#anyway i really need to sleep goodnighttttt
recently learned that having some form of inanimate audience present does in fact help me work better
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jaspvid for the s o u l
michael: oak aye
Jasper: *first day working at the camp 😳😳* *vIbES near the entrance lmao*
Jasper: Totally!! Is the camp still the same as when we were younger?
David: yup! Obviously different kids, they can get crazy so be prepared!
Jasper: Oh jeez, okay.
The b u s: *i am alive*
David: ah! They're here, oh you're gonna love them Jas!
Max: *walks off the bus* who the hell is that?!
Nerris: yeah I've never seen him before! Hello sir I dont know!
David: well kids, this is your new counselor, Jasper!
Jasper: Hi kids-! I hope I can make your summer great!!
Neil: *😒😒*
Harrison: Oh cool! A new person to show my magic to!
Space kid: howdy do Jasper!
Max: okay just another person to make fun of!
-all the kids are in the mess haul now-
David: I told you to be prepared! Dont let max get to you, hes always like that
Jasper: he’s just a little, uh, insulting. kinda rude, I can handle it though! Don’t worry about it
David: alrighty!
-time skip bc I'm lazy-
David: *getting ready for sleep time* do do dooooo
Jasper: ughhh, I do not understand how you deal with those kids all day *😔*
David: I've gotten used to them, maxes words hurt sometimes but I'm fine with it. And you dont have to work here ya know, if it isnt fun for you
Jasper: I wanna work here because I miss being with you all the time, homeslice- I’ll get used to it eventually
David: awe that's sweet, but you can always tell me if you want to leave because this place can stress you out! Now you, should get some sleep mister
Jasper: *😳😳😳* ah yeah, you too homie *bed time bro*
David: goodnighttttt!
Jasper: goodnight-
Time: smellbert day time
The camp: i am going to burn down
-after they fix the camp bc I'm lazy and tired-
David: *collapses against a tree* now that, that was a workout
Jasper: *collapses nexts to mr tree* is that how it’s like everyday?
Neil: *a p p r o a c h e s*
David: yeah basically *jumps up* hello Neil!
Neil: Hey can I show you something I’ve been working on? *is neil*
David: ah yes of course! *grabs Jaspers hand and walks over*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
Neil: Okay, so, this is my science stuff, and this right here is a calculator
David: very...interesting! Right Jasper!
Jasper: I like the uh, bottles?
Neil: The test tubes?
David: *tries not to laugh*
Jasper: I mean- I guess? I don’t know, I never did science
Neil: Literally everyone knows what a test tube is-!
David: oh come on Neil cut him some slack, hes not all about science
Neil: david, literally everyone knows what a test tube is!
David: well Jasper isnt everyone! Keep up the good work! *walks back to the cabin*
Jasper: *taps david’s shoulder 😗✌️* hey hey hey, quick question
David: hm? *turns around* yeah Jasper?
Jasper: Can I talk to you alone for a hot sec
David: yeah of course! What's up buddy pal
Jasper: uh, so, since I was a kid i thought you were super cool-?
David: wow really?! Youre really.. what's the word you use..radical!
Jasper: Wow thanks! Anyway, I was thinking and like- I like you??
David: well duh, we're best friends!
Jasper: yeah, but, like-like you homie
David: *very red* oh gosh- i- um-
Jasper: *😳😳😳* uh- yeah-
David: a-are you sure? Out of a-all people?
Jasper: *nodnodnodnod*
David: well uh- lucky for you- *kisses his cheek😳😳😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳* oh dang-
David: *smiles at him*
Gwen: well that was lovely
Jasper: Wow gwen okay
David: oh h-hi Gwen..*v red*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
Gwen: I saw the whole thing, it was WAY better than trash tv
David: well is this good for your trash tv? *kisses Jasperteehee*
Jasper: *is a red*
Gwen: *:0* Oh damn!!
David: oh wait I actually did that-
Jasper: jesus- *lmao covers his face or some shit*
Gwen: 👏👏👏
David: okay uh toodaloo! Bye! *runs to the cabin*
Jasper: uh, i’m gonna go too-! *fOLLOW*
Max: they're so gonna makeout
David: *in the bathroom* WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME
Jasper: *kNocKs oN tHe dOoR* uhh, davey are you okay?
David: AH! oh Jasper, hello! Uh yes I am completely fine why would something be wrong what
Jasper: you ran away really fast, are you sure you’re okay-?
David: yes of course! *comes pit of the bathroom and is like face to face w/ jasper bc he was standing right outside of the door??*
Jasper: *😳👉👈* *s smooch*
David: *😳😳😳😳😳😳*
Jasper: i’m uh, sorry *😔👉👈*
David: nononono it's okay! *hug*
Jasper: *hug 😔👉👈*
David: hey, you okay? *ruffles his hair and laughs*
Jasper: *:) 👉👈* of course!
David: that's great! *smiles at him*
Jasper: we should uh, leave and see what the kiddos are up to *walks out backwards???*
David: okay! *kicks the door open* owie
Jasper: oh dang are you okay-
Nikki: What SPICY DRAMA happened??!
David: nikki what do you mean??
Nikki: Max said you were gonna make out!
David: nothing happened! *😳*
Jasper: *holds onto david’s arm or smth lmao oop*
Nikki: hmmmm
David: nikki nothing- uh- nothing happened!
Max: Likely story DAVID!
David: fine, what do you think happened?
Max: you two made out or some gross shit and then you came out like nothing happened!
David: well you are incorrect!
Jasper: very incorrect!
Nikki: Oh damn it!
David: well anyways, since it's getting to sunset now, its campfire time! *skips over to the benches*
Jasper: come on children!! *follow*
Children: kk *follow*
Max: jasper I seriously dont understand how youre in love with HIM
David: *making a fire*
Jasper: I mean, he’s really nice, Max- I’m sure you’ll feel the same way about someone eventually
Max: pft- yeah, no
David: *stands up* okay and we are ready for action!
Jasper: oh come ON max, stop being so heartless *walks over to the f i r e*
David: *sits down on a log and puts on his sweatshirt* (I LOVE DAVID WEARING A SWEATSHIRT)
Jasper: *sits next to d a v i d* oh dang, are you cold?
David: eh, it's just summer night air
Jasper: yeah but i wanted an excuse to do this *puts his arm around david 😳*
David: *goes wide eyed 😳😳*
Jasper: *forehead smooch 😳😳*
David: *hides in his sweatshirt😳* Jasper not in front of the campers!-
Jasper: Oh dang i’m so sorry *n not*
David: *rests his head on his shoulder* hmph
Jasper: oh no, am i in trouble now? *hug teehee*
David: *shakes his head no*
Jasper: cool cool cool *😘😘😘*
Gwen: *👀👀👀*
David: *sleep*
Gwen: I think you need to go tuck your boy in
Jasper: Righto, Gwen make sure nothing burns down *picks up mr tree mans and cArRiEs hIm To tHe CabIn wOwIe*
David: huh..oh hi jasperrrr
Jasper: hola *drops mr tree mans onto his bed lmao rekt* you fell asleep
David: oh sorry *laughs tiredly?? Is that a thing??*
Jasper: go to sleep, you sound tired *forehead smooch 😳😳*
David: *pulls him down to....hug him duh*
Jasper: oh dang- *hug hug hug*
David: what? I love youuuuu (he ain't gonna remember this-)
Jasper: *😳😳😳* shoot- i love you too homie *s sits on the bed or smth*
David: *sits up and hugs him* thank you for working here, now I get to see your adorable face everyday
Jasper: jeez- calm down- *😳😳😳*
David: I'm just saying! *smiles at him*
Jasper: *😌😌* okay go to sleep now- it’s late, homeslice
David: okay *kisses him* goodnight *:)*
Jasper: goodnight weirdo *escape*
David: *wakes up and sits up* best sleep I've ever had
Jasper: *uhh already out watching el children*
David: *gets dressed and walks outside* GOOOOOD MORNING JASPER
Jasper: hello hello, how did you sleep?
David: very good actually! I just dont remember anything from the camp fire
Jasper: oh great, you were hella tired last night man
Nikki: *f fire*
Jasper: *ahaha just vibes honestly lmao* righto children, who wants to go do something cool
Max: what do you consider cool
Jasper: dunno, what do YOU consider cool?
Max: I dont know that's why I'm asking you!
Space kid: how are babies made
Jasper: okay, we’re not going over that today- what if we uh, go to spooky island and find cool stuff
Nerris: david said we arent allowed over there!
David: I heard my name! Wassup
Jasper: we’re going to spooky island because i almost died there so we are allowed
David: *:0* ooooo adventures okay! Boat time! *walks to the boats*
Jasper: alrighty everyone get in groups of threes to go in the bOaTs and then don’t get lost
David: *gets in the boat in front of thy jasper* is Gwen coming?
Jasper: I don’t think so-
Space Kid: *is on their bOaT now because he asked how babies were made*
David: *starts paddling the boat* weeeeeeee
Jasper: *lmao also pAdDlInG*
Space Kid: David how are babies made?
David: uh well- *😳*
Space Kid: because neil told me that-
Jasper: okay okay okay let’s not talk about this today
Space kid: do you and jasper make babies?
David: NO *😳😳😳*
Jasper: *w heeze*
Space Kid: hmmmm, well do you want to make babies?
Jasper: *literally sobbing* this is COMEDY
Jasper: It’s so funny-!
David: uh-uh! Its embarrassing!
Space kid: you guys have definitely made babies
Jasper: *FIDNKSNSKSK* OH MY GOD *teeheehaw*
David: OKAY WOW LOOK WE'RE HERE *gets off the canoe*
Jasper: *escaped canoe* kk kids stay in your groups and find something cool
David: I guess space kid went with harrison and his group, so that's leave us alone *😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳* *👀👀* *smooch 😳*
David: *😳😳😳* *kiss:)*
Jasper: *:)))*
Jasper: *😳😳😳* Woah Davey chillax
Nikki: Everyone wanted to know!
David: well I think it's pretttttttty obvious that I am deeply in love with Jasper!
Jasper: 😳😳😳
Nikki: WOAHH!! Like my mom and Carl!!
Neil: nikki pleeeeeease dont bring that up
David: oh god-
Nikki: Why not! That was true love Neil!
Jasper: what even- who?
Neil: that was sex! Theres a difference Nikki!
David: their parents hooked up on parents day-
Jasper: *elbow nudge ;))* *LMAO WHEEZE JK JKING*
Nikki: There is no difference!
Neil: they only did it for pleasure!!
Jasper: I was joking homie!
Nikki: oh REALLY? how would you know!!
Neil: beacuseeeeee that's why people do it nikki!
David: okay....homeskillet!
Nikki: have YOU ever done it!!!
Jasper: oh jesus- we should stop that before something bad happens
Neil: NIKKI I AM 11
David: yeah-
Jasper: *picks up nikki or some poopoo* Nikki, just listen to Neil on this one
David: *giggles*
Nikki: this isn’t over NEIL
Jasper: okie dokie kids- Nikki you’re coming back with me because I don’t trust you with neil
Jasper: alrighty everyone we’re going back- david go back with neil
Nikki: *g rowels*
-when they get back-
David: *flops on to his bed* well that was a experience
Jasper: *s sits on david’s bed* oh god it sure was
David: *sits up and leans against the pillows* I haven't been that stressed in awhile-
Jasper: *😳😳👀* *smooch*
David: *smooch😳😳😳😳*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳smooch*
David: *hug* hiiiii
Jasper: *hug 😳😳😳* hello hello
Dsvid: not to be that weird person but you are way better at kissing then I thought you would be- *giggles*
Jasper: *😳😳😳😳*
David: okay soryyyyyyyyyyy
Jasper: you’re so dorky
Space Kid: *knocks on the councelor cabins door*
David: ugh can we ever be alone! *opens the door* oh space kid! Why are you up?
space kid: i had a nightmare that space wasn’t real can i stay with you :(
Jasper: ughhhhhh
David: yes of course! *picks up him* where do you wanna sleep?
Space kid: uhhh in space
David: let me rephrase it, where do you want to sleep in the cabin?
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kpopfanfictrash · 8 years
Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: BTS
Prompt: “Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
Rating: PG
Word Count: 502
Tumblr media
SUNDAY. 3:01 AM.
Jimin: hey
3:10 AM
Namjoon: … wtf, why are you up
Jimin: ok but why are you up?
Namjoon: I just finished producing, on my way back to the dorm now.
Jimin: same
Jimin: lol jk, Jungkook keeps getting up to pee and now I’m wide awake
Jungkook: u rang
Jimin: stop drinking so much tea before bed
3:15 AM
Jimin: anyways, I have a super urgent question
Jin: Will everyone please stop talking. I need at least six hours of sleep to look this flawless.
Namjoon: What happens if you only get five?
3:18 AM
Jin: *sends a picture of Yoongi*
Jimin: oh shit
Jungkook: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Namjoon: Jin.
Namjoon: Okay, who changed Taehyung’s name in the chat again?
Jungkook: who else
4:01 AM
Yoongi: Say your goodbyes, Jin. I’m coming for you.
Jin: Got to catch me first.
Namjoon: No one is catching anyone.
Jimin: especially not Yoongi, he’s too slow
Yoongi: …
4:06 AM
Jungkook: Namjoon, you might want to get in here. Yoongi is pounding on Jimin
Namjoon: why are you all like this
I Be Like TaeTae: PILLOW FIGHT?!?!
Namjoon: Taehyung, no.
Just Like TaeTae: TAEHYUNG, YES.
Jungkook: no but really tae is here and he – OK THAT’S IT
4:12 AM
Jimin: Hello, this is Yoongi. Jimin has left the chat.
Hoseok: guys. it. is. 4:12 AM.
Jimin: your point?
Hoseok: am I talking to Jimin or Yoongi?
Jimin: does it matter?
Hoseok: not really. I just want to know whose name to write on your tombstone
Jimin: … this is Jimin
4:19 AM
Jungkook: ok, Yoongi and Tae both left
Jimin: ouch
O-TAE: Jungkook hit me
4:30 AM
TAE-LE AS OLD AS TIME: isn’t anyone one else curious what Jimin’s question was?
4:31 AM
Jin: No
Namjoon: No
Hoseok: no
Jungkook: no
Jimin: … I hate you all
Jimin: except Yoongi, I guess
Yoongi: no
Jimin: okay I hate you all.
Hoseok: Fine. What is your question?
Jimin: should we be concerned that kookie hasn’t picked out an outfit yet. He just keeps winking whenever I ask what he’s wearing
DRINK TAE: don’t be silly, dogs don’t wear clothes!
Jungkook: what
Jin: What?
TAE FOR TWO:  OH, WHOOPs. Thought you said HOLLY
Jimin: no… kookie.
Namjoon: Jungkook. Stop freaking Jimin out and wear clothes
Jungkook: noted
Jin: Okay, is everyone wearing clothes?
4:40 AM
Yoongi: now I am
Hoseok: … what? were you just beating on Jimin na– you know what, I don’t want to know
Jimin: I don’t want to talk about it
Jin: Anyways. Does anyone have outstanding questions on clothes?
Jungkook: I’m good
Jin: then please. For the love of bangtan. LET. ME. SLEEP.
4:43 AM
Namjoon: ... GOODNIGHT JIN
Jungkook: night jin
Yoongi: sweet dreams seokjin
Jin: *Jin has left the chat*
[2,000 Followers Drabble Game]
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