#anyway i'll be back to studying for a midterm tomorrow
smahwg · 10 months
remembering that Eric Heisserer wanted to do Six of Crows from the beginning but netflix bought the rights to just shadow and bone, he said he'd only be involved if he could do Six of Crows, then netflix bought the rights to everything and said do both. again said "do both" in s2. so uhhh it really looks like they're penalizing the cast & crew for a decision THEY made lmao
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 7 months
more sassy/flirty matt, possibly college era/study setting ?
//as someone dealing with college right now.... absolutely, i love college era matt. he's my one and only.
You have been studying for twelve hours.
You started your studying around one in the afternoon, and kept working on various assignments until around four, and then you locked in for your hardest class of the semester, American Judiciary Systems. It was just an intense amount of memorization, and you were going crazy.
When you started working, you were doing a good job; You made sure to keep drinking water, you were taking breaks! But somewhere along the way you started to slip on those habits. Maybe it happened after grabbing dinner with your boyfriend and his roommate, but before you got too comfortable on their dorm room floor.
And Matt was mad at you for it.
Okay, mad is a strong word.
But he's frustrated that you won't take care of yourself. He's a hypocrite for it, but he is. So, around one thirty in the morning, he pulls the textbook you're taking notes from out from beneath your heavy arms.
"Hey!" You whine, and Foggy, studying for the same midterm, picks his head up, and in his desirously tired state, tilts his head in confusion.
"You need to sleep." Matt tells you, and you scoff, before reaching for the book. Matt easily pulls it out of your way.
"That's easy for you to say! You took the midterm this morning and probably did amazing!"
"No, I took the midterm yesterday. And you both need to sleep, because if you don't, you'll fail the midterm anyways."
You roll your eyes and reach to your left to grab an unopened energy drink. Matt is quicker than you and snatches it away. In your sleep deprived state, you don't question how a blind man knew where the drink was.
"And no more energy drinks!" he demands. "It'll cause you to crash eventually. Then you'll sleep right through your alarm, and again, fail the midterm anyways." He reminds.
He would never let you or Foggy sleep through your alarm and miss the test, but right now his quest is to get you to sleep.
"Fine, no more energy drinks, but Matt, seriously, I need to--"
"You need to sleep!"
"Ugh!" You groan. You'd be embarrassed of yourself if you weren't so tired. Then, your head tilts back a bit and a yawn escapes your list.
"See! You yawned! Come on, sweetheart, let's go to bed." He demands. You shake your head.
"Can't." You yawn again. "Professor Aelwyn will have my ass." You hum. Matt moves around you and sits behind you, so your back is against his chest. His hands rub up and down your arms as he begins to speak,
"I'll wake you up early enough to grab breakfast, and then I'll help you guys do your last-minute cramming. But I'm serious, I'm worried you'll push yourself over the edge." Then, Matthew plays dirty. "Come on, baby," He begins to kiss your shoulders, and then your neck. "Come to bed."
"You two are gross." Foggy declares as he stands up, stretching out. He takes one last glance over his notes and then begins to clean up. "But unfortunately, dude is right. There's nothing we're gonna learn in the next half hour before we fall asleep that we can't learn tomorrow."
"My point exactly!" Matt hums. You sigh deeply, your hands coming up to your face and rubbing your eyes. Bed does sound nice... And Matt is always super warm.
"Fine." You grumble, leaning forward to clean up your notes. Then, Matt gets up and holds his hands out for you, and you take them, before he pulls you up off his floor. You groan at the pain from sitting on that damned floor and he sighs.
"I know, baby." He hums, and then leads you over to his bed. You hear Foggy's snores from behind you but you just barely manage to change into pajamas.
Then, you crawl into bed, cuddling up to Matt. Your face is buried in the crook of his neck, legs laid over his. Then, you sit up to double check that you've set three alarms, and that Matt's is also set.
He pushes your head back so that your face is against his neck again.
"Get some sleep, sweetheart."
"G'night, Matty."
He presses a kiss to your head, knowing you already have this text in the bag. He only falls asleep when he hears your breathing study and your heartbeat slow. His fingers gently comb through your hair, and as he drifts off, you begin to dream of running away from College, New York and everything else with your boyfriend, the first person who has ever truly loved you without any familial or platonic obligation.
You won't. You'll pass the midterm with him, pass all your finals, graduate and pass the bar together.
But it's nice to dream about for a moment. Luckily for you, Matt always makes reality just as lovely as your dreams.
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space-fox-writes · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary- Reader's first time meeting Steve
2.2K words
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Y/N scanned the halls for Nancy Wheeler, trying her best to keep her anxiety at bay. When she caught sight of her, she quickly shut her locker, walked up to the tiny girl, and waited for her to finish her conversation with Robin Buckley and Eddie Munson before she would say anything. She kept her eyes down on the floor, looking at the shoes the others were wearing.
"We'll catch you at Steve's tonight, Nance. Bye, Y/N!" Eddie said sweetly to Y/N, bringing said girl out of her head. She looked up just as the other two were leaving, flashing a tiny smile at them before turning to look at Nancy, who was already looking at her.
"Hi, Y/N. Did you need something?" Nancy asked her in a kind tone, looking into Y/N's eyes. A small smile graced her beautiful face, easing Y/N's nerves slightly. A small smile of her own fell onto Y/N's face just as she began to talk.
"Y-yeah. I was wondering if you would be willing to tutor me in math and chemistry? I'm just really having a hard time with everything since it's getting closer to midterms and I'm so worried I'm going to fail them and which would not look good on my applications to college, and I could just really use your help. I-I can pay you, if you want, too, probably not much but it would be better than not paying you because I'm taking up your time-" Y/N rambled but was cut off by a chuckling Nancy.
"Y/N, slow down! I'd be more than happy to help you out. You don't need to pay me. Do you want to start tonight?" Nancy asks, pulling out a piece of paper to write something down.
"Oh, um, I thought I heard Eddie say you were busy tonight. We can start tomorrow if you're free. I don't want to take you away from your friends if you already had plans." Y/N said, looking down just enough not to make eye contact with the other girl across from her.
"It's totally fine! Steve won't mind someone else coming along. It was just dinner and a couple games tonight anyway. We do this every Friday night, it's nothing special. I can go ask Steve right now if it would make you feel better?" Nancy asked, the same small smile from a few minutes ago coming back onto her face.
"Um, yeah. That would make me feel a lot better." Y/N said, following after Nancy on her walk to her station wagon in the parking lot.
Nancy unlocked to door, sliding in and grabbing a walkie-talkie from the glove box, pressing the call button down, and talking into it.
"Steve? It's Nancy. I have a question for you." She said. The radio crackled a few times before a voice was heard through it.
"Yeah, what's up, Nance?" The voice, Steve, Y/N was assuming, said on the other end.
"Y/F/N asked me today if I could help with her midterms, I said I could tonight but she doesn't want to impose on our family night tonight. Is it okay if I bring her along? I told her you would be fine with it but she just wants to make sure." Nancy explained into the radio, releasing the button when she was done talking.
"Of course it's fine! The more the merrier! What kind of pizza does she like? Or if she doesn't like pizza I could pick something else up for her. Does she have any dietary worries I should know about?" Steve asks in a cheery voice. Nancy looks over at Y/N with a big smile, asking her the same question. Y/N answers quietly for Nancy to tell him, then they're saying their goodbyes to each other. Nancy gets out of the car, smiling at Y/N again.
"Well, that settles it then! You'll come and hang out at Steve's house with us tonight and we'll study together. I'm helping Eddie with his midterms tonight as well so this works out great. I'll pick you up at, say, quarter to six at your house?" Nancy asks, getting a nod in return and a slip of paper with Y/N's address on it. "Great! I'll see you tonight Y/N!" Nancy says in a sweet voice before walking back into the school for her last class of the day.
Y/N switched her sweater out for the third time tonight, deciding on a simple Hawkins High Swim sweatshirt just as she heard Nancy honk her car horn from the driveway, telling her she was waiting for her. Y/N quickly checked her outfit one last time, deciding it would have to be good enough now. When she had gotten home, she quickly took a shower to wash the day off of her and changed into a pair of light wash, baggy jeans, and now, after changing so many times, a sweatshirt. Her hair had been towel dried so it had a little bit of curl to it, falling over her shoulders and down her back. Y/N threw her backpack on and rushed out the door, telling her parents not to wait up for her tonight.
"Hey! We just need to make one stop before we head to Steve's place, I hope that's okay." Nancy said when Y/N got into the car. She nodded her head, putting her bag down at her feet and putting her seatbelt on. 
Once the car stopped at the Henderson's place and said boy made it into the car, Nancy directed them to Steve's house, Y/N could feel her anxiety ramping up slightly. She had never been to Steve Harrington's house before. She had no reason to be at his house in the past. She wasn't really a party type of girl, she preferred to stay at home, reading a book or watching a movie. Not to mention the major crush she had on the Harrington's only child. I mean, who didn't?
Nancy slowly pulled into a large driveway, cutting the engine off before getting out of the car and following the boys up to the door. Y/N took a deep breath just as she got to the front door, following after Nancy into the house and slipping her Vans off, setting them next to Nancy's shoes. 
Y/N could hear loud talking and laughing coming from the living room, which she slowly walked into. The laughing and talking cut off when she walked in, everyone staring at her. Y/N could see Eddie and Robin smile brightly at her, making her feel only a tiny bit better, but not much considering eight other sets of eyes on her. Y/N's eyes gravitate toward the ground until she hears a familiar voice come into the room.
"Okay, I just ordered the pizzas, guy said it would be about half an hour before they got here. What are you all looking at?" Steve asked, turning his head toward the entry to the living room from the front door and stairs. "Oh, you must be Y/N?" He asks, smiling gently at her. 
"Y-yeah, that's me. Sorry to crash your party, Nancy said it would be okay for me to come. But I'll stay out of everyone's hair, I'm just here to study with Nancy." Y/N said quietly, trying her best to hold eye contact with Steve, but failing miserably.
"No, you didn't crash anything! I told Nancy that you're more than welcome to hang out with us!" Steve said with a sweet smile on his face. "Oh, um, I'm Steve, you already know Robin and Eddie, but that's Johnathan. And those gremlins are Max, Jane, Erica, Dustin, Mike, Will, and Lucas." Steve introduced everyone in the room to the newcomer, turning back to her when he finished. Everyone gave a small wave and smile, then went back to their earlier conversations. "You're welcome to come in and make yourself comfortable. I've set up the far end of the dining table for you, Nance, and Eddie whenever you're ready to start studying." Steve said, pointing in the general direction of the dining room. Y/N nodded her head, walking further into the room, only after Nancy walked in.
"Eddie, I think Y/N and I are going to start studying if you want to join us. I know how much you love to play the games with everyone so it would probably be a good idea to study before dinner gets here so you can still play after. That sound okay?" Nancy asked the metalhead, to which he nodded his head, grabbing his bag from next to him and walking off to the dining room. Nancy and Y/N followed him, seeing where Steve set up a place for them. He had pens, pencils, and highlighters sitting in the middle with a pencil sharpener off to the side slightly. Y/N smiled at the thought that Steve made sure they had everything they needed before they got started. "Okay, why don't we start with math? You're in the same math class, I believe, yes?" Nancy asked, earning a nod from the other two.
Y/N pulled out her math notebook and textbook, flipping to the page the teacher assigned them to, and started on the problems on the page.
For the next twenty minutes, Y/N, Nancy, and Eddie worked on the math problems their teacher had given them for the weekend, Nancy occasionally helping the two of them when they asked for it. Just as Y/N was getting to the second page of math equations, Steve walked in with several boxes of pizza, setting them on the dining table, and yelling for everyone to come and get it. Before Y/N could even put her pencil back down on her paper to keep writing, everyone came rushing into the room, throwing the pizza boxes open and grabbing their slices of dinner, Nancy and Eddie among those getting food.
"Are you going to come get some Y/N?" Nancy asked, looking over to said girl, raising her eyebrows.
"Oh, uh, yeah just give me a few minutes to finish this problem." Y/N said, giving the others a small smile. She looked back down at the textbook once she got a nod from Nancy.
Half an hour later, Y/N was still working on her math, with no food on a plate in front of her. She was startled from her concentration when Steve sat down next to her, placing a plate in front of her with three pieces of pizza on it, a smile on his face.
"I noticed you never got up for dinner and wanted to save some for you before the gremlins picked over everything." He said, pointing to the plate between the two of them.
"Oh, um, thank you." Y/N said quietly, blushing slightly.
Steve just gave her a big grin before looking down at her sweatshirt. "Are you on the swim team? I was the captain for three years including my senior year." Steve said with a proud smile.
"Oh, um, no. My older brother was on the team all four years of school. His name was Carter, he really thought you were cool. Looked up to you a lot." Y/N explained with a smile of her own on her lips.
"Oh, yeah I know Carter. But I thought your last name was Y/L/N. The back of the sweatshirt says Wentworth." Steve says, a confused look taking over his face. Y/N couldn't help but chuckle slightly at how cute he was.
"It is. He took our stepdad's last name when our mom remarried, I kept my dad's name. Never liked my step-family much."
"Ah, makes sense. Your brother was pretty cool. I knew he had a little sister but I had no idea she was so cute and shy." Steve said, the same smile from before gracefully falling onto his face once more. Y/N smiled down at her homework again, a fierce blush taking over her cheeks.
"I'm not so much as shy, it's just my anxiety. And I'm not cute." She said, the last one more to herself than to Steve.
"Oh come on. You're very cute. Don't sell yourself short there, sweetheart." Steve said, trying to convince the girl in front of him. "Well, everyone is getting antsy to start playing a few games so why don't you come join us? Take a break from your work and have some fun, get to know everyone." Steve said, standing from his spot at the table.
"Oh, no that's fine. I don't want to intrude on your game night. It's enough that you're feeding me. I don't want to step on anyone's toes." Y/N said, shaking her head and dropping the easy smile that was on her plump lips.
"I already told you that you didn't intrude or ruin anything. Max and Jane were pestering me to come in here and get you to play some games with us. They're excited to meet you and pull you into this little rag-tag group we have," Steve said, a blush starting to creep up on his face. "And I was hoping to get to know you a bit better, maybe ask you out on a date?" He asked, the blush fully taking over his face by now. It was pretty cute.
"Okay, but only because I was promised a date from Steve Harrington. I'll hold you to that, I hope you know that." Y/N joked, smiling as a grin broke out on Steve's face.
"Yeah! We can hash out the details before you leave tonight!" Steve said excitedly. Y/N smiled up at him, following him out of the dining room and to the packed living room.
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darklovecat · 2 years
Today was a very productive day!
I signed up for a new language learning course!
I have been making use of a portion of my free time to learn a new language. Being a polyglot was always something that greatly benefited my work life. I know for a fact that I would have never gotten the opportunity to participate in certain events, gained admission to certain unis and programs if I wasn't fluent in multiple languages, being fluent in different languages is such a valuable asset and it always makes me stand out from other applicants. I used to have a lot of side gigs and I have worked as a play sister, a translator, a voice actor and I was able to make quick money simply because I was fluent in foreign languages. I can read and write my dream language now but self-learning can only get me so far and I am not ready for immersion just yet, I need a solid foundation first and I signed up for a language class today. It will begin in April and I am planning on using the next month to review and refresh so I am ready for my new course.
I decluttered my wardrobe!
I am getting rid of all clothes and accessories that I do not love. I am constantly decluttering my wardrobe but it is a never ending process for me because I enjoy shopping a little too much and I own a lot of clothes that I simply don't wear anymore. I donate them, I gift them and I sell them online. I have received 2 new orders and had a fun time ironing the clothes, packing them, adding lots of gifts and cute little notes to thank them for their purchases. I love opening packages and there's nothing like opening a beautifully wrapped order and getting all excited for your new product and I want the person who receives my order to feel happy and excited like I always do. I drove to the carrier company to send off the orders but they had a system error, I had to wait for an hour or so and drove to another branch that had the same issue and I lost a lot of time in the process. It was a bummer, but at least I got my 10k steps in and I'll try again tomorrow.
I placed some new orders!
I have this really annoying habit - if I love a product, I buy a ridiculous amount of backups, I buy all colors available and I purchase items that are so similar that it's basically the same thing. I am a loyal customer and I love going back to the brands that have worked for me in the past and I don't really feel the need to step out of my comfort zone and try something new when there's already something out there that works for me. I ordered a new Longchamp bag, I already own various colors and different sizes, but this time I am trying a new color and a slightly different model to match the trench coat I have ordered, I want a cohesive look and my outerwear, bag, and shoes are usually the same color so I can always look and feel put together. I also rushed to the mall to buy the same exact wrap top I already own so I can wear it more often, and I also ordered 3 new white tops, I ordered some Olaplex products for my hair, and I bought some makeup.
I did some much needed studying!
My midterms are in less than a month and I have got to focus on increasing my GPA as much as I can. Most of my classes are online this semester so it should not be too hard for me but some of my profs are notorious for making online exams extremely hard or giving us very little time to finish all questions, and I've just been studying and I watched the recordings of our lectures, and summarized them. My exams will be during Ramadan, it shouldn't be too hard as I do a lot of intermittent fasting anyways and I have fasted during my finals in the summer heat in the past. I just need to ask my doctor how to make fasting work with the new meds that I have been taking so I set up an appointment for that. I will start working on a goals list for Ramadan because I am actually really looking forward to reconnecting with my religion, I want to use this time to leave bad habits behind, pause and reflect, practice self disciple. I used to read one juz a day and I want to do another hatim, I will to do it again this Ramadan ان شاء الله.
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abyssalcreator21 · 2 years
2022 Recap
Met my girlfriend, gone to cosplay events, had my series of writing workshops, meet new people and lost ones, gained a lot of virtual friends, and almost at the end of the finish line in my life as a college student.
Really, 2022 has been so far the eventful year of my life. I had tons of things that I have done first time and also in the same time, I am almost close to my goal of getting my diploma and start living according to my own terms and priorities. Honestly, to think that I am now in the 23rd year of my life just reminds me how time flies so fast and why it should count. Although most of my moments, I just do my usual routines, at least I have managed to reach on this chapter of my life. Being a fresh graduate soon. Yet, I have to embrace also the fact that nothing will ever be the same when I am going to pursue my career, earn money, and live a balanced life. I don't have much experiences yet that I could say to myself, this is it. This is one of the pivotal moments of my life when I come up with a realization that this is the purpose of my life. What path will I take? Am I continuing my journey on becoming a published author or I'll take a different path for my career. Lots of thoughts that needs to be managed and sorted. But despite of not yet figuring out the whole plan of my life and the reason also to save money, I'd still have my other goals with my hobbies especially in cosplaying. I am really aiming to go in different conventions, meet renowned cosplay personalities, and to meet new people.
Right now, I am currently busy with our thesis paper as we are on the fieldwork stage of our study. We are expecting to have it on Thursday or Friday. I am hoping that within the next weeks, our results are already sorted out and we are ready to finalize our thesis manuscript, proceeding to the mock defense and for our final defense in January. Other major subjects of mine also are preparing the PIT's that they will give to us and I am just waiting for that.
Tomorrow, we will also have our midterm examinations for two of our subjects this semester and actually I'll just do skimming in studying later or maybe early in the morning. It's just because I have been used with the format of online classes, it is new for me right now that we go back with our 5.0 format and not the usual P grade. Maybe after all, I am saved by the P that was brought by the issues of pandemic. Yet, right now, the pandemic situation has lessen and we are going back to our usual state of normalcy. Truly, the vaccination campaign helped alleviate the threats of the virus and return the state from lockdown to freely roaming. The sad thing is just that I haven't enjoyed much the college life I expected to have but it wasn't let for me to experience that after all. It doesn't matter to me anyways right now if I have missed out much of my college life. The important matter for me right now is to finish my thesis, get 1.00 to 1.75 grades, and to be a candidate for graduation. Pretty excited and expected that next year is going to be much exhausting for 4th years like me.
What's my aim during the next year of my life? For me, I just wanted to make my growth little by little. Right now, I am dealing with handling my intrusive thoughts, controlling my lust, manage myself to be much wiser with the decisions I make with my life and etc. I just hope that in the next years of my life, I'll acquire more life skills, learn to be street-smart and to be much patient, and to manage my raging temper sometimes. Still a lot of work to do with myself. But I am thankful that I reached again another achievement of being alive for 23 years.
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Gotta go because I'm studying for a neuro midterm tomorrow but anyway have a spoiler
"Dude... can you even walk normally in those?" Yangyang's brows scrunched together and you pulled down your pleated skirt.
"No," you groaned. "I don't know what the stylists were thinking, putting me in this getup... I can't even raise my arms over my head or this shirt will just rise up too much," you gave up on fixing your skirt and just crossed your arms over your midriff. "Kyungjae said he'd get me more comfortable shorts, at least, but I haven't heard back from him. I'm afraid Jia got mad or something," you frowned.
"Well, until then," Yangyang grabbed his hoodie from the couch. "If you want to, you can tie this around your waist."
"Thanks, yeah, at least I'll be able to move around more without worrying some weirdo's going to stare," you took the pink hoodie. "I get the whole college kid vibe we're going for but this is a bit much for a song about going through a breakup..."
"Weird how those two lined up," Mark says, arm still over his eyes.
"Don't remind me, Lee."
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Well, THAT was a pretty fun Halloween! I wanted to do some other stuff like watch a few good horror films. (While eating some good candy~) But, my stepfamily's up right now. And, I have to get back to studying for my midterms. (I have to retake one tomorrow morning. And, one final midterm on Monday.) Anyways, I hope you've all had as much of a great Halloween as I did. And, I'll see you again soon!
Oh, and if you were wondering if I was going to wear a costume this year, this is it:
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