#anyway please talk to me about jon and helen
go-to-the-mirror · 2 years
If you get Jon's self-loathing and curiosity stats high enough, it'll override his cowardice stat.
Yeah so hi time for MAG 143!!! This is... not my favourite episode, but it's alright, I mean Helen's there, and I love Helen.
So, might not have that much to say, but I sure will be speaking. (Update! I do have good words! My brain is so cool you guys)
BASIRA Eyes peeled. [Pause.] ARCHIVIST Was that a joke?
I'm holding him gently <3
ARCHIVIST They weren’t lying. BASIRA Wait, you did your… ARCHIVIST Oh, yeah, I don’t think they noticed.
Mate, he was purposefully compelling people back in season 3, like, if you have the power to get 100% accurate information then why wouldn't you use it? Monster anyway, you know, might as well use it to your advantage.
BASIRA So what? This was another waste of time? No church. No Dark Sun. I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.
ARCHIVIST Oh, charming.
He's a fucking dork, you honour <3
ARCHIVIST (Compelling) What happened? MANUELA Don’t … Don’t make me. Please. ARCHIVIST (Compelling) Tell me.
And it's like, Basira isn't protesting, but like, I sort of get it? We know about the dreams, we know that his... victims... are suffering, but Scrutiny is like, yeah. They are. Like, I can understand why Basira wouldn't view Jon... yk, compelling people as a bad thing here? It's useful, and she values that, but she doesn't really get the after effects? Maybe? Or maybe it's just because Manuela is "evil" and therefore "deserves it."
Jon does know what happens to them though, and directly...
Oh, right. Not gonna say what I just came to a conclusion on in case it's stupid but I Got Something.
Hither Green was, I believe, where your institute was watching, but Natalie’s efforts were a small and meagre part of the greater effort.
She was literally unscrewing lightbulbs. How was that supposed to end the world???
But we got so close. We touched it. There is another world, a world of still and quiet darkness, where no heat touches and death cannot find you. You might wander beneath that empty sky of void forever and never see a light to guide your way.
But, see, this could be the Lonely, the Extinction, hell even the End, or the Vast. This is not a purely dark world, there is no such thing. Like the colour green. All the green we see, is not true green.
For that night is not empty, far from it. Things move there: the sounds of shuffling, scuttling, crawling. A scream. The fall of gentle stagnant raindrops that chills you as you try desperately to know if that is the sound of the storm or something out there?
The Hunt, The Slaughter, this isn't simply dark.
Natalie and the others followed, but they did not truly understand.
Yeah, duh, she was unscrewing lightbulbs.
Also like, it's actually like... not just spooky cult, but like Natalie joined after her mum died, Manuela left another cult. Feels like a cross between an actual cult, a ✨spooky✨ cult, and the Yiga Clan from Breath of the Wild.
All at once, that loving embrace was stripped from us, and it began to retreat, to recede back into the place that it had come from. We were so close. We were so close.
She sounds so heartbroken.
ARCHIVIST (Compelling) How dangerous is it? MANUELA Only myself, Maxwell and Natalie could even look upon it. It will annihilate you both in an instant. BASIRA Ask her how we can destroy it. ARCHIVIST I know how. I just need to see it. BASIRA See, as in… ARCHIVIST As in, actually see it. MANUELA Go ahead. Just try. BASIRA Look, it’s alright, Jon. No-one else knows it’s here, and if we just leave it, no one will know. ARCHIVIST No, I’m doing this. Get out.
(basira voice) JON! You stupid idiot!
No, but... is this curiosity? Maybe, he's done a similar thing of knowing that he will get hurt and yet doing something anyways for information. Is this because of the self loathing? Maybe, feels pretty similar to "no one can get out of the buried" and then he goes into the buried.
He's not a stupid idiot, he has a reason, but it's a bad reason.
[Static can be heard, growing louder] ARCHIVIST It’s… it's beautiful. MANUELA (Gasps) No! [The static suddenly stops]
I've been thinking about what it would look like, and I think I've come up with a good image of it. You know when you close your eyes - you might have to put your hands over them - and you can see patterns? And you can find that darkness and follow it, and it becomes darker, darker, yet darker (/ref) ad infinitum. You can just stare at the darkness when your eyes are closed, until it's darker than it should even be possible to be dark, and still getting darker.
That's what looking in the dark sun is like, at least I think.
ARCHIVIST Did you catch her? HELEN Yes. (The Archivist gasps.)
Great gasping, Jonny, ten out of ten!
No but... that is great gasping. Jonny's voice acting is just really good.
HELEN How was it, looking upon The Dark? ARCHIVIST I thought I was going to die. HELEN You seem to think that a lot. I remember when you thought you were going to die at my threshold. ARCHIVIST Yeah.
Like, hhh just the way they deliver their lines first of all, how can you have so much fucking baggage in a single "Yeah." Like?? The pause, the light tone of Helen vs the "I have just been through another traumatizing event, are you really reminding me of a previous one" tone of Jon.
Drawing the parallels from 101 to this episode? Would you die to save the world? Every time Jon has answered yes. Also the door was locked and this helped end the world? That's fucked? The door was locked? He would have made that choice, save yourself, safe the world, but the door was locked, like??? And here, he made the choice, look at the dark sun, make sure they can never attempt it again, die, and he chose to do that, but all it did was bring Jonah Magnus one step further along his evil plan.
I have like so many feelings about Jon and Helen, so many feelings about this one bit of dialogue. "I thought I was going to die." OH MY GODDD
NO one gets them like I do. They're my blorbos your honour, and they're so fucked up and evil, and they're so fucked up full stop.
Once again tag me in ALL Crew QnA Jon traumatizing people who worked on tma edition I want to see them so much!!!!
HELEN Go find your Basira, then let’s get you both home.
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neverwalka1one · 2 months
Magnus Protocol 23
Jonny Sims, did you really have to say the title like that? For reals.
Lena wading into the Alice-Sam situationship? Dissing Alice? Lena, we've talked about how you just aren't going to get out of the 'worst boss' category like this.
Is... Sam... being compelled to finish that paperwork? Does he think Lena is lying about nothing happening if it's completed? That was odd. Something's up.
She doesn't mean 'hairpiece', does she? Or like... a gun. That'd be too normal.
Smiley face
Um. All these posts have no comments. But she keeps referring comments her posts are getting. Um. What happened there?
No, please don't say you're going to put that nasty piece of coral inside you.
NO. Oh god, the sepsis, stoppit, DO NOT PUT CORAL UNDER YOUR SKIN.
Augh it's another plant person, this is a theme, plant people are a theme, I canNOT with the plant people augh lady you did not think this through I cannot stress enough that this is wrong
... Isn't this another kill your double? The coral woman has this gal's eyes. She's like her, but better. Oh no they go together.
The last post before she dies/comes to her senses has comments. And the one after when she's panicking is locked down, no comments, no likes. More social media commentary here?
Nooooooo don't go back in the break room aaaaugh fine I'll go find the transcripts.
Basira and Helen? If there's a Basira... is there a Daisy? Can I have both of my favorite murder cops back? C'mooooon let's goooooo.
Gwen's still on high alert, things are going well there, sorry about the demotion hun but did you really want to go talk to externals any more (I know, I know, you think that one external won't eat you for lunch but SHE WOULD, Okay, please.
Alice, don't be mean to Gwen, please don't be mean to Gwen, it's fine when she's in fighting form but...
Oh. See? You're nice. Sometimes, anyway. Good job Alice.
Alice doesn't sound shocked. Concerned, but not shocked. Tell me more about how you're not getting involved, Alice.
Still torn between wanting that to really be monster!Jon and the 'deaths' being a cover for Jon and Martin going full Avatar, and wanting them to be safe in Scotland with the good cows. I contain multitudes (but no coral).
Oop, they're cluing into the tape recorders!
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girlwholovesturtles · 7 months
The Sick Village
Can't imagine what this episode will be about...
Dogs and ducks?
Jon, are you aware you're talking? Where is your Martin to look after you?
Ew, awful, hate it. Corruption, you are the grossest of the fears, always the grossest.
Who is "they" in this situation? I guess the sentiment is that anyone could be the "they" in this story.
I wish I had more to say but it really is all just gross and terrifying. It's a good story though.
Jon, please don't stay in that village... Jon's seems to Know a lot- ah, Martin seems to agree with me...
Everything?! Really?
Wait? Martin lied about having a middle name? What exactly was the name he claimed was his middle name? ... I feel it should be known that my first thought when hearing that was "Wow, I can't believe Martin's mom loved him so little she didn't even give him a middle name."
Ask about your friends mayhaps? L- oh, good... Daisy, no! And Basira!
Melanie next maybe? OH! Did they both remove their eyes at this point so you can't see them?
"That sounds... gross." Thank you, Martin, you are ever the voice of reason in this absolute nonsense world.
A pilgrim and a moth? An interesting analogy, I guess.
"Who was phone?" I completely agree with the question but all I can think of is the meme... Annabelle Cane? For why would she be trying to contact Martin? Because he's into spiders? Is this a trick to lure Jon in or something?
Oh, there's a question? Oh Jon, you good bud?
Helen? Another good qu- she's just around here, isn't she?
Yep, of course!
Is... is that such a good idea? Eh, you're gonna do it anyways, whether it is or not...
Helen, you knew this was coming, didn't you. You could have stopped this!
Friends?! I don't know if I believe you ever actually were friends!
Martin, that is a terrible idea! Do Not go into those hallways.
Helen, that is such a rude thing to say!
I know I've been shipping these two for a while but I'm a bit uncomfortable listening to Helen talk about them this way. I assume that's the point but I don't know. Feels wrong.
I get where you're coming from bud, I really do, but I don't know if you actually want her friendship at this point. An entity who is innately made up of lies and madness does not make for great company to begin with but more over, she eats people. I don't believe she wouldn't eat you just because you're vaguely on good terms with her.
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thebadchoicemachine · 4 years
Yall want some MYCT Magnus Archive Headcanons I may or may not draw? (Pt 1?)
I will try to include individual trigger warnings at the beginning of each explanation as much as I can think of. They may seem a little overboard but better safe than sorry. Remember, TMA is a horror podcast. 
1. An End Avatar (TW, Numb/Apathetic Mindset)
He’s a reaper. An immortal. You only live once but life’s become, not meaningless, more like desaturated. He doesn’t care in a cheery “oh well” way. He’s pretty chill about it. He’s extremely chill about it. He is disturbingly chill about it. At first it seems great, he’s just a nice chill guy! No evil schemes or vicious plots. Just spending time with him seems to calm your nerves. And then you spend more time and you begin to understand why, things aren’t as important as you make them seem. You catastrophize a lot. Then a catastrophe happens and you’re not... upset. Why... why would you be? It doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. It won’t in a hundred years and it doesn’t now. would end the same anyways. And then he starts to be less and less relatable. Why is he so happy? Why does he bother to go meet people and smile and eat or laugh or frown. You can’t belive you ever complained that he was so mild about everything, any amount is more than is worth. Why bother? Why... bother...
2. A Vast Avatar (TW, Heights?)
He just fucking tosses people into the sky instead of being upset with them. Do anything he doesn’t like? SWOOSH. It’s to the point it’s not even a malicious thing, it’s just routine. He gets up, goes to the store, picks up some groceries, sends a person who cut in line to a void of dusk with swirling black clouds where you fall so long you can’t tell if you’re flying up or down or left or right, maybe gets some mints, goes home, puts groceries away, does the dishes, etc. 
(the rest of the cast below the cut)
1. A Corruption Avatar (TW, Body Horror Surrounding Lungs, Swarming Insects, Implied Murder.) 
He has bees in his lungs and he loves them very much. If he ever gets something stuck in his throat or has water go down the wrong pipe he will FEAK OUT. He often has to cough up honey (and sometimes bees). It’s... a process. He just sits over a bucket or jar and hacks his little heart out. He sometimes saves the honey and offers it to people. Amazingly, his friends never take him up on the offer. Unsuspecting people who don’t know the.. supernatural origin of the honey find they have some... unpleasant side effects. (Bees. The side effect is bees. Specifically ones trying to fly down their throat.) Oh well, being a part of a hive isn’t for everyone. The really unfortunate ones make good fertilizer for his flowers, though! His lungs are literally a hive. If you tried to listen to his heartbeat you’d hear buzzing. He will sometimes hold flowers over his open mouth to let the bees get some easy pollon. He doesn’t usually actively seek out “prey” but when he is trying to feed on that good old fear he’ll act super sweet, too sweet, and then open his mouth and let the bees fly out. It’s very creepy but to him it’s just funny. (Also, all of the bees have names and he has a funeral for every single one that get’s killed.)
1. A Spiral Avatar
I- I mean have you seen a single one of his videos?
2. A Stranger Avatar (TW, Unreality Depersonalization )
He mocks people as their own reflection, hopping from pond to mirror to camera to scream at them (sometimes literally) that they do not know who they are. It starts off subtle (Wasn’t your hair a bit longer? Weren’t your eyes a shade lighter? Did you always have that birthmark?”) but grows and changes until it gets to the point you stand in front of a mirror and every time you blink you look completely different. You feel your face, you look at your hands, but it’s no help. They change too fast. Your pictures change too, every single post on all your social media looks like different people posted it- wait... did you always have this platform? You don’t remember ever using it before. You have so many posts... none of them match up. You throw your phone away, noticing you never had the case on it. You turn to real photos for help but they are none. Of course not. You feel like just giving up as you shuffle through photo after photo, you don’t know what you really look like, so what? But then something catches your eye. A photo of you in the 5th grade concert. You don’t remember going to that school. You’ve never played an instrument, have you? Something screams yes and no at the same time. You throw the box down and grab your phone. You need to call someone. You pace throughout a house you recognize less and less searching for clues, reminders, as the phone rings. Your best friend answers. You throw the phone down again. You don’t have a best friend. You’ve never really been one for friends. No, that’s not true, you had a few really good ones but you’ve grown apart. No, that’s not true, you only have one real friend, your boyfriend. No, you don’t have a boyfriend, just a close friend. No, you have many friends just none that are close enough for this bullshit. You stop. No. No you don’t like swearing, do you? Do you? Who are you? Who are you? Your reflection laughs. It’s eating popcorn and making you do a stupid dance. What a bitch.
3. A Flesh Avatar (TW, Body Horror Surrounding Faces and Skin)
You’re a piece of meat, he’s a piece of meat, everyone’s meat. Like Chicken Nuggets.He’ll steal your face right off it’s skull and dance with one in each hand. He’ll put words in your mouth like you’re a puppet with bones. He’ll make you say the dumbest shit because it’s funny. Even when it’s obviously not YOU talking. 
1.  A Hunt Avatar (TW, Stalking/Genocide) 
Many people have suggested a slaughter avatar but I don’t see it. Yeah, he kills (blood for the blood god and all that) but I don’t see it. The Slaughter is about the moment. The unplanned snap. The sudden outbursts. I don’t see that in techno. You know what I DO see that also involves quite a bit of bloodlust? The chase. The planning, the target, the unstoppable dread and panic that overtakes his victims once they realize who is after them. The power. Calculated genocide of victim after victim. The HUNT. My two pain points of evidence: His potato war videos, that time he took over the world, and his stalking speech to Quackity. Go watch an animatic of Technoblade chasing down Quackity and tell me he is not a Hunt Avatar. 
1. A Desolation Avatar (TW, Abuse/Torture)
Everything he touches burns and hurts. Sometimes it’s on purpose, sometimes on accident, but either way he’s caught up in enjoying the drama. I’m gonna be honest, my main inspiration was the Villainbur aesthetic but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. Look at nearly any of his 100 player videos; designed to create maximum pain for hs enjoyment. Even the Dream SMP where he was mostly a good guy and more tragic than anything else fits. Maybe that Villain Arc was his first dabble as an avatar of destruction and pain. Even making his own father kill him could have been along the lines of “how can I milk as much despair out of this as possible.”
1. A Slaughter Avatar (TW, Straight Up Murder)
Now HERE is a character right up that slaughter’s alley. No thoughts, not plans, just unbridled passion and rage and violence. He just stabs people whenever he feels like it (which is often) sometimes just with sticks. Like a rabid raccoon just jumps straight at people’s faces out of nowhere, always starting shit and stoking fires to make people angry at each other. 
2. A Buried Avatar (TW, small tight spaces)
Tunnels and caves and sticks and spots. He’ll burry you under a mountain, he’ll lock you in a tree. Dirt man. His usual MO is trapping people under an avalanche of stones and rocks and rubble. Basically just lava casting your bones. Everything he makes is ugly but not just in a ”that’s literally a pile of rocks in the middle of the road” way in a bit of an indescribable “looking at that makes me feel like I’m breathing in straight gravel.” 
Bonus: Ranboo as a Dark Avatar/Victim. He is not a willing avatar like Jude or Helen, he’s more along the lines of Oliver and Jon.
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please tell us more about co-archivists au 👉👈 i am very excited to hear your essay
BLESS UR HEART ANON I was NOT expecting anyone to actually read my tags <3
ANYWAY, thanks so much for asking and here are my vaguely comprehensive ideas for co-archivist AU here we go (it’s gonna get pretty long so I’m putting it under a cut lol)
Seasons 1+2 would probably go pretty much the same - Elias still chooses Jon alone as archivist and canon proceeds as is up until Infestation. Sasha still gets Not-Them’d but she doesn’t cease to exist, instead ending up trapped in some liminal space. She was already strongly tied to Beholding  and so is able to be claimed by the Eye to escape the Stranger (think Mike Crew getting claimed by the Vast to escape the Spiral) which allows her to break out of the clutches of the Not-Them. Meanwhile, in the tunnels, Leitner tries to trap the Not-Them with the Buried book and instead the thing is psychically ripped apart from the inside out, the memories of Real Sasha are instantly airdropped back into everyone’s brains, Sasha wakes up in a pile of broken table fragments, and gets the hell out of there.
From there, the start of s3 is pretty much the same for Jon (he and Leitner decide that the book had some sort of unforeseen adverse affect on the Not-Them that exploded it somehow) - he flees the institute after finding Leitner’s body, hides out with Georgie, and so on. Everyone assumes Sasha’s dead, except for Elias, obviously, who Knows not only is she alive, but she’s well on her way to becoming an Archivist. (He’s not going to do anything about it - sure, it’s more moving parts than he was counting on, but a backup Archivist could prove useful if something were to happen to Jon. Plus he’s already got a bet going with Peter over which of them will make it to the end.)
Sasha, consumed by the beholding-typical hunger for information, seeks out The Distortion - Michael helped her that one time, after all. She gets hints of usefulness from him (though he insists on using 80-word-long names for all the entities) but mostly he speaks in riddles and is generally frustrating. I’m also gonna say they have a Jude Perry handshake moment except instead of boiling wax it’s knife hands because I love parallels.
She leaves the Spiral with a vague understanding that entities are a thing and starts basically throwing herself into situations fitting their various motifs and hoping for an encounter. One of them seems related to heights? Guess she’s going skydiving. (I stand by my headcanon that Sasha is at least as if not more impulsive than Jon. In s1 while he was like “well I guess I’ll keep an eye out for more statements about Prentiss and hopefully get more information” she went straight to “I personally am gonna hunt down this nightmare worm monster! How dangerous can she be she’s only killed like 5 people that we know of + I’m too curious to leave it alone!” I mean seriously.) While this is a great way to accumulate a lot of Marks for herself, it’s not a great way to find out anything useful. Plus she’s nearly gotten herself killed a bunch of times, so clearly she needs a new approach.
She goes to find Michael again but instead finds Helen, who’s much more inclined to be helpful. She fills Sasha in about how Jon’s also going Archivist, and gives her a door to find him. Sasha steps through the door and emerges in a clearing in the woods where Daisy’s just about to slit Jon’s throat.
Suffice it to say, when a yellow door appears from nothing in the middle of the woods and dead-for-a-year Sasha James steps out of it, Daisy is very surprised. The resulting altercation leaves Sasha marked by the Hunt but the situation calms down after the arrival of Basira who points out that, when facing Elias, surely two avatars are better than one.
Events of s3 from there on play out basically like they do in canon except this time the archivist’s not alone, which helps with the whole “turning into an avatar” identity crisis. Don’t get me wrong, they’re both still freaking out, but they’re freaking out TOGETHER so it’s not as bad. It’s nice to have someone to talk to about weird Beholding stuff, especially when they literally share your brainwaves. (I’d imagine there are a lot of moments when everyone’s just sitting around resolutely doing no work when both Sasha and Jon abruptly stand up, point to each other, and yell some random thing that means absolutely nothing to anyone else but them because Beholding just airdropped them some knowledge. Also since the archivist power is split between the two of them, when they go into Statement mode they end up speaking in unison, Sasha’s right eye and Jon’s left both glowing. It’s very creepy for anyone watching.)
Then comes the Unknowing, and Tim blows up, but instead of dying like in canon, he gets pulled back into the realm of the Stranger along with the rest of the Unknowing and trapped there. When Jon and Sasha wake up from their twin comas, Basira tells them he’s dead, but Sasha realizes that somehow she Knows he’s not. With Jon’s help she uses Beholding (all-seeing) to break into the realm of the Stranger (concealment) and pull him out, and later Jon does the same for Martin in the Lonely.
And in the end, yes, they both end up marked by all the entities, and the world still ends, and things are still pretty bad. But at least they have all four of them (the og archive team) to deal with it. And at least, when Jon needs to info dump about cursed beholding information, he can talk to Sasha. And at least, when Martin would really like some company that isn’t someone possessed by an omnipotent eyeball god, he can talk to Tim. Which I think would help with morale if nothing else. 
(Thanks for sticking to the end of all that lol - I meant it when i said i had a lot of thoughts) 
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cirrus-grey · 4 years
TMA/The Good Place AU
I've seen other versions of this before and I have so many thoughts (Contains spoilers for all seasons of both shows)
Gertrude is the Architect, who thinks she's working for the good of the universe by punishing bad people but gradually learns compassion, friendship, and the ways in which the system is broken
Gerry is the neighborhood guide like Janet
He's a lot more incorporeal though
Instead of "not a robot, not a girl" he's got "not a boy, not a ghost"
Good Gerrys have poor dye jobs
Bad Gerrys have perfect dye jobs
Neutral Gerrys do not dye their hair
Yes this means disco Gerry exists
Magnus is the Head of the Bad Place who pretends to be the Judge
(The actual Judge is Dekker)
OG Elias is the pothead student who had a bad trip and predicted the whole afterlife system with almost perfect accuracy
Jon, Martin, Tim, and Sasha are the four humans in the first neighborhood
Jon and Tim think they belong in the Good Place
Martin and Sasha know they do not
Jon is told his research into the supernatural saved thousands of lives
Tim was an environmental activist
Sasha was a hacker but Gertrude welcomes her as a tech innovator who changed the world
Martin was just working a minimum wage job trying to get by and Gertrude welcomes him as a professional in the parapsychology field, he's given the same "your research saved lives" spiel as Jon
Jon and Martin are told they're soulmates
Tim and Sasha are told the same
Jon and Martin have the Chidi/Eleanor multi-season-long star-crossed fall-in-love-in-every-reboot plot arc
Tim and Sasha have the we-hooked-up-in-one-reboot-but-we're-better-as-friends Tahani/Jason dynamic
However, Sasha gets Eleanor's "there's someone with my name who's supposed to be here instead of me" plot
This is Not!Sasha
Peter Lukas is the Bad Place representative who brings Not!Sasha to the "Good Place"
Martin gets Jason's "the person with your name was in a near-death coma"
Sasha tells Tim she doesn't belong right out of the gate
Martin overhears them and the three end up working together
Martin does not tell Jon he doesn't belong, leading to Jon becoming paranoid about what he, Tim, and Sasha are always conspiring about together
It comes out in a "why are you lying" argument just like the CV thing in canon and Jon is heartbroken that he doesn't actually have a soulmate
He shuts Martin out for a while but eventually realizes he's fallen in love with him, soulmate or not
The four of them end up working together (somewhat)
When they go to the Medium Place they meet Mikaele Salesa
He was a cut-throat antiques and curiosities dealer who donated his fortune to aid the orphaned children of sailors on his deathbed
Eventually the whole "this is the Bad Place" reveal happens
Not sure who figures it out
They get rebooted
And rebooted again
And again
Gertrude does not know how they keep figuring it out but she's definitely losing control
The other demons in the neighborhood are talking about rebelling
(Jude Perry is that one fire demon who keeps walking around without their skinsuit)
(I'm thinking Jared "canonically hot" Hopworth is the one who keeps going to the gym)
She makes a deal with the four humans to help them get to the real Good Place if they play along with the torture, and finally concedes to letting Annabelle Cane run the next reboot
(Yes, to line up with the original show it would be the Not!Them but I think Annabelle is far more likely to want to pull everyone's strings)
Instead of the Jason/Janet romance there's a Tim&Gerry friendship
Since there's no romance there's no need for a rebound boyfriend, however Gerry ends up feeling really alone in Annabelle's reboot and builds himself a new best friend to cope
It does not go well
Michael/Helen is a glitchy, non-functional almost-human who nearly blows everyone's cover with the chaos they cause
They have two faces, two personalities, two identities that they flip between seemingly at random
They get more stable the more times they're rebooted
They go chill with Salesa in the Medium Place while the main crew makes their bid for the Good Place, fails, begs the Judge (Dekker) for mercy, and ends up back on earth
Instead of a near-death psychological study they're all brought together again with an un-death paranormal study
Run by Jon and his new girlfriend Georgie
Yes, Peter is the demon Magnus sends to interfere
Yes, Gertrude drop-kicks him back off the planet
They form the Soul Squad and go off into the world to save people
Not really sure who
But they end up visiting OG Elias and realizing how deep the problems with the system go
They pass through accounting, which is run by Oliver Banks, and meet the neutral Gerry
I'm thinking Leitner is that one demon who's forced to assign point values to weird sex acts
Not sure who makes up the Good Place council
But they make their way back to the Judge and get the whole "test neighborhood" thing to happen
The new humans are Daisy, Basira, Melanie, and Georgie
I know it would make sense for Jon to end up in charge of the neighborhood as Gertrudes's replacement, but nope, he gets his memory wiped because he's awful at lying and he can't pretend he doesn't know Georgie
Martin ends up in charge after Gertrude freaks out
Jon does not actually end up as a participant in the study, since none of the new humans are demons in disguise, so he's just kind of wandering around like a loose end
Georgie definitely pulls the "this is a near-death hallucination" thing
Martin breaks his own heart telling Jon that Georgie's his soulmate, hoping Jon will be able to convince her it's all real
It backfires
Jon's miserable
He eventually confides in Tim (he and Sasha are pretending to be normal humans) that he thinks there's been a mistake, unless... do you think platonic soulmates are a thing?
He doesn't want to date Georgie
He's in love with Martin
Tim tells Martin and Martin has to handcuff himself to his desk so he doesn't run off and kiss Jon senseless
Yes, they establish that platonic soulmates are a thing
Georgie starts dating Melanie
Jon and Martin pine from a distance
I'm thinking Basira is the problem resident who is not making any progress towards improvement
She's very reluctant to see the complicated morals of a situation and takes a long time to break out of her "us vs them" mindset
When they're approaching the one-year anniversary of the new neighborhood and the end of the experiment Melanie and Georgie gather together Tim, Sasha, Daisy, Basira, and Jon
They pull out a huge red-string theory board and say there's something wrong with the neighborhood
Tim and Sasha exchange nervous glances
Georgie says she thinks it's all orchestrated by Martin
They make a plan to meet up at the party that evening
Tim and Sasha go straight to Martin, Gertrude, and Gerry and tell them what's going down
They decide to run out the clock and hope nothing goes too wrong
When Martin stops by his office Jon is waiting for him
Jon spills Georgie and Melanie's whole theory
"They think you're plotting against us, but I know you wouldn't"
"Whatever this is, you're as much a pawn as we are, I think"
"This is supposed to be the Good Place, right? So no one should be unhappy"
"But I am unhappy, Martin. You are too! I've seen the look you get, when you think no one's looking"
"Martin, I've seen the way you look at me. You must know how I feel about you. What kind of Good Place would not allow us to be together?"
Martin is imploding
He really really really wants to kiss Jon
But instead he takes him by the shoulders and tells him "I know what's going on. You're right, there's something more here than you've been told, but trust me when I tell you it's nothing bad. I won't let anything bad happen to you, Jon. I've got you"
"Please just play along with whatever happens tonight, I promise I'll explain everything soon"
And Jon does. Even when the sinkhole happens, even when Martin laughs in his face and tells him he's in the Bad Place
"I really got you, Jon," he says. "I got you good"
"I've got you," Jon remembers, and trusts him
Anyway there's a lot of drama but the neighborhood was a success
Jon gets his memories back and there's a tearful reunion
They start implementing test neighborhoods for everyone so everyone has a chance of reaching the Good Place
And Jon, Martin, Tim, Sasha, Gertrude, and Gerry finally get to go as well
Of course they still need to fix the Good Place itself but that goes fine
And then everyone gets a happy ending, with as much time as they want to spend with the people they love
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
Your HK au post is so well thought out and I love it but as someone who has seen many hours of HK clips on Youtube, I am curious which cast members you can see making the most iconic mistakes. Who overcooks like a dozen wellingtons in one service? Who overcooks and throws away about 5lbs of pasta? Whose signature dish makes Elias physically sick even though they insist customers always love it? Etc.
oh i'm glad you like it!!! in no particular order:
- any time jude is put on the meat station, she burns the lamb. it's like a curse. she tries to make lamb for a challenge once before she gets sent home in an effort to redeem herself but she burns that one too. the night she gets sent home she burns three lambs in a row and elias sits her down and forces her to eat her burnt lamb at the chef's table.
- on the flip side, jane gets put on meat her first service and only puts out raw meat. she's like 'it's not raw it's rare!' and elias is like 'the fat isn't rendered and it's cold what do you mean it's not raw???' (she puts out raw chicken two times in a row and elias almost loses his mind)
- martin. i love martin. but his signature dish does not go over well at all. elias takes one look and is like 'this looks like you upended a trash can on this plate and sprinkled some chives on top of it. what is it supposed to be?' and then he eats it and spits it out almost instantaneously. martin's so nervous, all he can think to say is, 'it's something i serve all the time, people love it!' and elias is like 'remind me never to come to your general area of the country. zero points. next'
- poor gerry. the man just cannot cook scallops to save his life. elias is like 'they're rubber do them again!' and then gerry tries again and this time they're stone cold. the next time they stick to the pan. gerry gets kicked out of the kitchen, goes back to the dorms, and sits on the couch with his head in his hands like fuck.
- jon has mostly good services. but. his big mistake comes somewhere near black jackets when he gets up in his head about things. he slices a wellington, is like 'shit this is over' and is so afraid to bring up overcooked wellington or admit to it that he just... throws it away. he does this for two more before elias gets impatient and goes over and is like 'what are you doing??' and pulls perfectly cooked wellingtons out of the trash and is like 'these are perfectly cooked!! why are we throwing away perfectly cooked food!! you're better than this jon' and jon is convinced he's going to get kicked out even though it's his first real mistake in service.
- jared is the person who doesn't communicate at all. he either says absolutely nothing or gives conflicting answers ('two minutes on the fish' [one minute later] 'three minutes on the fish chef!') and likes to blame his communication mistakes on other people, saying that they didn't talk to him.
- mike puts up a lot of undercooked risotto (like... consistently) and eventually it gets to the point where he's put on apps and his teammate is like 'dude just- just let me do the risotto please' and in the cut-away interview portion, mike is like 'what the fuck dude, i know how to cook a goddamned risotto, get off my back' when clearly he doesn't lol
- tim has no palate. he does very poorly at all the 'taste it now make it' or palate challenges. elias gives him banana to taste and he guesses carrots. he gives him chicken and tim guesses egg whites. it's awful.
- manuela does the classic 'i didn't realize the stove/oven wasn't on!' not once, but twice in her time in hell's kitchen. she sits there stirring risotto over a cold burner for ten minutes before elias finally goes over and is like 'it... it's not even hot manuela!'
- agnes almost burns down hell's kitchen. twice.
- helen/michael (i think they would use both names, but i haven't decided yet) just can't remember the orders that elias calls out. he'll call 'two wellingtons one halibut one new york strip' and he'll ask helen/michael to repeat it back and they'll be like *dial up noises* 'two wellingtons, one- one tuna, um...' and elias is standing there like 😐
- in all of oliver's time in hell's kitchen, elias doesn't like a single original dish he does for any of the challenges. oliver, in his cut-away interviews, is like 'well, clearly he just doesn't recognize talent' when quote-unquote 'talent' is like... two weirdly butchered overcooked fillets and pomegranate mint pink peppercorn sauce.
- daisy sends up so much raw fish. the kind that elias slams down on the table and smushes beneath his hand because he's so frustrated. she has basira check it, basira says it's not ready, and for some reason she walks it up anyway. once (and only once) she sends up overcooked fish and elias is like 'finally, some fucking variety in your mistakes'
- julia talks back to elias, and when she gets cut, she says right to his face, 'you're making a huge mistake and you'll regret it' and then stomps away just to stomp right back when he says, a bit snidely, 'get out of my fucking kitchen.' she is escorted away by security. everyone else is like 😳🤐 it is silent in that room.
- basira is extremely meticulous in her cooking. this also makes her a very slow chef who tends to get in her head as a way to cope with the insanity of the kitchen around her. she'll often be like a brick wall when people try to talk to her and then pick up a pan and say 'walking scallops to the pass!' when the risotto still has three minutes to go.
- naomi is the unfortunate pasta-waster. she also basically falls apart on garnish, sends up raw eggplant three times in a row, can never remember what garnish goes with which thing. when they're prepping the kitchen she's standing with a little list trying to remember what goes in each dish.
- sasha is... not very good in the beginning, but around episode three there's such a sudden shift in her cooking that people swear she's not the same person anymore. the main way sasha avoids elimination in the beginning is her team not losing dinner services, despite the fact that she sends up near-consistent rubber scallops and salty risotto. the audience is surprised when she's in the final four, but she says in the cut-away interview, 'i just realized what i needed to do and i did it. i'm a different chef right now than i was when i came here, that's for sure'
- georgie once butchers thirty racks of lamb incorrectly during prep and they have to throw all of them away. she also has a tendency to struggle with cutting lamb and is often like 'melanie, just. can you do this for me' because melanie is frighteningly good at cutting meat in one slice.
- melanie is the contestant who gets in arguments with nearly everybody all the time but then next episode is friends with them again. this happens sometimes in the span of five minutes with jon, and people just cannot decide if they're friends or not. (they are.) she also makes a signature dish that elias refuses to eat because her steak is so raw it's 'still mooing' and she's like 'well if he'd just tasted it he'd know that my flavors were good.'
- jordan drops an entire pan of wellingtons. ten wellingtons just. rolling all over the floor. elias is furious and he has to go over to the other kitchen, borrow some wellingtons, and apologize to the other diners for the now-thirty minute wait time. then, he has jordan go out and apologize directly. jordan's cut-away interview is just him hanging his head and whispering, 'fuck me'
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fakecrfan · 3 years
Fuck it. Martin/Eye obviously, they are the true power-couple. Desolation/Gertrude <3. Joshua/The buried. The coffin calls for Joshua, much like it entrances to all its victims. But it's laced with happy sighs and fond yearning. He goes out on walks and the dirt sings to him. Weighted blankets feel like he is being crushed alive, and sweaters press into him like a hug. Sasha goes on a date with a clown who was intending to steal her skin but enjoyed the company. And of course, Jonathan/The Web.
Okay I have a bunch of earlier asks that I am working on but FUCK IT. YOU SPEAK MY LANGUAGE ANON. Time to reveal all my entities/humans OTPs.
Martin/the Eye, obvs. Definitely a strong fave. I mean, I wrote a whole fic about it. Basira/Eye if I had to pick a second place torture victim object of affection for the Eye.
Desolation/Gertrude. Desolation is like what’s sexier than bitter people blowing shit up NOTHING.
The Web/Jon. OF COURSE. It’s always loved him best. Always kept him alive. Always... guided him. :)
The Hunt/Basira. Please imagine the Dasira fics you could do with this. Also I feel like the Hunt would be one of the most interesting Entities to write in “love” because it would be allllll about the pursuit.
Stranger/Tim. As @pensivetense told me--there is a reason it takes everyone he loves!
The Spiral/Sasha. Look. Look. Michael Distortion reacted to the Archivist by stabbing him. Michael Distortion reacted to Martin in Tim by throwing them into Weird Hallway Hell. But Sasha? Gave her a coffee and helped her survive worms. CLEARLY preferential treatment.
(Alt!pick for the Spiral. Spiral/Melanie. Because who is the most defensive about being potentially gaslit? Melanie. And Who did Helen form the closest bond with? Melanie :) )
Buried/Joshua Gilespie for SURE. Absolutely. He is, unfortunately, very resistant to its charms :(. It may have more success with Karolina.
The Vast/Simon Fairchild. Rare example of a time when the human is the one doing the pursing, and the Entity is the one pursued.
The End/Georgie. But like--with the angle of her not being an avatar for it, unlike in my one fic. Imagine it being fascinated with her defiance, with her experiencing all of the terror of the end and going “No, I will live anyway.”
The Dark/Manuela Dominguez. Look. She loves the dark so much. I think it should love her back.
The Corruption/Everyone. Look. Look. All it wants to do is love you. Why won’t you let it love you? :’(
The Lonely/Elias. Specifically the original Elias Bouchard. Sitting in his own body as it’s puppeted around. Listening as people talk at him but not too him. Knowing that no one will ever know him outside of Jonah. The Lonely finds this Very attractive.
The Flesh/Mary Keay. Or so my friend just told me when I couldn’t figure out a love interest for the Flesh. “Look,” my friend says. “She has a book of human skin.” I cannot think of a better love interest, except for maybe Jared Hopworth who would be more of a vessel than an object of affection. I’m open to further ideas on this matter.
Slaughter/Jonah or Slaughter/Melanie. I can’t decide which one I like better. Both of them have bursts of unexpected violence. Difficult to choose :(
The Extinction/Adelard Dekker. Look. No one else thinks about the Extinction as much as Adelard. No one else fears the Extinction as much as Adelard. What they have is special.
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ollieofthebeholder · 3 years
leaves too high to touch (roots too strong to fall): a TMA fanfic
Read from the beginning on Tumblr | Also on AO3
Chapter 59: Statement of what comes now.
Martin! Martin, where—where are you? I can’t—oh, God, I can’t see anything, I can’t—did that—
(in a different tone of voice) Martin? Are you here?
…Okay. Okay, this—this isn’t reality. This isn’t—he’d be here if I was—
Right. Okay.
(more loudly) Hello? Hello, is anyone out there?
W-wait…wait, is that—there’s something—okay, okay, I’m not blind, it’s just…dark. I can cope with that.
Right, okay. Think, Jon. After what you just did…if you’re not in the Institute, if you’re not in the world you’re used to, then you’re probably…somewhere else. So things are going to follow dream logic, right?
Right. Dream logic. (sigh) So I suppose I go looking for a switch.
Oh, for—there has got to be away around this. No light switch, no walls, and I don’t trust the floors, so…
What am I supposed to do, say “Let there be light”?
(frustrated sigh) Well, at least I can see now. I—wait. What in the—who’s there?
One elephant went out to play Upon a spider’s web one day She had such enormous fun She called for another elephant to come…
You have got to be kidding me.
(resigned sigh) Right, here we go…
Hello, Jon.
Annabelle Cane. Why am I not surprised?
You don’t sound pleased to see me.
Let’s just say yours is not the first face I wanted to see when I woke up.
I have good news for you, then. It isn’t. You’re not awake.
Oh, you can invade dreams now too, can you?
You aren’t asleep, either. And I think you already knew that.
Oh, goddammit.
…Wait. That noise, that’s—
And it gets louder every time we—
Are these tapes?
A fine material to spin a web with, don’t you think?
It’s you.
A-all this time, all these—the recorders, the, the tapes…it’s all been you?
Well, not all me. Not all of it, anyway.
The Mother of Puppets has always collected stories. There are more reasons than one it’s called spinning a tale, you know. And spiders…it’s so hard to keep them out of places. People don’t generally call exterminators for them. Not for only one or two, and not if they don’t seem dangerous.
So yes. The Web has been lurking about the Magnus Institute, and the Archives, nearly as long as there has been an Institute. Listening. Drawing from the stories. Weaving a tapestry that tells the history of the world…and its future.
But this web? This one is mine.
The tapes I recorded…
Oh, yes. All the tapes since you became the Archivist are here. Listen to this!
It’ll get you too. You can stare all you want, make your notes and your inquiries, but all your beholding will come to nothing. When the time arrives, and all is darkness and butchery, you’ll wish you had stopped listening and run.
(shocked) That—that was—I only did that one as a test, to—to see if the recorders would work…
And they did. Admirably.
Go on. Try one.
Look, I don’t—
You’re curious, aren’t you? You want to know.
There is no time here. Not really. No hurry. No pain. Nothing can hurt you if you indulge your curiosity a little bit. And it might not be so easy to believe once you leave.
Pick a strand. All you have to do is touch it, like so—
—wasn’t anything to do with spiders that ended up after me. Almost wish it had been. (nervous laugh) I like spiders. Big ones, at least—
—and you can hear them.
He doesn’t anymore, you know.
Like spiders? Oh, believe me, I know.
I don’t think he’s liked them since he found out what happened to you. Not that I can blame him, of course. How do you feel about clowns these days? Or being alone?
Go on, Jon. Touch one. It doesn’t have to be…fresh.
Why are some of these—
Is that…ash?
Dust, mostly.
(considers) Well, some of it might be ash. It depends on why that section of web isn’t used anymore.
(tartly) I didn’t know being obscure and mysterious was in the Web’s domain.
It is if you want to manipulate somebody who’s addicted to knowledge.
Oh, don’t look at me like that. I’m not trying to manipulate you. It’s just a habit at this point, really.
What does—puzzle me though, and I mean that genuinely, is—why you were piling tape recorders onto the coffin while Jon was in there.  (brief pause) It’s a question, Martin, it’s—it’s not an accusation.
I don’t know. And I just – felt like it might help. He’s always recording, and I thought it—it might help him…find his way out.
Interesting. Were you compelled?
I don’t know. Maybe? I-I, I definitely wanted to do it.
(shocked) Th-that, that was—that hasn’t happened, that didn’t happen…
This time.
You knew? When, when I met you at Hill Top Road, when you…you knew I’d come back from the future.
Of course.
You and Martin, your Martin, you came back after Jonah Magnus made you end the world. The Keeper of the Light led you to a door, that led you through some halls, that led you to another door, that led you…back. To get—
—a second chance.
A second chance? Hardly.
And just what is that supposed to mean, exactly?
Only that.
…Fine. F-fine. Be mysterious and vague. See if I care.
How do you know…the tapes. You just told me you’ve been listening to the tapes. Martin made his statement about those halls—
But you didn’t.
You haven’t talked about what your journey was like to anyone, have you? Not even Martin. He knows you came through the same halls, but not what you saw. He doesn’t know that for you, there were no colors and no changes, that every hallway was the same and there was no way to tell when you were getting closer, until you reached that long tunnel.
The one with the glass walls and ceiling, like an underwater aquarium. With dark shapes you couldn’t make out pressing against the outside, trying to get your attention. With thousands of whispering voices, over one another, so hard to make out, pleading, promising, coaxing. Offering you anything you desired if you would only make it stop, blaming you for their suffering, demanding how you could just walk on by as if—
You didn’t know you were recording, either. You’ve grown so used to those recorders that you didn’t even notice them anymore. And yet, I was listening.
You were—what?
Y-you—you’re from the future, too!
Mm. That’s more complicated than you think it is.
How did you know what we were doing?
Because I set it in motion.
…You…you what? Those halls, that—that portrait gallery, that—
Which one?
Which—both of them. The ones that—that Martin had to face.
You said you listened to the tapes, you—
I did. And I was…shadowing you both, I suppose.
You never wondered how I was at Salesa’s, did you? Not why I was there, how I was there.
I…to be honest, I don’t remember much about those days.
I don’t mean while you were there. I mean after. You never thought about how I could have ended up outside my own domain, let alone outside the Apocalypse altogether.
I tried to think about you as little as possible.
(heh) I’d be hurt if I didn’t understand completely. I suppose if I’d been lucky enough to escape the Spinner of Webs, I’d want nothing to do with any of her children either.
But you know the rules of the Apocalypse, Jon. It never occurred to you to wonder how a Watcher could stray from their domain?
Martin did. And Helen. They both—
The Distortion never truly left its domain. Never went far from its doors. And while the domains we saw Helen in were seemingly those of other fears, they all had at least an element of the Spiral in them.
Martin was in the unique position of being both Watcher and Watched. He had the domain he oversaw, small though it was, but he was also, perhaps, the only sufferer in a domain that belonged to me as me and not me as the Eye itself. He could walk the world unharmed because what hurt him was watching my pain and power grow in equal measure, the suffering of not knowing what I would choose in the end.
And you…
Your domain was like Daisy’s. It was the other domains, woven through them like a silken thread, a subtle tug of manipulation. It was the tapes that kept recording our journey and the tugs that led us to people we tried to help or conquer and a thousand tiny maneuverings to keep us moving ahead.
That…that shouldn’t have felt like that.
You’re a bit far from the Eye here. But to be fair, so am I.
We’re in the middle of your fucking web!
But my web. Not the Web.
Any power the Mother of Puppets has here is residual, and comes through me. Any power the Ceaseless Watcher has here is residual, and comes through you. I brought the web to show you, to help you understand, but it doesn’t belong here any more than we do.
You were—you were manipulating those tunnels. To…what? Slow us down?
To help. Well, you didn’t need it, but Martin…
Martin is stronger than you think.
Do you know whose domain that was?
The Spiral’s. Of course.
And the Eye. Together.
Together they hung that gallery of accusation, the paintings that all seemed to hold Martin responsible for their deaths. His friends, his family…strangers he never met but felt responsible for. Its purpose was to keep Martin lost—disorientated and in crippling pain and anguish. Forever.
If he had kept going down that corridor, he would never have found the door to the past. And the Keeper would never have been able to find him. Both of them had too much of the Lonely in them—just enough to keep them both isolated and searching. If they didn’t know where to meet.
(whispers) My God.
They—they knew what we were trying to do. Of course they did. And they didn’t—
It’s not about foresight. Neither of them really have that. That domain was a mix of the Spiral and the Eye. It’s just what it was designed for, that’s all.
That’s all? It was more than enough.
So which did you—
(with horrified realization) The paintings of me. You did that.
To remind him.
Of what, for God’s sake?
In part, of what he had to prevent—what he had to stop from happening. What you’d been through and he had to make sure didn’t happen. In part, it was letting him experience your pain. He’d heard what you went through, of course, but to actually see it…in so many ways, that would make it worse, and make his determination stronger.
And, of course, part of it was just putting you back in his mind over everyone else. It was the last little…anchor tethering the two of you together, to the past. Something to keep him present so the Keeper could find him.
And show him that last painting. Thankfully.
Did you know about that one?
I put that one there, too.
Surely you didn’t think the Keeper knew enough to have done it.
I—n-no, no, but—
Why show it to him?
Why that moment?
Because it wasn’t on tape.
I left you alone while you were in Scotland, up until the end. You two deserved a few weeks…unobserved. Alone together. To figure out what you are to one another.
Actually, I had quite a job keeping the Distortion distracted so it wouldn’t pop in and interrupt. It was something of a challenge.
The first time, anyway.
The first time?
Oh, we’ve done this dance before. In its fashion.
What dance?
The Apocalyptic Tango, I think Martin called it once.
Do you ever give a straight answer? Or tell the truth?
I’m hurt! I’ve been nothing but honest with you this whole time.
(dry as the Sahara) And the other times?
Mostly you wouldn’t have believed me.
I did try a time or two. You always insisted it wasn’t possible, or that there must be some sort of catch. You only believed me once, and even then, I don’t think you believed. You simply wanted it to be true.
Are you trying to get me to compel the truth out of you?
The way you did Peter Lukas? Or…which one was it? Breekon?
You don’t need to force it, you know. All you have to do is…ask nicely, and I will spin you the tale.
Statement of Annabelle Cane, regarding the Web’s plan. Recorded direct from subject…ah…
At the end.
…Statement begins.
This is the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the spider that peered at the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
These are the strings that moved the spider that peered at the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the hand that pulled the strings that moved the spider that peered at the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the Mistress that bore the hand that pulled the strings that moved the spider that peered at the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the web that cradled the Mistress that bore the hand that pulled the strings that moved the spider that peered at the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the blade that cut the web that cradled the Mistress that bore the hand that pulled the strings that moved the spider that peered at the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the hero that wielded the blade that cut the web that cradled the Mistress that bore the hand that pulled the strings that moved the spider that peered at the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
This is the story that begged to be told of the hero that wielded the blade that cut the web that cradled the Mistress that bore the hand that pulled the strings that moved the spider that peered at the truth that lurked in the hole that lay in the crack beneath the house at Hill Top Road.
Again, and again, and again, and again.
So few of the things that are Fear are gifted with foresight. The End, of course, knows what will come, because the End is inevitable. All things end, sooner or later. The Web cannot see the future but it can see…patterns. The threads of a story, and what they will be when they weave together.
When the Mother of Puppets first saw the crack beneath Hill Top Road, she thought she understood what it was. A hole in reality, a portal between universes. Places where fear had not touched, where it was not known. But then she saw it for what it was. A crack, not in space, but in time. A way to move between moments. And she began to plan For she saw the threads, and she knew that someday, someone would end the world. And when that happened…eventually, all would end. Even fear cannot last forever, in a world where nothing new is born. Eventually, all must end.
Her plan has been the same, for years. Generations. Choose a champion, mark them young. Put them in the path of a fear, and wait. Then, should the world end at the hands of that fear, tug that champion to cut the strings of fate and send all bound up in it through the crack…and back in time. Back in time enough that they could stop it.
And really, it should have worked.
To a point, it did work. Again, and again, and again, and again. Jonah Magnus sent you his ritual, you read it, the world came to an end. You tried to repair it. You walked to London…and there it got complicated.
The trouble is the Spinner’s plan depended, in the end, on your choice. We told you that you would have had to simultaneously blow up the Archives and stab Jonah Magnus, and then all would have been thrown back in time. In truth, that would not have worked—not if Jonah was still the Eye’s Pupil. It had to be you. You had to choose to take his place…and then have the tethers cut. Then, and only then, would you be sent back with the knowledge to alter things.
Sometimes I told you the original story, that it was a crack in reality and would send all the fears somewhere else, or scatter them across worlds. Once or twice I told you the truth. As I said, it was so hard for you to believe me, regardless of what I spun. Mostly you thought I was manipulating you, lying to you, trying to get you to doom a thousand other worlds. Occasionally you thought it would end the world faster. Only once did you believe me—in a time when I came to you in a cabin in what was once Scotland, a time when I knew you would not act if you did not know you could turn back time, a time when the man you loved turned back for his umbrella and understood what he was hearing and tried to save you and the world.
It never quite worked, in the end. Time and again, the strings would be cut, the world would snap back…and time and again, we would retread the same paths. Over and over. So little I could change, so little I could do differently before the Apocalypse and I tried to find a new way to get you to be in position to be dragged back.
Finally, finally, it happened. You tried to take Jonah Magnus’ place, to hasten the end and starve the fears…it would never have worked, of course, but you tried. Martin anticipated it, though, he tried to stop you before you killed Jonah, to delay you while the others lit the fuse. You were faster than he thought, though, and had already become the Pupil of the Eye. You told him to go. To save himself. But Martin would not leave you, despite the danger. Rather than watch him die for nothing, you told him to cut the tether. And he did.
It worked the way the Web intended, of course it did. But for you to remember and be able to fix it, you would have both had to be alive when you came through at the other side. Even one of you would have been enough. But when I woke again and plucked the strand of the Web, I could hear that neither of you remembered.
Neither of you had survived.
It was then that I realized that Mother’s plan depended too heavily on precise timing. She wanted me to try again, of course. Strangely enough, the Fears never knew it had happened, not even the Web. But she reminded me, again and again, about her plan, told me what strings to pull.
This time, though…this time I thought I’d try something a bit different.
I did what I have done every other time. I stayed with Salesa, I spoke to you both. I followed your progress through the tapes, and when you disappeared beneath the tunnels…I acted. As I promised him, I killed him, and I took his camera. I brought it to London, to the Institute…to the Panopticon. But this time, I brought it up to the belly of the beast. I took it to the office of Jonah Magnus.
The camera wasn’t strong enough to dispel the entire Apocalypse there, of course. But it created enough of a hole to break Jonah free of the Eye’s hold.
He was as pleased to see me as you might expect. Demanded to know what I was doing there. And I told him. I told him I had come to warn him.
I told him that his precious Archivist was far from resigned to this new world he had brought about, that he was coming to stop it. To stop him. I said that you were bringing Martin with you and that you had a plan, and if he wanted to continue his reign, he’d best do something to stop it.
Did you have any idea what that something would be?
Patterns. Of course I knew.
Jonah would never have harmed you, even if he could have; he still hoped to get you on his side. As you learned tonight. On the other hand, he would have known, or at least guessed, that the only thing stopping you from joining him was Martin. And even if he couldn’t hope to win you over by separating you…he would at least have found a way to use that bond against you.
(shouting) Martin could have died because of you!
Perish the thought! My dear Jon, do you know know how many times I’ve been through this loop?
Even when I filled him with spiders, there has never been a time you could bring yourself to harm him in the slightest, let alone kill him. Faced with a choice between letting him die or getting revenge, I knew you would save him. Of course he wouldn’t have died.
And I made sure you had somewhere to recover. I had already nudged the Keeper towards that door.
He couldn’t have done it, of course; he was too tightly bound to the Light—not the Lonely, not the fear he watched over, but the Light itself. If it fell, so would he, and he cannot leave it for long. Even if he had come back, he would have been unable to make a difference in anyone’s past. But of course he thought of the Archivist. His godson. And when you thought Martin might be taken from you, you experienced the precise fear that summoned one of his doors—the fear of being forever separated from the one you love.
Perhaps the original plan would have worked eventually. Perhaps someday you, or Martin, or both of you, would have survived long enough to awaken in the past and remember. But I think it’s better this way, don’t you? Much more…direct.
And look how much you’ve spared the others from.
The others—G-Georgie, Melanie, Basira—in, in that timeline, the one Martin and I left. Did they…what happened to them?
The Keeper and I took care of that. Don’t worry.
After he saw you safely through, I introduced myself to him and told him what needed to happen. He fetched Basira and took her to the tunnels beneath the Institute, and then I came myself. I told them what Jonah had done, what you had done, and what they needed to do.
I gave them the choice. The same one I often gave you. I told them they could either…let things stay as they were, allow things to die out in time, and keep apart from it, or end it. Take out Jonah Magnus and blow up the Institute simultaneously, and send all the Fears back in time as well—the Fears, and any of us too tightly bound up in them to survive without them.
I know you won’t believe me, Jon, but I never influenced them to make the choice they did. Basira did ask me what they usually chose, and I did tell her that I had never known them to choose anything other than one option, but I didn’t tell her what it was. I knew it would be important for you to know that, whatever they chose, it was their decision and their decision alone.
(heh) I can’t imagine Melanie not choosing the option that allows her to kill Elias.
Neither can I. And she didn’t choose differently.
As I understand it, Melanie made her way up alone—being blind, of course, the fearful things on those stairs could not affect her—while Basira provided a distraction and Georgie lit the gas aflame. Melanie took the camera and aimed it at Jonah Magnus to bring him down, and then while he tried to belittle her, she stabbed him, just as the building blew.
And then what happened? Did they survive?
I don’t know. But they succeeded, or I wouldn’t be here.
How many others has the Web done this to? Tried to—manipulate into a savior?
Oh, I don’t know. Hundreds?
Most of them would have failed. Many never made it beyond her. I was one of them, actually, a child tested out but ultimately found lacking, although I was the only one I think she would have trusted with this. But you…the Mother of Puppets saw the threads of your life. So many Fears noticed you as a child that you were bound to fall afoul of one of them eventually. And as soon as she realized where Jonah Magnus’ thoughts were trending, and where they would eventually lead, she knew that you would be a perfect candidate to complete the ritual in the end.
So she chose you. She lured you in. And you resisted her pull. She knew then that you would be the only one strong enough to succeed.
I only survived because someone else took my place! I would have died if he hadn’t—
My dear Jon. Has anyone meant to be claimed by a power ever actually handed away a book or an artifact willingly?
Had you been meant to be the Spinner’s in the end, Mitchell Hopkins would never have been able to take that book from you, let alone read it. Mister Spider was a test, a test that you passed.
A test I never would have.
…Was that his name? Mitchell?
It was.
It is.
And now you know everything.
I—I suppose I should be grateful that we don’t remember all of…these. All these…cobwebs.
I’m damned grateful I don’t remember—
I must admit, that was a bad one.
Getting through that…it was hard enough with Martin. I don’t—I don’t see how I did it alone.
Especially after—especially knowing I—
Did I know?
You spent far longer at Salesa’s that time than you did any other time. In the end, I had to go with you almost all the way to London.
…Yes. You knew.
Not at the time. Not when it happened. But the Eye made sure you Knew the details in the end. You ran into Basira and she asked where Martin was—
—and the Beholder forced me to describe it.
You said yourself, more than once. None of this has ever been to the benefit of humanity. Or any individual human.
Or whatever I—whatever we are.
What defines a human, anyway? The limitations, or the abilities?
We can do more than what an ordinary human can. But we can still do all the things that an ordinary human can, too. We think. We feel. We love, Jon.
As far as I’m concerned, that makes us human.
…Who do you love, Annabelle?
I was the first to hold him. Did you know that? I was staying with Harry and his wife while I was at university, just before I took part in that study. They wanted someone to read to him before he was born, so he would learn the stories. Harry worked late, trying to make a better life for them all, and Elizabeth…well, she was blind, so she could tell stories fine, but she wanted him to hear books too. Every night, after dinner, I’d sit and read to her belly. He came early and Harry didn’t get to the hospital in time, so after Elizabeth, I was the first one to hold him.
Harry picked out his first name because he knew I hated that book. Elizabeth softened it by picking a middle name after me, but…she always called him Charlie. I think she knew, even then.
A couple years after I became part of the Web, the Desolation took Harry, probably to spite me, but…Harry was never the one I cared about. Elizabeth, at least, died as peacefully as anybody can. It may not have been pleasant, or timely, but at least it wasn’t to serve a power. Just bad luck.
Get him away from that grandmother of his if you can, will you?
One of us will.
That’s all I ask.
Well, I—I suppose, in light of all that’s happened…it’s the least I can do.
You believe me, then?
It happened. It’s over.
Whether once or a hundred times…it happened the way you said at least once. And we won. That’s enough for me.
…Yes, Annabelle Cane, I believe you.
For what it’s worth, Jon, you did all the hard work on your own. You and Martin, and…the others. In your time and this. All I did was get you here.
The others…
(sharp intake of breath) Oh, God. The Unknowing. Has it—have they—I-I can’t, even if we were in the Panopticon, I couldn’t See it. But you—there, there were tapes.
Are they…?
That one. I think.
You think?
It added itself to the web just before you got here. It’s either theirs or yours.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Tell me when.
Oh, God.
And to think I thought you had a terrible sense of timing.
At least they said something before—
O-oh, God, Tim. Tim—you know as well as I do that in my time, he—and I—were they all in the middle of that?
More or less.
They didn’t walk into the Unknowing, at least. Martin listened to what you told him and wouldn’t let them open any doors. But it had to be blown up from the inside to be sure of getting all the charges. Your counterpart and Martin’s wouldn’t leave Tim behind, however much he tried to make them.
What happened after that?
I don’t know if there is an after that yet.
And we’re back to the cryptic bullshit.
On the contrary. I said exactly what I meant.
We aren’t exactly anywhere right now, or any when. This…place…I wouldn’t call it a domain, but it exists outside of both time and space. The rules are different here. Time, if it passes at all, passes differently.
They might have just pressed the detonator. They might have pressed it hours ago, or days ago.
(dismayed) Days?
All I can say is that wherever, whenever they are, they are out of reach of my tapes. And your sight.
Fortunately…I know someone who can give us those answers, even from here. Maybe especially from here.
Who else is here, for God’s sake?
Two elephants went out to play Upon a spider’s web one day They had such enormous fun They called for another elephant to come…
Hello, Jon. It is all right if I call you Jon?
…Oliver? Oliver Banks?
In the…well. In the manifestation, I suppose. I don’t know if any of us is here in the flesh.
(disbelieving laugh) You’re…not quite what I expected.
Is that an invitation for me to comment about how Death so rarely is what we expect, or a manifestation of you wondering why Martin would possibly be jealous of someone like me?
If you knew either of them a little better, you’d know Martin’s reasons for being jealous are almost entirely in his head.
Also, he’s never met you.
Mm, true. We always seemed to miss one another.
You—hold on. You’re from the future as well?
Like you and Annabelle. Well, more like Annabelle, I suppose. You had to be the Pupil of the Eye before you were tangled enough to get dragged back with the Fears. Me? Without Terminus, I’m just…dead. And we’ve already established that that’s not where I want to be.
…Did you know? When you came to the hospital?
That we’d done this before? Of course. I long ago stopped being surprised at what you would choose.
Then for God’s sake, why—
Because you had to choose, Jon. It was always your choice.
Think of it as a crossroads. You stood at a fork in the road, where one path would take you back to life and the other would take you on to, well, whatever came next. The trouble was that the signposts were covered.
You could have chosen without knowing which path was which, but that’s not your way. Not when you know enough to know that one was…mm, wrong, shall we say? One would have led you where you wanted to be, one where you didn’t.
I didn’t want to die.
There’s a difference between not wanting to die and having something to live for.
(deep breath) Right, well, I definitely have something to live for, so I’ll be going now.
Uh, how do I get out of here?
Ordinarily? You don’t.
This is Terminus’s realm. Well, sort of. A little pocket on the outside edge of it.
Another crossroads.
Mm, not so much. More that you’re standing in the middle of the path.
So which way is back?
Life is a journey traveled in one direction only.
(tartly) Yes, well, so is time, but here we all are.
I’ve already chosen to live, Oliver. (with slight malice) Can I call you Oliver?
(not rising to the bait) This isn’t a place where you get to choose.
…So you’re saying that’s it.
After all that, after everything I—everything we did…this is the end. There’s nowhere else for me to go.
How many times have you walked out of another entity’s domain? Not counting the Apocalypse. We’ve already talked about how that doesn’t count.
I…twice. The Buried and the Lonely.
Three, I suppose, if that crossroads counts.
That was a metaphor. You were close to Death, but not its realm. If that makes sense.
Not really.
The Buried and the Lonely, then.
What brought you out?
From the Buried, it was the—the tapes…it was Martin putting those tapes on top of the coffin. W-weaving me a rope…or a ladder.
The Lonely was simple enough to leave. The way out was together.
With Martin.
Not all strands of a spider’s web are to capture or to control, you know. Sometimes, they are simply…to anchor.
…That’s why you offered to bind me to Martin. It wasn’t about—it wasn’t for strength or power at all.
Not to defeat Jonah Magnus, no. There’s more than one kind of strength, more than one kind of power. I did tell you that you would need it to survive what was coming.
It brought Martin back when Peter Lukas visited the Archives and he almost got swallowed by the Lonely again. It—it grounded me, kept me from losing control while I was taking down Jonah.
And now…
It can guide you home.
You know, people always talk about some legendary “red string of fate”, but I’ve never actually seen a real one before.
Let alone one woven from cassette tape.
You knew I had that tether from the beginning.
Truthfully, I didn’t think it would work. Plenty of people have things they think are tying them to life, but they aren’t strong enough to resist the pull. Most threads snap.
Not this one.
I made Martin a promise. And I never break my word.
A good thing, when your tether is almost literally made out of your words.
Ha, ha.
…Wait. B-before I go…the Unknowing. Are they—she said you would know.
It’s over. It worked. They brought the house down.
A lot of tormented souls set free, all at once. Quite the rush, really.
The three of them—my counterpart and Martin’s and Tim. What happened to them?
Two of them will be fine. Some cuts and bruises, but they’ll be up and about sooner rather than later. They might already be up and about. Time’s difficult to discern here.
The other…I suspect I’m going to need to pay a visit at some point. Clean off those signposts.
Don’t wait six months.
I shouldn’t be more than a couple weeks behind you.
…That’s less comforting than you think it is.
Then it must be terrifying, because I was definitely going for ominous.
I suppose we’ll meet again, Annabelle.
…No. No, I don’t think we will.
Tired of me already?
I was watching them for you. Not just through the tapes. I was lurking in a corner of that room.
I don’t know that I made it out.
(gently) You didn’t, I’m afraid.
Your choices are more limited. Stay here with your web…or see what comes next.
We’ll keep the recorders going.
In case you’re still listening.
…Tell Charlie his aunt loves him very much.
I will.
Oliver…don’t take this the wrong way, but if I ever see you again, it will be too soon.
Death always comes too soon.
That was definitely not meant for that aspect of you.
Have a good life, Jon.
You and Martin deserve it.
If I may borrow from another…may you find your rest where no shadows are cast, and no eyes may see you slumber.
(audibly smiling) From you, Jon, that is a true blessing.
Right. Hold on, Martin.
I’m coming home.
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
anyway now im thinking about episode 101 and like
i know i’ve written like three separate 101 fics but i need to write more bc like holy shit holy shit how do you go from being tied up in a fucking??? abandoned wax museum???? and being fucking???? lotioned??? for a month????? and be a normal functioning human being after it while also keeping to your policy of Never Talking About Your Feelings With Anyone like is jon okay? (no)
thinking about michael who was killed by gertrude wanting to kill the archivist and then jon tried to help helen and helen trusted jon and she saved jon and im thinking about them so much btw im fine 👍
i dont care about michael. i dont understand why people care about michael. if you care about michael convince me to please
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Illicio 15/?
Part 14
I suppose it was clever of you, to send this one specifically. I have never been too fond of his kind. Too... volatile, if you'll excuse the little joke.
But I'll move on. I'm a grown woman, and I know perfectly well when I've lost a battle. It isn't even that big of a tangle in the grand scheme of things, now that I think about it.
And see, that's exactly what I wanted to talk about, Jon. How would you say it?
Statement of Anabelle Cane, regarding inevitability.
"So... where did you find her?" Tim asks, as he walks around a corner. It opens to a long corridor, with tasteful hardwood floors and sensible faded ochre walls. There's a little table by the wall anywhere between five and a hundred steps in, right below a mirror that's usually round, but sometimes is triangular or square. Right now it's eight-sided, and Tim looks into it to fix his hair- and his face. The latter melts a little if he's not paying attention, but is easy enough to mold back into shape.
"Roaming the tunnels. She was a bit lost. Everyone is, down there." Helen's voice echoes all around him, and his headache gets the slightest bit worse. There's no telling how long he's been here for, but at least in her corridors he can pretend the confusion is only a side effect of Helen around him.
"So you thought it would be a good idea to make her into dinner." There's a single cobweb stretched between the little table's legs, and Tim presses a finger to it like he's done to the others, watching it curl and shrivel as it chars to nothing. "Or were you actually trying to get her out and throw her at us?"
"Burn a couple more of those, and I might be able to tell you." Helen's voice is clearer now. Bitter. Tim nods grimly.
"I'm going to need you to let me out somewhere else."
"Better if you don't say the name, I think." Helen sighs. "Keep walking."
So Tim does. There's still plenty to be confused about. The Desolation rages inside him, feeding from the raw loss burning a hole through his chest
Sasha's dead.
No, he corrects himself. She's been dead for a while now, years. The thing Jon killed was just that; a monster, no matter how many times Tim called it Sasha's name. No matter how many times Tim found himself loving it.
The fire at his core burns a bit hotter.
He keeps trying to tell himself he was loving the memory of Sasha and not the beast, but is there really any memory left of her? Logically speaking -ugh, he sounds like Jon-, he knows there have to be. He knew Sasha -loved Sasha- long before the table came, but when he tries to conjure them, all he sees is the long-limbed thing, the ghost of its touch on Tim's skin sending shocks of nausea through his stomach.
"If you're going to puke, please wait until I let you out."
"Feeling vindictive, aren't we?" Tim composes a smirk even as he takes a deep breath to fend the nausea off, leaning heavily against the little table. His reflection on the half moon-shaped mirror looks decrepit with exhaustion.
"Aren't you?" Helen asks, and Tim's knuckles whiten around the table's edges.
There was a spiderweb on that table, and there's another on Jon's lighter.
"You have no idea."
Calling the fog is easier now.
Tim hasn't been home in a while, and Gerry hasn't sought him out either after he lashed out at him. Which is... what he wanted, he supposes.
It's much better to work like this, now that even Peter has opted for leaving him alone. Without interruptions, without the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. Lately, he has started to suspect even the Eye's gaze slips off of him at times.
It makes him wonder if Jon can still See him. If he even tries anymore.
There's probably no answer to that question that could make him feel... something, not anymore. Martin shakes his head, hoping to dislodge the thought and go back to his work. There's things to do, including a new statement to record that Peter must've slipped in before he arrived. He's getting close to being done with this, at least.
Will there be anything left of him once he doesn't need to be lonely?
Will there be anyone left who cares?
All he can see when he tries to look into his future is the comforting, cool embrace of the fog. It's not a surprise, not really. Fear has ever been a constant in Martin's life.
A tape recorder clicks to life by his elbow, and Martin sighs. "Yes, alright. I'll just... Martin Blackwood, assistant to Peter Lukas, Head of the Magnus Institute. Recording statement... what is it? 0131305..."
The feeling is... odd, he decides after he goes through Judith O'Neill's statement barely giving the words a thought, as fast as he can without mangling it, because the sound of his own voice is grating to his ears.
"It's... I know I should feel guilty, you know?" he asks the tape recorder, resting his chin on his hand. "I mean, this is this person's worst moment, that she trusted us with, to preserve and protect. And- and I'm just trying to get it over with."
Click. Martin feels his lips curl into a small smile. Who knew he could still do that?
"Yes, I guess so. But it still doesn't feel like I'm doing enough. Not that it ever has, but still..." He sighs.
It doesn't really matter, does it? All Jon and Gerry need is the information, not his thoughts on it, not his- just the facts. That's what they want, and- and since he finished this quickly enough, he should be able to sneak down into the Archives and drop the tape at his old desk before Gerry can try to come get it.
He doesn't have to see the hurt on his face when he sends him away again.
The door to the office closes silently behind him as he steps into the corridor to start the way down to the Archives, and he's immediately assaulted with the pressing sensation of other people's existence. Martin doesn't quite Know about every person in the Institute, but he can feel their presence like one would feel the heat from standing too close to a fire; a warning to get away, before you end up burned. Luckily for everyone, life in the Institute seems to be contained at the upper levels, the building completely silent once he reaches the bottom floor.
The old break room calls to him like a siren at sea, but Martin ignores it. There's nothing for him there anymore, other than a brightly painted mug pushed to the back of the cupboard to be forgotten, like the painful memory of the times when there were no fears of monsters, and the biggest worry in Martin's mind was a fake resume.
This is why he hates coming down here, he thinks with a sigh. It's just... logically, he knows they were never going to stay that way, planning birthday parties and getting to know each other, the little Archive team. He knows they were doomed the moment they signed their transfer to their new department. But still... Better times, less complicated, and- there's a woman there.
More importantly, a woman he doesn't recognize. She's tall and dark skinned, with tightly curled hair pulled into a bun at the top of her head, her sharp, deep brown eyes examining what Martin recognizes with a muted sense of alarm as a scorch mark shaped like footsteps on the polished hardwood floor.
"Excuse me? You can't be here." Martin says after a deep breath. The tape recorder in his hand clicks on again; great, now Jon is going to hear him chasing away his meal. "Did you come to give a statement? I'm afraid we're not taking new ones at the moment."
There's a pang of nausea at the lie, but Martin ignores it. If he can keep one more person from tangling in with this-
"I gave it a while ago. Haven't been too afraid ever since." The woman shrugs after turning to face him. She's wearing a black tank top with a stylized ghost on it, that Martin would once have smiled at. "I'm only waiting for Melanie. You're Martin?"
He blinks. "You... know me?"
The woman's lips twitch. "Jon talked a lot about you while he was staying at my house."
Martin frowns in confusion, until it all clicks in his mind. The ghost, the statement, Melanie, Jon. The fact that he couldn't feel her at all before practically running into her.
"Huh. I- I didn't know Melanie-Georgie and Jon-Georgie were the same person." Martin feels the air around him cool a little more when he gives her a second, evaluating look. She's beautiful, and she looks confident and calm even in this place of terror. Jon... Jon really has a type, Martin thinks as his mind conjures the image of a pair of blue-green eyes glaring up at Peter in defiance.
"Small world and all that." Georgie shrugs. She frowns then, after she gives him a once-over of her own and apparently finds him lacking. Which is... not ideal, probably, but Martin can't bring himself to care. "Are you alright?"
"I am. Thank you." Martin looks away, because her eyes are nothing like Jon's asides from being a similar dark brown in color, but Martin finds himself thinking of them anyways. "Could I ask you to let Jon know I left this here? Or- or Gerry. He'll do too."
He can feel Georgie's eyes on him for another, unbearably long minute, before she speaks again. "Why don't you tell them yourself?"
"I'm- we're not really... talking. Not anymore." He's aware he doesn't owe her an explanation, but it's... why lie to a stranger, specially one that doesn't care?
"Ah." Georgie's gaze falls for a moment, before she lifts it back to Martin's face. "Could I ask why? Jon speaks very well of you. And from what Melanie tells me-"
"Actually, I'd rather you didn't." Martin cuts in. There's a pang of irritation at his stomach, and he feels the Lonely receding just the slightest bit. Not good, not- "With all due respect, it's none of your business, or Melanie's. Or anyone's, really."
Georgie's eyebrows climb up her forehead. "Wow. Okay. I'm sorry, I suppose. I just thought-"
"You don't know me." Martin says it more for himself than for her. She doesn't know him, and she'll forget him the moment he walks away. The so-called "concern" in her voice is just that, a misguided attempt motivated by-
"Well no, but Jon cares for you." She shrugs.
"Jon cares too much, that's the problem." Didn't he hear Tim complain about that years ago, angry and drunk against Jon's desk with Melanie slumped on his side in a similar state? Jon doesn't care until he does, and then you can't tell which one is worse.
Georgie's eyes are still digging into him, so intense Martin has to remind himself she has nothing to do with the Watcher.
"I think it usually ends worse for the ones that care for Jon, actually." And she arches an eyebrow in a gesture Martin has seen Jon made countless times. It's funny, how people pick up traits from the ones they love. He wonders which one of them had the gesture originally, and which one took it in and made it their own.
Has he picked up anything from Jon? The way he pushes his glasses up his nose, or holds his cup of tea? It's... that would be nice, he thinks. That even when he goes into the Lonely, when he's no longer capable of loving Jon -if he still is-, there will be a part of him that remains.
He also wonders if Jon has picked up anything from him, but the thought is cold and faded. Martin has always been on the sidelines, easy enough to forget once you get him out of your way. What would Jon even take?
"-tin?" Georgie's voice reaches him faintly, distorted.
"Maybe." There's a strange echo to his own words, and he can see the wisps of fog curling around him. "But it's good that people care for him anyways."
"It's nice to know he won't be alone."
Georgie takes a step towards him, but stops short a second after, as her eyes glaze over for a beat. Her brow furrows in confusion, and she looks around the bullpen, her gaze sliding off of Martin.
"Okay, I'm ready, sorry I- Georgie?" Melanie asks as she comes into the room, frowning when Georgie continues to look around the office. "What's wrong?"
"I... nothing, I guess." Georgie's eyes are still confused. "I just- I could swear I was talking to someone."
Melanie gives the room a once-over of her own and Martin holds his breath, but she doesn't notice him either. Good.
"Huh." Melanie hums in thought for a moment, before her eyes turn mischievous and her lips curl into a grin. "Maybe it was a g-g-g-ghost? I know a pretty girl that does a podcast about that, you should tell her the story."
Georgie huffs a chuckle then, her encounter with Martin already forgotten. "I think I know the one. With the cute girlfriend, right?"
"That's her. Bad taste in food and men, amazing taste in women." Melanie hooks her arm through Georgie's, a pleased, slightly flushed smile on her face as she pulls Georgie towards the door. "Let's go?"
"I- hm. I think I was supposed to tell Jon something." Georgie hesitates a little at the threshold, and Martin's heart skips a bit.
"Ugh, just text him. You'll make his day."
"Don't be mean." Georgie smiles.
"I can live with you on his side or with Gerry on his side, please don't ask me to do both, I'm not strong enough."
Georgie laughs, the sound growing fainter as the door closes and they walk away, leaving Martin behind.
Tim stumbles out the door, his head protesting as his body tries to adjust to the change in perspective, which is most definitely not aided by him immediately rolling down half a flight of stairs.
"Would it have killed you to find a something at floor level instead?" Tim grumbles, rubbing at his bruised shin.
"If you find one that's not sealed, feel free to let me know." Helen says dryly, pulling her door closed as Tim glares up at her. "Good luck, dear!"
Tim rolls his eyes, and when he's focused them on the door again it's back to being an old, dusty window through which he can just barely see the street below.
Fine. This is amazing.
A single thread of spider silk pulls at his elbow, and Tim huffs a dry, humorless cackle.
"Done with subtlety, aren't you?" The thread is trying to tug him upstairs, so Tim burns it off before starting in the opposite way.
He can feel the Web trying to wrap itself around him, to obscure his mind and concern him with matters that will take him out of here. Where is Martin? Is he alright? What if he was in Helen's corridors for so long that everyone's gone?
Tim chuckles at the thought as he comes to a stop before a door sealed shut with cobwebs.
Who else could he lose? Sasha's dead, and so is the thing that tricked him into loving it. Danny's gone, his death successfully -but so unsatisfactorily- avenged. Martin continues to slip through his fingers no matter how much he tries, and-
"Just spit it out." Tim freezes when he recognizes his voice, static-y and grainy with the whirr of a tape recorder as background.
"You're not planning on coming back." Jon's voice has the finality of a goodbye, and Tim realizes abruptly that he remembers this conversation. He didn't realize it was being recorded at the time, or he wouldn't sound nearly as put together.
Tim-on-tape laughs, so ugly, so angry that Tim-in-the-flesh flinches.
"That's rich. Do you care now? That's called guilt, Boss"
"Don't. Stew on it, for all I care. You deserve it."
A sigh, long and tired, before a weak, broken voice.
"I'm so sorry, Tim..."
Tim lets out a sigh of his own, mouthing his next word.
Steps crunching on gravel, as Tim walks back into the cheap motel and leaves Jon alone with his thoughts.
It's no wonder the Desolation chose him, all that burning anger boiling just under his skin, the taste of ash on his tongue, the finger pressed down on the trigger to call on destruction like a well-trained dog. So convinced that Jon, who he'd loved so much and who cast him aside without so much as an explanation, was the cause of all his anger. So eager to make him suffer just the same.
"Is that really all you got?!" he shouts out, and his breath comes out in puffs of steam that leave Tim's nostrils burning with the scent of guilt. "Mistress of manipulation, and all you have for me is 'you were angry and a douche'? Because guess what? I still am!"
His hand burns its imprint all the way down to the wood, as the cobwebs shrivel away.
I suppose it was clever of you, to send this one specifically. I have never been too fond of his kind. Too... volatile, if you'll excuse the little joke.
But I'll move on. I'm a grown woman, and I know perfectly well when I've lost a battle. It isn't even that big of a tangle in the grand scheme of things, now that I think about it.
And see, that's exactly what I wanted to talk about, Jon. How would you say it?
Statement of Anabelle Cane, regarding inevitability.
Was that good? Did it do something for you?
See, I'm ever so good to you, dear. I know you're on a little 'diet', but one fresh statement can't be too much, can it? Just a single taste, you've been behaving so properly for your team...
But I've strayed from my point again. I do that sometimes, you know? It's a bit hard to focus on a single thing, when everything is so intricately connected! Try following a thread in the weave of a tapestry, see how long it takes you to lose track of it in the big, beautiful picture.
No, what I wanted to talk about, how did I put it? Inevitability?
You're familiar with that, aren't you, Jon? How running and running away only ever brings you back to where you're supposed to be.
I learned of it the first time I ran away from my family home. I had all these grandiose dreams, coming back artfully smeared in dirt, perhaps with a nasty-looking, but perfectly applied gash to my arm or leg, and I would never have to ask for anything again. I would be Anabelle, lost and returned, the greatest treasure my family could ask for.
The house already danced to the beat I drummed, but I wanted more. I wanted things to go my way before I even had to orchestrate them. I wanted things to land on my web, and strangle themselves to death trying to pull themselves out.
It was a good plan, for a nine years old.
I could tell you about the woman, I suppose. Young, and emaciated and lost, weaving herself into a tapestry she could not see, so desperate to feel something that she didn't notice when the syringes began overflowing with many-legged things that scurried and ran through her veins much more effective in soothing her pain and fear than the heroin ever was.
I could tell you how I ran. How I climbed back up my window before my older sister even noticed I was ever missing. How I shook that sleepless night, seeing crawling shadows everywhere, feeling the pinprick of their legs on my skin. I thought the woman was a demon that was sent to scare me into being a nice little girl, to correct me from the nasty schemes I orchestrated to get others in trouble.
You would know, wouldn't you, Jon? The incredible lengths to which a child's mind can go to try and rationalize an encounter like ours.
And it worked, I suppose. For years, I stopped manipulating, I stopped weaving. The urge was still there, and the ability of course. It was almost as though I could see the threads connecting every occurrence with the outcome I wanted, just waiting for me to pull on it the right way. But I didn't. I had seen my punishment, and I would be good, I told myself.
Didn't you do something similar, when you found my little book? You were adorable.
But you see, even though we both tried to run, to break free of the path we were meant to take, we both ended up exactly where we were needed. Don't hate me too much for pulling your strings, dear, just remember there's a bigger puppeteer out there.
And please, don't take this as some sort of grim reminder -everything is always grim with you, isn't it Jon?- that free will is a lie, and we are all just chess pieces moving across a board. That is not what I mean at all!
Free will is a beautiful thing, and so satisfying to have. You specifically have a will of iron, Jon, and that is a high compliment, coming from me. The twists and turns I've had to send you in just make sure you had what you needed to survive! And all just because you were too stubborn to take the path the Eye set for you.
But that is exactly what the beauty of an ineluctable plan is, just to come back to the original subject of my statement. Knowing that your every movement, your every choice is already factored in the grand scheme of things. I find it soothing, don't you? Knowing that no matter how far you stray from the path, you cannot truly ruin anything.
Look at your dear friend. An unwanted variable in my plan for sure, but apparently not to the Mother's one, since I ended up talking to you after all. Perhaps a little earlier or later than I originally should have, but things worked out in the end. They always do.
Perhaps all the players must, at some point, take a look around, and see if they're not standing on a checkered board themselves. I can think of some people specifically, but it wouldn't do to ruin the surprise.
Now, how do you close these things? Your charming little catchphrase… ah, of course.
Statement ends.
"I- you found this?" Jon's voice is a bit shaky as he finally looks up from the paper, and the tape recorder clicks to a stop on its own. "Were you looking for it?"
Tim shrugs. "Not really."
"But then- Tim, why were you at Hill-"
"It's none of your business, alright?" Tim rolls his eyes. "Maybe I just decided I really fucking hate spiders."
After listening to that, he definitely does.
Jon's arachnophobia has never been a secret, but he guesses it makes a lot more sense now. A lot of things do.
He doesn't like any of them.
"I'm going to leave now."
"Tim said you were full of spiderwebs." Jon's voice is calm, quiet.
Helen tilts her head. "Aren't we all?" She asks. It's not in her nature to give straight answers.
"I'm starting to think so." Jon gives a sigh.
It's a fun little tableau they make, each on one side of the desk, between them a tape recorder with a bit of tape still left, a sheet of paper next to it.
"This is how we met," Helen hums thoughtfully. There is no map on the paper, and the statement in the recorder is not hers -about her-, but it still feels painfully, exquisitely familiar. "Back when we were both human."
Jon lets out a little huff of air, like her words are somehow a surprise for him, who could Know it all. "Do you remember how that felt like?"
Helen smiles, feeling her lips curl in on themselves dozens of times. "Do you?"
"A little, at times." Jon lays a hand on the desk, and Helen sees the recorder practically click on and vibrate with the need to go to him. Funny little things. "More, lately. I... having everyone helps."
"That doesn't bode too well for Martin."
"I- it doesn't. But I'm- I wonder if you'd be this far gone, if I hadn't turned you away when you first came to me."
Helen tilts her head, when Jon's eyes fix on her. They don't have the lovely green glow they take when he uses his powers, and they look... sad.
It's not an emotion the Distortion knows how to deal with, because the Distortion shouldn't be dealing with feelings anyways. It's even more puzzling to have it aimed at her.
The part of her that is still Helen -is that all of her? Is that any of her?- feels a pang of grim satisfaction. "Is that what this is, then? Making amends?"
Jon shakes his head slowly, sadly. How can a man exude so much melancholy? Is that what happens, when you care so much?
"Not really. I- we were always going to change, I think. Our only choice is how we do it." He pushes the tape recorder towards her, with a tired smile. "I hear you collect them?"
"Only until it's time." Still, Helen cradles the recorder in her hands. Such a curious thing.
"Time for what?"
"I don't know." Helen shrugs at an angle that should not be quite possible for shoulder joints to give. "Doesn't it frustrate you, Jon?"
He gives a little, choked up laugh. "You'll have to be a bit more specific."
"All these rules about what should and shouldn't be done. We are power. Why should we be contained?"
Why should they?
Why should they strive to stay human, when that's the very thing that was ripped from them? Why-
"I think... Because I want to be contained." Jon gives his desk a little thoughtful frown, before looking up at her again. "If I'm going to be a monster, I'm going to be one in my own terms."
"How noble of you." Helen arches an eyebrow, and Jon's lips twitch into the ghost of a smile.
"Selfish, really. It's the only thing I have left."
"Didn't she say it wouldn't matter, in the end?" Helen lifts the tape recorder to tuck it in the pocket of her blazer. "The grand scheme of things, and all that?"
"It matters to me."
"So you'll spend the entire journey there being miserable, just for the sake of some moral high ground?"
Jon shakes his head, his lips moving around words he can't quite put together. It's almost a bad joke, the Archivist, tongue-tied.
"If I weren't miserable in this situation, I wouldn't be Jon." He says in the end. "I- maybe the Spider dropped me gift-wrapped at the Eye's front door, yes. But it can't take that from me. It can't take who I am."
"Bit boring, isn't it? Not changing at all, ever?"
"...Yes, I suppose you of all people might find it so."
"Can I still keep the tape?" she asks, clicking the stop button to make the funny little thing sleep again.
Jon sighs. "It's yours."
Helen smiles. "Just until it's time. Cheers, Jon, good luck on your moral crusade."
Corruption statements always leave behind a stale, sickly aftertaste. It's not too surprising really, but lately Jon has started to dislike them even more.
It's the way this entity tries to disguise itself as love, as the natural progression of devotion into indiscriminate consumption, parasitism, destruction.
Everything that love isn't supposed to be, everything that-
The Eye pulls urgently at his mind, and Jon is dragged out of his reverie by the sudden Knowledge of sharp blades and singing blood.
Jon sighs, before diving into his desk drawer to pull out his mobile.
"Yeah, I think, um-" the door to his office opens and closes behind him, and Jon's heart races as he tries to force the next words out. "I think you should probably get down h-"
The phone is yanked from his hand, and Jon vaguely registers the sound of the call clicking to an end, far more focused on the edge of the knife that comes to rest against his throat. Right over Daisy's scar, like it's one of those 'cut here' lines, and the thought is much funnier than it should be.
"Hello, lad." Trevor Herbert's breath is musty and bitter, and Jon sighs. This is fine, this is- all he needs is for one of them to get distracted. He broke Breekon before, and Not Sasha too. This is his home terrain, he can-
"Miss us?" Julia's long-nailed, almost clawed hand grips his shoulder tightly and forces him back on his chair. "We have some things to discuss, it looks like," she says, and though her voice is pleasant enough, Jon can hear the underlying growl under it.
"If you give us the right answers, maybe we won't have to check if you're still human enough to bleed." Trevor smirks. Jon looks up at the old man, but everything in him is telling him to keep quiet, to wait for an opening. Hunters are not to be taken lightly, much less as a pack.
"You've got something of ours." Julia stabs a knife of her own right through Barbara Mullen-Jones' statement. "Took it right from under our noses."
"After we saved you from that Stranger puppet and gave you all the information you needed. Very rude to steal our biggest resource." Trevor presses the blade a bit tighter to his neck, but Jon couldn't care less about it anymore.
How could he have been so stupid? He'd thought they were here for him, why come to the Archives if not to kill the Archivist? Something hot and dark and angry starts brewing in his stomach.
"Gerry wasn't yours," he snarls. "You had no right to-" the knife presses deeper, and Jon's mouth snaps shut more out of the Eye's self preservation sense than his own, his mind still reeling with the memory of the pained ghost that asked him for a smoke, just a shadow of the man he-
"You heard that, Julia?" Trevor cackles." 'Gerry'!"
"Seems like you've gotten pretty chummy." Julia leans over, her mouth curled in a sardonic smile. "Pull dear Gerry out every now and then for a tasty statement, don't you?"
Jon's eyes narrow as he tries to ignore the pang of guilt in his stomach. Of course he feeds from Gerry, but it's- he's not like them.
"Where is it?" Trevor snaps at his silence, giving him a shake. The knife breaks skin, not enough to bleed but enough so that Jon feels the sting.
"I set him free." And Gerry came back to him, he's Jon's now, and they are not taking him again.
"You what?" Julia grabs him by the shirt, pulling him up to his feet. Jon comes gladly, his chin held high and holding Julia's gaze. He can see the Hunt in her eyes, but Jon finds that he's not too intimidated, not after Daisy, and definitely not when Gerry's life is on the line.
"You wasted your time coming here." Jon says simply.
"Aren't you feeling ballsy today?" Julia gives him a hard shove, and Jon topples back on his chair. "But we didn't. We can at least get rid of another mouthy monster before we go. You want the honors, old man?"
Trevor shifts his grip on the handle of the knife, a wide, lupine grin spreading over his face. "Don't mind if I do." Jon's lips twitch into a smile, and the two hunters scowl.
"Get away from him." Daisy snarls from the open door to Jon's office, and Trevor and Julia snap around to face her.
"Who- ah. Got yourself a guard dog, didn't you?" Trevor laughs. "Smart bastard."
"More of a lapdog. She's scrawny, isn't she?" Julia goes for a mocking, dismissive tone, but Jon sees the stiffness in her limbs, and the nervous twitch of a muscle on her jaw.
Jon looks at Daisy, and he realizes for the first time just how sickly she looks. The lean frame that wrapped around him in the Buried now appears emaciated, and though Jon can See the boiling presence with too many teeth trying to burst out of her skin, there's no denying what abstaining from the Hunt has done to her.
"Malnourished, more like. Haven't tasted blood in a while, have you?" Trevor asks. "This one will die nicely; you could come with your kind instead."
"Or I could hunt you instead." Daisy takes a step forward, and Jon Sees the hunter boiling even closer to the surface.
"Don't." Julia say simply, when Daisy makes to take another step. Her hand digs into Jon's hair, pulling back to expose his neck. "Or I'll kill your library rat."
"You can try. You better hope you're faster than me, though." Daisy's voice devolves into a low growl, and Julia responds in kind. Trevor says nothing, merely watching the two women face off.
"Do you really think you can take us both?" She asks, tightening her grip in Jon's hair. "You're weak."
"Are you willing to bet your daddy's life on it?" Daisy bares her teeth.
"I'm not her father," Trevor says sullenly, and Jon snorts.
"Are you sure?" Jon asks, and Julia yanks roughly on his head.
"Shut up, I'll-"
"Let's go." Trevor interrupts. Jon gives him a quick glance, an old wolf that has learned to pick his battles.
"Old man-"
"There's no rush. Plenty of monsters to go around, too." Trevor gives Daisy a grin that she responds to with another growl. "Good luck guarding them all."
Julia gives another snarl, letting go of Jon's hair with a harsh shove that has Daisy flinching forward, before she and Trevor make for the door. Daisy stands there like a statue, and Jon feels the tension in the air rising with every passing second, until Trevor and Julia seem to decide to just go around her.
Their stomping footsteps grow fainter and fainter in the distance, Daisy crouches to the floor, her entire frame shaking.
Jon shoots from his chair. "Daisy? Are you-"
"Don't touch me," Daisy snarls, startling Jon. He pulls back the hand he was about to lay on her shoulder.
"Daisy. Listen to me." Jon kneels before her. "Just-"
"They're not gone yet. They're- I could find them. I could take them down." Daisy's shoulders shake even harder, and Jon forces himself to not flinch back.
"The- remember what you said, Daisy. Don't listen to the blood..."
"...Listen to the quiet," Daisy responds after what feels like an eternity. Jon carefully lays his hand on her arm, right above the spot where her nails are digging into her skin. She leans into it, and Jon wraps his other arm around her.
"It's- you're wasting away." Jon squeezes her shoulders, muttering into her hair. "You need to-"
"I'm not going back to that." Very slowly, one of Daisy's arms comes to return the hug.
"I hurt people, Jon. You know I did. I almost killed you-"
Jon squeezes harder, as the Eye drops flash after flash into his mind. The last moment of all the people -all beings- whose last view was the Hunt-distorted face of Daisy Tonner. "That was not you. That was the Hunt."
"We're the same."
"No, you're not!" Jon snaps. "You're- it's different, Daisy. You are different. What you were before-"
"I was a monster." Daisy's voice holds a special sort of fragility, and Jon tightens his grip as much as he can.
"There are worse things to be."
They stay there for what feels like hours, until both their breathings slow down, until Daisy's shoulders stop shaking with the urge to chase, and her nails are no longer digging into Jon's shoulder.
"So... did something happen here, or is this just something you two do for fun?" Tim's voice comes from the still open door, and Daisy whips up so abruptly that Jon is just thrown back in a tangle of limbs. "Whoa, tense."
"Tim-" Jon clears his throat as he climbs to his feet. "This is not a good time."
"When is it anymore?" Tim arches an eyebrow. "So?"
"It's noth-" Jon stops himself, sighing at Tim's unimpressed, guarded look. He chooses to trust. It doesn't matter that Tim doesn't trust him back, he- there's a reason for that, and Jon has to live with it. Maybe forever, now. "The hunters came by. Daisy scared them off."
"Top dog, I like it." Tim smirks at Daisy's answering scoff, before turning to face Jon again. "Did they come for you?"
"No, they-" Jon freezes, Trevor's last sardonic remark ringing in his head like a bell.
They're gone. They're gone, and they- Daisy was able to track him down to Michael Crew's house before she even knew the Hunt was in her. Trevor and Julia are both experienced hunters, and they came here for-
Jon shoots out the door, shoving his way past Tim and ignoring Daisy's concerned call, and hers and Tim's footsteps behind him as he rushes up the stairs and out of the institute.
He knows the way to follow like a bird flying South for Winter, a thread of steel pulling at his very core as buildings and street signs rush past the edge of his vision. He doesn't know how long he's ran for, his lungs burn and his legs are tired, -Jon has never been an athlete- but he's getting closer and-
Jon turns a corner and slams against something solid and soft and warm, bouncing back with a huff before his mind registers the concerned blue-green eyes looking down at him, and the shouting in his head comes to a halt.
"You're alright," are the first words Jon can form coherently.
"I- am?" Gerry arches an eyebrow, and Jon laughs with relief before throwing his arms around him. "Jon?" Gerry asks, an arm coming to rest over his shoulders, a hand behind his head.
"Huh, you were right. I owe you a drink I guess." Melanie says, her voice both dry and unimpressed, and Jon flinches back from Gerry's embrace like he's been burned. She rolls her eyes. "What are you doing here?"
Of course they were together, they're hunting, how could he have forgotten?
"I- the- at the Institute-" Jon sputters. Melanie's not with the Slaughter anymore, but she wouldn't have let Gerry face the hunters alone. His face starts heating up as the uselessness of his mad dash through the city rains down on him.
"Jon, what happened?" Gerry asks, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Is anyone- shit!" Gerry yanks him and Melanie out of the way, throwing the three of them against the wall just as Tim and Daisy turn the corner at full speed.
"We're here!" Melanie calls out calmly, and the two of them skid a few feet before turning back to face them.
"What the fuck, Jon?!" Tim exclaims, steam shooting from his lips as he pants. Daisy eyes him in a way that makes it fairly clear she's thinking something along the same lines, and Jon wishes for nothing more than the earth to open up and swallow him whole. Again.
"Uh- yes, I can-"
"Explain why you made us run all the way to Chelsea?!" Tim shouts again.
"Stop yelling at him!" Daisy snarls. She looks considerably better than she did at the Institute, and Jon wonders if chasing after him did something for her. "Jon?"
Jon darts a look around, trying to gauge the general mood. Tim is, of course, furious. Both Gerry and Daisy are giving him mixed looks of worry and confusion, and Melanie seems to be enjoying his predicament.
"I- they were looking for him," Jon mutters, growing more and more embarrassed as Daisy and Tim start to connect the dots.
Daisy sighs. "You though of calling me on the phone, but not him?"
Oh. That's- Gerry does have a phone that he usually has with him.
"I... wasn't really thinking."
"You're kidding me." Tim groans, and immediately turns to the street to start hailing a cab down. "You're paying for my ride back, you asshole."
"Uh... can I ask what this is about?" Gerry leans down to whisper in his ear. Jon exhales, the relief at finding Gerry alive and well still swelling in his chest.
"At home. Please?"
Gerry's brow furrows, but he eventually nods. "At home, then." And he presses a kiss to Jon's temple.
Jon, who is most definitely not used to public displays of affection, freezes on his spot. His face burns even more when he hears Melanie groan as well, before she begins to walk away.
"Tim, can I ride with you? I don't want to stay any more."
"Be my guest. Maybe we can convince the driver to charge him by the passenger. Daisy, you coming?"
Jon sighs and steps away from Gerry, pulling his wallet out when a cab rolls to a stop before Melanie and Tim. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The idea of four walls and a door as a sanctuary is laughable in the world they move in, but home is home, and it's more about a feeling than it is about a space.
"Please don't go after them." Jon's voice is almost too quiet in the thick darkness of the room, but Gerry can taste the desperate intensity in the words just as clearly as if they'd been pressed to his lips.
"Why would I?" he asks, like the thought wasn't the first thing on his mind as soon as Jon ended his tale. It's not like he can pay them back for what they did to him, keeping him from his rest just to use him, but fuck it would be satisfying.
It's the emotions poured in it rather than the name, what makes Gerry feel like the breath has been punched out of him.
It's heavy with a sort of devotion Gerry's never been on the receiving end of, but that he's tasted in Jon's words before, sweetening Martin's name like a breathless prayer.
It's new.
It's terrifying.
It's intoxicating.
"Say my name again."
"Won't you look at that." The voice that reaches Gerry's ears when he climbs the last step out of the Archives makes Gerry freeze on his spot.
He's heard it a thousand times before, reading his last, most intimate moments like they were a particularly boring instruction manual, tearing him from the painful, burning dormancy of the book for another round of questioning.
"That sneaky bastard." Julia shakes her head with a disbelieving cackle. "Dear Gerard, long time no see. Sorry, it's 'Gerry' now, isn't it?" She was always the one asking the questions, impatient and snappy whenever Gerry took too long to answer.
Gerry snorts, his mouth twitching into a smile. These two are opportunistic hunters if he's ever seen any, a pair of hyenas looking for lonely prey.
"This is very convenient, you know?" Gerry cracks his neck. He's never killed hunters before; Gertrude always thought they were better left alone, since they usually went after other avatars. It's just fitting that Gerry's always been good at learning on the fly. "I promised Jon I wouldn't go looking for you. Didn't say anything about what would happen if you found me."
"Oh, you promised him? How sweet." Julia smirks as she moves, her eyes glued to him as she flanks him. "How did he get you like this, huh? You were much more useful when you were pocket-sized, let's go back to that."
"I hate to disappoint." Gerry focuses on her. She's younger, faster than Trevor. Her neck is also very thin, and he Knows she favors her right side, and forgets to watch her legs. It's just a matter of getting a good kick in-
"Let's just kill him. He's no good to us like this, and who knows what he is now." Trevor is at his other side, no doubt giving him the same evaluation he just gave Julia. "One less monster."
"Oh yes, that's your whole thing, isn't it?" Gerry arches an eyebrow. "Pretending you're doing this to save people, and not because you're just another pair of hungry dogs."
"Better than just playing house with the monsters, if you ask me. How's dear sweet Jon?"
"Doesn't it worry you?" Gerry ignores Julia's taunts, looking at Trevor instead. That always did irk her when she interrogated him. "She doesn't have the best track record with parents, if I were you, I'd be concerned about ending like Robert Montauk."
That does it.
Julia launches at him with a roar, and Gerry has barely enough time to plant his feet to catch her- before a burst of fog shoots out of nowhere between them and Julia skids to a stop inches from touching it.
"I'm going to have to ask you two to leave the premises, please." The three of them freeze as the fog dissipates, leaving behind only Martin's grey, cold-eyed form. Gerry feels his mind kicking into overdrive because this is bad in so many levels. First and foremost, Martin and the hunters are in the same place at the same time, and that's less than ideal. Then there is the fact that Martin just came out of the Lonely, and-
"Who the hell are you?" Julia goes to push Martin aside, pulling her hand back as if burned when it goes right through him. "What-"
"Out." Martin says, his eyes hard behind his glasses. "Unless you want to wait for the others, in which case feel free to stay, they should be here soon."
Gerry smirks at the nervous look that passes between the two. Of course they wouldn't like to be the outnumbered ones.
"Remember how you used to ask me about the monsters? I'll give you a freebie, for old time's sake," he says, stepping forward to stand next to Martin. "You don't want to wait."
"Real cute." Julia bares her teeth at him, and Trevor narrows his eyes. She then whips around on her heel and walks towards the door, only stopping for long enough for Trevor to reach her, and Gerry watches them go with a bitter smile.
The doors closing after them is almost deafening in the silence left behind. Out the corner of his eye Gerry can see Martin start fidgeting, and he takes a deep, calming breath before turning to face him. It's alright. Martin is- he's here, he just has to pull him back.
"Did you really call anyone else?" Gerry asks.
Martin rolls his eyes, and Gerry notices with a pang of guilt that they're a cool, muted gray, despite the interaction. "Of course not. But I had to get them out, and I heard Tim say that Daisy alone was enough to send them running. Figured the idea of more people would only be more effective."
"I could've taken them," Gerry shrugs. Then, and his voice has grown a bit weaker, "I didn't know you could go into the Lonely now."
Martin looks down at the fog rolling around him like he's seeing it for the first time. "Hm. I didn't notice I was in, actually."
"That's- Martin, that's worse." Gerry grimaces. Martin is still human -as far as he can See- but only barely so.
"Is it?" Martin asks, and his contour is starting to blur and fade again, like a mirror fogging up. "Stay here today, will you? I'm sure Jon will be happy to have you."
"Martin, please-"
But he's gone.
Gerry stares for a moment at the spot he disappeared on, but eventually he gives a long, defeated sigh as he starts the way back down the stairs to the Archives.
Sending the hunters running no longer feels like a victory.
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abduct-me-helen · 4 years
Class 108's Apocalypse Field Trip | Chapter 4.
“So, are we going to talk about it? Or….” Martin asked, looking at Jon with an expression he found he couldn’t decipher. The chatter of class 108 filled the comfortable silence that would usually occupy them on their journey.
“About what?” Jon avoided the question, turning his head back to check on the rest of the class. They’d originally formed two lines, headed by Jon at the front of both and Martin at the back. That had quickly fallen apart, and now they were more of a…blob, if anything.
Martin gave him a look. “I still don’t know how you’re smiting things here! I was about to ask you before we came across the school, but I decided it was best to wait until we calmed down a bit.”
“I-I killed it. I have the power, so I…so I killed it.” Jon turned his head away, facing decidedly frontwards.
“Yeah, but like, how? I’m-I’m sorry, I just don’t understand what actually happened.” Martin gestured, confused and frustrated.
“I-It’s hard to explain. We’re coming upon a domain of the,” he grimaced, memories of dirt and choking and pressure momentarily overtaking him, “buried. I would really rather-”
The sound of knocking cut him off, and the squeak of hinges made everyone silent. Static crackled, and Katie, ever alert, got out her knife just before Rosie silently directed everyone to draw their “weapons.”
Jon didn’t know what a pencil sharpener would do to the distortion, but he didn’t want to find out.
Martin turned, confused at why the quiet had set in. “What-”
“Look down, Martin.”
“Oh.” He paused, startled. “Wait, what?”
“No one get to close!” He called, running his hands through his hair and sighing. “Hello, Helen.”
“Oh, Hello! In a better mood now, are we? Feeling safer now that you know how to kill? And you’ve got a whole gang with you! How exiting.” Her eyes seemed to light up, literally.
“YEET.” Tabitha threw a pencil sharpener at Helen, but her body seemed to twist and absorb it in impossible ways, making Tabitha’s head hurt. She shook it off. “Stay away from us! Begone thot!”
The rest of the class began to recite various vines in agreement.
Martin facepalmed. Jon exhaled, forcing down the urge to scream.
Helen blinked, then her mouth pulled into an impossible grin. “You’ve got quite a crowd here, don’t you Archivist?”
Jon narrowed his eyes. “Touch them, and I will end you.”
Helen laughed and echoing laugh that hurt his ears. “Oh, Archivist. You really have grown! But no, I’m here for a chat. We are friends, aren’t we archivist? Allies?”
He gritted his teeth. “Sure.”
Martin butted in. “Will you tell me how he did it?”
“Martin-” Jon protested.
“He just keeps on being all vague about it.” Martin complained. Helen seemed to light up.
“Oh goodness. You see what you’ve done to the poor boy, Jon? He’s coming to me for answers.” She cackled, and Jon glowered.
“Shut up.” He said.
She giggled. “It is very satisfying though, isn’t it? Teasing the vague information? You can see why Elias got a kick out of it.”
“Elias?” Rosie questioned. “Isn’t that your boss?”
“That’s Eyeball Daddy’s sugar baby.” Tabitha told her. Rosie made an ‘ah’ noise of recognition.
Helen cackled in delight. “That’s what you’re calling him? Oh, I like you.” She grinned, and Tabitha made an awkward face. What was she supposed to do, when she’d somehow won the favor of an eldritch door person?
Take it like a champ, I guess, she thought.
“Don’t.” Martin said protectively.
“Don’t what, love?” Helen asked, batting her eyelashes. (Literally, bats flew out of them).
“Whatever you’re thinking of doing, stay away from them.” Helen pouted as Martin finished.
“But you aren’t any fun.” She said, her mouth curled downward in mock sadness.
“Look-just, just explain. Please.” Martin changed the subject, imploring her to alleviate his confusion. Jon glowered, but stayed decidedly still.
“Well,” she began, sporting a sharp grin, “We’re all here, Martin. The Stranger, the Buried, the Desolation, all of us. But the Eye still rules. All this fear is being performed for its benefit. And so, there are now exactly two roles available in this new world of ours: The Watcher, and the Watched. Subject, and object. Those who are feared, and those who are afraid. And John, well-he is part of the Eye. A very important part. And he’s able to, shall we say, shift its focus. Turn the one into the other. And for those of us whose very existence relies on being feared, well: to be turned into a victim destroys us utterly. And very, very painfully.”
A silence fell over everyone, before Cypress broke it.
“So, what you’re saying is, the clap of his ass cheeks alerted the Eye?” He questioned, ginger curls bobbing as he tilted his head.
“Eyeball Daddy.” Raphi muttered.
Helen sported a look of delight, before cackling once again. She wiped a tear from her eye, and Rosie noted that it was the color of a highlighter. As it fell to the ground, the grass it came in contact with seemed to glow.
“You really are fun!” She declared gleefully. “Archivist, for someone so dour you certainly have lively company. Who are all of you then?” Her head twisted unnaturally in interest.
Elliot instinctively looked to Rosie, and shrugged when he met her eyes. Her own were narrowed in thought, before she shook her head. Helen grinned.
“Oh! A smart one. But no, I’m not a fae and you are, regrettably, protected by our Archivist.” She sighed dramatically.
Jon ran a hand through his hair. “She’s right.” Helen lit up. Really. She glowed.
Tabitha, ever curious, tilted her head. “I’m Tabitha. Are you with the smexy weed?”
“The smexy weed?” Helen asked, unapologetically amused, “whatever do you mean?”
Cal let out a short laugh and Katie rolled her eyes.
“The one that makes you high.” Elliot intoned (un)helpfully.
Martin groaned. “Wh-you know what. I’m just going to leave it.”
Helen was grinning now. “Yes! I’m with the Spiral, or the smexy weed, if you prefer!”
“Dope.” Elliot said, and Rosie raised an eyebrow.
“Wait a second,” Martin spoke, putting his hands up and turning to Jon, “why were you being so cryptid about it anyway? It doesn’t seem very complicated so I don’t know why you were being so coy about-”
“Because I’m ashamed, Martin.” Jon cut him off, sighing and clenching his jaw.
“Yes! Ashamed of the fact that I just-destroyed the world and have been rewarded for it, the fact that-I can walk safe through all this horror I’ve created like a…fucking tourist, destroying whoever I please. The fact that I…enjoyed it, and…the fact that there are so many others that I want to revenge myself on!”
A pall of silence fell over them.
“Mr. Sims?” Cypress spoke.
Jon sighed. “Yes?”
“You said the fuck word.” Cypress informed him solemnly. The rest of the class nodded.
“That’s what you take from that?!” Jon said exasperatedly.
“Well, I mean, about what you said, I actually think you’re good on that front.” Cypress said hesitantly.
“Yeah, I, I, I think we should go for it, get our murder on!” Cal exclaimed. They’d been silent nearly the entire time, naturally a shy person and even quieter when scared. Rosie raised an eyebrow, and Tabitha cheered, slinging an arm over their shoulders.
“Yes Cal! You go!” Tabitha high fived them.
“I agree with that.” Martin spoke, surprising Jon.
“How-what?” Jon said incredulously.
“Yes Martin!” Helen cheered, delighted by this new development.
“Th-this isn’t like it was before! We’re not talking about innocent bystanders in cafes here, John; these things are-th-they’re just evil, plain and simple, and right now they’re torturing and tormenting everyone!  If you want to stop them and have the power to, then-then, then yeah, let’s do it, let’s go full Kill Bill!”
“I-I haven’t seen it.” Jon breathed in surprised.
“Oh, Martin, I am so proud of you. Can I come too?” Helen asked ecstatically.
“No.” All of class 108 intoned.
Helen pouted. “So mean! I take it back, you’re no fun at all.”
“Coming from you, I would think that a good thing.” Rosie pointed out as Sydney nodded her agreement.
Helen sighed dramatically. “Fair, fair. I think I’ll take my leave, now. Don’t be a stranger!”
The creaking of the impossible, yellow door signals her exit, and Tabitha’s eyes widen.
“Guys!” she exclaims, face bright with a new, disastrous idea. Katie groans preemptively. “We should do a Tiktok with her!”
Regrettably, Tabitha’s idea was immediately shut down, and they soon continued on their path until Jon came to a stop, gritting his teeth.
“We’re here.”
He’d explained that they’d have to cross through multiple nightmares in order to reach the Panopticon, along with the statements he’d have to give. Though Sydney had wondered, she hadn’t asked if he knew the whereabouts of any of her classmates.
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to know.
No, that was a lie. Above anything else, Tabitha needed knowledge like water. She felt incomplete without it, whatever the cost of that knowledge would be. She would rather mourn a death then be ignorant and happy.
“Are you going to…?” Martin prompted, and Jon nodded, sighing.
“You should all leave while I-”
“No.” Rosie and Tabitha intoned at once, looking at each other surprised.
“Why not?” Martin questioned, wondering why anyone would want to have to listen to that.
“I…,” Rosie breathed, “you said this was about the Buried, right?”
“Y-yes.” Jon stammered, taken aback.
She sighed, tightening her side ponytail as a distraction. She often found playing with her hair gave her comfort.
“I-I can’t explain it. It’s not like I’ll sleep any easier without,” she gestured, “this.” She finished lamely.
Jon and Martin had a silent conversation, and though Jon was apprehensive, he sighed and gestured for her to sit down. He then turned to Tabitha, raising his eyebrow.
“What about you?”
“I need to know.” She said. “I-I can’t be in the dark in a world like this. I just-I need to know.”
Martin nodded, still doubtful. He gestured for the rest of the class, who were staring at the two girls like they were insane, to follow him over to (what appeared to be) a tree.
“-Better to keep him buried, neatly away.” Jon finished, and Rosie breathed out shakily. Jon looked at her, really looked, and was confused to find that she looked almost sated.
He turned to Tabitha, and she seemed the same, though in a far more familiar way. He couldn’t quite place it, but something was…off.
“Are you both okay?” They nodded at his question, and Rosie helped Tabitha up.
“Yeah, I don’t know, I just…” Tabitha hesitated, “I feel…weird.”
“Weird?” He intoned, raising an eyebrow in concern. “Not scared?”
“No-I mean, yeah, I’m scared, but…” she shook her head. “Never mind, it’s not important. Hey, why is Katie stabbing a tree?”
As it turned out, the tree wasn’t as inanimate as they’d thought, and after being chased around for a bit, Martin got separated from the rest of the class. Not too far; he could still see them in the distance, and they appeared to have killed(?) the tree.
Where did Katie get an axe?
He shook his head, trying to clear his mind, when a phone rang out of nowhere. He jumped, surprised.
It was coming from the ground.
He scowled, running his hand through his hair in annoyance, before a clanking noise got his attention from the right. A metal spade just seemed to…appear. Out of nowhere.
“A spade? Really? I mean, isn’t that a little insensitive?” He questioned irritably, sighing to himself.
“Right, so we’re doing this then.”
He began to dig until he reached the phone, yanking it up. He wasn’t surprised to find that there was no landline attaching it to the other caller.
“Hello?” He asked.
“Hello. Is that Martin?”
He cursed inwardly.
“Don’t do that.” He warned.
“Not in the mood for games?” Her voice was decidedly amused.
“You know I’m not.” He told her.
“No fun.”
“Yes, well-look, I’m talking to Annabelle Cane, right?” He said, already knowing the answer to that question.
“You never gave me yours, why should I give you mine?” Martin wondered if she was being this difficult on purpose. Knowing the Web, she probably was.
“Just-what do you want?” He asked tiredly, sighing.
“To help, of course!”
“No. Thank you.” He declined sharply.
“Oh, I think you’ll want to hear this. Marcy Schroeder isn’t dead.”
“W-what?!” He exclaimed.
He didn’t know much about the girl, hadn’t even known her last name before he’d heard Annabelle say it, but he knew enough about what had happened when one of class 108’s first expeditions had wandered into the Web.
“That’s what I said! She’s been kept alive for a reason, though I don’t know what. I suspect it has something to do with the end.”
“Where is she?”
“Now, now, that’s information you’ll have to pay for.”
“With what?”
“Good question. I’ll need to let the situation play out a bit first, and then I’ll know what you can pay me. I’ll keep in touch!”
The line went dead.
“Well, shit.”
Rosie was quiet, Tabitha noticed, as she played with her hair languidly, posture tired and face blank with a subtle confusion and scowl. She walked over casually, trying to surprising her from behind, then frowned when Rosie didn’t react.
Tabitha tilted her head, then sat on the log beside her.
“You okay?” She asked, concern blindingly evident in her voice. Rosie didn’t respond.
They sat in a comfortable silence, looking out at the green tinted world in front of them. The watchful eye of the Panopticon looked back, and Tabitha gave it a challenging glare.
“Did I ever tell you about the sinkhole?” Rosie broke the quiet, not even glancing beside her.
“No, I don’t think you did.” Tabitha replied, and was silently disgusted with her own burning hunger for the information Rosie must have been referencing.
Rosie finally turned to Tabitha, chocolatey eyes dull. “When I was in middle school-it must have been fifth or sixth grade-I was caught in a sinkhole. I was buried for two days, under the earth. The Doctor’s didn’t know how I survived, but I did.”
Tabitha’s eyes were wide as Rosie continued her tale.
“The earth…moved. And not in the normal ways. It was unnatural. It tried to choke me, but I didn’t fight back. I just, let it. And I wasn’t afraid. I was,” she spoke sourly, “comforted, by the pressure. It felt like a hug, except, an important one. The earth was hugging me, Tabitha.”
Rosie’s gaze sharpened, and Tabitha’s hunger seemed to increase.
“And I let it. My parents are-were,” she grits, remembering the loss and silently wondering which nightmare they were trapped in, “amazing to me. But they weren’t tactile people by any stretch. And the earth…it was everywhere. And I think I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. A ‘medical marvel,’ that’s what the doctors said at least.
“I’ve never told anyone before, but you of all people I feel like I can tell things. You just,” she gestured absently, “have that feel about you.”
“Are you vibe checking me?” Tabitha joked, trying to ease the tension. Rosie smiled gratefully.
“I suppose I am.” Rosie responded, before growing solemn again. “I think…well, you can figure that out.” She looked to Tabitha, willing her to fill in the blanks.
“You think it was the Buried.” Tabitha reasoned, thinking to herself.
Rosie didn’t need to say anything; they both knew that what happened wasn’t possible by any other explanation.
“…we need to come up with a name for it.” Tabitha spoke to herself, and Rosie raised an eyebrow.
“I may not have been scared of being buried alive, but hearing those words terrifies me.” Rosie deadpanned.
“Aw, Ro, I’m flattered. You say the nicest things.” Tabitha cooed, and they both laughed quietly.
“…I have an idea.”
“Oh no.”
“The Great Bondage, the Choking Kink-”
“Okay, I’ve heard enough.”
“Hey! Don’t leave me here! What about the buddy system-”
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lookingseeing · 4 years
okay! finally tma 174- The Great Beast
alright. i thought this was about the spiral maybe? idk i saw someone mention helen, thats the only spoiler i have. um... the episode description looks like the vast, so do the content warnings, though "distortion" is definitely a key word of the spiral so.
Marie. okay hello, whats up with her. there was an eclipse this weekend irl but it wasnt really visible unfortunately, but maybe thats good bc this unending eclipse? sucks.
yo thats the ritual of the vast that the spaceship crew was working on right? the uhhhhh Daedalus? i went to look it up but i remembered, and the statement giver's name was..... ah. Jan Kilbride, did have to look that up. wait was that the tirual for the dark? the dark sun? the Daedalus trip had the Lonely, the Vast, and the Dark all fucking around on it
is it marie or marine???
memory stuff, but this time connected to the vast. thats interesting. i have absolutely no idea what this means
this is kinda Dark oriented what with the giant shadow, but its definitely the Vast, clearly. the Vast was historically centered around space, the ocean, and the sky, so new angles are great
so is simon fairchild gonna make an appearance? where is jon? where is martin? clearly the most important things to be asking right now
Edward whats good my dude. oh that sucks im sorry. oh god. oh no. "the impossible colossus" thats a dope line. ....could be a band name. this guy losing limbs now? i think i missed something
claustrophobia? another element of a different entity? would the rock climbing also be the buried? i suppose its true that the Vast is uhhh unknowable and all encompassing so if it has other fears folded into it thats some interesting and spicy worldbuilding
ahhahah edward how are we. feeling mortal fear yet? i am! im writing this from an airplane thousands of feet in the sky! why'd i do that to myself! fuck! EDWARD NO he will be missed
the beast!!!!! its a fuckin mishmash of people okay. and when edward is cast out he is no longer part of the whole and is painfully an individual, tiny, insignificant.... oh hey he's fine actually! great. he's part of the giant beast again. "the great, suffering colossus" FUCK YEAH OKAY IM DOWN WITH THIS giant man made of smaller men
so those booms in the background are the footsteps of the colossus beast?
"okay so what counts as a day" "excellent question" *indignant martin noises* good
SIMON.??? HELLO! missed this shitty old man! i mean only like a little. oh hey has he never met jon? that's fantastic. also i like that he clearly just fell out of the sky next to them. hope he's okay physically? hopefully he's not a talking smear of blood? that would suck and also hey please leave martin alone- fuckin get his ass martin!!
martin being annoyed with jon for being a little too casual and almost borderline friendly to other avatars is great. i am obsessed with the conflict there, bc jon is like oh these people are like me, whereas martin sees them as Monsters and wants them all fuckin Eradicated, which uhhhhh is definitely a problem for these two's relationship. martin keeps trying to get jon to distance himself from his avatar-ness too
this scene is hilarious alfjjdjsls Kill Him. ...c-can he do that?? Yeah And He's Going To.
and jon let him go!!!!!!!! bc he seemed like a chill dude! martin you have to understand that maybe jon doesn HELEN
anyways. love avatars either struggling with being a monster and trying to stay human, or, more commonly, saying fuck it and going all in. hey martin? maybe committing murders makes jon feel like a Bad Person, a Monster if you will. but martin sees it as heroic bc he doesn't see them as people like jon does
aaaaand now we're talking about it! helen it is not boring!!!!!!!!! Let Jon Speak...... though...... i do have to agree with helen a bit. if jon goes full feral he'd be having a much better time
aw martin..... no jon you deserve the apology "he threatened to throw me off a rollercoaster" excellent. yeah it is scary if you think about it but yeah. that is funny as hell
glad we're still on board with killing elias. melanie and i have only been waiting for it since season TWO
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gretchensinister · 4 years
An Archer, Of Course, Is Familiar With Loopholes
Right after TMA 173, Martin and Jon encounter two beings, neither people nor avatars, who’ve decided to take care of at least one part of the general awfulness that’s going on. Cameo by Helen. This IS a crossover and if you know me it probably IS what you expect.
The incident occurs shortly before Martin and Jon leave the domain of the Dark. They haven’t seen anyone for a while, nor anything that might have been anyone under better circumstances. But then, suddenly, they do. There wasn’t anything for the pair to have walked out from behind, no feature of the landscape that would have allowed it, but, well...it is dark. Though one of the pair is, in fact, shining, and it seems logical that they would have been visible from quite a long way off.
Oh well, stranger things, and all that. But the one that’s shining seems very much as though they shouldn’t be allowed, here. Their companion, on the other hand, seems as though they should be blending into the landscape, but they aren’t. There’s something not allowed about them, too, though they’re even darker than...well...the Dark.
Martin narrows his eyes, trying to make sense of them on his own, first. He doesn’t come up with anything. “Jon? Are those people, or what, that we’re approaching?”
“Not people,” Jon replies at once. “They’re—” He groans and presses his hands to the sides of his head. “Not avatars, either, but it’s—very difficult to explain.”
Martin is about to ask another question when the other pair gets within earshot...or something.
Was this what you were going for, though? If it was, I should have hit you harder.
The voice is soundless, manifesting directly in his brain, and that should be disturbing, like so much else about the world now, but instead it makes him...sleepy? He hasn’t needed to sleep since before, and now...this is real sleepiness. A real human sensation. It feels bizarrely good to have a normal human need again. He yawns hugely, and the shining figure (who he can now see is very short) gives him a dazzling smile. But no, not a human smile.
“You should have hit me harder anyway; I murdered you,” the dark one (the much taller one) says, and they sound so normal (aside from what they’re saying) Martin almost wants to laugh. “And no? I mean, this is all…” They take a deep breath and roll their shoulders. “I mean, I can’t deny that whatever we’re going to do here, it’s going to be very easy for me. I’m not going to have any power problems. But I do have standards! This isn’t really fun. And I respect blankets. It’s bad form, otherwise. So. No. I admit. No. Because I have standards.”
Anything else? The bright one gives him a cheeky grin.
“And because I have you, my dearest opposing cosmic force.”
They’re only a few meters away from Martin and Jon now, and when Martin looks over at Jon, he looks like he’s having the world’s worst headache. “What are you doing here?”
He doesn’t hold anything back about the question, and Martin feels the wake of it, wants to start explaining his part in this quest from the point he decided to lie on his CV. Only with effort does he manage to keep himself quiet, but even the effort doesn’t distract him from the little secret (as secret as anything can be, considering) thrill that always runs through him when Jon doesn’t hold himself in check, when he realizes how careful Jon is being at all other times. But the pair—the couple—sure, why not, stranger things, etc.—don’t react at all. As if they were simply unavailable to Jon’s power. When they do answer, it’s as if they’re people answering the question of an ordinary person.
Curiously, this doesn’t bring Martin any fear.
We just wanted to make sure you weren’t us, the bright one says. Certain parallels, certain depictions, the world full of fear—we had to check; it’s important to keep track of these things. I suppose there’s probably an us here, but they’re not you. They turn and looks up at the dark one. But also—well, you can explain this part, Pitch.
The dark one—Pitch—rolls their eyes. “Very well. I suppose I can’t worry about my reputation when I’m not even supposed to be here. Anyway. When we came here we could tell what was going on with the kids, and…yes, even from my perspective it’s not right, it’s no way to live. It’s all…too real. So I’m going to get them all out of here.” They put air quotes around the word “get.” “I’m the expert in that, you could say. And I will return them when they won’t be coming back to this.” They gesture around.  “When they come back maybe more of them will even stay put after being tucked in, eat their vegetables, etc. Though it’ll be somewhat complicated to teach anything after getting so many. Then again, it does feel like I’m a battery being charged by a supernova while I’m here, so. Maybe I will be able to do it.”
“Who are you?” Jon asks, and Martin now has the feeling that Jon isn’t being careful right now because he can’t, as if the presence of these two beings is like putting a powerful magnet next to some complex piece of electronics, making it go haywire. And this isn’t even going into any of the things they’ve said.
“I don’t actually have to answer that question, even when you do…whatever it is that you do,” Pitch says. They shrug. “I can’t actually tell what it is. So, as much as I love attention…I wonder, is it refreshing, to have someone just say no, when you ask something? Or does it make you…nervous?” They laugh. “I can’t tell, myself. Ordinarily I’d be able to. Turnabout is fair play, I guess. Anyway, we’re taking the children.”
Martin finally finds his voice. “How do we know where you’re taking them won’t be worse? To know all the kids would be…okay, for the duration…sorry, but it’s hard to trust that much of an improvement in things.”
Pitch turns to him. “Let me put it this way. I’m just as aware as your partner of what this world’s children are experiencing right now, and I have tens of thousands of years more existence-experience to understand it. Coming with me will be a distinct change in circumstances for all of them, and that change, by definition, is going to be an improvement.” They sigh. “Look, my place is mostly a horrible cave, but it’s got plenty of room and I can mold it into something livable fairly easily. The children won’t even have nightmares every time they sleep because my better half won’t allow it.”
Now, now, we can’t think of ourselves as two halves of one being, the bright one says. It makes the other Guardians more nervous than anything else we do.
“Guardians,” Jon mutters. “When I spoke with Gerry, he explained—was he wrong? Please answer, I—”
I’m sorry, the bright one says in their minds. Not in this world. Not in the same way. At least…no, I don’t know, I can’t tell. But there are more things possible than you understand. After all, Pitch and I were human once, too.
“And now look at you! Not even bothering with ear holes, or human proportions, or, well, a lot of human things, really.”
Helen is not really a surprise at this point, Martin decides.
Though maybe the little bright one knowing her is, he amends.
“How did we manage to run into someone you already know here?” Pitch asks, sounding for all the world like a long-suffering introvert with an extrovert spouse.
Oh, you know, gold and yellow, dreams and madness. Dreamland has a lot of interesting neighbors.
On one level, Martin knows this could be important. If the new beings—and even Helen, really—keep talking, he and Jon might gain some more insight about the apocalypse. But Jon looks worse than ever, and since Helen is asking the beings why they didn’t bring her any sand, of all things, he’d really prefer this little tête-à-tête to wrap up tout suite. “We’re done here,” he interrupts, as forcefully as he can. Which he knows isn’t very, but…somehow it works this time. He wraps a supportive arm around Jon’s waist. “Look,” he says to the two beings. “I know I don’t understand all this, but you need to leave. I guess I believe you about the kids, that it really…couldn’t be worse. So…yeah. Don’t bring them back until it’s better.”
They both nod, and then the little one takes a sudden step towards him and Jon. “No, Sandy,” Pitch says, grabbing their shoulder. “You can’t touch them. If it did anything—you can tell it’s not allowed.”
Sandy (apparently) closes their eyes and sighs soundlessly. I know. It has to play out first. But it looks so unbalanced right now. They open their eyes and glance up to Pitch before fixing their gaze on Martin and Jon in turn. And yet. I wish you well.
“Well. Thanks,” says Martin. “But if that was the thing you do, I couldn’t feel it do anything.”
I guess I should’ve expected that.
“Come on, Sandy,” Pitch says. “Let’s get the kids.”
They walk deeper into The Dark, with nothing more said to Martin and Jon. Sandy doesn’t dim at all, despite what they’re going into, and Martin wonders a little bit more about what kind of powers he and Jon just couldn’t feel. Helen and her door goes with them, and Martin hears her say one last thing before the distance grows too much: “I won’t tell you not to worry, but Martin is one to watch, you know?” Whatever that means. At least Jon is able to support more of his own weight now, and seems less likely to have his head explode.
“Let’s start putting some distance between us and them,” Jon says, though he’s not yet standing on his own. “It wouldn’t matter, usually, but…I don’t want to know what they’re doing, and I think I can manage that the farther we are from them.”
“All right,” Martin says.
After a few minutes of walking (stumbling forward) and thinking, Martin muses aloud: “The way Pitch said ‘get,’ talking about nightmares, about kids staying tucked in, etc…like, were they just your bog-standard childhood boog—”
“Don’t say it,” Jon says. “I think I can forget that encounter and for the kids…I need to. We can’t talk about it. I can’t think about the potential existence of any other…kinder…world. Where they’d be the only one ever grabbing at anyone’s ankles from under the bed.”
“So we just assume that the situation with the kids is the same as how we left them,” Martin says.
“You can feel how easy it is to remember things that way,” Jon says. “If you let it happen.”
“Just tape over the last half hour?”
“Hah,” Jon says. “Exactly.”
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houseofbeesart · 4 years
Helen’s Gift
Written for @tmagirlsweek
TMA girls week, day one: archival employees
Sasha was running from the creature from the table during Jane Prentiss's attack, and she accidentally went through Michael's door. She spent some time in the hallways until she finds another door that leads her back into the archives. However, the archives are not the same as when she left.
Sasha breathed a sigh of relief as she pushed the door open and the world righted itself. She hadn’t been paying attention to where she was running while she tried to escape that thing from the table, and she accidentally ran through Michael’s door. Luckily, Michael seemed to let her be as she looked for another door in the shifting, impossible hallways, however long that took.
But she was out now, and from the looks of it, she was still in the archives. She couldn’t see any worms though, so she must have been in the hallways longer than she thought. Whatever, her first goal had to be to make sure Tim, Jon, and Martin were safe.
The workspace of the archives was empty, and Jon’s office light was off, but Sasha could hear voices coming from the break room. Instead of her coworkers though, Sasha found three women sitting around the break room.
“Melanie?” Sasha asked, recognizing one of them. “What are you doing here?”
All three women looked up, startled. Melanie’s face paled in shock and horror as the black woman wearing a hijab moved to put herself between Sasha and a small blonde girl with a buzz cut.
“What the fuck are you?” Melanie growled. A knife seemingly appearing in her hand as she stood from her chair.
“Melanie, slow down, we don’t know what’s going on,” the black woman warned.
“It’s the Stranger,” Melanie spat, and Sasha startled backward at the fury she saw in Melanie’s eyes. “It’s fucking wearing the face of Sasha James.”
The two other women gasped. “What?” Sasha asked. “Melanie, I’m me, what’s going on?”
“I’m not an idiot,” Melanie scoffed. “You’ve got five seconds to run before I get to make up for missing out on the Unknowing.
“What are you talking about?” Sasha repeated, raising her hands in surrender. “Listen, there were worms attacking the institute, and this sort of creature that came out of a table tried to grab me, but I got loose and ran through a door that belonged to this creature named Micheal! I know it sounds crazy but you’ve got to believe me! I was wandering around the hallways until I found a door that led me back into the archives!”
Melanie continued advancing, but the black woman grabbed her arm.
“Do you think it’s possible she’s telling the truth?” she asked.
“Elias said no one ever comes back,” Melanie growled, not taking her eyes off Sasha.
“And Elias is the trustworthy sort?” the other pointed out.
“He might’ve just said that so we didn’t waste our time looking,” the blonde suggested.
“It’s been years, why would she escape now?” Melanie said, gritting her teeth. Sasha realized that she could see tears welling up in Melanie’s eyes, although they didn’t mask any of the anger still there.
“We could ask Helen,” Basira suggested.
“Fine,” Melanie spat. “You better be fucking telling the truth. You, follow Basira and don’t try anything. I’m going to be right behind you the whole time.”
Not wanting to make anything worse, Sasha just nodded and kept her hands up as she followed the woman apparently called Basira downstairs.
The yellow door the Sasha had escaped from was still there.
“Be careful!” Sasha tried to warn as Basira approached it, but she felt Melanie’s knife touch her back and quickly shut her mouth.
Instead of opening it, though, Basira just knocked, and after a few moments, the door opened to reveal a tall black woman with giant, sharp hands like Michael.
“Oh good! You found my gift!” she exclaimed.
“So what she’s saying is true? This is really Sasha James?” Basira asked.
“Of course! Michael liked her and decided to keep her in our halls, but she was there quite a while, and she wasn’t scared enough to make a good meal, so I thought you might like her back!” the woman explained.
“Sasha?” Melanie whispered, dropping her knife. Sasha nodded slowly, and Melanie moved to her front and hugged her tightly. “I’m so sorry.” Sasha was more confused than when she was n the reality-bending halls, but she returned the hug.
“Um, thank you for letting her back out,” Basira said. “Is there anyone else you’re keeping in your halls? Besides Jared, I mean.”
“No one you should worry yourselves over, dears! Goodbye!” the woman said, stepping back into the halls and shutting the door.
Melanie finally let go of Sasha and stepped backward. The room stayed silent and she could feel everyone’s eyes on her, including the still-unnamed blonde who she hadn’t realized had even followed them downstairs until now.
“So, that was another creature like Michael? I kind of thought he was the only one,” Sasha said, reaching for anything to break the silence.
“Actually, it’s more like she was Michael, but then she became Helen. It’s a long story. It all is, really. I’m Basira, by the way, and that’s Daisy.” Basira explained.
“We should move this into the tunnels,” Daisy suggested, her voice softer than Sasha expected it to.
“Tunnels?” Sasha asked. “And not that it’s not nice to meet you two, and see you again Melanie, but where are Tim, Martin, and Jon?”
The three women looked at each other. “You’ve missed a lot, Sasha,” Melanie sighed. “Let’s go down to the tunnels and we can try to explain.”
Sasha felt her stomach drop. “No. Just, tell me where archive staff is, please. Tim must be so worried, Jon and Martin too. I need to see them.”
“Martin’s busy and Jon’s out right now,” Basira said. “And you need to understand some things before you see each other again. Anyways, we are the archival assistants now.”
“What does that even mean? And where’s Tim?” Sasha insisted, feeling panic bubble inside her.
“Tim’s dead, Sasha,” Daisy said, softly but with a certainty that Sasha couldn’t argue against, no matter how much she wanted to. She felt like the floor had just dropped out from under her. “He died in an explosion, stopping the things that killed his brother, and until ten minutes ago, we thought killed you.”
Sasha felt Melanie place a hand on her shoulder, but Sasha shook it off. Tim couldn't be dead. He was her best friend. Tim definitely couldn't have died thinking that she was dead. What kind of Romeo and Juliet bullshit was that?
"Come on," Daisy ordered. "Who knows when Jon is going to get back and like Basira said, it's not going to go well if you don't understand what happened first."
Melanie gently took Sasha's hand and led her slowly down into the tunnels that were apparently underneath the archives.
Slowly, the three began to explain what had happened while Sasha had been in the hallways, Sasha sitting silently, already too in shock to ask questions.
"So Robert Smirke was right about his dumb fear bullshit, and a Stranger asshat stole my identity, meaning no one is even going to recognize me, and I was stuck in the hallways of the Spiral for years while my best friend died and my boss turned into a cryptid," Sasha summarized. "Tim must've been pissed that Smirke was right about anything."
Melanie chuckled. "Oh, he was," she agreed.
"So, what do I do now?" Sasha asked.
"I don't know," Melanie admitted after a pause, "but whatever it is, we'll figure it out. You're welcome to hide out in the tunnels with us for as long as you want, though. Us archival assistants have to stick together, right?"
"Apparently we don't have much of a choice," Sasha pointed out.
"It sounds better if we pretend we do, though," Melanie said.
"Alright, fair enough," Sasha conceded, a smile ghosting her lips. "Go team Archives, I suppose."
Read on ao3
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peachdoxie · 4 years
Okay! I’ve listened to eight more episodes of the Magnus Archives (99-106) and took notes on my phone in place of a liveblog, since my phone still can’t access tumblr. My laptop can, though, so I emailed the notes to myself. I figured I’d just post them all here for those of you following my liveblog, and also as a record for myself. It’s considerably more disjointed than when I usually post liveblog comments, but whatever. Anyway, below the cut are the notes. No spoilers, please.
Running list of the names that have showed up for sure
The Spiral
The Web
The Eye
The End
The Stranger
(Two others)
Possible names
The Buried? (Was this what Gertrude destroyed in the pit episode??)
The Hunt?
The Hive (is this the same as the Web)
The Filth?
The Meat (where does this fall??)
The Shrinking Walls (maybe the Buried?)
Episode 99:
Rip Jon worrying about his humanity and also the other people
Lol @jon worrying about the Admiral
WTF Gertrude's Michael is also the Michael???
How many Michaels are there???
Jon got kidnapped by the Russian/cockney guys
Episode 100:
Woman saw burning ghost of a woman in her flat. Jude?
Such an awkward episode lol
Peter Lucas person randomly shows up, static on tape, and says he has an appointment with Elias
"The only person you have to rely on is yourself" - but Jon is worried he's losing his sense of self, maybe?
Episode 101:
Michael doesn't want the Circus or the Archive to win
He wants to kill Jon for revenge
Did Gertrude sacrifice Michael for some reason? (Reminds me of the pit guy crying)
"To destroy our transcendence"
Gertrude was good at "distorting the truth"
Michael (assistant) reminds me of Martin
Who the fuck was Gertrude???
"Of becoming. Of finally crossing the threshold into yourself."
Gertrude's map to Michael - who? how? why?
"And Michael became me."
What the actual fuck
"Reduced once again to feeding on the ??? and the confused"
Michael said Jon was a better Archivist than Gertrude—what???
The door is locked, but Michael says it's not (then he screams) WHAT THE FUCK
Helen Richardson....so Michael is now Helen, sort of. What's her game? She doesn't know yet. She is rescuing Jon though.
Episode 102:
The Dance, the Chorus
They need an important skin (hence the bear, but also maybe Jon's)
Jon having random knowing powers
I stg if Jon has to sacrifice Martin to save the world
Jon can read French
"stranger or filth"
There were several episodes with New Zealand
Get Jon some fucking therapy
Episode 103:
"Statement ends" *done sigh* (he does this like every episode lol)
So Jon used his abilities to get the traffic guy to get the paper
And now he's going behind Elias's back to meet with Daisy and get her to....?
Jon didn't realize he'd turned the recorder on. Huh. Was it him who did it? Was it a subconscious thing? Hmm.
Episode 104:
Martin also zones out when reading statements
When did someone tell Martin about the Unknowing?
Tim has the circus book at the same time as all the stuff. Coincidence?
Why is Jon in China?
Also rip Tim. Why is his brother's disappearance relevant?
Ghost buildings. We've seen these before, like in the Pall Mall episode, and maybe the Archive as well.
I'm not surprised that Robert Smirck is involved
"The show must go on" what did he see???
Is this experience why Elias hired Tim? If so...why Martin?
How diegetic is the circus music? Didn't Jon say something about hearing music when talking about the circus earlier?
Huh. So Elias doesn't want Tim involved. Why?
Episode 105:
A sister organization. Hm.
Seeing the faces of those killed in the mirrors. And singing.
Was Gertrude searching for a new power? Why was she in China??
Oh, so Gertrude sent two files to somewhere in the US. Huh. Why?
Episode 106:
Didn't we already hear this guy speak already? I know the Daedalus came up before. I think.
"Existential vertigo"
This isn't the same one
OH this is isolation guy but from one of the other's perspective
Existential reasons - part of the psych profile?
Manuela and lasers
"The sense of a presence"
How does this connect to the isolation guy story?
Was this guy claimed as an avatar of this thing?
This is like the opposite of the shrinking walls. Are all the powers opposites?
Did Manuela also experience something?
Eldritch horror thing
This episode is quite unsettling
Where did that guy go? We’ve seen several “disappeared off the face of the earth” people
Also, when are they gonna connect the Daedalus statements together?
This episode passed the Bechdel test
Also, Melanie just....forgot? what she was reading
Also lol @them wondering if Jon and Martin are a thing
"I could have placed the ideas in your head" wtf who IS Elias?
What is Elias doing to Melanie? What the fuck.
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