#Marvel CEO
notafunkiller · 7 months
tying you to me
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Summary: When your boss, Bucky, apologizes for being rude to you once again, things take an unexpected turn.
Pairing: boss!Bucky Barnes x marketing director!female reader
Warnings: 18+, teasing, dirty talk, pet names, sir kìnk, breasts insecurity, protected séx, bøndage, a little degrading, praising kìnk, language, implied aftercare, no mention of y/n
Word Count: 5.2K
Bucky Barnes masterlist
A/N: I really hope you'll enjoy it!
Please, do not repost or translate without my permission!
He’s well aware he went too far. He noticed right when he finished talking and took a look at you, but what is said is said. And the last thing he wants is Steve annoying him about the meeting.
“I don’t question the way you deal with employees, do I?” Bucky snaps, tired and really wanting this day to be over.
“What has gotten into you? What bothers you so much about her? I just don’t get it.”
Bucky sighs deeply, rubbing his hand across his face in frustration. “It’s not just one thing,” he mutters, his tone weighed down by a mix of tiredness and anger. “It’s a culmination... She’s fucking impossible.”
“Bucky, I get you’re upset, but taking it out on her isn’t fair. She did an incredible job, but you didn’t even listen to her. What’s really going on here?”
“I feel like she’s not seeing the bigger picture. We disagree constantly, and it’s making things difficult. Maybe I overreacted, but it’s been building up for a while.” Bucky leans in as he speaks, with his shoulders slightly hunched forward. His voice carries an edge that Steve notices immediately. He knows there is something about you that affects Bucky, but he can’t quite put the finger on it. Ever since he hired you, Bucky’s been angry with him too, which has happened only two or three times over twenty years of friendship.
“I can see this is really affecting you, Buck. If there’s something personal or if my decision to bring her on board has caused you any discomfort, talk to me. I just wanna make sure everything’s okay between us.”
He leans back a bit, surprised. “Personal? No, it’s not… it’s not about that,” he stammers, searching for the right words. There’s a subtle shake of his head, almost as if he’s trying to dismiss his own thoughts. He wishes there was a personal connection so badly that it messes with his head…
“Then what is it? I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions. I know you hate when things are not under your control, but I made the right call to hire her. And you were really unfair to her, look,” Steve waves around as he speaks, and Bucky turns to look at you through the glass door. You’re still there… working. “She’s not just smart and creative, but also ambitious and hard working. I know how much you value this as well.”
“I didn’t mean to come off unfairly. It’s just…” Bucky sighs, moving to shift his gaze back to Steve. “Our ways clash, and it’s hard to manage it. I value her skills, but finding a middle ground seems impossible sometimes.”
“Look, Buck, I understand it’s tough, but it’s important to listen to her ideas too,” Steve responds, his voice carrying a firm yet empathetic tone. “Today? You didn’t even look over the outlines. Try giving her ideas a chance or just suggest new things without trashing all of her work. You’d be offended too.” He pauses, and Bucky’s focus is back on you. His eyes narrow slightly, studying your determined expression as you delve into whatever you are working on that he dismissed today. And for a few seconds a pang of guilt flickers across Bucky’s expression, which Steve immediately catches. He clears his throat and continues. “I understand it’s not easy to step back and apologize, but it’s not about who’s right or wrong. And, to be honest, you were wrong anyway. It’s about ensuring a healthy workplace.”
“I appreciate your perspective, Steve,” he begins with a calm voice. “But I don’t think it would make a difference.” His gaze briefly flickers towards you before returning to Steve.
“Trust me, it’ll make a difference, not just for her but also for the team. Give it a shot.” Steve smiles, patting him on the chest before standing up. “I’ll leave you to it. It’s so late.”
“Alright, lovebird, off to your nest?” Bucky teases. “Natasha’s waiting for her captain. Better not keep her waiting too long.”
Steve chuckles. “Well, someone’s got to keep the romance alive around here. Good night.”
The audacity of this man is unbelievable. After all that shit he pulled on you today, he has the nerve to order your food! He’s the reason why you’re still working at eight pm instead of lying on your couch.
You are so close to crying out of exhaustion and anger, but you won’t give him this satisfaction. And you won’t eat his food.
“Are you seriously gonna starve yourself?”
“I’m not hungry,” you retort, your voice sharper than intended as you give him an annoyed look.
Bucky’s expression softens instantly, a hint of concern flickering across his face. “Come on, you’ve been working the whole day” he insists, trying to reason with you. “You need to eat something. Did you even drink water?”
You shake your head weakly.
“Look, I-”
“If you don’t like Pizza, I can grab you something else.”
You raise your hand, waving around. “I appreciate it, but I’m fine. I’ll eat something when I get home.”
The idea of accepting anything from him like this feels wrong. You don’t want his pity.
“Stubborn as ever,” he sighs, muttering under his breath, and you look up to meet his gaze. For a moment, there’s a silent understanding between you, an unspoken acknowledgment of the tension lingering from earlier.
What did Steve tell him to make him actually try to have a decent conversation?
“Look, sir,” you say through your teeth. “I don’t want your pity. I appreciate your concern, but I’ll manage. I just need to finish this.”
“This isn’t about pity.” His tone is firm. “You’re exhausted, and I’m just trying to help.”
“I said I’m fine. I’ll be done with these.” You lift your papers to emphasize. “And get home.”
“You’re not fine!” he shoots, surprising you. “And you’re too stubborn to see it!”
You’ve never seen him screaming before. Even when he is angry, he’s always the silent type.
“Don’t you dare!” you fire back all of a sudden, unable to hold back. If you’ll get fired, at least you should speak your mind properly. You can’t take more of this. He can’t step on you without consequences. “You are the reason why I am here anyway. Don’t play the concerned hero, just take your food and eat it...” You pause for a second before sarcastically adding. “Sir.”
“This isn’t just about the food, is it?” Bucky’s voice softens slightly despite his impulse to raise his voice again. “It’s about the meeting.” You keep looking him in the eyes, not denying the obvious. Of course it’s about the meeting. “Look, I am sorry, I know I should have handled things differently, but I’m trying to make it right.”
“You think a wannabe apology and food make everything okay?” You ask bitterly, standing up. “You humiliated me, Mr. Barnes. You didn’t even hear me out, you didn’t even listen to my ideas, what the team and I managed to do in the last few months. You disrespected them too! And I don’t get it...” You hate how tall he is. How perfectly his suit is ironed. How nice his hair is. Fuck him! “Ever since Steve hired me, you refused to communicate with me. It’s like you have decided who I am and what I’m worth without even giving me a chance, without acknowledging my efforts and results!”
“That’s not true,” he begins, trying to defend himself even though you both know you are right. “I made a mistake, I admit it, but I want to fix it.”
“A mistake?” You laugh humorlessly. “For months you’ve been treating me like shit, excuse my language.” You shake your head. “Actually I don’t. You should be the one apologizing! You look at me as if I am a scum, as if my presence bothers you. I come to you only when I have to, and you act as if I want to waste your time. Well, I wasted mine for months in this company. With you!”
Bucky snaps, feeling the frustration taking over him. “My decisions are based on what’s best for the company. It’s nothing pers-”
“That’s just a bullshit excuse to maintain the status quo!” you interrupt him, the tension escalating. You don’t care about this job anymore. Whatever will happen, let it happen. “You’re a stuck-up asshole, resistant to change and blind to new perspectives! My perspectives only, to be clear.” You see him clenching his jaw before his left hand covers his jaw. Oh, he’s angry. Good! “And it’s not even out of misogyny since you get along just fine with Shuri. So what is it? What is it, Mr. Barnes, that makes you hate me?”
“It’s not about you,” he insists, his voice strained with the effort to keep calm. “It’s about maintaining stability. It’s about-”
“Bullshit! You’re threatened by anything that challenges your authority! You’re just frustrated and insecure. You’re scared that someone else can do better things in their own way. You’re just a tyrant! I don’t know how Steve is friends with you. He’s such a great man, and you’re a dick.” You laugh. “God, I wanted to tell you this for so long. And if it’s not clear, I fucking quit!”
You’d smile widely if it wasn’t for his snort.
“You’re not quitting,” Bucky’s voice is low, but you still hear it.
He doesn’t believe you, clearly. But he will because you’re not joking or backing off. You can’t take another humiliation session, especially when you did nothing to deserve it. As much as you admire Bucky’s intelligence and company policies, he’s a fucking douchebag. To you.
“Watch me,” you retort instantly. Your heart starts racing as he takes another step toward you. He’s so close that you only need to get on your tiptoes to kiss him.
“No, you’re not quitting. And you’re not walking out that door until we settle this.”
“Settle what, Barnes? Your ego?” You try to maintain your composure, but the closeness makes it hard for you to focus.
He sighs, and your eyes find his lips again. They are pink and wet from his tongue. If only he was less of an asshole and not your boss, maybe you would...
“This isn’t just about me and my authority.”
“Then what is it?” You're confused.
“It’s about you challenging everything I’ve built here,” he admits, looking straight into your eyes.
“And you can’t handle that?” Your voice is filled with sarcasm, but for once he doesn’t focus on that.
“It’s not that simple.”
“Then make it simple, Mr. Barnes.”
“I... I don’t know how to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Deal with this... with you.”
“Deal with me?” You puff. “You’re insufferable, I am the one who has to deal with you and your constant checkups. With your: that’s not good enough, that needs to be changed, do this, do that over and over again.” You mimic his patronizing tone. “You don’t give me real suggestions-”
“I just... struggle with change.”
“And I’m the change you can’t handle?” The question hangs heavy between you, and his eyes drop to your lips this time.
“You challenge me,” he admits, his voice barely above the whisper. “You and your crazy ambition, your undying dedication, and your incredible ideas...” He pauses just to take a deep breath. “I feel like I’m suffocating every time I look at you.”
“Suffocating?” You roll your eyes. “How am I suffocating you? Just because I have an opinion and give you arguments-”
“I am fucking attracted to you, woman!”
You shake your head. He cannot just pull this lie and expect you to fall for it as if you are dumb. “Yeah, sure. Can you be a man for once and fucking take responsibility for your real thoughts and feelings? Just admit that you hate me!”
“Jesus Christ, are you that blind? For a woman so perceptive, you surely don’t see what’s right in front of you.”
You feel the anger take over your whole body. “Fuck you!”
“I wish! This is the whole point, the whole fucking point...”
“You want to fuck me for real?” You gasp, surprised and take a step back so you can look at him properly. He doesn’t seem to be joking.
“Deadly serious. And no matter how many times I tried to push this desire away, it just doesn’t work. You suffocate me. I imagine taking you all over my desk and couch. I imagine so many things, and I cannot focus.”
Before you can stop yourself, you slap him on the face lightly. Your palm is itching and gets red instantly, but you don’t care. As much as the info makes you happy, the context makes you super angry.
“So my team and I had to be humiliated just because you’re mad you want to get laid?”
“W-what? No!”
“No. I deserved that,” he says referring to the slap. “But I meant what I said earlier. These are separate things.”
You cover your face with both your hands, not knowing what to say. What can you say? What should you think?
“I am sorry,” he sighs, and you hear him slowly walking away from you. “I should have said nothing. I am sorry. Please, don’t quit. You won’t have to work with me or even see me after this. Steve can take over, and you like him. I apologize not only for this, but also for my lack of… skills. I should have been more open to your ideas. And about tonight, I will wait for the HR email. I am sorry once again.”
Your head is spinning with all the things he’s just said. He wants you, but he’s also a bitch who cannot handle other opinions.
But you also want him. And you’ve wanted him despite how annoying he was. And he’s genuinely apologizing.
“Fuck it,” you whisper before going straight to him, pulling him by his tie toward you to kiss him.
He doesn’t hesitate at all, bringing his hands to your ass so you can feel each other better as he deepens the kiss instantly.
You shamelessly try to thrust your hips up a little as you let go of his tie, and his tongue feels like heaven in your mouth. His moan is low and hot, but you don’t let him breathe more than a second before you kiss him again, making sure to grab his hair and pull with force.
“Fuck me, Barnes. Fuck me right fucking now.”
He groans in your mouth once again, and you shiver.
“Jesus Christ, I’m gonna fuck you so well you won’t remember or think about anything else but my cock for days.” You instantly drop your hands so you can reach for his pants. Unbuckling them isn’t hard, but the zipper gets a little stuck, so Bucky has to finish the job for you.
“God, James,” you moan at the sight. “You’re leaking.”
He’s not embarrassed by this at all. On the opposite, he grabs his briefs too and pulls them down, letting them fall along with his pants.
You’re staring, but you can’t help it. His cock is so hard, and it even twitches as he grabs it to show it to you. It’s so thick.
“For you. This is all for you.”
Without waiting for a response, he suddenly grabs your shirt by the front placket and rips it in two. The buttons fly everywhere, one almost hits him in the face, but you don’t care. You’ve never been more turned on in your life. He’s so hot!
“Oh god, James,” you whisper, unclasping your bra before he can destroy it. It’s your best one, and you still need it.
“Yes,” he groans at the sight of your breasts, but you cannot ignore the wave of self-doubt that takes over you. They’re a little bigger than they should be for your height, so the sight is not the prettiest, in your opinion. This has always been an insecurity of yours, and even more after your last boyfriend made sure to emphasize this before you broke up. But Bucky seems fascinated. With his eyes glued to them and his mouth semi-open, he leans in, bringing his hands to both of your breasts before cupping them. You get goosebumps as he folds them eagerly, and you hear him groan when they spill over as soon as  he tries to pull them together.
But it’s like he can’t hear you, too engrossed in watching your nipples hardening even more, and before you tell him what you wanted to, you feel his wet mouth sucking in one of your nipples.
You’re taken aback, so he uses his gloved hand to make you stop moving by placing it on your waist firmly.
He’s suckling at this point, making low whimpers as he’s looking at you.
You swear you never saw a more beautiful man in your whole life. His blue eyes are hypnotic.
“F-fuck,” you curse, bringing your fingers to his hair. You need to grab something before you fall.
He switches to the other nipple, and you feel yourself throbbing. You need his cock so much. You need his mouth... you need him to make you come. And you want to do the same to him. He’s driving you crazy.
“F-fuck me! RIGHT NOW.” You’re screaming, but he’s not surprised, rather amused as he takes his mouth off your breasts with a pop.
“Easy there, you sound quite desperate,” he giggles as if he’s just made the funniest joke ever. You are desperate.
“Fuck me or I’ll finish myself off, and you won’t be able to touch me as I do. Your choice.”
You know he doesn’t like or do ultimata, but you have no alternative. You crave to be taken on his desk as hard as he can go.
“How can I fuck you if you still have your pants on?” He asks you extremely calmly, and you’re shocked. You expected a more... intense reaction. “Earth to you?” He waves his hand when he sees you zoning out.
“You didn’t take them off.”
“I don’t take your clothes off, love.” He smirks. “I rip them, so if you want them intact, you better do it yourself.”
You nod, enjoying how raspy his voice is, and take them off without looking away from his cock. Not that he could stop staring at your breasts. His eyes are glued to your nipples. Your underwear falls, and only when you step out of the pool of clothes and finally free your legs from the high heels, he brings his hand to your pussy.
“Oh God, look at this… drenched!”
You moan, moving a little into his palm as if you’re trying to ride it. You need him so badly.
“I know.” He smiles, spreading your lips more. “I know. So needy, my poor baby needs her cock so she can relax.”
You whimper loudly as you close your eyes. “Take me, sir. Make me your little fuck toy. Take out your frustrations. You can... you can show me how I was wrong for quitting by fucking me until I feel your cock every time I walk. I need to,” you moan again as you keep grinding onto his hand. “Come on! Show me!”
Bucky’s eyes get so grey as he suddenly pulls his hand away, making you whine. You’re about to curse him, but what he does makes you stop. He starts to take off his tie quickly, and you smile.
“Good boy.”
That remark makes his snort, and he cryptically replies:
“Ah, ah, we’ll see about that later.”
“Take off that shirt faster, and your glove, too.”
That surprises him, his eyes immediately widening, so you decide to do it yourself since he’s not fast enough.
He freezes as soon as you pull off his glove, revealing a black with golden accents  prosthetic hand.
“This is so fucking pretty, oh my God! Why do you keep this hidden?” You turn his hand around, and you gasp, realizing what you’ve just said. “I am sorry if I seem insensitive, it’s just that...”
Bucky snorts, amused, not hurt, which makes you feel like you can breathe again. The last thing you wanted was to bother him.
“You got a kink for my arm now?”
“You talk too much,” you murmur at the same time you start to unbutton his shirt as quickly as you can. Your hands are trembling.
When he’s finally naked, you let out a whimper, instantly reaching to touch his chest with both of your hands.
“You shave,” you say, surprised.
“Come on, love.” He smiles. “Touch my arm while you still can.”
You don’t question what he means by that, not wanting to worry too much. You expected this to be a one-time thing anyway, so you better enjoy every second of it. The arm is seamlessly integrated into his shoulder, and it's colder than the rest of his skin.
You trace a gold pattern all the way from his shoulder to his hand.
“I have a kink now,” you giggle when you see the sides of his neck getting pink.
“Well, I hope you have this kink, too, because…” He doesn’t finish his sentence. Instead, he reaches for the tie he had on today and smiles. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.”
“Hands behind your back.”
“You want to tie my hands?” You ask, taken aback by his demand.
“Did you try it before? Do you hate it?”
No, you didn’t try, but it doesn’t sound bad, surprisingly.
You usually hate not being in control, but it’s Bucky, and as annoying as he might be as your boss, you trust him. Plus, you quit after all, you should enjoy this as much as possible. The thought of him tying you up is really sexy for some reason, so you simply turn around and bring your hands together above your ass.
He doesn’t hesitate and quickly makes a knot.
“Too tight?”
“No,” you whisper. It’s not tight at all.
“You can tell me to stop any time, okay?” He wraps his hands around your waist and turns you toward him. “I’ll stop immediately.”
You nod, trying to get used to not being able to raise your hands.
“Words, please.”
“Yes, James.”
“Good girl.”
You’d lie if you said it doesn’t turn you on like crazy. You’ve been indirectly fighting with him for so long without getting any kind of approval or praise for your work. He made you angry and stressed more times than you could count, but you still respected him. You wanted his approval and you craved him...
You got yourself off thinking about him, you imagined choking him out of anger, but then it turning into a completely different thing. And it feels surreal this is actually happening, and he finally calls you a good girl.
“Are you clean? Anything-”
“I always used a condom, and I do checkups every six months. I assume the same about you.”
You nod, not bothering to tell him you don’t remember the last time you had sex, all thanks to him and his impossible to please ass.
“Do you have a condom?” You ask, moving closer to him again.
“In the car,” he curses, but before you can tell him that you can try without one since you are on the pill, he speaks again. “Wait!”
You giggle as you watch him run out of the office with his ass wiggling. No way he goes to his car naked, right?
You jump on top of his desk, pushing a few docs on the floor with your knee. It’s quite difficult because your hands are tied, but you don’t mind. You wait excitedly for his return just to tease him, but you’re speechless as soon as you see him unwrapping the condom package with his teeth before he quickly rolls it on.
“Won’t the neighbor mind?”
“What he doesn’t know,” he grabs your legs as he speaks. “Won’t hurt him. You’re not gonna run your mouth now, are you?” There is something about his patronizing tone that makes you hornier. Maybe because you know you’ve been on his mind so much he couldn’t focus on anything else.
“Why? You want to keep my mouth occupied with your cock?”
You don’t expect to be turned around on the table instead, with your ass in the air. Holy fuck!
“How about I keep this pretty wet pussy of yours occupied, hmm?”
You close your eyes when you feel his cock at your entrance before he finally pushes in.
He’s crazy, he must be crazy if he thinks you can take all of his cock like this.
“B-Bucky!” You arch your back without realizing, fighting against the material of his tie so you can get free. The impulse to touch his back is absolutely overwhelming, and the coldness of his left hand drives you crazy.
“What happened?” His other hand goes up until it’s in your hair. “You got nothing else to say? Are you already cock drunk?”
“More!” you whimper. “I can take more of you, please.”
“Ah? So greedy for my cock.”
“Need it deeper, James. Need you to move faster.”
You don’t care how desperate your voice is or if you’re pathetic. “I just wanna be stretched open until I cry. P-please.”
You don’t realize he is holding his breath until you hear him exhaling loudly against your back before kissing the same spot.
“You wanna be fucked like you’re my good little toy, baby? You want-”
He stops speaking when you moan, trying to move your hands so you can touch him and push him deeper inside you by grabbing his ass.
That hot ass…
“Want you, sir. Please, make me a mess.”
And he does. He fucks you harder, making your eyes roll back, and you can’t help but try again to touch him.
“Just like that,” you cry out when your face hits the desk more forcefully than before. You can sense Bucky’s hesitation so you shake your head. “I’m fine, I’m... k-keep going.”
He doesn’t stop, he even goes faster yet somehow deeper than before, a combination you’re not used to, that makes you feel like he’s splitting you in half. Neither of you can properly talk anymore. You can hear him cursing and saying your name along with: your pussy’s drowning me, so wet, think you can t-take it harder, but there is a long break after every word so he can thrust back inside you. You can’t even call him James, your voice is so hoarse, and he’s so deep you cannot even breathe.
You don’t need anything more the second he pulls your hair harder than you’d ever expect. Before you know what’s happening, the pleasure explodes inside you, making you scream. You don’t even realize that’s your voice at first, too focused on trying to prolong this feeling as you push your ass back frustrated you cannot grab his thighs, while he keeps thrusting inside you. His balls hit your clit, and you moan, a little sensitive.
“Sir, please, c-come,” you whisper, turning your head to the side on the desk. “Come for your little fuck toy. U-use me.”
You flinch, shocked, when you feel a light slap on your ass all of a sudden, but it doesn’t hurt at all. Quite the opposite. You don’t have time to say something about it, though, because Bucky’s already burying himself inside you again as deep as he can, and you moan at the same time he does.
He pulls your hair even harder while he comes, groaning your name and a low fuck, that almost makes you giggle.
“Jesus...” It’s the only warning you get before you feel his chest on your back.
“Barnes, you’re heavy!”
His laugh is adorable, but he’s indeed heavy, plus you also have your hands tied. When he finally moves, you hop off the desk, almost falling since your knees are weak. Now you can feel your thighs aching too. But it was all worth it.
Quickly, Bucky unties you, without saying a word, which only makes you more nervous.
“Thanks,” you whisper as you turn around to face him. Then, you watch him take off the condom and place it on top of one of the papers you knocked over with your knee earlier.
After wiping his hands on his thighs, he grabs your wrists gently, making you almost moan at the feel of his cold hand. You’re not hurt, but they’re quite red, probably from the times you tried to get free.
“Gonna buy some cream.”
You shake your head. “No need, I am sure I have something for this.” You try to sound as casual as you can, not wanting to be clingy in his eyes even after you quit. Even after this. “Can you hand me my underwear and pants, please?”
Bucky freezes for a second, but he still gives them to you. “Are you back to hating me?”
“What?” You ask as you start to get dressed. You don’t have the blouse, but your coat is warm. You won’t freeze.
“Why are you so cold now? Did I hurt you? Did I do anything wrong?” His concerned voice and look surprise you. You know he is nice, but you didn’t expect him to be attentive after.
“No, you didn’t. I assumed this is,” you wave around when you finish zipping up your pants. “Just wham, bam, thank you ma’am.”
He doesn’t laugh.
“I told you, you’ve been on my mind for so long. Why would I... and even if it was just a one-time thing, why would I treat you like trash? Especially since we work together.”
“Worked,” you correct him before he hands you his shirt. You raise your eyebrow surprised.
“I’m not gonna help you get dressed, Barnes. You’re a big boy.”
“Put it on, it’s freezing.”
“I have my coat,” you protest, but he won’t take no for an answer, and you know it.
He helps you with it since your hands are, for some reason, still shaking. “Look, I was gonna invite you over to my place, but if I make you feel uncomfortable, or if you don’t want to see me...”
You can’t help but raise your eyebrows.
“We have some things to discuss, and I have a bath to run for you.”
You roll your eyes, fighting the urge to smile as he finishes buttoning the shirt. “You want me to sign a contract to fuck you again?”
“Ha, ha. No.” He leans in a bit to kiss your forehead. “We have many things to talk about that don’t involve a contract.”
“Yeah? Like what?” You start to collect the documents from the floor. “The process of writing my resignation letter?”
You hear Bucky puff behind you. “You’re not quitting.”
“No?” You bite your lip as you look at him. “Who’s gonna stop me?”
“Hmm,” you whisper playfully before placing his papers on the desk. “How?”
“Let’s get home and we’ll see about that.”
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Just a little bit where Bucky offers you a better job.
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Pairing -> CEO!Bucky Barnes x Assistant!Female!Reader
Warnings -> 18+, Minors DNI, smut, thigh riding
A/N -> @lanabuckybarnes the better version of the Drabble I sent to you, bbg.
“Mr. Barnes, I-I wanted to ask for a bit more money for the job I do for you,” you ask, shyly while you play with your fingers in your lap. You have thought about a hundreds way to ask him for more money and now, where you’re sitting in front of him those are the only words that leave your lips without sounding completely shit.
Your boss, Bucky Barnes, CEO of one of the most powerful companies in town, sits opposite you. He has his sleeves rolled up, revealing his tattooed, muscular and veiny arms to you. Your eyes flicker from his forearms to his face and back to his forearms, not sure where to look while you talk to your boss.
Bucky smirks to himself, his eyes roaming over your face and shoulders. His tongue slides across his lips and he needs to stop the groan from leaving his plump lips. He has hoped that you’re going to come to his office to give him some company and especially with a request so he could be so close to you without being weird and stare at you shamelessly.
The brown-haired man’s intense stare, causes you to shift even more, nervousness boiling inside of you. You can’t stand his gaze but you can’t not look at him either. When you’re looking into his eyes once it’s like they hold your gaze, like he could read your mind and you shiver lightly. His ocean blue eyes roam often over your body, your boss just can’t get enough of you, his sweet, little assistant.
Bucky chuckles, leaning back in his chair and tapping his fingers against the surface of the table. Your cheeks heat up while your eyes switch from his eyes to his pink, plump lips and back to his eyes. “Mhmmm.”
You swallow thickly, ready to apologise for that question. A soft whimper leaves your lips when Bucky’s lips twitch, turning into a soft smirk but he tries to hide it. His eyes are still on you, his blue eyes piercing into yours and his lips now curl up. “I’m sor—“
He moves his seat away from the desk, interrupting you with his actions. His eyes dark slightly, his huge hands pat on his thick, muscular thigh. “Come here, doll.”
Your eyes widen and you freeze. Bucky’s gaze doesn’t shift, still smirking at you. He knows that you’re not used to get that kind of instruction especially not from your boss. He waits patiently that you come over to him and take a seat on his thigh.
“Come on, pretty girl. Won’t repeat myself again,” Bucky says, his voice stern but still soft. He taps on one of his thighs once again.
You get up from the chair, slowly and with shaking legs you walk around the table. When you’re just a few inches away from him you stop, not sure about sitting in your bosses thigh.
He stares at you, holding his hands out to grasp you by your waist and pull you closer. You squeak when you’re suddenly sitting on his thick thigh, straddling him. Your legs dangle in both sides of his leg, and you feel his toned muscle pressing against your pussy.
“I have a better offer for you,” Bucky says, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips. “How about you’re doing as you’re told and I will make you mine, pretty girl. You can have whatever you want, I will give it to you — you just need to ask.”
He slowly moves your hips, tensing his muscle underneath you. You moan softly about the friction against your throbbing pussy, carving more of his soft touches. You let yourself fall against him, your head leaning against his shoulder while you move your hips over his thigh.
“You need to answer me, doll.” Bucky moves one of his hands to your back, his other still resting on your hips. You’re a moaning and whimpering mess on his thigh, fingers gripping into his shoulders to ground yourself.
“P—Please, wanna be yours,” you moan. Hips rutting against him and you can feel his growing bulge against your thigh. Your moans become needier and your fingers digging more into his shoulders.
“My good girl, huh?” He asks, smirking when you nod. Bucky kisses your jaw softly, you tilt your head to the side giving him more space to kiss and bite softly into your skin. He chuckles, kissing along your neck and leaving purple bruises all over your sensitive skin. “You look beautiful, marked and all mine. So pretty, my doll, fucking perfect, wonderful.”
Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @randomawesomeperson102 @bucky-barnes-lover @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf @felicitylemon @cjand10 @bookishtheaterlover7 @casa-boiardi @futurequeen2018-blog @flstrawberry @capsbestgirl77 @nervouseden @jiyascepter @princesscore-angel @mrs-katelyn-barnes @sasha-writing
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 9 months
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pairing: ceo!wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: wanda exploits your weakness for her, and fucks you in her office
content warnings: smut obvi, possessiveness, fingering, thigh grinding, a little bit of choking, slight exhibitionism
word count: 3.3k+
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Fingers Are My Weakness
‘I miss you, come to my office.’
You smile at your phone, sitting back in your seat as you come up with a response. You quickly turn the brightness down on your screen, fingers typing quickly as you bite your lip slightly. 
“Hey, are you ready to go over some of the procedures?” The voice is slightly grating on your ears, and you quickly delete your response as you lock your screen. Looking up, you see the woman who’s been showing you around all day looking at you with an expectant look on her face. 
Shit, what was her name? 
“Oh! Uh…” You check the time on your phone, noting that the workday had ended for almost everyone else. “Right now? I thought that procedures could wait until tomorrow?”
A condescending smile appears on her face, and you blink in surprise when she starts speaking. “Yeah, right now. It’s typical for newbies to stay late their first few days, just to get you up to speed. That’s ok with you right?”
Your phone dings, the woman’s eyes snap to it. Your fingers tighten around your phone, almost protectively. You huff slightly in annoyance, noticing the way the woman’s eyes linger on your legs, right where your skirt ends mid thigh. 
“Fine, just let me respond to this.”
Looking down, your heart jolts at the message you’d just received. It’s a single word, and sends shivers of nervousness down your spine. 
Wanda Maximoff was not a woman you wanted to displease. Ever. You'd been on the receiving end of her ire more times than you could count, and although it was always enjoyable, the thought of punishment for disobeying a direct order sent your heart racing. 
The woman - Hailey, you remembered now - moved towards you, her heels clacking on the floor as she pulled a chair next to your desk. You had your phone angled away from her, fingers flying across the keyboard as you tried your best to minimize the punishment you'd surely receive for disobeying. 
‘I’m sorry, I can’t right now. Hailey is going over procedures with me. I’ll make it up to you later, I promise.’
You flip your phone over again, sure that your face is heating up. Your fingers tremble in your lap as you lace them together tightly. Fortunately, Hailey is too focused on not-so-subtly peeking down the front of your low cut shirt to notice your flustered state. You clear your throat, annoyance building as you raise your eyebrows at her. 
Coughing slightly, Hailey pulls out a packet of information and places it in front of you. You flip through the first few pages, groaning internally at the sheer amount of information crammed onto each section. Hailey’s speaking again, her voice high and scratchy. It is nothing like the voice you actually want to hear. 
Just as that thought crosses your mind, your phone dings again, but you force yourself to ignore it. Avoiding eye contact with Hailey, you force yourself to flip to the second page as she drones on. You can practically feel the boredom take over you, your eyes drooping as you relax into your seat. 
Sneaking a glance at your phone, you see that Wanda has sent another message. Suddenly awake, you open your texts and read, your eyes wide. 
‘I thought you wanted to be a good girl?’
Your eyes flick over to Hailey, noticing that she’s now fixating on her laptop, seemingly searching for a specific page in a pdf. You hide your phone between the pages of your packet, typing with one hand while the other nonchalantly rests on the paper. 
‘I am a good girl, just busy rn. I’ll see you later.’
Locking your phone, you try to focus. Hailey’s voice is making your ears bleed, and you constantly find your thoughts wandering to a certain person. More specifically, your girlfriend, who just so happened to be the boss of the current company you worked at. 
A loud noise startled you out of your thoughts, the images of long hair and green eyes fading as you turned to look at Hailey. She snapped her fingers again, right under your nose as your eyes went slightly crossed in an effort to track her movements. 
“Listen, newbie,” She started, her eyes glancing down at your chest. “Just because you’re a personality hire doesn’t mean that you get to slack off, alright?” 
You felt anger rise, your thoughts churning as you glared at her with thinly veiled disgust. You’d actually worked very hard for this job, submitting an application and going through the same interview process as everyone else. Your girlfriend hadn’t actually known that you applied until your resume made its way to her desk along with the other final candidates for the position. 
She’d fucked you in many different positions that night, her praises never ending as you came over and over again. You’d begged her to be fair in the selection process, not wanting to only be hired because she ordered it. Wanda had agreed, saying that she’d refrain from the hiring process altogether for your special case. 
Breathing deeply, trying to calm yourself, you were about to respond to Hailey when your phone buzzed again. 
“Okay, who the fuck is texting you so much.” Hands reach for your phone, but you quickly pull it away. There’s an unimpressed look on Hailey’s face, her palm out as she expectantly glances at your phone. 
You sigh, unlocking your phone to see that Wanda has sent an image along with a message. No way in hell were you letting Hailey see the potential contents of that message. 
“It’s actually our boss.” Your tone is short, your words clipped as you raise a single eyebrow. You pride yourself on mastering your girlfriend’s infamous ‘I’m pissed’ face as Hailey takes in your expression and pales at your words. 
“Wait…” Hailey fumbled her words, trying to remedy the situation. “You have Wanda Maximoff’s phone number?”
You smirk, mindful of how long it's taken you to respond. Any second, Wanda would probably come storming down the hall, wondering what on earth was more important than her. “I do, and I should probably respond soon, don’t you think?”
Hailey waves her hands in a flustered ‘go ahead’ gesture as she ducks her head. You give her one last glance, before angling your phone away and opening the message. 
First you see the photo, an image of Wanda’s fingers splayed out on her desk, contrasting beautifully against the dark wood, her veiny hands catching your attention. You feel yourself flush, nervous butterflies erupting as you glaze at the long fingers and delicate gold rings adorning them. Then, your eyes flit down to the attached message, 
‘Mommy’s fingers miss your pussy, darling. Don’t be a brat.’
You suck in a deep breath, your heart thudding as Hailey looks over at you, craning her neck to try and see your phone. Shooting her a glare, you jolt when another text pings through.
‘If you want to be a good girl, then you can come to my office and suck my fingers. Is she more important than I am?’
You feel lightheaded, and any thoughts of going over procedure with the nosy brunette next to you vanish. You mutter some excuse about how Wanda needed you in her office, and to not wait up for you. Hailey says something, but you wave her off, already packing your bag and walking towards the large doors that lead into Wanda’s office. 
Cursing your girlfriend out in your head, you can’t help the way your thoughts keep returning to that picture of her fingers. You should have known she’d use that against you, and you regretted ever sending her that drunk text. The one where you confessed your obsession with her hands, calling them ‘perfect to suck on’ and telling her you ‘wished she would wrap them around your throat like a necklace’.
Pushing open the heavy door, you make your way inside the dimly lit office. For some odd reason, Wanda didn’t like to use the overhead light, claiming it wasn’t good for her eyes or complexion. You personally didn’t care, as you thought your girlfriend looked good in any lighting. The room smells like vanilla, and the air around you tightens when you finally catch a glimpse of your girlfriend. 
The look on Wanda’s face can only be described as stony. You can tell that she’s upset, only seconds away from unleashing her frustrations upon you, and you waste no time. Setting your bag down near the door and closing it, you quickly walk towards your girlfriend as she slowly moves her chair away from her desk, gesturing for you to sit in her lap. 
You start speaking, your words rapid as you attempt an explanation. “I’m sorry Wanda, I couldn’t get away any sooner. Hailey…” You see a flash of anger in those cold green eyes, and resolve to never mention the girl’s name again. “Um, she was really insistent on going over procedures, and…”
The rambling explanation you’re fumbling through is interrupted by Wanda, her voice holding a dark edge to it as she asks you, “What did you just call me?”
“I’m sorry, mommy.” 
A satisfied look makes its way onto your girlfriend’s face, and you sit on her lap hesitantly. In this position, your face is just inches away from hers, and you can’t help the way your eyes flit down to her lips. 
“Tell me, baby,” Wanda begins, a dangerous look in her eyes as she slowly rolls her chair back towards her desk, trapping you between her and the dark wood. “Does she want what’s mine?”
You bite your lip, knowing that your answer could potentially get Hailey fired. Then, you remember how rude she was and the way her eyes wandered where they shouldn’t have, and the words came rushing out. 
“I mean, yeah. She kept looking down my shirt, and I kept having to tug my skirt down cause her eyes were constantly on my thighs.” The words are quiet, and you watch Wanda carefully for a reaction. Her eyes glint coldly, one of her hands wrapping around your throat as the other digs into your waist. 
“Did she touch you?” 
You can’t help the whimper that escapes you, her sharp words sending a flash of heat through your body. Your clit throbs, and you rush to respond. “No mommy, only you’re allowed to touch me.”
Wanda hums, a small smile appearing on those beautiful lips for a moment. “Good girl.”
“She, um.” You hesitate, Wanda’s hand squeezing your throat tightly at your continued silence. “She also called me a personality hire.”
Green eyes darken, and you know that Hailey will not show up to work the next morning. Or ever again. You try to calm your girlfriend, your hands coming up to cup her cheeks as she looks over your shoulder towards her door, her eyes blazing as different images of Hailey’s wandering eyes worm their way into her possessive brain. 
A whimper sounds out, ringing around the otherwise quiet room as the pressure against your neck becomes too much to handle. Wanda relaxes her grip, pulling her hand away as she leans in. Her lips attach themselves to your throat, her teeth sharp as she sucks dark bruises into your sensitive skin. 
Your moans flow freely, your hands sliding into Wanda’s hair and massaging her scalp as she marks you. When you attempt to roll your hips, needing some friction against your aching core, you find that your waist is thoroughly pinned between Wanda’s body and the desk. 
Long fingers find your lips, and you close your eyes as you wrap your lips around the very thing that you’d been fantasizing about. She presses the digits against your tongue, sliding them in and out of your mouth as you gag slightly, your tongue swirling around them. 
“Are you needy, baby?” Wanda asks after a few minutes, her voice raspy as she finally pulls back from your neck. She can sense your hips attempting to move, and raises an eyebrow at you as you fight to speak around her fingers. After a few moments, she smirks at your pleading look and pulls her fingers out, wiping them on the front of your shirt. 
“Yes, mommy.” You’re breathless, your muscles straining as you fight to keep still against her. 
Wanda smiles wider, rolling back her chair as she nods at you. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Get yourself off on mommy’s thigh.”
You hesitate, wondering if this was a trick. The hand at your waist pushes, and at the feeling of your soaked pussy sliding against her leg, you start moving. Your breaths are shaky, your hands trembling in her hair as you move your hips quickly. 
It doesn’t take long until you’re a moaning mess, your forehead resting on her shoulder as you grind your core against her thigh. You can barely think straight, all your thoughts locked on your impending orgasm as you mindlessly move your hips faster. You feel Wanda’s hand tangle with your hair, and she wrenches your head back. 
Green eyes watch your lips part, a strangled gasp leaving you at the abrupt action. Your hips are still moving, your hands limp around her shoulders as you chase your high. Wanda smiles at the sight of your glossy eyes, soft moans falling from your lips as your wetness spreads on the silky fabric of her pants. 
“Having fun darling?” Wanda’s voice is teasing and you whine. Her tone hardens, her hand squeezing painfully in your hair as she reminds you, “Remember to ask permission to come.”
You know it's a trap, you couldn’t say why, but you knew she wouldn’t give in that easily. Not after you’d ignored her for so long, your attention not solely focused on her. She hated it when someone else caught your attention, and you loved her possessive nature, no matter how much the punishments hurt.
“I want… please, mommy.” You can’t even get out a full sentence, your words broken up by breathy moans. It makes Wanda throb, and she forces your jaw up from where your head had been drooping, wanting those glossy eyes focused on her.
“Touch me,” You begged, your thumb rubbing circles against the back of her neck. “Please touch me mommy, I can’t come without your help.”
This time, it's Wanda who lets out a moan. The sound is low, resonating in her chest as she brings a hand to your pussy. At the first touch of your glistening folds, she’s hooked. She never has been able to resist you, not when you're dripping around her fingers and staring at her with adorably blown pupils. 
“Don’t worry, darling.” Wanda murmurs, letting your head fall against her forehead as she enters you with two fingers, burying them knuckle deep as you whine. “Mommy’s brainless little slut can come however much she wants.”
The words shoot straight to your core, and you know your orgasm is mere seconds away. You frantically press your lips to Wanda’s, sucking and biting as she slips her tongue inside your mouth, deepening the kiss. You attempt to convey your desperation to her, and you think she understands when she nudges your clit with her thumb. 
A few more purposeful touches, and you’re falling apart in her lap. Wanda breaks the kiss, your lips unresponsive as you gasp against her cheek. You shudder, your walls clamping down around her fingers as she continues to thrust into you at a brutal pace. Her fingers curl, and you sense a second orgasm approach while you’re still trembling from the aftershocks of the first one. 
“Wait, mommy. It’s too much, please.” You’re whimpers go unheard, Wanda’s fingers still fucking you deeply as her lips return to your neck. You feel her teeth scrape your collarbone, and another orgasm rips through you when she bites down. 
Your body aches, the sensations overwhelming you in seconds. You’re highly aware of Wanda’s teeth sinking into your collarbone, her lips sucking harshly as you writhe against her. You can feel your juices leaking around her fingers, the once pleasurable heat in your core now agonizingly painful as she slows her thrusts. 
“Mommy…” Your voice is just above a whisper, your breaths shaky as you try and form more words. 
Wanda slips her fingers from you, bringing them up to your parted lips and forcing them into the wet heat of your mouth. She strokes your hair with her other hand, bringing you down as she murmurs, “I know baby, Mommy’s got you.”
Sucking softly, you smile around her fingers dazedly, your eyes slightly unfocused as they bore into Wanda’s. She smiles back, pressing her lips to your forehead, and leaving soft kisses over your damp cheeks as you giggle. 
“Good girl, I’m so proud of you sweetheart. Since you were so good for me, would you like to feel mommy’s strap when we get home?” You nod quickly, your mouth still occupied with her fingers, sucking off your arousal as she watches with darkened eyes. 
Wanda opens her mouth to continue, when a sharp knock on her door stops her. You’re much too hazy to care, all your attention focused solely on your girlfriend. She pulls her fingers from you, kissing you quickly before calling out for the person to enter. 
You jolt, remembering the compromising position you’re in, but strong hands hold your hips still as a warning look appears in Wanda’s eyes. You stare back with wide eyes, and Wanda swivels her chair until she can see the very same employee you’d been complaining about walk in. 
Hailey looks up from the papers in her hand, her eyes widening comically at the sight in front of her. Wanda watches her eyes take in the dark hickeys covering your neck and collarbone, your smudged lipstick and messy hair, before she stammers slightly as she attempts to speak. 
Nothing comes out, her words a strained sort of whimper as her eyes bounce back and forth between Wanda’s satisfied and smug expression, and your submissive, relaxed pose. You look down, an embarrassed flush creeping up the back of your neck as Wanda’s hand rubs soothing circles against your thigh. 
“I’ve heard some interesting things about you.” Wanda says, her words drawn out as she regards the shocked employee standing in her doorway. Hailey’s eyes widen even more than they already are, and she opens and closes her mouth as she tries to find an explanation. 
Wanda tilts her head, and the color drains from Hailey’s face. You shiver, having been on the receiving end of that look before, and you can’t help but pity the poor girl trembling in your girlfriend's doorway. 
“I hope you’ve learned a valuable lesson today,” Wanda begins, her voice low as she grabs your jaw, tilting your head up so Hailey can see the full extent of your hickeys. “That you shouldn’t lust over something that isn’t yours.”
Hailey nods her head so quickly that it looks seconds away from falling off. Wanda waves her hand impatiently, a silent order for the girl to get out of her office. She takes a final look at you as she turns to leave, her eyes apologetic and wide as she grips the papers tightly in her fist, the edges wrinkling under her fingers. 
“By the way,” Wanda begins, stopping Hailey in her tracks. “You’re fired.”
You barely hear the door close, your eyes wide as you turn towards your girlfriend. You can’t help the small smile that appears on your face, your pussy clenching around nothing at the power she’d just shown. 
It’s almost as if Wanda has a sixth sense for you, her senses attuned to your body as if you shared a soul. She drops her eyes to your thighs, smirking as you gently grind down against the dark fabric of her pant leg. A single finger places itself under your chin, and you let your head raise as her green eyes bore into your own.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll give you plenty of orgasms once we get home.”
You can’t fucking wait.
Part Two: The Ultimate Weakness
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The Malicious Daughter is Back! - 3
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
The Malicious Daughter Is Back! Series Masterlist
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Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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You scoffed, “Are you willing to wait until school is over? As you can see, I have to teach my precious students.”
Bucky smirked. This was the first time you had seen him smile. You had to admit he was handsome. Victoria must be proud, as Bucky was way out of her league.
But you didn't want to get close to him since he was already your step-sister's fiancé. Perhaps he had the same character as her.
Bucky interrupted your thoughts, “You don't have to worry since the principal has given you permission to leave after this class.”
Unbeknownst to you, before he entered your class, Andre had brought him to the principal's office. Bucky had bribed the principal with cigars.
For the first time, Andre saw his principal, who usually wore a flat expression from the stress of dealing with delinquent students, laugh heartily as he picked up the cigars. “Haha… of course. Miss Sinclair needs a day off.”
Clueless about Bucky's deal with the principal, you raised your eyebrows in surprise, not expecting the principal to give you a day off so easily.
Half a day without dealing with the delinquents wasn't a bad idea. As you rose from your seat, you issued a directive, "Fine. Let's go."
You pointed towards the hallway and added, "And stick close to me. It's like a jungle out there."
As Bucky followed behind you, he soon realized the context of your warning. The students erupted in cheers, though the intent behind their vocalizations remained ambiguous, potentially constituting either catcalls or attempts to provoke offense.
"You've got a rich sugar daddy, miss," one student jeered, while another offered unsolicited advice, "Dude, run while you still have the chance."
A misguided attempt at physical interaction occurred when one student attempted to bump into Bucky, prompting him to sidestep, causing the student to stumble and fall.
"Dude, what the heck?" the surrounding students exclaimed in confusion.
"Pardon me," Bucky politely interjected as he maneuvered away from the scene.
Observing the exchange, you addressed the student, Mark, with a pointed remark, "That's what you get."
In response, Mark displayed a gesture of defiance, raising his middle finger, to which you reciprocated in kind.
Witnessing the interaction between you and your students, Bucky noted your lack of fear, interpreting your demeanor as assertive and resilient.
Break time was over, and it was time for the students to return to their classrooms. However, none of them made a move.
You understood the reason; they knew you were leaving.
Standing near the school door, you raised your right arm and held up three fingers.
“If I count to three and you guys are still here, I'll make all of you fail my class,” you warned them, your tone firm and commanding.
“We'll make you viral, b*tch! This is unfair,” Mark protested.
“Try me. One…” You began the countdown, your voice echoing through the hallway, your expression steely.
Before you could even say “two,” the students scattered, rushing back to their classrooms in a panic.
Bucky watched in awe, though he didn't verbalize it. Instead, he gave you an impressed look, admiration evident in his eyes.
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “Like I said before, devil spawn.”
Bucky chuckled and held the door open for you, a gesture of respect and acknowledgment of your authority.
He brings you to a luxurious café, seemingly inspired by Moroccan design. The place features intricate tiles, arched doorways, and rich colors. Elegant furniture, soft lighting, and comfortable seating create a warm atmosphere.
It had been a long time since you visited a place like this, reminiscent of times before you were kicked out by your stepmother.
Opting for the cheapest drink on the menu, you ordered a cold brew, not wanting to owe him anything more than necessary.
Your drink arrived promptly, and you tasted it. The taste of the coffee made you forget about the shitty cafeteria coffee you just had. Compared to you, who ordered a simple drink, Bucky's was unique.
His coffee was prepared right before him, with the server announcing, “We have prepared your coffee cup, sir.”
Bucky nodded graciously. “Thank you.”
“You're very welcome, sir,” the server replied before departing. “Enjoy.”
Bucky savored his coffee with an air of elegance, his movements precise and refined. You couldn't help but notice that he had been wearing leather gloves this whole time.
Taking a sip of your drink, you asked, “So… What do you want to talk about?”
Bucky set down his drink and met your gaze with his calm, cold demeanor.
“It's about last night,” he began, his expression unreadable as he spoke.
You grumbled, “Oh my god. Are you going to sue me for sexual harassment? I'm sorry. It's a bad habit of mine, doing something without thinking. Please don't sue me. I don't have the money to hire a lawyer.”
Bucky struggled to follow your rapid speech. “No, calm down. I won't sue you. It's just…” He paused, taking a deep breath to compose himself.
Or did Victoria cry to Bucky and ask him to teach you a lesson? You couldn't help but wonder what he was going to say next.
“I have this disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). The symptoms include being overly sensitive to sensory input, including touch,” he explained, his gaze shifting to observe your reaction.
“No judgment here. I've encountered various cases of trauma from my students,” felt relieved a bit you reassured him, trying to offer some comfort.
“Thank you for understanding,” Bucky replied gratefully. “When someone touches me without my consent, I will vomit or I will faint.”
Your eyes widened in realization. “Shit.” Guilt washed over you as you began to fully comprehend the impact of your actions.
Bucky confessed, “The weirdest thing is, when you touched me, kissed me, my body didn't have any reaction.”
You lifted your head in confusion. “Huh?”
“I went to different psychologists, tried many medicines, doctors, meditations, but none of them worked. Except you. A stranger that I've never met,” Bucky elaborated.
“Are you sure?” you asked, still trying to process the revelation.
Bucky then removed his leather gloves and called the waitress over. “You. Come here.”
The waitress approached, curious about Bucky's request. “Yes, sir?”
Bucky extended his bare hand. “Shake my hand.”
The waitress, unsure of the situation, complied and shook Bucky's hand.
In an instant, Bucky grabbed a nearby bucket and began to vomit.
The waitress and you were both shocked. Bucky, who had been calm and composed moments ago, now appeared pale and sickly in just a matter of seconds.
Could what he said really be true?
Bucky wiped his mouth and apologized to the waitress, his tone sincere. “I'm sorry. Please don't be offended. It's not because of you. I hope the tips my secretary will give you could cheer you up.”
The waitress, still unsure of what just happened, responded hesitantly, “Ah, thank you?”
Bucky's secretary appeared seemingly out of nowhere and began conversing with the waitress, diverting her attention.
Left alone with Bucky, he raised his hand again, as if asking for your right hand. Confused, you offered your hand, which he gently took and held in his.
You thought it might have been a mistake, but Bucky showed no reaction. He closed his eyes, seemingly waiting for something to happen. There was no rapid heartbeat, no sweating, and no urge to vomit.
He opened his eyes and saw you looking thoughtful. “Thank you for your patience and trust.”
You replied, “Ehm, glad to help.”
“My predictions were correct. You could be the answer to my disorder. I will make you a generous offer,” Bucky stated. His voice tone sounded like happiness is in it.
"Really?" You could ask for money for your grandmother's surgery. After you were kicked out of the house, you lived with your grandmother from your mother's side. After your mother died, your father stopped sending money to your grandmother.
Bucky nodded, his expression serious.
You hesitated. "Wait. Does Victoria know about this?"
Bucky shook his head. “Besides my parents, only you know about this.”
“Both of you are going to get married, and you didn't want to share the truth?” you questioned. Poor Victoria, the man she will marry, has a cold heart.
You were supposed to be the bad guy, glad that she would receive her karma. But why did this remind you of something?
He went silent. The thought of marriage with Victoria irked Bucky. He pulled on his leather hand gloves again and rested his hand on the table. He looks like he's discussing a business deal worth billions.
“The truth is, I saw this marriage as a business deal. I don't have the desire to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your stepsister. And from what I've seen of her, it's better if I don't talk to her about my disorder,” Bucky explained.
His tone was cold, sending a shiver down your spine. No wonder the Barnes family had been successful conglomerates for so long—they knew how to get what they wanted.
But there was something you didn't agree with. “I want to help you,” you stated.
Bucky visibly lightened up at your words.
You crossed your arms tightly, a frown creasing your brow. “But after what you said to hide it from your fiance, you reminded me of my father. A man of few words. A hero in business, but a failure in family.”
Your father, Jonathan, lived and breathed for money. He left everything about the household to your mom, while the families’ businesses thrived. But after your mother died, her family's business went bankrupt, and he didn't offer much help.
You didn't want to assist another man who reminded you of your dad.
Placing a dollar bill on the table to pay for your drink, you stood up abruptly. “I hope you find a cure, but I won't be the one to help you. Thank you and goodbye.” You grabbed your coat and started walking away.
Bucky hadn't expected you to reject him. And what's more outrageous is you're comparing him with your father. Bullshit.
He scoffed, his fingers tapping the table in frustration. No one had ever said no to him before.
He turned around and saw your back. “What if I raise my offer? Your childhood home and Velari into your hands?”
Your foot stopped before you reached the door. How did he know your deepest desire? The home you got kicked out of was the treasure from your mom. That beautiful home was designed by her; she was a designer.
And Velari, the fashion brand built by your mother, was now occupied by Celestial Enterprises, owned by Genevieve. It was your birthright to inherit your mother's work, but that other woman and her devil spawn were able to kick you out.
Lost in your daydream, you didn't realize Bucky was standing before you. “Do you like that deal?”
You lifted your head, meeting his gaze with a hint of mischief in your eyes. A sly smile played on your lips as you reached out and gently took his hand in yours.
Bucky felt a sudden surge of heat as your fingers intertwined with his.
You lifted his leather-clad right hand and brought it closer to your lips. Gently, you pressed a kiss against it. "With an offer like that, I might just be tempted to give you more than just my hand."
The gesture made Bucky shiver, though he didn't feel any disgust. This feeling was completely different from what he experienced last night.
From this moment, he knew you're a natural seducer, and he was playing with fire.
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Author Note: I had goosebumps writing the last part. I hope you like this chapter. 💓💋
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
"Here comes trouble."
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Getting back to the 'Shit He Said' series because I've been missing it and you've said some truly wonderful shit recently.
This one is pure fantasy. I'm fully just indulging myself and I'm okay with that. I've thought about this way too much.
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Semi-public, vaginal fingering, dom Bucky, sub reader, power imbalance, degradation, choking, penetration, creampie, this is bound to be so unhygienic irl but I can enjoy the thought leave me alone 😩
Summary: You manage to find some time for a quickie with the CEO
For some extra vibes: “Out Of My Mind” by The Killers
Minors, do not interact
Heat meets you the second the door opens but you only feel the true intensity of it when you’ve stepped inside and closed the door behind you.
Everything is hot.  Stiflingly, oppressively hot.  Even the glass panel of the door is warm under your touch.  Between the humidity and the ambient lighting, your eyes struggle to focus.  Taking a seat inside seems like a good idea.  Sit down before you fall down.  
It’s impossible to get a deep, satisfying breath.  The air feels so heavy, water droplets forming on your bare skin, clinging to your eyelashes and dripping from the ceiling onto your hair.  As the seconds pass, you feel your body begin to adjust.  Your breathing starts to regulate, albeit faster than usual.  You succumb to the weight in the air, taking a seat on the wet bench to the left of the door.  You close your eyes for a few moments in an attempt to shield them from the heat, breathing in the fresh scent of eucalyptus essential oil.
“Here comes trouble.”  Fuck.  You hoped this might happen but you hadn’t fully let yourself believe it was actually a possibility.  Your eyelids flutter open again, looking in the direction of the voice but you don’t need to see the silhouette of the person sitting at the back of the room to know who had spoken.
“Hello, you.”  He speaks again, low and soft and this time you’re more focused on ensuring you’re alone.  A quick scan of the room and it’s empty, save the two of you.
“I didn’t think you’d be down here!”  You feign innocence.  It’s a lie.  You knew he would.
He’s always been wonderfully talented at seeing right through you.
“I mentioned earlier that I might go try out the steam room.”  He’s right; he did.  These work trips get awfully long sometimes and it’s hard to keep your head in it without giving yourself a break.  In fact, you’re surprised more of your colleagues aren’t down here taking some time to themselves.
“Might.  I had no way of knowing you actually would.”  You’re not wrong.  Nor is he.  It’s an elaborate dance around the fact that you’re both now exactly where you want to be.
God, he’s gorgeous.  His usually soft, fluffy hair has drooped under the weight of the steam, curling a little.  Droplets of water roll slowly down his bare chest, meeting at the waistband of his swimwear but the condensation gathering on his body makes his skin look slick and kissable.  Your thoughts wander, daydreaming about how you’d love nothing more than to trail your tongue down his chest in the wake of those droplets until you’re able to sink to your knees in front of him and find a better use for your mouth.
“Stop thinking.  Get over here.”  He perhaps doesn’t mean to sound as sharp as he does but with time being of the essence, he’s not wrong to be demanding.  Anyone could walk in any time now so you might as well use the time you have wisely.
You’re so eager it’s difficult to slow yourself down.  Within seconds, you’ve moved to the bench at the back, beside Bucky and his lips are on yours before you even realise it.  They’re soft and plump, his mouth tasting faintly of the coffee you saw him drinking earlier. His tongue rolls gently against your own and you feel yourself moan against his lips more than you hear it.
Your heart is speeding up, thumping in your chest and with your elevated body temperature, it feels like it’s pounding against your ribs.
Once you start touching him, it’s impossible to stop.  His chest is wet against yours, your bodies pressed together and your hands wandering with an urgency that would have you thinking you’ve never touched him before.  You’re desperate and the humidity does nothing to help you both think coherently.  You aren’t thinking about what might happen if someone walks in.  You aren’t thinking about the fact that if they did, they’d catch you and the CEO all over each other.  You certainly aren’t thinking of any of the consequences that would follow.
“Fuck, you’re desperate.”  He rumbles out a low groan against your lips, his fingers pulling the bottoms of your bikini to one side to let his fingertips graze your soft folds.  You’re soaking wet but it’s very distinctly nothing to do with the fact you’re currently in a steam room.  The slickness of your arousal is unmistakable, not to mention the all too evident desperation in the way you roll your hips into his touch, silently begging for more. “You could take me right now.”  His fingers tease your entrance, testing the resistance from your body and it’s delightful to feel him slipping into you so smoothly.
“You’re filthy, you know that?  Getting fucked in a steam room knowing anyone could walk in and see you.  Anyone could see what a slut you are for me.”  His ‘for me’ hits you hard because this is only for him.  You wouldn’t do this with anyone else.  You wouldn’t ask anyone else to do the depraved things you ask him to do.  All of the darkest, filthiest thoughts you have are about the man who’s now got you seated in his lap, your back to his chest with your swimwear tugged to the side so he can tease your cunt with his throbbing length, rather than his fingers.
“Beg me for it.”  Confidence drips from his tone and he’s got every right to be this confident.  You’ve never wanted sex as often as you have since you met him.  Your sex drive goes through the roof when he’s around, a testament to how comfortable and confident he makes you feel.  He makes you feel desired and God, you want to be desired.
The head of his dick strokes the softest part of your body, teasing from your entrance to your clit and back again.  You have no doubt he’s smearing his precum over your cunt, claiming you.  The thought alone makes your walls flutter.
“Please fuck me.  Hurry up, Bucky, please.”  You sound pathetic and it only makes you wetter.  Only he gets you like this.  There’s not a hope in hell you’d beg anyone else for anything at all.  Anything you need, you can do for yourself.  Except this.  He’s let you feel safe and able to live out your wildest fantasies and that’s not something you’d experience with just anyone.
You feel him hum, kissing your shoulders, lowering you down onto his tip and stopping after the head has just slipped inside you.
The first glide into your body always leaves you breathless but this isn’t it.  He isn’t fully inside you yet and he’s stopped already.  “Just the tip, sweetheart.  That’s all you’re getting.  Unless you act like the little slut I know you want to be.”  He kisses down your neck, as far down your spine as the angle allows him to reach before licking back up and the shiver it sends through your body feels like a cold electric current.
“You’re delicious.  Go on, be a good whore for me.  Take what you need.”  You don’t need to be told twice, lowering yourself to take the rest of his length.  He glides into you beautifully, sliding into the wet, inviting heat between your legs.
“Oh God, that’s it.  Stupid girl.  Acting like you’re just a hole for me to fuck.  Maybe you are?”  He knows that will get to you.  You’re more than that.
Your head shakes, your hips rolling mindlessly, your body enjoying his presence inside you of it’s own accord.  “I- I’m not just a hole.”  You argue, trying to stifle your own moan at the feeling of him rubbing against the soft little sweet spot inside you.
“You’re not.  I know you’re not.  But for now, sweetheart, that’s all I want you to be.  You’re just a pretty little hole and I’m going to make you cum like it’s all you’re good for.”  You didn’t expect the punch to your chest that his kindness delivers but it’s appreciated all the same.
His hand cradles your throat, applying just a nice amount of pleasure.  The humidity was already dizzying but Bucky’s grip on your neck adds another dimension.
“God, the way you gripped me when I put my hand on your neck.  Pretty little pussy just doesn’t want me to pull out.”  He’s rutting into you, groaning against your shoulder but he still can’t drown out the obscene sounds of wet skin on wet skin.
“Feels perfect.”  You feel your eyes rolling back in your head, barely able to string more words together than that.  
“No sweetheart, you feel perfect.  Fuckin’ made for me.  Pretty little stupid fuck toy.”  His free hand squeezes and massages your breasts in turn, giving each of them the attention they deserve while he fucks himself into you.  “You’re dripping.  Fuck, you were made for this.”
You grip the wrist of the hand that’s massaging your breasts, trailing it down your body to settle between your legs.  “Can’t even tell me what you want, can you?  Can’t manage the words anymore.  Did my cock make you that stupid already?”
You nod and it only makes him chuckle, rubbing your clit almost entirely out of sympathy.  
Deep breaths don’t help.  The steam feels like it’s catching in the back of your throat with every breath but it only heightens the pleasure.
“I want you to cum.  Now.  I want to fuck you full while your cunt is trying to milk every drop from me.  You got that?”  
“Faster.”  You plead, right on the edge of slipping into an unbearably intense orgasm.  Bucky obliges, rubbing your clit faster, tightening his grip on your neck just a little and it sends you spiralling, your walls clamping around him so tight, it coaxes him to spill his release into your body.
You hardly notice his climax until the crest of your own subsides.  “Such a perfect cunt.  Fuck, I can’t stop.”  His forehead rests on your damp shoulder, panting and groaning as he fills your body with ropes of cum.  It’s messy and rushed but it’s an overwhelming ecstasy and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
When he’s entirely spent, he lets his hand fall from your throat but that does nothing to help you take a deep breath.  Water drips rhythmically from the ceiling onto the bench beside you both while your bodies separate and you allow yourselves a few seconds to enjoy being together.
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incorectquoteswlw · 1 month
Doctor Strange: Miss Bishop, do you think you are funny?
Kate: I used to. There was a time when I found myself funny, but today you have proven me wrong. Thank you
(In the corner of the room Yelena sighs and cracks her knuckles)
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alotofpockets · 10 months
Possibilities | Wanda Maximoff
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: After crushing on your boss for years, she asks you out to dinner. What will happen when she doesn't show? [Full request] Warnings: slight angst, sickness/cold
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 1.6K
Wanda Maximoff had started a fashion company at a young age, she grew the company up from the ground to the fashion empire that it is today. You had started working for the company as an intern when it was just a start-up, but you were able to grow with the company and with promotion after promotion you were now the head of the marketing department. 
Throughout the many changes in your function you had gotten closer to the CEO herself, Wanda Maximoff. You had weekly meetings with her and the rest of the department heads as well as one on one meetings to discuss the marketing strategy for new arrivals and such. 
Wanda was a beautiful woman, you were very aware of that. In your intern year you started to develop a crush on her, though she then was so far away. However, now you are in her office multiple times a week. The closeness of the interactions you had with her always affected you, there hadn't been one time this past week that you hadn't left her office with flushed cheeks. Wanda was a subtle flirter, it seemed to come very easy to her. You had however convinced yourself that she acted this way with all her employees.
Another day of torturing yourself was ahead as you had multiple meetings with Wanda today. Your day started off with a department heads meeting, you were fine there, she refrained from flirty comments there. Wanda was wearing a gray suit with a black blouse underneath, the suit hugged her figure perfectly. You tried everything in your power not to check her out, but failed nonetheless. You hadn't heard Wanda call out to you until your neighbor nudged you. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking about the project and I guess I got a bit lost in the opportunities." You lie, hiding it from your coworkers. Not your boss though, Wanda noticed the slight flush on your cheeks and smirked to herself. She continued the meeting and decided to let you off the hook, or so you thought. Not even half an hour after the meeting was done, Wanda messaged you to meet her in her office. 
You honestly thought that you were in trouble for crossing a line, but when you walked into Wanda’s office, and saw that she followed your movements with a teasing smile, you felt more at ease. Wanda was sitting behind her desk, it was cluttered with different fabrics, sketchbooks and notes. While she was the head of the company she enjoyed being involved in all of the company’s projects and departments, she was truly in love with every part of the industry. 
“So, y/n, care to explain what really happened at the meeting?” There was no threat behind her words, if you had to name the tone it would be playful. You decided there was no point in lying again and decided to just go with it. “It is an amazing suit, Wanda.” Upon seeing her smile at your reaction, you decide to continue. “You look great in the suit, it fits you well. Respectfully.” Wanda is clearly enjoying the fact that you’re growing more comfortable in the situation. “Well, thank you, darling.” The nickname makes your heart rate accelerate. 
“That’s all, y/n, thank you.” Wanda let’s you know. You wish you would have more time alone with her, but you thanked her and walked to the door. The moment your hand touched the handle Wanda stopped you. “Actually, one more thing.” She waits for you to turn around before she continues. “Do you have plans tonight?” You shake your head in response. “Then can you meet me at The Plaza for dinner at 6pm?” Your first thought was about getting to spend one on one time with Wanda, but your second thought told you that it was probably a work related dinner. “Yes, that sounds good. Did you want me to bring anything from a certain project?” The teasing smile makes its way back onto her face. “The project is getting to know you better over dinner.” You’re shocked at her response, she wanted to go out to dinner with you, with the sole purpose of getting to know you, this was huge. “Okay, sounds good. I’ll see you tonight.” You say before quickly exiting her office. You make your way right to the restroom and see how flushed your cheeks were. 
You arrive at the restaurant a little early, but the waiter leads you to the table that Wanda reserved. After half an hour Wanda still hasn’t joined you, so you decide to send her a text. You know that she was a busy woman, maybe she got stuck at work. 
Y/n: Hi Wanda, I got our reserved table. I’ll see you in a bit. 
The waiter comes by to ask if you want anything to drink before the rest of the party gets there, you thank him but decline. You start watching the people around you to distract yourself. Another thirty minutes pass and there is still no sign of Wanda, not even a response to your message. 
Y/n: Just checking in to see if everything is okay.
Again no response from Wanda. Maybe you had gotten your hopes up for tonight. Another half hour later and the waiter joins you again. “I’m so sorry, but if we’re not serving you, I am going to have to ask you to leave.” You apologize to him and gather your things. Outside you send Wanda another text.
Y/n: Our reservation got canceled.
You decide to wait outside for a little longer, still holding out hope that Wanda would join you. She still hadn’t even read your first message. You decide to give up on waiting and head home as soon as you feel it starting to rain. Before you know it, it starts pouring. You really regretted walking to the restaurant now.
Once you made it to your house, you were completely soaked. Before you get changed you check your phone, since you felt it buzz on the way there. It’s a message from Wanda.
Wanda: I’m sorry y/n, I can’t make it tonight. I needed to discuss something with Vision.
You roll your eyes. Vision was the head of design and always openly discussed his crush on Wanda. You were annoyed but of course she would pick him over you. 
Y/n: It’s fine.
You send her a quick message before turning your phone off, you were done with the whole situation. You change into some sweats and make a quick meal. The rain had done you no good, you were cold and sneezing already. You decided to call it an early night, hoping to sleep it off. However, when you woke up it only seemed to be worse. You knew you had the responsibility to call in sick but you couldn’t for the life of you know remember where you left your phone and you felt too weak to get out of bed. 
Meanwhile at the office Wanda welcomed one of the company's bigger clients to the meeting room. “Take a seat.” Wanda motions over. “My assistant will get you some beverages and if you’ll excuse me for one moment, I will be right back.” This was a very important client and you were supposed to join her for the meeting, since you were one of the only people within the company that could handle the clients behavior. She went over to the marketing department to get you, since you weren’t at the meeting yet. When she can’t find you at your desk she asks one of your team members. “Sorry, I haven’t seen y/n today. Is there anything I can help you with?” Wanda shakes her head and walks back to the meeting room and starts the meeting by herself. The client was trouble like always, she tried her best to accommodate him, but he seemed to only listen to your ideas. “Have y/n send me a proposal, and then we’ll talk business.” The client said before leaving.
Wanda was so furious that she drove straight to your house after the meeting. She knocked on your door until you opened. The door opened and she stepped in right away, seeing red with anger she didn’t even notice your fragile state. “What is your problem? Why aren’t you at work? We had a very important meeting and I expect you to show up, or at the very least let me know that you will not be attending.” While Wanda takes a deep breath, she finally lets her eyes land on you. The anger she felt immediately disappeared when she saw how pale and weak you looked, while having a blanket wrapped around you. 
“Oh, y/n, I’m so sorry.” She puts an arm around you and leads you to the couch. You let yourself fall into Wanda’s warm body. “What happened, darling?” She asks while rubbing her hands over your back, trying to help you warm up. “I had to walk back in the pouring rain last night.” You answer in a raspy voice. “That’s on me, I should’ve texted you earlier, I am very sorry. Vision made inappropriate comments towards someone on the team and I had to get HR involved, it was a whole mess. That’s no excuse, of course, I just wanted to let you know what happened.” Wanda hadn’t picked him over you. “If you don’t totally hate me, I would love to reschedule our date once you’re better.” You nod. “I would like that.” Wanda gives your hand a squeeze. “Okay good. Now, please let me take care of you.” 
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dontknowwhatyouheard · 10 months
Something Special 3
A/N: So I'm trying out new things, and learning new things. LMK what y'all think.
Pairing: Dark Beefy CEO! Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ageless bios will be blocked, non-con, G!P characters, legal age gap, dark!fic, talks of depression, lmk if I missed something Summary: Wanda finally gets what's hers. Word Count: 1864
Chap 1 Chap 2
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It was 3 a.m. when Wanda woke next. The warmth surrounding her was the first thing she noticed. She sighed deeply as she moved her hips, and her head whipped to the side when she heard a sigh come from the other side of the bed. As she looked around, she finally realized where she was and cursed herself for not being more cautious. Carefully, she slid out of you as she eyed your face to be sure you were still asleep. She crept across the bed towards your face, tempted to fuck your face again, but she decided against it and kissed your lips as she tucked herself away, still erect, but that was fine if everything went as planned; she’d have you all to herself later that night, and she’d finally be able to care for you the way you deserved. So just like every night before she left through the fire escape with a smile on her face. 
It was already time for Wanda to see her Sugar again by the time she arrived home. Before heading to the cafe, she changed into gray sweatpants and a white tee. Something simple, but she knew her Sugar would still appreciate it nonetheless. 
Today, when Wanda walked into the cafe, she wasn’t greeted with a smile like the last time. She knew why, but still, it hurt her a little bit. "What happened to that pretty smile of yours, Sugar?" She said with a pout on her face. 
That statement got her a little bit of a smile, but not as full as she was hoping to see.
"I’m sorry, Wanda. I guess I’m just a little upset. What can I get you for today, though?" You sighed, picking at your eyebrows. The stress is practically eating you alive at this point. It was taking everything in not to break down right in front of Wanda.
"Same as yesterday, Sugar. Would it make your day better if I took you out on a date?" She smiled sweetly.
You stared at her, shocked; there was no way this woman was actually serious. You just met her two days ago, and now she wants a date? She hasn’t even had a real conversation with you yet.
"Come on, darling, don't leave me hanging. I'd like to make you feel better if you'd let me," she murmured, pulling your hand away from your brow while locking eyes with you. She realized that picking at your brows must be a nervous tick of yours. She'll correct that soon, but for now, she just needs you to say yes.
"Wanda. I-I can’t ask you to do that for me." You mumbled, trying to let her down lightly, hoping she’d catch on.
"Well, then I’m not asking. I want you to go on a date with me, Sugar. End of discussion." And with that, she sat in a booth to wait for her drink. She sat in silence as you turned around to make her drink. As the tent formed in her sweats, she didn’t bother to hide it; she was proud that her dick always stood at attention for you.
"Wanda!" You gaped openly at the bulge in her pants as she approached you. Was she actually packing to come to a fucking cafe? You snapped out of it when she eventually appeared at the counter. "Here's your drink," you muttered hesitantly, almost spilling it on her.
"Thank you; I'll see you at 8, Sugar," she said, pretending not to notice your stare. She slid a $100 bill across the counter and walked out before you could even react. 
It felt like the world was crashing down on you. No matter what you did or how hard you tried to push your predicament to the back of your head, it always came back times ten. It was like fighting through waves of zombies just to end up back where you started. You’ve been in this place plenty of times before, so this is not new. Depression has always been a constant in your life, but sometimes you wonder why you fight those zombies; you wonder why you don’t just let them eat you alive, and you curse yourself for all the times you fight just to end up in the same place months later.
By the time you were able to bring yourself out of your thoughts, you were already halfway out the cafe door. You hadn’t even realized you were just going through the motions and that you had already packed everything up. But you didn’t care; you had a date with Wanda later, and you needed to figure out how you would get through it. 
"Be there in 20 minutes, Sugar 🥰" 
The text came through a long time ago, and you were still obsessing over how you would respond to it. Eventually, you gave up. The thought of even having to reply stressed you out. Instead, you tried focusing on which fragrance you would use and what you thought Wanda would like. In the end, you went with a lavender-citrus scent to match your formal attire. You were so distracted by everything that you glossed over the fact that she knew where you lived.
Three knocks sent you practically sprinting to the doorway. You opened the door so fast, that you almost hit yourself with it. 
"Well, hello, beautiful! You look amazing." She said reaching out to you with a big smile on her face, having to hold back her laugh seeing the gawk on your face. She didn’t blame you, though; she knew you’d love the red suit and had it made for this exact occasion. "Come on, Sugar, we’ll be late if we don’t get a move on."
"Wanda I-… Wow." You were short-circuiting; you couldn’t even form a complete sentence as you let her pull you to her car. A very fancy all-black Pagani Huayra that costs more than your entire existence. 
 "You like it, sweetness? I was having doubts about this one." It was easy for her to lie to you. She never once questioned the suit. 
"Hell yes, Wanda, you look so damn good." A genuine smile finally appeared on your face, and Wanda was determined to keep it that way.
The date went amazing. Wanda almost didn’t want to leave the restaurant, but she knew something even better was waiting for her once she got you home. Before she left her house, she triple-checked that she had everything prepared.
The drive back to her place was relatively normal until the end. Wanda had parked the car on the side of the highway. She placed her hand on your thigh; she knew you wouldn’t object to it, and she knew you had trouble saying no your entire life. "Sweetness, I want to know how this date was for you." And while she genuinely did, she also needed you to be distracted. So as you were telling her how much fun you had, she was able to prick the side of your neck.
"What the hell was that?" you said flinching moving your hand to your neck.
"You’re all mine now, Sugar." And that was the last thing you heard before you passed out. 
The rest of the drive for Wanda was silent. She was super anxious and kept her hand on your thigh the entire time, occasionally glancing over to make sure you were still breathing. 
When she finally arrived home, she brought you to your new room in the basement, mentally thanking herself for adding more weights to her workouts. She just couldn't wait for you to wake up.
It was only an hour later, and finally, your eyes fluttered open. The bed beneath you was so soft, that you were tempted to close your eyes again. 
"Oh, you’re finally up, Sugar! I’ve been waiting so long for this; please kiss me."
You didn’t have time to comprehend what was going on when suddenly you felt her lips on yours. You tried turning your head away, but she gripped your cheeks so tightly that it hurt. Your only other option was to kiss her back and hope she’d stop soon. 
"Oh, sweetness, that was better than anything I could've imagined! Daddy is so hard right now. I need to make love to you. Please, baby, don't deny me any longer." She said panting heavily. All her movements were rushed as she practically ripped the dress off your body. You scrambled to cover yourself, but she smacked your hands away.
"Wanda! Wanda! What are you doing?" You screamed, trying to throw her off you. 
Finally, she stopped for a second, but the look in her eye told you she wasn’t done. 
"I don’t want to have to punish you on our first night together, Sugar. But I will if you continue to misbehave. I understand this is our first time, but from now on you will be calling me Daddy. Do you understand?"
What was wrong with this woman? You should’ve known better; you knew it was too good to be true, and now there was no way you were getting out of this. So you nodded, hoping that if you played along, it would get you out of here quicker. 
"I knew you would sugar; you’re so good for me," she said, leaning down to suck your nipple. Moaning wildly as she practically humped your leg. It took everything in you not to moan. "I hope you’re ready, sugar." She said while ripping her pants off. She didn’t even bother to take off her underwear, instead opting to pull her cock through the slit. 
Your eyes went wide once again. It was real! What the fuck?
"Enough staring; open your legs for me. I can’t wait anymore." She states practically tearing your legs apart. She didn’t even prep you as she sunk into you slowly with a deep groan. She gave you exactly two slow thrusts before quickening her pace.
"Oh fuck!" You accidentally let slip, and it gave her the confidence to speed up. Your hands grasp her muscular waist as if that would slow her down. You were going to cum really soon if she didn’t stop. "Daddy please!" That only seemed to spur her on more as she brought her hand down to your clit, rubbing it harshly.
"You can do it, Sugar, cum for me! Cum all over Daddy's cock." And with that, you did. You came with a scream, shaking under her. You watch as she pulls out and starts quickly jerking herself on your face. "Open that pretty mouth nice and wide for Daddy." She panted. You parted your lips, and she shoved the head of her cock in your mouth and came so hard you could see the veins on her abs.
"Swallow for me, Sugar. You’re such a good girl." She panted watching as your throat bobbed up and down with effort while stroking your cheek.
You couldn’t help it anymore, and you started to sob as everything came crashing down on you all at once. 
"It’s okay, Sugar. Daddy’s got you now, and she’s gonna take care of everything."
@aemilia19 @eliii1sblog @theylovethesky
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wandasfifthwife · 3 months
[CEO!Wanda 18+ drabble]
someone explain to me why I find being a complete mess while she’s unbothered to be so hot?
my clothes are all torn apart on me and she’s still fully clothed?
the way my mind has gone blank and she’s fully coherent?
I’m only able to say her name and she’s describing in great detail how I look and what she wants to do to me?
the fact I have to fix myself after and she’s already getting back to work?
something may be wrong with me.
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notafunkiller · 9 months
Bucky Barnes masterlist
Most of my work is intended for readers above 18+, so please read the warnings before starting any of the stories. I am not responsible if you skip the warnings or if you don’t agree with what and the way I write.
🔥 = Smut 💔 = Angst 🌼 = Fluff
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FALSE GOD [on going]  🔥 🌼 💔
director!bucky barnes x actress!reader
-  On the night of your movie premiere, you and director Bucky finally get closer.
TREAT YOU BETTER [complete]  🔥 🌼 💔
(fake) boyfriend’s brother!bucky barnes x female reader
-  Caught between playing the girlfriend of Bucky’s younger brother and the unexpected allure of Bucky’s genuine affection, you don’t know what to do.
YOU’RE MY DESIRE [complete] - co-written with @marvelouslizzie​ 🔥 🌼 💔
40s!bucky barnes x female reader
- Your best friend drags you out on a double date. You were supposed to be Steve Rogers’ date but plans change pretty quickly and you end up in Bucky Barnes’ arms.
neighbor!bucky barnes x female reader
- While you are looking for Rebecca, you unexpectedly meet her brother, Bucky Barnes, your new gorgeous neighbor.
LOVE ME LIKE YOU PAID ME - co-written with @marvelouslizzie​ 🔥 🌼 💔
businessman!bucky barnes x female reader
- You accompany businessman Bucky Barnes to all the events he has to attend, and you find yourself wishing he wasn’t paying you to be his date.
YOU’RE STUCK WITH ME - co-written with @marvelouslizzie​ 🔥 🌼 💔
revenge séx!bucky barnes x female reader
- When you find out your boyfriend’s cheating on you with his best friend, you immediately tell Bucky Barnes about the affair and propose revenge séx.
YOU WERE MINE JUST YESTERDAY - co-written with @marvelouslizzie​ 🔥 🌼 💔
ex-boyfriend!bucky barnes x female reader
- It’s been a while since your break up with Bucky happened, but you’re still not over him. You try to move on, go out, and have fun with your friend, Steve, but you end up in the same bar you two went to often. It also just happens that Bucky is there too, with Natasha by his side. It doesn’t take long for you two to end up getting into old habits.
thunderbolts!bucky barnes x female reader
- “Are you sure a kiss is all you want?”
ceo!bucky barnes x secretary!reader
- Bucky and you have a small fight about making him attend a business dinner on your one-year anniversary.
tfatws!bucky barnes x female reader
- When Sam’s girlfriend calls you clingy, you decide to give Bucky some space. What you don’t know is that he doesn’t want any space. None at all.
PRETTY LITTLE THING - co-written with @marvelouslizzie​ 🔥 🌼
tfatws!bucky barnes x female reader
- Your long-time crush, Bucky Barnes, is a regular at the bar where you work, and tonight, it’s impossible to avoid serving him for the first time.
ex-husband!bucky barnes x female reader
-  A year after your divorce, you and Bucky come face to face at your closest friends’ wedding. Emotions run high, leading to a fiery confrontation that takes a detour to Bucky’s hotel room, where the old flame might just reignite.
 boss!bucky barnes x marketing director!female reader
-  When your boss, Bucky, apologizes for being rude to you once again, things take an unexpected turn.
thunderbolts!Bucky Barnes x female reader
- When Sam drops by unannounced, he discovers something new about Bucky.
- Steve’s hopes get crushed when he wrongly assumes you’d choose him over Bucky.
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buckyalpine · 11 months
Soft subby reader jealous stroking bucky
CEO Bucky x Jealous Secretary reader - slutty thot - making dom Bucky a needy slut for you.
Imagine being the soft, quiet little secretary of the very handsome James Barnes. What started off as a professional relationship quickly turned into something else once the sun had set and everyone left the office. No one know about the way he love the toy with your body to his liking, about how well you responded to him once the doors were locked.
James Barnes who had to stuff his tie in your mouth to keep your moans quiet, shoving his fingers deep down your throat while he railed you with his cock. His warm tongue would lick up your tears while you milked him dry with your needy, tight cunt. No one would ever guess such a shy little quiet thing would be a cockdrunk bunny on the inside, practically humping yourself on his thigh once his meetings were over, drooling and nursing off his cock under his desk when he was on calls.
You took another long sip from your drink, watching a red head trace a long, sharp manicured nail up Bucky's chest, giving him a flirty smile which he smirked back to. She was a prospective investor, one of the few people on the VIP list in attendance for the yearly company gala. Bucky threw her a charming laugh, clinking his glass with hers to something she said, the red head now resting her hand higher, stroking the expensive fabric of his suit.
This was the James Barnes who would pick you up from your desk and throw you over his shoulder when things didn't go his way, fucking his frustrations out with his hand slapped over your mouth, jaw clenched with his heavy balls slapping your clit with each thrust. James Barnes who would fill you up with so much cum, it would drip and make a mess on your skirt, making it impossible to stand up once he plopped you back onto your chair. James Barnes who loves what a secret little slut his secretary is. Such a quiet, sweet kitten who was too innocent for her own good.
The very James Barnes everyone wants and he damn well knows it.
And loves it.
So here he was, biting his lip and cocking his brow suggestively while the woman stood tall with poise, leaning over to whisper in his ear, making your cheeks grow hotter with each passing minute. You weren't aware making business deals with new partners involved wanting to eye fuck them in the process.
You downed another glass of bitter liquid, no longer able to ignore the surges of jealously that pulsed through you. You had no business being jealous or possessive but you couldn't help it, seeing him pull the same charm he used with you, even if the context was different. You missed the way his eyes glanced over to you each time you looked away; he grinned on the inside with the soft flare of your nostrils and the clench of your jaw.
The last straw for you was when he whispered something in her ear, her eyes growing wide in response, a crimson flush covering her face.
"Sir" You strode over, rolling your shoulders back, ignoring the woman, only keeping your eyes on him, "There's a call for you in the office, its urgent"
It was clearly a lie, he knew it, as did you but you didn't care. Bucky smirked at you, cocking his head to the side curiously while you continued to stare at him, waiting for him to follow you. The woman coughed, hoping to break the tension between you both, unamused at the way Bucky's attention was completely on you.
"Aren't you the secretary, shouldn't you cover the calls-
You didn't bother letting her finish, slipping your hand into Bucky's and pulling him away towards the large elevators, the brunette letting you take him wherever you so well pleased, curious about what you'd do. You were just a soft little bunny.
"What is it kitten" Bucky smirked at the scowl that tugged your lips.
"I didn't know your business ventures required flirting with new partners" you kept your voice steady, fighting against the alcohol that was coursing through your body.
"Are you jealous" he smirked, letting you drag him away from the crowd, shoving him into the elevator.
"What's there to be jealous of" you shot back, the fire in your belly growing stronger the more he taunted you. Bucky's cock grew harder and the change of your demeanor, your possessiveness making his tip weep.
"No need to be angry bunny, look at you acting so needy" Bucky tsked while the elevator doors opened to the top floor. The grip you had on his hand tightened as you both went into his large office which overlooked New York. You clicked, while he leaned against the doors with a cocky smile, arms crossed against his chest. His cockiness took a hit when you glanced down at the way his length strained against the fabric of his pants, just as needy as you were, if not more.
"You were acting like a whore, sir" You shrugged while letting your finger trace over the outline of his erection, pressing where the tip leaked through his slacks.
"Don't tease m-
"Please" You caught him off guard, grabbing his tie and tightening it around his neck just enough to make his breaths heavier, "Now tell me what you want"
"Play with my cock" Bucky swallowed thickly, his control slipping when you unbuckled his pants, his cock springing free, begging to be touched. You took a step back, humming at the sight of him; not a single wrinkle on his pristine suit, not a hair out of place, his beard trimmed, lustful eyes boring back at you. He looked so pretty with his cock out, waiting for you to do something, his dominant side faltering in confusion.
"Why don't you ask her to play with it, sir" you cocked your head to the side like he did, waiting for him to answer, his cheeks flushing. "Hm?"
"Want you to play with it" His voice was a whisper pushing his hips forward, showing you exactly where he needed you.
"You want me to play with your cock baby, it that it?" You cooed, tapping the tip with your index finger and pulling away slowly, letting the string of precum stretch before popping your finger into your mouth. "You're so wet" You hummed at his taste, stating the words he'd always throw at you before tracing circles onto his sensitive head again, smearing his arousal around without actually stroking him.
"Fuck" Bucky hissed, nearly slumping again the door while you teased him, biting back the moans that were lodged in the back of his throat. You wrapped your hand around his thick length without actually moving, squeezing the base of his cock.
"What is it kitten" you sneered, mimicking his words from earlier, smirking at the way his cock throbbed in your hand in response. "Look at you" you whispered, "Oh sweet boy" You cooed again, this time moving your hand to cup his full, heavy balls, rolling them in your palm, "They've so heavy, does it hurt?"
"Hurts so bad" He moaned when you tugged them and squeezed them while nipping his neck. You lazily wrapped around his length again, giving him long languid strokes, watching his face twist with desperation for more. Bucky felt like a teenage boy, thrusting into your hand, struggling not to blow while you continued to jerk his cock, his hips rolling to fuck your fist. He felt like he'd never been touched before, this being the first time someone had ever taken control over him and it was something else, especially when it was you.
"Mmmph" He whined, confused and aroused at the same time, desperate for more of your delicious torture, his dom side slipping even more. He tried to regain his bearings, standing straight up again, sucking in a breath, "So jealous-
"So desperate" You tutted, smacking his cheek for opening his mouth while rubbing and stroking his shaft, ignoring his tip completely.
"C'mon bunny, touch me" He was breathless, chasing your hand each time he got close to getting the tip into your palm, groaning when you moved away.
"I am touching you, aren't' I?"
God, he loved you like this.
"The tip- please, need you there, c'mon, please"
A wicked idea sparked in your mind, pulling him by his tie to stand in front of the floor to ceiling high windows that overlooked the city. The same windows he'd fucked you against countless of times, letting the world see you fall apart. Now it was your turn.
Bucky could feel his heart hammer against his chest standing in front of the window, the city twinkling below him while you stood behind him, your hand coming around his waist to grasp his cock. Bucky's hands flew to the window, splayed wide to hold himself up, fucking his cock into your hand, hardly in control of his movements.
He pulled back enough so the head of his cock would rub against your palm before pushing forward again, chasing his orgasm, unable to take his eyes off the way his fat cock slipped in and out of you smaller hand.
"S'good to me bunny, need you ta' squeeze my cock harder, c'mon, need you bunny, I need you" He practically whimpered for you, balling his hands into fists when you complied with a hum, moving your hand with his movement, adding more pressure, feeling his cock grow harder.
"Gonn'a c-cum" Bucky stuttered out while you kissed his neck, letting him continue to fuck your hand, his tip nearly touching the cool glass with how fast he was moving. "Oh God-"
"Such a pretty, fat cock, you're making a mess baby, are you gonna cum in front of everyone and show everyone who you really belong to?" You whispered, only getting a slutty, guttural moan back in response. "Go a head baby, make yourself cum, show everyone you're mine"
"OH FUCKKKK" Your words tossed him over the edge, a pornographic moan slipped past his pink lips as he started to paint the windows with thick spurts of his cum. His body trembled, shivers running down his spine as his balls seized against his body, still feeling full as ever.
"Oh god, I can't stop" Bucky wrapped his hand on top of yours, jerking himself off faster, working up to a second orgasm, angling his hips to shoot at the window again, his head thrown back, nearly falling onto his knees. "C'mon, make me cum again, pleaseplease-
You pushed him back onto his large chair, pulling your dress up and panties to the side, impaling yourself onto his overstimulated cock, crying out when he gripped your hips and started to thrust up, not giving you any control. You clung onto him while he drilled up into you, dribbles of cum still pouring from the tip.
"You're mine sir, mine"
"M'all yours bunny, all fuckin' yours, use me, oh fuck, use me" You grasped onto his shoulders, riding him till tears streaked his face, taking everything you gave him while you pulled a third orgasm from him. And a fourth.
"I-I can't cum anymore, please, cock hurts bunny, I can't-
He was begging but he didn't want you to stop, his hips continuing to thrust up while he slammed your ass down on him sloppily, eyes rolled back while chasing your peaked nipples. He pulled you forward so he could suckle onto them while
"Your cock hurts baby boy?" you stroked his cheek, the new term of endearment making him hard all over again, a sob escaping him.
"It hurts so much, make it go away, m'still so hard, why's your pussy so good bunny"
"One more baby boy?"
"O-one more bunny"
By the end of the night, he was milked dry, holding onto you while you were tucked into his chest, his soft cock still buried deep in your pussy. His neck was littered with dark bruises you marked him with, trailing down to his chest. He cuddled you for a few more minutes before you both had to make your way back down, his hand not leaving yours.
"How was the call - oh-" the red head's eyes grew wide seeing the red and purple hues that peaked under Bucky's collar a proud smirk on his face while he put his arm around your waist.
"It went well. Closed a new deal, if you must know" He stated before pressing a kiss onto your cheek, grinning at the way you melted into him, his soft little bunny.
sorry, this was longer than i intended.
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AJSHASGSH I loved your works!
Could you maybe do a Bucky fic where he fucks y/n over his desk like 15mins before a meeting😵‍💫
I Only Need 5
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Pairing || CEO!Bucky x Wife!Reader
Summary || Bucky: “15 minutes? Oh, baby, I can make you come and scream on my cock in 5….”
Word Count || 1281
Contents & Warnings || Smut — NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, explicit content/language, pet names, unprotected vaginal sex, creampie, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note || I’m really sorry if it’s not the best and sorry for responding so late. I got a sudden inspiration to write this during a 4 hour boring lecture. I hope you still like it! It is hot :P And thank you for the kind words <3
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
CEO!Bucky Masterlist
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After a long workday at the office, your husband had come home—kissing your cheek and wrapping his arms around you from behind—finding his place where he belonged.
You felt him instantly relax with his grasp around you and his face nuzzled in your neck—finding his comfort there. The stress of the day washed away slowly as he basked in the lovely presence of his wife.
“God, I’ve missed you so much,” he mumbled against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
You hummed lovingly as you placed your arms on top of his. “I missed you too. I’m glad you’re home, baby. I was about to make some dinner,” a display of ingredients laid out on the kitchen counter as you were deciding what to make, “is there anything particular you fancy?”
“How did I get so lucky?” He mumbled as he peppered loving kisses across your tender skin, making you purr in approval. His arms tightened around you in an affectionate grip. “How did I get so lucky in coming home to the most beautiful wife in the prettiest dress? And the promise of a warm and delicious meal?”
Your peaceful and quiet moment was interrupted by his phone ringing. Bucky groaned in annoyance as he released his hold on you, while you whined in protest.
“I’m sorry, honey, I need to take this,” he sighed as he walked away, leaving you alone and with no answer on what he wanted to eat.
About 5 minutes later, he had not returned, so you went on a search to find him.
He was in his office, of course, and you peeked into the room to see him pacing back and forth while still talking on the phone. He looked a bit frustrated, annoyed, as he ran his hands through his short hair. His face appeared cold and harsh as he spoke.
You hated seeing him like this. But you knew of a perfect way to possibly cheer him up. Make him feel better. Dinner could wait.
Softly, you knocked on the door in case he didn’t want interruptions. Once he saw it was you, a smile displayed on his face as he waved you in.
“… yeah… yeah… Ok, let’s have a meeting then if that’s necessary… alright, we’ll talk soon… bye.”
Once he was done, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brushed his skin with your thumbs. He sighed in relief as he placed his hands on your hips and leaned his forehead on yours, closing his eyes.
“What’s wrong?” You murmured.
“An emergency meeting. We need to review some last-minute information for our newest contract.”
“In 15 minutes. Over the phone.”
You frowned at hearing the defeat in his tone. He was tired. He had a long day. All he wanted was a warm meal and then to spend the rest of the evening cuddling with you.
“I may have an idea to cheer you up. If you’re up for it?”
“What do you have in mind?” He raised his eyebrow while a smirk tugged on his lips.
You brushed his ear with your lips as you spoke filthy and tempting words and promises.
He groaned in approval and gripped your hips tighter as you reached the pinnacle of your seduction.
“15 minutes? Oh, baby, I can make you come and scream on my cock in 5.”
You squealed in excitement as he turned you around and bent you over the desk. He leaned over as he left open-mouth kisses on your neck and shoulders, making a flow of shivers run down your entire body. His clothed cock pressed up against your ass as he grinded his hips into yours, making you whine at feeling his hardness.
A soft moan was muffled against your mouth as you gripped the back of his neck and turned your face to kiss him passionately. Your tongues brushed and caressed through the messy kiss.
“Fuck,” you mewled against him as his fingers found your covered folds, stroking and playing with your aching clit through the damp material.
“So wet for me, baby.” He groaned as he nipped your bottom lip. “Good girl. Fuck, I can’t wait to bury myself in your tight and warm pussy.”
He hiked your dress up and pulled your panties down to your knees. He fumbled with his belt to get his pants off, pulling them down just enough for his cock to spring free.
You moaned as his bulbous head nudged your opening, covering himself in your slickness as he teased.
“Put it in, baby,” you pleaded in an exhale against his parted lips as you dug your nails into the skin of his neck.
With a rumbling groan, he pushed through the barrier of your tightness with his thick girth, making you shut your eyes and gasp at the stretch.
“God, you're so tight,” he moaned as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. “Fuck.” He cupped your neck and turned your face to his again. Making you gaze into his lust-filled eyes.
Once he was nestled deep, making you feel the entity of him against your velvet walls, you both let out a sigh of satisfaction at being connected in the most explicit way.
He pulled out slowly and then rammed inside of you again, making you jerk forward on the desk with a gasp of surprise.
He was quick to fuck you in long and deep strokes, not holding back, brushing his swollen head against your sweet spot with each thrust, making electricity flow through your nerve endings. The sound of his hips slapping against your backside and your ragged breaths was the only music playing in the room.
You pulled him down to your lips and kissed him hurriedly—messy and erotic, spit and tongue, as you kissed till you were breathless. The sounds of pleasure were muffled against each other.
Your eyes rolled back, and you gasped against his open mouth as his fingers found your clit again, stimulating the deprived nerve in tantalizing circles.
With the way his cock penetrated your tight walls to perfection, the tip of him plunging against your sweet spot, and now his fingers on your needy nub, you were about to fall over the edge any second due to the overstimulated pleasure.
Bucky’s promise was not far off. He would indeed have you coming and screaming on his cock in record time.
“Come for me, baby. Let go. Let me feel you.”
You dug your nails into the back of his neck as the tightness in the pit of your stomach reached its pinnacle. You cried his name and a series of curses as you came hard. Convulsing against the desk as you released all of the pleasure throughout your body.
As your fluttering walls squeezed his twitching length, he buried himself deep inside and snapped quick strokes into your quivering pussy. His balls tightened, and he emptied himself into you with guttural moans and groans.
With messy thrusts, he moved against you till you both were thoroughly satisfied.
You collapsed into the desk. The cool wood was soothing against your warm cheek. Bucky left a series of kisses on your clammy neck as you both calmed down.
“Fuck, that was so good, babydoll. Thank you.”
You hummed a giggle. “You never told me what you wanted for dinner, honey.”
“Dinner? How about you display that pretty pussy on the table and let me eat you instead after the meeting? You are the only meal I ever need to taste,” he groaned in your ear, making your walls flutter around him again in anticipation of having his tongue on you soon.
“Dinner coming right up.”
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
Follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
Follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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swaqcenix · 1 year
༻Hidden Desire | N.Romanoff ༺
Natasha!ceo x fem!employee reader
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Parings: ceo!natasha romanoff x fem!employee, older!natasha x younger!reader (legal age gap) sort of sugar mommy!natasha x reader, dom! natasha x sub!reader
Summary: Travelling on trains can always be nerve wrecking, especially if it's to ensure your career path by starting your new job. The woman who sits next to you has you squirming in your seat, flirting endlessly out of nowhere. The trouble is, the world didn't insinuate that woman would be your so called new boss..
Warnings: 18+, smut (warnings will be added via those chapters), angst, fluff, self-hatred, power play, legal age gap, employee x boss trope, slight manipulation, slightly dark!natasha if you squint
AN: I'm having a blast writing this and I hope you're all going to enjoy it as much as I am writing it! <3
⇾ chapter 1: Diesel is Desire
⇾ chapter 2: Wine-stained dresses
⇾ chapter 3: Office hours
⇾ chapter 4: Tossing out blame
⇾ chapter 5: Bitter burning love
⇾ chapter 6: Touches of ignition
⇾ chapter 7: Permanent marked skin
⇾ chapter 8: Moonlight hours
⇾ chapter 9: Mirrorball
⇾ chapter 10: Polaroid of us
⇾ chapter 11: Reckless and treacherous
⇾ chapter 12: Foggy haze
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The Malicious Daughter is Back! - 8
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
The Malicious Daughter Is Back! Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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Everyone's eyes were on you, likely thinking you didn’t exist. The Celestial Enterprise knew the proper miss and acknowledged by your father, the CEO, as Victoria.
This time was different. They were more invested because of the person walking beside you, Bucky Barnes.
You were nervous, for sure, but Bucky was calming you down. He said, “Calm down, I can hear your teeth chattering.”
“I’m not,” you replied. Was it that obvious? You pinched your thigh to clear your mind with the pain.
Bucky chuckled. It was true your teeth didn’t make a sound, but he could feel your fear, so he tried to bring back your fierce character. “Look at all these people. After tonight, they will remember who you truly are.”
Yes. He was right. Before, you could only dream of this, never taking a step because you knew the bridge would be destroyed by your stepmom first.
But this time was different because you could cross the bridge with Bucky's help.
What kind of luck did you have to have Bucky supporting you?
Flashback Start
After remembering everything, Bucky felt a surge of anger at the people who had kidnapped him. But now, that anger was replaced by gratitude as he recalled how he was saved. It was you and your grandma.
It must be God’s work that brought you and him together again. Bucky knew he had to repay the kindness he received from you both.
He went to his parents' house early in the morning. His parents were already up, enjoying a short walk. His dad was sipping coffee and eating toast while his mom was reading the newspaper.
“Son? What are—?” Juliana began, looking up from her newspaper.
“I remembered,” Bucky interrupted, his voice steady.
Bucky’s dad, Rowan, curious but skeptical, remarked, “You forgot something?”
“Shush,” Juliana said, flicking her husband’s hand lightly. She quickly understood what Bucky meant. “Everything?” she asked, her eyes wide with concern and hope.
Bucky sat down to join his parents, taking a deep breath. “Including the person who saved me,” he said, his voice filled with mixed emotions.
His confession took his parents by surprise. The time when Bucky was kidnapped was the darkest day of their lives, like a living hell. It was then that they realized money could bring security and danger. Their only son had become a hostage.
He was kidnapped for two weeks. It was a miracle when the police from an outlying city called to say they had found him. Actually, it was a woman and her granddaughter who discovered Bucky. It was nothing short of a miracle.
Juliana and Rowan wanted to thank the people who had saved their son, but when they tried to get more information, the police said no one was in the cabin anymore.
At that time, there was no social media or viral news. They wanted to keep searching, but they stopped because of Bucky's trauma. He had lost all memories of his kidnappers and the people who saved him.
Although they stopped searching, the Barnes family never stopped being grateful and wishing the best for the people who saved Bucky.
“Could you describe the people who saved you?” Rowan asked, leaning forward with interest.
“Even better. I met them,” Bucky replied, a faint smile tugging at his lips.
His parents were even more shocked. Juliana’s hand flew to her mouth in surprise while Bucky’s dad sat back, stunned.
“We have to meet them. As Barnes, we never forget the people who helped us,” Rowan declared, his voice filled with determination.
Bucky nodded, a serious expression on his face. “Before you meet them, I need your help.”
His parents listened intently, their faces a mix of curiosity and readiness.
Juliana reached out, touching Bucky’s arm gently. “Whatever you need, son.”
The luxurious car parked in the school parking lot, drawing curious glances from students. Bucky stepped out, straightening his jacket, and made his way toward the school entrance. It had been a few days since he last saw you, and he was eager to catch up.
As he approached, he heard loud cheers and shouts from the male students, echoing through the windows. The lively and raucous atmosphere was a stark contrast to the quiet, private school he had attended. Intrigued, he followed the noise and found himself at the field track.
He initially thought it was a running exam, but quickly realized it was something different. A group of students was running, chased by someone wielding a baseball bat.
It was you.
You had taken off the cast from your left arm, and as you ran, you swung the bat with determined precision. The sight made the students you were chasing scatter in fear.
"I'm sorry!" Jimmy, one of the students, yelled as he ran.
"Destroying school property with graffiti is a big no, Jimmy," you called back, your voice steady as you gained on him.
Jimmy, looking over his shoulder in terror, suddenly spotted Bucky standing ahead. He remembered this rich man from his previous visit to the school.
"Bro! Help me out a bit," Jimmy pleaded, darting behind Bucky in desperation, using him as a human shield.
Bucky raised an eyebrow, glancing back at Jimmy with mild amusement. He turned his gaze to you, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
You stopped when you saw Bucky, your bloodlust evaporating.
"Oh, hi! What are you doing here?" you asked, catching your breath after the chase.
Bucky, looking out of place compared to you, covered in sweat and still holding the bat, smiled. "What lessons are you teaching right now?"
"Attitude," you replied, pointing the bat at Jimmy, cstill hiding behind Bucky. "This lad behind you wants to be Jackson Pollock. He painted the school's clean wall with graffiti."
Bucky glanced at Jimmy and then back at you. "He did wrong. It must be a hassle to clean it."
"Damn right. The principal will make me clean it," you grumbled.
"That's not fair. I will call a carpenter to paint the wall," Bucky said firmly.
"Really?" Both you and Jimmy asked at the same time, surprised.
Bucky nodded. "As payment, I need to steal you for the rest of the day."
"Yes, please. Bro, take her with you," Jimmy said eagerly, pushing Bucky closer to you.
Neither of you expected it, and you were ready to help Bucky if he panicked. Bucky had prepared himself too, but nothing happened, even though his heartbeat was racing.
"You're not...?" you began, your eyes searching his for any sign of distress.
Bucky grabbed your hand. "Let's go. I want you to meet someone."
"Wait," you protested, but Bucky was already leading you away.
Many students watched in astonishment as their fearless teacher held hands with Bucky. After a brief second, they erupted into cheers.
"Get it, teach! Get it!" "Woohoo! Love is in the air!"
You felt the back of your neck grow hot with embarrassment, but you couldn't help but notice that Bucky seemed different. His grip on your hand was firm and steady, his posture confident.
Bucky takes you to a luxurious hotel restaurant. The hotel manager welcomes you both warmly, guiding you through the elegant lobby. As you walk, you feel a bit out of place in your casual attire, a stark contrast to the opulence around you. It's been a long time since you've set foot in a five-star hotel.
The manager leads you to a private room and opens the door. Inside, two people are already seated at the dining table. You recognize the woman, and suddenly, it clicks—you're meeting Bucky's parents.
"Oh my god," you murmur under your breath, hastily brushing your hair back and fixing the collar of your shirt.
Juliana rises from her seat and approaches you with a warm smile, wrapping you in a hug. Your hands hover awkwardly in the air, unsure of how to respond. How could a wealthy lady like her be so friendly?
Meanwhile, Bucky's father, Rowan, the CEO of a major company, smiles at you with genuine warmth.
"Thank you for saving my son," Juliana says, her gratitude evident.
You blink, confusion written all over your face. "I... I don't understand."
Bucky clears his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "I haven't talked to her about that yet."
Juliana chuckles softly. "No wonder she looks clueless. Forgive my son. Please, take a seat."
You sit down, feeling all eyes on you. “What do you mean?”
“Do you remember years ago, you and your grandma found a boy?” Juliana asks gently.
You think about it for a moment. Your grandma? A boy? The memory is blurry, but you recall a boy that your grandma brought to the cabin.
"The next morning, the boy was gone, and we had to leave. It turned out my father had taken the rights to that small cabin too," you say, piecing it together.
“I was that boy,” Bucky reveals.
“You—? No, I don’t think so. Oh my god, it is you,” you gasp as the realization hits.
Cassandra pats your shoulder reassuringly. “That’s why we wanted to meet you. It’s such a small world.”
“Hahaha… yeah,” you laugh nervously, still processing the revelation.
Rowan leans in, his voice filled with gratitude. “We’re forever grateful to you. You and your grandma saved our son's life.”
You feel a rush of emotions. “It was my grandma who found him,” you say modestly.
Bucky nods. “And that’s why we will give Cassandra the best treatment.”
Your heart leaps at his words. This is such a great gift. “Thank you…” you say, holding back your tears.
Juliana offers you a tissue. “This is just the start, my dear. You deserve so much more.”
Bucky and his dad nod in agreement.
“There are two things that she wants: Velari and her childhood home,” Bucky states firmly.
Rowan and Juliana exchange a look of surprise. “That’s it? You only want to get back Velari and the house?” Rowan asks. Because they could give you so much more.
You clear your throat, gathering your thoughts. “To be honest, my knowledge of business isn’t that good. I only want to get back the business that my mom and grandma put their blood, sweat, and tears into. Looking at the design that both women created for Valerie, the root concept of Velari is gone. It has fallen into consumerism.”
Juliana nods in agreement. The old designs from Velari were classic and timeless. She’s too shy to tell you she’s wearing a Velari shirt, but she appreciates how you admit your limitations. You’re not greedy.
Juliana interjects, “What will your father say?”
“He’s only a father in name. He was never a father to me,” you reply, bitterness creeping into your voice.
The Barnes nod their heads, understanding the situation of your family. They know that your mother died of a heart attack after discovering her husband’s infidelity, and that your father prefers his second wife and younger daughter over you.
You look at their supportive expressions, feeling a mix of sadness and gratitude. It’s painful to realize that strangers are more willing to help you than your own blood relatives.
Juliana claps her hands together, breaking the somber mood. “That would be easy. You will get back what’s yours, dear.”
You feel a wave of relief wash over you. “Thank you.”
Flashback Ends
That brings both of you to the anniversary of Celestial Enterprise. With the support of the Barnes family, you are no longer scared.
Genevieve and Jonathan approach you both. Genevieve wears her one-million-dollar smile, polite yet the fakest smile you’ve ever seen. Inside, she wants to curse you with the most evil words she knows.
Victoria has resigned herself from the party. It was supposed to be her daughter standing beside Bucky, not you.
You smile at your so-called dad and Genevieve, especially her. Jonathan, who used to turn a blind eye, now sees you as worthy of his time.
Genevieve, who used to look at you as if you were beneath her, is now scared. You feel that karma is catching up with your stepmom and stepsister.
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 6 months
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Rich CEO Wanda, are you in need of a controversially young partner? Because I volunteer!!
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alotofpockets · 6 months
Spilled coffee | Natasha Romanoff
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Prompts: "Here, let me help." & "Take my jacket."
Warnings: Bad work environment, and a slightly suggestive ending.
A/n: A special thank you to @catasha for helping me with the direction of this fic 💗
Masterlist | Marvel masterlist | Words: 2.7k
Whoever made it so that you would be in charge of getting the staff coffee before the Monday morning meeting with the big bosses, was currently your worst enemy. The line at the coffee shop was long, and moving slowly. You were looking at your watch every five seconds, knowing that you were going to be screwed if you were late to the meeting. 
Finally it was your turn, “Hi, sorry, I have a big order.” The barista shrugs, “I’ll be here all day anyways, what can I get for you?” You read out all the orders from the note in your phone, and she starts working on them right away. You thank her and with five minutes on the clock, you exit the coffee shop, two trays filled with coffee cups in your hands. 
Out of nowhere someone's body runs into your side, it takes all of your focus to keep the coffees in your hand from spilling. You manage to successfully keep the eight cups upright without spilling a drop, however that couldn’t be said about the person that ran into you. Their coffee dripped from your shoulder down the sleeve of your blazer. The thickness of the blazer luckily prevents the hot liquid from touching your skin. 
You look up to apologize to the stranger. You hadn’t seen them coming, so it might have been your fault, despite the fact that you were the one covered in the spilled coffee. “Watch where you’re going.” He nearly shouts your way before rushing off, the now empty cup thrown on the floor. You shake your head at the angry stranger, as you look around for somewhere to place your trays. 
“Here, let me help.” The voice is coming from behind you. A woman approaches you with napkins in her hand, she must have seen what happened. She takes the trays from your hands, and gives you the napkins in exchange. “Thank you.” You smile at the stranger, her kindness a stark contrast to that of your previous stranger encounter. “Which direction are you headed in?” She asks as you throw away the napkins, and the empty cup that the man had dropped, into a nearby trash can. “The offices in that direction.” You point in the direction of your office building. “Oh, me too. Can I walk with you?” The woman intrigued you, so you told her, “Yes, of course, I am kind of in a rush though.” She smiles and hands you back only one of the trays, carrying the other one for you. “All good, we can talk on the way.” 
The walk was short, you hoped to spend more time with the beautiful stranger, but you also knew that if you were going to be any later than you already were, you would most likely get fired. You arrive in front of your office building, seeing your reflection in the glass makes you sigh loudly, “My boss is going to actually kill me.” Without a second thought the woman places down the tray she was holding on the steps to the building. “Take my jacket.” She was already taking off the jacket before you could decline her offer. Just as you put on her jacket, you’re buzzed into the building. “I’m sorry, I have to head in right away. Thank you so much, and it was really nice to meet you…” - “Natasha.” She fills in. “Y/n.” You say with a smile before rushing in with the two trays of coffee. 
You rush up the stairs, careful not to spill the coffee, as you quickly make your way to the meeting room. The meeting had already started when you walked in. All eyes were on you, “I’m sorry there was a long line.” Your boss sends you a stern look, “Don’t let this happen again.” You nod, and take your place amongst your coworkers. 
It wasn’t until your lunch break, that you realized you had no way to give Natasha back her jacket. Besides knowing her first name, and that she worked in the same general direction, you didn’t know much about her. You sit down at your desk for the first time this morning, opening up your laptop to start working on one of the cases you were assisting on. 
When you felt like you had gotten a lot of work done, you decided to take a short break, stretch your legs and get a snack. You pocket your wallet and phone, and decide to take a small stroll around the building. The weather was nice out, so it was nice that you were able to take a moment to enjoy it. At the small corner store down the block, you head in and grab a few snacks. As you take out your wallet something falls out of your pocket, you reach down to grab it realizing it’s a business card holder. You pocket it quickly so you can pay, and not hold up the line. 
Once you’re outside, you take the business card holder out of the pockets again, hoping that it would maybe give you a clue as to where to find Natasha. The case was engraved with the letters NR, you open the case and pull out one of the cards. You freeze when you read the card.
Natasha RomanoffCEO, Romanoff Resolute Law
The woman that helped you was the CEO of one of the biggest competitors of the law firm you work at. She had walked you to your office, so she definitely knew you worked for the competitor as well. So, you decide to call the number at the bottom of the card nonetheless. 
“Romanoff Resolute Law, this is Laura speaking, how may I help you today?” You pocket the business cards again, and continue your walk back to your office. “Hi Laura, I’m y/n, is there any way you can transfer me to Natasha? I have some items that I need to return to her.” Laura asks to put you on hold for one moment. You’re almost back at your office when she gets back to you. “Thank you for holding, I’m transferring you now. Have a good day.” You thank her and wish her a good day as well. “Hi y/n, glad to hear that your boss hasn’t killed you.” Natasha jokes on the other side of the phone. You laugh, “Yeah, you’re a total lifesaver, thank you. So, since I was in such a rush this morning, I totally forgot to ask for a way to return your jacket. Luckily I found your business cards in your jacket pocket. So, yeah, I was wondering how I could give you your jacket back.” Natasha smiles at the idea of your face when you saw where she worked. “Well, I’m really glad you found a way to contact me. Would you be down for dinner tonight?” Your heart started beating faster at the thought of having dinner with the beautiful woman. “I don’t usually go out for dinner with the competition but I guess I could make an exception for you.” You joke back with her. “Great, well let me give you my personal number so you can text me when you’re done, and I will pick you up at your office.” 
When you were nearing the end of your workday, you were excited to meet up with Natasha. The woman intrigued you, and no matter if this dinner was just a dinner or a date, you knew that you wanted to get to know her better. You were about to text her when someone knocked on your door, “I need you to go over this case, and have it on my desk by tomorrow morning at 9am, with your notes, and possible strategies to take.” You grunt when your boss is out of the door again before you can even object. Not that objecting would help, you had tried many times, saying that it was unreasonable to let you stay late to do the work. 
Y/n: Hey Natasha, I have to stay later to finish up some work. Maybe we can reschedule? 
Natasha: Hi, not a problem at all, I still have some work to do as well. Text me when you’re done and we can see if we can still grab a bite then?
Y/n: Sounds good, I’ll let you know.
An hour and a half later, you have finally finished all the notes on the case and had two different strategies prepared. You shoot Natasha a quick text to see if she’s still down, and you get an answer almost immediately, telling you that she will meet you in front of your office in ten minutes.
“I know a great place around the corner, want to go there?” She asks after you have greeted each other. “Honestly, I’m starving, so I’m down for anything.” Natasha guides you to the restaurant, it wasn’t anything like you were expecting in this part of town, but you loved it. The restaurant had a homey, and warm feeling. One of the waitresses heads in your direction, “Hey Natasha, it’s good to have you back. Table for two tonight?” Natasha smiles in her direction, “Yes please.” The woman leads you to a table near the window and hands you both a menu. “Thank you, Morgan.”
“So, on a first name basis with the staff, that’s impressive.” You start the conversation back up. “Yeah, I’ve spent quite some long nights at the office here for a quick bite. They have the best food around, in my opinion.” She points out her favorite menu items, and you decide to go for one of them. The two of you order, and fall into conversation easily.
Natasha is the first to ask you about your work. “So, what kind of work do you do for the firm?” You set your glass back down before you answer. “I’m an associate attorney.” Her brows furrow, “What is an associate attorney doing getting coffee for the office?” You shrug, “The secretary quit a week ago, and they haven’t found a replacement yet. Somehow I was assigned to pick up those tasks.” Natasha shakes her head, “That’s horrible, you have your own work to do. They can’t expect you to pick up the secretaries' work as well.” It was nice to finally hear someone being on your side. “Yeah, I’ve been telling them that too but they just won’t listen. Honestly, I get so frustrated by them. I’m working my ass off, even performing tasks outside of my job description, and still I’m the only one not getting promoted.” Natasha listens to you rant about your frustrations, having started out in smaller first herself, she recognized the behavior you were talking about all too well. “Come work for me.”
You freeze at her words. “What?” Maybe you hadn’t heard her correctly. “I mean it, you deserve a better work environment. I’ve been where you’re at, sexist bosses, and all. I believe that I have created a better environment over the years, and we’re always looking for passionate and hard working people. Come work for me.” You cannot believe that she is actually offering you a job right now. “You’re actually being serious?” You ask, still a bit weary. “I am. I would hire you on the spot but I don’t have the right paperwork with me.” She sends you a cheeky smile. You laugh, “I cannot believe a spilled coffee led to a job offer at one of the top law firms in the city.” 
“You’re interested then?” Natasha asks after thanking Morgan for bringing out the food. “Yes, yes I am.” You confirm. “I know today has been a long day but if you want I can give you a tour of the office, see if you’d actually like it, and talk about what we can offer if you decide to sign.” You agree to the offer. But first you enjoy the delicious food, and get to know Natasha better. 
At Romanoff Resolute Law Natasha shows you around the office space, while she tells you a bit about the people that work there. You can instantly tell that she knows these employees as people, and not just as people that work for her, and it gives you a good feeling. “So, that’s it.” She says as the two of you enter her office once more. “Great, so where do I sign.” Natasha laughs, “Don’t you want to hear about salary, and benefits before you sign?” She jokes back. Natasha told you that she could offer you a position as an associate attorney for the time being, with a higher income that you were currently getting, just to get to know the company a bit more, and that if things went well you would be promoted to senior associate attorney in no time. She had listed all the benefits, and honestly it was an offer that you simply couldn’t refuse, even if you were wanting too, which wasn’t the case. 
“There’s one more thing.” Natasha says, once she has written down everything you had just discussed. “I hope that you coming to work for me, doesn’t mean that I can’t ask you on a second date because I would really like to take you on a second date.” You smile at the way she has worded her sentence. “I would really like a second date as well.” 
Four months later, you are thoroughly enjoying working for Romanoff Resolute Law, the work environment was great. Everyone looked out for one another, and you all worked together to get extra work done instead of piling it on the desk of one person. Things with Natasha had been going good as well, after a couple of dates she had asked you to be her girlfriend. Your work environment was so great, that the rest of the employees were simply happy for the both of you. None of the employees assumed you were going to get better treatment since you were in a relationship with your boss, which showed how good of a boss Natasha was to all of them, giving her employees the confidence that they were always treated fairly. 
Laura walked up to your desk, “Natasha wants to see you in her office once you have a moment.” You smile and thank her for letting you know. A little over five minutes later you knock on Natasha’s door. “Y/n, hi, come in.” She smiles and points at one of the chairs for you to take a seat in. You and Natasha had always kept a professional relationship on the workfloor, both agreeing that that was the healthiest way for both your relationship and the company. “I know we’ve already spoken about it in private, but for legal reasons, I want to ask you in a professional setting as well. How are you enjoying your time here?” You tell her that you have loved working for the company, and about how you had found your love for the job again. Natasha listens to you with a smile on her face, so happy that she was able to provide you with a healthy working environment. 
“That’s very good to hear. I want to let you know that we are very happy with your work as well. You’ve shown great progress with the clients and your knowledge of the company, therefore I would like to officially offer you the senior associate attorney position.” Your jaw dropped, of course Natasha had mentioned that if things went well, the promotion would be a possibility, but you had not expected it to be so soon. “Thank you so much, you don’t know how much this means to me.” Natasha nods knowingly, “I’ll have Laura bring you the papers later today. Congratulations, y/n, I know you will continue to make me, and the company, very proud.” 
You stand up, feeling like you’re on cloud nine, you are finally able to accomplish your career goal of climbing up the corporate ladder. Before you open the door to leave Natasha’s office, she comes to stand by your side. “Let’s celebrate tonight, I want to show you just how proud I am of you.” She whispers into your ear, her voice low and lustfull. Her words leave you flustered, as she opens her office door to send you on your merry way. 
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