#anyway johnny starts referring to your son as 'our son' like. maybe a week into the apocalypse if he is showing some restraint
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niccolites ¡ 5 days ago
sorry i'm actually deranged and i can't stop thinking abt it
like the bit in season 2 where shane deliberately shoots a man in the knee so he'll get eaten so shane has a chance to get away to be able to get medicine back for carl
like so soap coded but way earlier for him to do smth fucked like that. like ur son gets sick and you don't have any medicine for him beyond the over the counter painkillers you nabbed from your medicine cupboard when you packed up and left
soap is immediately packing up to head into the city to get what you need. you aren't sure how to define your dynamic, given johnny was one of your husbands close friends at work and now he wakes you up in the morning by grinding his hard-on into your backside
not everyone at your camp knows that you were married before this, but enough know that you feel ashamed when johnny gives you a wet kiss before he leaves, taking some guy with him, a mechanic you think
comes back without him but does have the medicine that you need, a gash in his leg and a strange, off look on his face
johnny tells everyone some fabricated story of what happened, that the mechanic tripped on the way out of the pharmacy, went down before he could save him
later, you sit beside your son, feeling his temperature start to finally go down, johnny next to you, one hand on your son's shin, the other around the curve of your waist. he'd let you treat his leg, stares down at you with a wild look in his face even as the rest of his face remains passive
johnny tells you what really happened. both of them had been too slow, cut their legs up on the glass trying to break into the pharmacy and they had been stumbling up the road, leading a mob of zombies with them
he tells you he shot the mechanic in his other leg, took the medicine and left him to be eaten. "ah had to get back tae ye. both ae ye," he says, blood still spattered on his hand as he brings it up to your cheek. "ah would never leave you or the wain alone out here."
it's meant as a vow, but it tastes like a threat when he kisses you
i can't write a zombie apocalypse au for johnny bc it was just be beat for beat shane walsh plotline from the walking dead. except way worse way earlier
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cake-writes ¡ 5 years ago
Forever Yours
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Pairing: 1940s!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: SAPPY AS HELL, Fluff, Angst, War References
Summary: Two lovebirds exchange letters during the War.
Written to this song on repeat. Enjoy!
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June 16, 1943
Hey sweetheart,
It’s been 19 hours since I kissed you goodbye, but I’ll never forget the dress you wore to the docks. You took my breath away! Nearly tempted me to do something I shouldn’t have... at least not without permission, and we can’t have that, can we? 
I’ve just gotta see you in a white dress again, sugar. Mark my words, as soon as I come home, I’m gonna have a long talk with your parents. Gotta ask ‘em properly. I just wish I could have done it before I left. You would have said no, though, wouldn’t you? Until I’m yours for good, not government issue. My girl’s just too smart to get tied down without thinking it through! That’s one reason out of a thousand why I love you.
I know how upset you were that you couldn’t send me off with a smile, but I’m a little happy that those tears were for me. I’m the luckiest man in the world to be able to say that you’re mine.
Miss you already.
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June 17, 1943
To my best girl,
There’s not much to do on this godforsaken ship other than write to you, so that’s what I’m gonna do. 41 hours since I saw you last and I’ve been sick as a dog. Isn’t the Army supposed to make me stronger? But here I am, barely able to keep anything down. Guess I haven’t gotten my sea legs yet.
The tablets they give us for seasickness don’t help much either, not to mention they taste awful. No one can keep ‘em down, not even Mann and he’s got a stomach of steel. Sorry doll, that’s Archie Mann. One of my bunk mates. He’s a private with B Company, says he’s originally from Mississippi but his folks moved to Brooklyn a couple years back. Small world.
The fellas all say I’m wallowing in my own misery, and you know, maybe they’re right. Wish you were here taking care of me. Then I’d be right as rain.
Forever yours, Bucky
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June 18, 1943
Hey gorgeous,
67 hours now. That’s almost three days away from you.
It’s been impossible to sleep. I feel like a canned sardine – got 5000 other men on this ship with me and limited real estate. Our bunks are stacked 4 high, but at least I’ve got a bottom one thanks to my sergeant chevrons. Makes it easier to sneak up on deck at night and write to you, which is what I’m doing right now.
I might be breaking regulations, but I won’t tell if you don’t! You can keep a secret, right, doll?
It’s a full moon tonight. Nothing but ocean around for miles and miles. I think you’d love it out here. It’s peaceful – actually makes me forget for a minute that there’s a war going on. Then I remember where I am and where I’m heading.
Starting to get a little drowsy, now. Maybe it’s the sea breeze. I’m gonna try real hard to dream of you. 
See you in a few minutes, I hope.
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June 20, 1943
To the girl of my dreams,
It’s been nearly five days, and I can still smell your perfume on the handkerchief you gave me. Hope it lasts. I’m not ready to give you up yet.
You said you stitched that pretty pink flower on there just for me, so I’ve kept it hidden in my pocket for safekeeping. Embroidery is hard work, isn’t it? Becca’s always been terrible at it, but Ma’s stitching is the fastest you’ll ever see. 
When you get these letters, would you mind checking in on them for me? Becca and the girls are gonna be fine, but I’m worried about Ma. Hope she’s doing okay. Her only son going off to war… I know it’s gotta be hard for her, but she’s too proud to let it show. Maybe she’ll open up to you.
Don’t know what I’d do without you.
Love you always, Bucky
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June 20, 1943
Well, your handkerchief didn’t stay secret for long. Only for another two hours after I wrote that last letter! Can you believe it? 
The boys have seen your picture, now, too – you can thank Henderson for that. I’ve given him orders to do fifty push-ups every hour for a whole day as a punishment for going through my rucksack, but I can’t say I blame him. There’s nothing better to do. “Hurry up and wait” should be the Army’s motto.
Oh yeah. Henderson is one of my corporals. Johnny Henderson from Manhattan. He’s a rifleman. Rich family, but he wasn’t drafted.
Just seeing your face is like a breath of fresh air, though, and not just to me. Everyone’s compliments were respectful, and I’m gonna make sure they stay that way. Boy, were they all jealous! None of them have girls waiting at home like me. Called me a lucky bastard more than once, and I’ve gotta agree.
Marino said that the pink flower you stitched is a gladyolis gladiolus? That word still doesn’t look right… Correct me if I’m wrong, yeah? No dictionary. Marino’s a florist’s son. Private Joey Marino, my squad’s medic. Italian. Good guy.
Anyway, he said it means ‘faithfulness’ and ‘remembrance’. I don’t think that’s a coincidence, is it, doll? 
Yeah, I’m a lucky bastard, alright.
Unabashedly yours, Bucky
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June 21, 1943
Hey beautiful,
It’s only been six days since I got a kiss from you, but it feels like it’s been six years. We’re not supposed to hit shore for another week, and after that, who knows how long I’ll be there? Or if I’ll even make it back?
No, we’ve gotta stay positive, right? That’s what you’d say. I don’t know how I’m gonna make it home to you otherwise. Some of the men here have already been over once, and the stories… well, that’s not something you need to hear. I’m sure you’re already doing enough worrying as it is for the both of us. Don’t wanna add fuel to the fire.
Sorry for the smudges by the way. Someone thought it would be a great idea to smoke while writing a letter to his favorite girl, and then he dropped ashes everywhere. Guess who? Hint: it’s me. I know, I know. It’s a nasty habit, but hear me out. It’s really helped settle my stomach, and Lucky Strikes are a dime a dozen. 
Wonder how long that’ll last where we’re headed. Or how long I’ll last.
I’m sorry. It’s hard to be positive, but I’m trying. I just miss you so damn much, and I love you more than anything. You know that, don’t you?
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June 22, 1943
To my gorgeous girl,
Dreamt about you again last night. I woke up before we got to the good part! Normally I’d be a little heartbroken, but waking up to a bunch of men laughing at me wasn’t too pleasant. I said your name in my sleep, and, well, I didn’t just say it if you know what I mean.
Why am I even writing this? I don’t know. Hope you have a good laugh at my expense anyway. You deserve to laugh. You deserve to be happy.
At least my poker skills aren’t too shabby. I won a couple packs of smokes last night. Don’t worry, I’ll brush my teeth extra good before I kiss you again... and before we do other things. Don’t you worry your pretty little head, darlin’. I’ll take good care of you when I get back.
Still thinking about you in that dress.
P.S. Just a week away from your good graces, and look what’s happened! You’re gonna have to make a good Christian out of me when I get back.
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June 24, 1943
Dear sweetheart,
It’s been nine days, I think. I’m not really sure anymore. We’ve hit some rough seas lately, which has made it pretty hard to write anything without my pen making a mess of the page. Lots of storms! I guess we’re getting closer to England. It rains a lot there, or so I’ve heard.
Rumor has it we’ll dock in just a couple more days. Then I’ll finally get to send these letters off. I hope they get to you quickly, but that’s more self-serving than anything because I can’t wait to hear from you, doll. Wonder how long it takes for mail to travel overseas?
Looks like my seasickness is finally cured! Not sure if it’s the cigarettes or because I’ve just gotten used to it. Been keeping a bucket by my bedside since I got on board, but I haven’t needed it at all the last couple days even with the stormy weather. Haven’t needed it since I started smoking, actually. Correlation or causation? What do you think?
Love you always, Bucky
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June 25, 1943
To my one and only,
Never mind, I spoke too soon. Seasick again. More rain.
Do you remember when we got caught in the rain last summer? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. You can hear the rain even from inside the ship, and it sounds pretty similar to where we hid to wait it out. That little cabin in the woods with the tin rooftop – I really loved it there, you know? But what I loved more was spending that little bit of extra time with you. Even if we were soaking wet.
We’ll be in England in just a couple of hours, according to my master sergeant. I don’t know when I’ll have the chance to write you again, but I’ll do it whenever I can. I just hope my letters make it there in one piece.
I love you so, so much. Don’t forget that. No matter what happens. Okay?
I know it’s not fair for me to ask, but if I don’t make it through, could you please look after Ma? At least for a little while? I’ve asked her to look after you, too.
Gotta go now. I love you. 
Forever yours, Bucky
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Part Two
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jaehyunspeachparty ¡ 5 years ago
daddy jaehyun
ii.xxxvii. (a)
"Hey, have you picked up Miga yet?" You are driving your car when you are on the phone with Jaehyun. "Yes, we just got in the car. We would be on the way to you now." Jaehyun was with Sunoh at Johnny's and helped him finish the nursery. The baby could come at any time because Johanna was already in the 38th week. "We need a little more time. Could you come in an hour?" Jaehyun sighed and you can hear your son babbling in the background. "Okay, then I'll do something with Miga." You look in the rearview mirror and see your little girl dreamily looking out the window. What was she thinking of? "Perfect thanks. I love you." "I love you too." After hanging up, you went back to your daughter. "Miga, do we want to go to a cafe and eat cookies?" You knew that this answer can only be positive. "Yeah!" Cookies always brought her back to reality because she loved nothing more. You park at the next parking lot, get out and take your little girl with you. Here was a sweet cafe that had all the variations of cookies. "Today is your lucky day because today we have a mummy daughter afternoon, you can choose every cookie today." You knew that it was bribery, but you also wanted to get a little love from your daughter and not always give everything to Jaehyun. "YEEESSS." Her eyes started to sparkle and together you order what you want. You buy different kinds of cookies, Miga got cocoa and you got coffee. You sit down in a corner and the cafe staff gave your daughter something to draw. She was sitting on your lap, one hand holding the crayon, the other a biscuit. You stroke her hair and enjoy spending time with her. "Y/N?" You hear a familiar voice and when you look up you recognize an old colleague. "Dohyun! I haven't seen you in a long time. What are you doing here?" Dohyun worked with you at the event company in Seoul. He had stopped with you at the same time since he and his partner had moved to the Netherlands. "I'm only here for a few days. Shock my parents that I'm marrying Seojoon soon." He sighed and his eyes were sad. His parents never accepted that he was gay and just hoped it was a phase. But he had found his big love in Seojoon. "Do you have time? You could sit with us." You smile and make a little space at the table. "And is that the reason why you left the company?" He eyed Miga and smiled lovely. You stroke your daughter's hair and nod. "Yes, that's Miga. I have also a son, he's now 8 months old. He's now with my husband." You smile and cannot realize at this moment how quickly time has passed. "Are you happy Y/N?" Dohyun grew serious and you realize at that moment that you missed a friend like him. "Yes, I am." You smile because Miga and Sunoh were the gift that you always wanted.
The evening was quiet. You cook in the kitchen, Miga told about her day, you told Jaehyun that you had met Dohyun, and Jaehyun told about Johnny's fears of becoming a father. Miga was still afraid in the house at night, so it took a lot of time until she finally slept. But now she didn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore, so you and Jaehyun take advantage of this opportunity right away. You knew Jaehyun wasn't going to be here that often anymore, so you wanted to take advantage of him every moment. And it was much more fun in your new big bed. Drops of sweat ran over Jaehyun's torso, his muscles stood out and you stroke his biceps and shoulders. He groaned in your ear and you enjoy his warmth, his smell. But while you two were in the middle of it, Jaehyun's phone started ringing. "Ignore it, you feel too good in me right now." You moan and throw your head back. Jaehyun nodded and continued his movements while kissing and massaging your breasts. But the phone kept ringing. You try to ignore it for a while, but at some point it was too disturbing. "Maybe it's Johnny and the baby is coming." Jaehyun sighed and looked worriedly at the phone. You couldn't do anything anyway, maybe it was an emergency. Jaehyun pulled his best part out of you and took his iPhone from the small coffee table across the room. You pull the blanket over your naked body and watch Jaehyun read something. His gaze was serious and you're starting to worry. "Is there anything with Johanna? Is the baby healthy?" But Jaehyun shook his head. "It has nothing to do with her, it ..." He was interrupted by the ringing of his phone again and he picked up immediately. "Yes? Mhmm ... hmmm ... no it's just a friend ... yes, I'm 100% sure ... I trust her there ... yes we'll come over tomorrow." Jaehyun hung up and came to your bed again. He looked visibly annoyed. "I should never have taken you into the public." He looked out of the window, but still into the void. "Jaehyun? What are you talking about?" You had no idea what was happening. "A Saesang of mine has published a picture of you hugging Donhyun and since there was a rumor that Miga was not mine, you are referred to in the media as a cheater." Jaehyun gritted his teeth and he may have been almost angrier than you. "But we did a paternity test because of this whole thing and Dohyun is gay." You just couldn't realize what was happening there. Why were you so attacked by the media? "I can't believe it, I ... I ..." You notice how his throat swelled and his face get red with anger. "Jaehyun we can't do anything anyway. Let's just wait and see what the press department at SM says tomorrow.“ Somehow you were more worried about your husband, he shouldn't get so angry about it. Of course, it wasn't nice that your public reputation was considered you as a cheater, but as long as Jaehyun knew that you were loyal to him, everything was fine for you. But Jaehyun felt helpless, he wanted to protect you from something like that, but he couldn't ...
The next morning you drive to Jaehyun's company. You had to buy diapers for Sunoh, so you briefly get off with Miga at a grocery store. Meanwhile, Jaehyun was waiting in the car with his son. It was relatively busy and you take Miga by the hand. Somehow it felt like people were staring at you. You get a little scared and you squeeze your daughter's hand tighter. Unfortunately, you went by a cookie shelf and Miga absolutely wanted to have some now. "Mummy please." She pleaded to you and made herself heavy. The people around you started whispering. "Miga come on, we just need something fast for Sunoh. We have enough cookies at home." You sighed and tried to go on with her. "Terrible person," you heard a woman say, and you knew she meant you. But you didn't want to be weak, so you lift Miga up to you while she cries. You quickly go to the shelf where the diapers are. Miga was crying louder and a few people had come by now. "Do you still have to torture your child after breaking your husband's heart?" Another woman came to you and looked almost threatening. "I don't know what you're alluding to." You roll your eyes and take a pack of diapers. "You didn't deserve a man like Jaehyun. You should really appreciate him." Another woman came to you menacingly. More and more people are gathering around you and you are now panicking. Miga started to cry even more and then she did something she had never done before. She ran away. "MIGA." You try to escape, but people block your way. There were too many people and Miga was so small. "What's going on here?" And suddenly Jaehyun was there. He had Sunoh in his arms and thank God, Miga was on his hand. She must have seen him and ran to him. People cleared the way and Jaehyun came to you. "You should get a divorce. Don't put up with something like that," said another person and looks at you in disgust. "That's none of your business." Jaehyun hissed and hugged you. Then he turned to the group. "Nobody cheated on anyone here and now it's enough for me that my wife is getting constantly hostile by you guys." He was really angry and he quickly pulled you out of the supermarket. When you were in the car it was totally quiet. Jaehyun snorted with rage and stared into the void. "I didn't think everyone would react to it so emotionally." You couldn't believe it. Everyone was so angry and you didn't think people would react that way. You drive to Jaehyun's company and the press department clarifies how to regulate this situation. You agree that Jaehyun may publish a text, but while he is promoting his solo album, you should take yourself out of the public. He shouldn't mention you, post no pictures, and so on. You totally agreed, but Jaehyun reluctantly agreed. At home, Jaehyun published this post: "It makes me sad and angry that people attack my family and accuse things. My wife has not had an easy year and we are still struggling with the wounds of the miscarriage. If a comforting hug from a friend helps to close the wound, why shouldn’t it be a bad thing? What a man would I be if I forbid my wife to be happy? I know the man she hugs very well, he is a good friend of ours. But it is now more said than it should be. Please respect our privacy, don't believe any stories or pictures, because our children suffer the most."
"I doubt that it's a good idea to do the solo album." In the evening you sit on the couch with Sunoh and Miga. Jaehyun was super angry all over the day. "What why?" You were really shocked. Of course, you want him to pursue his dream. "Today was really blatant. I can't do this to you and the children." Sunoh was sitting on his lap and he stared at the little boy, who was playing with a rattle. "No, that's your goal, your dream. We'll get through it together." You worried how Jaehyun thought. Of course, you'd rather have him just with you but this wasn’t the way he should go. "But I don't want you to get hurt." Jaehyun sighed and you could see him struggling with himself. "We are doing as SM said. I will withdraw in time. I pay more attention to who I interact with in public." You're trying to cheer Jaehyun up, he had to do this now ... for himself. "It's not a solution." He was still not happy. "It's not. But it's only temporary. And you'll be back in autumn and we'll be working on baby number 3." You smile excitedly and Jaehyun finally agreed. "Okay, okay." He nodded and kissed you.
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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xxisxxisxxis ¡ 5 years ago
Gateway Drug | Part Twenty-Seven
Table of Content or Part Twenty-Six
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x OC
Word Count: 2.3k
Warning(s): Language, Hints at drug use
A/N: This wasn't the entire chapter, however tumblr's being weird and won't even let me create a new draft right now let alone let me upload a 4,044 worded text post so I'll upload the second part of this asap (probably tomorrow of they get their shit fixed on here) and there will be another update Friday. Have a good night:)
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor
I smooth my wavey hair down, taking the last giant velcrow roller out before putting my lipstick on and leaving the bathroom, looking for the car keys, unable to find them.
"Nikki, babe, where are the keys?" I call to him, looking in the kitchen and living room, heading to our bedroom.
He's passed out from a night of partying, Robbin still asleep on the floor.
"Baby." I lightly pat Nikki's face, not having the time to patiently shake him awake.
He groans, scrunching his face and rubbing his eyes.
"What is it?" He asks me, exhausted.
"Where are the car keys?"
"Mine or your's?" He questions, blinking at me to clear the sleep from his eyes.
"Your's. I can't drive mine until we get the driver's side window fixed, remember?"
"What? What happened to it?" He sits up and I raise my brows.
"Uh, well, you put your fist through it?" I remind him and he exhales.
"Oh...yeah." He replies. "They're in my pants pocket."
I don't give him time to reach for them himself.
My hand is in his pants pocket, grabbing his keys and pulling them out.
"Bye, love y-love, I'll see you when I get back." I stutter to cover my slip up, cutting myself off immediately before I can say, "love you", even though I've never called Nikki "love" before.
He doesn't notice it.
"See you when you get back." He mumbles once he's laying back down.
I slip my kitten heels on and head out.
"I love you" was one of the biggest Elephants in the room between Nikki and I.
We should have said it and we knew that, but we just didn't say it.
At first I was waiting for him to say it, then he never did...so I just decided it was something we wouldn't do.
Love's an action instead of an emotion, anyway, so I didn't think it was a big deal that neither of us had heard it from the other because we showed each other we loved each other in other ways...until we didn't anymore...and started keeping score, measuring who was winning by who was hurting who more, instead of trying to be better to each other.
I had to face that ugly reality when we were both screaming "I hate you" with Fred and Doc trying to break up one of our argument-turned-near-fist fights backstage at the last North American show of "Girls, Girls, Girls."
That was the night I got pregnant with my first son, Monroe, and the man barking about how much he hated me, isn't the father.
It's safe to say I won.
My heels click down the concrete stairs of the church as I walk to Nikki's black corvette after service is over, furrowing my brows the closer I get, seeing a white slip of paper tucked under the windsheild wiper.
I pluck the paper off and see it's a ticket for $350.00 with "BROKEN TAIL LIGHT" marked on it.
"My tail light isn't broken." I argue to myself, stepping around the back.
The entire left side set of lights are busted with signs of swapped paint where someone hit the car with their's and I open my mouth to speak but no words come out.
I stand and stare at the paper, then the busted light, tears oncoming the more I look at it.
Nikki is going to kill me.
I hear a car pull up behind me and park on the curb of the street but I don't pay any attention, too busy figuring out how to explain this.
"Hey, uh, Vivian?"
I turn to see Duff, wiping my eyes quickly.
"Duff?" I'm caught off guard by my recently new friend. "I've told you just call me 'Viv'." I tell him, sniffling and he furrows his brows, stopping in front of me where I'm now standing by the driver's door of the corvette.
"You alright?"
"Yeah." It's an obvious lie, a pathetic squeak leaving me.
"What's up?" He asks me and I lick my lips and sigh out.
"It's stupid." I mumble, rolling my eyes.
"What happened?"
I just hand him the ticket and he takes in a sharp breath, his brows shooting up.
"Jeezus." He lets out. "You just got this?"
"Yes." My voice cracks and he looks at me with sympathetic eyes.
"Viv, c'mon, it's not that bad. It'll be alright." He tries to reassure me.
"Oh, no, no, no...that's not all." I say, walking to the back and he follows me, not hiding the gasp that leaves his lips. Nikki is going to kill me."
There's a silent pause as I rest against the back of the corevette, crossing my arms, trying to figure out how I'm going to present the $350.00 ticket to my husband.
Duff leans against it beside me, avoiding the broken bits, thinking for a second, too, before reaching into his jacket pocket.
"Here." He grabs my hand, putting a wad of cash into it and I look at him, confused. "For the ticket." He explains and I shake my head.
"N-No. I can't take this from you, you need it." I argue, wiping more tears.
He goes to say something but I cut him short. "If you say that you don't need it, I'm going to hit you. You live in your car, Duff. You've been talking about getting a new place and this is part of the rent for an apartment." I point out, handing the cash back to him.
"Whatever you say." He shrugs, putting it back in his jacket.
We sit for a moment longer before he nudges me with his elbow.
"You hungry?" He asks and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Stop offering to spend your money on me." I chuckle and he smiles.
"Actually, I know a place the both of us can eat and it would only cost the price of one beer." He tells me and I raise my brows.
It was the first of many Sunday lunches at this hotel a few blocks away that offered an "all you can eat" buffet if you just buy a bottle of beer.
I listen as Duff goes on about possible members of the potential band he wants to be a part of.
A drummer named Steven, who has a lot of extra drums in his kit than what's needed but he's a hell of a drummer.
A Johnny Thunders look alike-that isn't that great on a guitar but makes it sound cool anyway-that goes by the name Izzy.
And a kind of weird kid that apparantly has massive hair and is super shy but speaks a billion words a minute through his guitar: Slash.
"And Slash and Steven are buddies, but I don't know if they've ever met Izzy or not." He tells me, sipping the beer neither of us were carded for, even though we're only twenty.
"What style of singer do you have in mind?" I ask, taking a bite out of my mozerella stick.
"Someone who gets the punk scene, but not necessarily a punk singer." He tells me and I wrinkle my nose. "Don't do that." He points at me, knowing exactly what I'm about to say.
"Don't say it like that." He laughs. "You don't like it because you don't understand it."
"I understand it and I respect it, I just don't..." I try to choose my words. "...I like some of it, but most of it I don't really care for."
"How the hell do you survive not liking punk? It's the biggest 'fuck you' to societal standards." He defends the genre.
"I like the Ramones, The Stooges, the New York Dolls." I tell him, even though they were all acquired tastes because I have to listen to them so much due to Nikki.
"What about The Sex Pistols?" Duff suggests.
"I did, until Sid killed Nancy." I shrug.
"Oh, c'mon, Viv, you really believe that propaganda bullshit made up by the conservative media to further their anti-punk/rock agenda and get a good check? He did not kill her." He argues.
"They'd been binging on all kinds of drugs for weeks. I'm not saying he meant to, maybe he was hallucinating and genuinely didn't realize it was her until it was too late, but he did it." I state.
"Oh, okay, so it was the body guard?"
"I think it was a double suicide attempt." He explains and I lean back. "His just didn't work."
"If it was a double suicide, why didn't he just use the knife she used and bleed to death like she did?" I question.
"Maybe he didn't want to be stabbed."
"If he was going to die, what would it matter?" I ask and he shakes his head a little with a small grin pulling at his lips.
"Hi, my name is Vivian Estine Sixx and I can argue with a brick wall for five hours straight." He mocks me and I cut my eyes at him.
We just stare at each other, and he attempts to take another drink of his beer while we have our staring contest, and the both of us crack up simultaneously, and he sprays beer through his lips and nose, further egging my laughter on.
I get home around four in the afternoon after spending three hours talking to Duff, and my stomach's sore from laughing so much.
"Viv?" Nikki calls from the bathroom and I walk in to see him teasing his hair.
He's shirtless, his black jeans are unbuttoned and unzipped, exposing some of his pubic hair and I lick my lips.
"Did you have fun?" He asks in a teasing tone, referring to the oh-so-wild church service I attend as much as I can, and I roll my eyes and lean against the sink beside him, crossing my arms.
"Yes, I did." I reply, not able to meet his eyes because I'm too focused on his exposed skin.
"What took you so long to get back?" He asks next.
I know, I know, "if it was innocent then there should be nothing to hide and you should be able to tell him you were with another man."
It wasn't Tommy, Mick, Robbin or Vince, and he never met Duff.
He didn't trust men he'd never met around me.
So if I would have told him, I would have never heard the end of it.
"Long sermon." I lie, and he looks at me and furrows his brows.
"Have you been crying? Your mascara's smudged." He tells me, his thumb swiping right under my bottom lash line to wipe away dried mascara and I'm suddenly hit with the realization that I have a $350.00 ticket.
"It was a good sermon." I say.
He finishes his hair, turning to look at me.
"Me and the guys are going to the Rainbow tonight." He tells me. "You're comin', right?"
"Yes." I nod, grinning.
"Good. I gotta go get the oil changed and I'll be back to pick you up." He steps out of the bathroom to go get dressed and I follow him.
Once he's got his t-shirt that has "FUCK" written across the front, he's pulling his jacket and boots on.
When he's gotten his boots on, he stands up from the matress of our bed, and I grab at the top of his jeans, pulling him closer to me, standing on my tip toes to press my lips to his.
He kisses me, his hands holding at either side of my jaw.
When we pull away, he smiles, kissing my cheek before grabbing his keys and leaving.
The second he's gone I'm darting to my purse, attempting to find the ticket, praying I didn't leave it in the car.
Once I see it's not in my purse, I let out a deep breath and worry that I've lost it.
"Damnit." I mumble, trying to remember the last place I had it. "The church parkinglot with Duff but..." I trail off, thinking of the possibility of it being left in the parkinglot and I groan out.
There's no way it's still there if that's where it got left.
I decide to figure it out later and go wash away my worn off makeup before reapplying it and changing clothes, waiting for Nikki to get back.
I'm finishing putting on ruby red lipstick when I hear the front door slam and I tense up and put the cap back on the tube before peeking my head out the door and seeing Nikki put his keys and a piece of paper on the counter, frustration taking a stance in his movements.
Pretending nothing's wrong, I walk out of the bathroom and across the floor to our bedroom to grab my purse and put my heels on.
Once they're on, I walk back into the kitchen smile at him.
"C'mon, babe." I nudge him as I walk past him to get to the door.
He grabs my arm, though, causing me to stop and he pulls me back, pushing me against the counter, trapping me when he puts his hands on the counter on either side of me and his face is centimeters from mine.
"You wouldn't know anything about the completely shattered tail light on my car, would you?" He asks me calmly.
"No?" I lie, trying to seem confused, but it's clear he's not buying it.
"Are you sure?"
He just stares at me and I slide my hands up and down his arms, smiling nervously.
"Can we go, now?" I ask, kissing his cheek.
"I spent $100.00 to get it fixed today." He explains. "Did you back into something or did someone hit the car?"
"I told you I didn't even know about it, babe." I argue calmly. "Can we leave and just go back and forth about this later? We're gonna be late."
He gives me one last stare before sighing out, letting me go and I make sure to beat him to the car by several strides, frantically searching for the ticket when I get in, not finding it, before he gets in beside me.
51 notes ¡ View notes
you-andthebottlemen ¡ 6 years ago
55 - AU request: Peasant Van part 2
Hi everyone!! New day, new post and it’s a fun one! My first AU in a while. Now today I am frantic as I am flying back home (yaaay love 24hr long haul flights rip) and will be crazy over the next little while with Life Things and getting used to normality after so long away (is this what Van feels like?) so I hope you enjoy this one and that it will tide you over until my next post. For anyone who has sent a request recently: I promise I have gotten them and started working on them. Love you all, hope you’re doing okay xxx 
Based off this request:
i’ve got no clue if this has been asked before but... is peasant van/princess reader part 2 a possibility? where she gets out of that tower and gets her cottage and her kids and her love-filled marriage and everything she’s dreamed of? because to be honest, that’s exactly the kind of story i need right now (your writing is class by the way, and your harry potter au’s might just be the greatest thing aside from this) xx
It is a part two of my medieval ‘peasant Van’ AU I wrote ages ago so definitely read that first if you haven’t, I will link it below. I am so happy someone requested this. The fic is weird and cute and I love it, glad to return to these characters! (Disclaimer: it is also not historically accurate or anything like that, it’s not very logical either or realistic. But it is CUTE so enjoy).
Part 1 can be found here: https://you-andthebottlemen.tumblr.com/post/163965383698/43-au
Month’s had rolled by since the night that Van, the scruffy but sweet boy who lived outside the wall, had climbed up the tower and found himself in your bedroom. You weren’t able to see each other much in fear he would get caught. But you found a way to exchange letters; one of the servant boys in the kitchen, Johnny, knew him and would pass them between you for a small reward in return. Van’s letters were poorly written, and you could tell that he probably had trouble reading. It didn’t matter though; the letters became your prized possessions.
You spent your time as always, doing your duties sitting in court by your parents, attending feasts and whatever else. Your ‘spare’ time was filled with embroidery and endless day dreaming. The same routine, day in and day out. Sometimes you were able to visit the town but never alone, always with your silver clad entourage. This made things tedious anyway and even more difficult with Van in the picture now. You’d usually only have stolen glances, maybe the odd conversation where you pretended not to know each other. Regardless, you found ways to make it fun with your secret language made of riddles that only you and he understood.
“Will you be attending the opening of the gardens this week?” you asked him, your tone formal as to not alert the knights to anything suspicious.
“My lady, ‘course I will be. Love them roses,” he smiled, his eyes glinting with mischief.
Your heart felt warm and fuzzy, making you bite your lip to hide a smile. “They’re my favourite,” you replied.
“Specially them peach coloured ones,” Van commented and winked. You blushed wildly and he smirked triumphantly.
“Move along Princess,” one of the knights grunted, staring down at Van menacingly, perhaps remembering him from The Incident a while back.
Van reached out and delicately took your hand in his, bowing and giving it a quick kiss. You hated being treated this way by people, as if you weren’t just the same as them on the inside. But with Van it was sweet and filled you with excitement knowing that it meant something more than anyone realised, and you were doing it right under their noses. You smiled and held eye contact with him as you were guided away, knowing you’d be seeing each other again soon.
Finally, the day had come for another garden opening. It had always been your favourite event at the castle, you loved being able to give some joy to the townsfolk, a distraction from their day to day lives. But now, it was even more special because it was a time you could slip off and be with Van undisturbed, where you could be yourself.
You were sat down in the soft green grass, shoes off and your face pointing up towards the sky so the sun could soak into your skin. You could feel Van just watching you. He’d been telling you that the roses he’d planted at home were in fact, flourishing. He reckoned he had a green thumb. Though from what he’d told you about his father, you could bet that Bernie had been tending to them without Van’s knowledge. They sounded like the sweetest family and you wished you had a relationship like that with yours. Instead, you did whatever you were told without question and it never felt all that loving.
You fluttered your eyelids open and turned to Van. He was laying back on the ground, propped up on his elbows. He quickly averted his gaze when he saw you catching him in his stare. You giggled and he cracked a sheepish grin.
“Whatcha’ thinking about Peaches?”
Him. Always him.
“What’s the story of that gold necklace?” you asked, your eyes landing on the small pendent that peeked out of his tattered shirt.
Van sat up and shuffled towards you; you now sat cross-legged opposite each other, your knees touching.
“Well, it’s been in my family for a while. Dad gave it to mum when she had me, then when I turned 18, they gave it to me. Then I’ll give it to my wife when she has our first-born son and yeah.”
He finished his clunky story with a shrug and placed a hesitant hand on your knee. You looked up and met his eyes; both of you suddenly nervous. Van probably because he knew that he was overstepping a line, and you because you wanted more than just a hand on the knee.
“I love that,” you said, referring to the story of his necklace. “Your wife will be a lucky woman.”
“Will you be my wife?” Van asked, innocently but with conviction.
The soft smile on your lips fell and your jaw dropped in bewilderment.
“I meant it when I said I’d get you out! That we’d run away. Run away with me?”
Van shuffled closer and moved the hand on your knee to your cheek. You were reminded of the conversation on your bed that night, when Van pleaded with you and proposed ideas of escaping to the life you wanted but couldn’t have. You’d not said no to his idea then and you had clung onto it in your daydreams ever since.
Van leant forward close to your face and you could feel his breath, his nose grazing against yours. Your heart rate spiked and you sat stunned and frozen. Taking your stillness as a sign, Van leant in even closer and pressed his lips to yours.
It was a soft and undemanding kiss. Van was testing the waters; he didn’t want to scare you. You pulled away slightly and looked at him in both shock and wonder. You loved that he was brave and bold enough to just kiss a princess.
“Oh, Peaches, I’m sorry, I- “
“Shhh,” you smiled. You grabbed his face in your hands and pulled him into you again. You felt him smile against your lips as you kissed the second time. You had more confidence now and your heart fluttered. It was messy but that was okay.
When you pulled away, Van was wearing the biggest grin you’d ever seen, and that was saying something. You couldn’t help but mirror his expression; you were feeling giddy and dazed and incredibly happy. Your first kiss. It was perfect and with the perfect person.
After a moment, you both burst into laughter. Neither of you could believe what just happened. Van fell back into the grass and covered his face with his hands, still grinning.
“I kissed a princess!” he exclaimed to himself, his voice turning high pitched. You giggled at him and smiled in awe.
When he moved his hands from his face, you lay down on the grass beside him, resting your head on his chest. Van wrapped an arm around your shoulder and held you close. You’d never felt safer and you’d never felt happier, than right there in his arms.
That evening, you floated about the castle without a care in the world. You were so happy; completely on cloud nine. Your kiss with Van and the afternoon as a whole replayed over and over in your mind, filling you with more excitement each time. You felt as though nothing could wipe the smile from your face or the joy from your heart.
However, you were wrong.
“What do you mean I’m getting married?!” you exclaimed, in both rage and shock.
“We’ve found you a suiter y/n!” you mother squeaked excitedly, clasping her hands to her cheeks.
You glared at both your parents who sat in their thrones before you.
“No. I don’t accept. I don’t want to marry someone I don’t know and don’t love.”
“What do you mean ‘no?” your father scoffed. “Marry for love? This isn’t a fantasy!”
“I will not marry him!” you cried with tears streaming down your cheeks.
“You will. It’s decided. The Lord arrives in a week for your first meeting. And you will be wed y/n, it will be of great benefit to our land.”
You tore away from the throne room in a run and escaped back to your tower. Once inside the walls of your bedroom, you collapsed down onto your bed and sobbed until your eyes were bloodshot and sore. You didn’t want to marry whoever this lord was, you didn’t want to move away. You didn’t want any of this. You only wanted Van and the babies and life far away from all of this royalty crap.
Once you’d calmed down and could breathe properly again, you went to look out your window. The sun was going down now and the land around you glowed. You looked out into the distance in the direction Van had told you he lived and wondered what he was doing right now. Was he thinking of you too?
You mulled over his words and promises about running away together. You wanted to drop everything and run so, so badly. To leave it all behind and escape this life that wasn’t meant for you.
Without a second thought, you packed a rucksack with some clothes and your most important possessions, the pile of Van’s letters included. Once the sun had set and the sky was black, you devised a plan on how to escape the castle under the cover of darkness while everyone was asleep. Not an easy task but if Van could break in, you could break out. And you’d never been more determined to do anything in your life.
Wearing the plainest clothing you owned, you followed Johnny through the tunnel under the moat. You felt scared and cold but also couldn’t shake the excitement. Turns out that Van had told Johnny everything; so, he wasn’t too hesitant on helping you escape out the servant’s route to the town. He said he’d take you to Van’s house and you promised that you’d make sure no harm would come to him and also gave him a small pouch of coins for the risk.
“You alright?” he asked.
You nodded but clung to his arm as he led you through the dark. You didn’t dare light a torch in case you were spotted.
Once you reached the end and you could finally see the stars again, Johnny gave you his coat to cover your dress in case anyone was out and about who could recognise you. You were beyond grateful for his help and you wished you could do something proper for him in return. You thought it said a lot about Van that he had such wonderful friends.
Soon, Johnny had led you past the market and through rows of small houses, which were more like huts or cottages. Animals made noises as you passed them by and you winced every time in fear the owners would come out and find you. You dreaded the thought of what would happen if you were to be dragged back to your parents at the castle, caught in the act of running away.
“Okay Princess, it’s that one,” Johnny whispered, pointing out a small mud brick place with a wonky looking rose bush at the side. You couldn’t help but smile.
“Thank you, I can never repay you Johnny, truly I am in debt to you.”
“Not at all Princess,” Jonny said sincerely shook his head. “And call me Bondy.”
“Bondy,” you repeated with a smile and small nod. “Call me y/n.”
He stuck his hand out for a shake but instead you pulled him in for a hug and kiss on the cheek. You could almost feel the shock radiating off him. You gave him back his coat and waved one last time before he descended back off into the dark the way you’d came.
You took a final deep breath; it was now or never and you’d already come this far. There was a soft orange glow from one of the windows, probably a candle, so hopefully you wouldn’t be waking anyone up with your shock arrival. You felt bad turning up like this and hoped that Van had truly meant what he said.
After softly knocking at the door, you heard a shuffle of feet. Your heart was racing. When the door opened you were met by an older man with kind eyes. They were like Van’s but aged, though no less bright. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could get a word out, you heard another echo of footsteps and a familiar voice.
“Who is it?”
Suddenly Van peaked out from behind his father’s shoulder trying to get a look at whoever was there. If you weren’t so nervous, you would have laughed at how nosey he was.
Van eagerly pushed poor Bernie out of the way and bundled you into a hug. You felt instantly relieved and melted right into him. When you pulled away, Van ushered you inside without question, his father close behind. The place was small, smaller than any home you’d ever been in. The whole place was probably the size of your bedroom if a little larger. There was a basic stove in one corner with a stone bench to cook on, a shabby looking table and chairs then two small doorways which you assumed led to bedrooms. It was so basic but somehow felt more homely than the castle despite its size and grandeur.
“Dad this is Peach-… the Princess,” Van said to his dad, stumbling over his words.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Princess,” he smiled warmly.
“You can call me y/n, I’m nothing special,” you replied timidly. “Sorry, for uh, being here Mr McCann,” you said, looking down. Your usual confidence and eloquence escaped you.
You didn’t want to offend the man and you felt really terrible for showing up on his doorstep like this and putting the family in such a position. Hiding you would be considered treason. Treason was punishable by imprisonment or even death.
Bernie’s face softened and he placed a hand on your shoulder. “Van’s told us everything, you’re so welcome here my dear.”
“Thank you. So, so much.”
You looked between Van and Bernie gratefully, some worry lifting off your chest. After a short while Bernie went back to bed where Van’s mother Mary was still sleeping. Van and Bernie both had an inkling she wouldn’t be as happy about this unexpected visit as they were so best to let her have a full night’s sleep. You and Van stayed up longer and talked. You told him everything, about the marriage and the lord arriving in a week. You had to fight off tears just speaking out it.
“I knew things were too good to be true,” you whispered into his chest as he held you tight.
You were upset that this had all happened after the most perfect day together. Your head swam with worries and you didn’t know what on earth you were doing.
“You’re here now and we’ll work it out, yeah?” Van soothed.
He set you up in his bed, insisting on taking the floor. You put up a fight but he was relentless and wouldn’t stop making a fuss until you were laid down and tucked up. The bed was hard and dug into your back, but you didn’t care.
Van kissed you goodnight and then fell asleep quickly despite laying on the cold dirt floor. Everything was uncertain and this was terrifying. But you stared down at the boy with the freckles, bad haircut and blue eyes who would do anything for you and felt a little more at ease. You fell asleep that night calmed with the knowledge that Van McCann, the peasant boy who had taken a bite out of your peach, had also stolen your heart.
“Van! Close the gate! The goat will get out!” you yelled desperately as you heard him come home.
“Sorry Peaches can’t hear you, the goat got out!” he shouted back.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. You couldn’t help but laugh a little too. Years had passed but Van hadn’t changed at all; you loved it.
Ignoring the ruckus caused by Van trying to herd the goat back into the yard outside, you looked down at the little rosy cheeked baby girl sitting up and smiling at you from her wooden crib. She had Van’s blue eyes and long lashes. Just looking at her made your heart want to burst with love.
“What are we going to do with Daddy?” you asked her, smiling and bending down to her level.
You’d named her Mary after Van’s mother. Little Mary made gurgling sounds at you and stuck her fingers in her mouth. She was the first of what you suspected were many babies to come. You caressed her cheek before getting up to clear the kitchen from breakfast.
You and Van had escaped and eloped. Van’s cousins lived in another village that was in another Kingdom; your parents couldn’t touch you and it was unlikely anyone would recognise you there either. His uncle set him up with a job and he’d worked day in and day out saving up to buy you a wedding ring. As soon as he could afford it, he proposed. After a while, you were able to move from the spare room in one of his cousin’s houses into a tiny cottage of your own. Then before you knew it, Little Mary was on her way. Van’s family had been so kind and supportive; giving you second-hand baby clothes or toys and anything else they could. Life was perfect. You had friends, real friends for the first time in your life. You felt free. No one knew you had escaped the life of royalty and it felt good to be seen for who you were, not the title that hung over your head.
Van was the perfect husband and perfect father. You couldn’t believe that your reality now looked the same as all the things you daydreamed about up in your tower for years. And it was all because of Van. The love of your life. You’d grown up together, his hair cut improved a bit and now you shared a tiny perfect child who so far seemed to be an even combination of the two of you. You wondered what her personality would be like as she grew up. Would she be sweet and mischievous like Van or a level headed dreamer like you?
Van came through the door breathing heavily and his face and clothes smudged in dirt.
“Bloody goat,” he breathed, wiping his forehead.
“Well, I did say not to leave the gate open,” you smirked. “Besides, I like the goat, best not let it escape yeah?”
You walked over and gave Van a kiss, ignoring how bad he smelt. You’d started selling goats milk cheese in the local market, earning your little family some extra money. You’d also started experimenting on making goat milk soaps. That was still a work in progress, though you enjoyed having something of your own to do. Van loved it, thought you were ‘dead smart’.
“Go get washed up,” you instructed as you tried to rub the smudge off his cheek.
Van stopped to give Mary a kiss on top of her head as he walked through to the back where the tub was. She giggled and reached her arms up to him.
“Can’t pick you up love, mum says I need to wash. I smell,” he said to her as if she understood.
Your hand moved unconsciously to the gold chain that now hung on your neck and you fiddled with it as you stared at the two of them, totally besotted.
When Van had finished, he came out to find you and Mary sat out in the garden. You had her sat on your lap and you were showing her the different flowers that had bloomed. Van sat down beside you and reached his arms out for his baby girl. She shrieked when she saw him and was passed over happily. Mary stretched out and touched his face, he just made silly expressions back at her. Van was dirt free and in a clean fabric shirt, his wet hair clung to his forehead and stuck up funnily. He’d lost the baby fat off his cheeks but otherwise looked the same as when you’d first met him really. Though he’d definitely gotten more handsome with age.
“Look how beautiful your mummy is,” he whispered to Mary as he held your gaze, turning her to face you.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks.
“I got something for you at the market this mornin’,” he said.
He sat Mary down on the grass and raced off. She began to curiously pull blades of grass out of the ground and squish them up between her fingers. When Van came back, he had his hands hidden behind his back.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed. You did what he said.
Van placed something in your hands, it was soft and kind of…furry? When you opened your eyes, you couldn’t contain the grin.
“A peach!” he boasted proudly.
Peaches were ridiculously hard to come by where you lived now. In that moment you were thrown back to your first meeting with Van. The old lady and her granddaughter, Van being chased by knights, you keeping the peach on your windowsill for weeks. Who would have thought that you end up running away to start a family with that very peasant boy? Certainly not you. You felt sad for a minute, thinking about your parents who had no idea where you were. You tried not to think about those things too much. You had everything you’d ever dreamed of.
As if sensing your sudden mood change, Van crouched down closer to you and stroked your cheek.
“Thank you, Van,” you smiled and leant in to kiss him. You handed the peach to Little Mary. She looked at it curiously and rubbed the soft peach fuzz against her cheek.
“Do you think she’d like it?” Van asked you.
You shrugged and he reached out to take the peach. Little Mary’s face screwed up and her lip trembled like she was going to cry because daddy had taken her new toy. Van pulled the skin off the peach to make it easier for her toothless little mouth.
“Careful, don’t let daddy take a bite!” you said to her, giving Van a wink. He just smirked back at you, knowing exactly what memory you were referring to.
Van’s hair had started to dry in soft waves under the sunshine and he looked faultless. He handed the fruit back to Mary and her tiny smile returned. She began to suck on the peach, clearly liking the sweet taste.
Van sat and pulled you into his lap. He held you from behind and buried his face in your neck, giving your skin soft kisses. You squeezed his hands tight, wanting to live in this moment forever.
“I love you, Peaches,” he whispered.
“I love you too Van,” you replied, staring at your blue-eyed baby girl who was now covered in peach juice and loving it.
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zendozebra ¡ 7 years ago
All the Time in the World Chapter 5
Oh god, his head hurts. What was he doing here, again? Wait, where the hell is he? This isn't his apartment. It's not Inko's apartment, either, and those are usually the two places he wakes up at. What wa- Oh, god his head hurts. Is he hungover? But he only drank three bottles!
"Ah, did you have a nice rest, Majima-san?" Whose voice was that again? The mouse guy right? Where the hell was he? Okay, everything's coming into focus, and there's Nezu, staring at him. Along with like, 20 other people. Okay seriously, what's going on? "You're in the spectator's booth, waiting for the UA Entrance Exams to begin. Are you alright?"
"Well, that explains a few things." He needed a drink. Water, this time, he's not that crazy as to start drinking on the first day of the job. He leaned forward in his seat, raising his eyebrows. "Wait, the exam's already started? Why didn't ya wake me up earlier?!" Son of a bitch, now he has to use Time Stop to get his shit together, walk around the room and copy the notes from all the other teachers- Oh hey Iwata- and then make his own notes based on whatever the hell is on the screens. By the time he comes out of it, he's got everything together and is one professional-lookin' teacher man. He notices that the other teachers look a little surprised at his quick transition from hungover to ready, but whatever, they're gonna be working together for a while, they'll get used to him and his particular brand of bullshit sooner or later.
"Alright, well what are we- Oh shit, is that Izu-chan?" Iwata jumped at the mention of the green haired kid, which caught Majima by surprise. "What's with you, Iwata-kun?"
The skeletal hero seemed confused with Majima calling him the wrong name, but he pushed on, "How is it you know about young Midoriya? Shouldn't this be the first time you've met the boy?"
"Hardly, I've known the kid for years, got some kind of strength quirk, though I've never seen him use it."
"How do you-?!"
"Saw him with this big-ass list of strength exercises a few months back. Figured I'd put two and two together." He explained, which seemed to appease All Might, as he relaxed back into his seat. What's that about? "Either way, I'm confused why he's not using it. He's just running around like a chicken that's lost its head. C'mon! Punch something already, kid!"
"Majima-san, Yagi-san, need I remind you that you should be making notes on all of the participants?" Both men felt a chill wash over them under Nezu's gaze, and quickly got back to work. Majima only used his Time Stop once more towards the end of the exams, making one more circuit around the room, copying everyone's notes again. He liked the spaceman the most, whoever they were had some great handwriting, despite that suit they wore. Only one minute left in the exam, huh? Wond- What the fuck is that thing?!
Some giant-ass robot just marched its way onto the field, destroying buildings left and right. What the hell is wrong with this school? You're really gonna put you kids up against something like that? Sure, he gets that they need to keep an eye out for the best and brightest, but throwing a giant, smoking, explodi-
The robot just blew up. The fucking robot just blew up. Who the fuck?! Midoriya? Little Izu-chan? Blowing up robots the size of a skyscraper? How strong is this kid, anyway? Iwata looked super happy over somethin', but the rest of the teachers seemed to be freaking out just like he was. Wait, a minute, there were other people on the other side of the arena, weren't there? Okay, snap of a finger, coin flip. Heads is Jin, he goes out there, pulls some people out of the way of the debris. Tails is Akira, he sits pretty in his seat and he doesn't bat a god damn eye. Alright, flip of the coin and- Fuck, damnit! He hates coin flips, he always gets Jin! Oh, he was going to have words with this boy when he's done here.
Majima brought himself out of Time Stop, watching Izuku stumble around and fall to the ground as he tried to used to being moved so far so quickly. Good thing he figured out how to manipulate his quirk like that, let him interact with the frozen world without completely obliterating anything he touched. It's usually pretty ugly when that happens to a person. Ah, that takes him back. That was how he originally met Akira, right? And then he met Jin a week later in the karaoke parlor, with Aimi. Or were they bowling? Didn't Jin hate bowling though? Fuck it, he'll write all this shit down when he gets a chance. Okay, Izuku finally stopped vomiting, back to work.
"You already know what I want to talk to you about, kid. So spit it out, and then we can get on with our day." He has a bottle of Johnnie Walker waiting for him back at his place, and he'd like to drink it as soon as he could.
Of course, Izuku looked terribly nervous and confused, but that should go without saying. "I'm sorry, Majima-san, but I still can't control my q-"
"Oh, I don't give a shit about your quirk, boy!" Oh, wow, he hadn't yelled at anyone in a long time, forgot how that felt. Much angrier about this than he'd thought he was. Not as much fun when the person you're yelling looks close to tears, though. Trying to calm himself down a bit, he lit a cigarette, giving them both a moment to collect themselves. "I get what you were going for, kid, I do. I'd have to be an idiot not to. But you gotta understand that brute force, as great a card it might be, isn't always the best way to go. Sure, ya saved everyone running south of the bot. But what about the people running north?"
There we go, now he's starting to see where he went wrong. "They… They were running away too, right?" Instead of nervous, he was starting to look just a bit scared. Good, making some progress, but we're still not there yet.
"'Course they were. Now, normally you'd be right, and this wouldn't be a problem-"
"But it was a giant robot. It could have still fallen on people!" There we go, this kid is gonna be a treat to teach if he gets in. Now to drive the lesson home with a good ol' guilt trip.
"And it would have, if I hadn't been around. Don't think Iwata could have buffed himself up fast enough to be of any help, which means that quite a number of injuries would have been on your head, kid, and we both know you don't want that." Ah, Akira's methods to get Jin's results. They would have been so proud. Well, Aimi would have, the other two would've probably been fighting over who could take the credit for his choices.
"But… Majima-san…" Ah great, the kid's still got questions. Doesn't he realize that Majima has a life outside of this crap. He still has to make dinner later, for christ sake. Or maybe…
"Tell ya what, Izu-chan. You invite me over for some of your ma's cooking, and I'll answer every question that you have. Just don't go asking about whether or not you got accepted. Don't have the answer to that one myself." With that, he once again throws an arm around Izuku's shoulder and starts leading them down the street, a good, hearty meal awaiting our future hero, and the bored old man who realizes that he seriously needs to find some new friends.
A/N- If there are any artists who would be willing to draw a reference picture of Majima, please leave a message in the comments. This is, of course, a paid position.
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jaehyunspeachparty ¡ 5 years ago
daddy jaehyun
ii.xxviii. (a)
"In any case, the IUD sits perfectly inside and lasts for three years. But I can have it taken out at any time. But now we don't have to be afraid that I'm going to get pregnant too soon." You had the IUD inside for a week because you no longer want to experience a miscarriage again. Your gynecologist had advised you as this was not in conflict with breastfeeding. "Okay, that sounds good." Jaehyun smiled and the two of you got out of the car. You take Sunoh and Jaehyun took Miga and you go up to your apartment, but there was an unexpected visitor at your door. "Grandpa!" Miga ran happily into her grandfather's arms. You look at Jaehyun, who almost froze. You had broken off contact with his parents since the trial. He was so angry at his mother that she wanted to testify against you. "Mum doesn’t know that you're here, or?" Jaehyun sighed annoyed while his father took Miga in his arms. "No." His answer was short and everyone noticed the tension, even Miga. You go to the apartment, Jaehyun gave his daughter something to keep her busy and you put Sunoh in the cradle. "He grew up and he looks like you were that age." The man watches his grandson, who happily played with a colorful cloth. "Do you want coffee?" You look at your guest and he nodded. "How are you Y/N?" His voice was full of pity and you didn't know what to say. Your life is already going on, but you still freeze because you knew that he was referring to the miscarriage. "How is she going to be? We lost a child and you and Mum couldn't even call me." You were glad that Jaehyun had taken over the speaking because you didn't know how to react to it. "We ... I wanted to give you two times." Jaehyun's father sighed and sat down at the dining table. "One message would have been enough." Jaehyun was angry and you could see that he made his hands into a fist. "I'm so sorry, so much went wrong." The old man sighed again and he really seemed to feel remorse. "I know that you were never happy with the decision that I married Y/N. But she never did anything to you. Why does Mum do something to her? Why do you allow something like that? What about Miga? Sunoh? You risk the relationship with your grandchildren only because you are not satisfied with my partner's decision? " Jaehyun's chest rose and fell very quickly. He felt so much anger, so much disappointment. Miga also noticed the tension and she came to you. "Mummy, why is Daddy angry?" She looks up at you with her big eyes and you take her up in your arms. "Daddy and your grandfather just talk to each other. Let's go to the bedroom." You take your daughter by the hand and you also take Sunoh with you. It was briefly quiet between the two men until you were gone. "I like Y/N. I know that she educate the children the most. She's a good mother. I don't know why your mother hates her so much. I didn't even know she testified against Y/N. " Jaehyun put his father the coffee you had prepared before and sits down with him. "Suji destroyed our lives. Suji terrorized Y/N. She was so stressed and had a risky pregnancy. You have no idea what we had to go through. Even Miga suffered from her plans. Is that what you want? If Mum doesn't like Y/N, please just leave our children. " Jaehyun put his hand on his forehead and tried to calm down again. But suddenly his father put his hand on his knee and looked seriously at his son.  "I know I've never been there for you so often. But I want to be there for you now. Y/N included too. I miss my grandchildren and I want to be a grandfather for them." Jaehyun looked into his father's eyes and nodded. He couldn't say more. "Give Miga and Sunoh a kiss from me." Then he got up and left. Jaehyun waited until the door was closed and then got up. He came into the bedroom and saw how you watch a children's series with Miga and how Sunoh, supported by the pillows, sat between you and his sister. He now managed to sit on his own for a long time when he had some support and he could hardly believe how quickly he grows. Jaehyun sat down by the bed with you and when Sunoh saw him, he started laughing and clapping. His little dimple appeared and his giggle was incredibly cute. "He is growing so fast." Jaehyun took his son and sat next to you, on his lap with Sunoh. "He'll be 6 months old soon. I start to stop breastfeeding him slowly." You stroke the cheeks of your son, who still giggled and felt very comfortable in his father's arms. "Y/N, the conversation with my father made one thing clear to me." The words didn't seem easy to Jaehyun. You look at him confused and wait for what will come. "I think I will withdraw a little from the music business. My solo album will be released this summer and then I would like to step besides from idol life." "Are you serious?" You were surprised at his change. "Johnny will soon have a baby girl, between Doyoung and Hayoung it seems to be serious too. I think it will be quiet anyway in NCT 127. And I want to see my children grow up and to be there for them. I will not completely avoid everything "Maybe just a comeback a year, working more on TV shows, I don't know either. But I'm sure I want to be here for our children." Jaehyun seemed determined. You look at him for a while, then you nod. "If that's your wish."
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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