#anyway here ya go i feed you guys
hoshigray · 1 year
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Pleasurable Practice
Here's what I got: when you're left in headquarters to study for an upcoming language skit, your boss and work crush, Miguel O'Hara, does what he can to help his subordinate. And he does, in more ways than one...
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A/n: It's been a week since I saw the film in theaters, and my brain hasn't been the same. I tried very hard not to write for this man, but here we are. Sighhhh, I swear I wasn't this bad when playing EoT (curse you Oscar Issac, and the ATSV art department!!!). And it doesn't help that my social feeds are full of him...Anyway, I hope you enjoy this piece! It's WAY longer than I wanted, but I guess that's meant to show how much fun I had writing, hehehe~. Also, ty so so much for 600+ followers!!
Cw: Miguel x fem!reader - some ATSV spoilers so tread carefully - sexual context so minors DNI - fingering (fem! receiving) - cunnilingus - clitoral play (Miguel's fangs lightly brush your clit, but doesn't bite it) - praise - kisses on the stomach - pet names (amorcito/little love, mi alma/my soul; amor/my love; vida/my life) - sexual acts in public - outside intrusions, but you two don't get caught.
Wc: 2.8k
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"Hey, Lyla. You sure you wanna leave me here?"
"Aww, you scared something would happen without me?" She chuckles when you shrug. "You'll be fine; everything's been taken care of for today. If something pops outta nowhere, you know where to find Miguel or give me a call. Alright, I'm outta here. Cya tomorrow~."
"Bye, Lyla~" With that, the pixelated woman signs off from your line of sight, and you slump into your chair with a sigh.
It's late at night in Nueva York. The Spider Society headquarters is still active, but fewer people occupy the halls and sectors in these late hours, you being one of them. You're sitting at a conference table by the teleportation room, taking in Margo's shift. But since things are quiet around here, you use this time to work on your homework.
Well, you would've if a pair of hands didn't suddenly come from behind and blocked your vision. "Guess who?"
You shake your head with a smile. "Aren't you supposed to be at Earth-50101 hanging with Gwen and Pav?"
The hands are removed, giving your shoulders a quick rub. "Can't say a quick bye before I'm off?" Hobie Brown walks from behind to sit on the table, avoiding the scattered papers on the surface. "What's all this? School?"
"Yeah," You pick up a paper with color-coordinated dialogues. " I got a reflection to finish and need to read this script for a skit in my modern language class on Wednesday."
"What language?"
"Spanish." You flip the script for him to look at. A giggle slips from you. "Suppose you can't help me, huh?"
Hobie grins. "Yo lo haría si pudiera." Your eyes go big. Of course, the guy who "doesn't believe in consistency" would know a thing or two about other languages.
".....Please stay and help me."
"Can't, perhaps next time." Another heavy sigh as the tall other gets up from the table and opens a portal to Pavitr's universe. "We'll save some snacks to bring back tomorrow. See ya then."
"Bye, Hobie." You groan with your head meeting the table surface as the portal vanishes with Hobie's dismissal. In despair, you lift your head up and proceed with your work.
It's about 11 p.m., and you were able to finish your paper in about two hours. It's now time to work on your Spanish script. Unfortunately, your class partner can't be here (obviously) to say his lines with you, but you two promised to highlight your lines and recite on your own downtime. So you follow through with the blue lines — your lines — avoiding the red lines and announcing all the words to the best you can.
After the third time around, you start to get to the rhythm of it. So in tune with what you're doing, you don't mind your surroundings as you circle around the table with your face glued to your script.
"What're you doing?"
However, it all comes to a halt when a voice startles you. So used to the silence and your own tone that you didn't notice a familiar man creep from behind you. Your eyes widen at the tall and well-built figure before you.
Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man 2099 and the leader of the Spider Society — your boss who you have a major crush on and is still waiting for you to reply after nearly scaring you to death.
"O-Oh, Miguel, umm," you quickly straighten yourself up, but the heat in your face encroaches. "Sorry, didn't see ya there. I was just looking at this script."
"A script?" He slightly tilts his head, surveying your moves as you sit back at the table. He follows and peers behind your shoulder to see what you're working on. "For what?"
"It's for a skit in my Spanish class. I'm reciting my lines for Wednesday." He nods at your answer, glancing around to see you're alone. "Lyla signed off for a while, but she told me to tell you that if you 'need anyone to put a leash on you,' Jessica would answer the call."
The man narrowed his eyes and sucked his teeth, "of course she said that..." was all he murmured under his breath from his pixelated peer's words. With a heavy sigh, he turns back to the paper in your hand and extends out his. His silent request is answered when you pass him the sheet to skim. A brow is lifted. "Is the skit like some kind of married couple or—"
You confirm. "Yes. Our unit is on relationships, and my partner and I wanted to do a skit where the husband — my partner — comes home and surprises his wife with their favorite flower and then gives a nice speech on how much he loves her." Miguel still reads the script, but you continue on. "Luckily, our instructor said it's not our final where it's required to talk entirely in Spanish. So, we can say some English phrases or words if our brains go blank."
Miguel finally stops examining the script and eyes at you. "I can help."
Huh? "Excuse me?"
"You're the blue lines, right?" Correct. "Then I can be the red lines and help you practice."
Wait, no! "Oh no, there's no need for that, Miguel! I'm sure you're busy looking at the screens on your station and—"
"No pasa nada, Y/n," You gulp when he grabs a chair and sits close to you. "I'll say your partner's parts, and you reply with yours." There's no use in arguing with him out of this, so you just follow suit.
For the past thirty minutes, you and Miguel have been practicing. Sometimes he'll call you out on words you forget or mispronounce, which hurts your little heart being scolded like a child. But then there are times when he praises you for saying something correctly without second-guessing, or he'll ask for a pen to scratch off something and write a better phrase for you to say. And you can tell that your memorization's been improving thanks to his help. Maybe there was no need to be nervous.
The time is now 11:46, and you feel way more confident about this skit than before. Miguel can also tell by how much you've performed that you'll do fine on Wednesday. Guess that should do it. He puts the script down and gets up, heading back to his original post.
"Hey, wanna do the actual skit with me?"
Huh? "What?"
"Well, I was thinking," You squeak. "Maybe we can try acting out the skit without the paper now that I'm kinda getting the hang of it? But, I mean, that's only if you're okay with it, ya know..."
His brows trench down. Miguel knows he shouldn't do it; there are many universes in his post that he needs to keep an eye on in case anything pops off. He can't afford to just act out a scenario for some class. However, when he glances back at you, he faces mixed feelings. Your eyes look at his, nibbling on your bottom lip, and your fingers fidget with each other as you wait for his answer.
Miguel knows he shouldn't...but it won't hurt to comply this one time.
"Fine," your heart skips when he turns back to face you fully. "But don't mention it to Lyla or Jess. I'll never hear the end of it from those two."
"Of course!" You reassure him as you ready yourself, mentally calming the happiness brewing inside down. "You go."
He nods and plays the scene. He acts like he opens a door and holds an imaginary object. "Estoy en casa, cariño."
"Oh, bienvenido a casa, bebé!" You rush to Miguel and give him a hug. You feel him go rigid, and you freeze. Wait, he's still my boss and not my actual partner! Oh, God, I bet he regrets doing this now...Ughhh!! Commit now, cry later!
You quickly improvise and pull him by his spider suit to come close, placing pretend kisses on his cheeks. "Llegas pronto a casa, mi guapo muñeco. Is something wrong?"
Miguel stares at you for a few seconds before he blinks and coughs. "Ahem, Querida, vine temprano porque es tu cumpleaños. Y quería darte esto." The hand with the invisible object comes up, and you take it.
"Dios mío, ¿mi flor favorita en mi día especial?" You give the man a warm smile and place a hand on his cheek, stroking his skin lovingly. Miguel hitches his breath. "Eres demasiado buena conmigo, muñeco. Pero no tenías que regalarme nada."
It takes Miguel a moment, but he coughs once more and returns to the task. "Puede que la flor no fuera necesaria, pero tenía que conseguirla para ti, mi amor." He puts a hand on yours that's still on his cheek, now it's your turn to slow your breathing. "Cada vez que veo esta flor, sólo puedo pensar en ti. No sólo hoy, sino todos los días. Veo todo lo que haces por mí y nunca lo doy por sentado. You are my everything, Y/n. Tú eres mi mundo. Mi luz. Mi corazón. Mi… Mi…"
He stops, noticing your expression and shallow breaths. Your eyes never leave his, mouth agape, and your attention entirely on his words— no, on him. Even in this little act, you dare not move or say something out of turn. Listening to the man before you intently, your hand still in his.
He knows he shouldn't, but Miguel leans into you, and a small gasp leaves you before his lips press onto your soft ones. "....Mi alma."
Your brain short-circuits, the feel of his lips overtaking you. You awkwardly kiss him back, resulting in a moan from Miguel. He grabs your waist while pushing himself forward, making you walk backwards until you hit the table. The bump has you two break the kiss, forcing you back to reality.
Miguel says nothing, and so do you, your eyes honing in on his deep red orbs. Your thoughts go too fast that your head pounds. What? What was that? Did he mean to do that??
He captures your attention. "What?"
"Lie down, mi amor." He commands in a stern voice. Hesitance restrains you, yet you still follow orders and sit on the table with your back to the surface. A small smile creeps up on Miguel, and he leans down to plant more kisses on your sweet lips. "Good. Now, say your part."
Slow smooches from your chin to your neck leave you breathless. Although the heat in your face is unbearable, you play along and stick to the script. "My wonderful husband...Y...You are so thought—"
"Se supone que está en español, Y/n." He corrects you. Lifting your shirt to reveal your abdomen. Miguel kisses your exposed tummy while his hand snakes past your bottoms, pressing a finger down on the wet spot of your clothed vulva. Your toes curl as your first moan leaves puffy lips. "Try again."
You intake a deep breath. "Ere...Eres muy considerado con—Mmmm....conmigo." Your bottoms and undergarments are now off, your bare cunt out for Miguel to see. The older man props your legs upward with both hands as he brings his face close to your pussy. He lightly blows on it, and you bite your lip from the cold air. "Keep going, mi vida."
"Cuando....no haya luz en mi—Oooh!!" Miguel flicks your clitoris with his tongue before nestling it between your soaked folds, sucking and laving your essence. "Nnnmp! Mi-Miguel, I can't do thisss...Your tongue, it feels so, so—Oh Christ..."
His ruby eyes peek at your face. "But you were doing just fine, Y/n." The way he says your name feels so sinful, so forbidden. But so pleasing to the ears. "Repeat it."
His tongue goes back to torment your slit. The risque noises the wet muscle makes with your slick-covered chasm ring your eardrums. Ecstatic whimpers fill the space around you, and you grab tufts of Miguel's brown hair when his tongue flicks your clit again. He's impatient, so you concede.
"Cuando no haya luz en mi vida....Haaaahhh, sé que estarás ahí para protegerme." Miguel pushes your tender bud against his teeth. His canine brushing on your pearl, causing you to jerk. "Eres mi sombra...Mi—Ahhhh!....escudo....Mi rey."
He chortles, "Good job, mi alma."
Satisfied with your cooperation, the man sucks on your precious sex as his forefinger nestles between your folds, your slick providing lubricant to naturally push his digit through your entrance. You jolt with a sharp cry, tears falling from your beautiful face.
His tongue and fingers go faster, and your release climbs higher with every lick. The stimulation of your poor cunt and clitoris is hardcore that you come in a few seconds, the walls of your chasm fluttering around Miguel's fingers coated with your personal fluids.
Your heavy pants slow down to steady your body that subsides from the aftershocks of your orgasm. Miguel withdraws his mouth and fingers from you, standing upright to take in your figure.
He scoffs with a tiny grin, licking his lips. "Amorcito."
You open your mouth to say something, but a flash of colors and shapes captures the attention of both of you. Your eyes go wide. Oh no, someone's coming!
With haste, you immediately grab for your bottoms and underwear before taking cover under the conference table, using it to quickly put your clothes back on before someone enters through the portal. That someone was Jessica Drew, making her arrival known by revving her motorbike.
"Jess," Miguel puts on his usually serious face. But on the inside, he's almost as nervous as you. Because he swiftly pulls a chair out to cover his erection lower regions.
"Hey, Miguel! I thought I'd find you here." The woman addresses him when she's done a lap around the table. Her portal vanishes from the scene. "I've been trying to call you through your watch. You not wearing it?"
He looks down at his wrist where it was supposed to be. "...I was using the restroom, so I left it on my station."
"Mmm, I figured." Jessica then notices the paper and backpack on the table. "This is Y/n's stuff, right? Where are they?"
"R-Right here, Jess!" To her surprise, you come out from the table with your bottoms fully secured. "Sorry, I was looking for my pen before packing up." You smile to ease the awkward tension and your racing heart.
"Oh, okay then." Jessica nods to your words and turns to Miguel. "Anyway, I was calling you up because I need backup. The guy I was dealing with somehow switched places with another villain. Took care of the other one, but my guy's elsewhere."
He hums. "Lyla."
"That's me." The yellow-pixelated woman with pink heart-shaped glasses appears once more.
"Where are the coordinates of the anomaly Jess was handling?"
"I'm sorry, you want me to do what?"
"What's the magic word?" The tiny woman teases him while you and Jessica hold in your laughs.
Miguel's brows furrow with a slight pout. "....Canyoupleasesend—"
"Woah, woah, woah," Lyla gets closer to his face with each word, raising his irritation as she does so. "Little too fast there."
"Can you please give us the co—"
"Already gave it to Jess."
"Then what was the point—"
"You know how much I love to pester ya," her smile doesn't help squander his frustration, not when he also hears the exchanged giggles between you and Jessica. "And call that payback for not having your watch on you."
To avoid their eyes seeing Miguel's situation, he leaves and fetches his watch quickly after being repeatedly teased by the two women. He returns ready with his mask on and the device on his wrist. Lyla and Jess are waiting for him, same with you and all your stuff packed up. It's 12 in the morning now, you have to get home. "Ready?"
"Yup, see ya there." The woman on her bike starts it up. Lyla disappears when the dimension is opened. "Bye, Y/n!"
"Bye, Jess!" You wave goodbye to the woman, who does one final lap before entering the portal to her new destination. And now you're back to being alone with Miguel, who you find looking at you. You gulp and say your thoughts. "Don't worry, I didn't tell them! And, sorry that it happened. I was being a little too close to you in the first—"
"Hey." Miguel lifts a hand to stop you from rambling on further, and you listen. "Your skit. When is it again?"
It takes you aback that he asks, but you still reply. "Wednesday?"
"Hm. Alright then." And with that, he walks to the portal to his next mission. But before he exits, he peers from his shoulder and proclaims something.
"Tell me how you did on Wednesday, then we'll continue with this talk."
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adrienneleclerc · 5 months
Can You Be My Boyfriend?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N is Ferrari’s social media manager and when one of the mechanics doesn’t take no for an answer, she pretends she’s dating a certain Ferrari driver.
Warning: grammatical and spelling errors cuz I don’t proofread
A/N: i just wanted to say thank you so much for the love y’all gave “Prince of Ferrari”, it means a lot to me as a new Charles Leclerc writer. I hope y’all like this one too, just like Olivia Rodrigo, I am so American,
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Y/N walked into Fred’s office.
“Mr. Vasseur, I had an idea for a new C2 challenge.” Y/N said.
“What did you have in mind, Y/N?” Fred asked.
“I was thinking we make dishes from each place we go to. Like Cuban food from Miami, Texas barbecue ribs, paella from Spain, and we have Charles and Carlos match the dishes to their flag. I personally think it would be fun, you know? Or we could do a video where the drivers tell us from which Grand Prix the photo was taken.” Y/N suggested.
“Those are very good ideas, Y/N, see if the boys are up to it, will you? Figure out when the best time is to film that.” Fred said.
“Yes, will do.” Y/N said and left his office. She walked to the living room (does the hospitality have a living room? I don’t know) to see Carlos and Charles chatting to away.
“There she is! Como has estado, hermosa?” Carlos asked Y/N, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.
“Ha estado súper bien, un poquito cansada, pero nada que no se puede arreglar con un café.” Y/N said, her and Carlos laughed.
“I understand half of that.” Charles said.
“Now you know how I feel when you speak French.” Y/N said. “Anyway, as your social media manager, I had an idea for an upcoming challenge, we have to make the most of this season.” Y/N said.
“We hear you, mon ange, what’s the idea?” Charles asked.
“Can you guys guess what Grand Prix this is based off the picture?” Y/N asked, showing them a picture on her phone.
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“That’s when I won in Monza.” Charles answered.
“Good, this is your challenge, guessing Grand Prixs based off a photo.” Y/N said putting her phone away. “It’s not much, but it’s different from what you guys have done in the past. You could also match dishes to their countries.” Y/N said.
“Sounds like a fun challenge.” Carlos said.
“Good to hear. I’m gonna be with the photographer, he’s taking photos of the new livery and I need to approve them before I post them on Instagram. See ya later, okay?” Y/N said, stepping into the garage where she sees the photographer looking over the photos on his camera.
“Y/N! You’re here, tell me what you think, and be brutally honest. Do you think they came out to blurry?” The photographer, Daniel, asked. Y/N started looking them over.
“They look great, honestly, it matches Ferrari’s instagram feed, you did a good job. Can you upload them to the computer?” Y/N asked and Daniel said that he could. He left Y/N alone on the garage and that’s when one of the mechanics, Ruggero, approached her.
“Sei bellissima, a more mío.” Ruggero told her. Y/N rolled her eyes,
“Grazie, Rugge, what do you want?” Y/N asked.
“You are very hostile towards me, you know? I might be able to forgive you if you go out with me.” Ruggero said.
“Not gonna happen, Rugge, aren’t you tired of getting rejected?” Y/N asked.
“I bounce back. Come on, amore, why won’t you let me take you out? You think you’re too good for me?” Ruggero asked.
“What are you talking about? Oh my god, I don’t think I’m too good for you, where the hell did you get that from?” Y/N asked, so confused at the turn this conversation took.
“Well that’s the only thing I could think of, you come from the states, you clearly think you’re better than Europeans.” Ruggero said and Y/N had enough of this nonsense.
“I have a boyfriend! Que pesado eres, me cae.” Y/N said.
“Really, who’s the boyfriend?” Ruggero asked. Y/N saw Charles walking into the garage.
“Muñeco, there you are!” Y/N said loudly, walking up to Charles and kissed him. Charles widened his eyes in shock but kissed her back and they both pulled away, Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest and Charles rubbed her back.
“Congratulations, does Fred know?” Ruggero asked.
“It’s private right now, we’re just seeing how this goes.” Y/N replied and as soon as Ruggero left, Y/N pulled away from Charles. “I am so sorry! Ruggero wouldn’t leave me alone so I had to tell him I had a boyfriend and honestly whoever walked through that door was going to be the victim of my lie but I am glad it’s you and not Carlos, mainly because Ruggero knows Rebecca is dating him.” Y/N explained quickly but Charles was still distracted, thinking about the kiss Y/N gave him.
“I’m sorry, what?” Charles asked.
“Can you be my boyfriend?” Y/N asked.
“I Don’t think we could pull this off, Y/N. We work together.” Charles said.
“We would only have to pretend we’re dating around Ruggero, no one else has to know, I promise.” Y/N said.
“Okay fine.” Charles said, him and Y/N were walking back to the main area (I don’t know how this works) and Carlos was standing next to Fred and Ruggero with a smile.
“Congratulations, cabrón,” Carlos told charles, hugging him. “You two are adorable.” Charles turned to look at Y/N with a look that said ‘no one will know, yeah right’
“I didn’t know you two were dating.” Fred commented.
“It’s still new.” Charles replied, putting his arm around Y/N.
“As long as it doesn’t interfere with the social media posts, it should be fine.” Fred said before walking away. Ruggero smiled before going back to the garage.
“Now I know why you always called her ‘mon ange’, que coqueto saliste, eh charles.” Carlos said, leaving Y/N and Charles alone, Y/N pulled away to face Charles.
“Well so much for that plan, I really am sorry, Charles.” Y/N said.
“You know what? It’s alright, it’s okay, pretending around here should be easy enough, this can’t get worse, right?” Charles asked.
“I Don’t think it can. How about I buy you lunch for getting you into this situation? I swear I did not mean for this to happen.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, sure let’s get lunch, where do you want to go?” Charles asked.
“Well since this lunch is my treat, you choose where we should go.” Y/N said. Charles and Y/N walked to the parking lot together and Y/N was walking towards her car when Charles grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards his car. “Seriously?”
“Well what kind of boyfriend would I be if we went to lunch in different cars?” Charles asked.
“Yeah, makes sense, Ruggero is watching through the window too, let’s go.” Y/N said. Charles opened the passenger door and Y/N got in, he close the door behind her, ever there gentleman, and he got into the driver seat. He turned on the car, and gave Y/N his phone so she can choose the music.
They arrived at the restaurant and like always, there were fans recording Charles and Y/N in the car, leaving the car, eating at the restaurant, talking, laughing, within the hour, Charles and Y/N were trending on Instagram, Twitter (X), and TikTok. As they waited for the check, Y/N was scrolling on TikTok when she found a video of her and Charles in the car.
“Charles, i think our ‘relationship’ went public.” Y/N said, showing him her phone. Charles’s eyes widened.
“Cant say I’m not surprised, I just thought videos wouldn’t be posted until later, you know?” Charles said and Y/N put her phone away.
“We haven’t even been ‘dating’ two hours and now everyone knows. You have no idea how sorry I am, I feel so bad for dragging you into this.” Y/N said.
“None of this wouldn’t have happened if Ruggero understood the word ‘no’ so you are fine, I’m glad I was able to help. But what was that thing you called me? ‘Muñeco’? Why did you call me that?” Charles asked.
“So ‘muñeco’ means ‘doll’, you have a pretty face, everyone says you’re good looking, you know you’re good looking. So muñeco just suits you, okay, especially with those dimples.” Y/N said, Charles smirked a little.
“You think I have a pretty face?” Charles asked teasingly.
“Great, I boosted your ego, like your head wasn’t big enough already. You literally said in one of those C2 challenges when Carlos had your photo that if you were a woman, you would be in love with yourself.” Y/N said. The waiter came in with the check and Y/N was going to take it but Charles was faster. “Dude, I told you I was gonna pay.”
“It would look good if you paid, there are cameras everywhere apparently.” Charles said, placing his credit card with the check. The waiter took the check.
“Then I’ll Apple Pay you. You gonna train today?” Y/N asked.
“Yes actually, come with me? You could post it to my story.” Charles asked. The waiter came back with Charles’s card.
“Yeah, I can do that. But we gotta go to Scuderia Ferrari for my car.” Y/N said, getting up from the table, Charles getting up as well.
“I think it can stay there overnight.” Charles said.
“You want me to spend the entire day with you? You’re insane.” Y/N commented as they were leaving the restaurant.
“Maybe, but it is to keep up appearances.” Charles said.
“I guess, but how long do we say we’ve been dating?” Y/N asked, getting into Charles’s car, he does the same.
“4 months seems good, don’t you think?” Charles asked.
“I guess that’s plausible.” Y/N said, Charles starts the car and drives off.
“Do you miss New York?” Charles asked.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked.
“You travel a lot with us and you moved to Monaco for work, but do you ever miss New York? Your family? I know I miss my family when I’m away for races.” Charles said.
“I miss the food in New York, I can’t get decent tacos al pastor in Monaco, I gotta wait til the Mexican Grand Prix for them.” Y/N stated. “But yeah, I do miss New York.”
“You should ask for vacation time so you could go.” Charles said.
“I Don’t think they’ll give it to me, but thanks.” Y/N said.
For a week, Y/N and Charles have been spotted together everywhere, at races obviously, with Joris, Andrea, Doni, and Victoria, even with Charles’s family. Right now Y/N was with Charles at a club in Monaco. Y/N was at a table with Charles was at the bar getting drinks. Y/N noticed a girl flirting with Charles, touching his hand, before he pulled away with two drinks for him and Y/N.
“Charles, can we talk for a second?” Y/N asked.
“Sure, what’s on your mind, mon ange?” Charles asked, the nickname still causing butterflies in Y/N’s stomach.
“If you wanted to hook up with that girl, you can. I don’t want to have you tied down for a fake relationship.” Y/N said.
“I wasn’t interested in her at all, you know.” Charles commented.
“Really? What happens when the next girl that hits on you is more your type? I don’t want to hold you back, we are friends after all.” Y/N said.
“I have a confession to make.” Charles said, Y/N nodded her head for Charles to continue. “I’ve liked you for a while. Before you kissed me, it was a little crush, I thought it would have went away, but being with you this past week made my crush grow stronger. You don’t have to feel the same way, I just wanted to get this off my chest.” Y/N was shocked. Charles usually went for Instagram models, but he actually likes her, this was her dream come true.
“I’ve liked you for a while too, I just never thought you would see me that way.” Y/N said.
“I’m going to kiss you right now, okay?” Charles whispered, getting closer to Y/N, looking at her lips then back into her eyes, Y/N nodded, leaning in until their lips touched. It was a soft, gentle kiss, until Charles gained more confidence to do more. They pulled away. “Will you be my girlfriend? For real, this time?” Charles asked.
“Yes I will.” Y/N responded, they kissed again.
The End
Was this good? I think it was good, the pacing is weird, but I had no idea where this was going, just saying. Was it just as good as “prince of Ferrari”? Probably not, but I hope y’all liked it, should I keep writing Charles Leclerc fanfics?
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endlessthxxghts · 11 months
Lay Off The Flannels
DBF!joel miller x afab!reader || W/C: 1.3k
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Summary: Joel gets handsy while your father temporarily steps away.
Warnings: Age gap (unspecified - obviously a legal one though, hello??). No physical description of reader (pic above is used for aesthetic only!). SMUT 18+ MDNI. Oral sex (F receiving). Using a flannel to clean up🫣... Awkward interactions with an oblivious father. Fluffy/light-hearted ending :). I think that's it! Let me know if otherwise!
Author's Note: Hey y'all! Soo my personal definition of a drabble is when something is written and posted on a whim, and that's exactly what I'm doing here.. This was only proof-read once by me, so if you see any typos and confusing wording... NO YA DIDN'T. Anyway, I have a bunch of WIPs needing to get done, but the stress was getting to me, so I took a break from those and wrote this fun little scenario to calm my mind and give me a good little laugh. I hope you guys enjoy!💚
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“We shouldn’t be-”
“I know,” he says. 
“It’s too risky.”
“I know,” he says. 
You pull his lips back onto yours, breathing in each other’s breaths, consuming each other eagerly as if the world was going to end if you didn’t. 
His lips drag down to your jaw, to the sweet spots on your neck that make you mewl such addicting sounds he’ll never tire of, tasting the product of the hard work you did today with your father. His best friend.
His best friend, who- 
“He should be back any minute now,” you say breathily as Joel drops down to the ground, his knees cracking from the sudden change. 
Joel is desperate. Frantic, even. The speed he unbuttons and unzips your jeans and yanks them—underwear included—off of you has your hands flying to grasp at the edge of the workbench you’re sitting on. “Don’t care,” he says, inhaling in a breath, inhaling your arousal. “Need to fuckin’ taste you.” 
Your father’s car crapped out on him a few days ago, and being the untrustful man he was, he bought the parts that needed replacing to do it himself. He had you working on his car with him, teaching you what to do if you were ever stuck in a similar situation—”It ain’t worth the bill, takin’ it to them mechanics. It’ll cost ya an arm and a leg just for them to diagnose your car’s issue even if you tell ‘em ya know what’s wrong, never mind actually fixin’ it,” he said to you this morning. 
As soon as your father left, Joel was making his way to you, large strides cutting the time in half. His arms wrapped around your waist, picking you up from the seat you were situated on and lifted you to the bench against the wall behind you. His lips were on yours immediately, open-mouthed and needy. His hand slammed onto the black button beside your head, the garage door sliding down thereafter.
Joel grabbed onto your thighs, settling them onto his broad shoulders, stabling you and opening you up to him all in one. Wasting no time, his entire face dives into you, tongue immediately going to your sobbing entrance, hooked nose pushing directly onto your clit. 
“Fuck,” you gasp out loud, “Joel, oh my god,” your head hitting the wall, eyes rolling back. 
The moans you’re feeding Joel has him groaning into you, his hands tightening his grip on the bottom of your thighs, the dull ache of it an indicator that you’ll have bruises forming within the hour. 
His tongue—god, you love his tongue—always reaches places you never thought was possible, offering you a glimpse into Heaven each time he tastes you. The squelch of your pussy and his groans equivalent to that of an angel’s choir. You never want him to stop. Especially because his mouth is the closest to Heaven either of you will ever get. 
Your hole begins to flutter around his tongue, your slick pouring out of you at this point. You’re close. Joel knows it. His tongue leaves your hole and is quickly replaced by two of his fingers, sliding in with ease because of your level of arousal. His tongue meets your clit, licking and circling and absolutely worshiping it as if it’s the most unique of pearls to ever exist. 
The combination of his fingers and his tongue—plus his whimpers—are what do it for you. After a few more circles from his tongue, you’re cumming and you’re cumming hard, your liquids running down his wrist and soaking the rim of his sleeve. He gives one last suck to your clit before he lifts off of it, tilting his head up to watch you come undone, his fingers never pausing as he works you through your climax. 
“Baby,” you’re whining, reaching that point of oversensitivity with his fingers, but your hips betray you as they grind into his hand. 
“So fuckin’ perfect,” he mutters, gauging the contradictions of your body’s needs and wants. He slowly pulls his fingers out of you, greedily sucking them into his mouth, not letting a drop of your liquid gold go to waste. 
He stands at full height again, his hands on your thighs to scoot you back from the edge, giving you more stability, so he can let go of you and take his flannel off so he can wipe you down with it. 
He sets his flannel beside you, reaching for your bottoms on the ground. He puts them back on you, gentle as ever, and guides you off the bench—albeit, on some wobbly legs. Once you’re breathing returns to semi-normal, you’re grabbing him by his t-shirt and pulling him in for a heady kiss. Your tongue breaches his mouth, and he lets you in selfishly, sucking on your tongue for anything more you can give him. You taste yourself on him, tangy with a hint of something that lights your neurons on fire, turning you on more even though he just pulled one of the most draining of orgasms out of you. 
Joel pulls away from you, and like clock work, the garage door is whirring open. Your father. He’s walking up the driveway with a Harbor Freight bag. 
“Got what you needed?” you immediately ask, trying to control the topic of conversation. 
“Yeah. Why’d you close the garage?” 
Your eyes widen for a fraction of a second before going back to normal. “The heat was getting a little much. Was gonna open it up when you got back,” you say. 
He nods his head, then looks to Joel. “Hey, bud,” he says as he sets his bag down, walking up to give his best friend a handshake. “What’re ya doin’ here?” he asks, “Not that ya need a reason, of course,” he adds quickly, a light chuckle leaves his mouth. 
“Just thought I’d swing by. Thought your girl here was workin’ on your car all by herself, was gonna make sure the damage was minimal,” he teases, looking at you with a wink. “But now you’re here,” Joel smiles. “I gotta take a leak anyhow, I’ll see y’all later, yeah?” Joel says as he makes his way to the end of your garage. 
Your father offers a quick yeah, his eyes zoning in on the flannel atop his workbench. Before you can stop him, your father grabs it. “Oh, Joel, don’t forget ya flannel,” he says waving it in the air as he lightly jogs to him before he gets too far. Joel’s face immediately flushes, as pale as if he’s seen a ghost, as he realizes what your father is holding. His eyes dart to you, your expression just as traumatized. 
“Oh, y-yeah,” Joel says as he quickly takes it in his grasp, “T-thanks.” 
“Yeah, no problem,” he says as he begins walking back to you, stopping midway to turn back to Joel. “And Joel?” your dad yells out.
Joel turns around, reluctant. 
“Maybe lay off on the flannels during the summer, yeah?? That shit was soaked in sweat!” Your father says as his laugh grows to an uncontrollable level. 
Joel’s jaw drops to the floor as your face turns to absolute terror. 
“Dad!” you exclaim, absolutely stunned at his comment. “I’m done helping you for the day,” you say as you shake your head, gathering your things and heading inside.
Your dad’s laugh turns into a howl at your reaction, not realizing (thankfully) what’s got you so uncomfortable. 
As soon as you make it to your room, the entirety of the situation finally hits you, and you’re gasping for air at how hard you’re laughing. 
As you lay on your bed to try to calm yourself down, your phone rings. It’s Joel. Your laughter immediately starts back up again, and you answer, skipping all forms of introduction.
“Better lay off the flannels, Miller,” you say, barely able to keep it together by the end of your comment. 
“Shut up,” he says, stoic as ever.
A giggle erupts out of you, causing the biggest of butterflies to flutter all throughout his belly. “Can I come over later?” 
“I was expectin’ you to, darlin’.” 
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End note: I'm sure there are a few fics out there with a premise similar to this, of reader doin some ✨things✨ with dbf!joel in reader’s dad’s garage 🫣 — I think it's pretty common given that Joel is a pretty laborious kinda guy, so if you've read anything similar, please share them in the comments or message me them! I'd love to read them and also give credit where credit is due. This fic fandom we've created is about spreading creativity, and that's exactly what I would like to do here. :)
Tags: @javierpena-inatacvest @katiexpunk @teatree121 @farmerlarrry @mellymbee @jobee403 @soavenuepenguin @rainbowcosmicchaos @untamedheart81 @babygal-babygal @pedritoferg @akah565 @pedrostories
EDIT: As of the new year 2024, I no longer do taglists!! Follow @endlessthxxghtsnotifs and turn on the notifications to be updated when new stories come out!!
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
AAAAHHHHHHHH It's TIM! 1000% strong MN girl here and boy it's been real fun to watch Tim (and Peggy! Our amazing lieutenant governor) take a small small Democratic majority and do incredible things. My kid ate two meals at school every day for free. DELIGHTED that he's the VP pick. LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!
Listen, I am just ECSTATIC. Ever since I seriously became tuned into the veepstakes, he was my number one pick (I mean, I was not immune to the brief flirtation everyone had with Beshear/Buttigieg/etc), but yes. Walz was my top pick and I was trying desperately not to get my heart too set on him in case it fell through, but he was the obvious best choice of the contenders by a country mile. He has an almost absurdly Midwestern pro-America background (military veteran, public school teacher, football coach from a small rural town, etc) AND he has managed to enact a long list of progressive policies in Minnesota with a very narrow majority in the state legislature. Also, you're going to be seeing a lot of this video, for good reason:
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Also.... let's be real, Shapiro would have been an incredible distraction/drag on the ticket, unfortunately. We don't need to deal with his retrograde views on Gaza and his other baggage, and while he is a very popular governor in Pennsylvania, it's less certain that his appeal would translate to other states. We can argue (or you know, let's not and move on) about whether or not that was fair, but this is just not the year to try to win the most critical high-stakes election ever by pissing off young voters. Shapiro has done plenty of good things and has time to develop his career further, but he would have been a BAD pick for 2024 and I was alarmed at how many Respected Pundits (tm) were pulling for him. Reuters even claimed that picking him would "defang Republican attempts to make Israel-Gaza a wedge issue for Democrats," which is such a mind-bogglingly stupid statement that it makes you wonder how anyone writing it actually got paid for their political insight, but it also explains a lot about mainstream media these days. Picking Shapiro would have been an absolute gift to the Republicans and bad-faith actors and others (plus like, I don't want to have to spend time winning back the young voters who are actually once more engaged in the process!) and would have led to the media eagerly jumping into the feeding frenzy (because they're desperate to have a reason not to cover Trump's increasingly crazy-ass shit) and other Democratic-on-Democratic infighting. And it goes without saying that WE CANNOT AFFORD THAT.
As well, picking Shapiro just because you need to win PA this election cycle is yet another example of why the Electoral College sucks, and the polling averages in PA have been moving solidly blue anyway. You can just park Shapiro there and have him campaign in the state as the sitting popular governor, rather than expose him to the liability of a nationwide campaign where, as noted, all the other stuff would be a drag. If it's true that the establishment was pushing Harris to pick Shapiro and she picked Walz instead, a) GOOD! and b) if anything, this election cycle needs to fucking teach us that we have got to stop going with the Conventional Wisdom Tee Em. Walz was already out there, he was already popular with the public/energizing the grassroots, AND he was the guy who coined the "Weird" attack line that is actually effective and organically popular against the Republicans and drives them batshit. So for Kamala to lean into that and take him as her running mate is... zomgz... smart, and I am not used to the Democrats playing smart and aggressive and not just passive-defensive. I don't understand. Wow.
Anyway, now watch the New York Times (and the others, lbr, but especially the NYT) desperately try to dig up scandalous stories about that time Walz didn't stop at the 4H booth at the county fair, or walked past someone without saying "Ope just gonna sneak by ya first" or some other terrible Midwestern sin, but fuck those guys. I am EXCITED I am ENERGIZED I am THRILLED. This is a GREAT new ticket that came together at incredibly short notice and completely changed the dynamics everywhere, Walz is gonna make JD Vance cry (unsure whether I want to see Harris demolish Trumpster or Midwestern Dad to turn the cranks on Weird Couchfucking Fascist Skidmark more, but both, both, both is good). LET'S GO GET THOSE WEIRD MOTHERFUCKERS, Y'ALL!!
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maybxlle · 5 months
✧˖°. 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
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masterlist | home | rules
contains: a daughter of aphrodite panicking over our favorite white boy. and vise versa (jason grace x daughter of aphrodite!reader)
warnings: shitty ass writing, language, use of yn, and CRINGE. it's pretty bad, read at your own risk ⚠️
author's note: first fic! also, its probably gonna be bad (because i'm a shit writer 😃) im SO sorry about all the cuts! i cannot write. [send in requests y'all!] ALSO if you see any incorrections, no you didn't.
special mentions: thank you so much @canonfeminine for helping me come up with the joke percy says and @hopelesslyromanticshark because i kinda stole her formatting and her amazing advice (love ya coves!)
final word count: 2,098 words
now playing 𓏧 down bad by taylor swift
jason grace was walking outside cabin 13 when he heard you tweaking.
it was only 11am and it sounded like you had been up all night.
"y'all, you know that one song from taylor's new album? down bad? that's so me about superman." you sighed, "i don't even think he cares about me. not even a little."
"now i'm down bad, crying at the gym. everything comes out teenage petulance. fuck it if i can't have him. i might just die, it'd make no difference." you sang under your breath.
jason peeked in the cabin. he saw you hanging off hazel's bed upside down, piper was on the floor painting her nails, while annabeth was sitting in an armchair, reading, and hazel was at her desk, writing a letter to chiron about why they should have state of the art, gold-plated horse feed. they were only in the hades cabin because nico was with will in the infirmary. (awww <3)
"ma'am, we know all of this before. you never shut about hi-" piper began.
annabeth made a condescending mom face. "yn," she said gently. "maybe you should go to sleep."
you just glared at her until she looked back at her book (rolling her eyes).
"maybe he does like me! he just doesn't know it yet." you triumphantly said.
piper snorted. you got up, and whacked her with your pillow until she fell over.
"ok, geez, i get it. cough cough bitch." piper um-coughed out.
hazel finally looked up, innocently, from her crazy letter, "ok, girls, let's calm down?"
you and piper obliged, scowling at each other.
"anyway, bACK TO WHAT I WAS SAYING. maybe he is in love with me, he just doesn't fucking know it yet!"
"wait, isn't superman jaso-"
jason took that as his cue to get the fuck out of there.
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our favorite white boy RAN to his boys.
he gathered them in percy's cabin. "guys, i just overheard something."
"what? that the superman theme song plays wherever you go?” percy snickered.
while percy and leo... snort-laughed, frank actually asked what happened.
"basically, i was walking past cabin 13 and the girls were in there, right? so i overhear yn saying something about 'superman' and how this song -down bad i think?- relates to them or something."
suddenly all the boys had their thinking faces on.
"what if she's in love with the actor of superman?" frank suggested.
leo had this eerie look on his face. "grow a couple of brain-cells chinese canadian baby man. she's in love with jason."
everyone just looked at leo. "ok, think about it. who the fuck else flies here? only jason. who else flies? superman."
jason thought about it. "that would make sense since piper was about to say my name when yn cut her off-"
"i didn't think that yn would ever like me back." he said matter-of-factly.
to be fair, jason had a crush on you since he arrived at camp. you were so pretty but you were so lively too. your personality was bright and radiant and maybe a bit crazy. just a bit though. but in a good way!
you just radiated positivity as if you were the sun. to him you could've been.
jason didn't realize he zoned out until leo was about to shove a shoe in his mouth.
"oh i got him back guys! you like... died." leo said.
"so you were going to resuscitate me by shoving a shoe in my mouth?"
"yeah, basically!"
jason didn't know what to say to that so he didn't say anything!
"can we get back on track?"
"yes," percy answered. "we shall."
"first things first, we already know that you love yn so much from the bottom of your heart. but how are you going to tell her?" frank asked.
jason was at a loss.
"don't worry, i'll sleep on it."
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"hey sparky!" you exclaim.
"oh h-hey yn." you side-eyed him, wondering if he heard your gods-awful conversation yesterday.
then you slapped yourself. (mentally?) of course he wouldn't do that! he's your sweet little superman who you are hopelessly in love with!
"do you wanna race to the top of the lava wall with me? don't be shy, you always lose!" you asked.
"um, i don't think i can today yn, sorry."
you were a little lot disappointed. you just really liked him and he fucking rejects you??? what if you tell him how you feel and he doesn't feel the same way? what if you become the laughing-stalk of camp? “k, bye jase.”
after he left you sprinted to your girls.
hazel slowly raised her hand. "just don't mess it up again. if piper doesn't want your foot in her face, don't put it in her goddamn face. ok?"
you scowled at her before sprinting to hazel’s cabin.
you guys took your seats from yesterday.
“what the- wHY ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT ME?!” piper screeched.
annabeth spoke up, “you were the one who practically said jason’s name.”
“annie. you just said it. SUPERMAN ONLY BITCHES.” you said.
“what if that did happen?” hazel asked. “he’s not a pretty, perfect, goody-two-shoes princess? like you think he is. ”
annabeth, piper, and hazel all just looked at each other, tired with your shit.
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"i think she's onto me." jason said to his little boy band.
percy looked up from his game of chess with frank and stroked his chin, "why may that be?"
jason scratched his neck sheepishly, "um, she, like side-eyed me?”
“this is yn we’re talking about. she side-eyes everybody.” leo said.
“BUT NOT ME!” jason panicked.
frank tsked at percy, “what move you gonna make?”
“oh, shut it frank. i’m invested. what else did yn say?”
“i… don’t remember.”
all the boys collectively looked at him.
“SHUT YOUR BLOODY MOUTH!” leo exclaimed. “we need a fucking plan.”
“do you have a plan leo?” frank asked.
“i actually do, frank. gather round children.”
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after some meticulous planning, and a couple phone calls, a plan was set.
a prom dress, a boom box, and taylor swift.
exciting right?
it was two days after that stupid conversation (that jason totally didn't overhear).
annabeth, piper and hazel came to drag you from your seat at the docks where you were reading an angsty romance (like the sad emo girl you were after being rejected by the love of your life).
"what the fuck do you whores want?"
"ok rude," annabeth replied, "but you have to come with us."
"we have something exciting for you!" hazel said enthusiastically.
you looked at hazel, "haze, 'excitement', does not exist for me anymore. ever since the love of my goddamned life rejected me- "
piper cut you off, "ok shut up yn. first of all, he didn't even reject you. he just said he can't climb the lava wall with you. just come with us. please don't make a big deal about it."
you looked at the girls suspiciously, "what's in it for me?"
the girls shared a look, "that's a secret. but believe me, everything's in it for you."
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"i look like a fucking bratz doll!" you screeched.
piper was doing and messing up your makeup while annabeth and hazel were looking for a good outfit.
"also miss bitchy," you said, "why am i wearing this much makeup? and why is annabeth and hazel trying so hard to find an outfit?"
piper could see that you were clearly becoming suspicious. she just gave you a small (knowing) smile, "oh don't worry about it sweet."
you were about to jump her when hazel and annabeth came holding ... a prom dress and two inch heels?
“are you shitting me? what the fuck is this?” you asked.
“yn, just put it the fuck on! no. arguments. ” piper said.
you weren’t someone to refuse looking good. (even if piper messed up your makeup.) “fine, but i’m watching y’all.”
they nodded while you went to the bathroom to change.
you came out and hazel to do the back. “ok, how do i look?” you asked, deadpan.
“yn! you look stunning!” hazel exclaimed.
you looked decent. you had an old prom dress that the aphrodite cabin just happened to have and slightly crusty heels.
“this will definitely work. he’ll be drooling all over her.” piper said to annabeth.
you were so confused, what the fuck is happening?
"excuse me? what's going on? cause i am about to shit my pants." you said.
annabeth, hazel, and piper just looked at each other and said, "don't worry about it dear." and burst out laughing. (about what? that wasn't even funny???)
suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"oh my fucking gods, who is it?!" you shout.
piper looked at you. "chill," she opened the door, "hey leo."
"why is leo here?!" she ignored you! leo pulled her outside, when she came back she nodded to annabeth and hazel.
"ok yn! time for your surprise!" hazel said, knowingly.
then, hazel blindfolded you, annabeth and piper grabbed your legs, while leo grabbed your arms. while you were screaming to satan.
next, y'all went on your merry way going gods-know-where!
suddenly you were dropped straight on the fucking ground so hard your ass hurt and all your bindings slipped off.
you were in the middle of the fucking woods. and you could distantaly hear hazel, piper, leo and annabeth running away.
really where you were dropped was gorgeous. you were at a clearing in the middle of the woods. it was around sunset so everything was lit up with the golden sunlight streaming through the leaves. you could hear the faint sound of a creek in the distance.
all of sudden you heard footsteps. you got up of your ass and cursed under your breath when you realized you have no knifes because somebody took them from you.
you turned toward the sound when you saw him.
jason, all dressed up in a matching suit.
"oh, h-hi jason. whatcha doing here?"
"oh, just waiting for a pretty girl so i can give her a dance."
you looked around confusedly. "jase, i think you went the wrong way. all the pretty girls are back at camp."
he chuckled, then pulled a boombox from his ass. "would you give me this dance milady?"
you were so so so baffled. what was happening? but your heart belonged to him. "um, sure?"
he clicked play on the boombox and 'you belong with me' by taylor swift started playing. he grabbed your hands and placed them on his shoulders. (TRUST ok? they're waltzing to "you belong with me", but its fine.
you felt like your heart was going a million miles a second but in slow motion at the same time. you were panicking but you felt so content.
the bridge was playing and you realized how much the song relates to you and jason.
you guys were best friends before you something happened two days ago.
y'all knew each other better than the back of your hand.
he would bring you ice cream when you were on your period and when you weren't.
anytime he had to go on a quest without you he brought you souvenirs.
you told each other about your crazy dreams. like when elmo was chasing you down rodeo drive.
the song ended.
"i-" you looked up.
"um-" jason cut you off.
"you go first." you were terrified, your heart pounding in your chest.
"well, i've had the biggest crush on you, yn. since i arrived, really-"
you cut him off, pulling his mouth to your own.
you were in euphoria for a minute until you both pulled away.
"soooo?" you were giddy, "what now?"
jason looked thoroughly confused, you were too. "i don't know but we'll get through it together."
your cold heart melted a little at that.
"i have a question," you asked, walking away. "did you have a crush only because of my fat ass?"
"oh my gods, yn!"
author's note: so yeah um... there it is. it sucks, i kinda hate it but i thought it was a good idea and i wanted to start writing.
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stinkyturd · 1 month
Sweet Wishes
Haru Sagara/Reader
Comments: Spicy? At what point do I say it's NSFW? Would have made this longer guys, but I got a Fever Dreams Chappie to get on. Featuring 90's classic anime nosebleeds. Some of you may not be old enough to get it, bahaha.
"Did you ever find your soul mate, Dandelion?"
Towa sits with you under the stars near the Jabberwock House. The two of you had been sprawled out in the grass, looking for constellations, until the ball of sunshine popped the random question on you. Towa turns his head to meet your gaze, wearing an angelic smile. You wonder what prompted him to ask, as it had been months since he first brought it up.
"I think so," You reply. And you did, but it was more wishful thinking than anything.
Towa sits up, his eyes as wide as saucers. "Really? Who is it?"
"Well, I think it's entirely one-sided... so I don't know that soul mate is the right word, then," You explain with an airy laugh, staring up at the night sky.
Towa scoots forward, hovering his face a little too close over yours. "So? Who is it?"
Your eyes meet the Jabberwock vice-captain's again, as his face is now blocking your star gazing. "It's Haru."
Towa blinks, his mouth hanging open in awe at your admission. "Haru...?"
"Yup. He's really grown on me," You add.
You weren't sure exactly when you had first realized it. It was a gradual build up. After you were inspector for Jabberwock, you found yourself helping out Haru a lot when you had free time. The eccentric Captain had a ton on his plate and the other two members of Jabberwock didn't really pull their weight like Haru did, so you decided to drop by one afternoon. When you so quickly picked up on the routine and memorized all the anomalies feeding schedules and clean up times, Haru timidly asked you to return whenever you were available.
"Does he make your heart flutter, Dandelion?" Towa asks, tilting his head curiously.
"Yeah..." You say with a nod. "Haru's very caring and sweet. I like working with him and he's so easy to talk to. Plus, his nurturing nature towards the anomalies here really does something for me. I don't have a Daddy kink, but if I could call anyone Daddy, it'd be him. Ya know?"
Towa didn't know. He nods anyways.
"I've tried flirting with him, but it usually goes over his head. Or he's just swerving me," You ramble, mindlessly running your fingers through the grass at your side.
Towa hums, his expression pensive. Tilting his head up, he looks at the sky. "Dandelion, look...! It's a shooting star." The Jabberwock vice-captain points at said star's location.
You follow his line of sight and he's right. "It is, isn't it?"
"Make a wish, Dandelion."
"Hmm... I wish Haru would notice me. As a potential romantic interest," You say aloud.
Towa giggles. "If you say it out loud, it may not come true."
"Whoops. Maybe, next time."
"That's okay," Towa starts, looking back down at you. "I think I can help make your wish come true."
"For real?" You wonder what the little ball of sunshine has in mind.
Towa nods, getting to his feet. "I think so."
"Haru, (Y/N) says you're her soul mate."
Haru sits on the floor in the main living area of the Jabberwock house, portioning out bags of feed for the next day. The Captain is currently concentrating on resetting the scale he is using for the task and the darn battery must have been going out, because the tare function had been acting up.
"That's nice, Towa," Haru replies, though it's evident he's not really listening. The red-head sighs in exasperation, flipping over the scale and opening the back compartment that held the battery.
You had already left for the night back to the cathedral and Towa is determined to get the ball rolling with making your wish come true.
"Did you really hear me?" Towa persists, peering over his shoulder.
Haru pulls out the dead battery from the scale. "Yes, yes I did! Now, can you help me with this please, Towa? There's batteries in the drawer by the kitchen sink."
"Hmph..." Towa puffs out his cheeks. Towa knows Haru didn't hear him, but he goes to get the batteries for the Captain, anyway. Once he pulls two out of the drawer and brings them back, he holds them out to Haru in the palm of his hand.
"Thanks, Towa!" Haru takes them from him, his lips pulling into an appreciative smile. The Jabberwock Captain makes haste to change them out so he can be done portioning within the hour.
"(Y/N) says she would call you Daddy," Towa deadpans.
Haru drops the scale in his hands onto the floor, causing the cover he just set to pop out again. The Captain tilts his head up at Towa, his jaw going slack. "W-W-WHAT...?!"
Towa beams, nodding fervently.
"T-TOWA...! T-That's not funny! Don't joke like that, my poor heart will explode! Who will care for Peekaboo, then?" Haru dramatically motions his hand over to the rabbit-like anomaly, sitting idly in it's playpen.
"But it's true," Towa protests.
"Do you even know the implication of that word? You can't just go around saying things like that," Haru chastises, his voice gradually getting calmer as he replaces the cover again.
Towa exhales. "...I didn't say it first."
"If you hold the bags open, I can pour the feed in and we can tag team this faster! Easy peasy," Haru suggests, completely dodging any more talk of the subject.
"...Fine, okay."
Towa resigns, sitting by his Captain's side. He would try again later.
Attempt Two.
A few days later, you're once again at the Jabberwock House. It was now evening. After your classes, you had come to help after Haru sent you a text asking for your assistance. You had been there since the early afternoon. The Jabberwock Captain recently had said something about winding down for the night and said he would be right back. Currently, you sat in an armchair looking over your emails on your phone.
Glancing up, you find Towa in front of you, holding out his hand.
You shoot him a skeptical glance, but you place your hand in his anyways. "What's up, Towa?"
"Come with me," Towa urges, gently pulling at your arm. "I have something to show you."
"Uh... sure." That is vague, but unsurprising coming from the source. You get to your feet and allow Towa to pull you along.
Towa drags you around the house for a bit, sprinting in between rooms. At first, you wonder if there is any real destination in mind and by the time you become suspicious enough to ask, the vice-captain stops in front of a door. If you're not mistaken, you're pretty sure it's one of the bathrooms.
You flit your dubious gaze on the white-haired man. "Uh... you need to pee, Towa?"
Towa giggles and shakes his head. The vice-captain opens the door, ushering you in, before shutting it behind you.
"--What the heck, Towa?" You blurt out, tilting your head in the direction of the now shut door behind you.
You hear movement from somewhere within the room. Looking forward, you make an attempt to spot the source of the disturbance.
Okay, so the steam emanating around the room makes it obvious that this bathroom is in use, or had just been used. Directly in front of you is a partition separating the changing area from the soaking area. And you happen to spot a few articles in the hamper just to the side of you that look awfully familiar.
A flashy orange jumpsuit, in particular.
Subconsciously, you think back to Towa's promise a few days ago. He couldn't have...
Footsteps pad from behind the partition, approaching where you stand. You know you should turn heel while you still can, but your pervy temptations take over and you stay grounded. Besides, Towa brought you in here! Anything that happens after is the consequence of circumstances entirely out of your control. You were just an innocent bystander who--
Haru appears from behind the divider, humming a tune that sounds vaguely familiar. Save for the wrapped bandages around his right arm and the small towel around his waist, he's completely nude. Haru's toned musculature is completely bare for you to admire. All those countless hours tending to the little farmland the young man had cultivated, really paid off. In fact, so much so, you're pretty sure you feel blood draining from your nose. Haru has yet to notice you so far. Right now, he's smiling pleasantly and pulling his clean clothes off a hook attached to the wall.
It wasn't until Haru slips his shirt on that he spots you from the corner of your eye. The Captain yelps in surprise. "AAAGH! W-WHAT ARE YOU...?!"
You watch as the Jabberwock Captain's face flushes a deep shade of crimson. Your heart beats violently in your chest when you realize he's getting closer to you, his shock faltering into a look of concern.
"(Y/N)...! Y-You're bleeding!" Haru brings a hand to your face, a look of panic on his own. "Are you okay?! I can get you a washcloth to clean that up! Stay right there!"
You stand there like the pervy goblin you are, as Haru rushes on the other side to get a cloth to clean your face. Closing your eyes, you inhale sharply. You thank whatever deity that may be looking out for you. There must be one, for you to have been blessed with such a sight. Or maybe you should just thank Towa.
A very warm, damp, cloth pats your face. You lean into the contact unconsciously, finding comfort in the heat. A hum of contentment escapes you.
"I should have shown you where the rest of the bathrooms are! And I forgot to lock the door, looks like, too," Haru clicks his tongue, making a displeased sound. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this! Ah, I really ought to be more careful."
"Don't apologize. I would have been thoroughly disappointed had I showed up any later," You say. It's meant to be flirtatious, obviously, but…
Haru nods, pressing his lips into a thin line as he finishes cleaning your face. "Right? I wouldn't have been able to find a washcloth for you!”
"Do you need me to take you to Mortkranken? I can, if you need to," Haru offers, tossing the now bloody cloth into the hamper next to him.
"No, it will be fine. Probably just the uh… weather changes. Between houses," You fib. “... Anyways, I'll let you finish getting ready.”
Haru regards you skeptically, before nodding. “Well, if you're sure!”
Attempt Three.
“Hey, honor student.”
“Hey, Ren,” You reply back, not diverting your eyes from the paperwork in front of you. A few days have passed since the bathroom incident took place. At the moment, you were going through vaccination records for the anomalies. You were trying to figure out which ones were due for their newest rounds.
“Here,” Ren says, tossing something at your side. Paper crinkles as the object lands, and you shift your attention to focus on it. It's a bouquet of assorted flowers, wrapped neatly in decorative paper.
You glance up at Ren, your lips quirking into a mischievous smirk. “Trying to confess to me, huh?”
Ren rolls his eyes. He plops down on the loveseat across from you, returning his attention to the handheld gaming device in front of him. “Read the card on it. It's not from me.”
“Oh…? Where'd you find it?” You peel back the paper surrounding the bouquet and pick up the card.
“Was on the porch,” Ren replies simply.
“To (Y/N), with love Haru,” You read aloud.
It's from Haru?
“Why would Haru leave this outside, though…?” You wonder.
“Dunno,” Ren says with disinterest. “Maybe he got shy. He's still outside trimming those weird sheep anomalies.”
Well, if this was really from Haru, you were absolutely ecstatic. A blush crept up your neck at the idea of him arranging the flowers. Did Towa help him? Were they sorted by meaning? Either way, you're going to thank him.
You get to your feet, flowers in hand, with intention to look for the Jabberwock Captain. Exiting the house, you walk through the grass and head towards the part of the field that Haru typically shears at. After a few minutes of searching, you spot him kneeling in the grass as he bags up piles of wool.
“Haru…” You call out as you approach him.
The red-head glances up at you, a smile spreading across his features. Haru stands up, dusting himself off. “Heya, (Y/N)! Whatchya got there?”
Assuming he's being coy, you walk right up to him and wrap your arms around his waist, eagerly pulling him into an embrace. “Thank you, Haru! You're so sweet!”
Haru yelps in surprise at the sudden contact, though he doesn't make any attempt to shy away. “Ah… You're welcome, (Y/N).” The Jabberwock Captain timidly wraps his arms around you, returning the hug. Though, he notably pats your back in a comforting gesture like you're his cousin, or a younger sibling, rather than a love interest. “... But what are you thanking me for, exactly?”
Haru does sound genuinely confused. Shit.
“Oh…” You lean back slightly, looking up at him. “Um… You didn't leave me these flowers?”
“Flowers…?” Haru repeats, his lips downturning slightly.
You step back, reluctantly parting from the contact to hold the bouquet and card out to him. “These?”
Haru takes the card from your hand and reads it. After a beat, the Jabberwock Captain sighs, shaking his head. “I'm sorry, (Y/N). This is Towa's handwriting.”
So, that's it.
Towa must be still trying to fulfill his promise. It's cute and you appreciate it, but you do feel a little disappointed. Maybe you should just be even more direct with Haru to save the vice-captain the trouble?
“Oh, I see,” You mutter, making an effort to sound particularly bummed out by the revelation.
“Yep. I'm not sure what's gotten into that little rascal lately! Maybe he's trying to tell you something, but he's embarrassed?” Haru guesses, but you know he's grasping at straws.
“Towa isn't shy,” You say point blank. It was true. The guy puts his face centimeters away from yours on a regular basis. Haru knows it too!
Haru laughs weakly, scratching the back of his head in a nervous manner. “Well, you caught me there! I'm not sure what's up with him, but I'll let him know that it's not nice to play tricks like that on you.”
“Haru, I think I need to tell you something,” You start with determined resolve.
The Jabberwock Captain's expression shifts into a more serious one, maybe because of the tone in your own voice. A bullet of sweat drips down Haru's cheek. “... Okay. You can tell me anything, (Y/N.)”
Just as you're about to open your mouth, a thunderous noise reverberates from somewhere behind the two of you. Haru flips around to identify the source and you follow his gaze.
For whatever reason– probably a petty one– Towa was in the background summoning lighting on the Capybus again. The now burnt creature groans blaringly, before collapsing to the ground. You feel the earth quake underneath you on impact and Haru immediately begins sprinting towards the vice-captain’s side.
Turning his head for a brief moment, the Jabberwock Captain shouts back at you. “Hold that thought, (Y/N)!”
You watch as Haru begins scolding Towa for his mischievous behavior and makes an attempt to tend to the defeated mammoth sized creature. Needless to say, the whole debacle took longer than anticipated to resolve.
You didn't hold that thought.
Attempt Four.
You had just returned to the cathedral not even an hour ago. The classes scheduled today had come to an end and you were now sitting at your couch in your room, reading a book. A vibration on the coffee table breaks your attention from the novel in front of you. Leaning forward, you pick up your phone and notice a text notification from Haru. You open the message without hesitation.
‘Please come over tonight so we can have a date! 🥰🥰🥰’ 2:22 pm
Holy shit. Is this for real?
‘Yes, okay. What time?’ 2:22 pm
You wait with anticipation for probably another several minutes before another text comes in.
‘I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! Please disregard that message. (╥﹏╥) Towa took my phone and just started typing smzjdjwnsvehwjsv.’ 2:27 pm
Damn. Well, you can't say you're too surprised. But why let this opportunity go to waste? You almost confessed to him not that long ago, anyway.
‘Really? I was really hoping it was for real this time 😫💔!’ 2:27 pm
This time, a reply doesn't come for so long that you begin reading again.
‘Haha! Always goofing around, I like that! I'll make sure to put a lock on my phone so it doesn't happen again. Sorry for the trouble! ヅ’ 2:39 pm
‘Haru, I'm not joking.’ 2:39 pm
Surely. SURELY he can't dodge this one. You even left out emojis this time!
A minute or so later, your phone starts ringing. Haru is calling you.
Promptly, you answer, bringing the phone to your ear. “Good afternoon, Haru~”
You hear background noise on the other end. It's distorted, but you're pretty sure it's the nonsensical jabber coming from some of the anomalous farm animals. “(Y/N), I got your text. I wanted to call you to be sure of your tone before responding properly!”
“That's very cute of you,” You flirt shamelessly.
You hear Haru's adorable nervous laughter on the other end. “Aaah, I try? Actually, no wait! I wasn't trying there. Scratch that!”
“I really like you, Haru,” You confess with conviction. “I don't want you to mistake my text as a joke. I wanted to tell you a few days ago, before Towa zapped the Capybus. And Towa knows too.”
You can practically hear the nervous panic in the Jabberwock Captain's voice. “Aah, really? I guess that explains a lot, haha… Okay. Let's do this properly, then.”
You feel your stomach flip at his words.
“You can come over tonight and we can have dinner. How does that sound?” Haru asks.
“That sounds like a dream,” You reply.
“Ahaha, you're such a flatterer…! Come by around seven? I will make us something! But it probably won't be done until around eight, I think. I just don't want to make you walk around past dark!”
Ugh, he's so cute.
“Okay. I would love that, Haru.”
“GYAAH…! Wait, come back here!” You hear Haru shout at an anomalous animal. “Sorry. I'll talk to you later, (Y/N). Gotta bounce!”
“No problem, see you soon.”
With that, you end the call and immediately run towards your wardrobe to plan your outfit for the night.
You arrive at the Jabberwock House around the planned time. Usually, you would just barge in, but this time you're practicing date etiquette, so you knock on the door and wait.
You definitely made sure to put effort into your appearance this time. Before arriving, you went to the trouble of applying makeup and even styling your hair. Most of the time, you didn't do either. After all, when you weren't taking classes or running errands for Darkwick, you were getting all sweaty tending to the farm at Jabberwock.
Accompanying your glam, you chose a modest dress and cardigan to go over it. You wanted to make it obvious that you were serious about this for the dense Captain, but didn't want to do so much that he would find it off putting.
It didn't take long before Haru opened the door. He was wearing his normal casual wear, with an apron over it all. Haru even had oven mitts on, likely from still being in the process of cooking.
God he's so…
“(Y/N)...! Sorry for the wait–” Haru's words die in his mouth, as he assesses your appearance. “Aah… t-this is really happening isn't it?”
You take a step inside, boldly standing just inches from him. It wasn't as if you hadn't gotten close to him before, but this is the first time he understood your intentions.
“Need help?” You ask, your lips tugging into a playful smirk.
Haru closes the door behind you, staring down at you rigidly. “I, uhm… N-No, I can take care of it! You look so cute! I'm sorry, I didn't have much time to dress nicer.”
“You look very handsome, as always,” You assure him.
You can't help but notice that he spritzed some cologne before your arrival. Traces of sandalwood and amber fill your nostrils at the proximity. If Haru had the idea to use cologne, he must have planned on getting close like this, right? The mere notion leaves your heart hammering like a drum.
“Ah, you really think so?” Haru asks and the question sounds sincere. Like he hasn't the faintest clue of the effect he has on you.
“Of course.” You slip your arms around his waist, pulling him into a gentle hug. “It's been a couple of days since I've seen you. I really missed you.”
Haru's heart beats rapidly against his chest, so loud that you can easily hear it right now. “I really missed you too, (Y/N),” The Jabberwock Captain replies, his voice raising an octave at the admission. This time, he returns the hug without patting you platonically.
The sound of the stove going off startles Haru out of the embrace. “Oh! I'll be right back, the oven is preheated.” The Captain begins walking briskly towards the kitchen.
You look around. There's currently no sign of Towa, Ren, or even Peekaboo. That makes you wonder if they already know about your date. You remove your shoes and make your way over to the couch, before plopping down.
It wasn't long before Haru returned, frantically making his way over to you. The Captain sits to your left, a few feet from you, reaching for the remote to the tv on the coffee table. He immediately relinquishes it to you. “Ah, here! You can pick whatever you want to watch.”
You hum, pointing the remote in the direction of the TV. It rested on top of an entertainment center in the middle of the room. Clicking the power button on, you watch the television come to life. “What do you like to watch, usually?”
“It's been so long since I've had time, I can't really remember!” Haru admits, laughing awkwardly. “I will be okay with anything, though.”
“I'll hold you to that,” You tease. Daringly, you scoot right next to Haru to where your hips are touching. An audible gulp sounds from the man next to you when your legs meet.
“Where's Peekaboo?”
“... I pleaded with Ren to watch him for the evening,” Haru answers. He regards you tentatively, as if he's not sure what to do with his hands.
“I see.” Helping him out, you lace your fingers with his left hand as you look for a streaming platform. “Is this okay?” You ask for his permission softly.
“Yes! Yes, of course it is!” Haru attempts to relax back into the couch behind him, though his posture remains somewhat rigid– you can only assume from nerves.
He is too freaking cute.
Following by example, you settle yourself back into the couch cushion, then nestle your head against Haru's shoulder. This was seriously the pique of comfort and you couldn't be any more elated. You randomly select a movie, a thriller you think. The description hadn't been interesting enough to hold your full attention before you played it, though you're not sure anything could right now.
At some point during the intro of the movie, you feel Haru's free hand slip onto your partially exposed thigh. Butterflies stir in your stomach as you observe his gloved thumb rubbing small circles against your skin.
“Haru,” You say.
The Jabberwock Captain stills his hand, for the moment. “Y-Yes…?”
“Did you feel anything for me before I confessed to you today? Romantically.”
Haru haltingly resumes the subtle movements of his fingers against your skin. “Ah… it might be more strange if I didn't. You are always helping me, even when I know you have your hands full. You're so good with Peekaboo and the other animals. And you're very pretty, (Y/N).”
You absorb his answer for a while after he says it. Your eyes are unfocused on the movie playing in front of you. Some guy is getting his ass kicked on screen. You're pretty sure you don't even know the main character's name.
“You could have told me that all those times I was hitting on you, ya know,” You tease.
“I-I wasn't sure if you really meant it,” Haru counters.
“You're so cute.” Craning your head forward, you land a chaste kiss on the closest place your lips would land in your current position. That place happens to be the side of Haru's neck.
The Jabberwock Captain's hand clamps firmly on your thigh as he gasps involuntarily from the contact. Warmth crawls up the base of his neck and you admire with satisfaction as the tips of his ears turn bright red.
“Y-You really know how to make a fella nervous,” Haru remarks, a nervous chuckle tumbling from his mouth.
You nestle yourself back into his side, thoroughly amused by his jitters. “Don't be, it's just me. We can just watch the movie and I'll let up… for now.”
The last bit of your sentence was meant to be glib, rather than a reflection of your actual intentions, but Haru appears even more restless after the words leave your mouth. You return your attention towards the screen ahead. It takes a bit of time, but eventually his heart rate slows to a more normal pace as he relaxes fully into the cuddling.
You're not sure what Haru has in the oven, but it's taking a while. The movie you picked was boring enough that it wasn't really holding your interest. Hopefully Haru liked it more than you did. The warmth of the kind Captain at your side brings so much solace and relief that you find yourself inevitably drifting off to sleep.
By the time you wake, the lights are already off, but the dimly lit screen of the flat screen just ahead, illuminates the room you're in. Something else plays, it looks like an animation you don't recognize and the volume is now exponentially more quiet. You're also in a new position, lying your head on a throw pillow, with a thin blanket covering you. And you happen to be laying on your left side. You must have been moving around a lot in your sleep.
Shit, wasn't Haru cooking something for the both of you? And you went and dozed off for how long?
Mild panic settles in and you really hope you didn't offend the Jabberwock Captain. You knew it was highly unlikely that was the case, but this was your first date. Haru probably wouldn't often have the time for such things. Where was he, anyways?
You're about to sit up when you feel a hand move to your hip. Said sneaky hand begins tracing small languid circles, not dissimilar to the ones you felt earlier. Though, this time it felt more suggestive based on your current position. You're so touch starved at this point that you begin to feel heat pool in your loins from something most would consider so kosher.
Haru must be lying behind you. And who else? Certainly not Towa. He was touchy but you can't imagine he'd do this considering how you felt about Haru. You want to turn around to confirm, but for some reason that typical bravado you try to maintain around him is completely flopping right now. Maybe you could try to ask.
The hand, now on your waist, stills. But it doesn't leave. “Oh, you're awake. I hope this is okay. You were flopping around like a fish once you fell asleep, so I tried to make it more comfortable for you,” Haru explains, amusement lacing his voice.
The idea of him still taking care of you long after you had fallen asleep on him makes your stomach do backflips. How was this man so effortlessly sexy without even trying? Is it too soon to start making advances? Because at this point, you don't know what to do with yourself.
“Haru, I don't mean to alarm you, but I'm warning you now. I'm extremely turned on right now.”
You swear you hear the Jabberwock Captain choke on air behind you at the declaration. “... O-Oh?” Haru's hand tenses on your waist.
“I'm going to turn around. If you have any objections, you should let me know now,” You warn.
Haru remains silent for a few moments and for a second you worry that you're about to be rejected. “... No. No objections from this guy.”
Without hesitation, you flip around on your side. Haru's face is just inches from yours, his expression a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. He's flushed beautifully as he peers back at you. You pull your hands up from underneath the blanket cloaking the both of you, then delicately bring them to cup his face.
“So sweet,” You murmur as you close the distance fully, joining your lips with his.
Haru responds immediately, scooping you in as close as possible with his left hand. He returns the kiss eagerly, abandoning all shyness he may have felt moments before.
Haru's lips taste like lavender salve, something he must have put on in preparation for your date to cure any chapped skin that may have been there before. You don't mind. Your lips continue to interlock with his over and over again in an onslaught. Eventually, you find yourself wrapping your arms around the Jabberwock Captain's neck, searching for a closeness that only intertwining souls might achieve.
Haru takes the initiative, slipping his tongue past your lips, coaxing you to take it all a step further. And you oblige, tilting your head as you press yourself flush against him, allowing the kiss to deepen. Haru is warm, he tastes like spearmint. Haru is inviting, like the sun. You want to explore the light he radiates and the heat that comes with it.
You feel your cardigan begin to slip from your shoulders. You're so preoccupied with the fervid makeout session that you don't even realize that Haru is peeling it away on his own. It wasn't until the red-head broke the kiss to relocate his lips to your neck that you piece it all together. You gasp for air, partially from the lack of it during your heated exchange. But mostly because you feel his tongue press against your throat as he litters you with countless clumsy kisses. You feel his teeth graze once your twice, each time it elicits a pathetic whimper from your lungs.
“Fuck, Haru. I want you,” You blabber out, mindlessly.
Maybe it was reckless, considering you just addressed your feelings. But how the hell do you just stop now?
Haru, who had already been making his kisses trail farther down to your clavicle, barely separates himself from you to respond. His voice comes out raspy. “Y-You… You're sure?”
It seems almost ridiculous to ask such a thing, considering that you're already hyper aware of the tent having formed in his pants that was now pressing invasively against your thigh.
“I don't think I've ever been more sure of anything in my life,” You deadpan.
Haru hums in contentment, wrapping his arms securely around you as he buries his face into your chest. “Anything you want, I'll be happy to be of service,” He murmurs against you.
You're seriously in love with him.
Just when you're about to continue getting this show on the road, the overhead light flickers on. The sudden change in the room's brightness startles Haru enough to sit upright from you.
“It worked!” Towa declares from the front entrance. The ball of sunshine is beaming brightly after he voices his snap judgment assessment of your compromising position. You suppose there is nothing else to think, with Haru basically on top of you.
“GYAAAH…!” Haru removes himself from you so quickly that he almost stumbles off the couch. “T-TOWA, AT LEAST ANNOUNCE YOURSELF! HOW LONG WERE YOU THERE?”
Towa merely snickers impishly, blatantly ignoring the question directed at him to address you. “I'm glad your wish came true, Dandelion!”
Your face burns bright, but you manage a smile, paired with an awkward chuckle. Sitting up fully yourself, you respond to him. “Yeah, you're like a real life fairy, Towa.”
“What wish?” Haru interjects, cluelessly.
Towa’s face splits into a shit-eating grin before he bolts up the steps.
“H-Hey, wait you didn't answer…!” The protest dies in Haru's mouth as his vice-captain makes a hasty retreat. “Aaah, and he's gone.”
“Pfffft,” You stifle a laugh when you notice Haru's aghast expression. “Well… in his defense, this isn't the most private place to be fooling around at.”
Haru lets out a breathy sigh. “Yeah, you're right.” The Captain gets to his feet, holding his hand out for you to take. “My room?”
Your heart flutters, as you admire him in the now bright light. Placing your hand in his, you nod. “Kay.”
Once the two of you begin to make your way to Haru's bedroom, he pops the question again.
“So what was the promise Towa mentioned?”
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ginnysgraffiti · 2 months
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mention of cannibalism, hunger, dark and sick thoughts, hallucinations, jealous lee.
&. LEE x yn.
let's say it, lee would definitely have the hardest time dealing with his jealousy.
not jealousy in general, but a sick and twisted feeling that is often joined by his hunger.
it's something capable of making him salivate, a feeling that even he doesn't fully grasp and that allows his gastric juices to make his stomach burn.
you had been dating lee for a few months now, and you thought you knew everything about his needs, habits and nature even if you never actually saw him feeding.
lee loved you more than anything in the world, reason why he always managed to keep his emotions under control when simple friends used to hang out with you. he knew you were pretty close with your friends, and he would have never dared to touch any of them.
however, the situation degenerates slightly at times.
you two usually go to the amusement park every now and then, eat pink cotton candy and enjoy the rides.
lee is someone who particularly appreciates the stalls where you can win prizes, that's something you soon learned.
that's why, while he was busy buying big portions of cotton candy for two, you decided to give it a try and approach a stand.
it was the classic game where most of the children lost, often because the stall workers cheated so as not to let them win.
a few meters away from the stall counter there was a table, a few tin cans in a perfect pyramid on the wooden surface.
"hey there. you wanna try?" the black-haired pale guy that worked for that stand walked towards you, taking out a little softball ball from a bucket and letting it roll on the counter.
"i think i'm supposed to pay first." you said.
"pretty girls don't need to pay." he smirked back, and you felt sick in your stomach.
lee could arrive anytime and you were preparing for the worst, even if he wouldn't just jump on that guy anyway. right?
"so? you could try to win a peluche."
you stared at the white ball, slightly dirty by the mud.
"are you alone? what's your name?"
"i'm y/n...my boyfriend should actually be around. he was buying cotton candy."
"oh, wait! was it that tall weirdo with red curls?"
you nodded, annoyed, and he smirked again, this time leaning closer.
"c'on, you deserve better. he's quite creepy, ya know?"
"he's not creepy..."
"whatever. are you sure you're safe around him? i close at eleven, by the way. my name's mike."
yeah, well, you didn't ask.
you just prayed for lee to come back as soon as possible.
for how long can a person be gone for if it's just some damn cotton candy? maybe he was just smoking. but what if he needed to 'feed' already?
you sighed nervously and grabbed the ball, aiming the highest can.
it went in on the first try, and your blood ran cold when the mike chuckled, handing you another ball.
that's when you realise how close he was to you, on the other side of the counter, caressing your right arm with a slow gesture.
"what...are you doing?"
"just helping you concentrate. come on, another throw."
you almost threw up instead.
your hand reached for the ball, but someone pressed you against the counter from behind, hugged your waist and took the ball from your hand.
"anything going on here?"
your limbs froze.
it was lee, he was finally back with two big sticks of cotton candy, but his body was as cold as dead and as still as rock.
you had always pictured him as your caring boyfriend with a strange nature, but now...he was creepy.
teenagers were shouting on the rollercoasters, kids were running to get candies or donuts and their moms were going after them.
the amusement park couldn't have been louder, the chaos couldn't have been more disturbing, but you couldn't take in or see anything else except lee's presence and the deafening noise of a kitchen oven ringing.
your whole body went limp, your skin stood up with goosebumps and your knees felt like abandoning you.
why hadn't you been scared of him before?
why haven't you run away yet?
what is it exactly you thought you could know about him? about what he had done? about what he does?
was the amount of dark things all summed up that got you almost calm, relaxed but without actually realising what you were signing up for?
you never witnessed lee feeding, and he always told you it had to stay that way.
you never felt the need to even imagine the things he would be capable of, but now that his bony cold fingers were hugging your waist you couldn't see anything else except the danger mike was already in.
not that you cared, but your mind was now somewhere else and you could feel a slight gag rising in your sore and dry throat as the last bit of lucidity was fighting to keep your body real and attached to the ground.
you could picture lee drinking mike down, almost drowning in mike's blood, chewing, swallowing, digesting.
you didn't even drink that night, but you knew you were having hallucinations. or at least you hoped, even tho they were reflections of things that lee does for real.
you couldn't tell why, but now he looked like a butcher to you.
a person who slaughters animals, dresses their flesh, sells their meat, giving each one a small paper label. stapling the tongue, the liver, the pancreas, the...
"so? what were you two talking about?" lee insisted, and now he was looking at mike more than ever. his eyes looked dark, almost completely black without the eye balls, glassy, distant, sickening relaxed.
if looks could kill, the stand worker would have already reduced himself as a pool of dark blood with a knife crossing his chest.
"nothing...sorry bud." mike whispered.
"oh yeah? nothing...? why were you touching her?"
what did you expect when you met lee?
that he would be like a normal person, looking like a normal person to you and others?
"let's go, come on." he grabbed you by your waist and your dizziness and nausea vanished as he kissed your lips.
he was smiling, taking your hand in his, handing you the cotton candy stick.
"have you fed?"
"i asked you if you already ate." you whispered, insisting on the last word to awake one of his senses.
your boyfriend smiled again.
"no. i bought two hot dogs, i wanted to eat with you."
he found a nearby bench and sat comfortably, looking at the children running and playing around.
maybe it was all a dream, maybe you were imagining and making things bigger than they were.
but still, your mind wondered if the person who almost acted on their hunger at the stand was even lee.
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katzu919 · 4 months
Whazzup, Katzu✨Saw you were doin grabby hands for requests, so here I am
Howww bouuuut some headcanons bout Itto having a sibling. I'm thinking bout someone close to his own age maybe even his twin. But if your imagination goes more into the little kid section, that's completely fine too
Just me wanting to be that Oni's bro</3 I accept every wholesome or chaotic thing ya come up with
Thank you if you accept this one!
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If you are anything like Itto you guys are a very chaotic pair
you two will feed into each others crazy ideas/plans, and always being there to back the other up
poor Kuki, she can’t catch a break with you two
if you’re the opposite of Itto then you’re probably trying to stop what crazy plan itto is trying to drag you and the gang into
you will probably end up going along with it after not being able to talk some sense into him
what’s the worst that could happen?
Itto (and maybe you) being arrested by the commission is
poor kuki would have to bail you two out
she thought better of you
Itto would never leave you behind after he dragged you into joining one of his adventures
no bro left behind
he would try to impress you with the beetle brawls and get you to join in
would help you find the perfect onikabuto to fight with and teach you all the skills and tricks he knows
and if you end up beating him?
he’d probably tell you he was just letting you win and would keep asking for rematches trying to beat you
Itto would help you take care of your horns and your makeup (i’m pretty sure his body markings are makeup?)
And would be over the moon if you helped him with his
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Hey…. it’s been awhile. i am not dead as you can see. i don’t plan on abandoning this account i’ve just have been having a hard time getting back into writing but it’s something i still really enjoy. there are like multiple months in between some of the stuff written here but i don’t think it is that noticeable, also sorry it’s so short. I was having a hard time trying to come up with things to write. i might make a part two if i can think of anything else and because im not really happy with how this turned out :). Anyway if you sent me an ask like a year ago i am trying to get to those and you can always send me request even now it may just take a bit. anyway sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. :)
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
And here we are part 3 of ‘Mine’! I may or may not due a part 4, it totally depends. I was originally going to go with Luca but changed it to Nico. I was actually going to be named Nico if I was a boy and was happy to find out it’s an Italian name. Anyway, not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: my wifi came back and I’ll be able to add this and the one I posted last night to the masterlist. Keep sending prompts for Melissa and Chessy, and I haven’t received any for Marilyn Thornhill yet. I do have an idea for Marilyn but it’s more of a series.
Italian translations:
Non ho voglia di mangiare cibo Italiano, per l’amor del cielo - Not in the mood for any Italian food, for fuck sake
Ti amo - I love you
Mine - Part 3
Warnings: sweet and soft Mel, swearing (in both English and Italian)
Words: 3.2k
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You and Melissa both stare at the doctor at your ultrasound appointment, you’re 10 weeks pregnant at this point.
“I’m pregnant with what?” You say after a few seconds.
“Twins. You’re pregnant with twins.” She tells you and points to the ultrasound picture. “See there’s one and…there’s the other.” She points out and you both see it.
“There’s 2 little Tesoro’s in there?” Melissa says and the doctor looks at you.
“She’s asking if there’s really 2 babies in me.” You tell her.
“Yes, there’s 2 of them in there.” The doctor says.
You both walk out of the room and Melissa engulfs you in a hug. “Woah!” You say, surprised. She pulls back and has the biggest smile on her you’ve ever seen.
“Omg Amore! We’re gonna have twins!” She exclaims and kneels down and hugs your stomach. You see a couple look at you guys and they’re smiling at Melissa’s excitement.
“She’s really excited.” You tell them.
“Ya, that’s really obvious. Congratulations with the twins.” The woman says.
“Thank you.” You tell them and Melissa stands up.
“Omg I can’t wait to tell everyone!” Melissa says and bounces.
“Ok before we do anything, we have to pick Amelia up from daycare as it’s 4:15 and they close at 5.” You tell her and she grins.
“Omg Amelia, how are we gonna tell her she’s gonna be a big sister?” Melissa says and you laugh.
“Mel, honey, she’s 20 months old. I don’t think she’ll understand yet. She’s more focused on walking and getting into everything around the house right now.” You tell her and Melissa smiles. “Come on, let’s go pick the little terror up.” You tell her and Melissa practically skips out of the clinic
You get home after picking Amelia up and Melissa is still basically on cloud 9. You FaceTime Barb and she picks up on the second ring.
“Hey y/n! How are you sweetheart?” Barb says
“I’m good but Melissa is a little too excited since-“ you get cut off from the redhead herself.
“OMG BARB WE’RE GONNA HAVE TWINS!” She shouts and you have to pull back as it was right in your ear.
“Honey, no need to shout in my ear.” You tell her and she apologises then hugs your stomach again.
“Omg twins! Congrats you two!” Barb says and Gerald heard.
“Congratulations you two! We should celebrate this weekend.” He tells everyone and you all agree. Barb and Melissa talk for a little bit while you feed Amelia some dinner. Melissa has taken a particular interest in feeding Amelia as she has enough teeth now to have spaghetti. Although the first time she fed it to Amelia, she called it ‘the Italian test’, and Amelia loved it and Mel said she passed.
The next day, Melissa pretty much skips in the break room and she spins you around slowly. Everyone looks at you and smiles.
“What’s gotten you so happy?” Janine questions and Melissa looks at you, asking to share the news and you nod.
“We’re having twins!” She exclaims and everyone’s jaw drops. They all come up to you both and give you hugs with a congratulations. You then feel sick and run out to the bathroom, Melissa runs after you. You make it to the bathroom just in time for you to throw up and Melissa holds your hair up.
After a couple minutes you exit the stale and go to wash your hands. “This is the part of the pregnancy I don’t miss.” You tell her and she giggles.
“Well since you have two little critics in you, I packed an extra breakfast for you since you’re eating for 3 now.” She tells you and you perk up at the mention of more food.
Once you get to the break room she takes out the frittata she made you that you loved during your pregnancy with Amelia and hands it to you. You pretty much inhale it and Melissa is looking at you with heart eyes the entire time. Everyone sees it and they smile. Melissa’s tough bravado is only down for you and they love to see those little snippets of ‘Soft Mel’ they like to call it. To which Melissa rolled her eyes and glared at them when she found out.
“U know I still like the name Caterina.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Ya, I think it’s a beautiful name.” You say and she kisses your cheek.
The both of you end up telling Amelia that you have 2 babies in your tummy after school. While Melissa was cooking dinner you put Amelia to sit on the kitchen counter in the middle and told her.
“Amelia, you’re going to be a big sister! I have two little babies in here.” You told her and put your hand on your stomach. And as you expected, she didn’t understand. “Told you.” You said to Melissa and she just smiled and went back to cooking.
Melissa keeps giving you more food than usual since you got little ones in you who also need to eat. And because of your morning sickness, she always packs an extra breakfast for you to keep your strength up. She always does little things for you and you appreciate it every time.
Your morning sickness does stop when you were about 4 months pregnant and she still keeps bringing you an extra breakfast in case you were hungry. Then the cravings start and Melissa throws a fit when you told her that you’re not in the mood for any Italian food. She starts swearing and ranting in Italian.
“Non ho voglia di mangiare cibo Italiano, per l’amor del cielo!” She rants while pacing around the living room. “What are you in the mood for then?” She says and crosses her arms. You think about it.
“Pea soup.” You state proudly with a nod and Melissa rolls her eyes.
“If I didn’t love you so much then I would just give you the store bought one.” She says and goes in the kitchen to make the soup.
“Ti amo!” You tell her as she walks in the kitchen.
“Ya ya.” She says with a smile.
You pick Amelia up then put her in her high chair to feed her dinner.
At dinner time, while you nearly inhale the soup, Melissa has a conversation with you that’s needed.
“We should move.” She starts and you look at her.
“What?” You say confused.
“We should move before the twins are born.” She tells you and you look at her confused. “This house only has 3 rooms, not 4.” She states and you finally understand what she’s telling you.
“Mel, we don’t have to do it before their born. We have like 3 years before they’ll start needing their own rooms. Or if they’re two boys or two girls then they can share. Or if one of each then the girl can share with Amelia.” You tell her.
“Face it y/n, our little household is growing and we need more room.”
“Are you ready for that? I know you love this place.” You tell her.
“I am. This place served its purpose and you’re right I do love it and I won’t forget it.” She tells you with a smile.
“Ok, if you’re certain then we can start looking and move when we find the perfect one.” You tell her and she nods.
A month later you have an ultrasound appointment.
“I want to know the genders of the babies.” Melissa tells you. “Do you want to know?” She asks.
“I do actually.” You say and she smiles.
At your appointment, the doctor squirts the gel on and brings up the video of the babies.
“Alright there they are.” The doctor says and she then looks at both of you. “Want to know the genders?” And you both nod. She looks for about a minute before she speaks. “Alright looks like one is a little camera shy but I found the genders. Looks like one’s a girl and the other a boy.” She states and Melissa lets a few tears slip and smiles.
“I’m gonna have another daughter and a son.” She says happily.
“That boy is gonna feel so out numbered.” You say and she laughs.
“There’s some boy cousins he can hang out with.” She tells you and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
When you get home, you hang the ultrasound picture on the fridge next to a picture of Amelia.
“So since we have a couple hours, why don’t we go upstairs and have a little us time?” Melissa says with a wiggle of her eyebrows and you laugh. It’s been about 3 weeks since you two had sex. While your sex drive skyrocketed with Amelia, it seems this time around it did the opposite. This time it’s Melissa who’s been using the vibrator when needed.
“Ya, I’d love too.” You tell her and she grabs your hand and pulls you to the bedroom.
*a week later*
“What do you think of this place?” Melissa says and shows you a house listing. You look at the pictures of the house.
“You like the kitchen don’t you?” You say and she giggles.
“I’ll admit that it is one of the attractions. But it’s got 4 rooms, a basement and a big open floor dining and living room.” She tells you.
“Ya it’s nice. We should check it out this weekend.” You tell her and hand her phone back.
“Great! I’ll message them now.” She tells you.
You two have been able to put money aside since you were living together in a place that Melissa was able to afford by herself. And since you’re selling the house when you move, then you’ll have enough to buy a bigger place. You’ve so far seen 5 places and none were speaking to you two. And because of that, when you went to see this new place, it surprised you that you both liked it. You found the place that you’ll call your new home, a place for you, Melissa, Amelia and the twins.
“Melissa!” You call out to her from the living room and she comes to you from upstairs.
“I can’t pick up the box.” You tell her with a pout and she laughs.
“Where do you want it?” She says and stands in front of the box.
“On top of that box.” You tell her and point. She picks it up and brings it over to where you want. You’re 6 months pregnant at this point and you’re moving in 3 weeks. You’ve recruited the Abbott crew, and a few family members from both your families to come and help you on the day you move.
“The babies are kicking again.” You say with a hand on your belly and Melissa is immediately by your side and you put her hand where they’re kicking. She already felt them kick but she always loves to feel it when she can.
And just like last time, Melissa is extremely protective when it comes to other people wanting to touch your belly. And you get déjà vu when she pushed Janine’s hand off your belly and says “mine” while hugging you and kisses your forehead.
“Melissa, you should let Janine feel it at least once.” You tell her and she huffs.
“Fine. But just this once.” She says and Janine finally feels your stomach and one of the babies kick and she gasps. Melissa is glaring the entire time.
Amelia sees your belly grow and is a little confused as to why. She’s turning 2 in 4 weeks, but she’s still a little young to understand.
Melissa has been doing some of the same things she did for you as last time. Which is helping you up the stairs, putting a shower seat in the tub for you to shower with, guiding and holding you through a crowded hallway, and catering to your every craving (whether or not she approves of it).
It’s finally the day to move and you dropped Amelia off at your parents place for them to watch her.
“Don’t spoil her too much.” You tell them.
“You know we can’t promise that.” Your mom tells you and you giggle while you go back to the house to help pack up the loading truck. Turns out you do almost nothing, per Melissa’s instructions, and you end up telling people what to do instead. 3 hours later and the truck is packed up and house is cleaned for the new people that bought the place.
You and Melissa stand in the empty living room and look around one last time. Melissa hugs you from behind and puts her head on your shoulder.
“You ready?” She asks and you sigh.
“I think so.” You say. “Did you say a final goodbye to the kitchen yet?” You ask her, half joking half serious.
“Yep. It’s time to start a new chapter.” She tells you and kisses your head. You lean into her touch for a few seconds before you both decide to leave to the new place with everyone.
You get there and like before, Melissa instructs you to just tell people where to put what where. “I’m pregnant, not physically disabled.” You tell her annoyed and she glares at you before you cave and instruct people.
A few hours later and the kitchen and bathrooms are unpacked and a few things you’ll need until you can unpack more boxes. You unpack most of Amelia’s room and decorate it how she likes it. You get help to unpack the nursery which will be one of their rooms in a couple years.
2 weeks after and you’re celebrating Amelia’s second birthday. Most of the cake surprisingly ends up in her mouth instead of on her face. She gets a bunch of new toys and starts playing with all of them immediately.
You go on maternity leave when you’re 33 weeks pregnant and you end up using the days to unpack boxes and you end up finishing in 2 weeks.
“Momma.” Amelia says and Melissa turns to her.
“What’s up my little Tesoro?”
“Mommy tod mwe to come get you. Saying wabour.” Amelia tells her and Melissa immediately picks Amelia up and rushes to you.
“Are you in Labour?” She asks you from where you were on the couch and you’re holding your stomach and squeezing the arm of the couch.
“Ya, I thought it wasn’t the real thing at first, then my water broke.” You tell her and Melissa rushes to get your bag and her and Amelia’s bag to bring to the hospital for when the day arrives. She ushers you in the car and puts Amelia in her car seat and brings you to the hospital while you call Melissa’s sister, yours and Melissa’s parents, as well as the Abbott crew.
“I can’t believe you’re in labour, you’re only 35 weeks.” Melissa exclaims during the drive.
“They told us that most of the time with twins, they’re born early. Besides, I gave birth to Amelia when I was 37 weeks.” You say and a contraction hits and Melissa holds her hand out for you to squeeze.
You arrive at the hospital and Melissa gets Amelia out and helps you walk out and into the hospital. Melissa’s parents were there and they took Amelia while you and Melissa gets ushered into a room and prepped for labour. Barb arrives a few minutes after and this time your mom is able to be here as she worked last time and couldn’t get out of it. You sit on the table, as it’s easier to push that way instead of laying down, and you squeeze Melissa’s hand when a contraction hits.
“For fuck sakes.” You grit through your teeth and Melissa prepares to get yelled and cursed at again, all in the name of love she thinks.
Melissa starts humming a tune she knows soothes you when a nasty one hits and you lean into her.
“Ok, are you ready to push? You’re fully dilated.” The doctor tells you, an hour after you arrive.
“Don’t think I have much of a choice.” You say and Melissa laughs.
You start pushing and Melissa is saying praises to you the entire time.
“Oh shut up Melissa! Why don’t you try pushing!” You yell and she just ignores you and keeps doing the same thing. You have a death grip on her left hand and she has the other one rubbing your back.
“Ok, you’re doing great, push again.” The doctor says and you do. “I see a head.” She says.
“Mom! It hurts!” You complain while your mom is on the other side of you, holding her hand.
“I know honey, but you’re doing great and you’ll have 2 little trouble makers after this.” She tells you and you chuckle.
You push again and your second child is born. “It’s a boy!” The doctor says and Melissa cuts the cord. She hands the baby to a nurse and gets ready to help with the second one. “Ready for the other one?” She asks you and you groan.
“For fuck sakes!” You say and Melissa continues rubbing your back and she kisses your forehead.
“I know it’s a lot of work baby but look at what we get when it’s over.” Melissa tells you and points at where your son is.
You start pushing again and you end up cursing at Melissa to which she encourages you to keep doing it every time.
“Very good Amore! Don’t worry I still love you. Keep yelling at me.” She tells you.
And 6 minutes later your second daughter is born and Melissa cuts the cord again. The nurses give you both at the same time to do skin to skin contact for a few minutes until you hand your son over to Melissa to hold and you move your daughter to hold her in your arms. Your mom takes a picture of both of you with the twins.
“What names are you thinking of?” You ask Melissa.
“I’m happy with Caterina if you are.” She tells you and you smile and nod.
“Caterina Lisa Schemmenti.” You say and look at your newborn daughter.
“What do you think of Nico Schemmenti for this little guy?” She asks you and you nod.
“I love it.” You tell her.
Amelia comes running into the room a few minutes later and gets held up by Kristen Marie to get a good look at her siblings.
“They tiny.” She says and you laugh.
“You were this tiny too, little one.” You tell her and she looks at you shocked. Barb takes a picture of you and Melissa holding a twin each while Amelia is sitting between you both on the bed.
Melissa looks around the room and sees her parents and sister there, your parents are there too, Barb as well, and knowing the rest of the Abbott crew is outside the room. Then she looks at you holding Caterina with Amelia looking at her new sister, while Nico is sleeping in her arms and Melissa thinks she can’t be happier.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @imaginesmultifandoms @idonothingalldays-blog @sexysapphicshopowner @dvrkhcld @lilfartbox1
Let me know if you want to be added!
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cookie-crumblr · 10 months
The Smell of Smoke
Innocent F! Reader x M!Yandere Bully OC
Part 5~
His Info: 🖕✨
Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6
CW: !F reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, YANDERE, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, name calling (bitch, slut, whore, ), BULLY, plot part(some backstory) a spoiler for TC, SA NOT BY ML, NON-CON oral on ml, force feeding alcohol, fighting, blood mentioned
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Thick black leather covers your neck. A little padlock hangs from the buckle.
What the fuck is going on?
Of course you’ll try an avoid him!
Did Ace even have to ask!?
Something thumps somewhere outside your cell.
You try to cover yourself, but they didn’t give you any clothes.
Half of the gang is gone at the moment in some sort of fight, you couldn’t overhear much about it though.
There’s no way in hell you’re trying to get away, your leg is still casted up and pretty badly burned.
A thin door somewhere opens and then closes outside of your room.
“Hey Ace!” A guy says as you hear a hand-to-hand *smack*!
“Sup dude!”
“What cha doin’ ere?”
“Here to pick her up,” Ace answers them as their footfalls come closer.
“Oh? Man sounds like fun. I missed her train the other day, but oh well, plenty of whores, guess.” He shrugs and unlocks the door for the fluffy pink haired guy.
He walks you out to the connected parking garage without a word from either of you till you get into the car.
“Are you gonna get in trouble for helping me?”
“With who? Ezra? Hah!!” he laughs in earnest. “No, he raised me! after his mom ki—” his face drops, then he steels himself, “No! ya know what! He revoked his right to have secretes.”
“Wait wait, he raised you? How’d you turn out like the way you are? and not…”
“I’m sure he looks evil… I mean he’s never been like this with anyone. An I won’t try to say it’s right...”
“Why’s he doing it then?”
“I’ve never seen him with a vendetta quite like this. to be honest, i don’t know” He takes a long strained sigh before pulling out of the garage. “N-not saying there’s anything you could have done that would justify any of this! it just feels very… reveng-y”
“Whatever… Anyway, what was that about secretes? sorry-side tangents” You shrug in your seat.
“His mother murdered my parents”
Harsh knocking shakes your door practically off its hinges.
looking out the peephole you see, it’s not Ezra, but it’s still unfortunately a couple members of his gang you think.
“Sup. Boss’s gone f’today, we’re here t’escort ya around, an all that.” They look at you hungrily, sweeping over your still very much damaged form.
“A-are you??” You ask skeptically. “I-I’m just gonna… Get ready! … then.”
You go to close the door, and one of them smacks it open wider with his fist.
You jump. “Wh-what the—!?”
“Yeah. He said yur paying us fur our services” They step closer and closer. One strokes your hair, the other grabs you and bends you over them.
They take you to your class, still dirty and disheveled, but you make it on time.
After class they don’t come to pick you up. Which you think is odd, but you don’t question it, feeling a lot better off without them.
At the end of the school day you’re hopping down the street, sticky and hot, trying to get home.
“Hey, slut, ya miss me?” You hear Ezra call out to you, something stirs deep within you…
You sigh out, there’s no way you’re getting away from him right now, being on crutches and all. You give him a weak, defeated smile.
“Get in.” he practically snarls at you.
You do, without any assistance. It hurts all over by the time you’re sitting.
“You reek! t’fuck happened t’ya!?”
Sheer embarrassment turns swiftly into tears bubbling in the bottom lids of your eyes. “You should know—It was y-your guys!”
“My guys?” his lip turns up in disgust.
“Yes! they c-came first thing in the morning, said they’d pr-protect me—” your sobbing a little from exacerbation, “Th-then they—”
“What’d they look like?” His voice sits completely level, but it’s much deeper now.
You explain their appearance as best as you remember. He pulls away from the curb as soon as you get half way through.
“They ain’t my guys.”
“Stay here.” Ezra jumps out of the car and rushes the front door. Your little heart is beating so loud and hard in your chest now. Somethings really, really wrong.
You scooch down lower in your chair.
One of the guys from earlier opens the door… You see Ezra immediately grab him and slam his face down into his knee.
The guy yells loud, blood pours from his nose.
Ezra throws him to the lawn and reaches into the darkened doorway to grab the second guy and throw him as well.
He stomps on him once before kicking him a few times in the ribs.
The other guy is still reeling on the ground.
Ezra leans down over the man now and punches him repeatedly in the head and face.
Finally standing, the first guy goes to pull Ezra off his friend. Ezra’s attention is now on him, there’s blood splattered on his face, and dripping onto his shirt.
You look away, shivering, and hold your ears, your eyes are wide.
You consider running, again forgetting your damn leg.
“F-Fuck!” You punch the door of the car.
It feels like hours later he comes back to the car, the bandages on his knuckles are torn and blood soaked.
“thanks f’tellin me” He slides a wet finger up your jaw.
He throws your face roughly, before undoing his pants and grabbing you again.
“Open up, bitch,” he shoves your head down and grinds into your face. You shake your head no, and clench your jaw. “If you don’t take this fucking cock into your whore mouth—”
“Okay! okay! okayy, please! just sto-opp” You sob and put your lips to his hot, spongey tip.
Heat spreads between your legs at a frustrating pace.
“Nah, nah, bitch, this ain’t it” he chuckles.
His hand digs into your scalp and grips tightly. He forces you all the way down his shaft, nose against his thigh once again.
Your throat contracts painfully as you try and breathe.
He keeps you there, giving and taking your air at his own whim all over again the entire way home.
Once there, you’re apparently too slow to grab your things, so he grabs your bag and helps you with your crutches.
Again he tries to speed ahead of you and he sighs in frustration when you still aren’t fast enough.
He comes back to sling you over his shoulder with one arm and your crutches in the other.
You cling to his shirt, scared of having anymore pain than you’re already in.
“Have you not taken any meds yet?” He opens the door to your dorm.
“I was going to when i got home…” You say, your voice is hoarse, and quiet.
He finds the meds in your bag, after forcing you to sit. He then goes to your fridge and finds some of your roommates boxed wine.
He pours some wine into his mouth and drops in a couple pills, then brings his lips down to yours and forced the alcohol into your mouth.
It rushes in so fast you’re forced to swallow! The alcohol tastes terrible and feels so hot as it goes down. You push him away after he makes sure you gulped everything down.
He takes the container of wine and sips more, before repeating the process with you.
His hand finds your mound with ease, and he starts to rub you through your panties as you swallow more of the hot fluid.
You’re dizzy and panting already and when you try and push him away now, it’s sluggish with no power, as if you’re dreaming.
A weird buzz fills your head, you think you must be cross eyed when he pulls away.
“Hah, you’re such a lightweight!” His words float into your mind, vision spinning and blurry.
You yelp as he slaps your cunt with the back of his hand.
He takes a large gulp of the wine, before picking you back up.
It hardly feels different than being on the bed, you’re rapidly spinning regardless of where in space you are.
You can’t help giggling as he takes your clothes off, he keeps brushing over ticklish spots everywhere! Everything feels so silly right now, even your ribs tickle as you try and breathe!
He puts you in the tub with some hot water.
You suddenly stop laughing though, while he’s holding your casted leg up out of the water for you… It’s a strangely sweet gesture from him.
“‘ll this help?” he’s looking away as if trying to be polite while he asks.
You wash as quickly as possible.
Ezra dries you off and carries you to bed. He sets you in his lap and holds your chin to face him. His lips tickle yours as he just barely touches them.
You’re still dizzy, and the world is still fuzzy, making it hard to think.
His kiss gets rougher as the seconds pass, eventually he’s biting you, and sinking his teeth into your shoulder, leaving dark bruises in his wake.
His hand finds your tit, he runs his fingers over your pert bud. His other moves to your sore scalp.
“I want to tear you apart, Y/N,” he whispers against your neck in a gruff, rumbling voice.
You can’t do anything but whine, “What-” He pulls your head back forcefully, it hurts your neck, and causes you to cough.
As he kisses you, his hand slowly glides up your chest to your throat, pressing traveling dents into you’re flesh all along the way. you moan into him.
“I can’t wait to fucking destroy you,”
Your head tilts back practically welcoming his touch on its own. You couldn’t fight to keep it upright against the alcohol combined with the spreading warmth.
“You‘re too numb for me righ’now.” He throws you aside, though he stays close to you in the bed. “I want you to feel everything I give you.”
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ladykissingfish · 5 months
*Kakuzu wakes up in bed, feeling disoriented and groggy*
Kakuzu: What the — *groans and touches his forehead, where he discovers a cloth bandage* What the hell is this?
*Hidan walks into the room with a tray*
Hidan: Holy shit … you’re awake!
Kakuzu: H-Hidan? What happened? Why do I feel so strange?
Hidan: First of all, lay back down, old bastard. You ain’t been very well. You don’t remember what happened when we came back from that mission?
Kakuzu: No?
Hidan: *sets down the tray and kneels on the floor by Kakuzu’s pallet, sighing*
Hidan: We came back, and I told you that your skin was like, turning fuckin’ green. You said it was fine and that you just needed a bath. You got through the doorway, and out of no where you just passed out. Your big stupid head hit that table in the hall, that’s why you got a bandaid. Seriously ‘Kuzu you need to lose some weight, it took four of us to drag your ass in here! You —
Kakuzu: *closing his eyes* Just get to the point, brat.
Hidan: Anyways, puppet-dick looked at ya and took some blood and shit and he said you were poisoned. Probably that guy who gave us the bread when you dropped your bounty off to him. I TOLD you that fucker looked like a shitty asshole! That’s why I didn’t eat MY bread, but your cheap ass blows a fuse about “wasting food” and —
Kakuzu: Hidan.
Hidan: Right. So puppet-dick made ya some kinda antidote but he said it’d make you sleep for a while, til your body got rid of the fever or something. You been in here, being a pain in the ass, for almost a week.
Kakuzu, muttering: I’ve been out a week? Good lord … wait. These aren’t the clothes I was wearing before, right? Did you … did you change me?
Hidan, blushing and scowling: It ain’t a big deal, bastard. I’ve just been giving you little washings and I changed your dirty-ass clothes. So what?
Kakuzu: *looks at the tray and sees it contains a bowl of broth*
Kakuzu: Have … you been feeding me, as well?
Hidan:  … What? I was supposed to just let your dumbass starve to death?
Kakuzu: *is momentarily stunned silent at the implication that HIDAN has been taking care of him*
Kakuzu, managing to sit up and clearing his throat: That looks really good, and I’m hungry. My arms still feel a little weak; can you help me?
Hidan, blushing harder than ever: Y-yeah. I mean I guess since you’re old and weak I have no choice. *dishes up a spoonful of broth* Open wide, bastard.
*Hidan feeds Kakuzu quietly for a while*
Kakuzu, smiling: This is good. Konan is a fine cook.
Hidan: Tsk; I made this, asshole.
Kakuzu, surprised: You did? On your own?
Hidan: You say that like I’m stupid or something. Yeah, on my own. I made a roast and then strained it and added cream so that you could swallow. If there’s any left, when ya get better we can eat the actual meat. You —
Kakuzu: *reaches out and pulls Hidan into his arms, cradling him against his chest*
Hidan: O-Oi! Hey! Let go of me, old man!
Kakuzu: *ignores Hidan and kisses the top of his head* I love you, you insufferable brat.
Hidan: *smirks and allows himself to relax in Kakuzu’s arms* Love you too, you shitty old bastard.
Kakuzu: I’m a shitty bastard, eh? Well you know what? Your God is fake and your beliefs are garbage.
Hidan: Your money won’t last and your greed will send you to burn in hell for all eternity.
Kakuzu, pulling off Hidan’s shirt: Burn with me.
*the two start making out in-between trading more cutting insults*
Deidara, coming into the room with medicine sent from Sasori: God damn what the fuck is wrong with you two, hm?!
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uptondixon · 9 months
Daryl & Daugther!Reader - Quarry Era II
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Had this in my drafts for ages. I started writing and never finished, but I decided to post anyway. Thank you for all the love on Part 1! I'm sorry I'm not much of a writer to keep this storyline going :( Words: 1591 Warnings: Nightmares Gif not mine Chapter song is Fix You by Coldplay
Part I
"And the tears come streaming down your face, when you lose something you can't replace."
It's been a while since the three of them started the walk back to camp, which was proving to be especially hard for the girl. After the adrenaline went off, the pain on her feet and legs were becoming almost unbearable. With each step she got slower and felt weaker. A headache making its way over her head, probably a mix of pain, hunger and lack of sleep.
Before heading back to camp Daryl offered her water, which she accepted desperately. Even though she was happy the thirst was over, her growling stomach didn't let her forget the days without anything to eat. She didn't mention that, already thankful for the water. However, the girl's skinny body gave Daryl an idea of how hungry she must be.
Daryl and Merle didn't hunt anything, both too focused on the deer, so he made a mental note to feed her as soon as they got to camp. Daryl also tried to take a better look at her wounds, but she didn't let him. He didn't push and decided this was a job for Lori or Carol. They were the mothers of the group and the girl would feel safe with them, he thought.
"She's slowing us down man, if we don't speed up we're going to lose sunlight. This girl is like a damn walker bait. Hell, I can smell her blood from here." Merle complained again.
"I get it Merle! Stop whining alrigh?" Daryl said before approaching the kid. 
She had been trailing behind them the whole time, never sparing them a glance and looking almost ready to bolt in the opposite direction at any moment. All of a sudden, Daryl realized that they didn't know her name.
"What's yer name kid?" She looked up at him with wide eyes.
"Y/n." She said, voice almost a whisper.
"Alrigh', Y/n. Look, someone has to check yer wounds and for that we need to get to the camp but ya can barely walk…" Y/n knew he was right. She was scared to let him do anything with her wounds, afraid it would make it hurt even more. But the girl knew that it would only get worse if they didn't get there faster.
"What if I carry ya?" Daryl proposed. "We'll get to the folks faster and everything's gonna be okay." Daryl looked at her expectantly, while Merle was still mumbling some nonsense he chose to again ignore.
Y/n pounded for a moment. She didn't know this guy, even though he seemed to be making an effort to at least make her feel less scared. The same couldn't be said about the other guy, his brother. Even with Daryl's effort, she wasn't sure if trusting him was the right decision. However, it's not like she had any other choice at the moment.
Y/n looked up at Daryl and nodded her head. He handed his crossbow to Merle and picked the girl up. She felt so light and Daryl couldn't help but wonder how long she was alone out there, without food and water.
Y/n wrapped one of her arms around Daryl's neck, looking for something to hold on to. It was weird, how she didn't even know this man but felt safe in his arms. After being alone for months, she really wanted to believe someone good was going to help her.
Daryl arranged the girl in his arms and resumed their walking, Merle leading the way with Daryl's crossbow, aware of any danger.
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They arrived at the camp a couple hours later and Daryl came in calling for the first person he saw, which in that case was Lori. "Daryl, oh my god??? Who is that?"
Daryl immediately felt Y/n's arms wrap harder around him. "It's fine kid, don't worry."
"We found her in the woods, alone and hurt."
Minutes later, the whole camp was reunited outside the RV while Lori and Carol were inside with Y/n. The girl felt more at ease with them, like Daryl imagined. But she was still unsure about everything and everyone.
After they treated her wounds and helped her clean up, Daryl brought some of the squirrel from his last hunt along with more food from the camp. Being clean and fed, it was like Y/n could finally think straight again.
Yours later, everyone started to retreat to their tents for the night. Inside the RV, Y/n tried to stay awake, her brain still on alert for some reason. But after a while her body started to give up and she fell asleep to the sounds of the dying conversation outside.
“It will be okay my baby, just run and don’t look back, okay?”
“But mom, what about you?”
“I’ll be right behind you, go!” The little girl ran, but she couldn't help looking back. However, when she did, it made sense why her mother told her not to.
Screams, that’s what Daryl woke up to. He jumped out of his tent and saw Shane, Glenn and Dale outside the RV. “What the hell happened?”
“It 's Y/n.” Shane said “Lori is-” As if on cue, Lori leaves the RV. And to everyone's surprise, she smiled at Daryl.
“She’s asking for you, Daryl.” Daryl looked at Lori as if she had grown another head but entered the RV anyway.
“Hey kid, what's up?” Y/n was sitting in bed, death grip on the blanket and scared look on her face.
“I miss my mom” Daryl didn't know what to say, he didn't understand why she would want him there of all people. “Could you stay here until I fall back asleep?”
To be honest, Y/n didn't want to sleep, not if that meant another nightmare, but her body didn't give her any choice. Daryl saved her, his presence made her feel safe, so maybe he could help the bad dreams go away. Daryl was still confused, but he simply sat down in the chair close to the door and nodded his head, watching as the girl laid down, closing her eyes and falling asleep once again.
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The first week went by smoothly, Y/n couldn't think about anything other than sleep. Her body begging for rest in order to heal. She didn't talk much, still overwhelmed with the new environment and everything that happened, but slowly feeling more at ease with everyone. Amy was the one to bring her food the days she stayed in bed. Lori or Carol would brush her long hair after she washed up. Glenn and Dale would make her laugh with silly jokes. Andrea and Jacqui would help change her bandages. Daryl would always check on her at the end of the day. He didn't say much, only put his head inside the RV, saw her asleep and then went to his tent.
The second week was better, she was stronger and more active. However, the nightmares still hunted her at night. Since Y/n got in the camp, Carl and Sophia were anxious to talk with her. But she was weak and scared so the adults held them back. When she started feeling better, spending her days sitting in the staircase of the RV and watching the camp, Carl approached her. With everything that happened Y/n didn't really had the time to think about the other kids at camp. She knew Sophia was Carol's daugther and Carl was Lori's, but they never talked and she suddently felt nervous. It's been ages since she last talked with someone her age.
"Hi, I'm Carl. You're Y/n, right?"
"Yeah.." Y/n smiled awkwardly.
"Shane's going to teach me how to grab frogs, you wanna come too?"
Y/n apreciated the invitation but she couldn't help but ask "Why would you want to grab frogs?"
Carl seemed like he wasn't expecting the question but answered anyway "Well, it's just funny, they jump so high trying to run away" he said with a little laugh "But we release them right after, Shane says they probably taste really bad to eat."
Y/n was the one ot laugh this time, for sure she wouldn't want to eat a frog.
"Okay, it seems fun" Y/n said looking at the boy in front of her.
"Yes! It's going to be really fun, I'll tell Shane you're coming" Y/n laughed again seeing the boy excitement, she couldn't help but feel it too. After the last stressful weeks, it was good to have some distraction.
Y/n met Sophia a couple nights after her frong hunt with Carl and Shane. The camp was having dinner and since she started feeling better, she started to have dinner outside with the others. The first night she went straight to Daryl, he and Merle sitting around a fire further from the main camp. In the short time Y/n was there she could notice how they differed from the rest of the camp. Her, as well, felt unsure, not of Daryl but his brother. The first night she left the RV and went to Daryl, Merle looked at her they same way he looked at her back in the woods. Like she was an walker bait. Daryl didn't showed much affection towards her, at least not in clear eyes. But he silently made sure she was fed and safe every single day, most of the others from the camp would not notice most of the time, but he did and Y/n knew it.
Taglist: @justmare
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
Alright misfits, here's another fic to feed ya with ^^ Enjoy! (Pre-hotel this time.)
Dancing with the Devil: Pt. 1
It had been a year since she was found and patched up by the princess of hell as Vaggie groaned slightly with her empty eye socket aching. She sighed, popping a painkiller since Charlie had been kind enough to leave some in the guest room she stayed in. "Can't believe it's been a year already..." The grey skinned woman sighed as she looked out the window to the latest extermination massacre. "Better go see how Charlie is holding up..." Vaggie grimaced slightly since she had been one of those who slaughtered the sinners blow.
Vaggie finished up getting dressed as a twinge of self-hatred surfaced whenever she saw the empty socket and old scars on her back. She pushed those thoughts down deep since she knew Charlie was suffering more right now. "Baap!" One of the bodyguards that hung around Charlie was coming over to Vaggie, giving her a soft nuzzle.
"Hey Dazzle, how's Charlie doing?" The fallen angel replied lightly, ruffling his head.
"Baaap, Baaap!" Dazzle replied lightly, tugging on Vaggie's hand, ushering her to hurry over.
What greeted the two in Charlie's large room was the princess sniffling and curled up in blankets. "Huh?" Those ruby eyes lifted from the book she cradled in her hands. "Hey, are you doing ok?" Charlie shook her head at Vaggie's reply.
A soft sigh escaped Charlie's throat. Vaggie couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt seeing this. The first person who offered her kindness, her own best friend, was suffering. "What's also not helping is that, too." Charlie looked away, pointing her finger at an envelope on her nightstand.
"May I look?"
"Go ahead, it's kinda stupid anyway..."
Vaggie went over and sat beside Charlie, taking the envelope into her hand. She looked over at Charlie, who laid down on Vaggie's lap, curling up to the smaller woman. "Dear princess Charlotte Morningstar, you are here by invited to a grand Ball hosted by Seviathan Von Eldritch, we'd love to see you again. Signed Fredrick Von Eldritch." Vaggie finished reading.
"Bet he's gonna try and get me and my ex back together..." Charlie bitterly grumbled lightly, gripping the blanket.
There it was, another twinge. Sure, Charlie was a completely open book at this point, but something made Vaggie pissed at this guy. How dare he hurt her best friend, though Vaggie shook her head. She looked down at Charlie. It was obvious the princess liked her. She even blushed slightly when they first met.
"It says it's in three days from now.." Vaggie looked annoyed. "Maldito pedazo de mierda.." (fucking piece of shit) She muttered, thinking of this Seviathan guy.
"If I go it'll be just another shit show since they'll ask about my parents first..." Charlie nuzzled her nose deep into Vaggie's belly, enjoying the scent of lavender. "And before you say I should cancel, I can't exactly do that since I'm royalty and should be keeping up appearances.." She growled since most cared about her title and the weight it carried.
"What if I go with you?" Vaggie asked, making Charlie stare up at her. It looked so cute. Vaggie had to look away a little, rubbing her neck. All she heard next was the cutest squee and had arms thrown around her shoulders. "Whoa hey!"
"R-really?! You'd do that for me?!" Charlie beamed, looking slightly more chipper. It melted Vaggie's heart, seeing a smile return to that sweet hellborn's face. Though it began to beat a little faster when Charlie started to fidget and tuck some hair behind her ear, which were pointed and wiggling slightly. "I-Is it a date?" She shyly asked her ruby eyes looking innocent.
"Sure, besides, it said to bring a plus one." Vaggie replied awkwardly since Charlie was just being too cute. "So why don't you dress comfortable and nice... Okay?" She added as Charlie easily got up and started jumping for joy.
"Of course! Quick though, what color are you gonna be wearing, I figured we could match.." The princess blushed a bit with her hoof lightly kicking the carpet. God those hooves, they were just so cute too.
Vaggie, however, blinked. That twinge had turned into a fluttering effect inside her chest. "I thinking black, maybe?" She replied since she had no clue what to wear to a fancy ball. She was an ex exterminator for crying out loud, so fancy gatherings were new for her.
"I think you'll look amazing in black, not that you don't already look nice..." Charlie blushed and clamped her mouth shut to keep her awkward rambling from coming out. The princess, however, looked over at the window with a wince. "Sorry, I gotta go. I have to let people know it's over and go out to help the survivors."
"Hey, I'm coming with you, remember? Can't have some asshole trying to scam you and shit."
Charlie smiled softly at this remark, she giggled a bit and went to go change out of her red pj's. "Thanks Vaggie, you've already made my day a little more bearable you know?" She stated grabbing her usual outfit. "I mean it."
Vaggie watched her disappear into the bathroom. Once Charlie was out of sight, Vaggie couldn't help but sizzle slightly at the fact she was taking her best friend on a date. Sure, the two hung out for simple outings like a tour of hell, a cafe where they enjoyed their favorite snacks, a simple walk in the park, and purchasing the Hotel. But a fancy outing like this, it made Vaggie feel awkward and uncomfortable since she wasn't used to the fancy noble scene.
Vaggie blushed softly at the word date. She then shook her head as it actually hit her. "Ah mierda, estoy enamorado de esa hermosa mujer.." (Ah crap, I'm in love with that beautiful woman.)
(Hiya Wolf here, I hope you guys like the cute best friends being awkward before becoming a couple angle. I was reading the wiki on both too to gauge how I should go about it. So more to come ^^)
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miniwheat77 · 1 month
Save a horse. (Tommy Miller x Farmhand!Reader.)
(I read a fic that mentioned the cowboy hat rule, cannot for the life of me remember which fandom or who the fic was about but that’s a bit of my inspo for this.)
!NSFW, animal death, animal attack, guns, wounds, virginity loss, unprotected p in v sex, 18+ MDNI!
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"Who's that?" Joel asks Sarah. He spots a very tired looking girl, she's got plain jeans and a band shirt on. Her face is bruised to hell.
Joel is parked in the drop off line outside of Sarah’s school.
"Oh.. that's Y/N. She's a super senior."
"Why's her face all messed up like that?" He's confused. Sarah sighs. "Nobody really knows but.. before she turned 18, CPS would get involved a lot so.. it's rumored her dad does it." Sarah shrugs. "Jesus." He shakes his head. Tommy sits in the passenger seat. Glancing at Joel. "You friends with her?"
"Why not?" He asks. "Cause.. nobody likes her." She shrugs. "Excuse me?" He turns to look back at her. "Dad." She huffs. He looks at Tommy. Tommy glances back at her. "Not cool dude. Maybe she needs a friend." Tommy looks back. "Yeah well, I don't. So whatever." She rolls her eyes. “She’s a super senior anyways, she’s way older than me.” She mumbles. Climbing out of the car to go up to the school. "Christ in heaven I thought I raised her better than that." Joel shakes his head.
Tommy shrugs. "She's a kid, kids are cruel."
"Yeah, now to drop you off." Joel rolls his eyes. "Don't even start with me Joel."
"You're lucky this guy is allowing you to do farm work for community service. If not, you'd be picking up trash off the side of the road like everybody else." Joel laughs. Tommy is on probation for a few months along with a thousand hours of community service. He had his work cut out for him.
The drive is quiet, Tommy is nervous but he knows he shouldn't be. The farm isn't too far out of town, maybe fifteen minutes or so, which is nice.
Joel drops him off at the gated dirt road that leads up to the farm and Tommy says he'll call a cab for a ride to Joel's. That's where he's staying for now.
Tommy makes his way up the dirt road, up to the massive farmhouse that's a little dingy. It needs new siding and paint. He knocks at the door, glancing around to get a good look at the farm. "What?" The man opens the door. He's gruff, an old man. "Hi, I'm Tommy. I'm supposed to help out for some community service." He explains. "Ah, nice to meet ya. I'm Jacob." He shakes Tommy's hand, he's got a firm handshake. "Let me show you around." He mumbles. He wastes no time to get right to the point.
For the next couple of hours he shows Tommy everything he's gonna be doing. He shows him how to care for the animals. Driving the extra farm truck to haul hay bales out to the pastures for the cows, feeding the chickens and collecting the eggs. Making sure the animals are in their designated pins at night, and to let them out in the early morning. It doesn't seem too tough.
"Me n my wife are going out of town tonight to pick up some furniture or some shit. Whatever the ol' lady wants. Be gone a few days. The kid will be here to help you figure everything out."
Tommy nods. "Kid?" He asks. "Ah. It's a girl I took in when she was a baby." Tommy wonders why he didn't call you his daughter. "She not here?" He asks. "No. She's at school right now." Tommy nods. "Anyways, we got a little guest house. It's small, you can stay there while you work on the farm if you want. The commute to get here at 5am sucks." He nods. Tommy nods. "Thank you sir. I appreciate it."
When all of the morning work is done, Tommy retreats into the guest house to check it out. It is small, about the size of a shipping container. Just like a tiny house. But it's perfect, considering Tommy has been staying with Joel. He takes the time to call Joel and let him know where he'll be staying and not to worry about him, then he takes a nap until the evening farm work.
When it's about time for the later farm work, he hears the loud diesel farm truck disappearing down the dirt road, letting him know that Jacob and his wife had left. He makes his way out, thinking he's alone when he catches a glimpse of a girl carrying a bucket into the hen house. He makes his way across the dirt road and walks up to the entrance where she is. He opens up the chicken wire door.
"Hey." He smiles. When you turn to look at him, he recognizes you immediately, by the massive bruise you have around your eye. "Hey, you must be Tommy." You say, turning back. Your attire now is far different than it was. Boots, bootcut jeans, and a wife beater. You had gloves on your hands. "Yeah, I didn't catch your name." He reaches a hand out and you shake it. "Y/N." You nod. He smiles. "Right, nice to meet ya. I'll be your farm hand for the next couple weeks" he laughs. You smile. "Cool."
"Your dad is cool with leaving you here with a stranger?" He tilts his head. "He ain't my dad. He knows I can handle myself. But he really doesn't care what happens to me." You mumble. He nods. "Right. Seems that way. That's a hell of a shiner, girl." He laughs. He can see you stiffen slightly. "Yeah, his wife packs a hit."
"She hits ya?"
You nod your head. "Nothing but a drunken bitch." You mumble, tipping the bucket of feed over for the chickens, they all start flocking at your feet and you step over them to get away. Tommy follows you around. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"Don't be." You laugh.
"He show you around?" You ask. He nods his head. "Cool. Thanks for the help Tommy."
He stops following after you, figuring that he should start on another side entirely and help you. He'd meet you some time down the line.
For the next few days, it's the same. Every morning you're awake in the early morning helping Tommy with the work load, every night you're doing more work. He wonders how you balance it with school but you seem to figure it out. He imagines that’s why you’re stuck in high school for another year. Probably held back. He can only imagine how this work takes a toll on your schooling.
Tommy is finishing up work, you've been inside a while now. He was just finishing up putting the chickens away when he hears commotion from the stable. An area Tommy was told not to worry about, Jacob said you'd handle it because you knew the horses better and he didn't want Tommy getting hurt.
Tommy understood.
He can hear the horses going crazy. Something definitely isn't right. He thinks about going and looking for himself but decides he should go get you instead. Feeling bad that he's pulling you away from your free time once more.
He makes his way to the farm house and knocks at the door. You open up the door, looking at him. You're still wearing jeans and that wife beater you like. Only now he can see you don't have a bra on. Your jeans hug your hips and ass just right. He needs to focus. "Something wrong?" You ask. "Uh.. well. Yeah. I just hear the horses going nuts, something doesn't sound right." He explains. "Alright." You nod. Cracking the door for a second. He doesn't see you reach for the table by the door, grabbing the pearl gripped handle, tucking it into your waistband and covering it with your shirt.
You follow him out to the stable and when you step in front of him to enter, he spots it.
Realizing why Jacob trusted you to hold your own.
He smiles to himself. He follows you inside, seeing you shine a flashlight into each of the stalls, but the stall on the end has the lock broken off. "Shit." You mumble. "What?"
"Horse got out." You mumble. You can see in the dirt where she'd taken off, so you follow her hoofprints. Your flashlight passes along the disturbed dirt. You spot the other footprints right away.
"Wait." You stop immediately, Tommy nearly runs into you.
"Mountain Lion." You glance. You can't hear anything.
"Shit, stay close Tommy." You mumble. Starting to walk faster.
After a few minutes of walking. you can hear her. Your fast walk turns into a full sprint.
"Shit!" He hears you. You shine your flashlight up, now he can see it, the cat holds onto her back. Clawing at her. "Tommy, ears!" You yell. You grasp the pistol out of your waistband and draw it, aiming at the cat. Tommy covers one ear as you fire the gun a few times. He hears the cat yowl, letting go of the horse and running off. Clearly wounded. Both of your ears ring.
You stand back for a second while your horse continues to panic. She's in a frenzy, bucking and spinning in circles. You start walking slowly toward her, soothing her as you move toward her. "Shhh... it's okay. It's alright." You breathe. Hearing your voice alone she starts to settle. Eyes wide and she shakes her head. She's hurt. You get even closer, reaching out and petting along her neck to calm her.
When she's finally calm, you grab hold of her reigns and start walking back toward the stables with her.
When you get her back, finally getting a good look at her. You can see the deep gashes and bites on her backside. "You can head in Tommy. M'just gonna clean her up." You mumble. "Nah, I want to help. Tell me how I can." He mumbles.
You look at him, almost shocked. Like you're not used to people helping you. You start telling him how to help you. You flush her wounds and dress them, patching her up. Asking Tommy to get you some stuff here or there, but most of the time he just watches. When you're finished, you hesitate. The sun is starting to rise.
"I can handle the morning work if you wanna get some sleep."
He laughs. Your horse is back inside the stable, the door now repaired thanks to Tommy. "I'm fine, darlin." He laughs. "I can sleep when morning work is finished. Maybe you should go up and get some sleep before school."
"Nah, I won't go today." You grasp the gun off of the workbench. "I'm gonna go after that cat, make sure it's dead."
"Alone? I don't think so." He mumbles. You laugh.
He helps you find the cat. Seeing that it hadn't made it far from where you'd shot it. You're a good shot. Tommy helps you pack it back to the house. You dress it and skin it, telling Tommy to get started on the farm work while you cut it up. It surprises him at first, there's seemingly nothing you can't do. But he knows the meat is useful, it definitely won't go to waste.
He listens this time. Starting in on the work and letting the chickens out. A few hours later he catches up to what you've already finished. Your half of the work. He spots you sitting up in the hay loft of the barn, legs dangling over the edge. It's been almost a week of Tommy working here. Your dad has been gone nearly this entire time. Your face is even mostly healed.
He makes his way up the ladder, walking up behind you. He sits down next to you, dangling his legs over too. He's tired, exhausted really. But he's not worried. He sits next to you in silence. You'd gone in and taken a shower. Your hair was still damp. The collar of your clean wife beater was nearly transparent from the water. He could smell your body wash and whatever it was, it smelled really good. He felt bad, he still hadn't cleaned up.
"How old are you, Tommy?" You break the silence.
"Ah, I'm 32." He mumbles. "And you're doing community service why?" You turn to look at him. He laughs. He gets embarrassed. Usually Tommy didn't mind telling a funny story of him putting some asshole in his place, but when it comes to you, he feels different. Like he needed to be good, he didn't want you to think of him as some convict. "Cause I'm a dumbass."
You raise an eyebrow.
"I like to drink and have too much fun doing it. Get myself into trouble sometimes." He laughs. "Yeah, a fight?" You look at him. "Mhm. Some guy mouthing off to me in a bar." You nod your head. "Was it worth it?" You look up at him. You're clearly judging him. "Well. I suppose you wouldn't have got to spend time with the coolest guy ever if I hadn't.. so." You roll your eyes with a scoff. "Whatever." You laugh. "That stuff is stupid, yknow?" You look at him. He smiles. "I know. You think I'd learn." He mumbles.
"You a cowboy Tommy?" You ask. "Not really nah." He mumbles. "So what's with the cowboy hat?"
"Had it for a long time." He shrugs. You nod. It's a light colored cowboy hat. "Why don't you wear one?" He asks.
"Not my style."
"Yeah, you like band shirts right?" The words have left his mouth before he realizes just how creepy it will sound.
You look at him in surprise. "I.. wait." He laughs. "I ain't a creep, my Neice goes to the same school and I saw you walking in the doors. A few days ago." You nod. "Gotcha." You mumble. "Who's your niece?"
"Sarah Miller."
You nod your head. "How’d you know it was me?"
"That big ol' shiner made her dad point you out, asked how you got it. She's kind've a spoilt brat." He mumbles. You nod your head. "Right." You laugh. "So.. why don't you wear that stuff at school?" He asks. You shrug. "Don't really want people to know. They're mean enough to me as is." You laugh. He nods. "What's with the wife beaters here? Why don't you wear that stuff at home?" He asks.
"I wear these jeans cause they go around my boots. Wear boots cause I'd ruin normal shoes in just a couple days with mud and stuff. The jeans go over the boots so I don't get stickers and thorns in them. And I rip holes in my shirts and get stains all over em. You can buy like 5 of these in a pack at Walmart for cheap and it doesn't matter if I ruin em." You pause. "And I just wear that stuff to school because they're not farm clothes. Not exactly my style anyways." He nods.
"Makes sense to me. I don't know why I keep the hat. Just like it I guess. Never really had a reason to wear it."
He adjusts his hat and you smile, reaching for it. He catches your wrist. "Ah- you know the cowboy hat rule." He smirks. "What?" You look confused.
"You take a cowboys hat, you have to ride the cowboy." He smirks.
Your eyes widen slightly. "I didn't know that, actually. Thanks for your info Tommy, you pervert." He laughs. "Keeps girls from taking hats, right?"
You stand up, snatching it off of his head. "Does it?" You smirk. You take a few slow steps backward. He turns back to look at you. "Oh, it's like that huh?" He smirks. He stands up, looking at you. "You gonna run from me, hm?" He smirks, taking slow steps toward you. You set it down on your head, tugging it down slightly. "How about you come take it back, big boy." You smirk. He makes a move toward you and you go to turn around to run away but he's faster, grasping onto you. You try to squirm out of his grasp, laughing. He makes a 'tsk tsk' sound with his tongue. You squirm even more, until the both of you are tilting over into the hay, a gasp leaving your lips when you land on top of him. "Shit-" he laughs.
Your cheeks are beat red as you straddle his waist.
He picks up his hat that had fallen at some point, propping himself up on the hay bale. "Why don't you show me what you got, cowgirl." He smirks, setting the hat back onto your head. "Don't think you're ready for it."
"Think you'd be surprised." He's sly. You gnaw at your lip for a second.
"Fine." You mumble. You reach for your waistband.
He looks at you in surprise. He really didn't think he'd get this far. Once you've got your jeans off completely, his hands are on your hips. He feels bad because his hands are dirty. You deserve a better situation. You work at his jeans, unbuttoning them and unzipping them. Tugging the waistband of his boxers down to free his cock. He hisses when you clutch him in your hand. Your hands are soft.
You move up onto him, raising yourself onto your knees and lowering yourself onto his cock. The fat tip of his cock presses past your folds, you swallow him up. "Oh fuck-" he gasps. You lower down around him completely. You squeeze around him, wincing slightly. He catches it, but assumes it's just because you're not used to him.
"Shit." You rock your hips forward. He groans out. "Damn baby. You're so tight." He grits his teeth, seeing you smile.
Your nipples harden and he can see them under the wife beater you've got on. You never did put a bra on. He hisses. "I think I like this more than your band shirts darlin'" You lower your head to where he's looking, seeing the way you look. You roll your eyes. "Yeah, don't want every guy starin' at my tits all day, Tommy." You roll your eyes, the entire time you haven't stopped rocking your hips into him. Bracing yourself and lifting off of him. He notices you don't seem to be all of that into it, not at first anyways. It takes a little bit before you relax into him. Letting out small pants. He glances down, swallowing hard when he sees blood. "I didn't mean t'hurt you honey. Been a while? You even been with a guy as old as me?" He sees you roll your eyes.
"No, and no it hasn't been a while. It's been never." You laugh. He grasps hold of your hips to stop you. "What? What do you mean?"
"I've never done this before."
His eyes widen. "Shit-" he stops you completely. "Why didn't you say something? I wouldn't have-"
You laugh. "That's why I didn't say anything." You cut him off.
"Y/N..." he hesitates.
"Tommy. I'm a big girl and I know what I want. You ain't hurting me, I'm fine. Now shut up." You shake your head, rocking into him. He hisses. No wonder you're so tight.
He flips you over. Rutting his hips into you. He slows down, giving you time to adjust to him properly and taking his time with you. You really start to react to him, clutching onto him. Your eyes are slightly wider than before. Pupils blown out. You're letting out little mewls and cries and it's how he knows you're getting close. Tommy has been riding the edge for a few minutes. Not wanting to cum too fast and embarrass himself.
"T-Tommy." You grit your teeth. "I.. I think I-"
"Look at me darlin'" he says through gritted teeth. "Look at me when you cum sweet girl. Show me how you do it." He smiles. You look up at him, clutching onto his shirt. He hits his high the same time you do, thrusting into you harder than he intends. Hearing you cry out when you cum. Eyes rolling back before they screw shut. He doesn't pull out. He fills you right up with his cum.
He tries not to blush, having been so long since he's been with someone. Tommy doesn't think he's ever been with a Virgin before. This was new for him. "I'm sorry if I hurt ya."
"You didn't.. I got blood all over you though Tommy. 'M sorry." You blush.
He shakes his head. "I don't care baby, you know that. I care more that I made you bleed."
You shake your head. "It didn't hurt that bad. Nothing I couldn't handle." You mumble. He laughs, moving to lay next to you on the hay. He traces your lips with his thumb. "You should've told me. Coulda made your first time at least a little more special. It's supposed to be."
"I don't think I would've wanted it any other way Tommy." You laugh. "Just.. pretend like I wasn't."
"I can't do that. To be honest. It's.. the best I've ever felt." He runs his palm down his jeans. He's tucked his dick back into his jeans by now. Clearly Tommy had liked it, way more than you thought he had. You laugh. "Stick around and maybe it won't be your last with me." You mumble, standing up. "Cmon. I'll let you use the bathroom in the house to clean up. Sure Jacob has some old shorts lying around while I wash your jeans." You nod.
A couple hours later, Tommy's jeans are hung up on a clothes line to dry and he lays in your bed next to you, wearing a pair of old shorts that haven't been worn in decades.
You're sound asleep next to him. His phone buzzes with a text.
Howdy Tommy, Jacob here. Turns out the ol' lady likes it in the big city. Y/N is gonna be pissed when I tell her but you and her are gonna be taking on all the work load until the farm is sold.
Tommy swallows hard. This was about to drive a wrench right through his plans.
Thanks for the heads up Jacob. I can always break the news to her if you don't want to. But outta curiosity, how much are you going to sell your farm for?
There ain't much to it anymore. The house is pretty run down. All we got are just some horses, cows, and chickens. Probably a couple hundred thousand.
I'd be interested. Maybe we should wait to tell Y/N. If I buy it, she's more than welcome to finish out her school here.
Tommy swallows hard, glancing at you as you slept. He wondered if you'd hate him or love him for this.
Sounds good to me Tommy. Either way the girl would figure it out.
A couple weeks later, the farmhouse is fully in Tommy's name. He drained his savings for it, but it's his. And it's the only thing Tommy has ever had. And even though Joel thought it was a horrible idea, Tommy didn't. Not as long as you were here. Tonight, he was breaking the news to you.
"So uh.. can we talk?" He asks.
Your relationship had been strictly platonic after that day in the hay loft. You hadn't made another move and Tommy hadn't pushed. But since Jacob had been gone for so long, he'd been helping you cook dinner and he'd been inside the house a lot.
He figured you'd be really mad at him after he tells you what he's about to. You sit down on the couch across from him. Opposite him and between the two of you lies an antique coffee table. "What's going on?"
"A couple weeks ago.." he sighs. "The morning after uh... the hay loft." He laughs. Looking down at his hands. They're entwined together in his lap. "I got a text message from Jacob." He mumbles. Running his hand over his stubble. "He said that uh.. his wife liked it in the big city." He looks up at you.
"He ain't coming back, is he?" You ask.
Tommy hesitates for a second. Shaking his head. "He.. said that you and I would be working here until he sells the farm."
He can see the tears gathering in your eyes. "But.. did he say anything about me? About where I go? My horses?" You stand up. "Hey- just sit down alright? Relax." He breathes. He makes his way round the table, sitting down next to you. "He told me how much he was selling the farm for. It wasn't all that much." He bites at his lip. "But no. He didn't say anything about you. And he said everything goes."
You look down. "Why did you wait so long to tell me this?"
"Because. I just.. had to think about some things alright? But the farm sold."
He can see your heart break in your chest, so this is where he needs to say it. Your eyes are fixed on the coffee table in front of you. Tears pool at your waterline but you don't let them fall.
"He sold it to me."
Your eyebrows narrow, eyes drawing up from the coffee table to look at him. "What?"
"I bought it from him."
You say nothing else for a minute. Before standing up. "Tommy, I'm sorry but are you stupid?" He laughs, surprised at the words coming out of your mouth.
"This farm is nothing but a burden. The work sucks and it's worth nothing!"
"You really think so?" He smiles.
"Tommy. You had the opportunity to leave all of this behind and forget about this stupid farm and everything on it. I would've forged his signature on anything you needed to get away. Why didn't you?"
"Cause.. Y/N." He smiles. "I'm nothing but a fucking wreck outside of this farm. Having something that relies on me like these animals, it gives me something to keep out of trouble for. And I don't mind it all. I quite like it actually." He laughs.
"Now.. for.. what I was gonna bring up." He wipes his eyebrow. "You're more than welcome to stay. You don't have to move anything at all, you don't even have to help me with the work load like you do now, just focus on school n I'll take care of ya. On one condition."
You look at him.
"I'll need your help fixing it up." He smiles.
"Okay." You nod. Looking down. "Okay Tommy. Thank you."
"Hey. No need to stress alright? We'll get this farm back in business and get this shit handled." He claps his hands together. "But it's late and you got school tomorrow, so you better go get some sleep." He smiles.
For the next couple months, Tommy sells a bunch of old farm equipment and spends every single dime putting it back into the farm. The biggest thing that needed updating was the farm house and the barn. He focused on those things and even had Joel out to help him with it. When the farmhouse and barn were completely updated, it really started coming together.
They had new siding, new paint, the insides were completely updated and remodeled. Even Joel couldn't deny just how nice it looked. The kitchen had brand new countertops, he got your bathroom sink working and not leaking for the first time in your life. It was amazing.
After that though, Tommy hit a dry spell.
Tommy spent the next few months doing contract work with Joel. Outside of bills, he saved every single dime he made. After the winter was over, he started in on everything else and since you had graduated. You slaved away day and night helping him alongside Joel.
You drew up some plans with Tommy and completely changed everything about the farm. Made an entire blueprint for where the animal pins will be, where they'll fit best. He fixed up the horse stables, and found a few new animals to add to the farm. He got in new calves, sold off some cows, got more chickens and added ducks. He even helped you start a garden and it seemed to flourish.
It didn't take too long after that. Once the farm was in the swing of things, it had already paid for itself along with all of Tommy's debt and he didn't owe a single thing aside from regular bills. But groceries didn't cost much since he grew his own, he had a massive savings account for any reason at all. Maybe some vet bills here or there. But that was it.
Joel was proud.
"I gotta say little brother, I'm impressed." Joel nudges him with his elbow. "Trust me, if you're shocked, I'm even more shocked." He laughs. "You've done pretty damn good. I mean this is the longest you've been off probation in how many years?" Joel laughs. "Ah. I think I'm over all that stuff. I love it out here. No people to piss me off. I'm always busy so I got no free time to fuck this up for myself. I think I'll hold onto it." He smiles.
"I gotta ask though." Joel's eyes follow your form as you walk out of the newly finished chicken coop.
Same tight bootcut jeans and a wife beater. "What about the girl?"
"What about her?"
"Why'd you take her in? Trying to play dad?"
Tommy laughs. "Oh god no. Y/N.. she's about like talking to a fifty year old woman. She doesn't get bossed around and she's a good girl. Works real fucking hard." Tommy slicks his hair back. "Jacob is a real prick, I only met the guy once though. You know the story. I couldn't just tell her to get lost."
"You ain't like.. in a relationship with her or something like that... right?"
"Nah, nothing like that." Tommy's cheeks flush.
"You said that like you wouldn't be mad if you were."
"Well.. we're definitely past the friend stage if you know what I mean." Tommy laughs, leaning up against the fence post. "Jesus Christ Tommy. The hell happened? That girl is real young." Joel shakes his head. "She's over eighteen Joel. And It only happened once, 'bout a year ago. Couple months after I first got here." Joel nods. "What exactly happened?"
Tommy laughs. "She took my hat."
Joel is confused for a second, realization crossing over his face when he realizes the kind of hat Tommy has on.
Tommy leans off the post and starts walking away. "Jesus Christ." Joel rolls his eyes. "Cowboy hat rules Joel!" Tommy calls to him. Joel starts to follow after him. "Crazy motherfucker.." he shakes his head.
You sat across from Tommy, you'd made him dinner.
You couldn't be more grateful for Tommy coming into your life. You'd most likely be in some dingy apartment in the city or on the streets. He saved you pretty much. Thats why you'd gotten him a gift. You had just finished dinner, Tommy was looking at his phone. "If you wanted to go get some sleep, I'll pick up." He looks up at you. "Alright." You smile. "Before I go though, I got you something." He looks up at you. You pass over the box. It's a gift box and he looks confused.
"What's this for?" He asks. Sliding it closer to him. "It's.. a thank you." You mumble. He opens it and sees snake skin. "It's a hat band." You mumble. "Was gonna go for copperhead but the western diamond back had the rattles crossed over each other on the front." You blush. "That's awesome." He smiles. "Show me how to put it on?" He asks. "Yeah. Course." He takes his hand off and sets it down. You pick up the hat band and slide it down onto the cowboy hat. Noting to steal it and clean it for him later because it's dirty. Once the hat band is on, he places it back on his head.
"I appreciate it. This couldn't have been cheap." You roll your eyes. "Doesn't matter how much it was. It's to say thank you. For.. takin' care of me." He smiles. "I'll always take care of you, alright? Besides. I need help here. Even when you decide to run off at some point." He laughs.
"Now go get some sleep honey."
You stand up and push your chair in, going to walk past him.
Just as you pass by, your hand moves up. Snatching the cowboy hat off of his head. He turns to look at you. Flirty smile on his lips. "Orrr..." you smile. Setting the hat right on top of your head. "Maybe we can pick it up later." You've got an evil grin on your face. He stands up. "Think I like your idea better." He chuckles. He walks toward you, lifting you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist, carrying you up the stairs. "This is how it should've been for your first time, you know?" He smiles. You roll your eyes. "I think if someone asked me 'how'd you lose your virginity?' And I told them it was in a hay loft with a farm hand, it'd be more interesting than a bed." You smirk. He laughs. Rolling his eyes.
"You're somn else." He mumbles. He sets you down at the edge of the bed. Reaching for his waistband. You were actually wearing shorts and a t-shirt for once. Something you'd picked out. He offered to buy you better clothes but you didn't want them. Just wanted the comfortable ones.
He takes a deep breath as you tug your shirt over your head. Seeing all of you for the first time. When he's gotten his clothes off and they're discarded on the floor, he's back on the bed. You're crawling on top of him. Making due, cowboy hat rules after all.
You line him up with your entrance, he gasps when you sheath yourself on his cock. Feeling your tight walls once again. You look down at him. Raising your hips up and watching him grit his teeth as you rock into him. He tugs you down, your chest flush to his and he kisses you for the first time.
He doesn't let go, even when you're ready to draw back for air, he keeps you there. When he finally pulls away, you sit back. Sitting straight up on him now. Your nipples are hard, lips blushing and swollen from his now. He glides his hands up your hips and cups your breasts in his hands. Toying with your nipples. Your hair is damp with sweat and it's the sexiest thing Tommy has ever seen. You. All you. How the hell he got himself here after nothing but being a complete ass, he'll never understand. He runs his hands up your thighs, resting his palms on the tops of them. "Stay." The words leave his lips before he has time to stop himself.
You pause your movements. Chest rising and falling with each breath you take. "What?"
"Stay here with me."
"I'm.. here Tommy." You breathe. "No. I mean.." he hesitates. "I want you here with me, always. I know you hate it here but.. I can take care of you."
"Are you.. asking me if I'll-"
"I want you to be mine. Here. Forever."
Your lips start to part in surprise, your eyes seeming glossed over. "I don't hate it here Tommy. To be honest.. it's the best it's ever been. I didn't want to leave." You shake your head. "I'll stay Tommy. But you have to stay on the straight and narrow. If you start to fuck up, I'll leave." You look down at him. "I wouldn't dream of fucking that up. Not with you. Not here."
You rock your hips into him again. Picking up the pace. "You're mine, I'll show you." He breathes. He grasps you, flipping you over like he'd done before. But this time, he doesn't slow. He's more rough than before, fucking you. He wants you to feel him. Every bit of him. He holds onto you, tight. He keeps you steady as he hammers his hips into yours, the bed frame slamming into the wall with each forceful thrust he takes. Tears gather in your eyes, not sure if you were exactly ready to take this much force but you were going to. You can feel that knot forming in your stomach. The coil wound up tight, you cry when it snaps. Sending you spiraling. Your pussy clamps down around Tommy's cock and he hisses.
He can feel you throbbing around him and it sends him into his own orgasm. Whining out. Again, he doesn't pull out. Your eyes widen when you can feel him. All of him. You're full, his warmth settles between your legs and he collapses on top of you. He's panting.
Right here, right now. This is nothing Tommy imagined he'd ever want. But it's what he needed. And he was so grateful for it.
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lutawolf · 9 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 3
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I'm saying fuck it and doing this commentary anyways, even though it's way late. (my kid got into a car accident. Fuck this year.) Anyways I think I'm hilarious so here we go.
Home dude really just let Tharn get kidnapped and looks so lost about it. Hahah! The friend group drinking at the idea of Phaya and Tharn having sex. So dead.
The way these coconuts are stirring up Phaya. And why did his brain go straight to shower. He is so obvious and doesn't even care. Then races out to call the man. Like, are you just now realizing what is going on. This is real life drunkenness, I swear. When Chalothon shows up in the camera feed, it's a total audacity of this bitch moment.
Good news, Chalothon is not having any luck controlling Tharn either. The faces Phaya makes at his phone.
HAHAHA! Phaya's face when he gets back to the table and sees all the guys. He went from being on top of the world to a no good, shitty day real fast. Poor baby, lol.
Phaya's book collection has me jealous. The music playing while he is visualizing the girl. Especially with those subs (mysterious music playing). 🤣🤣🤣 The whole scene with the sister, omg. (mysterious music) (footstep sounds) (footstep sounds) (mysterious music) Phaya's eyes shifting as if in panic. All very dramatic.
Grandma is so pretty!!! She's hilarious too.
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Somebody got romance on the brain! I mean, I'm only guessing, between the closeness and the subtitles telling me that romantic music is playing. Then dreams of cuddling Tharn. Cute! I like how the lighting makes them look like they are underwater.
Boy woke up so confused. "I must have thought about him too much." Ya think?!?
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Phaya is a talented artist. He has a lot of art of a boy also a side profile of a female. The one we can't see clearly makes me think of the dragon from the water. Is the cat a Cha Kla? Cha Kla is a mythological cat from Thailand.  Legend says that the Ch Kla are terrified of humans and will hide from them, but if they are seen or touched, that person will eventually die. However, they are usually black, where this is white with black surrounding it.
Grandma, "Are they twins?" Then Phaya goes on to fill her in on everything. These two have a very close relationship.
"Did I do anything weird last night?" Boy, that is a loaded question. Ya'll Yai is adorable. He is for sure one of my favorite side characters.
Doc... I'm having doubts that I'm gonna like you. You've barely talked, but you have slime ball written all over you. And what is up with Tharn saying that him and Phaya aren't that close??? Clearly he isn't that close to the Doc if he is hiding stuff.
Nong Khai!!! Nong (low area like a swamp) Khai (lost) is situated on the banks of the majestic Mekong River, one of the world’s longest and most iconic rivers. It's also a very important pilgrimage for Buddhist because of a revered Buddhist stupa that dates back to the 16th century and is believed to contain relics of the Lord Buddha. You know what else it's known for?? Nagas. These mythical creatures are semidivine beings that are serpent shape-shifters. Whether it is a human form, full serpent, or half serpent, half-human form, the Nagas can take up whatever shape they prefer. They are a strong and attractive species, who are regarded as guardians of treasure which resides in the underwater kingdom of Patala-Loka or Naga-Loka, a stunning place decorated in gems.
Now I'm really excited!
💜💜💜 I'm dying. "She's gorgeous." "I know that, but she's also very scary. I'm afraid of her." This honestly makes me like him even more. NGL. They are pretty close with the Abbott. Aww, poor Yai getting ganged up on. *Snickers*
Clues! "While you’re staying here. Let me warn you about something. Make sure you often meditate and dedicate the merits to those whom you have wronged in the past. So that it would help lighten the consequences of your karma. Got it?"
"Is he still not free from them? They’ve been after him since when he was born. That’s why he had to live at the temple. What do they want from him? Why are they so vengeful?"
Shot to sad Abbott and sad Tharn.
Phaya asking the Abbott if he remembers him. Give me answers! Give me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Finally!!! It's come out that he is the boy that was saved by him!
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And we crash again. That's so fucking sad, is this why he thinks the people he loves dies??? "Everything has already been destined. His life is written by the karma he did in his past life." This is so fucking sad. But wait! There is hope! "His destiny has been entwined with someone since his past life. That person will lead him to experience bad things. But it is also that person who would be able to free him from his karma."
Okay, so the Rocket Festival they are talking about and why the date is significant. The Rocket Festival is usually celebrated on the weekends in the middle of May, just before the start of the crop plantation period (the rainy season). This ancient festival is a merit-making ceremony which involves firing home-made rockets towards the heavens to captivate the rain gods and hope for a good monsoon season before the crop plantations take place.
"Whether you’d be free from those whom you have wronged in the past... depends on whether you’d be able to find the owner of this amulet tonight." Damn, that's not ominous. Poor fucking kid.
Ahhhhh, this is when his visions started! No thoughts, he just dives in. This boy does not deserve to have to pay for his past life! I absolve him! You live by a river, and you're just shaking him? Fucking turn him over and smack his back!
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Past, Phaya is so puppy dog.
Wait! You forgot to give him the amulet!!! Dumbass kids. Always forget the important part. I mean... Well, I guess saving a person from drowning is the important part, but you know what I mean! Oh good, Phaya found him.
"So, he would probably live for a very long time. But you have to be careful though. If both of your destiny are entwined like what I think... You would eventually find each other again."
And clearly, Yai has always been the way he has been since forever.
Naga! He dreams of Nagas! Usually the festival associated with Naga is the Naga Fireball Festival. Which is celebrated in the fall or Buddhist Lent period. In this festival, people gather along a certain stretch of the Mekong River, to witness glowing red 'fireballs' shoot up into the sky. The number of fireballs sighted can range from hundreds to thousands. The local people attribute this phenomenon to the mythical 'Phaya Nak', a giant serpent that they believe resides within the river.
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Okay, I'll shut up now and get back to the show.
"He doesn’t know how to swim. But he still wants to go and play near the riverbank."
"Grandma, I really heard someone calling me there last night."
That's just a great kid. We almost saw the Darwin Theory in action. The stupid shall not inherit the earth. Gee wiz, I hear disembodied voices, let's go investigate near water where I can not swim. This is like me hearing a gun shot and going to check it out. No, I don't want to die, I'm not that noisy. The unknown can stay unknown. Phaya as a kid was so soft and shy. Boy has he changed!
WTF is not wanting to take the amulet. Don't be an ungrateful asshole, kid. Tharn takes no shit, even as a kid.
"What you saw wasn’t a dream. It was your karma." "Are you saying that... they are those whom I have wronged in my past life?"
We're getting closer to answers! Ahhh, we're talking more about the Naga!!! So Tharn was a Naga in a past life??
"You both are destined to help each other Trust each other. Only then, you would be able to free yourself from your karma. Your kind hearts are your best weapon. And remember to always trust each other. Help each other. And you both would live a happy life, like you’ve always dreamt of." Sounds simple enough... (dumdumdum aka thunder sounds)
Oh snap! We got some bad weather! Okay, so Naga have different classes. From the general Nagas who have large bodies like great serpents with a crest on the head and strong poison to the celestial ones who have several heads with lethal poison and supernatural power such as disguising themselves more than just as a human being. Furthermore, certain ones can effect rain. The power to bring rain or cause drought by stop giving it. Some beliefs say they can disguise themselves as rain clouds and/or rainbows. That is why the quote for the Rocket Festival is "How much water will the Naga give this year."
Ohhh, who could this be? The king of Naga? There are a few options, so I won't hazard a guess just yet.
Can I just say that I'm loving that Phaya is chasing after scared Tharn. Yai and Phaya hugging like they didn't just get drunk together the night before. 🤣🤣🤣
"It was quite dark, so I didn't know he actually looks like this." OMG, I'm Dead. Hahaha Yai... I can see why you and your gf fit together.
Ahhhh I'm loving this so much!! You see the Naga decorations on the bridge?? This is in association with their connection to rainbows. The rainbow signifies the bridge between earth and the underworld. Sorry if this shit is boring, you guys! Like I said earlier, I'm way late, and so I'm just writing about what I find interesting. Because I refuse to force beliefs on my children, I give them books on world religions and beliefs. I read it so that I can help them as they read what they are interested in. I find all this stuff so captivating.
The way Yai looks at his girl. So sweet.
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Okay, I see what they are doing here with the dream, but I'm dead. That hair and his facial expression. Like he is seconds away from laughing at himself. I would love to see BTS of this part right here.
Look at Phaya just calling Tharn out. Like Bitch, try and run from me. "Why didn't you want to tag along with us."
Isn't that where he was sitting when he had the vision? Phaya, you wish he was hitting on you, lol.
Not matching clothes!!! Tharn bitching all the time but damned if he didn't put on the matching clothes.
He left her cause she was naga! What!
Yes, he is telling you that you are the cause of his bad dreams. But he still wants you to stick around so nevermind.
I love these fools. I love grandma. Now everyone knows that Phaya is the boy that was saved.
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I like Sand.
"If what you said is true, Yai and I both love you like our own brother... but we’re still safe and sound."
"Don’t let what the Abbot has predicted come true." Grandma come back! Explain this to me...
Hahah! Tharn is so sassy. "Did you use this kind of story to hit on the girls in France?"
See, no hiding for Phaya. He just straight up tells Tharn that he likes him. I think evil jellyfish is a new favorite nickname for me. I really want to read this book but it's like 15 bucks. Crazy!
AHHH! They finally kiss!!! "And this is called a goodnight kiss."
Tharn's face when Phaya says goodnight. Bless the poor boy. Well fuck, we getting stormy weather over a kiss? What the hell is gonna happen when they do more!?! I think I liked it better when the sex just woke up the evil twin, not cause destruction of humanity. Tharn is cute but I don't know that he is Noah Arc worth it kind of cute. Just saying.
Running scared! But that's okay cause Phaya is very willing to chase. Even tackle.
"Do you want to get hurt?" Phaya over here like, yes please. With a cherry on top. I love the cockiness of both of them. I adore when Phaya puts his tongue in his cheek. These two! Thank you Saint! You are a blessing amongst men. I really enjoy this kind of foreplay. No punches were pulled. Noticed Phaya is wearing the talisman.
Ahhh, it's the forcing him to submit and then telling him he is a good boy for me.
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I’m Police Major Akkanee Assawawaisoon, your team leader. Yay! He is back!
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I love these coconuts. Tharn going and sitting by your brother, Phaya is going to kick your ass again.
Ahhhhhh. I'm so excited for this saturday!
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enbyobeyme · 1 year
A Date with Diavolo
This is an old piece of writing from my old blog! Enjoy! GN Reader.
Diavolo tends to be alone most of the time, not out of choice, but because of his status. Hanging out with a king isn’t anything casual. Not only will attention be on you all day, but the media will jump to any type of opportunity to publicly shame or invade the privacy of the person he was with.
You didn’t care. In general. You cared little about how others perceive you, only doing what made you happy. You weren’t formal with him or treated him like a big shot like everyone else (much to Barbatos’ and Lucifer’s distaste). “Ah, a human! Welcome to-” “Who the fuck are you?” “That is the future king of the Devildom!” “Okay cool, he’s no king of mine.”
Diavolo was completely taken aback by your ‘take no shit bad boy’ persona, but you ended up being just his type. You showed up to tea parties in your casual clothes, slouched, elbows on the table holding your head, grabbed the cup by the side, and slurped it down, not caring about the lecture from Lucifer.
You did what you wanted and Diavolo always watched in envy. You parkoured and climbed on top of the RAD building, you hitched several rides on garbage trucks just to get to a place faster, you dressed how you wanted, called people out, and took everything easy. You crawled through vents at school to get places faster and took trips through the underground labyrinth to avoid traffic and feed the rats who gave you gifts. You got into fights. You fascinated him.
He loved that boldness. It was your boldness that was the reason he stared into the mirror, debating how to dress. Casual? Cool? Formal? Youthful? You knew that he tended to be lonely, and asked about it, not giving him time to answer before saying “Hey I know a place, let’s hang out. Consider it a date if you want. Anyways, see ya.” Diavolo was frozen by how casual you are to not only ask out a Prince in such a way but also know that he would say yes.
He decided to go in his usual red jacket. He went over to the location you sent him. A cafe? He didn’t expect this from you. “Oh, there you are! Come on let’s get some coffee before I show you the spot!” Ah, he should have known. After ordering coffee, that you insisted on paying for, you held his arm with yours and led him into an alley as you talked both joked around.
You didn’t blink at all the burning stares you got, and the weird looks you got. Diavolo looked over at your calm face as you led him deeper. “Where are we going?” you smirked, “You’ll see.” Diavolo thought he knew the Devildom inside out, but not even he knew where you were going. You ended up cutting through the main road of stores and ended up at the very end of them. Smaller family businesses and restaurants tended to be on this side of town. He was amazed that you found these shortcuts so quickly within the year.
You pulled him into what seemed to be a mix between a gym and cafe where many devils went to hang out with friends. “This isn’t the place either, it’s actually inside here. Promise to keep a secret?” “What do you mean?” “There’s a lot of hidden places to explore if you can smell a front. I’ve seen lots of them, so come on. This can be our secret little hangout, okay?”
You went up to the counter. “Don’t worry he’s with me. Can I pass through?” The shopkeep opened the door to the counter, letting both of you through the back. Diavolo looked around at one seemed to be a full-on arena with a lot of sectioned off parts where people trained one-on-one. How did you even find this? You started to point out people and tell all types of stories. “Oh that Steve or as they call him The Right Arm, seriously if you ever need to refine your punches, his your man. His husband also makes the best tater-tots. He’s also does voice lessons. Great guys.”
After a bit more walking, you got to a different side of the store. Looking at the wall he noticed all the other patrons from the other side through the wall, a spell maybe? This side was a lot more rowdy and lively than the other side. This side of the cafe seemed more like a bar with many demons chatting, betting, wrestling, and wolfing down food. Diavolo looked around as you guided him to the counter, the server taken aback at being face-to-face with the future king.
“Heya, I’m here on a date, can I take my usual seat?” The server nodded and you took your seat at the far end of the counter, pulling out a stool for your little prince. Diavolo looked around in amazement, then up at the menu. “Ay MC!” called out one of the rowdy demons “Ain’t that the royal brat? He ain’t shutting this place down is he?” “Ay, no he isn’t and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk to my date like that. Don’t mind him, Dia, he’s just protective of his friends here. He can play a mean banjo solo, I’ll tell you that.”
The evening was spent chatting with other patrons and enjoying the food before you slinked off with him again to check out some of the illegal wares. Well, ‘illegal’. It was mostly rarer items from the human world across many different cultures, including ‘poisons’ such as cashews and pufferfish. Diavolo knew he shouldn’t encourage these types of places, but there was no one getting hurt, nor was anything illegal actually happening, just his people wanting to try some human world food and understand their culture.
“Humans eat poison?” “Well yeah, famine was quite common in ye olden days. So all there was to eat was poison. And we tried to eat it over and over until we found a way to eat it. Weird, huh?” He looked at all the strange food. He needs to get some for Barbatos later. Diavolo turned back to look at you just to see you trying what seemed to be a black hoodie with little red horns. He felt heat rise to his cheeks as you stretched. He also started to look around the human clothing section, amazed at the absolute range of these lads. He admired the traditional mask of Onis, Devils, and Demons that humans made.
When he turned around after he felt your hand on his shoulder he jumped a little at the strange horse mask you were wearing, before letting out a hearty laugh. “Oh my god they have Hot Topic and Spirit Halloween stuff here, come on you have to check these out” You both tried on mask after mask, hat after ridiculous hat, not taking anything seriously at all. Dressing up as dumb abominations and mocking them. It felt nice.
It wasn’t soon where it was getting late, and you opened up a manhole in the corner of the store to take a shortcut through the labyrinth with him. You pulled out some leftovers (mainly pickles from Diavolo) that you left aside on purpose. Diavolo didn’t understand why you ordered an extra sandwich but quickly understood with the rats that soon came up to you. You held your hand out letting them hop on your shoulder.
Diavolo watched how soft you looked, offering parts of the sandwiches to them. At some point you leaned down, picking a big raccoon and treating it like a baby. How can you still look cute when you have a feral forbidden cat with hands in your arms? “This is Meatloaf, that’s Tater-Tot, this is Maurice, that one over there is Malakai: Devourer of Worlds…” Diavolo laughed and continued to listen to your introductions, even letting him name or rename some of the newer rats. He never thought that you could make such a dreary and unnerving place so welcoming. Especially when you say “Wait, wait, hold on bro, you don’t understand man, I HAVE to pet this squirrel, wait bro please-”
Once you came out of the manhole, you were pretty much in front of the palace. “See, you all bully me for using the manhole all the time, but it’s convenient!” You chuckled and pulled him up, leaning on him as you both walked to the palace. Maybe you should make one more stop?
"Hold on, the stars are coming out…” He didn’t want to leave either. You both walked into the gardens, sitting down on a bench. He looked at your face, staring up at the stars. “We don’t have many stars in the human realm cause of light pollution. I’m jealous.” “Is that so?” You nodded, looking over at him. “Hmm. Your eyes are very pretty. Like gold... So intense…” Diavolo felt himself blush at your comment and even more as you gazed at him lovingly.
Diavolo gazed at you, trying out an intense voice “My eyes are nothing compared to your beauty…” Diavolo felt a small smile creeping up to his lips. He didn’t feel too shy anymore. You laughed. “Oh my god, you are such a dork!” You snorted and laughed harder with him. Both breathless, letting out some deep breaths from the laughter.
You glanced at him, and he locked eyes with you. “Heh… Come here, Dia…” You cupped your hand on his cheek, holding his chin. You smiled at him and you pulled him for a surprisingly chaste kiss. It wasn’t enough. The second you tried to pull away, Diavolo deepened it, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You pulled away, “Tch.. my my, at least take me out to dinner first.” “We just had dinner.” “Touche”
You both chuckled, leaning into each other before you had to leave for the night. You pulled away and started to get up. “That time huh? Let’s do this again sometime.” Diavolo’s smile dropped a bit, he reached out, standing up and holding your hand. “Will you stay the night? I know it’s selfish but I don’t want to say goodbye yet.” How could you say no?
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