#anyway i think them being complimentary is a v sweet detail :)
chokedqwerty · 1 year
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complimentary colors
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
Jack and David for the Headcanons PLEASSEEEE
oh u have UNLOCKED the evil demented pandora's box of my brain. I'm about to be FULLY annoying. TYSM
below are 3 pros and cons of dating my Favorite Boys Ever™
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sidenote: if we're talking canon CANON, the fact that both of them are VERY dead is the MAIN and only VALID con. IMO. but I digress!!! for the sake of this list, they are very alive and very smoochable
(under the cut bc DAMN can a bitch talk. and I do not want u all to have to scroll thru a WALL of text of me bein humina humina awooooooga abt my current hyperfixation 💀 ur welcome)
anyways!! this was incredibly fun and I have tmrrw off!! so feel free to send me a character of ur choice for headcanons and I'll give u 3 pros and 3 cons of dating them. if ur so inclined!!!!
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man is goofy. GOOFY. he is so intensely unserious. the banter (both flirty or otherise) will be IMMACULATE.
SOLID movie buddy energy. since he's the first one to bring up lon chaney jr./the pentangle on the wall, I like to think he's a hammer horror movie enthusiast. and since we know that the two of them have been friends at least since the 8th grade, I find the idea of these two little dorks staying up late and catching reruns of the movies...........SO cute. so v v cute. jack's little 12-year-old ass insisting that they CAN'T MISS frankenstein meets the wolfman. no, david!! u can't go tf to sleep!! we need the LORE!!!! so anyway. he'd show u a bunch of old horror movies and point out all the weird lil details to u. get ready 2 be mst3k-ing every film. man has cable tv and chill written ALL over him.
knows his way around nyc and WILL take u to a funky lil hole-in-the-wall restaurant that serves the best sandwich u have ever had. he might forget his wallet @ his apartment and end up paying for it w/loose change he has stuffed in his jacket pockets, but goddamn was that hot pastrami incredible.
he's 5'7'' (this is also a pro)
a little bit of a whiny bitch. will make a mountain out of a molehill. thrives on melodrama and hyperbole. but he's right 90% of the time, so as annoying as it might be. u can't fault him too much for that
used to being the comic relief friend. chronically friendzoned. probably going 2 be a bit annoying about that. it's kinda difficult to get him to snap out of sarcastic showboat-mode. sometimes that can make him seem a bit ingenuine and detached. mild to severe performance anxiety vibes. once u crest over that. he'll trade any nervousness for comical overconfidence and it'll be off to the races. but in the interim................................lmao
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SWEET himbo boy. v affectionate and complimentary dude. clear w/his intentions and fairly emotionally open. v much so gives the vibes of a guy who claims to want to have 74873848 flings before settling down........but will immediately fall head-over-heels and want to introduce u to his family. golden retriever boy
canonically!! gives good head. need I say more
has a sense of adventure. likes challenging himself and breaking up the routine. outdoorsy. he probably likes hiking. did track or soccer or smthn in high school. his sheer enthusiasm for GOING OUTSIDE will force u to get ur ass off the damn couch. u love to see it.
v much BIG "first person to die in a traditional horror movie"-vibes. not the best at reading situations. will bamboozle himself into a bad scenario purely bc his street-smarts are sometimes lacking. kinda clueless. it's v hot but also v dumb of him. u would think that growing up in nyc would've tempered some of that. occasionally it does. occasionally. not enough tho.
possible mama's boy/golden child. even if this is NOT true, he still lives at home. which means there WILL be tomfoolery afoot if u stay over @ that house. and VERY little privacy!! get ready for his younger siblings to find the most inconvenient ways to interrupt ur time together. ur patience and mental fortitude will be tested. u will be living in a crash course parent trap/home alone-simulator. have fun!!
u know when u were a kid and ur mom would see someone she knew @ the grocery store and talk w/them for an eternity. and u would just be standing there and waiting for her to END her conversation so that u could LEAVE. yeah. david gives me big "endless conversations in grocery store"-energy. u run into a bodega @ 9 PM to grab some chips and soda w/him. but this is his stomping ground and he somehow manages to run into 3797432989 different ppl who know AND adore him. and they've all got to ask him about how school is going. what's he majoring in again? how's the family? do u still know blah blah blah from blah blah blah? and ur just standin there sipping ur coke. which is rapidly becoming more and more room temperature w/every sip. when will it end. he's been talking about his sixth grade biology class for the last ten minutes
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fluffy hair (x2)
there's two of them. u can and SHOULD date both of them simultaneously. IDEAL throuple situation.
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hillywooddestiel · 5 years
The Retreat Chapter 17
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Characters: CEO!Bucky x reader, Wanda, Natasha, Caroline (Ofc)
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language
Word Count: 2.2k
Description: Y/N Y/L/N: determined business woman, sought after by most businesses, creative visionary for advertising. She has it all. Or so she thinks. Life has a way of kicking you sideways when you least expect it, want it or are in anyway prepared for it. Numerous times. How can Y/N remain from cracking under the pressure when her career isn’t the only thing on the line and everything isn’t all that it seems?
A/N: Actually got the day right this time, well done me. This part is a super exciting one so you can imagine the drama already mwahaha. Go on, read it, it’ll all be fiiiiine xx Series Masterlist  Marvel Masterlist
I feel like a fancy socialite or something like that. My dress arrives at 12pm along with a small team of makeup artists and hair stylists for myself and Wanda- I wasn’t exaggerating when I said this benefit is a big deal. She squeals like a child being handed a lollipop at the sight of our own beauty crew. We welcome them into my apartment, far from ready in our dressing gowns and with our freshly washed hair in towels on our heads, offering soda and chips to them all. They get straight to work, styling my hair in a loose low bun with curled strands of hair hanging loose around my face and doing a classy makeup look on my face complete with a dark red lip to match my dress. Wanda looks stunning with a strategically messy side braid and golden eyes. With some help, we both get into our dresses and are ready for the benefit. The dress is even more beautiful than I remember, or maybe I just look the part now in it, and Wanda looks like an actual Disney princess in her gold satin dress. We’d better not keep our princes waiting.
“Oh my God, Y/N/N!”
“Wow!” Wanda and I stand open mouthed at the two black limousines parked outside my apartment building. A blacked out window rolls down to reveal Bucky with a wide grin and perfectly groomed hair. Like a true gentleman, he gets out to hold the door open for me.
“Vision is in the one behind for you, Wanda.” He smiles as I take his hand and slide inside. Wanda gives me a wide-eyed look of excitement before heading for her own ride.
“Well this sure is fancy.” I laugh as Bucky gets in next to me and places a quick kiss on my cheek before motioning to the driver to go.
“You look… stunning, Y/N.”
“Well thank you,” I smile shyly at the floor, “You clean up pretty well too.” “Thanks, I showered and everything.”
“For me? How sweet.”
“So… how do you want to do the little red carpet? People know that you’re my plus one but they don’t know you’re my date.” Bucky asks, his thumb moving back and forth over my knuckle and an intent look in his eyes. I’d love nothing more than to walk out with Bucky’s hand on my waist and answer ‘yes’ to when the interviewers ask if we’re an item. But is it too soon? Should that matter?
“What if we leave them guessing?”
“How so, doll?” a mischievous twinkle shines in his eyes.
“We just act like ourselves and when they ask, say nothing. It can be our little secret from everybody.”
“I like the sound of that…” Bucky sidles up closer to me, leaning in for a kiss. 
“Sir, we’re just pulling up outside now.” startled, we break apart as the driver announces our arrival from behind the dividing screen. I guess it’s showtime.
“Over here, Y/N!”
“Y/N, look this way!” photographers shout from all directions as flashes of light dazzle my eyes. I find myself disorientated and struggling to find where to go but Bucky is right there on my arm, guiding me along the carpet and all the way into the venue. 
“Mr Barnes! Mr Barnes!”
“Mr Barnes, are you dating again?” Reporters try to stop us and ask questions but we don’t stay around long enough to listen.
“You okay?” Bucky cups my face in one hand the moment we’re out of sight from everyone. Breathing heavily from nearly running in heels, I lean up and kiss his grinning lips.
“I’m good.” 
“What d'ya say we go find some champagne and join this party?” 
“I like the sound of that.” I turn and look to the bustling grand hall that is the location for the benefit this evening- it's decked out in lavish purple drapes and arrangements of orchids with many round tables for guests. So this is what it's like being a millionaire.
Wanda and Vis walk over to our table a few minutes after we sit down, taking complimentary champagne from a passing waiter and marvelling at the huge setting for our dinner this evening. It's odd seeing people from the office all dressed up and getting quite tipsy- especially Clint and Natasha over on the other side of the table sharing one chair. Seems like some people really don't shy away from PDA. 
“I thought that sort of thing was for after dinner.” Bucky leans in to whisper in my ear, fake innocently. I bite my lower lip to stifle my laughter causing Bucky to tighten his grip on my knee ever so slightly, “You're driving me crazy with that, doll.”
“Mr Barnes… I thought that sort of thing was meant for after dinner.” I giggle back into his ear. He's insatiable sometimes. Not that I'm complaining.
“You really do look beautiful tonight. Not that you don't normally look beautiful- you look amazing all the time- I just meant-”
“You're too sweet sometimes, you know.”
“I mean it.” He catches my eyes and hold my gaze, a mysterious look sparkling behind them. Is it too soon for the L word yet? I don't want to sound desperate.
“Ahem, Y/N?”
“Yes… Wanda! Hey, yes… what's up?” being pulled back down to earth is not a good feeling.
“I just thought I should point out that if you two want to stay a secret, you should probably leave the giggling until you're not surrounded by everyone you know. People are staring.” Oh God, I forgot- people. So far things have been quite innocent but people talk and speculate and spread gossip. People can't be trusted. Now is not the time for all of my colleagues, Bucky's entire staff, to find out about our relationship which is still in its infancy; how do you explain things if they don't work out. I hate to be cynical but the thoughts are always there. 
“Shit, she's right doll. We… we shouldn't. But later?”
“Definitely later.”
Avoiding the stares of disapproving colleagues, Wanda and I split from our dates for the evening to go to the open bar (which is heaving with people, wonder why). Yes, there are waiters weaving their way around the hall to serve tipsy guests bucketfuls of more champagne but if you want something other than overpriced fizzy wine you must make the journey to the much too small bar. And I want my trusty old friend red tonight. 
“So, you guys looked like you were getting pretty serious over there.” Wanda casually brings up me and Bucky when we finally make it to the bar.
“Not just yet Wanda, it's still early days.” I brush her off while trying to ignore the crush of people pushing into my back.
“So you're telling me that if he said the big l-o-v-e right here and now, you'd run for the hills?” Umm… No! I'd probably jump his bones and show him just how much I love him too. But she doesn't need to know the details.
“I… wouldn't be against it…”
“Here you go, ladies.” The bartender slides one glass of red and another of white wine over to us with a clearly fake smile- who cares, we have wine now! 
“That's amazing, Y/N/N! You two are clearly in love with each other, why not make the leap of faith?” It's like she can see my thoughts. Quietly thinking of a response that isn't just a polite smile, I turn slowly back to the tables with my glass in hand only for a man to come stumbling backwards into me. Cold red alcohol splashes back at me, running down my chest and soaking into the bodice of my dress. Fan-fucking-tastic! 
“It's not coming off! Can you hand me another tissue?” I dab at the damp material of my dress like a mad person- I'm not even sure why, it's hardly visible. Red on red, how convenient? My dress is sticking to me and it's irritating, that's all.
“Here you go.” Wanda hands me a fresh tissue with an empathetic look. Luckily the wine didn't splash on her dress, it would've been completely ruined, so at least we have that small silver lining I guess. 
“Is it noticeable?” I turn with a sigh, my hands raised in a low effort ‘ta-da’ motion.
“To be quite honest, I can't even see it Y/N/N. You're good.” She smiles, surveying my dress once again. We've been in this bathroom a long time so I imagine Bucky will be wondering where I've got to, and Vis with Wanda- no one takes so long to get drinks even with the enormous queue. 
Feeling very self conscious of my dress, I make my way back to the table with Wanda by my side and probably no one watching me despite what my mind keeps telling me. By the time I take my seat, my dress is bone dry. 
“You two were gone a long time. Everything okay?” Natasha asks, visibly more happy from her inebriated state.
“Yeah, everything's fine. Where's Barnes?” I ask, looking around at his absence.
“He said he saw someone he knew and went to talk to them.” she waves her hand, reaching for her vodka martini with the other.
“He didn't say. He's been gone a while though.” 
“I'll go find him.” I jump right back out of my seat with a slight smile- maybe we can finally get some privacy even if it's just for a little while. I've no clue where to start looking for Bucky but the galleries seem as good a place as any to start. Scanning the crowd as I go, I make my way to the outer edge of the hall where the entrances to the gallery rooms lie without a handsome CEO in sight (well that's not strictly true, I did spot Steve with Peggy over on the dancefloor but you know what I mean). Now as an artist at heart, I'd love to stop and admire all of the wonderful artwork on display but I'm on a literal manhunt right now so maybe another time. Bucky, where have you gone? The galleries are all empty. Perhaps he's on the other side of the hall, in the alcoves. I weave through the throng of guests yet again to the plush seating areas in the alcoves. They're a little more populated than the galleries with couples getting cozy on the couches. There is still no sign of Bucky though. Where could he have gone? I've been searching for so long, I'm feeling the effects of the champagne wearing off! In a last ditch attempt to find him, I push past people to get to the peace garden in the quad area behind the hall; some fresh air might be nice.
It's pleasantly quiet outside with the live music muffled by the walls and the faint city cacophony providing an oddly peaceful atmosphere. I can hear someone talking though. A woman. She's shrill and whiny like many of the stuck up invited guests this evening. She could be the somebody that Bucky knows. I think I hear a man as well but it's hard to tell if it's Bucky with his lower register. Following the voices, I get close enough that a conversation becomes clear,
“Why are you here? How did you even get in?”
“Now now, can't a girl have secrets? I'm here to see you.”
“See me? I thought I made it pretty clear I didn't want to so I would appreciate it if you didn't follow me.”
“You came to me Bucky, not the other way around. You lead a girl to think all sorts of naughty things.”
“I brought you out here to tell you to leave without making a scene.” Bucky growls, quite annoyed now. I have a feeling I know who the woman could be, but my heart wishes that I didn't. Quietly now, I tiptoe towards the edge of the bushes to get a look at what is happening. Bucky is stood with his fingers raked through his hair and a stressed look on his face and none other than Caroline sitting pretty on the stone bench.
“I miss you JuJu. I'm sorry for what I did but I've changed, my darling, I'm a better person now.”
“Are you actually joking? It's been a few weeks since you were fucking another man at our engagement party and now you want to get back together. You're insane.” Bucky moves to storm away but Caroline grabs his hand.
“I love you JuJu, I was an idiot to leave you,” they take steps closer to each other, eyes locked, “I want you…”
“Shh! You don't have to talk.” She silences him with a finger to his lips. Then she leans forward and I swear her eyes briefly flit to mine before she pulls Bucky into a kiss. A passionate kiss. Pull away for god's sake! Bucky! He kisses her back with as much need, a moan escaping his captured lips.
“Caroline…” I've seen enough. Hot tears burning my eyes, I back away from the bushes and run for the exit.
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thelioninmybed · 7 years
So putting canon!Mae in a room with dwmp!Mae results in insults and assault (unless intervention by Fingon), but how would canon!Fingon react? My main thought is a) look at the cute tiny, or b) sadness over the past/feelings of protectiveness. Of course I figure any Fingon upon meeting a copy of himself would go for the sex option, potentially including any Mae's that also happened to be nearby.
@imindhowwelayinjune , @emilyenrose and I have discussed this AU in exhaustive detail and luckily this was one of the subjects covered!
Emily: ok so when the powers in charge of universe hopping decide to bring the canon nolofinweans over it takes about five minutes for fingon to realise that he actually hates king fingon. He would still make out with him, don't get him wrong, but - like, at least canon mae has the decency to be kind of fucked up about all the violence and murder in his life. King fingon is actually, in fingon's opinion, scarier. Who is this happy about killing things?
also fingon is freaked out by how violent his alt selfs sex with alt mae is
also! why hasn't he taken better care of alt mae! look what a mess canon maedhros is, what has other fingon been DOING....
Lion:  “Dying!” says canon fingon cheerfully
Emily: also he's cross that king fingon is kind of better than him at basically everything. they go jogging together, canon fingon patronisingly slows himself down
Lion: On your left
Emily: later he steals fingon's old guitar, tunes it, and proceeds to play agonisingly beautifully? and sing? and not only is canon mae entranced, so is hipster mae. fingon hates this guy
Lion: Awwww shit hipster Mae doesn't stand a chance
Emily: right tbh most of fingon's hatred is poorly concealed jealousy. He's used to being the centre of the universe for his maedhros. He still IS, of course, but this is the closest mae has come to having a crush on someone not fingon... ever
Lion: Also no more opportunities for threesomes cause canon Mae is too busy staring/crying
Emily: hahahaha
also! he hates how king fingon looks at hipster mae! (king fingon is seeing a maedhros who isn't in pain)(and it's. it's nice to see.)(he still loves canon mae best, ofc, but look at this hipster who is okay)
anyway those are my two fingons thoughts. you'll have to ask june how the foursome goes
Lion: King Fingon logically proposes a foursome and shockingly it's the other fingon that objects. He KNOWS king Fingon would be better at sex. And get to fuck his boyfriend AND not his boyfriend and what if his Mae likes him better?
Emily: fingon handles insecurity extra badly because it's literally never happened to him before 
Emily: still thinking about king fingon. poor hipster mae. two fingons is an overwhelming number of fingons to have. canon mae isn't doing much better but he hides it well.
Lion: I am extremely impressed at his acting ability. Or, rather, ability to shut down all his emotions and never feel anything ever
Emily: king fingon still notices but instead joins in gently making fun of hipster mae instead. canon mae knows it's really about making fun of him
Lion: King Fingon has (sadly) a lot of experience interpreting this bullshit and drawing him out of it
June: I am rather annoyed with King fingon, have some respect for your sweet modern self, he has been taking care of two Mae's!
Lion: Right, even one is a lot of effort
June: (what if the irony is that king fingon totally does see that, and it makes him a little sad to see how gently modern fingon cares for both maes - and is allowed to! - and honestly, honestly, feels like he's not 100% needed) (he doesn't mean to show off, but kinging comes with a lot of arrogance that he's forgotten to change the dial on) (after all he was dead until recently)(so both fingons are a little insecure of the other because SURPRISE both of them fear being unneeded)... 
Lion: Doesn't the fact that canon Mae has latched onto him like a v. pointy limpet clue him in? Or is canon mae convinced he Doesn't Deserve to interact with Fingon and is thus hiding under the bed or some shit
June:  Everyone is profoundly overstimulated, it's a mess. I feel like canon Mae is really needing to hit the bottle to deal with all these emotions. But instead modern fingon just gets him and canon fingon a hotel room
Lion: oh no, how will he practice avoidance now
June: Hipster Mae finds out ironic that NOW fingon is like hmm isn't it time for them to go back to their place yet?... Also can they? If they go back, Maedhros loses his fingon again :(
Lion: also all that awaits them is horrible horrible war and death. The oath tho
Emily: no i decided based on the orome ficlet that this is all some huge cosmic prank by eru. they've actually all been dead for ages and they've just had their memories fucked around with a bit, they don't have to go back!
Lion: what about the oath???
June: Considered legally void. Does not apply in New England
Emily: WHAT JUNE SAID 'not even a thing, you idiots' - eru
June: Maedhros is .2 of a lawyer, he concurs
Emily: or: eru decided to interpret 'darkness eternal' as 'you have to live with yourself'
June: Hahaha
Emily: ‘but yourself wears pants with HOTASS on the ass'
June: And what did the poor innocent modernites do to deserve such a thing 'all good stuff, clearly' -celegorm
Emily: lol king fingon and murder elf mae in a hotel room. fingon makes sure it's nice. a nice hotel room. complimentary scented soap.
Lion: (it is a hint)
Emily: a jacuzzi setting on the bathtub
Lion: (do something about the gore, mae)
Emily: do you think gondolin was like this
June: Asks fingon. He is still a bit resentful 
Lion: Ecthelion def. had jacuzzis like, it was his job description
June: Glorfindel misused them a lot 'that is a BACK massager' says ecthelion, averting his eyes 'this is my back' says glorfindel. 'adjacent'
Lion: boys
Emily: (consider hipster mae taking care of king fingon like dwmp fingon takes care of canon mae tho)(sorry to be stuck on otp feels. but: if canon mae is startled by surprise biscuits, it is nothing to how much calm fingon is startled by casual affection
June: Or light humor. No gallows involved. Nicknamification. Like. 75% less guilt? He corners himself HOW he asks WHAT DID YOU DO
hipster Mae is offended for a second but then is like yeah, he really is responsible for much of this
Lion: No shut up hipster Mae, you'll make him wonder what he fucked up that the other version didn't
June: .... Fingon already wonders that
Lion: I mean, the answer is that being supportive is much easier when you're dealing with poor career prospects and an overbearing father, as opposed to satan torturing you and killing all your family...and an overbearing father
June: T b h
Lion: also Therapy Exists now
June: canon fingon thinks therapy sounds like a nice name for a child
Lion: lies, it doesn't have Fin in it anywhere
June: Maybe an epesse then
Lion: Oooh yeah, that's good
June: 'this is our child, its prophetic name is Better Adjusted Than Us, Please'
Lion: They can ask Maglor if he's got any spare babs. Being confronted with dwmp Fingon is probably a shock for King Fingon, he thought he was well adjusted? It is an easy mistake to make when your boyfriend is an orc
June: Eru is fucking cackling. This was such a good idea
Lion: at least, after the confusing wobble that was Fingon being attracted to canon Mae and then to canon Fingon and Maedhros being ???, now they can be reassured by how stable their relationship is
June: Imagine them lying in bed sort of trying to catch up after all the madness - their canon selves are off destroying a Comfort Inn - and just turning on their sides to look at each other in the dark. Touching hands very lightly. Not saying anything but both experiencing the same feeling of total gratitude
'i lo-' begins Maedhros, and fingon kisses him.
'thanks for being you' he says, and it's all Mae needs to hear.
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