#anyway now I want an au where Pearl leaves Rose to be a truly independent Gem and this action echoes through time forevermore
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inkshine · 1 year ago
I feel like if you think about it, Pearl could've rebelled from the rebellion itself. She could have said "I'm a free Gem now, I bow to no one! I'm leaving to explore the world/galaxy, goodbye!"
(and that would have given Pink/Rose seventeen more layers of trauma, but we're not going to get into that right now-)
But she didn't. She chose to remain by the side of her Diamond.
And I just gotta wonder, at one point did she stop staying out of her role as a servant and start staying out of love? When did the path of one perspective end and the other begin? Were they ever truly separate in the first place? It's clear that Pearl was in love with Rose for like, ever, but when did she decide that she was officially choosing her own love for Rose over her programmed loyalty to her? Did she ever fully separate the two feelings?
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punkdaddylouis · 6 years ago
// two prudes: code red //
chapter two of my punk louis au. behold, some zouis brotp moments - thanks in advance if u would proceed to read on ! x
//a one night stand; don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man//
at around 9:30 in the morning of a monday, louis pushes at the entrance door of code red and strolls inside with delilah nestled to his side, making the bell hooked atop the door ring soundly throughout the area.
he meets with the relaxing atmosphere of the air conditioned and truly spacious shop, some metal music playing to a minimum level in the background.
he sees the same multi-purpose cool shop with its skateboards all hanging on one slanted corner, boxes filled of stuff louis yet doesn't know - perhaps some wheels and other tools.
on one corner there are shelves specially for comic books of any kinds, even k-zones and mangas. on the center are aisles with neat alignments of vinyls and stacks of cds with headphones hooked to some, the certain lists one is allowed to listen to for free. and then there's a door on the other end, just right below the shelf of skateboards, with the neon sign that says guns & roses tattoo parlor.
a head from behind the counter snaps up as he nears, and louis is right away met by a pair of dashing hazel brown eyes framed by dark eyelashes, the owner of them being his ex-boyfriend slash best mate for three years now, zayn javaad malik. the brooding guy with the jet black hair and arms littered with tattoos just like louis himself.
"morning, lou," he greets eerily, voice thin as per usual, flashing those white pearls, lower lip decorated by a round piercing on the right corner.
snickering mentally to himself, louis deems out of nowhere not remembering a single time zayn's voice was ever that thin when he was fucking him into oblivion and he was groaning like a rabid animal.
but of course, that was in the past. louis and zayn are now just best friends, or more like, brothers from another mothers, something like that. zayn ended them, and louis was chill enough to just shrug and agree to his decision. i think i'm just gonna go find my true penguin.
penguin? what the fuck are you talking about, zaynie boy? louis had laughed so hard, sex hazy and high with consumed marijuana.
penguin, lou. zayn shook louis' arms, as if wanting him to wake the fuck up. it's like, your soulmate, yeh? because when penguins mate, they never leave their other halves anymore. it's like, their forever, ye know?
louis had blinked at him, sobering up by the absurdity of it all. and then he pushed at zayn and straddled his hips. will you shut the fuck up? you're beautiful, baby, it's true, but fuck, you're also the fucking lamest, most cliché person ever. and then he surged down, kissed zayn and shut him up for the last 5 hours as they fucked once again.
like, zayn is just...the weirdest weirdo louis has ever known in his life. and he's seen worse.
truth be told, he didn't love him like that - the whole sweetness and romance shit, because fuck no, louis doesn't do that. louis loves zayn, of course he does, but only like he's his cousin or step brother or perhaps little sister. they were boyfriends before, but that only served as a label, since they fucked like rabbits at every chance they got back then, sex driven and young. but that was that.
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zayn is the gentle type, the sentimentalist, the tiptoeing kind of person, so louis figured they needed something to somewhat seal the deal - for the two of them to have the authority and right to fuck. and it was for them to become "official". thus they became boyfriends.
they only lasted four months, however, before zayn had eventually realized that louis never loved him in a romantic way. he never took offence to that, thankfully, knew to himself that he was a good fuck, a warm hole to sedate, so he didn't blame louis for using him to release steam anytime he so pleased.
they don't fuck nowadays anymore though. it's been years.
"hey, babes," louis greets back, leaning against the platform and pecking zayn's forehead sloppily with a loud smack, rounding the counter and then dropping delilah at the corner. zayn smiles hazily, nodding his head.
they work together at code red, about a year ago now since they applied. they alternate being in charge on the till and serving walk-in customers, and then their boss, ed, is the one in charge for callers of deliveries. those calls don't come as often.
moments to his clock-in, louis finds himself later playing with his lip ring, as he chews at his bottom lip. he rummages through a couple of vinyls at one aisle and looks for the one their first costumer for the day is asking for. they said they wanted am by the arctic monkeys, so.
when louis finally sees it, a black vinyl with white obscure linings that briefly show a drawing of a ribbon, he fishes it out and inspects it before anything else.
he's got one vans clad foot perched on the three-step ladder left by the aisle they're in, and he's wearing his beanie today and then a loose gray tank top that he now regrets for wearing, since the ac is probably by 17 degrees and it's killing him, fuck.
anyway, he hands the album over to the guy who has their white tee and blue jeans on, curtly reminding louis of a lana del rey song, and then he watches them retreat back to the counter where zayn is now conversing to a few new kids that probably stepped in while he was busy back there.
by the looks of it, the kids are purchasing comics from zayn. he has a keen for nerdy stuff, this dude, and since ed is kind enough to let his shop be used for other business agendas, he lets zayn sell his own comics here, no problem.
"batman, spider-man, green lantern, you name it!" zayn chirps dazedly, voice languid as if he's high, which. probably. he's always high.
"i want superman."
"hey, i want superman too!"
"me, me! i want x-men!"
"yeah! professor x is the best!"
louis watches in peace as zayn lights up at the persistence of the kids crowding him by the counter - asking for the things he also like - can't help biting at his cheek at the happy look his half-pakistani friend is sporting. they both know it's not everyday that they wear genuine smiles and share hysterical laughter to others, considering they're a bunch of college drop-outs that are the outcasts of the town, and that now people see them as this - rebels.
which they're not, mind, seeing as louis still visits his mom and sisters and that he doesn't cause (much) trouble around the city.
they just like having lots of tattoos, smoke chain until four, get pierced every now and then, dye their hair different colors, get high whenever they could score (and that means every day), and live independently on their own, what's so wrong about that?
people can just go fuck themselves, to be honest. louis is fine being this way, thank you very much.
his life, his shit, don't like it? go suck a dick.
just as zayn's about done with serving the rest of the customers by the counter, it's only a matter of time then for louis to be greeting another batch that spills right at the door of code red, being a pretty much in-demand multipurpose shop and all. he mentally rolls his eyes.
as he looks up, louis sees students, giggling girls, an adolescent, and - a person. one who's wearing a green beanie atop their mop of curls, a hoodie above that, and is plausibly standing a solid five-foot-eleven given that he isn't wearing one of his silly boots today.
harry styles.
because of course, he goes here. of course. louis takes a deep breath, shuffles towards the new customers.
"heya, welcome to code red. anything i can help you with?"
once again, blue meets green. louis isn't really affected by it.
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Hi!! Can I make a request with Haizaki please?? Wanting to propose to his gf of four years but he's afraid because she might turn him down because of who he is as a person, buut she accepts anyway. Fluff! :D Btw that AoKise zombie!Au is so /3 *burst into tears* asdfghjkl;whyyoudothatdoyouhatemewhykillmypreciousbabykiseT~T i'm dying already~ TT_TT no but really, that was amazing and so is your blog and so are you. Thank you. *sends you lots of love*
Hi dear! I’veyour Haizaki finally! Now, let’s be honest, in the anime this boy isn’t apositive character. BUT everyone is worth a second chance and everyone canmature, so here, since he has been in a relationship for four years, we have amore mature and positive Haizaki. I’ve still tried to keep him IC, but redeeminghim a bit. Thanks a lot for all your compliments (iknowI’mstillcryingaboutitpoorlovelyKise),your such a sweet heart!!
Hope you enjoyit!
 Lame Proposal
 It was a normal, calm night. You and Haizaki wereeating together in your shared apartment, not that much of an apartmentactually. Just one bedroom for each of you, because you needed your space andhis bed was big enough for two either way, a bathroom and a room that was bothkitchen and living room. You had bought it during university and stayed there,even if Haizaki had started to work while you still studied.
You were exchanging comments about the day and jokeslike usual, yet you felt something was different. Your boyfriend seemed…restless.He continued to shift on his chair and steal quick glances at you, like a cagedbeast. You really didn’t understand what was going on but, if he didn’t want totalk about it, for now you were going to leave him alone.
When you finally finished eating, you stretchedyawning like a cat and jumped up.
“Alright!” you smirked playfully, “Your turn to washthe dishes!” reminded him, before walking to the near couch and sprawling on it,tablet in your hands.
Haizaki blinked and lifted a hand to stop you, but youwere already in your world.
“Oi S/o!” he called stuttering, but you didn’t payattention.
“Your turn.” You stated firmly, “You know today comesout the episode of my favorite series!” accused him searching for yourearphones.
Haizaki remained there, lost in himself, until herealized he had lost his occasion, and cursed under his breath. He roughly gotup and took the dishes, walking to the sink with a pout.
He had promised to himself he was going to do it thatnight, yet he didn’t know how. To say he was practically desperate it was aeuphemism. He had asked other people for help. He had watched your stupidromantic films. He had lowered himself to watch video on YouTube like “How topropose” or “The Top Ten Proposal Of The Year” that suggested thing likebooking airplanes, singing in public places or other embarrassing shit. And yet,nothing.
It wasn’t like he wanted to do it in a very romanticand sweet way. Nothing of your relationship had ever been romantic, not even yourfirst encounter: he tried to hit on you during a party, touching your butt, andyou punched him square in the face breaking his bottom lip. Yet, he fell hardfor you (in every sense).
However, he wanted you to say yes. He wanted you tosay yes and be truly happy and convinced about it. Because he knew, he wasn’tthe type good girl married with and you were a strong, independent, wild goodgirl. His only woman, who his past self didn’t deserved at all.
Why did he have to be such a fuckboy in the past? He wouldhave liked to go back in time and slap himself, because if you were going tosay no, it was only his own fault. He was so afraid of you refusing him that hewas losing his mind. He wasn’t even used to reason about things that much, butyou had made him change. A lot. Mostly, for the better.
 He sighed again and looked again at you, enjoying yourepisode, curled on the sofa in his t-shirt and short pants.
Then fuck it. If he was gonna fail either way, betterthen than later. He was tired of waiting and he knew you were perfectly awareof how shitty his personality was and how rough his ways were.
Drying his hands on his pants, he opened the highercupboard, where he was sure you weren’t able to reach and for that reason hehad hidden everything. Silently and eyeing you to be sure you weren’t going tosee him, he took them down.
You were laughing at a particularly funny joke, whensomething pig and soft hit your head. You blinked, founding between your arms abouquet of red roses wrapped in light pearl gray bow. Confused you pulled outyour earphones and examined the beautiful flowers.
You were still looking at it dumbfounded, when somethingelse, smaller and harder, hit you again. This time, on top of the bouquet, fella small circular box of the same hue of the bow. You felt your heartbeat acceleratingand your mind went numb.
It wasn’t possible.
With trembling fingers, you lift the lid.
On top of the gray tuft of tulle, shined a small,elegant ring. It was a simple circle of white gold, with a tiny diamond in themiddle.
“Marry me, if you want.”
You, waking from your paralysis, turned slowly andfound Haizaki showing you his broad back, resting against the sink and hishands clenching so hard against the border his knuckles were white. Only whenhe didn’t hear any kind of answer or reaction, he dared to give a small glanceupon his shoulder, and his eyes widened.
“Oh fuck!” he cursed horrified, running to you, “OiS/o! I didn’t want to make you cry! Ehi babe! Come one it’s okay!” called youpanicking and stopping in front of the couch on his knees, without knowing whatto do.
Seeing him like that, completely desperate, youstarted laughing between tears.
“Yes!” you cried covering your mouth and blushinghard, “Yes, yes, yes! You idiot!” you screamed hugging both the bouquet and theprecious box. “What a lame proposal!” you laughed again, loving every bit ofit.
He opened his mouth without emitting any sound. Thenclosed it. Then opened it again.
“Are you sure?” he stuttered finally and you laughedagain, drying your tears amused.
“I wouldn’t  have put up with you for four year if I didn’twant to marry you.” You joked leaning to give him a peck on his lips andputting in his hands the box. “Do your job, man.” You ordered raising your handlike a queen.
He, still awe struck, put the ring at the right place.
Only then, only then realization kicked in and hefinally smirked with the grin that characterized him so much.
“Oh babe.” He mused fondly, grabbing your arm andpulling you down from the couch right against his chest. “You’re my woman now.Too late to escape.” Grinned and fell on the floor on his back, showering youwith kisses and hugging you tightly.
Ah, he knew it, all those videos were really useless.
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