#anyway i am not entirely happy yet but it's the closest i came to finishing anything bg3-fan related
roguegrove · 2 months
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i'm struggling with the color version of this, but i like how the grayscale turned out so here you go.
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wineauntharry · 1 year
There’s a lot of “cocky guy Joe spoils his gf” type content to the point that I’d love to read the opposite spin on it, rich and successful badass Y/N spoiling Joe. IDK just a thought. Love your writing!
First thank you for the compliment, let's kiss. I like this i think its cute and i had fun writing it. i hope you like it!!!
would yall jump me if i said i was listening to question by chris brown when i was writing this? be fr its okay if you say yes
Anywaysssss enjoy MUAH!
Spoiled Rotten// j.b.
Joe and I had been together since he came to LSU. We grew into adults together. I stuck by him through the beginning of his professional football career. I can’t deny that Joe helped me make it through law school. We were such a strong team and so lucky to have eachother.
Now that we were more stable and in our “grown up” jobs, We could do whatever we wanted when Joe was in his off season. Words can’t explain how proud I am of Joe, but I can’t say I’m surprised with how far he’s come, he’s alway had it in him.
My love language has always been gift giving, and now that I had the means to do so, I can’t stop spoiling Joe. I bought him those infamous Cartier glasses when him and the team beat Clemson in the national championship. 
When he was drafted, I bought us and a few of our closest friends box seats for a Cincinatti Reds game. He is always so grateful, so it's easy to spoil him.
I can’t say that Joe doesn’t spoil me in the same way. For my law school graduation gift, Joe took me to Italy to visit Rome, Venice, and Naples. Whenever he was on the road for long periods of time, he would never let me feel forgotten. I would wake up to dozens of roses at my door or huge fruit arangements. He was always so good to me.
Joe’s birthday was coming up and I might be more excited than him. I might have overdone it with all of his gifts but I just couldn’t help myself, not to mention the club I rented out for a surprise birthday party.
It was finally the morning of Joe’s birthday. It was still early and Joe was fast asleep, so I slipped out of bed and into the kitchen to start on some breakfast. I had just finished up his turkey bacon and french toast when he came creeping into the kitchen sleepy as ever.
“Happy birthday my sweet boy.” Being sure to keep my voice low since he was still waking up.
“Thank you baby” He replied with a quiet, raspy voice. All while making his way over to me.
He snaked his hands around my waist and pressed a light kiss to my lips.
“Are you excited for today?” I asked.
“I am because I get to spend it with you.” He responded with that same warm smile he always gives me in the mornings.
I smiled back and said “Well eat up babe, there’s a fun day ahead of you. Meet me in the shower when you’re done, yeah?” He perked up after that and just replied with a smirk. Gotta start the day right of course.
We had made our way to all of his favorite stores, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and many others. Of course we stopped at Nike. Baby had money but he kept it humble, plus, it was all on my dime anyway.
The entire day Joe had peppered me with kisses and a constant stream of thank you’s. Once we had finished lunch we made our way back home to relax before his party that he knew nothing of later in the night.
Once the time came to get ready, I chose Joe’s favorite dress to wear. It was always fun to have him a little flustered in public, and if anyone could do it to him it was me, but that’s besides the point. Joe had chosen an all black outfit with new Nike dunks we had got earlier in the day. 
“You're the prettiest girl in the world. You know that right Y/N?” He said while smiling and putting on his favorite Cartier watch.
“Thank you baby. No funny business just yet though Joe, don’t fuck up my hair, it’s too early for that.” I let out with a little giggle.
“Oh whatever.” He replied
“Is that a sassy birthday boy I hear?” I responded. He just laughed in response. Before we could continue our cute little banter, I got the notification that our Uber was here.
“ Come on J, the Uber is here.” I told him
I grabbed my purse and made my way out our front door. Joe followed closely behind, making sure to slap my ass before he opened the door for me, always being a gentleman I guess.
We were dropped off at the club entrance and we’re let right in by security.
Joe began to question how easy it was to enter when he was cut off by his friends and family screaming “Surprise!”
The room was flooded with balloons and drinks. Future was playing over the loudspeakers and Joe was ecstatic.
“Baby you did this?” He said in awe of what he just walked into.
As the night went on and Joe had gotten drunker, he kept telling me how grateful he was for everything that happened today.
“Y/N you spoiled the fuck out of me today, thank you so much baby. Heaven sent you straight to me, I’m sure of it” He yelled to me over the loud music.
“Anything for my birthday boy, you deserve the world Joe. I just wanna make sure I give it to you.” I responded. Joe’s cheeks turned a light shade of red and I could tell he was truly happy with the life he was living.
We continued dancing and enjoying our night when Joe said “You gonna take up my offer of ruining your hair when we get home later? Can’t say no to the birthday boy, it’s the rules.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” I said back.
Joe just let out the deep laugh he always does when he’s drunk. After our little “conversation”, if you can call it that, we went back to dancing with all of our friends, knowing what's gonna happen when we got home.
YALLLLLLLL not me getting all hot and bothered at the end whew. I’m supposed to be sleeping but this popped into my head after I read the request and I just ran with it!
You guys are making me so emotional over the love my other writings are getting. I could cry, this is insane. I can’t thank you enough!!!! :’)
Request here!
all the love- kitt
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ppersonna · 3 years
out of my league - knj | 01
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you were out of my league. got my heartbeat racing. if i die, don't wake me, cause you are more than just a dream - out of my league, fitz and the tantrums
✹ summary- Kim Namjoon was never supposed to find out about your years-long hopeless crush on him. And he most definitely was not supposed to find out about it in front of all your coworkers in a company-wide meeting.
✹ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
✹ pairing- kim namjoon x reader
✹ word count- 6.6k
✹ genre- angst, smut, comedy
✹ chapter warnings- swearing, descriptions of sex, sexual content, namjoon being a sexy flirt, jungkook being a himbo, awkward conversations, jimin being a protective bff
✹ a/n- hello and welcome to this fic thats lived in my google docs for almost a year now. without @ladyartemesia @xjoonchildx @untaemedqueen and @chimoona, i would never have posted it. i truly owe so much of my brainstorming and creativity to their incredible brains and thoughts and ideas. i love them very much! i hope you enjoy this first chapter! please feel free to message me, talk to me abt anything!! im always here to chat. ILY!
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Kim Namjoon was never supposed to find out this way.
You planned to confess your undying, unerring love for your coworker at a better time, a classier place. You would wear a dress that highlighted your features, hair cascading down your back, makeup done to perfection and spritzed with expensive perfume. You’d confess, he’d confess right back, and you’d live happily ever after.
You’d also dreamt that Kim Namjoon would have the slightest inkling of who you are before he finds out about your year long crush. He might know you as the mousy girl in the office who doesn’t talk and doesn’t contribute much other than some crunched numbers and apparently the best coffee brewer in the office. But you’d prefer he knows you well—your favorite colors and movies and foods, what makes you happy and sad; things future husbands should know.
You very much did not think it would happen in a company wide conference, full of over five hundred suit-wearing executives. You did not think it would be done by the office bully, Chungha, who carefully takes over the mic and speaks the words clearly as she presents awards of recognition.
“Congratulations to Kim Namjoon for 5 years with the company, over $4 million in revenue, and the object of ____’s lust and affection. I’m sure you two will have the happy life she’s written in her journal about. Make sure you celebrate with her today!”
The room is silent, so silent you could have heard a pin drop from a mile away. Your face is cherry red and you wish the earth would open up and swallow you whole. Your heart feels like someone has ripped it in half and you stare in horror at the girl smirking at the front. Is this what it feels like to be backstabbed? Namjoon looks perplexed—confusion written on his face as he gestures around to no one in particular like he’s saying ‘what the fuck was that?’
Awkward coughing and clapping begins and Namjoon stands to receive his award, a fine wooden fountain pen, and chances a glance around the room. He easily spots you, with your wide, frightened face. His look remains passive, not hinting what he’s thinking behind those stormy eyes, before he turns and sits back down at the table with his buddies from his department.
You seriously contemplate quitting your job. You could find a new one easily, right? Just stand up and tell your boss you quit and you’re out of there before Namjoon ever sees you again and you’ll never have to face the mean girl who’s ratting you out.
As much as the idea rolls through your head, you know you won’t do it. You love your job, love the security and finances it provides you, and you love to look at Kim Namjoon, all day every day.
You don’t understand where things went wrong.
( one month ago )
It’s 9:03 am. You finish brewing the coffee in the small staff kitchen and sigh at the aroma of the freshly ground beans. Coffee is your favorite meal, favorite time of day, favorite snack, and preferred beverage. You drink it constantly. You’re known as “coffee girl” at work, mostly because no one really bothers to get to know you beyond that. You drink coffee like it’s a devoted religion. You could drink a cup right before bed and still sleep like a baby. It was, put simply, your drink.
The office workers deem you to be the one to make the pots of coffee every morning, claiming you were the ‘best’. You didn’t mind—you preferred to make your own coffee regardless—but you believe your coworkers are trying to pass off the twenty-minute job to someone lower in the office hierarchy. And you were one step above the interns.
The coffee machine chimes to let you know it’s hot, and it’s ready for you. You eagerly pour a mug, a large one, and smile as the waft of freshly ground beans (by you, of course) fills your senses.
You nearly knock the cup out of your hand as Kim Namjoon strolls into the office, eyes set on the coffee.
You feel your throat swell up, like he’s an allergen and you’re caught without an epi-pen. Butterflies swirl in your stomach and you can’t stop staring at him. He pays you no mind, tired yet determined to pour a cup of coffee and get back to his office.
You stand in the small kitchen, clutching your coffee like a lifeline, and pray to god you don’t do something stupid.
Namjoon pours his mug, and you watch his muscular hands grip the coffee pot. He pours a hefty amount of cream and sugar into his cup—it appears even perfect male specimens have their faults. 
Your eyes dance on his face before they tango down his body. You wonder what he looks like in the morning, crawling out of bed with mussed hair and a sleepy smile painted on his face. He’d look at you and tell you you’re the most beautiful girl and kiss you deeply despite morning breath. Maybe he’d take you to the shower to press you against the tile as he fuc-
“Oh!” it startles Namjoon to see you, and the coffee in his hand swishes violently. “Didn’t see you there. Sorry!”
Your heart melts. He’s the picture of kindness and politeness. You recognize it’s been a few seconds and you still haven’t replied.
“It’s fine!”
“Great coffee, by the way,” he smiles. His teeth nearly knock you out cold with their brilliance. “Have a good day.”
He turns and exits the room without so much as a glance back at you. Your knees feel weak.
Kim Namjoon talked to you. He complimented you. He told you to have a good day. It’s the best and most significant conversation you’ve had with your secret crush.
You definitely file that away for another day when you need to reminisce on his compliment, and you scurry out of the kitchen towards your desk.
Park Jimin is waiting dutifully at your desk when you arrive, a smug smile still slapped over your features as you sip at your coffee. Namjoon spoke to you today—how lovely.
Jimin quirks an eyebrow. 
“What’s got you so perky this morning?” 
You’re normally quiet and passive, avoiding eye contact or any semblance of emotion on your face.
You look up at the blonde bespectacled boy. Park Jimin is the closest thing to a best friend in the company. He’s who you spend time with at lunch, see on weekends, and text often. You suppose he’s the closest thing to a best friend you have in your entire life.
You send him a smirk and lean in close to whisper. “Namjoon said hi to me today!”
Jimin sends you a pitiful look and pats your shoulder. Your best friend is well aware of your secret crush and while he thinks Namjoon is a nice guy, he thinks your crush is a little hopeless. He’s the most popular guy in the office, often has dates lined up every weekend. Jimin hears the way he and his friends talk in the break room. The man is definitely not hurting for female attention.
“Oh, honey,” he sighs, unenthusiastically. “That’s great.” He can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness over how excited you’re getting from a simple ‘hello’ from a coworker.
“I know, right? Anyway, lunch today?” You ask as you settle down into your cubicle.
Jimin pushes his glasses up his face and nods. “Of course! That’s why I came by this morning. I wanted to let you know that Jungkook from marketing will join us.”
You make a face, disgust etched in the lines creasing your forehead. 
Jungkook is well known in the company. He’s a loudmouth, a player, a clown, and everyone’s favorite comedian. He’s just not your favorite.
“Don’t be rude,” Jimin admonishes at your grimace. “He asked to join and well—he’s cute. I can’t say no to him.”
“Oh Christ, Jimin,” you groan. “Not you too! Don’t tell me you have the hots for the serial fuckboy?”
He blushes lightly and shrugs. “Maybe I do! Be nice to him today or I’ll eat all your chocolate ice cream I know you have at home.”
You stick your tongue out, petulantly. “Fine, now let me get to work or else Seokjin will be up my ass.”
Jimin smiles and kisses your cheek before he scurries away, back to human resources.
It feels as if barely any time has passed. You’re working hard, running calculations and updating spreadsheets. You have an eye for numbers, and losing yourself in an equation is just another day for you. You’re shaken from your cheerful place by a vibration from your phone, and a text alert popping on the lit screen.
jimin 12:01 pm- it’s lunchtime!! you better get your butt out here!
You smile and text back an affirmative reply, then move to grab your lunch from the company fridge. Gliding down the steps leading to the fresh outdoors, you meet Jimin at the lunch tables in the grass.
Jimin is sitting with Jungkook. You can recognize your best friend by his hair and glasses, and Jungkook by his obnoxious laughter.
“Hi,” you murmur as you sit down and open up the brown bag lunch you’ve brought.
“Hi!” Jimin is excited to see you, and just a pinch over eager to be sitting next to Jungkook.
“You know Jungkook, right?” Jimin asks, a harsh look in his eyes that reminds you to be on your best behavior.
You nod as you pull out a bag of grapes. “Oh, yeah, hey,” you smile. “I’ve seen you around.”
Jungkook delivers you a signature smirk and you feel yourself roll your eyes internally. “Yeah, you’re Coffee Girl, right?”
You pout and glare down at your brown bag lunch. Will you ever become more than just Coffee Girl?
“Yeah, I suppose that’s me.”
Jimin clears his throat to dismiss any awkwardness. 
“So, Jungkook, I hear you like working out? ___ likes to work out too. She drags me to the gym sometimes. Maybe we could all meet up sometime?” You don’t miss the hopeful lilt in his voice. Jungkook does.
“Oh, yeah?” He narrows a sexy look at you, rather—a look he thinks is sexy that you find off-putting. “What do you do at the gym? Little cardio sets with 5 pound weights?”
What an asshole.
“Sometimes,” you state as you take a bite of the homemade salad you handcrafted last night. “Most of the time I’m lifting heavy. I can bench 275 and deadlift 300.”
Jungkook looks taken back. “What, really?” He sounds breathless. “You lift more than Namjoon-hyung.”
At the sound of the love of your life’s name, you pause. Your face heats quickly and Jungkook smirks. Of course, he recognizes this and not Jimin’s obvious flirting.
“Why are you blushing?” He asks. “Did I say something?”
You’re quick to dismiss things. “Um--no. I just um,” you’re grasping at straws. “I’m hot.”
Jimin is trying not to laugh, hiding his mouth behind a petite hand.
Jungkook tilts his head. “It’s not even sunny today.”
You gulp. “Yeah, I must be hot. With a fever. M-malaria… probably.”
Jungkook snorts. 
“You have malaria? Bummer.” He picks at his nails. “I thought for a moment you had a thing for Namjoon.”
“No!” The retort is quick, too quick for normal conversation, and it gives you away.
“Aha!” Jungkook points an accusing finger at you. “You have the hots for him, don’t you?”
Your features melt, and Jimin tries to assuage the situation. “Jungkook, please don’t tell anyone,” he pleads.
Jungkook smiles at you. “That’s so cute. It’s like a little nerdy freshman crushing on the senior class president.”
You bury your head in your hands, suddenly unable to stomach any food.
“Jungkook,” Jimin’s tone becomes more firm, authoritative. “I’m asking you this as a friend. Please, don’t say anything.”
Jungkook holds his hands up to prove his innocence and waves his proverbial white flag. 
“Secret is safe with me,” he promises. “But it’s cute. I know him really well, you know. I could try to hook you two up.”
You blanch, unsure if you want Jungkook saying anything about you to the man of your dreams. 
“I’m good, but thanks,” you offer meekly. “I’m not feeling well. I’m going to head back to work, okay?”
Jimin frowns, knowing you’re feeling like a cornered animal, and nods. “Feel better, babe,” he sighs.
Jungkook watches as you leave and turns to Jimin. “Man, he’s way out of her league.”
Jimin slaps the boy in the chest. “Be nice, asshole, that’s my best friend.”
Jungkook promises to be nice, and Jimin is blissfully unaware that others are listening and that the man beside him is easy to persuade.
( present day )
The company-wide meeting adjourns soon after what is likely to be the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever lived through.
You’re grabbing at your things and trying to run out of the room, desperate to get out before anyone sees you or talks to you or laughs at you.
A hand grabs at the coattails of your suit jacket and you’re pulled backwards with a yelp. You turn to seek your captor and find the concerned face of your best friend, Jimin.
“Are you okay? What the fuck just happened?”
Jimin’s concern makes it all real. Until now you could pretend you were in a fugue state, totally dissociated from reality. Now, you realize that everyone in the entire company is aware of your crush on Kim Namjoon.
You can feel your bottom lip wobble, tears threatening to spill. Jimin murmurs an ‘oh shit’ and drags you out of the large room and into the nearest bathroom. He pushes you to sit against the sink and passes you toilet paper to dab at your eyes.
“I don’t know how she found out!” you cry. “God, I feel so stupid and embarrassed.”
It incenses Jimin. He’s holding it back to ensure you’re okay, but in reality, it’s an HR nightmare waiting to happen. He’ll find who did it and punish them accordingly.
They will suffer. 
“It’s okay, babe,” he pulls you into a hug. “Everyone will forget about it soon. They’ll think it’s just a lame office joke, okay?”
You nod, feeling the slightest bit comforted by his words. 
“How could she find out, Jiminie?” You ask with a sniffle. “You’re the only person who knows.”
Jimin sighs and shakes his head.
“I don’t know, but they’re dead. I haven’t told any-... oh, my god,” Jimin stops suddenly. You look up at him to catch what he’s thinking.
He growls and balls his fists. 
“Jungkook knew.”
You let out a sob and bawl your eyes out into the tissue you’re holding. Jimin holds you tighter while he conjures up a hundred different ways to hurt someone and make it look like an accident.
“Don’t worry,” Jimin sighs, trying to comfort both you and himself. “I’m HR. I have to handle this. I’ll make sure they get what they deserve.”
You feel a sting of pain for Jimin. He’s been hopelessly doting on the man who spilled the beans for a few months now, even got to take him on a few dates. It was still nothing serious, but Jimin was clearly smitten.
“I’m sorry you have to do that, Chim,” you whisper. “I know how you feel about him.”
“Yeah, well,” he swallows thickly. “You’re more important than any asshole.”
Jimin holds you tight for a few minutes longer, before you clean yourself up and steel yourself. Ignore everyone, Jimin encourages. Just get to work, he says. Then you can go home and we’ll drink wine and forget about it all, he promises.
You replay his words in his head like a prayer as you walk down the corridors and towards your office. Everyone in the hallways stops to stare at you. They lean towards their friends and whisper. You hear snippets of their gossip, like “Namjoon” and “out of her league”. It drives the sharp blade lodged in your chest even further. It threatens to collapse your lungs and break your ribs.
You make it to your desk safe and sound and bury yourself in work and forcibly ignore the gawking and the stares. 
Just make it home. Just get through the day. You’re almost there.
You could do this.
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You nearly make it the entire day before running into the one person you didn’t want to see, Kim Namjoon.
At the end of the day, you’re taking the stairs down to the parking garage instead of the elevator. The elevator is too busy, too many people, and you’re trying to avoid the stares and giggles at your expense. The stairs are always deserted and you figure it’s your safest bet.
You can nearly hear the wine calling your name at home. A delicate glass of Sauvignon Blanc and some chocolate ice cream and a good cry—it sounds like the best and only way to unwind after the worst day you’ve ever had in your life.
The chanting of your name gets louder and you wonder if you’ve finally lost your mind—if you’re actually hearing your wine bottles all the way at home talking to you.
No, wait. The voice is real, and coming from behind you. You turn around to face who’s calling you and nearly faint at the sight.
Kim Namjoon stands on the landing above you, one strip of stairs between you.
“Hey!” He seems glad he’s caught you. “I’ve been calling your name for a minute.”
You swallow and search for an answer. 
“Sorry, I’m-.. I guess I’m just a little out of it today.”
Namjoon grimaces. 
“Yeah, about that…” he begins as he takes the steps down to be on equal ground as you. Your heart is spinning wildly. He’s so close to you. He’s talking to you. On any other day you’d be erupting towards the sky like a firework. But today isn’t any other day.
“I feel like I should apologize,” he states. “I don’t know what happened. I didn’t plan it or anything.”
Damn him and his kindness. Damn him and his cute, awkward smile.
“No, no,” you assure. “I know you didn’t. You don’t have to apologize.”
It’s hard to make eye contact with the man. You want to, know it’s important in intense conversations like this, but the thought of him seeing you—really seeing you makes you ache inside.
“It was a really shitty prank,” he begins. “I’m sure you don’t even know who I am, let alone have a crush on me.”
For the millionth time that day, your face heats to a near boil. You stammer and you’re sure you’ve blown any chance at even thinking about a date with Namjoon.
“Oh, uh, right,” you seek an answer, beg your brain to pick something to say that doesn’t make you sound stupid. “I do.”
“You do what?” He’s confused and you widen your eyes at what just left your mouth.
“I do know you! I mean, I do have a crush on you! Oh, fuck,” you shove your face into your hands. “Please, ignore that. I need to go. Sorry!” You don’t give him a chance to reply, you book it out of the stairway as fast as your heels will take you.
Today was the worst day you’ve suffered through in your life.
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The next few days aren’t much better.
Not only are you “coffee girl”, you’re now also sarcastically called “Namjoon’s girl”. As much as you hate your initial title, you’d prefer it to the new one they throw at you as you walk by.
Jimin rats out Jungkook and Chungha to the bosses. They get two weeks probation and they have to write you apology letters if they wish to keep their permanent files clean of any reprimands. It’s a slap on the wrist, and everyone involved knows it. Jimin is furious and wants the boss to reconsider. You tell him not to push it. You’d rather this be over and everyone to forget it even happened. Jimin unwillingly agrees.
You’re working at your desk, earphones shoved in your ears to diffuse the gossip in the room, when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn and are greeted with the face of Judas Iscariot himself, Jeon Jungkook.
“Hi,” he sounds sheepish, cheeks reddening.
You narrow your eyes at him, sharper than steel. “What the fuck do you want?”
He winces, knowing he deserved that. “Well, I just wanted to apologize. I know they told me to write you a letter, but it seems too impersonal…”. 
You can’t believe Jungkook is sucking his ego up and actually coming to you to apologize. You thought he’d for sure be the one to cop out and send a shitty letter.
He continues. 
“I just wanted to let you know that I’m sorry that all went down. I didn’t mean to tell her. She got me drunk and said she saw me eating lunch with you and Jimin. I think she was jealous or something and it slipped out. I know that’s not an excuse. I fucked up your trust and Jimin’s trust. But I just wanted you to know I didn’t do it to be an asshole. She sort of duped me.”
You pause as you take in the man’s apology. He didn’t have to come to you in person. He could have easily taken the shitty route and half-assed a letter to you. But he didn't, and he owned up to his mistake. God dammit.
“I appreciate your apology, Jungkook,” you sigh and you see his body visibly relax. “I’m still mad, but I guess the anger is at her for doing it in the first place. I’m sorry she tricked you.”
He breathes a sigh of relief and kneels down beside you. “I’m really happy you believe me. I was worried you were going to kick me in the nuts.
“I won’t lie, I thought about it.”
He smiles with you, and you feel like this is the restart of a friendship. “I definitely deserved it.”
You shrug and smile. “Jimin would kill me for hurting you. He might even kill me for thinking about hurting you.”
Jungkook’s smile drops at the name of your best friend. Yikes. Looks like there’s still trouble in paradise.
“I think you’d be in similar company with Jimin right now. He’s not speaking to me.”
You let out a breath through your nose. “Yeah, he’s a little protective of me.”
“For good reason,” he admits. “You’re like a cute little flower. A cute nerdy flower.”
“Jungkook,” you warn. “I just forgave you after I was humiliated in front of the entire company. I’d be careful with calling me nerdy right now.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it in a bad way.”
It’s hard to stay mad at the boy, no matter how much you dislike his reputation around the office. The fact that he humbled himself enough to seek you out and apologize is proof enough to you of his character.
“It’s okay, Jungkook. I forgive you,” you smile. “Thank you for apologizing.”
He rubs the back of his neck anxiously as his cheeks flare red.
“Yeah, it felt pretty shitty to just… do anything else. Plus, you seem really cool.”
“You seem great, too, Jungkook.”
He smiles and pulls you in for a hug, catching you off guard. For the fuckboy type, he’s surprisingly sensitive and soft. You like that about him.
“I’ll see you around, okay?” He says as he pulls away from you.
“Maybe you should apologize to Jimin, too?” 
His smile drops, but he nods anyway. “Yeah, maybe I’ll go find him now.”
“Good luck,” you offer with a pat on his shoulder.
With a sad smile, he turns and heads down the hallway towards the HR department. You pray Jimin shows mercy to the handsome boy.
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A few weeks go by, and you’re sure that everyone has forgotten about you and your most embarrassing moment to date. You make the coffee, you calculate the numbers, everyone ignores you. Things return to relative normalcy.
Until it doesn't. The moment you think you're safe is the moment your guard comes down and everything falls apart around you.
It's when you're in the staff kitchen, grinding fresh beans to brew a second pot of coffee, that it happens.
The kitchen is fuller than usual. You normally try to wait until the lunchtime crowd dwindles and leaves to make your second pot, but you're so desperate for the caffeine that you can't find it in you to care.
You trudge into the kitchen with your handy coffee mug clutched in your tired hands and head towards the cupboards to grind up the beans.
There's a few groups of coworkers lingering in the room, and as your grinder whirs the beans around into a powder, you chance a look around to see who's among the crowd.
Your eyes flick immediately to where a hearty laugh erupts. It makes your heart still in your throat. Namjoon sits with his usual crowd of friends, hand gripping a homemade sandwich while the other assists him in telling his story to his friends. He pays you no mind—why would he?—and you can't help but stare at the way his dark brown hair lays perfectly against his forehead, and his eyes crinkle so cutely at the edges when he smiles.
You nearly forget about the coffee grounds—you're snapped out of your Namjoon-induced trance when suddenly a woman's laugh echoes around the room.
"Look at her," the voice states.
You peer up and see a girl you vaguely recognize. Is she from Marketing? Or perhaps Sales? You’re not sure, but she’s staring at you with a sneer.
“She’s so weirdly obsessed with Namjoon. It’s so creepy.”
Your face turns cherry red and you’re sure your lungs stop functioning. The air your body needs to breathe freezes and your chest aches. 
Namjoon turns to look at the girl before he looks and sees you grasping your coffee grounds tightly.
“Chungha was right—it’s so weird. Namjoon, you should talk to HR about this!”
Namjoon turns back to the gossiping coworker and frowns. “Can you leave it alone? She wasn’t even doing anything.”
The girl huffs and crosses her arms over her chest and looks back at Namjoon.
“How can you stand to be in the same room as her? She clearly thinks she has a chance with you.”
Her words come out like a bite. She punctuates her point with a harsh laugh and the group around her mumbles and chuckles in agreement.
You’re desperately grabbing at anything you can, wanting to leave as quickly as possible before you’re embarrassed further.
“Well, she does!” Namjoon replies loudly, annoyance written in his features. “I was actually going to ask her to dinner this weekend in private, but since everyone is so fucking interested in my love life, I have to do it publicly.”
The room falls silent, and your favorite mug falls out from your hands and shatters on the floor. All sets of eyes stare at you while yours widen with disbelief—you don't even care that you’re standing in a pool of old coffee and shattered ceramic. 
Namjoon stands and heads over to you, bending down to pick up the shards of your coffee mug. You take a few stunted breaths to kneel and help. 
His eyes peer into yours. They’re warm—a chocolate brown color that makes you feel safe.  
“What do you say?” He asks with a smile so gentle it nearly breaks your heart. “Will you let me take you out this weekend?” 
You’re gaping like a fish and the surrounding room is silent—bated breath waiting for your reply. 
“Yes, I would l-love that.” 
His smile turns even brighter, and he stands to throw the broken mug away. 
“I’ll email you the details, okay?”
Your head nods dumbly without thinking. His eyes sparkle as he smiles at you, and he extends his hand down to you to assist you off the floor. As your hand slips into his, you can’t help but feel how soft and strong he feels. You wonder what his hand would feel like caressing your face, smoothing down the expanse of your bare back, running down the length of your body.
The thoughts shake out of you as he winks and kisses your hand gently, causing the gossiping coworker to grunt her disapproval and for murmurs of shock to echo around the room.
“I’ll talk to you later, doll.” Namjoon winks at you before he grabs his sandwich and leaves the room, gesturing to his crew to follow along.
The place on your hand felt warm where his lips once lingered. You no longer cared about the angry glares from the rest of your coworkers. Your heart beats wildly in your chest, and you leave the kitchen nearly floating on cloud nine.
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Email from: Kim Namjoon
Sent: 3:06 pm
Subject: Hey good lookin ;)
Just wanted to see how you are! I’m sorry about what happened at lunchtime. That was super petty and uncalled for. I really wanted to ask you out, and I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much by doing it in front of everyone.
I was wondering if you’d like to go out this Friday night after work? Say around 7? If you send me your address, I’ll pick you up.
Let me know!
Xoxo, Joon
You’re sure if you weren’t sitting in your tiny cubicle, you’d be screaming your lungs out.
The second the notification of the email came through, direct from the man of your desires himself, your body froze.
You re-read the message, over and over and over.  
The winky emoji, the xoxo, the nickname ‘joon’. It’s all so much and makes the grin on your face threaten to split your lips in half.
Your fingers press the “FWD” button and you quickly send the message to Jimin, before you stand demurely, attempting to give off an air of professional confidence. You need to talk to Jimin, now.
As soon as you’re out of the eyesight of suspicious coworkers, you bolt down the hallway towards Human Resources. Your high heels click loudly on the tiled floor, but the sound doesn’t even register in your mind. All you can think about is Namjoon, the email, the press of his lips on your hand, the way his smile made you feel as if you could fly.  
The door to HR swings open with your tight grip around the doorknob, and you open your mouth to call to Jimin, the lone employee, when you’re startled by the sight ahead of you.
Jimin sits on the edge of his expansive desk with his arms thrown around Jungkook’s neck and is clearly engaged in a deep, sensual kiss. At the sound of the door opening, they quickly break apart, with matching cherry red blushes on their cheeks and mused hair.
“Oh, shit,” you gasp. 
The men are silent and you can’t help but giggle after a moment passes. “I’ll take it you two made up?”
Jungkook flashes you a dopey grin, one that gives you an answer, while Jimin smirks haughtily.
“Jungkook and I were just discussing, umm… his 401k.”
Jungkook looks at the blonde boy for a moment, confused, before he gets it. “Yeah! Totally. Retirement. Love to t-talk about it?”
You laugh out loud and walk towards the couple.
“I’m sure it was a titillating discussion,” you tease. “I have good news though, if it’s okay to interrupt this retirement planning session.”
Jimin nods and Jungkook rubs at the back of his neck awkwardly. “I guess I should leave?”
“It’s okay,” you smile. “I trust you.”
Jungkook smiles as if he’s just won the lottery. He looks between you and Jimin, face pure and excited like a puppy.
“What’s up?” Jimin asks as he moves to sit down at his desk.
“I forwarded you an email. Read it.”
Jimin nods and logs on to his posh computer, scrolling and clicking before narrowing his eyes and reading.
“Oh, my god.” Jimin’s face is shocked—it's written all over his features. “Namjoon asked you out?!”
Jungkook’s child-like grin turns into one of shock himself. He runs around to stand behind Jimin, eyes seeking over the words of the email.
“Well, hot damn,” Jungkook whistles. “He asked her out.”
Jimin exchanges a look with Jungkook, one that you’re not sure you can read. It quickly slips your mind, however, as you’re more focused on the task at hand.
“Can you come over tonight after work and help me pick out something to wear?” You ask excitedly.
Jimin smiles at you, a touch of sadness in his eyes, before he nods.
“Of course, babe,” he assures. “We’ll make sure you look nice and hot for the date with Mr. Kim.”
“Thank you!” You squeal as you wrap your arms around your best friend. He hugs you back before you scurry out of the office and back to your cubicle, itching to reply to the message.
Jimin sighs as the door to his office closes behind you.
“Kook, please don’t tell me he’s going to break her heart. He’s asking her out to make himself feel better about this, isn’t he?” 
Jungkook slips his hand into Jimin’s and squeezes. 
“I’ll find out, baby.”
Jimin smiles and nods appreciatively at the boy, before leaning up and kissing him.
Jungkook smiles against his lips, and is determined to ensure the young HR specialist never hates him again, even if he has to go behind his hyung’s back to ensure his new boyfriend’s happiness.
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Jungkook has one mission now, and that’s ensuring Namjoon takes you on the greatest date known to man.
He grills Jimin with questions about what you like over dinner one night. Jimin finds it endearing that Jungkook is so eager to rectify his mistakes, but he still can’t help but worry that Namjoon is doing this to save face—not because he actually likes you.
“So, what does she like doing?” Jungkook asks as he spins his pasta around his chopsticks idly.
Jimin smiles as he takes a bite of the ramen Jungkook has thoughtfully prepared for their stay-at-home date.  
“I’ve told you already! She’s easy to figure out.” Jimin pats Jungkook’s hand gently. “She loves cooking and baking, working out, daydreaming about Namjoon.” 
“Cooking, hm,” Jungkook looks thoughtful as he takes a bite. “I think Namjoon can work with that. I’ll let him know!”
Jimin tries to hide the anxiety brewing in his stomach. He’s had to plaster on a fake smile for you while you tried on different outfits, wondering which will be the one to finally convince Namjoon he is the one for you. It’s hard to fake it around his boyfriend, too—but something tugs in his stomach that flares the cynical side of him.
Namjoon went from not knowing of your existence, to watching you get publicly embarrassed in a matter of minutes. While Namjoon isn’t a terrible guy, Jimin knows he doesn’t like anything to tarnish the gentleman reputation he’s built in the office. And as much as Jimin likes him, and surely likes his friend Jungkook, he can’t help but feel skeptical.
Jungkook hurriedly pulls out his phone and types away, letting his elder friend know of what he’s found out. Jimin swallows his food, and his pride, and hopes to god his growing cynicism is wrong.
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Friday comes slower than you’d like. You wake up every day during the week, one day closer, and your eagerness hits peak levels. Namjoon sees you in the hallways during the week and winks at you, hands shoved in his tight slacks that make you salivate.  
He emails you again Thursday afternoon, confirming things and getting your address. You reply in nanoseconds, uncaring how overeager you come off. 
By the time your alarm clock rings on Friday morning, you’ve already been awake for 4 hours.
All you can do is daydream about the date, the way his hand fits into yours, the warmth of his eyes when he smiles at you.
It’s what fuels you through work.
You hope to god the numbers you’re attempting to work during the day come out right, because your mind is elsewhere for more than most of the day. There isn’t enough coffee in the world, but also your body feels as if you’ve overdosed on caffeine already.
The clock eeks towards 5:00 pm and you’re bolting out the door at 4:56 to head home and get ready for your date.
Jimin attempts to meet you before you leave, but your desk is cold and empty by the time he gets there.  
He sighs and heads back towards his office to gather his things, waving bye to various coworkers as they file out of the corporate building.
He turns the corner towards his office but stops in his tracks as he sees Namjoon’s back to him, phone pressed to his ear.
“Baby, I’ll come over later tonight, okay?” Namjoon speaks into the phone.
Jimin feels his heart fall into the pit of his stomach. He retreats and hides behind a wall, ear carefully peeled to listen to the tall man’s conversation.
“I’m going on this date with that chick from work,” he sighs. “It won’t last more than a few hours. Poor girl has a crush on me and you know the usual assholes won’t leave her alone.”
Jimin bites his lip and clenches his fist. Namjoon thinks he means well, but he knows his suspicions have been confirmed, and he’s torn inside. He wants to tell you, to warn you not to get too invested in the man, but he also has no interest in popping the bubble you’ve been in since the day he asked you out.
Jimin lets it simmer for now. He decides he’ll monitor Namjoon and cut things off if it appears the man strings you along for fun.
Namjoon finishes his phone call with a promise to see whoever is on the other end of the phone later that night, and Jimin quickly pulls out his phone and fakes a conversation with no one when he hears the man approach.
“Oh, Kookie,” Jimin giggles, leaning against the wall casually. “I can’t wait to see you tonight, either, babe.”
Namjoon walks towards Jimin and makes eye contact with the HR specialist.
“Bye, Kook! See you tonight, baby.” Jimin finishes up the fake phone call as Namjoon arrives next to him, and he plasters on his best fake smile.
“Congrats on you and Jungkook,” he speaks sincerely.
Jimin hates how nice he is, hates that he’s a nice guy who gets too wrapped up in his own good looks and reputation.
“Thanks, Namjoon,” Jimin smiles uneasily. “You too! Have fun on your date tonight.”
Namjoon’s face lights up and Jimin desperately wishes he could go back in time to 30 seconds ago, before he heard the conversation, and believe that Namjoon truly wanted to date you.
“Thanks, should be fun, huh?” He winks and nudges Jimin, before he waves a goodbye and continues out the door.
Jimin pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials the number of his boyfriend.
“Hey, baby. We’ve got a problem.”
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tag list! - @jimidol @aretha170 @dearbambideer​ 
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
kinktober - day one
akaashi keiji - friends to lovers 
kinktober faq kinktober prompt list  
NSFW warning featuring: fingering, dry humping, first time together, unprotected sex other tags: lots of exposition, too many words, years long pining, accidental almost confession, emotional real one, mentions of characters having previous partners, oblivious reader, hidden feelings, slight angst, oh no there’s only one bed!  fem reader
word count: 7380
Akaashi Keiji knows everything. 
At least, he seems to. 
You realized this only a month after knowing him. He turned around to you, the girl who sat behind him in biology, and gave you one look before saying, “You have no idea what this lesson is about, do you?” And you laughed, because it was so absurdly true, while Akaashi turned his desk around and introduced himself as your study partner. 
You still don’t know how he knew you were struggling. You thought you hid it well, but his eyes must have caught the poor grade on the quiz the teacher returned to you the week before, or the way you seemed to immediately sulk the moment you walked into the classroom. He could see everything you tried to hide - even things you couldn’t see yourself.
And he wouldn’t let you get away with anything but a stellar grade, so study sessions became routine for the two of you - a friendship was destined to bloom, and fast. 
He was too observant for his own good, which was something you learned while watching one of his volleyball practices. He had been inviting you to come watch after study sessions for awhile, but it took you a bit to work up the nerve to walk into the giant gymnasium filled with boys you didn’t know. 
As you watched him play, you saw his superpower: Akaashi’s eyes were everywhere at once. On the ball, on his teammates, on his opponents, on his own feet - he always knew where everyone was at any given moment, all while somehow managing to spare you a few knowing glances during the mess of the game.
You never knew how he did it, but you figured you didn’t have to know. It was because he was Akaashi, and that’s it. 
But you questioned why no one else seemed to notice it. His excellence was obvious to you, but even his closest friends seemed to gloss over it. 
Keiji stood out to you, while to others, he was just Akaashi. Quiet, reserved, sometimes as blunt as a hammer, Akaashi. 
He didn’t care, though. Akaashi thrived on being in the background - he didn’t need any of the attention or recognition you wished to give him. And maybe he loved his friends more because they left him be. 
Those friends of his, however, all shined just as bright as Keiji did, and were never shy about it. You look back at getting to know them all as a highlight of being in high school; despite never feeling like you belonged in their friend group, you were always happy to be with them. 
Keiji pushed you to get closer to the three boys, Tsukishima, Bokuto, and especially Kuroo, right from the first day you met them. They were playing a friendly volleyball game with a few other boys you never really met, and you quickly learned you had no reason to be nervous to meet them. 
It was easy to let go and goof off, because that’s all any of them were doing, anyway. 
Just because it seemed like fun to get under Kuroo’s skin, you decided to antagonize him a bit. “So, Nekoma’s mascot is a cat, correct?” 
Kuroo immediately grew defensive at your tone. “Yes - what do you have against cats?” 
“Nothing, nothing! I like to think of myself as pretty cat-like, actually.” 
“Show him your claws, Y/N,” Keiji chimed in. 
“They’re nimble, and sneaky... and lazy. Something that owls aren’t - just saying. Seems pretty fitting when comparing your team to ours, don’t you think?” 
“Akaashi, you better get your cat,” Kuroo grumbled, with a sly smirk that never seemed to leave his face. 
“She’s just a kitten,” Akaashi replied, winking at you and immediately taking your breath in a way you’d never felt before. “Not my kitten, though, so you’re on your own here, Kuroo.” 
That’s when the first wall came up. You didn’t notice it, not yet, or even realize why it had been built. But as soon as your heart sank to your stomach and erupted into butterflies all because of Keiji’s flirtatious gesture, that wall arose. 
And many would follow. 
On the walk home from that practice, you noticed every glance he sent you. Every time his shoulder touched yours, you felt it amplified. Your knuckles grazed his and you looked down at your hands - his much bigger than yours, your fingers raring to wrap around his. And they were going to, either out of curiosity or the blatant need to touch him or both, until he stuffed both of his hands into his pockets and away from your potential grasp. 
You shook your disappointment off and reminded yourself of what the two of you were: friends. Just friends. Friends only hold hands sometimes, and it’s not on walks home or during study sessions or any of the times you found yourself wanting to hold onto him. 
“Kuroo likes you,” Akaashi said out of nowhere. And you laughed. 
“You think so?” 
“I’m pretty sure.” He sounded distant, his gaze was head on. “Maybe you should give him a chance.” 
You laughed again and said, “Maybe,” even though you knew you’d never entertain the thought of going out with Kuroo. 
Not with Kuroo or anyone else, but you wouldn’t understand why for a long time. 
Two years of friendship had come and gone in almost an instant, but every day with Akaashi was memorable in that easy familiar way only he could offer. He truly was your comfort - everything you needed in a friend, Keiji had. Being so close to him was a blessing, you knew that. 
When the two of you ended up choosing the same university, you almost wanted to cry, because you knew nothing could quell your fears of what’s new better than Keiji’s all knowing familiarity. Having your best friend by your side during times of change would make everything easier.
But it was a different story entirely when you became roommates with him. The apartment you shared was small but homey; it had all the comfort you had in your friendship with him, and you thought nothing could be better than that. 
It was more than that, though. Months went by of seeing him every day, and it felt like that comfort was leaking through the floor every time you saw his bedhead or heard him singing in the shower or watched him pull another girl into his bedroom. 
It wasn’t like the latter was an often occurrence, but just the thought of him being with someone made your stomach turn. But it gave you the idea of seeking your own partners, which was something you hadn’t done in years, and it quickly spiraled into an unhealthy habit. 
You longed for familiarity, to be touched by someone you knew. You were desperate for comfortable vulnerability, and you never found that with a stranger in your bed. So, you decided to seek out someone familiar. And when the person in bed with you was an old friend, a realization dawned on you. Rather, it was offered to you. 
“What are you doing, Y/N?” Kuroo mumbled, and you did nothing but send him a questioning glare, one he scoffed at. 
The two of you had done nothing so far but send a few flirty texts and then sit on your bed; he hadn’t even kissed you yet. You weren’t sure how you felt about it - you weren’t sure if you even wanted him to kiss you. 
“I’m not the one you want here, idiot. So why am I the one you brought to your bed?” 
“I don’t know what you mean,” you replied honestly. “Are we going to -” 
“No, we aren’t. Are you really that dense?” 
“Look,” Kuroo said, standing up and pinching the bridge of his nose as if he was annoyed that he had to be saying this. And while you watched him, you noticed this was the first time you ever saw him without his signature grin or sly eyes. “If I was a shitty friend, I would have fucked you back in high school, alright? I mean, come on, I had the chance. But I care about Akaashi too much to ever do that with you, and I know you don’t actually want to fuck me.”
You stood up, too, facing him head on. “What does Akaashi have anything to do with fucking me, Kuroo?” 
“Everything, idiot. I know you probably think you’re good at hiding it, but everyone knows you’re as in love as you could possibly be with that smartass.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said, because you didn’t, but Kuroo wasn’t having it. 
“Well you’re the only one you’ve convinced. And, for the record, this isn’t going to help you get over him.” 
Still, you didn’t get it. You couldn’t see it - you refused to. 
“You’re off limits, dude, Akaashi told us himself.” 
“Then why are you here?” 
His annoying grin was back. “To see how delusional you really are. And give you some advice. Just admit it to yourself - you’ll feel better, I promise.” 
Keiji was your best friend, and that was it. 
This wasn’t some story of years long pining and unrequited love. 
Was it? 
But you thought about it, for just a moment. You thought about being in love with him. 
And then you couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
You decided, right then and there, that what Kuroo said wasn’t true; admitting it to yourself didn’t make anything better. In a lot of ways, your friendship with Akaashi thrived on your special feelings for him, and it relied on those feelings staying secret to both of you. 
You couldn’t even finish the conversation with Kuroo. He swore not to tell, because you made him, and that was it. 
That’s when the second wall came up, then the third, then the fourth. You were trapped inside of them. Hiding, only hiding, and safe from anyone who could see you or your heart. 
You denied it still, even though Kuroo knew, just to convince yourself he didn’t. No one knew but you; the only one who knew the password to that door was you. You could be hidden, safe, and protected forever, because you made it that way. 
Keiji would never know, and everything would stay okay. 
Everything but you. And that security wouldn’t last, because a storm was brewing. 
But you were content. What you had with Keiji was always enough for you - you had enough. You saw him every day. You got to hear his laugh on the good days and hug him on the bad ones; you got to have coffee with him every morning and secret late night snacks too many midnights. Sleeping alone was fine. Not getting intimate moments was okay. What you had was enough. 
It seemed like the more you recognized your feelings for him, the more of Keiji you saw. You were still getting to know him after years of calling him your best friend; you were noticing his habits that you never saw before. He mumbles to himself while he cooks; he picks at his nails when he’s nervous; he overthinks everything, even the smallest decisions. 
The latter had always been obvious, but you had never realized it until you lived with him - until you really started to love him. 
Every day, you learned something new about him. And every day, you loved him more, in ways you didn’t even know you could. Ways that made it hard to love him from afar.
Months of your love growing during your first year of university seemed to go by too quickly, and soon spring break was fast approaching. A trip with old friends to a lake house was planned months in advance, and both you and Keiji were excited to see the three boys again. 
But when you arrived at the old looking house that evening you were met with knowing eyes and a sly grin that hadn’t changed since high school. 
“There are only four beds,” Kuroo announced, “and five of us.”
“That’s alright,”  Keiji started, but he was interrupted by Bokuto’s loud laugh. 
“Oh, I guess we’re sharing a bed, four eyes!” 
“I’ll suffocate you in your sleep,” Tsukishima said, meaning every word he said in a way that made Kuroo cackle. 
Keiji looked at you. “You don’t mind sharing with me, do you?” 
A million thoughts ran through your mind, but you only shook your head. You didn’t voice any of the concerns you had for yourself. 
“No problem.” 
He gave you a grin. “It’ll be like our high school sleepovers,” and then he took your bag and left to find your shared room. 
You remembered the last sleepover you had with him and your heart raced just thinking about it; you spent half of the night pretending to be asleep, and the other half watching Keiji’s sleeping face and wondering why laying next to him made you feel the way it did. 
This would be the exact same, except now you knew why your heart would be pounding. 
Kuroo was still laughing, but he was looking directly at you. “Are you sure it’s not a problem?” 
“Shut up, Kuroo.” 
He kept laughing, and it left Bokuto scratching his head. “What’s going on? Why are you mad, Y/N?” 
“Because Kuroo is an asshole -” 
“Hey now, I’m doing you a favor here!”
“...I still don’t get it.” 
“You never will, Bokuto,” Tsukishima commented. 
You decided to leave Kuroo laughing on his own - you shouldn’t let him get under your skin, because that’s exactly what he wanted to do. He was doing this on purpose. Maybe he thought he was helping you out, but he was only making things harder for you. 
You weren’t going to let him win. You were going to have fun on this trip while keeping our secret seeled, and nothing would stop you - not even Kuroo attempting to play matchmaker. 
The late arrival called for a quick dinner and a nighttime bonfire to kick off the vacation the right way; the boys were all too excited for the night and had gotten the fire started before you could even finish unpacking your bag. 
When you stepped outside, the cool air hit your skin and froze you all over - you expected low temperatures, but not that. 
“It’s cold!” you called out to the boys who were all sitting around the nearby campfire. 
“That’s why we have a fire, moron!” 
“It’s still cold,” you argued, even though you knew it was fruitless to fight with Kuroo.
“It’s alright, you’ll warm up,” Keiji told you. 
“Go warm her up, Akaashi!” 
You ignored Kuroo’s comment - you were not in a good place to be entertaining that thought, not when you’d be in bed with Keiji in just a few hours. 
Keiji seemed to ignore it, too. “Here, I saved you a seat.” He patted the vacant spot on the bench next to him, and you sat down. “You didn’t bring a jacket, did you?” 
“It’s inside,” you replied. “But I’m fine.” 
He didn’t even listen to your response, he was already pulling his hoodie off and giving it to you. 
“Are you sure?” you asked, holding it in your lap.
“Yes,” he replied. “It’ll keep you warm - you need it more than I do.” 
“How romantic,” Kuroo butted in, and it was only now that you noticed the beer in his hand - as well as the few empty cans next to him. 
Drunk Kuroo is always worse than Sober Kuroo, even though you could hardly believe he could ever get snarkier. It was like alcohol made him open his big mouth more, and it always made you nervous. Even though you knew he’d never say anything about your secret while anyone else was around, any time alcohol was involved made those chances go up.
“Just being nice,” Keiji said, obviously playing in to Kuroo’s banter. “I don’t see you offering her your jacket.” 
“Hey, I just don’t think you’d like it if I gave your girl my jacket, would you?” 
Keiji laughed at his slurred words and directed his reply at the group rather than to Kuroo, “He’s only had five beers and he’s already stuttering.” 
“We’ll see if he makes it to six before passing out,” you said, and while it made the others laugh, it seemed to rub Kuroo’s drunken fragile ego the wrong way. 
“I can handle my alcohol just fine, thank you.” 
Bokuto butted in, “Are you sure about that?” 
“You’ve been a lightweight since high school,” you added. 
Everyone laughed, Kuroo included. With his next words, he must have thought he was playing along with the joke. That you were all in on what he was about to say next. That they would have no repercussions, they would sting no ears. 
But when he said them, it sounded like a smack of thunder. 
“Yeah, and you’ve been hiding your feelings since high school - some things just never change, Y/N!” 
You could hardly hear Bokuto saying, “Feelings? For who?!”
“For Aka -”
You stood up. Keiji’s forgotten hoodie fell out of your lap and landed on the ground. Everything was quiet save for the fire cracking and the pounding of your heart. 
Your eyes said everything you needed to tell Kuroo. He stared right back at you, his face white as snow and his mouth hung open as he choked back his words. Nobody spoke. Nobody moved. It was the calm before a fast approaching storm, one you couldn’t run away from. 
“You weren’t going to say Akaashi, were you? Surely not…” 
Kuroo turned his head to look at Bokuto, seeming to have no clue what to say. You kept staring as he shook his head, not having the courage to say anything else. 
“Pretty sure he was,” Tsukishima said.
“Oh. Shit.” 
You could have denied it - you didn’t. You could have been angry at Kuroo - you weren’t. You could have explained this away as him being drunk and talking out of his ass - you couldn’t. 
You didn’t dare turn to look at Keiji as you stormed toward the cabin. You refused to stay and let this situation become worse than it already was. 
You could hardly hear the words Keiji had for Kuroo, but they were something like, “Why the fuck did you do that?” and if you had been any less upset you would have been worried for how angry he sounded. 
You didn’t know what would happen next. If you thought about it, you were sure you’d fall apart, and that was the one thing you couldn’t let happen. You had to hold yourself together, you had to give this situation the benefit of the doubt. 
Maybe if you could just lie down and sleep before Keiji comes inside, you could wake up in the morning and everyone would act like nothing happened. Just because your secret is out doesn’t mean it was over - you could wait out this storm. 
That’s what you were doing when Keiji came into your shared bedroom. You lied in bed as Keiji slipped in, your back to him and the blanket pulled up to your chin. And, just like at those old sleepovers with him, you were pretending to be asleep.
You had to be good at pretending if you wanted to stay best friends with him. To be as close as you are, with the feelings that you keep for him, you learned how to hide from Keiji. And you had gotten good at it, too - at least, you liked to think so. You were sure he wouldn’t catch you awake. 
You tried not to think about what happened earlier. You tried not to dread what was coming if he knew you weren’t actually sleeping. 
Minutes passed and Akaashi stayed awake. Then, he looked over to you. 
“I know you’re awake.” 
Everything felt frozen, just for a moment, but you didn’t move. You kept your breathing deep and steady, you lied still. 
He reached a hand out to you, fisting your shirt into his palm. His thumb grazed your lower back, skin he exposed from grabbing your shirt. 
“Stop pretending. You’re bad at it.” 
It was like the world stopped spinning. Your world, anyway - the one you had made up in your head. The world where the only things Keiji didn’t know were all the things you were trying to hide from him; the world where, despite never being a good liar, you were good at lying to him. 
But that wasn’t the same world Keiji was living in.
“I know,” you replied, voice cracking through the words. 
You were sure he didn’t mean what he said in the way you felt it sting your chest, but it didn’t matter. Years of learning, hiding, pretending were all culminating in this moment, and if you weren’t careful you’d end up losing it all. 
His hand moved from your back to holding your side. “Will you look at me?” And you didn’t have a choice, because he was turning you to lay on your back, anyway. 
So you looked at him, because it’s what he asked you to do, and you felt the first crack in your poorly built foundation when you realized how close he was to you; then, he put his hand on your side and pulled you even closer.
It’s like he was looking through you. 
“I should tell you something,” he said, and you had some idea where he was going with this but you didn’t want to find out. No part of you wanted to hear what he was about to say. 
“You know… I already knew, Y/N.” 
There it was: the collapse. 
You couldn’t look at him anymore, so you closed your eyes and tried to keep pretending, even though you had nowhere left to hide. 
“Yeah.” The hand on your side was hot and heavy and hard; you hated how much you loved being touched by him, even right now when your made up world was ending. “I know.” 
“I’ve always known.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
You were so close to letting go, to breaking down in the pile of rubble. But you had built your house of lies on unsteady ground, after all; what else did you expect to happen other than this destruction? 
You wanted to cry. You didn’t. You couldn’t be angry at yourself or upset, because you saw this coming. After all, Keiji knows everything. He sees things you don’t even know are showing - he’s been able to read you like a book since before he even knew your name. 
Of course he knew. You were stupid to ever think he didn’t. 
He whispered your name, and then you felt him kiss your forehead. 
“I’m sorry,” you said again, meaning it with your whole heart even though you knew it wouldn’t change anything. 
“I should tell you something else,” he said, and it was quiet, like he was telling you a secret only you could know. He was treading carefully, choosing his words particularly - he didn’t do that often. You felt him bunching your shirt up in his fist again, you heard him sigh loudly. “I don’t even know how to say it.” 
The tears were finally slipping free as you began to understand what he was getting at, so you pulled back. You didn’t need him to pity you. 
“It’s fine,” you insisted, trying to push him away. He wouldn’t let you. “I know - I’ll get over it - you don’t have to tell me - I already know.” 
“No, you don’t - you don’t know, Y/N, please, just come here.” 
“Keiji -” 
“Let me show you.” He wasn’t speaking quietly anymore - this wasn’t a secret anymore. “I can’t explain it - let me show you, Y/N - please.” 
“Show me what?” 
“That I feel the same,” he said, pulling you back into his arms. 
For a second, you thought you misheard him.
And then, he kissed you. 
Soft, sweet, new lips were on yours, taking your breath as if he needed it to breathe himself, then breathing a new life into you that you never knew could be alive. It was like striking a match, flicking a lighter, starting a fire; you watched the rubble of your once hidden love burn, all at the hands of Keiji. 
At first you didn’t even know how to kiss him back. It was too much, too bright, too hot - and then, you couldn’t stop kissing him. You anchored your hands on the back of his neck and held him against you, silently begging him to let you take all that you wanted from him. 
You kissed him like you’d never get the chance to do this again, because you were sure you wouldn’t. This hardly felt real, let alone something that would ever happen more than once. So you savored it, you memorized this feeling so you could relive it in your dreams forever. 
A whimper reverberated through your throat and against Keiji’s lips and the feeling made him kiss you deeper, like he was searching for a way to get you to make that noise again. As the kiss got deeper, a natural progression came over your position; before you could realize it, Keiji was on top of you and lying between your legs. 
His touch was hotter than a flame and yet you couldn’t get enough of it. Every time his tongue brushed against yours, it took a part of you with it, and you were ready to give him all of you. 
And then, he stopped kissing you. 
He pulled back only slightly, and when you chased his lips he pulled back even more. You opened your eyes and stared up at him, at his blushed cheeks and pink lips and beautiful eyes. You could see the cogs in his mind turning and for a second it was like you were seeing a part of Keiji he’s never shown you before; the veil of his all knowing gaze was being dropped, only because he was letting it. 
Because all this time, Keiji was hiding, too - hiding in plain sight. You always thought he treated you the way he treated everyone else, that he knew everything about everyone, but it wasn’t true. He only knew all of your secrets because he took the time to find them. He only saw you for who you really were because he cared enough to know. And, unlike you, he was a good actor; good at pretending you weren’t special; good at building walls that would stay up until he was ready for them to come down. 
And with his next words, he made them shatter. 
“I love you.”  
You kept staring at him, trying to figure out if this nervous boy on top of you really was Keiji. 
He nodded. 
“Say it again.” 
“I love you.” 
You brushed his hair out of his face and rested your hand on his cheek, still completely in awe of him, and this was all too much for you to believe. “Is this a prank?” 
He laughed at you, and his nerves seemed to melt away. 
“Damn, you caught me.” His forehead fell to rest on yours, your noses brushed. “No, it’s not a prank. I love you.” 
Somehow this intimacy felt all too foreign and way too familiar, all at once. It was overflowing, your heart was racing, it was hard to breathe, tears were falling from your eyes. 
“Say it again,” you whispered, begging him to assure you of this - to make you believe it. 
And he wiped your tears away as he told you, again, “I love you,” and the kiss he placed on your cheek seemed to make you weep even more. “And I should’ve told you sooner. I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” you replied immediately, “I love you, too - it’s okay.” 
“It’s not okay.” It was obvious, now, that this had been bothering Keiji for longer than you could ever know. “I just… wasn’t ready. Especially with volleyball, and then moving, and then starting university, I just - I never had enough of me to give to you. And you deserve all of me, not just what’s left of me at the end of the day - I don’t know. I’m just… sorry.” 
You didn’t know how to reply to that in a way that was good enough - all you could think to do was kiss him, because you finally could kiss him, so you did. And it was the same as your first: hot and sweet, familiar and foreign, intimate and overwhelming. 
And the more you kissed him, the more it stirred something up inside of you. He wasn’t holding back - not after holding back for years - and it was like he was trying to get any reaction he could out of you. You hooked your legs around his waist and pulled him closer than he’s ever been, and the way it felt to have him pressed up against you sent chills across your burning skin. 
You pulled back from the kiss just to take a breath. “Say it again,” you mumbled, because you weren’t tired of hearing those three words yet. A part of you still didn’t believe them.
Instead of saying them, though, he let his kisses trail down your jaw and onto your neck. You could feel the vibrations of his voice when he spoke, “Let me show you.” 
And you knew what he meant, but you teased him anyway, “How do you want to do that?”
His hips seemed to move on their own free will, thrusting against you as if he couldn’t stop them. And it proved that he was just as in over his head as you were; you liked that. You liked knowing you weren’t the only one in a daze. You liked having this effect on Keiji. 
“However you want,” he said through a dry throat. “We can do anything you want.” 
“I just want you,” you told him honestly. You had no other choice anymore - the truth was all you had left. 
“You have me,” he replied. “I’m yours - just let me show you.” 
Your next kiss was interrupted by his shirt coming off, then yours. You felt his bare skin against yours and you were sure this was enough, that you were content with just this. This feeling was all that you needed. 
“You’re pretty,” he whispered to you as his eyes scanned your bare body, and it left you shaking in anticipation as his lips made their way to your chest. “The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” 
Your eyes couldn’t leave his face as your fingers carded through his hair; you felt his hands travel the length of your body, and every kiss he left on your skin felt like it was touching your heart - all you could do was watch. 
His hand moved lower, his fingers were teasing the edge of your shorts, but he hesitated to cross the barrier. You grabbed his wrist and pushed him across it, showing him that you couldn’t wait for this. 
That’s all Keiji needed to understand how far you were willing to go with him. His skilled fingers worked against you, slipping into your underwear and touching you exactly where you needed them to, and it was better than anything you could ever dream. 
And he did it like it was easy, like he’s spent years getting to know your body and he was doing what he knew would work. Like this was routine rather than your first time. 
This sure as hell felt like it was your first time doing this; you had never felt so sensitive or open or vulnerable. But you had never been touched by a man you wanted so much; you never thought you’d feel his fingers spreading you open or see him on top of you - this is something you’ve only done in daydreams, and now it was real. 
For the first time you were vulnerable and okay with it. You were letting him have all of you, and you trusted that he would treat you right. And he was. Maybe it was your love for him or the disbelief of the situation or both clouding your judgement, but you were convinced that his fingers felt better than your own. 
“Is this okay?” he asked in a whisper, and you replied with a moan that you couldn’t hold in anymore. He laughed, “Does that mean yes?” 
“Keiji, please don’t tease.” 
“I’m not teasing yet,” he replied with a few kisses along your jaw. You felt his fingers moving more, moving toward going inside, but he hesitated. “Y/N…” 
You were pulled out of your daze for just a second as you looked up at his furrowed brows and half lidded eyes; his face left you wondering what he was about to say next. 
“I really like the sounds you’re making,” he said, “but if anyone hears we’ll never hear the end of it.” 
You laughed, because you had completely forgotten that you and Keiji weren’t the only two people in the world - let alone this house. 
“Right,” you breathed out. 
“I’ll give you anything you ask for, but you…” 
Two of his fingers slid into you, and you held back a gasp. 
“...have to stay quiet. Can you do that for me?” 
You nodded, trying your best to take deep breaths rather than let your voice out. 
“Yeah?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” you replied, giving another nod. 
“Good,” he said. 
His fingers curled, and you covered your mouth with your palm. 
“Stay quiet,” he said, even though it felt like he was doing everything he could so you’d do the opposite. His fingers curling into you were begging for a reaction, and it was hard not to give him one. “Fuck, you’re so hot.” 
Keiji’s hips were moving again, thrusting against your leg like he just couldn’t help it. You wanted to give him more but you couldn’t - your hands were busy covering your mouth and holding onto the sheets for your life, and so all you could do was watch him grinding against you. 
“You’re one to talk,” you replied, making him laugh. 
Both of you looked down and watched; the curl of his fingers moved in time with his thrusts against you - every time they came forward, you felt his length sliding up your thigh. And when he pulled back, his fingers straightened out. 
You’d give anything to have more. “Keiji,” you started, but you just couldn’t get the words out. 
He said them for you as he pulled his fingers out, “Can I fuck you?” 
You had no other answer besides, “Please,” and you were ready to beg for it if that’s what it came to. 
He started to pull his boxers off, but again, he hesitated. The arm he was holding himself up with was trembling, his breathing was unsteady, his entire body seemed tense. Keiji was hanging on by a thread. 
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked.
You were taken aback. “Keiji…” 
“We don’t have to do this now - is it too soon? Are you sure you want me?” 
It was hard to listen to his voice when it sounded so honest. 
Your hands took place on either side of his face, ensuring he would look at you while you spoke to him. 
“Keiji… do you want this?” 
“More than anything,” he replied. 
“I can tell,” you joked, and he rolled his eyes at you. “I’ve wanted you for longer than I can remember - I don’t think it’s too soon. But we can wait if you want. There’s no pressure, okay?” 
“I don’t,” he said. “I can’t wait - I’m so hard it fucking hurts - I just don’t want you to -” 
“You think too much.” 
He laughed. “I know.” 
You let your hands travel down to his chest, hoping you got through to him. “Don’t overthink it. I want you to fuck me, Keiji,” and your hips thrusted against his as if to convince him of how badly you needed it. “Sooner rather than later.”
It seemed to be good enough, he seemed to believe you, because now he wasn’t hesitating to take off his shorts and yours. The view it gave you struck a burning desire like no other - now that you could see all of him, you couldn’t handle not having all of him. 
And he was raring to give himself to you, coaxing his cock inside of you until you took it all, and both of you felt like you were about to explode. 
“Oh, fuck,” he moaned, and the volume of his voice pulled you back down to the real world. 
“Stay quiet,” you reminded him, giggling because the tables had turned on him. 
“I know,” he said with a nod. “You just feel so good - you’re so fucking tight -  I can’t believe this is happening - oh, fuck, it’s too much.” 
“Move, Keiji,” you whined, bucking your hips up to try to feel anything, and he cursed under his breath when he pulled back to watch your desperate attempt at fucking yourself with his cock. 
“You can do it,” he teased, pulling his hips back a little more so you had more room to move. “Keep going - fuck me like that, kitten, don’t stop.” 
You were dying to feel him meeting your thrusts, because this wasn’t nearly enough, but you loved his teasing. 
“That’s it,” he said, “that’s my girl. Taking me so well, fuck, you’re perfect.” 
He couldn’t take it anymore, that was obvious as his thrusts started. He took a hold of your hips and held you in place so he could take you at his own pace, and he was everything you could ever need. 
Your love for him was spilling from your lips and he was doing everything he could to keep you saying it, bringing you higher with every passing second. Feeling him between your thighs and inside your walls was intoxicating. It was everything you hoped it would be, simply because it was Keiji. 
“I’m close,” you said as if he needed a warning - he could probably already tell. 
“Quiet, kitten,” he said to you, bringing your lips up to his for a kiss. “These sounds are for me - don’t want anyone else hearing what’s mine. Be a good girl for me.” 
“I’m trying,” you replied, and he cooed at your whining. 
“I know,” he mumbled, and just by the sound of his voice you could tell he was liking this. And he was going to make it harder for you when his hand trailed down your body so his fingers could circle your clit. 
He kissed you hard to stop any sound you were about to make and you were grateful for it. 
“I want you to cum for me,” he said, “and I don’t want you to make a sound when you do.” 
“Keiji -” 
His hips and fingers sped up. “I’m serious. Come on, kitten, be my good girl - make me proud and stay quiet while you’re cumming all over my cock. You can do it, I know you can.” 
Any trust he had in you staying quiet until the end was completely misplaced - you knew that when his hand clamped down over your mouth. You didn’t try to hold in your voice at all, and Keiji was having just as much trouble, burying his face into your neck to muffle his noises the best he could. 
It didn’t matter if anyone else could hear you; to you, nothing else mattered but Keiji. He was the only other person in your world, the only person your body would ever scream so loudly for. As long as it was him bringing you to this euphoria, you didn’t care who else knew about it. 
Let your friends give you hell for it, let Kuroo say I told you so - you’d deal with the embarrassment in the morning. That moment was worth it. 
The soft kisses he was leaving on your neck in the wake of hitting your peaks helped you float back down easily. It was like being woken up from a dream, one where the only thing you could remember was how pleasant it was. 
“You were not quiet,” Keiji laughed. You felt your cheeks swelling and heating up in embarrassment. 
“I couldn’t help it…” 
“It’s okay,” he replied. “You still made me proud.” 
He lied next to you and pulled you close, and you convinced yourself that you were going to be there in his arms forever. If you were, you’d have no complaints. 
A quiet moment passed, and you couldn’t stand the silence. “How was… that?” 
He pulled back to look at you with wide eyes, as if he didn’t expect you to ask. “What do you mean?” 
“Was it good? Did you like it? Was I -” 
“It was perfect,” he said, biting his lip and looking up at the ceiling as if his high hadn’t completely worn off. “It was everything. Don’t get all shy and insecure on me now that you know I love you back.”  
“Shut up,” you said with a laugh. “I’m just making sure.” 
“Do you need me to prove it to you again?” 
“I’ll make sure you stay quiet for me this time, then.” 
Whether or not the two of you were successful in your attempts to keep the noise down was up for debate, but by the end of the night, neither of you cared. 
And the next morning, when you forced yourself to leave Keiji and the warmth of the bed, you found Kuroo pacing outside of your door. 
“I’m sorry - I’m so sorry - what I said last night was way out of line, and I don’t expect you to forgive me for it -”
“It’s fine, Kuroo,” you said, because it was. If you were being honest, after the night you had with Keiji you had completely forgotten about what Kuroo said. 
“It’s not fine,” he argued. “I shouldn’t have done that - you trusted me not to say anything about your feelings, and then I did. I fucked up - why aren’t you pissed right now?” 
Before you could start to think of a reply, the door behind you opened. Keiji’s bed head popped out. 
“Can you guys be quiet?” 
“Sorry,” Kuroo immediately replied. 
Then, Keiji turned to you. “Can you come back to bed? It’s cold.” 
You nodded, and Keiji went back inside, and the moment you looked at Kuroo’s face, you knew he’d figured things out. 
“Did you guys fuck?!” 
You had no response. Keiji, however, called out a simple, “Yeah,” leaving you covering your face in embarrassment. 
“Holy shit. I -” 
You went back into your bedroom before he could even finish his words, slamming the door in his face so he couldn’t finish his boasting. But you heard him say, “You’re welcome!” before finally trodding off, and you shook off your embarrassment as best as you could. 
The breakfast you needed minutes ago was long forgotten as you looked at the view in front of you of the boy who was yours. Keiji was waiting for you with sleepy eyes peeking up at you from soft sheets, a grin on his face, and his arms open. 
He didn’t have to say a word - you were in those arms in seconds. Both of you released a sigh of relief; Keiji was warm again, and you were being held by him again. 
“I was gone for, like, two minutes, tops.” 
“I don’t care,” he replied. “It was long enough that I got too cold without you here.”
You felt like you should have more to say, but you didn’t. 
You’d spent years hoping for a moment like this. It was as soft and golden and happy as you’d ever dreamed, and moments like those didn’t need words. You knew how Keiji felt, and despite all your attempts at hiding, Keiji knew how you felt, too. 
And in that moment, when the two of you were lying in the afterglow of intimacy from the night before, finally knowing is all that mattered. 
tune in tomorrow for kinktober day 2: royal 
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hanniiesuckle17 · 3 years
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Chapter 16: Chanhee's Plan
A/n: so i was going to post this on changmin's birthday as a surprise update but I didn't have it finished in time. T.T But! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANGMIN I LOVE YOU QBERT he actually has the same birthday as my best friend ahaha. anyway! this is not what I was planning for the next chapter but I think it works! also I don't know if you guys have figured this out yet but I update this series on Saturdays around 9 am CDT! Tag List is Open <3
Tag List: @woodiegochile @mini-meanhoe @leggomylino @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @hoes4hoseok @jeonqqin @geminirules @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00 @cotccotc @kodzu-ken @konenichi @yangs-jeongin @binniebutter @orangegyu @little-precious-baby @raethethey @sofie296 @hongjoong-a-holic
RBTL Tag List: @bluejayboys @wonderlandless @introverted-stay24 @sunfics​ @deputyjuyeon​  @studioreader​ @yunho-1999​ @niafics​ @diestheticu​ ​​
Warnings: Cursing
WC: 1.2k
Summary: True love has never come easy; life makes sure of that. From unrequited love to missed timing, does anyone have any hope at finding success- let alone pass History at the same time? All these questions leave young people wondering….will they still love me in the morning?
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Third POV
The November air was cool as it briskly danced across the cheeks and through the hair of the young people celebrating outside the cafe. How Chanhee had managed to drag his best friend thirty minutes from campus without him suspecting anything, he did not know. But he was just thankful that any minute now his glorious scheme would start to work.
Jacob leaned against the table- red solo cup in hand. Changmin stood awkwardly a few feet away from him debating whether to take another drink or stuff eight creampuffs in his mouth. The two had not spoken to each other the entire night except for a greeting not much more uncomfortable than this.
Immediately Changmin felt his focus drift towards Y/n dancing on the grass. She had long since abandoned her shoes and her bare feet bounced across the cool and damp lawn. The corner of his lip quirked up into a smile as he watched her jump and twirl with their friends.
A hand clapping onto his shoulder broke Changmin out of his blissful trance. "Well look who finally found each other!" Eric shouted over the music. "The ex-boyfriend meets the new boy-toy tutor! You must feel threatened Jacob," The younger of the three teased.
Eric laughed as both boys spoke over each other. It was quite obvious by his demeanor that he was quite drunk. Changmin saw the man next to him in a new light now. Y/n had mentioned Jacob before but always as her best friend. Not only was this very handsome guy her closest friend....but her ex?
Eric laughed as both boys spoke over each other. It was quite obvious by his demeanor that he was quite drunk. Changmin saw the man next to him in a new light now. Y/n had mentioned Jacob before but always as her best friend. Not only was this very handsome guy her closest friend....but her ex?
It suddenly became very difficult for Changmin to swallow. He was hoping this Jacob, whoever he was, was going to be someone....like Eric. Not unattractive, but certainly less competition and less mature than he was. But no. Jacob was not only handsome but in way better shape than him.
Changmin was now very self-conscious of how skinny his arms and stomach were. "Maybe I should let you guys talk. I only came over here for more cake anyway. Happy birthday, dude!" Eric then bounced away with a slice of cake in each hand.
Another awkward silence fell between the two boys. This time Jacob was fully focused on the "boy-toy" next to him. He wasn't Y/n's usual type but then again she never really had one. It was easy to admit that Changmin was definitely an attractive guy but even with their relationship long in the past it made Jacob a little jealous to see a new contender in her life.
"So...'boy-toy'," Jacob started, handing Changmin a drink. "What's up with you and Y/n?"
"What- N-nothing. Nothing is up with me and Y/n. Nothing at all. Zero things. There is an absolute absence of things happening with me and Y/n..."
"Dude, chill."
Changmin could do anything but chill right now. "So....you and Y/n?"
Jacob nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. "It was like a year and a half ago. You've got nothing to worry about; it was a mutual breakup."
Changmin shrugged and brought the drink to his lips. He struggled not to gag at the very intense taste of just straight liquor. "Wh-why would I have anything to worry about? I just said there is an absence of anything between me and Y/n."
Jacob laughed, with a kind warmth behind his eyes. "Dude you look at her like she hung the fucking moon! You obviously like her."
"Like who?" Y/n interjected bounding up to the two boys with a huge grin.
Thankfully Jacob helped Changmin with his previous outburst. "You know the little cheeky fairy from Peter Pan?" She nodded and turned her attention fully to her tutor.
"Anyway, everybody else said they are gonna stay and clean up. It's almost 1:30. Chanhee suggested you and I take the last bus home." For the second time that night, Changmin found a lump in his throat. Jacob found this his cue to walk away and help push a very drunk Juyeon onto a couch.
"Don't you live with Eric?"
Y/n gestured over to her roommate only for Changmin to see him hunched over a trashcan. "Jessie said she's taking drunk duty tonight."
With a hesitant nod, Changmin grabbed his gifts and Y/n retrieved her bag before the two tipsily waddled out to the lone bus stop to wait for their transportation. The pair sat down, bags at their feet as they looked out into the night in silence.
Changmin noticed Y/n's shoulders and hands shivering in the chill autumn temperature. Without saying a word he slipped out of his denim jacket and wrapped it tightly around her shoulders. She smiled and it sent a warm gooey feeling through every cold part of his body.
"Did you have a good birthday?" She asked looking up at him hopefully. He nodded and noticed the girl stifling a yawn. His heart was thumping against his chest seeing his jacket envelope her. Before he could continue the conversation the city bus pulled up and the two boarded the vehicle and crammed into the small seats.
As soon as the bus started moving Y/n's eyes drooped and her head started to do the same. Changmin watched her tired heavy head softly bounce against the cool glass of the window. He looked around the bus finding it empty except for them and the driver.
Hesitantly, he reached over her and his long slender fingers touched her cheek. Careful not to wake the sleeping girl, Changmin moved her head gently onto his shoulder. With Y/n so close to him, he could smell her perfume. It was a calming scent. Not too strong but definitely distinct.
In her sleep, the girl hugged onto Changmin's arm as if he were a teddy bear and nuzzled further into his shoulder- closer to his neck. He felt her warm breath on his skin and he did his best not to move. A dark red heat raced to his ears and cheeks.
He let her sleep as long as he could, not wanting to disturb the peaceful look on her face and the chance to be close to her. While she slept he lost himself in the feeling of her leaning on him.
He imagined what it might be like if she was awake. If he had the courage to confess how he felt- would she be like this with him all the time? He wanted so badly to just tell her how he felt. Changmin knew that all it would take was one little poke and Y/n would open her eyes.
Why couldn't he bring himself to do it?
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Hues of Gold
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Request : do a billy russo x reader with the reader having an art job and them meeting due to that somehow
Warnings: none 
A/N: Here it is, my first Billy x Reader. I'll be getting to the prompts in my inbox too but still feel free to send me more requests. You don't need to pick from the prompt lists, if you have an idea then just send it on over. Nothing is off limits and I write for every type of Billy. S1 Billy, S2 Billy, pre-show Billy, all the AU Billy's you can think of lmao Gimme them all.
You tilted your head a little, eyes sweeping across the paint on the easel in front of you. The piece was coming together nicely. You'd started at humble beginnings with your artwork as a street artist. You hadn't been able to afford art school and you didn't feel like people needed to if they just felt it. And you did. You'd been a hit with your expressionist art and before you knew it, you were getting wealthy clients and more money. Now you had your own little studio with an apartment on top. It wasn't flashy but it was yours and you loved it. The work you thought was good enough for your new clients would go up on your website, they'd buy them and then you'd send them off to their new home. It was simple and you got to spend every day painting to your heart's content. 
You bit your lip as you mixed two golds together to get the perfect shade you were after. Some of your pieces were weirder than others, others being more realistic or using average colors. Some of them were darker in theme or used more vibrant colors with looser shapes. It was all dependent on how you felt when making it. The one currently being worked on wasn't finished by any means. Oil paint often required many layers and getting it to dry in between time. But if someone was to gauge your mood by this one, well… they'd say you were most likely sexually frustrated. It was a naked woman laying on her back on rumpled sheets, just her torso and a bit of her leg to leave the rest to the imagination. Her male counterpart was pressed up against her as the bodies melded together, his hand gripping her thigh. The colors you'd picked for this were hues of red, orange, yellow and gold, making it look like the couple were set ablaze. The epitome of passion. It was coming along nicely. 
Your work cell rang breaking you from your thoughts. You gave your hand a quick wipe on the ratty towel next to you as you picked it up, answering with your full name. 
"Hi, I'm lookin' for some art and I've heard you're the girl to go to," a smooth voice came through the phone. The fact that someone recommended this guy to you made you smile. It always did. It meant people were pleased with your work. 
"I am. Have you checked the website? That's where my current pieces are," you murmured softly.
"I did but… I haven't really found the one yet. And a friend of mine tells me you've got a bunch of exclusive stuff at your studio," he replied.
You glanced around your studio. He wasn't wrong entirely although you wouldn't call them exclusives. You'd call them rejects if you were honest. Your new clientele were more demanding and it made you second guess your pieces more often than you'd like to admit. This led to many of them finding a home in your studio instead. You were unsure who the man's friend was as typically you didn't have people come to the studio. It was a very rare occurrence and you couldn't imagine him being interested in any of these pieces. But a customer was a customer.
"You're more than welcome to come down and look at them. I'm not sure you'll find what you're looking for though, I've kept them offline because they're in the reject pile," you snorted wryly. His smooth chuckle was soothing as it hit your ears and you nibbled on your lower lip.
"Well I'll be the judge of that," you didn't know what he looked like but you could hear the smirk in his voice. You told him the address before hanging up.
You were a little nervous of someone coming into your space and judging the art you'd already deemed not worth putting up for sale, but you decided to roll with it. It was too late now and it wouldn't be a good look for your business to tell the guy he couldn't come. You decided to continue the piece you were working on to keep your mind occupied, having no idea just when the man would decide to show, or if he would at all. 
It was an hour later when the large wooden door knocked and you called out that it was open. You stood up and wiped your hands on the towel again, not that it helped much. You were sure you had paint on every part of you, it was half the fun of making art. The man walked in and you were a little surprised by just how handsome he was. He was dressed to the nines in a suit with his hair slicked back, the sides shorter than the top. He certainly looked like your usual clients but you couldn't remember any of your fancier clients ever bothering to call you, never mind actually coming to see your other pieces. 
The smile he shot you was disarming and you replied in kind as you walked over to him. You reached out your hand to shake with his before retracting it rapidly when you noticed just how much of a poor job the towel had done. He seemed amused if his chuckle was anything to go by and you snorted.
"Uh… welcome. Feel free to look around. I haven't really got prices for these since I wasn't gonna sell them so I'll settle for whatever," you shrugged with a smile. Anything was better than nothing that you were getting by keeping them here. Besides, you were pretty sure he wouldn't even like any of them. 
You didn't want to crowd him as he looked around so you went right back to your easel and sat on the stool. He walked around leisurely, stopping at each piece and looking at them. Your eyes kept flitting to him without meaning to, you weren't sure if it was how attractive he was or the nerves of having someone assessing your work this way. Maybe both. He didn't strike you as an art kind of guy honestly. Most of the rich clients weren't, they just wanted a statement piece for their walls for people to talk about. There wasn't anything wrong with that of course, but you'd be a liar if you said you didn't miss it back as a street artist when people bought a piece simply because it spoke to them and they loved it. Onwards and upwards though, right? 
"So… who's the friend? That told you I had stuff here?" You asked after a moment, unable not to because your curiosity was getting the better of you. He glanced over at you from where he stood and smiled. 
"Curtis," he replied. Your eyebrows raised a little with that information. You'd met Curtis back when you were a street artist and he bought something for the group he was running. He was a nice guy and he checked in every so often with you. You wouldn't say you were friends but you really liked him and you had some good conversations. You couldn't imagine Curtis being friends with this man though.
Noticing the shock on your face, the man chuckled.
"We served together when I was in the marines. He's a good guy, one of my closest friends," he supplied. 
"You were a marine?" You hadn't meant to ask like it was such an absurd notion but it came out anyway. You just hadn't expected it He looked amused though and he nodded.
"Yeah. When I got out I set up my own private military firm, ex military people with no purpose. I give 'em somethin' to fight for. A brotherhood. We're doin' pretty well," he had a bright smile on his face, gesturing to his suit when he said they were doing well and you found yourself smiling back. 
"You must be really proud. It's amazing that you're doing that for them. I mean… I never served or anything but Curtis tells me about some of the guys from his group sometimes. I bet you really help them," you said sincerely. You had no clue what it must be like to serve and you knew you didn't have the stomach for it. But some of the things Curtis had told you had made you sad and you were impressed that the man had set up something like this on his own. Something to help others just like him. He shot you another smile before going back to looking at the artwork and you couldn't take your eyes off him. 
Figuring he'd catch you looking at him, you forced yourself to focus on adding more gold to the art you were working on. You weren't sure how long had passed until he spoke again and it startled you. You'd almost forgotten he was there.
"This one is… interesting. I like this one," he mused, eyes on the work on your easel as he stood beside you. Your cheeks tinged a little pink at the phrasing he used but you recovered quickly. 
"Thanks. I like this one too but… it won't end up on the website. The last erotic piece I put on there apparently offended people," you said with a wry grin. He laughed, the sound low and short but his eyes went to you then. Holy shit, his eyes are… wow. 
"Well it definitely doesn't offend me. How long will it take to finish?" He asked as his obsidian orbs went back to the painting.
"A couple of days at most. It's almost done and then it needs to dry and be sealed," it was nice talking about your work with someone, even as mundane as when it would be complete. You missed that interaction since you got the studio.
"I'll take it. How much?" he flashed you a smile that made your stomach flip around on you and you bit your lip with a smile back. 
"That's up to you," you shrugged. You never bothered putting prices on pieces you knew you wouldn't sell and you hadn't expected to sell this piece. Even the prices on the website felt too much for you but it was born from the first wealthy clients and what they thought your pieces were worth. You just rolled with it, it wasn't like they'd miss it, right? 
He hummed, the sound deep in his throat as he got out his wallet. You mused he must want it mailed to him when it was done for him to pay now rather than later but you were happy it was cash and not card. He handed you some bills and you counted it quickly, eyes widening as you blinked up at him.
"I can't take this. This is more than the pieces online," you frowned, holding out the money back to him. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, shrugging his shoulders.
"You said it was up to me," he replied with an easy smirk. Would you really sit there and argue with him about getting more money for it? No. But you were shocked he thought it was worth that much. 
"I… thank you, sir," you smiled, stuffing the money into your pocket. 
"Billy," he clarified, smirk still in place. 
"Billy," you corrected with a shy smile. Something glittered in his dark eyes as you tested the sound of his name and he raked his teeth over his lower lip. Despite the fact you'd already given him your full name on the phone, you gave him your first name again  and he mimicked you as he tested it out. Why did it sound so good coming from his mouth? 
You cleared your throat, his intense stare was getting a little too much and you stood, walking over to the big table against the wall, grabbing a pen and pad. 
"You can leave your details, I can mail it to you when it's done," you handed them to him and he twirled the pen around in his long fingers with ease.
"I'll leave my number. I'd like to come pick it up when it's done, if that's okay?" He asked as he scribbled his name and digits down. 
"Are you sure? It's not an issue shipping it out," you replied as he passed you back the pen and pad. 
"I'm sure. It gives me an excuse to see you again," he smirked, dark eyes boring into yours as your cheeks turned pink. He chuckled and with that he was out the door and you were left stood there gaping where he went. Did he really just…? 
You stood there a moment longer, a smile working its way onto your face before you shook your head and sat back down at your easel. You glanced at the painting before setting to work and getting it finished. You couldn't wait for it to be done so Billy would come back. He was intriguing and you found yourself thinking of him as you continued your work. 
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ah-ga-seven · 3 years
Till The End of Summer - Chapter 14 (The Finale)
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>> series masterlist <<
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
In a Nutshell: College!AU, Rich Kids, Friends to Lovers, Fuckboy athlete Yeonjun, Overprotective Best friend Soobin, contains all of TXT and other Idol cameos, Omnipresent perspective.
Synopsis: You and Yeonjun are caught up in a cat and mouse game because of unspoken feelings and endless pining for each others’ attention. With the summer break approaching and lots of college parties, will you finally get a chance to explore your feelings for each other; even though the world and Yeonjun’s reputation makes things complicated?
Word count: 12,3K
Idol Cameos: NCT Johnny, ITZY Ryujin, ATEEZ Wooyoung, Stray Kids Hyunjin, Enhyphen Sunghoon, Heesung and Jay.
Genre:  Fluff, SMUT, angst if you squint.
Warnings: explicit mature content, I put a bolded warning sign at the start and end of it so you can skip through if you want.
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Month 1.
Yeonjun went back home to save the reputation of Choi Enterprises by dealing with Lita’s attempt to overthrow him and his mother.  
Apparently, she did a lot more than the things she was locked up for initially. 
Lita and her husband bribed members of the board, making promises they obviously couldn’t keep. “When we have the company, the world is yours” but those days never came. and the board members that were bribed were fired effective immediately.
Each and every one of them got disposed of, with their assets included like they were last weeks’ trash. And if that wasn’t enough, Lita’s unjustified psychosis stemmed from the fact that she used to sleep with Yeonjun’s father. Lita felt like she was entitled to the Choi’s fortunes because according to her; the only woman Daniel Choi ever loved, was her.  
The revelation had Yeonjun sick to his stomach as he sat next to his mother in court. Lita looked at him with pleading eyes, claiming to really love him as her own son before the judge announced her 15-year prison sentence for fraud, spying, embezzlement, and attempted murder.
Somehow Yeonjun felt nothing as he looked at her. He really didn’t. If anything, he was glad to close this chapter of his life for good, and look ahead of the road to recovering his soul.
You, on the other hand, were completely overwhelmed with your new surroundings. You threw yourself into your work to forget about your heartache and didn’t dare to talk to Yeonjun in case it’d open up your wounds again. It would cause for you to lose focus, and you simply couldn’t afford that distraction right now.
Month 2
The first month passed without any contact between the two of you, but that changed when you wished him a happy birthday. His heart thumped in his chest on his way to his 6th therapy session as he looked at your message. 
He was even more surprised to see that you sent him a cute card with a Polaroid picture of the two of you; all happy and smiley in the park.  
It was reassuring to him that you were still thinking of him, and that you hadn’t completely forgotten about him or moved on so easily, because lord knows he hadn’t.
When you asked him about Lita’s trial a few days after his birthday, you two started to slowly talk again from time to time. You’d check up on each other and made small talk, but it was nothing like it used to be.  
There was no depth, and the core of your conversations always had to do with how both of your studies were going, if you were taking care of yourselves or if you’ve had dinner already.  
You both figured it was for the better this way, otherwise your break up would have been for nothing if you didn’t use this time apart from each other to heal, especially since you promised to be better individually so you could be even better together.
If that was still what both of you wanted upon your return of course.
He missed you so much, and he was finding it incredibly hard not to check your socials at least once a day, especially when he realized how male-dominated your studies were at Brown.
Your Instagram feed and stories indicated that you were having the time of your life when you could. You were happy despite the crazy hours you spent in a lab with your research team. A team that quickly became your new group of friends at the University.  
There were 2 other guys and one other girl in your team. The girl’s name was Giselle, you seemed to be the closest to her out of all of them. One of the guys was named Chanhee who was quite obviously gay, therefore not a threat. But the second guy, Hwang Hyunjin… let's just say that Yeonjun wasn't a fan.
Month 3
Your almost daily texts and calls with your friends back home started to shift to communication on a weekly basis.  
It was hard to keep up with your friends back home while having to entertain a new friend group here, all while you spent hours upon hours in the lab, working on a possible treatment for neurological disorders.  
You knew that whatever you were getting yourself into with this exchange was going to be hard, but you didn’t imagine it to be this hard and frankly, you were feeling incredibly homesick by now.
You missed Soobin, the boys, Mia…Yeonjun. And one time when you came home at 10 PM after a long day that started at 8 AM; you broke down on the phone when Soobin called to check in on you.
He was so shocked at your tears that he was ready to jump on a plane, but you stopped him from doing so. Knowing that you needed to push through and confide in the friends you made, whom you’ve started to hang out with a lot more, especially with Hyunjin.  
He reminded you a lot of Soobin, the way he was gentle yet in for dumb shit matched well with your own personality, and hanging out with him felt liberating. He introduced you to his friends and spent time with you and your lab partner and roommate Giselle whenever he could, which made your time at Brown a lot more bearable than you had anticipated.
Yeonjun was slowly starting to enjoy life again. He caught up with his studies, kept going to therapy, had regular calls with his mother, and spent time with his friends whenever he could. He started to pick up his neglected hobby of dancing again, finding comfort in the art form with Wooyoung and his crew.
Month 4
Yeonjun’s mother sold Choi Enterprises. She was completely done with the company as it wasn’t hers to begin with. The stock prices had risen for the first time since Daniel’s death paired with the whole Lita ordeal, so she took the chance to get rid of her past with a simple transaction.
She consulted Yeonjun about selling the company and the house he grew up in, for which he agreed, glad that they could finally close that dark chapter of their lives while getting a fresh start with new surroundings.  
With all of this newly acquired money, she opened a new headquarters of her own luxury fashion brand, closer to Yeonjun; only an hour away to be exact.  
She was determined to be a better mother and get to know her son, and the only way to do so was by actually trying. He was happier now that the burden of having to take over Choi Enterprises one day fell off of his shoulders.  
For the first time in a long time, he held the reigns to his own future again and his mother assured him that she’d support whatever he wanted to do in life both mentally and financially.
From there on out things started to look up for them.  
They went on café dates every Sunday, and sometimes he’d visit her for an entire weekend where they would bond by cooking or shopping together. 
During one visit, Yeonjun helped her pick some pieces for Fashion week, which made her pleasantly surprised by Yeonjun’s out of the box and daring passion for fashion. She suggested he’d take a minor in fashion design next to his regular Business studies and after giving it a good thought, he did, enjoying it a little more than he thought he would.
Month 5
You were doing better too. The hard part of your research was over with, and you had a well-deserved break which you spent with Giselle, Chanhee, and Hyunjin. You decided on having a mini-vacation and go sightseeing, rent an Airbnb somewhere in the state, and just chill.
Everything was fine until the last night of your trip, where you got shitfaced drunk and ended up sleeping with Hyunjin.  
You were single, so there was no reason to feel guilty, especially since the last time you even talked to Yeonjun was over a month ago, yet you still did.  
Of course, you had to talk to Mia about it, who only told you to remember that when you’d return in a month; you’d probably never see Hyunjin again, and that was enough for you to start distancing yourself from him.
The guy obviously had feelings for you, and you felt bad for friend-zoning him after being intimate with him, but the fact of the matter was that you just didn’t feel the same way about him. None of it would matter in a few weeks anyway, because you’d be heading back home, to your friends...and to Yeonjun.
Month 6  
Brown had offered you to stay and finish your studies at their facilities but you kindly declined. The experience was great, but you couldn’t put yourself through one more year of this type of curriculum, and you desperately wanted to see your friends' faces again by going back to the place you’ve called home for the past three years.
To your new-found friends’ disappointment, you were getting ready to leave as the weeks passed, packing your things little by little and meeting up with all of the people you met one last time before parting ways for good.  
It felt bittersweet though. Not only did you learn a lot about neuroscience, but you learned a lot about yourself as well. You grew as a person, matured, and blossomed by being more independent. Not having Soobin or your other friends to fall back on really pushed you to become more self-dependent, which was one of the perks of being away from them for so long.
You respected yourself and put yourself first and promised that that’d be a piece of knowledge that you’d be taking back home too.
Yeonjun couldn’t believe half a year had passed already. But what he really couldn’t believe was that he’d be seeing you again tonight.  
He stood in your apartment with the guys and Mia, organizing your things and cleaning up the place for your surprise welcome home party. Being in there felt weird, almost foreign to be exact.
It’d been half a year since he stepped foot in here, and even though you were gone for so long, the place still smelled like you. If it wasn’t for the empty shelves, missing bedsheets, and plastic covers over your furniture; it’d almost seem like you never really left.
He opened your bedroom door to see Mia struggling to make your bed and chuckled lightly at the sight. He walked over to her, grabbing the other ends of the sheets to help her out.
Mia gave him a faint smile and stopped her movements for a second to look at Yeonjun. “Are you excited?” She asks with a big smile. Lord knows she was, her best friend was finally coming back but Yeonjun didn’t really know how to answer Mia’s question.
“More nervous than excited. We checked up on each other from time to time but it’s not like we really talked or anything.”
Mia pouted at Yeonjun’s insecure facial expression. One she hasn’t seen from him that often. Especially lately. Mia and Yeonjun have gotten a lot closer in the past six months, which was a nice change for the both of them.
“It’ll be fine. Don’t worry. You’re not the same Yeonjun you were six months ago. And that’s a good thing. She’ll appreciate the change.”
“Gee, thanks.” Yeonjun snickers as he throws a pillow at Mia’s head. It hit her straight in the face, messing up her hair which made both of them erupt in loud laughter.
“Asshole,” Mia says straightening out her hair.
“What’s going on here?” Soobin asks with a big smile on his face as he enters your room.
Soobin hasn’t been able to wipe that damn grin off of his face all day. He was so excited for you to come back and honestly the mood with the boys and with Mia has been amazing lately.  
“Yeonjun is back to his old ways,” Mia argues as she tries to throw the pillow back at him, but Yeonjun swiftly caught it, giggling to himself as he fixes it before putting it back on your bed, where it belongs.
“Well, quit messing around and hurry the fuck up, I’m picking her up in an hour.” Soobin says clapping his hands together to try and give orders, but neither Yeonjun nor Mia were phased by Soobin’s attempt to assert dominance. Both of them rolled their eyes before getting back to the task of making your bed.  
It was adorable how stressed yet giddy Soobin was to see you again. Everything had to be perfect before you arrived so he could relax and make sure you’ll be able to relax after your flight too.  
He ran around your apartment like a stressed mother; making sure the boys weren’t messing around too much so that everything planned out smoothly before the guests arrived.
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Soobin waited for you patiently…at the wrong exit.
You immediately recognized his tall form when you were skimming the crowd, wondering why he wasn’t there yet, but when you saw his back facing the wrong arrival hall; you knew enough.  
It’s so Soobin of him to face the wrong way. You smile to yourself as it gave you the perfect opportunity to scare him.
You chuckle as you walk towards him while pulling your suitcase with you. He was concentrated on the people exiting the gates, hoping to see you and growing more and more restless as you didn’t show up, but little did he know, you were right behind him.
“Who are we waiting for?” You ask in a serious tone as you stood beside him with your arms crossed while following his gaze onto the crowd.
Soobin’s head snapped into your direction so fast you swore you heard a bone crack.  
His eyes widened before he smacked his bunny-like lips in confusion, looking you up and down before a huge smile crept upon his face that you could only mimic.  
“YOU’RE HERE!” Soobin shouts in shock, relief, and joy at the same time while pulling you in for a tight hug. He inhaled your scent while twirling you around, and all you could do was giggle as he smothered you in his hold.
God, you missed him, and judging from the way he wasn’t letting go of you, you could tell he missed you too.
“Ugh, I missed you so much. How was your flight? And look at you! Did you change up your hair? You look good, happy, healthy. Ugh.”  
You couldn’t even respond to anything he was saying as he wrapped you into his arms again. Normally you’d fight him for being so clingy, but this time you let him have his way for a few seconds…until it got hard to breathe.
“Soobin, I can’t breathe.” You protest softly as you tap his chest to let go which made him laugh in response, holding you at an arms-length. “Sorry y/n. I just…we’re never separating for that long ever again,” he says with a serious yet playful look on his face.
“Agreed.” you beam up at him as you link arms, walking towards the exit.
“Did you have a good flight?” he asks as he pets your hair, not believing that you were standing next to him right now.  
“Mmh, there was some turbulence so I couldn’t really rest. I can’t wait till I’m home again so I can sleep,” you mumble before you let out a yawn as you drag your feet on the tiled floor of the airport.
Soobin gulped. He didn’t know how you’d feel about the hoard of people in your apartment right now, all ready to celebrate your return when all you really wanted was to get some rest after your long travels.  
He felt guilty for a second but also knew that you’d probably forget all about your tiredness when you’ll see all of your friends again.
“Uhm, the car isn’t that far. Give me that,” he says as he takes your suitcase from your hold.
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“Everyone quiet down! They’re coming up right now!” Taehyun announces while he cut the music.
Everyone frantically found a spot to hide. Some giggled as it got dark, some held on to each other cause they couldn’t see shit and some were nervous wrecks like Yeonjun.
You weren’t suspecting anything as you dragged your feet to your apartment. Soobin was acting weirder and weirder; fumbling with his keys, dropping shit, and constantly checking his phone, but you were too dense and tired to notice.
You struggle with your lock and let out a yawn. Soobin stood closely behind you, taking a deep breath as the door swung open.
Before you could even close the door behind you or find the light switch, all of the lights turned on in an instant, followed by a loud ‘SURPISE’ yelled out by at least two dozen people who were occupying your living space.
You flinch, your eyes nearly popping out of your skull and stumble backward, just so your back could hit Soobin’s tall form.
He laughed hysterically clapping his hands together like a seal, followed by everyone in the room.
“Oh my god.” Is the only thing that you were able to get out as you covered your face at the overwhelming sensation.
You didn’t even realize you had this many friends? I mean you knew all of them of course, but you didn’t comprehend the fact that they were all here to welcome you back.
The music turned back on and Mia was the first one to launch herself into your arms which had you immediately defrosting in her hold.
‘BITCH!!!” she yelped. “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH.”  
She clung onto you and twirled you around making the adrenaline and confusion in your body shift to pure happiness at seeing their faces again.
You can’t believe they did this, and suddenly you don’t feel tired anymore.
“Y/N!” Beomgyu squealed your name as he hugged you, followed by Taehyun and Hueningkai who all patiently waited until it was their turn to hug you.
You were so caught up in shock and bombarded with love, that you didn't have time to scan the room for other familiar faces. Instead, you just let them come to you one by one as you stood glued to the floor, smiling, hugging and chatting away with all of the people that seemed to have missed you so dearly.  
Yeonjun stood in the corner of your living room, watching the whole ordeal. A smile crept onto his face at how happy and healthy you looked. It’s almost as if he saw you for the first time again. Making him realize that love at first sight really was a thing…even in this form.
He took a sip of his drink, still watching you carefully until someone nudged his shoulder.
“Shouldn’t you go say hi to your girl?” The taller and older guy leaned against the wall next to Yeonjun after nudging him, making him look up at him.
“Hyung, I don’t even know what to say to her. She’s so happy right now, I don’t wanna ruin it.”
Johnny furrowed his eyebrows, cocking his head to the side. “You don’t think she’ll be happy to see you?”
“I don’t know anything right now.” Yeonjun sighed, watching you join Hueningkai and Beomgyu for a selfie with a big smile on your face. “When is the last time you two spoke?” Johnny asked, taking another sip of his drink.  
“Like two months ago.”
“I know.”  
and just as the picture was taken, you spotted him across the room.  
Your eyes locked, making Yeonjun freeze in place. “Shit,” he gulps, downing his drink in one go to calm his nerves which made Johnny laugh at his antics.
“Relaaaax. Did you see her eyes light up just now? I think she missed you too,” he assures him, throwing an arm around his shoulder for comfort.
This seems odd? Doesn’t it? Yeonjun and Johnny being all friendly with each other.
During Yeonjun’s never-ending therapy sessions, the school’s counselor wanted to connect Yeonjun with someone with a similar background. You should’ve seen both of their faces when they met during a group session, but after realizing they had such corresponding backgrounds, you know; the neglected rich kid kind, they haven’t stopped talking to each other and oddly became very close friends.
It was nice for Yeonjun to have an older brother figure in his life since he’s the oldest in his own friend group, and it was even nicer for Johnny to find out that Yeonjun wasn’t such a big dick after all. Oh, and the part of having someone who gets his struggle was great too, even in the form of Choi Yeonjun.  
You couldn’t believe your eyes. You didn’t expect him to be here for some reason and the last thing you expected was seeing him with Johnny’s arm around his shoulder in a non-threatening way.
Mia chuckled as she followed your gaze. “Yeah…so, they started hanging out a few months ago.”
“How even?”  
“I don’t know maybe they started to bond over being your rejects,” Taehyun says making Mia and Beomgyu cackle with him, but you couldn’t quite see the humor in it. You had only returned to your friends for 5 whole minutes and they were already being annoying.  
Soobin noticed your slight annoyance and chuckled, rubbing your back in comfort as he was the only one to notice how nervous you really were to talk to him again after all this time. “Go talk to him, he’s just as nervous. Trust me.” Soobin says into your ear so only you could hear, and you give him a small nod in response. Smiling at the encouragement you so desperately needed.
You’re a bad bitch. You got this.  
You look at him once more as he talked to Johnny.
For some reason, his whole aura changed from the last time you saw him. His features matured a bit, he lost weight and he completely embraced having a mullet. Ok…hot.  
He was breathtaking. Even after all this time of being apart, he made you feel the exact same way and all it took to remind you of that feeling was one look from him.  
He decided to man up and make his way through the crowd to greet you, but you beat him to it as your legs automatically walked over to where he was standing.
Johnny sensed the sudden electricity in the air as you approached and decided to go in for the hug first to give Yeonjun some time to collect himself. “Y/n!” Johnny coed as he enveloped you into a big bear hug. “It’s so good to see you again. How are you? How was your exchange?”  
You’re snapped out of your trance, but you still feel Yeonjun’s eyes on you as you’re trapped in Johnny’s embrace. You collect yourself as you let go of him, trying to avoid Yeonjun’s gaze for now but it was almost impossible because of how close he was.  
“I’m good, it was good. A lot of sleepless nights but it was totally worth it.” You give him the quickest answer possible; you weren’t quite sure where to start the conversation with Yeonjun but the longer the two of you ignored each other, the weirder the tension between you two was getting.
He took a deep breath, giving you a warm smile before averting his attention to Johnny. He not so subtly told him to leave with his eyes, which made Johnny suavely exit the conversation by announcing that he needed a refill.
“Hey…” you start.
Yeonjun’s eyes glistened as he looked at you with adoration. “Hey.”
You looked good. Your skin had a healthy glow, and your new haircut was working wonders for your features. He was entranced by your beauty for a second before realizing his stare might be creeping you out, though you didn’t even notice, cause you were staring at him too.  
You were completely caught up in your own perception of time. Everything seemed to slow down now that you were looking into others eyes again after all this time and just as you were about to open your mouth to speak, some kid you didn’t know accidentally bumped into you roughly.  
The sudden impact made you lose balance as you jolted forward, straight into Yeonjun’s arms. Luckily, he swiftly caught and stabilized you.
He looked at you in shock, making sure you were okay as he grabbed your shoulders before turning his attention to the random kid who somehow got an invite to be at your welcome home party, in your house, without you even knowing who he is.
He quickly apologized, but you feared for what was about to happen. The Yeonjun you left 6 months ago was a dick and a hothead, he’d make the kid regret running into you like that but to your surprise Yeonjun straightened out the freshman’s clothes and gave him a small side smile.  
“Be careful kid, we just got her back,” he says in neutral yet friendly tone.
That’s it? No threatening glare? No sarcasm?
He seemed to notice your dumbfounded facial expression and chuckled. “Anger management classes,” he explains with playfulness evident in his voice.
“You’re kidding?” you scoff in amusement.
“Nope. I’ve turned into a complete softie, just for you.”  
You teasingly shove his shoulder and laugh loudly. The sound made Yeonjun’s heart flutter as he watched your face contort into pure joy and cuteness. He felt the sudden urge to squish your cheeks together and litter your face with kisses but he withheld himself from doing so, and reciprocated your giggles with the sound of his own laugh as he raked his hand through his long locks.
This small moment of flirty teasing made the both of you realize just how much you had missed each other as you were quick to jump back in your old ways.
You both should’ve known that worrying about any awkwardness between you two was stupid. After all, you were friends before you even started dating; and luckily that dynamic returned quickly because he was just as big of a casual flirter as you were.
Suddenly it felt like you were starting all over again with him, it felt like the first time you tried to connect with him on that damn picnic that started the timeline of your relationship.
Somehow the universe granted you the opportunity to hit the reset button and do things right this time, and you couldn’t be happier now that you realize how stupid it was to worry about the inseverable connection you two seemed to have to each other.
Even after all these months and all those miles of distance, Yeonjun still felt like home.  
He gave you a shy smile, realizing you were staring at him with hearts in your eyes while you expectantly gazed into his dark orbs.
His eyes weren’t hollow anymore, for the first time in ages his happiness felt genuine and you couldn’t wait for him to tell you all about it.
“How about we…ditch your party for a bit and go take a walk,” Yeonjun suggests, giving you a hopeful yet mischievous look as he held out his hand for you.
You boldly lace your fingers through his and lead him out of your apartment without a second thought, ignoring stares from literally everyone.
Oh my god, history really was repeating itself. Your mind flashes back to the walk you took with him that night at Johnny’s party; you lead him out of Johnny’s kitchen the exact same way right after the fight you had with an overprotective Soobin about trying to date Yeonjun.
You got Yeonjun a little flustered, which is a first, but he was happy with your directness. He couldn’t wait to be alone with you in a more private setting and if that meant leaving your own party, then so be it.  
Fresh air hits your lungs as the chilly spring night welcomes you outside. Your apartment was way too crowded and way too hot which made you sigh contently as the cold wind created goosebumps on your skin.
Yeonjun looked at you and stopped in his tracks while diverting his gaze at your still intertwined fingers.
You look back at him, confused as to why he stopped walking, but before you could ask questions; he pulled you towards him, trapping you into his strong arms. One of his hands made its way to the nape of your neck to slowly pat your hair as he leaned his chin on the top of your head.
You just let it happen, wrapping your arms around his torso while burying your face in the crook of his neck. The familiar scent of soap mixed with his expensive Chanel Bleu cologne hit your nostrils and the butterflies in your tummy start to flutter again after being on rest for six months.
Whole. That’s how you feel in the moment.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.” You mumble into the hug, not wanting to look up at him out of fear that he might not have felt the same, but by the way he was holding you right now, you should know better. The insecurity of not being good enough still had its ways of fucking with your mind, even though you had no reason to be.
Yeonjun opened his eyes at your confession, not being able to hide how happy he was to hear that his feelings were mutual. He hid his grin by burying his face into your hair again as he giggled before pulling back slightly to see your face. You were trying incredibly hard to hide the heat that had risen to your cheeks but it was to no avail as Yeonjun mumbled something about how cute you were right now.
He was so worried you didn’t feel the same. He was convinced you forgot all about him at Brown. Your Instagram stories were filled with the countless parties you went to, the new people you met accompanied with the fact that your posts were littered with suggestive comments from guys he could only assume you met over there.
Yeonjun’s biggest fear relating to your return was that you utilized those six months away from him to move on, but as selfish as it sounds; he was so incredibly glad that you hadn’t.  
“Look at me.” He tried to cup your face but you didn’t let him, giggling into his chest as you protested.
The two of you must look absolutely pathetic to bystanders right now. You were completely stuck in your own world, acting like high school kids who were brand new to love, but somehow that’s exactly what you were.  
He chuckled lowly, as you tightened the hold you had on his waist. “Ah, whyyy…Look at me, come on.”
You do as you’re told, and when you look up you are greeted by the most beautiful smile you’ve seen in your life, making your breath hitch in your throat at how boyish yet manly he looked just now.
“Ok, I’m looking. Now what?” You challenge as you take a hold of his wrists as he cupped your face.
He didn’t know if he’d move too fast if he kissed your lips right now, so he decided against it while giving you a sweet kiss on your forehead instead.
“I just wanted to see your pretty face up close again. Instagram doesn’t do you justice, angel.”
“Oh, shut up.” You giggle, rolling your eyes as you push yourself out of his hold. You hate to admit it, but the little pet name made your heart skip a beat. You pretend to run from him, but he snatched you back in no time by tugging at your elbow with laughs and giggles. You give in and link arms with him as you resumed your walk through your neighborhood and look up at him to check if he was really here with you right now.
This whole thing just felt too good to be true. Here you thought he’d moved on from your relationship, but the confirmation that he hadn’t was nice, to say the least.
He looked down as he felt your eyes on him and smiles at you before looking at the path ahead of him.
“What?” he asks with an amused tone, but you just shake your head in response.
“You seem different.”  
“How different?”
“Like you aren’t carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders anymore type of different.”
He nodded understandingly and stopped in his tracks to look into your eyes again. His hands traveled down to yours, lacing your fingers together once more before he sighed, tucking a stray piece of your hair behind your ear for you.
You gave him an expecting look, squeezing the hand that was still intertwined with yours to assure him of the fact that you’re listening, which earned you a small smile.
“It’s cause I’m not. While you were changing the lives of others with your research, I was changing my own. At first, I thought the whole therapy thing was a hoax. I didn’t understand why talking to some stranger would fix me, but it helped me come to terms with a lot. I learned about acceptance and moving forward. And I learned that in order to be able to love someone in a healthy manner, I’d have to love myself first. You know…on a deeper level than just my handsome face” he jokes trying to lift some weight off of his words.
You roll your eyes, but secretly love his arrogance, making a low chuckle escape from your lips before you return to seriousness again.
“I’m so proud of you.” you say, and you mean it. You’re amazed at how clear his mind seemed to be. It’d usually take Yeonjun a good minute to collect his thoughts before he could talk about how he felt with you, but right now it came out so naturally, it was almost odd.
He gave you a weak side smile, making eye contact once again. “I’m nowhere near the finish line though. I can’t promise you that I’ll never fuck up again because I’m learning as I go, but what I can promise you, is that my heart and my feelings for you are unchanged. I haven’t stopped thinking of you, not once. The thought of being with you again was my driving force and I need you to know that.”
He caressed your cheek while you let his words sink in and suddenly you feel tears prickle your eyes.  
You were at a loss for words, completely lovestruck by his incredibly sweet and wise confession.
You hold onto his wrist for leverage, your breathing turned shaky and uneven as a tear escaped your eyes.
Here you thought he had completely moved on from your relationship. But god, you were so wrong, and you couldn’t be any happier.
“I promised myself to never make you cry again,” he joked lightheartedly as he wiped another tear away from your cheek, making you sniff in response, wiping them away with your sleeve quickly.  “They’re happy tears.”  
He looked into your eyes again, searching for answers and maybe even permission. He wanted to take things slow; give you time to reflect and time to adjust to being back home, but he simply couldn’t help himself.
When you leaned into his touch, he knew you basically gave him an okay to proceed.
He inched his face dangerously close to yours, lightly brushing his plump lips against yours. His hesitation made you smile, so you pull him down to your level by the back of his neck as you initiated the kiss.
He froze for a second at your dominance but quickly relaxed in your touch soon after he realized that you seemed to want this just as much as he did.
Kissing him was like muscle memory. It felt natural and blissful and suddenly you find yourself wondering about how you were able to live without this feeling of pure euphoria for over six months.
His love was like a drug, and all it took was one kiss to break your sobriety.
He pulled back, quickly assessing his surroundings before he realized the two of you were basically making out in the middle of the street.
He pulled you into an alleyway and pushed you against the wall of a random apartment building, his hands holding on to each side of your face delicately yet roughly as he kissed you with so much fervor, it almost made you dizzy.  
“You really had me thinking I lost you forever,” he mumbles as his lips disconnected from yours.
You weren’t given the change to respond as his lips found their way to the soft spot in your neck. He still remembered every sensitive inch of your skin and used it against you all too willingly; wrapping his hands around your throat as he kissed and licked a pattern from your jaw to your neck.  
A breathy moan left your lips as he started to suck possessive marks onto your neck and you instinctively wrap your arms around his waist, letting him do as he pleases, too entranced by the delicious feeling. You jumped up and he caught you by hooking his arms under your thighs, stabilizing you against the wall as you kept making out.
You giggled at his eagerness, a little flustered at the fact that you were in public; even though it was nighttime while being in a neglected alley; it still felt wrong.
He smirked against your neck when he felt you hesitate, and placed a soft yet wet kiss on your lips before letting go of you. He made sure you landed back on the ground safely, straightening out your clothes for you. “Maybe we should head back,” he says with a dark gaze, acting as if he didn’t just litter your neck with marks and bruises. He licked his pouty lips in amusement at the sight of what he had just done to you, knowing all too well that people would be able to see what happened while the two of you were gone.
You playfully shoved him aside, completely oblivious to how bad it really was but when you stepped into the elevator and saw your own reflection you gasped and shot Yeonjun a look of pure panic and distress. “YEONJUN!” you gasp loudly. “You can’t be fucking serious.”
“I’m sorry I just…couldn’t help myself.” he licked his lips again, cockiness emitting from his entire being. He inched closer to you to give you an innocent kiss on the top of your head and pulled the hair tie out of your hair, making your hair fall past your shoulders to cover the hickeys.
“This’ll do.”
“Oh my god, I hate you.”
He scoffed, casually smacking your ass in response.  
On the remaining way back to your apartment you were constantly fixing your clothes and hair, trying to let it nonchalantly fall to the front but you knew it looked rather ridiculous.
You had hoped your friends were too intoxicated to notice but when you stepped foot in your apartment with Yeonjun closely trailing behind you, all eyes were on you again.
How long were you two gone for? 10, maybe 20 minutes?
“Hyung.” Taehyun grabbed Yeonjun by his collar, turning him around which made Yeonjun frown at the younger one.
“For fucks sake.” Taehyun sighs dramatically, wiping something pink from the corner of Yeonjun’s mouth with his index finger.  
…it was your fucking lipgloss.
Yeonjun’s ears turned a bright red as he started to chuckle nervously. “Now I lost the fucking bet with Hueningkai. I thought it’d take at least a week before you two would start simping over each other again, it hasn’t even been an hour….AND OUTSIDE?” Taehyun sucks his teeth as a sign of disapproval, looking you up and down before his eyes lingered on your neck. “Animals. That’s it. That’s the description.”
“Pay up, loser. I told you.” Hueningkai cackles as he throws his arms around both Taehyun and Yeonjun’s shoulders.
“Y’all made a bet? An actual bet on our relationship?” you ask in pure disbelief. It was so like them to turn your emotional turmoil into their own amusement, but you couldn’t really be mad at them.
Your friends know the two of you better than anyone and probably saw this coming way before you did.
“Venmo me later.” Taehyun mumbles to Hueningkai in defeat while walking off, and you can’t help but chuckle at the irony of it all.  
All of these months left in pure insecurity about your relationship with Yeonjun. Nights of pondering about your future, worrying if he had moved on or not. It was all for nothing
Yeonjun and you move like magnets, and no course of time could really drive you apart because when you’re reunited, you will always find your way back to each other. Always.
He looked at you a little dreamily, it still wasn’t sinking in that you were back. For good. And all his.
He snaked his arm around your waist as he stood behind you, resting his head on your shoulder as you told your friends all about your adventures.
He was clingy, you were clingy and neither of you was hiding it for anyone. You’ve had your fair share of secrets with Yeonjun and you were more than glad that those times were over with.
At around 4 AM most people left, and you were left alone with the boys, Ryujin and Mia.
You were on the couch, perfectly comfortable on Yeonjun’s lap as you leaned into his chest. One hand was rubbing your back in up and down motions while the other had found its way under your shirt and onto your waist. His cold fingertips grazed over your bare skin and suddenly it was way too hard to stay awake.
The chatter of your friends became background noise as your eyelids grew heavy. But you were shortly awakened out of your slumber as you felt Yeonjuns lips on your temple.  
“You must be so tired after that flight and this whole circus,” he whispered with an empathetic pout, yet all you could do was nod as a response.
He chuckled at your cuteness and fixed a piece of your hair, kissing your forehead again before you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
“It’s funny how nothing has changed, yet everything is different,” Beomgyu says as he stares at you and Yeonjun with a loving smile.
Beomgyu might be a little shit with a smart mouth, but he cares for his friends. Seeing the two of you be so content in each other's presence made love emit from his pupils. Even though Yeonjun had been doing so much better the best couple of months, nothing compares to the pure happiness and giddiness that Gyu was seeing from him now, and that was all because you were together again.
Beomgyu wasn’t the only one to notice, because it was literally all of them, and especially Soobin.
Soobin who literally rebelled against any type of relationship between you and Yeonjun was smiling at the sight of you in his arms fondly. His two best friends finally found solace in each other after all the shit that both of you had been through together, and it made him sentimental.
A year had passed since the two of you started dating unofficially, though this was the first time in that whole year that Soobin was completely okay with it.
You were long gone and off into dreamland by now as Yeonjun looked at you with a small smile on his lips, but when he looked up to check why everyone had stopped talking, he was met with six pairs of twinkling eyes on him.
His pupils darted back and forth between them in genuine confusion. “Why? What’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” Soobin sighed contently. “For once, nothing is wrong.” he says as he leans forward to hug Mia from behind who was sitting between his legs on the floor.
Taehyun chuckled at Soobin’s dramatic statement and Hueningkai hummed in agreement.  
“Not to get all simpy or anything, but with her being back it feels like our little dysfunctional family is whole again.” Beomgyu mumbles as he let his head drop onto Ryujin’s shoulder.
“Let’s try to be less dysfunctional,” Hueningkai says with determination.  
“We can be less dysfunctional if you can clean up after yourselves and fold your own damn laundry so I don’t have to start a fight with you every 5 seconds,” Taehyun argues as he throws a pillow at Hueningkai's face. Making him laugh as he got in in the face with full force.
“Why can’t we just…have one peaceful moment…just one.” Soobin says rubbing his forehead in agony.
Yeonjun chuckled at the banter of his little brothers and looked back at you. “I don’t know guys, maybe that’s our charm,” he says leaving all of them in pure confusion as they looked at him for clarification.
“What do you mean by that.” Mia questions as she raises a brow at him.
“We’ll literally walk through fire to be there for each other, right? We go through things individually but will never fail to be there for each other in times of need, and I think we need to embrace our worst mistakes and arguments so we can grow from them. After all we’ve been through, I know we’ll be together forever. So, I say cheers to being dysfunctional,” He says with a proud smile, picking up his drink from the side table to raise it up in the air for a collective moment of cheers.
Dumbfounded by Yeonjun’s odd display of maturity and wise words, they all comply, raising their glasses in the air followed by a loud cheer to being “dysfunctional.”
The sudden loudness of their voices woke you up, completely out of it and sleep drunk; you lift your head from Yeonjun’s chest, squinting your eyes at your friends as you rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“Did I miss anything?” you say, your voice laced with sleep and confusion.
They all burst out into laughter at your current state paired with your obliviousness and messy bed hair.
“Nah, just six months of incompleteness,”  Yeonjun says as he pecks your lips.
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Mia stayed over that night and helped you unpack and clean your whole apartment the next day, which you were super grateful for but...you’d be lying if you said you didn’t wish Yeonjun would’ve stayed the night.
The fact of the matter is that you haven’t had time for a serious talk with him yet, because you know, tongue punching each other was of higher priority than hashing things out with actual words. Which meant you hadn’t really talked about your relationship status or how things will be moving forward.
“The last game of the season is tonight. Are you going?” Mia asked as she plops down on your couch with you.
“The last one? Already?”
“Yeah we’re gonna go celebrate after.”
“Even if they lose?”
“Girl, you know they don’t lose.”  
You roll your eyes and laugh at Mia’s overconfidence in her boyfriends’ team. You were about to give her a definite answer before your phone started buzzing.
[Yeonjun, 12.44 PM]: Hi baby.
[Yeonjun, 12.45 PM]: Is it ok if I come over? I’ll bring us coffees from that café you love so much. 😌
[Y/N, 12.45 PM]: Yesss please 🥺
You giddily smile at your phone, wanting to squeal with excitement but you hold it in and Mia seems to notice. “Oh god, is it him?”
“Yeah, so.” you glare at her with playful intent “Let me be happy. He’s changed so drastically; I almost couldn’t believe that last night’s Yeonjun was the Yeonjun I left six months ago.”
“Yeah, he’s been working super hard to change and the whole thing with his mom helped too.”
“His mom? What do you mean?” You ask in genuine confusion, Mia bit her lip as she furiously shook her head. “Listen, I’m never, ever going to meddle in your relationship ever again. When he gets here, I’m sure he’ll tell you all about it.”
You chuckle, nodding in agreement until your attention is averted to your phone again as it buzzes in your lap once more.
[Hyunjin, 12.46 PM]: Hey sweetheart, did you have a good flight?  
Your eyes shoot to Mia’s in panic and she frowns, taking your phone out of your hold to read the message.
“Oh my god…is this your little slip-up?” she asks with disgust evident on her features.
“What do you mean slip up? I am a single woman,” you argue, but Mia wasn’t having it.
“WAS? GIRL, I DON’T KNOW. It was a fling, nothing more.”
“Flings don’t call you sweetheart and ask you how your flight was.” Mia says squinting her eyes at you.
She sighed, visibly irritated with how naïve you were being, but you couldn’t have known that you’d fall back into Yeonjun’s arms that fast, and it’s not like you ever dated Hyunjin. He was just a friend…who you’ve slept with once.  
“Listen, girl. I love you...but after everything Yeonjun has put himself through to be a better man for you, you better ghost this motherfucker right now or else.”
“Jeez, I will. It’s not like I like the guy. And since when are you team Yeonjun?”
She relaxed at your statement, slouching back into the couch. “A lot has changed y/n. He was a good friend to me when you weren’t here, that’s all.”
You nod understandingly, realizing that Yeonjun and yourself have a lot to talk about; maybe even more than you had hoped for now that Hyunjin reminded you of his existence with a mere text message.
Mia left soon after, wanting to give Yeonjun and yourself some privacy for when he got here, which wasn’t long after she left.
You opened the door for him, and he smiled at you. He was wearing a black beanie, an oversized black t-shirt, and those damned gray sweatpants of his that you love so much. Your heart did a thing at the sight and he quickly kissed your cheek before he rushed his way into your living room, trying to find a place to set down the coffee cups that were burning his fingertips at the touch.
“Careful.” You mumble as you watch him struggle. When he put the coffees down on your salon table, he quickly made his way to you again to properly kiss you this time.
He cupped your face, pulling you into him as he started to steal chaste kisses from your lips. You giggled into the kisses as you tried to untangle yourself from him, slapping his chest playfully to shoo him away.
He let go with a smile, taking your hand to lead you to your couch. You could tell by his whole body language and the way he skipped through your apartment that he was happier than ever.
You hoped you wouldn’t ruin that happiness by telling him about Hyunjin, but it shouldn’t matter because he didn’t matter. You only wanted to tell him just so you weren’t keeping any secrets anymore; cause god knows how that went the last time.  
“How’d you sleep?” he asks you as he hands you your coffee. You happily take it from him and keep your eyes on him as you take a sip. “Fine, it was weird being in my own bed again, I missed it though.”
“Yeah? Anything else you missed?” his gaze was piercing into you as he took a sip of his Americano, fully aware that he was fishing for an ego boost.
“Theres this guy I kinda missed, I guess his name is Yeonjun.” You shrug as you take another sip; your flirty playfulness is one of the things that he loved about you, it kept things spicy.
“Oh him? He wanted me to tell you that he kinda missed you too,” he says with an amused glimmer in his eyes.
You chuckle. “Good.”
Suddenly the two of you fell quiet, but it wasn’t an awkward quietness; it was more of a realization that your endless flirting had to turn into somewhat of a serious conversation.
“Hmm?” his eyes softened at the way you called his name, he set his coffee aside turning to you completely to show you that he was listening attentively.
You sigh, not knowing what else to say other than the following. “I love you and I want to be with you.”
His eyes grow in size, a little shook by your directness but he composed himself as he fixed his posture quickly. “Why do I feel a ‘but’ coming?”
“I mean it, but I need to be honest with you too,”
“About what?”
“While I was at Brown, I kind of…flirted off and on with one of my lab partners and well…I slept with him…once. I swear it was only once and I-” he cut you off by raising his hand so you’d stop your nervous rambling and sighed. He knew exactly who you were talking about, because he had seen that motherfucker all over Instagram and had honestly seen this confession coming from miles away. 
He was glad you told him though, cause he'd feel worse if you tried to hide it from him.
Though you didn’t post about him, Hyunjin did post about you, and basically tagged you in all of his Insta stories or group pictures. Yeonjun shamelessly cyberstalked the guy. It wasn’t one of his proudest moments, but he had to just to stay sane.  
“Baby, we were broken up. You don’t have to justify what you did or didn’t do at that time. It’s not like I expected you to turn into a nun.”  
You raise your brows in surprise at his mature response. “You’re not mad?”
“No. As long as it’s over with.”
“It is, I promise.”  
“Good,” he sucked his teeth as he watched you. “Also, it’s not like anyone can fuck you as well as I can,” he states with a devious smirk as he pulled you close, making you gulp in response to his choice of words.
He chuckles at how easily intimidated you were by him and takes the opportunity to tease you.  
“Did he?”  
“N-no.” you stutter, innocently staring up at him. “He didn’t”
“Good girl.” He says, biting his lip while letting his thumb ghost over your lower lip.
His choice of words made your stomach turn but you knew better than to let lust get the best of you once again.
“Yeonjun…” you breathe his name like a warning, trying to avert the tension. “We…we need to talk.”
“We can talk.” He shrugs, pulling your legs towards him aggressively so you’d slide down. Your back was now on the couch as he parted your legs, settling himself in between them before hovering over you to kiss over the bruises he left last night. “After I give you a little reminder.” He smiles against your skin, pulling your shirt over your bra so he could kiss a trail down to your belly button.
“God I missed you,” he says digging his nails into your waist. "So fucking much."
(Warning: heavy smut ahead!)
Your mind goes into overdrive as he unties the tie to your sweatpants, and as he does so you stare at the outline that had formed in his own.
He didn’t waste any time, pulling down the waistband of your joggers with one swift motion while you helped him by lifting your hips off the couch.
He discarded of your clothes faster than your mind could comprehend but then you noticed that he was fully clothed, when the only thing you were wearing by now were your panties.
You pouted, pulling at his waistband but he grabbed your wrist, pinning your hands above your head so he could look at you, beautiful, bare, and all his.  
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” His lips found their way to the sensitive nub of your breast as he eagerly licked and sucked on it while his fingers found their way onto your still clothed heat.
He rubbed his middle and index finger over your clit, making you moan at the sudden stimulation.
He pulled away, making his way down to your core as he littered your inner thigh with more and more hickeys.
You were eagerly moving your hips by now, trying to get him to kiss you where you wanted him most, but he was taking his sweet time and you were losing your patience.
“Y-Yeonjun…” you moan his name. He finally rewards you by pulling your panties aside. Licking his lips at your glistening arousal, ready to feast on you as if it was the last meal he’d ever have.
“Fuck.” He says with admiration to no one in particular, placing a soft kiss on your pussy before he started to slowly kitten-lick your sensitive nub. He lowly hummed in approval at the taste of you and fastened his pace slowly.
You gasped, arching your back to give him better access as he started to eat you out like you’ve never experienced in your life.
His skill was baffling, he had your brain melting and legs shaking while he struggled to keep you still.
“Ah…” you arch your back once more, trying to get away from the overstimulation but he held you down with his strong arms.
“Who are you running from baby, stay still.” He ordered with a low voice before getting back to business, and with ten more seconds, he had you cumming in his mouth as the vibration of his low hums drove you over the edge. You cover your own mouth to muffle your loud cries, but he pulled your hands away from your face, wanting to hear you fall apart for him.
“That’s it baby.” he mused in approval, finishing you off with one last lick before he came back up to assess your fucked out state. “So fucking good for me.”  
Your chest was heaving up and down rapidly as you were trying to catch your breath. Once again you lost to the charms of Choi Yeonjun, but he was nowhere near done with you.
He quickly got rid of his own clothes and pumped himself a few times while looking straight into your eyes.
This man is a god, and he knew it.
His mischief returned when he realized you were watching him. “I think I got you wet enough, right baby?”
You almost forgot about his grit, your mouth salivating at the sight. Any slick you could build with him was a gift, because the last thing you wanted was for him to start a fire down there, cause that’s just how big he was.
You sit up which surprised him, but when you spit in your hand and pumped him a few times to slick him up some more he chuckled lowly as he realized what you were doing. He moaned in the form of a sharp exhale as your pace fastened, but he didn’t let you take control just yet.
“Scared?” he teased, keeping his eyes on you as you twisted your wrist a little more.
“No.” you huff.
“Then turn around.”  
You comply without a thought. You were both sitting up on your knees while your back leaned against his chest. You threw your head back and he kissed your forehead sweetly. guiding himself into you while his other hand held onto your waist to stabilize you against him.
You curse at the stretch, digging your nails into his thighs for leverage as he fills you up.
You both moan as your walls clenched around him. His arms snaked around you from behind as he took a hold of your neck, pinching down on the veins on each side of your throat as he slammed his hips into you continuously with long and deep strokes.
The choking sensation made everything so much more intense, especially when the fingers of his other hand started to rub circles on your still abused clit.
Your eyes rolled back as your vision got blurry, tears prickling your eyes at how good you were being wrecked right now.
He let go of your neck, putting his hand on the small of your back to push you down on the couch so your ass was up, and your face was down.
He started to pound into you mercilessly, his rhythm and pace perfectly alternating as he grabbed a fistful of your hair. “You’re mine,” he grunted as he felt himself getting closer and closer by the physical stimulation of your tightness and the mental stimulation of your moans and mewls.
It didn’t take long before you both reached your highs as he was prone boning you into heaven.
Your orgasm washes over you, and right after you came, he reached his own high.  
He pulled out right before he busted, releasing himself onto your back with a loud growl.  
Your eyes flutter closed; way too fucked out to function as you catch your breath. You feel his weight move off of you to grab one of the napkins on your side table that came with the coffees, and wiped his cum off of you with a cocky smile on his face.
You built up the energy to look back at him, and when your eyes meet all you can do is giggle with him at how ridiculous you two are.
“So…I guess now we can talk,” he says with a smirk.
- end of smut -
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Once you fully recovered from having your back blown out…quite literally. You came out of your bedroom after a quick change of clothes.
You walk into your living room while you pull a clean shirt over your head.
 Yeonjun was still on your couch, watching you with a big boyish smile on his face as his gaze followed you.
“All good?” he asks, opening his arms for you. You nod in response, excitedly making your way into his arms. He moved you on top of him so you were on his lap and kissed your cheek sweetly.
“Where do we even start.” You think out loud as you start playing with Yeonjun’s hair. He threw his head back in solace, letting you massage his scalp softly.
You chuckle at his reaction, stopping your actions which made him lift his head up immediately, giving you a kittenish angry face. “Why’d you stop.”
“Because it’s been an hour since you got here and all we do is dance around the subject,” you say as you move off of him. You turn sideways, leaning against the armrest of your couch while you drape your legs over his lap and sigh.
After deciding that Yeonjun would go first, he told you everything. From the progress he has made with his therapist to the baffling information of his mother selling Choi Enterprises and moving closer to the Uni for him. He told you about their relationship and his interest in the fashion industry. He’s been spending time with his friends in the dance studio again after years of neglecting his hobby and his grades are improving drastically compared to last year too.
He’s been doing well both mentally and socially. Even though he still has his bad days, he’s a lot happier than he was before. You listened attentively asking questions and making sure you understood every detail to your best ability.
When it was your turn to start talking, you realize just how sadistic your exchange was now that you’re explaining the details out loud. You told him about the crazy schedules, spending days from 8 am to 10 pm in the lab, neglecting your health just to forget about your heartache. You were being brutally honest, and you saw Yeonjun’s jaw clench at the revelation.  
If he knew you were having such a hard time, he would’ve contacted you more, but you explained to him how the experience made you stronger, harder and less of a cry baby.  
You spoke about your new gained independence and soon realized that, where Yeonjun needed emotional cradling, you needed to be hit with the real world without the safety net that your friends and parents always provided for you.
The two of you had been talking for over two hours, and finally came to the inevitable question.
“So…what does that make us.” You sigh as you played with his fingers.  
“Really, the ‘what are we’ question?” he chuckled, watching you play with the ring on his index finger.
“Well. Do you have an answer?” you mumble, letting go of his hand.
“I’m yours,” he says, putting his hand on your thigh while his other hand tugged on your chin to make you look up at him.
Your eyes grew in size, swallowing harshly when his fingers moved from your chin to caress your cheek. “And I don’t want to take things slow anymore, I love you too much to relive the dating phase."
“Me too,” you agree with determination. He smirked contently, leaning into you to feverishly kiss you on the lips.
“You know what that was?” He asks as he pulls away with his face still in close proximity.
“What?” you question with a giggle.
“Our first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend.”  
You slap his chest, bursting into laughter at his cheesiness. The sound of your laughs and giggles filled the room as he started to kiss you all over your face and neck, leaving you breathless and ticklish at his touch
“I love you, Choi Yeonjun, but I think you have an important basketball game to get to.”
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Of course they won.  
Yeonjun made the winning point which meant he had something to brag about all night.
You were at a local diner with all of the boys, their teammates, and respective girlfriends or boyfriends. Drinking, talking, and overall having a good time.
When Mia, Ryujin, Soobin, Taehyun, Beomgyu and Hueningkai heard the news about your new relationship status, they basically congratulated you as if you announced that you were getting married.  
The whole thing was just way too funny, and Yeonjun dragged you around all night to introduce you to everyone.  
The freshman on the team were so confused when Yeonjun introduced you as his girlfriend because they had never heard of or seen you before.  
“Hyung, Imma be honest with you, I kinda thought you were gay.” Sunghoon admits as he apologetically scratched the back of his head.
“…S-same” Heesung states, looking at you both with apologetic eyes as well.
Yeonjun looked at them a little funny as he burst into laughter, pulling you closer to him. “Why?”  
“Because well, we haven’t seen you with a girl all year, and with the way you look, I don’t know. 1+1 was gay I guess.” Jay, another freshman explained their point of view a little further, which had you cackling at the situation.
“Oh my god, so you little shits were the ones spreading rumors about me and Wooyoung!?”  
“N-no! NO!” The kids protested, but Yeonjun was already playfully grabbing them by their collars to scold them.
You laughed at the whole ordeal, love emitting from your eyes as you watched Yeonjun be in his popular guy element again.
You zoned out for a bit, absentmindedly listening to how Beomgyu and Hueningkai were telling a story about that one time they took Yeonjun’s car for a joyride in the middle of the night without his permission.  
Yeonjun noticed your mental absence, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you into his chest, softly kissing your temple.
“What’s wrong?”  
You shake your head, sentiment getting the better of you. This is the most complete you’ve felt in a while.
You kissed him with fervor, your hands lacing through his dark locks before you pulled away to place a small kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“I’m just really happy right now,” you say as you smile at each other lovingly.
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1 year later.
Graduation was around the corner.
It was insane how fast time flew. You celebrated your first-year anniversary with Yeonjun the night before and were now laying in his bed the next morning, slowly waking up just to feel the soreness of what he did to you last night.
You groaned in agony at the bright light, even after all this time; you still weren’t a morning person.
You noticed how Yeonjun was missing from the bed, so you got up to look for him. Putting on his large shirt to cover yourself as you made your way to the boys’ living room.
Soobin was on the couch with Taehyun and Hueningkai looking you up and down with disapproval.
“Jesus. Did you get hit by a truck in there?” Taehyun asks as he clicked his tongue.
“Shut up smart-ass. Where’s Yeonjun?”  
Taehyun chuckled, being completely used to your grumpiness in the morning by now. If Yeonjun wasn’t staying at your place, you were staying at theirs; so they were more accustomed to having you around like this.  
“He said he had to run a quick errand; he’ll be back soon,” Soobin replies with light amusement in his eyes at how roughed up you looked.
“Hey, next time…be a little more quiet.” Beomgyu tells you as he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.  
“My room is next to Yeonjun’s you know.”
“Oh shut up hyung, I hear you and Ryujin almost every night,” Hueningkai says rolling his eyes, which made you crack your first smile of the day.
“Oh nooo, not my pure baby Hueningie” Soobin pouted as he trapped Kai in between his legs for a hug.
“Hyung, you’re gonna have to let go soon. Literally. When you guys graduate you don’t get to live here and baby me anymore.” Hueningkai protests as he tries to push Soobin off of him.
Soobin pouted, making you immediately feel bad for him. 
When Yeonjun and Soobin would move out, Jay and Heesung would move in, which meant that Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai had to hold down the fort as seniors for one more year until they graduated, and the thought alone made Soobin feel uneasy.
Soobin and Mia were officially moving in together after graduation. They had planned their whole futures together and both had job offers in the city from their internships.
“I’ll still come over…every…weekend. You know, just to make sure.”
You drift off into thought, realizing how Yeonjun and yourself have been living your lives in the moment without concrete plans for the future together.
Since your apartment was off-campus you still got to live there after graduation. You had gotten an amazing job offer because of your research at Brown, which had major corporations battle it out with outrageous contracts, salaries, and promises to your favor so your options were most definitely open.
Your future looked bright, as did Yeonjun’s who’d be working as a Creative Director for his mothers’ luxury brand...but how did you two miss the mark on planning a future together?
Were you that caught up in your own world to realize that adult decisions had to be made soon?
Yeonjun walked in, interrupting your thoughts. “Oh, hey guys.”
He set his keys on the kitchen counter, giving you a funny look. “I texted you to get ready.”
“Oh..shit, I didn’t check my phone, Sorry. Give me 20 minutes.”
You didn’t question why he wanted you to get ready, he’d probably take you out for breakfast or some shit, so you weren’t suspecting anything, but Yeonjun could sense that something was off about you.
During the car ride to your unknown destination, he looked at you as you stared out of the window. You were lost in deep thought about the whole graduation thing and didn’t even notice how the houses on the streets were starting to get ridiculously big as you drove further and further into a random neighborhood
He grabbed your hand, kissing the inside of your palm while rubbing those comforting circles into your skin.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, trying to look at the road while also looking at you from time to time.
“I’m just…worried about life after graduation. I don’t like change.”
Yeonjun raised his brows in surprise, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he turned the corner into a brand-new built street filled with massive villas.
The neighborhood looked peaceful, not too flashy and private. Maybe even a little too perfect to be real.
He pulled up to a random house, parking his car on the driveway. The confusion was evident on your face as he opened the door for you, reaching out to take your hand.
He helped you out of the car and you give him a look, chuckling at his awkwardness. “Uh…are we here to see someone?”
He sighed, back hugging you and leaning his head on your shoulder as the both of you looked up at the house.
“What do you think of this place?”
“It’s…beautiful. But I don’t really get why we’re here.” You giggle as you feel him kiss your neck and you turn around to face him, trying to find answers in his eyes.
“If you want…we can stay here.” He bit his lip nervously. “You know, after graduation.”
“W-what? I’m confused. Like Till The End of Summer?”
He shook his head, laughing once again while snaking his arms around your waist at your innocence and obliviousness. “You’re so cute,” he muses, pulling out a set of keys from his pocket and suddenly realization hit you as pure shock takes over your features.  
He bought the fucking house.  
He couldn’t help but laugh at your shocked Pikachu face. He had been planning this behind your back for so long and it was incredibly hard to keep this a secret, especially since literally everyone knew about it but you.  
You didn’t know what to do or say, completely frozen and shocked as you look at the house with big watery eyes.  
He pulled you in for a deep and passionate kiss, giving you the keys to the front door with a big smile.  
“Till the End of Our Lives.”  
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Bonus Chapter 15
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Part 2/2 of Nice Things
“Come on, we’re going to be late.”
“Five minutes, sweetheart. Please.”
Gavin rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed with a thump. The day had finally come when the human was more punctual than the android. He sniggered at the thought but refrained from saying it out loud. Nines looked far more serious than he ought to for a Friday night.
“Babe, it’s just the guys. And Tina.” 
Nines ignored him in favor of twirling a mascara wand through his lashes. 
“We’re literally going to Abick’s. That’s like the oldest, grungiest cop bar you can-”
“It’s not the place or the company, sweetheart.”
Gavin watched Nines finish off with eyeliner. Somehow even androids’ mouths hung open in concentration while doing that. 
He stood up from the little pouffe and shook his long hair out with a flourish. Taking that as his cue, Gavin got up and pressed himself up against his lover’s back. He curled his arms around Nines’ trim waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. 
Their eyes met in the mirror of the wooden dresser that Gavin had built for Nines.
“Whatchu so gorgeous for?”
Nines tried, but couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.
“Shut up and zip me up.”
It wasn’t like he couldn’t reach behind himself and do it on his own. The RK900 model was supremely dexterous, flexible to the point of double-jointedness. 
It was more of an implicit request for the human’s approval of the outfit. Nines didn’t need it, but he asked anyway… just like later that night, Gavin would ask him if it was okay to splurge on a bacon cheeseburger or order an extra shot in his whiskey coke… 
They were codependent like that.
Gavin left one hand on the android’s stomach and placed the other on the small of his back, just at the opening of the dress. His thumb grazed the zipper, but he didn’t demonstrate any further intent to pull it up. 
“You said we were going to be late.”
Gavin swept the dark curtain of hair aside and pressed his lips to the exposed skin at the nape of Nines’ neck. When he spoke it was a whisper.
“Why’s my babydoll looking like something out of a movie for my dumb little promotion party?” 
His hand slipped into the open flap of the dress. It was a simple knee-length a-line. Fairly modest, but something about it set Gavin’s heart racing. Perhaps the colour. A vibrant, lusty, sexy, show-stopping red in sharp contrast to the milky white synthskin.
Nines couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him at the touch. Sighing, he tipped his head back and let Gavin nuzzle his neck. 
“Now we’re really going to be late, sweetheart. Zip… hhhhh… zip… me up…”
“Come on, doll. I don’t want someone accidentally spilling beer or mustard on this pretty little thing you got on. It’s just gonna be a chill night out with our friends. They demanded a treat for my promotion, and Hank said he’d come too, so I picked a place he’d be more comfortable at, and I realise that’s not exactly your scene, but I’m glad you’re coming with me, but I really gotta say this dress-”
Nines turned around in Gavin’s grasp and silenced him with a kiss.
“It’s not the place or the company,” he repeated, putting his arms around the human’s neck. 
“It’s your promotion party. It’s about your achievements, your hard work, YOU. And in case you haven’t noticed, you’re the most important person in my life. My partner in more ways than one. My everything.
Your rise in stature means as much if not more to me than my own accomplishments. I’m not the RK900 with the impeccable solve rate. I’m Sergeant Reed’s better half. 
If I had it my way we’d be doing something much grander, but this is how you want to celebrate and that’s fine, but please don’t stop me from dressing for the occasion.”
They looked at each other for a long moment. Steel blue and storm green locked in stalemate. 
Then Gavin pulled Nines into a tight embrace. He released him abruptly and spun him around, zipping up the dress in a flash. Avoiding eye contact lest the tears pricking his eyes betray him, Gavin caught the android’s hand in his and marched out of the apartment.
Connor greeted them at the entrance of the bar and waved them over to where the motley crew sat, already well into their first round of drinks.
Hank raised his beer glass in greeting, wearing an orange striped shirt he apparently deemed worthy of festivities. Tina enveloped Gavin in a giant hug. For a good thirty seconds he could see nothing but flannel. Then Miller, Person and countless other officers took turns congratulating him and bringing up past cases or incidents they couldn’t believe hadn’t held Gavin’s career back. 
Nines extricated himself with an artful wave of long fingers and settled onto a bar stool beside his older brother Sixty and his husband Allen. Serious, snarky and clad in their usual black leather, these two were more Nines’ speed.
Ignoring Sixty’s irritated grumble, Nines took a sip of his thirium drink to see if he liked the taste and ordered one for himself. He was prepared to spend the rest of the night sitting still and not touching the many sticky, greasy surfaces in the bar. It wasn’t his idea of fun, but he was happy to let Gavin and his friends do their thing.
Gavin, however, didn’t seem to be in the mood. He humoured his friends (many of whom were now his direct reports) and played along with whatever they insisted on doing, but Nines felt his partner’s eyes on him the entire evening.
“You punishing him?”
Sixty was squinting at him shrewdly.
“For coming to this shithole to celebrate. That’s why you wore this? Poor bastard can’t keep his eyes off you.” 
Nines swatted his brother on the chest. 
“I don’t play games like you.”
“Who says I play games?”
Allen shook his head but didn’t look up from his phone.
“I have a fashion sense, Six, not an agenda. I’m not punishing him for anything.”
“Well, you’re certainly distracting him. Reminds me of the time Allen said something stupid while we were getting ready for a shift so I put on lingerie underneath my gear. He nearly fell off a roof that day.”
Allen buried his face in his hands while Nines laughed out loud. 
“Shiiit. Your guy looks fucking lovesick. In front of all his staff too. They’re gonna think he’s a total sap. A new authority figure like him has got to show some grit.”
“Six, your husband follows you around like a lost puppy but that hasn’t interfered with his ability to lead your unit. Gavin will be fine.”
Allen didn’t know whether to consider that an insult or a compliment and settled for sipping his drink in silence.
“So what are you gonna do?”
“Make the torture worth his while.”
At that exact moment, Gavin gave Nines a look from across the bar that could have only one interpretation. Sixty noticed and barked a laugh. 
Nines self-consciously tucked his hair behind his ear and smoothed down his dress. If he were human he’d have blushed bright red. 
Back to idly scrolling through his phone, Allen spoke without looking up.
“Let him do whatever he wants.”
Nines’ eyes widened. Sixty nodded wisely.
“His imagination is probably running all over the place right now. All you have to do is let him act on it and you’ll make him the happiest man on earth. It’s his promotion. You should be the prize.”
Allen put down his phone and scooted closer to Sixty, wrapping his arms around the android. They both looked at Nines with identical expressions that were anything but innocent. 
“Yeah, Nines. Dress like a present, expect to be unwrapped.”
Raucous cheers erupted as Gavin lost yet another game of beer pong. The new sergeant barely noticed and took the shot glass thrust into hand by a very jubilant Connor. Nines raised his glass in a silent toast and the two downed their drinks together.
The rest of the evening was an exercise in painful self-restraint. Gavin entertained various playful requests and posed for photos and thanked each and every one of his colleagues for their strong support. Hank clapped him on the shoulder proudly, and Tina even teared up at one point, emotionally overcome with happiness for her oldest and closest friend. Nines watched it all quietly from his perch beside Sixty and Allen.
As soon as they slid into an autonomous taxi, Gavin’s lips were on his, smothering him in heated, demanding kisses. Intoxicated and utterly uninhibited, the human put his hands in Nines’ hair… all over his body… and up the pretty red dress. No words were exchanged the entire ride home. 
The fact that android skin could not be marked or bruised was the only thing that let them walk through their busy lobby and ride the elevator up with dignity intact.
As soon as the front door slammed shut, Gavin was all over Nines. He touched and groped and claimed and conquered. 
The dress zipper was pulled down as quickly as it had been pulled up before they left for the bar. Nines stepped out of the puddle of red fabric as delicately as he could and pulled Gavin’s shirt off too. It was only the high quality gyroscope of the RK900 model that kept them from crashing to the floor before making it to the bed. 
Nines allowed himself to be pushed onto the bed and parted his legs for Gavin to easily settle between them. From there, he expected things to go at lightning speed… for Gavin to plough into him and come with a loud roar after a couple minutes, finally sated after a night of frustration.
The exact opposite occurred. 
Even after all the tequila shots Connor and Tina made him do, Gavin was somehow still lucid enough to put his lover’s feelings over immediate physical needs. 
“Babe, I… am soooo… sorry…”
One hand wound up in his hair and the other gripped his hip. 
“Like.. you dressed the phck up… like you looked soooooo damn beautiful, baby… I’m gonna cry.”
For a moment, it honestly looked like that was a possibility until Nines reached up and stroked the human’s stubbled cheek.
“I know Abick’s is kinda crusty but you came anyway… looking like a million bucks but I didn’t spend a second with you… T and Con and the crew… they kinda took over…”
“It’s fine, sweetheart. It was our whole team’s night as much as yours. I’m glad they all had their fun.”
“I didn't. Have any fun.”
“Really? Not even when Chris did that Fowler impersonation?”
“Couldn’t stop… thinking of you… you’re so damn good to me… and I…”
“I was fine. You invited Six and Allen to keep me company and it was fiiiineee.”
“You sure?”
“Positive. Now come on, sarge. Show me who’s boss.”
Nines rolled his hips against Gavin’s and that was all the conversation there was to be had for the night. They were both still getting used to having nice things… but they were doing well.
Inspired by @marndraws
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thebeebi · 3 years
Your little games pt. 5
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pairing: Jungkook x reader
warnings: smut, fluff in later chapters, non-con, mention of r*pe attempt, implied murder and many more! Read only if you are okay with these topics!
genre: historical AU, 18th century?
word count: 3.1k+ [part 5]
a/n: Well, I planned to post this part on Wednesday but you know, I am in love with Jung Hoseok and he deserved my attention! ANYWAYS! This part answers the question whether Y/N escaped the ship and things got a little more complicated. Enjooooy ♥ 
taglist: @njrwifey​ @danietoww04​ [If you want to be added, just let me know :)]
You ran away from the man who tried to take an advantage of you. You stabbed him and escaped. Escaped to the arms of the handsome captain who was even worse than the man you just killed.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
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What will happen if you try to leave the ship? Only Jungkook and the two men that brought you here know about you. If you pretend to be a prostitute saying you want to leave, there is no way they would say no. All you needed to do was use your charm. You doubted you had it but still. You had to try. You walked towards the few men you saw on board while unbuttoning the shirt you borrowed. “Hello there!” You tried to put on the sweetest smile. When men noticed your presence, the serious frowns turned into smirks. The confidence you almost had disappeared once you saw them coming closer. “The captain Jeon asked me to leave the boat after I get dressed but as you see, he was very rough last night and I had to borrow his clothes.” You tried to sound calm but provocative, just like a prostitute would be. The men were looking at your body hungrily but knew better than to touch something that belonged to their captain. They bowed their head and the shortest of them made his way towards the opening through which you could finally go out, to find the freedom. The man lent you his hand for you to stand steadily on the ground and you exhaled deeply. Finally. He asked you if you wanted him to walk you home but you refused. You did not want him or Jungkook to know where you went. You did not want him to find you. You asked him to find you a carry, he smiled and nodded running towards the closest one. You were relieved that he came soon and smiled at him. “Thank you.” That was all you said and sat into the carry that man ordered. You told the carter the address and felt the swift move of the carry pulling you towards the direction you did not want to go to but had no other place to go to. At least you were going away from this place. Away from him.
You decided to go back to your aunt until you find yourself a job, that would ensure you can leave her forever. For the first time, you were glad that your aunt did not live exactly in the town. You sighed knowing that you should leave the town as soon as possible, while Jungkook is still there with his ship. The memories of the day before came haunting you. You tried to think that you did not intentionally kill the man. You killed that man by accident, trying to protect yourself from being raped but you did not get away from that fate and went into bed with a man who was way worse. At least in your head, because you wished for him to be different. You hope that handsome Jungkook was not the same as the man who jumped at the knife you were holding in front of yourself as protection. The memory of the knife sticking out of the man’s shoulder brought back the unsettling feeling and you as a coping mechanism wrapped the arms around yourself.
Now you had to think of the reason why you came back. You slowly opened the door to the carry and stepped down walking towards the door of the small house your aunt owned. You knocked on the door gently while saying, “It is me, Y/N. Please open the door.“ The sound coming from inside was loud, you were hoping that it was your uncle who opened the door, but you were wrong. Your aunt slightly opened them smirking. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the town, making money?” You were about to answer but she stopped you. “They told you to leave, right? You weren’t good enough for them. See? I told you. You are never good enough, you slut.” She backed away making the room for you to come in. Your steps were slow, you really did not want to come back but there was no other way. Your aunt shut the door behind you and turned to leave. “Get ready, you will start working tomorrow in the morning. As always, you slut.”
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It has been 6 weeks since you ran away from the horrible place, but the memories stayed with you, returning mostly at night as the worst nightmares. You woke up trying to finish all the work you have been given but once again your aunt found the reason to cuss at you. The tears were threatening to fall down once you felt the harsh slap on your cheek. For the past few days you were not feeling good and most of the time you were feeling like you were about to throw up. If before were the nights cold, then during these nights one would freeze now if they were to walk or stay outside. Soon would be the time for the hog-killing. Just the idea of it made you shiver. It was probably because of the bad stomachache you felt these days. Every morning when you woke up all weak and tired, you went to the bathroom to let out everything you did not know you had in. You thought it was because of the stress from all the work your aunt gave you. You tried to hide it from her, wanting her to never find out you but it was hard. Sometimes you were feeling too weak to stand and sometimes you felt like you were about to faint. It was exactly the cause why you got slapped just now. You were cleaning the dishes but suddenly you felt dizzy. Trying to protect yourself from falling you let go of the dish you were holding to support yourself with one hand. It was your aunt’s favourite dish and when she heard it breaking, her hand reacted quickly, not letting you explain everything. “Go and bring the wood and heat up the water. I want to take a bath. After I am done, you can use the water.” She mumbled the last sentence and sat down waiting for you to finish yet another chore she gave you.
Once your aunt was out of the bath, she waited till you wiped every part of her body and then she wore the bathrobe sitting back again on the sofa, looking at you. She was waiting for you to take off the clothes. You would like it more if she left because you liked taking a bath in the peace. And that was something she did not give you. Your aunt was not moving and kept waiting for you to take off your clothes. You sighed softly and took off the dirty clothes you were wearing. The water was nicely warm, you realised that once you stood up into the tub. You kept on standing still, letting your body adjust to the warmth and when you were about to sit down you heard your aunt choking on the cake she took from the table earlier. With a scream, she stood up from the sofa and ran to you. You looked at her worried wondering what was going on. The aunt’s eyes were wide open as she kept on staring at your belly. When she was about to jump at you, you reflexively pulled away but she grabbed your shoulders making you turn to her and once again she started at the slightly bigger tummy. “Who is the father? Who is the father, you slut?“  You opened your mouth listening to her yet to be answered question. You never thought about that. You were too innocent to realise you were pregnant. As you were not answering her question, the aunt got mad and was about to slap you but noticed the tears that were about to fall down your cheek. She screamed once again the question about who was the father of the child you were carrying. “The captain of the ship,” you whispered trying to breathe calmly. You took her hands off your shoulders and sat down to the tub hugging your knees closer to your body. “His men took me in and he raped me. And even if you do not trust me, I am telling the truth.” Even if you wanted to not tell the whole truth, it really happened. Soon enough people would notice that you were pregnant and not married, well, in case your aunt would not keep you locked inside your entire life. The aunt frowned. “What are you saying? When did they take you? Where was it?” You were not ready to tell her the whole truth, not about the murder. “I got lost and his crew found me,” you said, looking into the fire that was near you, in the fireplace. “They took me in and brought me to their captain for entertainment and he did not want to let me go. When he left for a bit, I threatened his servant with a gun and like that he let me go. I came here straight away.” The aunt frowned and stepped away. She started scratching her double chin thinking about the possible solution. “You know his name, right?” You let the hot tears fall down your cheeks remembering the night, Jeon Jungkook took your virginity away. You nodded softly. The aunt who was watching you smirked once again and was about to tell you her plan but you cut her off. “He will not marry me. He does whatever he wants with whoever he wants, and for sure will not be happy to marry me.” Your aunt had still a smirk on her face even after you told her what is Jungkook’s personality like. “I will take care of that. Oh, by the way, didn’t your father have a friend who was a judge in the town? Lord Black, was his name? I remember him taking care of smuggling on the ships,” You weren’t sure what she was talking about. You were confused and answered her wearily. “Yes, Lord Black. I think he is still the judge in the town but why?” The grin on the aunt’s face grew wider. “Do not think about why I am asking that. Tell me about lord Black. Were he a good friend of your father?“ You nodded trying to remember the last time you met the mentioned man. “I think he was my father’s best friend. He came over to our house often. I have known him since I was little.“ The aunt clapped her hands and walked towards you and pulled you up to stand up. You were still confused. “He will help you and you will get married to the captain.” The aunt said coldly not caring about the shivers that went down your spine. “In the morning we will go to find him. Now go prepare yourself and go to sleep,” With that, she left the room leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You wiped your body with a towel. You did not know what did your aunt want to do with all the information about the lord Black. She told you to get prepared and with that you listen to her once again, gathering all the clothes that you might need later. Suddenly you felt a strange feeling in your tummy, the reality finally hitting you. You were pregnant and he was the father. There was nothing else to be expected from that person. Your thoughts started coming back to the last time he touched you. That one time you actually did not hate his hands on your body. How is it possible that there are some men, who try to impregnate their wives for months but are unsuccessful and here I am pregnant after… well, one night? You thought that you were really unlucky. A quiet sob escaped your lips. You knew his temper but was not sure what he would do once he finds out that they are going to try to force him into marrying you. You knew one thing for sure. It would be your end but your child would at least have the father and his name. At least something good would come out of it. You wandered in your thoughts to your unborn child and instinctively placed your hand on the small belly. It could have dark hair like his father and it could have his eyes too. Most likely your child will be beautiful, just like his father. But what if it will be a daughter? You thought for a second about how it would hurt the captain’s pride. For sure you will hope from now on that it would be a girl. You sighed again. You weren’t sure how is your aunt going to take in the fact, that captain Jeon would never marry you. Even if they found him, there is no way he would willingly marry you. He did not look like the type of man, that would do what others want from him.
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When you arrived in town with your aunt, she chose the hostel where you would be staying. She sent a letter to the lord Black and asked him to meet you. You both stayed in the hostel, waiting for a reply. When the letter finally came back, you were too scared to ask what was its content. She never told you what was in it, but according to her smirking face, you knew that lord Black decided to help you. In the evening, the aunt told you to go to sleep early because in the morning you would go to meet the friend of your father. You heard your aunt’s mumbling after she laid in next to you. “He has to find out if you are telling the truth and then he will help us. The captain will not say no to the marriage, not when he might end up in the prison because of it.“ You did not understand anything she was saying. There is no way to throw someone in prison just because he does not want to marry a woman he made pregnant. Otherwise, there would not be as many illegitimate children out there. No. I bet they will force him to do it with something else and I am sure, it is going to be even worse for me. You were not sure what was worse, to raise your child alone or to marry the man who took away your virginity by force. It was almost midnight when you finally closed your eyes to sleep but was awaken by your aunt soon enough. It was still deep night when she shook you by the shoulders to wake you up.  You sat up in a daze and looked at your aunt who was fully clothed already walking from one side of the room to another. “Wake up, you slut! We don’t have time!” She screamed and left out of the room. You blinked a few times to get rid of the sleepiness. You pouted as you moved the blanket to the side which caused you to feel the cold air on your petite body. For the first time in many weeks, there were no nightmares to haunt your dreams but you weren’t sure if it was because the memory is becoming the reality or because you did not sleep long enough to let them come through. Sleepily you stood up from the warmth and took your aunts huge dress and pulled them on yourself. You did not even try to tie them up. There was no reason to since you knew you would be naked soon, showing them the proof of the most embarrassing moment of your life. You knew what it meant to actually visit the judge. He needs proofs to judge and the only proof was your growing belly. You were ready to listen to them explaining that captain Jeon denied everything and refused to marry you. It honestly did not surprise you. They did not have to go to town just to listen to that. They could have sent the letter saying what Jungkook told them. When you were ready, you knocked on the door and from the other side, your aunt opened them and pulled you to the hallway. She huffed and kept pulling you by the hand towards the other side of the hall to the wooden door in the far corner.
When you walked into the room, it was dark. The only source of the light was the fire that was making the crackling sound in the fireplace. You walked further inside, to see the man standing close to the fireplace and when you realised who you were seeing, you smiled brightly. It was no stranger, it was the man you loved as much as you loved your father. With a little yell, you run to him and wrapped your arms around his body. “Y/N!” The elder man, lord Black smiled and hugged you tightly, glad that he finally saw you after many years. “My little Y/N.” Soon enough the hot tears started falling down your cheeks knowing that you indeed missed the man in front of you. After the death of your parents, lord Black wanted you to live with him, but your aunt said no. She said you should live with your closest family. Sadly, the closest family did not mean people who actually cared about you. “I haven’t seen you in ages,” he whispered while caressing your cheeks wiping the tears away. “I remember when you were a little kid, just so small and always looking for sweets.” He smiled and lifted your chin to look at you. “And now you look beautiful, you are more beautiful than your mother. She was the most beautiful woman in the town but you for sure are prettier. I always wanted you to marry into my family but I don’t have a son.” You stood up to your toes and pressed a light kiss on the older man’s cheek. “That is a pity, it would have been my pleasure.“ You smiled as he started to lead you towards the chair so you could sit down. Before you could do that, your aunt pushed you to the side and sat on it herself. “Just let her stand, not like she deserves anything anyway.” Lord Black frowned at her action, seeing that your aunt was no gentle woman. Then he pointed at the chair at the other end of the table. “Maybe you will like it better over there, Y/N.” You simply nodded ignoring what your aunt did, knowing that is was not the first or the last time she behaved like that. When you walked towards the other chair, the aunt laughed and said coldly. “The other chair is for him.” She pointed at the dark corner of the room and your eyes grew wider. Before, you did not see the person standing in there, but as you went closer, the details of his face were sharper and you knew who it was. Jeon Jungkook.
Part 6
a/n: So they gonna make Y/N marry Jungkook who took her by force? I do not stan the aunt. Never did and never will. Eww her. (>o<) ALSO did you notice me being creative and using colour for the last names? YEAH. How creative of me.
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mybillyhardgrove · 3 years
The Language of Love s.h.
A/n: another one! love language is such an endearing idea to me… plus, I need to show steve more love lol
ps. i mentioned watching movies too much lmao
Disclaimer: i don’t own any Stranger Things material
Word count: 3125
Warnings: a couple curses (par for the course at this point)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader (female)
Summary: after being with Steve for a while, it has become clear how he shows his love for you
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Words of Affirmation
You couldn’t stop shaking your leg or gnawing on the skin of your bottom lip on the drive over to the Wheeler’s house. You looked over at Steve when you heard him laugh a bit under his breath. “What are you laughing at?”
“Nothing, nothing.” You nudged his shoulder a bit, whining that he share what was so amusing. He sighed, glancing over and resting his hand on your thigh before returning his eyes to the road. “I just think it’s cute how wound up you are to meet a bunch of kids. You can relax, they are not hard to impress.” The entire party was meeting at the Wheeler’s to watch The Neverending Story and it would be the first time you met them all. Of course you’d seen your boyfriend talking with them from time to time and you knew Billy, Nancy, and Jonathan from school, so you knew something about their younger siblings, but this was a different circumstance altogether. You thought you might be more nervous than when you met Steve’s parents.
“This is important, Steve. I mean, these kids are practically your children the way you talk about them, and I want to fit in, make sure they like me. You love them and I love you, so I really want this night to go well.” You took a deep breath, getting worked up again and grabbing his hand from your leg, squeezing it tight.
After a few minutes, he pulled his car to the curb outside the house and turned to you. You looked towards the first-floor window and saw the kids all gathered in the dining room, laughing and wrestling. Oh boy.
Steve reached over and put his fingers under your chin, turning your face towards him and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re gonna be great tonight. You are so funny and loving and sweet. Those idiots will love you as much as I do. Trust me, beautiful, just be yourself and everything will work out.”
And not to spoil anything, but it did. A few days later, Steve recounted over the phone how all the kids were raving about you and how cool, funny, nice, and pretty you were - just as he said they would.
Ever since the first night you met them, you and the party were very close and they always invited you to everything they did. You accompanied them to the arcade from time to time, you helped El and Max get ready for the school dances, you gave the boys relationship advice, and you were even attending the Christmas party at the Byers’s house. Though it was usually you, Steve, and the kids getting together for impromptu hang-outs or some casual pizza nights, this evening involved everyone getting dressed up and bringing food, drinks, and their secret santa gifts.
You had received Max and took care to get her the specific skateboard she had been talking a lot about, information passed to you by Lucas. You gave the gift after being at the party for a couple hours and she jumped up and down, hugging you tightly and saying more than once how excited she was to try it out. After that success, you were riding high through appetizers and dinner, so glad your gift was a success and you were celebrating the holiday with those closest to you. When you had collected the plates for Mrs. Byers and finished washing them with her, you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You turned and saw your handsome boyfriend in a cozy sweater and khakis, hair brushed back neatly from his face.
“Hey, stranger.” You reached out your arms, slipping them around his waist and letting him pull you in tight.
Mrs. Byers shooed you two to the living room to be comfortable, “Honey, everything is all set here. Thank you for the help.” Steve released you, draping his arm over your shoulders and walking with you towards the couch. Once you were both settled, you tucked into his side, watching the kids exchanging more gifts, he pulled something from his back pocket. Passing it to you, he leaned his lips to your ear and whispered, “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” You looked over with a smile, surprised he hadn’t let it slip that he got you for the secret santa (he wasn’t the best at keeping secrets usually). You sat up a bit more, tearing the neat paper from the gift, gasping when you saw what it was.
A small, ornate book filled with ticket stubs, receipts, polaroids, pressed flowers, and other mementos from your relationship. Your vision got blurry as you looked through each page, reading the little handwritten descriptions Steve had added. When you got to the last page, it said ‘To be continued’, which made you giggle despite how emotional you were. You closed it and held it close to your chest, turning and kissing Steve a few times before thanking him profusely. “Steve, this is beautiful. I love it so much. I can’t believe you put this all together and kept these things.” He placed his hand on your cheek, running his thumb under your eye to wipe a tear away before kissing you again.
“The kids helped me set it all up and organize it, but I had been keeping it all in a little box in the glove compartment of my car. I looked in there from time to time when I was having a shitty day, so I put it in this book for you to look at.” His cheeks were red from all the attention and the confession, which you thought made him so handsome.
You kissed him a couple more times before resting your head on his shoulder, finally realizing that all eyes were on you. Steve seemed to realize at the same time, so he said, “Alright, show’s over. Put the movie on already.” When the lights were turned down low and all attention was on the screen, he turned to you once more, whispering, “Merry Christmas. I love you.” And what a merry Christmas it was.
Acts of Service
It was your birthday and you were dreading it. Birthdays felt like a day of awkward encounters and attention you didn’t want, all while being reminded you were another year older. For most of high school, it seemed to be a letdown in a way because it fell on some random weekday and you did homework for the evening, instead of something fun or relaxing.
This year, however, would be different because of the one and only Steve Harrington. When you had explained your sentiments about birthdays to him a couple weeks earlier, he assured you he would change your mind. You argued that your family would be leaving you for the week and hadn’t even mentioned or apologized that they would be missing your birthday. After making you feel better, he wouldn’t say what he was planning, but he seemed to think it would excite you.
You were on the couch working on Math when you heard a knock at the front door. You rose, opening the door to see your boyfriend juggling three bags full of stuff. “Come in, come in. Do you need help?” He shook his head and shuffled past you, heading right for the kitchen and putting everything on the counter.
When he had done that, he ran to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and picking you off your feet, squeezing you tightly and kissing your neck a few times. “Happy birthday! Happy birthday!” He spun you around before setting you back on your feet. “Alright, I love you and this is all for you, but not yet. Please return to whatever you were doing and when you’re finished, you can… one second” and he rummaged through one of the bags with a frown before pulling out a VHS tape. “Here, this is your first gift. I grabbed it on the way over, so you can watch this while I do my thing in here. I will call you when I’m ready for you to see.” He turned you around and hit your backside, kicking you out of the kitchen and back to your place on the couch.
You were confused, but knew he had things handled and had been over enough to know where everything was, so you got back to work.
When you had finished, you played the movie and tried to ignore all the mumbling, clanks, and shuffling you could hear from the kitchen. At one point, you thought you heard him go upstairs, but ignored it. Then, after a little over an hour of that, Steve came back into the living room, announcing that he had cooked you your favorite dinner and the table was set for you to eat. “While you were watching the movie, I also took the time to clean the kitchen and your bedroom, all sparkly clean. I would like to say I saw your Christmas gift album up there, as well, which makes me very happy. Anyway, happy birthday.” He looked rather pleased with himself and you admitted you were too with all he had managed to accomplish in the time he had been over.
He offered his arm to you and escorted you to a beautiful dinner illuminated by a few candles and enjoyed the delicious food and meaningful conversation with your thoughtful and caring boyfriend.
“This is perfect, Steve, thank you. I think I am starting to like birthdays.” He did a little celebration dance in his seat. You laughed at his silliness, heart swelling with how grateful you really were and how much you loved him.
“Well, get ready because I also made dessert.” Yeah, you really loved him.
Quality Time
The nature of your relationship with Steve was that you spent a lot of time together, whether just the two of you or surrounded by people. He was clingy (in the best way), craving your attention and affection. He cuddled, hugged, and kissed you more times than you could count each time you were together, so you would say every time you were together was meaningful and special. If you both had your ways, you would spend all your time together, but the need for money outweighed those wishes.
Steve had been working at Scoops Ahoy, but after everything in the mall, he and Robin began working at a movie rental place. You were not lucky enough to work with them, working instead at a pizza place that was always loud and always filled with rude teens and entitled adults. Your only time of solace was your hour lunch break, which you took each day at the same time. This was so Steve would know when to stop by. Usually, you ate a couple slices or walked to the strip mall across the street to grab something quick, but this time, Steve said he had lunch handled. When he said that, you frowned and tried to ask what he meant, but he wouldn’t elaborate, so you let it go.
Looking at the clock, it was finally time for you to get some fresh air and spend time with your boyfriend before returning to work again. You pushed open the door, bell jingling, and waited out front for the flash of Steve’s deep red car. After a few seconds of scouting the lot, you found it, parked a few spaces away, Steve smiling at you and waving through the windshield once he saw you approaching.
He got out to meet you at the front of his car, pressing a kiss to your lips and rubbing your back. “How is it going today, sweet cheeks?” You laughed at his silly nickname and explained that it was relatively quiet, fewer phone calls and customers than usual. “Oh, that’s great. The day will fly by and I’ll come pick you up when it’s all over.” He put up a finger to signal you to wait where you were, opening the back door and leaning in to grab a basket and a blanket. “In the meantime, I packed a little picnic for us because I remember how you feel a little sick of all the shitty food we’ve had lately. There are some sandwiches, chips, cookies, and sodas.” Steve placed the basket in your hands, a pleased smile on his pink lips. You never got over how thoughtful he was, always taking care of you. It reminded you of your birthday dinner and how much care he took to make it special for you.
“Thank you, honey. This is perfect. Where should we eat?” He grabbed your hand and brought you to the back of his little car, laying the blanket across the back and took the basket back from you. He put his hands on your hips, squeezing a little before lifting you on the back, making sure you were comfortable before pulling the lunch from the basket, explaining everything and kissing your cheek.
You spent the next hour talking and eating. While he was telling a funny story that involved Robin and a rude customer, you just looked at him - his soft hair, doe eyes, smooth skin, pink cheeks, full lips, and freckles, admiring how beautiful he looked. “And then, she said that he should… is there something on my face?” He stopped talking, rubbing his fingers across his mouth and chin, confused why you were staring at him. You laughed and grabbed his hands, kissing him and leaning your forehead against his.
“There is nothing on your face, Steve. I love you and how much time we spend together. This was a wonderful lunch. Thank you.” You kissed his cheek and encouraged him to finish the story before you had to pack up and return to work.
Physical Touch
Another Friday night with the party, another movie. This time, it was at your house. Since Steve started his new job, it had been even easier for you all to figure out the newest and most popular movies to try. After some arguing, the kids had chosen to watch Gremlins, which would not have been your first choice, but you didn’t want to get involved in the complicated debating. In the end, it wouldn’t matter because on these nights, you and Steve usually ended up whispering together or making snacks as the rest were entranced by the screen.
Max and El looked over at you, asking if you wanted to sit with them on the little mountain of pillows and blankets they had set up in front of the couch the boys were sprawled out on. You smiled and joined them, getting comfortable with one of the large bowls of popcorn you had set out for everyone. You and the girls reached your hands in the bowl every once in a while as you waited for the movie to start. Once it started, you hopped up and shut off the light, looking over to make sure Steve was comfortable. His eyes were already on you and he had an exaggerated pout on his lips, arms crossed as he sat in the big armchair by himself. You shook your head with a grin and returned to the girls.
A little while into the movie, you realized the popcorn was finished and the candy was getting low, so you grabbed all the bowls and quietly slipped into the kitchen, grabbing the makings to replenish everything. After beginning to pour the M&Ms into the bowl, Steve joined you, wrapping his arms around your stomach from behind and swaying you both a bit. “You ditched me. That wasn’t very nice of you.” He kissed your neck after that and you could feel he was a little lonely in that chair alone, despite being only a few feet from you.
You put the candy down, spinning in his arms and wrapping yours around his shoulders as he dropped his face into the crook of your neck. “The girls asked me to sit with them, Steve, sorry.” He grumbled against your skin, pulling you in tighter. You decided to indulge him as you were tired and snuggling into his lap seemed like a nice idea. “When we go back in there, I’ll tell the girls they can spread out more and I’ll sit with you in the armchair. Does that sound okay, you big baby?” You felt him smile and nod. He helped you finish refilling the bowls and carried them to the living room, setting them all by the kids to be devoured. You leaned over to Max and El, informing them of your seat change.
Standing back up, you saw Steve was on the chair and waiting for you to join him, a big blanket in his hand. You smiled and climbed on top of him, sitting with your legs curled up between his and your head against his shoulder. You shifted a little to make sure you were both comfortable and he pulled the blanket over you, wrapping you in his arms. After a couple minutes, you felt your eyes getting heavier with how warm and relaxed you were. Every few seconds, you felt light kisses pressed to your hair and his hand tracing your cheek. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear and it lulled you even closer to sleep. That was, until you heard some snickers and whispers. You lifted your head and saw that the boys on the couch and the girls on the floor were all looking at you, speaking in hushed voices behind their hands. Steve noticed too and frowned. “What the hell are you guys laughing at?” He said this lightly, already having a suspicion it had to do with the two of you.
Dustin answered. “Oh nothing, just that you two are showing a lot of PDA. Steve, you’re whipped.” With that, the kids all laughed, nodding and looking at you for a reaction. You snorted and lowered your head back down, closing your eyes and pressing them against Steve’s neck, letting him answer for you both. You wracked your brain and figured there must be plenty of times where you and Steve act like this in front of the party, so why was this so surprising?
“Oh shut up. Watch the movie.” Not the most graceful comeback, but you felt Steve’s chest vibrate with a laugh as he gestured towards the screen. You heard a few more laughs before attention was once again on the movie. He whispered, “What a bunch of idiots.” You smiled and Steve wrapped you up even tighter, rubbing your back as you fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
A Sea of Fragments II
Part I here
Word Count: 2,516
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: Second chapter here we go! I’ve been very excited to continue this series, and I hope you find it as fun to read as it was to write. I already have mapped out a plan for where the story is going, though I’m not sure how many chapters it will take. We’ll see how it goes!
Dear Signora,
I am happy to inform you that the task you sent me has been completed. The fortune teller, though they still refuse to reveal their name, appears to be somewhat legitimate. I’m not sure what you’re going to do with this information, but I hope you’re prepared for a difficult time, as…
 Scaramouche sighed, putting his pen down, although not after scribbling haphazardly on the paper in front of him. It had been two weeks since he’d first recruited the mysterious clairvoyant, and altogether nothing of consequence had happened. Not for lack of trying, of course; the Harbinger had taken to banging on the door of an inn almost every day, demanding that the unwilling coworker inside come out and do something. Honestly Scaramouche was surprised he hadn’t been asked to vacate the premises at this point, though of course that wouldn’t’ve stopped him. Still it was becoming a tiring ritual, and though Scaramouche himself wasn’t entirely sure what he’d meant when he suggested you work with him, he was certain this wasn’t it. Something had to happen, and soon. If not, well the Harbinger wasn’t above kidnapping unwilling colleagues; regardless of their threats to burn down his living space.
“At the very least I’m getting them out of that damned inn.” Scaramouche muttered to himself, for the time wasted was appalling, the inn being located not in your own village, the closest villager to the camp, but in one farther away. Standing up, crumpling the unfinished letter in his hands and throwing it into the trash, Scaramouche walked out of his tent and towards the now all too familiar road. He wasn’t doing this anymore.
Walking along the road, unfortunately there were no waypoints in villages this small, Scaramouche thought over the whole matter once more. He’d not expected you to agree to his offer of working with him, especially not after supposedly reading his future. Nor had he expected to truly believe you. And yet something about your demeanor had certainly changed since you’d looked into his future, accepting his proposal aside. Scaramouche wasn’t one to pry about such things, he didn’t really care what you saw in his future, especially after your revelation that doing so wasn’t an exact science. He had to admit though that the longer this went on the more he wondered what exactly you had seen. What had you seen to make you agree to his proposal, then refuse to even open your door to him? Or had you simply said yes on a whim and were now regretting your decision?
It was baffling to Scaramouche, and what he didn’t know or understand irritated him. He was a harbinger, and though you might’ve been blessed by the gods or some such thing, you’d still agreed to work with him. He’d see this through, if it was the last thing he did.
 The inn was just as rundown as it had been the day before, and Scaramouche’s feet dragged as he made his way up the stairs towards the offending door. Knocking as softly as he could, not wanting to bother the other rooms and get kicked out, he called out. “It’s time for you to get to work. You’ve had two weeks to recover from whatever shock you’d had in the woods, and now you must uphold your promise.”
 You stared at the door, still lying on the bed, the place where you’d spent most of your time recently. This routine had played out for two weeks, and you were becoming tired of it. Honestly, couldn’t the idiot realize when he wasn’t wanted? You thought that you’d made it clear enough.
Ignoring the banging for a moment you stared up at the ceiling. Two weeks, for two weeks you’d agonized over what you’d seen. What you’d expected to be dulled by time still came as a shock, and if you closed your eyes the image of you smiling at the Harbinger danced around in front of you. You didn’t regret your decision to work with Scaramouche, the determination for a better future still lay firmly in your heart; but you hadn’t realized how much personal agony it would cost. Certainly your now conflicting feelings weren’t helping, as you couldn’t help but wonder if your sudden awareness of the person now knocking on your door was caused by anything genuine, or simply by what you saw might come to pass.
The knocking was louder now, and you groaned, dragging yourself out of bed, thankful that you’d at least had the sense to have changed out of your pajamas. You were going to answer him today. It was what you’d been telling yourself all morning. You couldn’t live at this inn forever, the bill was beginning to rack up terribly. And, conflicting feelings or not, you weren’t about to steal away in the middle of the night. That would be perhaps the stupidest move one could make when dealing with a Fatui harbinger to whom one had made a promise.
 Scaramouche let out a huff of surprise and relief as the door suddenly began to make way. This was some progress. Usually your early morning conversation was shouted through the closed door. Although you barely appeared from behind the door at first Scaramouche could see the improvement in your health. At least now you didn’t look to be constantly seconds away from once more passing out. As if reading these less than generous thoughts you scowled. Looking around, as if making sure there was no one around, you grabbed Scaramouche by the wrist and dragged him into the room, closing the door with a firm click behind you.
Though the inn was certainly bedraggled, the room you were housed in seemed nice enough. The furniture was sparse, only a bed, a small table, a chair, and a pair of sad looking dressers. Sitting down cross legged on the bed you pointed towards the chair. Smirking, Scaramouche sat down.
“Are we not talking today?” He asked snidely.
“Nice to know your personality hasn’t improved.” You shot back.
“Maybe I’d be a bit more amenable if you had left this room at all in the past two weeks. Do you even eat?”
“Thank you for so graciously caring for my wellbeing, but I’m doing just fine, thank you.”
“We had an agreement.”
“I know.”
“Then why won’t you hold to it?” Scaramouche narrowed his eyes, his temper wearing increasingly thin. He didn’t like yelling, found it beneath him; yet right now he wanted nothing more than to find some secluded area and scream. Letting out a hiss of a breath he shook his head. “Why did you let me in if you won’t even look at me?”
As if on cue your head snapped forwards. Although it seemed as if you were about to say something your expression quickly shifted into something unreadable. You said nothing, simply staring at him, that odd, opaque expression leading him to silence as well. The transformation was so sudden that it managed to throw the Harbinger completely off guard, and he found himself scrutinizing you, wondering what you could possibly be thinking of.
As you continued to stare at him Scaramouche realized that he was losing time. Shaking his head slightly, he spoke again.
“I want you to move into the camp.”
“Over my dead body.” You replied venomously, the spell obviously broken. “I refuse to live surrounded by members of the Fatui.”
“Well then where are you going to live, you can’t stay here forever.”
“I’ll… figure something out.”
“I’m offering you a solution to your housing problem. You can even live on the edge of the camp; but I refuse to continue this song and dance of walking six miles just to get you up. Consider it part of your work benefits.”
“What a lovely benefit, being housed against your will.”
“You made it perfectly clear you have nowhere else to go. You abandoned your village, you’ve holed yourself up in a random inn, you made a promise, an agreement, to work for me. Have you forgotten that?”
“Of course I haven’t!” You snapped, once more tilting your head towards the wall. “How could I forget after what…” You trailed off.
“After what?” Scaramouche pressed, but you shook your head, merely glancing at him once more.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does if it’s affecting our bargain. Something must’ve happened. You’ve been acting, strangely.”
“How would you know how I act?” You scoffed. “Anyways, my behavior is none of your business. I promised to work with you, and I will, if only to stop this stupid conversation. But I won’t move in with the Fatui. They’re the worst sort of organization. Besides,” you added, voice lowering slightly. “I’m not comfortable staying in unfamiliar places.”
There was a pause in the conversation, as Scaramouche wracked his brain. He needed to get this to work. He couldn’t stand this; no matter what, he’d make sure this conversation didn’t drag on any longer.
“Fine then,” Scaramouche finally sighed, “let’s make a deal.”
“We seem to be making an awful lot of those.”
“It’s the only way apparently to get you to do anything. Here’s the deal. I arrange it so you’re allowed to use your own furniture and belongings in your tent. You can use one of the extra harbinger tents, they should be big enough for that. If I promise to do so, will you promise to move out?”
“I’m not letting random Fatui members sack my house, not even on your orders.”
“Then do it with the. I’ll just send some men to carry the heavier furniture, you can handle the rest. Agreed?”
You paused, staring at him, expression much more readable this time, being one of distrust. Still, eventually you nodded your head and Scaramouche finally began to feel some sort of relief.
“Good. Now pack whatever you have. Thankfully it’s early enough to have this finished today.”
And with that he stood up, not bothering to look behind at you as he walked across the room and out the door.
Scaramouche entered the tent, nearly running into you in the process. You glanced back at him, letting out a quick “sorry”, before scurrying over towards your cot – your bed had ended up being too bulky to move.
“I see you’ve finished.” Scaramouche spoke up, feeling slightly awkward, not sure how to converse with you in a way that wasn’t arguing. Luckily you didn’t seem to notice, nodding enthusiastically.
“It’s so odd to seem my dresser on the grass floor.” You giggled softly.
The Harbinger stared for a moment, realizing that this was the first time he’d seen a genuine smile out of you. It was almost transformative, and for a moment he found himself forgetting all the haggling it took for you to get here. Walking towards you, slightly unaware of what he was doing, he stopped a few inches away from you. You seemed caught unaware, and as you stared at him your smile slowly faded, instead replaced once more by that odd expression you carried when you look at him. This time you seemed a bit more agitated however, and instead of lingering you shook your head slightly, walking sideways towards the dresser you’d just mentioned. Suddenly aware of himself Scaramouche mimicked the gesture, stepping back towards the tent opening.
“Well,” he said, voice stilted, “I’m glad that we’ve finally resolved this. I’ll let them send dinner to your tent tonight, though I expect you to eat with everyone else afterwards. I’ll see how you are later.” And, not wanting to start another argument and still trying to process what had just happened, Scaramouche marched out of the tent.
The late afternoon air was finally beginning to cool down, and Scaramouche took in several deep breaths. Not wanting to deal with the presence of various underlings he made his way out of the camp and towards the woods, the woods in which, about five miles away from here, he’d met you for the first time. Now, leaning against a tree, he thought back on that night, on everything that had happened since then. Mostly he thought about the odd experience in the tent.
Scaramouche hadn’t really meant to walk up to you, he found being the proximity of people odious most of the time. The action was completely instinctive, devoid of any motive to intimidate or to scare. It was just, it was just the fact that he’d liked your smile, it had drawn him in, literally, apparently. As had your expression, what was that expression? He wanted to ask about it again, wanted to know what was going on. This whole experience was alien to Scaramouche, your interactions all the more so. A normal underling would’ve never talked back, would’ve never forced concessions out of him. And yet that wasn’t the only abnormal thing. A normal underling would’ve never been so important, and, more importantly, would’ve never drawn such a strange reaction out of him. A reaction he was still feeling the effects of.
It wasn’t simply walking up to you, no, nothing was that simple. It was how he’d felt, the way he didn’t mind being that close, wanted it even. The way a part of him was somewhat disappointed when you – rightfully – drew away. Even now he still felt those lingering feelings, that alien want to be closer to someone, to learn about them, to… what? That was the beginning and the end of it, wasn’t it? He wanted something, and he didn’t even know what that something was. Information he supposed. It was always that in the end; something that he could use, a bargaining chip. Maybe he just was getting tired of these concessions.
 It was dark by the time Scaramouche returned to your tent. You were slouched forward on your cot, a book held up to your face, your attention utterly captivated. Looking up at the shuffling of feet you saw the Harbinger staring at you, as opaque as before. Although your initial instinct was once more to look away you instead met his gaze, letting out the faintest crack of a smile.
“Thank you for doing this.”
“It was nothing. If you’re going to be my clairvoyant assistant, well, this was for the best.”
Your whispered something and Scaramouche leaned forward.
You repeated the word again and the Harbinger’s brow furrowed.
“What does that name have to do with anything?”
“It’s mine, idiot.”
“You could’ve just said that.” Scaramouche scoffed, glancing away. “Thank you.”
“It’s my thanks, for doing this for me.”
“I see.” Scaramouche stood there silent for a moment. Eventually he looked around and nodded. “All seems to be in order. I hope you’re an early riser, tomorrow we’ll get to work. So make sure to sleep. I…” he began to turn towards the tent opening. “I hope you’ll be comfortable.”
“I’m sure I will.”
“Good. Go to sleep.”
The sound of your name whispered into the night by him was something that would keep you up for a while longer.
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cryonme · 4 years
Angel (part three to Love)
➵ Draco Malfoy x gn!reader
➵ summary: Draco begins the process of helping you heal, but when you get the closest to Jack as you’d been in months, you crumble once again.
➵ word count- 1.6k+
➵ tw/content: 6th year no voldy, draco x slytherin!reader, mentions of abuse and toxic relationship, detailed mentions of a panic attack, swearing, very brief mentions of not eating and nightmares, angst, fluff.
➵ y/n- your name
➵ a/n- yay!! part three! I'm so happy about all of the love on this series, especially because it is so close to my heart. I went through a similar relationship (not as severe) to the one the reader has with jack, and I wish I had a draco by my side🥺 but it’s ok cuz I picked myself up!!💚anyway, the positive feedback just means a lot. ALSO I’m trying my best to keep my reader insert in this series genderless, but since I am a girl I get used to writing for girls, so I apologize if I slip up and accidentally mention Y/n being female. I also try not to describe Y/n as being white, I want every reader to be able to picture themselves in the story, so if I slip up PLEASE let me know!! <3 love u guys!! xx miz
The weeks following your visit to the hospital wing had been harder than you thought they were going to be. Madam Pomfrey had informed Dumbledore of the situation, and Jack had been allowed to finish out the remainder of his last year, but not without consequences. He was kicked off of the quidditch team, all of Ravenclaw’s points and then some were taken away, he was not allowed any activities for the weekends, having to serve detention with Filch instead, and he was not allowed anywhere near you, if he came close to you, Dumbledore promised he’d never step foot in Hogwarts again. Professors kept a close eye on the both of you, and if he arrived somewhere you were, he was to be escorted out.
Dumbledore readjusted your entire schedule, making this situation the one exception where he would allow a student to be scheduled with close friends for each class, he also advised you don’t go anywhere alone.
Draco was absolutely fuming at the weak punishment Jack received, he should’ve been expelled and never allowed back, including his children and his children’s children.
“That’s it?! This filthy excuse for a person nearly kills another student and you merely give him a slap on the wrist? My father will be hearing about this!”
Despite the precautions and the safety measures taken, you knew you wouldn’t feel safe until Jack was no longer at Hogwarts.
The older boy hadn’t dared to speak to you or even glance in your direction, yet your mind was still riddled with nightmares, you still jumped at every loud noise, you still felt you were worthless.
But you had Draco. The blond haired boy did everything in his power to build you back up. He let you sleep in his dorm when you felt you couldn’t sleep alone (although he wished you’d stayed with him every night for his own peace of mind), he’d stay up with you for hours when you were too afraid to fall asleep, he’d comfort you when panic attacks set chaos in your body and mind, he wouldn’t leave the great hall until you took at least one bite of food, he didn’t get frustrated with you when you were cranky and didn’t want to be touched, he patiently waited until he knew you were okay again before making his move, he loved you. With everything he had, he loved you.
It was one of those nights, you could feel the panic bubble in your chest when you and Daphne had walked past Jack and a few of his friends in the corridor. The blonde girl quickly switched sides with you so she was closest to Jack as her grip tightened on your arm.
And just like that it was over.
But your legs were wobbly and you could feel the harsh cries trying to crawl their way out of your throat. You hadn’t been that close to him since it happened, and every memory of him you had been trying to shove into a jar that was too small all came bursting out, shattering glass and unwelcome memories all throughout your tired mind.
Daphne noticed your panicked state and began to pick up her pace toward the common room.
“It’s okay, (Y/n), breathe. We’re almost there.”
You just nodded and continued to walk, leaning onto your friend for support.
Once you reached the Slytherin common room, you saw that the only people lingering were your friends, but Draco wasn’t there.
He had a terrible habit of that.
As soon as the door closed behind you, your legs gave out and sobs erupted through your chest, luckily Blaise and Daphne were by your side in an instant and helped you over to the couches. As the two were setting you down, Goyle informed Daphne he was going to go get Draco from their dorm just upstairs.
After what felt like ages,
Draco was there.
He was crouched in front of you, already dressed in his pajamas, hands gently resting on your knees as his thumb caressed your skin. He knew better than to try and immediately wrap you in his arms, no matter how badly he wanted to. His grey eyes were wide with concern and adoration for how beautiful you were when you cried. He turned to Daphne with a look of confusion and desperation in his eyes.
“We walked past-” She cleared her throat before continuing, “We walked past him in the hall.”
Draco shut his eyes and tried to ignore the pain in his chest, you hadn’t come close to him in ages, you were probably terrified. You continued to cry and gasp for air and everyone in the common room quickly cleared to their dorms, leaving just you and Draco.
“Shh, angel, I’m right here.” He whispered, his voice so gentle you wish you could use it like a blanket to wrap around yourself and never unravel from it. The way he was looking at you only caused you to cry harder, your hands falling from your face and landing on top of his, you immediately clutched onto them.
“(Y/n), can I hold you?” His voice was laced with pain, just watching you fall apart and he couldn’t even hold you. His cheeks were marked with tear tracks, no matter how hard he tried to wipe them away, and his lower lip would not stop fucking trembling.
“P- please.” You choked out between sobs, and Draco wasted no time closing the distance between the two of you. He wrapped an arm around your waist and the other around your shoulders, his hand coming to rest on the back of your head.
“My lovely angel.” He whispered softly into your hair, gently rocking you back and forth. “You’re safe, darling.”
He didn’t know how long the two of you stayed there, but he didn’t care. He’d stay up all night and hold you if it came down to it. But eventually your harsh cries turned into shattered breaths, and those breaths evened out into soft ones. Draco looked down at you, your cheek squished against his chest, puffy lips slightly parted, strands of hair stuck to your tear stained cheeks, you looked like an angel asleep on his chest. He was thankful you were asleep, afraid that if your eyes were open it would shatter his heart. The Slytherin boy pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead and stood up from the couch with you in his arms, heading up to his dorm. He pondered putting you in your bed, but the thought of you waking up from a nightmare alone caused a pang in his chest, so he took you with him.
He opened the door as quietly as possible, only to find his three roommates still awake. He gave them a quick head nod and placed you down gently in his bed.
“Are they okay?” Blaise asked, looking at you in Draco’s bed with concern.
Draco nodded, “They will be.”
Draco opened his chest at the end of his bed and paused for a moment, stopping Zabini before he turned over and went to sleep, his other roommates already snoring.
“What-” He stopped for a moment. Did he really want to know the answer to the question he was about to ask? He looked back at you, looking the most peaceful he had seen you in months, the harsh bruises on your neck barely there.
“What was it like? When you found them?”
Blaise took a deep breath, the memory of your red face and strangled breaths had haunted him, the thought of your completely vacant face and angry bruises on your neck gave him nightmares of his own.
“I think you’re lucky you weren’t there.” Was all he said before giving his friend a sympathetic glance and turning over to finally let his eyes rest.
Draco sighed and turned to you, gently running his thumb over your cheekbone to wake you up as gently as possible.
Your eyes fluttered open and Draco’s heart did a flip at how cute you looked when you looked up at him.
“Hi.” You whispered.
“Hi, angel.” He moved his hand to run his fingers in your hair. “Would you like to change?” He gestured towards the jumper and sweatpants in his hands. You nodded and he turned his back to you while you got dressed, you let out the smallest “Okay” once you’d finished.
He turned and felt his heart clench at the sight of you on his bed, in his clothes, with tired eyes, puffy lips and messy hair. You stayed silent as you climbed under Draco’s covers and held your arms out to him. He would’ve giggled at how cute you were, if the circumstances weren’t so grim. He obeyed your request and pulled your body against him, immediately rubbing soothing circles into your back. “You’re safe, love.” He whispered and you nodded against his chest, clutching the material of his jumper in your hand.
Once again your breathing evened out and became heavy, the crease between your eyebrows disappeared and your grip on his jumper loosened. Draco sighed happily when he looked down and saw you so peaceful, once again.
“Fuck.” He whispered to himself before kissing the top of your head. “You’re an angel.”
taglist- @flowersgirl02 @ravenclawbitch426 @lonely-kermit @allaboutthatdrummer @detroitobsessed @panicattheeverywherekid @justmesadgirl @dreaming-about-fanfictions @acciowilltolive @caseyb1994 @oliivegurl @soundsquid27 @accio-angst @milaonthemoon @i-ran-out-of-fanfics @urmommagay3 @clownalee @fandomvibez @anynimity / sorry if I forgot anyone!! also don’t forget my requests are OPEN<3
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edie-k · 3 years
Greener Pastures (Lavender Brown/Mystery Character, Romione, Hinny, Deamus, PG-13)
Title: Greener Pastures
Pairing: Lavender Brown/Mystery Character, Romione, Hinny, Deamus, Past Lavender/Ron, Past Lavender/Seamus
Rating: PG-13 for language
Summary: At Harry and Ginny's engagement party, Lavender bemoans her single status to a mystery man.
Author's Note: Well, here's an obscure ship for you. Thanks to @adenei for her feedback and kind words!
“I think that proves that for all the complaining I’ve done, Harry, I mean it when I say you are the only one I thought was good enough for my sister,” Ron said from the front of the room, to a chorus of laughter. “So let’s raise a glass to the newly engaged couple!”
From her seat at the bar, Lavender made a face and threw back the remaining contents of her tumblr. Parvati, who was seated next to her, joined the crowd in applauding and cheering Harry and Ginny.
Click below to read more or read at AO3
“That was a nice speech,” commented Parvati.
“Oh, just the best,” muttered Lavender, trying to catch the bartender’s eye.
Parvati shook her head. “I just spotted Adam’s sister. I wanted to ask her about what the expectations are for dress code and stuff at his grandmother’s. All Adam said when I asked him was ‘Whatever’s fine.’ We’re going abroad to meet an entire side of your family I have never met in all the time we’ve been together and you’re telling me whatever is fine.”
“Mmm hmm,” Lavender said, still trying to signal for a drink.
“Are you going to be okay if I-”
“Yes, yes,” said Lavender, sighing. “I’m fine. Sorry if I’m being a drag. Just… that news earlier and then all this… happiness. Go get the dish from Mara so we can go shopping tomorrow.”
Parvati squeezed her friend’s arm before hopping off the stool and wading through the crowd to find Mara. The bartender finally made his way over to her and began to mix her another drink without a word.
At least Adam was out of town on business for the weekend so Lavender didn’t have to third wheel with her best friend and her boyfriend. Because that would have been the only thing more depressing than going to an engagement party with your platonic best friend.
The bartender nudged the glass back to her and she nodded her head in thanks as he made his way back down the bar.
“Is this seat taken?”
Lavender glanced up and met the gaze of a man she’d never seen before.
“Uh, no, be my guest,” she said. “Although be warned that I am shitty company.”
The man chuckled as he sat down on the stool. “I highly doubt that but I’m game to find out.”
Lavender looked at him again. She didn’t recognize him, which was shocking because even though the venue was full, Lavender had thought she would know everyone here. Harry and Ginny were obviously incredibly popular so they had kept tight controls on who was included on the guest list.
The man signaled for the bartender and Lavender took the opportunity to give him a once over. The guy was huge - not in an overweight or bodybuilder type way. He was just tall and solid. Other than her first boyfriend, her preference was tall guys. She was 5”8’ herself and preferred to wear heels when she could so aesthetically, it was nice for her companion to have some height. Nice eyes, cute face. He had dark blond hair and was dressed in a dark blue Muggle button down shirt and black trousers with no robes. Since the war had ended, Muggle style had become popular with the wizards in her age group. Harry, who was raised by Muggles, was always more comfortable in that style of clothing and Ron, who she knew was dressed primarily by Hermione and Hermione’s mum, followed suit. And whatever that little Trio did, everyone else did and for Merlin’s sake, Ron Weasley was now a fucking fashion icon. Lavender took a big swig of her drink.
“It’s a nice party,” said the man. Lavender nodded as the bartender approached. “I’ll have whatever she’s having.”
The bartender made another drink before placing it in front of the man. He went to reach for his pocket when Lavender noticed a look of panic cross his face. Before she could say anything, the bartender waved him away. “Mr. Potter has the tab covered tonight.”
“Well,” he said, his face relaxed again. He turned back to Lavender. “Should we follow Red’s instructions and toast the happy couple?” The two clinked glasses. “It was a nice speech.”
Lavender snorted.
“You disagree?”
“I’d have thought his wife wrote it for him but there was too much swearing for her to have had a hand,” Lavender said. Then she wiped the palms of her hands down her face. “Ugh, ignore me. It actually was a very touching and funny speech. I’m just in an ugly mood and I have a bit of a history with Ron so I’m being mean for no reason.”
“You dated him?” the man guessed. She nodded. “Huh, he said in the speech that he’d loved his wife since he was 13.”
“And I dated him when we were 16 so…”
“Hence the ugliness,” finished the man.
“Hence the ugliness,” Lavender repeated. “I’m over it, really. Hermione and I shared a room for six years and are better friends now than we ever were at school. As for Ron, that was just some stupid school kid bullshit on both our parts. It’s more that I didn’t realize that my only opportunity to find love was going to be at Hogwarts. If I had known that, I’d have made better choices or… maybe taken Arithmancy to secure a better paying job to support my lonely life.”
“What do you mean?” the man asked.
“Everyone I know, they’re married or engaged or about to be engaged to the person that they dated at Hogwarts. Harry and Ginny dated at school, Neville and Hannah somehow started to date during our last year during the war. My best friend Parvati and her boyfriend dated our sixth year at Hogwarts and then he fled with his Muggle family overseas but they started right back up again when he came back to England. See that girl over there, the pregnant one?”
The man nodded.
“That’s Parvati’s sister. That’s her second kid cooking. She’s married to her prefect partner, Anthony. I guess technically, Ron and Hermione didn’t date at Hogwarts but -”
“He’s loved her since he was 13,” the man said amused.
“Yeah. I’m the only one that couldn’t make it out with a relationship intact.” she moaned, taking another drink.
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
Lavender took another long drink and contemplated his statement. “You know what? You’re right. Ginny, she also had a relationship that didn’t work out. Do you see that tall bloke over in the corner that she’s talking to?”
The man glanced in the direction Lavender was referring to. “Uh, yeah.”
“That’s Dean. He was the guy that Ginny dated before Harry. Now, do you see that cute little Irishman standing next to Dean?”
The man nodded.
“That’s Seamus. He was my ex-boyfriend before Ron. And now he’s Dean’s husband. Met in school, by the way.”
“Oh,” said the man, taken aback.
Lavender narrowed her eyes. “Do you have a problem with that? Because despite the fact that Seamus is just one more example of my inability to keep a boyfriend, I will defend those men and their amazing relationship to the death from any bigot that threatens it.”
“No, no!” the man sputtered. “I’m just… I went to an all-boys school and I knew gay guys but they all hid it and I’m just not used to people being open about it. It’s fine - more than fine. Good for them! I mean, hey, they found each other and are leaving more beautiful women for the rest of us, right?”
“Merlin, I wish I could find a beautiful woman,” Lavender moaned, burying her face in her hands. The bartender seemed to take this as a signal that she needed another drink and provided her with a refill.
“Oh, are you… interested in women?” she heard him ask.
“No,” she moaned. “You must think I’m insane.” Lavender put both her hands on the man’s arm that was closest to her. “I promise that I am not hung up on some school romance from five years ago. It’s just that, if you knew Seamus or Ron at Hogwarts… did you know Seamus or Ron at Hogwarts?”
The man shook his head.
“Okay, so if you knew them, you would know that they were both totally immature prats. After I broke up with Seamus, I thought he was the worst boyfriend ever. He was always running off to spend time with his mates, talking about Quidditch, no interest in spending time with me, dumb jokes. But then, then I dated Ron, who was even worse than him. The only thing he wanted to do with me was snog and I think that was some weird power move with Hermione or his sister… who knows. I have to be way more drunk to psychoanalyze Ron Weasley. Anyway, the last month we were together, he didn’t even try to hide the fact that he wanted to ditch me for Hermione but was just too much of a coward. And yet somehow, both of those idiots ended up married before me! And it’s not like they got married to some random person that they knocked up after a one night stand. Ron eloped with his wonderful, talented, brilliant best friend that he was in love with all through school and the entire time we were dating and Seamus… oh for Godric’s sake.”
Lavender paused in her tirade for a moment. “Seamus also married his wonderful, talented, brilliant best friend that he was probably in love with all through school AND the entire time we were dating. How am I just realizing that?” Lavender groaned, banging her head on the bar.
“Can wizards knock up other wizards?” asked the man. Lavender looked up at him and burst into laughter.
“Oh, thank you for that,” she giggled. “I was spiralling.”
“Uh, yeah, no worries,” said the man, shifting in his seat.
“It’s just that this dating stuff is really hard. The wizarding world is so small, you know? I think it’s why everyone locks in with their soulmate at school, ” Lavender commiserated.
“Have you ever considered dating like, outside the wizarding world?” the man asked.
Lavender shook her head. “How could I? It’s tough enough here. After all the Prophet spotlights on battle injuries and such, everyone knows how I got all these awful scars on my face but it still takes a certain type of man to look past them. And I’m sure there are Muggles that aren't shallow about them either but they would ask how I got them. How would I explain them to a Muggle? I can’t just say ‘Oh during a war at my school, a werewolf tried to rip me to shreds. But don’t worry, I’m not a werewolf although I have some side effects from it.’ They’d think I was insane.”
“Uh, yeah, that does sound a bit… daunting,” the man admitted, looking a bit pale.
“I mean, I’m still a catch. I’m funny, I have a great rack, I make excellent scones, and I’m amazing in bed.” At that comment, she heard the man next to her choke a little and she stifled a smile to continue on. “And even if I could get away with not explaining it to a man, once I meet his family, there’s no way. In my experience, mothers are always trying to find a reason to hate the woman that’s dating their special baby boy. I can’t imagine a Muggle mother taking very kindly to a literal witch with werewolf scars.”
“Yes,” sighed the man before giving a little chuckle. “I can certainly see that. And with all of the, you know, war stuff, I can see where you wish you had a school sweetheart.”
Lavender shook her head and drained the rest of her drink. “Seamus and Ron are just easy targets. I really am not hung up on them. This is about Don.”
“Who’s Don?”
“Don is my last boyfriend. We dated exclusively for eight months and he was so fun and thoughtful and generous. But he never said I love you. He kept telling me that he was too young to settle down and, I believed that he thought that. I really did. So we split in December because we wanted different things.”
“Ah,” said the man. “Seems sensible.”
“And then this morning, I see it in The Daily Prophet.”
“See what?”
“His engagement announcement,” she wailed, throwing herself on the bar again and almost upsetting her glass.
The man patted her on the shoulder. “Oh God, I’m sorry.”
“Do you know how long they’ve been dating?” Lavender asked.
“Eight months?” ventured the man.
“FIVE!” Lavender cried.
“Maybe he knocked her up?” suggested the man.
Lavender looked up at him and burst into laughter again. “Merlin, you’re funny. Why am I whinging about all these dolts I’ve surrounded myself with when I should get to know you better?”
“Yeah?” said the man with a grin.
“Yes,” she said. “I mean, if you want-”
“Of course,” he interrupted. “A funny, beautiful woman wants to get to know me better - the answer is always yes. I do need a refill. Do you want one? You’re not driving home, are you?”
Lavender giggled.
The man shook his head and looked embarrassed. “Oh, right, you wouldn’t be driving. You would uh - ”
“You must be a Muggle born. Do- I mean, I’ve heard others say that before. Those habits die hard.”
“Actually,” the man took a deep breath. “I’m a Muggle.”
Lavender’s jaw dropped. “How the fuck does a Muggle get invited to the engagement party of the Chosen One and a pureblood Quidditch player?”
“Well, Harry’s my cousin,” the man said. “My name’s Dudley.”
“Do you see that over there?” asked Hermione, nudging Ron. He turned away from his conversation with Neville and Charlie to see what his wife was gesturing to across the room.
“Is that Dudley Dursley chatting up Lavender?” Ron asked, as his eyes landed on the sight before him.
“It appears to be,” said Hermione. “Merlin, they are really flirting. Should we go over there and say something? A warning or...?”
“Right,” said Ron. “Absolutely we should. Which one of them are we warning?”
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des8pudels8kern · 4 years
Geralt doesn’t manage to shake the bardling for weeks after their run-in with Filavandrel. A beating and the ugly truth about the stories humans tell each other to feel good about themselves barely seem to have scratched the surface of his romantic notion that Geralt is a misunderstood hero rather than a mercenary who specializes in killing monsters. Still, after almost two months of roughing it in the woods he declares that his songs will do Geralt no good if there is no audience to perform them for, and turns right, towards inns with soft beds and pubs with plenty of cheap ale and audiences too drunk to be disconcerting, while Geralt turns left, towards more of the ever-same shit.
He doesn’t expect to see him again.
“Geralt!” The call rings out across the street as Geralt steps out of the alderman’s office, and for a moment he cannot place it, not the voice nor the face of the caller. Then the man stops waving and moves to cross the street, and now Geralt sees the lute on his back. The bard from last year.
“I was making my way along the trade route South when I heard that the people here had sent for a witcher for their little basilisk problem, and thought to myself I should come and see if the witcher in question isn’t my friend, the White Wolf. And here you are! What a happy coincidence!”
The bard beams at Geralt. He tries to go in for a hug but changes his mind at the last minute, apparently not entirely void of self-preservation instincts.
Geralt grunts at the happy coincidence and regrets that he wasted time earlier washing off the worst of the blood in the river, otherwise he’d have been gone by now.
The bard stays at his side “collecting inspiration” until the siren call of some musical competition lures him away.
“Geralt!” It’s early summer, Geralt has lost his armor to a centipede’s acid, and he’s in town for the fair, hoping one of the trade stalls will offer suitable replacement when Jaskier pops up at his side.
“I knew I recognizes that silver hair! You look… like you need a bath, actually. Do you have a room yet? Well, with the fair in town you are probably too late now. Come, you can share with me. It’s time I get back and pick up my lute for my turn on stage anyway, and with your glower clearing the way we’ll be so much faster than I’d be on my own.”
They leave town together three days later.
“Ah, Geralt!” He’s just finished his third contract of the year when he returns from collecting his money to find Jaskier stood next to Roach’s stall.
”I’ve just left Haage, where I wintered at the court of the lovely Lady Lenor, tragically widowed and much appreciative of my company and talents, and was hoping I’d run into you if I went East.” Jaskier skips up to him and starts plucking sticks and scales out of his hair. “Didn’t we part around here somewhere last year?”
They travel together all through summer and into fall. Geralt leaves him in Ard Carraigh and heads North long after the first frost.
“Ger—ah, apologies. Wrong witcher. I didn’t miss Geralt, did I?”
Eskel blinks at the strange man before him, then shakes his head.
He’s never heard of someone requesting the services of a specific witcher. Then again, Geralt has that song about him going around; maybe it really did help his reputation. Either way, they are still on the main road from Kaer Morhen they all follow down before their Paths diverge for the year, and he left before Geralt.
“My gratitude, sir witcher,” the man chirps. He ducks back into the tavern, and when he comes back out, he carries a lute slung over his shoulder.
The bard waves at him as he trots past, and Eskel, dumbfounded, waves back.
“Geralt!” Jaskier plops himself down on the bench beside him, close enough that their arms brush, and heaves a deep breath. “There you are. I was beginning to worry I’d gone the wrong way.”
He’s in one of the tiny settlements just barely out of the foothills of the Blue Mountains, getting Roach’s horseshoes seen to, and there is absolutely nothing there that would explain Jaskier being anywhere nearby. Jaskier’s inexplicable ability to have their paths cross year after year notwithstanding, the closest town that could have sustained the bard through winter is weeks away, and spring has broken so recently that Geralt himself only left Kaer Morhen days ago.
Jaskier pulls out two slightly pruney pears, and Geralt, who has only had dried fruit the entire winter, shrugs and accepts his company together with the pear.
“Geralt!” Jaskier sits on a rock at the entrance of the three houses that make up the very first village Geralt passes through, coming from Kaer Morhen. His lute lies in his lap, fingers moving over ths strings, his legs swing back and forth, and he seems not the least bit surprised to see him.
Lambert, riding at his side, throws Geralt a quizzical look.
“Did you leave your bard here all winter,” he whispers under his breath, too low for Jaskier to hear.
“The closest I ever left him was Ard Carraigh. He just kept showing up closer and closer each year,” he hisses back.
Lambert frowns. “He probably just asks around which direction we come from every year.”
Jaskier slips off his rock and stretches his back. “Shall we go, then?”
“Geralt!” They look up and stare as Eskel leads Jaskier into the hall.
“Horrid weather outside.” His face is red with cold and there is snow melting on his coat. The same snow that closed the pass weeks ago.
“I heard him knocking at the gate when I came back from the stables. Couldn’t just leave him outside, could I,” Eskel says with a helpless shrug.
With a tired sigh Jaskier drops down onto the bench next to Geralt. He wordlessly passes over his bowl of stew into Jaskier’s reaching hands.
Lambert hasn’t yet learned to be quite so resigned to his fate.
“You took the path up the mountain?”
Jaskier hums around his spoon.
“Is there more than one path up the mountain, Vesemir?”
“No, just the one.” The old witcher stares at Jaskier the way he would at a creature that fits not a single one of the entries in his bestiary.
“The one we used to send young witchers on, as a final test of their training?”
“Yes. That one.”
“Sorry, is there any more of that stew?”
Geralt grunts in affirmation and refills his bowl for him with a smug grin around the table.
That’s what they get for years of mocking Geralt that, surely, Jaskier couldn’t be that weird; Geralt probably just didn’t understand how humans worked.
Day 11 of my 500 words challenge, 1163 words. Ah, I am so productive!
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raddifferent · 3 years
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I'm late but I'm in the middle of switching jobs so who cares! Here's Day Two of @rosemarymonth2021: Fantasy! This is Chapter 1; Chapter 2 will double as the Chapter 4 prompt because I want to finish this fic rather than do medieval with no fantasy elements. It's my writing project and I make the rules!!
Anyways, as usual the link will be in the replies and the fic is below the cut!
The esteemed Duchess Lepidopterina Dolorosa of the House Maryam, Baroness of the Misted Isles, Devotee of the Midnight Spiral, and Serene Lady of the Obsidian Blade, first of her name, was having a bit of a shit day. As some of her many fancy titles would suggest, she was an adept swordswoman, and she had been honored to be invited to the wedding of Duke Egbert’s daughter. She was more familiar with Lady Egbert than her betrothed, another Duchess of the Troll kingdom, despite being a troll herself. That was one of the side effects of spending an inordinate amount of time in the borderlands fighting off the blasted undead, as she found herself doing now.
Her traveling party had been journeying through the Cresting Mountains for a fortnight now, having crossed the mountain peaks worn oddly smooth by some ancient ocean and cracked in half on their tectonic ascent. The scraggly pines of its forests were dense in places and opened into large clearings in others, creating an unpredictable landscape full of pockets of zombies. Three of the party had fallen when the undead felled their horses, and she’d lost sight of the other two of her companions when the pack had separated them. Now, she fought the beasts alone.
Kanaya raised a shining hand, turning some of the undead near herself. She had a moment to catch her breath and assess the situation. A crowd of about fifteen undead humans and trolls had her backed against the base of a thick pine. At her feet lay a pile of bodies twenty-strong. Her black leather boots were shiny with rotting ichor, and splashes of guts, grime, and gore adorned her oiled outerwear. The Duchess twirled her twin blades, each a deep, midnight indigo sparkling with obsidian glitter, and also with a little magic. Her hands were covered with snugly-fit leather gloves, but beneath the animal hide Kanaya knew the sigils of the Church of the Midnight Spiral gleamed on the backs of her hands. Indeed, her skin itself glowed from the inside, although that was more of a side effect of being a Blessed Resurrectionist. Kanaya lived thirty five years, and died, and was brought back by The Bright Light in the Dark Sky to walk again some fifty more years. Those outside the Church would call her another, luckier undead. A vampire.
Her groaning, festering foes began to clamber close enough to swipe at her again. Kanaya whirled and sliced, removing limbs and heads as the undead shuffled within her reach. Eight more fell, leaving seven standing. Kanaya tried to wipe a smear of viscera from her face, but she feared the back of her sleeve only made the mess worse. She was breathing heavily. The dampness on her boots and the height of the bodies was beginning to impede her. She needed to reach high ground, and soon.
Just then, a golden light shone from deeper in the woods surrounding this clearing. Kanaya jumped to the side just as a zombie swiped at her head, leaving her in the perfect position to see a glowing arrow pin her assailant’s head to a tree. There must have only been one archer aiding her, as only one or two arrows came at a time, but they still landed more rapidly than Kanaya’s own battle maidens could achieve. In seconds, the battle had ended.
Still breathing heavily, Kanaya attempted to wipe her blades off on her jacket before sheathing them. She began to walk towards where the arrows had been coming from.
Kanaya was met at the edge of the clearing by a figure in a deep purple cloak. Her skin was a deeper, redder brown than Kanaya’s own, set in sharp contrast to their white-blond hair. Kanaya met her startlingly purple eyes, which were bright, intelligent, and a little mischievous. She had a golden lip ring down the center of her mouth, and a thin golden chain as a choker. Her clothing was modest but fine, Kanaya’s keen eye picking out expensive brocade in the shirt.
“To whom do I owe thanks for such gracious assistance?” Kanaya offered when the stranger did not speak.
The stranger spoke in a slightly raspy voice with a short, clipped affect. “Arrows rained upon your general area moments before, and yet you walk towards a potential source of danger? Moments after your own life was at risk? You must either be assured of your skill, or very stupid.”
“I like to think I am the former, although there is always time to prove the latter.”
The stranger smiled. “You think it is inevitable you will be proven unintelligent?”
“I find it imprudent to assume one will never make a mistake.”
The stranger raised an eyebrow, the corners of her mouth quirking upwards. “Ah, a pragmatist. We may get along yet.”
Kanaya pursed her lips. “I find I get along with people much better if we have something to call each other by.”
“You would still like my name, then.” It wasn’t a question. They seemed to be hesitating. “I suppose you can call me Briar,” she said with a wry smile. “I’m just a traveler in these woods. There’s nothing I have to claim that involves fanfare.”
Politely, Kanaya did not mention the clearly magical bow, or the fine clothing. “I do have a bit of a fancy title, but I think it best not to rattle off the entire thing. Suffice it to say that you can call me Kanaya.” Hopefully, her rescuer would be equally polite about her weaponry and dress.
“May I ask where you’re headed? I wouldn’t mind some company, and you certainly seem like you need the assistance.” The last was delivered with a smirk, which Kanaya bristled a little at.
“I have been traveling with several others, thank you; we just found ourselves separated after that large group of undead descended onto us. I had almost dispatched all of them when you arrived.” She made a sweeping gesture back towards the not-immodest pile of re-deceased zombies surrounding the tree she had been up against.
Briar smirked harder. “So my assistance is not desired?”
“No, that is not-” Kanaya broke off her objection with a huff as Briar began to laugh. “I would, actually, quite like your help locating my companions. However, I would like to know why you would want to help me. You seem to be taking great pleasure in needling me about needing it.”
The other traveler sobered slightly. “I just know what it’s like to be traveling alone, and the drudgery of not having someone to talk to, no stories to tell around the fire or on the road. It can be better to group up, even temporarily, just to kill the boredom.”
“Did you lose a companion recently as well?” Kanaya blurted.
Briar raised a thin eyebrow. “Not recently, as it were. But yes, I have previously parted ways with those whom I enjoyed sharing a story or three.”
“I would be happy to share tales with you, stranger. My companions would likely head towards the closest inn if they were sure they were separated from me, as that was our next destination. Does that align with your path?”
The other woman smiled. “That it does. When last I consulted my map, the next inn was a half-day’s walk up the road. Shall we?”
As they walked up the road, dappled light gently touched the faces of both travelers. Briar hummed an aimless tune, kicking up dead, brown leaves. They traveled in silence for quite some time, neither quite willing to speak up after such an abrupt introduction. About an hour into the walk, Kanaya opened her mouth and was about to begin some sort of small talk about the weather when they reached the top of a hill. Below them, the trees opened up to reveal a path curving down and around a small, ruined stone structure. What had previously been a large castle town now lay in disarray, the abbey wall crumbling and holding nothing at bay. The peasant houses must have been constructed of wood, as all but their foundations had long rotted away. All that remained was a small stone castle with a single, thin spire reaching high into the sky. Small was relative; the property would have held a baron comfortably in his keep with acres of holdings, but from the vantage point it felt like a child’s plaything.
“Well, that certainly looks interesting.” Briar broke the silence with a chuckle.
Kanaya did have to agree. Ruins such as this one, so deep in the woods, were possibly undisturbed, and might have strange and magical treasures hidden within. At the very least, there would be a few monsters to kill, and get some of her frustrations out. “We should explore it. There is still light in the sky.”
Briar’s smile faded slightly. “You know, I grew up not too far from here. When I was a little girl, we were told a tale in whispers. It was the sort of fairy tale that adults would laugh off, but forbid you from speaking about ever again. Would you like to hear it?”
“Right now?” Kanaya asked, the question coming out more incredulously than she intended. “While we’re stopped in the middle of the road?”
The smile was back. “I can walk and weave words, miss.”
“Well then, far be it from me than to stop you.”
“A long, long time ago, a young king killed what he thought was the last dragon in his lands. His fields were free from fiery terror, and his people lived prosperously for three decades. One day, a winged shadow drew over the land again, smaller than the scourge that had last plagued the land, but still enough to wreak havoc. One dragon spawn had survived, and had lived long enough to exact its revenge.”
Briar stopped to hop over a river, holding out an arm to steady Kanaya as she crossed. Her hands were warm, heat thrumming through Kanaya’s thick gear to her palm where she clasped Briar’s. She let go, and they continued. Kanaya’s hand felt cold.
“The dragon landed on the top of the castle of the now-middle-aged king, and told the king that he would leave the lands be, if only the king would offer his daughter. One life in exchange for the kingdom’s safety.”
Kanaya laughed grimly. “I suppose it was an easy deal to make with the dragon staring him down.”
“I suppose it was,” Briar replied. “He brought his daughter to be scooped up in the dragon’s claws and carried away. The kingdom was quiet and safe for another thirty years, until the king’s son had borne an heir and several daughters, and a new ruler was crowned. The dragon once again flew across the land, and once again sat atop the tower and demanded a companion. Every three decades, the dragon would return, larger than before, and more imposing.”
“And how long ago was the last time the dragon came to the land?” Kanaya asked, playing along.
“Well, that’s just the thing.” Briar held a branch up so Kanaya could pass under it. “The dragon hasn’t been sighted in over fifty years.”
“Do you know why?”
The first crumbling pieces of stone that formerly lined the road to the castle began to rise up from the sides of the road. “No one knows. Some of the bravest in our village once described traveling deep into the woods and seeing a castle with a tall tower, a sleeping monster curled around the top.”
Kanaya squinted ahead, trying to spot the castle. “Did you put much stock in their tales?”
“When I was younger? Not really. Now? Also no, not really. I think if a dragon had a castle, he’d sleep inside of it, not on top.”
Involuntarily, Kanaya burst out laughing. “That’s your justification for why they’re wrong? Not that your country doesn’t have a history of missing princesses, or that you happened to live close enough to the dragon’s castle to find it, but not so close that it bothers you?”
Briar put her hands on her hips. “Would you sleep out in the rain and the cold if you had the option not to?”
“I make a habit not to when I have the choice,” Kanaya ceded.
“Then you admit there’s some logic to what I say,” Briar smirked felinely.
Kanaya rolled her eyes, smiling. “Begrudgingly. At any rate, there was no dragon on that tower when we saw it from above.”
“No,” Briar said. “There wasn’t.”
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whitelionspirit · 4 years
Hello!!! I'm now in Christmas spirit. 🎄Well it's now Christmas month haha. Can I request head canons of Law, Ace and Luffy x fem! S/O that still believes in Santa Claus? Well more secretly because she's afraid that people find it stupid. Also because when she was young she has meet the real Santa Claus. And... The boys will also meet the real Santa Claus and you can decide how they meet. Take your time. 😊
a/n: A rather interesting request but a good one none the less. Also my first time writing for Luffy and Law so yay! (P.s. I got carried away with this so it’s a bit long)
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As someone who easily believes in anything it would not be hard to see him also believing in Santa far into his adult life.
The rest of the crew besides Chopper easily dismiss his excitement over the arrival of the big man. Luffy calls them scrooges for not believing but happily goes on about his day as usually.
Though it becomes apparent after his confession that you had become rather quiet the rest of the day. While it was not a strange thing it seemed something was very much bothering you.
It got worse as the holiday drew nearer and the idea at stopping at a winter island became a more agreeable idea. Finally after docking and everyone leaving the ship to do some sight seeing you were left with Luffy who surprisingly decided to stay behind.
You were taken aback at your boyfriend wanting to stay behind but he smiled sweetly at you and stretched his arm out and pulled you close into his embrace.
You weren’t sure what to expect but he began chatting about nothing and everything involving Christmas. It put you at ease as you easily snuggled into his chest as you listened closely. It was when he brought up Santa again that you stiffened.
He looked down at you curiously tilting his head in that questioning way he always does. You decided to bite the bullet and tell him your secret after telling him he just looked at you surprised.
Even though he believed you were still awaiting the laughter that usually followed but it never came. Luffy got in your face which made you blush but he just smiled at you.
“It’s okay (Name)! Because I know he is real and it’s so cool that you met him!” He said excitedly which made you relieved.
A few nights later on Christmas eve you were awoken from a deep sleep and were dragged out of bed by your rubber boyfriend. The air outside was freezing as snow began falling over the island. you shivered but a blanket was quickly wrapped around your shoulders.
Feeling a bit better you gathered your bearings and looked to see Luffy’s smiling face illuminated by the moon and the surrounding snow. He was pointing to something in the sky.
It took a few tries but you finally saw what he was pointing at in the far sky. What looked like an almost miniature boat was being pulled a bunch of reindeer through the night sky. A gasp left you as Luffy laughed pulling you close to him as you both watched the man fly away into the night
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Unlike his brother Ace had grown out of children’s fantasies at a very young age but because of having Luffy for a brother he always kept his thoughts to himself.
So seeing you frown at his teasingly talking about a group of kids excited about Santa coming to the crew made him question what about the comment made you upset. He was not the most reserved when it came to his honesty much like his brother so seeing you like that bothered him.
Of course you try to brush it off as nothing which makes him just angry which resulted in a rather heated fight between you both. It was so bad you didn’t speak for days nor did you sleep in the same bed.
As it got closer to the holiday Whitebeard decided to stop off at a winter island in the new world. Surprisingly it is your home island of all places you immediately leave the boat without even a second thought even with shouts of protest behind you. You are soon met with happy greetings from the villagers as they recognize you, you had not been home in several years so the reunion was a happy one.
Your family was very much happy to see you even if they were hesitant with meeting your new family. In the end it went rather well as you tried to avoid mentioning your boyfriend who you had yet to makeup with.
Unfortunately even if he was upset you had yet to introduce him he made sure to make himself useful to them in any way he could. Even when late into the night when the partying was still going strong, he got a few stories out of them about your youth.
One in particular caught his interest; it was about you supposedly meeting Santa as a child one Christmas years ago. How even since then you had believed what you had seen even into adulthood.
It finally clicked with him as to what had upset you so much he felt like an idiot and knew he had to fix it. Even if he himself did not believe you did and that went against his own moral code of not judging others about their beliefs and dreams.
Christmas Eve had finally arrived and he just finally got you alone in the dark of your family’s kitchen late into the night. The pent up emotions of the last two weeks finally got to you both, as you tried to get past him but he stopped you by grabbing your arm gently.
He was not the best at expressing his emotions even now, but for you he confessed how he knew what the issue was now. You froze but allowed him to finish his ramblings, afterwards you turned to him and also confessed you were sorry. As it wasn’t as he actually knew why you had been upset, he kissed you then in the barely lit kitchen with you flush against his warm body.
A sudden sound of bells ringing broke the spell on you both as you pulled away breathless and ran to the windows. Ace followed close behind as you both peaked out into the snowy night. There in the back of the home was a sled with reindeer attached to it along with a very large man clothed in red who hopped down from the sled and laughed at both your shocked expressions.
“Woah he really is real,” Ace whispered, making a grin spread across your face.
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Much like Ace he had to grow up quick at a young age so believing in something like Santa was never really an option for him.
Hanging around in Paradise for a while didn’t leave you many options to travel around in so a lot of your time was spent near the islands closest to Sabaody. While Law didn’t particular care for the holidays, you on the other hand took it upon yourself to decorate the submarine.
At first he was annoyed but he saw how happy it made you and how the others brightened up at festive decorations. So he let it go as he buried his face into his medical books.
The mere mention of Santa Claus has him scoffing and making remarks on how parents trick their children into believing in a false reality. His words stung and hit you hard as you tried to hide your disappointment.
Not wanting him to see you busied yourself with looking over the recent logs and documenting new plant life you had discovered recently. Christmas came sooner than you thought and your days were full of present wrapping and stocking up on food for the holiday.
Law knew something was up as you were quieter than normal and it bothered him but he did not push you for answers. He asked Bepo instead who didn’t have an answer for him either.
Christmas was spent on a remote winter island deeper into Paradise the crew deciding to ruff it on the island for the night. Bundle up tight everyone was happily drunk and playing in the snow around several large bonfires. You leaned against Bepo as he recalled a story from his and Law’s early days together to everyone.
Law was sitting across from you all as he huddled a tanker of what you presumed was some kind of cider. He occasionally met your eyes which you quickly avoided. Sometime later into the night you wandered a bit further from the camp wanting to see if you could see the stars.
You know he is following you and when he stands beside you as you peek through a cluster of trees. After several minutes of collective silence you finally speak your mind after an entire month.
“I have believed in Santa Claus since I was very young, mostly due to the fact that I met the man once. While many don’t believe me it was very much real that is the reason I was upset this whole month.”
Law says nothing as he leans against the base of a tree. “I know,” he starts as you look over at him. “I knew the second week it was obvious after connecting some dots. Anyways if that's what you believe, who am I to deny that for you.”
You subconsciously grab for a gloved hand of his and intertwine your fingers together as snow begins to fall again slowly.
You stood like that for some time and watched as the snow gradly came down more only for it to be broken by the distant sound of bells ringing into the still night. You both shared a look, before dashing for the camp where the yells and cheers of your crewmates got louder.
A feeling of excitement came over you as you reached the clearing to be met by the familiar figure of Santa as he was handing out presents to Bepo and the others.
You grabbed onto your boyfriend’s arm and looked at him happily as he just looked on in shock making you laugh gleefully into the cold night.
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