#anyway it's good timing so happy pride 🌈
artofdoubt · 1 year
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"I'm a rainbow in a world full of beige people"
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aashiyancha · 3 months
RF Pride Week // June 28: Coming out / Firsts
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This comic is set around a month after the siblings first arrive in Rigbarth
*Ludmila and Meg are not here yet so there's only 1 girl in town who matches that description atm
** The noble duo have been here less than a week, so Ares doesn't have much opinion of them yet
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
🌈 WIP Wednesday (6/5) 🌈
Hi everyone and HAPPY PRIDE!!! <3
I am still wrangling vampjean so... I'm capping asks again. I'm sorry. TwT I know it sucks, but so does Jean and I gotta let him suck Kevin but hopefully I'll be able to take more next week, after he's done and posted.
Anyway, yeah! I will be taking the first 10 I get this time. So please pick your fave! <3 See you in the askbox!
1. Vampire Andrew AU 2. Guardian Angel Neil AU 3. Mafia Front Restaurant AU 4. Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU 5. Mer Roadtrip AU *click the links for masterposts for each au!
Here's Mafia Front Part (166):
That dream-like aura doesn’t fade until Andrew is back in his hotel room. As he pushes the door closed with his back, it pops and he’s once again in reality where he has got to get on a plane in two and a half hours. Andrew sighs and leans against the door for a moment.
This evening was one of the best he’s had in years.
Playing cards with a beautiful idiot for hours while swapping stupid stories? Amazing. Eating the best soup of his life? Incredible— Moreau really is a good cook. Or maybe it was the company that made the meal taste so good. 
Oh god, what’s wrong with him? When did Andrew turn into a sap?
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tailsbeth-writes · 3 months
For Ficlet Friday:
When somebody calls you a name, you take it and own it. (Pride, 2014)
You got both RWRB & a Bridgerton trailer! Never written a trailer before so hope it's okay. Find it on Ao3 here 🌈
‘Hurry up Hen or I'll watch the trailer without you!’
Henry smirks as finishes up plating up dessert (brownies with a hint of cinnamon and vanilla ice cream). He comes through to their living room where Alex is sitting on his knees on the sofa, gripping the remote for dear life. Henry puts the bowls down, Alex is looking at him expectantly.
‘Remember when you refused to watch this with me on account of it being, and I quote “sappy old timey romance written for white straight people”?’
Alex rolls his eyes but his smile doesn't let up. Henry takes his bowl and starts to dive into his brownies. Alex’s brow furrows, Henry pauses with his spoon in the air.
‘This is different baby. I got off my high horse eventually-’
‘Well me and June dragged you off it, more li-’
‘Anyways you know this season is my boy Benedict’s so I'd really appreciate it if you could respect that and put your bowl down so I don't get distracted while we watch the trailer.’ Even though voice speeds up as he rambles, Henry is already putting his bowl down before he's finished talking. Henry leaves a chaste kiss on Alex’s cheek before snuggling into his side. Alex grins and presses the play button on the remote.
Establishing shot of carriages parking in front of a grand home in late summer evening.
Penelope Bridgerton [Voice over]: Dearest gentle readers, have you missed me? I've certainly missed you.
We see Penelope writing at her desk, with Colin watching her from behind with their little boy in his arms. Cut to shots of the Bridgertons being reunited, Daphne and her little one dancing with Gregory and Hyacinth. Eloise in the back of a carriage looking hopeful.
Penelope [Voice over]: Our family knows how good it is to be reunited after such a long time apart, but sadly a few will be missing for the season. As we rejoice in their letters, I hope you too will rejoice in mine.
Benedict is in Anthony’s study, reading a letter from Anthony. Benedict sighs, looks down at the piles of paper.
‘Right. Time for a drink.’
He pours glass after glass until we see him enter into a house filled with rowdy party goers. There's a half dressed drag performer who gives Benedict a kiss on the cheek. There's a montage of closing doors with Benedict and various lovers behind them.
Penelope [VO]: In issues past, I have delivered scandals to parch a gossip thirsty ton. With recent developments, this sheet too will change…
Eloise is sat on a swing, the one next to her is empty. In her hands is letters from Francesca, the writing isn't clear to the audience, but we can see it's smudged and hurried. Cut to Eloise and Benedict inside, the house is dark.
‘Eloise, what happened to you?’
‘I could ask the same thing brother.’
Cut to Violet with Benedict on her arm at a ball, he looks some what weary and both him and his mother are faking smiles. Lady Danbury approaches them and says
‘We could drain your handkerchief and have enough wine for this entire ball, dear boy.’
Violet laughs a little too hard. Cut to the Featherington house where Penelope is having tea with her mother and Eloise, although Eloise is really just watching and not paying attention. Cut to Eloise hiding on stairs with Benedict.
‘I think there's something wrong with me.’
Benedict puts his arm around Eloise.
‘You and me both.’
Penelope [VO]: We must look beyond the confines of our balls and our engagements, while they do bring joy to our lives, we must remember reality still exists.
Colin catches Benedict kissing another man. Eloise catches Francesca with Michaela. Cut to Eloise watching Pen and Colin together, trying to hold a smile but struggling. Shots of Benedict and Eloise pushed around balls for dances with eligible partners.
Violet: ‘Must you be so difficult, I just want happiness for you.’
In another shot, talking to someone at a party, Benedict: ‘I’m starting to think being difficult, being different is what happiness looks like for me.’
Back at the swing, Benedict and Eloise toast: ‘To being difficult!’
Penelope [VO]: Our society is changing, in all the ways we least expect.
Benedict steps out of a ballroom and bumps into a man, with red hair and a lavender waistcoat.
‘Sorry, I-’
Red headed stranger: ‘Bridgerton, my apologies.’
‘Wait, do I know you?’
‘I had a lot more make-up on last time..’
Benedict smiles. ‘Quite.’
Penelope [VO]: This writer is certainly ready, are you gentle readers?
Quick shots between all the characters, ending on a lingering shot of Benedict and Eloise looking at each other and then back out to a crowded ballroom.
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i-sveikata · 4 months
When Pete finally admits to his feelings and makes things official.. will Vegas would be this type of lover where he showers Pete with so much love talk? I feel like he tries so hard to not confess his love all the time Pete does something 😂
Or maybe he would be talking to everyone else about his love and devotion? Like "See this man, that I love and would split myself open and put him inside me forever? His name is Pete." If Pete would still be too embarrassed to hear it all the time, then maybe this approach would be better 😂 Poor Macau would be so sick of Vegas after a while.
Also I think Vegas is very weirdly romantic. This type of romantic that not all people would understand but Pete understands him well with his unhinged side lol
I remember seeing some "incorrect VP/kpts quotes" where Porsche is weirded out by some things that Vegas said. But Pete thinks it's romantic, unhinged but romantic nonetheless.
I'm wondering how Porsche is surviving in the main family house. Does he get some news about Pete and Vegas? Or how would he react knowing that they came back strong and together 😭
Oh! Another interesting twist for future mafia husbands would be putting Pete as co-owner of Vegas's estates 👀 I'm sure this would come through Vegas's mind at some point! So much potential!
Anyway. Thanks again for the recent chapter! ❤️
Happy pride! 🌟
Oh yes I think so!! He’s definitely the type that wouldn’t be able to hide it that well (same with how terrible he is at hiding his attraction to Pete) I defs see him being very open about the fact that he’s in love with Pete. And Pete might get to a point where he’s not terrified to hear that (Vegas might even try a bit of exposure therapy to help Pete adjust once they do admit their feelings for each other and hearing it so many times is likely to reduce the fear for Pete)
Oh man honestly I can see him doing both like he’d be openly telling everyone that Pete is the best thing ever- I’m not sure how quick he’d be to expose his heart to others but he’d be so obvious about it he will likely wouldn’t have to say it out loud anyway. Everyone would take one look at him and know he’s in love.
I don’t know that Macau could get sick of it tbh he’s never seen Vegas like this it would take a lot for that novelty to wear off. However I do see Macau figuring out how to use Pete against vegas, using Vegas feelings to get the things he wants- Macau can be just as sneaky as Vegas.
Yeah for sure romantic in his weirdly off putting way most definitely!! And yeah Pete does kind of get what he’s going on about (even if he might have a few internal worries about it seeing as he’s the saner of the two lol) but yeah I do think Pete has a certain respect for devotion no matter how unhinged Vegas’ might be.
Aw Porsche is not having a fun time atm!! He’s very worried about Pete I think and mr korn is likely intentionally keeping him out of the loop. The best he can try is to get info from tankhun but their intel is a bit limited considering nobody has come across them yet (despite mr korn and the others suspecting they’re hiding out in Pete’s home town)
Their relationship is going to be veryyy different when they do finally encounter Porsche and Kinn again so yes you are likely to get Porsches reaction to that! Becoming co owners would defs cross Vegas’ mind but Pete would never accept that kind of hand out. Not unless there was a valid or practical reason to do so. Vegas would have to push hard for that one and we all know he won’t win against Pete’s stubbornness ;)
Thanks for all the fun questions! Hope you’re having a good day! Also happy pride!! 🌈
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🤥 LYING 🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE 🍁 MAPLE LEAF 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL 📣 MEGAPHONE 🌪️ TORNADO 🌈 RAINBOW from OC emoji ask? For either Kasta or Ezra (or both, if it's not too much)
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Kasta: Their lies are a hit or miss. They're honest to a fault at times, blunt even. There are moments where they get away Scot-free with a white lie. Then comes the times they tell their friends they're fine when they're literally dying on the inside. It drives their travel buddies crazy.
Ezra: There's a reason she's an Imperial Agent in my SWTOR playthrough. Considering the bad crowd she's in and who's the ringleader running that whole show, let's just say she's picked up a few tricks. She's a bit short, but she takes advantage of that and her ladylike mannerisms to assume an innocent persona if it means getting herself out of a sticky situation. It doesn't work on Aval Agents, though.
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This is gonna be a long post, so I'll put the rest of the answers under a cut:
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Kasta: Their birthday is April 2nd (same day as Xianghua), but is born in 1562. For a long time, they didn't like to celebrate it because of the first birthday they had after their father passed away, but that eventually changes as they continue on their journey. It also helped that Xianghua, a friend of Maxi and Kilik, also shares a birthday with them, and they sometimes celebrate it together when they can.
Ezra: Her birthday is September 17th, 1560. She has a habit of being so busy with her tasks that she forgets when her day rolls around, but she does appreciate when someone does wish her a happy birthday. She's not a fan of the parties, tho.
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🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
Kasta: Spring. It's not too hot, and it's not too cold either. Plus it rains a lot during this time.
Ezra: Autumn. She a lot of the things associated with it, the nice hot chocolate, the colourful leaves falling from the trees, etc. Her better memories happened around this season.
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🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your OC that they don't want to show other people?
Kasta: For the most part, they are a chill person that can easily forgive others for their wrong doings (but they have limits) and people tend to open up to them about their problems or secrets as a result. However, they also have an anxiety problem, which can manifest itself as emotional outbursts of deep seated anger that was built up over time. It's a part of them that they are ashamed of having cos they know that in the end, not only will it not solve their problems anyway, they can't solve every problem.
Ezra: A lot I have in mind for Ezra will be explored further, but for what I shared in the story now is that she prides herself on being a practical thinker, someone who is always checking to see if her head is screwed on at all times. She's also an imaginative thinker too, a mind that has the urge to create and escape to, a mind usually found in fantasy novelists, artists, and musicians, a mind she often brushed aside as childish as there was no room for that in her line of work.
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📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
Funny story, I picked the Taciturn Cynic for Kasta on accident when I played Libra of Soul for the first time. How? A habit I've sort of abandoned a long time ago is that I would turn down my game's volume so I could listen to my music (I can't live without music blaring in my ears 24/7).
Kasta: I'm kinda already satisfied with the voice I already gave them in Create a Soul (Taciturn Cynic), but if I had to pick a voice for Kasta outside of Soul Calibur, it'd sound similar to Jade from Beyond Good and Evil (R.I.P Jodi Forrest, her voice actress):
Ezra: Her voice I'm not completely satisfied with in Soul Calibur cos she actually shares it with Natalie, but if I could pick a voice outside of the game, it would probably sound similar to Beatrice from Over the Garden Wall:
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🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Kasta: Oh, the many stories I've told about Kasta's little phoenix moments. First, they were a character I made in TERA Online, then they became a vampire OC based on the vampires from the Legacy of Kain games, then an online persona set in the modern era, and now they are a Soul Calibur OC. The only thing that did not change about them are the moon-shaped horns and their red hair. As for them being a Soul Calibur OC tho, I think I should refer you all to this post of every design change I've made before sticking to the one I've made recently:
Ezra: Compared to Kasta, not much has really changed about Ezra, except her skin got tanner and she became more well-endowed compared to the first time I drew her:
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🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Kasta: "You can't save everyone you love. What matters is that you honour them by living in the now."
Ezra: "Just because someone seems friendly and claim they will give you the moon, doesn't always mean well. Show them their true colours by showing them something they like and then tell them no."
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Thank you so much for the ask! I love going into details about these two as far as I'm able, there's so much more I wanna tell but I don't wanna spoil my fanfic like a dummy.
Ask list is here:
and have a wonderful day or night!
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unknownteapot · 4 months
This ask might be kind of long heads up in advance!
For starters, Hi! I hope you're doing good! And happy late birthday btw + happy pride month 🗣
I've read 'a future with us' like 3 times now and I dont think I can get sick of it omg. The references to you're other fics/on camera Amangela moments are just too good and when I saw you upload i was practically bouncing off the walls, and I was not disappointed one bit.
I feel like there's nothing better than the 'do you think we're together in every universe' thing, especially with Amangela. I think it's the whole irl platonic soulmates thing they got going on that makes the rpfs 10× better.
The way you write them though especially just makes me so damn happy when I read your stories 🫶 Definitely gonna need to go in a reread binge of your fics here soon :)
Anyways, done with my fan girling ramble, thank you for your time lmao and for the fics!
hiii <3
i will not lie, this made me tear up.
just the fact that you took time out of your day to type this out and like. just sometimes im in disbelief things i write actually like resonate with people? or are interesting? i dont know. it's so hard to comprehend but also i'm so glad i'm here in this fandom where we all share this love for talented women who are honestly feeding us like crazy recently. thank you so so much for reading and for sending in this ask!!!
and about the 'in every universe' part- you're so so right, it's so amangela, i think that's why i love writing it so much. like that one moment where angela turns to amanda with "a soulmate can be a friend" and they just immediately hug is so pure and fuels me with undying inspiration to write those two. (in addition to all the other crazy shit they pull. like amanda reposting the tincoffee artwork to her story with 'it begins' like it begins??? honey it began with 'we could kiss and go missing'. it began with you wanting more amangela edits. it began with sword af. it's been happening. it never ends. and i hope it stays that way 😌😌)
anyway, thanks for reading my fics and being an awesome moot <3 have a great day!!! HAPPY PRIDE Y'ALL 🌈🌈
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dropthedemiurge · 1 year
Today is the day of Be My Favorite EP.2 and also June 🌈
so it's a perfect time to remind everyone that Krist Perawat is back to playing in BL (with adorable Gawin who's getting his main lead role and the whole introvert world shaken) — and he's been consistently supporting LGBTQA+ community and rooting for the queer rights for years *-*
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And even recently Krist openly supported the Move Forward party on political voting in Thailand in 2023, which is a progressive liberal party who works for the good and useful changes, equal rights in the country and especially prioritizes the same-sex marriage bill. Their color is orange, and that's why Krist posted about voting with the orange heart 🧡
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So please support Be My Favorite series, the first episode already got a lot of attention and positive reviews ^^ I hope the other episodes will continue the hype🔥 It's about time-travelling, romance and huuuge character development!
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Krist is really sweet as a person and an actor, he's loved in Asia a lot, and his character Kawi is your local chaotic gremlin xD You cannot help but love him (or at least be entertained by him)
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Anyway, just wanted to let you know about a good ally who genuinely enjoys working in BL and take on new challenges, and also does his best to support the queer community. Go watch Be My Favorite and Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
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peccaberry · 1 year
💙 💛 🩷💙💛🩷💙💛🩷💙💛🩷💙💛🩷💙💛🩷
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Aw I think it's fun! 🌈
I love all my daughters 🩷, I love all my sons 💙
And fuck a label if you ain't either one! 💛
I got a room and a table so come on let's get drunk! 🍻
I got that boom! 💥
I Got That Boom- The Pom Poms
Happy be gay do crime month everyone! Have a Volo themed Pan Pride playlist and don't get caught like him, he's an amateur!
Click here to listen to the playlist on Spotify
I made a Volo themed playlist to celebrate pride month because when I enjoy something I make a playlist about it apparently. Tried to capture both the character of Volo and being a chaotic Pansexual and I think I did a pretty good job! My chaotic Pansexual friend gave it his stamp of approval anyway and he's a dedicated expert in the field.
While I did make it with my specific fanfiction portrayal of Volo in mind Its general enough that I think anyone who's a Volo fan and is willing to interpret him as being a multiple gender enjoyer might like it without having read Achilles Come Down.
It is based in that though and I hope the readers I have enjoy it because it's for you especially! I'm posting this just in time for you to watch Volo take Bard Class psychological music damage from a gay little ukulele.
Happy pride month everyone! Stay safe and remember your sunscreen if you're going to a parade this year! 🌈 ☀️
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
Was thinking about Mutant Town today, as one does, and I just wanted to come by and say that I felt really seen by that arc, especially by Mona Lisa's issues with her parents.
Going back to reread it with the context of the current struggles the queer community is facing is very... Something. A good something! But something that's hard to put into words. The rejection Mona experiences at the hands of her parents, her own reaction to finding out that Donnie was never human, and the support meeting afterwards all speak to experiences my friends and I have had as members of the queer community.
And that context adds an extra Something to all of that, but also an extra Something to Armageddon Game, particularly the mercenaries acting to discredit the turtles and other mutants to further Stockman's political agenda and Null's capitalist one. And there's extra depth added to Krisa and Zodi's story when looked at this way too, I think.
Maybe I'm grasping at straws, but I've been to meetings like that one in #112, where it dissolves into queer infighting. I've been rejected by family for being queer. I've known people who were hitting it off with someone only for it to crash and burn when they revealed they were trans. And the complexity and variety of experiences for the people of Mutant Town really reflect how beautiful and diverse the queer community is.
Happy Pride Month, I hope it's a good one for you. 🌈
I love hearing your thoughts! Thank you! <3
I've been wanting to give more resolution to the Donatello/Mona Lisa thing and Mona's thing with her parents but there hasn't been room/time with all the other things going on. The thing with Mona in particular is tough because obviously it's not her series and that storyline doesn't involve the Turtles, so it's hard coming up with page space for it. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it eventually, even just a one-page resolution.
I actually tried to avoid any direct parallels between mutants and marginalized people like queer people or people of color and so forth, it's too crude of an analogy. It's always felt weird to me in stories like X-Men or something where it uses mutants (or whatever) as a stand-in for real-life oppressed/discriminated-against people. It just doesn't work, so I tried to avoid where I could and write the mutant experience as more like speculative fiction; BUT that said there's obviously a lot of similar metaphors you can take from that, I think it's naturally going to feel familiar to queer people like us. All the mutagen bomb mutants are angry and wounded in different ways just like we are.
It's nice to hear you dig into this stuff, I appreciate it, especially since the Mutant Town stuff didn't turn out exactly how I'd originally hoped, I didn't get to dig into half of the things I wanted to or flesh it out nearly as much as I'd planned to. It's great to hear that some people are thinking about it on this level and seeing deeper into it. :)
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multifandomfern · 1 year
Pride Parade
Ludwig is nervous about being in a pride parade
"Oh Ludwig, I’m so happy you’re here with me!” Feliciano gushed. The Italian was wearing a bright pink shirt, a big purple belt and dark blue pants. On his shirt was a heart pin, and on his back was a long flowy cape.
"Uh, j-ja, this is nice.” Ludwig stuttered, nervously. He wore black pants and a gray sweatshirt. He wasn't one to wear bright eye-catching outfits even when everyone else wore them. Though he did wear a gay heart pin which he ironically kept straight.
"Oh don’t worry, you’ll really like it! It’s a parade and in parades you march! I know you’re really good at marching!” giggled Feliciano.
“I guess I am.” Ludwig admitted. He couldn’t meet Feliciano’s eyes. Feliciano noticed and gently grabbed his hand.
"I’ll be right here with you the whole time. You don’t have to be scared.” He said, softly. Ludwig nodded. He looked around at all the other people. They wore bright clothes, and they all looked so proud. Ludwig wished he was like that, so bright and confident and proud.
“Looking at all the outfits? They're all very pretty!” Ludwig nodded. Then he said shyly,
“Not as pretty as yours.” Feliciano beamed, hearing that. “Aww thank you, Luddy! You’re so sweet!” He wrapped his arms around the taller nation. Ludwig blushed and awkwardly hugged back, a lot more nervous with affection in public. Though it wasn’t just the affection he was nervous about.
“Hey dudes there you are! I couldn’t find you through all these people! It’s great that so many people showed up!” Alfred announced. Feliciano let go of Ludwig to turn towards Alfred. Ludwig almost smiled seeing his cape flow with the movement.
"Si it is!” Feliciano agreed.
“Wow Feli, you really got into the spirit.”
“I did, but it’s not all about the outfits. It’s about coming together and being proud.” spoke Feliciano.
“Yeah yeah don't get all corny on me now. Anyways you dudes, like my shirt?” Alfred asked, excitedly. Feliciano and Ludwig both looked at Alfred’s shirt. On it were the words, WHY NOT BOTH? WHY was in pink, NOT was in purple and BOTH was in blue.
“It's very nice.” stated Ludwig. He immediately regretted it. He shouldn't have said something so generic! Alfred grinned at him.
“Thanks dude, it is pretty nice. So, are we the only countries here or did anyone else show?”
"Oh mein bruder came, but he went with Francis and Antonio. They should be here somewhere.” responded Ludwig.
“Awesome! See ya later dudes!” Alfred said as he ran off. Feliciano chuckled,
“He’s really excited.” Ludwig shrugged,
“Well it is an exciting event.” Feliciano frowned a bit.
“You don’t seem very excited, Ludwig.” Ludwig looked at his shoes. He said quietly and honestly,
"I’m nervous. I’ve repressed my sexuality for so long that being open about it is weird. It...scares me. Feliciano tilted Ludwig’s head up. Ludwig looked at Feliciano's beautiful brown eyes. They were filled to the top with love and compassion.
“Hey it’s okay. If this is too much we can leave.” Ludwig quickly shook his head. He wanted to do this. He couldn't let fear stop him.
"Nein! I’m not going to ruin this for you. I want to be out, but that doesn’t make it less terrifying.” He confessed. Feliciano smiled. The Italian said supportively,
“You’re very brave, Ludwig. I'll stay right by your side. We do this together, and if anyone says otherwise, we can…we can just ignore them." Ludwig nodded in agreement.
"Good plan, Feli.” In front of them people started moving forward.
“Ready?” asked Feliciano. He extended his hand. Ludwig took a deep breath. It was now or never.
"Ready.” He confirmed. Then he gently took his boyfriend's hand, and together they started moving forward.
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asiogie · 1 year
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (8/30)
HiHi, today we are again diving into the evolution of another word: queer!
The word queer entered the English language around the 16th century, and initially meant "strange", "odd" or "eccentric". (This is a slightly unrelated sidenote; as someone whose dialect of English is Hiberno-English, the word queer is still very commonly used to still mean this, and has also evolved to the word "quare" which can be used in place of "really" or "very" to provide adverbial emphasis <- like if someone is "quare tall" they're so tall that you're kinda in a little disbelief about it. Anyway just thought this was a fun side note because I really had not realised this word was controversial for people until I was on the internet)
Anyway, onto the late 19th century, the word queer began to have the connotation of "sexual deviance", before then starting to be used specifically about the "sexual deviance" of "feminine men".
The first, or at least one of the first, recorded time that the word queer was used as a pejorative for gay was in a letter written by John Sholto Douglas, 9th Marquis of Queensberry, about his son's relationship with Oscar Wilde. This letter was read out in Wilde's trial in April 1895 (in which he was being tried for "gross indecency" or "homosexuality"), and in it Douglas refers to Wilde and other gay men at the time as "Snob Queers". It is believed that American newspapers picked up this phrase and began using it themselves, thus spreading the pejorative to the US's vocabulary.
"The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang" (1937) defined the word queer as "Homosexual. Derogatory from the outside, not from within. US, 1914", which tells us both that by 1914 it was a common pejorative or insult for gay people, but also, that queer people were using the word to refer to themselves as well. Around this time, queer, fairy, trade and gay all signified distinct "categories" of homosexual men. Historian George Chauncey notes in his book ("Gay New York") that queer would've been the self-identifier of ""masculine"" gay men.
We can also assume that this is what was happening in the U.K. as well, as a letter held in the National Archives shows us (you can look up the letter in full, search the full name of the person and "My Dear Billy"). This letter was written by a man named Cyril Coeur de Leon to ‘My Dear Billy’ in 1934. Billy was the owner of "The Caravan Club", a ""disorderly house"" of ""male prostitutes"", and in it he writes "Just a note to say that I am very disappointed about you. I honestly thought you were queer, but different from the others, and I liked you very much […] I have only been queer since I came to London about two years ago, before then I knew nothing about it." This use of queer is arguably ahead of it's time, given that at this point queer was exclusively about gay men, whereas de Leon mentions he "still likes girls occasionally".
Over the years though, queer has evolved from the narrow definition of "gay man" to "gay men and lesbians" to "anyone not heterosexual" to "not heterosexual and/or not cisgender". And despite the fact that for the majority of the time that it has meant "gay" it has been used by the community, some people are still of the opinion that the word is "too offensive" to be used, but thankfully, this argument isn't as common as it was in the 90s and 00s, though still annoying persistent.
And as for my question, today I want to know firstly, if you use the word queer yourself? and secondly, what is your favourite word/way to refer to the queer community? (for example, "friend of dorothy" is funny to drop into conversation, and today I spoke to some who said they were "looking forward to meeting other *limp hand movement* at [pub name] tonight!")
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
ok i have been neglecting pride anon i am so sorry lets speedrun these
i use the word queer! in fact its my favourite way to refer to myself
and i love a good limp wrist movement as well
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Hi there, Erika! I hope things are going alright for you during this pride month. I'm planning to watch The Princess and the Popstar bc I realized I misjudged it too much and to give it a true chance. Anyways, I'm probs opening a can of worms and discourse in the year 2024 by doing this... do you think Tori's actions would be excused if she was a masc character? Because I've been in too many fandoms (for live-action media) to see how fem characters can be judged harshly compared to masc (white, more often than not but that's another discussion) characters. And I wonder if the same can be said for Tori. The only reason I was hesitant because of how she acted (i.e: the Aunt Amelia stuff) but later, I saw posts mentioning how she grew and developed and I went 'huh, I guess I was wrong', and well. Yeah, basically. I apologize if this is an odd question and if it doesn't make sense. Regardless, sending grand wishes to you and may Pride month go well for you! 🌈🌈🌈
HI there! Happy Pride to you as well!
I love that you're giving Popstar a chance. I think it's a fun movie with good vibes and great songs. I don't really like the villain but I adore the leads and especially Tori's character progression. Keira personally helped me when I was a young teen because I saw her as bisexual before I really knew the word and it helped me figure that out for myself.
That's an interesting point you suggested about Tori. I do think there are certain characters that would be less viscerally hated if they were men, and in Tori's case - well, it could be possible. Like you said, there are some characters in various fandoms that feel like they get more passes for being masc and white while trashing on fem characters and characters of color but I'm not like entirely sure in Tori's case. I feel like there's this trend recently of doing hard on literal child characters so maybe Tori wouldn't get a pass no matter her gender. I really don't know though. I guess if she was more masc, then her pranking people could be seen as more of "charming rascal" or something. Maybe more people would pay attention to some of the detail in the storytelling more in order to be like "see THIS is why this character is like this!" I'm sorry that I don't really have a definitive answer and I'm pretty bad about talking about these kinds of things because it's hard to articulate my thoughts without sounding like I'm just mashing words and terms together.
Speaking of those details, I feel like people don't seem to grasp that Tori's acting out is most likely because of a few things. I already covered them in this post but I'll repeat them here: 1) she appears to have little/no princess duties outside of being a figurehead; 2) her mother is dead and she may not have grieved properly; 3) her sisters are much younger than her and she doesn't have anyone her age to relate to; 4) she may not get to spend a lot of time with her father; 5) her Amelia acts more like her governess than her Aunt. Not saying she didn't do some honestly awful things (seriously why would you hide someone's teeth Tori that's just mean) but there are a lot of factors that could absolutely contribute to her behavior. Plus, when she does realize that she hasn't been paying attention to her kingdom, she immediately wants to fix things and be a good princess. Her arc really is great. Sidenote I wish Keira had gotten more of a proper arc too but I guess it's alright she's still awesome anyway.
The movie as a whole honestly is better than what most of the fandom gives it credit for and I wish it was more appreciated instead of just stripped down to "bad Pauper remake". And remember this is coming from one of the biggest Pauper fans.
Thanks for your ask; you really made me think about some things. I hope you enjoy/enjoyed the movie and I would love to hear what you thought of it (even if it turns out you didn't like it! It's just satisfying to see someone give it a chance!)
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fanby-fckry · 7 months
Voxblr must’ve been going off the day Fizzarozzie went canon. The RPF girlies would’ve gone wild.
Source: voxblr.vox #unreality cw #meta post #hellaverse #hazbin hotel #helluva boss
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🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
Mammon’s got a new brand deal in the works for me. can’t say much about it yet, but I’m heading to Lust today to work out some kinks.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
fuck why did no one tell me Asmodeus was so hot?
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 14, 2014
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ok, you know what, that’s fair.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
Feb 15, 2014
he’s actually… really sweet, too.
🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
2 min. ago
update: we’re dating now
#you guys have no idea how long I’ve waited to say that #as scared as I was to go public #it’s a relief to finally stop hiding ↯ #fizzarozzie #my posts
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🌕 m00nlight_h0wling 🌗 Follow
20 min. ago
can’t believe @.queen-bee-lzebub made me read the word “clussy” with my own two eyeballs.
🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
18 min. ago
Aww, babe forgive me? 🥺
🌕 m00nlight-h0wling 🌗 Follow
18 min. ago
no <3
🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
15 min. ago
Clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy clussy
🐺 666--vortex Follow
14 min. ago
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#bee stop instigating #and loon let bee post what she wants #ists y’all fight too much
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🐝 queen-bee-lzebub Follow
29 min. ago
"average imp fucks a Sin 3 times a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average imp fucks 0 Sins per year. Fizzarolli Georg, who lives in Lust Ring & fucks Asmodeus over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Source: voxblr.vox ↯ #fizzarozzie #it’s about fuckin time #get that clussy ozz!!! #fr tho #happy for u 2 💛 #👑🐝
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🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
47 min. ago
Soooo @.ozzie-king-of-lust @.jest-fizzarolli
When’s the wedding?
#love wins ↯ #fizzarozzie #love you uncle ozzie!! #and you too uncle fizz!! #❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #🥹🥰💖 #🌈 posts
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🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
Feb 20, 2014
I can’t be the only demon shipping Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, can I? They’d be so cute together!!!
I’m thinking Fizzmodeus for the ship name. Or maybe Fizzarozzie? Oh that sounds muuuch better actually.
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
Apr 21, 2014
Confession time: I have a contact that helps me get tabloids from Lust into Pride.
I shipped Fizzarozzie wayyy before the tabloids started reporting on them but it’s good inspo
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
Nov 1, 2019
Ok, I know some of you are gonna think I’m crazy, but I think Fizzarozzie is ACTUALLY canon???
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
50 min. ago
SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! I knew it!!!!!!
🪡 niffty-lady 📠 Follow
50 min. ago
I told you! Didn’t I tell you?
↯ #fizzarozzie #it’s CANON!!! #I am going to write SO! MUCH! FANFICTION! #new otp unlocked!!!
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🐸 jest-fizzarolli Follow
1 hr. ago
quiet quitting is cool and all… but I’m about to go out with a bang! 💥😈🎶
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #jester’s privilege #my posts
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👓 creepz0 Follow
2 hr. ago
Fuckzzarolli is such an ungrateful clown. Doesnt care about his fans AT ALL. Hes not funny anyway.
#anti-fizzarolli #fizzi critical ↯ #fizzarolli
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👯‍♀️ glitz-n-glam Follow
2 hr. ago
Got this one in the bag! Fizza-rotty doesn’t stand a chance. 😈😈
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #klown bitch #glitz n glam #klown posting
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💥 blitz-the-o-is-silent Follow
3 hr. ago
fuck the h8rs fizz u got this
↯ #mammon’s clown pageant ↯ #fizzarolli
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📺 voxblr4k ☑️ ☑️ ☑️ Follow
8 hr. ago
Thanks to a Deal with @.million-dollar-mammon Mammon’s Clown Pageant will be coming to Pride for the first time since 2010!
Tune in to watch live on VoxTV at 8:00 pm or stream it on Voxflix.
#and remember #if you fuckers pirate this #it’s not just my wrath you’ll be facing for breaking tos ↯ #mammon’s clown pageant #VoxTV #Voxflix #VoxTek
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⬜️ voxblrverse-meta Follow
9 hr. ago
Fanby’s Fake Dash Masterpost
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 11 months
498 of 2023
Random Secrets [True or False]
Created by joybucket
The last photo I posted on Instagram was definitely not my best, but I posted it anyway. I wish I were better at drawing. ✍️ I often experience brain fog, and I hate it. I don't trust the police in my town. There's something I've been meaning to do that I've been putting off, and I'm not even exactly sure why I've been putting it off. I've stayed inside most of this summer, and I hope to enjoy the outdoors more before this summer ends. ☀️ I enjoy learning new things. I have flashbacks of traumatic memories every single day. I wish I had neater handwriting. I wish I were a better singer. 🎤 I wish I were a better dancer. 💃 I'm very competitive. Brain fog is the mental health issue that I struggle with the most, I think. I've seen a ton of different doctors, and most of them I wasn't happy with. I wear glasses every day. 🤓 I have a lot of secrets. I've sent in a postcard to PostSecret. I've thought about making and sending a postcard to PostSecret, but I've never done it. I hardly ever chew gum. I chew gum often. I have an invisible illness. I really enjoy designing graphics online using Canva. I wish I could be a professional photographer; I think it would be a lot of fun. 📸 Nobody really knows who I am. I like to sit on carpeted floors. I can type fast, and I really enjoy typing, too. It's been at least a year since I've even traveled outside of my town. I have cousins I haven't seen in years. I don't understand why some people hate country music, because I enjoy it. I'm insecure about the size of my nose. 👃 I've almost died multiple times. I've caught myself snoring. 😴 I want people to know that it's okay to ask me about my chronic illness. I use a wheelchair, and I wish the world were more accessible for wheelchair users. ♿️ I've been a victim of discrimination. I have a secret I will never tell anyone. I wish I had someone I could tell my secrets to. I'm in the middle of reading a book right now that's really good. 📖 I've always liked cheetah print. I wish I could run faster. I wish I had more good hair days, because it doesn't seem like they happen very often anymore. I often don't leave my home for days. I use my laptop more than my phone. 💻 I use my phone more than my laptop. 📱 I've accidentally spelled my own name wrong. I hate my middle name. I hate my first name. I hate my last name. People often spell my name wrong. People often pronounce my name wrong. I've had a friend with the same name as me. I wish I knew what I was doing. My imagination has gotten me through some very tough times! I'm an adult, and I still like unicorns. 🦄 I've gone trick-or-treating as an adult. 🎃 I want to give my kids unisex names. I've never met anyone in real life who identified as transgender. I've been to a Gay Pride event. 🏳️‍🌈 To me, the rainbow is still a reminder of God's promise to never flood the earth again. 🌈 I've been spending a lot of time on Instagram lately. I've considered going back to college and majoring in something else. I feel I fit the "dumb blonde" stereotype pretty well. I wish I wasn't so ditzy. I wish I wasn't so clumsy. Fall is definitely my favorite season. 🍁 I think it would make more sense if the new year started at the beginning of summer instead of the middle of winter. I want to travel into outer space and see the earth from a distance. 🌎 I hardly ever feel happy. I often forget what day it is. I enjoy designing graphics on Canva.
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qbdream · 1 year
Hello! Happy June! It's Pride and I have another question (8/30)
HiHi, today we are again diving into the evolution of another word: queer!
The word queer entered the English language around the 16th century, and initially meant "strange", "odd" or "eccentric". (This is a slightly unrelated sidenote; as someone whose dialect of English is Hiberno-English, the word queer is still very commonly used to still mean this, and has also evolved to the word "quare" which can be used in place of "really" or "very" to provide adverbial emphasis <- like if someone is "quare tall" they're so tall that you're kinda in a little disbelief about it. Anyway just thought this was a fun side note because I really had not realised this word was controversial for people until I was on the internet)
Anyway, onto the late 19th century, the word queer began to have the connotation of "sexual deviance", before then starting to be used specifically about the "sexual deviance" of "feminine men".
The first, or at least one of the first, recorded time that the word queer was used as a pejorative for gay was in a letter written by John Sholto Douglas, 9th Marquis of Queensberry, about his son's relationship with Oscar Wilde. This letter was read out in Wilde's trial in April 1895 (in which he was being tried for "gross indecency" or "homosexuality"), and in it Douglas refers to Wilde and other gay men at the time as "Snob Queers". It is believed that American newspapers picked up this phrase and began using it themselves, thus spreading the pejorative to the US's vocabulary.
"The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang" (1937) defined the word queer as "Homosexual. Derogatory from the outside, not from within. US, 1914", which tells us both that by 1914 it was a common pejorative or insult for gay people, but also, that queer people were using the word to refer to themselves as well. Around this time, queer, fairy, trade and gay all signified distinct "categories" of homosexual men. Historian George Chauncey notes in his book ("Gay New York") that queer would've been the self-identifier of ""masculine"" gay men.
We can also assume that this is what was happening in the U.K. as well, as a letter held in the National Archives shows us (you can look up the letter in full, search the full name of the person and "My Dear Billy"). This letter was written by a man named Cyril Coeur de Leon to ‘My Dear Billy’ in 1934. Billy was the owner of "The Caravan Club", a ""disorderly house"" of ""male prostitutes"", and in it he writes "Just a note to say that I am very disappointed about you. I honestly thought you were queer, but different from the others, and I liked you very much […] I have only been queer since I came to London about two years ago, before then I knew nothing about it." This use of queer is arguably ahead of it's time, given that at this point queer was exclusively about gay men, whereas de Leon mentions he "still likes girls occasionally".
Over the years though, queer has evolved from the narrow definition of "gay man" to "gay men and lesbians" to "anyone not heterosexual" to "not heterosexual and/or not cisgender". And despite the fact that for the majority of the time that it has meant "gay" it has been used by the community, some people are still of the opinion that the word is "too offensive" to be used, but thankfully, this argument isn't as common as it was in the 90s and 00s, though still annoying persistent.
And as for my question, today I want to know firstly, if you use the word queer yourself? and secondly, what is your favourite word/way to refer to the queer community? (for example, "friend of dorothy" is funny to drop into conversation, and today I spoke to some who said they were "looking forward to meeting other *limp hand movement* at [pub name] tonight!")
Happy Pride 🌈 🎉
i honestly will usually refer to myself as queer just in a general sense!! i dont have a good word that i like to describe my sexuality or gender so its a good coverall word. when i was growing up it was definitely used in a derogatory sense but i dont really hear that anymore with the exception of older folks
one of my old coworkers referred to the queer community as the "alphabet mafia" once and that was very funny to me although i'll generally just playfully refer to everyone as The Gays because i think its hilarious
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