#anyway he doesn't have a thumb or an index anymore
multishipper-baby · 9 months
I said before that I wanted the characters to be fucked up and I decided to recycle an idea from an old AU and fuck up Eak's hand. Except this time he fares a little better because he only lost two fingers instead of the whole thing. Good for him.
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Strings of Fate
Soulmate!au. I mess with the canon timeline for the plot. Jason's an unreliable narrator, and I practice writing the Batfamily. ~2.2k words
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Jason Todd used to love the idea of soulmates. To watch a colored string form between him and someone he's only just met– knowing that they're going to be a part of him for the rest of his life– was a rush. A thrill that made him giddy every time.
His first soulmate is Batman. He'd never had a soulmate before that alley. It had made his skin itch when he heard other kids talking about their strings, beautiful ropes tying them to loving families that had existed from the moment they were born.
But now he understood the allure, the promise of having something that was his.
He'd dropped the tire iron in shock when a shimmering blue line formed between him and Gotham's Bat. Blue. So dark it was almost black. A blue glowing string that showed a family tie, one wrapped around the index finger of his right hand. (This will haunt him later, when he starts using the same finger to pull the triggers of guns)
The string didn't stop him from trying to run, but it did stop Batman from letting him go.
There's no hiding a string from your soulmate, and Jason likes to think he took Batman removing his cowl very well. (He did not. It took a long time to trust Bruce Wayne)
His second soulmate is Alfred Pennyworth. He's hardly had time to look around the famed batcave and grapple the fact Batman's his soulmate, when his attention is drawn by an elderly man carrying a silver tray. Another blue string. Lighter than his first, it's vibrant around his right wrist.
He's never had a grandfather before, he decides he likes it when the string shimmers as he turns pages of books, when he helps stir the batter for cookies.
His third soulmate is Batgirl. She's pulled him out of the way of a stray bullet, and he thinks he goes a little starry-eyed at the purple string forming on his right forearm. A friendship string. He's never had one of those before he was Robin.
He smiles brightly at her, and he definitely swoons when Barbara Gordan smiles back, nudging him towards the fight and telling him to keep up.
His fourth soulmate is Nightwing. Jason's only been Robin for a handful of months, but he's good at it. He's quick and knows the streets like the back of his hand.
He preens under Batman's smiles and affectionate ruffles of his hair. He wants Nightwing to be proud of him, too. He wants to live up to Robin.
So, he's not exactly sure what to do with the look on Nightwing's face. There's another blue string forming around his right thumb, this one so bright it's nearly neon. Jason's nervous. He hasn't been nervous for a long time.
But, Nightwing speaks up, nodding towards Penguins goons, "Think you can handle these guys?"
"I can," he tells his soulmate confidently, because it's the truth. And even if it wasn't, he's going to impress his new brother.
Nightwing smiles at him, and Jason ignores how strained it seems, "C'mon then, kid, try to keep up."
When Jason meets Dick Grayson, weeks later, his smile is less strained, and he ruffles his hair almost the same way Batman does. It's nice, and they take turns seeing who can do the craziest trick off the training equipment in the batcave.
He likes having a brother.
Jason doesn't meet any other of his soulmates until he's dead, buried, and alive again. There's no strings around his fingers and wrists when he wakes up, and nothing seems real as he slowly relearns his body.
He follows the blue line leading him to Thalia like a puppy. It's grounding, he thinks, to have something that was his again.
Then, he meets Damian. The navy blue string that forms on his left index finger doesn't help much. It just reminds him of what he doesn't have anymore. He flinches when Thalia tells him the baby's last name. He doesn't stay in Nanda Parbat for much longer. He's not much of a soulmate anymore, anyway.
He goes by Red Hood now. He's a crime lord and a villain and the million other things the news calls him. It's almost comical, that his third soulmate of his new life is the Bat. The dark blue string reforms on his right hand, and he doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
His fourth soulmate in this life is his replacement. In the future, he won't be proud of the way he reacts to the royal blue string that forms on his left middle finger. But in the moment, in the middle of the hurt and the rage, he takes it out on Robin.
He takes it out on Tim Drake, and the kid just laughs in his face even with the bruises and broken bones. (It'll make bile rise in his throat one day, when he learns how many soulmates Tim Drake has lost)
His fifth soulmate in this life is Nightwing. Five is more soulmates than he's ever had. Jason hides the fresh scar on his throat under armor and leather. He doesn't say anything when Dick talks. Only listens as he's told about the frayed, grayed string that haunted his soulmates after he died.
He swallows the knot in his throat when Nightwing admits quietly that he still has nightmares over the last tug he felt from Jason's string, before watching the blue fade.
Dick tells him to go see Alfred as he stands to leave, and Jason shoves down the bile that rises over it. (He definitely doesn't end up in Blüdhaven later that month on purpose. He definitely doesn't end up working the case with his brother by choice)
His sixth soulmate is Alfred Pennyworth. He leaves the exchange with enough food to last a week and a familiar glowing blue string.
He seeks out his seventh– third– soulmate on his own. Oracle hugs him as the purple string reforms. He doesn't have the words to explain the feelings stuck on his tongue. She maneuvers the wheelchair expertly. Babs gives him a comlink to the clock tower as he's climbing out the window and tells him to keep in touch. (He won't. Not really. But he does check in.)
Jason leaves Gotham after that. He gets more purple strings wrapped around his body then he ever believed he deserved to have.
The Outlaws mean more to him than he's willing to admit, and it's harder than he expected to watch them go their separate ways. He doesn't try to fool himself into thinking they feel the same way, even when he feels the familiar tugs of their strings.
His next soulmate is unexpected. She introduces herself as Spoiler, and he eyes the purple string matching the color of her cape forming on his left bicep wearily. He tells her to stay out of his territory.
He learns quickly that Stephanie Brown doesn't listen to anyone. She brings him coffee every time he starts to think she's going to stay out of Crime Alley.
He doesn't say much back when she visits. But, if he redoubles his efforts against Black Mask when she admits she knows how weird it is to watch a soul bond reform, it's not because the string means anything. (It is)
His next soulmate nearly makes him jump out of his skin when they first meet. Batgirl. Or Black Bat. He's not really keeping track at this point. She's taken out half of the men he was fighting before he's even realized she was there. He stares at her when she pokes at the blue string connecting him to her on his left ring finger.
He prides himself on not flinching when she pats his arm and disappears into the shadows.
Cassandra Cain shows up at his apartment unannounced more often than he likes, and he definitely doesn't enjoy her presence, especially when she calls him 'baby brother'. (He doesn't really mind)
There's a new Robin hovering at the edge of his territory, and Jason recognizes the blue string between them.
"Mother told me to seek you if I ever needed anything," the kid says, and Jason doesn't miss the shake in his voice that he tries to hide.
Jason knows he's not a very good soulmate, so he's not exactly sure why Robin is here instead of with anybody else. He lets the kid hideout in his safehouse anyway, and follows Damian Wayne dutifully into a nest of Talons the next night.
If he takes a few more punches than he would on his own, it's not because his little brother had bags under his eyes, or a stomach wound he tried to hide. (It is)
His next soulmate seeks him out with a purpose. The Signal. Duke Thomas nods at him as they both watch a blue string manifest between them.
"Did you need something," Jason asks, and he definitely doesn't feel the familiar rush of a bond, of something that's home and his.
Duke just grins at him and asks if he's ever tried the chili digs on the corner of third and main. Jason's not sure why he lies and says he hasn't. They both eat enough that it makes them sluggish on patrol.
Jason's pretty sure he's faking his laughter at Duke's quips as he throws another punch at the unfortunate goons. But the number he hands Signal at the end of the night for emergencies isn't fake. (Jason tells him it's just a burner phone number. It's not the truth, and his personal phone is filled with more memes by the day)
Jason has more shades of purple and blue tied to his body than he's able to keep track of. (This is a lie) After dying a hero and becoming a crime boss only to become a vigilante, the idea of having a red string, having a partner, is something he hasn't thought about since he was a kid.
He doesn't need one, it. would only make his life difficult and the life of whoever he was tied to dangerous. So, when he meets your eyes in the streets of Gotham, surrounded by the motionless bodies of the men that tried to mug you, he freezes.
The familiar rush makes his stomach drop, and the bright red string connects his pinkie finger to yours. He blinks at you, and you blink at him. He wonders what you see.
It can't be anything good. He doesn't think any one of his soulmates saw something good when they found out they were tied to him.
It must be worse, so much worse, to know the universe thinks you're meant to love something terrible. He wavers when you step closer to him, and wonders vaguely if he should make a run for it.
You say a name, and his attention snaps back to you, "What?"
You repeat the name again and thank him for saving you. Oh. You're introducing yourself. Jason stares at you, frowns behind his mask at the uncertainty in your eyes, the nervousness and hopefulness set in your face.
"Red Hood." He says, as if it wasn't obvious. He winces silently at the way your face falls. He really is the worst soulmate, and you're a civilian. You shouldn't be mixed up with him. He might be some kind of masochist because he offers to walk you home.
He's definitely asking for trouble when he keeps showing up on your fire escape. He knows he's in trouble the first time he takes off his mask, knows he's in even more trouble when his stuff finds a home in your apartment, and yours in his.
He's waiting for things to go south when he accidentally spills that he has another soulmate to Steph over coffee on their favorite roof. Knows he's risking your safety when you're curled on his couch, and Cass comes over.
Knows the other shoe's going to drop anytime now, when you offer to dog sit Haley for his brother. Knows this is all too good to be true when Alfred offers to share his world-famous cookie recipe with you.
He's staring at the red string tied to his hand when Bruce offers him a tiny velvet box, a peace offering, Jason thinks, a show of approval for you. Not for him. He's still staring at the red string connecting him to you when you fall asleep against his chest that night.
He can't have it this good. He's never done anything that should have allowed the universe to tie him to so many people, to you. His eyes trail over the shimmering purple and blue strings. He tugs on the purple one around his right ring finger. Something soothes in his chest when Roy tugs back.
He focuses back on your string. It never really made sense to him, that whatever magic created the strings is always right about his soulmates. Even with all the ups and downs, the strings lead right back to his family, his friends, the love of his life.
Jason wants to be a good soulmate. He doesn't think he ever will. But he must be doing something okay, because you're cuddling against him and smiling in your sleep.
The myriad of shades and glowing strings eventually guide him to sleep at your side, and Jason silently promises to do his best by his soulmates. He drifts off with more vows of working up the courage to show you the little velvet box hidden in his jacket.
Part Two
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savannahsdeath · 9 months
a part 2 of -this- ❈ dealer!ellie . an unspecified-criminal's daughter!reader and her father's reunion . this is v short but this lil part had to be done anyway and the next part(s?) will be a rollercoaster istg!!!
warnings: only smoking and language
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she tried to cover up her surprise with a nervous smile on her lips. the same lips which quickly ended up babbling curses anyway.
you hesitantly grinned at the view of the spooked girl. "yeah, daughter!" you haughtily declared, though your voice was even more surprised than hers.
"holy shit." she extended her hand. "i'm ellie. i work for him."
"you do?" you almost squealed and shook her hand, murmuring your own name in exchange. she started to lead the way and you were happy to see that you were walking in the right direction the whole time.
"yeah. it's nice to meet you, tho..." without turning around, she looked at you over her shoulder, as if to make sure you're still following her footsteps. "he never told me he has a kid—" and just like that, in a swift moment — like a snap of fingers, she realised why.
you didn't know what to answer. you weren't shocked, yet something about this fact made you somber and melancholic. you just nodded, before slightly changing the topic to a more optimistic side. "so, what is he like?"
she turned and started walking down a narrow, claustrophobic street, which welcomed you with two buildings surrounding your sides.
you couldn't help but feel like your question knocked her out of rhythm. "uh-oh— well, he's a good guy, just... harsh," she admitted, "but i'm sure he will treat you like a princess."
you smirked as you got to an exposed surface again.
ellie stopped in front of a meager pub. "trust me, you prefer to not come inside. i'll call him outside in a second, 'kay?"
you agreed and restlessly stamped your foot while waiting. you forcefully put the letter in your pocket, crushing it mercilessly. all you could hear was the muffled voices of men inside and the smashed piece of paper, which crunched as your leg moved.
ellie came out in the presence of a man twice your age. you tried to notice any similarities between you both and, though you couldn't point out any specific ones, you were sure you have his genes.
the girl backed away and leaned against the pub's wall, leaving some space for you. she took a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and stuck one between her thumb and index finger.
you felt the paving tiles turning sticky like a slime, making you unable to take a step in any direction. all you could do was stare at him, with your lips going dry, aching head and eyes unable to cry, yet lachrymose.
you cleared your throat and heard him whisper your name, as he stood right in front of you now. he raised his hands and cupped your face with them, lightly caressing your skin. yours found their place on his, brushing your fingers against his. you felt his muscles flex and hypothetically but properly conjectured his job made him strong, whatever it was.
you smiled, favoring him with your pearly whites. your cheeks felt scorching, almost sizzling and your whole body somehow painfully tingly. he pulled away after what seemed like eternity and patted your shoulder.
"what a pretty girl" he whispered, amazed and dazed, before taking a step aside, revealing you to ellie's eyes. "she looks just like me, doesn't she?"
as the girl parted her lips, a cloud of smoke soared and smudged in the air. "i can't spot any differences," she shouted, "it's hard to tell you two apart. identical like two drops of water!"
your father gently but quickly spun you around, so you weren't facing her anymore. "not funny!" he hissed, what made you flinch, though you could hear ellie chuckle in response. he turned back to you, his hand landed on the small of your back. "i know a very good restaurant near!" he exclaimed, moreover you just noticed how hungry you are and how much things there are to tell and talk about.
taglist: @bellaramslover @gold-dustwomxn @loverg1rlll @juliluvsu @timmy-27 @marianeski @kuromicoree @inf3ct3dd @mikellie @elliewilliamsonlygirlfriend @syrenada @drunkzuko @florencepughismybae @weridcattty @kanksaint @villainousbear @coff1nn @emst4rr @thehungrygayterpillar-blog @skylerwhitwyo @macaroni676 @cupid1ink @xen222 @onlinelesbo @crxmxnzl-c0rpzes @elliew-illiamsmissingfingers @mochiivqi @lilylynne11 @sevvenspit @williamsblogxx @707bnnyy @poopypeen @agajahan @kali-1014 @lullsss @corpsebridenightamare
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smoochhyuka · 8 months
Shotaro as your playful dom
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The way he grabbed Antons face and neck in the most recent video.... :( The way he looked into the cam, shaking his head, after Eunseok tried pressing his wrist... :(
○o。content warnings! NSFW, kinda soft dom!shotaro, subby fem!reader, oral m! and f! receiving (mention of face fucking), established relationship, lingerie, tickling!, light bondage, lots of foreplay and teasing, might seem slightly dubcon in some parts but that's unintended, edging, praise kink, pet names, hair pulling, dumbification?? infantilization??, orgasm control, edited for spelling
His sex-drive is fairly high with you, which surprised you, especially at the start of your relationship. His gleeful, warm and extroverted personality almost making him seem innocent, since he's laughing, covering his face after any dirty comment made by his friends. But you couldn't have been more wrong, your sweet sweet Shotaro has a dirty mouth and even dirtier desires.
There is nothing Shotaro enjoys more than to tickle and tease you, while you're helplessly lying in bed between your fluffy pillows and plushies... <3 Your laugh bouncing off the walls, a few whines and weak attempts to tickle him back interrupting it occasionally. He'll secure your wrists above your head, both in one hand, the other caressing your waist while he's blowing raspberries in your neck and belly. Your twitching, turning and squirming only turning him on, feeling manly towering over your cute and soft form.
If he's feeling especially relentless he'll handcuff you to the headboard, only leaving you in your shorts, tits exposed, and won't stop until you tear up. You feel overwhelmed by the sensation, no laughs left to spare in able to process the goosebumps, the bites, tugs, pinches, licks, kisses and tickling. Starting to feel a little humiliated by your pathetic display, damp pussy just from being toyed with by your boyfriend, who has been giggling and laughing at you the entire time.
Shotaros second favorite thing to do is to eat you out afterward. Your whole body being incredibly sensitive, already reacting to his nose hovering above your puffy clit. His head is just as tormenting as the long-winded foreplay, only starting with kitten licks, circling your bundle of nerves painfully slowly, making you cry and beg for more. He places wet kisses around your pussy, spreading your lips with one hand and pumping deeply into your hole with his index finger on the other.
He's feeling a sense of accomplishment if he's able to make you cum with as little stimulation as possible, relying on edging you until you can't take it anymore.
He doesn't need to work hard anyway, just seeing his big eyes with a determined yet playful shine in them, looking up between your thighs while he's sucking on your clit with his plump and pink lips, is a sight that is enough to make your head feel fuzzy.
You always make sure to suck him off too, even if he doesn't necessarily ask you to do so. He's throwing his head back, long blonde locks framing is cute, little face, while he's moaning your name loudly, praises dripping down his tongue like honey.
"You're doing so good, angel."
"My pretty girl."
"That's it, princess."
If he's lying on his back, he'd arch it and hold your head down, fucking your throat with both hands buried in your hair, pulling on it if you like it. If he's sitting, you're kneeling in front of him on the floor, or lying on your stomach next to him, head on his lap, he'll be a lot softer with you, letting you control the tempo. He's caressing your cheeks, if you jack him off to catch a breath, he's playing with your lips with his thumb. His loving smile won't falter, holding intense eye-contact, giggling if you avoid his gaze out of shyness.
Sex with Shotaro can be very rough, but he's somehow always cheerful. Sometimes you're unsure if he's sincere or mocking you, his praises sounding ironic due to his joyful tone. His cute face contrasting his actions, you get whiplash if he's suddenly asserting his dominance by grabbing your face or holding you down, stripping you of your clothes.
Most of the time, though, you can distinguish his cynicism from honest statements. He would never make fun of you in front of others, he thinks very highly of you and spoils you rotten outside the bedroom. But he switches up behind closed doors, he knows how heat is pooling between your legs every time he diminishes you in that airy, sing-songy tone of his.
"I thought you're a smart girl, huh? Why would you act this stupidly?"
"A girl like you can't do something like this by herself."
"Why won't you go into the bedroom, get ready for your boyfriend, while I fix this mess you just caused, mh? Can you do that for me?"
No because you need an extra closet just for your lingerie. He already loves shopping and this is just another item to splurge on. He is always a little embarrassed to buy them, a toothy, mischievous smile on his face while handing the cashier the underwear, he might mention they're for his girlfriend if they're eyeing him too much. But ultimately it's worth it.
He only buys colors that suit your skin complexion, but the styles are all over the place. You own many négligées, sets and basic lace pieces, all with varying degrees of skimpiness.
He loves it when you wear them around the house, or just walk around lightly clothed, it's like a game of who loses first. His hands are going to be all over you, but not where you want them to be. He's kissing and biting your neck, thighs and cheeks, but never grazing your lips. He's adjusting your lingerie, but never pulling it down.
Usually it's you who caves first, his competitiveness too pronounced, his teasing resembling edging.
Fucking you against the kitchen counter, living room table or wall, making sure your exposed nipples rub against the cold and textured surfaces underneath you. His pace is relentless, fingers burying themselves in your hips. He doesn't shy away from slapping your ass or tits too, pulling your hair and sloppily making out with you.
He moans so loudly, his voice sounding almost whiny, chanting your name or pet names while he cums deeply inside your cunt.
If he's feeling especially mean that day, he won't let you cum. Still in that position, he's rubbing your pussy in an unhealthy speed and stopping just before your release, repeating this until you cry. Sinking back into you to feel your abused walls around his dick while he's finally not pulling away, letting you relish your well-earned orgasm.
Even if you wanted to tell anyone about your boyfriend's antics, no one will believe you. Cry.
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jaetyun · 9 months
04. christmas party for the freshies
wc: 1.2k
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you stare at your phone, teeth gritting for a moment. you find it hard to believe you should follow ningnings advice, yet there you are walking up to jake with a soft kind smile.
"hey, i just wanted to thank you for.. all of this." you put your hands out, gesturing to the entire get together. he tuts, waving his hand dismissively. "nonsense, i just thought it'd be nice to let you all know you're welcome at our uni." he nods, returning the same smile. you slowly nod, humming as you speak. "jake, was it? y'know i find it so admirable that you'd let us use the frat house. i mean, you sure you wanna clean this by yourself? i can help in the morning"
he shook his head firmly. "you really don't have to, it'll be all hands on deck by everyone in the crew." you gave him a look, one that told him 'be so for real right now.' he laughed at this, glancing down at his empty red solo cup with a shy smile. you peer down, taking the cup from his hand on impulse. "I was gonna get something for myself anyways. what'd you have in here?" "the mystery mix seunghan so graciously made for us. said it's his christmas gift to us" he sighs, leaving you to chuckle softly. "i'll be right back, kay?"
you could barely turn around before he was sliding his arm over your shoulder, walking out the game room with you. "do you know your way around?" you played coy, pretending to think for a moment before shaking your head. "i thought i'd figure my way around myself, it's no biggie." he smiled, walking forward with you still under his grip. "you're talking to the one who lives in the house, i'll show you around." you were seriously doubting the advice of your friend once you made it to the living room with no sign of heeseung, pretending to be interested in whatever jake was talking about in the moment. your eyes continued to wander around until you finally spotted the man of the hour, getting increasingly closer to the two of you.
"yo jake, i think i just saw some high schoolers trying to sneak in." jake frowns, arm coming off your shoulder before it slides in his pocket. "i swear if it's that riki kid again..." he turns to you, giving you a wink. "wait here, okay princess?" you give him a happy nod, watching him inch farther away to god knows where. when you turn around, it was just the two of you and it didn't take a rocket scientist to be able to tell heeseung is pissed off.
"you need to stay away from him."
"why? can't handle the one you're avoiding to be interested in your friend?"
"no, he's not someone you would want to date. i don't trust jake"
"since when did you care about me?" his face grows more agitated, index and thumb pinching his nose in an attempt to control his emotions. "i have always cared about you."
you cross your arms, huffing out in disagreement. "was it before or after wonbin?"
a silence lingered, and suddenly heeseungs rock hard expression softened. "i was out of your life by then. wonbin made my life a living hell so when you got with him..."
"you think i deserved it?"
"that's not what i'm saying."
at this point your eyes were filled to the brim with tears, the pause being the only thing keeping you from jumping him in that moment. "yeah, i know wonbin hurt you. then he hurt me, something you two have in common" you walk past him, hitting his shoulder on the way out. he turns around, sighing desperately. "pretty."
the nickname whips your head around, the tears being replaced by furrowed eyebrows and constricted pupils. "you don't get to call me that anymore, i only came here to hug it out and kumbaya with you because i thought you changed, but nothings different. just because you have friends and a social life doesn't mean you're not the same insecure asshole i knew." and with that you stormed out the room, leaving heeseung exasperated.
jake enters shortly after, riki right next to him. "what happened? where's the girl?"
heeseung shook his head. "nothing, y/n went to talk with my sister." jake's eyebrows rose, shock overtaking his expression.
"dude, that was her? i am.. so sorry for hitting on her." heeseung shook his head. "don't mention it, where's yizhuo."
"yunjins looking for you, she seems worried. did you ditch her again?"
"yunjin can wait. where's my sister?"
jake nods to niki, who swiftly exited as jake more closely approached heeseung, hand now on his shoulder. "she can wait, and that's a problem. don't make her wait on you any more then she already has. she's been there for you every time, can't you do the same? just this once?" heeseung grits his teeth, but he thought back to what you had told him and reluctantly his face relaxed, and nodded without another word. jake smiled, hand on heeseungs shoulder moving to his back as he guides the both of them to the girl of the hour.
when she spots him, yunjin immediately rises out of her seat, smile slowly creeping back onto her face. "hee!"
"seung" he finishes, leaving yunjin to wince in response. "right, i'm sorry. i forgot you don't like that nickname."
"it's not that i don't like it, i would just rather you call me something else." he smiles back, gesturing for jake to leave. "what happened back there? i heard yelling but i didn't wanna leave the room." heeseung shook his head, eyes drifting to the cup of mystery liquid in his hand. "it's nothing, let's just get out of here."
"right. but.. before we go..." she digs into her bag, pulling out a small gift box and handing it to him. "merry christmas seung." his eyes lit up. taking it carefully. "jen.. you really didn't have to.."
"just cause you're emotionally unavailable doesn't mean you don't deserve kindness."
"i just.. i dunno how to make this up to you"
"i know a couple of ways" she smiles teasingly, and suddenly heeseungs soured mood is lightened, chuckling lightheartedly with a nod. he took her hand in his, swiftly exiting before anyone could notice they were gone.
"die hard is a christmas movie! cmonnn let's watch it!" sunghoon whines to yuna, whose arms are crossed in disapproval. "die hard is not a christmas movie. or a good one in general, why do you wanna watch it? let's put on elf or something."
"i already have a headache can we not argue next to the christmas tree" you sigh, falling onto kazuhas lap on your stomach. she rubs your back soothingly, tutting at the other two. "what happened?" sunghoon questioned, ignoring yunas eye daggers she shot his way. "heeseung happened"
"were you the one yelling? we could hear it from here." yuna added, causing you to pout. "i didn't realize i was that loud, sorry."
kazuha shook her head. "we were siding with you, you cleared his ass"
you laughed, rolling onto your back and slithering onto the floor in between sunghoon and kazuhas chair. "can we watch a movie? i wanna take my mind off of it."
you were given a look, and you sighed knowing the two would go off arguing yet again if you didn't
decide one now. "the grinch. i feel like him right now and maybe his character arc will make my heart grow three times bigger as well."
"that's impossible, you don't have a heart to begin with" yuna teases, still grabbing the remote and turning the tv on anyways.
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synopsis: after a blow-up fight, it was goodbye to your childhood best friends brother. the three of you had always been close, but after heeseung pushed you both out and ran off to college you had to fight your way back into his life.
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daddy-dins-girl · 1 year
Safe for Tonight (Chapter 2)
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Series Part 1: "When You Break"
Joel Miller x Tess
Fandom: The Last of Us (HBO) Word Count: 6.7k Rating: E
Warnings: 18+ MDNI. This is like 5k of pure smut so, that is a warning in and of itself. Fingering. Oral sex (f and m receiving). Unprotected P in V sex (it's the apocalypse y'all).
Notes: It was hard trying to write Joel in this series... Like he loves Tess but not so much in a real romantic kind of way. He's just lost too much and doesn't have it in him anymore to love like that again. So he keeps her at an arms length but he still has a physical desire for her (and he's not a total a**hole) but that was a tough fine line when writing for this story, lol. Anyway, hope I did right by these characters!
After a few minutes of gently kneading into her shoulders over top of the bathrobe she wore, Joel began to subtly move his hands in a way so that his fingertips would brush the bare skin at the back or sides of her neck. When she didn’t immediately shy away from his touch he gradually got a little more bold until his hands were completely free from the robe and his fingers and thumbs were rubbing into the flesh of her neck and collarbone. A soft moan escaped Tess’s lips at the new sensation and Joel had to bite his lip from behind her to keep his own from escaping. Tess leaned all the way back then, her head resting on his shoulder and eyes closed. At the sudden movement, his hands slipped forward underneath the top of her robe, brushing further down her collarbone to the top of her chest; fingertips just barely teasing the the tops of the swells of her breasts and Tess hummed softly as her hand instinctively reached out to grab at his knee next to her.
“Feel good?” Joel asked against the shell of her ear, his voice raspy.
“Mmmhmm” Tess nodded, eyes still closed.
“Keep going?” He asked next and she merely nodded her head against his shoulder.
Joel’s hands slipped further inside the robe, groaning as he palmed both of her breasts, one filling each hand and gently squeezing and Tess arched her back, pressing further into his touch.
“So fucking soft” Joel muttered against the side of her face. Whatever she had been soaking in in that bath had done absolute wonders on her skin. She smelled amazing, felt amazing and he suddenly felt drunk all over again. Completely intoxicated by the woman in his arms. He felt himself beginning to go hard just by touching her and he had to resist the urge to rut against her.
Wanting, needing to feel more of her, and now that he’d had her permission, Joel roughly shoved the material of the robe further aside until her breasts were fully exposed and his deft fingers began playing with her nipples. He pinched them between his thumb and index, gently rolling them before he’d palm the whole mound again and repeat the process. Tess had already begun to tremble between his legs, her hand not holding his knee coming up to thread through the short hairs at the back of his head before gripping it tightly between her fingers.
“Joel” she whined breathily, turning her face towards his. He tilted his head down, capturing her mouth in a searing kiss and moaning when their tongues met in a hungry dance of dominance.
“I’ve wanted you so badly” Tess admitted against his lips when they broke apart for air.
“Yeah?” Joel breathed heavily before latching his mouth to the side of her throat instead, eliciting a sharp moan from Tess as she arched further against him. Joel’s hands left her chest suddenly and began tugging desperately at the cotton belt tied around her waist until it came free and the robe fell open revealing most of her body. A groan left Joel’s lips and this time he couldn’t help but lift his hips just slightly, pressing his desire against the small of her back.
“Spread your legs Baby” Joel instructed and Tess pulled her legs up slightly before letting her knees fall open and touch down onto Joel’s legs again on either side. Truthfully she loved that he was like this with her. She was very much in charge in basically every other aspect of their lives but Joel taking authority in the bedroom, as he had in their previous encounter, ignited her with a fiery passion she hadn’t felt in years.
“Fuck, yeah, just like that” he praised her, bringing one arm up to wrap around her waist as his other hand went straight to the apex of her thighs, his digits sliding easily through her already soaked folds. Tess moaned loudly at his touch, his praise only heightening her arousal. His bedroom voice spread a warmth through her abdomen that she wanted to commit to memory.
“Jesus” Joel muttered through clenched teeth as the evidence of her need for him coated his fingers. It took everything in him not to flip them both over and just fuck her into the mattress right then and there.
“Told you” Tess panted, fingers still running through his hair with one hand, the other still on his leg beside her and creeping up his thigh as much as her position would comfortably allow for. “I’ve wanted you Joel. Your hands on me, your mouth. Wanted to feel you inside me again”
At her confession Joel groaned loudly and sunk two fingers into her, his other arm holding her down as she chased the thrust of his fingers. He pumped his digits in and out of her, slowly at first but building a momentum over a couple of minutes before adding a third and curling them until he reached that spot that had her hand gripping his thigh so hard he had to grit through his teeth at the pain she inflicted. He kept his fingers deep inside her, fucking her with each punishing arch of his wrist, his palm a relentless pressure against her clit.
“Joel… Joel I’m - oh fuck”
She brought both hands around the back of his head now and dragged his mouth to hers as she all but screamed into his mouth as her orgasm ripped through her. Her entire body was pulsating, her legs trembled, chest heaving and Joel kept up his ministrations, riding her through it and swallowing all of her moans until her body began to slow its frantic writhing and she eventually sagged against him, tongue still deep in his mouth and kissing him languidly now.
Joel slowly pulled his fingers out, running them through her folds and swirling them around her clit for a few slow strokes and she jolted slightly at the over stimulation so he regretfully pulled his hand away, running it up her stomach instead and stopping to massage her breast for a few long moments until her rapid breathing had began to slow.
He kissed her soundly one last time before resting his forehead against the side of her head and nuzzling against her ear.
“So am I forgiven yet?”
“Hmmm, I don’t know” Tess said teasingly, a small smile playing on her lips. “Might depend on what I get if I say no”
“I have ideas” Joel said, voice husky against her ear.
“Hmmmm” Tess hummed before pulling herself up slightly to sit a little straighter and turned her face back to be able to look him in the eyes. “Care to share with the rest of the class?” She asked, raising one eyebrow at him.
Joel stared at her for a long few seconds. She was so beautiful and perfect and his.
“If my uh… If mine,” he remembers saying to Bill just hours earlier. Whatever they were to each other they were exactly that, each others. He knew he never expressed that to her explicitly but he hoped she knew. Whatever slivers of a heart he had left, she could have. He knew it wasn’t much and likely not enough but it’s what he had to offer. They were their own little family now.
~Fall Into Me, Everyone’s broken and I got this missing piece. Honestly, you fit me like no one, You’re perfectly broken for me.~
In one swift move Joel rolled them until Tess was on her back and he was over top of her, propped up on his elbows. Despite having just came, Tess felt a familiar heat coiling low in her belly as Joel stared at her hungrily. Not waiting for him to do it, Tess began pulling each of her arms out of the robe, wanting to be free of any barriers between them and Joel helped her tug the rest of the garment free from underneath her, tossing it unceremoniously to the floor next to the bed.
He brought a hand to her cheek, cupping it gently before letting it glide down her throat, the swell of her breast, down her stomach until it rested on her hip, his gaze following his hand as it trailed her body. His thumb rubbed back and forth absently at the jut of her hip bone, eyes still glued to his movements for a few long moments until he pushed himself further down the bed and his mouth moved to where his hand had been.
“Joel?” Tess asked, her breath hitched as Joel’s warm hands began smoothing up her legs, starting at her knees and working up her thighs and his mouth continued planting kisses across her hip and abdomen, slowly retreating lower as he went.
“May I?” He asked, his face hovering just above where she suddenly desperately needed him but his eyes were glued to hers, awaiting her response.
Tess would have laughed and cracked a joke at his Southern manners if she wasn’t already completely undone at just the sight of Joel between her legs, her entire body already trembling with anticipation.
“Please” she managed to breathe out before letting her head fall back into the pillows.
Joel made quick work of arranging himself comfortably and brought both of Tess’s legs up to rest over his shoulders and she gasped the moment he lurched forward and licked a long line through her folds.
“Joel, Jesus!” Tess’s hips arched off the bed but Joel’s arm quickly shot up to lay across her waist, effectively pinning her down.
His tongue continued licking through her folds, the scruff of his beard against her skin a rough contrast to the smoothness of her thighs and driving her even more mad with want. He swirled his tongue around her clit and grazed his teeth against it before sucking it into his mouth and Tess was moaning and panting above him, her hands coming down to fist in his hair. His mouth continued its skilled assault, devouring her with renewed enthusiasm as she wantonly moaned and writhed above him, not at all shy while her hips desperately tried to chase the pressure from his mouth and her thighs squeezed the sides of his head like an unrelenting vice grip.
Sensing she was close, Joel added two fingers into her, curling them to the same spot as earlier and Tess’s grip in his hair tightened, earning a growl from Joel that ripped right through her. He doubled his efforts, licking faster, sucking harder and his fingers continuing to tease that spongy spot deep inside her. It didn’t take much longer until she fell apart.
“I’m coming, oh fuck. Joel!”
Joel didn’t let up just yet, keeping up his pace and drawing out her orgasm for as long as he could until he felt her pushing at his head, the stimulation all becoming too much. He regretfully pulled his fingers from her and slowed the movements of his mouth to languid licks and open mouthed kisses, his nose still nuzzling in her heat as he slowly brought her down from her high and felt her legs relax on his shoulders before she brought them back down to the bed, her hands now pushing through his hair gently.
His mouth moved from her aching centre to her hips, up her stomach, pausing to mouth tenderly at her breasts for a few long moments before trailing the rest of the way up her body until his lips met hers in a lazy, unhurried kiss.
“Jesus Christ Miller” Tess sighed once they broke apart. “For a man of so few words, you really know how to use your mouth, you know that?” She said, gripping a hand around his chin to force his gaze to hers.
“Maybe it’s my hidden talent” Joel just shrugged, a teasing glint in his eyes.
“I’ll say” Tess huffed. “We’ve known each other what, 4 years? And I never knew you had this special talent? Well, maybe for the best anyway. Had I known that was possible these past 4 years you’d probably have a broken jaw by now”
“Oh and here I thought I was the romantic one?” Joel joked and Tess let out a hearty laugh at that, her head falling back slightly as she shoved at his shoulder.
“Hey Joel,” Tess began again after a minute.
“I think I’m relaxed now” she said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she ran a hand through his messy hair.
“Well I’m a man of my word” Joel simply shrugged.
“And you?” Tess asked, her hand coming up to run down his chest until she reached the waistband of his sweatpants he was still wearing. She pushed her hand inside; surprised at the lack of underwear, but unsurprised at how hard he was as her hand loosely gripped around him. “I was supposed to be helping you relax, after all” she said teasingly as her hand slowly pumped his length, causing Joel to groan from above her.
“Pants off, Mister” Tess ordered, though her tone was playful. Joel quickly obliged, shoving his pants down as far as he could and kicking them off the rest of the way until they lay discarded somewhere at the end of the bed.
Tess pushed herself up onto her elbows as much as she could with Joel overtop of her and attempted to get him onto his back so she could return the favor, as it were, and give him the pleasure he had given her. However as she gently pushed at his shoulder he merely shook his head.
“Joel,” she went to argue, assuming he was going for some selfless “I’m fine” attitude but he quickly cut her off.
“I wanna fuck you”
Her eyebrows raised at his response. She didn’t know many men that would turn down a blow job but his voice was so rough with want, his eyes pooled with desire and it was enough to get her own eagerness flooding back to her, despite being very well taken care of already.
She settled back down against the pillows and wrapped one hand around the back of Joel’s head, bringing him down to kiss her. Their tongues brushed along one anothers, their make-out session intimate and unhurried as they explored each others mouths. Joel’s right hand roamed her body beneath him, running down her sides and dipping between her legs to gently play with her, warming her up again before what would be for her a round 3. She was still wet between her legs, a mixture of her own desire and Joel’s saliva and he swirled his fingers through her folds a few times before bringing a thumb to her clit and beginning to rub tight circles against it. Tess’s body tensed, hips raising up from the bed before she gripped his forearm.
“I’m ready” she said against his lips. “Take me”
Joel groaned at her choice of words, tilting his head down so he could see between them as his hand left her to grab the base of his cock and guide it to her entrance. He slid inside with one long push and his forehead dropped to rest against hers once he’d bottomed out.
“Fuck how do you feel so good?” Joel groaned, breathing through his nose, eyes clamped shut as her walls enveloped him. He took a moment to gather himself and slow his breathing before he finally began to move, pulling out nearly completely before easing back in and repeating the action. He fucked into her slowly at first, his left hand fisting into the bedcovers as his right gripped her hip. It took all of his control not to set a fast and brutal pace. He wanted to just cover her body with his and fuck her into the mattress until he came, which he knew was not going to take long. But his mind drifted to what Tess had said earlier, how they were safe here, for once. He could take his time if he wanted to; a luxury they surely wouldn’t always have and he didn’t want to waste that.
He moved his head to bring his lips to hers, kissing her again and Tess moaned into his mouth. He knew she liked the kissing, always eager to draw their mouths together when she could and her mouth was so soft and warm he fell into it easily, just as eager to chase her tongue with his. His hips continued to rock against her, unhurried but persistent and forceful in their thrusts, building this slow burn with her, dragging it out so they could revel in it a while longer and sustain the high they were riding as long as possible. Tess was all but whining now into his mouth, her hands wrapping around his shoulders, holding him to her.
“You ok?” Joel asked, his mouth leaving hers. If she needed him to hurry up and get her off, he would.
“Mmmhmm” she just nodded, bringing her hands up to thread through his hair again. “God Joel, you feel so good, just like this. Keep going”
Joel’s mouth sealed against hers at her encouragement, moaning into her mouth and Tess’s hands went back to tangle in the sweaty hair at the back of his head. He could stay inside me forever, she thought inwardly. His weight on top of her, mouth on hers, hands everywhere and his cock filling her up so completely, it was everything she needed tonight. And it felt different, in comparison to the last time they were together. Then it was hurried and sloppy and carnal. Joel had barely looked at her the whole time, taking her from behind when they fucked. It had felt incredible, don’t get her wrong, but it felt like a fuck. Like two ships passing in the night, heading in different directions by morning. Tonight he took his time with her, explored her body as if he needed to commit each patch of skin to memory. And he was kissing her just as he was fucking her; slow, deep and selflessly. He had built up a steady rhythm and she inched closer to the edge every time their hips met with each drawn out thrust. Minutes passed and their kisses began to grow sloppy before Joel tore his mouth away from hers to travel down her throat instead, kissing, licking and sucking and she threw her head back, her legs involuntarily wrapping around Joel’s to pull him even deeper inside of her.
“Fuck” Joel growled against her throat before his mouth latched on again, sucking hard enough there was no doubt she’d have marks tomorrow and she let out a gutterall moan, fingernails scraping the back of his head. His rhythm faltered slightly and his mouth left her throat to come to her ear instead.
“Are you close?”
“Yeah” Tess nodded desperately against him, her moans filling the space of the large guest room and music to Joel’s ears.
Joel lifted himself up slightly, hand planted down on the bed next to her hip as he began fucking into her hard, fast and desperate. Tess’s hands had fallen from his head when he pulled away and she clutched at the sheets beneath her, knuckles turning white as she tried desperately to keep up with his unrelenting pace.
“Come on Baby,” Joel encouraged as he watched her writhe and moan beneath him. Her head had lolled off to the side, her mouth hanging open and eyes squeezed shut as she neared the precipice of her peak. Joel shifted slightly, grabbing her legs and adjusting them tighter around his waist before gripping her hips roughly as he continued to drill into her, forcing her hips back to meet each of his desperate thrusts and Tess couldn’t hold back the scream that ripped from her throat as she came around his cock.
“Good girl, fuck” Joel praised through gritted teeth as his hips continued to slam against her while Tess continued riding through her orgasm, his name falling from her lips over and over again like some kind of whispered prayer. Joel gave a few more forceful thrusts until he came. Hard. He was panting heavily, his forehead drenched in sweat and holding himself as deep within her as he could as he spilled himself inside.
Fully spent, Joel collapsed on top of her, both their bodies just heaving piles of sweaty limbs desperately trying to catch their breaths.
“Joel,” Tess said between heavy breaths. “Oh my god”. She brought her arms up to wrap around his back and rub across his shoulder blades, loving the feeling of strong hard muscles under the delicate touch of her soft fingers. Joel was still gasping for his own breath, not able to do much but nod his agreement of her sentiment against her shoulder where his face was buried. He remained there for several long moments until he finally gathered enough energy to move his weight off her, his softening cock slipping out of her at the movement.
Joel groaned at the loss but placed a kiss to her temple before rolling off of her and onto his back, chest still rising and falling rapidly to match his racing heart.
“Christ I think I forgot I’m not 20 years old anymore” Joel said with a huff, bringing his hand up to rest over his lungs that heaved against his chest.
Tess let out a chuckle at that before she rolled onto her side to spoon up against him, her hand coming to lay atop his.
They laid there in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes, regulating their breathing and coming back to themselves as their collective high wore off until Tess’s hand suddenly left Joel’s and she brought it to her forehead.
“Fuck” she muttered.
“What?” Joel asked, turning slightly to look at her.
“Nothin just… I think I gotta bake Frank a damn cake or something now”
“What?” Joel asked, shaking his head with his brow furrowed in utter confusion.
Tess closed her eyes underneath her hand and inwardly cursed herself for bringing up Frank. Not exactly wanting to let Joel in on their little conversation from earlier.
“Nothing, I mean just, it was nice you know, them letting us stay here” she quickly recovered, taking her hand away and bringing it back to find Joel’s. His features softened at that and in a surprising move to Tess he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles.
“What was that for?” She asked, a small smile playing on her lips at the sweet gesture.
“Thank you” Joel said genuinely, looking into her eyes. “For bringing us here. I know I put up a fight at first but…” He trailed off, shaking his head.
“Oh come on,” Tess huffed with a playful roll of her eyes. “You have to say it now”
Joel sighed but nodded his head anyway. “You were right” he finished his thought, begrudgingly, and Tess just grinned.
“Bill’s about as charming as a cockroach, but Frank seems nice and I think there’s a lot of potential in a trade partnership here. Think it’ll be good for us”
“Bill’s not that bad” Tess attempted to argue but Joel just raised an eyebrow at her.
“He had a gun trained on me at the dinner table”
“Ok well, maybe he takes some warming up”
“A dip in a volcano couldn’t warm that guy up” Joel muttered, and Tess giggled, lightly slapping his chest.
“Be nice in the morning,” She warned. “We want to be welcomed back here again”
Joel sighed but nodded dutifully. “Yes ma’am”
They laid there peacefully a while longer until Joel maneuvered them under the bed clothes. He kissed her forehead and mumbled a goodnight before reaching over to the bedside lamp and pulling the cord, bathing the room in darkness. He settled on his back again and lifted his right arm so Tess could shuffle in next to him on her side before his arm came down to drape over hers, hand absently running back and forth against her smooth skin.
“Goodnight Texas” Tess whispered against his chest before placing a light kiss to it and finally closing her eyes, letting sleep take her almost immediately.
~We didn’t need fixing all of this time, Cause all of your edges fit right into mine~
Tess opened her eyes the next morning, blinking against the sun that was beaming in through the windows of the guest room. She groaned, stretching her limbs and then let out a satisfied hum of her lips as she felt Joel’s warm chest underneath her hands. At some point in the night he had rolled onto his side facing away from her and she had big spoon’d herself right up against him and it brought an easy smile to her lips. She brought one hand away to rub up and down his arm instead, gently stirring him awake until she felt his body tense for a quick fraction of a second until it relaxed again, as he likely remembered where they were.
“Good morning,” Tess said, planting a kiss on his bare shoulder.
“Mornin’” Joel hummed through his lips, still weary with sleep.
“Hey Joel?” Tess’s breath was suddenly against his ear, her fingers gently pulling at the lobe and Joel shivered involuntarily.
“Hmmm?” He responded groggily.
Instead of answering him Tess gently grabbed his shoulder and rolled him towards her until he was on his back. He blinked rapidly a few times, eyes failing to adjust to the early morning light so he settled on closing them again instead. He knew it had to be pretty early and unless Bill and Frank were kicking them out, he didn’t see a reason they needed to race out of bed just yet.
He settled again, breathing beginning to slow as the temptation of sleep pulled at him. A few moments passed before he felt a warm mouth on his jaw, trailing downwards to his throat and despite his fatigue he moaned.
“Tess,” he mumbled her name in almost a whine, his voice thick with sleep.
“Relax, Texas” Tess soothed, mouth continuing its descent and now reaching his chest. “Remember?”
Joel’s body tensed as the realization dawned on his groggy brain while her mouth continued kissing and licking down his body further and further. His hands fisted at his sides in anticipation before he finally forced his eyes open and managed to bring one hand up to slip under her face that was already half way down his stomach.
He gripped her chin and tilted her face up so he could look at her. “You don’t have to…”
Gently she wrapped her hand around his wrist and pulled it away from her face. “I want to” was all she said and he closed his eyes, letting his head fall back to the pillows.
“Fuck” he growled, the sleep suddenly gone from his voice and replaced with unbridled lust, and it was all the confirmation Tess needed.
She reached down to grab his length, already half hard in her hand and he hissed at the contact. She began stroking him languidly, her mouth still peppering kisses to his stomach and hips until he was fully hard and she brought her mouth down on to him.
“Tess, mmpphhmmm” Joel groaned, bringing a hand up to thread into her hair, her mouth warm and soft and perfect. Her tongue swirled over the tip before she took him into her mouth again, swallowing down as much of him as her throat could take.
“Keep talking” she rasped out against his cock. She loved how he spoke to her in the throes of passion. He hadn’t been all that vocal last night, but certainly more so than their first encounter, and the times he did speak had her reeling and she ached for more of it.
She went back to sucking him off, her hand wrapping around the base and her strokes keeping pace with her mouth for whatever part of him it couldn’t reach.
“Fuck, your mouth is so fucking perfect” Joel praised and when she moaned around his cock he nearly lost it, his grip tightening in her hair and pressing her closer, though not too forcefully.
“Fucking made to take my cock, weren’t you Baby?” he said, quickly catching on to what spurred her on as she bobbed up and down on him with renewed enthusiasm. She hummed against his dick and it pulsed through him, his hips involuntarily lifting to fuck into her throat. She stuttered a bit in her movements as he hit deeper into her throat but she kept up her relentless pace. Joel looked down to watch her, only to notice her grinding her own hips into the mattress desperate for the friction and let out a quiet ‘fuck’ under his breath, marveling at how getting him off was getting her off as well.
“Jesus Christ” His head fell back to the pillows again and he shut his eyes tightly, attempting to regain some sense of composure before this ended too quickly. As much as he’d love to finish in her mouth, seeing her all but fuck herself into the bed made him want to get her off just as badly and he knew he’d be completely useless if she sucked him dry first.
“Come here” he said suddenly, yanking her up his body. Tess groaned at the loss of him in her mouth but he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her roughly, swallowing her disapproval before he wrapped his other arm around her waist and flipped them until she was underneath him.
“Think I wouldn’t notice your little show, hmmm?” Joel mumbled against her lips. “Think you could get off without me?”
“No” Tess shook her head, once again loving the role reversal that took place between them in the bedroom.
Joel pulled away from her suddenly, and was on his knees between her thighs, sitting up straight.
“Legs, up here, now” Joel directed and Tess eagerly obeyed, bringing each of her legs up to rest on his shoulders. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down the bed closer to him, quickly lining himself up at her entrance and sliding easily inside her wet heat.
“I fucking knew it” Joel marveled at her wetness, bucking into her recklessly as her walls clamped down around him. The bed strained beneath them, the headboard thudding against the wall in time with Joel’s frantic thrusts.
“Joel” Tess whined, the position allowing him to stroke even deeper inside her with each push of his hips. She was so close and Joel’s movements were getting sloppy with his impending release chasing.
“Fuck, Tess, I can’t - ” Joel was losing it above her and if that wasn’t already enough to push her off the edge, his fingers suddenly on her clit rolling deft circles around it definitely was and she came hard and fast with his name on her lips and Joel immediately followed with a few final thrusts, spilling inside her.
Chest heaving, Joel turned his head to place a kiss to Tess’s leg that was still over his shoulder before he gently pulled her legs down and slipped out of her. He stayed on his knees between her legs, head hanging and catching his breath until the sound of Tess laughing forced his gaze back up.
She was lying on the bed, hand over her face and body trembling with laughter.
“Something funny?” Joel asked, not upset, just confused.
“I was just thinking, I don’t care how far apart our rooms are, there’s no way Frank and Bill didn’t hear that”
“Oh Christ” Joel groaned, rubbing a hand over his face.
“Hope we still get invited back” Tess laughed and Joel shook his head.
“Yeah we may have worn out our welcome” Joel agreed. “At the very least we probably owe them some new sheets” he said, looking down at the mess they’d made.
“Oh my god stop,” Tess was practically folding in on herself laughing, reaching up to shove at Joel’s chest.
“I need to take a shower” Joel said after a long moment had passed, shuffling himself off the bed.
“Uh uh” Tess suddenly scrambled up to a seated position on the bed. “You’re not hiding in the shower while I go down there and face Bill and Frank by myself. Besides, I need a shower too”
“Tell you what, because I’m a gentleman” he brought a hand to his chest as he emphasized the word and Tess playfully rolled her eyes. “I’ll go shower first, you can wait here, pack up our things or something and then I’ll head downstairs. ‘Reckon neither of ‘em are gonna say anything to me. You get cleaned up and we’ll hightail it outta here, tell them we wanna get an early start”
“Well you are nothing if not a gentleman” Tess teased, rolling her eyes. “Hurry up then” She ordered, nodding her head towards the bathroom and Joel mumbled a “yes ma’am” before turning away from her and closing himself inside the bathroom.
Tess slipped back into the robe she had on last night and began picking up their discarded clothes and belongings around the room. She went to Joel’s pack, pulling out a fresh set of clothes for him and leaving it in a neat pile on the dresser so she could shove his dirty clothes back into the bag. She did the same with her own clothes and then looked over to the bed. The sheets were all twisted together and a corner of the fitted sheet had rolled up and off the mattress at some point during their escapades. The blanket was half off the bed, half on the floor and she didn’t want to even think about what kind of mess their bodies had left behind. Sighing, she wandered over to the bed, pulling all the sheets and blanket off and rolling it all into one large ball that she could throw into the hamper in the bathroom. She remembered Frank mentioning spare linens earlier and she thanked whatever higher power was smiling down on them as she opened the closet door and found a change of sheets and blanket.
Tess was putting the finishing touches on making the bed up with the fresh linens when Joel finally stepped out of the bathroom, towel secured around his waist.
“See, nothin’ to worry about,” Joel said easily, making his way further into the bedroom.
“Yeah, until they go to do the laundry” Tess laughed. “I have half a mind to burn these instead,” she said, gesturing over to the pile of dirtied bedclothes on the floor.
“Next time we’ll ask for a room with a fireplace then” Joel joked as he came to stand next to her and Tess swatted at his shoulder.
“I left you some clothes out” Tess nodded towards the dresser as she bent down to pick up the pile of linens to throw into the laundry hamper. “Get dressed and head downstairs to face our wrath, like you promised”
“All right” Joel hummed his agreement, watching Tess disappear from view into the bathroom.
The morning hadn’t gone as bad as either of them had imagined. When Joel got downstairs he was elated as the smell of fresh coffee greeted him, offering a quick thanks to Frank when he extended a mug towards him. It was far from fresh, but coffee, even decade old coffee like Bill's, was a luxury few were afforded and so he basked in it all the same.
“Tess?” Frank questioned as Joel silently sipped his coffee, staring into it as if it held the meaning of life, anything that could keep him from having to share eye contact with either of his hosts.
“Shower” he mumbled into his cup and Frank just hummed, nodding his head.
“We uh, can’t stay long. It’s a long hike back to the QZ” Joel said after his coffee had finally finished and he couldn’t pretend to be drinking from an empty mug.
“Right, of course” Frank dismissively waved his hand. “We can pack you a lunch for the road” he offered, pretending not to notice Bill stiffening next to him.
“Just don’t go telling anybody you know, this isn’t an Arby’s” Frank said, his eyes crinkling and a smirk growing at his lips as Bill turned to glare at him. Joel just stared, whatever Frank had said clearly over his head.
“Sorry, inside joke” Frank waved it off. Bill’s shoulders seemed to settle and Joel could swear there was a hint of a smile crossing his features. He safely assumed he must be imagining it. Whatever it was, it was gone as quickly as it had come and silence fell over the kitchen again as Frank busied himself preparing some food for them to take.
Likely just needing something to do other than stare at either Frank or Joel, Bill wandered over to the coffee pot and brought it over to Joel to refill his mug that was sitting on the counter. Joel nodded his thanks and Bill merely grunted in response as Frank gently shook his head in the background at the two personalities that might as well be carbon copies of each other.
“What’d I miss?” Tess’s warm voice suddenly flooded the room as she appeared beside Joel at the edge of the kitchen. Wordlessly she took the steaming mug from Joel’s hands and brought it to her own lips, humming appreciatively at the taste and their familiarity with each other wasn’t lost on Frank.
“Oh you know, just some really rousing conversation” Frank deadpanned, eyes darting between the two stoic men who had all but been in a standoff in the kitchen the entire time.
“I bet” Tess replied with a smirk.
“Here,” Frank crossed the kitchen, holding out a paper bag to Tess. “Lunch, for the road. I know you guys can’t stay long”
“Frank,” Tess frowned at his thoughtfulness. “That is so sweet, thank you”
“Well you know, I’m sure you guys need to keep your energy up” he added casually and Tess’s eyebrows shot up at his suggestion but she stayed otherwise silent as her and Frank exchanged amused glances.
“Well yes, it is a long walk” she covered, not wanting Joel to take his comment otherwise and get embarrassed.
“Exactly” Frank nodded, giving her the out.
“Well,” Joel said suddenly, clearing his throat.
“Right, we should get going,” Tess said apologetically. “Thank you both again for all your hospitality, this was really nice. I’m so glad we got to meet Frank” she said sincerely and Frank smiled widely.
“Me too Tess”
They said their goodbyes. Frank had given Tess a Billboard Top 100’s book and explained to her the code system he had thought of so they could communicate over the radio and Tess listened intently, shoving the book inside her back and promising Frank that they’d be back soon to trade. He hugged her and she squeezed back, thanking him again for everything and Frank whispered in her ear about her owing him a story the next time she visited. Her face turned beat red as she shoved Frank away playfully; grateful that Joel had been hanging a ways back with Bill and couldn’t see her embarrassment.
“You’re trouble” She joked, finger pointed at his chest.
“Just call me George Michael” Frank shrugged innocently, referencing back to their code language.
80’s means trouble.
Before she could say anything further, Joel was at her side, offering a final farewell to Frank with a handshake.
“Take care of this one” Frank said sincerely, gesturing with a nod of his head towards Tess.
“I will” Joel nodded firmly. Not that Tess needed taking care of. If anything she was taking care of him half the time, but he understood Frank’s sentiment all the same. Don’t let anything happen to her. Don’t hurt her.
He’d damn well try his best.
~Two halves of a heart hardly beating alone, But now that I’ve found you I’m not letting go~
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You know who I think has the biggest breeding kink ever? Switch Eren. All Mikasas equally want to have Eren's babies, but no Eren wants to see her pregnant, all round filled up with his baby than Switch Eren. Their first baby wasn't even born yet and he's already sweet talking Mikasa and making plans for the second. A few months after their first baby is born, Mikasa is already pregnant again
Omg ur right anon, but I don't think he'd ever act on it tbh, I think that Eren likes breeding kink without the actual pregnancy part lol, maybe when they get a little older, but I think he's too selfish to share her now!! When they get older 100% tho!! He's all over her, wants her to have all his kids! Ugh I wrote this forever ago, it's like very breeding kink, and Eren wanting her to be his and coercing her into it lol. but I don't think I'm going to put it in the fic, I think it's too much now lol!! It might be destined for another fic, bc it doesn't give Switch Eren and Miki to me anymore lol!! It's so funny how their characters have changed for me so much, bc I wrote this like a LONG ASS time ago lol,
“Ren what about that?” She asks, pretty manicured pink fingernails slipping into her sodden cunt to play with the sticky white substance he’d left. It feels nice, easier to push two fingers in and stretch her gummy walls open, her eyes shut a little at the sensation. Her digits more slender than Eren’s rough hands, calloused up and unyielding. She finds that spot inside her, the one Eren showed her specially, explained and worshipped, the g-spot, the one she’d found the first time she’d touched herself, and she whimpers a little bit as the presses against it.
“What baby?” He asks from over her shoulder as he watches her fingers part her pretty cunt. 
“This stuff, your cum,” she murmurs, slipping her two fingers from her pussy with a wet pop, coated in the milky white substance, she brings it to her lips curiously, giving it a little lick. She finds she doesn’t hate the taste, salty and a little acidic, it’s not the worst thing. The way Eren’s looking at her as she stuffs her mouth with her fingers makes her want to lick it all up, drink it all down, drown in it if it’ll make him look at her like that and his cock grow against her back.  “What about it love?” She tries to speak around her fingers but it comes out muffled and she sighs, pulling them from her lips and Eren takes her hand into his immediately, toying with the now slimy digits, feeling them up and down with his own hands. 
“Should we use condoms or something? I know we’ve only done it a few times but maybe we should use condoms, we don’t want to worry about pregnancy right?” “You’re on birth control right?” He asks, still enamoured with her hand, nibbling on her index finger.  “Yeah,” 
“Then it’s fine, don’t worry about it Miki.” 
But she’s still a little doubtful, frowning down at her legs where the sticky mess of their release continues to drool from her puffy cunt, white on pink, pretty.
“Are you sure Ren? I don’t want to get pregnant.”  He kisses her temple softly, “Don’t worry baby you won’t, besides you like it don’t you?” Eren asks, his own hand coming down to soothe at her velvety lips, his long middle finger pressing insistently at her entrance, gathering their combined juices and feeding it back into her cunt, while his thumb rub circles over her clit. 
She nods distractedly, “Yeah it’s nice.” She releases a breathy little sigh as he pulls out of her with a wet squelch, her walls working to keep him inside. 
“Then it’s fine. I never use condoms if I can avoid it, it doesn’t feel as good. It ruins it, you won’t like it either.” He tells her seriously and she nods, Eren has sex all the time, he knows better. 
“If anything were ever to happen, I’d take care of you anyway Miks, I’ll always be there for you baby.”
She smiles as she snuggles him a little more, Eren is the best. But then a thought occurs to her and she looks away pouting, “Do you use them with other girls?” 
She knows from health class it’s the possibility of an STD she should be worried about, but more than anything, she’s just possessive and she doesn’t want other girls to feel him bare inside them. It’s too good, she should be the only person he impales that well. She should be the only one who’s cunt is stretched and molded to fit his cock, who’s walls are coated with thick sticky cum, making her even more slippery for him. 
Eren grins, his free hand coming down to rub her belly softly, soothing her.  “Don’t worry baby, I use condoms with all the other girls now,”
She doesn’t enjoy that he didn’t use to use them before, but it’s nice that he does now. She snuggles into him a little more, possessive.  “Good.”
His hand moves to cup the soft swells of her breast, kneading them. It makes her feel better and she falls asleep like that, fucked out and with Eren wrapped around her.
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rebelfell · 7 months
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Yeah, they won't leave my brain... 18+, MDNI 2.8k
older!fem!Harrington!reader x eddie munson
cont’d from here, index here
So it turns out he's not the gardener.
He is, technically, in the sense that he's your nephew's best friend who mows the lawn and does other yard work during the summer in exchange for extra cash and pool access.
Fine. Whatever. Good to know.
Far more importantly—he's an asshole.
Because he easily could have told you who he was when you were running him off like a stray dog. And he does, eventually, admit to that and apologize…later, when he comes into the kitchen and you two exchange a few terse words, hissed under your breath so Steve won't overhear. Until you finally mellow into a civil, albeit begrudging, tolerance. He's just a kid, after all.
Except he doesn't seem like a kid, though, when you’re stretched up on your tip-toes trying to get down a mixing bowl. And before you’ve asked, or before you tell him not to bother, he's at your side. He slots into place behind you, his hips just shy of grinding into your ass as he brings the bowl down and holds it in front of you, his arms circling your body as he waits for you to take hold.
Of the bowl, that is.
A shiver actually runs up your spine you as you cup the bottom, hands resting under his, your thumbs grazing his pinkies, static buzzing. And when he steps away, you can see how his reach made the hem of his shirt ride up to reveal the deep cut of a v-muscle and a faint patch of hair that swirls just below his navel and trails down underneath the band of his boxers.
And your neck nearly snaps from the force with which you jerk your head up when you realize way too late that you're basically staring directly at his crotch. And you're so, so sure you're going to find him making that shit-eating grin of his when you look up. But you don't. Because he hasn't even noticed. Because he is (just as blatantly, if not moreso) looking down your shirt.
His eyes and yours meet on pure instinct, and you're closer to him than you've ever been before, trapped staring into his eyes that feel as dark and vast as space. As though they could swallow you up and you would just drift off in them forever.
No. No. Absolutely not.
You clear your throat and turn away, carrying the bowl to the stove. "Dinner in twenty," you tell him.
Flat. Passive. No emotion. Not so much as a waver in your voice to be up for misinterpretation. And he just stands there staring at you, studying your back, the imperceptible rise and fall of your shoulders. Searching, wondering...
Did you feel that too?
But you keep your head down. You keep your eyes glued to the salad you're making. You keep your breathing even, feeling like it’s performance art, until you hear the steady tink of the chain on his wallet with every step he takes out of the kitchen to relay your message to Steve.
Stupid, you call yourself. Stupid, silly, absurd—
There’s no end to the disparaging words that fill your head. Because you've done a lot of dumb things in your life (too many to even count) but there's no way you're adding this to that list.
It doesn't matter if he's twenty-four. It doesn’t matter if he’s the one who keeps showing up and smiling at you and looking at you like that. And it doesn’t matter if you’re separated and that your ring has been off for so long now there’s not even an impression of it on your skin anymore.
And aside from all that, this is all just a joke anyway. Isn’t it? Because why else would he be talking like to you like he did or smiling at you like he did if it wasn’t for a gag?
Except...suddenly, he's just hanging around the house all the time.
He starts showing up in the mornings asking for Steve, even though he knows Steve sleeps in until at least ten—eleven or noon if he had a date the night before. No problem, he smirks. I’ll wait.
And he breezes through the door, walking past you like he owns the place and parking himself at the kitchen table while you make your breakfast. And he just...stares at you. Until his staring turns to talk. It’s mostly innocent, occasionally toeing the line into impropriety. But you’re quick to correct the course if it does.
You talk about music because you’ve always got some playing. And that leads in to talk about his band, and him asking if you’ve ever been to the Hideout. Which makes you laugh, because you’ve probably been thrown out of the Hideout more times than he’s even been in it.
But he doesn’t need to know all that.
And he sleeps over an awful lot. Steve says it’s because his uncle works nights and Eddie would never admit this, but he gets lonely. Plus, they’ve got nothing but spare rooms, so who does it hurt?But that doesn’t explain why he feels the need to strut around the house in nothing but a pair of his sweatpants slung low on his narrow hips, or stand in the kitchen drinking milk from the carton with such fervor it dribbles down his tattooed chest.
And when you clear your throat behind him, your foot tapping on the tiled floor as your eyes burn a hole in the side of his face, he just lazily turns his head and offers it to you with a cheeky smile.
And it just keeps going on like that for weeks. You keep thinking he has to get bored soon, he has to be ready to move on, he has to be getting tired of acting like he's actually…
You can't even finish that thought.
It's one that’s too ludicrous to entertain, the idea someone like him would actually waste a moment of his summer on you. And yet…he’s still there.
He’s there in the mornings when you two have breakfast and listen to records. And he’s there in the afternoons when he mows the lawn or takes a dip in the pool, always winking at you and asking if you wanna cool off. And he’s there after dinner in the evening, sitting right next to you on the couch as you, he and Steve watch a movie.
And one time, he’s there in the middle of the night. When you can’t sleep and you slip outside to get some air only to find him sitting with his feet propped up on the patio table and a joint between his lips that he’s just lit.
And you do probably the last thing either of you expect when you pull out the chair next to him and hold our your fingers in a silent request.
He passes it to you, a ribbon of smoke curling in the air as it leaves his lips. You both puff on it a few times, listening to the crickets and the chh chh chh of neighboring sprinklers going off.
You talk the way you always do, the way that now feels almost natural. You ask him about Hawkins High, and lament about how little has changed when he tells you which teachers were still kicking around when he graduated.
“What were you like back then?” he asks you, sounding somehow like he really, truly wants to know. Like he cares.
"I was a lot like you, actually," you tell him with a wry and knowing smile as you bring the joint to your lips. "A little stubborn, a little headstrong...a little bit of a shit head."
Eddie chuckles darkly as he leans in.
He's close now. Close enough you can smell the pack of Camels in his pocket and the little spritz of cologne he’s wearing that dances in your nose. Close enough you can hear the wet sound his lips make as he pulls the bottom one behind his teeth before he answers you with a wicked grin.
“Trust me, sweetheart…there's nothing shitty about my head.”
The words make your breath catch. His eyes shine and even in the darkness there’s no way to mistake what he’s thinking about. You shake your head, trying to clear the fog that filled it. And you mutter to yourself as you stub out the joint and place it in the ashtray, avoiding his gaze.
“I should get to bed.”
You stand abruptly, unsteady on legs that shake. And you nearly stumble until Eddie jumps to his feet and catches you, cradling you against him. His nose touches yours, slippery with sweat from the balmy summer air. His breath hits your lips, hot and heavy as you pant into one another.
His eyes start to flutter closed…
“Eddie, you’ve got to stop,” you gasp, no longer in control of your heart rate. “I—we can’t do this.”
He blinks back at you, his doe eyes as big as the full moon overhead. And you half expect him to laugh in your face: Do what? you imagine him cackling. You think I really want some crypt-keeper who can’t even keep her marriage together? You think I would want you?
Except he doesn’t say anything of the sort. He just shakes his head, his face filled with concern, the tiniest little pinch in his brow appearing as he whispers, softer than the crickets.
“Why not?”
And there’s no answer you can give him.
All you can do is slip out of his arms, avoiding his gaze as you retreat, heading back to your room to try and sleep—practically impossible with his words spinning in your head and your skin burning everywhere he touched you.
For almost a week after, you don’t see him.
A few times, you catch sight of his van sitting in the driveway as Steve runs out the door, calling out to you that he’s headed to the lake or the movies or the mall. But that’s it.
Good, you tell yourself. This is what you wanted. This is the best way to stay out of trouble. This is how you should have handled it from the start.
When he does return, it’s only as moral support for Steve when he comes to ask you for a favor. Because it’s gonna be his birthday soon and he wants to throw a party. And he swears, swears, swears it won’t get out of control. So you think, avoiding Eddie’s gaze as much as he’s avoiding yours as he hovers beside his friend, his hands behind his back as he cranes his neck to look anywhere but at you. Finally, you nod.
“Everyone has a DD. No one underage. Nobody comes upstairs and if anyone vomits you two—”You motion at him and Eddie, “clean it up.”
Steve and you shake on it. Done and done.
The night of the party, you spend the evening upstairs as promised. Steve keeps his word and only a select group of friends are invited. Enough to make it a good turnout, but not so many that it’s a rager. They keep the music at a moderate level and the loudest thing you hear up in your room is Steve and his best friend Robin, who cheer every time they win a round of pong.
Still, you pass the time as best you can and your curiosity only gets the better of you once. Once, you stand at your window that overlooks the backyard. Once, you allow yourself to peek through the blinds and scan the party.
Once and only once, do you look for Eddie.
You find him at the fire pit, talking to a girl who’s sidled up next to him, pushing her perky tits in his face. She’s pretty in that way all girls his age are—with everything on them pointing up and nothing that sags. No bags under their eyes or extra flab on their arms. No silver slivers in their hair.
He seems distant as he talks to her, barely taking his eyes off the flames that flicker before him. She drapes a lithe arm across his shoulder and leans in close to whisper something in his ear.
Whatever it is she says, Eddie seems un-phased. Or maybe that’s just you trying to make yourself feel better with your gut twisted into knots. You flee from the window, mad at yourself for even looking, and bury yourself back in your book.
Then, no more than ten minutes later, a soft creak of footsteps on the stairs has you tossing it to the side and climbing out of bed.
"Upstairs is off limits—"
The hallway is dark except for the light that comes from your room as you crack open your bedroom door. The gash of amber casts directly across Eddie's face as he pauses and drops his hand that was already raised to knock.
"Hey," he says.
And you never knew three letters could sound so loaded. You pull your robe closed a little tighter.
"What's the matter? Is something wrong?"
His head bobs, all non-committal as he takes a careful step nearer. Missed you, he wants to say.
"Just...got bored,” he says instead. You snort.
"You didn't look all that bored to me."
That smirk creeps across his lips at that and you can practically see how his ego inflates, his chest puffing up with pride, eyes sparking with intrigue.
"You checking up on me?"
He asks and the smirk turns into a full-on grin, one that flashes his teeth, bared like an animal’s. Which one of you is the predator again?
"No," you bite back, the word sharp and barbed. Also a lie. "I was just making sure you guys aren't completely wrecking my sister's house."
"You sure?" he asks lowly, taking another step closer. "You don't wish you were down there with me? Keeping me in line?”
He leans against the wall, tilting his head towards you. You can smell the fire pit on him. It’s stronger and more potent than anything else. The beer on his breath. His cologne. The body spray of that girl who was hanging all over him.
"Positive," you say, forcing yourself to control your trembling and yet unable to stop the audible gulp that leaves your throat.
“Ohhh,” Eddie smiles. “So you just wanted me up here with you, then? Is that it?”
You wish it wasn't so easy for him to draw you in. You wish you had enough self-control to send him away. You wish you weren’t wondering what his lips taste like or what you’d actually do if he leaned in to kiss you right now…
And like he can read your mind, he’s moving in. His lips catch the corner of your mouth like he’s daring you to turn your chin the mere millimeters required to really kiss him. There’s stubble on his jaw, too short for you to see, but you can feel how it rasps against your cheek.
Your hand comes up and it lands in the center of his chest, but you're not stopping him or pushing him away. If anything, you're leaning on it as your body is swaying towards him.
"You shouldn't be up here," you groan softly, the words meant to remind yourself as much as him. "You should go back downstairs."
His hair rustles as he shakes his head. "No," he says firmly. "I don't give a shit about anybody downstairs. I wanna be right here."
The calloused pads of his fingers tug at the silk tie of your robe. He pulls it open and you let it hang, making no attempt to hide your sleep clothes.
He sinks to his knees right there in the hallway, his gaze never leaving yours as his mouth meets your breast. His lips surround your nipple, his wet tongue swirling and sliding over the stiffening bud until his spit has soaked through the thin material of your camisole. The very same one you had on the first day you saw him.
"Please," he says over and over, with his eyes rounded and his voice hushed, "Please, please, please." And your thoughts are just an echo of his words, almost begging with yourself the same way he’s begging with you.
Please give in. Please let him hold you...touch you...taste you. Please have him show you how you deserve to be pleased.
Fuck it.
His curls twisted in your grasp, you drag him to his feet and bring his lips to yours to feast on his mouth. Both of you moaning, pawing at the other as you stumble backwards, bringing him with you into the bedroom—finally taking what you want.
Because if you’re going to hell, it might as well be in first class.
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benevolentpeach · 2 years
Just some fluffy headcanons I have for Toshinori/AllMight 💗
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●He cares about everyone! But when it comes to you he can't help but be extra protective over you, he knows you're fully capable of handling yourself just fine, but that doesn't stop him from worrying about you, your his partner after all 💗
●He's the type of boyfriend that would tend to you consistently if you were sick.. Like I'm talking, buying all sorts of medicine to help you recover faster, putting a damp washcloth on your forehead, tucking you into bed all nice and cozy, and making sure you got plenty of rest💗
●As you know he WAS the former number 1 Pro Hero, THE Symbol of Peace, so if you get swarmed by paparazzi it shouldn't come as a surprise, but if you're introverted like me you can't stand large groups of people and flashing lights in all directions.. (Yeah) Needless to say he'll grab onto your hand and quickly but kindly shuffle through the crowds of people, making sure you've got enough room to pass through without being squished 💗
●Okay you can't tell me this man ain't LOADED, I mean he has to be, right? Whenever you two go out to the mall and he catches you staring at something with that little glint of interest in your eye, he'll ask you, "Would you like me to get that for you, you seem quite fond of it.", to which you'll politely decline because as much as you may want it, you know you don't NEED it. You'll go about as normal until he says to go ahead and order some food from a vendor inside the mall, he 'forgot' his wallet in the car. You'd find it a little suspicious at first, but the man can be a bit clumsy at times so you order the food anyway. He comes back with a mysterious bag in his hands and his wallet, paying for the food and thanking the vendor, before you both sit down at an empty table and begin to eat. After your tummies are full and happy, he picks the bag up and plops it onto the table, nudging it towards you. You open it and realize it's the thing you were staring at not too long ago, and he has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. "Gotta treat my pretty girl right don't I?"💗
●If you're a big fan of horror movies and still get scared(Like me lmao), he'll hug you close to him and rest his hand on the back of your head if you seek refuge into the crook of his neck. He'll chuckle lightly and lift your chin up with his thumb and index fingers, cooing softly, "Awe, did my baby get scared?"💗
●This man's is a BIG cuddler, he seems a bit touch starved too honestly so any kind of soft contact he can get from you drives him absolutely insane. He instantly melts like putty at your touch. You know to cuddle him softly because of his stomach, but nevertheless there is never a private moment where you two aren't cuddling💗
●If you're scared of the dark, he'll gladly plug a little limited edition AllMight night-light into the wall and play with your hair until you fall asleep, he always makes sure you're asleep first before he falls asleep, in case you have nightmares and such💗
****Please feel free to request anymore headcanons! This is my first one I've made but I've got a lot of ideas so I'm all ears 😊****
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Call Me - Dabi (Touya Todaroki)
Pairing - Dabi (Touya Todoroki) x f!reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 461
Notes - Inspired by this post by @constermonster because I just think it's so good! It's a little short, but I think it's pretty cute! Enjoy!!
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Dabi held her chin with his index finger and thumb and smirked before placing a long kiss onto her lips. “Dabi, you know my parents would kill me if they knew you were here.” “Oh, come on baby. I don't know why you still live with them anyway. You’re an adult, right?” “Well yeah, but you know I can't afford my own place.” “Neither can I, but I'm doing just fine, right?” He placed another kiss on her lips, pulling back to reveal a very unamused look on her face. “Doing just fine as in eating trash and sleeping under a leaky roof? Cuz that doesn't sound ‘just fine’ to me.” Dabi rolled his eyes and slumped down on her bed, his arms stretched out as he stared at the ceiling. “Dabi,” she laid next to him, cupping his jaw. “I promise I'm trying to save up for my own place. Our own place.” “You don't have to do that, I was just teasing.” “I know, but listen,” she pulled his face over, their noses inches apart. “I want you to be happy.” Dabi scoffed, placing a kiss on her nose. “I don't feel anything anymore. Thanks though.” He sat up and rubbed the back of his neck and she crawled up behind him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a loving embrace. Dabi giggled and she smiled, crawling to face him in his lap. “Don't feel anything my ass.” “Shut up.” He tried to hide a smile, but she caught it, placing a little kiss on his nose. “Dabi-” “Touya.” She tilted her head and looked into his bright blue eyes. “What?” “Touya. Call me Touya.” “Okay. Touya, I love you.” “Even if I get dirt on your carpet?” “Even if you get dirt on my carpet.” She giggled and pulled him towards her, giving him a kiss on the cheek before moving to his lips with a big smile.
“Hey! y/n!” She and Dabi jumped after hearing a knock on the door. “Y-Yeah?” “Your mother made dinner if you want some!” “O-Okay! I'll be there in a second!” She turned to Dabi who was smirking at her. “What?” “What if your old man just walked in and saw you sitting on my lap.” “Shut up, Touya.” “Have a nice dinner, okay?” She nodded and pecked him on the lips. “I'll leave some on the windowsill for you.” “I know you will.” “I love you.” “Love you too. Call me, okay? And tell your old man to shoot me a call as well. Especially if he looks anything like you.” Dabi winked and she hit him on the shoulder before he crawled out of the window, laughing. As much as she thought he was strange, she loved him.
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ghoul333 · 3 years
serial lover
chapter one(?)
pairing: billy x f!reader
wc: 2.8k
summary: billy wants to kill you, but you change his mind last minute.
warnings: angst, murder, swearing, fluff(?)
a/n: i used both their point of views so i hope it came out alright. i definitely want to write another chapter. hope you enjoy! <3
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He looked at you from afar. Lurking in the bushes, watching your every move. It was pretty much turning into a daily routine. He wanted you, bad. Billy was heavily debating when to break in one of these nights to kill you. Lucky for him, tonight might be the night, your parents weren't home and your siblings were nowhere to be seen. Just you, sitting pretty on your bed and staring at the ceiling.
You were the perfect victim. It had been a few years since the first killing spree in Woodsboro. Everything for the most part had gone back to normal. They thought about it for a while, and considering they had succeeded the first time, Billy and Stu decided to give it another go. Only for this job was Billy on his own, Stu being with his girlfriend.
A kind, innocent girl like you? That would be fun. Though you had never wronged the pair, you were somewhat of a loner. Quiet but willing to help when needed. Might've been a distasteful move, but damn was Billy eager to hear what your screams sounded like.
And now that you were alone, it was the perfect time to play a game.
Only you weren't.
Your brother in law, Ian, was in the living room, watching a hockey game.
Billy got into a stance when he saw you getting up from the bed, figuring you would leave the room. Instead, you paced in circles. He looked down at your hands, you were flicking your index finger against your thumb, as if it was out of anxiety. You seemed to be contemplating something.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. Billy having to duck down so you wouldn't spot him. It would be a different story if he was dressed up as himself, you two were acquainted after all, having one or two classes together. But he wasn't exactly 'himself' right now, he was Ghostface. Though he and Ghostface were one in the same, you didn't know that. You would only see a masked psycho hiding in your bushes.
He was about to pick up his cellphone to call your house phone, but something stopped him. His hand was frozen in place. When he looked back to you, he noticed a change in your expression.
You were crying in the mirror.
Billy cocked his head. What the fuck was this? One minute you're fine and seemingly calm. Then the next minute you're crying as if something traumatic happened.
He raised his brows, surprised when you stopped crying immediately, as if on cue. Your eyes had been glossy but were now completely dry.
Holy shit. Where did you learn that? He thought.
You didn't look sad anymore. In fact there was no emotion at all and for some reason, Billy loved it.
You wiped the tears off your face and stared at yourself in the mirror. Taking a deep breath.
Was that believable?  I think so.
A part of you wished you had someone here to let you know, but this was something you needed to do by yourself. You didn't even know if you were gonna go through with it, but the urge wouldn’t leave your mind.
Hearing a loud cheer from the other room, you groaned in disgust. You had a hard time believing your family would leave Ian here with you. Especially after all the shit you've taken from him.
You could confidently say that you hated your brother in law. Your sister disappointed you, putting up with trash like him and you resented your family for tolerating it for as long as they have. For over a year, he had lived in your house. Being nothing but a bum. Always being a fucking asshole to you and your family, then making you feel like shit when you call him out.
He could get away with it too. The fact your father was rarely in town made it easy and you hated it. You hated him. You wanted him gone, for good.
You knew there was only one way. No matter how many fights, he wouldn't leave. Refused to.
If he was gone, everything would be fine. It'd take time for some people to heal, but this was for the best.
Thinking about it put a smile on your face. Even though the inhuman thoughts ashamed you, you couldn't help but let them excite you at the same time. Never in your life had you wanted to do something like this, but you craved to see that piece of shit suffer. This would be the only time, and hopefully you wouldn't get caught.
You opened up your drawer, pulling out some scissors, studying them for a few seconds before putting them back.
You weren't ready to get blood on your hands. You looked around your room, trying to find something easy and simple. You looked down at your rack of shoes. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head.
You pulled the lace from one of your old sneakers, you'd have to dump them afterwards but you wouldn't miss them. While you wrapped the string around both your hands, something came over you. You didn't even realize you were walking to the living room, until you were standing right behind him while he watched his game. At that point, your body was doing the talking. Fuck what was actually right. Fuck morals.
Billy watched all this, following your every move. He cursed himself for not noticing the other obvious person in the house. How stupid. If he decided to pursue you there was a greater chance he wouldn't get away. Stu would've had to come. You kind of saved him there.
Seeing the single shoelace in your grip and standing so close behind Ian, he was actually anticipating your next move. Which surprised him, you had him on the edge of his seat. You had opened his eyes in those last few minutes. You had him so confused.
He had been watching you for days, basically knew your day and night routine. So, where did this come from? You put on an act, even for yourself?
He couldn't deny he thought you were, somewhat, adorable. Many victims had been adorable, but being adorable doesn't mean shit to Billy. If he wanted to gut you, he would.
There were times where you would just sit and stare into a void, but he didn't really think anything of it. He didn't realize how fucked up in the head you really were.
He couldn't kill you now, definitely not. You were turning out to be just as insane as he was. Billy felt drawn to you. He was rooting for you.
You stood there long enough for Ian to notice your presence behind him. Not even turning around, he opened his mouth.
"What the fuck do you wa-" He didn't even get to finish his sentence before you wrapped the shoelace around his neck, attempting to strangle him.
Hearing him speak irritated the fuck out of you. You'd rather cut your own ears off, but why do that? He should just simply stop talking.
He was strong, but you gave yourself props for not wearing socks, your feet were planted firmly on the ground, and they weren't going anywhere. His arms were violently swinging, voice coming out in gargles. How long did I need to do this for? Maybe a plastic bag would've been easier.
It felt like forever until he quit moving. Eventually, his arms fell limp and his breathing stopped. You stood there for a moment, the lace still wrapped around him. Had you killed him?
You decided you wanted to be sure, jerking the shoelace against his neck just one more time.
Suddenly his arm flew up, grabbing the shoelace and trying to jerk your body forward. You begin to struggle against him, pulling the lace as tight as you could so he couldn't grip it, but he was able to overpower you within seconds. Yanking you over the sofa he had been sitting on, you groaned in pain as your back hit the floor. The air being knocked out of you.
Where did that adrenaline come from?
Watching you flip like that, for some reason, worried Billy. Even he thought you had him. He couldn't let this happen, he felt the strong urge to come to your rescue. Sure, some random guy dying by the hands of ghostface didn't fit the route they were trying to take, but Billy was going to protect you tonight. He needed to.
He quickly got up from where he was crouched, beginning to creep his way towards the house. He figured he needed to move fast considering how much smaller you were compared to the man you were trying to murder.
"You little fucking bitch!" Ian managed to seethe, voice extremely hoarse. He got up from where he was standing and grabbed you by the hair, making you cry out pain. Billy heard the commotion from outside, and the sound he'd been wanting to hear. He didn't like it. Why?
Why did it make him angry to hear you in pain?
You wanted to avoid eye contact with Ian, but he yanked your hair again, making you face him. The look in his eyes seemed hungry, and not in a good way.
He gave you a vile smile, before slapping you across the face, making you tumble to the floor once again. You slowly reached up, touching your cheek. A single tear threatened to fall but you quickly blinked it away. It burned, almost vibrating from the impact. You knew the slap was hard enough for blood to come through.
You figured you were screwed, if you knew he was gonna grab you like that you would've just duct taped him to the coach. You really did not think this one through, even though you had been thinking about it for months on end.
You felt his body heat centimeters away from you. Looking up at him, he hovered over you.
"Thank you for finally giving me a reason to do that." He said, his tone spilling venom. "I'm gonna enjoy this."
You just stared at him, you weren't scared or upset. You couldn't even be mad, you just attempted to strangle your sisters husband. What could've been expected? You probably didn't have a great chance of succeeding anyway, but you couldn't fight your urges anymore.
People like him deserved death.
You didn't have time to process another thought before Ian picked you up, throwing you against the wall. You yelped as your side impacted harshly against the wood floor. You didn't even want to look at him anymore, you had failed and were probably gonna die, or get beat into a coma.
You didn't feel him grab you again. You didn't feel him pin you against the wall. You didn't feel the corner of the table next you digging into your side. You didn't feel anything. Not even the tears falling from your eyes.
"Don't cry now darling," He whispered in your ear, you shuddered in disgust. "This is what you wanted."
His voice made you want to vomit. Cigarettes and cheap beer leaking off his tongue. Even with him up to your ear, you could smell it. He was so fucking close. Everything about this man made you sick. You couldn't understand how your sister slept beside this thing at night.
He held your body against his while he shifted his hands. They wrapped around your throat and squeezed, very hard. You couldn't breathe. You wanted to just let it happen but your body was thinking ahead of you, once again. You grabbed his hands, trying to pry him off.
You actually couldn't fucking breathe. You were going to die, staring into this mans lifeless eyes, hearing his heaving breathing...his body pressed against yours. You would rather get stabbed to death. Or burned alive. You just didn't want him to be the last thing you saw before you died. You didn't want to die.
I fucked up.
Maybe you were selfish too. You were better off just hurting yourself to ease the pain. You couldn't get him off you and it was painful. Your vision was starting to blur.
You used your feet to try and push him off you, but your attempts failed.
Unexpectedly, you fell to the floor with a thud. You quickly inhaled a large breath of air, a small coughing spell following. You couldn't hear or see anything in that moment, just trying to get up, desperately trying to regain your strength.
Breathing had never felt so good.
Weak and in pain, you used one hand to guide your way up the wall, while the other one held your throat. As you regained your vision and started to focus on your surroundings, you began to hear struggling. Lots of struggling. You were confused, you thought it was just the both of you. As you looked up, you noticed a cloaked figure on top of  Ian.
Billy had gotten into the house from your laundry room window, finding the entrance a few days ago when he was planning how he would kill you. He crept in, being as quiet as a ghost. When he turned the corner, he saw Ian pressing you deep against the wall. He watched you struggle and fight, a few tears falling from your eyes.
He tackled your brother in law to the floor, making him lose his grip on you. Billy managed to gain the upper hand quickly, getting on top of him and wrapping his hands around his throat. Ian kicked his legs, but it did no good. Billy was too far up on his chest, sinking all his body weight onto him.
You stood there and watched. You were confused and shocked on what was happening, on where this guy came from. You looked down, noticing a knife next to the person in the black cloak. You begin to panic a little inside, wondering whether this person was saving your life or here to take you both out.
It only then hit you that the knife and the black costume seemed way too familiar.
Oh shit...It can't be.
Was this, The Ghostface?
From what you and the rest of Woodsboro knew, that killer who committed all those murders years ago was supposed to be dead. So what was he doing here?
You snapped back into reality when you heard Ian trying to speak. Looking at the both of them, you saw Ian's arms swing violently once again. Billy had managed to dodge most the swings, his arms steadily pressing down on Ian's throat. He did take a few hits to the face though, but he had been through worse.
It wasn't until he started reaching for the mask.
Billy could only lean back so far, if he tried anymore Ian would gain the upper hand in a matter of seconds. He usually didn’t care, since they were going to be dead anyway, but he wasn’t going to kill you.
You noticed what was happening, even with Ghostface's back turned to you. You slowly crept your way towards them, until you could see Ian's face again.
His eyes were wide as plates and his skin looked tight as the killer pushed down on his throat. Ian's eyes snapped to you, making Billy turn his head a little to see you in his peripheral vision. You could tell by the look in Ian's eyes that he wanted your help.
Tough shit.
You slowly walked around the two, Ian was convinced you were gonna help him, beginning to reach for the mask again, fingers brushing the mouth, trying to find a grip. You kneeled, grabbing Ian's arms, pinning him down. Your gazed flickered towards the mask killer, to find he was already looking in your direction.
You decided to flash him a smile. Though you couldn't see behind that mask, Billy had the same expression.
You lowered your body down, until your mouth was leveled with Ian's ear. He was trying to fight against you, but he had no more strength. He was done for.
"See you in hell, fat shit." You spoke into his ear.
Gargles could only be heard, and the hockey game playing on the tv was basically non existent. The life Ian once had, was now gone. You slowly stood up, ghostface doing the same. You both looked at his lifeless body.
“I don’t know whether I should say thank you, or start running.” You said, letting out a laugh. It hurt like hell to speak. Your eyes moved to the masked killer and once again, he was already looking at you.
You both stared at each other for a few seconds, before he took a step closer to you. You didn’t back up, and for some reason you didn’t feel afraid. Billy reached out his hand, lightly touching your throat.
You weirdly didn’t mind the feeling, you weren’t scared of his touch, in fact, it was very gentle.
His hand trailed up, cupping the cheek that had been slapped. His thumb lightly rubbed your cheek and you couldn’t help but sigh.
“Thank you.” You told him, but he didn’t say anything. You knew he couldn’t speak, he wasn’t gonna let you find out who he was. If you recognized the voice or didn’t there was still a chance.
A car pulling up into the driveway made you and Billy snap your attention to the front of the house. He looked at you once again, seeing the fear in your eyes. He had to help you out some more, and you couldn’t be awake for it to work.
“I’m sorry.” Billy lowly mumbled, before knocking you unconscious.
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duskamethyst · 3 years
can i get a noncon n slight dubcon for yuuta x reader with somnophillia?
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warnings: noncon/dubcon, somnophilia, mentions of alcohol
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it's two-thirty in the morning and yuuta is still up watching tv peacefully in the living room before loud, hasty knocks on the door startled him and he quickly makes his way to open the front door.
you've been leaning on the other side of the door, woozy and giddy, only to stumble forward onto him as soon as he opens the door for you. yuuta realizes that it's another night that you reek of alcohol and of course you are way too drunk to look for your own keys from your purse. luckily for you, he was still awake– also most likely worried about you.
as usual, yuuta always helps you walk to your room. wrapping your arm over his shoulder and placing his hand on your waist, yuuta offers you support so you won't have to stagger to your room by yourself. he doubts you have much energy to move much anyway.
you can barely keep your eyes open anymore once you made it home, especially knowing that you're in the safe hands of your own reliable housemate, you let your eyes shut as yuuta carefully places you on your bed. he makes sure that your head rests on the pillow, and you sigh contently at the comfort you've yearned for since the last hour.
"thanks, yuuta." you manage to mumble, still in between wake and unconsciousness.
"don't worry about it." you can feel his smile through his voice, even when you can only see pitch black.
the room immediately falls silent and yuuta has no more reason to stay there with you. this should be the part where he drapes the blanket over your body and leaves, continues to finish his show and goes to sleep– but he doesn't.
instead, yuuta sits down on the edge of the bed, watching the rising and falling of your chest as his fingertips trail up your thighs with feather-light touches.
"you've always looked so pretty while you're asleep." he whispers to himself.
though, his gentleness contradicts the filthy thoughts running inside his head.
he often wonders how your skin would feel, especially when you're lounging in the living room with your shorts, parading your legs as you cook dinner for you and him, and he makes a mindful remark that your skin is soft, even underneath his calloused palm.
yuuta makes sure to watch you as his hand moves higher, getting bolder as he doesn't see any response from your face before stopping right underneath your dress.
he licks his lips once his fingers reach your core and he presses on your clit gently as if to test the water. with only a layer of fabric to separate your skins, yuuta begins to roll your clit slowly with his thumb and moves in a pace that he's certain you would like.
"that's not enough for you, right?"
it isn't. not for him, at least.
lifting the hem of your dress slightly, yuuta's eyes are drawn to the lacy, black panties underneath and he swallows at the sight, unable to wait any longer before he quenches his thirst.
he tries to gauge for a reaction as he cautiously tugs your panties to the side and his fingers curl to hold the fabric in place while he slowly pushes one of your thighs further to allow him more access.
"fuck." he curses under his breath as he spreads the folds with his index and middle finger, exposing you to his eyes.
yuuta settles his head between your parted thighs, watching your sweet cunt a little too intently before he takes the first lick with the tip of his tongue and prods on the clit.
his eyes bore into your unconscious face while he continues to toy with your clit. his tongue flicking in every possible way he can; up and down, from side to side as his spit trickles down and glistens around your cunt.
he closes his eyes as he grows more audacious, his nose presses on your clit as he continues to lick a skewed path down to the hole and pushes his tongue in and out, completely unheedful of the soft whines you make while his head tilts in an angle to pump his tongue deeper.
"yuuta– w-what are you doing?" your voice is hoarse, but enough for him to finally notice that you are slowly stirring awake. your thighs begin closing on him tell him that you're gradually grasping the situation.
yet yuuta is insistent and he pushes your thigh away to keep them apart. "shh, just enjoy it."
"n-no– stop it." your hand reaches for his dark hair, trying to grab and push his head away with all the little energy you have.
ignoring your attempts, yuuta continues to delve into your pussy, greedily slurping at you as if he starves for what your body spills.
"yuuta, no– please, ah–"
your back arches against the damp heat of his mouth the moment he starts to suck on your clit and your mind is quick to turn frenzy with the aid of the remaining alcohol still lingering in your system.
his mouth closes over you, purposely giving his utmost attention on the sensitive nub while he massages your inner thigh with his hand.
you finally give in to the pleasure, letting him pamper you with his wet muscle circling and lapping at your arousal as your head thrashes side to side over the unbearable stimulation.
"yeah? you like that?" yuuta purrs when he senses your legs trembling.
"feels good–" you whimper feebly, brows knitting together as his tongue easily sways you to the edge.
"mm, i know it does."
small grunts of satisfaction leave his mouth as he continues to devour you, fingers digging into your skin as he pulls you closer. lewd squelches echoes in the room, mingling with your breathless moans.
"yuuta– too much. 'm gonna–"
he peers from between your legs with his dark, tired eyes and he's unyielding, choosing to keep tasting, fucking you with his tongue and also making you come for him all at the same time.
"cum on my tongue, good girl."
as your toes curl, your hips begin to lift from the mattress the longer yuuta latches his mouth on your weeping cunt and caresses your clit before your body tenses, lips parted in a silent scream as you finally come undone.
yuuta gives a few last licks before he hesitantly withdraws, wearing his gentle smile; his lips gleam with his spit and your own arousal.
"go back to sleep. i'll see you in the morning and make you breakfast."
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© all content belongs to duskamethyst. do not modify or repost on any other platforms.
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sweettodo · 4 years
we're your best friends.
jean kirstein x freader x eren jaeger.
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includes : smut, threesome, swearing, innocent / naive y/n, taking virginity.
word count : 3,4k
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a / n , thank you for 400 ( 450 as of 3 / 8 / 21 ) , i love you all <3 you're all so special to me and i’m grateful for you. i hope we can grow together as a big ole’ happy family !
"Do you guys ever stop?!" you bellow, your bedroom filled with the shouting amongst the two men in front of you, their rough voices which completely washed away any interjections you gave.
Sighing, you grab one of your notebooks from your desk, winding up your shoulder, and throwing it at Eren. The book slaps him in the face and he shouts, his hand rubbing his face.
"The fuck y/n!" He screeches, Jean, shutting up right after Eren, hair messy from tugging at it out of frustration. You wondered why a simple conversation about who would be the better gentleman; the better man. We had commenced in the formal meeting area- your room- hours ago, to study; hence the notebook used to bonk Eren's pitiful face, "you don't get it." He huffs.
"You two better stop acting childish before I kick you out." Walking between them and plopping down on your bed, pleased to see that the battle had now dwindled from your -very- empty threat. You couldn't kick them out even if you wanted to.
Everyone at school was very well acquainted with the fact that Jean and Eren both had a persistent problem of rivalry, they fought about everything; from who had the better penmanship, better wardrobes, better walk, to who was prettier.... yes, prettier.
Eren stubbornly sits on one corner of the bed, traversing his legs with his back pressed against the wall, Kerstein made himself relaxed in your desk chair, "as I was saying, before I was so impolitely interrupted-" you snort, glancing at the two men, "you both are gentleman, but it's more than just how you talk to a girl."
"Yeah don't be ridiculous, I'm good at more than you think y/n." Jean boasts, smirking and tauntingly glaring at Eren who returns the glare, hair seeping down his shoulders as he rolls his eyes at the cocky Kerstein.
"I'm a sex god, I can sex anyone up, anytime- anywhere." Jean lunging to his feet and stupidly rocking his hips side to side like the fuck-boy he knows he is, virtually wearing it like a badge. Eren and you snickered at him.
Jean grunts, finger in the air tauntingly, "alright! It's not that funny anymore! Quit laughing!" tears brimming your eyes, chest aching from laughing, the blonde now taking into account that you two were more laughing at him, rather than with him.
Defensively, he shouts, "Keep laughing, virgin." Jean grins, squatting back down in the chair dramatically.
"I can name plenty of girls who want to get with me." Eren retorts. Laying your back against the headboard, listening as Eren spews stories about the 'countless sexcapades' he has with girls every week and the 'countless' girls who plead to fuck him on the daily.
"So childish, especially for a couple of university students."
You're dismissed again, "Y/n, who do you think would be better in bed, be honest!" you evaluate the question as much as you could, not to mention how hard it was to even imagine.
Simply putting it, you were a prude.
They wait hastily for your reply, curious to what you had to say, the silence provoking them to shuffle in their seats.
"I think... hm, Jean." Eren groans out in defeat, Jean cackling and throwing his head back, Eren pouts and crosses his arms, huffing out.
"You know what, how the fuck would you know anyway, huh?" rolling your eyes, Jean who is taking his sweatshirt off and hanging it off your chair, heeding to Eren, who is still weeping, "Jean, that doesn't count, she's never gotten with either of us, to begin with, her judgment doesn't count." Declaring matter-of-factly, Jean rubs his chin with his thumb and index, looking into the distance like he was contemplating to speak.
You watched as Eren stands in annoyance, his arms still crossed, "I mean, we could show her, but-"
"-We should, then it'll be fair."
Left in utter shock, were they insinuating you do something so delusional and sinful with your two closest friends? wouldn't that ruin years of friendship? Have they no morals? And to think Eren would have a little more decency.
"No, no way, don't be ridiculous."
Jean sucks his teeth, leaning in his chair so his elbows sat on his knees, the energy in the room had drastically changed, they were now watching you, making your hands anxiously tremble, their eyes scanning yours, while you tried to look at anything but them, heart out of your chest and now in your throat, they sat so relaxed, so casual like the proposition of sex didn't even phase them.
"C'mon, I want you to tell us who's better, you're our best friend, you're the best one to determine who's best." Jean pouts, this was a very clear-detectable manipulation, and you were not inept.
"Are you trying to manipulate me, Kirstein?" he shakes his head, leisurely stretching back into the chair, "because if you are it won't work on me." Jean peeks over to Eren, looking to be affirmed.
Eren plays with the hem of his shirt, a smug look on his lips, looking down to attempt to hide it.
Both men have talked about getting you to become their little toy, countless times at dinner with all the other cadets to embarrass you- or during the summer when you wore shorts to practice with your gear, sparring with a tank top, they both imagined unholy things, things you would believe to be appalling. "How about- better kisser?" tilting your head, that wasn't so much worse.
"Yeah, we've nearly kissed before too," Jean interjects, he saw your eyebrows scrunch, looking mindless, eyes so naive, his head full of vile thoughts, ways he and Eren could corrupt you, tear you open, and leave you begging for more. But they clearly couldn't let you know what they talked about.
So innocent.
"Sharing drinks," nodding slowly, the boys internally prayed you would loosen up only just a little, just a foot in the door so they could kick the fucking door down and break you in- they both figured it was about time anyways; you were a college student and hadn't done anything?
But you had not even a clue, that dumb little head of yours, how could you not comprehend their tactics. This was their way to get your legs open? This was laughable to them; too easy.
Dragging your ass across the bed, not leaning on the wall anymore; you sat criss-cross in the middle of the mattress, center of their attention, "I guess you're right." Mind racing, Jean would never talk to you again if you had said no to at least kissing, and Eren would probably get upset with you, not eager in being your friend, most likely following in his friend's lead.
Jean rolls closer to the side of the bed in your chair, not even a foot away from you.
"I can go first, Eren?" Eren nods, he was beyond delighted, this was fucking crazy. Truth was, Eren, who was seldom nervous over this type of thing; yet he was envious that Jean could be so... persistent; wishing he could be the same. With Jean grabbing your chin, such a pretty face you had, especially when you were anxious.
Easy to mold, easy to manipulate you; to do whatever he wanted with a bat of his eyelashes and a polite smile.
And here he was- in the back of his head - telling himself that he needed to teach you not to be so susceptible from now on.
He squanders no time, capturing your lips with his own, moving in a swift and low action, you kiss him back. He was incredible, it was at the perfect pace, the residing taste of mint gum that filled your mouth.
No wonder the girls loved Jean so much.
His thumb caressing your cheek which sent little cringes of anxiety throughout your body- realizing you had to kiss Eren after this, this was going to make you so dirty, but how could you kiss Jean and leave your other friend out? How unreasonable that would be.
Eren's abrupt words make you jump, "alright horse face, stop hogging and share." Jean pulls back, lips light rosy pink, even a little swollen, he rolls backward in the chair, the other young man sits up in front of you while still comfortable on the bed.
Instead of Jean's approach, Eren tilts your head, kissing your jawline first, tensing up from the ticklish feeling, soft lips establishing morale towards your choice in agreeing to do what they asserted; it wasn't that terrible after all.
He kisses up to the corner of your mouth and then slowly kisses you on the lips, eyes fluttering closed, drunk off his smell, stomach doing backflips.
Gradually pulling back, he's smiling like a fool before scooching backward back to his spot.
"Who do you think was better?" Jean rushes, blushing and looking to your lap, thumbs playing with each other, subconsciously hoping they would do a little more.  You didn't know who was better, they both were so good, too good.
"I don't know, you both are really good,"
Jean was going mad, you tasted so fucking good, and he didn't know how much longer he could contain himself, trying to remain relaxed.
Eren's dick twitching in his pants when he heard you finally say his name instead of Kerstein's, he was ecstatic...
Jean stands and scoffs, "alright I'll give him that, but I'm good at everything else. Eren s' a fucking virgin boy." biting your tongue, you felt guilty, Jean was really good, telling yourself 'maybe I should stop being so uptight, they would never actually hurt me.' Eren sees you ponder, looking into space while you stewed on your sentiments, Jean with no awareness as he rambles on and on about how experienced he is.
Gnawing on your bottom lip, anxious, you needed to make the first move- you needed to make this right.
Slowly, making sure they're both watching, you begin to unbutton your blouse, bottom-up.
"What are you doing?"
"You two wanted to show me who was better?"
Jean's eyes bug out of his head, smile growing across his face, Eren stands, embarrassed from your suggestion, they were nearly jumping for joy, "but I don't know ho-"
Jean jerked your shoulders, "relax," He whispers, out comes a shaky breath when his hands waste no time to finish unbuttoning your top. "You trust us, you wanna' feel good, right?"
The room was silent besides the pounding of your heart; could it have been any louder?
Blouse wide open for both of them to see your chest. Eren, who sat inches from you tugged at the fabric on your right shoulder, "so pretty- look at these Eren," Jean's large hands cupping your tits, sitting pretty in your bra, your throat grows increasingly dry, the feeling in between your legs tingling, though, you had no idea how to interpret it.
Eren stands back up, standing shoulder to shoulder with his friend, his hand caressing down your back and gripping at the flesh of your skin.
Looking at them as they stare at your chest, their hands all over you. "Do you know how to do anything at all?" Eren asks, shaking his head, he looks at Jean and pulls his hand back, "Jean and I are gonna ake care of you."
"Yeah, okay." Jean pushing you on your back, legs barely open, unbuttoned your pants, tugging them off hungrily. Both looking at you with lust-filled eyes, they had never seen you like this; so bare. Your legs are propped up so Jean and Eren can both stand before them. Their hands trailing up your jittery thighs.
"I'll get you ready, yeah? I don't want to hurt you." Responding with a simple nod, Jean is crouching down so his head is leveled to your clothed cunt, Eren sits back on the bed and slides his hand under your back; with one hand, he's unclasping your bra and peeling it off your body, his soft hands massaging your tits, nipples sensitive when his thumbs spend extra time on them.
Nerves doubling over when Jean's hands now pulling down your matching panties, head snapping up, legs shutting to deter them, Eren pushing you back down. "Calm down, you'll be fine." He reassures.
Eren feeling the soft skin, under his hands, rolling your nipple in between his fingers, Jean dragging his large hands in between your thighs, "have you ever fingered yourself y/n? Made yourself cum?" beyond embarrassed, the way they were taking their time on you, slowly feeling you up, you were almost becoming frustrated. Shaking your head, Jean clicks his tongue, "this might feel weird, but you trust us, right?" An audible gasp is shot out of your mouth when his middle finger is raking up between your folds.
Hissing out as he adds another finger, both of them running up and down your slick pussy, pressing down on a bundle of nerves, "feels- weird!" the more he played around with your sensitive clit, the more your leg twitched, the ticking feeling filling up your stomach, core flexing as he repeated his offense, the same sensitive rubs as his two fingers curled and fucked into you.
"Jean-” He was going so slow, making sure he didn't stretch you out too much, he needed to save that for later.
"Here, come taste."
Eren's grabbing Jean's hand, your tongue lolling out, his coated fingers dragging down your tongue, lips wrapping around his digits, tasting the juices from your cunt.
"Tastes good, right?" fingers still deep in your mouth, you're nodding like a fool, Jean smiling at the sight of the reaction bestowed on your face, the taste of your cum tainting your tastebuds; "of course she likes it, look at her, she wants more."
Eren nods in return, he leans down over you, soft hair falling on your chest as he leaves wet little kisses down your chest, peppering you with his lips down to your belly button.
Watching Jean, who is getting on the bed beside you, his knees next to your head, Eren jumping into action to take his best friends place, his sweats falling low just blow his v- line, he pushes them down, craning your neck to look up at Jean who his also pulling down his pants.
Your throat squeezes shut, lifting your head, "I don't you think that I-" Jean's hand grabbing your hair to silence you, jerking your neck up.
"Don't worry, I told you we'll help you."
"Jean, chill out a little." Eren mumbles, your head getting dropped back onto the bed, eyes fixated on Eren's wide torso, the tent in his boxers which made your mouth water, "I'll go slow, okay?" Palming his cock through his boxers, he holds your legs from under your knees, his boxers just under his cock, sliding his hand down and removes the little bit of coverage he had left. Your eyes widening, he spits in his hand, stroking his throbbing tip a few times with his thumb before adjusting forward and rubbing his raw cock up against your slicked pussy.
The feeling of Eren's thick tip squeezing inside of you makes you cry out in pain, the stinging pain of Eren taking his time to slide into you, fitting into you as much as he can.
Jean pinning your arms up above your head, tears spilling from your eyes, "h-hurts!" you whine, Jean beside you pumping his cock in his fist.
"So fuckin' tight, no wonder it hurts so bad." His hands pinning your legs open and up, he pulls out.
Without warning, he picks up speed, your body curling up from the pressure.
“I forgot what virgin pussy feels like, so tight-” he mumbled, his eyes rolling to the back of his head from the way he could feel his heartbeat in his cock, he needed this so bad.
The pressure soon becomes desirable, wanting to feel it everything he thrusts into you, your complaints soon turn to moans, looking at jean through your eyelashes while he's fixated on the way your boobs bounce while Eren dives deeper into you.
"Don't forget to help Jean out, remember?"
You're situating yourself up on your elbows, turning your body so your head is between Jean's thighs, he's pushing your hair back and holding it in a loose but sufficient grip, "let me guide you."
His thumb swipes down your bottom lip, opening your jaw, tongue sliding past your lips to wrap around his cock like it's instinct.
"Good, just like that," he groans, his hand on the back of your head guiding you further down the base of his cock, Eren fucking you slowly, savoring the feeling of your walls clench around him, sucking him in, he could stay like this forever.
Your neck uncomfortably stretched to pleasure Jean made it all the more painful when he started pushing down the back of your throat; harder to catch your breath, harder to swallow the saliva that was seeping up the back of your throat, trying not to cough around his length.
"Been waitin’ too long for this,” Eren grunts, the lewd noises of his hits snapping against yours on one end while your nose is barely brushing against Jean’s hair around his stomach.
Jean slowly pulls out of your throat, drool following, giving you the chance to speak, “Eren, h-hot!” you cried, your stomach twisting, pussy squelching around his wide cock, head dizzy as you begin to feel like your floating.
Jean sees your body shake from beside him, while he pumps his cock in his free hand, his other hand is kneading your tit in his hand. “Oi, I think she's gonna cum- c’mon it's gonna feel so good, you're so close, pretty girl.” Eren drilling into you with your legs pinned open, moaning and gasping for air as you feel your hole spasm, body tingling as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“C- I'm cumming!” your hand on Eren’s pec, pushing against him to ease the pressure of his cock buried fully inside of you, “f-fuck! Fuck, Eren!” his body sticky on top of yours, thighs uncomfortably stuck to his waist.
“God, can stay like this all day.” You panted like a dog, blinking the blurred vision out of your eyes from the blinding orgasm.
Jean’s getting off the bed, slapping your thigh to sign for Eren to get off of you, “I hope you can take it, pretty girl.” The brunette pulling up his boxers and sitting on the bed where Jean was just seated.
A panting mess, Jeans tearing you from your spot and pushing you on your hands and knees, Jean presses against the small of your back, pushing you into a deeper arch, abused pussy mere inches away from another cock.
Eren picks your head up by your hair, an evil smile growing on his face as he sees your face twist with pleasure, Jean pushing into your cunt, a mixture of his best friends’ cum already leaking out of your cunt, “gonna fill you some more, just stay still for me, okay?”
He holds your hips in place, the further his cock sunk into you, the more it hurt, the more he stretched you out, the more you were split open by the intimidating of him.
“If you keep squeezin’ me like that, ” he spits, unable to finish his sentence.
He thrusts into you from behind, held grounded in place as Jean ruts into your pussy mercilessly, Eren watching you cry and beg for stupid little nothings.
Cream covering his cock, feeling your walls tighten around him, he snakes his hand over your thigh, and to your clit, rubbing lose and light circles around the bud, your legs quivering, back jolting up from the overstimulation, “hm, what did I say about stating still?” ripping away from your clit, you whine and your back is pushed back down.
Jean mere inches away from climax, hips sputtering against your backside as you feel your juices drip down your thigh, sticking to his stomach.
Your head drops into the mattress.
“Pretty girl, we're far from done with you,” Eren’s purring into your ear, “dont give up now, we haven't gotten to the best part.”
The pad of Jean’s thumb is pressing against the rim of your tight, pretty virgin ass, “you can trust us, we haven't hurt you yet, have we?”
Nodding, this was only the beginning of a very- very long night. One of many, actually.
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ubeetlebum · 3 years
Obidei 26? 👉🏻👈🏻
Thanks for the patience! @surrenderofsouls. I took a break from the meme because I received many more asks than I thought I would, but I'm back on track now. <3
"Do you know what this is, Deidara?"
Deidara stares at him. Obito is looking up, at the giant statue in front of them.
"The Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Pein-sama told us like every day."
"No, I mean, do you know what its real power is?"
Deidara hums and looks at the five of the nine eyes carved on the statue that already have opened, then he jumps to the index finger of its right hand. He's been standing there for hours whenever they had to extract a new tailed beast.
"Summoning the Ten Tails," he says. "What is your point with all these questions, Tobi."
"There's much more than that."
Obito jumps to the massive thumb next to him. The spot that belongs to Nagato's Deva path. Deidara shrugs.
"Don't care. Sounds like the most unartistic power ever, hm." He notices the way Obito purses his lips. "What's going on?" Deidara adds, in a cautious voice.
"I have a gift for you. I'm not an artist but I hope you'll like it."
"A gift?" Deidara repeats.
"It's the least I can do," Obito says, closing his only eye.
"Why do you sound like this is your death sentence or something."
Deidara frowns when he can recognize guilt in Obito's expression.
"It is the end of a stage for me, that's true."
There's something Obito isn't telling him. Deidara just knows.
Obito teleports behind him and pulls him in a tight hug.
"I'm terrified. But," he pauses and takes a deep breath. "But you reminded me who I really am. I can't do this anymore."
A swirl appears in the air. Obito sticks his arm inside.
"Wait, what's that?" Deidara asks.
"Art," Obito replies and takes a sting full of explosive tags.
Deidara watches as Obito wraps the string around the statue, his mouth agape. More and more explosive tags come from the vortex and Deidara has the impression that they're getting bigger. Obito doesn't stop until the whole statue and every single finger are covered in several layers of tags.
"That must have taken you a while, hm."
"No more than all the years I wasted in this awful plan," Obito says.
Deidara smirks.
"Well, art can take time, the important thing is that it will be all gone in a second," he says, clicking his fingers.
All the tags start vibrating at once. The ground shakes. Obito grabs him by the waist and Deidara's vision swirls. Next second, they're outside, watching how the whole hill blows up. There's a wind blast that carries the scent of gun powder. Deidara takes a deep breath.
"That was quite cool, Tobi! You're learning from the best."
Obito kisses him without warning. Deidara doesn't see it coming but kisses him back. Obito squeezes him until Deidara can hardly breathe. When they part, there's a sad look in his eyes. His heart leaps against his ribs.
"What's going on?" He asks, then Obito collapses and Deidara rushes to catch him in his arms. "Tobi! Tobi, what the hell is going on!?"
Deidara tries to hold him straight but he ends up kneeling to lay him on the floor.
Obito coughs blood.
"I betrayed him," he mumbles.
"The man that placed a cursed tag in my heart."
Deidara grits his teeth.
"And why am I finding about this just now!?" He shouts, feeling how his breathing hitches. "Are you going to die?"
"It's what I deserve after everything I did."
"And what do I deserve!?? Stop talking bullshit, hm!!"
More blood trickles down Obito's nostrils.
"This wasn't going to have a happy ending anyway. Nothing in my life did." Obito sighs. "You would use your C0 sooner or later and I'd lose you too."
Deidara manages to supress the urge to slap him hard.
"You are a fucking dumbass!!"
"I thought you found art in the brevity of things," Obito says, closing his eye.
"Do you think this is art!?" Deidara yells. Droplets of saliva spray the air. "Do you think watching you die is artistic!? It fucking isn't!!
For a few seconds, it feels as if the world went mute, except for Deidara's ragged breath. Obito's neck sways in the air with every little movement of his shaky arms. Deidara stares at his calm expression trying to wrap his mind about the idea. Then he puts him down and rests his ear on the left part of Obito's torso. No heartbeat. Deidara thought he would get madder than he is. Instead, he can feel the huge gap in his chest. A gap that he's going to fill with violence once reality hits him.
"You never learned a damn thing," he spits as he closes his eyes and clings to Obito's corpse.
"Obito, it's not your time yet, you have to go back!"
Obito stares at the floor, trying not to look at the girl in front of him.
"Rin. I must have disappointed you so much."
She moves in front of him. They used to be the same height and now she's still the little girl she used to be. She hasn't changed at all.
"Well, actually you have." Rin sounds angry. Obito shudders and looks at her at last. "You promised me you would stop hiding your pain and what did you do?? You've been hiding your pain for nearly twenty years!!"
"And what else could I do? You were the only one that cared about my pain."
Rin gives him a long, sad stare.
"Is that what that man told you? He lied to you."
Obito shakes his head.
"At first I refused to believe him," he says and remembers his days living with Madara, waiting patiently for Zetsu or Guruguru to come back from Konoha with news. It turned out, no one was missing him. Everyone was getting stronger much faster after not having to deal with a dead weight like him and Minato-sensei could finally focus on becoming a Hokage. "But he was telling the truth. No one cared."
"Everyone cared!" Rin shouts, then she takes a deep breath. "Can you see it now?" She adds in a gentler tone.
"It's too late now."
"It isn't," she states.
Then he feels it. The Hashirama cells healing his body. Rin places a hand over her heart. "Madara cursed us both but now you're free too."
She starts fading and his guilt increasing.
"I don't deserve it."
"That doesn't matter! Deidara needs you back!"
"I don't deserve him either!" Obito exclaims. "I don't deserve any joy in my life!"
He can't see Rin anymore but he can hear her laugh as if she was next to him.
"You're still hiding your wounds."
"This is selfish!" Obito shouts.
"Then, be selfish."
Rin's voice still echoes in his mind when his body resets. The first thing Obito sees is the sky. A beautiful cloudless sky. He hears birds chirping and the hum of a cicada. There's a weight on his torso and Obito takes a look. Deidara is still held to his body. Obito feels as if his heart is about to burst out of relief, or happiness, or both.
Madara cursed his heart with a jutsu and his mind with words. It's time to start healing. It's time to make up to himself.
Obito traps Deidara in a hug.
Deidara struggles but he doesn't let go.
"Changed my mind," Obito whispers.
Deidara stares at his face as he strokes his scars one by one. "I'm going to blow you up later, hm."
Obito smiles and presses Deidara back against his chest. He swallows a lump in his throat, then he sighs.
"The first time we kissed was the first time in many years I was glad to be alive." Deidara clings tight to his body. Obito's eye fills with tears. "Thank you for saving me."
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
"sleepless nights"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @sarcasticallywitty15 @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @leovaldez37 @missmulti @weasleywh0r3s
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: grief, nightmares, implicit PTSD
A/N: this is kind of... Fluffy(?) Somehow lmao. This story is based off this convo and these headcanons. If you wanna be tagged in the next parts tell me, and enjoy <3
Prologue: the aftermath
Part II: candy floss
Part III: shock therapy
Part IV: wrong name
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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The first night I thought I was hallucinating; it wouldn't be the first time since the Battle that I had imagined someone was wandering around the flat.
The second night I was dubious.
The third night I was completely sure George was, in fact, staying awake.
So, when, during the fourth night, I heard him pass by my door for the nth time in two hours, I left the comfort of my soft blankets and stepped towards the door.
"What on earth are you doing?" George, who was already walking away in the living room's direction, jumped at my whispering.
He took a hand to his chest, shut his eyes and breathed deeply. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack, woman?" He leaned against the wall, his eyes still closed.
"Alright, sorry." I apologised. We kept whispering as if someone was sleeping in our house. "It's just— are you getting any sleep?"
His brown eyes finally opened, and as he stared into mines, I knew he, despite wanting to do so, couldn't find the strength to lie.
"I can't go near my room." He confessed, one of his hands running through his locks as his eyes welled up. "I— I tried, I just—" another deep breath, this one shaky.
I reached out to him from my door frame. The hallway wasn't that large, anyway; he only needed to slightly extend his arm and he would be able to touch my fingertips.
George looked at my palm hesitant, as if he didn't dare to hold it. "C'mon, I can't have you haunting our home for another night." With a resigned sigh, he finally took my hand, and I swiftly tugged him towards me, leading him into my room and closing the door behind us.
My dorm had a different atmosphere, and George felt it right away. Maybe it was because the room was certainly not the twins' making, or maybe because it was the furthest from Fred's, but in my room the air was less oppressive; it somehow felt comforting and homely.
I sat George down on the edge of my bed and took a proper look at him; his eyes were puffy and his nose red, but he was livid. I let my hand travel to his cheek, and he unconsciously leaned on it.
"I'm gonna go for a glass of water." I informed him, my fingertips wiping a tear that had spilled and was running down his face. "And I'll get your bags on my way."
"You don't have to." He muttered.
"Yeah, I have to, because you're not sleeping on this." I tugged on his overused shirt's collar. "Do me a favor; get a blanket from under the bed and place it on the divan." He nodded and complied, getting up as soon as I left the room.
I rubbed my eyes with my index finger and thumb whilst standing up and doing as Y/n had asked me to.
On the process of covering the divan with one of her soft, warm blankets, I realized there was no way on earth I would fit there.
"Why the puzzled look?" Y/n's voice breaking the silence so abruptly made me lost my train of thoughts. "Didn't mean to scare you." She apologised, handing me the promised —and very needed— glass of water, and throwing my bags over her bed. "You're not sleeping there." She clarified, motioning at the divan.
A frown formed on my face. "I'm not taking your bed."
"Yes, you are." Just as I was about to open my mouth and complain, she warned me, "Don't you argue with me, Weasley. We're both too tired for this."
"Alright, you win." I huffed, knowing it would be useless to try and talk some sense into her, and, in all honesty, I craved to lie down on a bed, and Y/n's looked so comfy and welcoming.
"What are you doing?"
"Going to bed?"
She walked to me tugging my hand so I was facing her instead of her mattress. "You're a mess." The girl mumbled under her breath, unbuttoning my shirt before I knew what was happening. "Off, now."
When she stepped away to reach into my bag, I kept doing what she had started until the piece of clothing was open. Y/n placed my pyjamas in front of me and quickly turned her back to my body before I could even remove my shirt.
"I really don't know why you keep doing that" the words were coming out of my mouth somehow more light-hearted, almost amused. "You've ran into me naked several times." I pointed out, completely undressed and reaching for my nightwear.
Y/n snorted. "That doesn't make it any less awkward." The ghost of a grin appeared on my face and I had to refrain myself from teasing her in any way. "Done?" I responded affirmatively un response and she turned around and removed my dirty clothes from her bed.
We both climbed into our respective resting places and threw our blankets over us before turning off the light.
"Y/n?" She gave me a sleepy hum, prompting me to speak. "Thank you." She mumbled something I didn't quite understand; my eyes closed surprisingly fast, and I fell asleep.
Something I was quickly regretting.
As comfortable as Y/n's bed was, and as much at ease as the atmosphere in her room had left me, the nightmares still haunted my dreams.
I jumped up with a yell I didn't know that had escaped my lips, sweating and panting, only to find Y/n close to the same state, somehow a little bit more calmed. We locked eyes, gleaming at the moonlight due to the not yet spilled tears.
I took a deep, ragged breath, and rubbed my face with both hands; I wasn't crying, I was just exhausted.
The weight on the bed shifted before Y/n's arms pulled me into a side hug; I leaned on her, throwing my own arm around her waist to pull her even closer. We fell over the bed like that, and didn't dare to move.
I woke up again. This time, though, no pants or tears were involved; I was calm and rested, something not very usual anymore.
After a moment, I realized the reason why I had woken up was probably the pain on the back of my neck. I blinked a couple of times in an attempt to shake the drowsiness off me before trying to switch my posture to one more comfortable.
I was then startled by a sleepy grunt that left Y/n's lips; I remembered then that we had somehow managed to fall asleep in each other's arms in the most uncomfortable position ever.
I managed to move her with me, without waking her up —and thank Godric for that, because the sight of her snuggled up to my side with our legs tangled and her hand on my chest was angelic.
A sigh escaped my lips when, due to the rays of sunshine that started to sneak into the room, she buried her face in the crook of my neck, hear breath fanning over my skin and sending chills down my spine.
Staring at the room's ceiling, I weighed my options; on the one hand, I could lay with Y/n a bit more and try to go back to sleep, but I risked falling into another nightmare; on the other hand, I could get up and go have a very needed shower, but I would have to leave the comfort of her arms and her room, and venture into our very own cemetery.
I went for the second option; I did crave a shower, and we couldn't let what once was the most cheerful flat in the Diagon Alley be covered by the darkness of grief forever.
I was shocked —in a good way, of course— when, the next time my eyes fluttered open was not due to a nightmare, but to the bright, warm sunlight inundating the room.
George was nowhere to be seen, and I wondered if last night had been a dream. I dismissed that idea as soon as I propped myself up on my forearms, seeing his bags near the bed and his dirty clothes laying on the carpet.
The door creaked, announcing the ginger's arrival even before he hesitantly entered the room. "Morning." He offered me a small smile.
"Morning." I replied, mimicking his expression. "How long have you been up?"
"For about..." he checked the clock in my room, leaning against the door frame. "Half an hour. Just had a shower and I was gonna make some breakfast."
My smile grew a little wider at his newly refreshed attitude. "In high spirits, are we?"
He clicked his tongue, tilting his head to the side. "Turns out that getting some sleep does wonders."
"Indeed." I agreed, stretching before standing up and walking to him. "C'mon, I'll help you with that breakfast."
"I can do it myself." He assured me, walking right behind me in the kitchen's direction.
"Last time you tried to cook, you set fire to the table."
He groaned, grabbing a knife to slice the bread he had left on the counter. "You won't let me live that down ever, will you?" I shook my head no, turning on the fire before grabbing a pan. "I hate you."
"Liar." I placed my hand above the pan to check the heat before requesting, "Pass me the slices."
"I was gonna make you breakfast," he complied, nonetheless. "Not the other way around."
"Are you complaining?" I quirked an eyebrow at George, making him roll his eyes at me and turn to the cabinets consequently to reach for the mugs. "I was thinking—"
"You? Thinking?" Snort. "The world's ending." He stated dramatically, preparing the coffee.
"Twit." I flipped the nearly ready toasts before resuming my sentence. "I was thinking that we should reopen the shop." George stayed silent, leaning against the counter by my side. "I think it would... Help." I stopped again, carefully picking my words. "Getting the business running... I think— we can't— we need to do something, to stay occupied." I looked at him, awaiting for an answer, or at least a glance, but his eyes were fixed on his slippers. "I don't mean right now," he tilted his chin up to stare at the opposite wall, and then his head spun to me. "but I—"
"Y/n!" His eyes went wide and he swiftly pulled me away from the pan, tossing the burning bread into the sink. "Merlin's beard." I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing in defeat. "Trying to outmatch my kitchen pyromania?" George would have successfully lightened up the mood if I wasn't on the brink of a mental breakdown.
Fred had always been the one to cook. George wasn't even allowed in the kitchen for obvious reasons, and I myself had the attention span of a fruit fly.
"Oi..." George pulled me to his chest and my arms instantly wrapped around his middle. "What about we get dressed," he began, stroking my hair. "And we go have breakfast at The Leaky Cauldron?" I nodded against him, and he squeezed me tight before slowly pulling away. "We can start restocking when we come back, yeah?" I nodded again, catching a tear with the back of my sleeve before it could run down my cheek. "Then let's go." This time it was him who stretched his arm, offering me his hand, which I instantly took.
As we made our way back to my room, it dawned on me this would be one hell of a ride.
"Wait! The coffee!" I tugged him back to the kitchen.
"Shit!" We both jogged back in, rapidly putting away the coffee pot.
"I think we shouldn't cook." I stated. "At all."
"Agreed." He breathed out.
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Stay With Me (Pt. 08 of 09)
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Daryl found you surrounded by the dead, stuck in the backseat of a car. You were wishing for death to take you away for quite a while now, but, as you slid back and forth into consciousness, there was only one thing keeping you alive. Him, the man with blue, worried eyes and kind voice. Your beaten up body was ready to give up, too wounded and broken to keep going. But this man, who went out of his way to save your life is the only thing in the world holding you up. And, because of him, you feel something you haven't felt in a very long time: hope. Wherever he's taking you, you want to get there, and not only to be buried. For what it feels like the very first time, you want to live. He takes you back to Alexandria, but even there, the nightmares and the terror from all the torture and pain you've been through keeps creeping closer, and Daryl, your hero, is the only one who can keep that all away.
Warnings: Mentions and description (not graphic) of past abuse; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); some violence at the end of the story (a little bit graphic, but not so much); blood.
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Next part (09)->
{The Walking Dead Masterlist}
I want to thank my awesome friend @jodiereedus22, who helped me (and still does) a lot to get this story done. She's also a writer and she's amazing so please go check her work!!
It's amazing to know you're excited about the party. Luke is two months old, and since you had a welcome party in-store, you turned it into a birthday party. It'll happen later tonight, by nightfall, and you're enjoying the last moments before you have to leave the bedroom and start organizing things.
After brushing your teeth and hair, you leave the bathroom, smiling to see Daryl still lied in bed. He seems peaceful, eyes closed, so handsome in the morning light. You've been wanting to tell him something, it's been a while... But you never get the right time. Or maybe you're just a little scared...
But looking at him now, it just fades away. You and Daryl have been in a solid relationship, and despite the short time, things have been amazing. Perfect. Carol is even talking about moving out, so you and Daryl can have your own space, but you don't want to push her to it. In the privacy of your bedroom, you're fine. And living with Carol is nice.
“Hey, D.” You say in a soft voice, going to the bed and climbing on top of him. Daryl grunts something, his eyes opening, hands coming to your hips and waist. “Are you awake?”
“I am now that a kitten came to lie down on me.” He mumbles as you move up until your face is at the same level as his. You place your legs around his hips, hands sustaining your weight on each side of his head.
“Sorry.” You mutter, moving to stand up. But Daryl's grip gets tighter, and you let yourself fall, collapsing against his chest, giggling. “Alright, alright. But listen up now...”
“What is it?” He brings a hand to your face, fingers caressing your chin.
“Uhm...” Blushing a little, you clear your throat. “I... I think... No, I do.”
Daryl raises an eyebrow, and you can tell he's trying to figure it out on his own. “Ya wanna break apart?” He bursts out suddenly. “ ‘Cause if that's what ya want, I–”
“Oh, yeah. Definitely.” You say in a sarcastic tone, rolling your eyes. “I'm literally on top of you, Daryl Dixon. How can you possibly think I want to end things?” Moving to sit up, straddling his hips, you cross your arms. “What do you have in this pretty head of yours? Only hunting skills?”
“Yer very funny.” In a sudden motion, Daryl pulls you down again, switching positions so he's on top of you instead. “What is it then?” He asks, his face way too close.
“Can I kiss you first?”
“Nah. Ya got me curious.”
“Alright...” Taking a deep breath, you gather up some courage to push the words out. “I want a baby.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle at Daryl's funny face. “What?”
“Don't ya have one already?”
“Yeah...” Mumbling, you wrap your arms around his neck. “Daryl?”
“I want another baby.” Smirking, you place a kiss on his lips. He's fast to kiss you back, a hand cupping your cheek. “So. What do you think?” You ask when you pull away.
“How are ya plannin’ to get one?”
You're not sure if his intention was to make you blush, but you're blushing anyway. “Uhm... First I need to get married.”
“Get married? People don't care about these things anymore.” He answers quickly, and you wonder if you went too far. Maybe it's way too early, and these thoughts should be kept inside your heart for a while longer.
“I know but... That's exactly why I care.” Sighing, you avoid his eyes. “I'm sorry, we haven't talked about this and I don't even know if–”
“Hey, calm down.” With his thumb and index finger on your chin, he makes you look at him again. You always appreciates Daryl's touch, it doesn't matter how small it is. It took a while for him to get comfortable enough to do this so easily, and you never take it for granted. He's always gentle as if you're a porcelain doll. He's never rough, never violent, not with you. Loving Daryl happened fast and strong, and it's a feeling that only grows, every passing day. “Ya wanna talk about it we'll talk about it.”
“It's just that... I-I love you. With all my heart and... It does feel like we already have this family thing going on and...” Daryl has fallen into this father role, and he's absolutely amazing with Luke. He can make him fall asleep in minutes, and you love to watch as he rocks the baby to sleep. And those moments always get your mind racing. He's already being such a good father so maybe he'd like a baby of his own... And you'd like to give him that. “...It got me thinking.”
“I love ya too, babygirl. But marriage... It would bound you with me on a whole different level.” Daryl sits up, and you follow his movement, your arms still around his neck, keeping him close. “I wanna make sure ya have the choice ta’ walk away when ya want to.”
“I won't walk away, Dixon. I love you.” He needs to be reassured of that from time to time, but you don't mind. You want to spend the rest of your life making sure Daryl knows he's loved. That he's desired and wanted. “I want to be with you for the rest of my life and if that's what you want too... You know, I'm a girlish girl, I'd like to get married someday, and honestly, if not with you then I won't marry anyone else.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look down, a shiver rolling down your spine, feeling his fingers caressing your bare thigh.
“Ya sure ya want this? With me? Are ya sure about what yer talking about?”
“I am.” You mutter in a low voice, blushing. “I am.” Repeating in a low voice, you kiss him, slowly at first, but soon enough his taste overcomes everything, and you think he feels the same since he deepens the kiss. Pulling him down again, you smile when his hand touches a ticklish spot on your side.
“Hey, you two!” Carol calls, knocking on the door. “Wake up. There's a lot to do today.”
Daryl grunts in response, not pulling away from the kiss.
But Carol is right. It'll be a long day and both you and Daryl have stuff to get ready for the party.
The day passes by quickly since you're helping everyone a little. The only thing you can't do is lift heavy stuff. Daryl forbade it, with Denise backing him up, you have no idea for how long. The party will happen at Rick's house since the living room is the biggest, and you spend hours there decorating everything. You try not to think too much about all the people who will be here tonight. You know them, you befriended them, they won't hurt you.
When it's finally time to go, you're impressed by how you feel. Happy, not scared, and actually excited. You never thought stuff like this would ever happen again. It's silly, but it keeps people sane, said Deanna. The sun is making its way to the horizon when you're getting dressed. You chose to wear a dress Daryl brought you from one of his runs. It's a light shade of blue, with thin straps and a nice cleavage in the back, reaching a few inches below the mid of your thighs. You never wear anything that will show the scar on your leg, you don't like it. Nor what it represents. You're putting on your flats when Daryl comes out of the bathroom, hair still damp, but completely dressed. He's wearing what he usually wears, always dark colors, but you don't mind. You really like it.
“Are you ready?” You ask, turning on your heels to face him. Daryl doesn't answer, eyes locked on you, lingering for so long it makes you blush. “D? Cat got your tongue?”
“Nah, it just...” He looks down at his feet before making his way over you. “Ya look beautiful, that's all.”
“Thanks.” Smiling shyly, you tiptoe to kiss him. “But I'll need a coat for when the night falls... Mind if I get one of yours?”
“Won't ya ever stop stealin’ my clothes?” Daryl fakes an annoyed tone, but it takes two seconds for his lips to break into a smile.
“Well, you stole my heart, Dixon. I'm just looking for revenge.” Winking at him, you search on the wardrobe for one of his jackets. “Now let's get going. Maggie and I baked this brownies and I'm dying for one.” Grabbing the jacket, you take his hand and leave the bedroom.
Carol is already there, so you just have to take little Luke and head out. He wants Daryl this time, so he's the one carrying him to Rick's place. As you walk there, the wind messes with your hair, and you try to keep it from your face.
“Who are the new residents, by the way?” You just remembered them. If the day wasn't so hectic, you'd ask Daryl to introduce you to them, just so you could know their faces before having to meet them at the party.
“Two men. Aaron found them starving to death a hundred miles Northwest. They're alright I guess. Since Deanna allowed them to stay.” Daryl reassures you, his free hand taking yours. “Ya ok?”
“Yeah... I'm excited, actually.” As you climb the few steps to the porch, Luke giggles, you're not sure why. “Right, little one?” Stopping by the front door, you step closer to the baby in Daryl's arm. “Are you excited too? For your party? Two months old already, you're growing up so fast.” You're still baby-talking when the door is opened, a smiley Carl gesturing for you to get in.
“C'mon, let's get ya those brownies,” Daryl says as you step inside.
It takes no time for people to come to talk to Luke, him becoming the center of attention. He throws himself on Maggie's arms, who happily welcomes him.
“(Y/N),” Rick says and you turn on your heels to talk to him. Daryl remains close, and you know why. But you feel fine, comfortable around these people. “Judith said a funny word this morning. I wonder where she learned it.” He has his hands on his hips, and you innocently shrug your shoulders.
“What word?”
“Damn it,” Daryl answers, not a hint of doubt in his voice. Rick nods, raising his eyebrow.
“Oh my gosh. Where could she have heard such a thing?” She learned it from you because that's what you exclaim almost a hundred times a day and that's not really a secret anymore. “I'm sure she said something like ‘dang it’ so I don't see how that's my fault. ‘Dang it’ it's not that bad is it?”
“Well, I think–”
“(Y/N). Daryl.” Deanna calls, and you give Rick a smirk, meaning you're happy to be saved from this conversation. Turning around, you focus on Deanna. “Come, you're the only ones who haven't met Michael and Daniel yet.”
“Ok.” You can't help but feel a little anxious to meet new people, so you grab Daryl's arm as you follow Deanna through the living room.
“Over here.” She gestures, a kind smile on her lips. “This is Daniel, and Michael, they were found–”
Her words fade when both men turn to look at you. Their faces are unmistakable, and you feel yourself sinking, skin burning, head spinning as it all comes back.
Their voices, touches, and threats. You're suddenly back there, in the darkness, starving, freezing, waiting, wishing for death to come before they did. You're in the basement where your screams used to echo. All of your wounds start hurting, pulsing, as if they were reopened, all over again.
You never got the names, but you'll never forget the faces. One of them, the you thought looked like Rick, has a smile on his lips. The same sick, wicked smile, the same he had every time he went to see you, never failing to draw some blood.
“Hi, (Y/N).” He says, in the same tone he used to. Low, dark, more animal than human.
What happens next is a blur. There's yelling, and Daryl suddenly isn't by your side anymore. He's a blur, moving towards both men, drawing punches. You're pulled back by someone, you don't know where, but you know it isn't Daryl. You know his touch by heart, and it's the only touch you want.
“Let go of me!” You yell, pushing whoever that was, sinking, falling backward until you hit a wall. You want to disappear again, to vanish from existence. With both hands covering your ears, you push yourself into the wall, hoping it'll absorb you, hide you.
“Take them. Now.”
“The trial happens tomorrow.”
“Lock those assholes up.”
“Enjoy your last night on Earth.”
The words have no meaning, they just keep echoing. The low chattering, the many footsteps... Why are you still here? Why can't you be strong for once and just run? Run where? If they're here... Where else could you go?
“Babygirl,” his low, calming voice is like a beacon, lighting up the darkness, bringing you back, pulling you into consciousness again. Into life.
Moving just a little, hands off your ears and muscles relaxing, you look at him, immediately running to his arms. “They're here. They're here, they... They found me.”
“Alright, calm down now.” He holds you tight, a hand rubbing your back. “Let's get ya outta here.”
Nodding, you offer no resistance when he picks you up. You keep your eyes closed, face hidden on the crook of his neck as you float away. It feels like the first time, when he was carrying you from the infirmary into what's now your house.
You flinch a little when you're pulled down, suddenly recognizing your bed and curling up, pulling the blankets over your head.
“How is she?”
“I don't know.” Daryl sounds angry, furious. “I'll kill them right now.”
“No, Daryl. The trial will be tomorrow. You know they'll die for what they did”
“I don't care!”
“You need to stay with her now.”
You know it's Carol, but still, you want her to go. You need everyone to go away now, you just need Daryl. You need to... Go away. Alexandria isn't safe anymore. You rather face the dead.
Silently, moved by fear, you get up, taking the dress off, and struggling with the first pair of jeans you find.
“(Y/N),” Daryl calls, but you ignore him, sight blurred by the tears as you put a shirt on. “Hey, (Y/N).” You don't know what to take... You just need to leave. These walls won't keep you safe anymore. If you stay... You know they'll find you again.
“I'm leaving.” You mumble, looking around and finding the white sneakers you left by the edge of the bed and putting them on.
“I'm leaving! I can't stay here. If I stay here it'll happen all over again.” You're yelling, sitting on the bed, sobbing. “They're here, they'll take me again, they-they–”
“Shh, yer ok.” Daryl pulls you up, into his arms, and you melt. The sobs are muffled by this jacket, and your tears are certainly soaking the fabric. “Look at me, babygirl. Look at me.” Slowly, you raise your head, his blue eyes acting immediately, like a medicine made only for you. “There's a place I can take ya for the night. But ya need to be here tomorrow. To officialize their crime so I can kill those–”
“Take me away, please.” You beg, holding onto him as if he's the only thing keeping you sane. Alive. Because he is. “Please, if I stay here I'll–”
“Alright, alright.” He nods, a hand caressing your cheek. “Let's go then. C'mon.”
Everything happens in the background, you feel. Carol stays by your side in the porch, guiding you to the car Daryl took to drive you away. You barely feel your body now, out on the street, feeling their eyes on you... Their eyes, evil and disgusting, as they lust over you. You know they're not here, but still, you feel them. Wanting you to cave in, to agree to fulfill their needs in the most vile, degrading ways. You're hyperventilating when the gate opens, the woods before you suddenly looking far safer than these walls.
When Daryl crosses the gate, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, lungs burning. The sun is coming down, so there are a some shadows creeping in... But it's better out here. The wall will keep them inside, you hope.
“Babygirl,” Daryl says, getting your attention. “We're almost there, alright?”
“Ok.” You mumble, and Daryl puts a hand on your knee.
“Nothin’ will hurt ya. Never again. M’ gonna keep that promise.”
Holding his hand, your eyes meet his when he gives you a glance.
Around ten minutes later, Daryl stops the car. You haven't noticed before, but he parked in front of a small, wooden house. It looks like it was some kind of cabin in the woods since there are no other constructions around it. “C'mon.” He says when he opens the passenger door for you. Your legs feel a little weak, but you manage to stand up, immediately looking around. “There's nobody here, I promise ya.”
Nodding, you let him guide you inside, a flashlight on his hand. Daryl unlocks the door, and you wonder why he has the key to this thing. When you step in, the light coming from in between the planks on the windows helps you see the interior. There is a cough and a coffee table, you recognize it despite the dark plastic covering both things. Walking further in, you peak at the kitchen. Everything is clean and has a plastic placed over them. It kinda looks live someone used to live here not too long ago.
“I found this place a while ago.” Daryl starts, placing his backpack on the floor. “Was fixin’ it, cleanin’... So I could bring ya here every once in a while.” He gestures at the whole place in general, and you take another look around. He did say he'd try to find a place he could take you outside Alexandria, but you never thought it would be this good. “Still has a lot to do. Gonna put electricity, runnin’ water will be more complicated but I'll do it.”
“You're doing all that for me?” You whisper, hoping the dim light will hide your blushing cheeks.
“Yeah... Wanted to bring ya here under different circumstances but...” He takes the bag again, gesturing at the hall. “First door to the right it's our bedroom.”
Following his direction, you open the door to a small bedroom with a double bed, also covered with black plastic. The windows have wooden planks on it too, but there's enough space in between them so let some light come in.
“Here, lemme’–” Daryl drops the bag, walking over the bed and removing the plastic. Underneath, the light green sheets seem comfortable and you get it now why everything is covered up. To keep it clean. “Ya can lie down it ya want to. Brought some blankets.” As you move to the bed, Daryl searches in the bag, picking up two blankets and fixing them on the bed. “Ya hungry? Or thirsty? I brought–”
“I just need you, Daryl.” You whisper, drying off some tears that are still rolling down. “Can you come here?”
“Of course, babygirl.” Quickly, he leaves the bag behind and joins you in bed. Daryl pulls you close, you head on his chest as his arms hold you tightly, keeping you safe.
“I hope this is just a nightmare... That I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll all be gone.” Mumbling, you push yourself even closer to him, if that's even possible.
“I'll kill them myself, I swear.” There's a fire in his voice, hate. You've never heard him talking like that, his chest vibrating powerfully. “I'll wipe them off the face of Earth.”
Involuntary, your hand finds its way to your leg, to the scar. The pain is a vivid memory today, and for a moment you feel like you should lie down, as motionless as you can so it won't hurt. So the stitches won't rip again.
How is it possible that all the horrible memories came back all at once? On one second? “I-if I didn't have you, I... I'd die today, I know I would.”
“Nah, ya wouldn't.” Moving, he brings his index finger to your chin, making you look at him. “Yer stronger than ya give yourself credit for. Ya don't see it, but I do.” Then, he places a soft, sweet kiss on your lips, which is sadly, too brief. “But I will protect ya. Always, until my days are over.”
“Daryl, I–”
“I wanna marry ya.” He bursts out, his low voice burning through your head as you wonder if you heard him right. “When this is over and those monsters are dead... I wanna marry ya.”
Despite the terror, creeping through your skin, the darkness threatening to swallow you again, you smile. Everything fades away, and a different kind of happiness washes over you. A type of bliss you didn't even know existed. Unable to control yourself, you climb over him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I love you,” you mutter, not giving him the chance to answer, connecting your lips on his in a loving, passionate kiss.
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