#anyway i am also seriously considering just saving every event CG in case something happens to yaycupcake
riddlerosehearts · 20 days
don't know if this will be useful to anyone else, but i thought i'd share it on here just in case--i made a google drive folder of what i believe is all a3! event CGs starting from special edition: dollhouse (october 2022), up to postman delivering thoughts (august 2024). the reason it starts at that specific point is because that's where yaycupcake's CG album ends, and originally i just wanted to know who was featured in each one so i could list them in my personal event spreadsheet but then i figured i have to find all these CGs to get that info in the first place, so i might as well keep them saved somewhere! especially since i ended up having to search several different places for them, which is why the sizing and quality of them is inconsistent. a lot of the CGs from this year's events were sent to me by @fea-therlight221, so shoutout to them for their help!! i'd also like to keep updating this with future event CGs as i find them.
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shu Sakamaki (Story 14 + CG)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too!
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Place: Scarlet mansion — Living room
Shu: Ngh!
Kino: You know you can’t win with a brute force approach, right? Ha!
*Kino throws dagger*
Shu: Nn… ! I’ll make sure to fully deal with you exactly that way then.
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Kino-kun has been magnificently defending himself against Shu-san’s raised sword, and the space he created while doing so was used for him to counterattack with another dagger.
However, Shu-san was luckily able to step outside the danger zone Kino-kun’s attack created.
While I watch both of them fight, I secretly pray for them to stop, and yet none of both sides shows any sign of giving up.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Living room
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Kino: Kch… you’re unexpectedly good… but how will you dodge this one!?
*Kino throws another one*
Shu: Your movements are monotony.
Yui: (Good, he avoided another attack… !) 
Kino: Don’t act so full of yourself. Just because you’ve been sleeping everyday, you shouldn’t act so surplus with your strength...
Shu: Seems as if you’re slowly getting anxious. You mustn’t be good at proofing your strength, are you?
Yui: (Both of them seem to have equal strength, but they also seem to slowly run out of breath…)
(However, I still know Shu-san has at least some superiority. If he continues to fight in this state… !)
Kino: Tch… he’s really unexpectedly strong...
…That’s it. I think I came up with a good idea.
Yui: (Eh… Kino-kun… why is he looking over here now?)
Shu: ...Don’t tell me
Kino: I’ll make sure to take the most important thing from you first then!
*Kino throws dagger*
Yui: Kyaaa!?
(The dagger is flying right over here!!)
Reiji: Damn it!
Shu: Fuck!
*Shu protects Yui*
Shu: Are you alright… ?
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Yui: Shu-san… !
Kino: Fufu… that’s no good. You make it even easier for your rival to get a chance!
*Kino throws another dagger*
Shu: Ngh… !
Yui: Shu-san!
Kino: Fufu… you still don’t have enough? I’ll deal with your wretched self until you can only crawl then! 
*Kino throws two more*
Shu: Aghh!
Yui: Ahh, stop!
*blood drops*
Shu: Don’t… worry… it just cut the side… of my arm a little...
Yui: ...Nn! You’re obviously lying to me… Nn, you’re also clearly losing a lot of blood right now… !
Kino: Yes, Yes. And you even were close enough to finally receive your highly wished checkmate!
*Kino throws two more*
Reiji: Kch… !
Yui: Reiji-san…
Reiji: I am terribly sorry, I can barely protect you with my hand already being at its limit. I do not know whether or not I can repel them all...
As we are right now, we are the same as hostages. This place is now completely under his control, it allows Kino to aim for us at any point.
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Yui: Nn, then the inside of this room is—
Kino: Have you considered escaping from here? If you’d like to get covered in a concentrated fire of daggers, why don’t you try it?
Yui: ….. ! You’re playing an incredible unfair game!
Kino: Whether it’s unfair or not, I wouldn’t want someone to cause a disadvantage with protecting another, while the others are on the wage of war.
It’s not difficult to understand that your brothers are merely hindrances for yourself now too, you should be aware of that by now, huh?
Shu: ...They’re a hindrance? Don’t be stupid...
I’m only here to fight you, for the sake of protecting those guys!
*Shu stabs Kino*
Kino: Aghh!
Yui: (He caught up to the distance Kino-kun created in an instant… !)
Kino: Ngh, how dare you do this...
Shu: You can’t only win with your pathetic sword technique. Even if I’m simile to a hostage that you can damage,
You should give up on clinging onto those useless delusions about being the successor to this old man’s powers.
Kino: Useless… ? What has been useless about it!?
What does a blessed person, who naturally has everything in his life, understand about any of this anyway… !?
You, who always had sheltered upbringing, and never experienced disgrace put over yourself!!
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*Kino activates something*
Shu: Nn… !
Yui: W-What’s that!?
(Some sort of semi-transparent light is surrending Shu-san’s position)
*Shu falls over*
Shu: Ngh… you… what did you surround me with… Nn
Kino: This has been created by the church, it’s a magic spell that summons a talisman to catch a vampire while being chased.
Once a vampire is confined within this power, he’ll lose the strength to move.
I’ve been saving this in case of an emergency, since it’s limited to only be used once.
Shu: Why are you even possessing this sort of thing to begin with...
Kino: Who knows? This shouldn’t be worth worrying about now anyway, right?
Even if you try struggling with this magical spell on you, you won’t be able to pass through this barrier until a certain amount of time has passed.
Right now you’re as unable to move as a dartboard getting hit with darts!
*Kino throws dagger*
Shu: Aghh!!
Yui: No, stop it! Shu-san!
Reiji: Shu!
Shu: Nn… don’t come closer, Reiji!
That guy just waits to be able to aim for you as well… so don’t move an inch from over there.
Reiji: Kch… but!
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Kino: Look, Look, I wonder how many you can take? I won’t allow you to die so easily on me, ha!
*Kino throws another one*
Shu: Ah… !
Yui: No! Stop it!!
(Shu-san’s whole body is completely stained with his own blood already… he’ll be killed if things continue to go like this!)
Ayato: That guy… why is he so desperately fighting, while also risking his life to protect us… ? 
We’re enemies, and yet this shit doesn’t make sense.
Yui: ...Because you’re siblings...
Ayato: Hah?
Yui: I know you argue with each other every now and then, and I’m also aware of all the things that have happened in the past to you.
*Yui starts crying*
Yui: But, still… even if not all of you are related by blood, you’re still siblings...
Shu-san doesn’t want to lose anyone who's dear to him anymore… ! 
Ayato: ...What are you crying for now… ?
Subaru: Siblings that aren’t related by blood...
*weird sound*
Subaru: Ngh, kch… !
Yui: (Eh… ?)
*weird sound*
Ayato: Fuck… ! What’s this… Nn
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Reiji: What is the matter with them!?
Yui: Now that you say it, everyone is… ! 
Shu: Shit… this barrier… sucks…
*Shu tries moving*
Shu: Ngh…
Kino: Hahaha! Must be awful to have no control over your body, but serves you right!
C’mon, will you be even more worn out when I send another dagger flying your way? I wonder if you’re able to avoid it this time!
*Kino throws another dagger*
Shu: Aghh…
Yui: Shu-san!!
(If this continues, Shu-san will…)
(I don’t want… I don’t want to see Shu-san get any more injuries than he already has… !)
Kino-kun… ! Stop this already!
Kino: You want me to stop at the most fun part of this all?
Moreover, it’s useless screaming. It already has been settled that this guy has lost this game.
You can’t do anything else other than stay silent, and continue to watch the show.
1) We won’t give in yet (white)♡♡♡
2) Please stop this (black)
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— We won’t give in yet♡
Yui: This hasn’t come to an end yet...
Shu-san would never lose to anyone who only plays this sort of dirty tricks… !
Shu: ….. !
Kino: No matter how much of an idiot you are, can’t you see that I’m the winner of this?
Now that I’ve brought down Shu, I can finally become the king… I can finally become his successor. And I won’t let any of you be a hindrance in my way any longer.
Yui: That’s not true! I know Shu-san would never lose to someone like you. I know because he promised it to me...
That’s why I’ll keep believing in Shu-san, even if it’s until the very end… !
— Please stop this
Yui: Please stop this! If things are continuing as they’re now, he’ll die!
Reiji: Wait!
*Reiji grabs Yui*
Reiji: Did you forget the promise you have made with Shu?
Yui: Reiji-san…
(That’s right… I promised to believe in Shu-san, even if it has to be until the very end)
Shu-san… !
I still believe in you being able to win this, Shu-san!
Shu: Ahh… Thank you.
end Choices
Kino: Aren’t you sick of not being able to stop that farce by now? It’s really starting to annoy me.
I’ll make sure to crush your hope and aspiration all together then. You’ll witness all of it before your own eyes.
*Kino pulls another dagger*
Yui: (Nn, another dagger… Shu-san, please avoid it!)
Shu: Tch…
Reiji: No way… he cannot possibly stand up in his current condition… !
Yui: Such...
Kino: Now, let’s officially get rid of this pitiable appearance right in front of everyone!
???: Stop it!!
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Yui: Eh…
Kino: Huh… ? Just now, who?
Ayato: Finally snap out of it already. You can’t just do whatever pleases you...
Shu: Ayato… ?
Ayato: What are you doing, man!? Hurry and get up!
Bastard, what sort of an elder brother acts as if his self-importance is worth being thrown away even after hearing this!!
Yui: ...Huh…
Shu: You remembered… 
Yui: A-Are you sure?
Ayato: I sure am! When I saw that dull guy during the time I was worn out, it came together in my head...
I honestly got no idea about what’s going on or whatsoever. But even if I don’t, I seriously won’t forgive you if you lose!
Hey, Shu! Stop pitying yourself already, that’s an order!!
Shu: Ayato...
Kanato: That’s right, I’m very much close to losing my patience too. Didn’t we all refuse to come to this place to begin with?
Although Reiji was the one arranging this plan, why is it that such a thing happened… how unforgivable.
Laito: I at first thought skipping this sort of event, may end up being enjoyable. But I don’t feel like taking part in this game anymore.
Come on, big brother. Do your best for the sake of your younger brothers, okay?
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Shu: Kanato… Laito…
Subaru: You haven’t lost as long as you didn’t die! Get yourself together and beat him! Shu!!
Shu: Subaru…
Yui: Did everyone… finally remember… ?
Reiji: It appears as if seeing Shu desperately fight in front of their eyes, triggered something that successfully brought their memories back.
That’s sincerely why he is an unpleasant person to me. That person must have fascinated the others with being so determined to its goal.
I sincerely get fed up thinking how I, myself… am no equal match to this man.
Shu: Fufu… those guys… 
Kino: Why… their memories shouldn’t return back to themselves this easily, but yet they still managed to remember.
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♡ Roses ♡
Shu’s shoulder: Seems as if I’m still the eldest son, no matter how much I’ve messed up so far. 
Shu’s sword: I've not been defeated yet, so there’s no need to make such anxious expressions. Just keep staying behind me, even if anything unpredictable happens.
Shu: It’s strange. But maybe this is the true strength that lies between the siblings’ bond? 
Kino: ...Ngh. This gives me the creeps… and yet, I won’t let you have your way!
Shu: If so, I’ll tell you something. I’ll bring you down in order to proof something to you.
— I’ll prove that this fight between siblings is over. And I’ll be the one ending it.
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