33 posts
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
katzu919 · 9 months ago
debating whether or not if i should start writing for other fandoms.. maybe it would help with my writers block :p
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katzu919 · 9 months ago
thinking about rewriting the prince reader series as i didn’t really know where to go with it when i started writing it and i feel like i could make improvements to it…
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katzu919 · 9 months ago
okau so this idea randomly came to mind so if requests r still open may i request a one of tartaglia’s little brother whos the reader. The reader even being younger than tartaglia he could be around (18-20), he ended up falling into the abyss like tartaglia, it felt as if it was years for reader in the abyss but was maybe only a couple hours. tartaglia finds out about this and hunts down his brother and comforts him since he knows what its like in the abyss. idk if this makes sense but take ur time :) , ive seen ur page floating around for a while now and just ended up following u lmao
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call of the abyss
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Ajax had returned to Snezhnaya after being abroad for work. Ajax’s brother, Y/n had just turned eighteen and Ajax got to celebrate it just a few days late. Y/n and his friends went out to celebrate him finally becoming an ‘adult’.
“Oh come on!” One of his friends nudged his arm. “The night barely began!” His friends laughed. They had been hanging out in an old fort they’ve had since their younger years. The old building somehow surviving the harsh weather of Snezhnaya for multiple years.
“I promised my brother I wouldn’t stay out too late so we could hang out. And he’s rarely home and I don't want to waste this time I have with him.” He replied as I stood up from the wood plank he was sitting on.
“It’s fine man, we get it.” His other friend replied. They sat higher up, looking down on Y/n. “You good to walk home by yourself? I think we’re going to stay out.” Y/n nodded his head and crossed his arms, and annoyed look crossed his face.
“Yes I can. I’ve walked the path many times, I don’t even live far.” He huffed as he made his way out of the fort. His friends laughed at his reply as he slowly made his way towards his home.
The snow crunching beneath his feet as the wind started to pick up a bit. Y/n groaned as he pulled his coat tighter to himself. Snow started to blow up around him making it hard to see anything but a few feet in front of him. His breath started to fasten as panic set in a bit. How did the weather change so drastically so quickly? The wind pushed him around as his surroundings started to become less familiar. Did he get turned around? He swore he never changed the direction he was walking in. Did the wind slowly push him in another direction? His breath started to become more panicked but before he could take another step the floor fell beneath his feet. All at once he was falling into darkness, the wind and snow no longer anywhere to be seen or heard.
Absolutely silent.
When Y/n stopped falling he hit the ground with a groan. He didn’t know how long he was falling or even how he survived the fall. He slowly got up, his hands shaking a bit as he slowly took in his surroundings. Blue and purple surrounded him, stars littered the dark sky above him. Where was he and how was he going to get out? The hairs on the back of Y/n’s neck rose as he heard the faint sound of something making its way over. He quickly stood up, his legs and arms shook as he did so. He pushed through as he slowly ran away from whatever seemed to make its way over, not too keen on meeting the inhabitants of this strange land.
Y/n wasn’t sure how much time passed since he fell down here. Time seemed to move differently than it did back in Snezhnaya. Was he even in Teyvat anymore? He didn’t know. It felt like months he’s been here but his body didn’t seem to reflect that. He hadn’t felt hungry, thirsty, or tired since he fell, however long ago that was now.
The creatures that roamed this land were much different from the ones he saw up in Snezhnaya. They could use the elements without visions, or at least he didn’t think they had any. He never stayed around long or close enough to see any so as far as he was concerned they didn’t. He was determined to stay undetected as long as he could, not sure how long it would be before he could make it back to Snezhnaya, or if he even could. But sadly his presence was eventually found by the creatures and beings from this place. He ran and ran, seeking a place to hide and wait for them to stop searching for him. Y/n was even more cautious now, looking over his shoulder constantly. Scared what would happen if they happened to get their hands on him.
Oh god, his family. How long has it been? Did they think he was dead? lost to the snow, frozen somewhere? Attacked by some creature? His heart ached at the thought of what his family must be going through.
Y/n slowly curled up, trying to silent his sobs. He just wanted to go home. And as if Celestia heard his wish, he felt the cold wind of Snezhnaya blow against his back. Snow falling onto his head. He lifted his head, his tired eyes open to see the white snow that covered the land. A sob broke through him as he quickly got up but quickly froze when he heard the sound of snow crunching under someone’s feet.
Y/n was supposed to be home hours ago. Ajax looked at the clock, a pit formed in his stomach. Something was off. He got up from where he was sitting in the living room and walked to the front door. He grabbed his coat and left the house silently, not wanting to disturb his sleeping family.
The air was quiet as he made his way towards where Y/n was supposed to be with his friends. The farther Ajax walked, the pit in his stomach grew deeper. Something about the air seemed off. Seemed to set off warning bells in his head.
The abyss. It all came rushing back. Ajax hurried his steps, hoping what he feared was not true. That you were safe and sound. Just as his panic started to grow more, he saw a figure sitting in the snow. The familiar figure stopped all the thoughts in his head as he stopped and stared. He hesitated for just a moment before he started to rush in his brother’s direction.
Y/n flinched when Ajax got close, his heart breaking. The fear in his brother's eyes as they might. Ajax stopped in his tracks, his heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. Ajax slowly kneeled down and opened his arms, his brother only hesitating for a moment before throwing himself at Ajax. Y/n craved the touch of someone after being alone for so long. He sobbed into Ajax should as he shushed him.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright. I got you.” Ajax whispered into his brother's hair. Anger started to form in Ajax. Why did his brother have to go through this? What did he do to deserve falling into the abyss?
Ajax slowly stood up with his brother in his arms. Carry him like he did when Y/n was just a baby. He rubbed Y/n’s back in soothing motions as he slowly started to walk home.
“It’s okay, we’ll get through this.” Ajax whispered to him as they walked away from the pit in the ground, oozing with an evil that Ajax hated with all his heart.
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Hello! I kinda forgot how to write while writing this… hope it’s not noticeable. I’m also trying to like my writing style and be happy with it and not just quitting when i’m not instantly in love with it :p. i also write this in one sitting… anywhooo i also set up a ko-fi but do not feel like you have to send anything!! my writing is completely free and for fun (as much fun as trying to write with writers block is). Im not to sure how the abyss works even after reading through the wiki so i probably got something wrong but who cares and im also behind in the main story quest…. i’m not actually sure if people reads these notes but sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.
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katzu919 · 10 months ago
Whazzup, Katzu✨Saw you were doin grabby hands for requests, so here I am
Howww bouuuut some headcanons bout Itto having a sibling. I'm thinking bout someone close to his own age maybe even his twin. But if your imagination goes more into the little kid section, that's completely fine too
Just me wanting to be that Oni's bro</3 I accept every wholesome or chaotic thing ya come up with
Thank you if you accept this one!
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If you are anything like Itto you guys are a very chaotic pair
you two will feed into each others crazy ideas/plans, and always being there to back the other up
poor Kuki, she can’t catch a break with you two
if you’re the opposite of Itto then you’re probably trying to stop what crazy plan itto is trying to drag you and the gang into
you will probably end up going along with it after not being able to talk some sense into him
what’s the worst that could happen?
Itto (and maybe you) being arrested by the commission is
poor kuki would have to bail you two out
she thought better of you
Itto would never leave you behind after he dragged you into joining one of his adventures
no bro left behind
he would try to impress you with the beetle brawls and get you to join in
would help you find the perfect onikabuto to fight with and teach you all the skills and tricks he knows
and if you end up beating him?
he’d probably tell you he was just letting you win and would keep asking for rematches trying to beat you
Itto would help you take care of your horns and your makeup (i’m pretty sure his body markings are makeup?)
And would be over the moon if you helped him with his
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Hey…. it’s been awhile. i am not dead as you can see. i don’t plan on abandoning this account i’ve just have been having a hard time getting back into writing but it’s something i still really enjoy. there are like multiple months in between some of the stuff written here but i don’t think it is that noticeable, also sorry it’s so short. I was having a hard time trying to come up with things to write. i might make a part two if i can think of anything else and because im not really happy with how this turned out :). Anyway if you sent me an ask like a year ago i am trying to get to those and you can always send me request even now it may just take a bit. anyway sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. :)
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
xiao with a s/o that has insomnia ? cuz i have it and xiao is my fave soo.. muahaha
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Xiao probably doesn't sleep often or at all so he’d probably be awake when you are having trouble sleeping
if you stay at wangshu inn he would sit with you on the balconies when he isn’t busy
if you didn’t he would seek out your home once he’s free already knowing you would probably be awake
you and him would probably just sit in silence
he wouldn’t know what to talk to you about even if your dating
if you did end up having a conversation if would be from you starting it
he would make you go to bed once he thought you’ve both been sitting together long enough
he would cuddle with you asked him to
if he had to leave he would try and get you to go to your room not wanting you to be out there by yourself
he would even tuck you in if you asked
he would try and make you nap during the day
not wanting you to feel exhausted and making yourself sick from lack of sleep
would try and make you some tea
he really cares about you and really wants to help but he doesn’t know how
he’s trying his best
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i’m so sorry this took so long :( this isn’t that good either.
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
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What’s the Softest Way to Say
Part Three / Masterlist
Bard Venti x Prince Reader / Royal Au / No Visions Au
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(Y/N) made eye contact with the bard. Getting lost in his eyes for a moment before remembering where he was.
“Hello.” He mumbled. The bard got closer and into his personal space. Now that the bard was closer he started to notice more details about him. The colour of his hair, starting off black then fading into blue in his braids. Eyes that felt like he was looking into the sky on a beautiful spring morning, no cloud in sight. The curves of his waist. His thoughts are interrupted again when the bard starts to speak.
“What’s the birthday boy doing all alone over here? Thought you would have been the centre of attention.” The bard had his hands behind his back and leaned forward toward (Y/N). His braids swayed with his movement.
“I am not a big fan of crowds.” (Y/N) admits. Wringing his hands as he looks anywhere but at the bard. The bard doesn’t let him though, sidestepping in front of (Y/N) so he doesn't have a choice but to look at him. The bard had a knowing smirk as well but what the bard seemed to know, (Y/N) wasn’t sure.
“Hopefully I can help with that.” The bard bowed at the waist holding his hand out for (Y/N) to take. “The name is Venti The Bard.” (Y/N) placed his hand into Venti’s and brought it up to his mouth giving it a light kiss. “But I don’t mind if you want to call me something else.” He let go of (Y/N)’s hand, it dropping back down to his side trying not to fidget.
There was an awkward silence between the two for a moment before. Venti went to open his mouth to start talking again but was interrupted by a booming voice of (Y/N)s father calling for everyone’s attention. The entire room went silent and brought their attention to the front of the room where (Y/N)s father stood. “Thank you everyone for coming to my eldest son’s birthday.” (Y/N) and his father make eye contact. Telling him with his eyes to come stand with his family at the front. (Y/N) hesitated for a moment, not wanting to stand in front of the crowd of people but slowly moved towards his father. Leaving Venti in the crowd.
“Today is the day he will come of age and will soon be expected to take the throne from me.” (Y/N)s father continues as they stand beside each other. “We will soon be heading to the ballroom where music will be played by the best bards in the land and dances will be held.” (Y/N)s father looks at him from the corner of his eye. “And maybe some lucky woman will get a chance to dance with my son.” (Y/N) hears whispers erupt from the crowd when his father says that, but he doesn’t dwell on it long as the crowd starts heading to the large ballroom in his family's castle.
The walls were white with gold highlights. The roof had a mural painting in it of the sky. There were tables set around the edge of the room with pastries, finger food and drinks for the guests to snack on. The bards were gathering around the head of the room where a servant was but the bard (Y/N) met earlier wasn’t with them. He was about to look around before the hairs on the back of his neck stood.
“Lost you in the crowd.” Ventis angelic voice said from behind him. (Y/N) turned around to face him. “But it was quite easy to find you. A flower in a garden full of weeds.” Venti walked around (Y/N), who turned with Venti. Trying to keep him in front of him. “But sadly I must leave you again. I must set up for my performance.” Venti started to walk backwards towards the other bards. Somehow steering clear of the people around them. “I do hope you enjoy the music I’m going to play for you.”
And like at the start of the party (Y/N) was alone again. He so dearly wanted to leave the party and hide away. Perhaps the garden? His room would be too risky if people started to realise his absence. That would be one of the first places they look. But he couldn’t. He had to stay for Venti. The bard with the angelic voice and mesmerising eyes. He sighed as he made his way towards one of the many tables that held drinks. He grabbed a cup, trying to curl in on himself to try and make him smaller hoping the party will forget about it. But he knew that was stupid. It was his party after all.
— — —
It wasn't long until music took over the room. (Y/N) looked over to see who was playing. He wasn't met with Venti but the music was still pleasant to listen to. He could see venti behind the current musicians talking to some of the other bards his father highered. (Y/N) must have been staring too long since Venti's eyes soon met his. Venti smiled and gave a little wave. (Y/N) blushed before looking away and around the crowd.
It wasn’t long until people started to come up to (Y/N). Trying to have conversations with him but they all just ended up with them leaving (Y/N) when all he would give was short, one worded replies to what they were saying. He would look anywhere but at the person talking to him. Some women even asked him to dance but they were all refused. This is what always happened when there were parties. He would always be asked to dance by the women who attend the parties, but they would all be met with the same fate. A quiet ‘No thank you my lady.’
(Y/N) was getting tired of this party already and the urge to leave became stronger with every passing second. But he didn’t want to disappoint Venti. Leaving before he could hear him sing. Maybe a short break won't hurt? (Y/N) thought to himself. ‘I’ll stay close to the door.’ And with that in mind he made his way towards the door to the garden. He did look back at Venti once. He was still talking quietly with the other bards. (Y/N) had to force himself to continue walking to the door.
Once he finally made it to the garden he took a deep breath of the cool evening air. There was barely anyone out here. Just a couple people who were probably feeling the same as him. He made his way over to one of the many benches. He sat down and let out a soft sigh. Sitting in the garden felt relieving compared to the stuffy and crowded ballroom that made (Y/N)s skin crawl. He was just starting to feel relaxed from the cool breeze against his skin when an angelic voice broke the silence.
“All alone again Birthday Boy? That won't do.”
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Sorry I haven’t been posting :( I just haven’t felt motivated. I’ll try to get to everyone’s request. Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
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Keep reading
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
helloo how are youuuuu ok so if its chill with you can you write some angst about ayato's bf moving back to mondstadt because they got into a fight BUT BUT BUT then like the reader comes back 3 years later for business and they becomes bfs again. feel free to ignore this BUT IF UR CHILL WITH IT CAN I BE UR 😦 ANON?
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Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
You couldn’t deal with it anymore. You made your way to the docks, planning on getting a trip back to Mondstadt, your homeland. You and Ayato had gotten into a fight again and you couldn't handle waiting around for another one. The docks were more bare than you thought they would be but it didn't bother you too much, less people to explain too as to why you were leaving.
You boarded the ship with little to no issue and made yourself as comfortable as you could. You looked over the land you had made your home with Ayato. A small part of you hoped he would come running to the docks, stopping you from leaving though you knew that wouldn't happen. He had more important issues to attend to anyway. You let out a sigh and turned your back and made your way below deck, leaving Ayato and the life you built behind.
You froze, about to turn around and go a different way when he called out to you. “(Y/N).” He had a shocked look on his face, like you were the last person he would expect to see, standing in the light that the setting sun was casting. He slowly took a step forward then another and before either of you knew it he was standing in front of you.
You froze, about to turn around and go a different way when he called out to you. “(Y/N).” He had a shocked look on his face, like you were the last person he would expect to see, standing in the light that the setting sun was casting. He slowly took a step forward then another and before either of you knew it he was standing in front of you.
You froze, about to turn around and go a different way when he called out to you. “(Y/N).” He had a shocked look on his face, like you were the last person he would expect to see, standing in the light that the setting sun was casting. He slowly took a step forward then another and before either of you knew it he was standing in front of you.
“Ayato.” You whispered. You had no idea what to say to him.
“I thought I would never see you again.” His voice was breathy. “I didn’t know you left Inazuma until the morning after, when I couldn’t find you.” You felt your heart squeeze painfully. No matter how much you told yourself you didn’t, you still loved him.
You inhaled shakily before wrapping your arms around him. You couldn't think of anything to say. Should you apologise? Does he even want your affection? But before you could spiral more he wrapped his arms around you. You both stood there for a bit before Ayato pulled away, keeping his hands on your shoulders.
“Why don’t we go get some tea?”
Maybe being sent for this meeting wasn’t so bad.
I’m so sorry but this is so bad. I couldn’t think of anything and it’s pretty vague :( also sorry this took so long and i could think of a title for this. And one last sorry for any and all grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes.
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
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What’s the Softest Way to Say
Part Two / Masterlist
Bard Venti x Prince Reader / Royal Au / No Visions Au
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When Venti got the invitation to play at the (L/N)s eldest son's birthday he was surprised. He had no idea the (L/N)s knew of him, but it wasn’t unwanted. Him performing at this party could greatly improve his popularity but even if it didn’t he would still get to see all the lovely and gorgeous looking nobles that would certainly be attending. He got his outfit all put together, green cap and puffy white sleeves, as well as beret hat with a cecilia and many more but those were what he was most excited about showing off. He retrieved his lyre and satchel and headed on his way. If he was lucky he might find a carriage that could take him to the castle.
The castle was magnificent when he arrived. The inside was decorated with murals and beautiful artwork the (L/N)s family happily showed off. The white of the pillars and clear walls and roof blended with the soft colours of the murals. He stared at the art as he made his way to the main hall where the (L/N)s would most likely be as well as the rest of the party from what little people were in the minor halls. He was correct, the main hall was full of many nobles from many kingdoms, some he definitely couldn’t name. He made his way through the crowd to find the Queen and King.
He eventually found them, near the end of the hall surrounded by many. He squeezed his way through, apologising to anyone he bumped. When he made it to them the conversation was brief. They told when and where he would play then send him on his way. He still had a couple hours to spare so he made his way around introducing himself to anyone who would listen.
As he was chatting up a couple of noble women he spotted someone across the hall. No one other than the birthday boy himself, (Y/N) (L/N). He was more beautiful than any words he had heard about. Their eyes connected and Venti winked and smiled, making (Y/N) look about quickly. Venti smirked to himself and finished the conversation he was having quickly and made his way over to prince (Y/N). He got behind him and tapped his shoulder, startling the prince.
Venti Giggled. “Well hello there birthday boy.”
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Sorry to everyone who sent it request. i will get to them i’ve just had writers block but i’m starting to write again! also sorry this is short :(
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
i won the 50/50….
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
gn reader bug hunting w itto? can b platonic or romantic :)
- anon
[if i can, i would like to be 🌸 anon /nf]
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Itto is very happy you decided to go bug hunting with him
he’s a pro at tracking down whatever you’re after, be it onikabuto or any other but that’s from inazuma.
would show you all the best bug catching places
you catch a bug on your own? He’d be somewhat jealous he didn’t help you catch it but also really proud of you
if you catch an onikabuto he would ask you to battle with his
teach you and your onikabuto some moves so you’re not completely helpless
but not all his moves
he can’t just give them away for free
would take you to get some food after as a treat
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Thank you for the request! This could be read either platonic or romantic. Of course you can be 🌸 anon ! :) Ittos probably OOC so sorry about that ! also sorry that this took so long and it’s short. another sorry, i made the pronoun you instead of they/them like you asked so :(. my brain kinda blanked. as always sorry for any grammar and/or spelling mistakes
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
i’m so desperate for requests. it’s really sad so you should definitely request something
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
i feel like changing my whole account aesthetic but i’m also too lazy to do it
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
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What’s the Softest Way to Say (Masterlist)
Bard Venti x Prince Reader / Royal Au / No Visions Au
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
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What’s the Softest Way to Say
Part One / Masterlist
Bard Venti x Prince Reader / Royal Au / No Visions Au
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Y/N looked over the kingdom his family ruled, the one he would have to rule soon. Being the eldest son of 5 siblings with three sisters and one brother left him as heir to the throne. He had yet to find a wife to rule with him, which his parents were growing worried about and would take matters into their own hands soon if he could find one.
He sighed, bringing his hands up to his face. His family was throwing a party for his nineteenth birthday. Inviting as many royal families as they could. He wore his best outfit, made of the finest silks his family could get their hands on. A knock brought him out of his thoughts. His brother, who was six, opened his door wearing his best outfit as well. “Y/N!” he squealed as he ran up to him, wrapping his arms around his legs. “Are you excited?” He smiled up at Y/N, who couldn’t help but smile at his brother.
���Of course.” He lied. He didn’t want to bring his brother's mood down. “Who wouldn’t be? I hope there’s lots of cake for us.” His younger brother nodded excitedly and grabbed his hand. “Come on! Mother wants you in the main hall before the guests start arriving!” He followed his brother who practically dragged him all the way there.
The main hall filled quickly, and families from all over Teyvat walked along the walls and tables. He was sure most didn’t even know his name.
Even if this was Y/N's birthday party he felt like he didn’t belong there. He stood to the side, near the entrance to the room that would lead to his room the quickest. He felt out of place around all of these noble families even if he was a noble himself.
His eyes roamed over the guest, trying to find familiar faces when he met bright blue eyes from across the hall. The person they belonged to carried a lyre and wore somewhat traditional bard clothing. The person adding their own flair to it. The Bard winked and waved at Y/N who quickly looked away embarrassed he was caught looking.
Y/N went back to looking around the room when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was the bard who giggled before speaking.
“Well hello there birthday boy.”
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WHAT? ME WRITING SOMETHING THAT ISN'T A HEADCANNON WITH A DRABBLE. no never that’s crazy. anyway i want to write something that’s a royal au soo…. i know is short but it’s kinda like an intro i guess. but i hope you enjoy. i’ll post part 2 as soon as i can :) sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
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Gorou with a cat hybrid s/o
Helps you groom yourself if you let him
loves to brush your tail (he’s a pro)
loves to cuddle with you
doesn’t make fun of any traits you have from your hybrid side (idk how to word this)
loves to play with your tail
let’s you play with his in return
he loves when you purr
he knows your comfortable with him when you do it
could listen to it for hours
Gorou stroked your back lazily, your purring practically putting him to sleep. and you stroking his back didn’t help the matters either.
the soft blankets of your bed felt like soft clouds on his sore body from hours of training with the resistance. your hands felt like that of a gods. the perfect recipe for sleep.
Gorou was on the edge of sleep when he muttered the words, “goodnight love.”
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ugh my writing is so dumb. anyway sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes :(
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katzu919 · 2 years ago
ahhh idk what to write :(
anyway i finally have childe after him not coming home in the last idk how many banners but he’s on my alt account that’s only ar 23 :(
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he’s beautiful <3
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