#anyway raise hell praise dale
ofhouseadama · 1 year
end of Gatlinburg, day one: I have purchased multiple Dale Earnhardt Sr tee shirts
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In This Hell Daryl Dixon X Reader Part 5/??
Hey everyone! Part 5 is now here! I hope you all like it :)  Thank you all for the support! Warnings- General walking dead stuff, Gore, descriptions of blood, Swearing, death. 
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After another sleepless night, I found myself being the first of our group to wake up. I walked out of the front door and onto the porch, making sure that the door closed softly behind me. Pulling the sleeves of my sweater down over my hands, I crossed my arms over my chest, looking over the grassy field. I could feel the warmth of the sun slowly creep onto my face as the night faded away, leaving the pink and orange hues of the breathtaking sunrise to illuminate everything in its path. A gentle breeze coursing through the trees, it was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve seen. “It’s real beautiful out here, especially this time of the morning.” I jumped, turning around, seeing Patricia standing in front of the door behind me. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” “No, it’s fine, i’m fine.” I softly laughed. “Otis and I, we used to get up this early to watch the sunset, it’s our time together… Well it used to be.” She smiled softly. “Patricia, I’m so sorry for your loss. I have heard Otis was an amazing man.” “He was, he put that boys life above his own, it was the lords plan… This is how it was meant to be.” “He was a hero…” “He always was… Even when no-one else knew it, he was my hero.” She chuckled softly. I looked over to her as she sniffled. “I should get going. I have to collect the eggs.” “I can come with you and help if-“ “Its okay, I will be fine, thank you.” She shook her head. I watched as she left. Taking a few moments to myself, I take in a deep breath and sigh. Looking back over the field I watch as the sunrise finally dissipates. I can hear the others start to wake up inside. The door behind me opened again. “You’re awake already?” Maggie asked. “Hey, yeah. I don’t sleep much anyway.” I smiled “Maybe you should've been a farmer.” She joked
“Maybe I should have.” I laughed. “I heard you last night.” “Pardon?” “The nausea. You aren’t sick are you?” “I’m not sick…” I smiled softly. “I just don’t understand why they call it morning sickness when it hits at any time of the day.” I chuckled. We stood in comfortable silence. “Thank you.” I broke it. She raised her brow at me. “For the hospitality.” “It’s the least can do.” “No, really, thank you.” I smiled. “You’re welcome.” She smiled back at me, shaking her head slightly. “How long have you had the farm?” 
“The farm has been passed down in our family for generations.” “Is it something you’ve always wanted? The farm?” “When I was younger it was all I wanted. Then I grew up and went to college, Dad needed help, so I came home.” “Then this all happened?” “Yeah.” “And it has just been you guys?” She nodded. “Sorry to cut the conversation short, I have some work to do.” She smiled “Of course, sorry to take your time.” “It’s okay.” She chuckled before making her way down the front steps. I closed my eyes as a small gust of wind blew against my face. Sighing, I opened my eyes, turning towards the door, entering the house. I softly laughed looking over to where Glenn and T-dog were still asleep sitting on the two seater lounge, heads back, mouths open. “You think we should wake them?” I turned to see Rick staring at the two. “Maybe.” I laughed along with him. Once the soft laughter between the two of us died down I looked back at Rick. “How’s Carl?” I asked “He is still asleep.” “He will be okay. He will be up again before you know it.” I smiled. “You’re right. Thank you.” He turned back towards the door. “Rick?” He looked back at me. “Can we do something for Otis? For Hershel and his people?” “Its a good idea, whatever they need.” I nodded, before softly nudging Glenn’s leg with my foot, doing the same to T-dog. Glenn slightly stirred before going back to sleep, resulting in a more harsh nudge. “Guys. Time to get up.” Both guys opened their eyes and stretched. I walked to the kitchen and seen Hershel sitting at the table, looking as though he was deep in thought. I turned, not wanting to bother him. “You can stay.” “Oh, thank you…” “Take a seat.” I sat across from him and smiled as he looked over me. “The boy is in recovery.” “Thanks to you and your people…” He nodded. “If you need help around the property we can do it, whatever you need let us know and we will pull our weight.” “That won’t be necessary. Thank you.” He stated as he left the kitchen. Once everyone was awake, we made our way outside, with Patricia, Maggie, and Hershel’s youngest daughter Beth long with her boyfriend Jimmy… excluding Rick, Lori and Hershel. We followed them to the tree-line and helped collect stones, placing them into a wheelbarrow. We collected stones for about 15 minutes until I heard a noise in the distance, making the others cease movement. My face broke into a smile as the sound of a motorcycle became more clear. I turned and looked at Shane, Glenn and T-dog. “They’re here.” I smiled T-dog left us and went to retrieve Rick and Lori. We all made our way over to the house and waited for the rest of our group to join us. I watched as the RV, Hyundai and motorcycle drove towards the house, pulling up as the front door opened. Everyone stood looking at one another. “How is he?” Dale broke the silence. 
“He'll pull through, thanks to Hershel and his people.” Lori responded.
“And Shane. We'd have lost Carl if not for him.” Rick added. Dale embraced Rick in a hug.
“Thank god. We were so worried.” Carol rushed forward hugging Lori.
“How'd it happen?” Dale asked
“Hunting accident. That's all, just a stupid accident.” Rick spoke. I looked around, checking to see if they had found Sophia. I made eye contact with Andrea, who in return shook her head, knowing who I was looking for.
Andrea hugged me after hugging T-dog. “How have you been feeling?” She whispered. I nodded. “As good as I can be.” I smiled. “I think someone’s waiting for you.” I turn around and see Daryl staring at me. “I’ll talk to you later.” I smiled. “Go.” She softly pushed me. I walked over to him and smiled softly. “Hey…” I sighed. “Hey.” He nodded. I moved forward and wrapped my arms around his middle, resting my head against his chest. After a moment he wrapped his arms around my frame, leaning his chin on top of my head. “We have something we need to finish.” I look up to see Shane watching. I pulled away and grabbed Daryls hand, pulling him along as I made my way back where the stones were.
We all helped Hershel and his people build a memorial for Otis with the collected stones. Standing around the Mound of stones, we watched as Beth placed a stone on the pile. “Blessed be god, father of our lord Jesus christ. Praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his span of years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, now more than ever, our most precious asset. We thank you, god, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in grace. Shane, will you speak for Otis?” Hershel spoke. “I’m not good at it. I'm sorry.” Shane responded. I looked at my brother dumbfounded.
“You were the last one with him. You shared his final moments. Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning…” Patricia cried
“Okay. We were about done. Almost out of ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping. It was bad. Ankle all swollen up. ‘We've got to save the boy’. See, that's what he said.” He paused, shaking his head. “He gave me his backpack. He shoved me ahead.” He paused again. “‘Run’, he said. He said, ‘I’ll take the rear. I'll cover you’.” “And when I looked back... If not for Otis, I'd have never made it out alive. And that goes for Carl too. It was Otis. He saved us both. If any death, ever had meaning, It was his.” He finished, placing the last stone on to the pile. Standing between Glenn and Daryl, I watch as Shane walks back to where he stood before. “Thank you for speaking Shane.” Patricia nodded, still softly sobbing. We all stood in a moment of silence before all walking back toward the house.
“No Sophia?” Glenn asked Daryl. “We searched for a few hours last night.”  “Wait, we?” I stopped. “Me and Andrea.” He nodded. “Was there any sign of her?” He shook his head. “Who is Sophia?” I turned to see Maggie walking with us. “She is one of our group, she’s Carl’s age... She is missing.” “I’ll ask dad, see if we can help.” She smiled. “Thank you.” She nodded. Maggie left the group and entered the house, to talk to Hershel I’m assuming, Glenn following her inside. I look over to Daryl who is scanning the farm for any threat.  “Are you okay?” I ask. “What?” He shook his head. “Are you okay? After last night?” “I’m fine. Why are you asking?”  “Because I know that you being out there searching for that little girl, meant that you were out until at least 4am still looking. I know you.” “I’m fine.” He mumbled. I look over the the front door which opened, revealing Hershel and Rick, Daryl and I followed them as they walked toward the Cherokee, Shane and Andrea already standing by. “How long has this girl been lost?” Hershel asked. “This'll be day three.” Rick answered.Maggie joined us, spreading a map over the hood of the car, placing small stones on the top two corners and on the middle bottom. “County survey map. Shows terrain and elevations.” “This is perfect. We can finally get this thing organised. We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams.” Rick nodded looking at the map. “Not you. Not today. You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out.” Hershel told Rick, pausing to look at my brother. “And your ankle, push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody.” He looked at Shane.  “Guess it's just me. I'm gonna head back to the creak, work my way from there.” Daryl nodded, heading off. “I can still be useful, I'll drive up to the interstate, see if Sophia wandered back.” Shane stated. “All right, tomorrow then. We'll start doing this right.” Rick nodded.  “That means we can't have our people out there with just knives. They need the gun training we've been promising them.” Shane spoke up.  “I'd prefer you not carrying guns on my property. We've managed so far without turning this into an army camp.” Hershel shook his head. “All due respect, you get a crowd of those things wandering in here...” “Look, we're guests here. This is your property. And we will respect that.” Rick paused looking at Shane as he surrendered his gun onto the map, Shane following. “First things first: set camp, find Sophia.” Rick continued. “I hate to be the one to ask, but somebody's got to. What happens if we find her and she's bit? I think we should all be clear on how we handle that.” Shane asked.  “You do what has to be done.” Rick answered.  “And her mother? What do you tell her?” Maggie asked. “The truth.” Andrea responded. Shane took his gun from the hood of the car, re-holstering it. “I'll gather and secure all the weapons. Make sure no one's carrying till we're at a practice range off site. I do request one rifleman on lookout. Dale's got experience.” He added.  “Our people would feel safer, less inclined to carry a gun.” Rick agreed. Hershel nodded. “Thank you.”  Shane walked off. “That stuff you brought, got more antibiotics, bandages, anything like that?” Maggie asked  “Just what you've seen.” Andrea replied leaving “We're running short already. I should make a run into town.” “Not the place Shane went?” Rick asked.  “No, there's a pharmacy just a mile down the road. I've down it before.” She nodded. “See our man there in the baseball cap? That's Glenn, our go-to-town expert. I'd ask him along just to be cautious.” Hershel thought for a moment, before looking at Maggie and nodding his head in Glenn’s direction, as she started to walk away.
I had been walking around the farm for a little while now, collecting thoughts. Watching Shane and Andrea sitting, cleaning guns on a picnic bench, Shane looking as if he is instructing. I see Maggie talking to Glenn and Dale, I can pretty much see the blush on Glenns face from where I am. I almost rounded the corner, until I heard Rick yell out, making me stop completely. I know that it’s wrong to listen into a conversation, but I couldn’t help it.
“Daryl. You okay on your own?” “I’m better on my own. I'll be back before dark.” He responded. “Hey. We got a base. We can get this search properly organised now.” “You got a point or are we just chatting?” I softly hit his arm with the back of my hand. “My point is it lets you off the hook. You don't owe us anything.” “My other plans fell through.” Daryl stated as he left. I thought for a moment of what that meant. Then it hit me. Daryl was planning on leaving.  He and Merle, they were just going to leave. No hesitation… He was never going to stay in the first place.
The door to the house slammed shut as Hershel walked down the front steps. “We could give you more space. Set up over by the barn.” Rick offered. “No, no need for that. Better you stay close to the house. I don't say this easily, Rick. We don't normally take in strangers. I can't have your people thinking this is permanent. Once you find this girl and your boy's fit for travel, I expect you'll move on. We need to be clear on that.” Hershel answered. I watched the older man walk away, Rick just standing with his hands on his waist, looking at the barn before leaving.
Out of the corner of my eye I see T-dog and Dale over at one of the well’s. I slowly make my way over to them. As I arrive T-dog was pumping the water, already mid way through a conversation, smiling at me when he noticed my presence. “-Everyone kicks in, does their part. Am I right? Do your part, don't complain.” He paused, scooping some water out of the pail. “That's what I always-“ The ladle was hit out of his hands.
“I wouldn't drink that if I were you.” Dale warned, looking between the two of us. “What?” I asked “Look at this.” We both followed Dale to the well, it’s planks busted as though something had fallen through, which Dale points into.
“We need to tell Hershel and his people.” Dale stated. “I’ll go get the others.” I turn around to see T-dog running to find the others. It’s snarls and growls grew more loud. The others joined us, standing over the top of the well.
Shane handed Dale a flashlight. He turned it on and directed the light down the well. I look down and see a bloated walker, it’s face swollen with blotchy discoloured skin. “Oh, that’s disgusting.” I say staring at it. “Looks like we've got us a swimmer.” Dale speaks. “Lets get this cover off of it, not that it’s covers much now…” I spoke up, grabbing one side of the wood. “Hey, put that down. You’ll hurt yourself.” Dale scolded, grabbing the otherwise. “He’s right, put it down.” Shane warned me. “But-“ “No buts.” Dale added. I sighed in defeat and put it down. “Its not even that heavy.” I muttered, causing Shane to glare at me. “How long do you think it's been down there?” Glenn asked. “Long enough to grow gills.” Andrea replied. “We can't leave it in there. God knows what it's doing to the water.” Lori spoke up. “We got to get it out.” Shane shook his head. “Easy. Put a bullet in its head. I'll get a rope.” T-dog offered. “Whoa whoa, guys. No.” Maggie responded. “Why not? It's a good plan.” Glenn nodded. “It's a stupid plan. If that thing hasn't contaminated the water yet, blowing its brains out will finish the job.” Andrea spoke. “She's right. Can't risk it.” Shane added. “So it has to come out alive?” T-dog asked. “So to speak.”  “How do we do that?” Glenn asked. For a moment we all look at each other, trying to come up with an idea on how to get it out. I watched it, trying to claw the sides of the well to get some sort of sustenance. “Guys.” I paused.
“What? What is it?” Lori asked. “Are you okay?” Glenn asked. “Yeah im fine, I have an idea.” “Well, what is it?” Dale asked. “Food… All they want is food.” “And? We know this. Get to the point.” Shane said crossing his arms. “What if we bait it? Put something on the end of a rope.” “You want to feed it? It’s not a damn pet!” Shane snapped. “I know its not! Let me finish!” I snapped back. The others looked at me. “As I was saying, Bait it, then drop a lasso around it, pull it out.” I finished. “Thats actually a good plan.” Dale nodded. “We just need something to use as bait.” “Leave that to me.” Maggie nodded, running toward the house. I made eye contact with Shane, he made the come here motion. I move around the well, standing next to my brother. “What gave you that idea?” “I don’t know. It just came to me.” “It’s a good idea.” “Thank you.” I watched as Maggie ran from the house back to the well. “Will this work?” She breathed out. “We have to try.” I shrugged. We opened the canned ham, wrapping fishing line and hooks to it. We connected it to the makeshift pole, lowering it toward the walker. The spam just dangled infant of the walker, who was blatantly ignoring it. “He's not going for it.”
“Maybe 'cause a canned ham don't kick and scream when you try to eat it.” T-dog spoke.
“He's right.” Lori paused, kneeling over the well. “There's a reason the dead didn't come back to life. And start raiding our cupboards.” She finished.
“We need live bait.” Andrea stated, looking at Glenn. “I’ll do it.” Glenn slightly nodded. “No I will.” Glenn looked at me and shook his head. “No, its okay. I’ll do it.” He persisted. “It has been decided Glenn is doing it.” Shane stated, glaring at me. “Glenn shouldn’t have to do this.” “(Y/n/n), its okay. I can do it.” Glenn tried to calm me down. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” I shook my head. It was silent until Glenn finally breathed out.
“Lets get this over and done with.” We set up the rope to make a pulley system, to hold Glenns weight, and when it comes to it, the walkers. I grabbed onto the rope. “Woah, what do you think you’re doing?”
“Please. Let me do this Shane, I know you want to protect me, but let me help.” I paused. “Look, All im going to do is help feed through the rope and pull when I need to.” I finished. Shane looked at me, hands on his hips, head down. “Fine. You can help.” I smiled as he left. I watched as Shane helped Glenn with his makeshift rope harness.
“Have I mentioned that I really like your new haircut? You have a nice shaped head.” Glenn said looking at Shane.
“Don't worry about it, bud. Hey, we're gonna get you out of here in one piece.” He responded. 
“Living piece. That living part is important.” He said, taking the rope for the walker, putting it over his arm. Shane got up, walking over to join us, ducking under the rope, grabbing it to help pull. “Nice and slow, please.” Glenn spoke.
“We got you.”
“Oh, you people are crazy.” Maggie shook her head.
“You want to get it out of your well or not?” Shane asked. Not letting go of the rope I slightly turn my head to see Shane, shaking my head when he looked at me.
“Give us an eye there, Maggie.” Dale asked. Glenn looked up at Maggie and she slightly shook her head, watching him slowly ease his way down. She stood above the well And looked down.
“Doing okay?” She asked. “Yup, doing great.” I heard the small echo of Glenns voice.
“Little lower. Little more.” Maggie helped instruct us. We slowly lowered the rope. Something felt wrong… I heard a creak, before the pump fell toward me.
Everyone behind me yelling. Choruses of “Get it!” And “Grab it!” were being called as I kept hold of the rope, which was now slipping.
I could hear Glenns screams, making me fight harder against the rope. The pump flew out of the ground, headed straight towards the well, dragging me with it. Everyones screams were going quiet, the heavy sound of my heart thumping draining out the surrounding sounds. I look up to see everyone with their arms behind T-dog, pulling him. T-dog has hold of me, pulling me away from the well with the others, I look down and realise that I was holding the pump. My legs pushing against the well, pulling the rope as hard as I can. I screamed as I pulled, suddenly hearing the screaming of Glenn and yelling of the group. “Glenn!” I heard Maggie yell. “Pull him up!” I shouted
“Pull him up! Pull him up!” “Get me out of here!” Glenn screamed. “Lets go! Pull!” Shane yelled. “Pull him up!” We were further from the well than I last remember, I see Shane and Lori both standing and pulling the rope up.
Dale pried the pump from my hands and slowly helped me stand up, T-dog helping, pushing me up. I look over to see Shane grabbing Glenn as he jumped out of the well, Glenn making straight for the ground. “Are you okay?” Lori asked I stumbled over, softly patting his back across from her. He panted.
“Back to the drawing board.” Dale sighed. Glenn looked up, shaking his head, standing up.
“Says you.” He handed him the rope, patting his shoulder as he walks past. Dale grabbed the rope, and walked toward the well. We all surrounded it again, only to see the walker caught in the rope. “Okay… Time for a new plan.” Andrea looked at me. I looked over to her. “Really?” I looked around for a moment, before stopping on Maggie. “What?” “We need a horse…” I sighed. She looked at me. “We can use the horse to help lift the walker out of the well.” She nodded, heading for the stables.
“Quick thinking.” T-dog spoke. “What?” “Grabbing the pump cylinder like that, Are you okay?” “Yeah. Im Okay.” I smiled. Maggie brought the horse over, tying the rope to her horses saddle. “Okay. We slowly bring this thing up.” Shane called. I stood with Maggie and her horse, helping calm it. T-dog was directing the speed of the rising walker. “Come on guys! Pull!” He encouraged. We pulled the rope slowly, making sure that the horse was okay. The walkers discoloured face had now risen above the wall of the well. The further the walker came out, the more its stench had spread, its eyes bulging out of its decaying skull.
I moved from my spot at the horse, standing behind Andrea, helping pull the rope.
The walker was caught against the well, proving more difficult to pull.
We pulled again, the rope gave way. The walker’s body had torn in half. Intestines, and bile spilling everywhere as its bottom half fell into the well. My stomach instantly churns as I stare at its upper body writhe on the ground. “We should seal off this well.” Dale nodded. “Yeah, might be a good idea.” Shane answered. “So what do we do about…” Andrea started, until T-dog cut her off, brutally bashing the walkers skull with the ladle.
The sound and smell was unbearable, I felt even more nauseous. “Good thing we didn't do anything stupid like shoot it.” He sneered when he finished.
I shook my head and walked away, making my way toward the house and the to the RV. I ran into Carol at the RV. “What happened to you?” She asked, softly grabbing my arm. “What do you mean?’ I ask, softly shaking my head. She sat me down onto the picnic bench near the RV. “Show me your hands (Y/n).” She said looking at me. “My hands?” I asked. I looked down to see angry red, blistering burns over the palms of my hand. “Oh, I didn’t even realise…” “What happened?” “There was a walker in the well, we tried to remove it…” “Are you okay?” “Yeah. I just didn’t realise that this had happened. It must’ve happened when the pump broke.”  “What?” “The pump broke and Glenn almost fell further into the well, I grabbed the rope and fought it as it slipped. I grabbed the pump.” “We need to get this cleaned up, it could get infected if we leave it untreated.” She stood up, making her way inside the RV. She returned with a little bit of gauze and ointment. Carol carefully wiped down my blistering hands, applying ointment to the gauze, wrapping both hands up. “Thank you…” She nodded, pulling me into a hug.
“Carol. You ready to head out?” I look over to see Shane and Andrea waiting by the car. “Ill be right there!” She called out. “Ill see you soon.” I nodded my head, as she smiled softly. She stood up, making her way over to the car. I found my tent and pitched it up with the others. I look over to see Glenn and Maggie already on the main road on their horses. “Hey Lori.” I called. “Yeah honey?” She looked up. “Im going for a walk… ill be back soon.” “Hang on, I’ll come with you.” She stood up. “No, its okay, goto Carl. He needs you… I will be okay.” I smiled. She looked weary. “I won’t go far, ill stay on the property.” “I don’t know…” “Please? I just need some air.” She looked around, then nodded. “What do I tell the others?“ She asked. “That I’ll be back.”
I followed the path around the property, coming across a dam. I sat down along the edge and looked over the water.
It was beautiful, peaceful. It felt as though the world hadn’t turned to shit. The cattle had broken through one of the fences, and were all at the damn, drinking, grazing the grass. Looking to the sky, I see the soft purple glow make its way over the horizon. “Shit.” I muttered under my breath realising that I lost track of time. Standing up, I make my way toward the path. I look across one of the paddocks, seeing the RV on the other side. I slip through the wire, deciding to take the shortcut. I walked through the grass, the sky now settling on the burnt orange and purple tones. I looked over to see Dale waving at me on the top of the RV. I smile and wave back as I walked toward him. Abruptly, I stop, my body hitting the ground underneath me as my foot falls down a hole. “Shit!” I hissed out, sitting up, pulling my foot out of the hole, examining it.
I look up to see a figure rushing toward me. “I’m okay.” I called out, pushing myself off the ground. I take a step forward and buckle slightly, a pair of arms now holding me steady. “I uh, I fell down a rabbit hole.” I chuckled slightly.
I look up, Daryl looking less than impressed. He didn’t say a word, just ushered me to walk back to camp with him. I hobbled slightly behind him. “Any luck on finding Sophia?” He shook his head, now walking faster. I sighed, trying to keep up. Daryl stopped, realising that I wasn’t with him now. “Hurry up.” He snapped “I am going as fast as I can.” I responded sourly. “I’ll meet you there.”I finished. He made his way toward me, lifting me up bridal style. “I can walk.” “Too slow.” He shook his head. Once we arrived to the camp, he sat me down and took off my boot, examining my ankle.
“It’s a little swollen.” “Thank you.” He nodded, walking off grabbing some food and bringing it back for us to share. We sat in silence. “I’m sorry.” He looked at me. “For?” “Your plans falling through.” He looked down, then around to see if any one else could hear us. “You ‘eard that?” “Yeah..” I spoke softly. “I know that You and Merle were moving on… Im sorry that you guys couldn’t.” I finished. “My plans didn’t fall through ‘cause of Merle.” He paused.  I looked down at my bandaged hands. “They fell through, ‘cause of you...”
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The Real Me
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Could you do a imagine, where the reader is a rather rough around the edges person and does what she wants, when she wants. But when it comes to Glenn, she gets tongued tied around him and Glenn finds it cute and waits until she is able to tell him.
I don’t think I’ve ever done a Glenn one shot before this is gonna be fun! I’m excited haha! His death on the show is now on the list of deaths I will never get over, joining Dale and Hershel. Who’s gonna be Rick’s soft voice of reason now?! ☹ Anyways, hope this one shot turned out the way you hoped!! ❤
The adrenaline was addicting. The blood that sprayed your skin when you sliced a walker just the right way was oddly satisfying. The thud of them landing dead at your feet filled you with excitement. Maybe it was the way you hid your fear from yourself. Or maybe you just needed everyone’s praise to fluff your ego. You weren’t sure anymore. But in any case, the whole group never needed to worry about your safety.
You’d been on a run with Daryl and Michonne for maybe a week. You weren’t entirely sure what day it was since there weren’t calendars or phones to look at anymore. Luckily, Daryl and Michonne had a clue.
“Y/N, are you insane?!” Michonne shouted over the chaos as you’d essentially cornered yourself, slashing at every walker who snapped a little too close to you. The three of you had come across a small, out of the way drugstore on your way home to the prison. You all had gathered quite a bit in your travels but more supplies were never a bad thing. Unfortunately, the drugstore had become surrounded and if you didn’t leave quickly, you wouldn’t be coming out alive.
But god, that adrenaline was addicted. Your clothes and your skin were coated in dark red, coagulated walker blood but you barely noticed until Daryl had a hold of your arm and was dragging you away.
“Don’t got time for this, girl,” Daryl snapped, “Got what we could.”
You yanked your arm from Daryl’s grip once you all were out of harm’s way and could take a minute to catch your breath, “I was just fine you guys.”
Michonne leaned against a tree and shook her head, chuckling lightly, “How the hell can this be so easy for you?”
“We’ve all had enough practice to be used to it,” you replied, glancing at Daryl, “Looks like I’ve got more stones than you do, buddy.”
Daryl grunted, narrowing his eyes as he stormed off, heading towards the prison, “Whatever. Come on, gotta get back to the prison. We should’ve been back by now.”
Glenn had been keeping watch in the guard tower since dawn, joined a few hours ago by Sasha. The group was supposed to be back by now. They were at least two days late and that was never a good sign. Rick advised everyone to wait it out for at least another day before sending a search party. And even then, the search would be a short one.
“You think they’re okay?” Glenn said.
“I’m sure they are,” Sasha replied, leaning her gun against the railing to take her jacket off, “You know how Y/N can be. She’s always taking detours and finding new things to look at and search. How she manages to come across these things, who knows.”
Glenn laughed, “True. Y/N is a real scavenger. And it’s like she fears nothing.”
“Except maybe you,” Sasha teased, raising her eyebrow, “She’ll scream and shout but the moment you say hi to her she clams right up.”
“I’ve never once see her get loud,” Glenn countered, “Not even a little bit.”
“She seems to like you more than the rest of us,” Sasha said. As if on cue, a dark grey truck came tearing down the road with a motorcycle following close behind. Sasha leaned over the railing, calling out to Carol and Carl down below by the gate, “They’re coming! Open the gate!”
The two of them ran across the yard, pulling on the chains, the gate creaking and groaning as it slowly opened up, allowing you, Michonne, and Daryl to pass through. The gate shut with a slam and the chains rattled while Carol, Carl, and the others rushed to greet you.
“We were so worried,” Carol remarked, “How bad was the trouble you got into?”
“Maybe if Y/N wasn’t so damn reckless, we would’ve been back by now,” Daryl muttered, nudging you as he handed his bag off to Carol, “Got us into some shit on the way back.”
“Yeah but she really helped us find a lot of stuff,” Michonne added, pulling another duffel bag from the backseat of the truck, “But she does have a little too much fun killing walkers, I’d say.”
“It’s almost like this blood is a part of you now, Y/N,” Carl said, “You’re crazy.”
Glenn and Sasha climbed down from the tower while you were unloading the bags. Glenn threw his gun over his shoulder, adjusting the strap around his body as he approached you, “Y/N, glad to see you’re okay. Jesus, that’s a lot of blood.”
You froze, your cheeks turning bright red as you giggled and started picking at the dried blood on your forearm, watching the red flakes fall to the dirt, “Yeah. But I’m um…I’m…totally, ya know…okay. No bites or anything…anything like that.”
Sasha nudged Glenn from behind as she passed the two of you to get a look at what you, Michonne, and Daryl had collected. Glenn swatted playfully at her but otherwise didn’t respond as he kept his attention on you, “Maybe next time I can go on a run with you. I’ve never seen you in action before.”
“I-I don’t know about that,” you stuttered, your hands suddenly trembling. Of all the things to be nervous about, it had to be something as simple as this crush. Feeling vulnerable like this drove you crazy but you couldn’t push your feelings down the way you could your fear, “Not safe. You heard Daryl. Reckless.”
“Maybe, but you get the job done,” Glenn said, a warm smile on his lips, “I should let you go so you can shower and get into some clean clothes. You sure you’re okay?”
“Totally fine!” you blurted out louder than intended. You cleared your throat and squeezed the straps of your backpack on your shoulder, “I’m gonna…gonna go inside now.”
You turned on your heel and ran for the cell block, internally cringing at how dumb you felt around him. Glenn was so sweet but you could never be yourself with him. He didn’t know how you really behaved when he wasn’t around. You had your moments of being obnoxious but with Glenn around, you were stuttering and giving one word answers like a fool. Why did you let your heart control how you behaved?
“I’ve never seen Y/N so unable to get words out,” Carol remarked, “You think she likes you, Glenn?”
“Do you?”
“Everyone does,” Carol said, “We just weren’t sure if you noticed. But you can’t miss that kind of display.”
“No, I can’t,” Glenn laughed, shaking his head, “But, it’s sweet. Y/N is a really nice girl. It’s kinda cute I think.”
“Do you feel the same way?” Carol inquired.
Glenn folded his arms across his chest, “I…I think so. I think it’s something I’d like to pursue. I’d just like to get to know her better. I know she’s not letting herself act like she normally would.”
“Well, maybe if you got her alone, she would be more comfortable,” Carol suggested, “Just a thought. It’s been long enough, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know,” Glenn said, “She’s already so shy around me. Putting that kind of pressure on her wouldn’t be right. When she’s ready to tell me, she will.”
“I guess you’re right,” Carol said, “Well, can you at least speed up the process of opening her up?”
Glenn burst into laughter and patted Carol’s shoulder, “Sure. I’ll try.”
You kept your shower brief, just long enough to scrub the blood off your skin. As much as you enjoyed the adrenaline, it was still nice to be back home in clean, warm clothes. Once you were clean, you grabbed some dinner that Beth was making and took it into your cell. After a long week, just sitting alone in your own bed was so soothing.
As you popped a piece of slightly burnt squirrel meat into your mouth, a familiar face appeared at your cell, making you nearly choke on the squirrel meat.
“Glenn!” you exclaimed, tapping your chest to stop yourself from coughing, “What’s going on?”
“Just wanted to see how you were doing,” Glenn said, “Nice to be back in your own bed, huh?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, “So um, did you need anything?”
“No, not really,” Glenn said, “But uh, I did need your help with something tomorrow.”
“Ya see, walkers are starting to push the fence forward,” Glenn explained, “I need to keep it propped up. But it’s not a one man job, ya know? Was thinking…maybe you’d like to help.”
Glenn couldn’t help but smile at the way your eyes lit up. He definitely knew how you felt despite his denial earlier today. It was becoming clearer with every passing moment. But, if he pointed it out, it would stop. And he didn’t want it to stop. He didn’t want to take that happiness away.
“I’d love to help,” you said eagerly, “Yeah, yeah. For sure. I’ll help you. Bright and early.”
“Nah, I’ll give you some time to sleep in,” Glenn said, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N. You get some rest. We’ve got a long day tomorrow. Just you and me.”
“You and me,” you murmured, mostly talking to yourself as Glenn left, closing your curtain. Your heart pounded and you had to take a few deep breaths before you could stop shaking. If you didn’t calm yourself down, you’d never get to sleep. And tomorrow, you’d have a chance to show Glenn who you really were. The real you. Not the person who stutters and struggles to say one sentence. The one who had confidence, the one who could be covered in blood and still be smiling and laughing, the one who challenged everyone. Glenn needed to see the real you. And if all went well, he would.
Ahhhh here it is! Hopefully, this is alright. I’ve never written for Glenn before so this might not be the best but you guys be the judge haha! I have to be up at 4am tomorrow but I really wanted to give you guys something since I’ve been sucking at posting lately. SO HERE IT IS YOU GUYS. Next up is another chapter of No Regrets so keep your eyes open 😉
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