly to yell. To scream at Taka and ask him what the hell his problem is, ask him why he is being so delusional, but he finds that he... he just can’t. And as he looks deeper into Taka’s eyes, as he looks closer than he’s ever looked into anyone before, he... he sees that Taka isn’t entirely being truthful. He can see the fear that is swirling within him, can see the lie that is in his words, even if Taka doesn’t allow himself to see it. 
 And he realizes... he realizes that, while Taka may be naive, may be trusting… he does know what is happening, in some regard. But... but he is doing all he can to pretend that it’s okay. That this will all end up okay. This is just- just his way of coping, telling himself lies that it will be okay, even though part of him knows that it won’t. Knows that... that there is a very real possibility that he will just... die here. 
 A reality that Mondo suddenly knows will happen to himself come morning. 
 Because... because, if he doesn’t get found out... if he doesn’t get accused properly by the class, if the trial goes in his favor... then Taka will die, Taka and the rest of their class, and that idea is suddenly so wrong to Mondo. That... that Mondo should survive at the expense of their class. At the expense of Taka. He...
 He doesn’t know. If he’d be able to confess himself, be an active participant in his own death. While he’s always tried so hard to be strong and brave, he’s plagued by the truth that he’s not, not really. Not at all. But he knows he can’t let Taka die because of his mistake. His murder. And in that moment... he knows. No matter what, he will die the next day. That day, really, it’s so late. As he looks into Taka’s eyes, seeing the hidden fear that lurks within them, the terror and anguish the boy tries so hard to hide... he knows. 
 And he knows that he doesn’t want to die without knowing what Taka feels like. God... 
 Surging forward, Mondo kisses Taka again, desperate and needy and full of pain, but so good, too. And Taka kisses back, just as desperate, just as needy, making noises that drives Mondo out of his goddamn mind, but he doesn’t stop. He feels himself lifting the thin undershirt Taka is wearing, tossing it over his shoulder as he lets his hands explore the warm and smooth expanse of Taka’s chest. He feels hard, harder than he’s ever felt before, and he wants so, so bad. He presses his hips to Taka’s and moans when he feels an answering hardness, Taka letting out a small shout at the feeling. He knows that Taka is enjoying himself, knows that the boy wants it too, which is why he feels so confused when Taka pulls back, his eyes wide, shaking his head slightly. 
 Taka then says how they shouldn’t, that it’s improper, that they’re not technically even dating. He insinuates that he wants to wait until they get out before they do things, which upsets Mondo, since he knows that that won’t happen, no matter what Taka is deluding himself to believe. But Mondo... Mondo can’t find it in him to burst Taka’s bubble, not when it’s his last night on earth. The last time he’ll get to spend with Taka. Yeah, he really, really wants to go all the way with Taka, to not die a fucking virgin, but he also doesn’t want to pressure Taka. He doesn’t deserve it, anyway. Not after what he did. 
 So, Mondo nods, reluctantly, wondering if he should just go or not. If it wouldn’t be better to just... leave now and not hurt Taka anymore. 
 But then Taka is smiling at him, grabbing his hand, and... and then Taka is kissing him. It’s awkward and clumsy, the boy clearly not knowing what he’s doing, but it’s so endearing to Mondo that he can’t help the warm chuckle he lets out, even if it’s a bit watery. Taka pulls back with a small pout, looking a little annoyed, and Mondo fixes that by grinning brightly, stuffing down the fear inside him, and kissing Taka properly. Taka just lets out a happy sound, annoyance forgotten, and returns the favor in kind, enthusiastic as ever. 
 Mondo loses himself in the sensation and is a bit shocked to find— several minutes later— that at some point the two of them have migrated over to the bed, lips not parting for a single second. Mondo doesn’t mind at all, though, and finds that he can’t help how he pushes Taka down onto it gently, muttering promises that he won’t go too far, he swears. Taka nods absently at the words, seeming too far gone to even care anymore, but anytime Mondo’s hands accidentally wander too far south, he can feel Taka jolt, which reminds him to keep this PG. It still feels incredible to press down onto Taka as he kisses him, though, knowing then that there is nothing else he ever, ever wants to do in life. 
 Sometime later— Mondo has no idea how long since time has never meant less to him— he and Taka find themselves lounging together on the bed, Taka’s head on his bare chest, Mondo’s duster and tank top having been discarded at some point. Taka is drawing absent designs on Mondo’s chest, humming happily. Mondo is holding onto Taka tightly, his fear and terror running rampant through him, but it’s manageable when he’s holding Taka so close. 
 At some point, Mondo manages to let out the words that have been building inside him since he- he did that, his weakness and fear voiced at last. 
 “I’m scared, Taka,” he finds himself muttering, closing his eyes, breathing deeply and evenly. “So... so fuckin’ scared. K-know ya think we’re gonna get outta here, that no one is gonna- gonna fuckin’ kill anymore, but... I dunno. Yer so fuckin’ good, man. Believin’ the best in people, but I... I ain’t like that. An’ I... s-shit. I’m so fuckin’ terrified that I’m gonna die. I don’t... I don’t wanna die, man. I... I...”
 Mondo begins to cry then, hating himself yet again for it, but Taka doesn’t judge him. He just shushes him softly, pulling him close, shifting them so that Mondo’s head is on Taka’s chest now. Mondo’s hair had fallen out of his pompadour at some point, his eyeliner smudged off, and he’s never felt weaker, but somehow... somehow, he doesn’t mind. Not when Taka is there, shushing him softly, kissing his forehead tenderly, eyes soft and caring. He can feel how Taka is shaking, knows that he’s also scared, but damn if Taka lets that be known. Mondo has a moment to think that Taka is probably the strongest person he’s ever met, heart aching, before Taka is speaking. Soft and shaking, but still so incredibly determined. 
 “You won’t, kyoudai. N-neither will I. We... we will both make it out of this, you’ll see! You and me. Me and- and you. We will get out and we will spend the rest of our lives together. We will finish school and then we will go to university, and I will get a job in politics while you- y-you get a job wherever you would like. We will get married and have children, if we want, and pets, and... and we... we will... we will be happy, kyoudai. Happy. And... and together. I- I promise, kyoudai... Mondo. I... I promise...” 
 Mondo can hear the way Taka’s voice tremors, can hear the uncertainty and the doubt even despite the confident words, but in that moment... in that moment, he just doesn’t care. He doesn’t care if that’s actually possible or not. He doesn’t care if he and Taka can have that; if he deserves to have that. He just... he doesn’t care. 
 Instead, he smiles. It’s small at first, but it gets wider and wider the more time that passes, and soon he is laughing. It’s brittle and fragile, but it’s more than he thought he’d ever have, after... well. After what he’d done. He lifts himself off Taka’s chest and looks down at him with liquid soft eyes, smiling with all the love in his heart. 
 And in that moment... he knows. Knows that he wants that. A life. With Taka. And- and had this whole thing not happened... had they met in better circumstances, better times… they could have had that. A life. A love. Him and Taka; Taka and him. Together forever. He loves Taka, truly and fully, and there is no one on this earth he can imagine ever loving more. And maybe it’s the desperation of the situation, maybe it’s not actually real, but he... he wishes that it could be. Real. That they could have discovered together if it could have been real.
 (And in some part of him, deep, deep inside... he knows that it is. He doesn’t believe in reincarnation or things like that, but he knows that this is not the first time he has met Taka. The first time he has fallen in love with him. He doesn’t know what that means, but it’s such a strong belief inside him that he can’t find it in him to contradict it. Not at all. Not even a little.)
 And then... while Mondo really wants to be closer to Taka— to feel him, in every sense of the word— he respects Taka’s wishes and keeps his hands to himself. And instead, he... he finds himself talking. He’s still leaning up on his arms, looking down at Taka, while he continues the story Taka had created. Of their life together. He mentions that he would become a carpenter, fixing and creating things rather than always breaking them. That they would live in a shitty apartment that is broken down and crappy at first, but that they would eventually make enough that Mondo would be able to build them a house, large and perfect, built exactly for them and the family they will have. He mentions that they will adopt at least two kids, a boy and a girl, though he wouldn’t mind more. Says that he will spoil them all rotten and do everything he can to ensure that they will never know the hardships that either of them has faced. He talks about the dogs they will own, and the cats too, and other animals, all the animals, their home full and bright and happy, and...
 And Taka continues when Mondo’s voice breaks, saying that Taka will start a garden outside, one that he will tend to when he’s not working on his campaign. He will grow fruits and vegetables and herbs that he will use in his cooking, since he apparently enjoys cooking and baking and things like that. He will also grow flowers and other ‘useless’ plants, just because he thinks they look nice, their house full of color and life at all hours. 
 Mondo finds his voice again and talks about how he would want to start a charity, something to help kids who grow up in rough neighborhoods, giving them options in life other than street gangs and crime. He talks about how his brother always wanted to do that kind of thing, and that he wants to do it in his stead. His voice gets thick again, but it’s okay, because then Taka is leaning up and kissing him, so he doesn’t have to talk anymore anyway. 
 Mondo has no idea what time it is when they pull back, Mondo shifting them again so that they are facing one another, arms around each other as they cuddle close together. He knows it’s late, thinks it might almost be time for that bear’s fucking morning announcement, but he doesn’t let it get to him. He just holds Taka closer, imagining the life that they created together, a life that could have been theirs— would have been theirs— if only... if only. 
 At some point they start kissing again, Mondo not knowing who starts it but not really caring. The kiss starts lazy and slow, but is soon getting heated again, Taka’s hands wandering all over his chest, driving Mondo crazy. Eventually Mondo has to grab Taka’s hands desperately in his own when they travel too far south, Mondo letting out a desperate noise as he whispers hoarsely that if Taka doesn’t wanna go farther than this tonight, then they should prolly stop. 
 To his absolute shock, Taka gets a concentrated look on his face, like he’s thinking deeply about something, and then... then...
 Taka takes his hands back from Mondo, and then...
 Mondo lets out a strangled curse when he feels Taka’s hand brush against him down there, Taka blushing bright red but looking as determined as ever. Mondo asks him softly what he’s doing, heart racing, and Taka grows even brighter red, but he doesn’t back down. He just hums, softly, and looks Mondo in the eye. 
 “I... I do not know, kyoudai. I just... I want... hm. I’ve never. Um. Wanted. Not before. But I... with you... hm. I-it is improper, I know, a-and we don’t have to- we... we have time, I know, but... but I...” 
 Mondo stares at Taka with wide, wonder filled eyes as Taka trembles, his hardness pressing against Mondo’s as they mold themselves to the other’s body. Part of Mondo feels nervous about what Taka is saying. Thinks that he should deny him, should say that Taka should wait, if he wants. But the bigger part of him... the part that knows the future they made up is just that, made up... the part that knows that they both will not make it out of this alive, since Mondo fucked that up already... 
 It can’t quite find it in him to deny it. Not when he knows this is the only chance he will ever get. Ever. 
 And so... he kisses Taka again. Deep, meaningful. And he lets his hands wander. Taka lets out noises, enthusiastic and happy, but desperate, too. Needy. And Mondo thinks he knows why. Knows that Taka knows. That this isn’t okay. That neither of them is okay, but fuck, will they pretend they are. 
 As he slowly pulls down Taka’s briefs, doing his best to not psych himself out, he has a moment to think about how familiar this all feels to him. He’s never done anything like this with anyone, certainly not Taka, but as he grabs Taka in hand, listening as Taka lets out a loud shout, desperate and needy and fuck, he... he knows this is not the first time this has happened. He doesn’t know how he knows, but... but he does. Somehow, that thought comforts him. Greatly. 
 And when he feels Taka’s hands hesitantly touch him, trail over his body, and hesitantly remove his pants and his boxers, Taka trembling but oh so passionate and determined still... he wishes— not for the first time— that none of this had ever happened. That he’d never come to Hope’s Peak, that Taka had never come to Hope’s Peak. And he doesn’t wish that they’d never met, fuck he doesn’t wish that, but... but maybe they could have met somewhere else. Taka had mentioned once that his father is a police officer. Maybe... maybe they could have met during one of the times when Mondo was inevitably arrested, Taka visiting his father and seeing Mondo, but not feeling afraid, not at all. Maybe Taka would have spoken to Mondo, then, earnest as ever. Maybe he would have offered to help Mondo out, to help him leave his life of crime and settle into a good, meaningful life. And Mondo knows that if that had actually happened in real life, he’d have punched the kid’s lights out, but in this fantasy... in this fantasy, he accepts, and Taka smiles so beautifully at him, and they find a way to have their happy ending. Without this nightmare, without the threat of death looming over them even as they touch one another so softly, so gently, the first time they’ve ever done this but also not. 
 He pushes the thoughts aside as he gears up the courage to grab himself and Taka in hand together, Taka moaning loudly, Mondo moaning as well. Part of Mondo wants to go further, wants to take all of Taka, but he finds he can’t. Not when he knows what is going to happen in a few short hours. Not when... well. Not when. 
 But he allows himself this. Allows himself and Taka to build up a steady rhythm together, Taka practically sobbing as Mondo holds him close, shushing him even as he feels like he’s about to fall apart himself. He doesn’t know why Taka is crying, if he’s just overwhelmed or if he, too, realizes what this is. That this isn’t the first in a long line of times they will do things like this, but that it... it’s a goodbye, Mondo’s way of holding a part of Taka, even as he lets him go.
 Mondo doesn’t know what will happen in the trial, but as he holds onto Taka so desperately, he knows he will not be winning. He still is so afraid, doesn’t know if he will be brave enough to do what he knows he must, but... but he also knows he can’t be the reason Taka dies. He honestly would rather die than do that. It’s comforting to realize, in the oddest, strangest of ways. Death is so much easier to digest when he places it in the context of saving the man that he loves. And he does. Love him. So, so much...
 Eventually Mondo feels himself getting close, and feels that Taka is getting close too, so he allows himself to whisper into Taka’s ear. Whisper all the soft and gentle words he has kept hidden inside his heart his entire life, the words he’s always had to hide in order to survive the rough and dangerous lifestyle he was always forced to lead. He whispers how amazing Taka is, how Mondo is constantly astonished by how good and kind Taka is, how Taka is prolly the best person he has ever met. He whispers that he knows Taka will change the world, that he will be the best of all of them. That he already is. 
 And he... he whispers how much he loves him. How he knows it’s too soon to say shit like that, but that he- he means it. He also whispers his sneaking suspicion that this was not the first time they met, that he’s loved Taka far longer than just a handful of stressful, terrifying weeks, that they... that they belong together in a way that is intrinsic inside them both. 
 And while part of him is embarrassed by the words, thinking himself a weak and pathetic sap, the majority of him can’t find it in him to care. Not when Taka is letting out a shout, cumming against him while a few tears leak out of the corner of his eyes. And Mondo... Mondo is cumming not long after, collapsing on top of Taka, breath heaving as he rests, doing his best to not crush the love of his fucking life. 
 But Taka doesn’t seem to care. He doesn’t seem to care at all, not when he leans up and whispers in Mondo’s ear. Voice shaking and trembling but still, always, endlessly determined. He whispers how he feels the same, that Mondo is the best person he has ever met. How, despite his gruff and harsh exterior, Taka has never met someone so kind and caring before. How he loves Mondo, too, more than he would ever think possible, certainly not after such a short amount of time. And how he, too, has the weird feeling that this was not the first time they’ve met, the first time they’ve fallen in love. 
 Taka asks him, then— voice small and trembling— if Mondo believes in reincarnation. If he thinks that... that they’ve lived a life together before, and that this is just them meeting up again. And that... that they will meet up again one day, in another life, far from Hope’s Peak and killing games and death that is both senseless and cruel. And Mondo doesn’t know, has never believed in an afterlife at all, but as he pulls back and looks down at Taka’s face, the boy looking so desperate and terrified, he... he can’t help how he smiles. And laughs. And leans down, kissing Taka again, the millionth time even if it really shouldn’t be. And he...
 He nods. He agrees. He says that yes, he does. He does believe in reincarnation and that they- they will find each other one day. Should they... well. Well. That one way or another, they will have their happy ending. He promises. He... he promises...
 He can’t even find it in him to be embarrassed by the sappy words, the desperation he knows is plain in his words and eyes. He knows it’s getting so fucking late, knows that the fucking announcement will come soon and that the body will be discovered soon after, but... but he doesn’t want to leave. Never. Never. Never. He doesn’t want to think too much, doesn’t want to think about what will happen in a few short hours. Doesn’t want to let this one small piece of happiness he’s found get ruined because he couldn’t handle being fucking soft. 
 And so, he doesn’t. Doesn’t ruin it. He just lays down on his side, next to Taka, and pulls him close. They are naked, bodily fluids drying unpleasantly on their skin, but Mondo doesn’t care. He just pulls Taka close and holds him, Taka resting his head against Mondo’s chest again, like earlier, fingers tracing patterns on Mondo’s skin again and again and again. Mondo is exhausted, so tired, but he doesn’t close his eyes. Doesn’t let himself sleep, knowing that this is the first and last time he will ever get to hold Taka like this and wanting so badly to savor it. And- and he knows Taka feels the same. Knows that Taka doesn’t sleep either. And Mondo... Mondo wonders if he suspects. What Mondo did. The reason why Mondo is so scared. He thinks the Ultimate Moral Compass can’t possibly suspect, thinks that Taka would never be willing to be so close to him if he- if he knew— but. But...
 But... when the fucking announcement comes, seven coming way too fast for his own good... when he feels Taka stir sluggishly, the boy clearly not wanting to get up but his sense of duty likely making him... 
 Taka whispers to him. Soft. Gentle. As Mondo takes a washcloth and cleans them up, he hears Taka’s whispered words. And he... he... 
 “Please know, kyoudai, that I... I will always love you. No matter what happens. No matter... n-no matter what happens. Nothing will ever make me love you less. I swear, m-my... my love. I... I promise.” 
 Mondo stares at his kyoudai, heart beating both fast and slow, a contradiction that somehow makes perfect sense to him. He’s exhausted, hasn’t slept a wink all night, but for some reason, he’s not afraid. Oh, he knows he will be. Once the announcement is made that a body has been found. Once everyone is called to the girl’s locker room, once they see the dead body he left lying on the ground beside a splotch of bright pink blood. Then the fear will return. Bright and fierce and terrifying. He will mourn himself, mourn Chihiro, mourn everyone who is trapped in this sick and twisted death game.
 (But not Taka. He- he can’t mourn Taka, can’t let himself believe that this beautiful and wondrous boy will ever, ever die. Even if it’s so fucking likely, since like hell would Taka ever kill anyone. Maybe- maybe he’ll find a way out. Or whoever is keeping them here will realize how twisted they are and let him out. Or- something. Something. Even if it’s too late for Mondo, it won’t be for Taka. He- he knows this. Has to know this.)
 But for now... for now, he doesn’t worry about it. He just... lets himself exist, his heart beating for Taka and Taka alone. He doesn’t let himself think about what will come or what will happen. He just... loves Taka. Plain and simple.  
 So, he smiles. And he nods. And he whispers the same words back, even though it’s not the same, not the same at all. 
 He watches with all the fondness and love in his heart as Taka gets dressed in his ridiculously complicated uniform, aching for what he will never have, and yet yearns for dearly. He’s fighting the fear inside him as hard as he can, but once he is dressed in his clothes from the day before (he doesn’t care, fuck he doesn’t care) and Taka is in his uniform, it’s not like he can help it. The fear. The dread.
 It only gets worse when, right before they are able to leave the room together, they get accosted by Monokuma, who is being all vague and unhelpful, even going so far as to make insinuations about them, but one thing is clear. Something happened. Not that it’s a surprise to Mondo. He... he already knew that. 
 And... it seems Taka did, too. Mondo looks at him, the fear kicked up a hundred-fold, and sees that the kid’s face is a blank mask. Mondo has never seen Taka look so... emotionless before. It makes him nervous, but before he can ask if he’s alright, or maybe try and beg for the forgiveness that he knows he doesn’t deserve, Taka smiles at him. Bright and guileless, with no hint of strain. 
 (Mondo wouldn’t have suspected that Taka could be such a good liar. Perhaps, when it’s important. When it matters. When... when.) 
 “I think we should head to the bath, kyoudai. Before breakfast. I remember you mentioning how much you like morning baths!”
 Mondo stares at Taka for a full minute, heart aching, but Taka doesn’t seem to show he knows anything at all. And yet... Mondo knows he must know something. Taka is so big on rules and order. He is the one who insisted they all meet for breakfast every day. He wouldn’t miss that. Especially not when something clearly has happened. Not when... shit. 
 But Mondo doesn’t deny it. He just nods stiffly, his smile shaky on his lips. Taka smiles brightly back, before marching over to the door, opening it, and exiting quickly. Mondo stares after him for a moment before following, not wanting to waste a single second more. 
 The walk to the bath doesn’t take long and, thankfully, they don’t run into anyone as they make their way over. Once inside, Taka immediately goes to the men’s section of the bathhouse, not saying a word, but his back is loose, not tense. Not like Mondo’s is. 
 Mondo watches as Taka strips, his breath getting taken away as he sees the beautiful boy before him. He only is spurned into motion when Taka looks at him over his shoulder, head tilted curiously. Mondo strips quickly after that, very relieved that there are no security cameras around. He can feel Taka’s bright red eyes watching him as he removes his clothes, heart racing, doing all he can to pretend that this is okay. That this is normal.
 It isn’t. It can’t be, he knows it can’t, but if Taka is doing all he can to pretend, then... then so will he. 
 Taka insists that they quickly rinse off before entering the bath itself, as is polite, and once that is done, they enter the bath together, talking softly about random bullshit, light and easy. They don’t mention what Monokuma insinuated. They don’t mention anything like that at all. They stay close, practically touching, but they don’t do much more than that. Mondo knows that Taka wouldn’t approve, and he doesn’t want to pressure Taka into anything. Not ever. Especially not now.
 After a little while, they exit the bath, dressing in their uniforms again as soon as they are able. They then leave the bathhouse and head to Mondo’s room, since Mondo still has to make himself up. Part of him doesn’t really want to, as tired as he is, but he knows it would be suspicious if he didn’t. Plus... if this is going to be his last day alive (and it will, oh god, it will), then he might as well look presentable. Right? 
 It takes him the usual twenty minutes, during which Taka watches him, his body loose and his eyes soft. They talk again about everything and nothing, and for a moment, Mondo can pretend. Pretend that this is fine. Pretend that he’s okay. Pretend that he hadn’t... h-hadn’t... 
 But then the announcement comes. And his heart sinks. 
 They found the body. God fucking dammit, they found the body. 
 The next hour is a blur to him, Mondo following after an unusually quiet Taka in a daze. Mondo does his best to not show how terrified he is, but he thinks he fails. With Taka, at least. And Taka... Taka doesn’t do anything to show that he’s suspicious. He doesn’t give Mondo any looks, doesn’t frown... doesn’t really do much of anything, really. It makes Mondo feel disgusting inside, but... but he doesn’t know what to do. Goddammit, but he’s only sixteen! He... he didn’t fucking ask for this! Any of this! G-god... f-fuck...
 When he and Taka enter the girl’s locker room, Mondo wonders how he will be able to fake his shock when he feels so dead inside, but the minute he enters... he realizes he won’t have to fake shock. He won’t have to fake anything, really. 
 Because that... that is not how he left Chihiro’s body, holy fucking shit.
 W-what... who... who the fuck did that, he wonders, trying to mask the shock a little, hoping it looks like someone who is appalled at the disgusting way Chihiro is being suspended and not... not. Mondo... Mondo may have killed the dude (oh god), but he sure as shit hadn’t done this disrespectful bullshit. But who... who did...?
 For one split, heart stopping second, he wonders madly if Taka did it. If he... if he did it because he knew, he knew, he... he somehow knew and wanted to try and cover it up, or throw people off Mondo’s scent, or- or... something. Anything. 
 But he quickly dismisses that thought because a) it’s absurd, Taka is too fucking good and moral to do shit like that, b) Taka looks as shocked as all of them, and no matter how good he may be at acting, Mondo knows he’d fucking suck at covering up his own crime, and c) Mondo spent pretty much the entire night with Taka, going straight to his room after- fuck. After. So... definitely not Taka. But then... who...? He doesn’t know, fuck he doesn’t know. He can barely think, feeling so tired and scared and afraid. 
 (He had noticed Taka’s momentary look of relief, though. As soon as they entered. As soon as he saw the body. It had quickly morphed to sorrow and pain, but Mondo had seen the relief when Taka had glanced at him, and Mondo... Mondo thinks he knows why.)
 (After all.)
 (He sure as shit wouldn’t have done that monstrous bullshit to anyone. Least of all Chihiro. Anyone who knows him would know that. He may be a biker [and now a murderer], but he has more honor than that.)
 (And maybe... maybe, with that in mind... he could actually get away with this shit. F-fuck...)
 (Yeah, Taka would die, they’d all die, but... b-but...) 
 Mondo is volunteered to stand guard again with Ogami, the class assuming he’ll do it like he’d done last time, even though he really wants to be anywhere but here. Especially when Taka goes off, eyes determined, saying he’s going to find out who did this and see that they are brought to justice. Seems Taka has stopped suspecting him entirely, then. F-fuck... he can’t leave, though. It would be suspicious, especially since he was the one who volunteered last time. So, he... he doesn’t leave. He just... stays. Stomach sick, hating himself as much as ever, he… he stays. 
 The hour of the investigation is simultaneously the longest and shortest hour of his life. Shortest because he knows this will be the last hour of his life, his fear making time seem like it moves faster than it should. Longest since he’s trapped in the room with his fucking murder victim, forced to see the horrifying way some sick bastard had mangled the poor dude’s body, the worst disgrace in death. He wants to rip the poor dude off the bar, wants to show him the respect he fucking deserves, but he can’t. That detective chick is still observing the body, and if he does that, he will instantly be indicating himself. And- and while... while he knows he will be caught, should be caught, he... 
 He can’t help the goddamn fucking hope that is blooming inside him. The hope that he’ll be free. The hope that he might actually be able to escape this living nightmare. The hope that he... he could...
 Eventually the hour ends, and the class is forced into the goddamn fucking courtroom, and Mondo is forced to listen to the farce of a trial. It gets discovered relatively early who disrespected Chihiro’s body (revealing that fucking Fukawa is Genocide Jack. Or Jill. Or... whatever), but then... then it turns out it was Togami who mangled the dude’s body, for... whatever fucking reason that sick fucker had. Which infuriates the shit out of him, hating Togami almost as much as he hates Monokuma and himself, hating him for being so uncaring about someone being fucking dead. 
 Everyone latches onto the idea that it was Togami, though, even Taka, which shouldn’t relieve Mondo as much as it does, goddamn him, but... but...
 But of course. Fucking Naegi, that goddamn bastard... he has to be suspicious. And Mondo gets it, okay, he does. No one here actually wants to die. But... but he...
 In the end, it was a slip of the tongue. One mistake that will end up costing him his fucking life. He’s never put much thought into the words he says, the strain too frustrating for him to bother with, and it’s fucking fitting that that specific personality flaw is what kills him, in the end. 
 Blue. Fucking... blue. Blue was once a favorite color of his, though red has quickly been replacing it lately. But just... fucking blue. 
 Taka tries to deny it. Mondo thinks that’s what kills him the most. How desperately Taka tries to defend him. Refuting everything Naegi says. Denying it all. But Mondo had seen it, too. The doubt. The way the kid’s eyes had widened when the class caught onto his trail, darting over to Mondo quickly once, then away. The... the fear. The... all of it. Just... all of it. 
 But... but Mondo is tired of lying. He honestly hates lying, it makes his head hurt trying to hold onto so many tangled webs. And he didn’t get any sleep the previous night, anyway, and hasn’t eaten at all. And he’s just... tired. So very, goddamn tired...
 So... he gives up. He gives in. He confesses his truth, the deadly secret that he can’t ever undo, and it... it’s hard. Not even because he knows he’s signing his own death sentence, but because of Taka. Because of the anguish he sees on the kid’s face, tears and snot flowing freely down his beautiful face, not that Taka seems to care. The kid asks him why, and he... it’s the least he can do. To confess. To just... explain. 
 And that hurts, too. All of this just... it hurts. But it’s not a sharp and angry pain. It’s like... pressure. Inside him. He... he killed someone. Someone who had trusted him. Someone who had admired him. He... even if he had survived, he’d never have been able to live with himself. Not in the long run. Especially not if his cowardice led to the death of so many others. Of Taka. He may be a monster, but he... he’s not that much of a monster. 
 So... this was for the better, he thinks, heart aching as that fucking bear reveals his secret anyway, the one he’d been willing to murder to keep safe. He finishes his confession, tells everyone what he did and why, and it… fuck, it’s hard, but it’s the absolute least he can do. He keeps looking at Taka even through the pain, through his final confession, even though Taka cannot look at him. Taka hadn’t voted for Mondo, hadn’t been able to do it, the bear had said. That breaks him even more, honestly. F-fuck...
 And then... before he knows it, it... it’s time. Punishment time. And Mondo... Mondo finds that he’s not as scared as he thought he would be. He apologizes to Taka, the kid looking absolutely destroyed, and it’s not enough. It’s never enough; can’t ever be enough. He has so many words to say, declarations and apologies and promises. In the end, he has time for none of it. But he... he does get one thing in. Other than his apology. Other than... than...
 “See you in the next life, Taka. Hope it ain’t anytime soon.” 
 Mondo isn’t able to hear Taka’s response to that, as he’s too busy getting dragged off by that goddamn fucking bear. He does his best to appear calm as he is chained to the back of a motorcycle, as that goddamn bear sits in the driver’s seat, wearing a mockery of his uniform. His heart is pounding, and he knows this is it. It’s like the moment before his brother pushed him out of the way all over again, but this time... this time there is no last-minute rescue. This time there is no freedom, no release. This time... 
 This time he... he dies.
 But... well. 
 At least he dies on a fucking hog, like he always imagined he would. 
 There’s some measure of comfort in that. 
A/N: So, that’s the story! I think y’all can kind of see why I didn’t want to write this how I normally write. And I’m sure y’all picked up on this, but yes, them feeling like they knew each other was definitely because of the memory loss. I have a degree in psychology. I learned a ton about memory during school, and one thing is that memory is located in so many places it’s almost impossible to completely lose all of your memory. Even if you lose your episodic memory (your memory of personal events, like birthday parties or what you did last month), you tend to keep your semantic memory (your memory of facts and things, like what the Pythagorean theorem is, or who Napoleon is) as well as some sense memory. Mondo and Taka were totally a Thing before the killing game. I honestly don’t believe in reincarnation, but I think it was comforting to Taka and Mondo to think about. 
(It also would make seeing Alter Ego Mondo so much worse, oof.) 
This story, technically, could fit into canon, I think. I even rewatched Mondo’s death to make sure, and while some things were a bit off, I tried to keep things mostly like in canon. The only real difference was Mondo’s last words to Taka, I think. 
Anyway, I hope y’all liked it! Let me know if you liked the format and maybe I’ll do more things like this to get more ideas out. I have one in the works, tentatively, so we’ll see. Bye! :-D 
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tinisprout · 3 years
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No Doubt in Us
Chapter Thirteen - Don't Cry *written section below*
Fiance!Haknyeon x Fem!reader
Masterlist | Prev | Next
a/n: You thought the angst was over? yeah so did I idk what happened lol
Synopsis: Life is great, you have your dream job, you finally got your first big break, and you are now engaged to the love of your life. Happier than you’ve ever been, you live life one day at a time. Then one day a terrible accident happens leaving you in a coma. Where you finally awake, everything is not as you remember. Amnesia takes away 3 years of your memory, forgetting your beloved Fiance. Faced with a reality that seems unreal, as your mind is stuck in a past with uncomfortable memories, your future with him is uncertain.
Send me an ask if you want to be put on the taglist for this series
Taglist:@my-summer-night @deputyjuyeon @juhaktheoneforme @sunqnew @givememunjang
Word count: 2.7k
warnings: none
To your surprise, Sunwoo seemed a lot nicer in person than how presents himself in chat. Eric was just as nice but had some mischief to him. Eric had ordered in and the four of you had eaten together. Getting comfortable with the two of them didn’t seem that as hard as you thought it would be. Just like in their old videos you watched where you feature in you seemed to have good friendship chemistry with both of them.
Sunwoo had brought a few video ideas to the table for you and Haknyeon to chose from. He even said if none of these were good we didn’t have to film anything. You and Haknyeon decided what you were comfortable with. You and Haknyeon picked the idea that you were both curious about. ‘Can you find your partner by touching?’
“Really? I didn’t think either of you would pick this one,” Eric says.
“Okay before we decide for real let me explain it, so you both know what you’re getting into,” Sunwoo says, and you and Haknyeon nod. “So you will be blindfolded and in random order, Haknyeon, Eric, and I will each have a round of skinship with you, then you have to determine which one of us is Haknyeon using only your hands. The skinship will consist of holding hands, hugging, touch the cheeks, lips, nose, and hair. Say anything mean or rude while evaluating, you get a penalty bonk. Sound Okay?”
As sunwoo looks between his friends waiting for their decision, you and Haknyeon look at each other and nod consenting to the game. You both give Sunwoo the okay and the setup for the video begins.
“You think you’ll be able to find me?” Haknyeon asks curiously about your thoughts.
“I think I’ll be fine, but please don’t get mad at me if I get anything wrong.”
“However you do I won't be mad, but I can't promise I won't be a little upset if you get them all wrong.” He says in all honesty.
“Alright love birds, we need to film the intro first. So our fans have been wondering where you two have been. Sunwoo and I Haven’t said anything, you can address it or not, whatever you are comfortable with.”
“Maybe another time.” Your situation isn’t even something you shared with your own audience. Maybe one day you would, that would be something you would talk to Haknyeon about.
“Cool, just sit down on the chair and hold this for now and attach this lav mic to your shirt and turn it on. We are going to change into this real quick.” Sunwoo hands you a silly-looking sleeping mask and lav mic, you sit down waiting for their return. The boys come back with black shirts on, miked up and any styling they did with their hair was brushed down flat. Haknyeon stands behind you and Sunwoo stands next to him.
“I’m turning on the cameras,” you suddenly feel a lot more nervous hearing Eric’s words. Noticing how you tensed Haknyeon put a hand on your back, you look to him, and he mouths, ‘You okay.’ Relaxing your shoulders you smile at him, mouthing, ’I’m good.’ After turning the cameras on Eric stans on your other side looking to Sunwoo to start.
“Alright, On three. One, two, three,” Sunwoo looks to the camera, and just like he and Eric have done many times before, they start the intro off at the same time.
“GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD day everyone and welcome back to today’s video!”
“You already know, but if you don’t. I’m Sunwoo.”
“And I’m Eric.”
“And these two right here are our very special guests and friends, Haknyeon and Y/N!”
“Today we are playing a game. Y/N will be blindfolded and see if she can find her boyfriend, Haknyeon, between the three of us through skinship. How do you think you’ll do?” You turn to Eric.
“I’m a little nervous, but I shouldn’t do too bad.”
“Well let's put you to the test to see if your words hold true. We’ll come to you one by one and when you’re done examining, just say, “next”.” You nod at Sunwoo’s words. “Now put on the mask and stick your hand please then we will begin!” Doing as he says you put on the mask and raise your hand up.
Only the shuffling of feet could be heard. First up was Eric and he raised his hand to the camera wiggling his fingers. He then walks up to you and places his hand against yours.
“Can I use both of my hands?” Eric writes yes on your hand so you use both to examine the hand. Eric has to hold back from laughing at the ticklish sensation. “It does feel very similar, but it’s a little wider than Haknyeon’s hand, I think? Next.”
Letting go of his hand you keep yours up waiting for the next one. The next, which was Haknyeon’s hand felt almost the same as the last. There were only small differences that you noticed, “The fingers are a little shorter than the last hand and it’s very warm like Haknyeon’s. This is harder and I thought. Next.”
Sunwoo going last was very different compared to the other two. “This hand definitely isn’t Haknyeon. It’s like a baby’s hand.” Sunwoo was shocked by your answer and felt a little offended. When he turned around he could see Eric and Haknyeon covering their mouths holding in the laughs.
He picked up the toy mallet from the small table next to you and hit your head. “Oh, I was going to say it’s really soft!” You drop the hand with a pout feeling wronged. Sunwoo put the toy down and walked back to the boys.
“Alright, keep the mask on. Now you’ve felt the three hands, which do you think is Haknyeon’s? One, two, or three?” Eric says.
“Hmm, I think two. I can’t get over how warm it was. Haknyeon’s hands are usually very warm.”
“Okay number two will step out in front of you and when they tap you, you can remove the mask and see if you were right or wrong. Number two please step out.” Haknyeon steps out feeling happy that you got it right and gives a thumbs up to the camera in passing. He taps you gently and you felt a little nervous hoping you didn’t get the first one wrong. Thankfully with your vision returned the site of Haknyeon greeted you and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank goodness. I don’t know what I would do if I got this one wrong.”
“You did well.” He grabbed your hand and you felt that familiar warmth again.
“Don’t celebrate just yet. That was an easy one. The next one is harder. Mask back on!” Sunwoo yells like he is waiting for you to fail.
“Okay let’s get going then.” You put your mask back on and the process continues and again there was one that stood out in comparison two the other two. “Sunwoo is the second one for sure, his bottom lip is very plump. The first and third are a little harder to guess, even though they don’t feel alike. The image I have in my head is different from what I’m feeling.”
Eric and Haknyeon feel the shape of their own lip, while Sunwoo puckers his lips at the camera showing off his asset.
“Well, there can only be one. Choose wisely.”
“Ugh…. One?”
“Alright, number one step up.” The boy taps you and you take off the mask and you see Eric making a peace sign with a duck face. Shocked you whip around seeing Haknyeon trying to not look sad. Sunwoo and Eric start laughing at your screw-up.
“Haknyeon, I swear it’s harder than it looks! Please don’t be sad.”
“That’s okay, this just means we don’t kiss nearly enough. That can be fixed tonight.”
“Hey keep it pg-13. Y’all trying to get us demonetized?” Eric reprimands.
“Okay Okay moving on. Next, we are doing hair. Some of you were probably wondering why the three of us look like coconut heads right now. Cause it would be too easy to guess based on how we styled our hair.” Sunwoo smoothly moves the conversation back to normal.
“You just want me to fail don’t you.”
“You’re right. It makes for great content.”
“You’re terrible.” you put the mask back on and raise your hands a bit higher so they don’t have to bend as much. The game starts again and to your dismay, you got another one wrong. This time though it was sunwoo who stood in front of you, stanced up in the fuck boy pose. You cover your face feeling terrible.
“That’s two out of three wrong. Things aren’t looking too good right now.”
In your defense, the two of you had only been truly intimate for two weeks. This would have been easy peasy if you had your memories of him. The old you would have had all these small physical details about him etched into your brain.
“It’s just hair, ours isn’t that different anyway,” Haknyeon says, coming to your defense.
“But you’re a little salty right?” Eric laughs.
“Shut up.” You noted how Haknyeon didn’t exactly deny it.
“I will get the next one right!” you say determined.
“It’s fine Y/N, don’t let it bother you,” but how could it not bother you when it bothered him. It only bothered you more when got noses wrong as well. It wasn’t that big of a deal in reality, in your head it felt like it though. Sure Haknyeon had just a little hope in his heart that you would do well, but he also knew it was still early in the relationship, recognizing all these small things would come with time. You wouldn’t just suddenly remember the finer details.
“I-” you didn’t want to turn around to see Haknyeon, afraid of the face you would see. Feeling disappointed in yourself you kept your head facing straight ahead but you could see your face distort in the viewfinder so you ended up looking down.
“Y/N, it’s just a game no big deal.”
“You’re bothered by it aren’t you, how is it not a big deal?” Everyone could hear how your voice trembled. Any smile on Sunwoo and Eric’s face immediately dropped. Haknyeon quickly came up to you worried.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Look at me,” you shook your head. Haknyeon gets on his knees to see your face and puts his hand over your tightly clenched one. “Why are you crying, Honey?” His heart broke seeing you like this.
Feeling that warm hand again you unclench your fists and hold his. He raises his other hand to wipe your tears away. Eric signals to Sunwoo to turn off the cameras and they both silently moved around the couple turning off the cameras.
“I like you, so I don’t want to hurt you, but I feel like that all I’m doing right now. If I still had my memories I would do better and you wouldn’t be so disappointed. I’m scared every day that I might be hurting a person I care about because I’m forgetting something and I am, I’m hurting you. If I didn’t lose my memories…”
“Y/N, if you didn’t lose your memories nothing would have changed, and yeah that would be great. But my love didn’t come from you knowing how to tell my features apart from our friends. I love you because of how considerate you are of my feelings, just like right now. Some memories are missing, sure, it made you different from before but you aren’t another person. Everything I love about you is still there.”
“Yes, I love that you are a good listener, how you always try to understand me. I love that I can rely on you, and so many other things. We’re working on us, so even if you can’t remember the past for the rest of your life, we still have right now. A relationship takes time, you can learn all these little things with time again. We can make new memories as long as you want to make them with me.”
His words are a much-needed comfort, letting you know you shouldn’t be so worried about your memories. You squeeze his hand and nod when he asks if you understand. “Good. now there is no need to cry anymore is there?” you shake your head, he stands up and your eyes follow him.
Once more he wipes away your tears. He pulls you into his chest, hugging and petting your head with his free hand. You can hear his heartbeat and it coaxes you into calming down. You aren’t sure how long the two of you stay like, but you are the first to speak after the silence.
“I’m okay now,” you sniffle and he gives you a soft smile. The sound of another sniffle draws your attention. You see Eric who looked like he had just balled his eyes out with a box of tissues.
“Um… tissue?” Eric offers to you. You take one without hesitation.
“Thanks, but why are you crying?” you were confused, what happened when you weren’t looking.
“Because I didn’t realize you felt that way. You seemed fine, but you were struggling. I even laughed when you were really trying hard. I’m sorry for being a bad friend.” Eric wipes his tears with a tissue.
“No, you’re not a bad friend. I was being silly getting emotional so easily.”
“Your feelings aren’t silly.”
“We understand that you don’t have your memories of us and that’s fine. You’re our friend. That’s why we are here doing this. So don’t feel pressured to remember things about us, as Haknyeon said, you can learn those things again,” Sunwoo chimes in.
“Ah, I really do have good friends,” everyone smiles a little at your words. “Oh no! I ruined the video didn’t I?”
“No, we could edit that out, but it’s fine anyway we don’t have to film anymore.”
“I can still do it, I promise.”
“Only if you really want to.”
“I do.”
“Okay, but only after a break, both yours and eric’s eyes are red,” you nod agreeing to Sunwoo’s condition. You and Eric iced your eyes, after a 20-minute break. The two of you were all set to go again. This next round was cheeks the difficulty of this one should be easy. This was something you were more familiar with.
“The third one is Haknyeon’s cheeks. They are very soft and plump.” Just like you thought Haknyeon was the one to stand in front of you this time smiling, making his cheek stick out more.
“Y/N is looking to turn things around now?” Sunwoo says.
“I’m trying.”
“The next round is the last one which might be one of the harder ones. It will be a back hug. Good luck.”
You put the mask back on hear someone from behind come up. When they finally embraced you were hit with a familiar smell. You latched onto the arms that held you, smooth and toned arms, mixed with his scent it was without a doubt Haknyeon.
“Haknyeon, that’s you right?” You can’t see it but he nods. “I know this is him, I don’t need to see the others.” you take off the mask and tilt your head up and Haknyeon is looking down on you. You smile and he kisses your forehead.
“Good job,” you are happy that Haknyeon praised you but also embarrassed that he kissed you in front of the camera.
“How did you guess?” Eric asked shocked by how fast that was.
“It was his smell. He is wearing the cologne I like.”
“That is almost cheating, but I’ll let it slide since that was really cute,” Sunwoo says and then turns to the camera. “Well everyone, that’s all for today’s video. Thank you Haknyeon and Y/N for joining us again.”
“And thank you everyone for watching. Like, subscribe, and all that other good stuff. And always remember Eric-”
“And Sunwoo.”
“Loves you. BYE!” Eric and Sunwoo say at the same time, waving to the camera. Then they stop and go to turn the cameras off.
“And that’s a wrap. So we can chill again if you want,” Eric suggests.
“Sounds good to me,” Everyone else agrees, you spend two more hours at Sunwoo and Eric’s place just conversing before calling it a day and heading home. That night you and Haknyeon lay in bed cuddling together. You think to yourself that you could definitely see yourself falling in love with this man. Maybe you already did, time would tell.
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babyboyblasty · 3 years
Chapter 7
It wasn't long before the smell of the yakisoba noodles Bakugou and Todoroki were making got to the noses of the self proclaimed bakusquad who were all lounging around in the common room ‘studying’. Or more like the yakisoba noodles /Bakugou/ was making since all Todoroki did was wash the vegetables after he nearly cut his fingers trying to chop a carrot. It wasn't Shoto's fault he got distracted by the sight of Bakugou putting on an apron. A pink one at that. The blonde just looked so... domestic and 'home-ish' that Shoto could have severed his entire hand in favor of appreciating the very rare view and not even notice. But Bakugou sure did and after yelling at the guy to watch what he's fucking doing, Todoroki got bannished to just sit down while Katsuki chopped the vegetables himself. Not that Shoto minded. He didn't mind just observing.
Mina was the first to pop her head in through the cracked open kitchen door, followed by Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima all one on top of the other. They walked in once they saw it was them. "Kacchaaaaaan~ whatcha cookin'?" Kaminari grinned cutely and looked over the blonde's shoulder as Katsuki cooked some pieces of sliced pork in a pan. "Yakisoba noodles" he answered plainly, more focused on what he was doing. Katsuki took his cooking seriously. He was good at pretty much everything he set his mind to and he'd be damned if his food wasn't going to be the best either.
"Mmmm, it smells so good! We should've known right away it was you the one that was cooking, Bakubabe" Mina rushed over to wrap her arms around his waist from behind and rest her cheek on his shoulder affectionately. The quirk that turned their friend into a girl also affected his height so now he was the same height as she was. Plus Mina couldn't seem to stop obsessing over how small his waist was! Katsuki growled back at her for the nickname but didn't bother trying to get her off since he was busy with his food so Mina happily kept her arms around the boy-turned-girl. Kirishima and Kaminari pouted that they didn't think of it first.
"Can we have some too? Pleeeeease?" Kaminari pouted, putting his hands together in a pleading motion. He was trying to look cute but Katsuki just thought he looked dumb, especially with that pencil sticking out of his hair. Bakugou won’t bother asking.
"Aww, why not? Come on! Just a little. Your cooking is the best, Bakugou. Feed us~" the boy whined and even tried to sweet talk him with a compliment but Katsuki didn't budge even to the puppy eyes the electricity user was giving him. Sero was very impressed. That look always worked on the rest of them. Bakugou sure did have a will of steel.
"You're not getting shit if you don't help, dunce face" Bakugou answered as if it were obvious. Kaminari pouted again and looked over at Todoroki who had pulled out his phone shortly after the others had walked in. "Is Todoroki getting noodles?" he began tugging slightly on Bakugou's apron. It was the one that the squad had gotten him for christmas as a joke that said 'Kiss the Fucking Cook' in white cursive embroidery. Katsuki almost killed them for that but he still wore it. They all had a suspicion that he secretly liked it but just didn't want to admit it.
"Yes" he answered and Kaminari stuttered. "But he's not doing anything!" Kaminari whined. Todoroki looked up at that. "I washed the vegetables" Shoto felt his input provided enough validation to go back to his phone and scroll mindlessly.
"Well, what can we do to help, Bakugou?" Kirishima grinned, coming up next to him with a big grin. The angry teen looked over to see Kaminari, Mina, and Sero also waiting patiently for their instructions. "Just boil the noodles" he settled with after a few seconds then went back to his cooking and the others answered 'you got it' in unison then rushed to do as told. Cooking some noodles in a pot of hot water shouldn't be too hard, right?
Wrong. They overcooked the damn noodles and Bakugou yelled at all five to get out (Todoroki included) and they all left with their tails between their legs. Bakugou did everything himself like an angry housewife, muttering under his breath while he multitasked the entire time. Forty minutes later Bakugou finished and he was walking out with a plate of steaming hot yakisoba noodles for himself and sitting down at the table where the rest were. It smelled so delicious and they watched him eat with pouts and longing looks that Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Grab a plate and serve your-damn-selves. The food's right there, I ain't your mother" Bakugou grumbled and all five immediately ran to the kitchen to get their fill of Bakugou's cooking before the blonde had a chance to change his mind. Believe it or not, it's happened before.
After dinner, Bakugou was dragged out his dorm by his friends to go to Sero's room and play video games because according to them, they "haven't hung out in so long" even though it's only been since the quirk thing happened.
"I call dibs on the hammock!" Kaminari announced as soon as Sero opened the door to his dorm and launched himself to lay down on it before Ashido could get her hands on the hammock first.
"No fair! You got it last time!" Mina pouted, stomping over to sit on the floor by Kaminari with a frown and her arms crossed.
"Rules of the game, my friend. You should've called dibs first" the male smirked and winked at her with a very smug expression because he knew she couldn't really argue back against that. Mina responded by giving him a quick shove, causing the other to roll off the hammock and land face down on the carpet with a thud. Mina started cracking up and Kaminari rubbed his forehead with a pout, giving her the stink eye.
The other three paid no attention to their friends' antics as they took a seat. Every time they went to Sero's room it was the exact same thing with those two. They always fought for the hammock and Sero couldn't understand why they didn't just share it. The day he proposed the idea, Kaminari and Mina had only looked at the ravenette like he had grown two heads.
"Come sit by me, bakubro" Kirishima grinned, lighting up the room with that sharp toothed smile of his, and patted the spot besides him on the bed. Katsuki 'tsked' but went forward anyways and sat down besides the red head. Sero was setting up the playstation in the meantime.
"Don't tell me what to do, hair for brains'' Bakugou huffed but there was no real venom behind his words. Kirishima just laughed and that only seemed to annoy the ash blonde even more though. After Bakugou had finished eating earlier, he had gone back to his room to change into what he usually wore to go to sleep. The plan /was/ to do some light studying then head to bed a bit earlier than he usually did so he was only wearing boxers (or more like the boyshorts Momo had made for him since his own boxers had that bit of extra fabric in the front where his junk was supposed to be) and one of his own soft, grey, all cotton t-shirts. He had flung his bra off the second school was over because screw that. Now he knew why girls always complained about those shits. He kept getting stabbed by the underwire the whole day.
As he sat down beside Eijiro and brought his feet up to sit crossed legged like he always did, Kirishima's eyes wandered down without his permission towards Bakugou's thighs. They were thick and muscular but also soft looking. Smooth and a milky white too. No blemishes or anything so completely unmarked like a blank canvas. Kirishima bets that Bakugou could easily crush a watermelon with those thighs if he wanted to. He wondered what it'll feel like to have his head between th- NO! Kirishima snapped out of it right on time and shook his head side to side fast to get rid of those unmanly thoughts. He was entering dangerous territory there because he can't be thinking of his bro like that! 'Bad Kirishima!' he mentally scolded himself. Bakugou, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to the gay panic his best friend was going through as he grabbed a hold of Sero’s pillow to hold (definetely not hug, nope, he will deny it completely) against his chest. 
"I call first round with Mina. You're going down, Ashido'' Kaminari smirked as Sero tossed him the controller. "Bring it, boy!" she smirked, grabbing her own control, and then they were racing each other in mario kart with determined faces, each wanting the other to lose and wallow in defeat first; Mina for Kaminari calling dibs on the hammock first, and Kaminari for Ashido pushing him off.
After a few rounds, the gang had decided to switch to another game. This one was a three-player one so Sero had connected a third controller and Kirishima, Mina, and Kaminari were playing. Katsuki liked to play video games but not as much as those three and Sero liked it when his friends all had fun so he didn't mind just kicking back and letting them enjoy themselves on his playstation.
The room was filled with yelling and playful banter as Katsuki laid in Sero's bed quietly, just watching his friends. Kirishima had stood up and sat by Ashido on the floor a while ago (which he didn't know why and Kirishima had only stuttered when he asked) so Katsuki had it all to himself. He was feeling a bit sleepy already and he yawned, trying not to fall asleep since he really didn't want to do that in a room that wasn't his. To distract himself, half-lidded eyes went to Sero who was sitting on the floor besides the bed watching his friends in amusement. His eyes lowered until they got to the boy's enlarged elbows where his tape came out of and his eyebrows furrowed. He'd always wondered how they worked. Were they kind of like a tape dispenser? Like was there a huge roll of tape in there? Maybe it was his half conscious mind, but Bakugou ended up sitting up and getting off the bed to plop down right next to Sero.
The black haired boy turned with a bit of surprise to see Bakugou so close but quickly recovered and smiled. "Oh, hey man. Are you having fun?" he asked but Katsuki didn't even answer. He just hummed then crawled over between Sero's legs and sat down slightly sideways, grabbing one of the other boy's arms to bring his elbow closer to his face and study it in curiosity. Sero's face was on fire as he looked anywhere but at the boy/girl sitting practically on his lap holding onto him. Katsuki was so close that Sero was even able to smell the coconut tropical shampoo the blonde used to wash his hair. 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck' Sero thought to himself, trying to distract himself. It was no use though. Up until now, Sero thought that he was fine. Sure, he thought Katsuki was very pretty as a girl, but he wasn’t really affected or anything like that like how Midoriya, Todoroki, and Kirishima were. Those three tried to hide it but it was so obvious to everyone that they’ve had the hots for Bakugou even before the quirk accident happened. Or at least obvious to everyone except Bakugou himself. 
Sero prided himself in being one of the few that wasn’t constantly staring at their angry blonde classmate, but /now/, no matter how much Sero tried to ignore the fact that a pretty, nice smelling blonde girl was technically sitting on his lap, he couldn't. And even as game night slowly came to an end after Bakugou left, then Kirishima, Mina, then lastly Denki, and Sero was left alone in his dorm to sleep, he still couldn’t stop thinking about his friend either. Well shit.
[word count: 2065]
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energyanon · 3 years
Surprise reading as I can’t seem to shake off the curiosity. Ok, I’m gonna set them up in relation to this drama. Personally, I don’t believe it. NV would have to have various personality disorders in order for this to be true, among 5000 other reasons why that is not normal, sane human behaviour. But the Instagram.. so many things don’t match up. However, both me and another anon felt fuzzy headed when we were representing her.. maybe it’s not just her overthinking, maybe it’s something more relating to some kind of disorder, but that’s not my place to say. Let’s check it out. Once again I’m gonna type as I go.
I’ve decided for three set ups here: 1. NV, 2. The group chat as a whole as cited on said Instagram, and 3. Henry.
Set up 2. (The GC) first. I picked up NV and got a headache.
First flag: Natalie wanted to be on top of the GC… that’s weird..
Henry is at a distance but he is staring at them both. Starting to feel like I may have been wrong in my judgment here ha.. 😬 I’m really hoping it’s not true cause otherwise that’s fucking sad and NV has genuine issues. But, I’m ok with being wrong.
Alright, let’s start as NV (cause GC, I feel I already know their feelings regardless of if it’s true or not) FYI, I have moved NV to being close but not on top, as one energy on top of - group of energies would be much too hard to decipher.
Immediate dizziness. I feel very hot and my air con is currently blasting down upon me so it’s not me. The group chat feels very little to NV. like tiny, as in I could step on them. (1. This can mean they’re not even being seen, she barely cares about them, or 2. Can feel more powerful than) as we know in the screenshots the latter was supposedly the case, so I’m not going to cross that out just yet, but it feels more like I’m just not even seeing them. they’re dirt under my feet. They don’t really have her attention and she’s not super bothered by them, but once I brought her attention to it She does want to stamp it out, it’s a complete nuisance. She wants to cover them up. I gave them a little tap, which ended turning into many taps which turned into actually wanting to destroy their rep all together. so she’s angry about it. (At this point I don’t know if she’s angry about This situation being a lie, as in she’s sick of these people doing this to her, or if she’s genuinely angry at the group for exposing her) the tiny dirt now feels a bit bigger but more like a basketball sized nuisance. She still feels bigger than them, it’s just that this is so ANNOYING. Still wants to rip them up into little pieces, she’s annoyed, she’s moving me around a whole bunch, she’s angry, she’s frustrated, she’s tying her hair up, she’s not having it. like it’s fucking annoying. this is all so ANNOYING. She’s stressed, she’s annoyed, she wants this over and done with.
No more energy shifts. Incoming questions.
Q: do you know them?
No I don’t fucking know them
Ok do you think that was a friend who exposed you?
I don’t know I can’t think I- (just a bunch of profanities) [note: it’s like she’s keyboard smashing in my brain right now it’s REALLY annoyed]
Jaw clenched, I’m swaying from side to side my hands are on my hips, hair away from my face I want to move somewhere else but I need to deal with THIS FUCKING THING FIRST ISHDJFKSJXJDSNX.
god it is SO ANNOYING like if you guys were all in front of me right now you’d be heading me yelling and screaming and So irritated I’m so I’m SO Annoyed. I can’t even think of any other questions to ask cause I’m too busy getting keyboard smashed atm.
I’m gonna move to the group to just see if the intentions there are legit. I need a break from NV.
Ok the group:
the group have some anxiety, stomach dropped. They’re not angry they’re just looking at NV. None of them can be sure if It was NV - I think some of them doubt but it was a “get it out just in case” situation. At least one of them feel bad. Nervous jitters from my right leg. You know how you fidget when you’re waiting to get in trouble?
Q: do you believe it was NV?
There are many of them so I’ll just say it as it came up. No (1) I don’t know (majority) one of them is a yeah, feels like the leader of the group but even then the yeah isn’t a solid resounding yeah. But it’s also not like a “yeaahhh?” It’s like I’m just gonna make a decision and it’s yeah.
Q: are you mad that nv is with Henry
I’m not mad (1)
We’re not mad, we just think he could do better. (Majority)
Q: why did you do this
To expose her
Q: why to expose her if you didn’t truly believe it was her
There is a very weak “it was the right thing to do” like.. when I say weak it feels like they don’t even believe that, but they’ve convinced themselves it is..?
Q: at any point did you lie or fabricate the screenshots?
Resounding no, but one solid yes from someone.
Q: Yes?
One of them.
Q: which one
(I was shown one of them, it was one of the purple and black ones, one where there isn’t much purple - I’ll have to check it after)
Ok, my leg isn’t going crazy anymore - there is just an expectant waiting. They’re looking at NV, she’s taller than them but not much taller (not like they’re a basketball being looked down upon, just normal human heights) the feeling is just waiting. Waiting to see if there is a response. That’s it, that’s all I’ve been given I can’t even conjure Up another question. (Sometimes when the energy is done sharing its just done, I can’t force it past that and I’m not in my right to)
Checking Henry:
Henry is tired, he’s disillusioned, he’s just staring into space. The other two are in front of him (facing one another) but he doesn’t see them. Genuinely no thoughts from him it’s complete disassociation. But I did ask if he knew about this situation, he doesn’t seem to know yet.
And yet he’s still disassociating.. the thought “I don’t know what to do” came up, but it was so slow and fractured it was like… you know that video of that kid who’s trying to say have you ever had a dream that you could do anything but he muddles it up for 20 seconds before getting to it? It’s like that (I’ll link it when I’m done)
“I don’t kn- I just I - what do I ev- wh-“ and it keeps going but imagine it taking FOREVER for him to say it.
He’s stuck in the disassociation. Weird choice, but I need to do it. I’m gonna slap him. (Which yes, means slapping myself)
Ok, that didn’t make much difference, he’s still super tired, he still didn’t see the other two but I tried to bring his attention to NV and he was already turning around to leave “I don’t care, I don’t care I’m too tired” and then he turned back and said to NV to clarify “I do care, but I don’t, I’m tired” and I took him out cause he was walking out of there anyway.
Back to NV one last time, and then I’m doing other stuff with my day and then I’ll do CE tonight.
It’s always dizziness with this chick, I swear. Everytime im with her I’m dizzy, I’m losing blood pressure. She’s calmed down at least but fuck I’m dizzy more dizzy than I usually am (can be her, could also be me continuously going into different energies, I don’t tend to feel like this though but don’t rule it out)
Dizzy, Im not tired, but fatigued like I don’t need to sleep, I need to just lay down. I see the GC but they can fuck off I don’t care. She wants to kick them out of the way. As soon as she does she wants to leap out at them and tear them to shreds. She goes from 1- 100 real quick. I don’t want her to destroy my representative for the group, cause I don’t want anything to accidentally manifest in real time for the actual group, so im going to create a little thing that she can destroy instead - just in case there are any energetic consequences of her destroying the representation of the GC. Found a little piece of paper I called it placebo GC and we’re tearing it up.
Ok so, I got her to tear up Placebo GC. She got raveonous with it. I am now coming to believe that NV has some major anger issues. To be fair, im feeling how annoyed she is and I get it honestly it’s the only way to get out this level of emotion. It’s not healthy, therapy is needed for sure, but I’m not gonna sit here like this and say that she’s overreacting cause when you’re feeling like she is, there’s no where else for this to go
She ripped them up, crushed them, tore at them with her teeth, crushed them into a little ball again and chucked them away and then we just screamed “FUCK!” For literally about 3 minutes and she was LIVID. I’ve sat her down now while I write this, she’s still annoyed, she’s not livid.
Interesting to note though, all throughout the screaming there was never a single thought that came up that was like “why can’t they just let US live, why can’t we just BE together” she really doesn’t seem to care about the affect it has on her and Henry’s relationship, she’s just annoyed people are talking shit. Like she just doesn’t care that people won’t accept them.
Oh! I haven’t checked on her vs. HC so lemme do that. I wanna see if she checks up on him too, cause from a normal relationship perspective, this would affect him too. But let’s see.
Yup, ok, nothing from her end, if anything she’s giving him the silent treatment. Like she’s looking at him in the way you do when your partner has said something stupid and you’re too angry to answer. But she doesn’t care that he’s there. I went to him also to see if he would comfort her and he was just a brick wall, kind of more like “here I am I’m showing up but idc. I really idc. Sorry that you’re going through it I guess.” Both of them had the ~aura~ (I don’t know how to explain it on text) of “this did not go as planned” however, they didn’t SAY that, just as an FYI, it was just a bit of a shared feeling translated into words.
That’s it. I’m ending it there. I’ve got life admin to do, be back later for a CE reading as promised. :)
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