#anyway hope that fixes itself soooon????
p1nkc4lyps0 · 2 years
hello gay people just a quick note here, my tumblr has broken so i cant access my messages, like at all, cant even look at them so if you need/want to messgage me at all just send me an ask either with your discord profile and ill friend request you or if your okay with me replying public just a regular ask thanks! :]
#the current symptom list of my tumblrs sickness is#an inability to view my messages at all { thank you glitter for informing me of this }#and a lower reach because i dont think my posts are showing up in tags#i thought it was a one off with my tntduo flight post but i dont think it is#and i dont know if its only my original content getting hidden because the notes i get on posts ive reblogged seem fine#like they arent at all lower#ALSO with the messages thing my message tab on mobile? just fucking gone. activity only bitch#and on desktop i like click the messages icon? nothin#im blaming it on the anteater wilbur post i mage i swear#THE FACT THAT THAT ELABORATE SHIT POST WAS THE LAST THING OF MINE TO SHOW UP IN TAGS#I POSTED THAT AND CC!WILBUR CAME INTO MY HOUSE AND KILLED ME#NEVER TO BE HEARD FROM AGAIN#anyway hope that fixes itself soooon????#i really dont wanna have to make another account to post my content and then just reblog it here#thatd like actively suck???? like a lot#well it wouldnt be end of the world of course im not that dramatic but i am forgetful#tumblr saw my tntduo brainrot had been going on for like 6 months and went 'NO'#then killed me instantly#but fr ive like really enjoyed making tntduo content on here but like if my engagement gets like super low i enjoy it less#my favorite part about being on tntblr IS tntblr but because my content isnt schowing up i cant really interact with those on tntblr as much#the community here is so nice but i cant really interact with it because of my tumblr breaking#shit sucks :{#if its still broken by like thursday ill like idk report it to actual tumblr??? idk??#blehg
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