twan · 13 years
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
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twan · 14 years
New song I've been working on. INEEDFEEDBACK!
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twan · 15 years
So as of lately things have been super busy. I've not REALLY blogged in forever. Since the last time, the business has been going strong. Sure we've had our ups and downs, but its going quite swimingly! We are currently working close with many non profs and benefits along with a lot of big names such as Andrew W.K. All in all we're moving at about the perfect pace. Other than that I've been taking new medicine. It's called Citalopram. It's an anti-anxiety / anti-depsression drug. Luckily I've been getting all the GOOD side effects and things have been a lot easier to get through. I'm quite lucky. There's a lot in the future for me and I can't wait to see what else is going to happen. I'll try to keep up as much as a I can with photos and what not!
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twan · 15 years
[submitted by twan]
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twan · 15 years
Life as seen through the lens by TWAN.
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twan · 15 years
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twan · 15 years
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twan · 15 years
Business has been in full affect as for the last week or so. We've encountered numerous problems and have been brought a couple of hiccups, but morale is high and we're pushing through. This is so much bigger than what we've done before. In a way, I feel like we've been building up to this moment. Everything Nabeel and I have done in the past has led us here. This is important. We're working our asses off and Sorry to all those we've neglected this past month. Starting a business is harder than it sounds or looks. Take anything/everything you hear and multiply it by 100.
Sooo, not to only mention that we're up and running, BUT we're also about to relocate! YES, already. We're moving to a new location with more room and better everything. HA. I think this will be go as to make our apartment a lot less stressful. BUT we don't have the luxury of going to work by just walking out the back door. All-in-all, everything sounds like it'll be great. Video updates will be coming!
On a more personal matter, things are looking alright. I'm with friends and family here and I couldn't ask for more. Or, er... that's kind of a lie, I guess. Well fact of the matter is that I'm missing a certain someone... but I don't know if it's really a certain someone or just that feeling you have when you're in a relationship. Either way, I do miss having a relationship. Even if would mean more stress.
Well as for Monday's go, that's all folks. Gotta get back to work!
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twan · 15 years
Chicago TWAN
So I've moved back and I've started to move in to the peehole. We've made some arrangements and business is starting. My room is coming along and the 3rd and a half floor is going to be awesome! Things have very much changed and things are on the way towards being new and ridiculous. I can't wait!
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twan · 15 years
Just my luck, just as I thought things were going to work out and finally settle: Everything falls apart. Through a series of horrible events, I've been dealt the cards I've gotten so many times before. I'm moving AGAIN. I'm looking for something else. I'm going to look else where for hope. Im moving to Chicago and that's that. I've got a back up plan if this even doesn't work out. HA. I'm so use to not having things work out, that I'm ready to be on the road again. Let's all hope this will stick, at least for a while. Look out everyone, the 108 printshop will be coming to you soon. More news later!
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twan · 15 years
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After a few attempts my troubles have been rewarded. The new MacBook Pro 2.8 is mine. Mmm. It feels so good to have something working and new!
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twan · 15 years
So. It has been about three weeks since I've moved out here ti Denver. Things are going pretty hard out here. It gorgeous and I'm having a good time, but finding a job, being homeless, and trying to manage a graphic novel is tough work. This is really the big test. I've got a little over a month til my room mates start filing in and I have so much still to do, not to mention my laptop has failed on me twice already. Wish me good luck and I'll wrote more as more happens. RIP Michael Jackson.
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twan · 15 years
The west has taken me. This past week has been ridiculously out of the norm. My BIG move to Denver went pretty smooth. Now, all thats left is a shit ton to do. I gotta settle, find a job, figure out where I'm staying for a few months, find a job, hunt for a house, get some freelance work, fix a bike, did I mention FIND A JOB?! Anyways, It's been wild and crazy and NO internet filled. haha. I'll try to keep updating!
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twan · 15 years
Point of No Return...
Soooo... In about 2 weeks I will be getting on an airplane, headed to new lands. I'm moving and I'm not looking back. I'm kinda really scared, but also very excited. Sometimes though I wish I had a time machine. I always feel like I'm running out of time, or I never have enough of it. Things are falling into place and I've already started making my rounds of goodbyes. The next chapter of my life is starting and who knows what it'll bring me. Fame, Fortune, Death, Destruction... I'm open to all of it. This IS the point of NO return...
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twan · 15 years
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Huge show happened the other night at Chubby Rain. It was some of my best friends, The Felix Culpa, and Alkaline Trio. SOLD OUT! Tons of fun and I have a few snap shots on my FLICKR. Click on here to go to it!
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twan · 15 years
I've been doing an extra amount of travel in lately. It's kind part of my very long process of making my rounds. I have A LOT of people to say goodbye to and there's a list. Anyways, within the last three days I've been in Rockford/Belvidere, Chicago, Dekalb, and Grinnel (IA). Let me tell you: it's a whole lot of driving, not a whole lot of showering, and a ton of no sleep. Sure it's been a blast, but the truth is that I'm gonna miss a lot of these people. I won't see them for a while, BUT it'll be fine. We all move out and on, RIGHT?! I get back to B-town tomorrow night and it'll be nice to be in ONE place for a bit. I still have to get to packing and thats going to take forever. I just have WAY too much stuff. I think I might give some stuff away so get in line! It's still kind of unreal that I'll be leaving in about 3 weeks. I guess the countdown has begun and the "BROing Away" parties have been planned or are in the planning process. These weeks will go fast and they'll be great. Excitement is in the air!
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twan · 15 years
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I finally got a chance to take a quick family picture.
from left to right : Constance , Eleanor , Beatrice
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