#anyway i was yanked out of belly dance class a few months later so i never got dance in front of an audience
arctic-hands · 2 years
You ever just start remembering the injustices forced upon you when you were too young to fight them and just get angry all over again?
Like I wonder how strong my back would be instead of a shitty weak thing that has thrown itself twice just by walking around my house and has thrown for other reasons too, if I hadn't been yanked out of belly dancing as a kid just because my mom had to stop attending her dance classes after back surgery. Like literally that was the only explanation given. She couldn't do it anymore so neither could I. Now I'm too disabled to ever dance any kind again
#that's not true i can gently Macarena if I'm careful#but still wtf#that was literally the only activity i was allowed to do as a kid#i was kicked out of 4H for being too sick and missing too many meetings#and because my parents were worried about that happening again i wasn't allowed to be a girl scout#i missed too many classes and my grades were only so-so so i wasn't allowed to join any school clubs#i got kicked out of band for being too tired and sick to make it to the before school classes#and i got kicked out right before the King's Island concert/trip THE DAY AFTER i handed in my non refundable seventy-five dollar trip fee#and now my lungs are too shite to ever play the clarinet again too while we're at it#i should have known no one was taking my dancing and the fun i was having seriously#like for real i was enduring the sensory hell that was putting on tights just so i could dance#the end was nigh when i was forced to attend my first (and it turns out only) dance recital because of my brothers hs graduation#i begged my parents to just drop me off at the studio and then pick me up after our respective functions were over#but i was told family was more important than dancing#so instead of dancing my heart out i was forced to sit still for three hours waiting for a single name to be called#all the while being absolutely blinded by the flash of disposable camera from the bleachers across from me#so i got a migraine that night#if family is so important why do my brother and i despise each other#anyway i was yanked out of belly dance class a few months later so i never got dance in front of an audience#the band thing happened a few years later and after that i either wasn't allowed to join anything by my parents#or figured myself that I'd just be kicked out of whatever i wanted to do and never tried up join anything again#why yes i lost my social skills and grew up isolated and that lasted well into my twenties#anyway I'm bitter#edit: *forced to miss my dance recital
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mdotmaro · 4 years
Winging It
Author's Note: This story is set right after Vacation with Derek. Casey is going off to New York to like her dream as a dancer in a musical. But what if things are not what she expected? What if her dream was wrong? What if the most irritating person in your life is the only one that can talk some sense into you
And so the summer of 05 was coming to an end. The Blue Heron Lodge wasn't going anywhere, and Broadway was calling Casey's name. She sat at the dock, letting her toes dance across the surface, careful to avoid her heels getting wet. There were slight thumps on the floorboards of the dock.
"You know it's not much of a party if you go to brood off all alone. Maybe save the dramatics when you get on stage." Derek commented while he took a seat next to Casey. She chuckled quietly.
"You heard, huh?" She asked with a wistful smile on her face as she stared up at the stars.
"Hard not to when Nora and her hormones keep crying about it every five minutes; Casey laughed at that and wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eye. Derek eyed her and then recoiled at the sight of tears.
"Oh, come on, not you too. Jeez, I can't wait to be in University without all the estrogen seeping through the walls." He said and nudged her lightly.
"I am fine, really just taking it all in. My dream is really coming true, and I just have this light feeling in my chest that makes me want to laugh and cry all at once." She explained; he smirked at her.
"Well, if that feeling spreads to your right arm, let someone know because you might be having a heart attack," Derek said, and Casey shoved him.
"Yeah, I'll miss you too, Der, " She said, and Derek scoffed at the insinuation.
"Whatever, all I am saying is that New York is far enough away that it would be too much of a pain to Dad and Nora to go fly over and save you from whatever crisis you have; so" He cleared his throat and looked up at the sky and pointedly not at Casey. His ears were a tad pink.
"So, call me instead. But you're paying for the plane ticket." He added abruptly, but it was too late. Casey began to pout her lip and stare at Derek with tears in her light blue eyes.
"Aww, Der. You do care. Come here," She said and went to hug the young man that back peddled away from her.
"I take it back, don't call me. Don't touch me. Casey, I mean it," He said in a mock deep tone that made her glossy eyes glitter with amusement. It was a two-second pause between them before Derek sprinted up the dock with Casey close at his heels.
"Oh, come on, Derek, you love me, just admit it," Casey shouted and laughed after him. He blitzed away from her just as she was about to catch him by shirttail. Her fingers barely brushed the fabric. Derek thought he could lose her at the dock because there was no way she would risk falling off, Right? Wrong, one rolled ankle, and down she splashed into the dark water. Derek burst out laughing and continued until he realized Casey didn't resurface.
"Casey?" Derek called out and scanned the surface for any bubbles. A twinge of panic left his voice when he called out again. "Casey!" Still nothing. "Oh for the love of Peter" He grumbled before taking off his fancy shoes and jumping in and searched the water for any sign of her. He saw a dim image of a figure struggling against something. Derek swam over and saw it was her heavy wedge heel stuck between two pieces of driftwood. Casey was trying to yank her foot out; Derek broke the buckle and dragged her up. They both gasped, and then Casey hit Derek in the chest.
"Der-rek, those were my favorite shoes!" She panted and supported herself up by his arms until she could regain her breath. Derek stared open-mouthed at her.
"Fine. I'll just let you drown next time," He said and then smirked, and Casey's eyes widened before Derek dunked her head underwater. She swatted at him until he let her go, and then there was a splashing war. At one point, Casey was able to wrap her legs around Derek's waist and pushed down on his shoulders to dip him under.
"Casey, you are not allowed to drown Derek," Nora said passively as she waddled with her large belly to the bunkhouse with George. Derek picked Casey up and flung her back into the water.
"You heard her." Derek laughed at the haphazard hair plastered to her forehead. Casey dipped her head back to smooth out her hair.
"Let's get out of here; the water is freezing," Casey said and wrapped her arms tightly around herself; the dress she was wearing had stuck to her skin in a less than modest way than Casey was comfortable with. Derek unbuttoned his vest and handed it to her. She smiled and accepted the vest, and quickly buttoned up the middle. Jessie saw Casey from across the lawn and jogged over.
"Hey, Casey, a great night for a swim, eh?" He said while grinning at the waterlogged step-siblings. Derek nudged Casey's arm before heading out to the brunette waiting by the jet ski. Casey watched him go before turning back to Jessie. I guess you could say that. Want to go for a walk?" She asked while looping her arm through Jessie's.
"What happened to your shoes?" Jessie asked, indicating to her bare feet. Casey laughed
"It's a long story."
Six months later
The blaring car horns were surprisingly easy to adapt to. Casey particularly loved the little shops and cafes that seemed to flower at every corner. The organic wheatgrass and lemon zest smoothie was a favorite routine of hers before taking a run in central park. Rehearsal wasn't until 10 am, and Casey had to make sure to keep up her stamina for the demanding routine involved in the Jazztap Tango on Mango Street.
Casey was the roommate and unrequited love interest, Mindy. Jessie was the lead Georgio. He was taking his role as the Mainstreet casanova to heart. Whatever began at the Blue Heron Lodge was soon forgotten after there was so much research to do with so many women.
"I just need to get a better feel of the character. You understand, don't you?" Jessie explained at Casey's studio apartment. She stared at him and tried her best to stay civil. It was an act she had seen many times with Truman and certainly with Jessie. He wasn't exactly nonchalant about his veracious flirting as a waiter, and it only increased in New York when his charming shyness faded away.
"Of course, see you on set. K?" She said before gently closing the door. The apartment was basically a shoebox; she could barely practice her routine, and Casey was starting to get restless. There were a few framed pictures across the headboard of her twin bed. She picked up the last picture the entire family had taken together. Simon was just born, and they were all huddled together at the hospital. She smiled at the image that had been taken four months earlier. Simon must have at least doubled in size by now. Casey sighed at the knot in her chest and stared at the phone on her bed for a long moment before giving in and dialing.
"Yo, You've reached Derek Venturi. Leave a message, and I may or may not get back to you. Later" Casey rolled her eyes at the voicemail, but she still waited for the beep.
"Hey, It's Casey. No, I am not having a crisis. I just wanted to call and see how you were doing and to see if you had flunked any of your classes yet. Call me back when you can," She said, and that was two days ago, and she had not heard back from him since. The musical was supposed to air at the Radio City Music Hall for the first time that night at 8 pm. It was too short notice for any family or friends to be able to see it live, but they promised to come to the next showing in two months in Buffalo.
Casey quickly dressed and went up to the stage. "Alright, Casey, go up to the balcony and start from 'Carry On, '" The director Bernard Blue instructed from the front row. The prop balcony was just reinforced after a near spill last week that had Casey hanging on for dear life by the railing. Margret, the leading lady, had teased that Casey shouldn't have had that extra slice of pizza at rehearsal wrap-up. Derek said that she was being "Black Swanned" when she had called that night to vent her frustrations.
"You've seen The Black Swan?" Casey scoffed.
"Uh Yeah, Natalie Portman 'finding her sexual nature' on screen. How could I not?" He said.
"You're disgusting," She said, but they ended up laughing anyway.
Casey stared into the spotlight and let out a deep breath.
"Carry on, sweet dear. My mother always told me.
Carry on through these tears. Let them water your garden.
Soon the flowers will bloom and shade your views of the unkindness of this world." Casey's voice carried sweetly through the theater as she watered the small prop flowers on the balcony. Below Jessie danced and caressed Margret while Casey was made to gaze forlorn at them from above.
"But sometimes the flowers bloom is not enough.
Never enough." Casey sang with more force, and she flew down the stairs to meet the lovers, but before she descended, they were gone.
"Just living and watching you fade from me.
Even if you're happy, it will never be enough for me-" She ended with the saddest halt of her voice. The lights faded, and then she was shuffled backstage for the next scene. It had become just a monotonous cycle in her life. When did her dream become the very thing she dreaded each and every day. Maybe when it was when her dream became a job, and the freeing feeling she had when she danced was now controlled by someone else. She looked at the glittering face in the mirror. Casey had the opportunity to give into a secret desire to be a blonde for the role, but there was something different in her eyes. They seemed dull.
The play was a moderate success. There were no screaming crowds or cries for an encore like the director had predicted. Casey was honestly just glad it was over. When she went to the dressing room, she found someone in her chair. With a well-timed spin, Derek grinned at her, appearing quite at home.
"The real star is here," He announced, lounging in the makeup chair like a throne. Casey laughed and all but launched at him. She squeezed him in a hug.
"Chillz, Case. Can't breathe." Derek said but still gave her a gentle squeeze back. Some of the other girls began to mill into the dressing room and took in the scene of the two step-siblings.
"Aww, Casey, I didn't know you had enough time for a boyfriend." Eloise sneered. Casey gave the petite redhead a withering look.
"This is my step-brother, Derek. Derek, this is Eloise, Jasmine, Cossette, and Jamie." Casey said, milling off as the women eyed Derek with a predatory look. Casey wrinkled her nose in distaste.
"Oh, and is Derek single?" Eloise asked while batting her massive costume lashes at the man. Derek chuckled and got out of the chair, but before he could say anything.
"Oh, he is, but sorry to tell you, girls, he is gay. Come on, let me show you the city." Casey said before half dragging Derek out of the dressing room. Derek protested the entire time he was very much straight. Once they were on the street, Derek shook her off his arm.
"Jeez, Casey. Possessive much?" Derek complained. Casey shook her head.
"Please, Derek. Those theater girls would have eaten you alive." She teased. "Anyway, what made you come all the way over? How did you like the play? How is the family?" Casey rattled off as they walked down the street, the park was coming up, and they had a night market to celebrate the change into spring.
"Take a breath, Casey." Derek teased and shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. Casey closed her mouth and made a locking motion while throwing away a figurative key. Derek rolled his eyes.
"You are such a dork," He mumbled, and she put her hands on her hips. "Well, I heard your voicemail, and you are still a terrible liar; you are obviously having a crisis." And he held a hand to stall her protest. "Yes, you are, but I have to go down the list before you go on this verge of denial." He smirked
"The play was sappy but good, I guess. And the Fam is fine, I guess, you can reach out to them too, you know." He said and then lingered over to a hotdog vendor and ordered a dog with all the fixings, even relish. Derek took a huge, messy bite and then offered some to Casey, who gave a quick shake of her head.
"I know, and I try too, but these hours are so long with the play and rehearsals and the gym to stay in shape." She sighed. Derek sized her up.
"What's wrong with the shape you're in now?" Derek said through a mouth full of meat. Casey grimaced and offered him a napkin.
"Chew, swallow, then speak, you, Neanderthal," Casey said and then looked down at her thin, toned arms. "The costume designer has been complaining about having to use extra material for my costume because I am not a size two like the other girls," Casey said and crossed her arms in frustration.
"You'd look weirder than usual if you were super thin like them," Derek said after finishing his hot dog and wiping his mouth. They passed a beadwork station where Derek tossed his trash in the nearby bin, and Casey looked intently at the necklaces.
"I agree, but that's showbusiness. I don't have enough curves to be plus-sized and not thin enough to be seen as a regular dancer. It's exhausting," She admitted while touching a deep jade necklace like one her mother would wear.
"So, quit," Derek said simply. Casey turned away from the necklace and stared at him incredulously.
"I can't just quit on my dream, Derek. I have sacrificed too much for it not to work out." She said hotly. Derek gave her a bland look.
"I saw you up there; there is no passion in you." Derek accused. Casey scoffed.
"Please. What do you know about passion?" Casey asked, and he shrugged.
"I have been playing hockey since I was twelve, and I have never felt like getting up to play was ever work. You have been complaining for weeks about this, and it is just not what you expected. And that scares you." He accused. Casey shoved him.
"I am not scared!" She hissed, but it wasn't convincing. She gave into his penetrating look and slumped her shoulders. "Okay, fine. I thought it would be amazing to dance on a stage in front of hundreds of people every night, but it's not the same when the choreography is the exact same, and I don't have the creative liberties I would If I did my own choreography." She admitted—Derek tutt at her before lazily throwing his arm across her shoulders.
"Well, you can always modify your dream to fit your life." He said and then eyed a street band performing under a massive tree filled with string lights. Casey gave him a confused look, and then her eyes widened at him when he dragged her towards the band, and he twirled her around. "Like dancing in the park without any stuffed shirts of catty girls criticizing you." He said before joining her in a faced paced swing dance. Casey's face lit up with the biggest and most beautiful smile. She laughed and tilted her head back when Derek picked her up and spun her.
A small crowd of dancers joined in, and the band picked up its pace, and Derek let Casey down so she could take the reigns. This was her, Casey free and alive.
The two left the park with a little more pep in their step and laughing. Derek dragged them to the closest bar and ordered them whiskey shots. Derek started to sweet talk to the bartender and didn't even get carded. They were legal in Canada, but at nineteen, were not yet legal in the states. It helped that Derek had a bit of a blonde stubble beard going on. Casey just shook her head in amazement.
"I am the one supposed to be showing you around the city. I am the one who lives here," Casey said before clinking her shot glass with Derek's and downing it in one go. Derek laughed at her grimace as the whiskey burned down her throat.
"It's called confidence Casey, maybe you'll know all about it after a few more of these." He said and waved at the bartender for another round. He handed Casey another cool shot glass, and she met his determined gaze with one of her own. He leaned close to her ear and said over the loud music.
"Oh, and you're paying, by the way." He said, and before she could yell at him, he downed his shot and pulled on her hand to the dance floor. Casey refrained from his pulling to shakily downed her whiskey shot. Derek released her to the thumping music while he made eye contact with a blonde in a tight purple dress. Casey felt her limbs become loose and cool and began to sway to the beat. The writhing bodies pressed against another was not the type of music she was usually used to, but there was something hypnotic about it. A pair of arms snaked around her waist, and Casey flinched to see a handsome stranger with mint green eyes that shone against dark skin. He leaned close to her ear.
"Want to dance?" He asked, and she nodded nervously. He led her in a slow sway, lightly pressing his hips into hers. Casey bit back a gasp and ran her arms up and through her own loose waves. This was heaven. She followed the handsome stranger step for step and rolled her hips in a way that made him hiss. His hands began to drift from her hips to the back pockets of her low-ride jeans. It was only when he squeezed her bottom that she squealed and jumped away. The handsome stranger raised his hands up in surrender. He mouthed "sorry" to her, and she shook her head and smiled at him before moving more towards the center and dancing by herself. At least she was until Derek came over with another two shots, and she gladly accepted, now getting more used to the burn.
"You okay?" Derek shouted over the music. Casey nodded.
"Better than ever." She said and wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him into a more lively song. Derek put both their glasses on the nearby counter and began to sway along with Casey. This was much closer than they had ever danced before, and Casey was giggling and biting her bottom lip as she spun and gyrated onto Derek. Oh no, Derek thought. He had created a monster. He would have always thought Casey would be a lame weepy drunk, but it turns out she is a flirty drunk. Derek wasn't exactly sober either, and the night was still swinging along. He held for the ride with his hands firmly on Casey's hips. She spun and then wrapped her arms around his neck. She swayed back and forth with her eyes half-closed.
It's hard to say who moved; first, one moment, they were forehead to forehead, and then Casey whispering huskily, "Thank you for saving me, Derek" Derek chuckled and asked, "From what?". Casey's fingers ran through his smooth hair before leaning to his ear and whispering, "From myself" Maybe he was going to give her a reassuring kiss on the cheek. Maybe she only turned to put her head on his shoulder. Whatever their possible intentions, what happened was that their lips met for the briefest moment. They had enough sobriety to freeze and look into each other's eyes. Derek searched her baby blue eyes for any fear or concern but only found her doing the same, and a flicker of want glazed over her eyes. That was all each other needed for permission.
While the first kiss was sweet and innocent, this kiss was desperate and sensual. Derek pressed Casey closer and cupped the back of her head to deepen the kiss, and Casey let her hands trail down his chest to the hem of his shirt. In the course of their kissing, the song had changed to something slower; Casey and Derek took the opportunity to come up for air. Casey nuzzled into Derek's neck, and he held her close.
"What are we doing?" Casey asked and pulled back to look at Derek. She half expected a sarcastic remark like, What does it look like? We were making out, and now we're not. Not that big a deal, Case. But Casey had never seen Derek like this before. His face was open and vulnerable.
"I don't know," He said and shook his head. He smoothed some hair out of her face and smiled down at her. Casey smiled back and leaned up to kiss him lightly. She rubbed her hands over his arms.
"Well, whatever this is, let's wing it," Casey announced confidently. Derek laughed at that and shook her lightly.
"What?" Casey pouted. Derek shook his head and slung an arm over her shoulder, leading her out of the dance floor towards the bar to pay their tab.
"'Let's wing it,'" He imitated her in an absurdly high pitch tone. "You are still such a Keener," He said. She elbowed his side.
"Der-rek," She whined as he pat her head in a condescending way.
"It's okay; you're a cute kenner." He said with a wink. She forked up the cash for their tab and joined him out in the New York nightlife.
They stared out at the buildings from Casey's fire escape. Neither said anything for several minutes until Casey broke the silence.
"I have to drop out of the play," Casey announced, and Derek smoothed her hair in response. "Yeah, you got me thinking."
"Oh no," Derek said and snickered when she lightly slapped his knee. Casey was sitting between his legs and leaning back into his chest.
"I want to go back to school, but not for Law. I want to own my own dance studio." She said, and Derek put his chin on top of her head.
"So, Casey Macdonald found a way to make a career where she is in complete control. Shocker." He whispered the last part into her ear; she smiled and then turned around so she was facing him.
"Plus, going to university will give us time to figure out whatever this is." She said as she placed her hands on his shoulders. He smirked at her.
"Yeah, sure, let's 'wing it,'" He said, and Casey slid her hands up to his neck and kissed him until the sun began to rise, and they both finally succumbed to exhaustion.
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rosedavid · 5 years
Since Cyrus loves TJ's name, TJ lets Cyrus call him Thelonious sometimes, but one day, he accidently calls him that when they're with the gang at the spoon (but please let it end happy lol I don't want an angry TJ)
this got way long lol! hope you enjoy :)
What’s in a Name:
It’s the weekend, and Cyrus stands outside of TJ’s house. They have a informal date at his house planned for the day. Most likely, it would involve lots of binge watching tv shows and cuddling. 
When the doorbell rings, TJ races down the stairs, almost falling. He yanks open the door in excitement, heat rising on his face when he sees Cyrus outside all bundled up in comfy clothes. He ushers the other boy indoors, stopping him in the doorway to greet him properly. 
“Good morning, Cy,” TJ greets, automatically tilting his head down to peck his boyfriend’s lips. 
“Good morning, Thelonious.”
TJ frowns at Cyrus, who plays innocent. 
“I should take back my kiss just for that!” TJ exclaims, crossing his arms with a huff. 
Cyrus breaks out into a grin, tugging on the sleeve of TJ’s shirt. He reaches up on his toes to try and press a kiss to TJ’s lips, but TJ dodges causing Cyrus to miss. Instead, he ends up kissing TJ’s chin which causes them both to chuckle. 
“TJ!” Cyrus whines. “Please let me call you by your full name!”
Honestly, TJ loves the way his name sounds on Cyrus’s lips. He’s never been fond of his name (obviously), but every time Cyrus speaks it endearingly, with no hint of teasing in his voice, it makes TJ’s heart pound. With Cyrus, everything has always been easier. Cyrus has allowed him to become truer to himself, as well as less insecure about numerous things, from his dyscalculia to his identity. In retrospect, it makes sense that TJ would feel comfortable with Cyrus calling him by his real name.
“Okay, fine,” TJ relents, “Just please don’t use it in front of anyone else!”
Cyrus squeals, bouncing on his toes. “It’s a deal, Thelonious!”
Unable to resist the adorable boy beside him, TJ pulls him into another kiss that leaves both of them dizzy. 
For the few months, Cyrus continues to call TJ Thelonious in private. Sometimes, he’ll even call him Jagger if he wants to mess with him. Not used to hearing his name so often, TJ can’t help but get butterflies every time Cyrus says it. He doesn’t say it very often, though. He mostly uses it for special reasons, such as to make a point. In fact, Cyrus using TJ’s real name helps calm TJ down because he knows he’s with someone who knows him better than anyone.
One of his favorite moments with Cyrus so far happens a few weeks into their relationship. They lie on Cyrus’s bed, half-asleep from the lull of music in the background. The oranges and pinks of the sunset stream through the blinds, scattering light across the carpet. It’s been a rough day for both of them. TJ had failed yet another math test, making him feel discouraged. Cyrus, on the other hand, didn’t get into the advanced creative writing class he wanted to participate in the next year. 
“Are you asleep?” Cyrus whispers, squinting over at the boy in his arms. 
“No,” TJ admits with a yawn. “I wish I was, though. I wish I could just forget about this day.”
“Me too.”
TJ adjusts his position so he’s facing Cyrus, noses nearly touching from their close proximity. He reaches a hand up to Cyrus’s cheek, brushing it with a delicate touch. Cyrus blinks slowly, gazing into his eyes. 
“I’m sorry about your class,” TJ whispers. 
Cyrus shrugs. “Happens, I guess. I’m just not good enough for it.”
“Don’t say that! You’re amazing, Cyrus. I love your writing. You just need to keep practicing. You’ll get there.”
“You need to take your own advice,” Cyrus says, not in a harsh tone but rather a sensitive nudge. 
TJ’s expression darkens. “That’s different. I’m different. I’ll never be able to do math as well as everyone else because I’m stupid.”
“Hey,” Cyrus frowns, scooting impossibly closer to him. 
He reaches for TJ’s hand, intertwining their fingers. He squeezes their hands together before tugging them up and kissing TJ’s fingers. 
“You are not stupid, Thelonious,” Cyrus promises. “And just because you’re different doesn’t make you any less of a person. I’m different, too by a lot of people’s dumb standards. But we can be different together. And you know I’ll always be here to support you and help you out with math or anything else you need.”
TJ feels tears welling up in his eyes at Cyrus’s words. He opens his mouth to speak, but only a croak comes out. Understanding how he’s feeling, Cyrus wraps an arm around his side. Their legs tangle together, and TJ also slings an arm around Cyrus. They stay like that for a while, just breathing deeply and listening to soft melodies echoing from the speaker.
Despite that day being one of TJ and Cyrus’s worst, for both it ended up being one of their fondest memories of each other. Never have they had such a tender moment since the time they confessed their feelings for each other on the bench.
Just like he promised, Cyrus only uses TJ’s name when they’re by themselves. Still, noticing how much TJ loves it when he says it, Cyrus ends up sneaking it in more and more, sometimes even in public when they’re apart from the crowd. TJ never gets upset, as Cyrus is typically careful about saying it.
“Thelonious,” Cyrus giggles, “Stop it!”
“Don’t think using my name can always get you out of things!” TJ responds, not letting up on his brutal tickling.
Cyrus bursts out in laughter, head tipped back and arms squirming. TJ’s fingers dance along his belly while Cyrus curls in on himself. When he hears Cyrus’s beautiful laughter, TJ can’t help but smile.
“Thelonious. Thelonious. Thelonious,” Cyrus says between his laughs.
Finally, TJ relents. “Okay, okay, I give for now.”
“Finally! I thought I’d have to break out Jagger,” Cyrus teases.
Today is just over three months into their relationship. As usual, they are connected at the hip. Honestly, neither of them has been happier. TJ finally has accepted himself and gotten more comfortable in his relationship, while Cyrus feels fully loved.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” TJ asks, knowing that Cyrus has an elaborate schedule even during weekends.
“Well, we have to meet everybody for lunch at The Spoon in like an hour,” Cyrus replies.
TJ groans in mock annoyance, causing Cyrus to reach over and smack his arm playfully.
“I don’t wanna socialize,” TJ complains.
“I know, trust me, but we have to. Besides, weren’t you just saying you missed talking to Andi? She’ll be there, too.”
In the past few months, TJ has grown even closer to all of Cyrus’s (and now his) friends. He’s made his own place in their little group besides the kid who used to be mean. Now, he’s Buffy’s sports buddy, Jonah’s music buddy, and Andi’s drawing buddy. Not to mention, even though they already knew about his and Cyrus’s relationship, after coming out to all of them officially a few weeks ago as gay, TJ has felt a lot more comfortable in the friend group.
“Okay, I’ll go, but only for Andi,” TJ decides with a smirk.
“You’re the worst.”
TJ smacks a sloppy kiss on Cyrus’s cheek. Cyrus wipes it away, rolling his eyes.
“Did you have to slobber on me?”
“You say that as if you don’t drool all over my pillows as well as myself when you sleep over,” TJ comments cheekily.
The boys spend the rest of the morning before meeting their friends bantering and getting ready. Having slept over the previous night, Cyrus borrows one of TJ’s hoodies and shorts, both of which are way too large for him.
After not seeing each other for a while with TJ traveling for high school basketball and Cyrus deep in studying, they’re grateful to be together again for a bit. High school has been a difficult adjustment, but they manage to find time for dates and friends between everything. Today is the first time in a while all of them will be together in once place.
“We’re going to be late!” Cyrus shouts as he pulls on his shoes an hour later. “Hurry up!”
TJ fumbles downstairs. “I’m coming! I just had to find my converse.”
Luckily, The Spoon is only a short walk away from TJ’s house. Despite the short distance, though, they still manage to be a bit late much to Cyrus’s chagrin. Everyone else is already there by the time they arrive, chatting amongst each other. Even Amber has gotten off her shift to join them.
“Cyrus! TJ!” Andi waves. “Finally!”
“We’re only five minutes late,” TJ comments.
“I’m a very punctual person, TJ!” Cyrus retorts, jabbing his side.
“Trust me, I know.”
From her spot beside Marty, Buffy sighs. “As great as it is to see Cyrus not moping, I definitely did not miss your constant flirting.”
TJ and Cyrus scoot in beside everyone. It’s crazy how big their group as grown in the past bit to include Marty, Amber, and TJ himself. They can no longer use a regular booth at The Spoon unless Cyrus sits on TJ’s lap (which TJ would not oppose, but Buffy for sure would).
“We do not constantly flirt!” TJ says. “We’re just talking.”
“Exactly,” Cyrus agrees. “TJ isn’t smooth enough to flirt, anyway.”
“Oh, please, I could flirt circles around you—”
“You two are literally flirting right now,” Amber comments, sharing an amused glance with her girlfriend.
“You’re flirting with me, Thelonious?!” Cyrus gasps in mock surprise.
It seems so natural to them. The name just slides off Cyrus’s tongue without a second thought. At first, TJ doesn’t even realize Cyrus did anything wrong. He simply ruffles Cyrus’s hair with a grin. It’s only when they notice that no one else is speaking or moving that Cyrus realizes his mistake.
“Wait, what?! Thelonious? Is that seriously your name?” Buffy chuckles.
“Why else would Cyrus call him that?” Andi responds.
“You told Cyrus before us?”
TJ immediately scoots out of the booth roughly, ignoring Cyrus’s outstretched hand. He glares at them all, but his gaze lands mostly on Cyrus, who shrinks in on himself. TJ never wanted any of them to find out, at least not yet, but now one of his most embarrassing secrets is out to all of them. Everyone will for sure make fun of him for the remainder of his life.
“Yeah, but I guess that was a mistake,” TJ mutters.
“Wait!” Cyrus calls out, but TJ ignores his calls.
He stalks away down the sidewalk, fuming. He should’ve known that it would get out at some point. For more than once in his life, he wishes his parents never named him something so ridiculous. Even though Cyrus claims he likes it, it’s extremely unlikely that everyone else will. He can’t believe Cyrus just blurted out his name like that. After all, his family has been able to keep it a secret from his friends for years. But Cyrus just said it in front of all of them. Was it on purpose?
No. Even though TJ is angry with Cyrus, he knows Cyrus would never do something like that on purpose. It was just an accident. An accident. TJ shouldn’t be so furious with him, but he can’t help it.
How did it slip out so easily? How could Cyrus just say something so abnormal like it’s normal?
“That’s a great name!”
“You are not stupid, Thelonious.”
“Thelonious! You need get back to studying.”
“You’re beautiful, Theo.”
“You’ve got them moves like Jagger!”
“I love you, Thelonious.”
TJ blinks. He’s at the swings, where everything began. Where everything fell apart. Now, where he comes to a startling realization. It’s not abnormal for Cyrus. His name is a way to express his adoration and love, to show his support, to be there for him. For Cyrus, his name has never been weird or unusual, it’s just been his name. No matter how much TJ despises his name, Cyrus loves it. TJ loves that Cyrus loves it. TJ likes his name when Cyrus says it.
“TJ!” A voice in the distance calls.
It’s Cyrus of course. At first, the sight of him makes TJ feel anger rushing through him again, but it dissipates as fast as it comes. As Cyrus comes closer, TJ notices that his face is red, tears on his cheeks and in his eyes. All TJ can feel now is guilt.
“Oh my god, TJ,” Cyrus gasps, trying to catch his breath. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to say your name in front of them, I promise! I-I don’t know what happened! I was just so caught up in the moment and it just slipped out, and I feel so bad about it! I’m sorr—”
“Woah, take a breath,” TJ instructs, bracing his hand on Cyrus’s shoulder.
Once Cyrus can catch his breath again, TJ sits them down on adjacent swings. Cyrus still appears to be feeling awful about the whole situation, sniffling occasionally.
“I’m not upset, not anymore at least,” TJ tells him. “I know it was an accident. It’s okay.”
“But it’s not!” Cyrus disagrees. “If I can’t even keep your name a secret, how can you trust me with anything ever?”
“It’s not your fault, Cy. You call me it all the time, and I let you because I like hearing you say my name. We’re comfortable with it now, so using it is almost automatic. I get it.”
“I still feel bad,” Cyrus sighs. “I made sure to tell everyone at The Spoon to never tell anyone and to never use it!”
TJ smiles, reaching over to clear Cyrus’s face of tears. “Thank you, but I actually think I’m going to tell them my full name now that they know half of it.”
“Are you sure? I feel like I pressured you into this.”
“You didn’t. You made me more comfortable with my name and myself, Cyrus. I should be thanking you endlessly for that.”
They stand up so they can hug.
“You don’t have to thank me, Theo,” Cyrus whispers into his ear. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Cyrus.”
Only after a few more moments of blissful comforting do they head back to The Spoon. Their friends seem surprised to see them walk back through the doors happy and holding hands like nothing happened.
True to his word, TJ tells them all his full name. Although he’s ready now, he still feels insecure about them judging him. Buffy is the first one to comment.
“We can make a club now,” Buffy decides. “Only people named in reference to someone famous can join.”
TJ laughs in relief. “That sounds good to me.”
“Dude, being named after two musicians? That’s cool,” Jonah says.
Marty adds, “And that guy from Shrek!”
At this, they all join in on the laughter. Cyrus brings TJ into yet another hug, but this time everyone else joins in. First, Andi and Buffy wrap themselves around TJ, followed by Jonah, Marty, and finally Amber. TJ feels thoroughly smushed in the middle, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Maybe Thelonious Jagger is a better name than he thought.
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