#anyway i have unfortunately had sex with a man with a larger than average dick before and that shit hurt and barely even went in most times
sir4kitty · 1 year
Saw a post about men who don't prioritize or care about women's pleasure, and a man responded by saying if men don't care about a woman's pleasure, why do men take all these penis enlarging and enhancing pills and treatments?
The obsession with dick size that cis men have has absolutely nothing to do with women. They do not want bigger dicks to please women. I have seen so many men say they don't care about hurting a woman, or actively WANT to hurt a woman, during sex because feeling like their dick is big strokes their ego.
Men want big dicks to compete with other cis men and to get validation for their manliness and manhood.
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lynffles · 7 years
Actual smut didn't happen, unfortunately, but I'm giving myself a tiny pat on the back for successfully writing Kuroro's dirty imagination, anyway. Also on AO3.
There was a dildo on top of his pillow.
He had no idea how he missed it when he first entered the room, but then again, it was a black dildo, and he’d put on his favorite midnight blue bedsheets over the weekend. It—blended into the background, somewhat, at least until he decided to focus on it, and then he’d frozen in the act of setting his laptop bag down on his desk as his thoughts whirred with who and why and what the fuck.
Of course, this being a dormitory, the idea that someone he’d pissed off or humiliated in class might have broken into his room to drop off what was very clearly a juvenile taunt wasn’t that farfetched. He was slightly surprised that it hadn’t happened before now, actually, considering the number of drunken parties and depraved orgies that tended to crop up within the residential halls after hours, in spite of the best efforts of their resident assistants, but, still.
Someone had broken into his room, only to leave a sex toy on his bed. None of his belongings were missing, his books were all where he’d left them, the door had been—picked, most likely, since there was no visible damage that he’d noticed, so the dildo on his pillow was the purpose of the break-in. He just couldn’t tell if it was a simple prank, or an insult, or the most roundabout proposition he’d ever received—there was no packaging, no message, not a single identifying mark to help him track the culprit down.
And that was another thing: he had twelve suspects. Or rather, twelve people with possible motives and enough familiarity with him to dare pull something that could only turn very awkward very quickly if it had come from a complete stranger instead. And depending on which among the twelve it turned out to be, he was going to have pretend it never happened, or laugh it off and plot a fitting revenge for a later date, or run screaming for the hills.
Kuroro really hoped that it wouldn’t come down to the last one.
Actually, he didn’t want it to be anyone from the first group of suspects, either—the ones he was sure felt mostly affection for him, because, if there was more to it—if this turned out to be some kind of weird—confession, he would have to find a way to… refuse. Gently.
… No, it couldn’t be anyone from that first group. Coltopi and Shizuku wouldn’t prank him, he was almost one hundred percent certain; Coltopi was a sweet kid (and too short to effectively pick the locks on their dorms) and Shizuku was nearly asexual with her single-minded fixation on books. Franklin… wouldn’t take part in something so asinine. Nobunaga was too much of a prude—he’d probably spontaneously combust if he got within sighting distance of a sex toy. And Pakunoda had already come out to him—and even if she did find him physically attractive, she’d say it outright.
The same with Machi, who hated crude displays of interest and was notorious for terrorizing any man caught staring too long at Paku and Shizuku. And that left Bonorenolf… who was obsessed with developing a dance-based martial art for his graduate thesis and hadn’t been seen since he disappeared into the performing arts building three weeks ago.
And then there was Hisoka, who would have been his primary suspect, but he’d come to the conclusion that this was actually too subtle for the pervert. Hisoka would have stayed in the room, and he’d have thought the gift of the dildo incomplete without his presence in all its deviant glory.
So, it couldn’t be Hisoka.
Hopefully it’s not Hisoka, Kuroro thought as he gingerly wrapped his fingers around the sizeable… girth… of the toy… and… he frowned in bewilderment. It was actually a good quality dildo—not that he’d held many to really say, but—the soft silicone was far from the tacky plastic he’d been expecting, and it had the tantalizing give of an erect cock. The void-black color was alarming at first glance, but nothing he couldn’t get used to, and he could. Get used to it.
(It was veined.)
(And it was larger than average.)
Kuroro shuddered, fascinated horror and curiosity and warmth flaring low in his gut—because now that he’d all but dismissed any possibility of this being just an elaborate prank, it was all too easy to imagine slicking it up with the lube he kept in his bedside drawer, stretching himself open with his own fingers, slowly working the flared head in, or better yet—pushing it past pale, toned thighs, watching golden blond hair fan out over his sheets, drinking in the cries as he fed the toy in, inch by agonizingly sweet inch, and—fuck.
He was getting hard.
It couldn’t be the guys, no way they’d spend extra money to get him an actual serviceable dildo just to troll him when there were less convoluted ways to go about it. Shalnark was definitely too stingy, Uvogin wouldn’t start shit on his own, and if Phinx and Feitan wanted to screw with him for whatever reason, they’d do it where they could see and get a laugh out of, not break in and drop off something designed to slowly drive him mad with sexual frustration in the privacy of his dorm room.
“Hey, Franklin, just curious, but would you happen to know of any good sex shops nearby…”
“For the love of—Nobu, stop yelling, there’s nothing shameful about shopping in an adult toy store—”
“You recognize the—Feitan got it for you in gold? Wait, what, you and Fei—”
“Look, Shal—I know these websites get thousands of orders every day and it’d be impossible to track down a single purchase without a receipt, but couldn’t you, I dunno, triangulate based on merchandise specifications…? No?”
“—I’m gonna cut your dick off if you touch my ass one more time, you Pogo reject—”
“So, just confirming, you’re still into girls, right?”
“—wait, Machi, no, I swear I’m not trying to hit on you or Shizuku—”
“I heard something funny in the common room today.” Pairo flopped down at the bottom of his bed, leaned back on his arms, and waited for his cousin to acknowledge him—and Kurapika made a wordless, querying noise, but didn’t move from where he was squinting at his laptop screen. He was obviously busy with an assignment, but could be distracted depending on the extent of his personal investment in the rumor…
Pairo grinned.
“Kuroro Lucifer.”
His cousin’s reaction was immediate and obvious: Kurapika stilled, fingers stuttering to a stop on top of various keys, and Pairo was almost irresistibly reminded of a dog sitting up at attention in response to a whistle. “He has a secret admirer, apparently,” he continued. “He’s been trying to find out who it could be.”
Kurapika scoffed, and the stiff set of his shoulders relaxed somewhat. “He has girls trying to ask him out at least once every week. That’s nothing new.”
“He’s never shown interest before, though,” Pairo mused, unable to resist putting on a bit of theatrical puzzlement. “If I’m hearing things correctly, this person broke into his room and left a dildo on his bed. It’s brazen. And different enough from all the other confessions that he can’t resist wanting to figure out who did it.”
“… A confession? That’s how he’s seeing it?”
Kurapika’s voice sounded strange and tight, like rope forced into taut stillness by hands pulling in opposite directions. “It’s what I heard.” Pairo kept his own voice nonchalant, even as he began dropping his pretenses and openly stared at Kurapika so as not to miss a single tic—and the blond still had his back turned to the room, which, really, did nothing to assuage Pairo’s suspicions.
“It’s been days and none of his friends have owned up to it,” he added. “They couldn’t have held out that long, so it’s not a prank from any one of them.”
He got a noncommittal hum in reply, and the careful clicking of keys as Kurapika slowly resumed typing his stalled sentence from earlier. Pairo narrowed his eyes.
“Hey, aren’t you and Killua the only ones outside of Kuroro’s group who know how to pick these dorm locks?”
“Leorio, too,” Kurapika corrected, finally turning his head to look at Pairo over his shoulder. “I taught him in an afternoon—it’s not a difficult skill to learn.”
Pairo raised an eyebrow at that honestly pathetic attempt at deflection. Just for that, he was going to stop acting like he wasn’t here to confirm that Kurapika was the one who’d dropped off that dildo. “You signed off on an unmarked package last week. It looked exactly like one of those discreet deliveries you get from an online sex toy store.”
It would have been easy to deny, seriously; it wasn’t as if Pairo had started hurling accusations already, but, for all that Kurapika could poker face like the best of their most disillusioned, world-weary seniors, he never could make himself lie to his family. The blond folded like wet tissue paper, and Pairo watched with fond exasperation as Kurapika jerked his gaze back to his laptop, the blush rising up the back of his neck the most damning evidence of guilt he could have presented.
A garbled mumble; Pairo couldn’t hear very clearly, but there was maybe a belligerent “piss off” in there somewhere. “Does it matter?” Kurapika rallied after another moment, throwing his head up and mulishly kicking at the floor, pushing his swivel chair into a gentle rotation. “He’s not going to find out, anyway.”
“That’s not how confessions work,” Pairo chided.
“It’s not a confession!”
“What’s it supposed to be, then?”
“It’s a—you know—” Kurapika grasped at the air, hands making vague waving motions as if trying to form the shape of an abstract sculpture, “Fuck you for challenging my rationale in class last week Tuesday just because you didn’t agree with the predicate I used.”
“Uh huh.” Pairo’s drawl was now infinitely more amused than exasperated. He was trying not to be a dick about it, really, but his cousin was setting himself up to be a terribly easy mark for relentless teasing, and it would be remiss of him not to seize advantage. “So you’re not acting out on your repressed crush, then?”
Kurapika’s denial was gunfire-quick, voice rising into a near-yelp. “I do not have a crush on that asshole!”
“So you say,” Pairo soothed, as he held his empty palms up in a placating gesture. “It still looks like you have one, I mean, buying your academic rival a dildo because you lost an argument to him in class? A bit juvenile, if you ask me.”
“Pairo!” Kurapika gasped, the downturned twist of his lips dismayed and betrayed in equal measure. “You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“I am, I am!” He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped at seeing his cousin so flustered. A few seconds passed where he tried and failed to contain a shit-eating grin. “I’m trying to help you out here. As your brother in all but name and blood, it’s my duty to see you get laid before we graduate, and if you’re legit crushing on the man—”
“For the last time, it’s not a crush!”
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On a different note to 12x16, do you have any thoughts/meta on spn + virgin shaming? It's the one thing that I really, really despise about the show 😩
Yeah, it does bother me that it’s persistently an easy target. Also the 3 big moments I can think of? 3x12, 5x12 and 9x08? written by women. 3 separate women as well (Sera Gamble, Julie Seige, Jenny Klein - the last one of which had some really nasty stuff about women in general, like some implications about one of the larger women stealing food, or general cattiness among that church group…)
In a weird way, “Like a Virgin” by Adam Glass was the LEAST weird about virgins and written by a man, although one who always seemed aware that he should at least try not to be a dick about women, though I always thought it was kind of with mixed results with execution (e.g. I watched 8x18 today and I still think the guy in that group of kids is a grade A creep, and Josephine and Krissy are plenty dismissive of him and his behaviour in the start, but nothing is made of him going through Krissy’s phone for evidence of a boyfriend, there’s the whole teasing her that she liked kissing him while playing bait (and the fact they DID that) so Josephine telling him he’ll get nowhere with Krissy with bad pick up lines or whatever totally misses the point even while the writing seemed aware he was a creep and going about it all wrong, and of course at the end it’s that sort of assumption they’ll get together, and the warning Dean won’t kill him for Krissy she’ll do it herself, which is the sort of old school feminist victory in writing female characters, not the one these days that would actually seem progressive by addressing all the issues that make him a creep instead of handwaving it all with “yay girl power she can look after herself” - I mean she CAN but the writing doesn’t really do anything to admonish the guy being a creep or open up a good discussion on what to do about it, you know? Anyway. Massive diversion. Literally just watched that episode in the last few hours. Pet peeve about male writers in general typified there :P) - I mean same deal, with his virgin episode, that it still makes a big deal out of the women being virgins, I think that’s the one where Dean reads the girl’s diary talking about her “special gift” and so on… Also reminds me in 5x14 Edlund had the couple in the cold open where I think it was implied the girl was a virgin and had been saving herself for the right person, although in that case everything else was so fucked up I don’t think there was time to get too judgy about that, when she and her boyfriend ate each other :P
Anyway at least that episode they were just incidentally virgins and that had to be established somehow or other, but all things considered it didn’t get weird or police them or whatever.
In 3x11 I think the Nancy thing that bothered me the most was that after all her strength and generally not being presented SO badly in the main drama, that rooftop scene, she’s like “I’m having so much sex after this is all over” despite the fact it seemed like she’d had a huge religious experience with discovering demons existed, and she’d been on a really interesting personal journey with that great speech about believing in demons and all, but then that’s really her last character beat except for I guess she’s around for the wrap up at the end for the winchesters, and being killed by Lilith - so it seems her conclusion from all that is just “wow being a virgin means now I know I could be sacrificed at any moment for a spell, better give up waiting for whatever important personal and probably religious reasons I’d remained a virgin and just, like, indulge in casual sex now” - it was just… weird. I don’t think her faith broke at all in that episode about other things? Like, she even volunteered to be sacrificed because she felt it was the right thing to do to save everyone; unless the Winchesters trying a different way where no one sacrificed any virgins, suddenly made her contextualise her whole life that it was a meaningless concept anyway (despite clearly being important if it was used in such a spell) and realise she could try to live her life another way without this ritualistic saving herself… 
I don’t know, it’s just… that’s her big take away from everything, it seems. Being a virgin sucks, better have sex so I don’t get sacrificed, and once I do that, it’s not just hurrying up to find Mr Right and not being scared to hook up instead of waiting for marriage or some other safe compromise, it’s like there’s this dam between being a virgin and having ALL the sex.
And in Swap Meat, Gary is basically implied to have done all the witchcraft because he’s a bored frustrated virgin, and if the pretty girl had just hooked up with him, she “wasn’t into witchcraft, she’s into you” or whatever Sam said - like, sex cures satanism and would turn Gary into a well-rounded person. With the bonus creepy non-con that he goes and uses Sam’s body to get laid.
And overlooking the fact they’re HIGH SCHOOL students, like… I’m just saying, he’s probably not the only virgin in his year group and some of them would be generically attractive and popular students - and Gary is just unfortunate enough to look like the sort of kid no one would ever believe had sex at his larval stage of development where a mixture of puberty and allergies have been unkind to him… Maybe the others haven’t either but people don’t look at them and just assume they’re a virgin, because it’s got connotations of being undesirable and a loser in this context.
(It’s especially disappointing Sam says it there - again, it seems weirdly out of character like preconceptions about virgins and assumptions about it just immediately derail characterisation… I just don’t think Sam would judge, and also honestly probably between being an outcast and feeling cursed since forever and the total lack of privacy and apparently Dean hooking up with his prom date… who knows when Sam lost his virginity but I’d bet he made it most of the way through school at least >.> And he kept his virginity pledge from 9x08, accidentally maybe, for years…)
Also 9x08 is a trainwreck when it comes to this and. Ugh. :P Maybe 6x12 just seems good because this is the comparison about when an episode isn’t just incidentally about virgins, but explores it - all these horny but determinedly chaste women immediately breaking into a sweat around Dean, made out to be unattractive or frumpy in various ways to suggest maybe they’re virgins because they wouldn’t get any anyway, except for the retired porn star wearing a hoodie to make herself look more drab… Jody, who we look to, just laughs it off about promises she can’t keep when asked if she’d do it, which is great Jody characterisation but then at the expense of making it clear all these other women are going about it all wrong; they’re unhappy and breaking their oaths because they all secretly want sex (except the slightly-larger-than-TV-skinny woman who just wants to steal cake) and then the goddess complains about how they’re all tainted and impure, because in this universe, virginity is an actual state of purity of the body, with strong magical properties. And then Jody kills her because she’s, I guess, spiritually pure somehow, despite happily admitting she’d have sex and wants to, which makes it basically nothing to do with virginity, like it’s always been a false way to be spiritually clean - like was Nancy only a useful virgin for the spell because she was religious as well? Gary was a little shit of a satanist but he was a virgin - if they’d had him in the police station, would Ruby’s spell have worked?? Maybe not! Who knows!!
Anyway it’s messed up and I am nowhere near qualified in like, whatever sort of sociology and other stuff you need to have to discuss this in a wider context, so I’ll just express general horror that I always pull a face when the show mentions virginity because it’s just such a MESS and unkind and despite the fact everyone is a virgin to start with and it’s a silly social construct and many people are virgins longer than the expected social average (which is shockingly low, and, dude, we had great sex ed in my school and I still don’t think I was REALLY ready when I was at university as a supposedly grown up adult living my life so I can’t imagine how terrible teenage fumbling is except I see it described with that word so often it can’t be a worthwhile experience except for, well, the bragging right to say you’re not a virgin :P) and it’s all so pointless to judge anyone for this??? It’s still such a common thing I don’t think people even realise just how pointless and unkind it is, that it’s just a part of human behaviour and it seems weirdly normal to treat virgins like they’re weird or magical or whatever. 
OH WAIT I nearly rounded this off before I remembered Cas and various escapades relating to his virginity and… you know what it’s 2am, I’m just going to make a face and post this :P 
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