#anyway lol.... oh ew i have to leave in like twenty minutes time to stare at the wall until then
what if you wanted to play y3 all night but youre bein invited to watch spiderverse again
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Reggie//Repeating History
Request: So you know the flashback episode about the adults of riverdale? I wanted to do some history with Reggie’s dad and the readers mom. Like back in the day they had a serious relationship but the readers mom dumped Marty bc she had to move away WELL FAST FOWARD TO THE FUTURE!! The readers mom moves back to riverdale, only this time she has a kid & she’s a single mother. So to make a long story short. The reader and Reggie meet and hit it off instantly. Pretty much repeating history. And can I get a lot of drama?? Like between the mantle family and the readers family. Also can Reggie and the readers relationship be really hot? And I wouldn’t mind smut at all! I know this seems like a lot and I’m so sorry lol I’ll understand if you don’t want to write it Thank you sm!! 💗💗 @sparklevag
Warning: Smut. Abuse (not a lot, just a mention) 
“20 years and it hasn’t changed a bit.” Your mom smiled as she got out the car. 
“Here we go.” You mumbled and got out the other side. 
Since you can remember, your mom had told you stories of her childhood spent in Riverdale. How all the neighbour kids used to play together, they’d spend summers together while their parents hosted barbecues and parties, a different house each weekend. Everybody knew everyone and it was the best place to live. But a couple years before you were born, her parents moved last minute meaning she had to say goodbye to Riverdale and everything that was in it. 
Now your mom had been given the chance to move due to her job and luckily she was able to move back. She’s been excited since she found out, saying that you were going to experience all the things she got to, even if it was a little later in your life. 17 to be exact, but it still counted. 
“Even the house hasn’t changed.” She beamed excitedly and ran up the front steps. “The decor has though.” She called behind her once she opened the door. “And its awful.” She added making you laugh. 
“It is.” You agreed, once you’d stepped inside. 
“Come on. I’ll show you my old room.” She grabbed your hand, practically pulling you up the stairs. “What did they to it? That wallpaper with those curtains? Its hideous.” She complained. “Awwww, they kept my height chart on the doorframe. Thats cute.” 
“Maybe they just couldn’t see it. You haven’t grown much from about 11.” 
“I was a very tall 11 year old.” She defended and you laughed. “The things I got up to in this room.” She said. “If walls could talk.” She winked and you groaned. 
“Jesus Christ mom. You’re disgusting.” You complained and started to walk away. “Where you going?” She called after you. 
“To find my room.” 
“Have this one!” 
“No thanks.” 
“Its fine. Its not like you’ll have the same bed or dresser or” 
“Pleaseeee.” She ran after you. “When I was little I always dreamed of my little girl growing up in my room. That I’d pass it down to her.” 
“Thats weird. And you can’t guilt trip me.” 
“Is it working?” 
“Yes it is. Now you can have it whatever colour you want and you’ll be getting all new furniture. So all traces of me and my rendezvous will be erased. For you at least.” She mumbled the last part and you fake gagged. 
“Fine.” You agreed. “I’ll have your old room.” 
“Aww.” She hugged you tightly and you rolled your eyes. “You’re gonna love it here. I promise!” 
“How you feeling?” She asked. 
“Alright.” You shrugged and grabbed the toast that was on her plate.
“Hey!” She said annoyed and you smiled sweetly at her. “Its a good job I had more in the toaster.” She grumbled and you laughed. 
“I need to keep my strength up. It is the first day of school after all.” 
“I know. And it’s gonna be great! I enjoyed every single day of high school until I moved.” 
“We live in very different times now mom.” 
“They’re not that different.” She argued. “Anyway, you need to leave now if you want to make it in time. And don’t forget you need to check in with the office to get the stuff you need!” She was practically pushing you out the door at this point. “I love you, be safe and I’ll make your favourite for dinner tonight.” She kissed your head and you hugged her. 
“Bye. I love you.” You replied.
“You’re gonna love it!” 
Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes you’d been wandering around the same three corridors trying to find your class and all of them looked the damn same.
“Excuse me?” You tapped a red-headed boy on the shoulder. He stopped his conversation and turned around, looking at you confused. “Hi, I’m new. Can you tell me where Mrs Thompsons class is?” You asked and he smiled kindly at you.
“Oh, hi. Yeah, it’s down the corridor and to the left.” He told you and you thanked him. You started to walk towards the class when you heard someone shouting behind you. 
“Wait!” A boy called after you and you turned around quickly. “I have that class now, I’ll walk you.” 
“Oh, thanks.” You nodded and he smiled at you. It was as if everything you’d seen in movies was true. Time stopped, your heart-rate picked up, you could almost certainly hear wedding bells. All from a small smile. 
“Reggie Mantle.” He introduced himself. “And you must be an angel.” He winked and your cheeks reddened. 
“Y/n. Y/n y/l/n, and you must be how old?” 
“17. Why?” 
“Because that pick up line has been around since the middle ages.” 
“I make it work.” 
“You kinda do yeah.” You agreed and he smirked. 
“Sooooo. I heard you tell Archie you were new.” 
“Yep. I moved last week.” You nodded. 
“Where from?” 
“San Francisco.” You replied. 
“Thats so cool. I’ve always wanted to visit.” 
“Its great!” 
“Why’d you move?” 
“My mom. She got a job here. But she used to live here until she was about our age. She was really excited to come back.” You said and he smiled softly at you. 
“Thats sweet. What’s your moms name?” 
“You ask an awful lot of questions.” You commented. 
“When I meet a pretty girl I want to know everything I can about her.” He winked and you laughed loudly. 
“Wow. You’re really big on the pick up lines.” 
“Oh, this is just the beginning.” He replied before walking into class. You followed behind him, a soft smile on your face at the thought of talking to him again. “Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to sit down.” He nodded towards the empty seat beside him. 
“Sure?” You replied hesitantly and he pulled the chair out for you. “Thanks.” You smiled at him and sat down. 
“Anything for that smile.” 
“You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you.” 
“I try.” 
“I can tell.” 
“So, have you ever been here before?” He asked. 
“To Riverdale High?” You teased. 
“Yeah, no. I mean Riverdale in general.” 
“No. This is the first time my mom’s been back for like twenty years. She always wanted to come back but never had an excuse.” 
“I’m glad she found the excuse.” He said softly and you smiled at him.
“Me too.” You replied, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“Mr Mantle. Please stop flirting with our newest student.” Mrs Thompson interrupted your conversation and both of you looked to the front of the class. 
“Yeah Mantle, keep it in your pants for more than five minutes of knowing a girl.” A boy shouted and Reggie started to blush. You kinda felt bad for him, but he did look cute. 
“He’s known me for ten minutes actually. Why don’t you mind your own business.” You retorted and they closed their mouth. You looked back at Reggie who was staring at you shocked, giving him a wink before looking at the front again. 
“How was your first day?” Your mom practically jumped on you when she got home. 
“Good.” You said. “How was yours?” 
“Good!” She replied, a bright smile appearing on her face. “I went to school with a few people that work there so it was nice to catch up. You were talked about a lot.” 
“I should be the only thing you talk about.” 
���You are to be honest.” She agreed and you both laughed softly. “Now, I’m gonna go get started on dinner.” 
“Already taken care of. Its on the table.” 
“You are just the best daughter.” She squashed your cheeks and you rolled your eyes. 
“I know.” You replied. 
“Did you make any friends.” She asked once you’d sat down. 
“A few.” You nodded. “I met a boy called Reggie.” 
“Ooooooo. Reggie. He sounds nice.” She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly. 
“He’s my friend. I only met him today.” 
“Sooooo. It only takes a day.” She replied and you shook your head. “What was his last name? I might know his parents.”
“Mantle.” You replied and she choked on her drink. “Are you okay?” You rushed to her side.
“Fine.” She coughed. 
“Do you know his parents.” 
“You could say that yeah.” She replied and you looked at her curiously. 
“Spill.” You sat beside her and it was her turn to roll her eyes. 
“Lets just say, Mantle men are very easy to fall in love with.” 
“You were in love with a Mantle? Who? When?” 
“Marty Mantle.” She said and you looked at her confused. “Reggie’s dad. I’m assuming.” 
“Reggie’s dad! You dated Reggie’s dad.” 
“Yes, and don’t give me that look. We were in love.” She told you. “The day we met was my first day at Riverdale High. He was a year above me and I’d just started. I’d been walking around for fifteen minutes trying to find my class and then there he was was, talking to his friends, looking hot and whatever else the kids are describing people as these days.” 
“You’re so old.” 
“You’ll be this age one day.” She warned. “Anyway, he saw me looking lost and asked if I was okay and he smiled at me and I swear to God I imagined the wedding right there and then. I told him who I was looking for and he took me to the class and told me that I’d get the hang out it eventually. After that every time we saw each other he would smile or wave at me and then eventually he asked me out. We went to Pop’s, three dates later he asked me to be his girlfriend and we dated until I moved away a year and a half later.” 
“Thats so sad.” 
“Yeah.” She sighed. “I was heartbroken. So was he. When I told him I couldn’t stop crying and he said he would do anything to get me to stay. He even went to talk to my parents about me moving in with him so we could stay together, but it was no use. There mind was made up and we had no choice. He snuck into my bedroom window the night before I was supposed to leave and gave me a necklace to remember him by. It was a buttercup.” She sniffled a little bit, wiping the tears from her eyes. 
“Why a buttercup?” You asked while hugging her. 
“That was his nickname for me.” 
“I haven’t worn it for years. To be honest I stopped wearing it when I met your dad. I thought it was a bit weird to wear something another man gave to me when I was dating someone else.” 
“Why don’t you start wearing it again? Dad left years ago, and your back in Riverdale. I think now is the best time to start wearing it again.” You suggested and she smiled softly at you. 
“Yeah.” She nodded. “Maybe.” She hugged you. “You’re the best daughter a mother could ask for.” 
“I know.” You replied with a bright smile making her laugh. 
“Reggie!” You shouted down the corridor. “Reggie!” You shouted again after getting no response. This time he turned around and smiled at the sight of you. 
“Hey sunshine” He smiled brightly at you. 
“Sunshine?” You asked. 
“You’re wearing yellow. It reminded me of the sun.” 
“Oh.” You smiled, looking at the floor shyly. 
“So, whats up? Are you lost again?” 
“No. Not yet anyway.” You replied and he laughed softly. “I need to tell you something.” 
“Oooo. What?” 
“I was telling my mom about you last night...” 
“Awwwww. Thats so sweet.” He teased making you roll your eyes at him.
“Not like that.”
“Damn.” He sighed and you shoved him slightly. 
“I was telling my mom about you and she asked me your last name because she wanted to know if she knew your parents. So I told her and it turns out my mom and your dad dated, they were like in love and everything.” 
“Our parents are doing it? Thats gross, old people don’t have sex.” 
“No, dumbass. Our parents were doing it. When they were our age.” 
“Oh.” He thought for a moment. “Thats still gross...I bet your mom was hot though.” 
“Why’d they break up?” He asked. 
“She had to move. Apparently he tried to convince her parents to let her live with him so they didn’t have to be apart. He bought her a necklace with a buttercup so she could always remember him.” 
“Why a buttercup.” 
“It was his nickname for her.” 
“Thats kinda cute.” 
“Its really cute.” You replied. “Look, I even found this picture of them at Pop’s. I assume that’s your dad.” You handed him a small picture and he smiled. 
“Yeah, thats my dad.” He nodded. “I was right though. Your mom was hot.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Well...this is gonna make the next part really awkward.”
“What next part?” You asked. 
“I was gonna ask you on a date at Pop’s.” He said nervously whilst playing with his fingers. 
“Yeah.” You agreed. 
“Well. They dated a long time ago, and its not like we’re related or anything.” 
“Its not that. I just thought you’d say no.” 
“That would make me the dumbass.” You teased. “Friday. I’ll meet you at Pop’s at 7.” You told him and turned around. 
“You don’t know where you’re going do you?”
“In general or Pop’s?” 
“Both?” He guessed.
“Yeah.” You nodded and you could hear him laugh. Every time he laughed it seemed to make you happier than the last. You would be happy listening to only that for the rest of your life, especially if you were the cause of it. 
“I’ll take you to your next class, and I’ll pick you up on Friday. Just text me your address.” 
“Y/n!” Your mom shouted up the stairs. 
“There’s someone at the door.” 
“That’ll be Reggie. Let him in and tell him I’ll be down soon.” 
“The Reggie Mantle.” She teased. “Are you going on a date?” 
“Maybe.” You replied. 
“Let him in please.” 
“Of course.” She replied. “Are you nervous?” 
“A little.” You admitted. You were more than a little if you were being honest. You were a lot nervous. The butterflies in your stomach had been there since you’d agreed to go on the date, only getting stronger as the week went on. And then every time you so much as looked in the general direction of him they got even stronger. You had definitely fallen for him and you’d only met him on Monday.  
You smoothed out your dress and checked your hair over one more time. You could hear voices downstairs and your mom laughing at something he’d said making you smile to yourself. 
“Hey sunshine.” Reggie greeted you once you met him downstairs. 
“Hey.” You replied and tried to fight off a blush. 
“Sunshine?” Your mom mouthed and you shook your head at her. “Its cute.” 
“What is?” Reggie asked. 
“Don’t.” You sighed. 
“That you called her sunshine.” 
“She was wearing yellow when I saw her on Tusday, it reminded me of the sun.” He explained and she practically squealed. 
“Thats exactly what your dad said. After he’d shown me to my class he said he liked the yellow t-shirt I was wearing, that it reminded him of buttercups.” 
“Does my dad know you’re back?” Reggie asked. 
“I dunno. I haven’t told him, so probably not.” 
“I’m sure he’d love to see you again. To catch up.” He suggested.
“Yeah.” She nodded. “Maybe.” She was silent for a few seconds, like she was lost in her thoughts and you looked at her worried. 
“Mom?” You shook her softly. 
“Yes? Sorry! You kids have fun.” She walked you to the door. “Not too much fun though. I don’t want grandkids...yet.” 
“Mom!” You complained and she laughed. 
“Bye sweetheart.” She hugged you. “He’s a keeper.” 
“We haven’t even had our first date yet.” 
“Yeah, but when you know, you know.” 
“So, there I was. Naked and running around the school.” He was in the middle of a very detailed story of how he accidentally streaked. 
“I can’t believe they stole your clothes.” You laughed. 
“To be fair, I did put hair removal cream in the shampoo. Half the team had bald spots for the big game on the Friday. The Vixens even managed to put it in one of their chants. It was really funny, somebody sent me a video.” He continued, by this point tears were streaming down your face. “Do you wanna see?” He asked and you nodded quickly. 
“Of course.” You replied. 
“Come here.” He patted the empty space beside him. You slid out your side of the booth and sat next to him, leaning into him slightly as he showed you the video. 
After you’d watched it and you’d laughed for about ten minutes, you started to get out of the booth. 
“You can stay...if you want.” He grabbed your hand softly and you looked at your intertwined fingers. 
“Yeah. That’s be nice.” You settled back into his side and stole a few of his fries. His arm went around your shoulders slowly, as if he was scared sudden movement would frighten you off. 
“Thank you for walking me back home.” 
“No problem.” He replied as you stood on the porch. 
“I really enjoyed tonight.”
“Me too.” He replied. “This may be a bit too soon, but you saw what happened to our parents and I know we wouldn’t have been born if they didn’t break up. But life’s short and you’re hot. So will you be my girlfriend? And you don’t have to say yes if you don’t want t-” 
“Yes.” You agreed, surprising not only Reggie but yourself. However it felt right. You walked down a few of the steps, stopping on the step above his and leaned in to kiss him. He closed the gap and kissed you softly, taking your breath away. However cliche that was, thats what you felt, and right now, you didn’t really care. You had a feeling this is what it would feel like every time you kissed him. 
“Wow.” He said breathily. 
“Yeah.” You nodded. “Wow.” You added before kissing him again, this time it was a bit rougher, a bit more needy, but it was great either way. 
“See you around sunshine.” He kissed your cheek and you blushed hard. 
“See you.” You replied as calmly as you could. You watched him walk down the porch and onto the street before you went into the house. Your mom was waiting by the door and as soon as you walked through the door the two of you squealed. 
“That was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!” 
“Mom.” You rolled your eyes. “You’re just like me when I was young. Thats literally how mine and Marty’s date ended. I just hope your story ends happier than ours did.” She mumbled sadly. 
“Hopefully.” You forced a smile. “But if you hadn’t broke up you wouldn’t have me.” You tried to lighten her mood. 
“True.” She agreed and hugged you tightly. “Anyway, that was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Are you going on another date?” 
“He’s my boyfriend actually.” 
“Wow, kids move fast these days.” 
“Its not like we slept together or anything.” You rolled your eyes. “Not that I wouldn’t be opposed.” You thought.
“I suppose I slept with Marty at the end of the first date. Backseat of his car behind Pop’s.” 
“And on that note, I’m going to bed.” 
“Has it really been five months?” Reggie asked in disbelief. You were hanging out at his house today. Your mom was busy working from home so you decided to hang out at Reggie’s to give her some peace. 
“To the date.” You replied. 
“Wow, five months ago your mom told you she’s slept with my dad in the back of his car.” 
“Don’t remind me.” You groaned. 
“What’s she doing here?” Reggie’s dad interrupted your conversation making you sit up properly on the couch. 
“Dad. It’s Y/n. I’ve told you about her.” Reggie stood up. 
“She can’t be here.” 
“Why not?” He asked. 
“Yeah, why the hell not.” You repeated his question, now also standing, an annoyed look on your face. 
“Because its my house and I said so. Now leave.” He replied sternly. You looked between him and your boyfriend, Reggie giving you an apologetic look while you gathered your things. 
“I’ll see you around Y/n.” He called after you. 
“Yeah. See you tomorrow.” 
“Why are you back so early?” Your mom asked. She was sat at the dining-room table when you walked in sulking. 
“His dad kicked me out.” You replied, dumping your bag and coat at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Why?!” She asked, the work in front of her completely abandoned. 
“I dunno. He saw me and flipped. Started shouting and then told me to get out.” 
“Sweethear-” She started to walk towards you but you interrupted her. 
“I’m gonna go to bed. Night mom. Love you.” 
You’d been in bed for about half an hour. You’d text Reggie a few times asking if everything was okay but you were yet to receive a reply. You were about to just give up and have an early night when you heard something moving outside your window.
“Y/n.” Someone whisper shouted from outside. You cautiously made your way to the window and peeked through the curtains. 
“Reggie?” You asked, opening the window. “What are you doing here?” 
“I wanted to see you.”
“You could have come in through the door you know?” You said as you helped him climb through the window. 
“I didn’t know if your mom had gone crazy too or if it was just my dad.” He replied. 
“I thinks its just your dad.” You sat on your bed. “My mom seemed more annoyed at your dad.” 
“Good.” He sat beside you. “He said I couldn’t see you anymore.” 
“Why not!?” You asked offended. 
“Because of what your mom did. He said that it probably runs in the family and that if you’re mother did that to him, you’d probably it to me.” 
“Well thats bull. It wasn’t my mom’s fault they broke up. She was made to move.” 
“Thats what I said.” He replied. 
“What did he say?” 
“He did this.” He pointed to the bruise blossoming on his right eye. You ghosted your fingers over it and he flinched. 
“Your dad did that to you because of me?” 
“Yep.” He nodded. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Its fine. Its not your fault.” He replied. “Plus its not the first time he’s done this.” 
“Reggie that’s awful.” You cupped his cheek. “Maybe my mom had a lucky escape. Sorry.” You apologized when you noticed the look on his face.
“Its fine. You’re probably right.” He said sadly. 
“If you ignore how you got it, it kinda looks hot.” 
“You think I look hot with a black eye?” He asked, an amused smirk replacing the sad smile. 
“Kinda yeah.” You nodded. 
“How hot?” He asked, kissing your neck. 
“Very.” You replied, leaning into his touch. He continued kissing up and down your neck, making you moan softly. 
“Do you want to?”
“Yes.” You nodded your head quickly. He wasted no time taking your pajama top and bottoms off. You helped him our of his jeans and shirt, leaving you both in your underwear. 
“You’re so pretty.” He mumbled, looking at you lying underneath him. “So, so pretty.” He continued, kissing your chest. “I’m the luckiest guy alive.” He took a nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting on it making your back arch. The hand that wasn’t keeping him up moved to your other boob and he squeezed it before playing with your nipple. Your moans spurred him on as he continued his assault on your chest. 
He pulled away quickly, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before moving down your body, stopping just before you panties. Slowly he slid your underwear off, throwing it behind his back before focusing his attention on your core. He trailed kissed up and down each thigh, before diving right in. With no warning his lips were on you, sucking and nibbling your clit. You moaned loudly and he looked up at you, a smirk taking over his face. 
“You have to be quiet.” He warned. 
“Okay.” You nodded breathlessly. His hands pinned your waist to the mattress as sucked and licked harder. “Reggie.” You moaned and he could have cum just from that alone. “I need you.” You practically begged. There was no way he was gonna argue with that. Within seconds his boxers were off and he was hovering over you, lining himself up with your entrance. 
“You ready baby?” He asked one more time. 
“Definitely.” You nodded quickly and he pushed himself inside you. Both of you moaned loudly, before looking at each other and laughing. 
“Shhhh.” You said at the same time. 
“Move.” You told him. 
“Gladly.” He winked and you rolled your eyes. His thrusts were hard and slow at first, both of you enjoying the feel of each other. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him even closer to you and changing the position making you both moan even louder. Your nails scratched down his neck and he groaned, which was possibly the hottest thing you’d ever heard. 
“Faster.” You whined. The familiar feeling was getting stronger.
His thrusts got harder and faster as he chased his orgasm, a hand moved to your clit and he rubbed quickly. Your thighs shook and you saw stars as you came. A string of curse words, as well as his name left your mouth and he followed quickly after. Releasing himself inside of you. 
His movements stilled after you’d caught your breath and he lay beside you, placing an arm underneath your head and you cuddled into him. You lay like this for a while before he sat up suddenly. 
“I was supposed to give you this when you were at mine but well, you know.” He reached over the bed and grabbed his jacket, pulling a small box out the pocket. 
“You don’t have to buy me anything.” 
“I know. But I saw it and it reminded me of you.” He replied and handed you it. “Open it.” He told you and you smiled brightly at him before opening it. Inside was a small sun hanging on a delicate chain. 
“Reggie.” You started to tear up. 
“You don’t like it do you?” He panicked. “I can get another one. You can choose.” 
“No. I love it.” You shook your head. 
“Why are you crying then? Have I missed something?” He asked confused and pulled you into a hug. 
“Its so thoughtful. One of the most thoughtful presents anybody has ever given me, I love it. But are we gonna turn into our parents?” 
“No.” He shook his head. “That necklace is where history stops repeating itself.” 
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Twenty-Two: Small Animals ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Yamanaka Ino, Aburame Shino ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
“All right, class...today we’re going to be talking about pets! How many of you have pets at home?”
All around her, Hinata sees hands go up.
...she can’t raise her own.
Hiashi has never approved of the notion of pets. Whenever Hinata has so much as hinted as wanting some kind of animal companion, he’s shut her down flat. They do nothing but make messes, he tells her. They cost money to buy, to feed, to shelter. And if something happens to them, you have to pet a vet to take care of them.
Of course...Hinata had always thought it an odd thing to complain about. After all...children can be said to be very much the same, and Hiashi has two! She and her sister Hanabi - as well-behaved as they are for their ages - make messes. And Hiashi has expenses in regards to them both - he has to buy food for them, pay for their doctor visits, their clothes, their school supplies…
Would a pet really be so different…?
“So many of you! Would anyone like to talk about their pet?”
Snapped from her thoughts, Hinata looks up to her kindergarten teacher. Several students raise their hands, and a boy nearby is picked.
“I’ve got a puppy! His name’s Akamaru, and he’s my bestest friend! My mom raises dogs, so I got to keep one!”
“That’s so sweet, Kiba! Does your puppy know any tricks, yet?”
“No, not yet...but he’s gonna be a real good dog!”
In spite of herself, Hinata gives a small, sad smile. It must be nice to have a dog...something to play with, and cuddle, and take care of. Kiba always talks about his mother’s dogs...Hinata asked her father once if they could get one the next time one had puppies.
He, of course, said no.
“All right, anyone else? How about you, Sasuke?”
“I have a cat…”
“Oh you do? Does your kitty have a name?”
Hinata’s attention shifts to the boy speaking. He fidgets a bit.
“Um...his name is Shadow. He has long black fur, and yellow eyes. My brother found him when he was a baby.”
“Oh, goodness! Well, I’m glad your brother found him, and now he has a good home! All right now class, here’s our next activity! We’re going to draw our pets. And if you don’t have a pet of your own, you can draw a pet that you have always wanted! Take out your crayons and some paper from your notebooks, please.”
Hinata can’t help but pause. A pet she wants…? But...she couldn’t choose! There are so many good pets...from little animals like guinea pigs and hamsters to really big ones like horses! Of course, living in the city, Hinata could never have a horse. She’s not sure she would want one, anyway. They seem a bit...scary…
“What’s that supposed to be?”
“A fox, duh!”
“A...fox?” A few seats over, a girl named Sakura perks a brow. “Foxes can’t be pets!”
“Yeah huh they can! I saw it on the internet! This guy has a pet fox, and it’s super cute! If I ever get a pet, that’s what I want!” Naruto, another student, retorts, folding his arms stubbornly.
Quietly to herself, Hinata can’t help but giggle. Naruto is always so loud...but can a person really have a fox as a pet? They do look very soft and fluffy…
“Ew, is that a bug…?!”
The whole class turns to look as another girl - Ino - shrieks in disgust.
Beside her, a boy in glasses hides behind the tall collar of his coat. “...it’s a rhinoceros beetle…”
“Why would you want a nasty bug as a pet?!”
“Nuh uh! They’re super gross! You weirdo!”
“Ino!” the teacher scolds. “That’s a very mean thing to say. Apologize to Shino, please!”
“Ugh, who wants pets anyway? They’re messy - plants are way better!”
Hinata shrinks a bit as the argument continues. A bug is a...strange choice, but if it makes Shino happy, then...that’s his business. Ino is being rude…
“Leave him alone, Ino. I bet that bug is nicer than you are.”
Several people turn to look at Sasuke, who dared to speak up.
“A pet isn’t just an animal. It’s a friend. A part of your family. If you make fun of Shino’s bug, you’re making fun of his family. And that’s rude. I don’t like rude people.”
Devastation colors Ino’s face. “B...but…!”
“All right class, that’s enough. We’re going to start some quiet time until everyone is done drawing their pets.”
As the teacher puts on some soft music, Hinata looks back to her paper.
It’s still blank.
While she’s always wanted a pet...she’s really never considered what one she would like best. It would have to be something...soft. A hard thing like a turtle, or slimy like a frog, or scaly like a snake, would never do. Not for her. And she’d probably prefer something...small. If it were too big, she wouldn’t be able to pick it up and hold it! And that’s very important.
Though that...doesn’t narrow her options down much, does it? There are lots of small, soft pets. Oh, how is anyone ever supposed to be able to make a choice?!
“A few more minutes class, and we’ll show our pets!”
A flutter of panic passes through Hinata’s chest. Oh no...she’s running out of time…!
...wait...she’s got it!
Taking out a grey crayon, she starts quickly but carefully scribbling. Soft, and small, and gentle...and cute…!
“Okay everyone, go ahead and put your crayons away. We’re going to share our pets! Be sure to tell the class if this is a pet you have, or a pet you want! Let’s start on this side of the room.”
Anxiously fiddling with her paper - Hinata always hates when they have to get up in front of the class… - she watches as people present their real or ideal pets. Most are pretty basic. Cats, dogs, birds, fish. But a few are more rare. One has a hedgehog, another has a parrot.
“All right Hinata, your turn!”
Swallowing dryly, Hinata picks up her drawing and moves to the front of the room. “I...I don’t have a pet,” she murmurs.
“We can’t hear you!”
Her cheeks flush pink. “I don’t h...have a pet. I’m not allowed to. But if...if I could have a pet, then...I would want a bunny!” She holds up her drawing. A rather fuzzy bunny with long ears stares from her paper.
“Oh, a bunny! How cute! Do you like bunnies, Hinata?”
She nods shyly. “I...I have a bunny plushie at home. It’s...my favorite…”
“Well, that’s a very cute idea! You can sit down now. All right, next -!”
Relieved, Hinata retakes her seat, watching the other students.
“This is my cat, Shadow...he likes to lay in the window by the front door, in the sun. He caught a mouse in our basement one time.”
“So he’s a mighty hunter!” the teacher praises.
“Yeah...he likes my brother best, but he likes everyone. Except my dad.”
“Oh dear…”
“Dad doesn’t like him either. They’re enemies. But I think they secretly get along.”
“Well, I hope so!”
Once the whole class shows their pets (or dream pets), the teacher excuses them for their morning recess. And all the kindergartners can talk about is their assignment.
“You really can’t have a pet, Hinata?”
“No...Father says I can’t…”
“Aww, but pets are great! You can come play with my dog whenever you want, okay?”
“T...thank you, Kiba.”
“And you can come see my kitty.”
Hinata turns to Sasuke. They don’t speak too much, but...well, then again, Sasuke doesn’t seem to talk much at all. “...really…?”
“Yeah. And someday, when you’re a grown up, you can have a bunny if you want to.”
“I...I hope so…”
“Or maybe a friend can keep a bunny at their house.”
“My brother kept a turtle for a friend for a while. He’d come over every weekend to go see it.”
“He...I mean, your brother didn’t...mind?”
“No. His friend gave him part of his allowance, and he took care of it.” Sasuke considers her for a moment. “...maybe when I get older, I could do that for you.”
“Y...you mean…? You would…?”
“It’s not fair you don’t get to have a pet. I said it to Ino: a pet is a friend. One that will never get mad at you, or think you’re lame. They always love you, no matter what.”
...for some reason, the prick of tears threatens to build in Hinata’s eyes.
“But I gotta be older, first...my mom would probably say no, so...you’ll have to wait, okay?”
No one has ever been that...nice to her before…
But recess can’t last forever, and soon the students are called back in to begin their next activity. And yet all Hinata can think about is the chance she might have to really have a pet…! Well, maybe not the real way, but...it would be a start!
For now...she’ll have to be patient. And if Sasuke would be so nice to her, then...she has to find a way to be nice back!
Before she can have a bunny...Hinata’s going to have to make a friend…!
     Oh my gosh it's late, so I'll be brief!      Some wee smols SasuHina fluff. This prompt was really...odd, so hopefully this works okay lol - I think Hiashi would be that strict parents that isn't fond of pets. Cuz he's a jerk xD      But we all know the Uchiha love their cats - Sasuke understands how important a pet friend can be. So he'll come to the rescue! When...he's older and can do so on his own, haha~      Anyway, I realllllly need to get to bed, so that's all for now! Thanks for reading~
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yminie · 6 years
vaunt ii (m) | jeon jungkook
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sequel to vaunt
pairing: Jungkook x Reader genre/warnings: college!au, frat!au, lots of swearing lol, smut, sex toy use, orgasm denial, teasing, fingering, oral (female receiving), the return of jungkook and his ‘huge wang’ (© @gimmesumsuga 2k18 LMAO), cumshot words: 9.2k summary: True to the nature that birthed your relationship, Jungkook loves to set a challenge, and you love to try and prove him wrong.
a/n: here it is! This is it – the second and last fic in the vaunt universe! I hope you guys love it a lot and thanks for all the support on part one!
A ruckus from downstairs pulls you from sleep and you instantly groan as your eyes are scorched with the sunshine breaking through the blinds. Ear splitting pain around the back of your head has you covering your burning orbs and burying your face into the pillow beneath you, hands tugging fruitlessly at the comforter in an attempt to better shield yourself, but it doesn’t give.
“Jungkook, what the fuck.” You groan, reaching out and landing a sharp slap on his bare back, right above his ass. “Who the fuck leaves their blinds open overnight?”
“Ah! Fuck, babe, really?” He wriggles onto his side, grabbing at the burning mark you’d left behind and serving to only pull the comforter further away from you.
“Get off the blanket you–fuck! Don’t push me you weeb ass–ah!” He reaches out, grasping at your arm, but cannot stop your fall and you land in a heap on the floor, luckily with the comforter wrapped around you to cushion the landing. “Ow!”
Your head gives another painful throb, and you glare up at him as he chuckles and rests his chin on the edge of the mattress, looking down at you. “You got the blanket at least?”
“Do you have Advil in this nerd lair? Because you’re already giving me a headache.” He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck and stretching with a grunt as he falls back onto the bed, out of your sight.
“Nah but there’s orange juice and painkillers downstairs, want me to get some for you?” You smile to yourself just for a moment at his offer but shake your head, regardless of the fact that he can’t see you.
“No I gotta pee anyway, I’ll go.” You unfold yourself from the blanket and reach for the first item of clothing in your vicinity, slipping Jungkook’s black t-shirt from the night before over your head and standing on achy legs. You force yourself to suck it up even as a sharp twinge stabs through your stomach; you took the dick, you’ll wear the pain.
Jungkook reaches out just as you step away and lands a light smack on your bare ass just under the hem of the shirt, and quickly steals the comforter off the floor once more in your absence, and you leave him chuckling to himself as you venture into the hall.
The frat is a complete mess, as could be expected from a Friday night party, and as you make a beeline for the –clearly already been cleaned– kitchen, a low whistle sounds from the couches behind you.
“That is a very short ensemble, _____. Please, feel free to bend over for us.” You fix Jimin with a glare, noting the pink flush still in his cheeks and the cheeky grin – he’s still drunk.
“How about you bend over so I can shove something where the sun doesn’t shine, Park?” He falls back against Taehyung’s shoulder with peals of laughter, waking the younger from his light slumber and making him jostle the cup of water nestled between his thighs, covering himself in the liquid.
“I thought girls were meant to be in good moods after a decent dicking down?” Yoongi quips, pulling another giggle from Jimin’s quickly reddening face, and you turn on your heel, juice and painkillers in hand.
“Is that why you’ve been so grumpy, Yoonie? Haven’t had a good dicking in a while?” Taehyung splutters, water bursting from his lips and showering Jimin, but the intoxicated boy is too far gone in his cackling, sliding slowly off the couch, to even notice. You can hear Yoongi cursing back at you as you jog back upstairs.
Jungkook lifts his head from the pillow at the sound of the door clicking shut, and you offer him a small smile through squinting eyes as you cross the room to close the blinds. Sighing in relief once your retinas are safe, you make your way back to the bed and down your painkillers and a large mouthful of juice before offering the same to Jungkook who smiles gratefully.
“Your bed is so soft.” Relaxing back against the pillows, you pull the comforter up to your chin, yelping when Jungkook’s hands, cold from the cup, sneak around your waist and pull you into his chest. He only chuckles, squeezing you between his muscular arms and shuffling down under the blanket to nuzzle his face between your breasts and making you giggle.
“Your boobies are so soft.” Snorting, you throw a well-aimed palm at the back of his head, which only serves to make him press his face closer before shaking it side to side quickly and you try to push him away with a yelp.
“Ew, don’t motorboat me!”
Irene laughs freely at the way you’re hitting your forehead on the table in front of you, reaching across with the assumption that you aren’t noticing her steal your fries. “It’s not that bad, _____. You’re not the only person that has to resit that assessment. Besides, isn’t it better you’re getting another chance to improve your score?”
“I already tried my best, what do they want from me?” You swat at her thieving fingers when she reaches for another chip and she snorts, slapping your hand right back before dipping the fry into her own tomato sauce. “I’m gonna be stuck studying the same shit all weekend!”
“You don’t have to study all weekend. Plus a certain someone will be there tomorrow night.” You glare at her, scraping the pickles off your cheeseburger and watching her steal them too. “No doubt he can help you de-stress.”
“Why do you say it like that? He’s my actual boyfriend, not some high school crush.” Your burger has grown cold in the time you’ve spent forming the red mark above your eyebrows, but you’re a partially broke college student and what you get is what you get. “Plus I see him every damn day, nothing special.”
“Because as hard as he is for you, you’re soft for Jeon Jungkook and I know you’ll never admit it.” You simply roll your eyes, stealing one of her nuggets in retaliation and poking your tongue out at the offended expression you get in return.
“Who’s soft for Jeon Jungkook and won’t admit it?” You groan again, quickly trying to move your tray away from another pair of thieving digits, but Yoongi is much faster than normal with food at stake.
“It’s okay, I already know she is.” Jungkook settles on the other side of you, sitting sideways on the bench and sliding closer to you to wrap an arm around your waist. You roll your eyes again when he leans in to kiss your cheek, nuzzling his nose against you with a wide smile as you try to hide your own from Irene’s beady eyed grin.
“Okay, honestly, get your own food!” Yoongi ignores you; taking another bite of your cheeseburger while you huff in annoyance, face twisting at the moisture in Jungkook’s shirt from playing basketball but leaning against him regardless. “You owe me a cheeseburger meal. Both of you.” Irene grins, tearing her nugget in half between her teeth, and Yoongi silently takes a twenty out of his wallet and throws it down in front of you.
“Buy a couple, I’m hungry as hell.” You cheer, standing quickly to walk up to the counter, but a small tug on your elbow has you pausing to face Jungkook, quirking your eyebrow at his cheeky grin as he follows closely behind you.
“I got your text about the resit next week and I know you’re stressed out but are you still coming to the party?” You both move aside as someone clears their throat behind Jungkook, obviously impatient to see if one of you is planning on ordering.
“Even if I wasn’t, I don’t doubt Irene would drag me kicking and screaming from our dorm if I tried to stay home.” He snorts before glancing at the man standing just behind you in line, hand cupping your waist while he leans in even closer to whisper in a way that has you dreading whatever he’s planned up.
“Well make sure you come over early then ‘cause I have something for you. Something to make the party a lot more fun.” You stare at him for a minute, suspicion swimming in your eyes as you squint.
“Just what are you planning, Jeon Jungkook?” He doesn’t reply this time, merely nudging you towards the counter where the worker is waiting for you to order with a bored look on her face.
“Oh shit, hang on!” You huff at the sudden voice, the exertion of having pushed against the front door of Beta Tau for the past minute or so making you out of breath, and moments later Jimin’s face appears in the slight gap you’d managed to make. “Hey, _____!”
“What the hell is behind there? I knocked and knocked but nobody came out!” Jimin disappears again and grunts in effort, the drag of furniture accompanying him, and then the door swings open smoothly and he waves you in with an embarrassed giggle.
“Heh, sorry about that. Tae knocked over a vase while taking out the trash and of course left me alone to clean it up, as always. Plus,” he pauses, fishing the earbuds from the neck of his muscle tee, “had these in. Didn’t notice you pushing until you almost squished me with it!”
Sarcastically, he reaches out to poke your bicep in faux appreciation of your ‘muscles’ and you roll your eyes, stepping around him with a playful shove. “Yeah, yeah I’m sure. How did your guys’ sport meet go? Looks like you had quite the time.” And you’re not kidding; the place is still a mess, popcorn, red cups and beer bottles littering the living area.
“Oh yeah, it got pretty crazy!” Jimin grins, surprisingly bright after what you’re sure was a big night, but then again he’s no stranger to still being intoxicated the next day. “Pretty sure your pretty little boyfriend is still upstairs sleeping it off, haven’t seen him since…5 am?”
“Oh god.” It’s half past four, and if he was still asleep then no doubt he must’ve hit the meet up way too hard last night. Jimin doesn’t speak at your groan of dread, merely flashing you a grin before lifting a red cup towards you in cheers, and you shake your head as you step around the bags of trash at the landing of the stairs and jog up to the second floor.
The familiar sounds of ‘morning after’ –regardless of the fact of it being mid afternoon– wash over you as you trail down the hallway, and you suspect the person loudly vomiting in the first bathroom is Hoseok – he’s never been very good at holding his alcohol.
Hushed voices behind various closed doors as well as the gentle bass of an instrumental you don’t recognize, and you pause in front of Jungkook’s door to watch a girl you don’t recognize walk down the hall. Her hair is a complete mess, makeup all over the place and heels in hand, but she doesn’t offer you a second glance as she hurries along to the stairs.
Glancing back, you notice it’s Taehyung’s door that she’s escaped from, and moments later he appears himself, shirtless and tired but a sleepy grin adorning his face when he makes eye contact with you. “Morning, _____!”
“Uh, Tae it’s the middle of the afternoo–” You’re cut off by Yoongi’s door opening next to Taehyung, and his fuzzy head barely peeks through the gap before he’s fixing the younger with a blurry glare.
“Shut the fuck up, Taehyung. You’re so noisy.” Taehyung just keeps walking, rubbing absentmindedly on the nail marks littering his side. “Next time you have a fourth fucking round, be a little more considerate of the people trying to sleep.”
“Good morning to you too, Hyung!”
Seconds later and Taehyung has disappeared into the second bathroom, not bothering to knock even though the shower is clearly running, and you faintly hear Seokjin protesting his intrusion.
“It’s 5pm, you fucking nympho.” Yoongi grunts to himself, nodding at you without further comment and retreating back into his pitch-black cave, and you chuckle to yourself before finally cracking the door of Jungkook’s room.
It takes your eyes a few seconds to adjust to the darkness, but you finally locate the large lump of comforter on the bed and shuffle forwards to lean one knee on the mattress, dropping your bag to the floor. “Kook, you awake?”
There’s nothing but silence for a few moments before you hear a muffled groan and one arm emerges from within to flail around in an attempt to reach for you, and you grasp his warm wrist with a chuckle before he manages to punch you accidentally. “How you feeling?”
“Nnnngh–fuck.” The lump moves slightly but quickly gives up, and you realize his pillow is also covering his head. “Fuuuck¬–”
You snort, dropping his wrist and reaching for the water bottle half hanging out of his discarded book bag beside the bed. Luckily, it still has half the water left, and you poke him with it to pull out another curse.
“Drink some; it’s water. And you clearly need it.” His arm doesn’t lift from the bed, merely opens and slides towards you, and you watch, amused, as he pulls the bottle under the blanket and pillow before you hear the sound of him taking large mouthfuls, forcing you to uncover him quickly. “Kook, you’ll make yourself vomit if you drink too fas–oh my god, what the fuck did you do to your hair?!”
“Babe, please don’t yell my head is pounding!” His eyes squint even though there’s barely any light peaking through the blinds, and he ignores your gaping expression – pressing his face into the mattress and hiding his bleary eyes.
“Your hair is red, Jungkook! Not even red, its fucking pink. Bright fucking pink!” He groans again, rolling onto his back now and rubbing at his face. His torso is bare, and you can see the skin on the sides of his neck is tinged pink from the messy dye job.
“I know it’s pink, I lost a fucking bet with Jimin-hyung and he blindfolded me and dyed my hair, I don’t wanna talk about it.” You reach out and flatten the tuft sticking up on the side of his head, still dazed by the change in colour. It certainly doesn’t look bad, but you’d left Jungkook Friday afternoon with his hair dark brown like normal, and the bright shade it was now definitely required some sort of pre-warning.
“Isn’t this your karma for last year when you made him dye his hair baby pink?” You can’t help but laugh at his unamused expression, and run your fingers through his hair again, slowly adjusting to the colour. “It’s gonna be so fucking bright when you go outside–”
“Fucks sake.” He sits up with a heavy grunt, holding his head as he leans towards you and buries his face in your shoulder, and you rub the hair at the back of his head with a smile, scrunching your nose at the sweaty, alcohol smell that still lingers on his skin. “I’m pretty sure I’m still drunk.”
“Ha! You should probably shower then, drunkie.” You ruffle his hair, ignoring his complaints as you stand up from the bed and grab his towel from the hook behind his door. “Go on, I’ll make you something to eat.”
“Nooo!” He sticks to you like a leech, almost knocking you over with his weight as he pulls you closer, and you giggle at the pout on his face, even if he’s still frowning from his hangover. “Come shower with me?”
“I’m not the one that needs a shower, and you need to eat something to soak up all that alcohol.” He pouts harder as he nuzzles your stomach with his nose, and you push him away with a smile, throwing the towel over his head and leaving it there covering his face. “Go now, I can hear Jin coming out of the bathroom.”
He relents this time, standing and stretching his tired, lean torso carefully while you admire his figure unabashedly. And soon enough he’s clean and mostly dressed, sat atop the comforter as he eats the last of the sandwich you’d made. “You came over pretty early, I was expecting you to come later.”
“You did ask me to come over early, remember? You can sleep more if you want, I have to get ready anyway.” He shakes his head, sliding his empty plate onto the bedside table before leaning down to rummage in the bottom drawer for a few seconds.
“No I wanted you here for a reason. I got this!” He grins, pulling a package out of the drawer along with a pair of scissors and placing them in front of you.
“Wow, would it kill you to invest in some wrapping paper?” You can’t help but tease, even if he only brushes you off with an amused roll of his eyes.
“Just open it.” You do as he says, cutting through the tape holding the box closed before opening the flaps and digging through the paper stuffing until you found another, smaller box. But this one had pictures on the outside and you felt your cheeks flush with heat.
“Jungkook, we’ve been dating for barely a month and you think you can put things up my butt? I don’t know what kind of weird, kinky hentai you’ve been watching, but there is no way this is–” Jungkook splutters before snatching the box from you, and you snort.
“Did they send me the wrong thing?!” He stares into the box before lifting his gaze to glare at you, and you stroke his arm gently with a chuckle, reaching to take the box out and opening it quickly.
“A remote control vibrator huh? Just what are you planning to do with this tonight?” You pull the little device from the plastic casing gently, and Jungkook immediately makes a grab for the remote that falls out behind it. “Because I can tell you right now, if you’re lying and planning to try and get this into my butt, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“No, I’m leaving your butt alone…for now.” You roll your eyes at his grin and give him a suspicious look as he leans in towards you, but fall into his gentle kiss anyway. His tongue glides across your lower lip slowly, just gently parting your lips with the tip of the slick muscle, and you hum a moan as he presses you back against the pillows with a gentle push.
“Just wanted to have a little fun, you know we enjoy the competition. And I have a little challenge for you tonight.” It doesn’t take Jungkook long to wind you up, his bare torso pressing against you warmly and his mouth claiming yours with ease as he rolls his hips against you.
Your moans are muffled by his kiss, breathing coming in heavy pants through your nose as you press yourself ever closer to him when his thigh parts yours to press against the apex of your thighs.
“Hmpf!” You whimper under your breath when the next swivel of his hips has his tensed thigh muscle rubbing against your core, and you automatically respond with a lift of your hips to get closer to the sensation.
Jungkook’s hardened length is obvious against your hip, but he ignores his own need in favor of grinding his thigh even harder against you, and you break away from his mouth with a gasp. “A-And just what is this challenge?”
“You’re so warm, hmm.” Jungkook nuzzles your jaw gently, suckling against the sensitive skin beneath your ear and making you arch up into his chest at the spike of pleasure it invokes. “I want to see how long it takes for you to break and beg me to fuck you.”
Your panties are slowly starting to stick to your core uncomfortably, and you shift your hips with a whine, hands tangled in Jungkook’s hair and pulling his head closer to your neck.
“Mmf–more!” He chuckles against your chest where you’re pushing him closer to the neckline of your shirt, and suckles gently against the swell of your cleavage before sitting up slightly. Humming at the way you whine in complaint at his retreat, he shushes you while soothing your need with slow rolls of his thigh between yours.
“None of this will be any fun later if you cum now, baby. Let’s not move too fast.” You pout; frown marring your expression that had been filled with such pleasure so little ago. He laughs more heartily at your obvious disappointment, but continues on with his plan, sitting up on his knees and picking up the little vibrator from where you’d dropped it on the bed.
The device looks exactly as it does on the box – a bright pink silicone bullet with a looped string on the end to help the removal process. You find yourself chewing your lip as Jungkook sends you a serene smile even as his free hand fiddles with the button of your jeans until it flicks open.
The two of you work together to shuffle the fabric down your legs, but Jungkook only lets it bunch around your knees before flipping you with surprising ease to land on your stomach.
“Oh!” You gasp as he tugs you up onto your knees, face pressed into the mattress, and promptly groan as he swipes his tongue across your damp folds with a wide smile, completely avoiding your clit. “Hng–ah! You fucking tease!”
“Just gotta get you wet enough baby, you know that.” Jungkook moans against your heat as he feels your walls give way to the intrusion of his long tongue, and his arm wraps under your hips and up around your lower back to hold a firm hand against your backside.
“God, please just fuck me!” The vibrations of his moans intensify when he growls at your pleading, and you shudder under his tongue when the noise rattles each vertebra in your spine.
“Don’t tempt me baby girl, unless you don’t plan on leaving my room at all tonight.” You hiss when he swats your thigh with the tips of his fingers, and his mouth fixes against the swell of your ass to suck kisses against the skin while his fingers gather the wetness he’d left behind. “I’ll fuck you long and hard later, but you need to behave for now.”
“P-Promise?” You breathe out a moan as his finger sinks into you, swirling to spread and collect any wetness covering your walls before twisting to find the more sensitive little bundle of muscles within.
“Yeah baby, I promise.” Jungkook’s mouth cuts off any further comment you might have made when he latches onto your clit, and you cry out into the pillow beneath you as a second finger breaches your walls with the new gush of wetness it triggers. He simply enjoys the way you shake and whine under his ministrations for a minute before finally pulling out his fingers and dislodging his mouth with one final wet suckle on your clit.
“Mm–no, wait–” You groan in complaint when you feel the smoother, cooler touch of the silicone at your fluttering entrance, and you can practically feel Jungkook’s grin as he swirls the tip in small circles just to tease you. It’s not much thickness wise, about the same as his two fingers, but the weight and texture as the little bullet slides smoothly into you is instantly obvious.
“Just a little more, baby, it looks so good–fuck.” Jungkook plays with the string a little, dragging the bullet against your walls to see your entrance stretch open against the pull, before repeating the process once more to ensure the vibe is completely coated in your slick before he lets it go.
“Shit–” You take a deep breath, willing yourself to calm down with the knowledge that Jungkook wasn’t going to make you cum, but the weight and pressure of the toy inside you makes your need even harder to ignore. Jungkook’s hand feels heavy itself when he strokes up and down your spine soothingly before grasping your hips and easing you down to the mattress and then onto your side. “H–ah!”
He cant help his wide smile when you hum and gasp as the bullet shift inside you, big enough and pressed deep enough that it puts weight just above your gspot – enough to make your head spin.
“Feel okay?” Stroking your bare hips for a second, Jungkook leans down to kiss the corner of your mouth before shuffling down the bed and starting to redress your lower half. You try to help, lifting your hips and bending in an attempt to pull your bottoms up yourself, but your body is still adjusting to the new stimulation, and you’re forced to just let him do it instead.
“You’re expecting me to walk around the party all night and no doubt dance and everything, all with this thing inside me? Are you insane?” You nudge him with your foot petulantly, still somewhat bitter at your lack of release, but Jungkook simply smiles and buttons your jeans with a chuckle.
“Well I suppose you could sit down all night, even though it’s less fun.” He grins wide at your splutter and dodges the next hit you aim his way, sliding from the mattress onto his feet and reaching to grab a tee shirt off the floor.
Parties in the cooler autumn months mean bonfires in the yard, and with the stress of exam prep you’d endured the past week it’s definitely long overdue for you to get a chance to relax. The party had already started before the sun was all the way down, and when you finally finish getting ready and make your way to the backyard, it’s not hard to locate your boyfriend.
“That hair is like a beacon, I’m not losing you in a hurry.” Jungkook grunts slightly when you land in his lap –not seeming to notice the way you yourself gasp lowly– but quickly makes more room for you to situate yourself properly. He automatically offers you a sip of his drink, but the moment the fumes reach your nose and you spot the brightly colored liquid you immediately dodge the cup. “God, didn’t you learn something from last night? Jimin’s cocktails are not a good idea.”
“Just ‘cause you cant handle the heat!” You can feel a shoe poking you in the back, and you shoot Jimin a glare over your shoulder, to which he only giggles and makes himself more comfortable where he’s laid back on the couch with his head in Taehyung’s lap.
“He woke up with pink hair, I think the question of who can ‘handle the heat’ is already answered.” You ignore Jungkook’s groan and shoot Jimin another smile. “Besides, handling the heat and dumb seem to coincide, no?”
“We all know I was just returning the favor, after being nicknamed cotton candy boy by the rest of my team last year!” Jimin glares at the side of Jungkook’s head, but the younger remains unbothered – drinking slowly from his cup with a grin.
“Yes but you were talked into that bet so easy, Chim, she’s not wrong about the dumb part.” Yoongi chimes in from the other side of the fire, Irene nestled against his side in an attempt to reach across him to the bottle in his other hand, and she throws you a wave with bleary eyes and pink cheeks. “You two go together well! Dumber and Dumbest.”
All while the boys throw insults a compare similar idiocies from parties past, Jungkook remains quiet, seemingly content with his cheek leant to your shoulder and his palm holding the curve of your ass. His short nails catch on the texture of your denim jeans, tickling your skin underneath, and you shift on his lap as a throb of warmth echoes through you.
“Feeling okay?” You don’t have to look at him; you can feel his cheek is tight from smiling so hard, and at your stubborn refusal to give him the pleasure of admitting how effected you already are, his chest vibrates with laughter. “Don’t ignore me baby~.”
“I’m not ignoring you, you needy brat.” You roll your eyes, unable to help your smile when you look down to find his eyes shining up at you, and his hold tightens on your hips as he leans up to press his lips to your jaw.
“_____, you drinking?” You blink.
“Hm?” Turning from giving Jungkook unnecessary attention to face, you look towards Jimin as he sits up and stretches his arms high above his head, flashing a peek of his toned tummy to the group as he groans before waving his empty cup towards you. “Oh, yeah I am. You going in to get a refill?”
“Baby~. Can you get me a refill too?” Jungkook flutters his eyelashes sickeningly sweetly up at you, and you can distantly hear Hoseok and Namjoon losing their shit across the circle, gagging loudly.
“If I must ¬– I’ll come with you Chim.” You take Jungkook’s cup with a roll of your eyes, and stand to meet Jimin, managing to take a step before your legs give way beneath you and you fall towards the elder–right into his lap.
The bullet had sprung to life inside you, heavy vibrations rushing through your aching core and aftershocks stimulating your clit just enough to blindside you for a moment, and when your head clears from the shock you can hear Jimin and Irene saying your name in mild alarm.
“I thought you hadn’t had anything to drink yet babe, you okay?” You sniff, shrugging off Jungkook’s fake concern when you instantly recognize the smugness ringing in his voice. The bullet is still once more, vibrations ceased as fast as they’d started, and when you look towards your boyfriend you now realize his hand is tucked safely into his jacket pocket, out of sight.
“I’m fine, just uh, dead leg I guess.” You don’t check anyone’s faces to see if your lame excuse was convincing, but promptly squeak in surprise when Jimin uses his steadying grip on your hips to pull you to your feet.
The thought of looking him in the eyes after almost face planting his dick is a little too much, and you avoid any eye contact you as hide your blush behind your hair, choosing to turn and shoot Jungkook one last look of warning before you proceed back into the house.
The few hours following that incident go relatively smoothly, Jungkook not pulling any more surprises on you yet, and the relaxed vibe from the party almost causes you to forget you’ve even got the little device inside you.
Drink after drink leads you to follow Irene to the dance floor, and the two of you quickly merge yourselves into the middle of the mob, the moisture of warm bodies and vigorous dancing quickly coating your skin. The blurriness of your eyes paired with the darkness of the room means it doesn’t take long for you to lose her in the crowd, and it also means you don’t realize anyone’s approaching you until he already has his hands on your shoulders.
“You look like you’re having fun!” Jimin grins, admiring the way you spin and twist before him with excitement sparkling in your eyes, but he doesn’t miss the way you glance around to see if Jungkook is with him. “He’s still outside – told me you were in here dancing and I saw you were alone. Thought I’d come and keep you company!”
You don’t reply; merely grinning in acceptance and quickly taking a hold of his wrists before spinning him in a circle and throwing your arms up into the air. Jimin giggles loudly, returning the favor and spinning you so fast you almost lose your footing, stumbling against his chest, and that’s when it happens.
“Hngk!” You keel over in Jimin’s gentle hold, forehead hitting his shoulder and your nails dimpling the soft leather of his jacket as the vibe springs to life again. The weight of it feeling even more intense now it seems to be slipping, and you automatically clench around the device to keep it from escaping your slick walls, which is a grave mistake.
The tightening of your core nestles the end of the bullet right against your gspot, and you force yourself to pretend that you didn’t just moan into the cotton covering Jimin’s shoulder. You can faintly hear him asking if you’re okay, if you’re gonna be sick, if you need his help, but you ignore him completely and make a dash for the door, eyes flickering around the room in an attempt to spot your boyfriend, but he is no where to be found.
You make it to the bathroom, though each step is almost painful, and the moment the door is shut behind you, you collapse against the counter – thighs shaking with the effort it’s taking to hold you up while your body starts to ready itself for climax.
The thought of just taking the infernal little thing out before you can finish appears, but having already been denied a release today you figure it wouldn’t hurt to let the situation run its course. And it would, if Jungkook wasn’t content on playing with you even more.
Poor Jimin was very confused Came looking for me straight away Said you looked like you were going to be sick Said you were groaning in pain What would he say if he knew…?
The vibrations die down slightly, and you whine quietly in protest at the knowledge that he clearly wasn’t going to let you finish. Staring down at your phone as each message comes through, you find yourself clenching harder around the device, thighs pressing together in an attempt to prolong your pleasure. But as always, Jungkook can read you without even being in the same room – nor even speaking to you.
All sensations die down, and you groan in annoyance, head tipping back against the wall as you try and breathe to calm yourself down, but you choke on your own spit when a pulse jets through you from the bullet, and then again, and again. Of course the damn thing had different modes, you should have known!
You’re probably close huh, baby? So close and yet so far… All you have to do is say the magic words And I’ll walk straight into that bathroom and fuck you like you want me to I’m right outside baby Just say the words
“I give up!” The door squeaks, wood sliding against the doorframe and the sound of the bass emitting down the hall echoes of the tiles, muffling the sound of Jungkook’s shoes as he strolls into the room before the door locks shut with a click. “Fuck you, I hate you so much.”
“Oh? You don’t look like you hate me.” And he’s right, the reflection in the mirror; he flush in your cheeks, the sweat dampening your brow and the way your chest is heaving with each pulsation the bullet pushes through your walls. “You look like you want me – badly.”
“Please just fuck me, you said you’d fuck me!” Jungkook’s body heats at the raw desire swimming in your eyes, desperation bleeding into your inhibitions and rendering them void. Oh, how he loves when you ask him, gaze begging him to ruin you, body just calling for his touch.
“Yes I did, but I didn’t say when. And I’m quite enjoying the show.” Jungkook steps closer and you immediately reach out to pull him against you, pressing your heaving breasts into his chest and moaning as a sudden gush of wetness has your panties starting to stick uncomfortably against your folds.
“Kook, please, I’ll do whatever you want!” A faint click has the pulsations whirring back up to a constant thrum, and you can feel even more moisture dampening your core and seeping through to stain against the crotch of your jeans. It was baffling how he could do this, turn you into such a mess when just ten minutes ago, anything remotely akin to this was so far from your mind.
“Whatever I want? Hm?” Jungkook’s grin grows as he leans down towards you, and the press of his lips finally against your skin almost makes your knees buckle. Another click sounds and the vibrations intensify, the white noise of blood rushing through your ears filling your head as you become lost in the pleasure, every ounce of your being centred on that one small point of contact. “What if I don’t want you to cum yet?”
“J-Jungk–kngk–” Your voice cracks into a sob when the pulsations fluctuate once again and Jungkook pulls back to watch as your expression morphs with each emotion that rushes through you. The unadulterated pleasure that covers your face when your release starts to peak has his erection throbbing with want, calling for him to just hurry up and give in to what you want, but he’s set on playing with you just a little bit longer.
Slotting his thigh between yours, he presses his lips more firmly to your jaw, suckling against the flesh when you arch up into his touch, and he moans as your hip brushes against his swollen cock in an attempt grind your covered core against the thick muscle. You moan just as earnestly back at him, nails digging easily through his shirt to press crescent half moons into his skin, and you buck against him desperately as your orgasm starts to build.
Jungkook’s can feel with his hand on your side just how fast and hard your heart is beating, sweat beading in the curve of your spine where you’re arched sharply against him, and he pulls back from your jaw to shift his hand to your neck. Moaning as his hand closes around your throat, you cry out as he tugs you away from the wall and pushes you to meet the counter front on, hips finding the edge of the basin painfully as he steps up behind you.
“Bend over baby.” You do as he says hurriedly; elbows hitting the counter and lungs gasping for air at the reprieve you get when he lifts his hold on your throat and uses rushed fingers to unbutton your jeans. They don’t even make it all the way off, merely trapping your thighs and giving you even less room to work with, and soon your panties are just the same, ruining the smooth skin of your inner thighs with streaks of shiny slick.
“F-Fuck!” Somewhere past the white noise in your head, you can hear Jungkook groaning out how good it looks when he grasps the string connected to the bullet and pulls it free from your core, but you whine in protest and push back in an attempt to keep the vibe inside you.
“Look at that eager little pussy, so desperate to cum, hm?” Jungkook’s mouth meets the back of your shoulder, teeth grazing the skin just enough to have shudders wracking your spine before he nips you playfully. His words don’t register, your brain too overloaded on sensation to let you concentrate, but he doesn’t need you to tell him when you’re going to cum; it’s written all over your face.
Pulling the vibe free from your core, he lets his fingers trail over your swollen folds, the trickle of wetness following the little device dirtying his fingers and running rivulets down to where your jeans are trapping your legs. Your walls are already so receptive, swollen and pulsing from the sudden lack of stimulation, and so when he slides his digits into the soft flesh and crooks the pads of fingers into the most sensitive patch of nerves, you fall weak in his hold.
You don’t even realize it but your hips start to undulate, the need that had been building all night feeding into your desperation and leaving you with no other thought in mind but to cum. Jungkook leans back to watch you at work, hissing through his teeth when the sight of his fingers being engulfed by your puffy folds sends another painful throb through his cock.
Two fingers turns into three, and you cry out with a sharp convulsion as you keel over to press your forehead to the counter, your arousal making it so easy for his fingers to stretch you open, and you almost cry in relief at the thought that you will finally get to feel his cock as your core tightens to cum–
And then he’s gone, fingers pulled from your core and heat disappearing from behind you, and you are livid.
Whirling on your heavy feet, legs shaking and eyes turning wet with tears of frustration that you refuse to let fall, you glare heavily at Jungkook’s smug expression, turning angrier as the sight of his tongue peeking out to lick the slick from his fingers echoes a throb in your core.
All flushed cheeks and clumsy hands, you maintain your anger as you yank your jeans and panties up your thighs and fix the opening firmly shut, letting the discomfort of the way your underwear had rolled up with your harsh pulling fuel you. And then, ignoring Jungkook’s baffled expression, you pat down your hair and give yourself a quick once over in the mirror and storm from the bathroom.
The struggle that is getting through the crowded hallway to the stairs and up to the second landing, the hoards of people in your way while you’re already so on edge, ensures that by the time you do reach Jungkook’s room, you’re just as incensed as you had been when you’d left him downstairs. And true to his nature, Jungkook appears no less than 35 seconds later, slipping silently into the room and locking the door firmly before finally turning to you.
He watches with wide eyes yet barely masked amusement as you strip yourself of each item of clothing, one by one, until your panties hit the floor in a damp bundle and you’re completely bare.
Marching forwards determinedly, you refuse to be sated by the fact he steps forwards to meet you and instantly push him back to meet the door before taking his lips viciously with your own. He hums as you suck his lower lip between your teeth, helping you to peel off his jacket and separating only momentarily to discard his shirt, and then turning your positions and knocking your back into the wall.
When your hands have had their fill of the toned muscles lining his torso, and his fingers fall to the zip of his fly, you pull away from his mouth with a harsh nip against his swollen flesh, and push him down until he’s in line with your dripping heat. “Fix it.”
“Oh? And here I thought you were angry at me. But look how wet I got you with my little game, hm?” The cockiness in his eyes makes your blood boil even hotter than just your arousal, and your expressions contorts akin to a snarl, nails threatening to break through his skin.
But his grin only grows and you don’t hesitate to twist your fingers into his hair and pull his mouth to the apex of your thighs, legs buckling at the instant pleasure.
“F-fuck–ah!” Jungkook seems to sense you’re in no mood for teasing and urges your shaky leg to hook over his shoulder in order to grant him deeper access to your leaking entrance. He dives in without hesitation, suckling hard on your swollen, sensitive clit and humming in delight as your back arches sharply off the wall and your fingers pull his hair tight at the pleasure.
Your earlier orgasm doesn’t take long to arise, and you whimper pleadingly as the tips of Jungkook’s fingers part your glistening folds and sink deep within your clenching walls. You immediately push down to meet his digits, clit grazing over the front of his teeth before you lift yourself again and undulate your hips.
Jungkook releases a guttural groan as the slick sound of your walls gliding over his fingers fills the room, and you bite down heavily on your lip to contain your noises of ecstasy. The motions of your grinding against his tongue and fingers leaves his nose, cheeks and chin covered in the moisture of your pleasure, and you let your head tip back to rest against the wall as you move with even more vigor, chasing your release.
You cum with a loud squeak, the tang of iron filling your mouth as your teeth tear into the delicate flesh of your inner lip, and Jungkook easily takes over where your hips stutter and pause. Nose digging into the softer flesh below your navel, he tongues hard at your clit as he braces himself and fucks you viciously with his three drenched fingers, curling deeply into your tender gspot.
You wince momentarily at the overstimulation but quickly melt into his embrace as he drags you towards a second release; a dopey, lidded expression of ecstasy on your face even as you flush and gasp, growing lightheaded as you struggle to stand straight above him. But he’s determined, and within a minute you’re driven over the edge once more, tears of pleasure welling in your eyes and shining across your cheekbones as you tremble and shudder in his hold.
Jungkook stands, ignoring the sharp ache in his knees from the hard floor, and immediately loops an arm around your waist to hold you steady as his lips meet yours, thumb of his clean hand stroking away the moisture on your cheeks. “Better?”
“Fuck me.” He chuckles at your slurred words, pressing his lips to your cheek just gently before sucking your lip between his and pulling you from the wall.
You stumble back blindly, led by the pressure of his warm body against yours, and when the backs of your knees find the side of the mattress you fall back willingly, hair splayed around your head and bare breasts bouncing together with the force of your fall. Jungkook stands over you, lips still shining with the taste of you, and you lean up on your elbows, legs parted to invite him in, as he flicks open the fly of his jeans. The pile of denim meets the floor the same time as his knees hit the mattress behind your thighs, and your legs hook over his hips to pull him in.
“Mmf!” You moan against his mouth as his tongue twines with yours deeply, teeth nipping at the tip of your wet muscle before his own glides a wet shine across your lips, and you lick hungrily at them when he pulls away to chase any trace of his flavor left behind.
“Can’t wait to fuck that tight little pussy, baby.” The vibration of his words spoken against the inside of your knee sends sparks across you skin that break out in goose bumps and you whine petulantly with a cant of your hips against his. “Roll over, show me where you want it.”
Your limbs feel weak but you muster the energy to do as he asks quickly, snatching a pillow from the head of the bed and hugging it to your chest as you flip onto your front. The fabric muffles your next moan when his hands take a handful of each ass cheek to spread your folds wide, humming in appreciation as his breath washes over your soaked core.
A cry is ripped from your throat as his mouth finds your entrance one last time, teeth careful but firm as he grazes your labia and sucks each one between his lips before gathering all the wetness in his mouth and depositing it right against the dip of your hole. “K-Kook, please–”
“Hold your pussy open, don’t let it drip off.” Your ass smarts as his hand swats roughly against your cheek and you turn your head to the side to breathe as your arms abandon the pillow to reach back. Your nails dimple the soft flesh beside your mound as you pull each side open, and you arch your spine invitingly as you lay in wait. “Fuck, yes.”
The tip of his cock slaps wetly against your core, his hips rolling slowly as he drags the underside through the slick he’d so carefully placed, and his hands find the curves of your waist as he leans over you. You arch your back even further until you’re forced to stop by a painful twinge in your spine, and he hisses as your movements cause the head of his length to catch on your entrance with his next thrust.
No words are needed as he tilts his hips up and presses forward into your heat, the stretch warming your bones and pushing the air from your lungs as he manages to get halfway in before drawing back slowly. The second push is a lot smoother, and he quickly bottoms out with a deep groan, hips twitching with slight sensitivity as your walls wrap tight around his cock.
“S-So, big, hhngk–” The words are hard to manage with the way you’re pinned to the bed, and you think back to the first time you’d had sex with him. Just how impossible it’d seemed at the time for his large girth and length to fit inside you, but the amount of foreplay you’d endured all day meant your walls were stretched and slick, more ready for him than ever.
“I fuck you every day, and you’re still so fucking tight baby.” Jungkook lifts one hand from your waist to lean on his forearm next to your head, and the heat of his lips as they glide across your shoulder to suck bruises along the curve of your neck adds to the fire that he’s sparking deep in your abdomen. His pace fastens gradually, back curved over you to hit hard and deep, and your knees start to slip against the comforter under the force, making the tip of his cock drag hard against your gspot. “Y-You like knowing –fuck– how hard I was all night? Knowing your tight little cunt was nice and wet, just waiting to get fucked?”
“Oh my god–” Your thighs shake as the knot he’s forming in your core tightens unbearably, and your hips drop to the bed as your walls throb, release closing in on you despite how exhausted you’re becoming. “Baby–”
But Jungkook takes it in stride, shifting with barely a pause to straddle your left leg and tip you on your side, hand hooking under your right knee and pulling your leg up until your ankle hooks over his opposite shoulder. The release on your neck and chest lets you gasp for air, and your waist twists until your shoulder blades rest comfortably on the bed and you can see his glowing face clearly as he gazes down at you reverently.
“So fucking pretty.” You moan in reply as he grinds his cock deep against you before resuming his thrusting, hand returning to your waist and keeping your hips firmly in place as he drops his head a kisses you deep. Your moans mix together as you suck against the tip of his tongue, catching it as it glides across your lips, and his breath washes across your face in a cool breeze, highlighting just how flushed you must be.
“Gonna cum?” His lips brush against your cheek as you tilt your face to breathe properly, and you can barely manage a nod let alone be coherent enough to answer. “Cum for me, w-wanna feel you, beautiful.”
“G-gukk–ah!” Your hips jerk as he sits back once more, freeing up his arm and allowing him to press a quickly tongue-slicked thumb to your clit, and your body overloads in pleasure. Each muscle burns in protest at the force with which your orgasm shoots through you, and just like each joint in your body, your walls lock tightly against his length and push him to release quickly.
“M’ gonna c-cum! Can I–can I cum in your mouth?” You moan wantonly with overstimulation as his cock swells with his impending orgasm and nod eagerly, wanting desperately to watch him release. You pull your leg down from where it’s propped up against his torso just in time to give him room to leap from between your thighs, and by the time your tongue drops just past your lips and your hands press against the backs of his thighs for encouragement, he’s already pumping hard at his cock as drops of release hit your mouth.
Moaning heavily through his nose with rushed, high pitched pants of exertion, Jungkook’s kiss-swollen lips stretch in a pleased smile as he slows his hand, wiping the last beads of release at his tip against your lips like gloss and tapping just enough times to make you fix him with a playful glare.
“A work of art.” You swallow thickly while rolling your eyes, licking your lips clean and furrowing your brows as the thick liquid passes through your throat, and Jungkook drops down beside you with a groan, sweaty skin sticking to yours uncomfortably.
Now you’re relaxing the sounds of the party filter back to you, and you briefly wonder if anyone might’ve heard the two of you, but exhaustion takes over faster than you can care, and you push him out of your way as you drag yourself back up the bed to slip beneath the covers. “Baby?”
“Mm?” Jungkook looks up from where he’s leaning down to grab clean underwear out of the draw beside the bed, one of his big, oversized tshirts already in hand for you.
“Go get me a drink.” He stares at you blankly for a moment before looking down at his naked self and returning your gaze once more.
“Are you serious?” You smile, eyes drifting shut as you nuzzle further into the pillow with a shrug and stretch your aching legs under the covers. “Babe, I’m naked.”
“You’re the one that wanted to come in my mouth, hun.” Jungkook huffs and complains all through redressing himself into his jeans and shirt from earlier, trying hard to make his hair not seem so freshly sex mussed and with one last glance at you, slips from the room with a loud groan.
“If the sex wasn’t so good I swear–”
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painted-cherries · 6 years
friends to lovers college au
bambam x reader
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a/n: i have wanted to write one of these bullet fics about bambam for so long. and i’m s total sucker for these friends to lovers tropes. this is my first one so let me know what you think!
warnings: some cussing
so i totally believe that bambam would be so chill upon meeting you
well chill on the outside
he can’t betray his chill facade 
anyways you two would definitely meet in a way that you wouldn’t expect
you were actually in the security office to appeal to a parking ticket you got
because damn if you hadn’t knocked your parking pass off the rear view mirror during your tirade to class, then you wouldn’t be here wasting a good twenty minutes of your life
bc public service is slow globally
and you were sitting there in the lobby waiting to give a piece of your mind to whoever the idiot student officer was that gave you the ticket
it turns out that bambam is that idiot
you aren’t gonna lie to urself, he’s a cute guy
he has soft brown hair and a beautiful smile bUT that doesn’t matter right now, you’re here on a mission
you start to complain about how you own a parking pass that you paid nearly two hundred dollars for and you aren’t about to pay a fine because it feel on the floor of your car
and bambam just stares at you with an amused face as you continue your rampage until you stop to wait for his politically correct response
he just turns away and type on the computer at the desk and tells you that he cleared your fine
and then you feel bad for giving him such a long lecture about the ticket in the first place
“oh my gosh i am so so sorry i didn’t realize--”
and then he laughs and says its whatever man
he introduces himself as bambam 
and he thought your ranting was funny and that’s why he didn’t stop you
so this is how you meet and eventually bambam is interested in you but lets not get ahead of ourselves
after the parking ticket incident it happens almost instantly but suddenly you see bambam everywhere
like you never noticed him before but it turns out that he’s in your psych class
and you both spend your thrusdays in the same little coffee shop on campus
so now bambam has decided to be apart of your day to day life 
the two of you regular meet for coffee and study sessions and he occupies the once was empty seat next to you in psych
you begin to grow together; you learn about bambams dreams and that he’s majoring in filmography
he even shows you some of the youtube videos he’s edited for his channel and they’re actually really good
being friends with bambam encourages you to be more social
mostly because he throws the biggest parties on campus 
and of course he saw it as his duty to encourage you to branch out
so you’re at one of bambam’s partiesthe light is dim in his apartment and the music is so loud that you can’t tell if it’s or consciousness talking to you or kanye west
you’re looking for bambam because you’ve decided that it’s about time for you to leave and you’re pushing through all the sweaty bodies
then you spot bambam
he has a drink in one hand and he’s laughing along with someone else but they don’t matter right now
because he looks so beautiful in the lighting
his hair is slicked to the side a little and the dim lighting emphasizes all the features in his face
and you knew before tonight that you had been slowly falling for him because how could you not he was so astonishing
you stare at him for a moment and then he turns his face to catch your gaze and he flashes you a smile
bambam is about to make his way over to you when the person, now noticeably a girl from your psych class takes his face in her hands and kisses him
suddenly you’re once again hyper aware of the music that’s blaring in your ears and saying goodnight to bambam isn’t your priority anymore as you walk out the door and into the hallway of his complex
you tell yourself you shouldn’t be mad because he isn’t your boyfriend and he doesn’t feel the same about you anyway
you’re stepping into the elevator when suddenly bambam comes running down the hall “y/n wait up!”you were just going to let to doors shut on him but he makes it in narrowly by sticking his leg in the doors
curse him and his legs why does he have to be 96% leg anyways?
you stay silent for a few minutes, wishing the elevator wasn’t so slow and he tries to talk to you
“y/n i have something important that you need to know”
and after you try to give him the silent treatment he presses the emergency stop button and you’re like wtf bambam
“why aren’t you talking to me?”
“I don’t know why don’t you go back to the party with jess? I’m tired” (omg i picked the most typical high school mean girl name im sorry also sorry if your name is jess)
and suddenly the realization hits bambam that you saw her kiss him
he steps closer to you“what about jess? she’s been trying to hit me up for weeks now but I keep declining her offers. she doesn’t matter to me.”
and you shrink a little “well it looked like she mattered to you five minutes ago”
bambam lets out a small laugh, and takes another step towards you and you’re so close to the wall of the elevator at this point
“sure but when i’m interested in a girl its so obvious”
“o-oh really?”
“yes. when i like someone i want to be with them as much as possible. I like to share my interests with them. and spend time in cute little cafes with them. telling them about my dreams. clearing their parking tickets..”
and at this point your back is pressed up against the wall and bambams breath is fanning your face and you can’t help but break your locked eyes to look at his lips because wow you’ve never wanted to kiss someone so much in your life
“so if you like someone that much,, then what’s stopping you from making a move?”
and with that he finally does the unthinkable and kisses you right there
the kiss is everything
bambam places his hands firmly on your hips and kisses you even deeper
and for a moment you totally forget that you’re in the elevator until bambam’s hands start to linger underneath of your loose top
when you break apart he can’t help but grin down at you and he presses his forehead to yours
“do you want to continue this elsewhere?” he asks with a cheeky grin
and you’re like yeah but lol theres like a hundred people in your apartment right now and i bet you $20 that your bedroom is already occupied
and he takes out his phone and says ok then we can go to your place and I’ll make sure yugyeom kicks everyone out,,, especially the people who are likely in my bed ew
and then your finally get the elevator moving again and kiss and giggle all the way back to your apartment 
and try to keep bambam from getting too handsy so that you at least make it into your living room
a/n: this ended up being way longer than I anticipated and it’s kinda messy but I like the way it worked out!
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staygoldangel · 6 years
pairings: very soft dally x reader
trigger warnings: none
about: this is a little fic where you and Dally are in school, and are both in trouble at the same time lol. also you’re a Curtis sister, and it’s a lil bit angsty
“that’s it, Miss (Y/N) Curtis, go to the office!” Your very angry teacher yelled from the front of the room.
your cheeks burned as the entire class had turned to look at you. it wasn’t your fault! Two-Bit had been pestering you for the past twenty minutes, and you’d had enough. you had tolerated the whisper-shouted “Hey!”s, waving, and other annoyances. that is, until he started throwing paper airplanes. you had a hard enough time focusing in math anyway. your teacher was at least a million years old, and was so quiet and monotone you could fall asleep if you wanted.
“fine.” you stood up, slammed your chair into the desk, grabbed your things, and glared at Two-Bit as you exited the room. He only grinned and chuckled, looking satisfied. he leaned back in his chair, still watching you leave.
once you were out of the teacher’s sight, you stood a little bit outside the doorway and flipped Two-Bit off. you turned and started your walk of shame toward the office. you flipped your sunglasses down off of your head, and applied some more clear lip gloss. you wanted to keep your cool to the best of your abilities. it was decently hard, because you needed some time to cool off before facing your principal.
as you slowly walked through the halls, you took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. you looked out one of the windows. it was a beautiful day in Tulsa. it was late May, and school would be out very soon. the clouds were huge and fluffy, trees were full, and flowers were in full bloom. one thing you couldn’t help but notice was the sky. the stunning sky with all it’s brilliant shades of blue. the very same sky you had stared at your entire life. the sky your oldest brother, Darry, would yell at you to stop looking at because you had homework to do. the same sky you would watch change from day to night with your kid brother, Ponyboy. the same sky you watched for hours the night you heard your parents had died. the night you had cried with Sodapop for hours. you could’ve sworn the stars shone brighter that night then they ever did before. 
you tore yourself away from the window, continuing your walk. as the office came into view, you sighed. what is Darry gonna say this time? you would always be grateful Darry never leaned as hard into you as he did Pony. Pony had it real bad sometimes. you swore Darry would yell at him for breathing the wrong way. 
you flopped down into one of the hard, plastic chairs in the office. resting your chin on your palm, you look around. nothing out of the ordinary, except for one little detail. sitting across from you was the school’s bad boy. Dallas Winston. a pretty good friend of yours. he waved a little bit, then walked over to sit next to you. you always had the slightest crush on ‘ol Dal, but your brothers would have your head if you even thought of having a boyfriend. you looked up at him and smiled. 
“so doll, what are you in for?” he grinned.
you giggled a bit. “i was “disrupting class”, apparently.” you stuck your tongue out, mocking your teacher. “how about you?” you raised an eyebrow.
“i may or may not have threatened a kid with my switch.” he gave a dangerous smile. the same smile that had always made blush a bit.
“that’s rough. at least you don’t have an older brother that’ll ground you for a week.” you groaned. you loved your brother, but he could be a royal pain. “Two-Bit finally pushed me over the edge. i was yelling at him and crumpling up all his paper airplanes. of course i’m the one who gets in trouble.”
Dally laughed. you loved it when you made him laugh. and then, there was a minute where everything went still. Dally looked into your eyes, and he softened a little bit.
“y’know doll, you really do have pretty eyes.” he said quiet enough for only you to hear. 
your face burned. Dallas Winston, the Dallas Winston, flirting with you?!? you had decided there was no time like now. you were gonna make a move. now or never, right?
“hey Dal, i just wanna say that i rea-” you were cut off by the secretary.
“Miss Curtis, please report to Principal Smith’s office.” she pointed to a dimly lit room. 
“oh, um, yeah. ok.” you were flustered. as you got up, your hand brushed Dally’s. you looked back at him.
“Wait for me?”
your worries melted away, and so did your heart. you gave him a soft smile. you walked into the principal’s office, still love-drunk and smiling like an idiot. you tuned out most of the principal’s speech until he said, “i’m afraid i’m going to have to call your brother.” you swallowed hard. 
“Principal Smith, please! please don’t. it could have been worse...?” you grinned nervously. He only rubbed his temples and sighed.
“Miss Curtis, this has been the fifth time this month you’ve been called down for being disruptive! is there a certain student who has been bothering you?” you may have been mad at Two-Bit, but you were anything but a snitch. you guys had a strong bond, and a little thing like this was no reason to call him out. 
“no, i was just frustrated. i’m sorry, this won’t happen again.” you sighed, accepting the consequences.
“i understand. i’m still going to have to call your brother, however.” he explained to you. after around five more minutes, he let you go. you made your way back to Dally. 
“c’mon doll. let’s get out of here. the bell is gonna ring any second.” he handed you your bag.
“yeah, let’s go. im gonna have to find Pony and wait for Soda to pick us up. who knows when that’s gonna be.” you ran a hand through your hair.
“i’ll drive you home.” Dally put a hand on your shoulder. you smiled. 
“aw, thanks Dal! let’s find Pony.” you guys both left the office as the bell rang, and kids went running out of their classes. you both found Pony and Johnny, and they explained they were gonna hang out after school, and didn’t need a ride. it was just you and Dally.
the drive to your house was peaceful. it was small conversations and comfortable silence. the sun was still high in the sky. the fresh spring air filled your lungs and you relaxed. 
as you pulled up to your house, Dally lit a cigarette. “i’ll see ya later doll. say, do you wanna catch a movie sometime?” he asked nonchalantly. 
“yeah sure. tomorrow night at eight?” you tilted your head.
“i’ll pick you up then. night, honey.” he grinned. 
“g’night Dally.” you returned his grin with a cute little smile.
you had remembered the single word he told you as he drove away. the one little word that made your heart leap.
you opened the door to your house, putting your bag on one of the chairs.
“(Y/N) (M/N) Curtis! Get in the kitchen right now!” You heard Darry yell from the other side of the house.
Oh boy. 
Notes: EW WHAT IS THIS ENDING. this was wayyyyy longer than i intended im sorry. hope y’all liked my first fic.
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